#Scott Eastwood imagines
intoanotherworld23 · 1 year
Loving You Is A Ride
Pairing: Reader x Luke Collins (Scott Eastwood)
Warnings: None
Length: 2902 words
Summary: After getting your heart broken a family friend let’s you stay with them for a while, and you swear off of love. That is until you meet a handsome and charming cowboy named Luke Collins
Alright I was totally inspired by @cevansbaby-dove and @cutedisneygrl to write this since they posted about him! It’s unfortunate there not more fanfiction about this man cause he is just so gorgeous, and I’ve been obsessed with him for a very long time. I hope you all enjoy! Thank you guys so much! XOXO
Check out my other works on my Hall Of Hunks
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It's Friday night here at the local bar, and it's already packed full of people. Most of them wearing cowboy hats and girls wearing revealing outfits hoping to take someone home. If you weren't behind this bar you'd be one of those women.
Not that you were the kind of girl to do stuff like that, but your heart was covered in ice at this point. The last thing you wanted to feel was some type of emotion. It was like you had this wall around you, and you refused to let anyone break it down.
Your fiancé had been cheating on you, and you literally caught him in bed with another woman. Next thing you know you saw red and it ended with him getting a black eye and a couple scratches on his face and arms.
Of course you kicked his ass out of the apartment you two shared since it was in your name. Drinking away your sorrows as you wallowed in self pity. Ignoring every phone call and text you were receiving not in the mood to talk to people.
Things started to get so bad you literally locked yourself in your room barely leaving your bed as you laid there in the dark. Barely eating since your body was only craving something that could help numb the pain. Your mother came over and was shocked by what she walked into. She knew something had to be done to get you out of this funk.
Calling up a family friend telling her you needed to get away for the summer. Offering you a job to help her at the bar she owned, and a free place to stay at hers. You weren't going to pass up so you packed a lot of stuff and made yourself at home.
Telling her everything that happened, and she could tell you were hurting. Cassandra was the type of person that would help you out with anything, and do everything she could to make you feel better. Hoping that you working at the bar you would meet someone special with her blessing of course.
The music was blaring as you found yourself having to keep wiping down the counter top and refilling drinks. A couple young men attempting to flirt with you only to shot down none of them peaking your interest. Except one.
Feeling eyes staring at you almost as if he were zoning out. Looking behind you to make sure there wasn't anybody else he was looking at. His eyes still focused on you as you stood there awkwardly wondering if something was wrong with him.
As he was staring you took that time to really look at him. Noticing how faded his light blue flannel shirt was meaning he's either had it for a long time or it was cheap. It was loosely fitted around his thick arms which looked bigger than your head. His aura was just screaming cowboy even though he wasn't in uniform like everybody else.
"You alright there buddy?" Asking him as he snapped out of his day dreaming letting out a dry cough.
"Oh yeah sorry my brain just kind of stopped." Walking up to the bar as he looked away.
"Do that a lot?" You quipped at him making him crack a smile.
"Only when I'm in the presence of someone gorgeous." Showing off his straight white teeth making you roll your eyes. Here we go again.
"Wow I've never heard that one before." Your tone dripping with sarcasm but that just made him smile harder. "You must use that one a lot."
"Actually I've never really used that on a woman before." That was very doubtful giving how smooth he spoke it.
The man was incredibly handsome and you found yourself slightly drooling over him. His face was sweet and kind, like there was something warm there.
This man seemed like he had stories to tell and you found yourself wanting to know more about it even though you didn't know his name.
His dazzling blue eyes were drinking you in as you kept causally working but still focused on him. Feeling his eyes on you the whole time as you tried not to stumble or drop something. His eyes dropped down to your chest for a minute before snapping back up making sure he didn't get caught creeping.
"What's your name?" He raised an eyebrow at you leaning against the counter.
"Y/N." Flipping a rag over your shoulder as you placed a hand on your hip. "You got a name?"
"The names Luke Collins." You swear you've heard that name before.
"Your a bull rider aren't you?" Luke awkwardly coughing being caught.
"Yeah I am."
"I figured you were."
"How'd you figure that out anyway?" Looking around the bar waving your hand around to all the men and women in cowboy hats and boots making him laugh.
"This bar is filled with amateur bull riders I think I know the signs." You honestly didn't really know if these men were, but you just assumed since there was a rodeo arena just up the road.
"You got me there." He chuckled feeling sheepish suddenly around you.
"What made you get into riding?"
"Uh just something I wanted to do." He was getting a little uncomfortable.
"Was your father a bull rider or something?"
For a minute his smile faded away as he looked deep in thought. Part of you felt bad for being so pushy about it, but it was too late now to take it back. His eyes focused on the sticky counter top as his jaw clenched picturing his father that last night he was bull riding.
It's been so long since Luke has talked about this or even mentioned his father. It was still a sensitive subject for him, and even after all these years he still never got over him. No matter how hard he tried to let it go he simply couldn't loosen that grip he had.
"My father was a rider as well." Looking up at you to see your eyes staring at him now hearing that crack in his voice. "He died when I was thirteen years old."
"The bull threw him down on his head and he never recovered." He continued on as you nodded along feeling complete sympathy for him. "I wanted to continue his legacy."
Luke was trying to control his breathing not feeling like crying in a bar full of people. Especially not in front of you otherwise he would die of humiliation. Just like you he sometimes would bottle things up so much until he would explode.
He seemed so genuinely nice and down to earth. Feeling your whole being gravitating towards him, but knowing to still keep your hands up maintaining that distance. The last thing you wanted to happen was to get too close to this guy only to get your heart broken and stomped on.
"I'm so sorry." Looking down to see your hands gripped a towel so hard you felt your skin would burst. "It was wrong of me to ask."
"Are you kidding me?" He half heartedly chuckled making you look back up at him. "I'm glad someone asked instead of just assuming my story."
"Well I think it's incredibly sweet you are doing it for him." Smiling at him Luke returning it showing off his pearly white teeth.
For some reason you felt guilty flirting with him like this even though you were single, but your mind couldn't wrap around that just yet. Maybe this was too soon to be thinking about being with someone else.
There was a moment of silence between you two as you helped other patrons in the bar. Like stayed there waiting for you to finish which completely surprised you. Figuring he'd waltz off to find some pretty girl or his fellow riders to chat with.
"So you got someone waiting for you at home Luke." He awkwardly laughed scratching the back of his neck.
"Nope I don't." Quirking an eyebrow at him feeling like he was lying.
"I find that hard to believe." There was no way a man like him didn't have some gorgeous woman wrapped around his arm. "I bet she's gorgeous and just perfect."
"Well if you meet this woman can you tell me." He joked back making you roll your eyes at him.
"What about you?" Taking a sip of his beer asking you the same question that had you halting not wanting to discuss him. "You got somebody waiting for you?"
"Not anymore." A hint of sadness in your voice as you now avoided his eyes.
