#luke Collins
admireforever · 9 months
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The Longest Ride
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intoanotherworld23 · 11 months
Loving You Is A Ride
Pairing: Reader x Luke Collins (Scott Eastwood)
Warnings: None
Length: 2902 words
Summary: After getting your heart broken a family friend let’s you stay with them for a while, and you swear off of love. That is until you meet a handsome and charming cowboy named Luke Collins
Alright I was totally inspired by @cevansbaby-dove and @cutedisneygrl to write this since they posted about him! It’s unfortunate there not more fanfiction about this man cause he is just so gorgeous, and I’ve been obsessed with him for a very long time. I hope you all enjoy! Thank you guys so much! XOXO
Check out my other works on my Hall Of Hunks
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It's Friday night here at the local bar, and it's already packed full of people. Most of them wearing cowboy hats and girls wearing revealing outfits hoping to take someone home. If you weren't behind this bar you'd be one of those women.
Not that you were the kind of girl to do stuff like that, but your heart was covered in ice at this point. The last thing you wanted to feel was some type of emotion. It was like you had this wall around you, and you refused to let anyone break it down.
Your fiancé had been cheating on you, and you literally caught him in bed with another woman. Next thing you know you saw red and it ended with him getting a black eye and a couple scratches on his face and arms.
Of course you kicked his ass out of the apartment you two shared since it was in your name. Drinking away your sorrows as you wallowed in self pity. Ignoring every phone call and text you were receiving not in the mood to talk to people.
Things started to get so bad you literally locked yourself in your room barely leaving your bed as you laid there in the dark. Barely eating since your body was only craving something that could help numb the pain. Your mother came over and was shocked by what she walked into. She knew something had to be done to get you out of this funk.
Calling up a family friend telling her you needed to get away for the summer. Offering you a job to help her at the bar she owned, and a free place to stay at hers. You weren't going to pass up so you packed a lot of stuff and made yourself at home.
Telling her everything that happened, and she could tell you were hurting. Cassandra was the type of person that would help you out with anything, and do everything she could to make you feel better. Hoping that you working at the bar you would meet someone special with her blessing of course.
The music was blaring as you found yourself having to keep wiping down the counter top and refilling drinks. A couple young men attempting to flirt with you only to shot down none of them peaking your interest. Except one.
Feeling eyes staring at you almost as if he were zoning out. Looking behind you to make sure there wasn't anybody else he was looking at. His eyes still focused on you as you stood there awkwardly wondering if something was wrong with him.
As he was staring you took that time to really look at him. Noticing how faded his light blue flannel shirt was meaning he's either had it for a long time or it was cheap. It was loosely fitted around his thick arms which looked bigger than your head. His aura was just screaming cowboy even though he wasn't in uniform like everybody else.
"You alright there buddy?" Asking him as he snapped out of his day dreaming letting out a dry cough.
"Oh yeah sorry my brain just kind of stopped." Walking up to the bar as he looked away.
"Do that a lot?" You quipped at him making him crack a smile.
"Only when I'm in the presence of someone gorgeous." Showing off his straight white teeth making you roll your eyes. Here we go again.
"Wow I've never heard that one before." Your tone dripping with sarcasm but that just made him smile harder. "You must use that one a lot."
"Actually I've never really used that on a woman before." That was very doubtful giving how smooth he spoke it.
The man was incredibly handsome and you found yourself slightly drooling over him. His face was sweet and kind, like there was something warm there.
This man seemed like he had stories to tell and you found yourself wanting to know more about it even though you didn't know his name.
His dazzling blue eyes were drinking you in as you kept causally working but still focused on him. Feeling his eyes on you the whole time as you tried not to stumble or drop something. His eyes dropped down to your chest for a minute before snapping back up making sure he didn't get caught creeping.
"What's your name?" He raised an eyebrow at you leaning against the counter.
"Y/N." Flipping a rag over your shoulder as you placed a hand on your hip. "You got a name?"
