fugandhi · 5 years
Joker’s Odyssey
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“Joker’s Odyssey” (A Film Review) by Adam Wękarski
“Joker” is one of the most psychologically complex & artistically provocative films ever made. Todd Phillips directs his best film to date (commonly known for his work in directing comedies) in a staggering contrast to his typical work. This film is undoubtedly Phillips’ masterpiece. This film takes a gigantic leap forward in the direction that Christopher Nolan & Heath Ledger’s Joker had initiated 11 years ago in “The Dark Knight.” This movie is an enigmatic tragicomedy that pulls no punches.
Joaquin Phoenix deserves an oscar for his performance as the lead character. Count on Joaquin-frikkin’-Phoenix to be the only other actor who could not only meet Heath Ledger’s ground-breaking performance, but challenge it with a bold & fearless flair. This is the best picture of the year and absolutely deserves an oscar for directing, writing & cinematography.
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Phoenix plays Joker a.k.a “Arthur Fleck”, a struggling Street-Performer/Comedian/your all-around Party-Clown who lives in a bleak and morally-crumbling fictional Gotham City, USA (set in 1981). Highly reminiscent of New York City in the late ‘70s/early ‘80s (apparently where the director Todd Phillips grew up), there is an overwhelmingly oppressive structural presence of the city throughout the entire film (with some of the most breath-taking wide shots) - which has the ability to create a legitimate sense of isolation (and claustrophobia).
Immediately into the story, we know that Fleck clearly has some form of severe emotional instability (while struggling in a post-vaudevillian world which is a creaky ol’ memory fading of a bygone era of performers & entertainers). Despite the overwhelming struggle that is Arthur’s existence - Arthur trudges on, beaten down, and continues dancing his dance and putting on a show for everyone & no one. The only times that Arthur Fleck appears to have any form of happiness is when he is performing & dancing as “Carnival” The Clown working for an entertainment agency known as “Ha Ha’s”, and when he is at home spending time with his mother. Arthur Fleck’s journey throughout the story is not only about his life’s struggle, but his eventual demise and fall from grace.
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While Arthur climbs the seemingly infinite stairway each day in his life, the weight of his problems become clearly visible on his shoulders - as he resembles the factory workers in Fritz Lang’s “Metropolis” striving upwards with futility. Fleck has literally been taking a beating in his life, and he does eventually transform (due to a tremendously slow-burning tension that carries throughout the entirety of the film) into the larger-than-life villain at the end of the story (which is the crucial moment Joker truly becomes a symbolic figure of anarchy).
Technically-speaking - this film is shot perfectly (with a heavy tone reminiscent of a graphic novel). From larger-than-life exterior wide shots that truly showcase just how small Fleck is in the grand scheme of the city to extremely tight interior shots that allow access to intimate moments with one of the most twisted & insane characters of all time (perfectly portrayed by Joaquin Phoenix). The story, an original, was written by Todd Phillips & Scott Silver who had made the conscious effort to bring an entirely fresh take on one of the most celebrated (and revered) characters of the comic book world (and now film world) to the big screen. In terms of the story - it is the best origin story of the Joker by far, successfully achieving a level of sophisticated storytelling to the point that it actually transcends the genre and becomes a truly remarkable artistic effort of genius that has cinematic elements similar to the likes of Kubrick, Scorsese & Malick (particularly in terms of artistic bravado).
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Speaking of Scorsese, “Joker” has the uncanny ability of concealing it’s influences while simultaneously paying homage and informal tribute (I suppose more of an artistic ‘tip of the hat’ to a plethora of cinematic influences). There are plenty of hints & clues for any familiar film-lover (especially a few obvious nods to Heath Ledger’s Joker, although more of a precursor of where that Joker could have possibly originated). For instance, anyone who has seen “Taxi Driver” will automatically draw parallels between the slow, yet inevitable, unwinding & downward spiral of the protagonist (of whom lives in a city that is slowly unraveling at the sociological seams, so-to-speak - which, in turn, is a reflection of the mental stability of the main character as he continues his journey) - Especially when Zazie Beetz’s “Sophie Dumond” encounters Fleck in an elevator and points her fingers towards the side of her head, which Fleck later does to himself (an obvious nod to De Niro’s character “Travis Bickle” in “Taxi Driver”).
