#Scott Eastwood fic
intoanotherworld23 · 11 months
Loving You Is A Ride
Pairing: Reader x Luke Collins (Scott Eastwood)
Warnings: None
Length: 2902 words
Summary: After getting your heart broken a family friend let’s you stay with them for a while, and you swear off of love. That is until you meet a handsome and charming cowboy named Luke Collins
Alright I was totally inspired by @cevansbaby-dove and @cutedisneygrl to write this since they posted about him! It’s unfortunate there not more fanfiction about this man cause he is just so gorgeous, and I’ve been obsessed with him for a very long time. I hope you all enjoy! Thank you guys so much! XOXO
Check out my other works on my Hall Of Hunks
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It's Friday night here at the local bar, and it's already packed full of people. Most of them wearing cowboy hats and girls wearing revealing outfits hoping to take someone home. If you weren't behind this bar you'd be one of those women.
Not that you were the kind of girl to do stuff like that, but your heart was covered in ice at this point. The last thing you wanted to feel was some type of emotion. It was like you had this wall around you, and you refused to let anyone break it down.
Your fiancé had been cheating on you, and you literally caught him in bed with another woman. Next thing you know you saw red and it ended with him getting a black eye and a couple scratches on his face and arms.
Of course you kicked his ass out of the apartment you two shared since it was in your name. Drinking away your sorrows as you wallowed in self pity. Ignoring every phone call and text you were receiving not in the mood to talk to people.
Things started to get so bad you literally locked yourself in your room barely leaving your bed as you laid there in the dark. Barely eating since your body was only craving something that could help numb the pain. Your mother came over and was shocked by what she walked into. She knew something had to be done to get you out of this funk.
Calling up a family friend telling her you needed to get away for the summer. Offering you a job to help her at the bar she owned, and a free place to stay at hers. You weren't going to pass up so you packed a lot of stuff and made yourself at home.
Telling her everything that happened, and she could tell you were hurting. Cassandra was the type of person that would help you out with anything, and do everything she could to make you feel better. Hoping that you working at the bar you would meet someone special with her blessing of course.
The music was blaring as you found yourself having to keep wiping down the counter top and refilling drinks. A couple young men attempting to flirt with you only to shot down none of them peaking your interest. Except one.
Feeling eyes staring at you almost as if he were zoning out. Looking behind you to make sure there wasn't anybody else he was looking at. His eyes still focused on you as you stood there awkwardly wondering if something was wrong with him.
As he was staring you took that time to really look at him. Noticing how faded his light blue flannel shirt was meaning he's either had it for a long time or it was cheap. It was loosely fitted around his thick arms which looked bigger than your head. His aura was just screaming cowboy even though he wasn't in uniform like everybody else.
"You alright there buddy?" Asking him as he snapped out of his day dreaming letting out a dry cough.
"Oh yeah sorry my brain just kind of stopped." Walking up to the bar as he looked away.
"Do that a lot?" You quipped at him making him crack a smile.
"Only when I'm in the presence of someone gorgeous." Showing off his straight white teeth making you roll your eyes. Here we go again.
"Wow I've never heard that one before." Your tone dripping with sarcasm but that just made him smile harder. "You must use that one a lot."
"Actually I've never really used that on a woman before." That was very doubtful giving how smooth he spoke it.
The man was incredibly handsome and you found yourself slightly drooling over him. His face was sweet and kind, like there was something warm there.
This man seemed like he had stories to tell and you found yourself wanting to know more about it even though you didn't know his name.
His dazzling blue eyes were drinking you in as you kept causally working but still focused on him. Feeling his eyes on you the whole time as you tried not to stumble or drop something. His eyes dropped down to your chest for a minute before snapping back up making sure he didn't get caught creeping.
"What's your name?" He raised an eyebrow at you leaning against the counter.
"Y/N." Flipping a rag over your shoulder as you placed a hand on your hip. "You got a name?"
"The names Luke Collins." You swear you've heard that name before.
"Your a bull rider aren't you?" Luke awkwardly coughing being caught.
"Yeah I am."
"I figured you were."
"How'd you figure that out anyway?" Looking around the bar waving your hand around to all the men and women in cowboy hats and boots making him laugh.
"This bar is filled with amateur bull riders I think I know the signs." You honestly didn't really know if these men were, but you just assumed since there was a rodeo arena just up the road.
"You got me there." He chuckled feeling sheepish suddenly around you.
"What made you get into riding?"
"Uh just something I wanted to do." He was getting a little uncomfortable.
"Was your father a bull rider or something?"
For a minute his smile faded away as he looked deep in thought. Part of you felt bad for being so pushy about it, but it was too late now to take it back. His eyes focused on the sticky counter top as his jaw clenched picturing his father that last night he was bull riding.
It's been so long since Luke has talked about this or even mentioned his father. It was still a sensitive subject for him, and even after all these years he still never got over him. No matter how hard he tried to let it go he simply couldn't loosen that grip he had.
"My father was a rider as well." Looking up at you to see your eyes staring at him now hearing that crack in his voice. "He died when I was thirteen years old."
"The bull threw him down on his head and he never recovered." He continued on as you nodded along feeling complete sympathy for him. "I wanted to continue his legacy."
Luke was trying to control his breathing not feeling like crying in a bar full of people. Especially not in front of you otherwise he would die of humiliation. Just like you he sometimes would bottle things up so much until he would explode.
He seemed so genuinely nice and down to earth. Feeling your whole being gravitating towards him, but knowing to still keep your hands up maintaining that distance. The last thing you wanted to happen was to get too close to this guy only to get your heart broken and stomped on.
"I'm so sorry." Looking down to see your hands gripped a towel so hard you felt your skin would burst. "It was wrong of me to ask."
"Are you kidding me?" He half heartedly chuckled making you look back up at him. "I'm glad someone asked instead of just assuming my story."
"Well I think it's incredibly sweet you are doing it for him." Smiling at him Luke returning it showing off his pearly white teeth.
For some reason you felt guilty flirting with him like this even though you were single, but your mind couldn't wrap around that just yet. Maybe this was too soon to be thinking about being with someone else.
There was a moment of silence between you two as you helped other patrons in the bar. Like stayed there waiting for you to finish which completely surprised you. Figuring he'd waltz off to find some pretty girl or his fellow riders to chat with.
"So you got someone waiting for you at home Luke." He awkwardly laughed scratching the back of his neck.
"Nope I don't." Quirking an eyebrow at him feeling like he was lying.
"I find that hard to believe." There was no way a man like him didn't have some gorgeous woman wrapped around his arm. "I bet she's gorgeous and just perfect."
"Well if you meet this woman can you tell me." He joked back making you roll your eyes at him.
"What about you?" Taking a sip of his beer asking you the same question that had you halting not wanting to discuss him. "You got somebody waiting for you?"
"Not anymore." A hint of sadness in your voice as you now avoided his eyes.
"I bet there are a million guys waiting in line just to get a chance with you." He was just being nice you thought to make you feel better and you cracked a weak smile at him.
"Afraid not." Getting back to your work completely avoiding him now feeling that brick wall get closer and closer to you.
"You probably just don't notice them is all."
His words were true countless guys flirted with you and tried to get your number, but it just went over your head.
It wasn't his fault he wouldn't have any idea about your past relationship. He would have no idea you were once engaged and completely happy.
Luke was simply asking you because you did, and he actually was genuinely curious. You were someone that Luke would go out with, and you were his type inside and out. There was something about you he wanted to get to know.
This guy felt like he stood a chance with you, and even though you two were flirting you kept a distance not wanting to lead him on or let him catch feelings.
"Hey Y/N hon can you go in the back and get some more cases of beer?" Cassandra's chirpy voice called making you turn your attention towards her.
"Yeah sure thing." Leaving the bar as she took over walking towards the back feeling like someone was watching you.
Grabbing one case you felt like you were strong enough to carry two. You were completely wrong as you struggled to carry the two boxes laughing to yourself at having no upper body strength. Your hands were starting to hurt as you tried to get a firm grip.
Luke noticed you had been gone for quite a few minutes so he decided to go make sure you were okay. Looking around to see you standing there knees slightly bent as you struggled getting the beer. Laughing to himself seeing that determined look on your face reminding him of himself.
"Need some help?"
His voice making you jump slightly as he jogged up to you grabbing the box on top your arms feeling less pressure.
"Jesus Christ you scared me." Turning to look at him laughing at the wide eyed look on your face. "I've got it."
"Doesn't seem like you do." He argued back smiling softly as he stacked another box in his hands with ease making you scoff.
"Show off." Mumbling under your breath as you followed him back to the bar.
Dropping the boxes off on the floor as Cassandra looked between you and Luke. A smile on her face as she smiled with a shake of her head knowing you bit off more than you could chew with the crates.
Underestimating how heavy those suckers were, and also you were as stubborn as a mule.
Luke walked back over to where he was standing as you got back to work. You could tell he was keeping his eye on you, and wanted to further your conversation. Cassandra could sense that too, and knowing her she was going to rub her hands and work her magic.
"Why don't you go on your break now?" Grabbing your hand as you looked around noticing the crowd wasn't going anywhere soon.
"Cass I can't leave you alone." Shaking your head as Luke beamed at the opportunity.
"Oh please this is nothing I can't handle." Giving Luke a quick wink as you looked away grabbing your purse underneath the counter top.
Cassandra knew exactly what she was doing, and she was good at doing it. She noticed the way Luke was watching you all night, and she hasn't seen you smile like that in such a long time. It was a familiar look that you got when you first met your ex fiancé.
Shooting Luke an apologetic look as you shrugged your shoulders giving him a wave as you shuffled through all the people. Giving a last turn back look you see Cassandra talking to Luke as he nods his head with a bow. Wondering what exactly they'd be talking about.
Luke quickly finishing his beer as he turned around to the doors you walked out of hoping you would still be in the parking lot.
Hearing a couple of his friends waving him over as he shook his head and kept walking towards the exit determined to catch you.
Looking around he spots you standing by a silver jeep leaning over the back seat messing with something. He also can't help but notice how your shirt was rising exposing your soft skin to his eyes.
Stopping his thoughts from getting any dirtier as he walked over to you standing there with his hands in his front pockets clearing his throat.
"Nice ride."
His sudden voice makes you jump turning around your back against the car as you placed a hand over your heart. He was really going to have to stop scaring you like this.
"Shit, are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Trying to slow your heart rate down knowing it wasn't some killer stalking you.
"Sorry wasn't trying to scare you." Apologizing with a concerned smile as you crossed your arms across your chest.
"That's twice now you've snuck up on me." You teased. "Three strikes and you're out Luke ."
"I promise it won't happen again." Crossing a finger over his heart making you giggle.
"Let's hope not I'm still too young to have a heart attack." That made him laugh as he awkwardly stood directly in front of you now.
"So did you need something from me?" Looking around quickly then back to him asking him raising your eyebrows at him.
"Actually yeah there is something I wanted to ask you."
Luke was nervous and he didn't know why afraid that a beautiful woman like you would reject him so quickly it would make his head spin.
He figured someone like you flirted with guys like him when you worked to get bigger tips. Not being the type of guy to throw himself out there like that. Usually girls came up to him, and he never really had to work to get a girls attention.
"Yeah?" Having a feeling you knew exactly where this was going gulping so loudly you felt he heard it.
"I was wanting to ask if you wanted to hang out some time."
Your breath hitched as you thought how to let him down easily. Trying to find the right words but straining to speak once you saw how adorable he looked right now. He looked like some lost little puppy dog on the side of the road just waiting for someone to pet him.
Maybe it wouldn't hurt you to just give the guy a chance. It's been too damn long though since you've just hung out with a guy. Thankful he didn't use the term date meaning he wasn't exactly looking to move so quickly.
"Yeah sure why not." Your answer had him smiling from ear to ear making your cheeks feel like they were burning.
"I'm not that bad I promise." He joked as you smiled softly at him.
"I don't know about that I've heard about you bull riders." You mused fiddling with your car keys.
"The only rider you'd have to worry about is Jared Middleton."
Staring at him like he just grew two heads having no idea who he was even talking about noticing the confused look on your face. Something he didn't really want to get into already.
"That's for another time."
"I'm gonna hold you to that." Pointing a finger at him as he chuckled.
Exchanging your numbers as he put his name on your phone under handsome rider with the bull emoji making you laugh. Of course you put your name as 'that girl from the bar' snickering to yourself as you did it.
"I'll uhh text you." Motioning to his phone as you nodded opening the driver door.
"I look forward to it Luke." Watching him as he walked away back inside his figure disappearing into the crowd.
Your mind was telling you to just let him down easily and tell him you're not interested. Then again your heart was telling you to go for it. It was becoming all too confusing on what you should do. Knowing you can't be single for the rest of your life, and shut everyone that comes into your life out.
As you closed the door you sat there with your hands on the steering wheel. Staring straight ahead as you realized what you were about to get yourself into. This could either end good or completely horrible.
"Fuck." Whispering as your face hit the steering wheel.
Tag list for everything: @iam-laiya @rosie-posie08 @madzleigh01 @alwaysclassyeagle @mytbel0st @shanimallina87 @marvelstarker-mha98 @powellssugarbaby @lora21 @kmc1989 @cookielovesbook-akie @adaydreamaway08
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cevansbaby-dove · 11 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
five fics?! oooff!! um...
Love online From my BFF @cutedisneygrl
@cutedisneygrl Also has a great Scott Eastwood fic on her wattpad. called Love on set.
Chosen For Pleasure (Ongoing) From My great friend @lucidlivi
🌙 𝓲𝓽 𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓼 𝓭𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓶𝓲𝓭𝓷𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 🌙 Written by @katherineswritingsblog (her smut is so good!)
@jensengirl83 has one fic that is sad. happy, smutty it's just sooo good! it's Called You’ll Accompany Me.
Omg i can't forget @intoanotherworld23 She wrote a scott Eastwood fic that is great and her chris evans fics...ohhh mann!! Love on Camera is my fav series 😘
I did six but that's okay :) love you all!! keep up the great writing pleaseee!!
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sunlightmurdock · 7 months
if you had to cast Jake’s parents and brothers in Like This Forever, who would you pick? Love that fic so much already 🤠🥰
Me, upon reading this ask: I am going to create a family that is SO BEAUTIFUL—
So for the parents, I’m going to go with Nancy Sinatra as Mary-Lynn Seresin, and Harrison Ford as Bill Seresin. I think Mary-Lynn for sure wears her hair just like that 🥹. They’re probably in their late fifties when the fic takes place.
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And then for the Seresin boys, from left to right and in order of age we’ve got Jensen Ackles as Matthew Seresin (33), Scott Eastwood as Noah Seresin (32), and Oliver Jackson-Cohen as Daniel Seresin (31)
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Then, of course, we have Jake and we’re going to pretend that this is what a twenty-six year old looks like 🫶
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lizzyverydizzyyo · 8 months
D.E.A.N | Chapter 31 - Civilian (END)
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Masterlist and overall summary of the whole novel is here. | Prompt on trope-appreciation-tuesdays that inspired this is here. | @whumptober-archive
Fandom : Original Work
A/N Aaaaaand here we are at last. The last chapter. The pseudo epilogue. The wrap-up. The end (before a new beginning for the sequel). I'm so proud of myself because this is genuinely the first long fic I've ever finished in my entire life. I have so many WIPs and they're all always half-written and get somewhat abandoned in the middle. Maybe this is the beginning of me finally being able to finish my other WIPs, including the sequel for D.E.A.N.
I cannot promise when I will start posting the chapters of the sequel, but with the first book in the installment now finished, it might be a little easier to finish writing the second book too because I don't have to jump around between writing two of them. I have another whump misunderstanding WIP too about a prince and a knight in a medieval setting that has a similar premise to D.E.A.N. And I have an anthology-style non-linear whump fic about two of my original OCs that are basically the prototype of Mark and Nick (you can read them on my AO3, if you want). It's likely that I will start posting those before posting D.E.A.N - Resurgence, so please be patient.
Anyway, if you want to read this chapter and immerse yourself, I suggest reading this while listening to T*ylor Sw*ft's "Wildest Dream", because Nick and Mark are so "Wildest Dream"-coded lol. Not to mention I loosely base Mark's appearance on Scott Eastwood, who is in that song's music video. Look, I know a lot of people here don't like her, but some of her songs are really good and fascinating, and I think that song really fits the end of D.E.A.N. (If you want to immerse yourself when reading the first few chapters, especially Chapter 15 - Visit, I suggest listening to Adele's Easy on Me, because that's the song I was constantly listening to when writing those chapters).
Anyway, adieu everyone! I'll see you in the next book, hopefully soon!
Wordcount: ± 5067
TW: Discussion of Past Sexual Assault, Kidnapping, Captivity, and Torture, Allusion to Slight Panic Attack, Allusion to Past Suicide Attempt
After all is said and done, and the dust has settled, Mark realizes everything will—and has to—change from now on, so he takes care of some unresolved heartfelt business before going ghost with the hope that it’s not going to be forever.
Whumptober 2023 Tropes:
Day 16 — “Don’t go where I can’t follow.”
Day 21 — Vows
Day 29 — Troubled Past Resurfacing
This story is set in the last half of 2016.
"Mister Belyaev! Mister Belyaev! Over here!"
"Nikolai, how would you describe your experience in Helga?"
"Nick Belyaev, is it true you made Helga network?"
"Nicky, over here!"
"Nikolai, can you tell us anything about your rescuers? They were said to be confidential?"
"Mister Belyaev, is it true you were prostituted to several senators? Which ones are they?"
"You were said to be the first surviving victim of Helga, is that true? How do you feel about that, Nick?"
"Mister Belyaev, can you tell us which politicians you know are involved in this syndicate?"
"Nikolai Belyaev, can you look here for a bit?"
The screen of the heavy-duty laptop is showing Mark the scene of Nick slightly slouching and covering his face with his hands, while double D.E.A.N/Secret Service agents stationed to protect Nick are trying their hardest to create barriers between the heterochromatic-eyed boy and the reporters trying to devour him.
Still, Nick and the agents can barely move, let alone walk away to their car to drive them to a safe house for Nick and his family. Despite the Secret Service agents pushing back reporters roughly and yelling, "Step aside now, all of you. He will not comment. Keep a distance or we will take necessary actions if you injure him," the reporters are relentless.
