#Satan Bound
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Satan Bound
1 I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding the key to the bottomless pit and a large chain in his hand. 2 He overpowered the serpent, that ancient snake, named Devil and Satan. The angel chained up the serpent for 1,000 years. 3 He threw it into the bottomless pit. The angel shut and sealed the pit over the serpent to keep it from deceiving the nations anymore until the 1,000 years were over. After that it must be set free for a little while.
4 I saw thrones, and those who sat on them were allowed to judge. Then I saw the souls of those whose heads had been cut off because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its statue and were not branded on their foreheads or hands. They lived and ruled with Christ for 1,000 years. 5 The rest of the dead did not live until the 1,000 years ended. This is the first time that people come back to life. 6 Blessed and holy are those who are included the first time that people come back to life. The second death has no power over them. They will continue to be priests of God and Christ. They will rule with him for 1,000 years.
7 When 1,000 years are over, Satan will be freed from his prison. 8 He will go out to deceive Gog and Magog, the nations in the four corners of the earth, and gather them for war. They will be as numerous as the grains of sand on the seashore. 9 [I saw that] they spread over the broad expanse of the earth and surrounded the camp of God's holy people and the beloved city. Fire came from heaven and burned them up. 10 The devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the fiery lake of sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet were also thrown. They will be tortured day and night forever and ever.
11 I saw a large, white throne and the one who was sitting on it. The earth and the sky fled from his presence, but no place was found for them. 12 I saw the dead, both important and unimportant people, standing in front of the throne. Books were opened, including the Book of Life. The dead were judged on the basis of what they had done, as recorded in the books. 13 The sea gave up its dead. Death and hell gave up their dead. People were judged based on what they had done. 14 Death and hell were thrown into the fiery lake. (The fiery lake is the second death.) 15 Those whose names were not found in the Book of Life were thrown into the fiery lake. — Revelation 20 | God's Word Translation (GWT) The Holy Bible, GOD’S WORD® Translation Copyright 1995 by God’s Word to the Nations. All rights reserved. Cross References: Genesis 3:1; Deuteronomy 23:14; Psalm 69:28; Psalm 87:2; Psalm 102:6; Isaiah 6:1; Isaiah 24:22; Isaiah 26:19; Ezekiel 7:2; Ezekiel 38:2; Daniel 6:17; Daniel 7:9; Daniel 7:10-11; Daniel 7:18; Matthew 7:15; Matthew 11:22-23; Matthew 16:27; Matthew 27:66; Luke 8:31; Luke 10:20; Luke 14:14; 1 Corinthians 15:26; Philippians 3:11; 2 Peter 2:4; Revelation 1:6; Revelation 1:18; Revelation 2:11; Revelation 6:8; Revelation 9:15
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judahmaccabees · 5 months
Caroline Myss and Robert Ohotto, two servants of Iblis', damned to Hell Forever.
- Jesus Christ
But that's what ya get for trying to take over the world, abusing the Innocent. God doesn't like His Kingdom raped, pervert abusers.
I've been to Hell, to the lake of endless fire feces and vomit, you swim in, as two Dragons guard and lash, and your harlots burn on crosses with bloody throats, sacrificed to evils above and below, as you're cycled endlessly through hells.
But apparently, that's what you want.
And that's where you sent me and tried to do to all the innocent,
But I'm Jesus Christ. I was just visiting.
You enjoy watching saints suffer for you, to you a comedy "divine".
I did everything I can for you to avoid eternal torment, but you don't care - about anything.
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Adios, evil abusers.
Ma Mary --who you intentionally left to weep and rot, enslaved.
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Last Time, Sancho.
No final reviling accusation regarding your stupidity, no, only an expression of the pitifulness of your empty existence, especially when Eternity is removed from your grasps. Ha, ha, ha.
Jesus Christ
A Language twisted,
By evil vermin
Visited Once
To make of them Men
AND . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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uncanny-tranny · 6 months
An important aspect of youth liberation is not tying the idea of later adult care with having children.
The broader attitude that only your children can ensure that you get taken care of when you grow old is not a good precedent to set. Having children should not be what ensures that you can live through old age, and fear mongering people with the idea that nobody will ever take care of them (or, rather, shouldn't) is such an awful motivator to have children.
