#Second Wave of Corona Virus
52. “I’m worried about you” prompt with mason plz! Reader has come down really sick and mason is really worried it’s making him upset to see her like it…turns out she’s pregnant 🥰
A/n Heyyy!! Thank you so much for your request, I really enjoyed writing it. Hope you enjoy!!
P.s. my writing is always so soppy, I’m so sorry🫠
The Best Surprise
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Your body scrunched over the toilet, the cool bathroom tiles against your knees a stark contrast to the thin layer of sweat that now covered your skin. You stayed still for a moment, not daring to move in case another wave of nausea came over you. You’d lost count of the times you’d found yourself in this position over the past week, you felt like you couldn’t go more than a few hours without having to rush off to be sick, and between that, you’d never felt so drained in your life. You’d put it down to a bug, with the weather turning cold, you’d assumed it was a pre winter virus you’d caught, despite the constant post corona paranoid hand washing. Tears slipped down your cheeks as you eyes began to water, a burning feeling settling in the back of your throat. Your mind felt hazy, a familiar sensation over the past few days, before you suddenly felt a warm hand rest against your back as Mason began to rub calming circles against your skin. Only stopping a few seconds to tie your hair back with a hair tie that’s he’d now taken to keeping on his wrist for this exact reason. He’d subconsciously fallen into a routine since you’d been ill, every time remembering to tie back your hair, staying by you side until he moved swiftly to get a glass of water from the bathroom tap, encouraging you to get rid of any clothing that might make you too hot, but keeping them close by for when your sweat inevitably became a cold one.
Once you felt sure enough that the sickness has passed, you let yourself topple backwards, clumsily resting against the bathroom wall, keeping your eyes closed firmly in an attempt to fight off the dazed sensation that clouded your body. Mason brought his hand up to brush any stray strands of hair from your face that’d fallen loose due to his awkward makeshift pony tale as he crouched in front of you, His hand drifted to you cheek as he ran the back of his fingers over your skin soothingly, letting you lean into his touch.
“Do you need anything” he spoke softly. He’d realized a long time ago that asking ‘are you ok’ was pointless when you’d just heaved up the whole contents of your stomach not even thirty seconds ago.
“No, I’m ok” your voice was weak and horse, and summed up exactly how you were feeling right now.
Mason simply let out a sad sigh. He must admit, he felt a little lost as to what to do at this point. He didn’t want to annoy you, but he couldn’t watch you go through this any longer, and he definitely couldn’t hear you tell him that you ‘just have to let it pass’ again.
“I’m really worried about you, babe” he whispered
You knew he was right, and you definitely couldn’t take feeling like this for any longer. Letting your eyes flutter open, your brows creased as tears began to stream down your face, a mix of exhaustion and frustration and a million other feelings taking a toll on you.
Tiredly, you nodded your head, and you didn’t need to speak a single word for Mason to know that was your way of agreeing to get some help. Relief washed over him as he moved to sit next to you on the tiles, wrapping his arms around you tightly, holding you close to his chest whilst placing a soft kiss to your hair.
Mason managed to get you an emergency appointment at the doctors later that day, what persuasion techniques he used on the receptionist, you didn’t want to know.
He drove you to the doctors and insisted he came in with you. You told him he didn’t have to but secretly, you were relieved to have him with you.
And just over an hour later you were back at home, sat side by side on the sofa, shocked.
You were pregnant.
The drive home had been quiet. Mason grasping your hand tightly, refusing to let go as he drove you home as your doctors words played on repeat in your mind. You couldn’t quite describe the feeling, uncertainty sat in the pit of your stomach. The chance of you being pregnant hadn’t even crossed your mind. It hadn’t been anything like you’d imagined, there was nothing magical about the way you’d felt over the past few days, not like other people describe when they’re pregnant so the possibility never even occurred to you. You’d felt nothing but weak, drained and exhausted, but your doctor had assured you that it would get better after the first trimester. You couldn’t even begin to bring yourself to think about trimesters or baby scans or birthing plans yet. Of course, you’d thought about the prospect of having children, those frequent late night conversations about your future whilst wrapped up together in the duvet often ended in discussions of baby names and bets on whether you’d have a boy or girl, but you didn’t think those plans would come so soon. At the ripe age of 23, you were both at the peak of your careers, often skipping a good nights sleep for a night in town, stumbling home to eat a takeaway on your living room floor whilst watching a film with a target audience of an age at least a decade younger than you.
