#Say Hello Wave Goodbye
colonelcheru · 1 month
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A scene from Chapter 7 in Say Hello, Wave Goodbye. (Which is part 2 of a series!)
Please read part 1 first, Bluest Monday! <3
Fanart for my favorite fanfic series on AO3 by @bapple117
" Their faces are painfully close; Alastor can almost feel the electric heat emanating from Vox’s screen. Vox isn’t sure what compels him, but something does; he grabs at Alastor’s hip with a hand, pulling him closer so that their groins press together. Alastor’s hands instinctively come out in front of him to steady himself; they rest against Vox’s chest. “God, I want you, Al,” Vox whispers, eyes lustful half-moons. “Now is really not the fucking time,” Alastor hisses, antlers threatening to grow in his fury.  Chests just about touching, they can feel their erratic and rapid heartbeats almost as one together; bodies filled with adrenaline and nerves ignited with static. Vox is looking at Alastor with such an intensity, his hand gripping at Alastor’s hip with such a firmness that the direness of the situation is fleetingly forgotten, just for a moment.   Alastor looks up at Vox, heat pooling in what feels like every erogenous part of his being; he can feel the solidity of Vox’s muscles under his hands, a stable anchor keeping him standing on otherwise quickly weakening knees. Red claws contract against fabric, clinging as best they can; Vox lets out a shaky exhale. "
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bapple117 · 2 months
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All My Links | Header Art
---Currently Writing:---
🍎 Say Hello, Wave Goodbye (A Radiostatic Love Story) 18+
🍎 RadioCotton Saga (Book 1 finished, Book 2 in progress) 18+
🍎 Hazbin One-shots (Suggestions welcome) 18+
---Writing Guides:---
🍎 Velvette Slang Masterlist : A humble guide to British / South London slang for fellow writers, from a British person with love x
---Main Tags:---
bapple writes / radiocotton / bluest monday = fic stuff
verity = my Hazbin OC 🐰
bapple chats / bapple goofs / bapple's art / bapple draws / q&a etc = me messin' about or doodlin' or answerin'
All other tags are featured below <3
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mea-cuppa-part-2 · 1 year
Say Hello, Wave Goodbye - Soft Cell, 1981
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sandybrett · 7 months
I've heard David Gray's version of "Say Hello, Wave Goodbye" a handful of times, never listening all that closely to the lyrics. Based on the sound of it, I assumed it was a sensitive, bittersweet song.
The other day I finally listened to the original version by Soft Cell and oh boy was I wrong. That song is mean.
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"Standing in the door
Of the Pink Flamingo
Crying in the rain
It was a kind of so-so love
And I'm gonna make sure
It never happens again"
NB If you don't like this tune please fuck off my blog post-haste 💋
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tonguesofsilence · 2 years
Soft Cell - Say Hello, Wave Goodbye 7'' Single Version
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dbstaches · 2 years
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On making of Soft Cell's Say Hello, Wave Goodbye music video, 1981
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quarterpastmidnight · 3 months
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gaydaigo · 8 months
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this week's song is say hello, wave goodbye by david gray!
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ghost-bxrd · 4 months
Bruce with fae!Dick is just: I have no idea what this kid is or what is happening, but this child is mine now :)
I like to think he never asks what Dick is, he just don't want to know for the sake of his mental health
Ngl that was my first thought too ksksks
On one hand we’ve got Bruce the world’s greatest detective but on the other hand… well, Bruce can only handle so much weirdness in one day and his new child is basically the embodiment of Weird™️ 😭😂
Dick is just happily swinging from the chandelier and having animated conversations with a bird about the weather and meanwhile Bruce is just standing off to the side like :)))) my child isn’t like other children :)))))
Everyone else: awe, yes, everybody thinks that about their own kid.
Bruce, who just saw Dick rotate his head 360° to keep track of a firefly only to then eat it and because it allegedly insulted him: yes :))))))
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bapple117 · 25 days
Just wanna say I've been so fixated on Bluest Monday that I've had like... autistic positive freak outs over it where I'm gnawing at the bars of my cage and literally scratching at shit. I cried once per chapter no joke. Your work brings something feral out of me that makes me go HRBSJFHSGAJRGAJRGQJGHHFHFH. You get me? I have read tens of thousands of words within a day because I was so hyper focused on consuming the content. Thank you for fueling my autistic brain. I cannot wait for future chapters.. and when there's a happy ending I know my little shattered fanfic loving heart will be healed. (I am so used to bad endings. DO MY BOYS JUSTICE ‼️‼️) I'll probably write an in depth rant later and send it here analysing your writing style because.. fuck dude. You bring out feelings from me I didn't think I HAD‼️ Keep doing what you love, it is so good. Idk if you know what a system is, but we have a Vox alter and he is fucking SHATTERED and enthralled by your work. No matter how much he wants to deny it., ;3
sincerely , Edgar :3
also I made a Spotify playlist for them too because wow I love sad tragic old man yaoi. This needs some 80's jams! ^_^
OH MY GOSH AHHHHhHHH ❤️💜💙 THANK YOU SO MUCH for such kind words gahhhh it makes me so happy sahshakshahskashakhs
"I'll probably write an in depth rant later and send it here analysing your writing style because.. fuck dude. You bring out feelings from me I didn't think I HAD‼️"
I WELCOME IT AHAHAHAHHAA I really hope what I've written so far of book 2 is fixing that broken heart somewhat! THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT
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kerryweaverlesbian · 5 months
Please know on discord if I do a 👋 react I am really in my heart going 👋 👋 👋 👋 bc of my delight to see you and my indomitable joi de vivre
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The FUCK of opening verses! 🤗
"Standing in the door
Of the Pink Flamingo
Crying in the rain
It was a kind of so-so love
And I'm gonna make sure
It never happens again"
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wrigglywoollyworm · 9 months
Anytime I play Sky I always am usually doing my own little thing. I sometimes sit in social spaces to listen to other people play music and to do silly things. I don't usually actively friend other people unless they offer first, I don't want to assume they have enough space for me! But anytime I see a moth! I want to be friends! I think I am a good teacher in the sense that I don't baby the moth and let them explore on their own, but also help them if I see them struggling. Even if they never come online again I like to make sure that they have a good time while they do! Of course, if they don't want me to tag along I will leave them alone. But it is so nice to play with a new player! Unless it's in Wasteland! I have been playing for over 2 years and I still do not like Wasteland!