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scatterghosts · 1 year
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Prometheus Bound by Peter Paul Rubens // The Fallen Angel by Alexandre Cabernal // Francesca by Hozier
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whereismyhat5678 · 2 months
Guess who just dropping another few doodles. ME 🙌💪😈🙏
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First off Satan eating ✨B O R G E R✨🍔🍔
Second, Anton cooking with Amy 💕💕
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I love that he’s a canon dad, and I love that it’s Amy 😭😭
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obeymematches · 5 months
Hi there ,I really like your writing! So I wanted to ask you how the demon brothers would react to a MC turning into a little toddler ? (Because of some spell/forbidden book curse etc,you choose) MC being super adorable and sweet like the "perfect" toddler somewhat? Being a little funny too and giggling/smiling a lot ,also loving the brothers and being very comforting with them!
ahhh i wish my own toddler was so nice and sweet lmao
he is though but only if i let him get what he wanted
Toddler MC
• Sigh
• The only other person not out of their mind in this house turned into a toddler somehow
• Pretty sure it was a curse against him
• Listen dear I doubt he gets along with a toddler for an entire day
• Though you being nice to him, showing him daffodils, rocks with your sticky little hands, hugging his leg until he picks you up helps a lot.
• He is in his prime during bedtime; reading you stories is his favourite part of the day. You are a good, curious kid & never throw a tantrum when he is with you. It is so peaceful he doesn’t actually want it to end. He tells you another story even if he has already told you 4.
• Oh jesus thank God you were turned into a toddler and not him!
• At first he isn’t too sure about what to do with you but quickly gets the hang of playing a bit roughly
• You know the kind of playtime moms don’t wanna see
• He spins you around, hangs you upside down, throws you into a pile of pillows, lets you sit on his neck, throws you in the air, stuff like this.
• It does good for your confidence levels regarding child development plus! you get tired super fast after spending time with him.
• You, him and Levi have a freeze dance competition every afternoon! Sometimes they won’t let you win though.
• Doesn’t really know what to do with you either. In fact he is scared of you a little.
• You clinging to him, throwing kisses etc. melts him eventually, you are just so adorable he was an idiot to be scared of you.
• Definitely loves to roleplay with you. Comes up with the cutest storylines, though sometimes it gets so complicated you miss it here and there.
• He can easily keep you busy for 3 hours a day and never ever complains
• Highkey concerned about the situation
• Never ever seen a toddler before
• His concerns leave him once he sees that you are actually a good little one.
• So now it is his duty to teach you mischief!
• He spends lots of time teaching you to speak as you haven’t said a comprehensible word yet.
• His strategy is referring to himself as „Tantan” but he calls everybody else „The Avatar of” or „The sixth born”, you know, so there is absolutely 0% chance your first word isn’t Tantan. Or maybe kitty/cat, that’s also a phrase you hear quite frequently.
• I think he is the only one who gushes over you right away.
• Doesn’t want you to turn back, look at how adorable your cheeks are!!!
• Spends most of his money on new clothes for you, you have to be the all time most fashionable toddler in the city.
• Loves to have tea parties but tbh that’s pretty much it, not sure what/how else to play but he does everything else!! Very enthusiastic and overprotective!!
• He also gets you this helmet so everytime you might fall you’re not going to hit your head. You are so spoiled my dear
• Also thinks you are super adorable. Might eat you if you are with him too much.
• Takes you out to the city with him, you must learn how to get food!
• Introduces you to ketchup
• He takes you to the playground the most.
• He is def not the most violent of the guys but trust me you are very well protected and safe!
• Doesn’t really like what’s going on right now to be fair
• But at least you are nice so that makes it easier
• His preference is cuddling and having a snack with you as you watch TV
• One time he got you chicken to eat.
-Mr.Belphie I don’t like chicken...
-Ah. But it’s not chicken, actually it’s dolphin!
-Oh! Y/N loves dolphin!
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fall3n1 · 6 months
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Something's burning somewhere, or did burn, once.
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belphegorspillow · 2 years
Soul Bound [Obey Me x GN!Mc] [Soulmate AU]
Soul Bound [Obey Me x GN!Mc] [Soulmate AU]
Chapter 3: Orange Tattoo 
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Mc’s eyes went straight over to the new person’s hand, the orange marking of a snake with a controller would permanently stay there on his hand, Mc was glad that the orange tattoo was hidden by their clothing. 
“I vote you to die Mammon.” The new male entered the room, hissing towards his brother. “Gah...Levi...” Mammon’s eyes widened a bit as he looked at him before looking over at MC. “Uhm listen human. This here is Leviathan, the Avatar of Envy. He’s the third oldest of us brothers. Since he’s name is sorta hard to say, ya can just call him Levi. Let’s move on to ya room-” He got cut off by Levi
 “Give me my money, Mammon...Then go crawl in a hole and die.” Mammon tensed up a bit and looked at his brother before smiling nervously. “Come on, I told ya I’d get it to you! I just need a little more time.... And You still want me to die even if I give it back? That’s real harsh, Levi!”
“A little more time? How much more?” Levi asked again and stared at Mammon. “A little more! Means a little more time okay!” Levi growled a bit. “You’ve been saying that for the last 200 years Mammon.” Mammon shook his head. “260 years! Get it right Levi!” “Unbelievable.” Levi huffed. “Seriously Mammon, you’re a-”
“Scum? Is that what you’re gonna say?” The back and forth batter continued between the siblings as Mc was silently watching. They glanced at their small bag that contained a few of their items and took out their D.D.D, starting to type on it again to try and add into the conversation. “Hey Human! Remember my advice? Either run or die. Well one of us is gonna die. And it aint gonna be me!” Mammon ran off, leaving MC and Levi alone.
