#Season 03x01
duttonandpartner · 7 months
So….I am in the very beginning of the 3rd season of Yellowstone (First two episodes) and there are already a few scenes which makes my head hurt for Jamie.
Starting with Scene 1
There is the scene in the very first episode where the cowboys, John, Casey and Tate are about to move to the summer camp. It’s shown as if they are literally on the brick of heading off when Jamie comes along on his horse to join them. At this point Jamie is still part of the cowboys and is living in the barn with them. Therefore, he has every right in the world to assume that he, Jamie, will join them and help out in the summer camp. That is his JOB at this point.
The overarching plot of this episode is that John Dutton is unable to be Livestock Commissioner/ Commander/ Whatever because of the events in the finale of season 2. He gets to nominate his successor for which he choses Casey first. Casey doesn’t feel like it; so he declines with a „lol, no, big pass, good luck with it I guess, I am out“ kind of vibe. Interestingly, Casey suggests Jamie instead („[…] you have a politician; and he’s living currently in the barn[…]“ is very close to what he is saying, I believe). John does not do that. He offers it to Beth instead who also declines and walks out.
This political position is clearly a key factor to Johns way of saving the ranch, Yellowstone, but John seems to be unsure of what to do or he just forgets about it. That’s until Jamie arrives.
So…Jamie, CLEARLY completely unaware of what is going on, assuming that he is still with the cowboys instead of being offered another job as LITERALLY LAST CHOICE, comes out with his horse all excited, wearing his hat and visibly smiling. THIS IS THE EXACT MOMENT when John APPARENTLY decides to tell him that he will be the new Livestock Commissioner.
John makes sure to tell Jamie that he will not stand another disappointment from him and then leaves with Jamie’s co-workers up to this point, his brother and nephew. This excluding Jamie in every way from everything which gave him self-confidence up to this point and literally leaves him behind to take his horse back in, I guess.
I mean WHAT????
The nonchalantness of it all, I think, makes me really angry. If John REALLY doesn’t trust Jamie with this position HE COULD HAVE FOUND ANOTHER WAY. He could have made Beth do it or even Monica or LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE.
The best choice of course, in my opinion, would be Rip, but John apparently still doesn’t considers him family; which is also just nonsense at this point.
I just don’t get that he waited until Jamie had his horse ready and settled and then told him in the most humiliating way possible in front of all these people. I simply don’t understand that. I mean John didn’t what Jamie to die so I guess he has some feelings of being a FARTHER to him but what was this then?
Jamies reason for being in the barn was for him to regain self-confidence in a field where he doesn’t experience so much stress. John just put a lot of stress on him. Again.
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deedala · 1 year
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season outrageous, hilarious, devastating, heartening, emotional, chaotic three
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Yes, chef!
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themirokai · 2 years
POI 03x01: Liberty
Season 3! I have thoughts! Here we go!
So my initial reaction was, and my notes say that I love Shaw. And I do, but then I started thinking about her more and realized that her main role seems to be A Badass Who Is Not Like Other Girls And Does Quips.
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(This is one of those gifs that I’ve seen a million times and it was super fun to encounter “in the wild.” But also, “Look! She eats her steak on a knife! She’s not like other girls! She’s a badass!”)
Previously the role of Badass Who Quips was filled by John. And while he’s still that, we now know him as a more nuanced deeply traumatized character which makes him so much more interesting. I guess my hope is that we get more background on Shaw so that she is fleshed out more than this.
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ALSO? Y’all I have seen a huge number of fics which refer to her medical training and have the boys going to her for treatments but it seems like her only qualification is that she’s been shot a lot???
I am very interested in what seems to be The Machine taking Root and saying “I can fix her.”
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BUT I do feel like exploring the new(ish) characters is coming at the expense of sidelining Carter.
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GIF by @eyesofwitt Original
She got busted down to beat cop! She’s still going after HR but not telling John and Harold about it! That is interesting! I want more. I know John checked in on her (in the most cursory way possible) but it seems super weird to me that Harold, who is an empathetic and caring person, has seemingly not reached out to her.
ALSO has Harold not noticed that his chess buddy Elias is no longer in jail?? That seems like something he would care about!
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GIF by @deelylah-sedai Original
It does seem incredibly unlikely that Harold doesn’t know the circumstances behind John’s enlistment. He knows everything about John right? Is there later canon on this that I should be aware of if- ahem- there were to be some forthcoming fan fic?
And finally… look they are clearly on a date at the end:
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GIF by @deelylah-sedai Original
Friends, pals, it is Extremely Distressing to me that apparently no one has written fic of this beer date! And while I make absolutely no promises, I have been Thinking Thoughts about such a fic.
Anyway, come tell me what you thought of this episode or if you disagree with my takes!
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dokani · 1 year
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mikasalone · 2 years
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i assume this is manny's and camila's wedding picture? i think she's putting cake in his face hehe
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didanagy · 4 months
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tomlinfonda · 1 year
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03x01 || 03x06
They're doing the rule of 3s with close-ups of Ted's face in season 3, can you believe it?
Interesting things to note:
During the shot in episode 1, an airport assistant is announcing the final boarding call to Kansas City. In episode 6, Ted is looking at a painting of sunflowers, which are the official state flowers for Kansas, which he points out. It's as if Kansas is calling him back home. Or you could look at the painting (and Yankee Doodle Burger Barn) as Ted being able to find pieces of home everywhere he goes and not needing to go back. You decide.
In the first episode, he feels useless, he wonders if his staying here is doing more harm than good. He doubts his abilities as a coach. In the sixth episode, midway through the season, he is inspired and comes up with a football strategy all by himself. He is coming into his own as a coach.
The museum assistant's speech calls back to Henry in the first episode.