"I bet there are a million guys waiting in line just to get a chance with you." He was just being nice you thought to make you feel better and you cracked a weak smile at him.
"Afraid not." Getting back to your work completely avoiding him now feeling that brick wall get closer and closer to you.
"You probably just don't notice them is all."
His words were true countless guys flirted with you and tried to get your number, but it just went over your head.
It wasn't his fault he wouldn't have any idea about your past relationship. He would have no idea you were once engaged and completely happy.
Luke was simply asking you because you did, and he actually was genuinely curious. You were someone that Luke would go out with, and you were his type inside and out. There was something about you he wanted to get to know.
This guy felt like he stood a chance with you, and even though you two were flirting you kept a distance not wanting to lead him on or let him catch feelings.
"Hey Y/N hon can you go in the back and get some more cases of beer?" Cassandra's chirpy voice called making you turn your attention towards her.
"Yeah sure thing." Leaving the bar as she took over walking towards the back feeling like someone was watching you.
Grabbing one case you felt like you were strong enough to carry two. You were completely wrong as you struggled to carry the two boxes laughing to yourself at having no upper body strength. Your hands were starting to hurt as you tried to get a firm grip.
Luke noticed you had been gone for quite a few minutes so he decided to go make sure you were okay. Looking around to see you standing there knees slightly bent as you struggled getting the beer. Laughing to himself seeing that determined look on your face reminding him of himself.
"Need some help?"
His voice making you jump slightly as he jogged up to you grabbing the box on top your arms feeling less pressure.
"Jesus Christ you scared me." Turning to look at him laughing at the wide eyed look on your face. "I've got it."
"Doesn't seem like you do." He argued back smiling softly as he stacked another box in his hands with ease making you scoff.
"Show off." Mumbling under your breath as you followed him back to the bar.
Dropping the boxes off on the floor as Cassandra looked between you and Luke. A smile on her face as she smiled with a shake of her head knowing you bit off more than you could chew with the crates.
Underestimating how heavy those suckers were, and also you were as stubborn as a mule.
Luke walked back over to where he was standing as you got back to work. You could tell he was keeping his eye on you, and wanted to further your conversation. Cassandra could sense that too, and knowing her she was going to rub her hands and work her magic.
"Why don't you go on your break now?" Grabbing your hand as you looked around noticing the crowd wasn't going anywhere soon.
"Cass I can't leave you alone." Shaking your head as Luke beamed at the opportunity.
"Oh please this is nothing I can't handle." Giving Luke a quick wink as you looked away grabbing your purse underneath the counter top.
Cassandra knew exactly what she was doing, and she was good at doing it. She noticed the way Luke was watching you all night, and she hasn't seen you smile like that in such a long time. It was a familiar look that you got when you first met your ex fiancé.
Shooting Luke an apologetic look as you shrugged your shoulders giving him a wave as you shuffled through all the people. Giving a last turn back look you see Cassandra talking to Luke as he nods his head with a bow. Wondering what exactly they'd be talking about.
Luke quickly finishing his beer as he turned around to the doors you walked out of hoping you would still be in the parking lot.
Hearing a couple of his friends waving him over as he shook his head and kept walking towards the exit determined to catch you.
Looking around he spots you standing by a silver jeep leaning over the back seat messing with something. He also can't help but notice how your shirt was rising exposing your soft skin to his eyes.
Stopping his thoughts from getting any dirtier as he walked over to you standing there with his hands in his front pockets clearing his throat.
"Nice ride."
His sudden voice makes you jump turning around your back against the car as you placed a hand over your heart. He was really going to have to stop scaring you like this.
"Shit, are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Trying to slow your heart rate down knowing it wasn't some killer stalking you.
"Sorry wasn't trying to scare you." Apologizing with a concerned smile as you crossed your arms across your chest.
"That's twice now you've snuck up on me." You teased. "Three strikes and you're out Luke ."
"I promise it won't happen again." Crossing a finger over his heart making you giggle.
"Let's hope not I'm still too young to have a heart attack." That made him laugh as he awkwardly stood directly in front of you now.
"So did you need something from me?" Looking around quickly then back to him asking him raising your eyebrows at him.
"Actually yeah there is something I wanted to ask you."
Luke was nervous and he didn't know why afraid that a beautiful woman like you would reject him so quickly it would make his head spin.
He figured someone like you flirted with guys like him when you worked to get bigger tips. Not being the type of guy to throw himself out there like that. Usually girls came up to him, and he never really had to work to get a girls attention.
"Yeah?" Having a feeling you knew exactly where this was going gulping so loudly you felt he heard it.
"I was wanting to ask if you wanted to hang out some time."
Your breath hitched as you thought how to let him down easily. Trying to find the right words but straining to speak once you saw how adorable he looked right now. He looked like some lost little puppy dog on the side of the road just waiting for someone to pet him.
Maybe it wouldn't hurt you to just give the guy a chance. It's been too damn long though since you've just hung out with a guy. Thankful he didn't use the term date meaning he wasn't exactly looking to move so quickly.
"Yeah sure why not." Your answer had him smiling from ear to ear making your cheeks feel like they were burning.
"I'm not that bad I promise." He joked as you smiled softly at him.
"I don't know about that I've heard about you bull riders." You mused fiddling with your car keys.
"The only rider you'd have to worry about is Jared Middleton."
Staring at him like he just grew two heads having no idea who he was even talking about noticing the confused look on your face. Something he didn't really want to get into already.
"That's for another time."
"I'm gonna hold you to that." Pointing a finger at him as he chuckled.
Exchanging your numbers as he put his name on your phone under handsome rider with the bull emoji making you laugh. Of course you put your name as 'that girl from the bar' snickering to yourself as you did it.
"I'll uhh text you." Motioning to his phone as you nodded opening the driver door.
"I look forward to it Luke." Watching him as he walked away back inside his figure disappearing into the crowd.
Your mind was telling you to just let him down easily and tell him you're not interested. Then again your heart was telling you to go for it. It was becoming all too confusing on what you should do. Knowing you can't be single for the rest of your life, and shut everyone that comes into your life out.
As you closed the door you sat there with your hands on the steering wheel. Staring straight ahead as you realized what you were about to get yourself into. This could either end good or completely horrible.
"Fuck." Whispering as your face hit the steering wheel.
Tag list for everything: @iam-laiya @rosie-posie08 @madzleigh01 @alwaysclassyeagle @mytbel0st @shanimallina87 @marvelstarker-mha98 @powellssugarbaby @lora21 @kmc1989 @cookielovesbook-akie @adaydreamaway08
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Captain Little Nobody America.
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Hi all, 
I have entered the land of sickness again (🙄) and I’m looking to write some imagines to keep me occupied while I’m laid up in bed. So, if you have any requests, send them my way either via inbox or through private message.
Who I write for:
Taron Egerton (and any of his characters) 
Richard Madden (and any of his characters)
Scott Eastwood (and any of his characters)
Evan Peters (and any of his characters)
Note: I am open to writing for any female actors and characters that they play as well.