Robert De Niro (one of the finest actors of all time) even appears in the film as a very important character by the name of “Murray Franklin” of whom has his own live late-night television talk show. Arthur Fleck is a huge fan of the Murray Franklin show and even fantasizes about being on the show and interacting with Murray Franklin on live television for the whole world to see. Arthur Fleck is obviously obsessed with the notion of becoming famous and celebrated and adored - something he certainly is not in his real everyday life. De Niro’s performance of Murray Franklin is an ironic nod (and inversion) of his performance as “Rupert Pupkin” from Scorsese’s “The King of Comedy” in which De Niro had played the overtly-unrealistic stalker of a late-night TV personality (played by Jerry Lewis) - which is, of course, a brilliant full circle moment for De Niro now playing the big shot entertainer.
Arthur Fleck’s obsession with Murray Franklin is one of many story arcs within the psychologically-labyrinthian tale of how the Joker was born. While portraying Fleck, Joaquin Phoenix has a look reminiscent of the killer “Scorpio” in “Dirty Harry” (played frighteningly by one Andrew Robinson) with the 1970s-friendly shaggy-locks and brown slacks and large-collared attire. This entire film is a herculean psychological character study on Joker and it’s without saying that this is in no way a family-friendly version of the character. The Joker kills three men on a subway in self-defense (after the three Wallstreet men harass a woman and then physically attack Joker). This film lives and breathes in the proverbial gray area of right & wrong and good & bad (which is a part of it’s terrifying genius).
The film’s music also appears as it’s own character (in a way) throughout the film  - acting as a spiritual extension of Joker’s mental & emotional state (as Joker appears to have music consistently flowing from within and exuding outwards with each crucial moment that happens in the story). After Fleck’s first murder in the subway, he runs and hides in a public restroom and begins to dance to his own symphony of psychosis as he stares into his reflection (as Joker; his split personality; his other half, alter ego, etc.). The musical score is just as unsettling & schizophrenic as the Joker, and the film perfectly embodies all of the most defining attributes of what makes Joker so very fascinating (and frightening).
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Joaquin Phoenix’s powerhouse performance stands alone, mighty on it’s own two feet, while Todd Phillip’s care for the character and his dedication to present the character as a real human being is unmatched in it’s sophistication & artistic bravery (with exception of perhaps the Nolan trilogy - God, if only this version of Joker was in the third installment for The Dark Knight trilogy - could you imagine Joaquin Phoenix opposite Christian Bale? - OH My - or perhaps even see where this Joker storyline would dare venture if given the opportunity for more exploration). Joaquin Phoenix had allegedly stated that in researching psychological disorders and real-life behaviors that people actually have - he did not want anyone who is educated in the field of study to be able to pin-point Joker’s psychological “condition” or “symptoms.” Phoenix successfully accomplishes such a feat as Fleck/Joker due to the character’s ever-changing (and constantly-developing) madness amidst his life in this origin story.
This film is a very, very intense tragedy whose psychological depth goes well beyond the screen.
Arthur Fleck/Joker is a care-taker of his own mother, Penny Fleck (played very well by Frances Conroy). Penny begins the story as a seemingly sweet-hearted mother who is ill and in need of some form of help or assistance - of which Arthur does his best in providing (as her only family). As the film progresses, we find that Penny had been a former employee working on the estate of one Thomas Wayne (played very well by Brett Cullen) and she expresses her assurance to Arthur that Mr. Wayne wouldn’t allow them to live in their current conditions had he been aware of their struggle.
Arthur loves his mother very dearly (in a Norman Bates ”Psycho” kinda way), and despite his efforts to nurse her - her condition gets worse, and then the story truly takes a dramatic left turn into an unsettling reveal of the hidden, murky depths of not only the Joker’s life, but his overall psyche. Specifically, when Arthur discovers the truth about his life and the harsh trauma he had experienced as an adopted child with a psychotic mother, who carelessly stood by while Arthur was severely abused (while also discovering he had been an abandoned orphan before Penny adopted him) and would apathetically allow the abuse to thrive.
