#Santiago Volturi Headcanon
volterran-wine · 2 months
Blood, Wine & Cupcakes || Terror Trio
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𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐘𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐒: “Could I request some headcanons for the terror trios(Corn, Afton and Santiago) friendship? -🔮”
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For those of you who are new here; The Terror Trio consists of Corin, Santiago and Afton, over the years they have become quite a chaotic group of friends that have earned them the nickname. Like the Demetri and Felix one; I have decided to pick out a couple of special memories for this trio.
!𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒! Some mild angst.
𝐀𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬, 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
When Santiago joined the guard Afton and Corin had already developed somewhat of a friendship through Chelsea; but it was Santiago who added the right ingredient to form the legendary 'Terror Trio'. He added his own sort of exuberance to The Volturi had not see in quite a few years.
It is no secret that Corin has a tendency to use Santiago and Afton as her guinea pigs in terms of cooking, baking and wine making. She has accidentally poisoned them over a hundred times.
Once upon a time Afton and Santiago had to help Corin sneak out to meet a dashing vampiric lady that had visited Volterra, Caius still does not know what transpired.
Sometimes they spirit away Elizabeth and Gustav, only to return them in some ridiculous outfit they have found online. Heidi finds it quite endearing while Demetri is offended every time.
Corin and Santiago always help Afton pick out anniversary presents for Chelsea, some of the gifts she has appreciated the most have been suggested by Santiago surprisingly enough.
Corin and Santiago ask for ridiculously difficult things to acquire from Afton for their big birthdays, usually it involves Afton having to use his gift to stage a proper heist; he has yet to disappoint his dearest friends.
In the last couple of years Afton and Corin has subtly been championing for Santiago to finally receive a dark grey cloak; symbolising that he is a permanent fixture within The Volturi. Caius is fond of this idea but Aro and Marcus are not quite convinced yet. Athenodora would gladly award him a cloak but Sulpicia is also on the fence.
At one point Corin had a pet-parrot named Caius II, who in fact was acquired on the same trip that Caius recruited Santiago. This parrot did help Santiago and Corin initially bond since he knew how to best care for the bird (They also taught the poor bird a whole slew of foul things to say).
On the last Sunday of every month the three of them bake blood-cupcakes together, trying out different recipes. Corin always brings them to her father and siblings, Afton shares them with Chelsea and Santiago hands them out to the rest of the transitionary guard.
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panlight · 4 months
So I'm having trouble understanding the vultri (I think that's how you spell it) and all their personalities, could you explain them to me?
Because we don't see a whole lot of the Volturi, you'll find that people have a lot of different headcanons, but here are the basic, canon personalities.
The actual Volturi coven consists of Aro, Marcus, Caius, Sulpicia (Aro's wife) and Athenodora (Caius' wife). Marcus had a wife, Didyme, who was also Aro's sister. Marcus and Didyme wanted to leave the Volturi but Aro wanted to keep Marcus' power, so he secretly killed Didyme. Marcus stayed with the Volturi but became a shell of his former self, severely apathetic and depressed. Sulpicia and Athenodora were put in the tower under heavy guard to protect them.
Aro is the defacto leader, although he, Marcus and Caius seemingly rule as a triumvirate. Aro is outwardly cheerful and enthusiastic, seemingly benevolent, but is shrewd and calculating underneath the friendly exterior. He is extremely curious about anything new and loves to 'collect' vampires with gifts. He has a gift to read every single thought a person has ever had just by touching them.
Marcus is depressed and apathetic after the loss of his wife. He barely cares about any of their trials and generally just wants to get it over with. He has a gift to see relationships and the strength of them. It's useful to Aro in battle, to see how armies are tied to their leaders, for example, who would die for someone else, whose ties aren't as strong and could maybe be lured away, etc.
Caius is usually angry and aggressive. Whereas Aro can be merciful when it suits him, Caius is the one who wants to punish everyone to the full extent of the law. He doesn't have a supernatural gift, which might be part of his whole deal; maybe he feels inferior or worries that he could be replaced.
In canon we don't really know much about Sulpicia and Athenodora other than that they live in the tower and rarely leave. Personally I think it's less about their safety and more about Aro realizing he wields more power as 1 of 3 rulers than he would as 1 of 5. Athenodora and Caius were a couple before joining up with Marcus and Aro. Sulpicia was a human Aro sought out to change and be his wife. There is a vampire named Corin who has the gift of addictive contentment, and she keeps them happy with their situation.
Didyme was Aro's biological sister. He went back to turn her into a vampire because he thought maybe gifts ran in families. She did have a gift, an aura of happiness, which was not as useful as he had hoped. She and Marcus fell in love and we so happy they stopped caring about the Volturi's mission and were going to leave until Aro secretly killed her.
The rest of the Volturi are technically the Volturi Guard and not really part of the coven, but people lump them together.
Jane and Alec are the most feared because of their gifts (Janes makes you feel incredible pain, Alec can rob you of all your senses). They are twins and devoted to one another, and Jane has something of a teacher's pet attitude with Aro and is jealous of anyone else he praises.
Chelsea is perhaps the most important because her gifts allows her to create bonds between people, and she's made everyone loyal to the Volturi. She has a mate named Afton who can make himself invisible to a degree but it's not that great of a power and Aro just keeps him around to keep Chelsea happy.
There's Demetri, a debonair, charming tracker, and Felix, who doesn't have a power but is super strong. He's kind of the Volturi's Emmett. The seem to be sent on missions together.
Heidi is beautiful and alluring and her gifts makes people follow her; she brings human victims for the Volturi to feed on using elaborate schemes to get them to Volterra.
Renata is Aro's bodyguard, she has a shield like Bella but hers repels physical attacks rather than mental ones.
There's also Santiago but we don't know much about him but he seems to be like Felix, with no special power.
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venusofvolterra · 1 year
Some religion HCs I have about the Volturi
Many of these are for HCs I have about their human life/backstories. I see very few of them maintaining strong religious faith into their undead lives. Also, I choose to disregard certain aspects of the religion metaphors in Twilight. These are also pretty much based on their historical time period/ where they come from.
• Felix, having been a Roman gladiator born into slavery had very few opportunities to actively participate in religious activities. That said, he prayed to a few different gods of the Roman pantheon, most typically Venus. Even then, he had dreamed a sweet love to soften his hard life.
• I headcanon Santiago to have been collected by the coven during the colonial period. He is Caribbean but possibly joined the Volturi during the southern wars. As such, he was Catholic in his human life but practiced some folk magic.
• Though Heidi grew up during a time where Germany was largely converting from Catholicism to Lutheranism, her family remained staunchly Catholic. Frankly, that faith helped her get through pain in her life often. She even kept some of that faith for a while after she was turned into a vampire.
• Living during a vast cultural shift in the Byzantine empire, Demetri came from a well-off family of merchants with humble origins. His father had reverted to Islam a few years before marrying his mother and thus Demetri was raised Muslim. His wife, who he had cherished deeply until and after she died during childbirth, was also Muslim.
• Chelsea, who has also gone by Charmion, was an Ancient Greek priestess of Apollo (possibly even an oracle at Delphi!). It is said that he gave her the gift of the sight and though she wasn’t a priestess of Aphrodite, she did have a knack for match-making but not just in romantic dealings, in business and other dealings as well.