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malavera · 2 years
Intruder (m) — Tom Cruise
A/N: This isn’t really proofread 🫣 but ENJOYY! 💋
Summary: Tom had a very long day, when he came home he didn’t expect anyone to be laying on his comfortable bed, with her legs spread wide and wearing his favorite button up shirt, a moaning mess.
Warnings: smut, stalker!reader, dom!tom, degradationKink, f/masturbation, f/receiving, WORK OF FICTION
tagging: @deanscroissant
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You were born a rebel.
Your favorite movie of all time was Ocean’s 8 and The Bling Ring starting Emma Watson with that pretty good American Accent. Living in L.A has its perks. There will always have parties around the block and the networking is godsend. You and your girlfriends crashed this party one time, nobody noticed an uninvited guests were coming, it was literally a big party hosted by the most famous actor’s son. Your girlfriend successfully slept with Scott Eastwood. The parties that you go to aren’t always the ones that were hosted by some bunch of college kids. Through that networking, you successfully gotten into the ‘party’ party.
You and your girlfriends love doing this. The sneaking in and sneaking out gave you some kind of guilty pleasure and adrenaline that nobody would understand but your girlfriends. There is one thing that they won’t understand though, your obsession with older men. You don’t think you’d have Daddy Issues, no. There’s just something about being attracted to older men that gives you this exciting sensation. It’s a state of mind that, not everyone could understand.
Dragging your finger tips across the marbled walls, you couldn’t believe that you’re actually, successfully, breaking into your number one obsession’s house.
Tom Cruise.
You thought, him being the famous actor in the world, would have a very tight security. He’s basically the United States, but why is this man, chose to live like a normal person with minimum security.
Walking into his living room, you felt like this isn't warm enough for him to come home to. You managed to lighten up the fire in the fireplace. Brushing your hands against each other, you turned your head to the other side of the room to find his liquor collection. You smirk to yourself, you decided to get comfortable and fix yourself a drink. Take advantage as it's good while it lasted, you thought.
A glass of whiskey on your hand, you've always been a whiskey kind of girl. Walking upstairs to explore some more, you finally found his bedroom. Once you closed the door slightly, the temperature is as the same as the living room downstairs. Another fireplace is spotted, you decided to light it up too. You sighed, you loved the warm feeling. You loved being in his room. If only he's real to you, if only he knows you. If only you were born a diva, or a superstar actress, you could probably get it. A chuckle was left from your mouth as you imagined all of the possibilities if you were given the chance to choose how you'd want to be reborn.
Pushing the double doors open from his bedroom, you are greeted with his large closet. It's perfectly color organized. He owns a lot of dress shirts and lots of fancy dress pants. Your fingers went up to touch his watch collections, his cologne. You sprayed some a little bit to your wrist, lightly shaking it before you bring it up to your nose to inhale the sexy smell. You finally know what he smells like.
You sighed in awe before you decided to take off the black dress that you wore and spray the fragrance to your neck, another one of your wrists, and the back of your knees. Placing the bottle back on its original place, you decided to grab one of his dress shirt. Unbuttoning the buttons before you push your arms to the sleeves.
Standing in front of the big mirror, you hugged the fabric the fabric of the shirt to your body. It’s soft, it’s silky, it’s just perfect. Each seconds you spent standing in front of the mirror, you only thought of one thing, if only Tom was standing behind you, wrapping his arms around your body. You sighed, you can only dream.
Walking out from the closet, your eyes wandered to the large bed. Lips bitten as you imagined how could you make it come true, his warm body pressed against you on this bed. You tossed yourself to the soft cushion, you smiled to yourself as you feel the soft and fragrant bed cushion. With a closed eyes, you sighed as your mind began to imagine things you shouldn’t imagine.
Imagine if he were to stand in front of you wearing nothing but his fancy dress pants. Your knees bent, your pussy wet, it yearned the warmth of his tongue flipping against your fold.
"Humm.." You closed your eyes as you hummed to yourself, your fingertips lacing across your lips before you decide to wet them with your saliva.
Your free hand playing with one tit as the other releases itself from your mouth to drag across your stomach down to your pussy. You circled your fingertips against your clothed pussy before you disregard them and toss it somewhere in the room. You bend your knees and spread your legs before you tease your clit.
Tom closes his garage with a huff as he made his way inside. He did not expect the whole house to be this warm. Curious, is written all over his face. He didn't seem to leave the house with a fireplace lit up, when he came in the living room, he noticed his favorite bottle was sitting on top of the bar, chilled.
He softly set his things down on the sofa, leaving the room to check other rooms such as the kitchen, the dining room, any room that is on the ground floor. When Tom stands in front of his large spiral staircase, he swallowed down his saliva before he made his way up the stairs. Tom had to tip-toed in his own house, with a phone on his hand, ready to call his private security who'd be there in just a second.
The door to his bedroom was slightly ajar, a faint light illuminates from inside his room. He heard faint moans. With eyebrows scrunched together, he pushed the door slightly open, only to be surprised that there’s a total stranger lying on top of his bed wearing his dress shirt with their legs spread.
Tom was furious.
How can this stranger breaks into his house?
His anger soon fades away when he heard another moan coming out from your mouth, you sounded so delicate to his ears. Tom watched the way you tease your own pussy, making it nice and wet, before you put one finger inside.
Testing out the waters, you thrust one finger inside your wet pussy. He thrusts one finger inside you, “Look at me, Baby. You feel that?” Tom chuckles. “Look at this pussy, Baby. Look at the way she sucked on my finger.” Tom smirked. “It’s just one finger, how about we add two?”
You added another finger, another moan escaped from your mouth. “Oh that’s a good girl, I’m sure you can take three right, Baby?” You whimpered, but you obeyed. You added a third finger inside your cunt.
Tom watches the whole thing, and it was sexy. Your pussy can really take anything. You thrust your fingers more inside your pussy, going in and out of your cunt in a steady pace before it starts to get even more tingling.
“Oh! Tom… Please, that feels so good..” You moaned to yourself, your fingers still fucking your cunt.
Tom pursed his lips before he pushed the door open and made his way towards you. You, being lost in your own world, you didn’t even hear him coming in, let alone sensing another presence inside the room.
Tom harshly pulled your wrist off, resulting a loud gasp from you. Your body jolted from the laying position, “Oh my god!” You gasped.
“What a whore.” Tom spat, before he pushed you back to his bed. Him hovering over you, he put his fingertips inside of his mouth to wet them before he shoved two fingers to your cunt.
“Oh!” You loudly moaned.
Tom thrusted his fingers in and out of your pussy, before he curls them and flicks them off inside, earning lots of loud moans from your mouth.
“What a fucking whore, breaking into someone else’s house.” Tom grunted in your ear.
“You liked this, don’t you? Huh? Look at me?” You forcefully opened your eyes to look at him in the eye. A stern look on his face, but his hands didn’t stop fucking your cunt.