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Arthur Fleck’s psychological abyss is interwoven within Arkham State Hospital (a mental institution primarily focused on abnormal psychology and psychiatric rehabilitation). The emotional and mental state of Arthur is at the forefront of the film, as Arthur frequently discusses his mental & emotional well-being with a social worker (played very well by Sharon Washington), who eventually loses her job as well as her department due to government cutbacks and lack of funding. The loss of all of his medication gives Arthur’s unusual condition(s) of uncontrollable laughter at any given time (which comes handy with a card to address anyone of said condition) a significantly more off-putting presence. This is especially true due to the reality that his unique condition merely scratches the surface of what is looming underneath (which appears to be an eclectic & deadly combination of a potential variety of psychological disorders including: post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, paranoia, delusional disorder, manic depression, schizophrenia, in addition to possibly having some other forms of personality disorders and/or possibly even a form of undiagnosed autism).
In one of the most iconic moments in cinema, the Joker dances down that same infinite stairway as before (with a Ray-Bolger-like air of arrogance), now in full Joker fashion, experiencing a complete liberation of the weight he once carried on his shoulders as Arthur Fleck. This is a moment that not only represents Joker’s infinite dance of madness, but also symbolizes Arthur Fleck’s tragic descent into hell.
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This film is more disturbing than it is violent. What’s so disturbing is that this is the most realistic depiction of the Joker and how a human being could become a product of one’s environment (in the worst way). I think this film has successfully struck a chord with contemporary society (worldwide), despite the film being a complete fictional story based off of a comic book character, set in another time - there is a significantly realistic undercurrent of honesty shouting loudly in the film in a tone very similar to Howard Beale’s epiphany in Sidney Lumet’s astounding masterpiece “Network”(1976); albeit a bit more deranged (especially once Joker actually goes on live television and scolds Murray Franklin regarding his continual debasement of Arthur Fleck for the sake of entertainment). Joker speaks openly on live television about how he had been the one who murdered the three Wallstreet men in the subway. It is at this point in the journey that Joker is viciously taunting not only the host Murray, but also expressing the cold & harsh reality of the overall system being an institutionalized failure. The Joker has no political agendas, nor financial, or even ambitions within show business anymore after the onslaught of life experiences that have transformed him and tragically removed his innocence.
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Joker was once a man who genuinely wanted to bring joy & laughter to the world and perhaps if someone was there to hand him a book or a guitar instead of a gun in those crucial “in-between” moments in life, or if he had someone in his life who actually loved & cared for him and would be there for him - maybe it could have all been prevented. If Arthur Fleck had positive reinforcement in his life, and perhaps Faith, maybe he would have turned his frustration into inspiration rather than a maniacal form of self-destruction. The same could be said about any one individual in our very own reality (especially considering the highly unusual rate of violent, self-destructive behavior in America as we know it).
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It is after the Murray Franklin Massacre that the Joker is truly “reborn” as he has officially become an abstract figurehead for the downtrodden of society. The same part of society which has had enough of the ugly side of the system and the overall tragedy of humanity’s indifference & ignorance towards the ones who struggle with the weight of the system on their shoulders (while looking up at the ones who have been riding upon humanity’s shoulders for far too long). Joker’s “birth” comes from a symbolic “death” so-to-say of Arthur Fleck as he’s in a severe car accident and carried out by his followers and attains a distinct level of martyrdom. Joker’s tragic destiny is to reign in hell rather than serve in heaven (which is the symbolic dilemma of humanity; hence the inception of Batman in the film, as a young Bruce Wayne’s parents are murdered due to the chaos Joker has sparked - a moment that successfully calls back to Tim Burton’s “Batman” flashback with the movie theater & flying pearl necklace and all).
