veyrilload · 1 year
Seabite - Part of the genderbite system, a gender that has been "bitten" by the sea/the concept of the sea!
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kraftwerk113 · 5 months
Life´s too short for weird music - Tagesempfehlung 21.11.2023
Seabite / Melancholy Molly
Bereits im August veröffentlicht, hat es doch fast drei Monate gedauert ehe die aktuelle Seabird Single Melancholy Molly auch bei mir angekommen ist. Seabird ist ein Quartett aus San Francisco, dass insbesondere auf Melancholy Molly den Sound der britischen Alternative/Shoegazer Szene anno 1989/1990 zelebriert. Dabei klingen Seabite so dermaßen „Lush-ig“ dass ich mich fast schmerzhaft an eine der besten Phasen britischer Alternative-Musik erinnert fühle. Melancholy Molly stammt vom zweiten Seabite Album Lemon Lights (vö 29.09.2023), welches einer näheren Betrachtung in naher Zukunft bedarf.
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the one where nothing hurts
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Characters from @phantomarine! You can read Phantomarine over here
Can you spot Irving and his grill?
Alt version below the cut: the one where one thing hurts
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Phaedra's very pretty with seabite I love pink eyes and making her suffer
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shadedsecrets · 9 months
Why Pavel is Important:
AKA Why Cheth and Phaedra need therapy and Phantomarine won’t leave my head--
The sheer importance of Pavel as a character and what he does hit me very hard today and I needed to share.
Cheth the Red Tide King is an ageless being who has been betrayed, mutilated, and discredited for a comparatively short 500 years out of his thousands. Everything he was, everything he had, taken away by someone who was supposed to be his equal and someone who his feelings about seem to be very... complicated. Even then, he didn’t even get to die, just watch as more as more was stripped away so not even the people’s memory of him remained unwrapped. His only company was himself... and a few fleeting moments with people who feared and hated him. If that didn’t fuck him up a bit, nothing could.
If he was to be made the villain until some nebulous future that might not even come, why not lean into it and have at least a shred of vengeance and amusement? The perfect target is right there, after all, a royal line dedicated to the church that sullies his memory with lies is right there. Why *not* torment them when they pass, why not make those ruthless bloodthirsty puppets feel despair? After all, he knows who is calling the shots. He knows she doesn’t care one bit once she can no longer use them...
The Red Tide surrounded and transported at least three sea bite victims to shore that we know of, however. Doubtless there are many more lives he has tried to save from a painful and premature death. But he can only be so many places at once... And it is rather telling that every seabite victim we have seen so far has been a child.
He thought Phaedra no better than a tyrant early in her reign when she came down to his domain. That she could not possibly know the loss that had occurred because of her people’s actions. That none of her line could, because ***she*** was pulling the strings... And of course, she would never trust him, so to get her to do anything, of course he had to lie. She had been manipulated all her life and was clearly none the wiser, even now when contradictions begin arising. And really, he has no patience for it anymore, for stubborn fools who refuse to hear him.... and Cheth is far too out of practice to do anything about this himself.
Phaedra is lugging around centuries of religious propaganda and pressure, as well as being young, inexperienced, and grieving the loss of her father. Her whole life has been surrounded by the church and it’s teachings, of her future responsibilities in relation to them, who her immortal enemy was and who her biggest inspiration should be. She was very literally tailor-raised to hate Cheth. 
His actions don’t help alleviate this either. I doubt he was lying about being able to bring back only one soul, but not being clear about it broke what trust Phaedra was ever willing to put in the god. She was not nearly as hostile towards him until that little snag, and has seemed only to double down on this stance ever since, her color scheme changing from yellows to blues. She will find the most bad-faith read of his words and believe that to be the only correct answer. His penchant to not being completely clear and honest with his intentions also clearly vexes her.
Clearly though, she cares deeply about people. She took up her father’s tradition to ease the grieving. She was willing to do whatever it took to save her friends, and feels incredible guilt for ‘dooming’ them to a these last months of not-quite-life. She wants to help people, really help them... but she can only see ‘help’ in such a narrow worldview and has been taught there are some people you just shouldn’t help.
And then... there’s Pavel. And the very first thing we learn about him is that the boy has more heart than sense. Vanna raised him well, but the kind of deep empathy to care for the very beings that killed his father and basically gave him a terminal disease with heavy stigmas that forced him to leave the life he loved for ***seven years*** takes a little more than teaching.
Pavel has defended almost every single being that has harmed him.
He understood that sea ghosts just couldn’t stop themselves and that they were people once because he trusted his mother and her research. He understood that his friend Eddy was scared and alone and lashing out because of that. He questioned and pushed back against Sofia’s manipulations and the bad faith readings of the Mantaluna crew, but tried to understand that they must be having a pretty hard time. He told the Manta Princess to her face that *Cheth was hurting too* and asked a literal deity to be nicer to the biggest pain in his neck.