"The names Luke Collins." You swear you've heard that name before.
"Your a bull rider aren't you?" Luke awkwardly coughing being caught.
"Yeah I am."
"I figured you were."
"How'd you figure that out anyway?" Looking around the bar waving your hand around to all the men and women in cowboy hats and boots making him laugh.
"This bar is filled with amateur bull riders I think I know the signs." You honestly didn't really know if these men were, but you just assumed since there was a rodeo arena just up the road.
"You got me there." He chuckled feeling sheepish suddenly around you.
"What made you get into riding?"
"Uh just something I wanted to do." He was getting a little uncomfortable.
"Was your father a bull rider or something?"
For a minute his smile faded away as he looked deep in thought. Part of you felt bad for being so pushy about it, but it was too late now to take it back. His eyes focused on the sticky counter top as his jaw clenched picturing his father that last night he was bull riding.
It's been so long since Luke has talked about this or even mentioned his father. It was still a sensitive subject for him, and even after all these years he still never got over him. No matter how hard he tried to let it go he simply couldn't loosen that grip he had.
"My father was a rider as well." Looking up at you to see your eyes staring at him now hearing that crack in his voice. "He died when I was thirteen years old."
"The bull threw him down on his head and he never recovered." He continued on as you nodded along feeling complete sympathy for him. "I wanted to continue his legacy."
Luke was trying to control his breathing not feeling like crying in a bar full of people. Especially not in front of you otherwise he would die of humiliation. Just like you he sometimes would bottle things up so much until he would explode.
He seemed so genuinely nice and down to earth. Feeling your whole being gravitating towards him, but knowing to still keep your hands up maintaining that distance. The last thing you wanted to happen was to get too close to this guy only to get your heart broken and stomped on.
"I'm so sorry." Looking down to see your hands gripped a towel so hard you felt your skin would burst. "It was wrong of me to ask."
"Are you kidding me?" He half heartedly chuckled making you look back up at him. "I'm glad someone asked instead of just assuming my story."
"Well I think it's incredibly sweet you are doing it for him." Smiling at him Luke returning it showing off his pearly white teeth.
For some reason you felt guilty flirting with him like this even though you were single, but your mind couldn't wrap around that just yet. Maybe this was too soon to be thinking about being with someone else.
There was a moment of silence between you two as you helped other patrons in the bar. Like stayed there waiting for you to finish which completely surprised you. Figuring he'd waltz off to find some pretty girl or his fellow riders to chat with.
"So you got someone waiting for you at home Luke." He awkwardly laughed scratching the back of his neck.
"Nope I don't." Quirking an eyebrow at him feeling like he was lying.
"I find that hard to believe." There was no way a man like him didn't have some gorgeous woman wrapped around his arm. "I bet she's gorgeous and just perfect."
"Well if you meet this woman can you tell me." He joked back making you roll your eyes at him.
"What about you?" Taking a sip of his beer asking you the same question that had you halting not wanting to discuss him. "You got somebody waiting for you?"
"Not anymore." A hint of sadness in your voice as you now avoided his eyes.
"I bet there are a million guys waiting in line just to get a chance with you." He was just being nice you thought to make you feel better and you cracked a weak smile at him.
"Afraid not." Getting back to your work completely avoiding him now feeling that brick wall get closer and closer to you.
"You probably just don't notice them is all."
His words were true countless guys flirted with you and tried to get your number, but it just went over your head.
It wasn't his fault he wouldn't have any idea about your past relationship. He would have no idea you were once engaged and completely happy.
Luke was simply asking you because you did, and he actually was genuinely curious. You were someone that Luke would go out with, and you were his type inside and out. There was something about you he wanted to get to know.
This guy felt like he stood a chance with you, and even though you two were flirting you kept a distance not wanting to lead him on or let him catch feelings.
"Hey Y/N hon can you go in the back and get some more cases of beer?" Cassandra's chirpy voice called making you turn your attention towards her.