You whimpered, “I’m s-sorry.. S-sir!” You felt your thigh shook, you’re close.
“Yeah? You’re sorry? No. I bet you’re loving this.” Tom grinned.
“Are you gonna cum? You’re gonna make a mess on my fingers? My bed?” You couldn’t answer, you kept whimpering.
Before you know it, you squirted on his hands. “Oh!” You gasped, your legs trembling, Tom slowed down his pace as he realize you squirted out your release. Tom looks down at his hands, a mess.
“Tsk.. Tsk..” Tom clicked his tongue before he pushed himself off of you.
“Such a whore. Best get going.”
A/N: 🫣 ouch.
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weclassybouquetfun · 1 year
I'm seeing all of these headlines from critics about how ridiculous FAST X as if they are just learning what the Fast and Furious films are. They are ridiculous. And? So? Your point being? Are you going to write that Looney Toons cartoons are silly?
22 years, 10 films, countless implausible moments.
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You're going to say the franchise is stupid because you have people driving through skyscrapers or parachuting with cars or even surfing on a car but you say nothing about how we're supposed to believe Paul Walker as an LAPD cop when no LAPD cop in the history of the force has ever looked like that?!
This is the real stretch of imagination.
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THE GOOD -I like a bit of fan service and the franchise keeps doling out heaping helpings of it. We got Letty back, Han back, Owen Shaw, Deckard Shaw, Elena back (briefly), whoever the hell Lucas Black and Bow Wow played in TOKYO DRIFT, Hobbs back and now the gal - Gisele.
Their babies are no longer babies.
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At this pace I can't even feel bad that John Cena's Jakob died because we didn't see his body. For all we know he could have jumped out the car when it exploded! We see Han's body and he still returned from the dead so...I'm just saying don't count your dead characters before they hatch.
-I loved that they tied this story into Fast Five because that film was my entry into the Fast and Furious films so I remember that one distinctly enough that I could appreciate how they re-did scenes to add the idea that Dante was in their orbit then.
-Following THE SUICIDE SQUAD's lead and relegating Scott Eastwood to bit player. This feels like they were just trying to help him retain his SAG-AFTRA health insurance.
-The twist with Alan Ritchson's character. They intro him giving a wall of exposition about how the "cult with cars" win everyone over and then we see him won over and I think, "Exactly. As it should be." But no! Mans was luring Dom into a false sense of security. Dom was probably too blinded by that tan Ritchson was sporting for some reason.
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-Paul Walker's daughter Meadow having a small role. Wouldn't be la familia without her.
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-Jason Momoa was having so much fun and he certainly made for an entertaining villain. I'm all in for a villain who wears nail polish and space buns. And I liked how they actually used his photos from his BAYWATCH: HAWAII and STARGATE ATLANTIS years instead of photoshopping it.
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THE BAD -Momoa IMO didn't find a good balance between unhinged lunacy and camp. I wish he was able to blend the menacing aspects of the character into his character when he was being more flamboyant. I think an actor who pulled that balance off perfectly was Chris Pine in SMOKIN' ACES.
-I can turn my brain off, I want to be entertained. If I wanted to logic police these films I'd just tweet Neil DeGrasse Tyson and ask his opinion. That said, bad writing is bad writing and this film had some awful writing. The script was written by Justin Lin, Dan Mazeau (Wrath of Titans) and Zach Dean (The Tomorrow War). I like to think Justin Lin knew some parts of the script was absolute dog piss and quit because he didn't want to have to massage a performance out of his actors using those words.
Justin Lin when handing in the final draft to Universal.
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-The CGI was so bad! Regressively so. It was like they were using 2001 technology in some of the big scenes.
THE REST A cliffhanger? Editors exist for a reason. You're telling me I am going to have to sit through another 2 hours watching Letty, Cipher and Gisele on their sub adventure through Antarctica, Deckard saving his mum, Dante acting like he's on RuPaul's Drag Race, Roman with the weak jokes (Tyrese isn't as funny as he thinks he is), then a race to hurriedly find a way to give Brie Larson something substantive to do and because everyone comes back, we will see the return of Mr. Nobody (Kurt Russell) and then shoehorn back in Rita Moreno to close out the film with another speech about family?
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rebelumbrella46 · 1 year
The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo
My FanCast (As i imagined them while i was reading, sorry if some are not accurate)
Ernie Diaz
Ava Jogia
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2. Don Adler
Richard Madden
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3. Mick Riva
Diego Boneta
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4. Rex North
Scott Eastwood
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5. Harry Cameron ❤️
Sam Claflin
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6. Max Girard
Louis Garrel (Age-up)
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7. Robert Jamison
Joe Alwyn (aged-up)
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Celia St James
(I know, i'm sorry... i just always imagined her brunette and short)
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imagoddamnonionmason · 3 months
What kinda accent does Keith have? Cause I’ve gotta admit I’ve always imagined him with a Southern accent 💀
TBH, I find it really funny 'cause I hear him having a Southern accent, which would make two of my characters southern lmaooo
I agree though, I think he'd have a southern accent - maybe like? Georgia or Alabama? I haven't decided the specifics for his accent yet, but I won't be having another Texan (that's reserved for Sarah Mason).
I think because I have his face claim as Scott Eastwood, my brain instantly thinks of Clint Eastwood... and then I think of Cowboys. So I then also have that image of 'he'd sound like a stereotypical film cowboy accent' which is Southern right?
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Like, I love the actor but imagining him as Keith makes me wanna slap those sunglasses off his face... maybe gently - I haven't decided yet lol
The thing is... I'm English. I will admit that I don't know much about the nuances of the American accent (you wanna know about the 50+ accents in the UK I got you fam).
Also, the most exposure in-person to a southern accent that hasn't been the film industry or any other type of media is my auntie. She was raised in Texas for many years, so I have always assumed southern American's sound like her, even though I know that there's loads, I'm guessing, to work with.
@buckaroovice mentioned that there are a lot of different phrases and the likes which is something I'm going to have to be conscious of if I want to focus on phrases and things.
But, yeah, sorry for the ramble but yeah- imagine Keith with that southern accent 'cause you'd be right! XD
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lizzyverydizzyyo · 11 months
D.E.A.N (Division of Extreme and Atypical Neutralization) - Cast Pictures
Fandom : Original Work
Whumptober 2021/2022/2023 Submission
Masterlist and overall summary of the whole novel is here.
Prompt on trope-appreciation-tuesdays that inspired this is here.
D.E.A.N, also known (or, more fittingly, unknown) as Division of Extreme and Atypical Neutralization, is not part of the police, military, Secret Service, or any other defense and tactical agencies openly acknowledged by the government, although it does include expertly trained personnel from almost all of them. Among those personnel is Marcus Hayden, a young and promising graduate of a highly specialized federal agency training, surreptitiously plucked and dropped into the division—only with the knowledge that D.E.A.N agents have full legal immunity to take down whatever national threat is assigned to them in any way they see fit. Following the demise of his mentor, Mark embraces that freedom and privilege to the fullest extent, destroying any and all rigorously-approved target of D.E.A.N. Even the ones with non-threatening appearance, like the young man left behind by D.E.A.N's current target—a criminal syndicate called Helga—when Mark's team raided one of their many hidey holes. But is he doing the right thing? Is that young man really the target he should be focusing on?
