#Seeing my absolute bastard boy everywhere...
spaceacerat · 4 months
I don't know how to feel about TikTok finding out about ihnmaims...
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It's raining cats and dogs
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My cat and dog hybrids, and random things about them! [Not proofread]
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★ Brutus the german shepherd
He's a big boy alright. A startling 6'6 frame, but that doesn't stop him from acting like a little bastard. He's playful and cocky, a little protective but that's just in his instincts to protect his little herd! In his physical appearance, He's starting to grow out his buzz cut, a pair of German shepherd ears ontop. he's hoping to maybe dye a couple strands of hair blond once they're long enough. green eyes that stare into your soul, absolutely no thought process behind them
★ dolly the doberman
Everyone loves dolly. There used to be another doberman named Danny but they sent him to the pound when he bit both the farmer and his granddaughter. She used to have puppies with Danny but they didn't survive the winter, they got sick and passed the coming spring. She's a little rough around the edges but you'll love her too right? Don't let Brutus hog all the love! In her physical appearance, she has very short brown hair and a pair or doberman ears, with one of them being a little bit, ontop of her head. 5'7 with a deadly brown eyed stare.
★ bladviba the black Russian terrier
A messy mop of brown curls he calls hair sits atop his head. He's usually out in the fields observing the cattle, black eyes staring out Into the distance. The others say he used to be a fisherman's dog but then he had to find a new home since he passed away one night. Stoic and serious, he's secretly a 5'8 softie who wants to hide and cuddle you somewhere. But that bastard Brutus would probably find you in less than an hour.
★ molly the chow chow
molly may be the smallest out of all them, but that doesn't mean she won't let them do all the work. Usually she's trailing behind dolly, claiming that since their names are similar they have to stick close together. She has a short temper and a little brutish, but you'll get used to her. Spiky short brown hair, with dark black eyes that sparkle when she sees you. A 5'2 sweetheart- wait who gave molly a knife-
★ sweet pea the Samoyed
Sweet pea loves many things! You, bones, their house, sleep. Okay maybe not many things but atleast some things! Usually quiet and following you from behind, they quietly take up the role of your 6'1 guard dog. Helping you around the barn, and in exchange all you have to do is let them scent you for another 2 hours every 4 hours! Dirty white hair, with black eyes as dark as charcoal.
★ bubba the borzoi
Bubba is so fucking done with both you and the others. Can you stop fucking singing 'let me do it for you' like shut up he's trying to do his job here. He refuses to let you see the slightest smile but just know he is smiling. He's just stubborn. Like VERY stubborn. Sarcastic and empathetic, a deadly combo. He could be comforting you and then calling you a blubbering fool the next. 6/10, would bite my ass. He's a startling 6'11, with blue eyes and light blonde hair
★ princess the ragdoll
Name the most spoiled housecat who ever lived. She lives up to her name, she's been in many beauty pageants and won a many prizes. Ribbons, trophies, photographs all align the walls of her room. She'll give you a side eyed look before making you go through a 600 step beauty routine, before ever allowing you to touch her. Atleast she'll cuddle you for hours on end, so the torture was worth it all. King is the only person she respects, aside from her owners. White long curly hair, blue eyes and 5'5
★ prince the Norwegian forest cat
He's the most humble cat ever known, all he really wants is to settle down, have a couple litters, and be a good dad. But princess hated his guts and quite frankly, he hated her. He much preferred you, he wondered how you'd look with a belly full of his kits.. he'll respect your wishes, but don't mind him breaking into your room every now and then. (He leaves hair everywhere, don't let him.) Ginger fluffy hair, green eyes and 5'7
★ king the Khao manee
King could either be planning your downfall or planning the entire family you'll have together. The greatest manipulator ever known to cat kind. He could convince you orange is red and red is blue if you let him (don't let him), he manipulates princess to do things for him but now that you're here, you won't mind taking over now will you? Sandy blonde hair with heterochromiac eyes. 5'6
Bonus: the forest pack ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- ︶︶︶︶༉‧
★ Roxy the wolf
butch werewolf? Butch werewolf. She's stoic and quiet, but she's just a gentle giant. Following her brothers around, she's very obedient and surprisingly, loves gardening! Long Spiky black hair, red eyes and 6'7
★ Silas the wolf
Silas is the leader, commanding his siblings when to act and when to fall behind. But he just wants a break and to lay down, take a nice long nap. Until one of his siblings comes running to him for help. Oh well, he had a nice sleep. He loves them, he truly does, but he wants a nap in peace. Very short spiky black hair, red eyes, 6'9
★ Milo the wolf
Milo is selectively mute. With a deadpan look always on their face and they seem emotionless, but that's not the case. They're just always distracted and can't really focus on many things. Be a little patient will you? Medium long spiky black hair, red eyes, 6'6
★ Kiki the Pomeranian
Kiki is some dog hybrid they found off the road and decided they're one of them. Feral and has a big dog complex. Tries to be intimidating but they just aren't. Sometimes they watch you work on the farm from the edge of the forest, a little jealous of the animals that get to watch you everyday. Messy blonde hair, black eyes that hold the anger of a toddler being forced into A school play, and very short. 4'9
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bomber-grl · 9 months
❤︎₊ ⊹Hiro fluff alphabet ❤︎₊ ⊹
Pairing(s): Hiro Hamada x Gn!Reader (no pronouns used)
Warning(s): Super long so beware
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A - Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Hiro would absolutely adore your intellect, skill, or a heroic trait like bravery.
His adoration for your intellect, if you’re a genius like him, mostly stems from admiration and interest in your skill, especially when it’s something he’s never seen before.
I say skill because even if your intellect isn’t your strong suite your hobbies like art, knitting, anything that takes skill impresses him.
He knows what it’s like to have to wait for a project or experiment to finish so he not only admires your patience but just your ability overall
He’d literally be in awe if he ever saw and most realistically ask about it and if you could draw him-
He’s mostly joking
Last would be a trait of yours. We see in the series that hiro really admires and respects tadashi for his actions and that’d be the same with you.
If you are brave or passionate and use those traits to help others you’ve won hiro over.
Honestly home dude really adores your anything if we’re gonna be real here.
A - Attention (how much attention do they want in the relationship?)
Despite how awkward and kind of distant he can be when romance comes into the question he can get pretty needy 😭
If you don’t give him enough attention then he’ll pout and get at you for it
Most times it’s just him joking around and faking being hurt but in the rare occurrence that he actually does care then he’ll practically be begging
No he wouldn’t he’d try to be sly about it while simultaneously failing to
But then when he gets attention he over thinks and flushes from head to toe and actively tries to pull away
Like make up your mind???😭😭😭
B - Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
His favorite part of your body would be tied between three things
Your hands, shoulders, and lap
The only reason why this is, is because of an instance of when hiro accidentally fell asleep on your lap and woke up to not only the best bed but best head massage he’s ever had.
He then woke up fully and flushed more than ever before but let’s not talk about that.
He’d probs end up falling asleep even more and more likely than not ask for you to play with his hair
Yknow despite the fact he absolutely flusters at the thought and stutters throughout the whole time he’s asking you
Not to mention how he complains when you’re done playing with his hair /massaging his head😭
He comes at you for leaving his hair “a mess”
Like boy you got bed hair all the time it ain’t my fault
Also he likes your shoulders because this insomniac falls alseep on them everywhere
B - Boo! (do they scare people? How do they act when scaring you/people?)
The most unfunny person known to man kind and yet he still thinks he’s funny as fuck
He thinks he soooo funny when he hides behind something and jumps out at you
And when you flinch? Yea best believe he’s gonna be laughing his nerdy little ass off as if he wouldn’t break down the moment you even mention holding his hand 🤨
He usually pulls stunts like this all the time which is why when the two of you are at the store and he jumps out just to see a rando-
He’s so embarrassed 😭😭😭 the little bastard even goes up to you afterwards all mad while you try not to laugh too loudly
He’ll literally be shaking you back and forth to stop your laughter, which just makes it even worse.
B - Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?)
Home dude is a literal nerd so best believe he’s never been around someone he deems as attractive
He sees your looks and personality as something that attracts him to you
He really admires traits of yours that I’ve mentioned previously
But physically wise he’d really admire prominent traits of yours
Like traits that are noticeable at first glance
Like moles, freckles and even dimples
He’d find himself looking at them more often than not and if you have pretty eyes then this man is absolutely floored
I mean no wonder his only way to flirt is by shooting out insults.
C - Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
Cuddling with hiro is one of the most impossible tasks
He’s so fidgety and stiff
He can’t relax for the life of him 😭
He’s all bark no bite especially when he says he’ll cuddle you and goes on about how flustered you’d be
Yea, no.
I mean, sure you can cuddle hiro a little bit but then he just clams up
He much rather prefers you two just be in your own space while facing the other so you can casually talk about whatever you want
Ofc he says that then the very next day you wake up to you and hiros limbs intertwined with another and are met with a very flustered hiro.
Who then denies the situation ever happening, it’s the only way to save face
D - Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
Honestly just going out to eat casually
I mean cmon
You’re both probably young and he’d much rather go out casually and secretly to avoid being not only teased but having to take a chaperone
I mean that’s so embarrassing especially for a teen to have to go through
The only way the two of you would accomplish this successfully would be in the lab at school or if you were to hang out in hiros room pretending to work on something.
Even then cass is doting and quite literally there for every possible outcome
Honestly you’d probably end up sneaking out and eating burgers or something at like 3 am 😭
While you’re out there at night hiro would probably try and scare with you with ghosts and Japanese urban legends
How romantic ☺️
E - Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
Hiro would probably express emotion around you like he would with anyone else
Especially if(most likely) you guys started out as friends.
Ofc hiro is an absolute menace and can’t be described as anything else but a gremlin however he would honestly be more open with you
You’re his age, and probably his closest friend - now turned lover
He doesn’t need to sugarcoat things and despite how difficult it can be to express how he truly feels I think he’d be open to it, especially if it’s being open to you of all people.
If we’re talking about romantic feelings then hiro is most definitely joke flirting and just being how romantic friends
Well, atleast until the actual romance comes into question then he’s absolutely no where to be seen.
He flusters and stutters at the littlest things and implications
Not to mention his awkwardness so I’d imagine he’d be more stiff on the romance front.
E - Equal (do they prefer to be more in control or laid-back in the relationship?)
He’s pretty laid back but I don’t really see hiro as the type of guy that would want to take the initiative or want to over power his significant other
He doesn’t really have any interest in that and would much rather just have an equal power dynamic
I mean unless he’s taking the lead in robotics then he won’t do so any other way
Even then he’ll probs work alongside you
He very adamant on being on equal standing even if it’s “not a big deal”
F - Future (What are their plans for the future? Do they see themselves getting married, having kids?)
Honestly hiro is just existing 😭
He’s never really ever considered any romantic relationships with anyone into the mix of what he’d want for his future.
I mean, until recently he got into SFIT and changed his life plans. He doesn’t really think of romance often however he does enjoy his relationship with you
Yknow, despite the constant teasing, prodding and just absolute gremlin activities.
He’d probably count you into his life plans when you two get the closest you’ve ever been, otherwise hiro has no plans on kids and quite frankly
-It’s really not on his mind 🤷‍♀️
F - Forgiving (If they had a fight with their partner(s), how would they apologize? Or would they be petty about it?)
Honestly the first thing hiro does is try to resolve it right then and there
He’s very set on trying to solve issues as soon as possible but eventually he settles on you guys just giving each other space so you won’t say anything you’ll regret later
It honestly depends who initiated and was at fault
I mean I’m not the type to shift the blame on anyone but if you know you did something wrong or he knows he did something wrong and is the problem then he’ll definitely apologize as sincerely as he can
If you’re the one in the wrong then he’ll very much be petty
Hell refuse to apologize first and is very stubborn
He’s honestly just hurt but also mad you won’t admit you’re wrong or apologize (if you’re hesitant to)
However once you do he’ll be a bit petty still but ultimately he’ll understand and although it can be awkward, you’ll find common ground.
G - Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
I feel like hiro would gift you little things
Hiro is a guy of many talents so I’d imagine little gifts like those hearts made of gum wrappers or papers aren’t a rare occurrence for you to find
He’s always casually gifting you things whether he knows or not
And if he’s aware, he tries his best to not fluster and stutter while he shoves the gift into your hands and runs away
If you ever do mention how much gifting you things affects him then he’d definitely ignore you for a good while 😭
He takes so much offense that you’d make it obvious and would pout about it until you apologized and he’d just say “yea I didn’t really care”
Like what???😭😭 bro had you apologizing, on your knees, basically begging for forgiveness and he hits u w this then casually asks if you’d like to come over to eat dinner.
🧍‍♀️it’s ur turn to ignore him and turn the tables on him
G - Gratitude (how grateful are they to have you? what do they think your relationship is worth in comparison to other things in their life?)
He’s so grateful for you
He finds the relationships in his life as very precious to him so he’d definitely view your relationship as worth it
Especially since you’d most likely get together once you’re close friends
He really thinks of your relationship as valuable, why else would he be with you if he didn’t?
Even if it didn’t work out you’re still a close friend of his so of course you hold value to him.
G- Gentle (how gentle are they? physically and emotionally)
He can be pretty sassy and go all out on the jokes and teasing however he can be really gentle at times
Especially since he cares so deeply for you so he’ll make sure that even if him being gentle causes him to fidget and fluster
Mostly due to it being foreign to him
He may not be the best but the effort he puts in to be gentle in both emotionally fragile situations and when you get hurt just makes up for it
H - Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
Ok not really cuz I’m not gonna do my boy hiro like that but still😭
Hiro is always teasing and prodding at you for the littlest things
He’s an absolute menace
So imagine when this menace finally holds hands with you and when you turn to look at him, he’s starts tweaking
This is one of the romance part of your relationship so itd obviously be foreign to him
He’s stuttering and is this close 🤏 to combusting
His hands are sweaty and he’s constantly apologizing for it and will NOT tolerate any teasing or he’ll run away.