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aquanova99 · 2 years
headcanons about the Volturi guards with a clingy mate?thanks love
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It’s off putting to him at first
As clingy as you are Alec is going to have a lot of boundaries especially around the rest of the guard
It’s hard because at first he doesn’t even try to see your side of things or look into why you may be so clingy and to be honest at first he doesn’t really care
Why would anyone allow themselves to place all their attention on one person? Conveniently forgetting how dependent him and Jane are on eachother
One day he sees your face red and puffy from crying about feeling alone in that giant castle, he tries to ignore it but he finds himself unable to stop thinking about how sad you looked
Why were you sad? Why did he care? Why was he thinking of your face all of sudden? Were you always that cute?
After a very distracted guard duty he goes to talk to you, what did you do to him?
But when he sees you all alone in your forcibly shared quarters he begins feel his heart begin to pull towards you.
He’s not very good at expressing it he finds. He asks you why you were crying the other day. You ask him he the hell he cares because why wouldn’t you he hasn’t been very nice
And as if to prove you right he says fine and storms out. And almost immediately storms back in. And all but demands you tell him
You figure it doesn’t make much of a difference anyways so bb you tell him being his mate kinda sucks right now. His gaze immediately softens
Leave her alone trust me, fight the clinginess
She isn’t budging she needs her space
Okay maybe she will budge a smidge but it’s microscopic
Seriously go at slower than a snails pace because go too fast and she will freak out and use her gift on you
Let me make clear she didn’t mean to but she got overwhelmed and that’s how it came out
She feels bad but even after her apology she isn’t going to be touchy or wanting to cling to you at all.
Alec tried to help you understand she has never been affectionate with anyone besides their mother
He’s gotten pained a few times but because they were all eachother had Jane tolerated better she had time to adjust even if it took turning into a vampire and then some to show more affection
She will show you affection and love in other ways just back off for a bit lol which at first will just involve not scowling at you it’s a good sign honestly considering she still scowls at Demetri
As you should be honestly (his words not mine)
He has no issue with this whatsoever
Literally none
He is the one most often sent out in missions however so he feels terrible about having to leave you all of the time
He makes sure to leave some item of clothing that smells a lot like him
It’s still hard and he often comes home to you feeling a bit sad
But he makes sure to let you know he’s alright as he takes you in his arms and spins you around
And if he isn’t busy he’s always holding you whether you’re alone together or are with the rest of the family
He knows clinginess can come from a fear of abandonment but whatever the reason he makes sure you know that’s he’s all yours and he doesn’t plan on going anywhere
Forever shocked you would want to spend all of your time with him
But also thank the gods because he is probably just as clingy
He only has to go on missions where the laws are being broken and even then Santiago will sometimes go especially now that he has you
The check in ones are usually Demetri and his mate or the twins with him
He’s more of an intimidating figure at trials and obviously he has the executioner title but Demetri will drag him out sometimes just to get the job done quick because that man is in a hurry to get home
Always stays with your for a few hours alone before even considering doing anything else
If you’re around for trials he has to work hard to not look at you which you can take for a challenge sometimes
Let it be known you have not broken this man yet when he puts on his guard persona there isn’t a person in that could break him or make him smile
But it’s still funny to try and it’s gotten the tiniest smile out of Caius once so you’ll take that as a win
Outside of work Felix enjoys a good prank so he always involves you in getting one of his friends
Involves you in everything honestly
Thought you were adorable when he came come to find you wearing one of his scarfs because you missed him
Can and will hold you for hours
She asks if you actually want to just be in the room as she is while she makes calls and sends emails for the next tour
You do?
Okey dokey
She enjoys your company too and she sees no reason for you two to not be together
If somehow it is too much she is so kind about asking for space because she can be clingy too
okay I’ll try and say that when she’s feeling down (usually around the anniversary of her coven perishing) she needs to process things on her own
You can understand that and she usually comes back she will need you and won’t let go for awhile
That’s literally the only time she’s distant any other time and she’s just fine with your clinginess she finds it endearing and loves to spend time with you
It’s elevated if you are sent out in missions as well you both get a bit heartsick but distance makes the heart grow fonder and the reunion is always very…intense
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honeymilkk00 · 2 years
twilight characters as things that have happened at my work (a gym) part 1
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any (y/n)s is actually what happened to me, anyone who is a character is someone else from my gym. mainly volturi brain rot this time around
felix: -writing in his diary-
demetri: you're writing with your left hand. you're left handed. that's fucked up, you need help. you aren't allowed to be left handed
felix: ... shut up you twat
(y/n): -walks into the training room to tidy things up and sees a krispy kreme packet in the bin. picks it up and looks up-
afton, sweating: i can explain—
(y/n): -sobbing in the corner-
caius: why are they crying?
demetri: a cat came in the castle and they had to shut it out because it isn't allowed in the castle and it trusted them the most
felix: ugh you're so sweaty -throws a towel at demetri to wipe the sweat away-
demetri: sweaty balls
-it goes silent-
santiago: -wheezes in the background-
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gggoldfinch · 3 years
Part III
the others: 1, 2, 3
Now onto the Volturi members who didn’t get [much] screentime
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Renata’s wardrobe consists of mostly red hues, ranging from crimson to burgundy
Elegant and formal, though more subdued than other members. Loosely takes makeup inspo from the 1920s
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Corin’s wardrobe is monochromatic black, with minimal white or gold accents
Sleek, minimalist, rather masculine-leaning androgyny; most outfits are business semi-formal
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Chelsea’s wardrobe is filled with light, airy pinks and reds, with some accent black/ grey tones
High-fashion inspired, incorporating lots of velvets, brocades, and lace. Most outfits are business semi-formal, but on the opposite aesthetic scale to Corin
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Afton’s wardrobe is mostly monochrome black, with occasional silver or white
The most “normal” sense of modern fashion— human-passing, basically, though not that it would matter since he can just vanish
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Santiago’s (finally, a familiar face!!!) wardrobe is more warm-tone leaning, with complimenting browns and reds
More business-formal than high-fashion, with a touch of fancy jewelry to spice things up (stan those gold hoops he wears in BD2)
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Atheodora’s wardrobe is cool-toned, with blues, silvers, and whites
Sleek and elegant, her style is high-fashion mixed with strangely historical-adjacent pieces
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Sulpicia’s wardrobe juxtaposes Athenodora’s with warm, earthy, red and orange colors
Her style is more casual-leaning, with loose and flowing fabrics that make floating around like a vampire all the more fun
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She… she doesn’t have a 2021 style 😶
But she probably liked blue and flowers
All photos found via Pinterest
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zzinvolterra · 3 years
Hi! Multi faceted question if that’s ok😊
How would you describe the personal style of the twins? Do you think they would occasionally dress the same or would they have completely different styles?
Also, if the guard watched TV what shows and genres would they be into? If they had a movie night, would they rotate who gets to chose the film and would there be any no-go films or genres?
Sorry, that’s quite a large ask…😅
Thank you!
Hello and no problem!
For the twins, I headcanon that their styles have changed from each others’ over the years as they became further entrenched in the Volturi.  I’m thinking Jane gravitates towards a preppier look and darker colors in general, a conscious (or perhaps unconscious) attempt to wear what she thinks would fit in best with the rest of the Volturi and look less childish.  Also, Jane’s got a preppy vibe.