I've finally managed to curate an ensemble cast that looks the closest to what I have in mind when writing the story. Of course, there is just no way I can find people exactly like the ones I have in mind when writing the characters because these characters simply just don't exist in real life, so I can't take pictures of them. I also can't do art to save my life so I can't draw/paint them either. I was thinking about using AI like Artbreeder but I'm kind of iffy about any type of AI right now, so this is the best I've got so far.
Also, this is just my vision. If you imagine someone else when you read about any of the characters, that's okay too. It's up to you, really. These "cast" are just my interpretation of how the characters look like.
Nikolai/Nick - Whumpee
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Tall (6’2”), 21 years old (as of book 1), mixed-raced (Russian-Vietnamese), short black hair, really thin, mix of blue-brown eyes (sectoral heterochromia). Traits: kidnapped victim and traumatized, kind of obedient but has trace of arrogance and defiance that show up randomly. Cast: Ian Sharp Pic 1 Source from Hermès Fall 2015 RTW Menswear Show | Pic 2 Source (but the link is defunct) | Pic 3 Source (Edited to have a mix of blue-brown eyes, closest real-life person to look like Envy from Demon's Haven—courtesy of @whumpwillow which is my original vision of Nikolai)
Marcus/Mark - Whumper turned (probably) romantic caretaker
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Tall (6’4”), 23 years old (as of book 1), white, short blond hair, dark blue eyes, muscular build, masculine look. Traits: righteous and impassioned (sometimes also a bit rash). Cast: Scott Eastwood (but younger) | Pic 1 Source | Pic 2 Source
Luke - Whumper turned caretaker
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Tall (as tall as Mark, give or take), late 20s, former Marines, African-American, medium-length afro hair, muscular but lean build. Traits: firm and wise (probably should be the commanding officer). Cast : Busola Peters | Pic 1 Source | Pic 2 Source
Horace - Whumper turned caretaker
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Tall (not as tall as Mark though, around 6' to 6'2"), early 40s, Army veteran, Latino, short dark hair, muscular but lean build, clean-shaven. Traits: team's commanding officer, but doesn’t have backbone and a bit of a pushover. Cast: Nicholas Gonzalez | Pic 1 Source | Pic 2 Source
Lena - (Not really) whumper turned caretaker
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Tall (5'10" to 5'11"), mid-20s, white, non-binary, long brunette hair, brown eyes, muscular but lean build. Traits: very kind and patient but would fuck shit up if pushed. Cast: Ethel Cain | Pic 1 Source | Pic 2 Source
Don - Whumper turned (not really) caretaker
Mid-height (±5'9"), mid-40s, Navy veteran, white, bald, stocky muscular build. Traits: ruthless, cynical, and a bitch. P.S. I really can't find anyone who fits my vision when it comes to Don's appearance except that guy from vine on a scooter doing drift to careless whispers.
Anna - Whumper turned (not really) caretaker
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Short (kinda, ±5'2"—5'4"), early-30s, Air Force veteran, white, short brown hair, muscular but lean build. Traits: cynical and a bitch too, but righteous. Cast: Claire Foy (with brown eyes) | Pic 1 Source | Pic 2 Source
Angie - (Not really) whumper turned caretaker
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Mid-height (±5'6"—5'7"), mid-30s, former SWAT, white, short blond hair, a bit "Karen-like" style, muscular build. Traits: impersonal and logical centrist. Cast: Abby from The Last of Us 2 | Pic 1 Source | Pic 2 Source (Edited to look more blond and older). P.S. The mocap actress (Jocelyn Mettler) doesn't look exactly like what I have in mind when it comes to Angie's look, so I keep using the Abby character instead.
Anderson - Whumper turned (kind of) caretaker
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Mid-height (±5'9"—5'10"), mid to late-20s, former FBI, Mediterranean, medium-length curly black hair, lean build. Traits: a smartass and confident (almost arrogant) asshole. Cast: Joshua Honecutt | Pic 1 Source | Pic 2 Source (Edited to have darker hair)
George - Non-whumper turned caretaker
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Mid-height (±5'9"), early 20s, white, red-haired and freckled, slim build. Traits: quiet/wallflower-y. Cast: Maksymilian Barczak | Pic 1 Source | Pic 2 Source | Modeling Agency Page
Mary - Non-whumper turned caretaker
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Mid-height (±5'7"—5'8"), mid-20s, former Air Force, white, feminine pale face, long strawberry-blonde hair, slim build. Traits: quiet/wallflower-y too. Cast: Chloe Grace Moretz | Pic 1 Source | Pic 2 Source
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likeadevils · 1 year
Even Scott Eastwood said that his team didn't want him to do the wildest dreams music video because they didn't want him to be linked to Taylor... He just really wanted to do it cause he had a huge crush on her... But yeah, those years in her life were probably really hard for her... Can you imagine being 23/24 and feel like no wants to date you because of your image, but then obviously having crushes on you... Sounds confusing ahah
for this and many, many reasons, if i was taylor i would’ve started screaming one day and just never stopped
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evansbby · 1 year
BESTIE scott eastwood in the longest ride looks SO MUCH like steve rogers so in my head im highkey imagining him as poyt steve
WAIT HELP he kinda does give off poyt!Steve vibe! I haven’t seen the movie but I just googled it and yes! Minus all the cowboy stuff!
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sunlightmurdock · 2 years
How do you imagine Chris looks like?
Reader def has a type… maybe like Scott Eastwood or smth
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briarridgerp · 10 days
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WES PARKER (Luke Grimes) is looking for their SIBLINGS.
UTP, but surname should be Parker. It would be nice if all the siblings had western / country sort of vibe names, but completely up to you!
These ages are approximate. Obviously it will depend on the face you choose and what makes sense for their age according to Wes! Wes is 36, and is the second eldest of the four siblings. Sibling 1: 38-39 Sibling 2: 33-35 Sibling 3: 30-32
Up to player, of course, but here are some suggestions for each sibling.
Sibling 1: Adam Demos (39), Travis Van Winkle (41), Boyd Holbrook (43), Matt Barr (40), Charlie Hunnam (44), Chad Michael Murray (43), Jesse Lee Soffer (40), Luke Mitchell (39) Sibling 2: Scott Eastwood (38), Sam Claflin (38), Austin Butler (34), Brenton Thwaites (35), Liam Hemsworth (35), Jake Weary (34) Sibling 3: Daisy Edgar Jones (26), Kennedy McMann (27), Abigail Cowen (26), Meghann Fahy (34), Jessica Rothe (37)
Just going to do dot points here for the sake of keeping it easy lol. Feel free to hmu for more deets!