He’s not really able to show much affection through physical touch since he freezes up so much but at times when he knows you need support he’ll hold your hand.
It then becomes apparent to everyone around you due to the very intense blush hiro is sporting.
I do see it becoming casual eventually but that doesn’t really change hiros blush
H - Hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it, and what are they like?)
He isn’t really one for hugs
We’ve all seen how awkward he hugs and how hesitant he seems when giving one
But he’ll definitely give you one if you ask
Very awkwardly and stiff yet cutely tho so 🤷‍♀️
Also if you were to ever ask for a hug where everyone can see you two
He doesn’t hug you often at first but if you’re more cuddly then he’ll definitely get in the habit while staying with his usual attitude
His hugs are obviously stiff but they’re really nice
I - Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Absolutely terrified
Any normal person would feel this way about someone they care deeply for, but with what happened with tadashi just really made this fear even worse.
Since he’s also a hero/vigilante he’ll try his best to protect you, even if at times it can seem risky or spontaneous
Regardless of whether you’re a hero/vigilante and are able to protect yourself then he’d keep an eye on you, always.
In the actual scenario of you getting hurt during battle hiro would absolutely throw the whole plan away and go to you.
If it’s not in battle but still serious he’d be the first person asking to see you and is that person you see once you wake up.
If the injury is small he’d have Baymax assist with a bandaid or something but he’d still tell you to be more careful.
You guys can joke and tease at eachother all you want but this is one of the more serious things hiro would absolutely not want to joke about.
Even if you’re the one who got injured, he’s seriously just concerned for you.
I- I love you (how fast would they say ‘i love you’?)
So with how things have been going you’d think that hiro wouldn’t take the longest time ever due to his shyness
But he actually ends up being the first person to say it in your relationship and even says it pretty early on
Atleast in comparison to how long he’d probs take to say it
The reason he says it is only because of a fluke
He’d be all sleepy while you’re over due to an assignment the two of you have to work on or something of the sort
And because it was almost near an all nighter then best believe hiro is exhausted
And your comforting presence doesn’t make it any better
So finally when you realize hiro blissfully falling asleep you decide to cover him with a blanket and help reposition him so that he doesn’t hurt his neck while he sleeps.
While you do so you decide to also just go to sleep and when you turn off the lights and say good night to him you unexpectedly hear a goodnight back and an “I love you”
The next morning only then does hiro realize what he said and although he’s this close 🤏 to dying he still manages to tell you that he meant it
J - Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
I’ve said this one and I’ll say it again
He’d joke around with humor that can best be described as gen z TikTok humor
I mean, he’s literally a teenage boy who probably had unrestricted internet access from an early age.
Let’s be real here
So he’d probably send you the Smurf cat vids, that one dancing wolf thing, and those “send to your green person 🥰” and it’s a slideshow of Shrek…
Most jokes just consist of weird teenage boy jokes and that chronically online TikTok humor 😀😭😭
He mostly just roasts you then apologizes because he realizes that it could actually hurt your feelings 🧍‍♀️
He’d probs just do lame pranks tbh
He’d just wait behind something to scare you
And even if you didn’t react he’d laugh his little ass off 🧍‍♀️
J - Jealousy (what makes them jealous? what are they like when they’re jealous?)
Despite how much hiro wants to be the non jealous type, he unfortunately fits the profile
Even if he doesn’t try, if he ever sees you talking to any guys or just hanging out with anyone else for too long then he’ll get kinda upset
He’ll ask u about it too but he’s not that confrontational unless you purposefully try to make him feel this way
Which would be ideally never
If he can’t shake the jealous feeling off then he’ll end up confessing it to you between embarrassed pauses
If you try to coddle and tease him then he’ll just run away from you cuz ain’t no way
K - Kisses (what are their kisses like? who kissed who first? where do they like to kiss you?how do they like to kiss you?)
Ok ok so that’s kinda sorta rude 😭
But hiro is barely getting around with the hand holding, you really think he’s gonna be kissing you?-
Yes, yes he will
I’d imagine your teasing on how flustered and awkward he gets when you hold his hand finally made him get fed up so he just decides to kiss your cheek…
He literally evaporated from that one thing because despite trying to he backs out then you’re the one to kiss his cheek 😭
*Hiro exe has stopped working*
He had an internal freak out then turns around trying to be all nonchalant with a “hey”
Y’all don’t rlly kiss or else it’d be the death of him but that doesn’t mean kisses between the two of you are practically non existent 🌝
You’ll probably be the one to kiss him first and that knocks him out for the rest of the evening.
L - Love (how do they show you they love you? What’s their love language?)
He obviously doesn’t show you physical affection besides him touching the behind of your knees to trip you so how does he? 🌝
Well he gifts and spends time with you
I’ve already explained the gift thing, he usually gifts you little origami things or snacks
Besides the gift giving his love language would more accurately be quality time
He loves to spend time with you and just spend hours joking with you in the most cringe ways
He really adores you and thinks if the time he spends with you as precious, yknow despite the boarder line bullying
He’d probably indulge you if your more into physical touch, however the most frequent hugs you’d get from him are side hugs.
Even then, he’d more than happily hug you (ofc with his usual stiff and awkward self)
Honestly just be around hiro more often than not and you’ve already won him over
M - Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
If you ever decide to sleepover (which was probs accidental from that all nighter scenario)
Then the two of you would wake up (you were woken up by him first by getting abused 😔/j)
And then make your way to the kitchen since Cass is occupied with the Lucky Cat Cafe
You guys would make an absolute mess with food due to being distracted and it was so bad 😭
Hiro even ended up burning his pancake and bro still ate it 💀💀💀
Y’all would probs have to beg Cass to make you two something and have to hurriedly clean everything up before doing so to avoid punishment
Because ain’t no way 😭
Honestly fun because you two end up walking around San fransokyo but still 🤷‍♀️
N - Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
Anything happening to his loved ones or those he cares for.
That’s an obvious fear for any sane person but, again, because of how sudden and horrible tadashis death it just reinforced this fear even more.
The thought of anything happening to you, his friends, and especially his aunt just had his stomach churning and makes him feel nauseous at the thought.
He’d still have nightmares about Tadashi which turned into even more serious ones about others in his life
He’d really appreciate you being there for him, especially if you slept over on one of those particular nights.
O - Obvious (How obvious do they make it that they like you?)
So insanely obvious
Not only is he painfully obvious but he’s so oblivious to the fact
He’s always offering to help you, he’s one of those people that flirts by roasting or joking around with you, and the blush that just so happens to appear on his face the minute you walk in doesn’t really help his case
Let’s not talk about how his eyes would stray away from what was in front of him anytime you’d pass by
If tadashi was still around during that time he’d obviously tease hiro about it and mention it in casual conversation
Hiro would obviously end up confessing to his crush on you and tadashi would tease but ultimately encourage him like any good older brother would.
If this took place after hiro got into SFIT then he’d be encouraged by his friends who can obviously see hiros crush on you.
He doesn’t exactly try to not make it obvious but it doesn’t really matter anyway because of all the ways he physically shows his crush on you.
P - Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
When considering pet names don’t expect him to be lovey dovey
He’d call you those cringe ass nicknames like “pookie” or “sugar booger”
Only ever calls you this to get on your nerves and absolutely evaporates when cass or anyone from the friend group overheard him calling you these names 💀
Any other “pet names” he’d call you would either be nicknames many others who are close to you call you or nicknames he makes of your name.
P - Patience (how easily do they get angry?)
It honestly depends on the day and how it’s going for hiro
He’s honestly more on the patient side and more likely to hear you or other people out
If he’s a bit more worked up from the long day at SFIT then he’ll have a harder time tolerating anything and is more prone to lashing out
Would probs just ask you to give him some peaceful silence while you’re there with him
Q - Quiet (How are the calm, quiet moments with them?)
Because of how loud and laughter filled time you spend with hiro the moment it gets calm and quiet it almost feels foreign
The two of you obviously settle down and relax for what seems like the first time in forever
Moments like these end up with you and hiro accidentally falling alseep in eachothers arms or it makes hiro feel comfortable to talk about tadashi and more serious matters
In the case of the latter, if you ever mention a serious matter then hiro will feel even more comfortable and even happy you can share stuff like this with him.
Honestly moments like these are so sweet that even gremlin hiro won’t wish for anything to disrupt them
R - Rhythm (what songs reminds you of them?)
R - Romance (How romantic are they? What are their go-to ways of being romantic?
Home dude is absolutely the least romantic person
Well that’s what he initially thought
He never really imagined a relationship in his future, but he could easily say the same about him joining SFIT
As I’ve previously mentioned, hiros go to ways to convey his love and affection to you is by gift giving and just spending time with you.
The only ways he could flirt without absolutely losing his composure is by literally bullying you and just play fighting w you
It’s the only way hiro can effectively just get along with you.
In instances of actual romantic gestures he’s pretty awkward
I mean hiros a teenager, it’s to be expected
But I feel like when there’s certain instances that are very emotionally charged
S - Secrets (how open are they with you?)
There are times where he’s secret yet open alike
He can keep secrets from you (although he’s pretty bad at it 😭) he’d probs try his best to keep his more personal issues to himself to not only burden you but just avoid sharing it.
Obviously he’s entitled to privacy but hiro would eventually learn that keeping secrets isn’t exactly the way to go
Even if he did want to keep anything from you he isn’t exactly the best so either he continues trying to lie and gives up or you seriously confront him and he admits defeat.
When it comes to other topics that aren’t so serious or personal then he’s an open book
You’re most likely in or at least aware of his schemes and plans if you aren’t participating.
S - safe (What makes them feel safe and comfortable around you?)
Your overall presence brings him comfort and makes him feel safe
It doesn’t really matter where you guys are, the streets of san fransokyo, just hitting up a corner store or even when you’re at SFIT
Most times you’re both enjoying the other and your time is usually filled with constant teasing and jokes played on each other.
When it comes to more serious discussions he’d really appreciate it if you kept quiet and gave him the opportunity to go at his own pace.
When you create this environment and make him feel like he’s not on the spot, only then can he relax and be more open with you.
Despite how chronically online he can act at times just know it isn’t how he is all the time.
S - Security (how protective are they? how would they protect their s/o?)
He’d be pretty protective of you
Especially with how heroes have become a norm in the world of big hero 6 so he’d be more aware of where you are and what condition you’re in
He’d obviously protect you by physically defending you regardless of whether or not you’re also a vigilante/hero
But he’d also have your back if anyone were to ever pick on you
He literally just has zero tolerance policy for anyone who tries to start shit with you
It’s literally all 😐 with him cuz he really just ain’t gonna tolerate all that
T - Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
there was so many factors to consider here
You guys were obviously close friends before you started dating and feelings were obviously apparent
As was the unbearable tension around the two of you, especially with how hiro would constantly joke around how friends dothen become so painfully aware that he completely freezes up and starts stuttering 😭
It was especially awkward when you’d be around the friend group and if you met and befriended hiro before tadashis death then best believe tadashi is gonna have to bring it up to hiro.
Because of this and hiros shy nature when anything romantic happens, he seriously refuses to make romantic advances
I mean the person you’re used to joking around and boarderline bully is now a romantic interest so it’d be so odd to have to become lovers
It’s so crazy too because once you actually confess to him everything happens so fast and it’s all spontaneous
You’re casually just chilling with hiro and all of a sudden you decide to just blurt out that you like him
He’s obviously caught off guard and accidentally hurts himself, then everything just unfolds from there and despite how awkward the air is the two of you end the night dating.
T - Tend (How do they act when you’re hurt or sick, and vice versa?)
If you ever get hurt because you accidentally cut yourself or trip and scrape your knee he’ll help you and most likely just get Baymax to treat your little injury
If this is the scenario of you falling, hiro is so obviously gonna laugh his ass off before he helps you up
He’s absolutely in the dark if you’re sick
He doesn’t even realize
Which is a complete lie cuz he kept spamming your phone when you didn’t show up to classes or respond to his texts/TikTok’s
He only found out once you either finally texted him, or more likely, he showed up at your house and decided to take care of you with the help of Baymax
Honestly thank goodness Baymax was there cuz otherwise you probably would’ve died due to hiros clumsiness.
T - Tease (how do they tease you?)
*breathes in* breathes out*
The absolute devil in human form
Wolf in sheep’s clothing
Demon spawn
Call him what you will but he’s the absolute worst teaser to be around
He’ll tease the hell out of you for the smallest of things and absolutely gain joy from your reactions
Especially if you’re the type to be more visibly flustered or embarrassed than the average person
Just throw the whole thing (hiro) away at this point honestly
U - Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
He’s so unserious😭
He’s kinda sorta bad at getting the clue so he’d go up to you and still joke and tease thinking you’re being unserious
If you’re actually serious then he’d automatically drop his joking tone and would ask what was wrong
Whether or not you tell him or not is up to you but if you opt to not telling him he’d be there for him and be chill about it even if he’s a lil hurt
He’d probs just drop it and try to change the subject (if u want) and you’d go back to your usual playful banter.
Although, he’d probably be pretty awkward if he’d have to comfort you 😭
U - Ugly (what are some bad habits of theirs?)
A bad habit of hiros would be getting to involved with his work
Because of how his work with robotics is constantly calling his name he can not only forget to eat and just take care of himself, but he’ll also forget to even call or talk w you
He won’t even realize until he sees a “missing poster “ around SFIT with the ugliest god damn pic of him he’s ever seen
Even then if you act petty then he’ll feel pretty guilty but then he’ll turn the tables and feel offended that your guilt tripping him
Like who do u think u are? 🤨
V - Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
He’s absolutely proud of your accomplishments
The type of boyfriend he’d be depends on how he feels and the situation at hand.