But beneath that lingering fear, there was the most undeniable love, stronger than you could ever imagine. And god you couldn’t imagine doing this with anyone other than your Mase.
You turned your gaze towards Mason, him intuitively doing the same. His eyes glossy with tears, mirroring your own, both of you overwhelmed as you both let out shaky, synchronized breathes, and for once, you were unable to read him. Until, he caught his bottom lip between his teeth, trying to withhold the grin he so badly wanted to let out, desperately trying to read your thoughts the same way you were, but he couldn’t quite hide the way his lips tugged at the corners, finally giving you an insight to his thoughts. Your shaky breaths faded into a bewildered laugh.
“We’re having a baby” you breathed, almost trying to get used to the unfamiliar words,
Instantly, Mason pulled you into his arms, holding you impossibly close. Resting your head against his chest, you felt his body begin to shake as he cried the happiest tears he’d ever shed in his life.
Reluctantly pulling back, he held your face between his hands as he brought his lips down to yours, the kiss so full of love and pride and excitement for what was to come and suddenly, timing didn’t matter. Everything felt perfect as you sat soaking in the realization that you were having a baby with the love of your life.
“This is the best surprise ever” he whispered against your lips, his voice barely a whisper, words kept for just you, him and your baby.
“The best surprise”
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drawingquest21 · 2 years
I had to make a small story for a class more than a year ago, in 2021. We had to come up with a scenario about why a teacher was missing for the first class and why he’s often late. It was for a live action short movie.
Here's the story I imagined, although it won't be written like an actual story but more like a (long) summary.
"The teacher had been missing for the past two weeks.
There's a mention of a recent earthquake followed by thunder ; the thunder is heard more frequently these days.
After more than half an hour, the teacher still isn't there, he is therefore considered absent, turning this class into a free period. The students however stay in the room, waiting for their next class to start.
They discuss about the teacher: nobody knows what he looks like, they theorise on his repeated absences. Some theories are funny, others ridiculous, from alien abduction to Corona Virus, etc.
In the end, they think that the problem comes from the school itself: they might not have informed the teacher that he had a class ; it wouldn't be the first time they made that kind of mistake. The class is disappointed but agree that it might be the most plausible reason.
The teacher finally arrives but the period is nearing its end. He apologies: there was traffic jam because of a car accident ; his first absence was due to a family tragedy and the second time was because of an injury.
One of the students, once at home, out of curiosity and boredom, searches for the teacher's name online and finds a profile with a picture that doesn't match with the man met earlier.
The news on TV talk about the accident that the teacher mentioned, and a weird thought came to the student's mind: did the teacher cause that accident?
Another day.
The teacher is hurrying, not wanting to arrive late once more. One of his students is in the same situation and notices the teacher, the student decides to keep their distance to avoid an awkward moment.
Then, an unexpected event occurs. The teacher seems to have noticed something, we see him hesitate: he doesn't want to disappoint his students but he must intervene. The student watches from afar, hidden.
The teacher turns out to be a hero: a costume was hidden underneath his clothes, Superman style.
He has to fight a demon that possessed a student.
He succeeds in freeing the student pretty easily, he remarks that this demon was pretty weak. We then hear a voice revealing that this demon was weak because it was giving its energy: a wicked sorcerer that the teacher had already faced before.
That sorcerer is especially powerful because he now has Power Morpher in his possession in the form of a headband and gloves, which surprises the teacher who is then sent in another dimension. The student who stealthily observed it all was shocked by the teahcer's sudden disappearance.
The teacher finds himself in a comic book where he has to fight the sorcerer.
(I didn't draw the Power Morphers, I'll explain why later)
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After successfully taking the Power Morphers off of the sorcerer, the teacher beats his opponent.