The Parker fam were born and raised on Silver Creek Ranch, located on the outskirts of Briar Ridge Hills. It spans a thousand acres ish. Wes lives there now for the last six months- a year with his mom and his grandparents, and I imagine the eldest brother and their nephew living there. Perhaps the grandparents live in a separate cabin somewhere on the property, and maybe the eldest sibling does too.
Wes is the second sibling of the four children. There are three brothers, and the youngest is their sister.
Their dad was a famous bull rider who was away more often than not. He was kind of hard on the kids, and I feel especially Wes for some reason. He left them when Wes was about 11 years old for another woman. He was never really faithful towards their mom, and kind of always a crappy husband and father. The kids don't have that much contact with them, Wes - none at all. But it's up to you what youd like for your character!
The eldest brother is a father. Whether he is married, divorced, co-parenting or a single parent raising his son on his own, he has a little boy. I imagine their nephew to be about 7 or 8 years old, but I'm more than happy to change this! I just headcanon that Wes' nephew helps him read, so at least five years old would be amaaaazing! The eldest brother probably helps to run the ranch and very much gives cowboy vibes.
The younger brother (third of the siblings), most likely doesn't live on the ranch and is off doing his own thing/own career. Think Beau from the Chestnut Springs series. Now I do have a really fun potential plot involving Wes' ex girlfriend now dating this brother 👀 the more chaos the better, but if you're interested in this plot I'm down to discuss deets.
Their sister is the youngest of the clan, and the one who resembles their dad the most. She and Wes are as thick as thieves, and she's probably the only sibling/family member who actually supported his bull riding career. The brothers constantly feel the need to protect her because she's their baby sister, but she's feisty in her own right!
You can check out this pinterest board of their family, and also this one of their family ranch for some inspo!
Here is Wes' bio for more reference.
Please contact the TEE on this blog.
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heroicmultiverse · 2 months
//Playlist has been updated, but since it's a fairly big update, I'm going to go ahead and just list the entire tracklist under a read more
A Fifth of Beethoven by Walter Murphy [from Loki (2021)]
A-Punk by Vampire Weekend [from Scott Pilgrim Takes Off]
Agatha All Along by Kathryn Hahn [from WandaVision]
Alive by Battle Tapes [from Invincible (2021)]
Alive by Warbly Jets [from Spider-Man (2018)]
All Out Of Love by Air Supply [from Deadpool 2]
All the Stars by Kendrick Lamar and SZA [from Black Panther (2018)]
Angel by Depeche Mode [from Injustice: Gods Among Us]
Angel of the Morning by Juice Newton [from Deadpool (2016)]
Another Winter by Anamanaguchi [from Scott Pilgrim vs The World: The Game]
As the World Caves In by Matt Maltese [from Amaranth's "The Suicide Squad" GMV]
The Avengers by Alan Silvestri [from The Avengers/Avengers Assemble (2012)]
Back in Black by AC/DC [from Iron Man (2008), Megamind and Spider-Man: Far From Home]
Bad Reputation by Joan Jett [from Kick-Ass]
Bangarang by Skrillex (ft. Sirah) [from Deadpool 2]
Barracuda by Heart [from The Boys and Birds of Prey (2020)]
Big Energy by Latto [from She-Hulk: Attorney at Law]
Big Shot by Billy Joel [from The Boys]
Black Betty by Spiderbait [from TMNT (2007) and Birds of Prey (2020)]
Black Sheep by Metric (ft. Brie Larson) [from Scott Pilgrim vs The World and Scott Pilgrim Takes Off]
Blinding Lights by The Weeknd [from Ms. Marvel (2022)]
Blitzkrieg Bop by The Ramones [from Spider-Man: Homecoming]
Bloom by NECRY TALKIE [from Scott Pilgrim Takes Off]
Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen [from Suicide Squad (2016)]
Bones by Imagine Dragons [from The Boys]
Brace for Chaos by Epic Games [from Fortnite: Battle Royale]
Brand New Day by Neil Patrick Harris [from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog]
Bulletproof Love by Method Man [from Luke Cage (2016)]
Burning by Yeah Yeah Yeahs [from Echo (2024)]
Business by Eminem [from Shazam!: Fury of the Gods]
Can I Kick It? by A Tribe Called Quest [from Luke Cage (2016) and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem]
Celebrity Skin by Hole [from Captain Marvel (2019)]
Centerfold by The J. Geils Band [from Echo (2024)]
Cherry Bomb by The Runaways [from Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) and The Boys]
Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz [from Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League]
Come Baby Come by K7 [from Suicide Squad (2016)]
Come and Get Your Love by Redbone [from Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3]
Crazy On You by Heart [from Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series, Captain Marvel (2019) and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3]
Creep (Acoustic Version) by Radiohead [from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3]
Dancing With Myself by The Donnas [from Gen V]
Danny Phantom Theme (Extended Version) by Guy Moon [from Danny Phantom]
The Dark One by Anamanaguchi [from Scott Pilgrim vs The World: The Game]
THE DAY by Porno Graffiti [from My Hero Academia]
Deadpool Rap (2013) by Teamheadkick [Deadpool fan song]
Deadpool Rap (2016) by Teamheadkick [from Deadpool (2016)]
Deadpool Rap (X-Force Remix) by Teamheadkick [from Deadpool 2]
Dear Mr. Fantasy by Traffic [from Avengers: Endgame]
Diabolical Invincible Me by Brandon Yates [from Death Battle: Omni-Man vs Homelander]
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap by AC/DC [from Suicide Squad (2016)]
Dirty Work by Steely Dan [from The Suicide Squad (2021)]
Do Ya Wanna Taste It by Wig Wam [from Peacemaker (2022)]
Dog Days Are Over by Florence + the Machine [from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3]
Don't Stop Me Now by Queen [from Shazam! (2019)]
Dragula by Rob Zombie [from Echo (2024)]
Dream On by Aerosmith [from The Boys]
Elevate by DJ Khalil (ft. Denzel Curry, Cordae, SwaVay, and Trevor Rich) [from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse]
Everything You Ever by Neil Patrick Harris & Felicia Day [from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog]
Eye of the Tiger by Survivor [from Big Hero 6]
The Final Countdown by Europe [from Guardians of the Galaxy (2021)]
Folsom Prison Blues by Johnny Cash [from The Suicide Squad (2021)]
Garbage Truck by Sex Bob-omb [from Scott Pilgrim vs The World]
God Save the Queen by The Sex Pistols [from The Boys]
Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen [from Zack Snyder's Justice League]
Hate to Say I Told You So by The Hives [from Invincible (2021)]
Hazy Shade of Winter by Gerard Way (ft. Ray Toro) [from The Umbrella Academy and Gen V]
Heads Will Roll by Yeah Yeah Yeahs [from Gen V]
Heart Shaped Box by Nirvana [from The Boys]
Heathens by Twenty One Pilots [from Suicide Squad (2016)]
Hero by Chad Kroeger (ft. Josey Scott) [from Spider-Man (2002)]
Hero by Jessie J [from Kick-Ass 2]
Highway to Hell by AC/DC [from Iron Man 2 and Megamind]
Hit Me With Your Best Shot by Pat Benatar [from Lego DC Super-Villains and Birds of Prey (2020)]
Holding Out for a Hero by Bonnie Tyler [from Loki (2021) and Guardians of the Galaxy (2021)]
Hooked On A Feeling by Blue Swede [from Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) and Guardians of the Galaxy (2015)]
The Hot Wind Blowing by Jamie Christopherson (ft. Ferry Corsten) [from Death Battle: Hulk vs Doomsday]
House of the Rising Sun by The Animals [from Suicide Squad (2016)]
Hurt by Johnny Cash [from Logan]
Hypnotize by The Notorious B.I.G. [from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and The Boys]
I Feel Fine Pt. 1 by Sex Bob-omb [from Scott Pilgrim Takes Off]
I Feel Fine Pt. 2 by Sex Bob-omb [from Scott Pilgrim Takes Off]
I Fought the Law by The Clash [from Lego DC Super-Villains]
I Wanna Rock by Twisted Sister [from The Boys]
I'm Ready by Jaden Smith [from Spider-Man: Miles Morales]
Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin [from Thor: Ragnarok]
Immortals by Fall Out Boy [from Big Hero 6]
In the Meantime by Spacehog [from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3]
The Incredits by Michael Giacchino [from The Incredibles]
Intergalactic by Beastie Boys [from The Marvels]
Invaders Must Die by The Prodigy [from Scott Pilgrim vs The World]
Iron Man by Black Sabbath [from Iron Man (2008)]
Is She With You? by Junkie XL [from Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice]
It's Getting Boring By The Sea by Blood Red Shoes [from Scott Pilgrim vs The World]
It's On Again by Alicia Keys (ft. Kendrick Lamar) [from The Amazing Spider-Man 2]
It's Tricky (DJ Fresh Remix) by Run-DMC [from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (2016)]
Joker and the Thief by Wolfmother [from Lego DC Super-Villains]
Just A Girl by No Doubt [from Captain Marvel (2019)]
Kick Ass (We Are Young) by MIKA vs RedOne [from Kick-Ass]
Kickstart My Heart by Motley Crue [from Guardians of the Galaxy (2021)]
King's Dead by Jay Rock, Kendrick Lamar, Future and James Blake [from Black Panther (2018)]
Kryptonite by Three Doors Down
Last One Standing by Skylar Grey, Polo G, Mozzy & Eminem [from Venom: Let There Be Carnage]
Left Hand Free by Alt-J [from Captain America: Civil War]
Like A Prayer by Madonna [from Deadpool & Wolverine]
Live to Rise by Soundgarden [from The Avengers/Avengers Assemble (2012)]
Livin' On A Prayer by Bon Jovi [from Ms. Marvel (2022)]
London Calling by The Clash [from The Boys]
The Magic Number by De la Soul [from Spider-Man: No Way Home]
Main Title by Danny Elfman [from Spider-Man (2002)]
Mama Said Knock You Out (Undefeated Remix) by LL Cool J [from Deadpool 2]
The Man Comes Around by Johnny Cash [from Logan]
Merc with a Mouth by Teamheadkick [Deadpool fan song]
Mercy by Muse [from Batman: Arkham Knight]
Monster by Reckless Love [from Peacemaker (2022)]
My Life As A Teenage Robot Theme (Extended Version) by Peter Lurye [from My Life As A Teenage Robot]
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up) by Fall Out Boy [from Big Hero 6]
Neat Neat Neat by The Damned [from The Boys]
Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley [from The Lego Batman Movie, The Boys, and Guardians of the Galaxy (2021)]
No Diggity by Blackstreet, Dr. Dre and Queen Pen [from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem]
No More Heroes (Billy Butcher vs Hero Killer Stain) by Brandon Yayes [The Boys/My Hero Academia fan song]
No Sleep Till Brooklyn by Beastie Boys [from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3]
Nobody Speak by DJ Shadow (ft. Run the Jewels) [from Deadpool 2]
Nothing Else Matters by Metallica [from Gen V]
November Rain by Guns N Roses [from Thor: Love and Thunder]
Oh No!! by Grandson [from The Suicide Squad (2021)]
Only Happy When it Rains by Garbage [from Captain Marvel (2019)]
Orange Shirt by Sex Bob-omb [from Scott Pilgrim Takes Off]
Paradise City by Guns N Roses [from Thor: Love and Thunder]
Paranoid by Black Sabbath [from Suicide Squad (2016)]
The Passenger by Iggy Pop [from The Boys]
Peace Sign by Kenshi Yonezu [from My Hero Academia]
People Who Died by The Jim Carroll Band [from The Suicide Squad (2021)]
Pizza Power by Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time]
Police Truck by Dead Kennedys [from Scott Pilgrim Takes Off]
Portals by Alan Silvestri [from Avengers: Endgame]
Pressure by Billy Joel [from The Boys]
Psycho Killer by Talking Heads [from The Boys]
Pumped Up Kicks by John Murphy (ft. Ralph Saez) [from Peacemaker (2022)]
Purple Lamborghini by Skrillex (ft. Rick Ross) [from Suicide Squad (2016)]
Push Push (Lady Lightning) by Bang Camaro [from Peacemaker (2022)]
Rain by Grandson & Jessie Reyez [from The Suicide Squad (2021)]
Ramona by Beck [from Scott Pilgrim vs The World]
Red Flag by Billy Talent [from TMNT (2007)]
Remember by Ember McLain [from Danny Phantom]
Remember the Name: Deku by Triple-Q [Mashup featuring You Say Run from My Hero Academia]
Reptile's Theme by Skrillex [from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)]
Rock You Like A Hurricane by Scorpions [from Avengers (2020) and The Boys]
The Rubberband Man by The Spinners [from Avengers: Infinity War]
Save You With My Love by Dan Conklin [from DC Super-Hero Girls (2019)]
Scarface (Push It To The Limit) by Paul Engemann [from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem]
Scott Pilgrim by Plumtree [from Scott Pilgrim vs The World and Scott Pilgrim Takes Off]
Scott Pilgrim Anthem by Anamanaguchi [from Scott Pilgrim vs The World: The Game]
Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes [from Suicide Squad (2016)]
Shame on a N***a by Wu-Tang Clan [from Luke Cage (2016)]
Shell Shocked by Juicy J, Wiz Khalifa, and Ty Dolla $ign (ft. Kill the Noise and Madsonik) [from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)]
Shoot to Thrill by AC/DC [from Iron Man 2 and The Avengers/Avengers Assemble (2012)]
Short Change Hero by The Heavy [from Batman: Arkham City]
Should I Stay or Should I Go? by The Clash [from Iron Man 2]
Since You Been Gone by Rainbow [from Guardians of the Galaxy (2021) and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3]
Space Oddity by David Bowie [from Venom: The Last Dance]