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starkwlkr · 4 months
day in the life of a monaco mama | baby leclerc
inspired by the day in the life of a nyc mom tiktoks :) ruby and théo are aged up a bit here.
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Y/n had the bright idea of posting more content to her tiktok account. She had a couple of videos, but that was pretty much it. She would get many comments telling her to post more so she thought of an idea. She had seen those day in my life videos everywhere so she filmed one with Ruby and Mathéo.
“Hi everyone, welcome to a day in my life in Monaco!” The video starts off with Y/n making herself some coffee for her and Charles then cuts to her waking the kids up so they can get ready. Today, Charles is leaving for the Dutch Grand Prix so I got his coffee ready while he helped the kids get ready for the day.”
Y/n filmed Charles giving the kids several kisses and hugs then gave her a kiss and hug before Joris arrived and together they were on their way to the plane. “We try to take the kids to a couple of races, but they recently said they prefer to stay home, hang out with their friends or stay with their grandmère, which doesn’t upset Charles at all.” The voiceover said.
“So after we get ready and eat some breakfast, the kids and I go for a walk to the gardens then we come back to their grandmère’s house and we hang out for a bit.” Y/n filmed the kids waving hello to a couple of people on their walk. Then the video showed Pascale greeting the kids and hugging Y/n.
“When it was time to leave, Mathéo wanted to stay because his grandmère was going to visit some family and he wanted to tag along so him and Pascale left and it turned into a mommy daughter day.” Y/n showed several clips of Ruby running around them posing for the camera.
Then the video cuts to them walking around Monaco. “We stopped for lunch at Ruby’s favorite place called Bella Vita and it’s close to a little playground so if you’re ever in Monaco and with your kids, i would recommend coming here. Ruby loves it.” Y/n filmed Ruby eating a piece of of pizza. The little girl saw the camera then smiled and put up a thumbs up.
“After lunch, we walked around, then Ruby wanted to go to see her papa’s car that’s with the rest of Prince Albert’s collection. Whenever we have time, she always requests to go see it.”
They walked to the museum that held Prince Albert’s collection. Y/n filmed the cars. At one point the video showed Y/n posing in front of Charles’ Ferrari car that won in Spa and Monza. The clip was courtesy of Ruby since she wanted to film her maman at least once.
The video then cut to a couple looking at Charles’ Ferrari that were standing next to Ruby, who was taking a picture with her camera that Charles bought her. The man noticed Ruby and wondered if she knew the history of the car.
“That car won—”
“Monza and Spa. I know, that’s my papa’s car.” She replied to her walked back to her maman.
The woman tried to hold in her laugh, but she couldn’t. The couple watch Ruby wave goodbye to them as her and Y/n walked away to their next destination.
“On our way to the oceanographic museum, we ran into some Ferrari fans that wanted to give Ruby and i some friendship bracelets and coincidentally, Ruby had some on her as well so we traded. Thanks for the bracelets, Amanda and Jade!” The clip showed two girls trading bracelets with Ruby.
“Ruby is going through her ocean phase at the moment. She loves telling Charles and i facts about the ocean at all times and I mean at all times. This girl will sit you down and tell you facts as if her life depended on it.” Y/n filmed Ruby admiring the pretty fish then pointing to her favorite one.
Then the video cut to Ruby trying to pronounce anemone because she was trying to tell her mom a fact about the clown fish. “The anemoney . . anu. . anomoon. . .” She stumbled over her words.
“Anemone.” Y/n clarified, but Ruby still messed up. “That’s okay, you’ll pronounce it right next time.”
“I hope so. I don’t want the clown fish to feel sad because I can’t say it right.” Ruby said sadly.
The video then shows Ruby talking with kids her own age. She, of course, made new friends and even invited them to sleepover at her house. Y/n and the other moms laughed, but did promise a sleepover some other time.
“Finally, we went back home to Pascale’s and had dinner where the kids FaceTimes Charles. Our days aren’t always like this, but I always want to fill our days with something to do.”
The TikTok ended up gaining millions of views, likes, shares and comments. Most of them coming from F1 fans, but she didn’t mind.
pierresgaszlys I NEED MOREEE
f1elle ruby making friends 🥹
sebsbees imagine trading friendship bracelets with ruby leclerc
cruelsummerstan mathéo choosing to stay with my grandma awww 😭
charlesleclerc miss you!!
danielricciardosupremacy oh to live in monaco and trade bracelets with ruby leclerc 😭🥲
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