"Yeah sure thing." Leaving the bar as she took over walking towards the back feeling like someone was watching you.
Grabbing one case you felt like you were strong enough to carry two. You were completely wrong as you struggled to carry the two boxes laughing to yourself at having no upper body strength. Your hands were starting to hurt as you tried to get a firm grip.
Luke noticed you had been gone for quite a few minutes so he decided to go make sure you were okay. Looking around to see you standing there knees slightly bent as you struggled getting the beer. Laughing to himself seeing that determined look on your face reminding him of himself.
"Need some help?"
His voice making you jump slightly as he jogged up to you grabbing the box on top your arms feeling less pressure.
"Jesus Christ you scared me." Turning to look at him laughing at the wide eyed look on your face. "I've got it."
"Doesn't seem like you do." He argued back smiling softly as he stacked another box in his hands with ease making you scoff.
"Show off." Mumbling under your breath as you followed him back to the bar.
Dropping the boxes off on the floor as Cassandra looked between you and Luke. A smile on her face as she smiled with a shake of her head knowing you bit off more than you could chew with the crates.
Underestimating how heavy those suckers were, and also you were as stubborn as a mule.
Luke walked back over to where he was standing as you got back to work. You could tell he was keeping his eye on you, and wanted to further your conversation. Cassandra could sense that too, and knowing her she was going to rub her hands and work her magic.
"Why don't you go on your break now?" Grabbing your hand as you looked around noticing the crowd wasn't going anywhere soon.
"Cass I can't leave you alone." Shaking your head as Luke beamed at the opportunity.
"Oh please this is nothing I can't handle." Giving Luke a quick wink as you looked away grabbing your purse underneath the counter top.
Cassandra knew exactly what she was doing, and she was good at doing it. She noticed the way Luke was watching you all night, and she hasn't seen you smile like that in such a long time. It was a familiar look that you got when you first met your ex fiancé.
Shooting Luke an apologetic look as you shrugged your shoulders giving him a wave as you shuffled through all the people. Giving a last turn back look you see Cassandra talking to Luke as he nods his head with a bow. Wondering what exactly they'd be talking about.
Luke quickly finishing his beer as he turned around to the doors you walked out of hoping you would still be in the parking lot.
Hearing a couple of his friends waving him over as he shook his head and kept walking towards the exit determined to catch you.
Looking around he spots you standing by a silver jeep leaning over the back seat messing with something. He also can't help but notice how your shirt was rising exposing your soft skin to his eyes.
Stopping his thoughts from getting any dirtier as he walked over to you standing there with his hands in his front pockets clearing his throat.
"Nice ride."
His sudden voice makes you jump turning around your back against the car as you placed a hand over your heart. He was really going to have to stop scaring you like this.
"Shit, are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Trying to slow your heart rate down knowing it wasn't some killer stalking you.
"Sorry wasn't trying to scare you." Apologizing with a concerned smile as you crossed your arms across your chest.
"That's twice now you've snuck up on me." You teased. "Three strikes and you're out Luke ."
"I promise it won't happen again." Crossing a finger over his heart making you giggle.
"Let's hope not I'm still too young to have a heart attack." That made him laugh as he awkwardly stood directly in front of you now.
"So did you need something from me?" Looking around quickly then back to him asking him raising your eyebrows at him.
"Actually yeah there is something I wanted to ask you."
Luke was nervous and he didn't know why afraid that a beautiful woman like you would reject him so quickly it would make his head spin.
He figured someone like you flirted with guys like him when you worked to get bigger tips. Not being the type of guy to throw himself out there like that. Usually girls came up to him, and he never really had to work to get a girls attention.
"Yeah?" Having a feeling you knew exactly where this was going gulping so loudly you felt he heard it.
"I was wanting to ask if you wanted to hang out some time."
Your breath hitched as you thought how to let him down easily. Trying to find the right words but straining to speak once you saw how adorable he looked right now. He looked like some lost little puppy dog on the side of the road just waiting for someone to pet him.