There are even civilians with signs yelling at the entourage, some saying, "Welcome home, Nicky! You're safe now :)"—which Mark begrudgingly feels grateful for as he hopes that it will cheer Nick up a little—while others have unsavory things to say regarding Nick's forced prostitution, his so-called ‘communist’ ancestry of being Russian-Vietnamese, and the fact that he created Helga's server—blaming him for it despite the widespread news that Nick was tortured into doing it.
Mark is tuning in on one among many livestreams available of the transfer. Some of them are filmed by reporters and broadcasted on behalf of the news companies they’re working for, big or independent, while others are by civilians from their personal social media accounts. They’re all equally competing with each other to get the best shots and audio so that they get the most viewers.
Nikolai looks so distressed in the livestream. Mark can tell from the screen that Nick looks somewhat pale with his swirly blue-brown eyes moist, lips also bitten. He hears Nick whispering with quivering voice to the closest reporters and nosy civilians, "Please, can you let me go?"
As usual, when he watches Nick being hurt by someone (like the times he was allowed to see Nick indirectly while being treated in D.E.A.N medic facility—many doctors and nurses, unfortunately, had to put Nick through somewhat painful treatments sometimes—or the instances Mark was shown more torture footages of Nick for intel purposes), he feels a jolt of fury and protectiveness seeing Nick deeply upset and scared like that.
Unfortunately, watching the livestream is the only thing Mark is allowed to do right now while the transfer to the safehouse is commencing.
He knows he isn't allowed to go near the building where Nick is officially announced to be rescued, with high-level commanders from Central Hub saying that 1056 agents aren't allowed to be near Nick. They’re citing worry that 1056’s objective judgments might be impaired after living with Nick for so long. So, all he can do at this point is just seethe, clench his jaw with balled fists, and wish his knuckles can connect to those asshole reporters and harassers roughly.
He muses that maybe the commanders are right about their suspicion.
Mark then ponders whether calling it ‘announced’ is too generous of a word. D.E.A.N simply moved Nick out of a confidential headquarter in Colorado and into this public venue—a transitional building to make sure no one can track D.E.A.N's classified locations—before delivering him to a safe house. D.E.A.N has finally decided that Nick has done enough work for them in secrecy, so he can now continue helping the division outside of their confidential sites.
They have also determined that Nick is safe enough to be put back into civilian life, although they will still station agents here and there to make sure Nick stays alive to keep helping D.E.A.N and other government agencies, including public law enforcement. Many national and foreign justice system courts have also requested help and testimony from him, since many are now starting to open criminal cases against Helga syndicate members who are caught and identified.
For some reason, crafty and sneaky reporters caught a whiff of the news of Nick's transfer and immediately descended upon the venue like a ravenous pack of vultures. The news traveled fast beyond reporters' communities too, so other curious or sympathetic people, along with bitter and mean trolls, are now also standing around the building, adding to the crowd that is swarming Nick.
There are at least 10 double D.E.A.N/Secret Service agents who are assigned to chaperone Nick right now, and they are still obviously overwhelmed anyway. It seems that they have underestimated just how easy and quick it is for classified information like this to breach containment, and how many people would be interested in it.
They are moving like ants, little by little, inches by inches, practically crawling instead of walking, but Mark can eventually see them pushing Nick gently into the car. The windows are tinted, and he knows that they are all also bullet-proof, but the reporters and the crowds do not give up in trying to see inside the car, many cameras shoved right onto the glass windowpanes. They’re probably hoping that if the lens is basically touching the glass, it can penetrate the dark tint of the windows.
It doesn’t matter. The car still manages to drive away, protected by another car in the front and one more taking the rear. So Mark sighs and closes his laptop, relieved on behalf of Nikolai, but also still anxious if the younger man is going to arrive here in one piece.
Marcus knows this is probably going to land him in hot waters with Central Hub, but he cannot make himself stay away until he can make sure that Nick is safe and sound. He is hoping Central Hub will only realize he is not accounted for in the headquarter within an hour at least, enough to buy him some time to see for himself that Nick has arrived in the safehouse, alive and well.
So he waits, leaning against his discardable car which he parks around a hundred meters from the aforementioned house.
Three cars that look different from the livestream finally pull over the safehouse property, and Mark is guessing they stopped by somewhere hidden to change cars, since the previous ones were already identified by the public. Those vehicles are probably no longer safe for travel to a sensitive spot like this.
Mark pulls out his binoculars, pointing them at the cars one by one until he finally sees Nick walking out of one of them. He sees Nick stumbling and hesitating when he sees his family—his mother, his father, his sister, his niece, and his brother-in-law. They are at a standstill for a bit until Alisa finally chokes out a sob and runs to Nick to hug him tightly.
Nick looks a bit surprised, but he raises his arms to hug his sister back, burying his face in the crook of his sister’s neck and shoulder despite being almost a head taller than her. The others then follow suit, walking towards Nick and hugging him tight. Mark can’t tell what they’re saying to each other, other than being able to see that they’re finally hugging each other with happy tears all over their faces, except for Tom who is more stilted and distant without hugging Nick like the rest.
Mark can only guess what Tom is saying to Nick, but Nick gives a small smile before looking at his brother-in-law’s arms where Nicole is being held. Nick immediately brightens up and bends down a little to coo at her, inviting a smile on Mark’s face too. He knows full well Nicole is really, really important to Nick. Months of living together in their Nevada headquarter have shown him that.
He sees Nick straighten up again with a wide smile and excited face—giving a peck to baby Nicole—before running to the car again. He pulls out a carrier, which Mark knows has Nightingale in it, so he is not surprised when he sees Nick unzipping the carrier and pulling out his black blob cat to show her to Nicole. The baby is reaching out to pet Nightingale stutteringly, probably because she hasn’t mastered her motor skill, and she laughs jovially while screaming in excitement because Nightingale turns to lick her tiny fingers. They all laugh together, and even the chaperone agents smile at the scene.
Mark pulls down his binoculars, feeling somewhat at ease since he can confirm that Nick is safe now, back with his family and hopefully getting better and becoming well-adjusted into normal life eventually.
Mark knows he should head back to the Central Hub headquarter right now, seeing that his secure D.E.A.N-issued phone is pinging alerts that he is being summoned to one of the offices in the headquarter, but nowhere to be found. He estimates that within 30 minutes they will realize that Mark has exited the premise without permission, and another 30 minutes to pinpoint exactly which coordinates he is at now.
Well, he still has time.
He pulls up his binoculars again and he sees the Belyaev (and Conrad) family walking into the house with Nick having his sister’s and mother’s arms around his shoulders. Alisa’s other hand is holding the pet carrier, while Nick is holding Nightingale in his arms, the feline looking much bigger than what Mark remembers seeing. Nick’s father and Tom are walking in front of him, opening the door so Nick can go in first.
He still sees some agents standing around the cars and the front door with their typical idle pose—a hand on top of the other over their stomachs. Mark can tell their earpiece comms are still on to communicate with some D.E.A.N management, seeing the lips movements of the agents with his binoculars.
He feels another vibration of alert in his phone, tsking in annoyance but still pulling out his phone anyway. A Central Hub agent apparently sent a direct message saying that he knows that Mark has gone somewhere out of the headquarter without clearance, and soon the commanders will know too. Mark rolls his eyes and types a message saying he has a pressing security matter to take care of, not really feeling bad about it because he is technically not lying. The matter of Nick’s safety is paramount to him.
But he continues the chat, sensing the testiness of the agent from the texts. He sounds pissed that Mark doesn’t show him enough respect despite being a higher-level agent—and also an agent in charge of managing several teams, one of which Mark is going to be assigned to. Mark tries to continue the lie, trying to conceal the fact that he is going directly against Central Hub’s instructions to not go anywhere near Nick.
He suddenly hears a knock on his car behind him.
He turns around near the speed of light, one hand already going to his holster, but then he sighs deeply in relief as he sees Nick there.
“Hi,” the heterochromatic-eyed boy says to him with a small smile.
“I thought you’re someone dangerous,” he responds with a slightly irritated voice.
Nick smirks, evidently pleased he could sneak up on Mark.
Mark narrows his eyes with a realization.
“How did you get here?”
Nick just shrugs. “Saw a suspicious car parked here since I arrived.”
Mark narrows his eyes even more in question.
“And you just decided to approach it?”
Nick shrugs again, making Mark slightly uncomfortable with how brazen Nick is about his safety.
“You know, for a confidential government institution agent, you’re kinda bad at disguising yourself,” Nick comments lightly, sensing that Mark might be concerned about his sense of self-preservation.
So Mark chuckles now, relieved.
“I’m not here under Central Hub’s command,” he explains casually, “so I don’t have enough resources and preparation to conceal myself like usual.”
“Hmm,” Nick smirks again, “Sure.”
Mark smiles lightly, feeling serene at the opportunity to talk to Nick again after weeks of not being allowed to meet directly. Or at all.
“You’re pretty good at ambushing me, though,” he comments again. “Learning well from those agents working around you all this time?”
Nick shrugs again. “Maybe.”
Nick moves his legs but stutters, seemingly wanting to get closer to Mark but not knowing if he is allowed. Bells are ringing in his head that this might be unwise to continue, but his heart yearns so badly for a chance to see Nikolai, so he steps aside to give space for Nick to stand near him. Nick walks around the front of the car and leans against the driver’s door next to Marcus.
“How are you?” he eventually asks softly, looking at Nick from top to bottom to detect if Nick is in any harm. He pauses a bit at Nick’s abdomen.
Nick gives a small nod with a bashful smile as he says, “I’m okay.”
It makes Mark feel that weird jolt in his heart again.
“How about you?” Nick asks back, now his turn to lower his eyes towards Mark’s abdomen on his right side.
Marcus looks down too, one hand absently going to his upper waist.
“Yeah, of course,” he replies with a reassuring voice as he feels softness in his heart at Nick’s concern. “Told you I was just lightly grazed.”
Nick nods again with his own relieved breath.
“That’s good. I didn’t know what became of you all these weeks. They didn’t tell me anything.”
“They want you and us, team 1056, to work efficiently,” he shrugs and adds, “Well, as efficient as we could be with all of our ongoing injuries recovery.”
Nick furrows his eyebrows in confusion.
“They think separating us will help. Getting rid of distraction and all.”
Nick rolls his eyes.
“That’s stupid. I’ve been worried sick about you for so long I couldn’t think of anything else,” he says, before he sputters with widened eyes and continues, “I mean, the others in your team too!”
Mark tries not to read too much into it.
“Speaking of which, how are the others?” Nick starts again, his bashfulness after his comment about Mark starting to dissipate. “They didn’t tell me much about what happened to the agents in that attack.”
Mark stares at Nick for a while, eventually feeling some grief and maybe anger settling in his mind. He looks down and inhales deeply.
“3 from 1082… died in action.”
“Oh,” Nick whispers with a shocked and melancholic face.
“The deputy, one sniper, and another agent. I think. Wasn’t informed directly.”
“Agent Leonard, right? The black man?”
Mark nods mournfully. “That deputy, yeah.”
"And the decoy agent?" he asks unsurely, again with fearful face. "Robert Van Hoven, right? That's his name?"
Mark nods to confirm the name, but then gives a half-hearted shrug.
"He is not from 1056, so we weren't really given any information on him." He pauses a bit. "I hope he is okay, though."
Nick nods too.
“The thing is…” Mark leans his head back with a deep, weary sigh “…we weren’t told anything other than the official report. Even I don’t know what exactly happened to the rest. Just hush-hush info, not even verifiable.”
Nick stays quiet reverently, waiting for Mark to recount further.
“Over 25 died in that clash. 4 Tactical Intelligence agents. 11 Offensive team agents,” he explains with despair but also fury in his voice, eyes cast down.
He feels that familiar anger again at himself for failing once more—wondering what could have been done differently so that not so many lives were lost—and at to those sons of bitches from Helga themselves.
“Two out of Doctor Lowe’s three nurses, and another two out of the 5 additional Medical agents sent to 1034. I think at least 6 agents from backup teams also died. That’s all the report says.”
Nick’s lips part while looking down too, probably not knowing how to react to Mark’s obvious tumultuous emotion and expression, or show his condolence appropriately and sufficiently. They all pretty much died for Nick, after all.
“What about…” Nick hesitates, so Mark turns to him, “…your team?”
Mark breathes out heavily, relieved but also forlorn.
“We all survived,” he starts.
Nick’s eyes widen and he breathes out in relief too. “That’s… that’s really good to hear. I’m glad.”
Mark turns to him with slightly raised eyebrows.
“Oh, god, I don’t mean… I’m not glad about the other non-surviving agents,” Nick blurts out nervously with his raised hands waving frantically, “don’t get me wrong!”
Mark gives him a reassuring smile, although still tinged with mourning.
“I understand.”
Nick waits for a while in silence. He then asks, “But all 10 of you in team 1056 survived?”
Mark nods. “Yeah.”
“I’m relieved,” Nikolai says again, body slightly sagging against the car.
“Even for Don and Anna?” he jokes lightly.
“I’m not heartless, Mark. I never wished for any of you to die even if I’m angry,” Nick responds with a slight frown.
Mark chuckles. “I know.”
“Although you and I saw Anna and Angie in the end anyway, so I know they’re okay,” Nick tells him.
A silence passes where they just look forward to the other side of the road, then turn to their right to the safehouse far away from them.
“But…” Nick hesitates again, “…are they… okay?”
“Mostly…” he hangs his words, not sure about how to continue.
“Is anyone in critical condition?” Nick asks worriedly.
“No, not really.”
Nick still seems puzzled, waiting for more explanation.
“Horace is doing better with his shoulder after getting shot,” he recounts, “Anderson almost died of blood loss… had to have his burst spleen taken out… and Luke is still doing physio after his knee got shot.”
Nick raises his eyebrows in surprise.
“But I don’t know if he’s going to be recovered enough to still be a field agent. Fractured knee is kinda hard to repair, you know?”
Nick keeps silent to give Marcus the time he needs to collect himself.
“George… had to be resuscitated in the medic facility,” he informs more. “He survived, but… being dead for around 2 minutes gotta leave some chronic and permanent damage. For now, the Medical agents say just to wait and see.”
Nick bites his lips, unsurely asking him, “The rest?”
“Mary and Lena are thankfully pretty much unscathed. Somehow. Only bruises here and there.”
Nick sighs in relief again.
“And Don?”
Mark gives him another reassuring and somewhat cheeky smile.
“Of course, that son of a bitch survived despite getting shot in the spleen too. Why wouldn’t he?”
Nick laughs loudly, seemingly surprised by Mark’s sudden change of tone.
He drinks in the sound and tries to etch it into his mind deeply, sensing that he is probably not going to be able to hear it again for a long time.
“I mean, they’re probably not going to be fully okay-okay, you know?” he continues again with a somber voice after a while. “But they live.”
They both look down again in sedate silence.
“And are you… really okay, though?”
The way Nick says it tells him that he is not just asking about Mark’s physical condition.
That battle is the biggest conflict he has ever faced so far, seeing as multiple circles of Helga were all swarming them at once. He knew that he trained for this, but looking at the chaos and even some agents shot dead right in front of him still rattles his mind sometimes. He has never been in a collision that chaotic in all of his D.E.A.N history, short as it is.
The fear too that he might not be able to get Nick to safety—that he would have to watch Nick down a full vial of morphine just so that he wouldn’t be taken back by Helga—still haunts him too. It’s as if the fear when they got separated kept surfacing in his dreams all the time, making him this worried and obsessed with seeing Nick again despite direct prohibition from the higher-ranked agents.
That’s why he is here now.
Still, he nods anyway, a silent reassurance that he is fine.
“How about you, Nick?”
He knows that aside from his prior trauma in Helga and at the beginning of his time with Mark’s team (he shudders at the reminder), Nick also had to witness the chaos in 1034’s headquarter, running for his life and then separated and alone with his old handlers several times. He also had to escape with Mark, Anna, Angie, and Doctor Lowe until they eventually ran out of bullets, at one point considering doing a suicide pact with the morphine vials.
Nikolai experienced all of those hells too.
Even from the livestream before, Mark can see that Nick is still deeply anxious and mentally fragile. With how public his rescue is and how ruthless the reporters and harassers are, it’s bound to be another source of trauma for Nick.
“I’ll… I’ll be okay,” Nick hesitates with a small voice, “I think.”
Mark tilts his head so that he can still see Nick’s cast-down face.
“You’re out of there now. You can get better now, yeah? Try, for me?”
Mark says it with such a weight, a pleading at the reminder of what Nick did the day before that collision. He stares again at Nick's abdomen, coldly remembering the sensation of dripping blood on his thigh and Nick’s scream when he had to be cauterized.
Nick raises his head to stare back at him, slowly giving a nod and a small smile. Not completely happy-looking, but a smile nonetheless. Mark has to believe that it means Nick will be okay in the end.
Their silence is interrupted by another vibration on Mark’s phone. He sighs in irritation again.
“Where are you gonna go after this?”
Mark turns to Nick again at the deceivingly casual-sounding question, although he still can tell it’s a loaded one. Nick isn’t just asking where he is going to drive after seeing Nick here, but also where he is going to do his mission next.
He sighs.
“Pretty far,” he simply answers.
Nick looks down again with a frown.
“Central put together 100 new Offensive Department teams. Said it will probably be a good idea if I’m a deputy this time. But we’ll have to see from the preliminary meetings.”
Nick looks almost scared when he faces Mark again as he bites his lip.
Mark stays silent with his own melancholic look, the heaviness in his heart at the possibility of not seeing Nick for a long time settling deep. He doesn’t want to assume, but he senses that Nick is feeling the same about that possibility.
“North Dakota.”
“Oh,” Nick simply says, trying hard not to seem crestfallen as he fiddles with his fingers. “That’s halfway across the country from Oregon.”
They are quiet again. Mark doesn’t know what he should do or say now, with Nick not giving obvious hints as to what he wants from Mark.
“They… um…” he begins again at Nick’s silence, “…made the decision based on your story… to us before.”
Nick seems like he is working hard to not show any reaction, or even weep, but Mark can see the slightest movement of his jaw at the implication of what happened to him when he just turned 18. What was done to him before and after his attempt to escape at that time.