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For Alec... honestly I could see him wearing a sweatshirt under his cloak. Probably owns some T-shirts. Overall, I'm leaning towards him prioritizing comfort over style. Also headcanon-ing that he has a pair of sunglasses for no reason other than Demetri bought a pair and looked cool.
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Heidi watches soap operas if just for the aesthetic. She also enjoys historical dramas with Chelsea, Corin, and Demetri. Afton and Chelsea will also watch rom-coms together, missing half the movie because they're busy staring at each other. He likes horror flicks too. Felix, Demetri, and Santiago, on the other hand, prefer more action - go figure. Sometimes Alec joins in when they're watching sit-coms (he likes the laugh tracks). Jane and Renata will watch reality TV if it's on as well as musicals. And they do not sing along, Alec. (This is how Aro ended up getting High School Musical locked in his mind.)
I think they rotate through most genres, probably depending on who's present. For example, the coven's firm on not letting Jane and Alec see R-movies, despite the twin having been through battles and, you know, them being vampires. They don't think it's fair either.
As far as absolutely-not films go, they all stay far away from legal dramas.
That's Caius' domain.
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alilaro · 4 years
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(*original censored because it contained potentially offensive words)
Caius and Santiago are actually very close. 
On jobs they’re almost always paired up as they work extremely well together. They have a long, mutual trust of one another, and enjoy each others company.
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cozy-possum · 5 years
The Volturi love to tease and prank the human secretaries they have, often they’ll feed into thier lies and myths about what vampires can do. Alec convinced one of them he could turn into a bat for a full week. Felix would hiss and run away anytime they had eaten garlic. Santiago pretended to get burned by a cross one of them had. Demetri ‘accidentaly’ showed one his coffin bed. Jane wore those fake fangs for months anytime she was around them, inisiting the were only ‘visible’ because she was hungry. Heidi insisted she was so into the accounts because of the ‘number issue’
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The Three Of Us (Chelsea x Reader x Afton)
The feeding scene is based on headcanons of vampires feeding by @volterran-wine . Thank you for the permission and I highly recommend their blog. I'm obsessed ❤️
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You were always the loner type. You didn't have friends. You didn't want people too close. That was how you survived. You were a nomad before you were in the Volturi. Somehow, a red head named Chelsea was the one to convince you to stay. You found it increasingly difficult to forget or ignore her like you could the others as they could ignore you. You couldn't ignore the warm feeling you felt around her. After some time, you knew you couldn't keep it to yourself. Since you discovered Chelsea's gift, maybe that was a part of it. 
You eventually spoke to Heidi about it. Heidi made it clear that it wasn't normal or a part of Chelsea's ability. However it was hard to tell if it was you or if Chelsea had over done it. Naturally, her advice was to tell you. Heidi quickly assured you that it would be fine and that both Chelsea and Afton were very understanding. It wouldn't have been the first time. 
Chelsea appeared surprised when you were at her door. "Why hello there." She smiled. You didn't smile. You couldn't. Not when you felt your whole life was falling apart. Her eyes filled with curiosity as she looked at you. "I need your help." You said quietly. 
Once she let you in, you told her everything. You told her that you didn't want to feel this way, yet you did and nothing you did made it stop. "Oh sweetie, you don't love me." "No, but Chelsea-" She cut you off. "Let's get a proper look at you." Chelsea moved forward, cradling your face in her hands. "You're a looker, aren't you?" She smiled as she looked into your eyes, leaning forward slightly when as you bit your lip. It hurt to even have her close. "Chel-" The woman hushed you with a soft shake of her head. "Shh, sugar. You don't even know what you're saying." She said softly.  You exhaled with a small shake of your head. If only she'd listen. "Chelsea..." You said weakly. "Listen to me." She said gently. "You don't need to worry." "You need to fix it." You begged her. She pressed a finger to your lips. "Trust me. I know what I'm doing." 
Chelsea lightly kicked the leg crossed over her other leg, her head tilted ever so slightly. She hadn't intended for you to be bound to the Volturi that much. However, every now and then, it did happen. She recalled how your wide eyes looked into her own. Your mouth slightly agape as you were filled with worry. Of all reactions she had seen, never had she seen such fear. She was used to anger, frustration, confusion, artificial happiness or even slightly dazed but never had she seen fear. Were you so afraid to love? Word had spread among the guard that you were a loner. You kept to yourself much like Afton and Santiago. It made her think. She hadn't lied when she said you were beautiful. The more she thought, the more she didn't want to fix it. The more she thought, she wanted to have you for herself. 
"You're not taller than me, you're wearing heels!" You looked down, frowning slightly. "With or without them honey, I'm taller than you." Chelsea smiled widely. You huffed. “Hate that.”  “You’re being silly.” Chelsea sighed.  “You’re basically saying you’re the boss of me because you’re taller!” You gawked.  “No, I said I know more. The height comment was just a tease.” She smirked.  “Chelsea, you are literally smirking, you can’t even fool yourself!” You pouted. She said nothing but giggled. “I’m taller than most because of my heels. Even Afton.” She smiled.  “And without?” You prompted.  “He’s a head or so taller than me.”  “Ha!” 
In the library, it was quiet. That would have been normal any other given moment but something was off. You stopped in your tracks, unable to to shake the feeling you were being watched. Yet as you looked around the room, you saw no one. You turned towards the door and that's when you heard the small creak behind you.  You spun around and yelped in fright when you found Afton right behind you. He seemed just as alarmed, curling into himself slightly, taken aback from your reaction. "Afton! You scared me!" You took an unneeded breath. "My apologies. I thought you knew I was here." "It's fine...I just... invisibility, I forgot." Afton shifted slightly with discomfort.  Then Chelsea turned the corner with a smile. "It's okay, sugar. He's the silent type. One of many things I like about him." She winked towards Afton who gave a her a ghost of a smile in return. You hadn't actually been in a conversation with them since that night. "I'm sorry, Afton. I don't want to seem rude. You just started me." Afton nodded with a reassuring look. Silence took over as you felt Chelsea and Afton's gaze upon you. You looked down slightly. Nervous about the reaction of what you'd say next. You spoke up. "I'm so glad that...despite everything, we can still be on good terms." You said. Chelsea cracked a smile. "I am too." She said softly. Afton simply nodded once but seemed almost scared to meet your gaze. "Hopefully I'll see more of you Afton." You said nodding to the pair before you quickly took your leave. 