Maybe it wouldn't hurt you to just give the guy a chance. It's been too damn long though since you've just hung out with a guy. Thankful he didn't use the term date meaning he wasn't exactly looking to move so quickly.
"Yeah sure why not." Your answer had him smiling from ear to ear making your cheeks feel like they were burning.
"I'm not that bad I promise." He joked as you smiled softly at him.
"I don't know about that I've heard about you bull riders." You mused fiddling with your car keys.
"The only rider you'd have to worry about is Jared Middleton."
Staring at him like he just grew two heads having no idea who he was even talking about noticing the confused look on your face. Something he didn't really want to get into already.
"That's for another time."
"I'm gonna hold you to that." Pointing a finger at him as he chuckled.
Exchanging your numbers as he put his name on your phone under handsome rider with the bull emoji making you laugh. Of course you put your name as 'that girl from the bar' snickering to yourself as you did it.
"I'll uhh text you." Motioning to his phone as you nodded opening the driver door.
"I look forward to it Luke." Watching him as he walked away back inside his figure disappearing into the crowd.
Your mind was telling you to just let him down easily and tell him you're not interested. Then again your heart was telling you to go for it. It was becoming all too confusing on what you should do. Knowing you can't be single for the rest of your life, and shut everyone that comes into your life out.
As you closed the door you sat there with your hands on the steering wheel. Staring straight ahead as you realized what you were about to get yourself into. This could either end good or completely horrible.
"Fuck." Whispering as your face hit the steering wheel.
Tag list for everything: @iam-laiya @rosie-posie08 @madzleigh01 @alwaysclassyeagle @mytbel0st @shanimallina87 @marvelstarker-mha98 @powellssugarbaby @lora21 @kmc1989 @cookielovesbook-akie @adaydreamaway08
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shipcenter · 2 years
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cevansbaby-dove · 3 months
Please be careful, A one shot story
A love story of Angel Myers and Jordan Banks.
Think of this as a crossover of Girl Meets World And The Longest Ride! Enjoy :)
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That night wasn't what I thought it would be. My friend and I went to a rodeo and saw an old friend of mine bull ride which scared me so much that I couldn't watch him get hurt or even worse...Killed.
Jordan and I have been friends since high school and we got close as friends but then he left for Texas and I left for New York to work on my art job.
We didn't talk for ten years until Allie, my friend told me about a rodeo he was in and said maybe we should go and see him.
That night wasn't what I thought it would be. Allie and Kyle (her bf) and I went to a rodeo and saw Jordan bull ride.
I gasp seeing him get trampled by the bull after he fell off.
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After the rodeo all four of us went into the woods for a camp fire and s'mores. man it was fun but, I kept glancing at Jordan I need to say something to him about this....so I do.
I stand up and say to him. "Jordan Your a mad man! Do you think I like it when I hear or even see you on that stupid bull just for some award!?"
My friend Allie looks at me and him fighting. "Angel Your thinking to much into this! it's just-"
"just what!? tell me just what! Dumb!?" I fold my arms and Allie stands up. "Kyle we should them some space"
Our friend Kyle stands up. "ice cream is calling our names" She flashes me a smile and says "We'll come back later"
They walk away and I sit on the log looking into the fire and Jordan says. "Angel I'm sorry if what I did upset you...I just wanted you to like me"
I look at him. "You don't have to almost die for me to like you Jordan!" I stand up and say. "You don't have to be rich or own a ranch or be the smartest person in our high school years for me to like you! All you have to do is be you...be cowboy be....yourself"
He nods. "your right" I scoff. "that's it!? I'm right? my god" I turn around and Jordan stands up. "you and I go way back and that moment I walked out your life....was the hardest thing I had to do but guess what, your here now and I....I won't leave you like I did back then"
"Your moving?" I said looking at Jordan in my bedroom. "Why the hell would you do that?" "why would you tell me about New York!?"