Maybe Mark shouldn’t have brought that up because he can sense the tension between them now, with Nick’s eyes glistening again despite his efforts to not seem affected. Mark decides to look away again to the safehouse instead.
Maybe he should end this before he makes things worse.
“You should probably go back.”
Nick follows suit by looking at the safe house, the place he is going to have to live in until whenever D.E.A.N decides he and his family can fully live as civilians again. Until they’re allowed to freely live wherever they choose with only having D.E.A.N agents check in on them once in a while, instead of watching them constantly.
“Your family must be worried sick about you. They might think you get kidnapped again.”
Nick stays looking firmly at the safe house, this time obviously trying to avoid facing Mark. He doesn’t know if Nick takes it as Mark indirectly telling Nick to go away.
He sighs quietly, mourning the gloomy and tense moment they’re in now. This is possibly the last ever moment they’re going to be together for a long time, and yet, this is the mood they’re currently in.
Eventually, Nick looks back at him with a smile that seems rough around the edge. Forced, even.
“Yeah, you’re right,” he says quietly too. “I should.”
Still, they both don’t move from leaning against Mark’s disposable car, not until a while when Mark decides to be the one to end the moment. He straightens up and faces Nick fully, so Nick slowly does the same.
“Take care of yourself,” Mark says to Nick, earnest with a hint of desperation. He feels worried now that he realizes he cannot make sure Nick will be okay with his own eyes and hands.
Nick just nods, turning around to see the safe house and then to Mark again, almost like he is debating whether he should stay or go. He still ends up taking half a step to walk away, so Mark puts his hands into his pockets to prepare to watch Nick until the heterochromatic-eyed boy is safe inside again.
But he didn’t expect Nick to turn around quickly to face him again, launching himself to Mark with arms tightly embracing him. His eyes widen in shock before he processes what is happening, feeling Nick’s face burying into his shoulder with a sensation of moisture on his clothes.
His face softens eventually, and he raises his own arms to hug Nick too. His arms are careful—gentle, but also tight around Nick’s thin body—while he is drinking in Nikolai’s presence in his arms that he knows is going to stay deeply in his mind in years to come. It will be his lifeline to tether him to Nick, at least for several months, or maybe even years.
“You stay safe too,” Nick whispers with muffled voice to his shoulder, “give me a sign once in a while that you’re still out there.”
Nick pulls back quickly with almost frantic and desperate eyes, some tears visible on his cheeks while his arms are still linked behind Mark’s neck.
“I know that you’re probably not allowed to contact me directly, or be stationed close to me,” Nick quickly says, “but just try to give me hidden signs somehow.”
Nick searches his eyes, almost like he is begging Mark to say yes.
“Tell me you haven't forgotten me. That you’re still alive somewhere doing your mission.”
Mark inhales and opens his mouth to explain some protocol, but Nick doesn’t let him.
“Promise me!”
He stares at Nick, and he loathes just how easy it is for Nick to bend Mark’s emotions to his will, even right now after not seeing each other for weeks. It feels like his attachment to Nick hasn’t worn out at all throughout that. He can’t look at those teary swirly blue-brown eyes and say no. He just can’t.
So he lets out a soft breath with crumbling defense, unknowingly getting close to Nick until their foreheads touch, his arms around Nick’s waist tightening. Nick doesn’t rebuff him.
“I promise,” he eventually says, “It’s not like I can forget you.”
They stay like that for a bit, letting themselves dip their toes into that… forbidden… place for once, even if Mark knows he can’t fully jump in and stay there indefinitely.
Just once, he’ll let himself take this moment.
After a while, they both let out heavy breaths and reluctantly separate from each other, their arms letting go of each other too.
“I really need to head back home,” Nick says as if trying to sober them both up.
Mark nods again, already feeling heavy in his heart, but he still lets Nick take several steps back, looking deeply into each other’s eyes. He wants to keep the sight of those captivating swirly blue-brown eyes permanently in his memory.
Eventually, Nick turns around and jogs away, and Mark tries to gulp down at the tight feeling in his throat.
Why is it this difficult?
As if to torture him even further, Nick pauses his jogging to turn back for a second, tantalizing Marcus again with the offer he knows he cannot take. Then Nick continues jogging again before slowing down to walk away, steadfastly no longer acknowledging Mark now.
Nick’s back to Mark gets smaller and smaller until he can no longer see him unless Mark uses his binoculars again. He chooses not to. He knows he’ll get hooked again if he can see Nick clearly.
It’s only when he can tell that the small dot of Nick’s body is walking into the house—welcomed by his family again—that his logical mind finally catches up.
Regardless of what he feels right now—or even later—he knows making sure that Nick stays safe is important. He knows that taking down the people who hurt Nick before—and can hurt Nick again, if he doesn’t do his job right—is his biggest priority right now. Whether one day he can see Nick and have him by his side again or not, what matters is making sure that Nick will be safe and sound permanently, whatever he needs to do to achieve that.
So, he opens his car door as he receives the call on his phone.
“Agent Hayden speaking,” he says to the agent on the phone professionally, “Yes, I will arrive in 40, Sir.”
Now, his real work begins.
Masterlist and overall summary of the whole novel is here. | AO3 series link is here.
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borhapparker · 5 years
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- thanks to @spidergirlwanab for the moodboard! -
Andrew Foster - fast and furious series Face Claim: Scott Eastwood (Esquire Photoshoot Look)
character background: (a little about him)
- born in california and grew up in la - has one younger sister - graduated from loyola marymount university with a mechanical engineering degree - lots of street racing on campus during the day and the night - it was legal on campus since only mechanical engineering major students participated ; they were also told to fix the cars for races/exhibits - has stolen expensive cars before - joined the crew when he was caught trying to steal a rare bugatti from the garage - knows the ins and outs of banks/police stations/important companies - can access important files for the team when needed - has connections to different and famous people across the globe - in charge of recruiting other racers for jobs - favorite color car: blue - dream car: rare bugatti veyron sang noir - loves/currently drives: blue 1970 dodge charger - had a romantic relationship with parker love’s estranged cousin, primrose lex - the age difference made the relationship weird between them but they had a good working dynamic so they stayed good friends and are always paired for jobs - close friends with sebastian stan - enjoys drinking coffee and organizing the teams’ files and financials - knows how to use guns but prefers a shotgun to a handgun - most weary when it comes to sketchy jobs - signature look: jean jacket, grey shirt, combat boots, sunglasses, black jeans
taglist: (send me an ask if you’d like to be added!)
@darling-marvel @tc5322 @starksparker @fanboy-tom @hollandroos@pbnjparker @boohooiamthefool​ @fanasiana​
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reivenesque · 6 years
I still have a Thiam fic that I haven’t finished. I have a Chriseva fic that I haven’t finished and another one that hasn’t even been started yet. I have one Robby and one Johnny Lawrence fic that hasn’t been finished. I have a Jay Halstead fic that I haven’t finished writing and another other I haven’t even started yet.
So why the hell do I suddenly have the urge to continue this one GQ/Diablo friendship fic that I started a billion years ago? Huh? Why?
Also, is it even the right to write a fic where one half of the main character’s I can’t even fucking type?
Although this may have something to do with it.
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He did become an accidental standout character in my previous Suicide Squad fic that I never did flesh out as much as I should have and that’s always been in the back of my mind. Plus I went back and reread the snippet I already had written for the fic and I was honestly really impressed with it, I really thought it needed continuing.
But don’t worry, I’m going to focus on at least finishing up a couple of the outstanding fics first before I dive headfirst into his one.
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gilbertandanne · 7 years
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Moodboard fanart for @madelinecoffee‘s fic The Right People
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So, I'm gonna cancel the yandere series, I really like this one (The Pharaoh x male reader). And because I have never seen one that involves Pharaoh x male reader.
Same rules:
PICK ONE CHARACTER! (Don't say [Character 1] or [Character 2] you must pick or I'll choose for you
You MUST put it in the comments. If you can't type in the comments or you want to stay anonymous, send me an ask with your vote and I'll add it in the comments.
Edward Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Jasper Hale
Emmett Cullen
Jacob Black
Sam Uley
Tony Stark
Peter Parker (Bumping up his age)
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Thor Odinson
Clint Barton
Pietro Maximoff
Scott Lang
Bruce Banner
Dr. Strange
Helmut Zemo
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugou
Mirio Togata
Tenya Lida
All Might
Enji Todoroki/Endeavor
Eijiro Kirishima
Shoto Todoriki
Chris Hemsworth
Chris Evans
Robert Downey Jr.
Shawn Mendes
Tom Holland
Jeremy Renner
Sebastian Stan
Henry Cavill
Zac Efron
Colby Brock
Brennen Taylor
Sebastian Stan
Jensen Ackles
Jared Padalecki
Anthony Mackey
Aaron Taylor Johnson
Misha Collins
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Matt Cohen
Bryan Dechart
Joe Manganiello
Pedro Pascal
Kim Nam-Joon/RM
Kim Seok-JIn
Min Yoongi
Jung Ho-Seok
Park Ji-Min
Kim Tae-Hyung
Jeon Jung-Kook.
James McAvoy
Ryan Reynolds
Robert Pattinson
Hugh Jackman
Johnny Depp
Scott Eastwood
Jared Leto
Ben Affleck
Ewan McGregor
Channing Tatum
Luke Evans
Tom Hiddleston
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
John Winchester
Jack Kline
Young John (Michael)
Dean (Michael)
Adam (Micheal)
Archie Andrews
Jughead Jones
Reggie Mantle
Kevin Keller
Hiram Lodge
F. P. Jones
Fangs Fogarty
Eren Jaeger
Levi Ackerman
Erwin Smith
Jean Kirstein
Reiner Braun
Kenny Ackerman
Bertolt Hoover
Clark Kent/Superman
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Arthur Curry/Aquaman
Billy Batson/Shazam (Bumping up his age)
Hal Jordan/Green Lantern
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Damian Wayne
Tim Drake
Barry Allen/The Flash
Oliver Queen/Green Arrow
Captain Cold
Captain Atom
Chris Redfield
Leon S. Kennedy
Albert Wesker
Carlos Oliveira
Ethan Winters
Karl Heisenberg
Piers Nivans
Mr. X
Cole Young
Johnny Cage
Kui Liang
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Jeremy Gilbert
Tyler Lockwood
Matt Donovan
Tobio Kageyama
Kei Tuskishima
Toru Oikawa
Tetsuro Kuroo
Asahi Azumane
Daichi Sawamura
Wakatoshi Ushijima
Hajime Iwaizumi
Kotaro Bokuto
Satoru Gojo
Kento Nanami
Aoi Todo
Toji Fushiguro
Ryomen Sukuna
Brahms Heelshire
Jason Voorhees
Michael Myers
Stu Matcher
Billy Loomis
Hannibal Lector
Will Graham
Norman Bates
Pyramid head
Sweeney Todd.
Bobby Drake
Scott Summers
Logan Howlett
Erik Lehnsherr
Young Professor X
Scott Mccall
Derek Hale
Peter Hale
Chris Argent
Andy Barber
Ransom Drysdale
Geralt of Rivia
Collin Shea
Johnny Storm
Jake Jensen
Ari Levinson
Tanner Grayton
RK900 (NINES?)
Gavin Reed
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unwillingadventurer · 4 years
Today’s fic is for @ilwinsgarden who asked for some kind of Doctor Who/Back to the Future crossover.
“Are you sure about this, Doc?” Graham said as he stood by the TARDIS console, tugging at his outfit which was a rather garish cowboy costume.“Cause, I feel I’m nipped and tucked at every angle and the old trouser legs are too long.”
“It’s fine!” the Doctor said, looking the ill-fitted outfit up and down. “Didn’t appreciate it first time around but now it’s great! Who wore it last time? Oh yeah, Steven Taylor Regret!”
“Steven who?”
 “Long story.” The Doctor pulled a lever on the console and the TARDIS ground to a halt. “With Yaz and Ryan on their trips home, it’s just you and me Graham in good old 1885.”
“And you thought I’d appreciate the Old West?”
“Thought you were a big fan?”
A smile emerged on Graham’s face. “Course I am, Doc. I’ve seen every western going. Used to drive Grace mad cause I knew all the words and plots. You know, John Wayne and all that. And the Gunfight at the OK Corral, Doc Holliday, that sort of thing.”
The Doctor smirked. “I am familiar with the gunfight, Graham, having actually been there. And as for Doc Holliday…well, just be glad you don’t need a dentist. And note to self, stay away from toffees.”
Graham frowned. “You what?”
Stepping out of the TARDIS, dust accumulated around them and the heat was intense.  Graham swaggered a few paces and then pulled out the gun from his holster. “Draw!” He looked down at the plastic weapon in his hands. “Here, this is a toy, Doc, won’t do much good if I’m set for a lynching.”
“You don’t think I’d let you carry a gun around, do you? Those things are dangerous.”
“Fair point.” Graham stared down at his reflection in the remnant of a puddle. “This town aint big enough for the both of us.”
Suddenly a burst of jaunty music greeted their ears and the Doctor’s eyes widened. “Hear that Graham, arrived in good time?”
“Sounds like a bit of a do.”
“I love a party. Don’t you love a party?”
“You love to Gatecrash a party, Doc, it’s your thing.”
The Doctor adjusted her Stetson— which was paired with her regular clothes— and then sniffed. “I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.”
As they moved closer to the noise, it was evident a dance was taking place and couples had taken to the makeshift dance floor, moving happily to the upbeat music being played by a band.  The Doctor and Graham mingled by the food table and glanced around at the shin-dig.
“Hey Doc?” A young man said from behind them.
The Doctor and an older gentleman with a head of flowing white hair, both turned to face him at the same time.
“Yes?” Both Doctors replied together.
The young man took off his hat and smiled. “Sorry Ma’am, I meant the Doc.”
“She is the Doc,” Graham added.
“I meant my Doc. Emmett Brown.”
“I see!” the Doctor said. “I’m definitely not Doc Brown but I am a Doctor. Sorry about the confusion.”
The real Doc Brown leaned forward and took her hand, kissing it. “Enchanted to meet another doctor. Are you a doctor of medicine?”
“Everything really and nothing, though I don’t do operations, well not anymore anyway, I’ve learnt my lesson on that one.”
“Nice to meet you Ma’am,” the young man said. “I’m Clint Eastwood.”
“Clint Eastwood?” Graham burst into laughter. “No bloke’s called Clint Eastwood except Clint Eastwood.”
Clint bowed his head. “Uh…yeah, guess I’m the exception.”
The Doctor watched curiously as Clint pulled Doc Brown aside, whispering. “How does he know who Clint Eastwood is, Doc? It’s 1885!”
Doc Brown paused a moment to think and then suddenly let out a shriek. “Great Scott!” He placed his hand over his mouth.
“What is it Doc, who is that other Doc and why are you yelling?”
Doc Brown placed his arm around him, shielding him. “This is a complicated situation, Marty. If they’re as I expect, we’re not the only time travellers here in this year.” He began pacing and then gasped again. “This could be catastrophic, disastrous. Two sets of different time travellers in one town at one time. Who knows what could happen?”
“Heavy! But Doc, I mean, me and Jennifer met our other selves in the future, how bad can this be?��
“Granted I’m thinking in worst case scenarios again but the time space continuum being tampered with on multiple occasions, well, I can’t be sure of the consequences.”
 “Don’t worry I do it all the time,” the Doctor said, leaning in to their conversation. “Can get in a bit of trouble but no disasters yet, well, sort of.”
Graham pulled the Doctor aside. “How come this kid is going around claiming to be Eastwood and why are our outfits remarkably similar?”
“To put it plainly Graham. We’re time travellers and they’re also time travellers. Technically that makes this a weak spot in history and we should probably get out of here and let them stay as they were here first.”
“But we only just got here. I haven’t got to ride a horse or lasso someone, or be put on a most wanted poster and carry a fistful of dollars.”
“You can do that at Frontier Land.”
She pulled his sleeve and shoved him in the direction of the TARDIS.
When they’d left, Marty and Doc followed and stood in astonishment as they observed the TARDIS dematerialise in front of their eyes. Marty shook his head in disbelief. “Are you telling me… she built a time machine…out of a police call box?”
“Some people don’t know how to travel in style.”
Our ko-fi
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wearevillaneve · 5 years
All Winners. No Losers.
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When Jodie Comer won the Emmy for Best Actress in a Drama, I didn’t have to go far to find someone disappointed the name called wasn’t Sandra Oh.  All I had to do was turn my head and look at my my wife.
“Sandra should have won,” she grumbled.  
I don’t entirely disagree with her.  In some ways, playing Eve Polastri is a thankless role.   Villanelle is self-assured, confident, versatile, cunning, resourceful, flamboyant, stylish, sexy as hell and absolutely lethal.   She’s not your regular sort of role model, but being such a total bad-ass makes it hard for her not to be.  It’s the juicier of the two parts just as Heath Ledger’s Joker totally shreds Christian Bale’s Batman. 
Browse Tumblr long enough and for every one Eve blog, there’s three for Villanelle.   Same thing with fan fics.   Villanelle is nearly always depicted as the Alpha and poor widdle Eve as the Beta trailing along behind.   I wouldn’t be surprised if the Emmy voters didn’t come to the same conclusion. 
Nobody “deserves” to win an award.  In fact, what these sort of awards are really best for is elevating an actor’s profile and their career.   And of course, the money.   Always the money.
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Sandra has been nominated ten times and never won.   Jodie was nominated once and took the trophy home to mom and dad.   Is that fair?  Is that right?
Yeah, it is.  I think the Emmy’s got it right.  Jodi Comer ruled in Season 2 of Killing Eve.  Period. 
If we’re going on performance and nothing but, Jodie demonstrated time and again she is a star on the rise.  Think of Villanelle’s emotional breakdown in Amsterdam when Eve didn’t show up.   Or the rapid-fire switching of accents and languages while Eve watched.   Or the “I’m so bored” scene.   I could go on, but you get the idea.  
If we are honest, brutally honest, we have to admit there’s certain advantages built in for Jodie.   She’s young.  She’s hot.  She’s sexy.  She’s smart.  She’s talented.  She’s humble.  She’s blonde.   She’s white.  All those things work in her favor.
Sandra is not blonde, not old, but not young either and she’s not white.  Being hot, sexy, smart, talented and humble isn’t enough.   For women of color it rarely is.  