You did. In fact, you went out of your way to do so. Slowly but surely, Afton's silence was shorter and shorter. It was considered a victory on your part as you slowly won him over. Now you considered him a friend. Even if he didn't consider you as such. You were prepared for that. You became one of the few people he spoke to freely.  Afton found you leaning on the balcony, illuminated by the moonlight. "Found somewhere peaceful have you?" He asked. "Yeah. Hey, Afton." You shot him a quick smile. "So, what do you think of it here?" Afton asked. You paused. "I think it just realised that no one has actually asked me that in all my time here." You pulled back from leaning on the balcony. Afton smiled slightly. "It's busy." You responded with some confusion. Was that even the term you had been looking for to describe it? "I didn't think I'd like it here but...it's grown on me fairly quickly." "I'm glad." Afton said quietly. "I've noticed you aren't around much though." "I...tend to keep to myself. I'm not a people person. Among other reasons." You turned to look at him, your confusion was evident. Afton looked down below for a moment. "People don't really like me here." "Don't like you?" You scoffed. "Not possible." He cracked a small smile but you continued. "Seriously, Afton. That isn't possible. You're the nicest guy I've ever met." "It's a little more complicated than that." He said quietly. "Everyone earned their place here in the guard. Yourself included. Everyone but me. I'm here because of Chelsea. She's the only reason I'm here." Afton continued. "My gift isn't useful. Invisibility isn't useful to the Volturi. Chelsea being my mate is the only reason I am here because Chelsea will not stay otherwise and the masters need her. I'm her to keep her happy and loyal. So no one is really enamored with me as I have no use and didn't have to earn a place here. That with not really knowing me, it leaves me as an outsider." Afton paused. "Although Demetri tries every now and then to include me. If I said that I really had a friend here, it would be Santiago. He keeps to himself too." "I can be your friend, Afton." You said softly. He looked at you and smiled slightly. "You're very sweet, (Y/N). I find it difficult to consider turning down such an offer. You're very easy to talk to." You smiled at him. "That makes me sound special." You smirked and Afton let out a barely audible laugh. "Well, perhaps you are." 
You had suspected something had changed one random day when everyone seemed to be much more...warm towards you. The dead give away being the twins. It was Alec in the kitchen. His hand propped his head up as he smirked slightly at you. "If I didn't know any better, Alec, I'd have said you actually are quite fond of me." You teased. Alec hummed with a smile. "And do you know better?" The response caught you off guard. It had you second guessing yourself. Why was he suddenly so...nice to you?
You found Chelsea alone in one of the many sitting rooms by the fire, however the room was smaller and for those who wanted more privacy meaning there was only one loveseat. Even then, it was incredibly small and only really meant for one. Chelsea patted the space beside her. “Come sit!” "It's a little cramped for space." You said with uncertainty. Chelsea rolled her eyes. "Hardly, sit here-" She tugged you down on to seat beside her and bringing your legs over her lap. Your thighs over hers. "-and just like that. There's room." You would have blushed at the proximity if you could. 
After a moment of silence, she spoke up. "Where were you? Before you were here. What was your life like?" She asked. You shrugged lightly. "I was a nomad. There isn't much to tell. I was in Greece before I came here. However I was alone." "Have you always been alone?" She asked. You nodded. You didn't think much of it. Even if it got a little lonely at times. You preferred it that way. It made settling within the Volturi all the more difficult. "Then I'm glad you're here." Chelsea said softly. "No one should be alone. Certainly not you." You looked down at your lap and you felt Chelsea's head bump against your own, brushing against you as you sighed. You felt her fingertips brush along your thighs, almost innocently. You lifted your gaze to hers, silently questioning her. She gave no answers, only looking into your eyes. Neither of you spoke about that moment, it was simply brushed under the rug. Much to your relief. 
"That is A." You deadpanned. "It's not! I'm telling you, (Y/N), it's B." Chelsea replied. You looked down at the blood on your fingers. "You're so messy." Chelsea giggled. "Messy with my Type A bloodied fingers!" You corrected.  "It's B!" Chelsea responded. Afton walked up to the two of you in the middle of the throne room. "What are you two doing?" He asked. "(Y/N), here, thinks the blood on their hands is type A." Chelsea began. "Because it is." You added quickly, earning a glare. "It's type B." "It's A! I know my blood types!" You exclaimed. "I'm older than you. I know the difference." Chelsea replied. "Don't bring age into this!" You scowled. "Afton, help a girl out. Tell them it's B." Chelsea sighed. "It's A!" You exclaimed again. "Look!" You quickly tapped the tip of Afton's nose, getting blood on it before feigning remorse. Chelsea burst into giggles. "Aw, now I've done it." You 'sighed'. Although everyone knew it was intentional. Your smirk wasn't what made it obvious. Afton sent you a displeased look but wiped it off of his nose with a finger before bringing it to his lips. After a brief pause he spoke. "It's B." "Told ya, sugar!" Chelsea grinned as you groaned. 
There were days in training that you weren't so productive and active. In fact, some days you felt like you could collapse but never actually doing so. You practically dragged your feet into one of the living rooms. The only company to be found was Chelsea who caught on immediately that you weren't yourself. "Are you okay, sugar?" Chelsea asked lowly, looking up at you. She was lounging over the loveseat. You nodded slowly. "I'm fine." You said softly. "That wasn't convincing." You heard her reply. You looked at Chelsea, her legs bent to accommodate the length of the loveseat, her arm propped up by the arm rest and her hand holding up her head. She seemed completely at ease and for a brief moment you noticed that her low v-neck dress nearly dipped a little further than usual given her position. "No one really tells you what to do when you feel...drained. Exhausted. We can't sleep so I don't really know what to do with the lethargy." You said after a moment. Chelsea looked you up and down. "Come here." She said softly and patted the space in front of her as she pressed into the back of the seat. You didn't have the energy to argue. Instead you complied. You had your head on the seat, your legs dangling off the opposite arm rest, the only real way the pair of you would fit.  With her free hand, Chelsea lightly ran her fingers through your hair and along your face upon occasion. "Just relax. Close your eyes." She said quietly. You did, eyes fluttering shut. "Just lay with me for a while. It'll pass." She said softly and barely above a whisper. 
Vampires sharing humans during feeding was considered as trust on a deep level. After all, it brought out pure instincts within vampires. The animal that was only skin deep. The twins often shared. As did Chelsea and Afton. Everyone else took what they could get for themselves and anyone who threatened to take the meal away in immediate danger. Upon occasion was the growl or hiss because someone got too close. Of course that meant the occasional fight here and there but it was very rare for anyone in the Volturi to dare try to take anothers food.  It often became a race of sorts. Get as many as you can. Get as much blood as you could before there was none. One human was considered a snack. Two to three were a meal. Anything more was a feast. 
You had gotten one. Fishing wasn't as successful in this tour and unless you were willing to fight someone for another, you would have to suck it up and go hungry later. That was until a hand latched onto your wrist. You looked down sharply to see it was Chelsea. Both she and Afton hunched over a male who looked to be in his early fifties. She tugged at you. Encouraging you to her level. You shook your head. Silently assuring her it was fine. Even if she was willing. Afton might not be and you didn't want any trouble from anyone. Yet she seemed insistent, her grip tightening. "It's okay, sugar." She smiled a bloodied smile and slowly, you gave in. 
When you leaned in close, there was a small growl from Afton. "Let them in." Chelsea said softly. Afton seemed to cave as any protest from him stopped. He hadn't even so much as looked up. Chelsea's hand ran down your head and towards your neck, prompting you forward. Once you had bit down, you barely noticed Chelsea's hand. Even as her fingers trailed up and down your spine. After a moment she too continued to feed by your side. 