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Without time to catch his breath, we suddenly hear thunder and a booming voice. The teacher can't believe it, this is a disaster: the Big Bad appears like a maleficent silhouette.
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(I didn't need to come up with a name so I settled for "Big Bad", was good enough to me)
Big Bad: "You and your master had banished me in another dimension, in the past. But now, I'll use this dimension created by my underling to break free and I'll be able to conquer your pathetic world."
Teacher: "Not while I'm standing."
The teacher puts on the headband Power Morpher and gathers all the energy he can. Then, he unleashes a powerful energy wave that tears the comic board from the inside!
The teacher is thus back in the real world, weakened and wounded while the Big Bad is stil, trapped in another dimension.
The teacher collapses and the student who had witnessed it all (well, at least the start and end of it) rescue him.
The student brings the teacher to the classroom where his classmates are. Everyone is shocked and worried. Nobody believes the preposterous story told by their comrade until the teacher uses his power to pull an object into his hand.
The whole class ask for explanations, the teacher gives them:
-he isn't their real teacher, the latter died before their first class so the current teacher took over
-the Big Bad is a demon who seeks to conquer every worlds
A student ask: 《And what's this?》 pointing at a Power Morpher (maybe the gem on the teacher's costume). The teacher that the Power Morphers come from an "hyperdimension" and grant powers ; there's one type of power for each.
The Morphers are: a necklace ; a wristband or a watch ; a ring ; a mask or pair of glasses ; a pair of shoes ; a pair of gloves ; an earring ; a headband and lastly,  the teacher's costume.
A student takes the ring: 《My preciiioooouss...》 he jokes before getting lightly hit by a classmate who asked him to stop joking around.
The teacher states that new Power Morphers have most likely appeared (since among those listed above, some didn't exist before), which proves to be a real threat because the Big Bad might break free from his dimensional prison thanks to the Morphers' power.
The class decides to help their teacher, each student take a Power Morpher.
To be continued..."
Like I said, we had to imagine a scenario for a live action short movie. We would film the scenarios but didn't have much budget, however our teacher didn't want us to mind the budget issue.
I was inspired by a dream I had when I became a Power Ranger, I was also inspired by the "Jackie Chan Adventures" animated series, and by Dr. Strange too.
So the teacher would be a hero fighting sorcerers & demons and to compensate the low budget, I thought that the fights could take place in other dimensions. At first, I thought about a Lego dimension that would be made in Stop Motion, but I didn't have enough legos and Stop Motion would have taken too much time. So I thought about a comic book dimension as it would be easier to make.
(In 2022 came out "The Guardians of Justice" which had the same idea of mixing live action with stop motion or 2D animation, especially when it comes to scenes with superpowers. I wonder if someone else used this concept before. Probably.)
Since I had limited time and the teacher said that I could make the drawings pretty simple, like, only one drawing for the fight, I came to the conclusion that drawing a "beam clash/beam struggle" was the easiest and clearest way to show a fight with a sorcerer.
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For the same reason, I only made 4 drawings, and because we weren't going to use all of those ideas, I didn't need to draw the sorcerer's Power Morphers so I didn't drew them (also, I forgot, but maybe I drew before coming up with what the Morphers would actually look like, I'm not sure...🤔)
And instead of drawing a Power Morpher, I gave the sorcerer a magic staff, to make him look more like a sorcerer.
I really wanted to draw the scene where the teacher tear the comic board from the inside but I didn't have the time to try it and, also, I was probably not good enough to make it. That move was inspired by the Avan Strash (from "Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibōken"), by the way.
That's pretty much a pilot episode. It'd be a live action "monster of the week" type of show and almost each episode would have a new dimension:
-Stop Motion (Lego, action figure, etc)
-Comic book
-Video game
-Board game
-Maybe a book dimension that's read and written as it goes on?
And sometimes a live action fight scene with VFX and all.
That's it.