Hiro would be so proud at your accomplishments, discoverys, research and your skills
Especially if that contributed to your success to your respective major
It honestly depends how vocal he’d be about it
He’d probs cheer you on, especially when the friend group is there to cheer you on alongside him
He’d more shy and awkward to be vocal if it’s just him but he’d still let you know how he feels
V - Vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
Hiro isn’t really the type to be all that concerned with how he looks
I mean he’d occasionally be self conscious, but it’s mostly because he’s going through puberty and is a teenager
The only times he cares is when he’s getting ready for something fancy or when he’s going out with you
He’d probs look at himself and think that he doesn’t look bad
He’ll definitely wonder if he’s one of those ugly guys pretty people get with
Even if he isn’t all that insecure he gets so unbearably flustered and self aware if you mention how cute he looks.
W - Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
If you’re a vigilante alongside big hero 6 then not having you be near the fight or not fight at all is not really an option
So in this case he’d be neutral about letting you fight but he’d of course still be there to defend you in the case that anyone tries to sneak up on you
He’d definitely fight for and with you. He’d be by your side and would absolutely put his all into making sure the two of you guy’s successfully accomplish your mission and win the fight
He won’t hesitate when he learns you got into a fight with villains.
And what’s more is that he won’t hesitate when it comes to civilian fights, not physical ones but more accurately described as disputes.
He’d definitely help when you’re being targeted or cornered by people who are trying to start and argument with you.
Will most likely tell you if you were in the wrong but only after the two of you won’t the dispute
He’s not gonna throw u under the bus like that in front of others.
W - Wild card (random relationship headcanon!)
He’d info dump and uses you to rant about his interests 😭
You’re honestly a victim due to how many times he pulls you into the lore of his fav fandoms
But if you ever show interest in it he’ll gate keep it
I mean atleast if you ever wanna rant to anyone or info dump he’ll always be right there 🤷‍♀️
If you’re a victim he has to be one too
X - X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
He’s pretty 50/50 most of the time
Since your relationship consists of online humor and just constant jokes he can tell when you’re not in the mood pretty quickly
Like if you’re upset and not in the mood to joke around he automatically picks up on it
However there are instances where he’s just his awkward self or just preoccupied with other things like his projects
I know I said he’s like 50/50 but he’d be able to read how you feel pretty much right then and there he’s just a bit awkward when addressing it so it’d take a bit longer for him to discuss it with you
Especially if you’re not the one to mention it, then there’s just a tension that hangs over the two of you.
This applied regardless of whether or not it’s a negative emotion/situation
X - XO (How do they show you affection? How much PDA are they willing to show?)
Hiro is the most awkward stiff teenage boy
Plus he’s a nerd so it just makes his ability to act on romantic gestures even less
I don’t really imagine hiro as the type to enjoy any form of PDA
Especially since he even hesitates with hugging and is quite stiff so if you ever wanted to very obviously hold hands or even kiss-
Well then forget it because before you can even speak to him he’d combust on the spot
He’s pretty affectionate in his own way but physical touch much less PDA would not be among them.
Y - Yearn (What do they do when they miss you?)
Hiro isn’t the type to really miss you
At least hat’s what he thinks
He usually starts off his day with thinking about you and throughout his day he’ll casually mention you in his mind
Saying things like “hmmm I wonder what y/n is doing” or “y/n would like this”
Him missing you eventually becomes apparent to everyone around him whether he notices or not
Hell casually sigh while sitting at a table at SFIT or the lucky cat cafe and it will eventually be addressed by friends or Cass
The one time that they actually do have dinner together 💀
Z- Zzz (How do they act when they get sleepy? How is it sleeping in the same bed?)
The worst sleeper ever if we’re gonna be real here
If you ever say that to his face he’d take actual offense 😭
Once you and hiro shared a bed whether he fell asleep on accident or you two just wanted to he does not give you a comfortable experience
Not only does he sleep sprawled out and all over the place but he also just has no regard for you
When he gets sleepy he’s honestly adorable though so it kinda makes up for how bad he sleeps
He’s pretty delirious and out of it once he’s sleepy and he’d probably let you hug and kiss his cheek easier than he would if he was more awake.
Even then he more likely than not snaps out of it and flusters up a storm
He has the worst bed head ever 😭
But that just makes him even cuter and if you say so he either 1. Doesn’t care because he’s sleepy and just lets you coddle him or 2. He absolutely denies it and gets all sassy with you
All that sass and usual jokes all go down the drain when the two of you wake up the next morning and the both of you are cuddling and he practically flies off the bed
Which causes him to yelp in pain and wake up Baymax that just makes the whole situation even worse with his scans and analysis of your heartbeats
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed and don’t be afraid to let me know about any grammatical errors/spelling mistakes :)
Also if u saw more than 1 prompt for a letter, no u didn’t 🌝
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mixtapedoh · 6 months
vernon as highschool crush pls for lonely boy 🧍‍♀️
vernon my bestie beloved bastard ♡ you really are requesting for the people, lindsay.
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;༊ — lonely boy
pairing: hansol vernon chwe x gn!reader genre: fluff, high school au word count: ~3.3k warnings: language, mild threats among friends, a lack of originality (but perhaps ameliorated by an understanding of the conventions of trope?)
olive's notes: firstly, hahaha.......... pretend like this wasn't something you sent me actual months ago.... and pretend like i gave the prompt the justice it deserves....... shhhhhh, i answer things in a timely manner and can still be considered a tumblr writer. secondly, this is quite glaringly based off of and colored by my memories of high school, so expect United States education system nonsense <3.
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☄. *. ⋆ hansol vernon chwe x high school crush.
— the hardest thing about crushing on this fucker is that he's everywhere
simultaneously the biggest cryptid in the whole student body (if you had a nickel for every time your journalism teacher asked: "has anyone seen hansol this week?" to absolute crickets you'd be able to pay for at least 2 years of college) and also the most social person to ever grace your high school halls, hansol was everywhere all at once, and contradictorily, nowhere when you sought him out.
you wanted to avoid seeing him because of something embarrassing you were sure he had noticed? bam. right there beside you, sitting on the same row of auditorium seats for the assembly.
you wanted to catch a glimpse of him while the both of you were assigned to photograph the basketball game? viola. gone, nowhere to be seen; and yet your friend will tell you later that he was there the whole time, snapping the best photos of boo seungkwan's legendary 3-pointers (which you certainly hadn't missed, so where had he been??).
— yes, having a crush on hansol vernon chwe was exhausting. there was no way to save face — trust hansol to be there at your worst hours (like that chemistry presentation where the color palette you used for your PowerPoint was too light for the old projector screen to show properly, and so you half of your graphics were unreadable, inspiring your professor to dock 10 points, despite that fact that when you pulled it up on a computer screen - or any other device that wasn't an old ass projector at least 15 years out of date - the graphics were just fine and the detail above required). it didn't matter the specifics of the occasion, it was simple fact you'd always somehow manage, in your darkest moment, to look out and see hansol — always a kind smile, with something encouraging in his eye, despite, but still horribly, embarrassingly, and irrevocably present.
— and then, as it if weren't bad enough, hansol vernon chwe had the absolute gall to be unbothered, unfazed, unable to be rattled or shaken in any way, by comparison.
oh sure, you'd seen him cringe before at him friend's (mostly kwon soonyoung's) antics; you were familiar with the way vernon expressed any and all emotion with the whole of him — his every muscle tensing and twisting in a way so visceral and real, you could feel embarrassed, too, by just looking at him — but the envy was this: it was never at his expense that such feelings would arise. vernon was never embarrassed because of something he did or caused or felt. his life was far too chill and unbothered for that. others could be embarrassing around him, but all of his actions flowed so smoothly — rolled over the shoulders of everyone else.
the closest he'd ever get was doing something explicitly stupid just for the enjoyment of others. but, the catch was this: they enjoyed it !!!! it was funny and not cringe worthy !!!!! the net effect was positive.
it was infuriating. sometimes you weren't sure if you wanted to kiss hansol or strangle him with your bare hands.
— but let's take things back to journalism.
— because of course he took journalism.
not exactly the most exalted of the journalism students or anything, hansol was mostly known for his opinion piece articles and, of course, availability and willingness to go to any school event to take pictures and help fill in the blanks of the article anyone was writing.
he had friends in any and all school functions and events. from sports to musicals, science fairs to choir recitals, you could say, "is anyone going to this very obscure and random FBLA presentation?" or "did you know that the coding club is going to be attending an event at another high school this saturday?" and hansol would immediately perk up, pull out one of his headphones and go, "yeah, i'm gonna check it out. did you need a ride?"
— and it was because of that — his being everywhere, inescapable and offhandedly thoughtful, open and so easily warm — that these pesky feelings even started, in the first place.
— just when it happened is perhaps inconsequential (in all actuality, it likely started before your journalism daily exposure, just slowly, more of an itch at the back of your mind than the brash insistence it was, now) but it was definitely the fault of journalism. maybe that band and orchestra festival in 11th grade where you went with hansol to do a write up on all the high schools attending (placing undue emphasis on your high school's multi-talented band leader, lee jihoon, who could play half the instruments in the room), or maybe that series of debate tournaments you both covered in 11th grade, or when the two of you took over the baseball column that same year and when the heatwave spiked early, vernon would attend each game in sleeveless tops, always with an extra ball cap in tow since you would (conveniently, perhaps?) forget one of your own and the sun made it impossible to see what was happening, beyond.
yes, just when it hit was neither here nor there, because at the end of the day, the problem remained: you were hopelessly down bad for one hansol vernon chwe. fuck.
— and you couldn't escape him if you tried.
and trust me, at one point, try, you had.
— after all, at the beginning of your senior year, you somehow ended up being in the same spanish class as him and his friend joshua, and after a whole year (and subsequent summer break, when your journalism teacher found an opportunity to have a section of the city newspaper be dedicated to "the youth of journalism," and weekly, your journalism club was able to publish in the city newspaper) of crushing on hansol with a vehemence perhaps concerning, you knew you couldn't handle having to have embarrassing debates, conversations, and role play scenarios with him.
in perhaps two weeks you were in the counselor's office, exploring alternate class blocks. in the end, you were stuck in a ceramics course instead of your preferred electives, but at least when the unit on "la familia, el amor y todo lo interpersonal" came up, you were role playing as a couple alongside jeon jungkook, who couldn't stop making you wheeze with laughter from his overextention of the r at every available chance, rather than your crush, hansol.
(all it would have taken was one "te extraño" from hansol through your fake hand phones to absolutely floor you. someone call the school nurse, you're fallen and perhaps can never get back up again.)
— so you avoided him there, and even before that, during your junior year, you had mostly eaten off campus on your second schedule days when you and hansol had the same lunch hour and the risk of running into him at a time potentially embarrassing was at an all time high, seeing as nowhere was safe — the social butterfly he was, hansol managed to have business in every hallway of the school. not a single area was risk free.
yeah, junior year really had just been a mess of emotions you hadn't wanted to name, and so instead, elected to pointedly ignore. you were glad to say that while spending your hard earned money to eat out 2-3 times a week was a bit of a low, you had solidly moved out of that phase of your life by spring that year, and could stomach the risk of Being Seen by someone who had captured your attention so strongly.
and yeah, even though you had a bit of a backslide when changing spanish classes senior year (which could be chalked up to self-preservation, truly), you had solidly moved past that whole Avoidance Stage of your Crippling Crush on One Hansol Vernon Chwe.
— so hansol couldn't be avoided. that much was abundantly clear. and you had to interact with him in journalism and (god willing) be normal while doing so, and luckily, while all that exposure didn't exactly desensitize you to his overwhelming charm, admirable confidence, infectious smile, endearing jokes, comfortable aura, and oh so beautiful eyes, it had forced you to just,,,,,,, accept some things.
— accept that you had a raging crush on hansol, but that it could be managed... so long as none of your mutual friends found out.
— you were pretty sure that wonwoo knew, but at least he was ✨subtle✨ and generally checked out of things like that. genuinely, he could not care less, and so he made it no one's problem. you could probably tell him your most rancid, vulgar thoughts, and he would just file it away in his mind as: "nasty shit i can never unhear" and go about his day. compare that to your other mutual acquaintance, seungkwan, and well...
— but for the most part, it seemed that senior year was inching away, another year with a crush on hansol, and another year where you didn't say a damn thing and refused to leave anything close to a hint for him to pick up on.
— but mercy didn't exactly exist for you, now did it.
— the horrible series of Epic Fumblings and Incriminating Moments began in october, when hansol and joshua decided to make a podcast to convince the school that an AV club could be a fun addition to the roster of School Sanctioned Clubs (an idea they really should have had back in august
— the horrible series of Epic Fumblings and Incriminating Moments began in october, when hansol and joshua decided to make a podcast to convince the school that an AV club could be a fun addition to the roster of School Sanctioned Clubs (an idea they really should have had back in august — you know, when clubs were first getting registered and students were accosted in the hallways with club information slapped on astrobrights with strong ~graphic design is my passion~ presentation)
they had needed someone tech savvy enough to get them the podcast equipment and teach them how to use it (and just,,, do all the technical aspects for them 🥺👉👈 pwetty pwease 🥺👉👈 we're just silly boys who want to talk about random shit but are trying to pass it off as being Constructive in Some Sense so that it looks good on college applications) and so obviously their search had sent them in the way of wonwoo, who only seemed to have free time on the exact day and time you two would joint study for your college level government and politics course.
so of course he asked if the two of you could move your study sessions to a different location (he swore he could multitask? okay overacheiver) so that he could both study with you and help the stupidly handsome hansol and joshua with their brilliant podcast idea.
and of course, you'd forget the first time and wonwoo would conveniently not answer his texts for 20 minutes, allowing for the most embarrassing stage of him finally picking up his phone (on speaker?) to you yelling "jeon wonwoo, i will personally castrate you and throw it in the ocean so you can be eaten alive by the creatures birthed from the subsequent sea foam if you don't come to the library to study right now. i have been waiting for 20. minutes. where are you?" and hansol and joshua would hear you. and have the gall to laugh.
and of course wonwoo wouldn't even give you the grace of not having to show up to his house (your new study location) to study for the day. in fact, hansol gave him the brilliant idea of threatening to train an eagle to peck at your liver daily - not eating it fully, just put in it's beak and twist the flesh. since you can't grow another liver overnight, of course. don't you just love mythological punishment.