So while the playing field is not level and may never be, what should matter most is this:  if things had turned out the other way, Sandra does not get there without Jodie and the reverse is equally true.  The simple truth to the success of Killing Eve is Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Sally Woodward Gentile, Emerald Fennell and the rest of the brilliant minds behind the camera crafted a show with brilliant and fascinating characters and then cast Oh, Comer, and Fiona Shaw to breathe life into them.  
I have no idea how long KE will run.  My guess is maybe four seasons, but it all depends on how long Jodie Comer is contractually obligated to play Villanelle.  When you pull off the trick she just did, Hollywood is going to come a’calling and as she’s circling a project with Ben Affleck and Matt Damon to be directed by Ridley Scott, she’s going to receive offers she can’t refuse.   
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She shouldn’t.   It is impossible to recast another actress as Villanelle.  Nobody would accept it and truth be told, I don’t believe Sandra Oh would either. 
Maybe TMZ will report a rumor of strife on the Killing Eve set with Jodie becoming a pain-in-the-ass prima donna and Sandra grumbling she needs more money if she’s the star of the show.   Blah, blah, blah.  I’ll believe it when I see it.  But I probably won’t because that would petty AF and nothing I’ve seen or read leads me to believe that’s the case.
I truly believe Sandra was just as thrilled as Jodie was when she won the Emmy.  If Sandra can fake the fondness and and support she has demonstrated time and again for Jodie, that’s when she will deserve to win ALL the acting awards, and frankly I don’t think anybody’s that good.  Not even Sandra Oh.
This is not Jodie winning and Sandra losing.  That’s buying into this trap of pitting women against each other and we should know better and do better.   Can’t they just celebrate and lift each other up?   Can’t we put aside for a little while all this stuff about winners and losers and just be thankful we live in a time when these incredibly accomplished and brilliant actresses build something special together instead of tearing each other apart like some other shows have (looking at you, Sex and the City and Desperate Housewives). 
Maybe next year Sandra will hoist the trophy and Jodie will give back the same sort of love she got from Sandra.  I would be very happy to see that happen, but even if it doesn’t I don’t want to hear anything about who “deserved” to win.  As Clint Eastwood once growled, “Deserves got nothing to do with it.”
It was Jodi’s time even when she thought it wasn’t and I’m cool with that.  It made me happy on Sunday night and I’m still happy tonight.  
These women Rock and I am will roll with them.  All the way until we’re done.  
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bi-cookie · 5 years
Okay, so I finally decided to ask you these questions 1- Did you go to college? If yes then what did you major in? 2- If you got the chance to marry one Male and one Female Celebrity, who would they be? 3- How long have you been on Tumblr? I'll think of more creative questions next time😉 Love You a lot💜
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Omg 💗💕💖💓 okay let’s see:
Yes I did go to college. I have a degree in business marketing 💖
Omg For the Male celebrity in the past I would’ve gone with Scott Eastwood but after this fandom ruined me I’m all for David Gandy. As for Female celebrity Lauren Jauregui 🤧💕.
I’ve been on tumblr since 2012 I used it for a while to prompt some of my art but I left and then I came back 2018 for some damirae art and fic [from Dc] and then left again and came back in 2019 to find me some Cassius art and then I found a whole ass fandom here.
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holylulusworld · 5 years
Requests *One Shots only*
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I will add all requested one shots to this post from now on.
Lately I tried to write requested fics and lost inspiration. Some have 3000 words, guys - too many details kill my creativity.
If you describe the whole smut scene it breaks the flow. I simply rewrite the already written words to form sentences which make sense and this doesn’t make sense at all.
Please shorten the requests for one-shots. It’s okay to give me important details like: virgin reader or rough sex, maybe a specific position or a funny exclaim. You can always give me IMPORTANT details about plot.
Requests up to 300 (if it has 350-400 it’s okay too) words are fine - bigger requests won’t be accepted any longer...Sorry, but I’m struggling to reread a 3000 words request as rereading means getting bored and this means I can’t write...
Requests for series can be longer, of course!!!
Please be aware I did not add the latest requests but I saved them all to my one drive. I just need to find a title for the requested fics to add these here.
Jensen x Reader
I want to be by your side
JensenxReader(6season spn)when they had discussed because she’s pregnant and don’t want to quite the acting job on spn(she’s a main role)but jay want her to stay home in Austin with the baby so they have a really bad discussion so she call Jared(she’s a sister to him she’s younger than him and jay) to stay the nigh at his and gen place because Jensen scared her how much angry he was, when Jared arrives see the tension and this is the first time they have a discussion so bad ... 12... before going with Jared she tell Jensen he know when he decided to be her first only guy(jay take her virginity) and when he asked to marry her that she would never quite the job because she’s not the girl who wait home for the man to make money and that he loves that most of her, when she go to Jared place she breaks in gen arms crying all night and talking with her and jar , the next days her Jared and Jensen have to flight for a con, and her and jay still not talking ... 3... she’s with sunglasses for hiding the tears and when they arrives to the hotel full of fun and photographers jared see that Jensen still act like a ass and Jared go to her sliding a arm around her waist to keep her safe from the yelling and the press, in the motel room her and Jensen don’t talk and when it’s time for dinner with the cast and Jared Kim and briana go to take them reader say she’s not coming to dinner and Jensen just lock at her when the girl pleading her to come ... 5... she tell that the baby is agitated and she’s vomiting since they arrives in the room and she want to feel better for the panel tomorrow, so Jensen say the others to go when he see her discomfort and she tell him to go to dinner because his presence right now give her more bad than good so he just leave (he have tearing eyes) before going always Jared kiss her forehead and the girl smile at her. When jay returns she’s already asleep only with boxer with his T-shirt showing the bump ... 6... he smile caressing the bump and kissing her forehead he go to sleep next to her, the next morning when he wake up she’s already down with Jared eating breakfast and jay reaches them on the way to the panel Jared keep stay besides her while Jensen walk talking with the other people of the cast. At the panel of the three everyone can see and sense something of since jay and her are not stuck together like the inseparable they are, when awkward question comes Jared resolve the situation ...7... when a fan ask her if she will stay on spn after the baby is born she look first at jay who’s is clanging is jaw while Jared his squeezing her shoulder she that’s a decision she will take with her husband and that sometimes we have to do sacrifice for the one we love, but for her it will be difficult being away of Jensen and having to do the bath, put the baby to bed without him by her side and that being able to rest on the show for her means going to be in jens arms at the end of the day 8... and now she’s literally crying and Jensen try to compose himself and he stand up to go to her hugging her and when she whispers in his ears she need air Jensen tell Jared to ask to end the panel, when Jared tell it’s been a stressful day for they little pregnant girl the fan understands, and this time when they have to walk back to the hotel for dinner Jensen have is arms on her waist keeping her close to him, and at dinner the cast see how the two just sits hands in hands 9 ... jensen arm on her shoulder whispering in her ear with her blushing,Jared joking with reader and Jensen. Back in the room they have a bath together talking about the fight how he was wrong and he would love to have her and the baby at work and it was stupid tell her to stay in Austin since they never been apart expecially the night, but she have to promise the baby come first, the make slow love smut the next morning at the panel Jared jokes How her neighbor don let him sleep ... 10 ... sleep for all the night and early morning and the couple blushing with Jensen tell jar he will kick is ass later ... smut humor so much angst fluff ❤️
The secret is out
JensenxReader (jay 30,her 23) where Jared is live-streams and don’t see they are behind him cuddling on the couch kissing and joking (the only who knows they are a couple is Jared and gen the three live together when they are in Vancouver) when gen enter with baby Tom in his hands Jared say say hi gen in live, Jensen and the reader froze jay cover her stomach with a Blanchett and jay say to jar pissed dude can’t you say when you do social things and Jared watch them like a deer ... 2) then watch the phone saying mr ackles is pissed because our girls are flying home to Austin this night jensen stand up to lock at the camera saying never tell your secrets to Jared and reader is behind laughing with gen joking defending jar and reader says c’mon jens some fans will know after the last episode im y/n ackles now and he lock at her pretending to be pissed are you by his side come her you little devil and reader say giggling are you sure jens? (3) jay say I know you are dying to say it baby girl and gen say some joking and now Jared Stand up besides Jensen keep talking with the fans about how is difficult to live with these two love suckers Jensen is laughing at the reader who is walking to him and she jump in the camera showing her silhouette yelling “I’m pregnant” with a big smile with Jensen shaking his face laughing and Jared says putting his hands on her air saying she’s eating all his and Jensen food ... (4) she fake pout going to jensen saying jar is making fun of me and baby daddy Jensen huggs her saying daddy going to slap Jared ass baby girl and Jared lock at the camera sayin crap I’m screwed, see ya tomorrow for a new live if Jackles don’t kill me, when Jared end the live jensen start a fake fight with him both laughing and gen go to reader saying you know you called him daddy on live stream honey? reader watch her smiling wikedly I always call him daddy even before this bump  (5) gen ask her if she can do right now a live with her for her blog talking about first time in sex since she’s the younger in the group and reader lock at jensen to ask if it’s okay for him and he just smile with adoration, when the girl do the live the boys are in the room to, when gen tell the fan she will interviews her she start with losing virginity finding the right guy to marry and beign pregnant, readers talk with sincerity about how she lost virginity with the best man she would ask  (6) touching her bump she talk how the only man who touched her body and soul it’s going to be the daddy of her baby gen watch her with surprise saying are you kidding the reader say she never was interested in relationship before jensen breaks her walls, Jared say some stupid jokes , proud jensen, slow make love the scene when the boys take them to the airport jay don’t want leave her,a scene when jensen come home in Austin waking her with kisses on the bump fluff humor smut
Setting you free
Jensen x reader when they had break up but since she’s a main role on spn, her jar and jay keep living together. Her and jay where talking about wedding before he broke up with her without explanation, when filming for guest star come Scott Eastwood he try to hit on reader but she refuse because the only man for her is Jay,when Scott keep hit n her even if she refuse everytime one day he hold her arms thighs hurting her, jay and jar are going to get her for lunch ... (1) (2) when jay see her scared face(he know she don’t like people touch her) go run to her with Jared behind him and putting his arms on her shoulder say with coldly voice to Scott to leave the arms of her fiancé reader hides on jensen arms and Jared his standing behind her, jens and Scott start fight with word Jensen is Beyond angry because he touched her, when the security comes to take away Scott, the boys take reader to the trailers Jens never leaving her side ... (3) inside she fall on the couch embracing her legs when jens try to talk to her and touch her she pull away telling to him he don’t need to fake anymore and he can go, she’s crying and Jared try to talk to her but she just tell him that he love him like a brother but she just want to be alone right now, when the boys try to talk to her she snap at them angry expecially to jensen that Scott was trying to rape her because he tell him she wasn’t interested because she wasn’t free ... (4) and that Scott tell her jensen was busy last night with a bimbo, to go away punching his chest yelling I hate you you fucked another it’s maybe for that you left me because the sex was to bad with the virgin nobody can touch me only you! jay lock at her with adoration and tell Jared that he’s going to take her home, at home they talk with jay telling he don’t fuck anybody and last night he was with Jared while Genevieve kept the reader busy because jay was buying something for her ... (5) when she ask what he mean he kneel and take out a box with a ring asking her to marry him he broke up with her just because he was scared of his fellings for her, he never been with a girl that was intimate only with him and he completely lost his mind for her she have him wrapped on her finger, he’s crying she’s crying she jump on him kissing him telling yes smutt and the next morning Genevieve is jumping in the kitchen to see the ring , reader hug Jared saying sorry for her word(6) asking jar to accompany her to the altar gen to be maid of honor, can you write the wedding day and her and jens find a pregnancy in honeymoon(she’s orfan, younger that the j, with curves ) Angst smutt fluff
Only once
JensenxReader when her jar and jens are best friends she’s a main role in spn since the begging, her and jens fall in love and she lost virginity with him. Since the three live together one day her and jens are having sex Jared enter the room without knocking and jens crush her body Jared is with a towel and is pissed because he’s earring them since last night, when jens see that whispering in her ear if she want to ease Jared tension she start giggling and go to to jar like a kitten (1) (2) jens is watching her proud when she let fall jar towel jar ask jensen what she’s doing jens says with nonchalant going behind her touching her core that they wanted to have a threesome but he don’t want another woman that not her and she don’t want another man that not him so you walk her and why not our best friend since he walked almost naked in our room before she can touch jar jar ask both them if they are sure she look at jens and jens point a finger at jar says it’s just one time thing (3) that he trust him to being the second man seeing her naked or touching her since she thinks her body is not beautiful(she’s a little curvy) Jared lock at her saying you are a lucky son of a bitch she’s beautiful jensen touch her break saying she’s mine it’s just a one time think so they have hot sex (no ass) after a years her and jens married , when Jared start dating gen her and gen become best friend she’s gen maid of honor and when the week it the wedding comes (4) the four are at jens reader hotel room laughing talking when gen go to the bath the couple (she’s on jens lap) what Jared smiling wikedly jar say they are scarring him what have in mind, the two say the have is wedding gift when they tell him thinked to have sex the four together jar says to jens he that he was one time think jens let him notice that is pants are reveling is exited jar say we don’t even know if gen is okay with that gens exit the bath smiling she eard everything 5 Gen says why not jar ask her if she’s sure and gen says shyly she’s alway wanted do have sex with reader jens slap reader ass saying let’s get naked, when they are naked gen is shy and reader seeing this go to her kiss her touching her breast while the boys start grunting Jens go behind reader touching her core saying she’s soaked laughing she slap him playfully saying shut up gen ask shyness if reader can touch jar while Jared touch her since jens is not leaving behind reader jar go to her the four have sex then while gen is riding jar jens smirk saying to them to watch how he make her squirt jens start talk dirty working is magic the make her squirt fucking her hard nipping at her breast holding her hands with his jens is grunting coming hard in her while jar gen have come just watching them like this her squirting reader is exhausted jens put her on his body covering them with the blanket caressing her kissing her forehead saying you did good baby girl gen then ask if them do this with other reader says it’s the second time they do that just with Jared because they trust him jens says that they are satisfied with they’re sex life alone that was just a gift for jar he let hit slip he wanted to do this the four while drunk jar says it was gen fault because he always tell Him how she wanted a one time with reader jens hug reader saying her body is his and the three start laughing gen become serious ask if jens is not scared of her leaving him reader ask her question telling her that she can’t leave him she don’t want other guys and even when they have that time threesome with jar she loves jens want only him and love Jared like a brother jar kiss reader forehead saying Same baby you and jens are made for each other we all know you are only his , when jar and gen go away jens and reader are naked talking in bed and he says touching her curves that she’s been amazing reader tell him why he haven’t touched gen jens says that he tried but she haven’t her curves and well gen was too distracted by her body while Jared was fucking gen,reader start laugh straddling him telling him if he wanted some vanilla sex jens put her on her back kissing her passionately saying always slow sex, after a year when the four are eating at ackles house reader is pregnant and gen is keep watching her breast jens laugh saying you don’t imagine how good the sex is with her horny pregnant and the taste of her breast the three lock at jens smirking and gen says we know you two fuck like rabbit but I was thinking that my breast are not that big and him pregnant too, reader jump of jens lap screaming going to hug gen while the boy talk about how pregnancy sex is good, later night smut jens and reader how jens can’t stop sucking her breast fluff (the sex together with padalecki was just one time think, she’s younger than Jared and gen too her and Jens are so so in love) smut humor possessive jens smutt
Fall out of Love
Can you do a jensen shot when they used to be a couple since reader is a main character since the beginning, she’s younger than Jared and she had sex only with Jensen since he take her virginity. Jens broke up with her because he’s scared how much he loves her and he decided to date danneel, at jensen wedding reader is Jared’S date, she’s a mess but try to be strong thanks to Jared who’s a brother to her, when it’s time to say i do jensen look first at Jared (jar want him with reader) (1) (2) jared see the how jens is not happy then the boys are distracted by jens mom that is running after reader who have left her place running away crying (jens mom loves reader and want her to marry her son) a drama moment with a bitch danneel on reader with both Jared and Jensen fight with her defending reader and Jensen running to her with his mom stopping him when they both see Jared going to her who is sitting on the stairs embracing herself crying(3) when jar is talking to her she’s telling him she’s sorry for running away but she can’t see another woman at her place how jens know that he let him taking her virginity knowing he wanted to marry her, jens mom his watching his son while he’s crying and Jared keep reader in his arms telling her that he called gen he’s going to pick them to go home (reader is living with the pad since jar don’t want to leave her alone in the house in Austin was hers and Jensen) (4) when gen comes with the car jar take reader placing his arm around her waist to hold her since she’s shaking when jensen try to go to her jar yell angry at him to leave her alone her and gen are her only family (she’s orfan) and how he left her to date that girl who him and gen don’t like(5) when they go away jens mom scold him then when he see his son crying she hug him telling that she see how he much he loves her when he was watching at her and not the bride to wait two days and then to go to jar place take back home the love of his life. After the reader spend two days in her room crying with Jar and gen cuddle, jar convince her to take a swim in the pool, gen with baby Tom jar and reader are in the pool swinging(6) talking,she say that maybe she’s not perfect like danneel since she have strength marks her boobs are not perky and she have curves gen say to her that she’s not true that she’s just a body while reader is beautiful inside and outside how jar always tell her if he wasn’t with her and don’t love you like a sister he would be with you since you are beautiful look at your face you are amazing when reader lock at jar he hugg her telling gen is right reader laugh saying she loves them(7) when behind them jensen who eard everything ask if there’s place for him in the pool when nobody says nothing jens enter and when his going to stand beside reader baby Tom go in her hand and she swim with him laughing when she hurt her back on jensen chest, the baby is excited to see jensen jensen puts his arms around her when she lock at jar and gen jar is asking jens why is here and not in his honeymoon jens says calm that the wedding didn’t happened(8) when gen see reader with tears swim to her to take Tom, Jensen see her shaking hug her thight how he’s sorry he was a stupid reader slap him swimming exiting the pool when she’s outside she turn to tell him that he broke her thanks to jar gen she’s alive and she need a shower, when she go inside jar tell jens How he find her the night he announced the wedding in jens and her home in Austin in the bathroom with trying something stupid it’s for that she live with them he’s scared to lose her(9) how when him gen take her to the hospital the doctor tell them she had a natural miscarriage jens don’t understand gen say to him gently that she was one month preg when he left her when jens start sobbing jar go to him that if he really want her to go after her, when she’s in the shower crying she feel jens pulling her close to him his crying too caressing her stomach they talk how he want her back how he was stupid he thought she was to young but he loves her so much(10) how jens mom scold him, when he take her to bed they keep talking tangled together naked under the covers , Jared find them laughing talking and he tell them to go in the kitchen dinner is ready, dinner all of them talk jens tell them how he want her to marry her, the next morning they go back in their house jar won’t leave hugging reader some humor here, back at the they’re house they make slow love... after a year they’re wedding day jar walk her to the altar
Dean x Reader
I already know her
•PART1• DeanxVirgin with curves reader,25 years when she work on a bar(leviathan period) Sammy knows bobby adopted her since she as no family and live with him,only daughter and that she’s a badass,kind,with humor but before can tell dean that he’s so amazed by her at the end of the night they have sex on the backseat of the impala and dean see the anti possession tattoo on her ribs •PART2• and the next days when they go to Bobby find her help Bobby research and both her and dean star at eachother mount agape and Sammy go hugs her since he already know her. More time pass dean and her grow close keep talking about everything but don’t do sex and after Bobby death they keep her with them and she leaves the job to hunt and dean starts trains her outside Rufus cabin and when he fall on her body during training •PART3• he look at her eyes he understands that he fell in love with her since he see her at the bar and when he tell her that she understands because his the same for her and she don’t let anyone touch her because when she lost virginity with him she understand he doesn’t want anybody other than him •PART4• So they have passionate hard sex and when Sam comes at the cabin after the supply run find them cocking, laughing and kissing. Can you write a part when he ask her to marry him an become a Winchester since she had Bobby name and the wedding day to?  