Your heart to heart with Afton lingered on your mind. So much so you sought him out and found him on the very same balcony. "You said that you weren't very liked here. I was thinking and well if Chelsea can manipulate relationships then why doesn’t she change everyone's minds about you?" Afton looked at you. "That's not quite how it works. She can't force someone to like me if they don't. She can force them to be loyal to me and support me but she can't make them like me. Although I'd never want her to do something like that. There's a freedom that's lost in that and I find that freedom very precious. I'd hate to think someone was unwillingly bound to me." "Were you ever worried that Chelsea manipulated you?" You asked. Afton hummed in amusement. "Some speculate that but no, Chelsea didn't use her gift on me. I think she uses it her advantage every now and then in our bond but she never used it before we were mates. She used a different gift instead." "She did? What gift?" You asked. Afton gave you a small playful smile. "The gift of persistence." You laughed and Afton continued. "Chelsea is the most persistent person, I have ever known. She knows what she wants and does what she can to achieve it. So, I thought I kept running into a pleasant extroverted woman. Little did I know that the moment she saw me, she had her sights set." "So she approached you first?" You asked, invested in the story. "Yes. I was more than happy, alone in the corner but Chelsea never gave up. Never missed a beat and if I'm honest, it wasn't long before her feelings were mutual." "You make her sound like a slippery slope, you're either all in or not at all." You giggled. "That's because she is." You burst out laughing as Afton chuckled. "If Chelsea from all of those years could see us now, her eyes would pop out of her head. That's how much of a challenge I was. I was polite and attentive but I was not one for conversation. Which still stands today. Chelsea had always been the one who could talk forever. That's what I liked so much about her. I had said barely a word and she still had so much life in her, so much self assurance. Naturally I wanted to learn more and more about it." You smiled. "That's really cute. It's like opposites attract." Afton hummed. "The term was likely made just for us." He smiled. "I wouldn't have her any other way, to this day. She will talk rapidly for hours about something absolutely useless and I would happily listen just to see that twinkle in her eyes and that beautiful smile." You smiled. "I hope I find love that's as strong as you two. It sounds really nice." "Live first, enjoy your life. Unlike traditions I grew up with, I am a great believer in enjoying yourself before diving into a life with another." Afton nodded to you. "You're young. You could be out and about living for the moment, seeing the world just for you. Even in these walls you could do what you must for yourself. Having a mate is a wonderful thing. However, it tends to take away some independence. Especially in the Volturi. You've already got limits. So enjoy you and your existence for a little while and your mate will appear one way or another. " You nodded. "I can see why she's so fond of you." You giggled and Afton rolled his eyes slightly with a smile. 
Things got busy once more. You were on duty and when you weren't in duty you were training and generally had little to no free time. It was nice to feel productive. Although at the same it was intense. To your surprise, you crossed paths with Chelsea in the hallway. "Hey, sugar." She smiled pleasantly, her eyes looking you up and down. "I haven't seen you around for the passed few days, neither has Afton. What have you been doing?" "Hi Chelsea." You smiled at her softly. "I've been busy. The leaders seem more keen to have me around. When I'm not on duty, I'm training. I just finished now." "You rest well then sugar." She smiled. "Sorry I can't stay and chat, I can't be away from my post for too long." She said quickly. You nodded. "Don't be a stranger." Chelsea winked at you before she began to walk away, walking by you but stopping at your next words. "I thought you'd be sick of my company by now." You said quietly with a small smile. She stopped for a moment before turning to look over her shoulder towards you. Chelsea raised an eyebrow with a smirk. "Me? Sick of you?" She lifted your chin up. "Never." She said, almost like it was a promise. 
That same balcony by the one of many sitting rooms had almost becoming like a meeting place for yourself and Afton. One of you always seemed to be there when not on duty. It truly lived up to its expectations, a peaceful place. You offered Afton a small smile. "Hi." You said softly. "I thought you were on duty tonight." "Santiago wanted to switch with me. I like having the nights off so it seemed too good to refuse." He replied. "I can't blame you. It's weird, I don't sleep but I prefer the peacefulness of the nights. It lets me think." Afton turned his head to you. "Oh? What do you think about?" You shrugged slightly. "Nothing important. Where I've been, where I'll go, who I'll spend the time with." You cracked a smile. "Although it doesn't seem like I'll be going anywhere for the foreseeable future." "You might." Afton said lightly. "It wouldn't be a bad thing either." "Yeah, you said. Dare I say it Afton but maybe you just want to get rid of me." You teased lightly. "Don't talk like that. Don't think like that." Afton replied, looking into your eyes. "I don't think it'd be the same here without you. Not for me. Just thinking about it makes it hard to even think of letting you go. I simply think about what is best for you." You felt Afton's stare on you even after you looked away. Afton didn't. Afton continued to stare. You couldn't help but think about how special Afton had become to you. He was at your pace and he understood you without you even having to explain yourself. He just understood you in every way and it drew you in. Similar to how Chelsea drew you in with her own charms. "Do y-" You were cut off. Afton's lips met yours. You inhaled sharply. His fingers tenderly brushed against your jaw. His lips were soft against yours, his kiss consuming as you quickly forgot almost everything in that moment. Suddenly he reeled back. You were stuck for words. "I apologize." He said softly, covering his mouth and his eyes wide in shock. He seemed just as startled as you were. He took a step back. "Forgive me...I...I apologize. I didn't- I didn't mean-" Something seemed to dawn on Afton as he dropped his hand from his mouth. "It's okay." You said quietly. Suddenly Chelsea walked in. You expected her to be upset, furious even yet she entered with a smile. She looked...pleased. "That's roughly how our first kiss happened too." She giggled behind her hand at the memory. "Afton, gives nothing and then everything within a second- when you least expect it of course." "What have you done?" Afton asked, eyes wide. "What did you do!?" "I walked into the room, honey. That's what I did." "No!" Afton said sharply. "How did this happen, what did you do!?" Afton demanded. "Well it seems to me you let some feeling slip, sweetie?" "You put that in my head!" He said loudly. "Afton, you're making a mountain out of a molehill." Chelsea gave him a look. "Why would you do this Chelsea!?" He demanded louder. Chelsea lightly shrugged. "It makes more sense. It's better this way." "What is better this way?" Afton asked with a narrowed gaze. "I figured that given (Y/N)'s feelings and my interest along with you two getting on swimmingly, that perhaps this would lead into another direction." She said lightly. "Are you out of your mind?" Afton asked in disbelief. "You tied them to us!?" Your eyes widened. You almost couldn't believe it... almost. "Am I not enough?" Afton asked quietly. Chelsea's glee, washed away immediately. "Don't." She said sharply. "That's not the case at all and you know that. They would never take from you as you would never from them." "Chelsea you're forcing them to be our mate." Afton said. "Do you hear yourself? They're...we've been together for centuries. You can't have the same expectations we have for each other for them. They've barely lived!" "Completely alone." She said flatly before giving you a smile. "Not anymore." Afton tugged you behind him ever so slightly. As though trying to block Chelsea and her influence from you. "Protective, ain't he?" She smirked looking at the pair of you. "Why can't we have this? You and me. Together forever. The three of us. We could be so happy-" Afton cut her off. "This isn't about us. This is about you!" He snapped. "You're forcing us to do as you please! It's not real! It's all you!" "I can't manipulate what isn't there." Chelsea said darkly, her eyes narrowing on Afton. "Chelsea, I have always allowed you to do as you pleased. No matter the price. You have wanted for nothing but this is too far. You're bringing them into this and it's hurting them. You are hurting them." "How am I hurting them!? Do they look hurt!? I haven't even touched them!" "Don't play stupid with me!" Afton snapped. "You know what you've done!" His outburst received her silence. "You could do this to me all day long. I told you that. I love you enough to tolerate that. Don't do this to them. They're too young. They're life has just begun. Release them. Free them of us." He demanded. "No." Chelsea shook her head. "Chelsea." Afton warned. "No!" She said sharply. "I know what I'm doing” You will understand! Maybe not now but you will. They need us. They have been alone their whole life and we-" Chelsea tugged Afton's arm roughly, making her look at him. "-we can change that. We can give them a family and all the love they could ever want. Do you think the others just grew to love them? No. I did that. For them! For this coven!" Her hand darted out for you and tugged you to them with a surprising grip. Chelsea secured her arm around you tightly. "They're ours, Afton. We're not abandoning them. They won't be alone anymore. Never again." There was a knock at the door. "What!?" Chelsea snapped. Corin peeked in the door. "The masters wish to speak with you." Chelsea's jaw clenched. "Very well." Corin wasted no time leaving, she wasn't the type to stay around confrontation. Chelsea looked back at you both, dropping her grip. "I'll be back as soon as I can." She said lightly but stiffly, trying to ignore that anything was wrong and failing. 