This little boy is a critical bridge. He can just *feel* when people are coming from a place of genuine care or hurt and tries to explain that to others who are being overly harsh in his opinion. There is a reason he is neither Cheth’s nor Phaedra’s color scheme. *This tiny boy is the one neutral party that both of these stubborn powerful people will listen to, now.*
Phaedra only turned sour when the talk got a little too close to questioning the very foundation of her beliefs, and she just went cold and tried to make Pavel change the subject. She was so relieved to know she hadn’t hurt him, wanted to do everything she could to make him comfortable and did not even question if they should help him get somewhere safe. And Cheth... Cheth loves children and hates having to welcome a single one into his collection, I think. He tried to mock Phaedra with how many *orphans* her father’s last battle created. He became *angry* and cold at even the implication that he would have lied to Pavel. And Cheth does everything he can to make sure a child survives a sea ghost attack.
Without Pavel... neither of these two have any hope of working through their shit, because neither of them are able to view the other and their reactions clearly. Cheth IS AN ASSHOLE AND VINDICTIVE. Phae IS NAIVE AND OVERZEALOUS. And Pavel is the once person who can read them both as say it like it is. And that is going to make for one hell of a boat ride.
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phantomarine · 10 months
I'm guessing we will get more about how this works in-story, but.... I'm a little confused by the Fata Morgana and how beings end up where they do.
From what I understand, the souls of the departed end up in the sea, with Cheth, and the Red Tide is just a collection of his favorites to possess so he can talk to himself and feel less lonely. Not certain if EVERY souls gets the privilege of a game or just ones Cheth likes, but as far as we know, 'properly' dying leaves no Fata Morgana and sea ghosts don't just become them.
On the other hand, people who are seabitten get turned into Fata Morgana, whether they die from it or not. Or... at least that seems to be the assumption.
Just want to make sure I didn't miss anything, the lore is so interesting and I can't wait to learn more!
Thank you so much! Here's how it works:
Everyone who dies has their soul go to Cheth (apart from Shoshana, who people believe went elsewhere).
Cheth gives everyone the option of challenging him for the right to return to life. They can opt in and try, or opt out and fade into a mindless seaghost. If anyone ever wins, their soul is (theoretically) returned to their freshly-dead body and they get another go at it.
Anyone who loses or opts out of a challenge becomes a seaghost - and every seaghost is in Cheth's collection. You don't need to have lost a challenge to 'belong' to Cheth. If you're a garden-variety seaghost, he has access to your soul.
Fata Morgana exist on a different worldbuilding branch, though. I can't go into detail about whether they're dead, alive, or something between. Because that's a crucial story thingy - and one I will start addressing in the next chapter-and-a-bit.
As of right now, the story claims that people don't die from their seabite - they disappear, then return later as the Fata Morgana we see in the story at large. Whatever happens between A and B is still a mystery... and it's a mystery the cast (and audience) will have to solve.
I wish I could say more, but you're correct in realizing there are worldbuilding gaps that need filling!
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welcome-home-official · 7 months
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SeaBite deserves a smoothie
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reconprate · 4 months
This Week's Apple Music Playlist
Apple Music Playlist Seabite “Blink Each Day” Lemon Lights (09-29-2023) Joshua Carpenter “I Believe It” End of the Kicks (09-29-2023) Art Bergmann “Jagged/One” ShadowWalk (09-29-2023) Inger Lorre “More Real” Gloryland (10-03-2023) Mother May I “Rabbit” People Just Wanna Hear the Hits (10-06-2023) The Fauns “How Lost” How Lost (single 10-17-2023) The Hasbros “Be a Bee” God Hates The…
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polaroidblog · 5 years
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"polaroid - un blog alla radio" S18E12  @  NEU RADIO The Wendy Darlings – Always Late Belle And Sebastian – Sister Buddha Small Crush – All I Need Seablite – Lollipop Crush Neutrals – Half Shut Knife Frankie Cosmos – Rings On A Tree Marbling – Your Intentions Are Disguised Jeanines – All The Same Clever Square – Cringe Girl Friday – Decoration/Currency Fever Dream – Surface Remington Super 60 – The Highway Again
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daily-best-jokes · 2 years
Why can't melons get married?
They cantaloupe sorry I'll leave
submitted by /u/SeaBite [link] [comments]
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dafukdidiwatch · 2 years
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So like, ok like Night Vale was actually the thing that put the fear of god in “fixing people” into me, so the idea of them trying to “fix” the condition as though it can be cured when it doesn’t sound like it is a disease....red flag
Then Pavel saying that “scared of the sea” which yeah, great point. Not saying that the sea isn’t super dangerous here, but also regardless of how he feels about the ocean I’m pretty sure his head will remain albino for the rest of his life. So why not confront and accept himself here?
And uh, yeah the condescension in the first thing the nun said about his mother teaching him wrong and the microaggression against his seabite condition....yeah that is also a red flag.
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likemybonfireheart · 7 years
Discovered some nice blogs today - and all of them have lovely art, too:
@ailecpaint, @seabit and @the-deerprince…
(I think, I’ll make this a habit whenever I discover new blogs and artists… - what do you think?)
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reconprate · 4 months
Seabite “Blink Each Day” Lemon Lights (09-29-2023) Apple Music Playlist
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reconprate · 5 months
“Melancholy Molly” Lemon Lights (08-16-2023) On This Week’s Apple Music Playlist
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