She’s still mine
reader lost virginity with dean before he goes to purgatory(the boys adopted her since she’s alone,23y)he loves her are best friends in love,when d disappear her and Sammy rent a house trying to live a normal life since dean during a night before he and the reader becomes something tell Sam to always take care of her and try to start a family a normal life (1)       (2)Sam find work to a lawyer and reader in a bar,the people town knows them like husband and wife and she’s always with the impala,now they are dating but not doing sex,Sam take her to the cabin for a date dinner nigh when they are in they’re underwear on the floor make out before anything can happen dean storms in?  Angst,D think she have sex with Sam,angry/possessive D,possessive/angry S becomes its dean that tell him to take care of her,reader choose dean and Sammy is happy with that,smut end                                                                                                          
It has always been you
We all know that dean go alway after fake blondes and bimbos with experience what happened when he understands he’s in love with the reader since they take her with them after bobby death? She’s virgin,with curves,natural makeup,jeans and flannel but she’s the only girl who look at dean not for the hot guy but for the one who make her smile/protect her & train her... (1)   (2) when some stupid human try to kidnape and rape her in front of the boys in a bar nigh it’s the time that he understands he want to spend the rest of his life with her and Sammy always knowed that since day one (with a flashback when Bobby tell the boys to “adopt” a 23y reader with them the look on d eyes and face when he see her was so reveling and her face too)she’s the first girl who break dean walls and talk with him about everything. Smutt,fluff , passione, angst, tears,moc dean period                        
Forbidden Love
Bobby secretely adopted the reader when she’s 20 thinking she’s John daughter but she never meet the Winchester, the boys and her meet during a hunt, her and dean fall in love a first sight and she lost virginity with him after the hunt even if she’s always been ashamed of her body (she have marks,breast insecure) when she comes back to Bobby and find the boys here she jumps in dean arms both laughing and dean kiss her so Bobby start to yell and divide them ... 1 bobby divide them, the three guys don’t know why he’s so angry so he tell them the truth,Sammy speak but dean just storm away angry when the reader try to stop him he tell her with so much angry to not fucking touch him and she’s her heartbroken crying and Sam take the lead of big brother since he’s bigger than her. The reader start hunting with them, Sam take care of her dean too without let her notice he tucks her blanckets ... Sam take care of her when dean fuck sluts in the motel and both brothers train her, dean talk with her only for the trainer part. When some demon kindap them and she end bad injuried dean he’s scared and keep telling her he loves her even if he shouldn’t when cass resolves the situation and tell him she’s not they’re sister but dean soulmate and dean start laughing at how is life is a mess, when se wake up he tell her everything, a bit of awkwardness ... 4 ... then he help her shower to leaves the blood of the hair and when he see her crying in the shower he hug her and kiss her passionately taking her(they are wet)in the room and make love slow and can you end when they go on Bobby place telling Bobby the truth with a getting married revelation some stupid jokes how now she’s going to be really a Winchester and dean touch her stomach(it’s a boy congratulations) and some old Bobby and Sammy humor ... angst, fluff, humor
Ruined chick flick moments
(1)Can you write a dean shot when dean prepare his room with rose petals and candles for reader first time,after eating her out she knee in front of dean naked on the floor he’s naked too and star a blow job it’s the second time she do that after dean teaches her how to do it and this time she’s rocking it and dean his moaning so loud he make her change positions to touch her pussy when she’s doing the blowjob and Sam open the door in that moment for a emergency hunt all of them are needed (2) and when sammy enters with his reflexes dean crush in time reader body to not let Sam see her and after in the impala on the way to the case and motel is angry with Sam because he ruined her first time and she try to calm him but dean just keep shout at Sam , after the case is end Dean drops Sam at the motel and go to the a lonely street and she lose virginity in the impala whit end when they are lying in the backseat just talking and laughing at Sam face when he enter the d room ... (3) can you write both smut scene pls and talk about insecurity body because she’s not perfect , angst fluff humor and a scene when they go back to the motel to take Sam and when he seet on the backseat and see the ruined covers (unprotected sex she’s on Birth control) start complain with dean and dean just shout her with bitch jerk ...
Unmet Wishes
dean and reader are inseparable(he take her virginity too)since the boys kinda adopted her in leviathan periods,she’s younger both boys.She have curves and everytime they out at bar boys try to hit on her but she don’t see them,even if her and dean had sex since three months he’s pushing away from her because he want a safe life for her and reader is always sad don’t sleep to well and more than one time Sam find her crying on the floor (1) (2)one morning when they are eating she zone out looking at a young couple with a toddler(they saved the family during a case) and when Sam or dean try to insert her in the conversation they see she’s crying and when dean lock at what she’s watching he’s a little sad with teary eyes too and he take her hand giving her a smile but she just zone out in her mind so dean lock at Sam to ask help maybe and Sam try to talk to her but she just say she needs air and the boys follow her (3) when they exit the dinner the family go to them to thank for saving them and the little toddler want the reader to take him in her arms and when she take him the baby start laughing at her and touch her cheeks and then he hugs her so reader made a laughing cry and the mom of the baby tell her he likes her and she’s going to be a good mom(dean is watching the scene trying to not crying and Sam just smiling at her) (4)Back at the motel Sam is sleeping and when dean go out of the shower can her the reader crying behind the covers so he tell her to move over and to talk to him, she tell him she’s sad because of him pushing her away and dean talk with her too telling her he’s fear but he tell her with cracked voice that if she want a baby with him he can try because seeing her with the baby make him want one with her to (5) now they’re both crying and she huggs him tight and he kiss her passionately. Can you write the end with reader dean and toddler boy laughing at the park with Sam to? And back at the bunker slow smut with reader telling dean the second pregnancy with a girl this time and when they go in the library his happy telling Sam and the baby about the pregnancy? Fluff angst and smutty! Thank you ❤️
My heart only belongs to you
can you pls write a dean x reader curves when after a hunt dean took reader virginity because they are in love he confess his fellings the morning after he wake her up with kisses tickles and laugh and then he go buy breakfast for them when he come back find Sam kissing her and the breakfast he have fall to the floor when the reader see him with a tears running out of the room she slap Sam for the second time(what dean haven’t see his reader slap Sam the first time he kissed her and pull away) 1 2 when dean run away and the reader is behind him yelling his name dean don’t see a car that invest him he fall to the ground losing sense and reader run to him yelling for Sam to call 911 and she keep cup dean check crying,at the hospital dean is in coma and reader don’t leave his side of bed and she barely talk with Sam since she alone and the boys adopted her Jody comfort her when she cries for dean 3 when dean wake up after a week and see the reader Sam and Jody yell to the reader to go away and the same for Sam she’s crying trying but he keep yell at them so Sam have to take her away of the room but she don’t leave the ospital so she sits on the floor outside his room, when after three hours dean ask to talk with Sam,Sam tell him that he kissed her to see if he had felling for her but he prove nothing since she his little sister to him,sam tell her that dean want to see her ... 4 when she enter the room dean his wiping away some tears when she sit on the chair beside his bed they talk and she take his hand kissing them thinking she lost him but then he caresses her hair and tell her “come here” and she snuggle on dean and he kiss her passionately and when they come back to the bunker cass heal dean and after sam ask forgiveness to both of them reader hugs him and end in passionate smut after they go to bed and the next morning he cook breakfast for her,smutangst fluff
can u pls write a deanxreader when she end pregnant after loose virginity with dean(lot of pregnancy sex)and when the baby is born Sam find in the morning the baby asleep on reader stomach and breast and dean asleep with his head on her lap and body on her legs and she up caressing dean hair and with the other the baby too,and sam tell “dean don’t leave you alone for one minute I see” and she’s like “he followed me in the shower and even when I needed to pee” ... (1) (2) when dean wake up, Sam tell him he find a hunt but dean ask him if his anyone who can go but nobody is free,dean won’t leave the reader but she tell him to go and that she will call Jody and the girls to not be alone, dean still don’t want to go but it’s his job so when he have to leave and the reader have the baby in her hands dean can’t stop kissing her and the baby and she laugh tell him to go 3 when the boys come back dean don’t find in the library reader and after he kiss the baby and give him to Sam ask Jody and girls where she is and tell him that she was a little sad without him so she goes to bed to relax and dean go in his room and wake up her up kissing her face and when she see him jump on him they make love and when go in the library to eat with the other and nurse the baby the next morning Sam and the girls find them sleep in the couch 4 and this time reader is on top of dean with her arms around dean neck and dean arms around her waist and the baby is in the cradle starting waking up and they ear reader say to dean your son is awake go to him and dean is why is always only my son when you are sleeping and she’s like because you persuade me in your bed when i was pure and he start ticking her with some jokes by Claire (reader is with them since Bobby death adopted by him, with curves younger than both. Fluff smut angst humor) ...
We can be a family
Dean x reader , reader is 21 and dean 23 . She lives with Jody . She’s a hunter . In love with dean , it’s up to you to make them date or not . Dean wants a family but due to some accident reader can’t get pregnant and she tries to break up with him . Jody explains why she wants to break up . Later dean comforts her and tells her that thier family could be you know without a kid too and also they could adopt they want to . smut in the starting and end . Big bro sammy . Mommy like Jody
Post Possession (WORKING TITLE)
dean take reader virginity and always had the best sex trying everything, since Michael possessed him,dean don’t touch her and even Sam see that because one day when he enter the library see them kissing hard(dean hand on her breast,ass her hand on his hair a lot of moan by both)but dean moves away when the  he start hardening leaving her in the library when she see sam she break down and before she fall on the ground Sam catch her comforting her ... (1) (2) Sam and reader sit on the library talking and Sam tell her he can’t believe Dean had the auto control to pull away and reader tell him that two month they don’t do anything, i even try to blow him but he pull me away. She fell rejected and maybe dean is tired of her body since she have marks and curves and sam tell her he can’t be possible he loves her he even want to marry you (they don’t see dean that is earring the conversation heartbroken with tears) ... (3)after Dean is free from micheal the first things he do(even if are people in the room) is to presses against the wall reader and kiss her with his hands everywhere and is knee rub her core they are a moaning mess and when Sam tell him that Cas need to see if he is really free dean take her hand and don’t leave her , Sam smile at her and after cass see he’s free dean take her on his shoulder and tell Sammy and cass  to leave the bunker because it’s going to be loud fellas ... 4) when dean take her in his room he tell her with dom voice to take of her clothes and he’s doing the same when they’re both naked dean press her chest to chest with him and tell her to fell his hardness and that he will never never be tired of her. Pls write the smut part so detailed hard sex,eating out,blow job,from behind,riding they go with that for all nigh and in the morning they make love and dean tell her how much he missed her and they go shower together d cuddles her in shower ... (5) when they enter the kitchen hands in hands with dean kissing her forehead Sammy is there smirking at them with jack that don’t understand Sam jokes for dean, and dean tell Sam that it’s better if they take a week of the bunker and he take the hint, and after a week of sex no stop she find she’s pregnant? (She’s adopted by the boys in leviathan period,younger than both,her and dean always been inseparable) angst smutt a lot fluff humor
No one can part us
Dean and reader(curves,25)had been inseparable/best friends since the boys adopted her after Bobby death,she’s younger than both and her and D fell in love since day one.Recently during a night dean had nightmare and she sleep with him he confess his fellings and take her virginity.(Sam don’t know they are a couple they are vary reserved)One day with no hunt,reader and dean pass the journey naked in dean bed with music,kissing doing sex both receiving oral,laughing talking about marriage (1) (2) dean is lying on is chest and reader is rubbing her core on dean thighs and he’s kissing her hand and touching her breast they are talking when Sam since he haven’t see they for al the journey open dean room and find them like that and he’s a little surprised and then angry Because they had promise to never never be with her since she’s younger than them and she would be in danger (3) he loves her like a sister and so he start yelling and reader is a bit scared of his reaction since she never see Sam so angry and she press to dean body to shield her body and dean take his arms around her waist and he’s angry with Sam for ruingin they’re intimate moment and tell him to at least let them dress and to wait in the library. Sam go away and reader start shaking with tearing eyes and dean kiss her forehead telling her going to be okay. (4) When they enter the library Sam is really really angry and start a fight with dean with dean yelling “I LOVE HER” and when Sam to pushes dean reader gets in the way and she hurt her forehead starting bleeding and now dean is the one beyond angry taking her away to go pass the night with her in a motel. At the motel they shower and when they are in bed naked watching tv/cuddling he make love with her and they fall asleep tangled together. (5) Main time in the bunker Charlie is talking with Sam trying to let her see how the two love eachother and that dean always Procter her so she’s not in danger and convince sam to go with her find them, when they find the motel room and enter Sam find them asleep with reader legs on dean legs and her head on is chest with they’re hand tangled together and he understands they belongs to eachother since he know she was virgin (6)dean with is hunter instincts when he ear sounds of Sam and Charlie talking push delicate reader away(she’s sleeping) and jump on Sam thinking is a monster and at this time Charlie turn the light on and reader is awake and both girls are laughing because dean is wrestling a pissed Sam naked (7) A ending when the four are taking at a dinner eating with dean announcing they are marring and then he tell something like diapers duty for Sam in eight month for accidentally hurting her while she’s pregnant. (Reader ashamed of her body she have marks and curves) and Sam telling dean why he always find them naked and dean is like smirking telling “training”
I’m in control
(1) Dean shot based on tinder episode,when him and reader are on a break up since after dean take her virginity want to keep her safe and even if he’s in love with her they remain best friend even if she’s in pain for that. When they are eating and Sam make fun of the tinder profile of dean reader is laughing but she have a sad face when his date arrives and Sam that love her like is little sister confort her. (2) Imagine her face when her and Sam have to go to dean to help him, and him don’t have the guts to look her in the eyes expecially when the girl who works for the Demons tell how badly dean want to be dom in bed, reader exit the room to not start cry in front of everyone but when she recomposes and walk in the room dean try to talk to her and she tell him to think at the case. (3) When the case is done,and Sam have to support a lot of tension both sexual and angry leave them in the motel room to go drink something at bar. Dean try to talk with her but she just tell him with cold voice to undress himself and to wait on the bad naked, and dean is just mouth open because he never se her like that (he’s a bit hard too) and she cup his balls telling him to not let her say that for the second time and she go to the bathroom to undress herself (4) when she go back she find him naked sitting on the bed she ask him where is tie is, when she let him lying on the bed she sit on his lap(at this point dean his hard) and before she go further watch him in the eyes with love and tell him if he want this because there’s no Turing back dean just star at her with devotion/love and kiss her telling in her with a smirk give me your worst (5) she smile and go back in her dom mod handcuffing wit two cuf his hand on the board and with the tie she cover his eyes and she stand on the bed putting her core on his mouth level telling him to kiss her down when dean start and ear her moan he try to free from the cuffs because he want to touch her, when she go down and ride him starting real slow to mess with him he plead her to let him touch and see her  (6) she leave him the tie but for the cuffs he have to free himself and she start riding him biting his pulse point and she’s moaning so much and him too since the feelings are to intense and dean now his moving his hips hard and with a hard thrust of his arms free himself of the cuffs and twist her on her back and start fuck her so hard and tell her that he like to be dominated but he’s in control at the end, when they are both coming tougher dean kiss her passionately (7) ask her forgiveness for his behavior and how she was fucking sexy what she had done,how he missed her curves and her body and earring her moan.When they go to Sam at the bar enter hands in hands Sam is smiling and ask how she make dean see trough his stubbornness and she just smirk squeezing dean ass that she just dominated the wolf dean start blushing and Sam and her are laughing Fluff,humor,angst ,smutt (the boys adopted her,she’s younger than both)
It cuts like a knife
deanxreader when they have a baby at first dean was angry for the pregnancy but when he see her bump grow loved her more and the baby. So the reader have lost her virginity with dean and after the pregnancy she’s scared of her body more than before(she alway had curves) and they have sex only with light off. One day dean and Sam come home after a hunt and when he see her going to him smiling he start crying telling he was sorry(he cheated on her but he think that just because a with let him believe in reality he’s so faithful and refuse to sleep with the witch dean don’t know was a witch)  so reader is first shocked and then she start punching him crying telling how he could do that to her and dean is crying desperate letting her punch him and she stop only when Sam take her in his arms asking what’s happening and she tell him that dean did and Sam tell dean “please tell me it’s not true” with cracked voice and dean tell both expecially her he’s sorry and she yell crying trying to free from sam hold yelling he promised to take care of her, he promised when she take her virginity to never cheat on her and now he broke her, when she start not feeling well dean try to touch her but then she slap his hand away telling him to not touch her at that world of the only person who always loved him even his darkest parts dean start crying and shaking pleading at this point the baby start crying and Jody offer to go but the reader tell her she can go and then she turn to dean cold but with tears telling him that her and the baby will move in her old room lefting the room with a desperate dean.The reader pass the night in the baby nursery lying on the floor crying in silence with dean sitting outside on the floor earing her sobbing, when the morning comes sam find dean and enter the room finding her a mess on the floor and he kneels besides her hugging her and let her wreak with her hand hugging his shirt tight he talk with softness to her and then help her stand to go in the kitchen for a cup of tea she’s not well,exit the room dean call her name but Sam tell him angry to leave her alone and dean just Stand there frozen.In the kitchen Jody have prepared the breakfast and go the her and since the boy are her only family that adopted her after Bobby death when Jody huggs her she sob hugging her tight with Jody caressing her back kissing her forehead with Sam watching her with tearing eyes , she sits on the table with Sam besides her when dean enters the kitchen with the baby so dean say with cracked voice she’s hungry so the reader stand to go take the baby from his arms but when she see the baby with her hand on dean cheeks saying dada she says she can’t crying passing dean leaving the room and falling on the floor crying and Sam go to her and take her on his room, she pass a week on Sam room looking at floor leaving the room just for shower or when Sam take the baby in to nurse her and play. She’s not eating much and when she go in the library find dean crying talking with the baby(he’s a mess to)how he messed up the only person he loves more that anything when she enter the room and dean see her try to talk to her but she just tell him don’t taking the baby of his hands and going away and when the reader put the baby to sleep both her and Sam ear noise of broke things and screams of pain from the library running in the library leaving Jody with the baby.Entering the room they find dean in a broke state trying to hurt himself yelling and crying for the pain of his heart, when Cartier appears(reader prayed for him)try to cure dean but he push him away and when cass touch his forehead to see why he’s so much in pain he tell him that he never cheated on her just a spell trying to let him believe that and he start crying even more at this point the reader who was frozen run to him falling on his lap hugging him and caressing his hair while he old on her for dear life shaking and now they are both crying sobbing and she has him forgiveness for the punch she gave him and her behavior and dean just laugh kissing her passionately and take her on his room he make love to her telling he want only her even if she think her body is not beautiful he loves everything about her, and lying in bed naked talking all night laughing. In the morning Jody and Sam enter the kitchen finding reader in dean lap whiles she nurse the baby with dean caressing her hair kissing her forehead and the baby hand is holding dean hand and they are happy to see them like this and Sam give dean the ring to propose. So much angst, fluff, smutt, broken dean, protective Sammy, possessive dean, age gap reader younger than Sam. Boys adopted her she’s alone in the world.