“Wha- Dammit Mammon...That ass... he ran off...!” Levi huffed before focusing his attention towards MC. “Do you realize what just happened? Mammon used you as a distraction to get away from me. Or maybe I sould say he used you as a sacrifice.... I’ll admit that Mammon is one of the scummiest scumbags you’ll ever meet...A total low life....but still, it was dumb of you to let him use you like that.”
“This is EXACTLY why humans are-” Levi soon stopped himself from continuing and hummed. “Wait a second...Humans...yes... I got an idea.  Are you free right now? Of course you are! You got to be! Even if you aren’t, Either way, you’re coming with me.” Levi grabbed onto Mc’s arm and started to pull them into the direction of his room.
A ping came from Mc’s D.D.D and they looked to see Mammon’s messages
Heya, I suddenly remembered I have some business I gotta take care of. So if ya need something, just ask Levi. *Sticker*
Just don’t go running and telling Lucifer about this. *Sticker*
MC *Sticker*
Mammon *Sticker*
Levi dragged MC inside and locked the door after checking to see if anyone saw them.  He turned to look at Mc, who seemed to be admiring his room a bit. “Hey normie!” 
Mc looked over at Levi and tilted their head, pointing at themself. “Yeah! You.” Mc looked back at the books, seeing large thick books with “Tales of the Seven Lords” written on the spine of the book.
“What is it human? What are you looking at?” Mc pointed at the books. Levi took a moment before a small smile appeared on his face. “Wait...that looks like. The tales of the Seven Lords. Are you a fan of that too?”
Mc knew of the series, their [use-to-be] best friend would always chatter about how they loved the Lord of Fools. Mc took out their D.D.D, typing away.
“Are you searching-” The D.D.D was soon showed to him. ‘I know of it, my old best friend was obsessing over. I know what it’s about. I watched all the movies’
“Then what’s the first lord’s name?” Levi grabbed the D.D.D. “Just mouth out, you could be searching it up if I let you type.” Mc was silent, trying to remember the important points of the story
‘Was it the Lord of Emptiness?” “Wrong!” Levi said after reading what Mc was mouthing to him. “That’s the seventh lord! Since you don’t know anything. I’ll tell you about it.” Levi started a rant about the tales of the seven lords, the important plot points, each of the lords and Henry. It was like Mc had rewatched the movies... before he started to ramble about his jealousy on humans.
He soon stopped his rant, realising he was getting off topic. “Alright, I didn’t bring you here to tell you about TSL. I don’t think there is any harm in just coming out and saying what you already know is true: Mammon is a complete and utter scumbag. It’s very important you understand this. So I’ll say it one more time. Mammon is a hopeless worthless scumbag. I leant him money and now I want him to pay me back. but being the scumbag that he is, he won’t do it. I wish I could force him to, but despite what a rotten waste of space he is, Mammon’s still the second oldest. As the third oldest, no matter how hard I try, I don’t stand a chance against him...” 
He explained how Mammon had gotten a figurine he wanted, yet it was left on the floor in Mammon’s room with the dirt, and how he got traumatized by Mammon sleeping naked.
“You’ve seen how fast Mammon is, No one aside from Lucifer or Beel has that kind of speed.. But if,say, a human made a pact with Mammon and bound him to their service.” A wicked grin appeared on Levi’s face. “then he’d have to do whatever that human told him to. Which means that if you make a pact with mammon and then order him to give me back my money... he wouldn’t have any choice but to do it.”
‘A Pact?’ Mc showed the phone screen to Levi for him to read. “A pact with a demon? Haven’t you seen it in movies. A demon lends his strength to a human to make their wish come true in exchange for their soul.” Mc shook their head, they didn’t want to give up their soul.
“You don’t have to give your soul necessary. It depends on what’s in the pact. But, well, you need to give something to the demon to make it worth the exchange. So it’s pretty much inevitable. If you don’t want to give up your soul, then I’ll tell you how to negotiate with Mammon. It will be useful for you to have him as your servant, despite how awful he is, he is still a powerful demon. But I bet you feel worried, being dragged down here to the Devildom and all. So it won’t be a bad deal for you either. Don’t you agree”
Mc looks at him and nods their head, it was atleast worth an attempt. Levi would then tell Mc the plan on how to get Mammon
Mc was exploring around, entering into a library room. ‘Sign language books must be in here...’ Mc thought to themself as they went inside. Their eyes trying to read as fast as they could, going through each section before pulling out a book. ‘Sign Language for dummies’ Mc just rolled their eyes at the name and started to head out.