I scoff. "it's my life Jordan!" "Well then you know my reason then too, I'm sorry Angel I really am I but....I want to go back home" I blink away the tears in my eyes and look away. "then leave me already"
"An-" "I said leave!" I look at him and point at the door. "Go to your new home Jordan! Please!" I can see the hurt in his eyes but I am so mad I don't care how he feels.
End of Flashback.
"Angel did you hear me?" I nod. "yes I did but that doesn't change this whole thing! You are so dumb Jordan Banks that you would do all this for me!?"
I am so close to his face he lightly grabs my cheeks and leans to me. "In a heartbeat"
I stare at him with my mouth slightly apart. "Why would you do that?" he let's go of me and says. "That was the only thing I could think of that would make you stop"
I take a step back and sit back down and look at the sky. "it's nice out tonight"
Jordan sits by me and says. "Who needs the stars when I can look at you?" I glance at him. "Stop it" "Stop what?"
"everything, you, me all of this mess we have and I don't want to think of us this way"
"So there is an Us uh?" Jordan said smirking at me. I smile lightly. "We have always been great friends, if we become more...I don't know, I think it'll be bad for both of us."
Jordan sighs. "Right sorry"
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"Can we just not talk please?" I look at my lap and Jordan nods. "Sure" We don't say anything more just the sound of the nature talks around us.
tags:@bookishtheaterlover7 @cutedisneygrl (thanks for the help bff love you always!) @angelbabyyy99 @entertainmentgirl80 @nicoline1998enilocin
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
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the-cranck-hobbit · 2 years
Ten characters, Ten fandoms, Ten tags 🔖
1. Bucky Barnes (MCU)
2. Aragorn (LOTR)
3. Natasha Phoenix Trace (TGM)
4. Leonard McCoy (Star Trek)
5. Luke Collins (The Longest Ride)
6. Jonathan Blake (The Dark Knight Trilogy)
7. Newt (The Maze Runner Trilogy)
8. Mitchell (Being Human)
9. Finnick Odair (Hunger Games)
10. Dick Grayson (DC Comics)
Too many possibility, it was hard to make a choice 😭😭😭
Thank you @topgun-imagines for the tags 🥰
@sey @bradshawsbaby @kryptonitejelly @sunlightmurdock @justfandomwritings @callsign-phoenix @coeur-sacre-de-sorciere @youlightmeupfinn @luna-writes-stuff @imamotherfuckingstar-lord
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bradshawswife · 2 years
Luke Collins and Rhett Abbott are literally the same words just different font
tell me i’m wrong
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bellarkeselection · 1 year
Watch "Luke & Sophia | The One" on YouTube
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thesoccerfan · 2 years
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olka6699 · 2 years
hey everyone, I would like to introduce you my idea inspired by heartstopper, it's called The neighborhood and it's about a couple of friends from the neighborhood, Max Flowers and Luke Collins, I will post pictures every now and then, check my Instagram _.theneighborhood._ !!
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moviesandmania · 4 months
FOLLOW THE DEAD (2018) Comedy horror - free to watch on YouTube
‘We get the monsters we deserve’ Follow the Dead is a 2020 Irish comedy horror film in which four millennials in rural Ireland can’t discern fake news from real. Viral videos seem to show the fall of Dublin at the hands of the undead. Has a dependent lifestyle left them too naive to weather their fate? The movie was written, produced and directed by Adam William Cahill. The Wild Stag Productions…
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superblycaffeinated · 4 months
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Find the list of March Prompts I’m participating in here - I hope you join in! I love seeing all the different stories people come up with from the same words  This is a very loose depiction of righteousness - I went with the definition: "Righteousness is a feeling or way of life that is all about doing the right thing." This contains spoilers for the fanfiction series The Listen Series by @averagejoesolomon
Morgan Goode / Luke Collins
Luke Collins is infuriating was not a new thought for my brain to stumble over, but a rare occurrence these days. 