(and that wouldn't be the end of the embarrassing podcast adventures, either. the time shua cajoled you into being a special guest????? truly, you dodged a bullet not being in spanish with that fool. he's impossible to refuse and the worst of it was that he knew it.)
— or what about the december gift exchange in journalism?? that was certainly not your finest moment, trying to get chaewon to change names with you so that you could gift something to hansol (something lady luck had never granted you despite all the blood, sweat, and tears you sunk into this journalism group of yours), and he heard you, mid-conversation.
seungkwan had told you hansol had been talking about it later, and you quite literally saw him connect the dots in slow-motion as he recounted the story. "y/n, do you have a crush on hansol????" it would have been bad enough that he practically yelled the accusation in the stands of the football field, but then he had the gall to triumphantly gasp and break into hysterical laughter upon your clear embarrassment at being caught. it was during lunch! you're shared lunch break with hansol! who knew where that fucker was! he probably saw the whole exchange!
(in the end, chaewon didn't change names with you (she traded with some other journalism traitor so she could gift to sakura) and even though hansol didn't have your name, he got you something regardless, saying it was thanks for putting up with he and shua stealing wonwoo during your (once peaceful) study sessions. you had decided against getting him a gift regardless, and so you had to awkwardly seek him out during winter break to shove a poorly wrapped box in his hands, with a mumbled apology for your tardiness in gifting, something he pushed away cooly, as expected (but were those red ears of his from just the cold, alone?).)
— and then, well, once everyone came back from winter break and seungkwan knew of your crush on hansol... school became less a Place of Learning and more a Viscous Time Loop of Shutting Seungkwan Up Before He Spilled The Beans.
kicking him under the table. threatening his livelihood. slapping a hand over his mouth on one occasion because seungkwan couldn't take a joke and his retaliation of choice was calling over hansol right there and then and forcing you both to awkwardly sit in the bitter soup of Revelation.
— and then there was february. oh, february. how easy it is to loathe february.
— it was already hard enough getting through the embarrassment of valentine's day themed fundraising — every year, your literature teacher (who oversaw the student body officers — that first exposure to the cruel reality of rigged elections, a popularity win if there ever was one) offered extra credit for students who volunteered time to help the sbo's with their silly little business venture of "roses for $3, sugar cookies with shocking pink frosting for $2, heart suckers for $1, sonnets written by the creative writing and theatre kids for $7.
every year you volunteered for some reason or another - maybe your grade needed it, maybe you were doing sbo president seungcheol a favor because no one signed up, maybe you were following the stupid advice of seokmin and were doing it for the plot (code for: please don't leave me alone at the stand, i will buy you all the sugar cookies you'd like, just don't consign me to spending my lunch break in this particular layer of hell in solitude). this year was no different in you signing up to do time, but seungkwan sure was different, asking you every day if you managed to see if vernon sent anyone something (he had — soonyoung had convinced him to pitch in to send jihoon 16 sonnets, to be read aloud in the middle of class). if he had sent you something (he hadn't).
but when you got an anonymous rose sent to your 2nd class of the day, with a cryptic note attached, your friends wouldn't let you live it down all week. (who had sent it, though? they would have had to be very strategic as to when they placed the order — you had certainly never seen one for yourself in your daily exchange of goods, and seokmin was suspiciously tight lipped about the whole thing (very uncharacteristic of him — who had the ability to buy dk's silence, and better yet, how had they done it???)).
— yes, valentine's day was bad enough. but to add to the mix was always hansol's birthday. last year you'd gotten him a gift since you had worked quite a lot together during that month, and it just felt... normal. comfortable. something kind to do that wasn't weird in anyway. but these days, facing hansol was almost as embarrassing as it had been during junior year when you avoided the mere sight of him like seeing him smile would end in you contracting the plague.
as the day inched ever closer, you were seriously considering missing the day entirely. taking the day off. pretending to be sick. but that wouldn't get you out of seeing him the day after. and the day after that.
perhaps fleeing the country would be a totally normal reaction and solid plan.
— and then joshua invited you to hansol's surprise birthday party.
well. at least that cleared up whether you should get him a gift or not.
— to say that, at that moment and for the subsequent days afterward, were overthinking the whole thing would be to extremely understate reality.
you were about to pop a blood vessel over this shit.
wonwoo was invited, too (how charitable of them. making sure there'd be someone there to scrape you off the floor when you inevitably discovered the power of self combustion) and it was rather comical to see the two of you: cool and calm wonwoo, and you with the internal dialogue of WHATTHEFUCKWHATTHEFUCKWHATTHEFUCKWHATTHEFUCKWHATTHEFUCKWHATTHEFUCKWHA
all holding a cute little gift between you.
— and the surprise birthday party really was a Legitimate, 5-Star, Genuine Quality, Surprise Bona Fide™ - a success by all measures. a shock in more ways than one: a surprise for hansol who had no idea the party was happening in the first place, getting called over for what he expected was a casual videogame night; a surprise for lee chan, somehow, when he saw that shua got you to come 15 minutes before show time to help blow up balloons - a shock so big he started to say something with a wild grin and was immediately dogpiled by mingyu, junhui, and hoshi; a surprise for all the friends amassed when you proved to be quite adept at party games like their incredibly convoluted version of mafia; and a surprise for you, later that night, when hansol offered to take you home
— the two you decided to stop at an empty playground before parting ways and see who could jump farther off of the swings. he won by a wide margin, but you had the skinned knees to prove your effort and the memory of hansol laughing so hard he could barely breathe — his smile so wide it could've filled you completely, banish any longing from your chest for a moment of unique closeness and bliss — and perhaps that was a consolation prize, enough.
but then you and hansol were on the swings again, seeing who could tighten the swing chain the most and spin the longest, and between the motion blur, you heard hansol admit defeat and when the swing stopped, his face was all too close to yours to shrug off as friendly, and his hands were holding the swing chain on either side, and when he spoke soft and low to crown you the victor, you kissed him.
and the biggest surprise of the night was when he kissed you back.
☄. *. ⋆
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floatyflowers · 2 years
The Adopted Princess| Dark! Targaryen and Velaryon Boys x Reader (Aegon II, Aemond, Jacaerys, Lucerys) V
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"Your father and I going to miss you so much, my dear" Rhaenyra says as she and Laenor, both, pull you into a tight hug.
"Me too"
You pull away from them, your lips quivering as you try to stop yourself from crying.
However, when Jacaerys and Lucerys hug you, that's when you break down.
"That's not fair, you are supposed to be my wife, not his, I would treat you much better than Aemond" Jacaerys exclaims angrily.
"It is all my fault, (Y/n), please don't leave!" Lucerys cries out, feeling guilty that he is the reason why you are leaving them.
"I believe the king already arranged the whole thing before the fight, so don't blame yourself, Luke" you assure him.
"But it is true, we dragged you into this fight and you even got hurt because of us" Rhaena exclaims. 
"And Aemond is cruel, and he might treat you badly" Baela adds with a sad tone.
You stay silent, wanting to say that Aemond has been treating you kindly and you two were exchanging letters but decided against it.
Just because he is your friend and future husband, it doesn't excuse him from calling your brother 'bastards' and also claiming Vhagar, even though the dragon is the one who chose her rider.
"If he ever upsets you, I will shove my sword into his good eye" Daemon states all of a sudden, smirking at you.
You smile at his overprotectiveness, nevertheless, you still can't believe that the rough prince is your grandfather.
"I wonder why my father didn't allow you to raise me" you inquire.
"Because he is chaotic," Rhaenyra says, grinning at her uncle.
"But, aren't all dragons chaotic though?" you point out playfully, easing up a bit.
Daemon stares at you, realizing how you have his son's smile and playful attitude.
"I'm sorry to interrupt, but the ship is ready to departure"
Alicent says after walking up to you and your family like she didn't try to poke out Luke's eye the other day.
"I'm ready to leave, your highness," you say timidly, which made the queen smile, and link her arm with yours.
"Oh dear, no need for formality, just call me mother" Alicent insists, making Rhaenyra glare at her angrily.
While you and the queen ascend the ship, Lucerys notices Aemond smirk down at him and Jacaerys from the ship, mocking them.
As if he is trying to say, that 'you might have taken my eye out, but I claimed Vhagar and (Y/n)'
However, Aemond doesn't realize that the real danger is his older brother.
You stare down at the water, tears still wet on your cheeks while anxiety is eating at you in slow motion.
Even though the queen showed good intentions toward you, yet, you still feel afraid, after all, you don't have anyone by your side in King's landing if something would happen.
Yes, the king promised your mother and grandfather to keep you safe, something which Daemon laughed at, due to the king's declining health.
If something would ever happen between you and Aemond, let's say a fight for example, who would stand by your side?
No one, absolutely no one.
You quickly turn around to face Larys Strong, surprised to even see him.
That man never approached you, sometimes you would catch him inspecting you just like he does with everyone, but he never spoke to you. 
"Lord Larys," you say, softly, trying to look anywhere so he doesn't see your red-shot eyes.
"It saddens me to see you crying my princess," the cunning man says, offering you a handkerchief to wipe your tears. 
You take it from him, smiling in gratitude at his kind gesture.
"May I know what worries you, princess?" Larys inquires, standing beside you.
"I just feel like I'm a bargain of peace in this arranged marriage" you confess.
"Oh, I don't think you should think of it in this way, my dear, it will benefit you greatly" you frown in confusion.
"How would it benefit me?"
Before Larys could answer you, Aegon storms up to you.
"There you are, I have been searching everywhere for you..." Aegon stops when he sees the new lord of Harrenhal.
"Greetings, Lord Strong" the Targaryen prince greets the man with a spiteful tone at his instruction with you.
"My prince" Larys greets him back, bowing his head a bit before Aegon turns his attention fully towards you.
"You need to rest, this trip will be long and tiring, and your stupid dragon almost bit my finger off" you roll your eyes at him.
"That's because Quicksilver hates arrogant brats" you mumble, rushing away before Aegon asks you what you just said.
Aegon turns to Lary and sneers at him.
"Stay away from her, you fucking creep"
With that, Aegon follows after you, leaving him standing alone.
Larys would do anything but stay away from you, that's for sure.
After all, your father was a dear friend of his.
"What are you doing here, Aemond?" You question the said boy, looking at him sleepy.
"I came here to apologize about what I did to you the other day, I had no right" your gaze softens at his apology.
"You should also apologize to Jace, Luke, Baela, and Rhaena when you meet them again" Aemond scoffs at this sentence.
"They started it, they attacked me first because Vhagar accepted me as her new rider" the silver-haired boy defends himself.
"You called my brothers bastards" Aemond chuckles.
"Aren't they though?" you narrow your eyes at him.
"No, they are not-" he stops you.
"Yes, they are, and if you are to become my wife, then you must stand by my side and support my views"
You stay silent, not knowing what to say.
It's true, that once a woman gets married into her husband's family, she is expected to support her husband even against her own family. 
Aemond grabs your hands into his warm, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"My family is now your family, you have to support Aegon's claim to the throne, by doing that, you are doing your duty"
You gulp, coming to realize the fact that Aemond has changed.
"And if I don't?" 
His grasp tightens on your hands, his stare becoming colder.
"Then I will force you to do your duty"
Part VI
Honestly, too many people to tag, and I just needed to update quickly, sorry 🥺
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zeep-xanflorp · 10 months
ok i'm just gonna ramble ab unmortricken bc i have exactly ZERO COHERENT THOUGHTS AB IT
evil morty backstory - i rlly like that they just made him some random morty who rose above everything after getting sick of rick's abuse. it makes what he did feel even more earned and weighty. i think his motivation is a bit extreme still but i can't rlly blame him.
it's cool seeing infinity beyond the central finite curve. the jetsons inspired bit was v amusing bc i forgot about them lmao. but otherwise it seems absolutely wild west beyond the curve and i LIVE for that.
i also didnt imagine that we'd be seeing him again. i thought the way he left the show was perfect and if they brought him back it would just feel cheap but it DOESNT in this episode i love his appearance.
i rlly like seeing our morty be supportive of rick. he's literally trying everything to cheer him up and it's very important to me.
the prime decoys confuse me. like do they all share a consciousness? is prime just very very good at fucking with ppl that he's made all the decoys communicate w each other?
evil morty outsmarting rick is a great recurring theme in the episode. "filter for probability stasis" YEAH U TELL HIM LITTLE DUDE. we've never seen a morty like that EXCEPT for him and i think it's wonderful.
the exchange between rick and evil morty. "you're such a narcissist" / "literal glass house" / "you think you're better than me?" / "jesus i HOPE SO" SHITTING
i didnt initially like the decoy trap thing being full of loads of other ricks. it made me feel like our rick wasn't very important to this dude and rick just made an enemy of a guy who didn't know he existed. BUT i don't stand by that anymore. the rest of the episode made me change my mind very quickly with.
the omega device. holy fuck this is the worst reveal to come out of this episode. she wasn't just killed, she was ERASED by prime in every reality. like she is GONE gone. that's why we've never seen her, save in flashbacks and memories. she's gone.
and i'm pretty sure it's our rick's fault that he did that. we see his beth and his diane be killed by a bomb, not wiped from reality like slo mobius is later in the episode. so his family was killed BEFORE all the shit with the omega device. ik correlation ≠ causation, but it rlly explains why our rick in particular is so hungry for revenge. if he was the one that made prime kill diane everywhere then he had to be the one to make prime pay for it.
i like how the multiple monitors seems to be prime's signature move. it happens here and in the s6 premiere.
and oh fuck the parallels. "when i invent something it works, it's called being talented" in story train vs "when i make a weapon in works."
oh man the diane head weapon thing. it's interesting that it was programmed to mock rick sexually, but even on our rick who knows it's a trap, it still affects him seeing her face again. "god i missed that face." and then the blank stare when she asks for a kiss. pretty sweet and fucked up.
rick and evil morty having to work together to get their portals working. the contrast between our morty freaking out and evil morty blank staring.
the bit with the portal closing too soon. i know it happened earlier this season and i think it's so funny lmao.
prime calling rick the Wife Guy. hilarious. raises questions. makes me gnaw on my cell bars.