DeanxVirgin!Reader when they are hunting a Dragon and only dean knows she’s virgin since they are best friends and tell each other everything knows that are both in love with the others and doing everything together sleeping and even shower. The boys adopted her since she’s alone in the world,she have curves,younger than sam and the three are inseparable. When the case come dean is always worried for her safety and in the end she end up kidnap by the dragons (1) a little angst the boys find her in a cave and she’s lying on the floor dirty with blood and when they are fighting the dragons the reader stand up and run the help the boys, when they kill the monster dean keep touch her body to see if she’s injury and Sam ask her if she’s okay and she tell him “I need a shower and a the best fucked of my life” and Sam laugh and dean lock at her with wide eyes (2) (3) she tell dean walking towards the impala that he better have some stamina and strength left because it’s going to be a hell of night. And dean run in the impala to go to the motel faster, she shower and go in the bedroom naked she’s a little insicure for her body but dean just make passionate,hard love sex with her,both receiving oral. And Sam the morning after find them eating breakfast with satisfied relaxed smile. Fluff,smutt, angst, Sammy jokes                                                         
Knock before you enter
can you write pls a deanxvirgin reader with a normal body not skinny but with curves when she’s face riding dean because dean want her to try all the things before she lost her virginity, and when she’s about to come with dean grunting holding her hips thighs Sam enter the room with Jody and Claire to tell them the girl are arrived they stop frozen in the spot and when she comes yelling dean dean, dean see the people in the room and take her in his arms and they fall off the bed ... with dean yelling to fucking knock and to go away, with a awkward dinner with Claire jokes about how she ride and finally left the virgin train, with end the night after a awkward day they make love and Jody yell from the library to not knock her up with laugh from Sam and Claire .
can you pls write deanxvirgin reader when she’s not skinny but not fat, have strength marks and she’s insecure about her body especially her chest. Her and dean are inseparable since the boys adopted her,dean tell her everything and he sleep with her because love when during the night she cuddle him and both are in love with the others but don’t know. During a case the three are out at the bar to meet Jody and Donna, dean keep touching her and they are laughing and chatting ... 1 2... when the girls arrives dean go to order the drink and when reader go to help dean with the drink she ear him filtr with the waitress judging her body, so she came to the table and tell Sam she’s coming back to the motel Sam who knows her and she’s a little sister to him tell her he goes with her but she tell him to stay and enjoy the night. Reader start walk and she end up close to a river so she sit and watch the water to relax crying without notice she’s been outside all night ... 3... now that is morning she walk back to the motel room and when she enter find a scared exasperated dean sitting on the bed while Donna is trying to make him feel better and Jody and Sam are calling all the people for help to find her, when they see her dean go straight to her hugging her he’s crying and telling her with cracked voice to never do something like this again that she’s his responsibility and he almost had a heart attack not finding her fort all the night ... 4... reader is crying telling she’s sorry for ruining his night with the waitress and that she just needed to be alone and dean tell her with sad voice that she alway go to him when she need to be alone why this time she run away and Sam who understands why she run away go to her and hugg her hiding her face in his chest she start crying while Sam hold her thigh and dean his confused and just sit on the bed because he don’t understand why she keep pushing him away like this ... 5... and Jody tell him she ear him with the waitress and dean stand up telling that he was setting a date for Sammy, so they could have a double date and him could finally take her to see the movie she was always talking about with him, reader ask him if he really want to do that for her and he’s blushing telling that he even organized a pick nick to watch the star and now she’s running to him jumping in his arms and kissing all his face and when she stop to watch him in the eyes ... 6... dean kiss her passionately and they are a moaning mess with they’re hands everywhere and Sam let them notice there are people in the room when he see dean sliding his arms under her shirt, awkward situation and end with the double date how the waitress keep telling her how he can’t stop talking about her when he was organizing the date for Sammy, and after the cinema she lost virginity real make love with her under the stars ? With fluff cuddling ❤️ she’s younger than the boys,angst,smutt
Passion shouldn’t hurt
1 Deanxreader when they are arguing because reader risked her life to save him,they are best friends since they adopted her and in love recently he tock her virginity. When they go to bed dean make angry sex with her without prepare her with light of she’s crying the whole time he get off and when he finish he go to to sleep, she leave the room and hide in bathroom when Sam find her scared crying she have bruises on her body ask what happened(she’s his little sister) 2 she tell him what dean do and he go run on dean room waking him to let him see how he reduces her, when dean see he kneels on the floor crying and she go to him placing her head on his lap he ask forgiveness caressing her hair and Sam threat dean if he do something like that again he kill him but dean tell him crying shaking that he lost his mind for a second because he was to scared of loosing her. 3 After a week they Make slow love  and the Sam find them in the kitchen with dean cocking and the two laughing and kissing like teenagers, and Sam smile seeing them more in love than ever and he notice how dean touch with caresses her stomach and his smiling like a baby because they are more in love and with a baby on the way? Smutt, angst , fluff (she’s insecure of her body fort her marks and curves the boys adopted her after Bobby death)
You are my weakness
Dean x virgin reader they are best friends always together talking of everything and everyone knows they love each other. Dean have trained her after Bobby death they have adopted her, she’s 25 have strength marks and she’s ashamed of her body, she’s normal with curves. One day when she’s out to buy pie for dean some demons kidnap her torturing her to have information about the Winchester weakness expecially dean, the demons don’t know that the brothers weaknesses is her (1) (2)Sammy love her like her little sister because are nerd together and dean well she’s his soul mate.In this time dean and Sam go crazy without finding her for a month,thanks to Crowley and Jody Donna help they find her scared bloody with demons torture her telling her they will kill dean and Sam,killing the boy she loves and the brother she alway wanted,the boys and girl are earing her yelling to kill her to not touch them,don’t touch dean please when the gang go in action (3)killing the demons dean keep thigh the demon who was torturing her and kill him,when he go to her she’s sobbing crying and she’s holding her arms out for him telling his name and he keep her in his arms close to him telling her with cracked voice I’m here baby girl always find you looking her in the eyes and he says i promised remember and kiss her forehead,in Jody house she need to shower but when they offer to help she says she need to be alone for some time smiling sadly (4)she shower and after she’s clean she kneel hugging herself crying when in the living room the people notice that she’s too much time in the shower dean go see why she’s keeping to much time,he knock but she’s don’t answer and he say I’m coming inside okay when he enter his heart breaks seeing her like that and just go to her placing a towel on her taking her on the guest room placing her naked(he already see her naked showering together before)he remain in boxer go under the cover with her  (5) when she start crying more his crying too and they talk and it’s midnight so he tell her she need to eat help her dress with his boxer and his T-shirt while him dress with sweatpants dean call Sam and when Sam enter the room with Jody and see she’s relaxed go run to her and literally crushes her with his body hugging her and crying telling her he think they lost her and him and dean would be lost without they’re little hurricane and she start laughing with tears (6)while dean tell Sam to not Hugh his girl to death Sam his like you are telling me you find the guts to officially make her my sister and a Winchester?dean is like maybe shut up Sammy and go prepare something to eat for your sister after they exit reader go to dean placing her arms on his neck she tell him so I’m a Winchester now?his giggling well the ring is in my pocket since three years she laugh kissing him passionately taking him with her on the bed  (7) before they go further dean stand to lock the door they make love slow without protections because dean is already thinking of babies, when Sam try to open and find lock earring moans just go away, fluff with dean putting the ring after the sex, and the next morning at breakfast the girl notice the ring when she take a pleate and Donna start screaming excited and reader gets scared yelling son of a bitch Donna! and Donna just keep screaming (8) when the other girls ask why she’s screaming the reader exhibit the ring and now is Sammy the one screaming exited and taking her in arms from the floor and dean go stop him telling at Sam hey hey if we hare Loki there’s gonna be a baby here so don’t crush her okay Sammy ? And reader elbow dean and he grunt what and she’s like don’t tell them we had sex and he’s like you weren’t complaining ten minutes ago baby girl and now she hides in his arm blushing gruntin his name  (9)Claire is like you lost virginity last nigh? Alex and I always think he ruined you when they adopted you and reader now smile wikedly saying oh he tried but Sammy threatens his little dean if he got in the middle of my legs and dean is smirking remember last nigh and Sammy say now that you remember me that, come here dean and dean stop smirking running away from Sammy while the reader and the girls laugh and Jody say you are Loki and she’s like I’m the one Loki they saved me more than one way (10) After one years the baby arrivals when she Crush dean hands telling him he will nerve fuck her again and when the baby is born in the room dean seat on the bed with her when the girls and Sammy enter to see the baby boy. Fluff, angst, smutt , humor
Vanilla Sky
DeanxReader where since he take her virginity dean only have sex with her missionary, on a movie night with Sam Charlie watching fifty shades dean have a arm around her shoulder and in every sex scene she look at the screen with sadness and when a scene of hard sex come she grips dean legs thighs he watch her with eyebrows up she just keep staring at the scene, when the film is over and all of them are just chilling talking Charlie asks her what’s the most kinky thing she have do (1)  (2)reader tell sincerely nothing,Charlie say it’s impossible she’s with dean, dean warns Charlie while Sam is watching reader face,Charlie says c’mon dean you two had been best friends since you adopted her we all know your experience,so kinky shit? Sam see how angers/sadness see on reader face and Sam try to change subject but Charlie keep pushing and now the reader explodes stand up telling to Charlie that the only fucking kinky shit she have done is the missionary(3)the other are watching her while she go to take a drink of whiskey Charlie start laugh thinking it’s a joke telling her it’s impossible reader just watch her telling with coldly voice that she would love being fucked hard in every surface of the bunker doing kinky staff because have you seen him but seems that I’m not sexy like the other girl so I just have to take the missionary with the lights of when she fell the tears she watch dean telling she’s sorry and she go out of the room(4)for the first time since the boys adopted her (leviathan period) she sleep alone in her room and not in dean’s. The next day she go in the kitchen to prepare breakfast and everyone are there already and dean pass her her breakfast she takes the plate shyly sitting beside him he have puffy eyes and they just talking about a hunt Sam have find when Charlie ask sorry for her question the previous night dean says it’s not her fault reader snaps her face to him (5)Dean says that it’s just reader fault they talk of everything but she just forgot to tell him about how bad they’re sex life is maybe she hope he never take her virginity, reader tell him sad that’s not true she would always choose him maybe it’s him who regret that decision because she’s not like a model and have curves and strength marks she’s not sexy enough with a tears slipping dean take her chins his hands (6) he says that the tent in his pant wasn’t here before she walk in the kitchen only with his shirt Sam can confirm that when Sam see that conversation it’s going to be private he tell Charlie to follow him in the library Charlie pout saying she want to ear and the view of reader nipples through the shirt it’s a sight at that dean puts his hand on her breast to cover her and Sam just take Charlie away. (7) Reader lock at dean saying if he ever se her naked and he’s like are you kidding me when you think I’m not watching you when we shower or when you are naked in the morning in bed or when I touch you I know every parts marks or your body and I love them i love your curves because it’s what’s make you you at he do only missionary because he’s scared for the mark she tell him he takes her virginity with the mark and he trust him she kiss him passionately hard grunting touching and moaning (8) he take her on his shoulder slapping her ass yelling to Sam to leave the bunker they see them for dinner out. In the room dean do with her what he always wanted from behind riding him her deep throating eating out with make love when he see she’s exhausted he kiss her forehead telling her he always choose her over millions of women always been her since day one. (9) At the dinner they enter hand in hand Charlie smirks trying to know what they have do but Sam just the big brother for reader is tell her to let them be and dean whispering in her ear dirty things making her blush him aging eyes only for her and when Charlie try to insist dean reader and Sam says in unison Charlie! and she pout saying they wast her happiness fluff (smut of all the poses) angst much she’s younger than both
Together, till the end
Dean shot he takes her virginity and  they do everything together dean opens only with her they sleep together too and they have game fight sometimes and when the reader is away to visit Jody the reader call dean because they need them for help for a hunt and so the boys go to Jody place taking Mary with them. When they arrives to the house and exit the car Sam and Mary are talking in the driveway with dean giving the shoulder to the house, when Sam smirking see a running reader yelling “watch your back old man” jumping on dean shoulder with dean laughing that she will regret calling him old man and they start a fake fight with at the end dean keep her on her back in place while Mary is watching Sam for answer when Sam start talking to Mary they ear a little giggle when Sam see who is start laughing because a three years baby have landed on dean shoulder yelling DADDYYY  Sam start laughing how the baby girl and reader are both on dean body keep him on place while dean is laughing tickling both baby and reader, now Mary is with her eyes out.when they recomposes the baby go to Sammy and Mary see dean kissing passionately the reader and her smashing his chest playfully when he whispers something to her. Inside the house when they are eating Mary keep locking at them and she ask if the baby is adopted like Jody with Claire Alex since she never she her at the bunker with dean and reader, at this questione everyone stop eating and the baby (who is named Mary) go sit on reader lap hiding in her chest with her little tiny hand squeezing dean arms, Jody who is a mama bear for reader tell Mary cold how she can’t see how the baby is the perfect mix of her son and reader a this Mary watch dean and tell him you had a baby with your fuck buddy how can you be sure she’s yours and not of other man ? When dean ear this stand up angry causing to Mary do the same and all the people follow them and now the baby is crying and reader tell her to go to in Alex arms, when dean try to take a step she put a hand on her chest and just now Mary see the matching gold ring both have and she put a hand on her mouth, Sam tock the opportunity to tell at Mary that only man who fucked her using Mary words is only dean and that she don’t have the right to talk bad about her since she’s his sister at this word Mary start laughing wikedly says finally she tock her hand in the new micheal vessel what months she have passed hoping that them tock her to the baby her eyes flash black at this dean yell to reader to take Little Mary away with Jody and the girls when they run they open the door outside it’s full of demons reader tell dean they have a problem  dean tell her to stay away and put salt on the entrance, Sam have chained the demons who is start talking how tonight the Winchester going to die,the three watch in the eyes and reader take the phone to call Rowena, when Rowena arrives without the demons see her they go in the kitchen to talk reader tell everyone how Rowena and Claire are going to keep the baby safe for the rest of her life if this nigh it’s going to end bad Jody ask her what she’s meaning reader is shaking trying to not cry when dean see this go stand behind her putting his hand on her back so she tell Jody that her and the boys had this plan b after the British man of letters how Rowena and Claire beign the only not findable going to keep the baby far away for the rest of her life Jody says that it’s insane not like when Mary stay at her place fort a month or days it’s for life reader tell her think she don’t know that? She prayed since the moment the boys adopted her to giving birth to dean child but her safety comes first and tonight all of them could die and excuse herself to go pick the baby bag dean follows her telling Sam to keep Mary on his arms, when dean go to reader find her sobbing hugging the baby favorite peluche dean keep her in his lap hugging her talking with her he’s crying to, back in the kitchen they find Sam trying to not cry saying his goodbyes to his niece with the baby caressing his hair and joking with him and dean says it’s time sam give Mary to him and everyone in the room watch the two talking how Mary puts her tiny hand on dean checks saying don’t cry daddy or mommy it’s going to call you old man at this dean start laugh with tears kissing her forehead seeing the reader crying he tell her come here when she go to him they sandwiches the baby between them and start kissing her tickles her earring the baby giggles for what could be the last time and all the people in the room at this are smiling with tears when dean tell reader it’s the moment, reader take Mary in her arms walking to Rowena and Claire, then she look at the baby and say to her who we are baby? The girl smile at her saying the Winchester girls reader crack a laugh saying to her to alway remember that hugging her close to her chest kissing her hair and whispering to her mommy and daddy loves you , uncle Sammy loves you everybody love you you are our little miracle baby the girl tell her don’t be sad mommy I’m just going to take a walk with uncle Rowena and Claire I’ll be home for our game fight with daddy at this sam have to sustain dean to not break because everyone in the room had ear him moaning in pain, the reader give Mary in Rowena arms and looking at her in the eyes saying take care of my daughter Rowena says till my last breath my dear and after too  then she hugs her saying you are a good mom my dear and reader lock at Claire saying kill everyone that try to stop you Claire says launching a knife to her beat all they’re demon assess mommy reader take the knife in her hand smiling and say to Rowena now go, when she turn to the others she see that dean is stand just for Sam help she go to him placing her hand on his face kissing him passionately with dean kiss her back with much passion then she tell him let’s fight this son of bitch old man and he slap her ass kissing he one last time, after the fight they have to take care of the demon inside of Mary body ...Jody Sam her dean and Alex are all bloody and exhausted, the demon keep talking How this is not going to be the last time someone try to kill their baby and Sam exorcist him killing the demons when Mary come back herself she look at dean says she so sorry at this dean is so sad he just sit on the sofa with reader going to him placing his head on her chest an let him cry while he clinging to her for dear life and she tell him let’s go home okay , back at the bunker they shower together just hugging with fluff and back in the room they make love slow with after both come dean fall on her chest both crying, after months of crying together, months of seeing Sam crying over Mary games and Mary and Sam finding dean and reader on Mary room sleeping together on the floor one day after three month of Sam and Mary not earring dean and reader laugh they ear them laughing founding them in the library play they’re game fight with reader saying at dean laughing you are getting older old man dean laughing shut up you are just much younger than me baby girl with her are you sure to have some stamina left old men with that dean take her on his shoulder says i I’ll show you old men slapping her ass her yelping and Sam Mary laughing happy to see them like that when the when Crowley make a entrance with Rowan they stop to ask if something happened when Crowley start smiling saying come her little bug and a running little Mary with Claire behind her enter going straight to the parents both dean and reader kneel to take her and when dean look Crowley ask him why the baby is here Crowley day that the baby needed her parents and Rowena made a spell to hide that she’s miccheal vessel and that every demon who try to touch her or the Winchester don’t want to know what will happened to them when dean look at reader and Mary laughing tickling he Hugh Crowley with Crowley surprise thanking him and Sam do the same,when Claire go back to Jody and Reader hugs Rowena goodbye, dean take the baby to Mary to meet her grandma and the baby Hugh thigh Mary while she’s with the tears looking at reader and dean saying she’s really the perfect mix of both she’s sorry for what the demons says about her and that she see from the lock in her eyes how much dean means to her so reader huggs her saying I never blamed you but in some months there’s going to be a lot of diapers duty for grandma right little Mary reader tickle the baby stomach and she laugh saying mommy you tell our little secrets and then they eard behind them a noise seeing dean holding on Sam flannel whispering I’m going to be a father for the second time Sammy? With Sam saying to him yeah big bro and when they realize what that means the brothers look eachother in the eyes saying in unison crap and reader start laughing and Mary ask why her sons are scared and reader says with nonchalant that when she was pregnant with Mary she was a little moody and dean says panicked moody? You almost shoot me y/n she go to him putting her finger on his chest saying you ate my last slice of pie his like you don’t even like pie she’s like but your daughter does and she was inside me, she kept putting her finger on his chest and Sam says it’s starting reader snap her face at Sam and he take a step back laughing with dean saying how it could happen she’s say pretty sure you were there grumpy and then dean start laugh kissing her saying he’s happy and she whispering to him seems that you are not a old man dean and he slap her ass playfully with little Mary running to dean to start they’re game fight and reader,Mary Sam watch the daughter and father laughing a family dinners the five together and after dean and reader put Mary to bed they go in his room make slow love with dean caressing his stomach kissing her saying he will always protect them until his last breath and reader take his hand kissing it saying to dean I will always do the same to for you and them dean .... fluff angst humor smut