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agentsofmarvel · 1 year
some of my favorite agents of shield fun facts (season 3 edition) (part 1!!)
season one & two fun facts are on my page!! this may be the last season i do though :)
- the little tagline they used in the writers room for season two was “what will i become?” to reference skye’s new powers and learning about her family, coulson’s new position as director, and other character changes. in season three the tagline became “what have i become?” showing the characters evolution into season three and onwards.
- many of the writers also said that the season focused on emotional balance between characters. it was focused on the emotional connection between may & andrew, daisy & lincoln, coulson & rosalind, and fitz & simmons.
- after being taken by the monolith at the end of season two, elizabeth got no confirmation that jemma was alive and she still had a job playing her until being brought back for season three months later.
- the writers were a bit unsure of mack’s character evolution after season two but when they saw henry simmons acting they immediately saw “leading man material” and began to discuss him as a possible director.
- they had a “skye jar” in the writers room when writing season three because everyone kept forgetting daisy and writing skye.
- apparently jed & maurissa’s newborn guest starred in the first episode [03x01] sometime during the opening scene with joey. i watched the episode on Disney+ and i couldn’t find her though, maybe y’all can! [the bts picture i found has her in a blue stroller, dm me for the pic if you want!]
- the inhuman lash is played by matthew willig, a former NFL offensive tackle. he was chosen because not only his huge stature but his previous acting work. he had to take 4 hours in the makeup chair daily for the role.
- the character rosalind price was created to give coulson a role other than “the surrogate father”. both the writers and clark wanted to give him a romantic role. however, when they talked about her to the costume department they described her as a “female coulson”.
- as skye was written as the “eyes of the audience” in season one and bobbi was the same for season two, the writers created the character of joey gutierrez as the eyes of the audience of season 3 with inhumans.
- the writers created the relationship between daisy introducing joey into shield/inhumans to mirror coulson introducing skye into shield back in season one.
- joey’s character was supposed to be a more permanent character in the following seasons but actor who plays him, juan pablo raba, had just booked another show and he couldn’t do both.
- according to the costume designers, they describe coulson’s season three look as his “bad ass civilian look”
i am working on more season three facts rn, but i wanted to post some now!! also i wanted to take this time to show my support for the writers currently on strike (some of which wrote the scenes we love in aos!), they ask so little for the amazing work they do and i hope they get what they deserve in the near future !!
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banquisefond · 2 years
Why do I think Diana Barry is a lesbian ?
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First of all, I'd like to note that I totally understand if anyone disagrees. What will follow is solely my very personal interpretation of Diana's character arc. Also, this only applies to the "Anne with an E" version of the character, I have never seen any other adaptation so I can't speak for it.
Diana is a young girl who's been raised in a rural and conservative environment. Even though her family is rich and gave her an education, the very fact of her living in the countryside has forbidden her have an open perspective on the world. Until Anne arrives in her life, she knows no better than what her family, church and conservative neighbors taught her. Throughout the seasons, her character is developed around the journey she takes to break from that pattern. Step by step, she lifts the veil that was tied before her eyes, proving that despite her "perfect daughter to become perfect spouse" appearance, she is, in fact, different. She's different from what was planned for her, but she's also different from the people of Avonlea. Her perspective and dreams are.
Her difference is already implied at the core of her character. Have you ever noticed how she is the only character (or almost) with a non-christian name ? Now, I know, this is reaching, I promise that I have more solid arguments for later, but hear me out on this one. I could list an enormous enumeration of names from that show that have christian roots (Anne, Matthew, Mary, Sebastian etc.). While this difference is never addressed in AWAE, it is in the first book, by Matthew. I won't have the quote right because I own the books in french so let me resume it. Matthew tells Anne about Diana when she first arrives in Avonlea. Anne gasps because she thinks Diana has a beautiful name. Matthew later on complains on it non being christian and that her parents better have named her Jane or something. She was named that way because the Barrys hosted a professor by the time of her birth. Eventually, they let him name their newborn for some reason. So, he choose "Diana", which is inspired by the roman goddess "Diane". Firstly, I think this can be interpreted as a sign her path isn't traditional education, intended by her parents who wants to send her to Paris but rather an actual education, which she'll choose by attending college. Moreover, we can go further by acknowledging that a named inspired by Diane says a lot too. Diane is the goddess of hunt, and protector of young women (in other words virginity). Diane's entourage was strictly feminine, men weren't allowed. Now, some people assume that Diane and her companions were in fact sapphics. Anyway, Diane is the symbol of independents women who don't require men to live to the fullest.
After some subtext, we now can lean on the actual events of the show.
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As we previously established, Diana is, at the beginning of the show, still oblivious of the outside world and as Anne would say, the possibilities. Her very first breakthrough is the first encounter between she and Anne.
Anne is a free-thinker. Her only education she ever had is from the books she read and her own imagination. That makes her this very unique character full of open-mindedness and creativity. This is the first time Diana met someone so different from what she knows.
I'd like to focus on that one scene in the 03x01 episode when Anne makes Diana swear solemnly on their friendship. When Anne first come up with the idea, Diana is firmly closed because she's been taught by her religious background that swearing is a sin. Anne, who has always known the term "swearing" trough literature, proceeds to explain Diana what it means to her, and how beautiful that is.
"Shall we swear we’ll be best friends, for ever and ever ? (...) - Let’s imagine that it’s night time and that this path is a stream. Hold this. Twist your finger around mine (...) I solemnly swear to be faithful to my bosom friend Diana Barry for as long as the sun and the moon shine”
This quote speaks for itself on how magnificent that scene was. Anyway. This moment is immensely important for Diana. It is also for Anne, but from her perspective, she sees it more as an occasion to live in her fantasy world full of poetry. For Diana, it represents the beginning of her change and growth. She opened her mind about something she thought was immoral, only to find out it's actually beautiful. At this moment, we can see in her eyes that she's falling in love. Not necessarily with Anne but with her freedom. This is the realization that she could be way more.