“Joker” is a highly visceral artistic statement that has a brutally honest hidden social message: society must not fail the very humanity that fulfills it. The madness of one can spark the madness of many - and in any case - we may need to create a better way to heal our sick & our poor, and we should consider better methods to mend the broken (in mind, body, and spirit) rather than feed into chaos and self-undoing (as individuals and as a whole). If we are capable to view such a mirrored fantasy which has created such a social controversy due to it’s violently philosophical conclusion - are we also capable of improving ourselves, as a society, for the betterment of our very own collective reality?
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I give “Joker” a Perfect 10 out of 10. 
Joaquin Phoenix gives an awe-inspiring performance as the most celebrated comic book villain of all time. Todd Phillips has successfully captured lightning in a bottle with “Joker” - A fascinating, brilliant, and highly disturbing character study that places a focus not only on the madness of one individual, but the inherent madness & trivialization of western civilization in modern times.
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designme2011 · 5 years
•👄 Siamo tutti clown 🤡 • • • #designme #minuzzerie #tipsminuzforminuz #website #cultura #cinema #joker #thejoker #jokerquotes #joker🃏 #jokers #jokermovie #jokermovie #joaquinphoenix #toddphillips #joaquinphoenixjoker #arthurfleck #batman #scottsilver #clownprinceofcrime #dccomics #warnerbros #kingofcomedy #taxidriver #themanwholaughs #crazy #sad #happy #moviefans #movieblogger (presso Milano Centrale) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4iDmS8lDHA/?igshid=l0zibzrsu20s
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reflections-in-t · 2 years
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. . #Repost @toddphillips with @make_repost . …………………………………………… . いよいよJOKERのpart2の制作がスタートした模様 . 主演、監督、脚本は前作と同じメンバー . ホアキン・フェニックスが読んでいる脚本の表紙には 『Joker: Folie à deux』とのタイトルが . これはフランス語で「二人狂い」という 意味があり、精神医学における「感応精神病」 . ひとりの妄想がもうひとりに感染し、同じ 妄想や狂気を共有してしまうことを指す . もうひとりのキーパーソンや新たなキャラクターが 登場するのか、はたまたそれは観客自身なのか… . 妄想、ふくらむ・笑 . . #JokerFolieaDeux #感応精神病 #JOKER #ジョーカー #JoaquinPhoenix #ホアキンフェニックス #ToddPhillips #トッドフィリップス #ScottSilver #スコットシルヴァー #WarnerBrosDiscovery . . https://www.instagram.com/p/CekVWZIvDJa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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3sc-me · 3 years
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#8Mile (2002) #8MileMovie Director #CurtisHanson Writer #ScottSilver Stars #Eminem #BrittanyMurphy #KimBasinger اقتباس #اقتباسات #اقوال #حكم# Quotes #3SC# #QuotesofTheDay #Inspiration #Life #Saying #Love #Truth #BestMovie #Cinema #HighlyRecommended #Explorer #اكسبلورر #Viral https://www.instagram.com/p/CPN8zFeleKn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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awesomebeasy · 5 years
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Put on a Happy Face. A possible origin story for Joker posits him as Arthur Fleck, an aspiring stand-up comic, working as a party clown, who gets pushed to the brink as he spirals down before rising as Joker. This whole movie seethed (until Arthur shot the guy in the subway. ... and that other guy) ... but it was so good though. I grew up with Nicholson’s Joker falling into that vat of chemicals, this Joker (still set in the ‘80s, but speaking instead to/about present day) was a sensitive, damaged person thrown into society, a society that marginalizes and impoverishes. Because of a garbage workers strike, trash literally piles up in the streets, indicative of the rock bottom society has reached; from which Thomas Wayne (yes, That Thomas Wayne) believes he can lift Gotham. It was like a really pretty, gritty, dark, art house-y DC film, a Gotham that could actually exist in the real world (especially present day). I thought the inclusion of the