Touch starvation
Dean x reader, they’re baby boy is five months since the baby is born dean don’t touch reader when she enter the shower with him to “seduce” him he go away, Jody and Claire come to visit the baby when dean see them leave them with reader at the bunker and him and Sam go on hunt,for the three days the boys are away she rest on the bed crying without eating everytime Jody let Claire leave the room to talk with her and reader tell Jody everything reader think dean is tired of her body ... (1) (2)since with the pregnancy she have more marks and her breast are changed, she’s a mess saying of only dean touched her body she’s only been with him, his her first everything and she miss him even if the night are in the same bed she miss him, Jody leave the room she’s still crying clinging to d flannel and she call dean really angry to take his ass back home, when the boys arrives find Claire joking with the baby and Jody waiting angry for dean, dean look in the librery for reader ... (3)Jody tell him if he’s searching for his girl she’s in bed since three days crying Sam ask if something happened while dean is just as devastated as her Jody tell Sam how dean messed up breaking the poor girl after he give birth to his son, dean fall on the chair shaking crying Jody tell him with softness putting a hand on his shoulder we all know how much you love her but she think you are tired of her, show her how much you still love her we all can se that in your eyes ... (4) we all can se how you watch her when she’s nursing the baby and when she exit the shower last days you were ready to jump on her so go to her, dean stand and run in his room and what find breaks his heart, she’s naked in front of the mirror crying, dean go the her kneeling opening his heart to her he push her away because with the baby he was more scared to loose her, he show her how much he still want her(smutt details) fluff and she tell him how much he missed him and her insecurities... (5) when they go to the librery hand in hands laughing at some stupid dean jokes Sam says how much he missed they’re laugh the bunker was to quite and dean pull her on in his lap when he sit telling Sam with a wink that it’s going to be loud for every night from now and she laugh slap playfully his chest and when Claire hand the baby to her she kiss the baby saying look daddy is back to us and the baby giggle trying to go to dean with dean doing stupid face to him sam snapping pictures (6)dean lock at her with love adoration when she’s nursing the baby sitting on dean lap whispering in her ear words of forgiveness and his not going to push her away like that again,Sam who’s earring say that he better be like that because nobody make his little sister crying with a fight humor of the brothers with Jody threats dean cock if he do some stupid shit and Claire do the same too(she’s adopted by the boys in leviathan period, younger than both,she always had curves/marks)pls Angst
Waking up in regret
Request: can you please write a really long angst when the reader and Sam are hit by a spell let they believe had sex,she’s virgin her and dean are in love best friends kinda dating they shower together are inseparable, when the reader and Sam wake up naked under the covers she start panicking and dean enter the room in that moment both her and Sam are scared of his reaction dean run to Sam to punch him and she scream because Sam punch dean too, she cover her body and tell them to stop (1) (2)dean stop locking at her crying mess he sit on the bed heartbroken he’s crying in silence when she try to go to him he block her telling her to dress same for Sam Jody is arriving for in the motel room to help for the case and she start crying more,what Jody find is reader curled in the chair crying Sam sitting couch sad and dean punching a wall his hands are bloody Jody tell them why they don’t are stopping him and Sam say he don’t let them go to him ... (3) when Jody try to him reader is standing shaking when she see dean kneeling on the floor facing them reader go to him kneeling behind him hugging him sobbing she’s sorry don’t remember anything dean is sobbing too and Jody watch Sam that is crying to because for him she’s his little sister Jody hug him when they ear a sound his dean who push her away and go outside the room, Jody go to reader who now his shaking like a panic attack and he tell Sam to go talk with dean ... (4) when sam go to dean dean is talking at the phone with Charlie who is telling him about the case how the witch let believe they go to bed with they’re brother and dean sighs with relief telling everything at Sam hugging him when Jody call they’re name from the room with panic, when they enter find Jody trying to calm the reader who is pointing a gun at her head shaking sobbing crying saying he hates her, she fucked with her “brother” her first time ... (5) don’t wanting to live knowing someone who’s not him(dean) touched her she don’t want to live knowing someone touched her dean is gripping Sam shirt thighs don’t knowing what to do when Cass pop behind her leaving the gun of her hand and she scream curling on the floor telling to cas to end her it hurt so much she hurted dean, when cas lock at dean who is crying seeing her like this and now dean is going to her kneeling taking her in his lap hugging her touching her hair ... (6) telling her about the curse how she still untouched and pure she start crying more placing her arms around dean neck and he calm her when Jody say to the other to leave them alone, when they are alone she keep say sorry to dean he’s crying too thinking for a minute he lost her she whispering you know I rather die than beign without you dean kiss her softly on the lips the kiss being more passionate with smut because both want to feel the other(unprotected) they shower cuddling laughing (7) when they go to the dinner with dean arms on her with they’re fingers interlaced Jody Sam and cass watch them Jody saying how she scared her with the gun Sam saying how much dean was scared but she’s going to be okay with him by her side they complete the others both the rock of the other and cass saying well they’re baby it’s going to be strong like them, since they have heard this of cass all the group lock at him, he’s like what hi can sense the baby (8) sam reader lock at dean face let notice that maybe dean it’s having a heart attack with cass saying his thoughts are screaming I’m going to be a daddy and I knocked her up at the first swing not that bad for old man, with a pissed dean saying CASS and reader start laughing so much olding her stomach with dean locking at her smiling how he’s happy to hear her laugh, Jody momma bear , possessive dean , she’s adopted by the boys, angst humor fluff smutt
More than pleasure
deanxreader he takes her virginity and they are trying everything, one night dean take her to the edge making her squirt with hot sex after, the next day reader is so embarrassed Charlie and Sam notice of every time dean walk in the room she run away blushing while dean just stare at her, when it’s lunch time Charlie sam and dean see how she’s trying to run away without eating but dean stop her talking with dom voice why she’s running everytime he walk in the room (2) dean have his arm on her shoulder and she’s blushing, Charlie make a joke that maybe she’s flustered because she didn’t “come” dean watch Charlie angry while reader start laughing putting her hand on dean chest saying to him she’s think i didn’t come keep laughing dean watch her he understands why she was keep running away start laugh him too saying you were embarrassed for yesterday night she cross her arms starting blushing dean now is laughing so hard holding is stomach (3) when he see her blushing more he caresses her cheeks saying she was the most sexy hot thing he saw and he had a lot of experience when Charlie ear that what to know what happened reader hyde in dean chest mumbling he make me squirt, two times Sam who see reader like her little sister tell Charlie pissed why she have to ask Charlie watch dean pleading if she can watch next time dean who’s jealous possessive of her says something to her (reader is adopted by the boys after Bobby death) (4) when Sam see dean keep smirking says that made her squirt just pushed his egos high when reader whispering to dean is he’s ready for another round walking away dean frozen to the spot when reader turns around telling him you are coming old man dean point is finger to the two saying they’re going to wish it was them in the room with her when she’s going to scream and moan.... and when dean go to her make her squirt again then fucking her hard from behind she fall to the bad exhausted (5) dean caressing her hair asking if she’s okay she smile blissful saying more than okay but she hate him dean laugh kissing her lips that she don’t hate him fluff dean caressing her body knowing that she was embarrassed because she’s insecure about her breast,marks,curves. Sam and Charlie really ear every moan of dean and reader , pls write both smut scene .... angst fluff smut a bit of humor is always good
Nothing can break us
What about a deanxvirgin reader when they adopted her since Bobby death, her and dean becomes best friend inseparable since the first day doing everything together fall in love with the other too but to scare to admit, she think dean don’t like her body for her boobs not perfect marks and curves while dean think he’s scared to lose her knowing she’s virgin to they talk about everything. During a case a witch force them to have sex sensing her virginity they can’t fight they’re body (1) (2) even if dean don’t want to take her virginity like this they’re body do what the witch say to get naked and to fuck her, she’s sobbing because she’s scared of him seeing her naked dean try to hold back his tears yelling angry at the witch when is fucking her dean put his head between her breast crying whispering he’s sorry reader he’s crying to trying to calm him saying it’s okay it’s not your fault and then she hiss in pain because he’s hurting her dean start crying even more sobbing (3) she keep calming him but he tell her I’m hurting you I’m so sorry they are both crying when Sam enter the room with Charlie killing the witch, they have the control of the body back and dean pull away and she moan in pain dean cover her with a blanket still crying then he tell Sam to help her dress while him and Charlie hide the body, Sam try to stop dean but dean take Sam shirt angry yelling she’s like a sister for you hu? Take care of her i can’t sammy please. Sam understand and go to her (4) Sam help without locking at her body and see the blanket dirty of blood he’s with tears too then he take her in arms since she can’t walk she’s shaking , in the impala dean is still crying in silence and pull over on pharmacy while Charlie go inside when Sam ask what she’s doing Charlie is back in the car passing to reader a plan b pills and water smiling with sadness at her, back at the bunker dean go hide in is room while Sam and Charlie help reader take a bath (5) when they are helping her everyone can hear dean smashing his room she start crying whispering to Sam to go to him sam watch her when his not moving reader tell him to go to dean since she can’t that Sam know is complaining himself Sam watch Charlie say to her to take care of her, when Charlie help reader go to bed she’s fall asleep dean is sitting outside her door (they used to sleep together) when he see reader running out of the room to go vomit in bathroom he follow her preoccupied (6)when he enter the bathroom she have a bad shape dean touch her hair to help her when she whisper dean I’m not feeling well dean start panick seeing she’s starting to fainting and yell panicked for Sam,he’s crying whispering words to reader when sam and Claire enter the room see dean desperate that she’s burning they help dean go under the shower with her when she tell panicked that she need to vomit Sam give her a bucket while dean is rubbing her shoulder asking what’s she’s felling like this (7) Charlie tell him it’s the pills effect after an hour in the bathroom she whisper she want to go to bed she’s freezing, dean tell Sam to help her and take her to bed when he try to pass her to Sam reader tightness on dean whispering to him to not leave her alone crying, dean take her in his room dressing her with his boxer and T-shirt she fall asleep on dean chest while he’s holding her close, Sam and Charlie enter the room to see if he needs anything when they see him singing to her crying (8) Sam watch dean smiling telling to him to sleep dean watch Sam with tears nodding. The next morning when she wake in dean arms ear dean caressing her back whispering how he loved her since the day they meet and she kiss him dean is surprised but kiss her to then she tell him I love you to, dean still complains himself ask her how she’s telling she tell she’s a bit shaky but better if he can help her shower dress, he help her and she supports on dean to walk in the kitchen (9) when he help her sit in the kitchen and go cock breakfast for her, Charlie and Sam enter asking her how she’s doing, Charlie go help dean and Sam caress reader back whispering to her how dean is doing she start crying telling him he’s not fine Sam hugg her after a months her and dean become more close than before, one night dean take her in his room hiding her eyes with his hand and when he close the door she see he have put candles in the room when reader lock at him crying with happiness (10) dean have tears in his eyes telling her that if she’s okay he want to be her man and maybe her husband and father of her children, reader go hugg him saying only if he want someone with a body like hers dean kiss her neck whispering he loves everything about her then they get naked in the bed it’s the first time after the curse she’s on the pill dean make slow love with her then with a tears hugging her whisper this should have been they’re first time (11) after two years they are married with a boy and she’s pregnant with a girl, dean kiss her forehead caressing the bump and go running with the boy while Sam go to reader putting arms on her shoulder talking about what happened years ago of he thinks he would lost both but she smile looking at dean and the baby saying wee saved each other ... fluff smut angst heartbroken dean possessive dean big brother Sammy cute Charlie protective dean
Wife…not copulating partner
Reader have had sex only with dean since he takes her virginity, dean have to go for a hunt with cass away leaving the reader with Sam at the bunker when dean call them that they need they’re help, when they arrives to the motel room reader see dean is tensed and Sam ask what happened, dean is without shirt ready to shower when cass start explaining that dean killed an entire vamp nest become the boss threatening to kill the girl is copulating with (1) (2) Sam lock at dean shocked while cass keep talking how the vamp have seen him and the girl fucking in a motel two weeks ago reader lock at dean knowing the girl is her then Sam lock at dean and then at reader he doesn’t know they are together but know the reader felling and dean felling don’t understand why dean is with another woman, dean go in the shower angry Sam tell cass to show him where the nest letting reader alone with dean, reader enter the bathroom undress herself (3) she go behind dean huffing him caressing is chest dean tell her coldly that is not in the mood but she keep hugging him pushing her breast to his back telling he’s trying to push her away dean turn her around pinning her on the wall locking angry at her telling that he heard cass if they keep going she end up dean she just smile putting her hand on is check brushing her lips on his while dean grunt exasperated (4) she’s say to him you already married me remember? I know you can keep me safe and how well you trained me nobody can come close while she kiss his jaw touching his cock, dean grunt blocking her arms lock her in the eyes he softened then he tell her he have to be fuck her hard she smile putting a kiss on his lips to go, dean spin her with her face on the wall make her bend a bit the start fuck her really hard taking her back close to his chest she’s screaming he’s screaming (5) she tell him to go harder (first time he’s so hard with her) when dean is screaming grunting cass open the door finding dean moving his hips with hard trust when he se cass keep trusting and he yell go away grunting when cass go away dean tell reader to come when he’s coming too, they come together then dean turn her kissing her sweetly thanking her for always trusting him even before when they were best friend reader caress his hair saying you are my only man I always stand for you (6) when they exit the shower Sam is entering the room and cas tell Sam that he have find dean copulatin partner dean crack a laugh saying I prefer you call y/n my wife we want to wait a little before I knock her cass, Sam watch reader and dean then he made a bitch face saying seriously you didn’t tell me reader take dean hand with her ring she show hers saying surprise Sammy dean start laugh hugging her from behind Sam say I he was afraid dean was someone else at the motel (7) dean says it was reader it was the night they married Sam can’t understand why dean didn’t tell him dean just say he had to keep her safe she’s his responsibility since they adopted her and Sam start yelling she’s my responsibility too I love her like I love you dean she’s my family and now some vamp are after her dean keep hugging her saying coldly to Sam they aren’t after her how cass tell you I I’ll kill them all then They talk with cass keep frowning (8) dean ask cass what’s happening cass says he don’t understand why dean was so hard with reader while they were coupulatin flushes dean humor fluff smut angst (she’s with curves younger than both boys)
Sometimes love hurts
Deanxvirgin when she lives with the boys adopted after Bobby death she’s younger than both, her and dean are inseparable in love with the others best friend, one day some jealous chick at a bar let her think dean fucked her when dean try to talk to reader she slap him and Sam keep her away crying... angst with happy ending dean say to her don’t punch me okay? Smutt love confess heartbreak sad dean possessive dean curves reader big bro Sammy
Lucky son of a bitch