“I could never love anyone as I love you Anne - Wait, you love me ? - Off course I do (...) - I thought you liked me of course, but I’ve never hoped you loved me - I love you devotedly Anne” - (1x5)
Diana directly confess her love for Anne. Of course, it is displayed as a platonic love, and it probably is for Anne, but I just want to slid it in there.
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Now, let's dive in, as I call it, the "Party at aunt Joséphine/homophobia" arc. Again, there is this display of the duality between what she's intended to be and what she could be at the beginning, when she meets this famous pianist who recommend her to start a career as a musician. Diana seems almost offended because playing piano other than for recreational purposes was never a possibility for her. Then, she founds herself surrounded by a diversity of people (queer people, independent woman etc.) before learning that her aunt was, in fact, a lesbian. Then the internalized homophobia knocks in and Diana is very upset. She feels kind of betrayed by the truth, to find out that the world is wider than she knew it to be.
This series of events leads to this very emotional scene between Cole and Diana. While Diana stands firmly that same sex relationships are wrong, Cole gives her the most adorable speech. I'll let his words speaks for me :
“If your aunt lived her life feeling something was wrong with her, that she was...broken, defective, or unnatural...then one day, she met someone that made her realize that wasn’t true, there was nothing wrong with her and she was fine. Shouldn’t we be happy for her ? - I think it’s spectacular”
Does that rings any bells ? I'm not gonna over-explaining this. Diana basically discovers that omg gay people exists !!! And that it's not inherently a bad thing.
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It is time to dismantle the Jerry allegations.
This "romance" takes place at the very fateful moment of Diana character arc, when she have to choose between 2 futures. The one her parents decided, and the one she truly wants, alongside with aunt Jo and Anne.
First thing about teenagers who plans to go against their parents for the first time, is that they'll try to experience rebellious acts in a smaller scale, to know how it feels. This is exactly what Diana did with Jerry. He is the closest boy she knows while being the only one her parents don't know about. She wants to feel forbidden love, but, she soon finds out that she doesn't feel anything for Jerry. There is no passion, she is not intellectually triggered with him neither. After realizing that, she ditch him pretty rudely. She knows she was wrong from the beginning and that all this just wasn't for her.
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Finally, Diana reaches the acceptation of who she is by the end of the third season. She knows what she wants and got to finally attend to Queen's college after secretly taking the exams.
This represents her embracing being different. She choose to go against traditional ways. She choose to get an education, despite the remonstrances from her family. This is the end of her journey to find herself and the beginning of a new one where she can fully be herself.
I see this development as a really accurate parallel with the lesbian experience. Of course, you're free to see it as it is stated in the show. I just want to share :)
I doubt anyone read this until the end but, if any of you have a good fanfic about Diana finding a girl in college, I'm open lol.
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justauthoring · 2 years
Shadow of Yourself [7/18]
Prompt: “You’ve changed, Eli. I barely even know who you are right now.”
A/N: the beginning of season three!! and literally not a single scene in this chapter is from the actual episodes so, enjoy lol. this chapter is also a bit shorter then previous ones but i promise this is just the beginning. season three is gonna be the angsty.
Based off of: Cobra Kai 03x01, 03x02 and 03x03 Warnings: some swear words (because tumblr apparently doesn’t like that), bullying, etc. Pairing: Eli Moskowitz x F!Reader
Tag List: @moonydrafts - @ashwhowrites - @traveleraroundsworld - @truly-abysmal - @likecherriesinthespring - @hollxe1 - @asonofpeter - @scarlett-verse - @musically-ambiguous - @kayda1 - @moon-zoons - @dwcode - @day-dreamsinthedark - @leilani788 - @silvermagnolias - @hawkinsavclub - @animewolflover278 - @gruffle1​ - @b-tchymoon - @maggiecc - @beetea38 - @hawkinsavclub1983 - @crpytids - @embersparklz - @kimilight - @httpjiikook - @marauderssmut - @fyckcore - @multinci - @lqveabby - @oh-well-whatever-nevermind - @redskull199987 - @silvermagnolias - @shortneko - @okjaeminn​ - @thecyclonetragedy​ - @vamproq​ - @siriusfahey​ - @cobrakaigirlie - @kaylinfayezink​ - @oursuh - @aphroditelxver​  if you’re in italics, tumblr wont let me tag you.
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Miguel was in a coma.
Robby was on the run.
And Eli…
Everything had gone to sh*t. In a matter of moments.
Nothing was right anymore. That school fight never should’ve happened. Just the thought of it made fear strike deep within you, crawl up the back of your throat and stay there, like a constant reminder of what had happened and why it had happened. Ever since Cobra Kai came to the All Valley, nothing had been right–karate had changed everything.
Karate was the reason why you lost Eli. 
It was the reason why Miguel was in a coma.
It was the reason why Robby was on the run.
…But really, no matter how much you felt like blaming karate–it was your fault.
You weren’t strong enough. You weren’t able to stop Tory from attacking Sam, from gauging her arm, nor had you been able to stop Miguel and Robby from going at each other. You weren’t there when it happened, when… Miguel was pushed because you were trying to stop Eli. And you hadn’t. You hadn’t done anything. 
You never did anything.
A series of rings echoes beside you, your good hand–the hand not in a brace currently– shaking as you hold your phone before you. The contact read ‘mom’ and honestly, you were too afraid to answer it. You knew what she was calling about–the fight at the school. That and the fact that you’d had to go to the hospital for your wrist, which turned out only to be a minor sprain. You have no doubt the school and probably the hospital had called her.
You could only imagine how mad she was.
Swallowing thickly, you force yourself to answer it, swiping across the screen before shakily pressing the phone against your ear.
You hear your mother before you even get the chance to say hello.
“A school fight! What in the world were you even thinking! Why didn’t you tell me you’d joined karate in the first place? I had to hear from the school that you’d attacked two boys. Jesus, Y/N, you’re lucky they didn’t suspend you!”