Waynes was ... interesting, with Penny Fleck’s claims a way to explain how fragile her and her son’s hold on reality were; though I heard some say they wish that hadn’t been used at all. The scenes we come to find out are all in his head stood in stark contrast to the ones of him knocking his head against walls or kicking trash in the alley. #JoaquinPhoenix’s transformation was insane, and the laugh (which he said was the hardest part to come up with, and based on ppl with “pathalogical laughter”) was offputting and unsettling. Everybody turned in fantastic performances, the slow decent into madness, the project mayhem vibes and the spartacus like moment with all the masks on the subway, the final scene at the Murray Franklin show and his message👌🏼👌🏼 I liked it, I’d buy it. #lategram #ssmovieof2019 #crime #drama #thriller #RobertDiNiro #ZazieBeats #FrancesConroy #BrettCullen #LeighGill #SondraJames #DouglassHodge #DantePereirsOlsen#CarrieLouisePutrello writers: #ToddPhillips, #ScottSilver (written by) #BobKane, #BillFinger, #JerryRobinson (based on characters created by) directors: Todd Phillips movie of 2019 number 28) #Joker https://www.instagram.com/p/B7DDsUmHeUE/?igshid=yenot3hcn6lm
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futur-z · 5 years
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JOKER (2019) Written & Directed by Todd Phillips #film #movie #cinema #joker #jokermovie #screenplay #screenwriter #scottsilver #director #toddphillips #actor #joaquinphoenix #robertdeniro #actress #francesconroy #zaziebeetz #sountrack #hildurguðnadóttir #producer #bradleycooper #emmatillingerkoskoff #dcentertainment #warnerbros (à Pau, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B37hplComNU/?igshid=qbnoicwq9rt0
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futurepreviews · 7 years
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What?! Batman’s most famous antagonist may be getting his own origin story? #TheJokerOrigin [link in bio] #FuturePreviews . . . . . #ToddPhillips #ScottSilver #MartinScorsese #dcfilm #dcfilms #dccomics #dccomic #dccomicfans #thejoker #thejokerorigin #thejokerfan #batman #batmanfan #batmantattoo #thejokertattoo #batmanmovie #batmanmovies #batmanandjoker #batmanandrobin #brucewayne #justiceleague #superhero #superheros #batmanfanatic #comics #comicbook #comicbooks
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mpestudios · 7 years
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A Joker movie is in the works, with The Hangover filmmaker Todd Phillips tapped to co-write and possibly direct. Warner Bros and DC are in the early stages of another Batman Universe spinoff movie, this one telling the origin story of the signature villain The Joker. The studio has set The Hangover‘s Todd Phillips to co-write a script with 8 Mile scribe Scott Silver. Phillips will direct the movie, and Martin Scorsese will produce it with Phillips. This will be the first film under a new banner that has yet to be named in which WB can expand the canon of DC properties and create unique storylines with different actors playing the iconic characters. Via The Hollywood Reporter. • • • • • #joker #origins #thehangover #director #toddphillips #deadline #movienews #news #casting #jaredleto #suicidesquad #thejoker #gothamcity #taxidriver #80s #ScottSilver #8mile #thefighter #wardogs #dc #dccomics #wbpictures #dceu #dcuniverse #warnerbros #heathledger #filmmaking #behindthescenes #filmset #movie (at MPE Studios)
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tradedmiami · 3 years
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SALE IMAGE: Juan Andres Nava, Tony Cho & Jack Conrad DATE: 01/10/2022 ADDRESS: 45 Northeast 27 Street MARKET: Wynwood, Miami ASSET TYPE: Development Site BUYER: Fifield Companies (@FifieldCo) SELLER: CHO RE Holdings - Tony Cho (@ChoTimelive), Scott Silver; Newcomb Properties BROKER: Juan Andres Nava (@JuanAndresNavaCRE) & Jack Conrad (@SobeJack1) - Metro 1 Commercial SALE PRICE: $19,500,000 BSF: 441,000 ~ PPBSF: $44 SF: 61,250 ~ PPSF: $318 #Miami #RealEstate #tradedmia #MIA #Wynwood #DevelopmentSite #FifieldCompanies #CHOREHoldings #TonyCho #ScottSilver #NewcombProperties #JuanAndresNava #JackConrad #Metro1Commercial