Kind? Yes. Attentive? You bet. Patient? Undeniably. Slight tendency to hover and helicopter on occasion? Annoyingly so lately. 
But infuriating? I hadn’t needed to use that word until right now. 
“Morgan, no.”
No is not really a term in my vocabulary, it never has been, and if it’s told to me, it’s not something I listen to often. Especially when accompanied with my name like that, like he’s scolding, like he can’t believe I’d be so stupid like-
“Are you even listening to me?”
“Nope,” I popped the ‘p’ as I continued to tape my hands. 
Sometimes, I was still a little shocked to look down and see the scars, flexing a stiff hand and watching how they caught the light on more than a few occasions. To suddenly tune in to how different my two legs felt from one another. 
I wouldn’t say I admired my scars, or found beauty in them usually (unless Luke was kissing them and whispering things he loved about me against my skin, but that’s a different story). But when I stretched out my arms and saw the swirling pattern extend up both forearms, I did draw some sort of courage from them, I think.
Not fueled by spite, or anger, or hate, though those were easy to fall into from time to time - easier not to with each passing day - but from peace, from clarity, from trusting my gut that I had done the right thing two years ago. 
“I’m not doing this,” Luke exhaled in a tone riddled with finality, one with zero room for argument. 
It was a nicely delivered command, strong, confident, and anybody in their right mind would have heard it, looked at the strong set of his jaw, his squared off shoulders, his arms crossed over his chest, and accepted defeat and walked away. 
But see, I’m not normally in my “right” mind, and I knew what others didn’t - that when it comes to me and Luke Collins, there was always room for an argument. 
“Oh,” I laughed, squinting up at him in the harsh noon light, “I get it. You’re afraid to lose to a girl.”
Luke’s temple pulsed, that familiar crease furrowing his forehead as he tried to continue to be three steps ahead, to figure out where I was planning to take this. 
A horse snorted in the pasture to our left, a chip crunched between teeth up on the porch to our right, a breeze carried a faint melody in the air, and Luke’s heartbeat thudded calmly despite the tension he carried in his body. 
“When have I ever been afraid to lose to a girl, Morgan?” Luke gritted out, taking the bait easily, taking a step closer. 
“Can think of at least one time you were worried about losing to a whole team of them,” I cracked my neck as I cocked an eyebrow at him, “Broke your nose about it.”
He huffed a breath out of that crooked nose as he narrowed his eyes at me in an old, familiar, challenging way. 
We weren’t the same kids who fought because we had to. 
I had new pain and trauma, new experience, new weaknesses and strengths. I had new patience and drive and passion for the work I was born to do. He had scruff on his jaw, and new muscles in his arms, new scars, new stories, a new (and entirely too attractive) confidence and determination at work, new, bold and unapologetic public displays of affection towards me.  
But apparently also a newfound moral dilemma about fighting me. 
In the two years since I’d woken up in that overnight room in the hospital wing at Gallagher, Luke Collins had refused to throw a punch my way. 
I hadn’t noticed at first, because I was so focused on learning how my new body would and could work. I was determined and hellbent on getting better, one step at a time. So caught up in the feeling of finally being able to hit and kick and fight, that I hadn’t noticed that every time we sparred, Luke was back to his tried and true defensive approach when it came to me. 
“It’s okay, Collins,” I let his last name hang in the space between us, poking, prodding, baiting, “Should have just realized you were a chicken.”
He rolled his eyes, and scoffed out a cold laugh, “I’m not a chicken.”
Too easy. 
“Asking for a fight,” I pointed to myself, then him as I called out louder, “Doesn’t want to fight me. If it acts like a chicken, and sounds like a chicken…” I clucked my tongue against the roof of my mouth. Twitters from our audience had a smirk pulling at my lips. 
Luke took another step towards me, shaking his head once, then twice. Slow and determined, just like his breath. 
“Nice try, I’m not five years old Goode.”