Biting your lip, you glance down at your lap as she continues to yell. That familiar static echoes in your ear as you feel your eyes water, your vision blurry and your heart start to race. It’s starting to feel hard to breathe, you realize somewhere along the way, and that familiar terror is stuck at the back of your throat, as if holding you hostage.
“Well? What do you have to say for your–” There’s a pause, her voice halts, then, softly, your mother adds; “Y/N, are you crying?”
“It’s all gone horrible, mom.” You cry out, lip wobbling as your voice breaks, feeling your eyes water as you press a hand to your chest, fist clenching your shirt tightly. “I tried to make it better, I… I tried to fix it but I just made things worse… Miguel’s in a coma and Robby is on the run and I don’t know if either are going to be okay. And–And Eli tried to hurt Demetri, mom, he did hurt him…and I was trying to stop him but…” You can’t finish your words, a sob breaking past your lips as you bring your knees to your chest.
“Y/N, ho-honey…” Your mothers voice breaks through the sobs, “why didn’t you call me? Why didn’t you tell me?”
You just shake your head, even though she can’t see you. “You always say you’re going to be home and you never are. It wouldn’t have mattered.”
“Y/N, you know I try my best–”
“It doesn’t matter!” You cut in, forgetting yourself for a moment as you let your emotions get the better of you. You knew your mom did everything she did for you, you were just tired of hearing it. Hearing all of it. The excuses, the broken promises…you couldn’t handle it anymore. Going home to an empty house, knowing that no matter what happened, she was never There. You’d lost your father a long time ago, but you can’t remember the last time you had your mother either. 
“I’m always alone, I never have anyone to talk to you.” You explain, gripping your phone so tightly it starts to hurt. “You don’t even know who Robby and Miguel are! You hardly even have time to talk on the phone anymore, let alone send a single text. You told me you’d be home a month ago and you’re still not home! None of it matters.”
There’s a beat of silence, then, “Y/N, honey. I’m gonna come home, okay? And then–”
“Oh, save it.” You scoff, eyes narrowing as you hastily brush at the tears stream down your cheeks. “I’ve heard you say that so many times that I doubt you ever will come home.”
“I’m gonna order a ticket–”
Yeah, right. 
“Don’t bother.” You huff, pulling your phone away from yourself and pressing the end button before she can say anything else. There’s a slight adrenaline rush that runs through you at the thought of the way you treated your mom, but… but you felt it was justified. She only cared now because the school was harassing her.
If you’d just continued to be the good daughter you were, she never would’ve cared.
You doubted she’d even actually come home.
“Was that Sam?”
Turning at the sound of your voice, Demetri frowns. “Yeah, she just… ran off.”
“It’s probably just hard for her, you know,” you explain, meeting Demetri’s eyes as you both move to walk up the stairs. “I mean, she was right there when it happened.” Swallowing thickly, you glance at the railing, the one you were told Miguel was pushed off of and try to ignore the way your heart races.
You hadn’t even been there and it already terrified you–you can’t imagine how Sam felt.
“We just need to give her some time,” you add, turning to Demetri with a small smile. “Then I’m sure she’ll be okay.”
He nods, before adding; “what about you? Are… Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you shrug, forcing a smile to curl onto your lips, hoping it’s enough to convince Demetri of your otherwise clear lie. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
Frowning, Demetri shakes his head. “Y/N…–”
“I’m fine, Demetri,” you repeat, cutting in before he can continue. Turning to him, you meet his eyes. “Honestly, you don’t have to worry about me.”
Demetri seems hesitant to believe you, shuffling on his feet before reluctantly he nods, “if you’re sure.”
“Of course.”
He nods, slowly, unsurely, before finally he relents. “Well, I’ve got to go. I have first period with Yasmine and I think this year will be the one.”
Quirking a brow at Demetri, you just lightly scoff, shaking your head as you watch him rush off in the other direction. He has a pep in his step as he walks, and honestly, you’re just happy hasn’t let the whole Eli situation get him down–at least, as much as it has you. You know he has his own worries that he keeps to himself, but, overall you admire his ability to stay positive.
Making your way over to your locker, you just manage to open it as a new voice calls out; “how’d you hurt your wrist?”
Instantly, you recognize the voice.
Licking your lips, you close your locker door slightly, enough to meet Eli’s eyes as he comes to a stop directly next to you. He makes himself comfortable, leaning against the locker next to yours as he waits for you to answer.
“You should know already,” you huff, rolling your eyes. “Given that it was your friends that attacked me.”
You’ve turned away, focusing on grabbing the books and stuff you need for your first period. But, when a minute passes and Eli still doesn’t say anything, your brows are furrowing in confusion, turning your head back to look at him only to see wide eyes staring back at you. His lips have parted, and he seems genuinely confused.
“No, he doesn’t know. Which means he can’t stop me either.”
That’s what his friends had said.
“You really didn’t know,” you whisper, lips left parted as the realization dawns on you.
“That they attacked you?” Eli shakes his head, “of course not. I… I told them to leave you alone.”
Briefly, you warmed at the fact that despite everything, Eli still wouldn’t hurt you or want you hurt. It’s a meaningless thought, because what did that matter in comparison to the fact that he did want Demetri hurt and had actively tried to do so multiple times? But still, you can’t help the way your heart flutters in response to his words.
Shuffling back on your feet, to create a bit of distance between the both of you, you shake your head. “Some friends you have,” you scoff.
Eli just takes a step towards you, causing you to tense, as he shakes his head. “Listen, I had no idea they were gonna go after you. I would’ve stopped them but–”
“But you were too busy trying to hurt Demetri.”
Eli’s eyes narrow, insulted at your words. He falters for a moment, not sure what to say, before he continues; “what about you? You said you cared about me, you sure have a funny way of showing it.”
Disbelief coursing through you, you step towards Eli, “you’re the one who walked away!” At the way your voice spikes and you get a few looks from students walking by, you lower your voice, shaking your head. “You’re the one who left. I was… I do like you, Eli but you said that didn’t matter. Because you’re not Eli anymore.”