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parosaurus · 1 year
The Art of Letting Go: Echoes of Monica
In the heart of a world gripped by the relentless onslaught of the second pandemic wave in 2021. Corona virus introduced a grim familiarity settled in our minds for the toll of lives lost. It became a sad and unsettling normalcy, a reality we couldn’t escape from.I found myself ensnared in the suffocating grip of grief over the loss of a cherished childhood friend, Monica(name changed). Our…
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thewitagency · 1 year
Future of Retail After Pandemic-2020 | Marketing agency in Pune
Strolling around a store just a few months ago, few could have even begun to imagine what was coming.
As the whole world comes to a standstill and making lockdowns and quarantines becoming a usual thing, there is no saying where this wave of the disease will take us. Wherein, entire countries and consumers completely avoid human contact, the retail industry is struggling to adapt. It was right from the first day, they realized the grave impacts of this situation on the retail industry. The situation is changing daily giving everyone very little time to respond.
Over the past few weeks, we have been talking with all our retail sector clients about the impact this pandemic may have on their business. More importantly, perhaps, we have been helping them think through how to prepare for the longer-term implications and remediate the shorter-term shocks. The Wit Agency, a marketing agency in pune, is here to break down what the next stage of the marketing economy is going to look like!
The first response of the pandemic being fear and concern, the second one being taking serious caution. With digital marketing and advertising taking over, technology has given us a major channel for survival for commercial transactions. With people shunning physical retail in malls and shops, the global growth of online and multi-channel digital marketing, the Corona Virus has been one of the biggest catalyst and a boom for the digitization of the retail world.
To give you a deeper insight here is a little reality check :
Victoria’s secret has declared bankruptcy.
Zara has closed 1200 stores.
Chanel, Hermes, and Rolex have stopped production.
Nike is getting ready for stage 2 of redundancies.
Airbnb founder says that due to the pandemic 12 years of effort was destroyed in 6 weeks.
Starbucks has announced the permanent closure of 400 stores.
Let’s look at a few points to study the ways it has impacted the world.
Demand/Supply irregularity and inventory: Due to the lockdown some industries may be impacted by the inventory pile-up, some others may run into serious supply issues and thus stock out.
Manufacturing for various categories is almost at a standstill
and nothing can be delivered when nothing is being manufactured.
Shifting channels: Businesses that had established their businesses online and had already entered the digital marketing businesses before the pandemic had a great head start for the current times where consumers have instantly shifted their channels for buying. While others who are just listing their businesses and products online are struggling to make a presence and optimize through digital marketing.
Kirana or small standalone stores:
The impact for grocery shops can to an extent even be considered positive for their business, since online channels and digital marketing are not directly required for them to sell everyday items. Although the panic and concerns created have led to a lot of stocking up and overbuying of everyday products which can be a little problem for these sellers. Since the whole chain has been affected from top to bottom, manufacturing has reduced, distribution channels have become limited and hence getting wholesale stock ready for consumers cannot be easy. However, the consumption of essential products is not uniform. For example, panic buying of biscuits will not affect future purchases. But just because people buy extra shampoo, toothpaste or groceries, they are not going to brush their teeth four times or cook extra food. Therefore, not all essential products will see the same kind of sales pattern, post this crisis.
Electronics and durable products: One of the biggest changes brought about by the pandemic is the ban on Chinese products, while it was easy to ban them off our social media, it’s not going to be as easy to get rid of their physical assets owned by manufacturers and retailers. While they already were affected by seasonal changes, environmental concerns, and additions and subtractions in the industry, the pandemic is going to hit them the hardest. Due to a cash crunch all over, most of the people will also be putting off high ticket purchases for later. These companies can now also benefit from digitizing their businesses with websites and use social media to list out their products and their undertaken safety precautions.
Online retail: Online selling is the new thing and every business however small or big needs to up its game. Just having a mere online presence is not going to suffice, you need to be out there, it’s only your digital marketing that will put you on the forefront of this phenomena and possibly save your business.
There is also another perspective to look at the post-pandemic crisis, physical stores to likely see a surge in shopping. This can be due to the combined urges for outside experience and the psychology of retail therapy. Tired of looking at their screens amidst their couches, consumers are likely to be missing human interaction, the generosity, and pampering of customer service.