I threw my arm out towards the porch, my voice growing louder, “Charlotte has hit me. Several times.”
“Morgan, I’m not-”
“Jasons, has hit me, Jasons!” I exclaimed, excitement pulsed through me as his foot shifted, as his arm twitched. 
“My dad has hit me!”
Our chests heaved in sync, in anticipation as his gaze dotted over my face. I heard his swallow, I heard his inhale, I heard the gravel beneath his toe, and I heard the lack of breath from everyone watching. 
“I know you have this moral code, some righteous compass you have to follow, but I need you to punch me. And I need you to fucking mean it.”
“Morgan,” his voice came out strained, like he was fighting every instinct in his body, “Stop. Talking.”
A familiar heat licked up my spine, it pricked at something on the back of my neck, it sent electric charges down my arms and into my fingertips. 
For the first time in a long time, I felt excited about punching something. Someone. 
I exhaled, I lifted my jaw in defiance, and I let a breath carry the dare past my lips. 
“Make me.”
The sound of my hand catching his fist before it hit my jaw was only slightly muffled by the cheering and whistling from our right. 
And if I ended up with a punch to the gut because I was too distracted by Luke’s smile at the sound of Scout Jasons yelling at my brother that he owed him twenty bucks, then so be it. 
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witchthewriter · 29 days
Collin: It is what it is. Pen can marry whomever she wishes.
Eloise: *says sarcastically* Yes brother, you are completely right...
Eloise: *whispering to Hyacinth* he is so going to cry about this later
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cevansbaby-dove · 8 months
Luke Collins and Reader.
Just a one shot i thought of last night.
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"Y/N would you calm down!?" Luke said as you kept pacing. "No no no! Are you crazy! your going to ride that bull fall off and prob break your neck! So no i will not calm down until you say you won't be doing..that"
Luke shakes his head. "I love doing this babe you know that"
"But what if you fall off and die!?" You feel your breathing go faster and you hold back tears then say. "If you do this...we are over i promise"
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"y/n don't be like this.."
You blink and say. "If you walk out there and do this.." he says "ok ok i get it! your worried about me i know! God" he turns and starts to walk around. "Y/N i brought you here thinking you'd be my best friend and support me in this"
"that was before you told me you were doing crazy stunt like bull riding Luke!"
"It's not that bad really as long as i get right back up i'll be ok" You give him this look.
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"If..and that's a huge if!" You turn on your heel and walk out without another word.
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Luke sighs and grabs his hat and walks out.
You get on the top of the bleachers and sit down, your best friend sits by you. "hey." You frown. "I can't watch him get himself killed...I just can't.."
"I know, did you talk to him about it?" You nod. "he's too set in his ways to hear me out on it and i hate that"
Luke gets on the bull. "okay bud please be nice ok?" He nods and they let it loose.
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You stand up when he falls on the ground, holding your breath you see him stand up and rush out of the bull's way.
Everyone claps but you just run into the back looking for luke. He smiles at you. "see all good" You roll your eyes and hug him. "this time"
Luke smiles at you and you say. "Ok ok yes i watched but i really was worried about you." he kisses your cheek with his arms around your waist. "I knew you would watch me"
"yea yea now can we go get dinner?"
"Anything for you princess" You two walk out hand in hand.
taglist @alternativeprincess94 @k-slla @cutedisneygrl @patzammit @armystay89 @katherineswritingsblog
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d-targaryenshoe · 5 months
Carpets and Gala's - Luke Thompson
Word Count: 907
Summary: Who said Met Gala's weren't special when you had the most special person by your side, right?
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The bustling streets of New York City were filled with excitement and anticipation as the stars gathered for the highly anticipated 2024 Met Gala.
Cameras flashed and crowds of fans screamed as celebrities walked the red carpet, dressed in their finest designer gowns and suits.
Among the many A-listers making their grand entrance, there was you, known for your breakout role in the hit show Bridgerton, and your boyfriend, Luke Thompson.