Both you and Afton heard Chelsea's heels as she just about stomped down the hall and slammed the hall door shut. You immediately turned to Afton, who looked down at you. "What's happening?" You asked shakily. "I believe our masters may be aware of Chelsea's confession." He replied. "Is she going to get into trouble?" He shook his head. "I don't know, (Y/N)." He said hopelessly. "Will she fix this?" You managed out. He gave you a soft, sympathetic expression. "I don't think so, sweetheart."  You inhaled sharply. 
Everything in you wanted to cry but tears could never fall. Afton noticed taking your wrists and tugging you closer to him before cradling your face in his hands. "Everything is going to be okay." Afton said. You shook your head but couldn't speak. Your eyes pitch black and Afton felt the pang in his chest. "Listen to me, sweetheart. I'm going to look after you okay? I promise you. You're going to be alright. I know. You're scared. I promise you, you're going to be alright." Afton kissed the top of your head and pulled you into a tight embrace. 
Ten minutes later, Chelsea returned finding the two of you like that. You clutched Afton like a lifeline who had blocked Chelsea seeing your face without intention. He looked at her expectantly. "The masters are not pleased." Chelsea admitted. "However they're liking to (Y/N) is too strong to refuse. So no action is to be taken. They've to stay here." Chelsea tilted her head slightly, taking a peak at your face and sighed. She lightly pulled the two of you over to the large standing mirror. "Look," she said softly. "Look at what we could have." She leaned her head on Afton's shoulder as Afton's other other wrapped around your shoulders and collar bones. "Just see it. I'd never do anything to hurt either of you." Before you could stop yourself, you leaned your head into Afton's arm with a small smile.
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volterran-wine · 1 year
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ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴀɴᴏɴʏᴍᴏᴜꜱ: “ I don’t have anything specific in find but I need more Santiago headcanons Please -🔮”
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It it always a joy to receive requests for our dear Santiago. Though his popularity has grown slightly on my blog, he is far from the most popular man in the palazzo. Though, I hope my continued peddling of piping hot Santiago content will convert the masses. I know this request took a good while to get to you dear CrystalBall!Anon, but I hope it greets you well.
𝐀𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬, 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Now, where do you even begin in order to explain a vampire like Santiago in the most appropriate manner. If I were to use a single word it would be “Enigma”, it is the only one that I can fully agree with.
In a sense, he is one of the secret “weapons” among The Volturi. Not like Jane & Alec, but in the sense that very few vampires outside the coven takes him seriously besides the general respect vampires have for guards. Santiago comes off as a very friendly and jovial type, he does not particularly flaunt his smarts or expertise, because that does not benefit him in the long run. All of this to keep one thing shrouded in mystery; Santiago is a mighty good fighter. There are few ungifted vampires that can take him in hand to hand combat, the ones in the Palazzo being Felix, Caius and Marcus. In a similar vein that Afton (Santiago’s unofficial official best friend.) operates, Santiago has ensured that he almost always have the upper hand. Nobody sees an underdog coming after all.
I have previously spoken of how Vampires in my worldbuilding do not all sparkle in the traditional sense, it is more like a glow and luminescence that is uniquie to every individual depending a lot on what ethnicity and race that they are, and the paritcular strain of venom that ends up turning them. Santiago happens to glow like the most beautiful bronze statue you can imagine, with a tint of green if the light hits him correctly. It is a sight many have marvelled at. 
Santiago speaks five languages; Portuguese, Spanish, English, Italian and Latin (most of it through Caius’ cursing during drills).
At the moment he has the second most cluttered room in the palazzo, he only loses out to Alec who is eternally a thirteen year old boy in many regards. Demetri and Santiago are in fact the same level of messy but the tracker claims it is an aesthetic and blames part of it on the cats that frequent his room. Santiago is not convinced.
A fun fact is that Santiago is the only person in the coven who has an inkling of what chocolate tastes like. Import of cacao to Europe did not occur until 1500 AD or so, a time when all Volturi members had already been immortal for a good while. 
One time Santiago and Afton was sent out on a mission together to spy on a coven that opposed The Volturi to some extent. The pair were gone for quite a few days, Demetri kept reassuring his masters that the two were still well and alive despite being in the enemies camp. Two days later Santiago would return with two of the opposing covens members as recruits for the lower guard. He had managed to befriend them and had the coven stand down. Ever since he has been part of the vampires who get sent in if The Volturi has to calm a situation down peacefully when fear of exposure is imminent. 
Santiago is the fifth tallest vampire behind Felix, Afton, Marcus and Caius. Though Afton is a fair bit taller than him, he could bring the vampire to the ground with his eyes closed.
Santiago is the only coven member who has had his head ripped off and re-attached again. It was a surreal experience he is not fond of talking about. 
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volturisecretary · 7 years
What games do you think each individual guard and coven member would enjoy most?
This is going to be the most overly detailed and long answer ever; so it will be partially under a cut. I will be focusing more on modern games because ancient history (well..history in general) is my worst subject. Also- I took “games” as more like board-games (rather than like manhunt, which I’m sure both Demetri and Afton like for different reasons lol) sort of deal, so I hope that’s what you meant! :)
Volturi Coven:
Aro: Red Flags
If you haven’t heard of Red Flags, it is a game where your friends will try to make the “ideal lover” (who you are required to date for at least 3 years) for you by playing two “appealing” cards face-down (e.g.: Iron Chief, loves video games, has an 8 pack, rescues dogs, cured cancer, owns a 5-star restaurant, etc). Then, their opponents will place a “sabotage” card on top of any two cards (e.g.: is a serial killer, will constantly interrupt you, sneezes without covering their nose, will only communicate with you via text message, etc). The goal is to convince the friend whose judging that your fake date is still the best for whatever reason, despite having this major flaw (arguing is encouraged). Aro, of course, is really great at sabotaging relationships. So, of course, he enjoys this game. He also knows exactly what everyone wants in a mate, and is good spinning the negative cards into positives because he knows how everyone thinks. 
Although, there will have to be edits to the game to make it more vampire friendly. When I played with my friends, they unintentionally created one that was “has 8-pack, world champion hunter, and serial killer,” which was a pretty terrifying combination. But, that probably actually describes Demetri, and I’m sure a lot of vampires like him for those qualities. Of course “is a vegetarian vampire, who will constantly try to convince you to switch diets” will be a card because yes. But, seriously if you haven’t played this game it’s hilarious and fun. 