When looked at it from a bird’s eye view, the retail industry might not see a dramatic downturn for the industry cause in a way they have found their loopholes and started using digital marketing as their holy grail. In this situation, the businesses and brands that are quick to respond and adapt to the situation will thrive and the rest might get sucked in by the mammoth of a disease that is circling us.
The growing role of tech will be one of the most pronounced long-term impacts from the global pandemic. While the length of the outbreaks and the potential pace of recovery are still unknown and will differ across markets, technology is here to stay. Half of the industry respondents agreed that having a digital presence was an important part of their company’s value proposition, according to Euromonitor International’s Voice of the Industry: Digital Consumer Survey (November 2019). This sentiment would likely be even higher today. The coronavirus pandemic has underscored the important role technology plays in consumers’ lives as well as the role it serves for businesses that continue to adapt and operate under such conditions.
So retailers, decided to shift shop yet? We at The Wit Agency, marketing agency in pune, are completely equipped and available for you to help through this transition. With branding design, website development, and the complete digital marketing package everything you need to move online is sorted.
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uj453 · 2 years
what will we see on the other side of this... 
I have now attempted to write about this more than 2-3 times. But what can be said about corona that hasn't already be said? The horror of it? The madness of it? The way the state has handled it? The way the right almost across the world have been able to take advantage of it? The way we had this opportunity to re look at the whole system and re imagine it, and instead as a society as a whole we have just somehow managed to justify this profit driven attitude ahead?
The multitude of levels we have failed ourselves is quite something. And in this individualised setup that has been created and we so pride ourselves, we fail to see beyond our own plights even now. Now that the virus has exploded in India, people here are in shock, and it's an emotion that is far away from the apathy shown by the state and in the larger narrative, where it was apparently Shiva whose lineage was protecting us all.
It is amazing how we value human lives. It only gets triggered when it is someone we know. In abstraction, it just remains an idea. Somehow in these times of the virus, we talk about how it afflicts the rich and the poor, but fail to talk about who comes out on the other side and in what condition. Someone once told me that being poorer in a rich country, is better than being rich in a poor country. If we can't see that now, I don't think we ever will. We are just blind. The rich, are so blinded in their convenience, and their luxury, that they can't really see how this kind of a social situation is killing themselves.
When the second wave was hitting India, and the other countries started announcing border restrictions, the first action of the uber rich was to get the fuck out. There were apparently around 10 private jets, some probably privately owned, some leased from the middle east, that landed in UK before the 4 AM flight ban that was instituted. It is everyone for themselves. And when it is that, you want to be in a state where the facilities are better. Where the provisions are universal, and even there you will demand for an eXclusive premiere facility of course. How can we in our blindness not see that if this place here, this situation here was more just, then it will be better for all of us. And then you won't have to protect yourself from the other.
It is always this other who is a problem. Be it the muslims who were the super spreader, against the holy dippers, who are purifying the world with the virus. Be it the poor. Be it the class that serves you. They should be sanitised, they should be kept at bay. The upper middle class Indians, love to talk about how the country has progressed, prospered. Mind it, I say upper middle class, because the middle class doesn't really exist. For whom is this progress, and prosperity? The other day on a news channel was an appeal for a vaccine for a child who suffers from a genetic disorder. The whole treatment is supposed to cost around 16 crore rupees (around 1.8 million euros). And the channel in all it's open hearted charity is asking for charity from everyone. Of course this is an English news channel. How can we in our blindness not see that a health system which is so profit oriented will inevitably lead to situations like this. Is it really so difficult to see through the facade of all of this. Instead of the blind short sighted privatization of everything (health education), is it really so difficult to see that this whole situation could probably have been better.