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almasgeeks · 5 years
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Nominaciones a los Oscars de la academia. #Oscars Mejor película animada: #HowToTrainYourDragon: #TheHiddenWorld - #DeanDeblois, #BradfordLewis y #BonnieArnold, #ILostMyBody - #JeremyClapin y #MarcDuPontavice, #Klaus - #SergioPablos, #JinkoGotoh y #MarisaRoman, #MissingLink - #ChrisButler, #ArianneSutner y #TravisKnight, #ToyStory4 - #JoshCooley, #MarkNielsen y #JonasRivera. Mejor canción original: I Cant Let You Throw Yourself Away - Toy Story 4, I'm Gonna Love Me Again - #Rocketman, I'm Standing With You - #Breakthrough, Into The Unknown - #FrozenII, Stand Up - #Harriet. Mejor guión adaptado: The Irishman - #StevenZaillian, Jojo Rabbit - #TaikaWaititi, Joker - #ToddPhillips y #ScottSilver, Little Women - #GretaGerwig, The Two Popes - Anthony McCarten. @theacademy (en Panama City, Panama) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7RgotlH5uT/?igshid=dbm6y9f5qm13
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whanklee · 7 years
2018 elején kezdődhet a szóló Joker-film forgatása
Jövő hétre elkészül a Joker-film szkriptje, 2018 elején kezdődhet a forgatás. #DCComics #Joker #ToddPhillips #ScottSilver
Jövő hétre elkészül a film forgatókönyve, így 2018-ban már foroghat is a Joker eredettörtnet mozifilm.
A Variety újságírója Justin Kroll szerint Todd Phillips (Másnaposok) és Scott Silver (8 mérföld) elkészültek a forgatókönyvvel, amit jövő héten a Warner Bros.-nak is bemutatnak, s ha mindent rendben találnak, akkor 2018 elején már foroghat is a Joker-film. Sokan lehetetlennek gondolják megírni…
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designme2011 · 5 years
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•👄 Avevo letto alcuni titoli di post, in cui era chiaro che questo film non era piaciuto proprio a tutti, e non ho voluto leggerli per evitare di lasciarmi influenzare prima di vederlo. Ho fatto bene. Un film per niente scontato, bellissimo il passaggio della madre malata mentale che adotta il figlio perchè ossessionata da Wayne. Ossessionata oppure no? Cos'è vero e cosa no? Wayne ha usato tutto il suo potere per nascondere la verità? Il mondo in cui Arthur lo viene a scoprire... L'unica cosa che non ho capito: che fine hanno fatto Sophie e sua figlia? Questa scena a mio avviso poteva aprire altri scenari per un futuro sequel. Il senso di rivalsa di Arthur, questo concetto di società alienata così attuale, soffermarsi sul perchè " è il cattivo" della storia, e come lo è diventato, a me ha colpito moltissimo. Talmente tanto da apprezzare alcuni momenti iniziali del film più a rilento. Talmente tanto che ero seduta lì ieri non a caso ieri sera, visto com'era andata la mattinata... ero partita con un post su IG di Maleficent ( i quadretti sono reali eh), per poi concludere la mia giornata con Joker. Tutto torna: deve tornare. Il finale sulla barzelletta che "Non la capiresti" all'assistente sociale, le impronte di sangue alla Chaplin mi hanno fatta sentire un po' "Joker" e mi sono innamorata di Lui! Chissà se è vero che a "trionfare è sempre l'amore": così dicono! • • • #designme #minuzzerie #tipsminuzforminuz #website #cultura #cinema #joker #thejoker #jokerquotes #joker🃏 #jokers #jokermovie #jokermovie #joaquinphoenix #toddphillips #joaquinphoenixjoker #arthurfleck #batman #scottsilver #clownprinceofcrime #dccomics #warnerbros #kingofcomedy #taxidriver #themanwholaughs #crazy #sad #happy #moviefans #movieblogger (presso Milan, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4iCCROorbd/?igshid=jq2l7qvzc54b
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movizark-blog · 7 years
DC Developing Joker Origin Story Movie with Todd Phillips, Scott Silver & Martin Scorsese!!