Caius: Werewolf
Solely because he gets to accuse and hunt down werewolves. It gets heated and crazy accusations are always made (e.g.: that new guard looks slightly more nervous than usually; probably a werewolf, who must be killed. But, of course, the new guard is actually nervous because Caius is …just being scary). 
Marcus: Various Silly Games (Pie Face Game, Wet Head Game, Watch Ya Mouth)
Although Marcus will never fully get over the lose of Didyme, watching his Coven mates partake in particularly silly games makes him feel things he thought he couldn’t feel anymore. 
Alec and Felix: Any and All Video Games
Alec and Felix are totally video game buddies and play anything from Mario Karts to Dark Souls. If they ever find out the current human secretary is into video games, they will get roped into playing against them. If somehow the secretary manages to win against them, Felix will relentless re-challenge them. 
Alec, Afton, and Felix: Mysterium
It’s a game where one player plays as a ghost, who tries to leave clues for the paranormal investigator team to lead them to the culprit. It’s pretty much a board game version of their lame-paranormal investigator show.  
Afton and Renata: Various “Classic” Board Games (Dominoes, Chess, Chinese Checkers)
I think Afton and Renata play games a lot together, because their personalities mesh well together. Sometimes they talk while playing, while other times they just silently play and enjoy each others presence. 
Corin and Heidi: Clue
It’s a fun game that involves strategy! Plus, they both have a fun time playing with their overly enthusiastic coven mates.
Demetri and Felix: Cards Against Humanity
They are both terrible people. It’s a game for terrible people. That’s all I can really say. See here for joking examples. Of course there are plenty of home-made cards knocking the vegetarian lifestyle and Carlisle in general. It really shouldn’t be that surprising.
Felix: What Do You Meme
It’s a game about Memes. It’s also a game for terrible people. Like, really isn’t surprising Felix would be into it (I’m sure Emmett would love it too). Aro usually wins because he knows all about the Memes. 
Alec and Jane: Betrayal At House on the Hill
Betrayal At House on the Hill is a cool spooky role playing game, which I think they would both like. Bonus points because there is a little girl and boy character they can play as which makes them happy!
Santiago: Cranium- After Dark
To be honest, I couldn’t give you a reason for this one other than the fact that it’s probably a hilarious game to play with ancient vampires. And for whatever reason I think Santiago loves it. 
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venusofvolterra · 1 year
Hi hey hello, super stoked to find your blog! I’m curious: do you have sexuality headcanons for the Volturi? I saw your kink headcanon post and got curious.
Thank you! Feel free to stick around as long as you’d like :)
I tend to default to bisexuality for all of the Volturi unless I feel strongly otherwise. Most of them are from times in which sexuality wasn’t as clear cut as straight vs. gay. So here are my general sexuality HCs but they’re very much subject to change.
Aro: Bisexual
Caius: Bisexual, preference for women
Marcus: Demiromantic, bisexual
Athenadora: Bisexual
Sulpicia: Bisexual
Didyme: Bisexual
Felix: Bisexual, preference for women
Demetri: Bisexual, considered himself heterosexual before becoming a vampire
Heidi: Lesbian
Santiago: Straight, perhaps Bicurious
Corin: Lesbian
Renata: Straight
Afton: Bisexual
Chelsea: Bisexual, preference for men
Jane and Alec aren’t here because they’re children and I don’t see them as very interested in relationships. They’re very much forever in the “adults are weird and relationships are yucky” phase.
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Pet (Part Fourteen)
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Masterlist Pet Masterlist Rules Prompt list
Headcanon requests: Open Imagine requests: Closed Prompt list requests: Open Canon questions: Open Taglist: Open
Taglist: @aro-is-gay-af @vamp-army @raindancer2004 @like-rain-or-confetti @volturidoll13 @kpopgirlbtssvt @avyannadawn @alexavolturisblog @alecvolturiswifeforever @imaginetwilight2704 @develin13 @wallwriterstuff @volturiwolf @marcusofthevolturi
Word count: 1.668
14th of December 2006, Volterra, Italy
Weeks passed by and soon the sticky warmth of summer turned into that coolness of Autumn. And a few weeks later, when December had arrived, the rain increased significantly along with the cold. The castle, that was pleasantly cool in the summer, was immensely cold in the winter. Thankfully for me, I no longer was obliged to wear the short dresses as I no longer was the secretary, but they still would appreciate it when I did. The past few months had been mostly filled by me learning all there is about the vampire world. Mostly by the kings and queens as they had been alive for around 3.000 years and new almost anything about how the word had changed, how the vampires had influenced those changes and soon they would teach me all about the other creatures roaming these lands or those who had once roamed here.
“It is quite easy. Just make sure no appointments clash. Make sure to keep feeding times in mind. The Masters, Mistresses and elite guard feed once every week on Mondays, while the rest of the guard feeds in groups every other week on Friday's. Feeding time is always between 13:00 and 15:00, and during those times you are prohibited from entering the throne room.” I explain to the new secretary, the third one since I retired from my position. Her name was Veronica, yet I didn't think she was the right one either for this job, just a pretty face like the last two were. She had beautiful dark skin and eyes that were almost black that complimented her black hair. Over all she was gorgeous, but I am not sure if she would fit for this job. Oh well, time will tell. “Do you have any more questions for me, Veronica?” I asked kindly. She returned the smile almost enthusiastic. “Thank you, Miss Mandy. I think I understand.” she said politely. I was still slightly taken back by the fact the secretaries called me ‘Miss’ now. It wasn't necessary for me but especially the kings and queens insisted on it. Claiming I was above the secretaries and other humans now. It was nonsense in my opinion, yet every time I tried protesting to it only ended up with me being spanked, kissed or fucked on the spot, so I had stopped complaining about it. Vampire truly were thick headedly stubborn when they make up their minds. “I am glad to hear that. If you do need me, I can usually be found in the library, my room or the Masters’ combined living quarters. Goodluck.” I said before turning around and making my way to the throne room. Caius and Athenodora would be teaching me about their war against the werewolves. One the couple had started centuries ago before even joining the Volturi.