“Yeah, I’m not,” he shrugs, “I’m Hawk.”
Rolling your eyes, you step back; “you’re a bully. And I’m not dating a bully.”
His shoulders tense, and his jaw sets. You watch as anger floods his gaze, not knowing just exactly what those words mean to him, the look on his face wavering slightly as he licks his lips, swallowing thickly. “I can show you.”
You pause, confused; “show me what?”
His entire persona changes. He takes a step towards you, body easing as a confident smirk curls across his lips. Your eyes widen as he sets his arm on your locker, directly next to your head, leaving no room between the both of you. “That the new me is better.”
Meeting his eyes, you falter slightly. Your lips part, to argue, but nothing ends up leaving your lips as you just stare back at him. And at your continued silence, a smile curls onto Eli’s lips instead of the smirk, slowly but surely, and before you know it, he’s grinning brightly at you.
“You’ll see,” he adds. “I’ll make sure of it.”
Meet me at the skatepark. Please.
The text had been from an anonymous number. However, you had a pretty good feeling you knew who it was from. 
The second you’d gotten it, you’d dropped everything. Nothing else seemed to matter more in that moment as you rushed over to the skatepark, a single backpack with you, unable to stop the hope that floods your being. And the second you get there, your suspicions are confirmed when you see a familiar head of brown hair. It’s shorter than you remember it being and he looks slightly different, but… but that was to be expected given what had happened.
“Robby.” Your voice is soft as you call, not wanting to attract unwanted attention–given that he was still on the run. 
The second he hears your voice, he turns to you, and the expression on his face breaks your heart.
“Here,” he calls, gesturing to you to follow him as he leads you through a few alleys, tucking the both of you away from unwanted attention. The second you’re both alone, he turns back to you, shuffling on his feet slightly in what you can only assume is nerves. “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t know who else to go to.”
“It’s–It’s okay, Robby,” you assure, smiling at him. “I’m glad you texted. I… I was really worried about you.”
Robby frowns, avoiding your gaze as he glances down at his feet. “You don’t… You don’t hate me for what I did?”
“Did you mean to do it?”
“Of course not,” he says quickly, without an ounce of hesitation.
“Then, no,” you simply shrug, smiling at him.
Relief floods his gaze, shoulders dropping as he nods, a small smile managing to curl onto his lips. 
“And–And Sam too,” you decide to add, not sure if bringing up her name was the smartest thing. By the way he flinches slightly at the sound of her name, you wonder if it was but… but he had to know. You wanted him to know, too. “I don’t think she blames you either. She’s worried about you, like I am. We… We all are.”
Robby just shakes his head; “I can't… I mean, I… Miguel’s in a coma because of me.”
You shake your head; “I’m not asking you to do anything. I.. I just wanted you to know.”
He nods, fiddling with his hands, “thank you.”
“And Robby, here,” pulling the backpack off of your shoulders, you turn to him with a smile, kneeling just slightly so you can open it properly. “I didn’t know what you needed so I just grabbed some food, some of my dad's old clothes and then some hygienic stuff, like deodorant and–”
You’re cut off by the feeling of arms wrapping around you. Stilling in response to the sudden contact, your lips parting as you feel Robby pull you closer, hugging you tightly. It takes you a moment, a brief second of hesitation, because you’ve never been this close with Robby, before slowly your arms move to return his hug, slowly wrapping around his shoulders as you feel yourself smile slightly in contentment.
You let your head fall into the curve of his neck, not realizing how much you’d needed a hug yourself.
When he pulls back, his cheeks are slightly warm. “I, uh, thank you. For everything.”
“Of course,” you nod, swallowing thickly, “I’m not here to tell you to do anything. The only one who can decide what is best is you, but just… please, take care of yourself.”
“I will,” Robby assures, nodding. “Thank you.”
“And, if you need anything else, you can always reach out to me.”
Halting at the sight of Eli, the smile on your face falters slightly as both him and Miguel turn to look at you.
The second you’d heard Miguel had woken up from his coma and was allowed visitors, you’d wasted nothing and dropped practically everything–rushing straight over to the hospital. While you guess you should’ve expected it, given you knew Eli and Miguel were close friends, you hadn’t exactly expected to quite literally run into him.
“Eli,” you mumble, shoulders falling as you hesitate at the door. “I didn’t know you were here.”
“I was actually just leaving,” Eli explains, turning back to look at Miguel before you. “I’ll let you catch up.”
You nod, not knowing what else to say as him and Miguel say their goodbyes. You find it slightly odd that he was so easy about leaving, not trying or saying anything. And as Eli walks past you, you meet his eyes, a frown on your lips as he slips past you.
But he just smiles at you, softly.
“Well, I see that’s going as well as I remember.”
Turning to Miguel, you flush slightly. Shaking your head, you make your way over to him, coming to a stop directly beside his hospital bed. “Sorry,” you mumble, shuffling on your feet slightly. “I just… well, it doesn’t matter.” You brush off, realizing you came here today for Miguel, not to talk about yourself and Eli. “How are you, Miguel? I rushed over as soon as I heard you were allowed visitors.”
Miguel shrugs, “I’m okay,” he mumbles, and by the tone of his voice you can tell he’s anything but. “What about you? What happened to your wrist?”
“Oh this?” You hold up your hand, shaking your head. “It’s nothing. Just a sprain.”
“I wouldn’t have thought you’d get involved in the fight.”
Hugging your arm, you frown; “yeah, well, I didn’t really have much of a choice.”
Miguel's brows furrow, confusion flooding his gaze. But just as he moves to ask, you shake your head. “Enough about me,” you brush off, waving away his concern and confusion. “Are they treating you well here?”
Miguel just snorts. “Yeah, it’s been fine. My mom and yaya have been visiting lots, so...”
Nodding, you swallow thickly, asking the question that’s been on your mind.