In celebrating the rich, in idolising the ambanis, in trying to be the adanis, in awe of the tatas, the ruias, the jindals, lost in this creation of the myth of 'the indian dream', can we all really not see that it's just better to have a stronger national system? Ambanis made a hospital. How many state run hospitals could have been run with the cost of that one hospital. How many tons of oxygen cylinders be bought at the cost of the opening ceremony of that hospital. Mind it, the opening ceremony had who's who of bollywood, and of course Modi flying in specifically for that. How much more could have been done had Ambanis at least paid the real cost of the land, on which they made a hospital which only the uber rich can access.
The irony of the situation is that now the celebration is of the philanthropy of Serum Institute of India's Poonawala. How graciously he reduced the price of the vaccine for the state government by 25 % to 300 rs. The same person who said that even at 200 rs, they were making profits, but NOT super profits. And they would of course want to make super profits. But he is our hero, our saviour in these times. He is the one who tweets the federal government policies before even the state governments know it. No there is no corruption in this efficient hard working government. How blind are we, when we do not see what we don't want to see (a digression to Rafale, Adanis, Ambanis being refrained). And the aforementioned English News channel host is criticizing the state governments for wanting to make the vaccines free for people. Of course it is with the political agenda, of course it is a populist measure, but shouldn't people of India the ones who have to make a choice on what to spend the money on, still get vaccines? Of course this host who only talks to the upper middle class again, says that when the state makes vaccines free, we are the ones who will pay through our taxes. But how blind are we to not see that if the society en large is vaccinated, we are all better for it?
Somehow this ingrained notion of the individual right, and might, is so ingrained, that you would rather take a chance on the fact that you will be able to protect yourself, than work towards living in a more healthier, more just society. A social situation where you do not have to make a choice. What is amazing to me is how we are still not seeing this. I have had to face a lot of critique and debate about this in the social circles that my privileged position helps me occupy. This i feel is the folly of this situation. Even now, even in this crisis, even when we are seeing things really crash down, we are unable to see, to imagine a world order which could be different. We cry about the deaths of our own. But we are unable to connect to the pain of the death of others. The corona deaths are just horrific. But so is a person who died in the riots in Delhi, or in Ahmedabad, or in Bombay, or in Amritsar. These are the places where in the past 4 decades in India, there were major riots, against the minorities. The last two against muslims being co-ordinated by the ruling party's commanders (and then there are the countless other atrocities that happen on a daily basis). And somehow the hindu majority population now claims it's victimhood. Somehow the hindus are under attack here.
And with this comes the silencing of the voice of critique. In Uttar Pradesh, NSA (National Securities Act) has been invoked for people asking for oxygen for their relatives on Twitter. People have been asked to maintain discipline and watch the tone of their voice. The aforementioned English news channel apparently does a sting operation on people in Delhi who are black marketing oxygen cylinder. Where as the celebratory news is that in Srinagar an organisation is hoarding up oxygen cylinders. A muslim business owner who is coordinating their city's oxygen response is being celebrated. He started using his own monies to get oxygen in and slowly the city apparently handed in the whole organisation of the oxygen cylinders to him. Of course, he is different than the muslims who were attending the tablighi jamaal. Would the hindu mobs coming back from the char dhaam yatra in the neXt riot care about that?
Of course, Indian understanding of diversity and inclusion is that the muslims celebrate holi and diwali with the hindus, in the spirit of one India. That the dalits be celebrated for the work they do, because it is god's work. What will the majoritarian in power hindu castes would do for the inclusion? Claim victimhood, because somehow muslims and dalits are taking what is rightfully theirs. Claim victimhood when the muslims and dalits and other minorities are being killed by them. It's an attack on their sentiments, on their way of life. 
We do not have to go that far of an 'other' to see how this works. This last year we have seen the sights of the migrant labourers being given almost no notice of an imminent lockdown. Of all the house helps being viewed suspiciously. Again ppl in my circles were so condescending about all these ppl on the street who don't wear a mask, who go around in groups. Who don't care or understand. 