AND THEN the second incredible reveal of the episode: "Honestly, Wife Guy, I do miss when it was just us. The only two Ricks who actually invented portal travel." WHAT bestie prime bby girl u need to say that again. you guys were the ONLY ones who invented interdimensional travel, every rick's claim to fame. but no they just got the technology from prime who started a boys club of ricks who wanted to leave their lives behind that our rick refused.
but the reference to a time when they were closer, when it was only them - HELLO?? maybe i'm grasping at straws bc i want them to bang but holy shit.
the confirmation of the fan theory that rick based his AI voice on his wife. 10/10.
and then the fight scene. oh gods the fight scene. rick just screaming that he'll kill prime. prime regenerating constantly, looking unscathed as our rick becomes more and more dishevelled. it's too perfect i CANT. but otherwise they both seem pretty evenly matched w all the implants and stuff so without the regeneration i think rick would've had him. oh well.
rick like literally died during the fight.
the cool grandson/shitty grandpa exchange gives me breath. i LOVE how it's a morty that outsmarts prime. it's what he deserves.
prime still trying to be a smartass to evil morty, growing more and more panicked as it goes on bc he doesn't know what to do with the situation and control for once is not in his hands.
"what are u gonna 'aw geez' me to death?"
evil morty not even explaining his plan, just silently dragging in our rick and reviving him. saying "knock yourself out" with the intended double meaning. prime's almost scared expression as rick gets dragged in.
and then our rick has a choice. he can stop evil morty from keeping the weapon plans or he can kill prime. but that's a choice he made already. it's not even a decision. so his other enemy gets away.
the brutal brutal scene at the end when rick is just hitting prime. no tech, no implants, no gadgets. just fists. and rick beats him literally to a pulp as prime screams and laughs at him and taunts him further. it's meant to be sickening. it's meant to be personal. and it accomplishes that perfectly.
they don't even show prime's body in great detail. it's RIGHT in the background but we heard the sounds of the punches, we saw his nose break and his bloody teeth and haemorrhaging eyes and his brains coming out the side of it head and all we can make out is his fucked up swollen and broken face in the background as he sits still attached to the chair, a river of his blood pouring from the room.
but its not triumphant. they made rick's revenge hollow and bittersweet. its over but it destroyed rick in the process. who is he now that he isn't hunting prime? fucking no one.
then "look on down from the bridge" starts playing. we heard this in season 1 in rick potion #9 after morty had to bury a version of himself. he was struggling with the purpose of his life after switching universes. but he deals with it and overcomes it.
i think that scene is rick, for the first time in the entire show, struggling with his nihilistic philosophy. bc yes, he's shown to be an existentialist in the show (the difference being existentialists are "nothing matters but this matters to me" instead of "nothing matters so i don't have to do anything"). he had a drive. he had ppl he cared about. but now he's reached his goal he just feels empty and hollow. everything's meaningless and he's NOT okay with that. he never has been, but he has to grapple with that finally now he doesn't have a distraction. i don't think he can just bounce back and move past what happened.
ppl are saying this episode felt overstuffed and maybe it was but i'm very pleased with it and want to know where it's going.
i feel we still don't know the full story with prime. i'm predicting a flash back episode in the future explaining what the nature of their relationship was like before the bomb incident.
we also know that evil morty has this weapon that could destroy all ricks. so that is just a ticking bomb.
anyway i can't wait for angsty rick.
i actually watched unforgiven for this episode bc i'm a big fan of westerns anyway. the only real parallels i can see is they both have a group of three (two are already partners and the other one is the call to adventure) and an unsatisfying ending. bc that's the nature of westerns. they should NEVER end happily, and if u think so then ur wrong (/nsrs enjoy media how u want).
some things i haven't mentioned but enjoyed nonetheless
the schematics for the omega device is titled <SCHEMATICS BOOGER-AIDS-V2>
the arm/leg swap best in the fight
the comparison between the song at the end playing here and in season one shows with just visuals how the dynamic of beth and jerry's (and beth's) marriage has evolved since then.
everyone freaking out when indiana jones rick shoots and it ricochets off the wall and evil morty just stands expressionless until it hits his forcefield.
morty going to hug rick covered in blood, realising, hesitating, and then doing it later anyway to try and make rick feel better.
evil morty making a point to say that he doesn't want vengeful summers coming after him for omega devicing rick. not vengeful mortys, vengeful SUMMERS.
just evil morty in this whole episode was an absolute delight i need to see him more.
slo mobius' wife almost going down the same path our rick did only to find someone she loves and focus on that, saving her. makes me wonder if they're gonna try putting rick in a relationship.
this ended up being way longer than it should have. anyway. very pleased. this season is hitting all the marks for me overall.
also don't be too hard on me i didnt edit this 😭
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verdemoun · 4 months
Hiii I wanted to ask what you think happens to Micah in the timewarp au cause modern Micah is such an enigma and it's so funny to me. Do you think he's coping well with modern times? Or does he just respawn and immediately tries robbing a mc Donald's or smth. Could def see him doing Florida man throwing an alligator through a Wendy's window type shit or just being the Wendy's employee getting the alligator thrown at him.
Also speaking of Florida man do you have an idea of what state they live in currently in modern au? (I love hearing peoples takes on where in America they think rdr takes place, especially when they're talking about where they'd be in a modern au)
i am so conflicted because like. gang with memories and knowledge of what happens in the future.
arthur wants to kill micah. yes he's been thriving and has a happy life with hosea and bessie and the boys and being a part of isaac's modern life but imagine the guilt he would feel knowing he was dying anyway but if he'd killed micah in 1899 it would've literally saved lives and it might have meant the bureau never went after john in 1911. the absolute arthur 'blames himself for everything that ever happened' morgan would consider himself personally responsible for every life micah took/destroyed post 1899. and arthur has 8 years to plan. 8 years.
but i did let dutch live so why not micah. gotta give rat bastard man a of love
micah respawned in a denny's parking lot to the sight of arthur morgan with a baseball bat. no context. no understanding what's happening. it's late evening. there's street lights and neon signs and who fucking cares they immediately pick up where they left off in 1899 which is beating the living shit out of one another.
cut to them both bloody and bruised in holding cells at the local jail still hurling insults at each other while hosea is just standing there wondering what the actual hell he is meant to do.
said incident immediately landed micah on a list of people not allowed to be sold guns and it is like neutering a feral dog. the first time micah cries in his life is at a walmart being told he isn't able to buy a gun. even if the gang want nothing to do with him like they are getting a phone call sorry to interrupt your evening sir but there's an adult man throwing a tantrum on the floor
the gang are forced to admit it isn't morally correct to a) let micah loose unsupervised in modern era or b) leave him to fend for himself and die. micah ends up living in a trailer park. he embraces redneck culture. he eats so much fast food the servers will call for a welfare check if they haven't seen him in more than three days. he gets a job at a paintball center because damnit if he can't have a gun he will have gun-adjacent. he is the conservative dad-bod southern hick hero of teenage boys everywhere
what's really funny is isaac morgan's best friend (other than jack, obviously) is malachi bell who is a direct descendant of amos bell. because he has known isaac since elementary school: and young isaac did not understand his experiences of being murdered and reawakening in modern era were not universal: kai is fully aware of how the timewarp works ie sometimes he goes with isaac to visit grandpop hosea and there will be a very confused freshly warped outlaw sitting on the couch. the fucking phone call of 'hey remember how my family was super weird around you at the start because you look scarily like your grand uncle who kind of killed my dad and was murdered by my uncle GUESS WHO JUST TURNED UP'
micah is the best terrible uncle a kid could ask for and is honestly super attached to kai even though kai is his polar opposite in every way out of spite. kai goes to micah's trailer for dinner. says he's vegetarian. goes again and micah went through the effort of getting tofu. says he's allergic to soy. inherited all the bell snark and none of the tendency towards evil
micah and arthur in a fistfight at a barbeque while kai and isaac are both just standing there 'i'm sorry about my family'
an underappreciated micah fact is how much he cared about baylock. he would get the exact same level of giddy as the rest of the gang being around horses in modern era. while living in a trailer is not ideal for having a horse he does have a massive black 'looks like he could kill you but is actually a giant cuddle bear' bully-breed dog because as much as he was afraid of dogs (fight me) he is actually more afraid of being alone. his dog eats at the table with him. micah eats mcdonalds while his dog gets lovingly pan-seared steak.
his dog is a kill-shelter rescue named baymax and micah has no idea about disney movies and doesn't understand why people giggle at the name.
to the second point i am not american and have no idea wheeze but i think texas?? texas is where most people seem to think new austin is based on?? in rdr terms they're probably on the northern side of modern day blackwater like there's the bay to the east, mountains to the north and desert to the west. pls if there are any americans what fast food place would micah bell III dedicate his life to and what state should they be in
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002yb · 1 year
A lightning round of ask replies below the cut:
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The moment Dick straddles Jason’s lap, Jason is (⁄ ⁄•⁄Д⁄•⁄ ⁄), hands slapping over his own face even as he turns to look away – so flustered he flushes everywhere and he just.  Slips right out of the chair, between Dick’s legs, and onto the floor before scrambling up and looking scandalized and Dick barks out the most beautiful laugh because Jason’s so damn cute.
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Bonus points if it’s Superman.
Bonus points if Superman and Dick have the same Superman lunchbox, so it happens on occasion that they get mixed up (the lunchbox was a gift from Lois – she uses it whenever she makes lunch for him to tease him; Dick is just Dick).
But anyway, Superman forgets he didn’t bring a lunch, so he ends up taking Jason’s on accident.  So when Jason goes to grab it, it’s missing and he’s ʰᵘʰ (ꐦ○_○)✧
Then he storms around and finds Superman eating the lunch Dick made for him and it’s so devastating.  Of course this is how heroes truly are.  Jason shouldn’t have expected different.  This is Batman’s bullying all over again. ;A;
Meanwhile Superman realizes what’s gone wrong and is panicked and so guilty.  And he apologizes profusely and offers to take Jason anywhere/bring Jason anything to make up for it but Jason is forever petulant.
And when Dick finds out Superman is just devastated because this boy who has loved and revered him since childhood ices him out; it’s a travesty.
Bruce patting Clark’s back because he’s been there.  And Clark just groans because their crimes are completely different, don’t even.
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Okay but Jason being like those cats that hunt things and bring back kills to their loved ones in a show of affection ahahaha.  Dick having that similar reaction of ‘please don’t–’ but also ‘you love me so much🥹?’
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Jason being the sole omega of the pack is one of my favorite omegaverse story details.  So is him being estranged and the toll that takes on him.  And where the family doesn’t realize until something drastic happens and they all freak out and step up and ahhhhh.
The visual of Jason starting out with a bleak safe house and having a nest that’s all scraps.  Everything ripped and torn because it’s not right no matter how he tries to fit anything together and he shreds everything in his frustration.  Jason sleeping just outside of his nest’s broken borders.
The family sneaking things with their scent onto him, or leaving them at his window.  Until Jason has a warm nest that feels begrudgingly safe.  Only now it’s wrong because it’s empty.
Just lots of nest things.  Where Jason runs away with a wounded Robin and sequesters them in his nest.  And when an alpha comes calling – Jason snaps his teeth at them for trying to take his pup and said alpha is surprised, but not upset in the least.  They’re downright smitten, in fact.  Because omega?  So strong and protective and nurturing and ferocious?  Hot.
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It’s so over-the-top smitten, but you’re not wrong anon hahaha.  Something about Jason seeing Dick as this persistent beacon in any darkness (be that in a reverent or begrudging way) is something that appeals so much.
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Yes.  Do I know what to write for this?  No.  Would I read it in a heartbeat?  Yep.
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Jason’s crew absolutely wingman for him once they figure out that their boss has the hots for the wingding bastard.  They’re weird about it, too.  Simultaneously helpful and threatening in the same exchange – the same sentence, even!
And they keep it on the down low because their boss has got a maiden heart and would get embarrassed (and kick their asses), so they’re always luring Nightwing to sketchy af locations to like they’re conducting a sketchy af deal/exchange.
At first Dick is confused, but for as subtle as Jason’s men keep these interactions, they’re pretty straightforward in what their expectation of Dick is.  It makes Dick feel a little fond despite the theatrics of these exchanges because Jason has a lot of people supporting him and want him happy and that’s nice to know.
Dick taking these people up on their advice and Jason getting seemingly irritated about it each time, bristling but relenting without putting up too much of a fight.  At which point Dick realizes that oh, maybe these people that work with Jason are for real?  Little wing has a crush on him?  What?  The realization hitting him right as he’s taking Jason out and Jason grimacing because wth is with that creepy smile?  And Dick is surprised at himself because he’s smiling?  Oh, he is.  Huh.
Just Dick being happy about Jason’s crush and developing a bit of a crush himself over the course of being set up with him by Jason’s crew.
The crew being real smug about how they’ve successfully hooked their boss up.  Only to revolt once they realize this means their boss’s ass is gonna get tapped.