“Did… they say when you’d be able to get out of here?”
Miguel’s entire stature changes then. His body tenses as this look washes over his eyes, and instantly you know you should’ve just kept the question to yourself.
“They say I, uh… might not be able to walk again.”
Eyes widening, your lips part. “Miguel…”
Meeting your gaze, he shrugs; “yeah.”
“I’m… I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“But still,” you shake your head, moving to set your hand over his own. “If there’s anything I can do, please… please tell me.”
Smiling softly, though it doesn’t meet his eyes, Miguel nods. “Thanks Y/N.”
You smile at him and the two of you continue to talk for a while before you excuse yourself when a nurse comes in. Miguel seems reluctant for you to leave and you can imagine he’s tired of having nurses constantly checking him and doing tests all day, but you also know it’s needed–so, with a simple wave and a smile, you tell him you’ll be back to visit soon and move to make your way out of the hospital.
Only, to stop when you see Eli standing there.
“Hey,” he calls, nodding at you.
“Hey,” you say slowly, crossing your arms over your chest as you narrow your eyes at him. “What are you still doing here?”
“I waited for you.” He explains with a shrug, “I thought I’d walk you home.”
Brows furrowing, you shake your head. “That’s oddly nice of you.”
He just chuckles, “you don’t have to act so surprised.”
Staying rooted in your spot, you hesitate to follow. 
“I can show you.”
“Show me what?”
“That the new me is better.”
He had said that. You just… hadn’t expected him to actually do anything about it. 
Eli was the one who’d walked away from you that night, in your bathroom. When he’d told you he missed the two of you hanging out, being together, when he’d gotten jealous and frustrated over Demetri and then Robby–when you’d told him you still liked him. He’d been the one to walk away, to leave you–so why was he suddenly so determined to change your mind about him?
“No ulterior motives,” he assures, holding his hands out before him as he shakes his head. “I just wanted to walk you home.”
Reluctantly, you can’t find anything to argue against that, so;
And so you let him.
Surprisingly, it goes… well. Really well. Eli, while different, still feels like Eli and you find yourself smiling, laughing… more than you’re sure you have in a long time. You genuinely feel happy, a giddy feeling in your chest as you walk next to him. It’s like it used to be, at least somewhat. You’re laughing with him, joking around and there’s no tension.
He doesn’t bring up Demetri or really anything--it’s just about the two of you.
Maybe Demetri winning during the school fight made Eli realize a few things.
Maybe he was finally going back to being himself.
You let the hope flood through you, even though deep down a voice tells you not to. You can’t help it and you’re tired of fighting it, tired of pretending like your heart isn’t hurting because you’d lost Eli–if he really was trying to be better, then… who were you to deny it?
If he really was trying to be better then maybe something was finally going right.
At least, that’s what you think, until you reach your house and see your mom standing on the front porch. She looks angry, her lips set into a straight line and eyes narrowed as she stares down at you, not daring to look away. She must’ve been waiting there for a while if the look on her face is anything to go by.
So, she really had come home.
You freeze, coming to a stop as Eli pauses in response, confused at what was wrong for a moment until he sees your mom--just standing there. Then suddenly the confusion turns into concern and Eli’s gaze is flickering back and forth from you to your mom.
“I thought you said she wasn’t going to be back until the end of the month.” He comments, frowning down at you.
“Yeah,” you nod, meeting her eyes. “I thought that too.”
Eli hesitates a moment before he turns to you completely. “Did you–”
“It’s okay, Eli,” you turn to him, swallowing thickly and forcing back your own discomfort. “Thank you for walking me home,” you smile, “I actually had a good time.”
He blinks at that, gaze softening as he nods, unable to stop the grin that curls onto his lips. “Of course,” he laughs, “I’ll, uh, see you at school?”
“I’ll see you at school.”
Sending him a small wave, you watch him walk off for a moment before taking a deep breath in, turning back to your mom as you make your way up to your front porch.
“Where have you been?”
It’s the first question that leaves her mouth and instantly, you roll your eyes. 
“Out,” you explain shortly, walking past her into the house.
She’s right on your heels, following you into the kitchen as you grab a glass from the cupboard, moving to get yourself some orange juice. “At the hospital, Miguel woke up from his coma.”
She nods, and the second you’re done pouring your glass, you move to walk past her.
She stops you, grabbing you by your arm.
“I want to talk,” she explains, “about what happened at the school.”
“Well, I don’t want to,” you say plainly.
“I’m home, aren’t I? I’m here, so talk to me.”
Pausing, you shake your head. Meeting her eyes, you say bluntly; “it’s too late, mom.”
Then, pulling her hand off your arm, you just continue to walk, ignoring the way she calls after you.
You couldn’t believe this.
You… You believed him.
“Was this your big plan? Huh?”
Back turned to you, you watch as Eli’s shoulders tense.
“Get me to trust you and then just go behind my back?”
Slowly turning around, Eli brushes off Mitch who is with him, silently telling him to go away as he meets your gaze. Your own is narrowed, anger flooding your gaze as you stare back at him, feeling your fists shake next to your side. You didn’t care who was around, you were too angry to even register where you were, right outside Cobra Kai–all you knew was that Eli was here and that’s all that mattered.
It was just like that night--the night he’d trashed Miyagi-Do. Only this time you were ten times angrier and it felt like you were seeing red.
“I can't believe you,” you cut him off, stepping towards him. “Did you think I wouldn’t find out? I was there!”
Shaking his head, Eli moves to grab you. “You don’t understand, I was just–”
You slap his hand away, “I understand perfectly. You beat up Nate and stole the money that we raised for Miguel’s surgery.” Scoffing, you roll your eyes, “the worst part is I actually believed you were trying to be better. I actually believed that maybe you’d realized Cobra Kai was wrong and that–”
“I never told you Cobra Kai was wrong,” he interrupts, jaw clenching. “It’s not my fault you wanted to believe more than what was true.”