This wave has been different. This wave has hit this class too, and now you can hear them cry fowl. This wave has hit the young too. Now the apathy of condition in hospitals is being talked about. And that too has become a thing about state govt vs central govt. The narrative seems to be the key. Thousands are dying. It is quite an overwhelming situation of distraught. Death of one person affects so many. Of course it also depends on how 'valuable your life is'. In villages in UP and bihar, where people pass away with TB still, death is more of an everyday reality. It is like how it is so horrible when europeans die, but not so much when Indians do. Had the virus been contained in europe early enough, I really wonder what the perspective of the whole world would have been. It is like how when 3000 USAnians die is far more important than the million Afghanis. What about the refugee crisis in Europe, and the Trump policy on mexicans migrating to the US. Interestingly, the upper middle class Indians, might empathise or relate or connect with this emotion, but would largely be blind to the 30,000 odd rohingyas who were seeking refuge in India who were kicked out. Or the thousands who have been disenfranchsed due to NRC/Citizenship registry in Assam. What about the people who killed themselves due to that? 
Death has become more of a reality in the larger Indian psyche with corona. We are hearing of people no more all around us. The numbers that are being shown, seems quite comparably smaller to that. Now a days my friends, people around me, overwhelmed with all of this, are unable to fucntion much. Especially for those who can work from home is there but it's difficult to concentrate and so on. My only thing is that let's just sail past through this, let's see each other on the other side of this. That is important. We need to take care. This too shall pass, at least for some of us.
My fear is what will we see on the other side of this. We are blinded by so much. 
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filternewsofficial · 3 years
Corona संक्रमण की दर कम होने से राहत लेने की बजाय तीसरी लहर से निबटने की तैयारी युद्ध स्तर पर करें
Corona संक्रमण की दर कम होने से राहत लेने की बजाय तीसरी लहर से निबटने की तैयारी युद्ध स्तर पर करें
        भारत में कोरोना (Corona) के मामलों को नजदीक से देख रहे विशेषज्ञों में से अधिकतर का मानना है कि देश में कोरोना वायरस महामारी की तीसरी लहर इसी वर्ष 2021 के सितंबर के बाद शायद आ सकती है। इसके लिये कोरोना वायरस में होते तेजी से म्‍यूटेशन जिम्मेदार हैं। कोरोना वायरस की दूसरी प्रचंड लहर ने भारत में शहर से लेकर गांव तक जमकर तांडव मचाया है। इस लहर ने भारत में उपलब्ध चिकित्सा क्षेत्र को ध्वस्त…
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headheartbellarke · 3 years
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belajarnulisku · 3 years
Lonjakan Kasus Covid Luar Jawa, Mengapa Tak Ada Antisipasi?
oleh Imtinana Nafilah
Lagi-lagi Indonesia dihantam dengan lonjakan pandemi Covid-19. Kali ini semakin meluas hingga ke luar Jawa. Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) menyampaikan ada lima provinsi di luar Pulau Jawa-Bali yang mengalami kenaikan kasus Covid-19 cukup tinggi yaitu Kalimantan Timur (Kaltim), Sumatera Utara (Sumut) Papua, Sumatera Barat (Sumbar) dan Kepulauan Riau (nasional.sindonews.com).
Belum rampung puncak gelombang kedua Covid-19, bahkan semakin merambah wilayah pelosok. Ahli Epidemiologi Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (Unsoed), dr. Yudhi Wibowo mengkhawatirkan potensi lonjakan pandemi Covid-19 di luar Jawa. Jika terjadi lonjakan kasus Covid-19 pada daerah-daerah di luar Jawa, dia meragukan ketangguhan pemerintah daerah merespons hal tersebut (liputan6.com).
Jelas ini meresahkan bin menghawatirkan. Masih ingat lonjakan kasus Jawa-Bali lalu? Daerah yang notabene memiliki fasilitas dan tenaga kesehatan lebih menunjang saja begitu kewalahan menghadapi overloadpasien. Bagaimana dengan wilayah luar Jawa yang kita ketahui sarana dan prasarana di sana masih minim?