DC Developing Joker Origin Story Movie with Todd Phillips, Scott Silver & Martin Scorsese!! #DC, #TheJoker, #SuicideSquad, #SuicideSquad2, #Joker, #JaredLeto, #Batman, #WarDogs, #GothamCitySires, #MartinScorsese, #ToddPhillips, #ScottSilver
Whoa! Big news out of DC land. Deadline reports that Warner Bros. and DC Films are in the early stages of developing new Joker origin story as their latest expansion of the Batman universe and they’ve brought some heavy-hitters aboard including Martin Scorsese. Holy shit. The Hangover and War Dogs helmer Todd Phillips is set to direct and co-write the script with The Fighter screenwriter Scott…
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ajweiner3 · 7 years
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#nowplaying #GlenCampbell #GhostOnTheCanvas #2011 #SurfdogRecords #LimitedEdition #picturedisc #vinyl #vinylrules #vinyligclub #vinylcommunity #nowspinning #onmyturntable • Produced by JulianRaymond & HowardWilling • Glen Campbell – acoustic and electric guitar, vocals •🌟• Additional musicians and composers • #KimBullard – keyboards ShannonCampbell – vocals #ChrisChaney – bass guitar #VinnieColaiuta – drums KatieCole – vocals #BillyCorgan – electric guitar on "There's No More Me... Without You" #DickDale – electric guitar on "In My Arms" #GeorgeDoering – acoustic guitar, banjo, and mandolin #EricDover – vocals #JakobDylan – composition #JasonFalkner – acoustic and electric guitar, bass guitar #JoshFreese – drums #JessieGreen – violin JustinGrey – composition #PeterHolmström – electric guitar on "Strong" #SteveHunter – electric guitar #ChrisIsaak – vocals on "In My Arms" CorkyJames – acoustic guitar DannyLevin – trumpet RogerJosephManninJr. – keyboards, vocals #WendyMelvoin – electric guitar #RickNielsen – electric guitar on "There's No More Me... Without You" #TimPierce – acoustic and electric guitar, mandolin RobertPollard – composition ZacRae – keyboards JulianRaymond – vocals, arrangement, production, co-writing #MartyRifkin – dobro and pedal steel guitar on "There's No More Me... Without You" #BrianSetzer – electric guitar on "In My Arms" and "There's No More Me... Without You" EricSkodis – vocals AaronSterling – drums #CourtneyTaylorTaylor – keyboards on "Strong" TeddyThompson – composition #KeithUrban #MichaelWard – electric guitar #PaulWesterberg – composition ToddYouth – electric guitar • Technical staff: ChrisAnthony – photography KiiArens – cover art BrianGardner – mastering DaveKaplan – executive production BennettSalvay – string arrangement, conducting ScottSilver – executive production KevinTetreault – art direction, layout HowardWilling – production, engineering
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futur-z · 7 years
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STRONGER (2017) Directed by David Gordon Green #film #movie #cinema #stronger #strongermovie #director #realisateur #davidgordongreen #screenplay #screenwriter #scenario #scenariste #johnpollono #actor #jakegyllenhaal #tatianamaslany #producer #boldfilms #mandevillefilms #ninestoriesproductions #michellitvak #scottsilver #toddlieberman #davidhoberman (à Pau, France)
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whanklee · 7 years
Pletykák szerint kegyetlen lesz a Joker-eredetfilm
Pletykák szerint kegyetlen lesz a Joker-eredetfilm #DCComics #Joker #WarnerBros. #ToddPhillips #ScottSilver #MartinScorsese
Egyszóval Jokernek egy olyan oldalát ismerjük meg, melyet eddig nem volt alkalmunk látni egyetlen filmes kivitelben sem.
Nemrégiben jelentek meg cikkek, hogy a Warner Bros. egy új projektbe vágott, ami a DC Univerzum egyik legismertebb ellenségére, Jokerre fókuszál majd. A történetet Todd Phillips rendező és társírója, Scott Silver heggesztik jelenleg, de a legmeglepőbb az egészben, hogy Martin…
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