“Yeah, you’re right. It is my fault,” you agree, nodding at him as you step towards him. There’s barely a breath of room left between the both of you, “my fault for thinking you could be anything other than a f*cking bully.”
“I’m not a bully.” Eli argues.
“Yeah? Your actions beg to differ.” You huff, stepping back as you let your hand fall back to your side. “I’m done, Eli. With all of this. With Cobra Kai, with this stupid war, with you.”
At that, Eli’s face falls, panic flooding his gaze as he takes a moment to process your words.
“What the h*ll do you mean by that?”
“I don’t want to see you anymore, Eli,” you shrug, absolutely exasperated as you shake your head at him. “I don’t want to talk to you. I’m sick and tired of getting my hopes up only for you to break my heart over and over again. God… The worst part is I like you so much that it hurts, but I can’t bare to even look at you.”
Eli steps towards you, just as you move to walk, grabbing you by the arm. “Don’t say that. Don’t walk away.” He pleads, grip tightening on your arm briefly as the desperation sets in.
Anything to get you to stay.
But you won’t. You don’t want to.
You just meet his eyes, not saying a single thing, ripping your arm out of his grasp and pushing him back by the chest. He stumbles for a moment, just managing to catch his balance as you turn.
“Y/N.” He calls, watching your back grow further and further away from him. “Please.”
You hear it, but you don’t care.
Not anymore.
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zesticky · 4 months
i'm absolutely gobsmacked every time i attempt to do a video edit of ava and deborah's relationship because like-
the amount of layers and parallels that the writers have given to them in three seasons is just insane
below is a list of all the parallels i'm trying to fit in
"the last thing on earth i want to do is move to the desert to write some lame jokes for an old hack." "i was right the day i met you, you are a fucking hack." "a hack is someone who does the same thing, over and over. deborah is the opposite. she keeps evolving and getting better."
"you have to scratch and claw and it never gets better. it just gets harder." this parallel between 01x02 and 03x01 is insane!!!
the salt and pepper shakers
"you can make it funny. you can make anything funny."
they speak their own little private language and make each other better
"you're just like me." deborah has said this twice on different occasions to ava
ava finds the package from kathy in the bin at deborah's place and gifts it to deborah at her show taping, with kathy THEN seeing the same poster at deborah's house for christmas and couldn't believe she saw it, with ava repyling with "she did, it made her really happy." when in fact, ava! gave! that! to! her!)
"don't leave me. [you got it.]" "don't-don't leave me. [okay, i won't.]"
deborah lets ava go so she can seek better job opportunities to advance her career
ava wants to be wherever deborah is, her wants and needs are ava's needs
deborah pushes ava away because she's afraid, and will do whatever it takes to make the show bulletproof, even if she thinks losing the people she loves is worth the sacrifice (and ultimately doesn't realise that would lead to her downfall in s4)
the subject of loneliness - deborah lost frank and kathy as a result, kathy leaves deborah because she can't stand the idea of deborah choosing her career over her personal life
"i know you. you're already making decisions out of fear and you'll keep doing it!" yet ava still stays with her in the end by deborah's own making... being a shark
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italwayshadtobeyou · 1 year
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For SPN week 2023: Day 2: Fav' season première(s): 03x01, "The Magnificent Seven."
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S3 - The Loop
This season open and ended with Chicago's Loop.
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Source: Jacunzo
What changed? S1 and 2 had nestled loops (storylines within storylines, all interconnected) that open and closed within the same season with hopeful cliffhangers, meaning the family lunch or the fridge guy freeing Carmy from the walk-in, whereas this season had an open loop → TBC and no hopeful cliffhanger, just a bad review that seems to be sealing The Bear's fate.
Loops, any type of them, are used in storytelling to hold attention (if well executed).
But what does a loop mean?
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Bears the question:
Are we coming back to the beginning of the story?
What was it?
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Why looping back to Syd now? Why like this?
I don't know, IMO she shouldn't have been relegated in the first place to then be looped back to. BUT since this is where we are at, I'm glad we are going back to the roots where all there was, was a chef with panic attacks that wanted to protect his late brother's legacy and for that he turned to Syd, who made him forget what UPS was.
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Carm is detached from her right now and that's why everything is going to hell, or looks like it. But this season is the loop, he will loop back to her.
Or something will take them both back to the origins, when all there was was a family business he tried to keep afloat.
I think the star will come, sure, but Carmy they will stop chasing it. They will prioritize other things, way more valuable than a star, because chasing that star is what's killing them, they will come back to their roots and this season failed to show us that, this season showed us the open loop, not the closure of it and that's what failed because for an open loop to work, you need to end on a hopeful note, not on a loopy note.
Anyway... it all keeps pointing to S4 being the season in which some Sydcarmy action will happen, because if he comes back to what truly matters to him, he will have to come back to this moment:
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Update: → The loop has begun to close already.
Remember to follow my tag #Gingerpovs 💋
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luchicm04 · 6 months
Everything wrong with S.T. 03x01
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Summary: this is just a list of my complaints about stranger things season 3 episode 1. Just some things that didn’t made sense to me when I rewatched it and wanted to expose them to see if I was the only one who thought the same. Many may sound silly, but kept me awake at night for a few days.
Word count: 1.1k
A/N: I think I wrote this when the season came up, so I still had no idea of what came next. Try to place yourselves in the body of a teenage girl back in 2019. BTW, this was my fav season💖
This was made from a sarcastic pov, mostly centered on the first episode but with a few elements of all the season. I tried to analyze everything from a realistic way, just to have fun, so if you don’t agree with something that is writen here, you can argue that in the comments.
posted on ao3
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1) Up with the communism
The first scene of the episode shows how the soviets are trying to open a portal which is appearently the same that communicates the upside down world with ours. It isn’t explained how they built it, but in the previous season it was suggested that a scientist in the Hawkins lab could have copied the blueprints. Here are two things that I can’t understand. The first: Why did the soviets copy the machine? Did they know what it did? Why did they want to open that portal if supposedly they already know that it leads to a dangerous world filled with monsters? The demogorgons didn’t appear in the news, and the demodogs take place months later. Were there soviet spies in the lab? 