Sungguh sangat disesalkan bahwa pemerintah kurang gercep mengantisipasi ledakan kasus pandemi ini. Padahal angan-angan kehidupan normal masih menghiasi mimpi rakyat Indonesia. Sepertinya angan tetaplah angan, mimpi tetap jadi mimpi. Alih-alih me-lockdown Jawa, perjalanan antar pulau masih dibuka lebar, bahkan pemberlakuan PPKM dengan berbagai level masih berbau prioritas ekonomi dibandingkan nyawa rakyatnya. Tentu hal ini menjadi gerbang besar penyebaran virus.
Sangat kentara corak kapitalisme dalam kebijakan rezim dalam menangani wabah ini. Tentu membuka mata kita betapa buruknya sistem sekuler-kapitalis dalam me-ri’ayah rakyat. Kelalaian yang niscaya merupakan buah dari mindset kapitalisme yang mengagungkan nominal di atas segalanya. Nyawa manusia melayang seakan hanyalah hitungan angka saja. Padahal, para pemangku kekuasaan itu dipilih oleh rakyat untuk mengayomi dan menyejahterakannya, bukannya menjadi pembeli fasilitas dan pelayanan negara.
Inilah wajah asli kapitalisme. Di balik jargon indahnya. Sebenarnya merupakan pengaturan yang rusak dan merusak. Jelas jauh beda dari Islam. Sistem yang meniscayakan rahmatan lil ‘alamin ini menjadikan ri’ayah syu`unil ummah sebagai tanggung jawabnya sebagaimana sabda Rasul, “Imam adalah pemelihara dan dia bertanggung jawab atas rakyatnya” (HR. Bukhari).
Dalam Islam, nyawa seorang muslim lebih berharga dari dunia dan seisinya, hal ini menjadikan penjagaan terhadap nyawa rakyat menjadi prioritas negara. Sehingga negara akan berupaya menemukan solusi peningkatan layanan kesehatan. Menghadirkan dokter dan tenaga kesehatan yang mumpuni, fasilitas kesehatan yang memadai dan kontrol pemerintah terhadap masyarakat, sehingga antisipasi dapat lebih mudah dilakukan.
Di sisi lain, kewajiban memisahkan orang yang sakit dari orang yang sehat menjadi hukum syara’ yang tidak bisa diganggu gugat. Tentu kebijakan lockdown dan isolasi wilayah terkena wabah akan jadi keharusan. Hal ini akan mempermudah pelaksanaan 3T (testing, tracing dan treatment) di tengah masyarakat.
Masya Allah, benarlah bahwa Islam satu-satunya solusi. Pedoman dan ‘sangu urip’ manusia. Insya Allah akan membawa keberkahan dan rahmat di muka bumi ini. Sebagaimana firman Allah SWT, “Dan sekiranya penduduk negeri beriman dan bertakwa, pasti Kami akan melimpahkan kepada mereka berkah dari langit dan bumi, tetapi ternyata mereka mendustakan (ayat-ayat Kami), maka Kami siksa mereka sesuai dengan apa yang telah mereka kerjakan” (al A'raf ayat 96). Wallahu a’lam bish shawwab.
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Why??? We going back to school full time?? When y’all said it was supposed to be half?? During a pandemic?? Huh wassup? Wassup mr Legault?????
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bondsmagii · 4 years
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bclindiablr · 3 years
The second wave of the Coronavirus pandemic is revealing the weakness of Indian government's health infrastructure like never before. Read on.
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aalt-ctrl-del · 4 years
trump: “great news everybody. this year i beat corona virus. its DEAD!”
corona virus: “Quite telling everyone Im dead!”
trump: “sometimes, I can still hear its voice....”
corona virus: “Ya’ll bitches need to quarantine. You only make me stronger!”
trump: “there was never gonna be a second wave. it was all a hoax....”
corona virus: “This isn’t even my final form!”
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angelholme · 4 years
So how do you get to work?
Have they seen The Tube? It is a place to go and die. 
Will people be able to social distance on busses? On commuter trains? No. They won’t. They will be packed in like sardines and we will have a second wave that will kill THOUSANDS if not HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS.
Do Tory MPs even USE public transport? Or know what public transport is?
And yet the Tory government wants people to “go back to work and social distance”
What a bunch of feckless twats.
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