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The crisis is that it makes Red Hood all the more appealing.  👀  Which of course Dick feels alarmed by, so he pulls away.  Which causes a misunderstanding of cataclysmic proportions because Jason isn’t aware of Dick’s moral struggles – just that Dick finds out Red Hood is Jason and all at once Jason’s been iced out and it hurts.  There’s no way Jason doesn’t take that personally.
While Red Hood had been unwittingly settling down, soothed by Dick’s affections – having Dick pull back on him reignites the wrathful fury and vengeance.
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Jason taking Dick and Slade at the same time and while Jason is a breathless, dazed mess, scrambling for purchase - anything to hold onto (I like to think Dick’s shoulders, though Slade is pressed up right along Jason’s back; he’s not going anywhere), Slade and Dick are just taunting and bitching at one another like Jason isn’t there at all. 👀
A kinky take on a round robin tournament where Jason seduces everyone with his contradictory vixen and maiden-like ways (bonus points if it’s not even intentional) and ascertains his position as ultimate bottom.
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Awwww, thank you so much!  It always makes me so happy to hear that someone enjoys my writing (though I know it's been more rambles than writing lately; so sorry - persisting struggles).  Thank you for that. <3
Personal headcanon for this is that they never actually say it with words.  Because there’s something about plausible deniability that these two cling to when it comes to each other.  Too tentative to push too far, too scared to take too much.
The love is there though.  It’s in the way they relentlessly taunt and tease and challenge one another.  It’s the lingering looks, the quiet considerations.  It’s the trust and hope and faith that they chose to have in one another, even if they’re left disappointed or frustrated or scared.  It comes about when surges of protectiveness overcome them and in quiet moments of vulnerability they never talk about later.
Basically shameless self-rec because it’s this series I wrote; this is my take on it, hahaha.
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madame-fear · 1 year
Can you make a lucerys velar yon imagine where he is just really soft. Like in an au where rhaenyra and Alice t got along but luke and admins got in a fight and Luke if seething. But once he sees reader he calms down because she gets scared seeing angry men? Sorry so specific lol I just love soft luke imagines😭
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YESS ABSOLUTELY I love soft Lukie fics/imagines too 🥺❤kinda based this off the dinner fight on ep.8
I know that, being Lucerys dear partner/wife, he'd take (*coughcough*drag*coughcough*) you absolutely everywhere with him — even to the family dinners between his mother, his uncles, and the rest of his family. He just likes showing you off to the family.
Rhaenyra and Alicent overcame their differences, and they get along just perfect as they always did since they were little girls. Lucerys, Jacaerys and their uncles, well... They just tolerate one another. They have their differences, but it's bearable to be with them in the same room.
When you once went to have dinner in King's Landing because you were invited to spend some days, as usual, Lucerys proudly took you with him. The evening was as delightful as usual, but unfortunately, his uncles felt like pissing both Luke and Jace off a bit. And you happened to be in middle of the situation.
Even if Alicent doesn't allow her children to call/refer to the Velaryon boys as "bastards", sometimes, they just have the tedious urge to keep bothering them no matter how badly against that their mother is. And as expected, during dinner, while Nyra and Ali calmly spoke to one another, Luke's uncles had no better idea than simply pick up on him, and you as well for "marrying a bastard".
Neither Jace nor Luke liked what their uncles were doing quite obviously, so what went from being a mere exchange of angry words, nearly became a fervidly enraged phsyical fight — becoming more heated with the passing of the seconds as they just started to harshly push one another and continously raise their voices.
Obviously everyone stood up from their seats and tried to push the four boys away at seeing how bad the situation was getting, including you. But you, feeling how your stomach twisted of nerves at seeing all the boys enraged with one another and being seconds away from getting into a physical fight, simply stood there with a pale face, fidgeting with your fingers and hoping the situation wouldn't escalate to something further.
And as angrily seething as Luke is, the second he pulls his gaze away from his uncles and turns it to a very anxious and scared you, there's something in him that immediatly makes him want to forget about them and just focus on you — the sight of seeing you so frightened makes his heart drop awfully. Which, it worked, because the argument rapidly stopped and Lucerys rushed to you, wrapping one of his arms around your waist and asking you if you're okay.
Your arms would also quickly be wrapped around his body, pressing your head against his chest.
“I was worried you'd get into a fight, Luke. I-I did not wish to see you get involved in such things.” you murmured in a quivering whisper, as the Princeling began taking you away from the dining hall. His hand took a delicate hold of yours, as both of you walked to the corridors of King's Landing, where you had a bit of privacy from the eyes of the rest of your family. “I apologise for the situation, my love.” he responded, pulling you into his arms and into his chest, as he planted sweet little kisses on your forehead. “I just could not tolerate hearing how they chose to disrespect you by... bringing you to one of our usual arguments.” his voice ess enough to make your eyes flutter shut, and give into his slow, tender touch. His rosy lips travelled all across your beauteous face, giving you kisses in every inch of your skin. One of his hands rubbed your back, and the other one played with a silky strand of your hair. “But do not worry anymore, my dear — it will not happen again. And I promise you, I won't allow anyone to make you feel disrespected, or worse, scared. Everything will be alright.”
Sweet Lucerys hates seeing you so frightened in situations such as these, so obviously he'd do either his best to avoid them when he's with you, or to bring you some warming comfort when you have to go through that situation together.
And when he does have to provide comfort for you, he'll do anything to make you feel peacefully showered in love, and he'll do it right.
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♡ taglist : ♡
@jjamieberry @anemicroyalcore @countsmoon @tickle-euphoria @beeebo234 @manuholland6 @capellaadara @kyuupidwrites @tchatso @dopepersonacloudllama @phantasyy@tasty-nutella @mstxdes @valeriecash @cookielovesbook-akie
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siremasterlawrence · 1 year
Brother Boyfriend Redux Part 3
Fire Within
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Cowboy Grayson is currently rolling in his bed lost to time as he smirks falling in to a void of nothingness.He free falls in to darkness in the abyss of it all he can see is four walls of glass coming to a head. He ricochets back and forth shattering one glass after another entering one dimension to the next. In the light of golden yellow protection hover over it descending on to him carrying him to the side.
Spinning through time Richard sees me in the middle of the space floating with such of control. I open his arms outward taking a turn he is wide open with excitement the shattered pieces rain over him.His body hit a hard surface upon impact he woke up sigh a large gasp of breath coming from his mouth.His face full of sut covering him in large dark patches he attempts to crawl to a chair but it’s burning hot.
He can hear the sound of a fire truck loudly emerge through the chaos of the city streets and he smirks. The plan is a go as Master Lawrence his ole God perfect in everywhere has depict to come to fruition.The fire truck stops parking in backyard the teams scream planning out the attack to get the fire to cool off. One of them Fire Fighter Brandon breaks in through the hard cold glass smashing the glass on to Brandon.
The man knelt down removing the building remains off of him kicking things inside he lifts him up in his arms facing the exit he is checking the entire area out for every way available. He races towards the window he leaps in to the air crashing through the window he felt scrapes over his body and he lands in h r backyards and puts him down to due a medical check.
He stops finally come to he stares into the surrounding completely in shock to see his crew completely disappear not even a trace of his team is left and all of it comes to ahead. Brandon’s body feels faint, his head began to spin spiraling, internal fiery super hot heat overtaking him, eyes rolling back up into his eye sockets then his body shuts down.
The hour flies by his eyes pop open in to a whole new world his existence became a non starter he cannot recognize anything in his sight he can feel a shadow overcast him. A man emerges from the back of the room a gigantic empty space fill to the broom with I’ll intention he can sense the pain shoot up from his legs upward to his body.
The man he saved from the eruption of the well to planned fire with television coverage and the sound of sirens causing the citizens to panic on to the streets screaming in a will of dismay and shock. The young man places both of his hands on both of his shoulders holding him down to the ground he struggles hoping he could fight and escape though it a failed effort at best.
The other man he calls Master Lawrence his God with gloved hands out stretching in to the air, he knelt down next to him placing his hand on his chin he swivels his face to look at him. Brandon face becomes on of utter disgust his expression of fear is quite sexy if I mist admit it for the world and I have it I mean have to have him I think pulling him in to a kiss.
“Sorry about all this! I set up a trap.”
“I figured that you bastard.”
“Oh! I like them feisty”
“Do you ? You won’t break me”
“Will see about that fucker”
“Fire Fighter pretty boi”
“Fuck you “
“Gag him, tie him up and drug him”
“Yes Master”
“As you wish”
“No! Stop Please”
“Zip your pie hole”
“Master will displeased “
“Now open up that smart mouth”
“Mwahahahahaha “
“No! Wait”
“You did well”
“Tend to me now”
“Suck me off”
“Enjoy the show pretty show”
The end
Hello Teacher
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Reaching the core of his being, receiving the absolute control mentally, emotionally, and physically ownership of the entire life of his being because now my slave Brandon is all mine.
His younger brother Clark who is a moonlighting professor who is also reporter to Major Company The Daily Planet News Paper a rag that I cannot stand to read happens to pass by hoping tocatch him.
He parks the car happily with a bright smile on his face sitting outside of his my home he settles in turning off the engine, he removes his keys placing them back in to the car as he unlocks the door, and steps out of the car slamming it shut.
He starts to walk up the stairs to the front of the door knocking on the front door it opens up greeting him at the mat is his brother Brandon they hug tight.
Whether he knew I am in the shadows he is aware of my presence as his brother leads him inside waving at me with a signal to get the plan going I race down the staircase to get things rolling.
He smirks with love his left hand crosses it’s fingers cementing his own implosion at the hand of his brother the two stand by the couch when Brandon wraps his hand on his neck.
The super muscular hand slicks into his way tight pants pocket digging in to find the prep needle he yanks off the cap pressing it up in the air and the spurts flew in to the air it is all ready.
He raises it up injecting him with it harshly upon impact the syringe goes in deep sinks very quickly the liquid formula soaks in very deep transforming him from the inside he is re-written.
Clark’s eyes roll back face palming in to the ground automatically he starts to fall in to a state of shock he begins to shake frantically speeding in to the wall he is knocked out cold yet again.
Brandon laughs so hard at his brothers own undoing I join them in the room taking his sly hand in mine with his arms wrapping on to me Brandon kisses me slowly our tongues push past each other.
I snap my finger in the air signaling a heavy change with eerie sea air washing over the room cooling everything follow by the dark window shades blocking the sun causing the room to spin.
The furniture start spring backwards freeing the space entirely for all of us to wonder about, the floor pulls apart beneath us an elevator shaft booms on under us descending through a cave below the base the house.
“Brandon carry him to the medical slab in the middle of the room and don’t ask any questions.”
“Yes Master Lawrence! “
“Sir Yes Sir”
“He is set up”
“Excellent! Perfect boi”
“Kneel in front of me”
“Waist on my hips”
“Grip me tight”
“Inhale my scent “
“Yes Master”
“Now sleep”
“On to bigger and better things”
“Electrodes, strap and machine check, and check and check.”
“Initiate the transfer “
“Beginning in five…four…three…two…one”
The end
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efadefoks · 7 months
Okay thank you for your warm welcome of my random rambling so here's another one.
Well I generally believe that the plot of beyond evil is absolutely universal and you can apply it to almost anywhere. like you can clearly imagine the story in Japan (yeah we waiting for that one) you can see it in America, in France, in Germany, in Ukraine. everywhere. yes everywhere you can find a small town with some chilling stories of women disappearance and usually because of some stupid rules or general neglect these cases are getting cold and colder with every passing day. and you can find this poor people bound to this town because of the stories, because they cannot leave or they don't want to leave. And of course it's not a secret that the power among police ranks, among social authorities and within corporations is quite universal as well. so yeah this story the story can happen anywhere.
But the characters, oh the characters and their relationships, especially jwds. this relationship is not universal in terms of making stories about them. What I mean is that I hardly can imagine these two characters in some completely romantic AU, or in some coffee shop AU. Like the biggest part of their personalities is based on the enormous amount of trauma and sadness and sorrow. for 20 years these people just suffered. LDS lost his sister, he lost his father, basically lost his mother, his partner, his father figure, his daughter figure, almost brother who literally stabbed him in the back by being a ruthless killer. One of my favourite quotes from the episode (which keeps me awake at night) is jay ie's words: "at one point there was so much sadness in your life that you couldn't held it anymore and you start acting crazy". And this is beautiful and poetic and such an essential part of the characters background and storyline you just cannot imagine such drama in a coffee shop AU. with hjw there is the gigantic amount of guilt inside of him. this is his moving force, this is why he started all of that. the guilt and desire to be the justice personified. You can't imagine something like that in a simple comfortable fluffy stories. like they are traumatized, they are f***** up beyond all recognition and that's why they're beautiful and interesting and so so fun to dissect and analyze all of their actions and reactions. But if we put in them in a coffee shop, what's HJW is going to be guilty about? not making a coffee order right? steaming the milk foam for Cappuccino wrong? (He won't even work there or drink some coffee from a coffeshop)
The boys are the products of the storyline. The story can move without these guys: missing girls, crazy bastards that kill people, and power abuse can still be there. But this two guys cannot exist without this story.
But in no way consider this as "don't write coffeshop AU about jwds cause some rando said that on the website tmblr dot com".