As you made your way towards the entrance of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, all eyes were on the both of you, causing a frenzy among the fans in the street when Luke held up the train of your dress.
"I can't believe they're here!" exclaimed one fan, snapping a photo of the couple with her phone, as you waved towards her and made them scream harder.
"I had no idea they were dating, they look so perfect together!" gushed another fan, trying to get a better view of you.
You and Luke smiled and waved at the fans before making your way up the grand staircase and onto the red carpet, where you were immediately surrounded by reporters and interviewers.
"Y/n! Luke! Over here!' shouted the reporters, vying for your attention.
You were dressed in a stunning silver gown, and Luke, looking dapper in a grey tuxedo, happily obliged as you made your way through the crowd.
"Congratulations on your debut appearance as a couple, you two look stunning tonight!" one reporter exclaimed, holding out her microphone for you to speak.
"Thank you so much, it's an honor to be here at the Met Gala with Luke by my side," You beamed, looking at your boyfriend with a loving smile.
"It's a night to remember," Luke added, wrapping his arm around your waist.
As you both continued to make your way down the red carpet, you stopped to talk to more reporters and take photos with fans.
It was a dream come true for you since you had always wanted to attend the Met Gala and you were grateful to have Luke with you on this special night.
"Can you give us a sneak peek into what fans can expect from Bridgerton season 3?" one interviewer asked, causing your eyes to light up.
"I can't reveal too much, but let's just say there will be lots more of romance and a special carriage ride." You teased, much to the delight of the fans.
As you both finally reached the end of the red carpet, you and Luke were met by the host of the evening, the talented and hilarious Liza Koshy.
"Y/n! Luke! Welcome to the Met Gala!" Liza exclaimed, giving you both a warm hug.
"Thank you, Liza. We're thrilled to be here," You replied, grinning from ear to ear.
"So, this is your first Met Gala together as a couple. How does it feel?" Liza asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.
"It feels amazing. It's such an honor to be here, and to be able to share this moment with Luke just makes it even more special," You replied, smiling at him.
"Liza, can I just say that y/n looks enchanting tonight," Luke cut in, causing you to blush.
"You're not looking too bad yourself, Luke," Liza said with a wink, causing you all to laugh.
"Yeah, well, I had an amazing stylist," Luke replied, grinning at you.
"Okay, now, spill the tea. Is there anything you can tell us about Bridgerton season 3? Any new characters or plot twists?" Liza asked, wiggling her eyebrows mischievously.
"Well, let's just say fans won't be disappointed by their expectations," You replied slyly.
"Okay guys, I need to know. How was your first meeting?' she asked her usual bubbly self.
"It was better than anything I'd expect on meeting a co-star for the first time, better than I'd have imagined and more. And I have to say, the connection we had besides the chemistry made it more special," Luke replied, looking at you with adoration.
"I couldn't agree more. these last years of Bridgerton were mindblowing, and I'm so grateful to be able to share it with this man," You said, wrapping your arms around his waist as he pulled you closer.
Liza couldn't help but let out a squeal again, and we all laughed as she faked taking a picture to capture the moment.
"And on that note, I'm going to let you guys go. I can clearly see that you just want to be alone right now," Liza said with a wink, before giving you both a hug.
"Thank you for everything tonight, Liza. Seriously, we couldn't have asked for a better interview. Or interviewer," You said, hugging her back.
"Oh please, it was my pleasure. And who knows, maybe we'll see more of you two on the red carpet in the future," Liza said with a playful wink, before heading off to interview other guests.
As you both made your way inside, you couldn't stop talking about how amazing the night was going to be. You were both excited, but you knew that you would cherish this memory forever.
You knew that life was only going to get crazier from here on out with your growing fame, but you were also confident that as long as you had each other, you could handle anything.
And as you walked hand in hand towards your future, you couldn't wait to see what the Met Gala would bring.
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lasaraconor · 24 days
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