St. Elmo's Fire (Man in Motion) by John Parr [from Deadpool: No Good Deed and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse]
Stone Cold Crazy by Queen [from Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series]
Stop! by Jane's Addiction [from The Boys]
Streets Ignite by Epic Games [from Fortnite: Battle Royale]
Subboss Theme by Anamanaguchi [from Scott Pilgrim vs The World: The Game and Scott Pilgrim Takes Off]
Sucker for Pain by Various Artists [from Suicide Squad (2016)]
Sucker's Prayer by The Decemberists [from The Suicide Squad (2021)]
Suite from X2 by John Ottman [from X2: X-Men United]
Sunflower by Post Malone and Swae Lee [from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse]
Superman March by John Williams [from Superman: The Motion Picture]
Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) by Eurythmics [from X-Men: Apocalypse]
Sympathy for the Devil by The Rolling Stones [from Suicide Squad (2016) and The Boys]
Teen Titans by Puffy AmiYumi [from Teen Titans (2003)]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Theme by CD9 [from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (2016)]
That's Life by Frank Sinatra [from Joker (2019)]
Theme from Spiderman by The Ramones
This Is My Time by Jaden Smith [from Spider-Man: Miles Morales]
Threshold by Sex Bob-omb [from Scott Pilgrim vs The World]
Tick Tick Boom by The Hives [from Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League]
Tom Tom by Holy Fuck [from Invincible (2021)]
United States of Whatever by Liam Lynch [from Scott Pilgrim Takes Off]
Venom by Eminem [from Venom (2018)]
Voodoo Child (Slight Return) by Jimi Hendrix [from WandaVision]
Walking on the Sun by Smash Mouth [from The Boys]
Warriors by Imagine Dragons [from Wonder Woman (2017)]
Way Down We Go by KALEO [from Logan]
We Ain't Came to Lose by Raekwon & Ghostface Killah [from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge]
We Are Sex Bob-omb by Sex Bob-omb [from Scott Pilgrim vs The World]
We Run This by Missy Elliott [from She-Hulk: Attorney at Law]
Welcome to the Jungle by Guns N Roses [from Megamind and Thor: Love and Thunder]
Welcome to the Party by Diplo, Lil Pump & French Montana (ft. Zhavia Ward) [from Deadpool 2]
What We're All About by Sum 41 [from Spider-Man (2002)]
What's Up Danger by Blackway & Black Caviar [from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse]
When You're Mine by Jason Charles Miller [from DC Super-Hero Girls (2019)]
Where We Come From by Lecrae [from Spider-Man: Miles Morales]
Whistle for the Choir by The Fratellis [from The Suicide Squad (2021)]
White Room by Cream [from Joker (2019)]
Without Me by Eminem [from Suicide Squad (2016)]
Wreak Havoc by Skylar Grey [from Suicide Squad (2016)]
X Gon' Give It To Ya by DMX [from Deadpool (2016) and Deadpool 2]
X-Men by Powerglove [from X-Men: The Animated Series]
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ivycovehq · 8 months
welcome to ivy cove, cc! we can’t wait to meet han solo, leo valdez and magnus bane! please make sure you read through the checklist and send in your account within 24 hours!
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( cc, she/her, 25+, gmt+2 ) woah! was that HAN SOLO walking down main street? i heard they’re not actually from ivy cove but come from STAR WARS. they’re 35 and live in SHOREGRAZE RIDGE, but watch out because they can be SHORT-TEMPERED + CYNICAL but are actually SMART + SKILLED despite them HAVING memories, you’ll always think of LIVING THE LIFE OF A SMUGGLER, ALWAYS NEEDING TO HAVE THE FINAL SAY, BEING ABLE TO TALK HIMSELF OUT OF TROUBLE when imagining them. / scott eastwood, he/him
( cc, she/her, 25+, gmt+2 ) woah! was that LEO VALDEZ walking down main street? i heard they’re not actually from ivy cove but come from HEROES OF OLYMPUS. they’re 20 and live in RADIAN HILLS, but watch out because they can be IMPULSIVE + MISCHIEVOUS but are actually EASY-GOING + RESOURCEFULL despite them HAVING memories, you’ll always think of OFTEN TELLING JOKES THAT ARE NOT PARTICULARY FUNNY; ALWAYS FALLING COMPLETELY IN LOVE WITH GIRLS THAT ARE OUT OF HIS LEAGUE; BEING MOSTLY SCARED OF BEING UNWANTED OR NOT TRUSTED; ACTUALLY ABLE TO THINK THREE-DIMENSIONAL AND SOLVE MECHANICAL PROBLEMS IN HIS HEAD; BLAMING HIMSELF STILL FOR THE DEATH OF HIS MOTHER when imagining them. / inaki gogoy, he/him
( cc, she/her, 25+, gmt+2 ) woah! was that MAGNUS BANE walking down main street? i heard they’re not actually from ivy cove but come from SHADOWHUNTERS. they’re 500 and live in RADIAN HILLS, but watch out because they can be SARCASTIC + DISTRUSTING but are actually CHARMING + WISE despite them HAVING memories, you’ll always think of SPELLBOOKS AND CAT EYES, BEING OPENLY BISEXUAL, ALWAYS MAKING FASHION STATEMENTS AND ACTUALLY MIXING PRETTY GOOD DRINKS when imagining them. / harry shum jr, he/him
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ficmesideways · 8 months
Can you do an Imagine of Scott Eastwood? Like a NSFW one? Please and thank you!
Hey Darling! I well absolutely write a NSFW imagine request for any of Scott Eastwood's characters. Please just refer to my FAQ on formatting and what requests I will and will not take. Thanks!
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providencepeakrp · 11 months
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Character Name: Austin Cartwright.
Type of Connection: Twin Brother
Connection Name: Dallas Cartwright.
Connection Age: 34 (will be 35 in December).
Suggested FCs: Derek Theler, Adam Huber, Lucas Bravo, Scott Eastwood - tbh anyone who could pass as Brittany Snow’s twin brother!
trigger warning: cancer.
Gonna try and make a long story short, but their familial background can be found in Austin’s bio here. They’re the eldest of the Cartwright brood, he’s three hours older than Austin and, as older siblings do, has never ever let her live it down. They’re named after cities in Texas as a little nod to where their parents came from. I imagine they’re super close, like all the twins in the Olsen sister movies, and even though Austin has been traveling and away from home for the better part of a decade now they still talk and facetime regularly. When they were in their early 20s he was diagnosed with cancer and after a round of chemo and radiation, Austin donated bone marrow to him and he’s been in remission since. The Cartwright family in general is super close and have regular Sunday dinners and big gatherings for birthdays and holidays and special events in each other’s lives. Outside of that he’s all yours to mold! His personality, job, etc etc is completely up to you! I also have a Pinterest board for them here.
Do you need to be contacted before someone applies? Yes, please!
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