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fairycosmos · 2 years
Opinion: It's so much harder to grow up as an overweight child than as a weird skinny child (both are pretty bad though to be fair). My sister and I grew up in a very broken home; bastard of a dad, crazy but fun mom lol. Lotsa personal things happened that led way to my sister and I to having different eating disorders. Her with bed and I with ana. And I will never ever forget the way adults and children alike acted towards her. It was animalistic and venomous and I've never seen such depravedness until I saw how people interacted with my sister. But you know what, I was fucking babied for being underweight! The worst of it was being frequently being pulled aside by teachers as they questioned about what I ate at home and getting called a bag of bones. I was mainly picked on for being quiet and being poor but boys and girls would defend me for being underweight. So I never felt that it was my thinness making me unlovable and ugly. No one would protect my sister but me and a few other girls. She would come home everyday from being bullied at school to being bullied by neighborhood "friends". Not even 10 years old and she couldn't take a break from anything. Yet she remained a tight suitcase, never let anyone see her cry about it, she turned to food for comfort. Food for us was how we were showed love. Our mom would take us out of the house away from our dad to get MickeyD's or when our dad didn't want to verbally apologize he would get us ice cream. I would refuse to eat but seeing my sister finally be able to breathe and enjoy herself could bring tears to my eyes. My sister and I are both grown now, and she has lost weight and you know what, she's one of the prettiest women I've ever seen. It's funny how that works as her bullies aren't so attractive as adults lmao.
uaghhh, as someone who grew up as a fat kid i'm surprised at your like, level of understanding and self-reflection and genuine honesty regarding your experience vs your sisters. i don't like kind of measuring ppl's pain as x is worse than y but fatphobia really is built into society in a truly structural way and it hurts so fucking much growing up with it like a shadow over you and everything you do lmfao, i swear. my heart just absolutely aches for both you and your sister because you obviously each went through some absolute bullshit, like it's awful on either side. though it just fucks me up so much and takes me back to childhood to hear that ppl would really have it out for your sister and that hardly anyone would defend her whereas you were at least supported in that regard. it was the same for me, like ppl absolutely took pleasure in dehumanising me and scorning me for being overweight - it was literally like i wasn't even a person and i know that sounds dramatic but in the most literal sense of the phrase, it really felt like that at times. just white hot shame following you everywhere, and your peers despising you for it. i think it's interesting how using food as a crutch when raising a kid can have such polar opposite yet equally unhealthy and awful effects on a childs mentality and their perception of body image, but it is so so common for us as people to find comfort and companionship and even a vice in food/hunger. that is definitely used against us in general, esp in the furthering of diet culture, it's a fucking hellscape. i'm wishing nothing but health and stability and self love for both you and your sister in the future - those people who messed with her are fucking demons, idc LOL. i'm so proud of you for working your way through that. sending so much love to you both! x
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moles-and-freckles · 6 months
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Marco Bodt's Past and Family Headcanons!
Hi guys, my first post, just my headcanons for my boy's past and family! Maybe a WIP, trust me it is long (2k plus words) but I think I got the gist of it. Some small details, I decided that all their names start with a M but they have very dumb silly nicknames just like my family does. I come from like a very big family of 7 so I put my own personal experiences and quirks here. I tried to give them all their own unique personalities especially his parents to explain how he is the way he is. And I kinda fell in love with them, they are just so wholesome! I used a lot of Pinterest fanarts and headcannons for reference I will credit them when I have the time!
Parents & Background
I'd like to imagine Jinae was a warm place snuggled up in the southern countryside very far off from camp, taking days to visit. wheat, hay, and fields everywhere that Marco and his siblings often got lost in. Life there was pretty simple and everybody was tight-knit country folk who worked on the big farms the lords owned. There was not that much to do there, just as plain as the plains that surrounded them. 
Hid parents met on the farm they worked and lived at ever since they were young, she was the one to mostly make the move, and ever since then, they had been in love despite their off personalities. Everybody was shocked that the shy meek loner got the giddy talkative gf haha. 
His father, Manuel, works in the fields. The well-off landowners he has worked for ever since he was a young lad were generous enough to let him and his family settle on a small meager humble patch on the outskirts of their big farmland, and he gets most of the leftover wheat with permission to build and support his wife with their little run of the mill bakery which was their abode.
Manuel is like an old workhorse, tired and stern,  with rough scarred hands, but gets the job done. Marco definitely has his chubby long face and eyes but Manuel has this more tired-lidded look to it.  He was born with a delicate condition that affected his work and health a lot but he also was still diligent when it came to providing for his family even when it cost him at times. 
He's a gentle thoughtful stern man who is quiet and only speaks a few yet wise words, but that never stopped him from being a bad father, he was rather sweet and mellow, and he was always good at reading people and his children and wife’s needs. Probably that guy who always says “yes honey” to his always-correct wife. 
Now we go onto Miriam. Marco got her freckles and his red nose from her definitely thank her for that! She’s extraverted and Giddy, but She has a kind gentle mellow soul who you definitely at first glance would say is a mother. She liked to fill her kids' stories up with dreams, fairy tales, and lullabies and fill up their bellies with delicious food. Shes the main manager of their whole bakery along with a housewife, but things had been hectic given the family's size so she thought the kids were thought to help as well.
So in the end, I'd like to think Marco got his dreaminess and positiveness from his extroverted mother. while he has his father's thoughtful, observant, and understanding nature and why he cares a lot about duty! Combine both and you get this sunshine right here!
Marco grew up the oldest of 6 kids, 3 daughters and 3 sons.  It was a rowdy bunch and sometimes times were rough due to the money, but he loved it there and his big family, he’d often tell the stories to Erna, and it always made 
 I don't know who started the headcanon I've been seeing since 2013 that Marco is a big brother, but its absolute canon now to me it makes perfect sense given his personality, always being the giver rather than the receiver…
The Twins, Matteo “Teo” and Mattea “Tea (pronounced Te-yah)”  would be born, when Marco was about 4. 
Teo is a cheeky little bastard, blunt with his words, and often got into trouble with others and older folks which Marco often had to be in his side to restrain or put him in his place. Marco kinda sees Matteo in Jean a lot,  Snarky and smug but honest and loyal deep down. Probably why he was adamant about being on good terms with Jean even if the boy seemed like a jerk to Marco at first.  
While Tea is the opposite of Teo, she’s more like her father, tired and gentle, she’s very well-read, preppy for a country bumpkin,  and observant but she prefers to keep her mouth shut, but when she doesn’t, it's always something wise or snarky. She would rather die than admit she is as full of herself as Teo haha.  She had to keep up with the likes of Matteo ever since she was born so she’s mostly done with everybody’s bs. 
The twins' dynamic sorta reminds him of Jean and Erna’s a lot due to them always bickering and bantering wittily,  so it brings  a chuckle out of him sometimes, they were like their family to him when his were so far away from home
Micaela “Mica” and Monica “Nica”, aren't twins but they are close to age enough to be mistaken and they are all kind of called that in their family. 
Mica is a tomboy and has a thirst for fun and adventure, she's very carefree friendly, and ditzy, unlike Matteo who's sly and snarky. She butts heads with Tea a lot for being an improper lady.  The closest to her the most is her little sister Nica and Marco, they're one of the few people who can keep up with her hype.   She’s very dreamy and curious and loves to play with others and Marco. Normally the rest would type her off as that weird hyperactive kid. 
On the other hand, I'd imagine Nica would be a shy meek yet equally dreamy girl. She always looked up to her elder siblings, especially Marco, they both loved to play and imagine, and he was the one she wanted to do with the most. She's a bit mellow and very quiet and tired due to not being born with the best genes like Marco did, barely even saying a few words across a day. So, Marco was very protective of her growing up. 
He was like that to all of his sisters. Braiding their hair, making sure they were safe. He was taught to respect wamen from the very get-go from his mother and he was a big mama’s boy so it was second nature to him to be a gentleman. 
Lastly,  Manuel, or “Manny” is the baby of the family,  who is named after their father. He and Marco have a 12-13 year age gap, Marco enlisted a few months after he was born, so they didnt spend that much time together, something Marco regrets. Manny doesn't remember a lot about Marco other than the stories his mother gave, and the short visits he had on holidays. 
But Marco seemed otherwise, cherishing every detail of him. A core memory for the two brothers, Marco and Teo is when they were begging that their mother's baby would be a boy when they huddled around her belly because it was unfair for another girl in the girl’s team, they didnt want to be outnumbered haha and they coincidentally got their gift lol. 
Manny is studious just like Marco albeit a bit more timid than his older bubbly brother. It brings an ache yet fondness to Miriam’s heart how similar he is to her first boy,  it was like a little gift fate gave her to him to soothe her heart when he went away for camp…then forever.   
After that, He never had that many father figures to look for in life. Marco went to the military right after he was out of his mom’s stomach. Then His father died from a broken heart after what happened to Marco when he was just aged 5,  and his older brother Matt was just too immature for that role so he had a lot of unanswered questions in his life and was the source of his problems and insecurities. 
Marco was born just a year after their marriage. Miriam loved children but due to his troubled birth she decided to focus more on Marco for the years to come and that explains the age gap compared to the rest of his siblings. Matteo and Mattea are born 4  years later while the rest of the Bott siblings' ages are 1-2 years apart away from each other at most. 
He was born rather sickly like his father, he had a frailer body than most, and fevers often caught him as a a baby. So he knew from the very get-go what it felt like to be weak. Due to that,  he was babied a lot by Miriam he turned into a chubby kid from her smothering.  
His mother tried to protect him from anything bad in the world after that. His sheltered-ness was always a reason for him to prove himself in front of everybody and be of help instead of being a burden. Always trying to do chores like milking the goats and cows, cleaning, and helping raise his siblings!
 He was the first born so he knew he had a lot of responsibilities on his shoulders to keep up with that he often felt like caught up to him. Even if his parents were not that strict and loved him unconditionally,  He always felt that pressure to be that golden child to pay back. He often tried to help his father with farmwork but that was rare given Miriam’s pestering, so most of the time he’d help his mom keep his wild siblings in check and lead them. 
So to summarize, Marco always had experience being the family therapist and peacemaker, being a big brother and the eldest son made him want to put others' needs before his and his and take his responsibilities seriously. And sometimes he shoulders too much that it costs him…
His social standing as a child was he was shyer and meek than he was in his trainee years but he loves  people, to spend time, help, and listen to them like his mom did, he was just really awkward due to not being treated the best by the other kids and teenager stuff  
He had trouble making friends his age, he was too much of a goody-two-shoes haha he would definitely be that kid to snitch on other kids' secret cursing clubs. And, he didnt have a single friend his age outside of his family up until his trainee years.
His health issues prevented him from playing with other children outside their family. Plus, They often picked on him for his pudgy weight and silly imagination and dreams, and that kinda of stuck with him a lot and was the source of his many insecurities under his dimpled smile.  
But He was a sweet boy so the grandma and other moms loved him for being the boy next door who always helped. Their Bakery was small and the only one in their town, so Marco knew almost everybody there.   
I kinda wanted to have a cute reason as to why he wanted to be a MP… 
As a child he was always interested in stories and playing as a dutiful knight protecting the king or some princess, he loved to play those stories with his siblings especially. And that made him set his sights on wanting to join the MP’s to serve the true king instead of make-believe.  
Even if it wasn't specific, he always wanted To dedicate himself to a bigger purpose. To be responsible,  maintain peace and order, all that jazz. He knew he wasn't that special or outstanding in life on his own, but if he could serve someone or be some helpful cog in the machine, make someone happy like he does with his family - that was enough.
Authors Note, I decided he had a pretty normal childhood because the whole abusive family with dead people then someone turns out to be perfectly fine is done to oblivion even if it is inspiring, and I’ve seen this done so many times with people’s headcanons for Marco. I don't want to traumatize him…yet.  I like the idea of Marco being a preety normal boy,  and most of his isues like his naivety and sometimes insecurity still stem from him being sheltered and bullied as a weird naive kid. 
Marco’s Enlistment
His dreams would always stay even when he was reaching to be a young man.  He felt there was honor in making bread and feeding people by making them happy. But he felt like he was made for more than that and to do great things for the world.  
The fall of Wall Maria hit hard on everybody, nobody was doing well and drought hit badly in the following 2 years crops from overfarming for the refugee’s rations. The Bodt’s had to keep selling most of their livestock, some of the chickens to make eggs, some cows and goats they had to make milk, and their old horse. To make things worse, Manuel got sick often due to overworking making Marco to be the one to plow the fields at most times but even his weak body wasn't enough. 
The Bodt’s could barely feed their already big family after that and they had to go to desperate measures so Marco thought of something. As soon as the year’s training batch was over and there was an opening, he went to enlist secretly. Everybody was doing it and most of the boys who messed with him went there as well to make a name for themselves. 
He felt lonely and selfish for the decision but If it meant having one less mouth to feed for his loved ones it was worth it. Plus, he wanted to make the dreams he had since he was a child a reality. 
His mother was disappointed in him for his decision a week before he would go, and she pestered him a lot for it, and begged him to stay. Most of his family and siblings didnt want him to go as well. Nobody said it especially, his family His parents and siblings but they all thought he was naive at best, and most of the ther townfolk given that he was weakling making a fool of himself and he would quit months later. 
His mother was usually optimistic and believed in him, but given the diire situation they were in, she felt out of hope and just wanted to let whats left of her family to stick by. Even if they were poor, things could only work would get through together she thought. 
And he was still her little boy all this time, she was protective that he wouldnt come back the same and be hurt in such a big cruel  world compared to their warm little town. 
But Marco with a heavy heart, disobeyed her for the first time in his life. He promised to visit and write to the family as much as possible. The next few days were somber and Miriam couldnt help but stop crying silently, the siblings were less chatty and rowdy, they tried to keep things normal without addressing the elephant in the room but Marco tried to comfort them. 
The day then, He said his farewell to his father, and all his siblings huddled up near him as he was about to go out.  Just before he would go out of their fence, his mother told him something, “Not everybody will want what you give to this world like we do,  my sun…When you find someone who loves you as much as we do, keep them and don’t let go” She reminded him, not wanting him to be alone. Marco smiled and hugged her tight, getting teary-eyed but promising he would and he’d come back safe…
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mortuarywriting · 7 months
📚 🧚‍♀️ Just one or both if you'd like 👉👈
I can do both!! These were super neat to think on!! the second one is absolutely why this gets a read more. I went off the shits. So sorry about that.