“I see you are up late.” A new voice entered the room and Mc looked over at the entrance to see Lucifer, who was holding a cup of coffee in his hand. “Looking for something.” Mc nodded their head and started to mouth.
‘I was, and I found what I wanted.’ They mouthed slowly. Lucifer went closer and noticed the book underneath Mc’s arm. “I see you were getting a sign language book?”
Mc tenses up a bit and nods. ‘I wanted to show Mammon some sign language.’ Mc mouthed, it was a lie, but Lucifer couldn’t know.
“I see, well I was going to come and collect a sign language book as well. We need to make sure you are comfortable. So learning some would be helpful to be able to understand so you don’t have to mouth out and type.” Mc soon shook their head and started to mouth. ‘You don’t have to, I can handle mouthing out and typing.’ Lucifer shook his head. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll make sure all my brothers know how to understand sign.” Lucifer took out a book off the shelf that had sign language written on the cover.
‘Good night.’ Mc mouthed before heading out quickly. Mc was going to need to learn this all in a night... 
Chapter 4: A Gold[ie] Pact [7.2.23]
Taglist:  @candlewitch-cryptic , @iamqueenlila
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bloodybosom · 6 months
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Thanks @gregorydarks
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muzzleroars · 8 months
My friends and I both have made a small AU where the canon Lucifer mentioned in I only say morning escaped his confines by literally ripping his light/aka. Himself out of his physical shell and escaping hell, being one last spark of hope in the Ultrakill universe, its not a big idea but me and my friends just went nuts over it especially the part where we made up that idea that his dead husk became sentient and had to Deal with the aftermath of Luci's "death", pls we've been coping to see what happened to him in game and this helps the wait, do you have any predictions for Lucifer in game?
ooooooh that is super neat! i do really enjoy the idea of him escaping, this world essentially not fit for someone like him in everything that it is (and absolutely HUGE yes to his reanimated husk!!! we love a soulless shell left behind to deal with the fallout!!! which also also is neat to contrast with humans...once flesh then souls, so angels once soul then flesh....prime husk....) as far as canon goes, i definitely don't have a clue which direction the game will go in, especially with so little information right now, but i am a little. suspicious of things atm. in the inferno, heresy marks the entrance to the city of dis, which is where dante and virgil first encounter fallen angels in those that guard the gates. after this point the demons are a fixture of the poem, with the fallen angels having a massive presence in violence where they guide the poets (and act as comic relief). however, they have been very noticeably absent in ultrakill, which i think is absolutely purposeful, as even the centaurs had equivalents in the earthmovers. there is a giant, fallen angel-shaped hole in this game, they are nowhere to be seen and they are not mentioned whatsoever outside of lucifer in a single testament. that's pretty strange and stands out to me in a story taking place in hell, particularly one based on the inferno. it makes me think they didn't survive their fall...or, more likely, they didn't survive hell. so canonly, i believe lucifer is likely dead at this point but kind of like you talked about, i don't necessarily think that means he's gone. hell could absolutely be using him/his body for its own purposes since he likely had quite a substantial amount of angelic power to harvest. i could even see him (or what's left of him) as part of the fight against hell should that actually happen as a lot of people are theorizing. i also do kind of have the idea that lucifer and any other fallen angels have been gone so long, they actually don't significantly factor into this world anymore, but i'm guessing there's a solid fate planned for them! they've been so pointedly absent that i'm excited to see what's in store regardless
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dnangelic · 10 months
What type of villain are you?
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Pure Evil .
You are unapologetically evil, you are likely just here for the drama and the theater of it all. You are selfish and cruel because you want to be, not because you had no other choice, but because you revel in the opportunity to do what is wrong. That's not to say you will commit every unspeakable act, perhaps you have standards and your own moral code, but by no means are you the good guy in your own mind. Those who have wronged you, no matter how trivial or petty the slight against you, will be treated without mercy and you will be cackling the entire time without a hint of remorse. You enjoy the most painful and twisted approach to getting your revenge. Above all else, you like to cause problems on purpose.
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Then Let Me Be Evil .
You never wanted to hurt anyone, but the world never gave you a choice. You did the best you could with what you had, but every innocent mistake you made was held against you when it counted, every crossroads led you down the wrong path no matter which way you went. No matter what you did, the odds were stacked against you. It wasn't fair, and you are sick and tired of being told what a monster you are for things out of your control. Well, fine. They want a monster? YOU'LL GIVE THEM A MONSTER!
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judahmaccabees · 5 months
Earth, where they hate and despise holy angels and Christ, yet say they love both
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angelinabowtie · 2 years
Me when people on the poll think satans fashion is good
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qu1nby · 5 months
Etsy is a lovely place
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scpwiki-official · 8 months
mm inacurate
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fall3n1 · 6 months
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