deanxreader when dean takes her virginity (they’re in love with eachother since the boys adopted her she have strength marks and curves ashamed of her breast) but are not a couple since dean is to stupid, for a case while Sam is research her,dean and Charlie go to shopping for reader since she have to go on a party for the case with dean, dean and Charlie sit while she try dress and let them see to, dean lock at her with devotion adoration love Charlie can see that (1) (2) when it’s time for the lingerie reader says they don’t have to see her like that too, Charlie convinces her to let them see her in lingerie when she exit Charlie says the one who’s going to take your virginity is one lucky son of a bitch while dean is starring at her mount opens trying to hide is bulge, when they go pay dean go behind her hugging her from behind (he pays for the clothes) dean let her feel his bulge while he bite her neck since Charlie is not locking at them (3) dean is pissed for all the day because he can’t be alone with her, at the the party they dance together with him dirty talk her in the ear back in the motel room he yell angry at Sam and Charlie to leave the room he fuck her really hard she only his possessive dean fluff finally dean ask her to be together officially the next morning proud dean tell Charlie the lucki son of a bitch that take her virginity is him? Humor Charlie , age gap reader, Sam joke to ... smut hot
Prank Wars
What about Sam put in dean gel douche paint and reader who is showering with dean go down on him blowjob smutty too when they exit the shower Sam don’t know they are together think the reader is still virgin but then see them and her lips are with paint like dean face body Sammy start laughing saying some joke reader tell Sam is going to cry for that prank pass a week reader get her revenge letting Sam believe she cut all his hair dean help her for the prank (1) (2) sam then let dean take a blue pill insatiable dean with reader smutty hard , in the shower too when reader is down on dean Sam enter and run away when he see his brother talking dirty fucking his “little sister” mouth (curves reader, she’s adopted by the boys after Bobby death, she’s younger than both her and dean are in love best friend) fluff, humor, smutt
Gone love
Can you write a dean shot when a witch let him forget about reader who’s his soul mate best friends, dean don’t remember anything about her, don’t remember that she live with them in the bunker they adopted her after Bobby death, don’t remember how much he loves her and that he take her virginity to. So dean leave the bunker to go live with this witch(he’s under a spell) and don’t contact Sam for over three months, in this three months sam is a big brother for reader (1) (2) sam let her sleep in his room with him, talk with her about how she’s felling and how he’s felling for dean attitude, she tell him that even if dean won’t come back she can’t let another man touch her that dean is the only one who have touched her body. One day dean call Sam if he want to come to dinner and to take a date with him, when the dinner comes sam take reader with him, when dean open the door they understand something is wrong since dean don’t remember who she is (3) when the witch see reader is scared because everyone know she’s not someone to mess with and Sam have put his arms around reader waist to not let her smash witch face. During the dinner dean keep locking at her at say something like he have the sensation he know her while the witch say it’s impossible she’s not your tipe lock at her curves she’s not like the model you go after at this dean say it’s not something nice to say that she’s beautiful outside and inside if Sammy is with her (4) when they go away dean hugg first Sam then reader hugg her a little longer then kiss her forehead dean watch her in the eyes with adoration, when reader enter the car with Sam both say they need to do something. Back at the bunker reader is sleeping in sam room Sam is hugging her when his phone ring, Sam answer and it’s dean asking for help is not feeling well, reader jump of the bed to dress going in dean room to take weapons, when they arrives breaks the door to go to dean (5) dean is leaning on the floor holding his head screaming when he see them ask Sammy what’s happening to him, reader tell Sam to take care of him she go find the witch beat the life out of her asking for a cure for dean when Rowena enter the room helping her, the necklace the witch have is dean memories of dean true love, after reader kill the witch her and Rowena go run in the room to dean and Sam, now Sam is holding dean is arms the reader kneels beside dean he’s crying in pain (6) when reader put her hands on dean checks he watch her in the eyes he whispering why I feel like a know you y/n reader tell Rowena to act now Rowena yell at Sam to leave the hold he have on dean Sam is confused but do what she say so reader hold dean in his arms whispering to him don’t leave me when Rowena free dean memories, dean lock at reader remembering when he takes her virginity in the impala, when he said to her I love you, when he asked her to marry him , he start remembering her (7) reader help him stand then she’s surprised when dean kiss her hard passionately touching her ass telling her he remember everything taking her hands seeing the ring he have her, back at the bunker dean tell Sam her and Rowena how the witch kidnaped him and how after the dinner he started reminding the time he tell reader how to guide baby and how he keep see her laughing in his mind then he started not felling well and Rowana explains how the love they have for each other is too strong (8) when they go to bed dean ask her shyly if he can make love to her and if she’s going to marry him after him being away for months she kiss his face saying how she always choose him, the next morning dean prepare breakfast when reader and Sam enter both moaning how they missed dean cucking for them humor sammy, angst smutt fluff reader is younger than both boys
Reader is virgin adopted by the boys younger than them, Sam and her are like siblings dean and her are best friends but don’t know they are in love with the others, she’s shy about her body since she have curves. One day they are in a motel room with Charlie too researching for a case and char have bought popsicle, the reader is sucking it like she’s doing a blowjob(she never do a bj) dean is watching her when he moan the other lock at him (1) (2) when Sam watch reader even if she’s like a little sister to him dean can see his eyes lust, so dean stand go to reader and take of her mount the popsicle when she start complaining dean stop her saying that “she’s eating that big think with two man on the room, with me on the room” and she watch innocents him don’t understand what is his point Charlie says to reader that what dean is training to say is that he hopes that the popsicle was the bulge in is pants inside your mouth(3) sam start laugh, dean is exasperated with Charlie and reader leave everyone without world when go to the taking back her popsicle saying he just have to ask when you asked me to eat my pie ( she’s meaning her pussy) i let you, Charlie try to understand what she’s meaning and dean just take her hand giving to Sam the popsicle saying we’re going for a supply run, when dean go in a desert road reader go down on him when he said to dean it’s the first time she’s doing this is without words(4) then he don’t want to come in her mouth so he eat her out, then lost virginity in the backseat with afterglow fluff dean confessing his feelings, back in the room both come back giggling kissing , Charlie and Sam jokes with them and when she start eating another popsicle in dean lap she fell dean bulge and him saying crap here we go again with all the room laughing, when Sam is sleeping after dean and her are in the shower and Charlie enter finding dean fucking her mouth(5) then he fuck her hard on the wall telling her how the popsicle let him go crazy, the next morning Charlie tell them what she see reader is embarrassed for her body but Charlie tell her that if she’s wasn’t dean girl she would go with her and dean hug reader from behind picking her with his bulge telling she’s mine biting her neck ... fluff smutt humor
My Spanish Girl
Hiii first you are one of my faves faves your work its awesome and english is not my first lenguage so sorry for mistakes. Deanxreader where she is younger than him shes spanish from spain and short. He loves her accent.
You are perfect to me
Dean x reader request. 1. Reader has struggled with depression and anxiety which really effected her appetite. Recently she’s gotten better and has been managing well but now she can eat like normal again and has gained quite a bit of weight (healthy because she was underweight before due to not being hungry) she’s very self conscious and wonders if her crush, Dean, would be disgusted with her new body and so when the boys ask her to be bait and is worried because she’ll have to wear 2. tight, fitted clothes. She knows she’s more healthy now but she can help but feel gross and uncomfortable with her new shape. Dean comes in and asks what’s going on and she tells him. He assures her that no matter if she was thirty pounds heavier or thirty pounds lighter he would still think she is the most beautiful girl in the world and is just so happy that she is feeling healthier and less anxious in general. Dean reveals that he has loved the reader since they were 3. teenagers and that he wants to be with her. They have sweet but possessive sex and dean comments the whole time on how soft she feels and how beautiful she looks. And she jokes about her squishing him at some point and he’s like ‘you’ll never be too much big, Itll just be an excuse to get buffer and use the bunker gym. Maybe the story starts off with reader talking to Sam and him being reassuring and sweet and a good brother-type figure.
Wedding Wars
I was watching bride wars and can you do AU spn when reader and Sam are best friend since childhood she lost virginity with dean and they broke up for stupid shit but still in love, when Sam ask Jess to marry reader boyfriend ask her too, her and Sam prepare the wedding together like the film but reader dream was to marry dean, the wedding day sam send the video tape of her and dean making love for when se go to the altar the boyfriend follow her when she run in the other room to slap Sam (1) (2) dean try to calm her when and the boyfriend yell at both because he think she was still virgin since they never had sex and leave her, her and Sam resolves they’re proble she take him to Jess, her and dean at the end go back together she tell him she can’t and won’t another man touch her smut , one year later dean and her wedding Sam take her to the altar since she’s orfan .. reader is two years younger that Sammy her and dean are in love since childhood Sam sabotaged her wedding for that
Like Stardust
Could you write something angsty if you feel like writing it, the reader is younger than sam the boys adopted her when Bobby died her & dean are best friends falling in love since day 1 and he takes her virginity to. During a hunt away from the bunker when they are all sleeping dean go to the bathroom when he comes back find a lot of blood in the bed he wakes her sweetly Sam is waking up and see dean face with panic when she wake up dean take her bride style (1) (2)when she ask what’s happening dean keep talking sweet to her that they are going to the hospital, Sam is driving at the hospital they tell them she had a miscarriage (she didn’t know she was pregnant) back at the bunker she stay in bed for a week only get up to shower dean try to let her speak but she just cry, Charlie comes too but reader let enter only dean in the room, Sam hold dean when he start crying when he heard her crying in pain in her room when Jody comes to her (3)one day reader exit her room and comes in the library she start speaking again with dean, Sam and Charlie. Sam see how dean eyes are with tears when he make her laugh, reader saying thank for being patient with her even if she didn’t know she was pregnant losing it hit her because was dean baby and didn’t realize how much she want a baby with him, she cry a little Charlie and Sam hugging her talk with her  (4)then she see dean trying to not cry she go to him caressing his hair asking forgiveness for not talking with him she didn’t think that he was in pain just like her , dean just hugg her close, that nigh he make love to her ... after a month Jody invite everyone to dinner when Claire and Alex give a gift to reader (a necklace with a little baby angel) she start crying then laughing saying sorry hormones everyone looks at her she says she’s pregnant dean take her in his arms (5)everyone is happy sam huggs her Charlie make a joke how all her sleepless night in the bunker made something good. Then when the baby is born are twins two baby girl when her and dean are in bed locking at the babies with Sam in the room too cass pop in dean room saying that what they lost the first time comes back to them since are twins ... dean asking her to marry, Sam big brother, protective possessive dean, a scene when dean loose patience with a doctor 😂 angst a little humor smutt fluf
She’s nothing compared to you
Could you write a dean shot when he takes reader virginity, dean love her like he loves Sam, they are best friends and her Sammy and dean are inseparables. She have dean name under her left breast on the side and dean have her name in the same place. During a night out with Charlie and Sam dean is drunk like really drunk and when a slut kiss him she let her and reader recognize the girl is a past one night stand of dean before they got together years ago (1) (2) reader go away heartbroken and Charlie offers her to stay at her appartament for some time, when she go to dean room to take some clothes dean kneel crying asking to stay she’s crying too and she call Sam to help her since dean won’t let her leave the room, Sam understands her and tell dean to let her take her time, at Charlie’s reader just stay on the couch crying for days and everyday dean and Sam comes to Charlie place  (3) when dean try to talk to her crying sam and Charlie see her go under the blanket sobbing and Sam take dean away while dean keep screaming her name. One day sam go alone trying to talk to her since the two are close he tell her how dean is not eating or sleeping how he smashed the library twice and Charlie let notice she’s the same telling sam to lock at her hands who are bloody for the punch she gave the wall, while they are talking Jody call Sam to tell him dean is in hospital (4) in hospital unconscious during a hunt gone wrong with Jody, reader go to the hospital running with Sam and Charlie when the nurse try to stop her entering the room Sam block her in time before she beats the girl the nurse say only family can enter Sam say reader is the wife him the brother, angst reader pass a week by dean side crying for him to come back to her, when dean wakes up finding her hands interlaced with his he start crying seeing her, Sam is there too (5) back at the bunker reader help dean shower and when he se the tattoo he caress the name she stop in her tracks when she lock at him he’s crying so she caress his tattoo and brushing her lips with his she tell him it’s okay she’s going to be always by his side then she cup he’s cheek and crying she tell him to not scare her like that again and he hugg her thigh, when Sam and Charlie are preparing dinner they ender with dean is sustain on her cass pop to heal him (6) dinner talking with everyone, then dean ask shyly if she’s going to sleep in his room she smile shyly nodding, slow hot make love without protection dean kissing her tattoo her doing the Same oral sex both the next morning Charlie and sam are happy seeing them laughing kissing while cocking breakfast some Charlie jokes , and a years later they are in the hospital because the reader is giving birth to they’re boy and dean propose after two months the baby is born  (7) dean propose during when they see the stars in the impala hood with smut end and dean jokes how he want to knock her up for the second time... she’s orfan adopted by the boys younger than Sam and so insecure about her body , smutt angst so much ,
Freckled love
Could you do a one short or for your new series with Dean, he obssesed with them or discovering them, and licking them and alot of dirty talk please. Sorry if I bother you
Saying goodbye is always hard
Could I make a request of a reader in her late 20’s, still virgin, very shy and self-conscious about herself, quite sarcastic and a bit cynic about herself and the world due to her feeling out of place in this world but deep down she’s kind, innocent, and just wants someone to treasure and love her/make her feel like her life matters(2) (deep down she’s a hopeless romantic) and love back in return. She hates her job and quits after finding out that she doesn’t have much time left and doesn’t want to fight because she’s tired and sick of life and everything for being used and taken for granted by everyone. So, she decides to travel the world and see as much as possible or at least until she runs out of the little money she has got. They meet and despite her not being one for one-night-stands, she realises that there probably(3) won’t be many other man who would be interested in her or even look her way twice, she end up sleeping with them and share a passionate night full of intense sex and feelings until the wee hours of the early morning. She wakes up before him and stares lovingly at him but leaves quietly without waking him up or leaving a note, she didn’t even give them her real name or tells him about her condition because she doesn’t want the pity or sad looks and also wants to spare him the pain and  (4) not be bother to them. Also, because she doubts someone as gorgeous like them would ever truly love someone like her. They meet again and I leave it up to you how it ends. I don’t mind which brother or even if it’s with Jensen or Jared. My thought was for the story to end with a really angst and sad but up to you.
Sam x Reader
I want to be more than a hunter
Reader is the 18 going on 19 year old she is a hunter living at the bunker and decides she want to go to college and become a history major. She asks Sam for help turns out Sam loves her and it ends with Smut & Fluff
Stolen Kisses
sam x reader sam had a crush on the reader for awhile & like the reader has been making subtle hints that they like him . & he wanted to make sure that he was going crazy so he goes to her room & kisses her . & they do that for awhile & like he sleeps in the room & the next day dean is looking for him . when they leave to go hunting dean makes a joke about how sam was gone last night
Pairing not decided
Hidden scars
Request: Could you make a Sam or Dean x reader ( it's up to you) one of them is reader's best friend,the other brother hates reader and reader acts like he hates him too but is secretly in love with him. Anytime reader has a fight with her best friend (one of the brothers) and is really hurt after that cause of some really bad things he said. Reader is very unconfident but acts confident. Later her secret crush also says some really hurtful things and reader starts cutting herself again and tries (2)(to the one with Sam or Dean (up to you) from yesterday. WiFi just stopped working idk) tries to kill herself. When she wakes up in a hospital Sam and Dean apologize but she doesn't answer. Her best friend leaves the room and let her alone with her crush. He laying his head in her lap and tell her to never do that again. When she asks why he says cause he loves her. She laughed cause she didn't believe him and says that he can stop hurting her by now. Then he saw old bruises which he knows (3) aren't from cases. He doesn't ask her about it cause he already knows why. After a while she's convinced and they kiss. Then her best friend coming in and saying that it was about time. Maybe a smut part when they're home.
Sam x Reader x Dean
Song of love
(Request) Dean x reader x sam. Angst and abo. The reader is a hunter and lives and hunts with them, and hides that’s shes an omega to them (their alphas). And on the side she works as a singer (muse like band) and they don’t know. But one day the walk to bar shes performing at they go straight into a rut. You finish the rest (Please no heavy smut).
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cevansbaby-dove · 1 month
How I feel writing my new one shot..
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You guys might need tissues!! that's all i'm saying...tagging a few friends for this warning them @angelbabyyy99 @nicoline1998enilocin @k-slla @cutedisneygrl
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phaltu · 6 years
Will you be writing for Venom fics??
To be honest, I don’t think so! I loved the movie a lot and think Venom was a cool character and that Veddie is so valid but as far as fandom projects go I’m probably going to be Voltron only!! (But also, one day I’m going to write that Lamcost PWP…one day….there’s a critical lack of Jake/Nate Pacific Rim fic that is honestly abhorrent given the fact that John Boyega poured his entire talent as an actor into looking like he wanted to climb Scott Eastwood, and Scott Eastwood reciprocated)
If you’re looking for some tastey recs tho I did just now read an excellente Venom fic by miss mojo jojo @arahir as my bed time story that you can find here
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eliehasmoved · 6 years
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Central Scotland Werecat Pride fic: open the door (which may have just finally gotten an update!)
“Welcome to Beacon Hills,” Liam starts.
“Well met,” Rhona says. “Thank you for allowing us into your home.”
Rhona Càidh, the alpha - Ruth Negga Boone Hopkins, the second - Scott Eastwood Catriona Càidh, the heir  - Vanessa Morgan McKenna Fraser, the enforcer - Rhona Mitra Irvine Lennox, the chameleon - Robert Sheehan Todd Dunbar, the emissary - Colin O'Donoghue Max Gillies, the newbie - Peyton Meyer Lyana Dunbar, the scout - Naomi Scott
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