Second: How did they copy the machine? It is assumed that the Hawkins lab is a maximun security building where secret experiments are carried out that not even the government knows about. They used humans with powers as weapons, they opened a portal to other dimension, they masked several assassinations... How is it possible that not only the communists could infiltrate them, living more than 8000 miles away and with little to no idea of the building’s structure, but also steal the blueprints with not a soul knowing about it? 
Maybe they built it themselves, which could make sense because we could see that it fails and explodes releasing a huge amount of electricity that kills anything nearby. But how could did they build it themselves if the scientists aren’t even wearing electricity proof suits? And not only that, we can also see how a 14 year old kid is able to intercept their ultra-secret messages with a homemade tin antenna. If they are a prepared and advanced organization, they sure leave too much to be desired.  
2) Jim Hopper, the ‘love’ expert
After that scene we skip to Jim Hopper’s house, who is watching the tv. We see how he leans back on his seat to check on Eleven and Mike. It turns out they are kissing, and Jim gets angry and enters Eleven’s room. Ok ok, let’s see here... You’re aware that your adoptive daughter stays in her room from dawn everyday with her boyfriend, and it surprises you seeing them kiss each other? What did you expect them to be doing? Sudokus?! 
What’s more, we can see that in the following episodes he tries to make them break up by blackmailing Mike and lying to Eleven. And he is happy about it! I mean, if it was clear that sooner or later that was going to happen, what does it matter? You who are reading this pay attention to Jim Hopper, he is an expert. He hasn’t dealt with a teenager in his life, but that doesn’t mean he can’t tell her daughter’s boyfriend to go f*ck himself. 
And even more, what kind of shitty excuse is that ‘nana is sick’? The fact that Eleven has spent twelve years trapped and locked away from the rest of the world doesn’t mean she’s retarded. I woundn’t tell my daughter such an obvious and stupid lie knowing that she can break my neck with just a glance. 
3) The shi- shopping centre
When Mike and his friends arrive to the movies, the lights and electric devices turn off and everybody starts to complain. But doesn’t that mall have a back-up system? Didn’t they predict that with so many people using their facilities a few days after its opening there were big chances of a short-circuit. Specially considering the new crazy employee of the ice cream shop whose emergency procedure is flipping the switch up and down until the lights turn on again. How could they not foresee that before? 
4) Will, you are retarded
During this season we will see how each time the Mind Flayer is planning something, Will notices the danger because appearently he can sense it by touching his neck. It isn’t really explained how or why. It seems they use as an excuse the fact that he was a host in the previous season, and so they have some sort of link, but I thought they had already threw him out of his body using heat. Anyway, Will senses him more frequently each time, but the motherf*cker doesn’t say anything to his friends who helped saving him, nor to his mother who was the first who tried to save him, nor to the police man who discovered that he was still conscious while being a spy. 
Is this kid f*cking crazy or what?! In season 2 he could sense how the Mind Flayer had possessed him and kept quiet too. And what happened next? If not for Eleven, the demodogs would have devoured his friends, his mom, Jim and every citizen in Hawkins and possibly in all America, that’s what. And in this season he doesn’t say anything to anyone until he’s a 100% sure that the Mind Flayer is back. Guys, I present to you all, Will the Wise, or should I say Will the Wh*rebag. 
5) The mind flayer's mindless plan
At the end of the episode, we see that Billy crashes with a bush when some gooey stuff gets stuck in the windshield. We don’t know what it is not how it got there, and we won’t get an explanation later. They just forget about that detail. Anyhow, the Mind Flayer traps Billy and in the following episodes we see that he becomes a host like Will, but this time instead of spying, he is used for fighting. Everything is ok, except for the fact that Billy is one of the worst possibilities for a host in the whole series. 
To begin with, why is the Mind Flayer still in Hawkins? What is stopping him from emigrating to other further countries, or continents, or even another State? Why doens’t he just flies to Russia, where there already was the necessary technology to open a portal and invade Asia and Europe, without a bunch of teenagers who could stop him? He could’ve also taken possession of soviet soldiers and scientists that worked there, who were thousands, in case they travelled there to stop him. Eleven might have powers but she can’t be using them constantly against hundreds of people at the same time. It’s just that instead of going anywhere else it just stays in Hawkins, where he already lost twice. 
Billy works in the public pool during midsummer. If the Mind Flayer’s plan was to invade our world, we sure wasn’t going to win that way, but hey, at least it will get to go home with a good suntan. Listen to this advice guys. If you don’t know where to go on Summer, travel to Hawkins to get a nice tan alongside the Mind Flayer, a monstrous and evil creature who will try to conquer the town, but will humbly take his time to enjoy the Sun from the shadows of the local pool. 
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takaraphoenix · 5 months
What pisses me off about the beginning of season 3 is that Joyce is not... showing any remorse, not apologizing.
She was the one who explicitly kicked Buffy out, told her to not come back, and when Buffy indeed does not come back, since she got kicked out at home, Joyce doesn't find the fault in herself.
Her conversation with Giles in 03x01? When Giles tries to sooth her and tells her she mustn't blame herself - even though she is literally the only one to be blamed for this situation - she did not take that to actually express guilt, she fully puts the blame on Giles, blaming him for 'taking Buffy away from her'.
And when they can't find a new school for Buffy, Joyce turns the blame on Buffy - "You made some choices that you need to live with". She didn't make that choice though. Joyce made it, by throwing her out.
Not only does she not apologize to Buffy when Buffy finally returns home, she places blame on everyone else but herself. Buffy is a 16 year old child and you threw her out of her own home, but you don't see that that's your fault?
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