Once I reached the heavy doors, I knocked on them and before I knew it, they were opened by Demetri and Felix, both with large smiles on their faces. “Micetta! We were starting to get worried that you might fancy spending time with the new secretary over us.” Demetri said in a playful mocking tone. I heard Heidi snort and a growl of annoyance from one of the queens. I giggled and pecked his lips as a greeting. “Never.” I quickly pecked Felix’ lips as well before moving Heidi who wrapped her arms around me and kissed me shortly but passionately, leaving my head spinning a bit. I quickly moved towards the kings and queens who were all gathered around a table in the corner of the throne room that was covered in many books in many different languages, both old and new. The kings all looked very handsome in their black suits. Aro and Caius were wearing a bloodred tie while Marcus’ tie was as black as his suit. The queens looked beautiful as always. Sulpicia was dressed in a gorgeous bloodred dress that seemed to be made out of liquid as it flowed around her tall frame. Athenodora, on the other hand, wore a dress made out of emerald green fabric that seemed to be very cosy yet expensive. Both their skirts reached just above their ankles while matching shoes and jewellery made their looks complete. I quickly pecked Aro and Sulpicia on their lips before moving to Marcus. He stood up and embraced me first before pecking my lips, making me blush a bit and him chuckle. I first pecked Caius on the lips who gave me a kind smile and finally I turned my attention to Dora. She smiled brightly at me and pulled me onto her lap. Her hand cupped my cheek and she kissed me quickly yet deeply. “I am glad you are not lost. Caius and I started to worry that you indeed fancied the new woman's company above ours.” she said with a playful pout. “Of course not, Mistress.” I said loyally making her pout turn into a grin. “Good, good. Now, let us start with today's lesson on the war against werewolves... And the reason why the goddess Athena was named after me.” she said winking. “Really?” I asked surprised. “Oh yes. We saved a couple villages back in the old days by killing many of the werewolves during their attacks. We had to use special blades made out of silver that were laced with our venom. Not exactly for the faint of heart to make and dangerous if done wrong. The chemical reaction of the silver, steel and our venom could prove lethal for most humans when inhaled.” Caius started to explain and I was immediately hooked onto his lips while Dora held me close in her lap, her chin lightly resting on my shoulder with her nose buried in my lose curls. “Really? What happens to the humans who tried making those swords?” I asked curiously which only seemed to fuel Caius’ enthusiasm to continue his story. “The damp coming from the weapons while being forged could burn the skin and make it even melt away at its mere touch. When inhaled, it would burn the human their lungs from the inside out, making them suffocate in mere, agonising minutes. Eventually, we had only vampires craft these weapons, but they had to be careful, as silver is a very delicate metal and we vampires sometimes have difficult controlling our strength. Also, the blood would be contaminated so the humans, once come in contact with these damps, were no longer of use to us.” He explained. He was about to continue his story when he suddenly stopped and every vampire in the room seemed to be on edge. Their relaxed faces and stances I had come accustomed to melted away into the ones usually meant for outsiders. Someone was approaching, someone who was not an ally. In the blink of an eye, I was on the other side of the throne room behind the actual thrones along with Dora and Sulpicia. Caius still stood standing up but now with his back towards the door, same as Marcus while Aro remained seated casually reading his book. Dora had put me into the only chair in front of the small table while Sulpicia had quickly placed three books in front of us, to make it seem we were
busy. Both Athenodora and Sulpicia stood on either side of me, in a casual yet protective manner. I frowned slightly at their quick change in behaviour and spot but Sulpicia gave me a look that said to not ask questions at this moment. So, I didn't and pretended to read the book in front of me. Sadly, for me, it was written in what I guessed was ancient Greek and I had absolutely no idea what it said. The doors busted open as Santiago walked into the throne room followed by another vampire. Her hair was pale, pale blonde, almost silver. It hung straight as a ruler to a blunt edge at her chin, parted evenly down the centre. She was very pale as every other vampire yet her eyes were different. They were the same golden colour as Alice and Edward Cullen had. Was she from the same coven? Caius loudly closed his book, making me flint slightly before turning around. I didn't need to see his face to know his usual scowl had returned as I saw the vampire woman flinch in her spot. “What do you want?” he asked suspicious. The woman's golden eyes quickly flashed to every vampire in the room yet they lingered on my form a little longer. “Hm?” Caius asked again growing annoyed at the woman's lack of response. The woman seemed to regain herself again and took a step forward while Felix, Demetri and Santiago stood on both her sides and behind her, ready to attack at any moment. Heidi, I had now realised, was standing near us in a protective manner. Probably in case the woman did manage to escape the three male vampires around her and planned on attacking the queens. The woman's attention was now fully on the three kings. She straightened her back and tried to not make her voice tremple. “I have to report a crime.” she started, sorrow deeply in her golden eyes. “The Cullens-” she started, gaining the attention of all three the kings and both queens. “- they have done something...” she tried to find the right word for the Cullens’ their crime. “-Terrible.” she finally decided. Aro quickly shut his book and rushed towards her. “Allow me, my dear?” he asked, his voice as sweet as sugar and as velvet as cotton candy. I had completely forgotten about pretending to seem busy as I watched Aro intensely. Marcus made his way besides Aro, but glanced at me first, giving me a reassuring look before his face turned like stone again as he faced the woman. Aro had by now grabbed the woman's hand in his and a small gasp escaped his lips. “Oh my.”
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wallwriterstuff · 4 years
Hi, sweetie😊❤ Could you do "dating with demetri volturi" headcanon, please?
I would be delighted! Congratulations on being the first person in my inbox EVER hahaha :D Anywho...
Part 2 can be found here
Dating Demetri Volturi Would Include: 
It doesn’t matter if you’re human or vampire upon first meeting, Demetri won’t really change the way he is with you all that much minus the few obvious physical impedements your mortality brings with it
            + He just wants cuddles but your too fragile and he’s too cold so you best believe once you turn he’s wrapped around you like a koala bear forever
The moment he meets you he is besotted with you and begins a relentless pursuit for your affections 
Demetri has had a string of lovers over the centuries and is perceived by most to be one of the most charming, suave casanova’s on the guard - you, Felix and Heidi know otherwise
There is NOTHING suave about this man, he is a goofball through and through
Uses the corniest pick up lines he found on a random website when the internet was first introduced to them and has just...never bothered to update them
         + “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” 
                     “Baby please don’t do this again...”
            “I’m so glad you landed on me, now I’ll need your name and number for insurance purposes.” 
                     “Metri we’ve been mated for almost two decades now! You already have both of those things and you don’t need to flirt with me anymore!” 
             “We’ve only stayed mated because of my high quality shirts, feel them, they’re made of boyfriend material.” 
A very attentive man. That random trinket you stared at for 0.68 seconds in that shop window on a mission? It’ll be in your christmas stocking this year. Oh, did you mention wanting to see the La Sagrada Familia in a late night conversation once a few months ago? He’s booked you the fanciest hotel room for a romantic weekend away
Since he’s traveled all over his getaway breaks are the best
Knows all the good spots for dates even when you cannot fathom how
         + “Metri this is a random alleyway in one of the quietest parts of...wow, okay, I take it back, this market looks insane!” 
Constantly bringing you back little things he says makes him think of you when he’s away like he’s not always thinking of you anyway. To date, five of them have insulted you and been followed up with flowers, massages and more in an attempt to grovel for your forgiveness
Lots of PDA. He is keen on people knowing your his so expect lots of handholding, an arm around the waist, hugs from behind - he’ll never outwardly state it but the possessive vibes he gives off when people are too close for his liking are very clear. Santiago now walks the opposite way when he sees you coming down the corridor
The type to stare at you like a lovesick puppy from across the room until he has your attention, then give you the goofiest smile just to make you smile to 
           + It became a competition between you two to see who could pull the stupidest face to make the other laugh. The Masters have since banned you pair from being on opposite sides of the room during guard duty. You have simply taken to nudging one another in the ribs until one of your cracks instead
Makes it his mission to become your best friend and lover all in one 
He succeeds 
Honestly I could write for hours about this man, I love him a bit too much, but I don’t want this post to be too long so I’ll stop it here and hope I get more Demetri requests come in XD 
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gggoldfinch · 3 years
Aro has his left ear pierced and Caius has both , I’m sorry I simply don’t make the rules
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