📚 how do you come up with the fics you write
Hmmm sometimes it's seeing the right prompt, sometimes its seeing ideas being tossed around and thinking on it, sometimes its taking the canon and seeing how a seemingly small but significant shift would impact it and how that would domino effect! I love playing with worldbuilding sandboxes so much that sometimes the fics themselves fall to the wayside ">>
🧚‍♀️ favorite characters of all time
OUGH this is such a hard one!! How do you choose a favorite child!! I'll scoop from the top and be read for filth for it I think but. Worth it i think. Anyway you get them alphabetically
Auron - Final Fantasy X
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This is it. This is your story. It all begins here.
I. boy I am really not immune to Dark Knights in the FF franchise the more I think about it but! Auron has always been such a good character and I associate him so much with a song I LOVE... Auron is just one of my favorite companions, I love the insight he brings and how he was a Guardian for Yuna's Father as well as her. He's also one of Two Nickels I realize I'd have for Dark Knights in Final Fantasy Game who [REDACTED].
Death - Darksiders 2
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All who live know my name, all who oppose me shall know Death.
Caaan't find a decent pic of him and I don't really wanna go and redownload the whole game for screenshot purposes yet. Aywho-
Darksiders 2 is all about Death, the oldest of the Nephilim/Horsemen of the Apocalypse proving the innocence of his brother War (seen lower in the list) for the crime of allegedly starting the Apocalypse early. Between this game and the Abomination Vault book preceding any of the games I really appreciate these two, Death being a ridiculously smart but also an apathetic asshole who only cares for a small handful, plays things close to his chest... He's a neat character and I appreciate just how far ahead he seems to plan and the lengths he'll go to make sure it all goes as he wants it to. Metal as hell.
Because War has his I also have to show Death's horse so this is Despair
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And this is his Reaper Form
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Fray Myste - Final Fantasy XIV
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Bastard of the Brume, Fray was taken in by Ser Ompagne and became trained in becoming a Dark Knight with Sidurgu. By the time we meet them Ompagne is long dead, and Fray has just been defeated in a duel.
We find Fray, pick up the Dark Knight Soul crystal from where it had fallen beside him, and he becomes your mentor upon your waking up. You touched something that would hurt yourself and others along the way and BOY HOWDY does he have excellent threats of violence. Will follow you around on your job quests and heal you while you're being a dumb tank. He writes your quest journal entries and is such a sassy bloodthirsty shit
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Fray is the other of the Two Nickels I realize I'd have for Dark Knights in Final Fantasy Game who [REDACTED].
Jarlaxle Baenre - Forgotten Realms
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I am Jarlaxle. I have been everywhere.
Lets start with Jarlaxle was born the third son of the Highest House in Menzoberranzan- a city where the houses are constantly trying to kill the house ahead of them for status and do so to not get caught, their goddess Lolth favoring those who get away with no evidence to damn themselves. To that end there's a firm rule enforced by Lolth- every third son is to be sacrificed to her- two male children are expendable and acceptable but any further are sacrificed after birth.
Jarlaxle's mother, ruler of the highest house and having kept that seat for Ages, went to acquiesce with that upon Jarlaxle's birth.
Lolth told her no. Jarlaxle was to live, he was too interesting.
He has since made this an everyone else problem. Man has connections in the underdark and surface, everything he wears is in some form enchanted, he's proficient with just about everything, and he is so fascinated with various things and just wants to see what happens next and how it can help him get ahead. I love him. I wanna study him under a microscope. Every character that's been in a campaign he's turned up in has vibe checked him and decided they want out of the room right now immediately. Most notably my dude who was sometimes part moose said "I'd like to leave, actually"
Urick - Drakengard 2
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A masked man who lives a life haunted by the curse of death. Three years ago, after a tragic incident, he made a pact with the Reaper, although the price he paid for this pact is unknown. At first glance he appears to be a carefree, lively character who could never bear a grudge. However, on rare occasions, his jovial facade can't quite conceal the truth...
To preface the significance of this-
A Pact, also known as a Contract (契約 Keiyaku?) in the Japanese version, is a contract system in the world of Drakengard between a human (or other humanoid race) and a beast. By merging their souls together, the human gains supernatural powers, and both participants gain a second chance in life should either or both be close to death. The human must pay some price for the pact, and if one should be fatally injured, it means death for both unless the pact is broken. Beings who have formed a pact with each other are referred to as "pact-partners".
Urik's pact is his mortality. Straight up he does not have a heart in his chest anymore. He's just a generally chill guy and while I haven't gone through Drakengard 2 in years (thanks playstation for 0 drakengard or drakengard 2 rep) I remember him fondly. I forgot how much I loved him and that his wiki trivia describes him as "Urick is good at playing dead." The game quote they chose for him is "Just because you can't make any friends, doesn't mean you should take it out on the rest of us" which is what he says as he's about to save your character's life.
plus lookit this smile
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War - Darksiders
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You can look me in the eye when I kill you.
Darksiders is a game about oops, the apocalypse started on earth! Heaven and Hell start duking it out in the streets and humanity suffers for it. Humans die out, earth is in ruins, and all of it is conveniently laid at the feet of War - youngest of the Four Horsemen who has gotten in trouble for fighting with humanity before (please see left arm being fuckoff huge gauntlet. That's a prosthetic. Death cut his arm off for that bullshit in the comics).
Now, War is a man of his word and high code of honor- he said he'd leave humans be and he did. He's been framed and the Council- those in charge of keeping the balance and the bosses of the Horsemen- gives him a shot to prove his innocence and find the actual culprits with a Watcher keeping tabs and reporting back.
This is his horse, Ruin
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This is his Chaos Form
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War is voiced by Liam O'Brian and the Watcher is voiced by Mark Hamill. so that's fun. Samael in game could also get it but that does not a fav make.
Also fun lore fact: all the horsemen's horses are the same species. The horse just reflects the rider once they've bonded. Fun magic shit.
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finitefall · 2 years
That's bad writing. They're telling us for twenty years there's been animosity building enhanced by Aemond losing his eye, and then we see Vaemond Velaryon lose his head because he tried to claim Driftmark and called Rhaenyra's sons bastards, but they want us to believe that Alicent's reaction to this is “ooh let me hold hands with Rhaenyra and toast to her” and not further increase her fear ? And the fact that she exhorted Aegon that Rhaenyra will cut off anyone who challenges her inheritance to the throne and told him that his existence as a male heir is a challenge to Rhaenyra, that the entire realm knows in their bones that one day he will be king, but she's apparently done nothing to secure the crown for her son. The Green Council should've been Alicent talking about her fear for her children and grandchildren, how Aegon's and Aemond's existence as the king's trueborn sons is a threat to Rhaenyra, how Daemon is Rhaenyra's consort and considered too dangerous to be near the throne (a “second Maegor” as Otto put it), how Rhaenyra may fear her sons claim to the throne being challenged (as Luke's claim to Driftmark had already been challenged by Vaemond), as Rhaenyra does have a clear motive to want her siblings gone. These reasons are understandable and valid. Not YOU CAN'T KILL RHAENYRAAA ! (But I get it, they needed some cheap queerbait).
And seriously, are we supposed to believe Alicent suddenly cares about Rhaenyra ?? Since when ? This is the same Alicent that made her walk to her chambers immediately after giving birth spilling blood everywhere with placenta still hanging just so she could see the color of Joffrey’s hair. She did everything to undermine the authority of Rhaenyra, and her decision to spread damaging rumors about the legitimacy of her sons is very clearly a calculated political act of destruction that would result in exile or death for the children as well as Rhaenyra. To Alicent, Rhaenyra should be living in shame and feel shameful of her own children.
We're supposed to believe Alicent's reactions because of the whole tragic Rhaenicent love story they've been (and are still) trying to make us believe in. Mind you, nonnie, it does work with many who absolutely love Rhaenicent and are dead serious when they say they're in love.
The Green council after Viserys' death showed how much book!Alicent is important. She's the first one being told, and she's very clear about what she wants and what she thinks of Rhaenyra and her children. It's literally her big moment:
"King", insisted Queen Alicent. "The Iron Throne by rights must pass to His Grace's eldest trueborn son."
"Nor will they spare my children," she declared. "Aegon and his brothers are the king's trueborn sons, with a better claim to the throne than her brood of bastards. Daemon will find some pretext to put them all to death. Even Helaena and her little ones. One of these Strongs put out Aemond's eye, never forget. He was a boy, aye, but the boy is the father to the man, and bastards are monstruous by nature."
This is Alicent, a Queen who's been plotting with her father and supporters to put her son Aegon on the throne as soon as Viserys would die. A coherent, well-written character, not show!Alicent who's an incoherent mess.
About Alicent making Rhaenyra walk all the way to see her just after having given birth to Joff, you have Green stans saying she did no such thing since she only asked to see the baby. I'm sorry, Alicent was caring about Rhaenyra because she wanted her to just give her newborn son to anyone so someone else could show him to Alicent while Rhaenyra was resting? Yeah, that's totally what any mother would do, and I'm sure Green stans would have had so much more respect for Rhaenyra if she had done this...
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So I rewatched TMNT 2012 cause my brain is fully committed to being obsessed with TMNT and here are my thoughts:
Thankfully it has knocked me out of my month-long writer's block but before I start writing headcanons again (for either series) I want to put my hot takes out there 
I don’t hate April 
Do I love her? Absolutely not
She’s annoying and impulsive and arrogant and selfish and she can be incredibly one-dimensional at times 
But so is the rest of the group
She’s not my favorite character but she’s not my least favorite either 
She’s just a teenage girl written by old men so it’s not surprising that a lot of people find her unrealistic 
I fucking hate Casey Jones/j 
I want to strangle him but I also want to hug him 
I want to punch him and sew little pockets into my clothes so I can take him with me everywhere 
He’s so stupid and my favorite character 
I like Donnie but I skip most scenes with him and April 
I chose to ignore the stalker plot-line 
In my mind, it’s nonexistent and adds nothing to the story 
I treat the whole Karai/Leo thing with the same energy 
Because why the fuck did the writers think that was a good idea 
Every single relationship was poorly written 
April is an aro/ace queen and I will accept no arguments 
They should have kept Karai and Leo’s relationship purely platonic 
I would have loved to see her become sort of a mentor to Leo but all we got was a disgusting love story that went nowhere and added nothing to the plot 
I think we should swap out every “my love interest is actually my sibling?!” plotline with a “my rival/enemy/mentor is actually my sibling?! Fuck yeah!” plotline 
Shini and Karai had the most chemistry and I wouldn’t be surprised if they were secretly dating 
I lowkey ship Casey with everyone except the girls 
But I mainly ship him with Donnie… Don't judge me I love enemies to lovers 
Leo is a trans woman, Donnie is nonbinary and uses he/they pronouns, and Mikey and Raph are gender-fluid (no I will not elaborate)
I’m fully convinced that every single person who claimed Raph Donnie and Leo were terrible brothers are only a children 
If I see one more person edit depicting Mikey as this helpless victim while the others are these evil abusers I will rip my hair out 
Are there moments when Leo/Donnie/Raph hit Mikey when it is unnecessary? Yes
Are there moments when they ignore him when he brings up a good point? Totally
Could I make a 30-minute compilation of the boys insulting Mikey’s intelligence? Absolutely 
But I can’t bring up all of that without mentioning the hundreds of times when Mikey is being an asshole
He’ll make fun of Donnie or tease Leo or mess with Raph 
Because that’s what siblings do!! (especially younger siblings)
They shove and they tussle and they poke fun
Some of my siblings show affection in a very similar way to Raph (they’re not great with words but they show their love with their actions) so when I see people write shit like “Raph is a terrible brother” it frustrates me to tears 
I have this memory that I will always cherish of my older step brothers and sister dragging me into a wresting match that ended with me at the bottom of a dog pile 
And I almost cried not because I was in pain but because it was something I had watched them do when I was younger and never participated in because it felt like a “sibling thing”
And they knew this and I knew they were telling me in their own way that no matter what anyone says I’m their little sibling 
Splinter is a fantastic master but a terrible father (no I will not take criticism on this take) 
I wanted to turn off my laptop every time Shredder came back 
Like don’t get me wrong I love a recurring villain as much as the next enby 
But he’s so one-dimensional that I tuned him out after season 3 
Now I will be rating all the seasons 
Season 1: 8/10 
In my personal opinion, it’s good 
Not outstanding but it’s a good foundation 
Season 2: 9/10 
I loved this season 
I honestly loved the whole conflict between April and the boys 
And it introduced my baby/rat bastard 
Season 3: ♾️/10 
My favorite season out of all of them 
I wish they stayed at the farmhouse 
Everyone seemed happier there 
‘Race with the Demon’ is my favorite episode 
‘In dreams’ is my second favorite 
Season 4: 7/10 
I fell in love with fugitoid 
Also, this might seems stupid but half of my enjoyment of this season could be credited to the voice actors 
And I also recognized a lot of them so it turned into a fun little game of where’s waldo 
I would be listening to an episode and go “doctor who?” “Godbrand??” “Andrias?!” “CASSANDRA JONES!!” 
I loved the fact that Karai and Shini were trying to build their own foot clan and make it honorable and I wish they talked about it more
I like Apri’s corruption arc but I feel like they completely swept Donnie’s death under the rug
Like they immediately forgave April even though they watched as she pulled Donnie apart molecule by molecule 
Season 5: 0/10 
Throw this dumpster fire away 
God I hated this season 
It felt so random
There was no rhyme or reason 
It just feels like they shoved half bakes ideas into a season and expected us to like it 
It made my viewing experience incredibly bittersweet
Cause I just watched season after season of amazing episodes to end it with this charcuterie board of half-baked ideas
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