things that people who are stop recommending to CFS/ME/SEID/long COVID with PEM and CF (called "PEM w/ CF" henceforth) patients immediately:
Exercise. This includes yoga, pilates, aquatherapy, and other "gentle" exercises. If it works against gravity or another resistance, it's not good for treating PEM w/ CF. The deconditioning theory was debunked years ago, so don't bring that shit here.
B-12. It's important to get tested for a B-12 deficiency as the symptoms can be similar to PEM w/ CF, but once it's ruled out added B-12 can have side effects. The main and most studied one is insomnia, but anecdotal reports (including my own) also often mention racing heart rate and jitters. Since these side effects use up energy, it's better for people with PEM w/ CF to err on the side of caution and avoid excess B-12 intake. Also it's pretty much the first thing anyone suggests so unless someone is newly ill they've likely already tried it and are sick of hearing about it.
Caffeine and other stimulants. While these can make you feel energized temporarily, it doesn't actually increase the amount of energy in your body. Assuming we're running on the theory of PEM w/ CF being a deficiency of ATP caused by mitochondrial issues, fatigue isn't a state of mind. It's our bodies telling us we're running out of fuel to keep them going. Also many of us have a co-morbid tachycardia condition and a flair up of that condition can cause a flair up of fatigue.
Medication and other treatments designed for mental illnesses. While having a chronic illness can cause mental illness, especially if you live in an ableist country with failed disability aid services, mental illness does not cause PEM w/ CF. Treatment for mental illness won't actually treat the symptoms of PEM w/ CF.
Alternative medicine. Many alternative medicine treatments are actively dangerous and the idea that there's "no harm in trying" because "it's natural anyway" is false. Stop recommending ozone therapy (potentially deadly and not useful in concentrations not strong enough to kill you), stop recommended chiropractors (can result in a stroke), stop recommending essential oils (no approved medical use beyond basic relaxation and concentrated nature can make them dangerous), you get the picture. Alternative medicine preys on desperate suffering people to sell them ineffective, potentially dangerous "treatments", don't do their advertising for them.
PEM w/ CF patients feel free to add on treatments that are commonly recommended but unscientific/uneffective, others be respectful and don't derail.
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disasterhimbo · 4 months
Does fibromyalgia/ME/CFS/EDS count as a physical disability? Sometimes I do physically struggle to do normal tasks but not all the time and I don’t use a wheelchair or anything so I don’t know if I’m considered able-bodied or not and it’s confusing lol
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a-gil-rebel · 8 months
Im officially working on my original work, and I just realized I've been sanitizing it by accident by forgetting some fucked up lore. No context,
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cfdfitness · 2 years
“Okay, but what are you actually doing for fitness?”
As a disabled person who is not a fitness instructor, it’s hard for me to actually blog about tips on exercising - a lot of it just isn’t designed for me. Another thing is that unless the person describing the routine to me has also dealt with CFS, I need to take their advice with a grain of salt and also wildly dial down the intensity - intense workouts are not safe for people with CFS/ME/SEID, and this means for people with Long COVID or Long Lyme or anything like that too. Exertion of that kind can cause crashes that last several days, weeks, or months at worst. If you have any form of chronic illness, I heavily recommend that you take whatever workout you’re doing and dial down the intensity a lot - only doing a couple of reps at a time, etc. Your workout should feel like it’s too easy. I’m serious.
There is, as far as I can tell, only really one person in the topmost Youtube search results potentially worth listening to in regards to CFS/ME and fitness - a lot of the rest of it seemed like it was overly spiritualistic or based on unclear science. (There were even claims that psychology or retraining your brain could somehow fix CFS... Youtube, do better! It’s a physical post-viral condition!!!)
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Raelan Agle is self-described as someone who has recovered from CFS and is the primary person I could find making any videos in regards to exercise with CFS/ME/SEID. She also just talks about CFS and her personal journey with recovering from/minimizing symptoms from it in general. I’m personally going to be looking into her videos more in the future and seeing what I can take from them for my own life. However, a word of caution - she seems to have bought into things like juice cleansing/clean eating, and while if that helps her, that’s wonderful, I worry about the safety of recommending practices like that to others. That type of “wellness” industry thing contributes to a lot of bad, like eating disorders and even cults. So be careful.
I’m a wheelchair user, so wheelchair exercise or seated exercise (I do have control of my legs, I can technically ambulate on my tip toes) is critical to me. Luckily that’s not too hard to find. Much easier than good tangible advice for people with postviral illness, anyway. A little bit of searching on Youtube before I started this blog, and I found Paul Eugene’s channel.
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He does a number of videos designed for seated exercise, low impact exercise, and other forms of exercise for older or disabled people in a variety of settings for a variety of purposes. He’s not a wheelchair user himself, and he does advertise some of the exercise as ‘fat burning’, but the commitment to accessible workout information is appreciated and very helpful. Some of the videos are set to gospel music but most aren’t.
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Another channel is Adapt To Perform, which is actually run by a wheelchair user! He does a number of live streams, reels, and other things like that. Not really my preferred format, but it seems incredibly helpful to anyone in a wheelchair. In any case, if you have a disability, an injury, or a postviral illness like I do, be sure to be very careful and know your own limits before attempting any kind of workout or exercise!
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herjann · 2 years
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July 15th, 7pm... gig at Gefle Metal Festival!
See you there!
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dutchplayboyfans · 2 years
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@miteva916 By @seidphotography 📸 . . @lingerie_club_vip . . #photoshoot#rotterdam#netherlands#seid#photography#lingerie#modeling#lingerielover#sexy#brunette#bulgarian#girl https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgvmf7uKcfD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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don-lichterman · 2 years
DENNIS SEID: Small businesses need us more than ever - Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal
DENNIS SEID: Small businesses need us more than ever – Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal
DENNIS SEID: Small businesses need us more than ever  Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal Source link
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View On WordPress
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aintgonnatellyouwhy · 10 months
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David Laid & Jeff Seid
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cgo12345 · 5 months
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Worship him, feed his narcissist lust
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modelsof-color · 1 year
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Mika Santos and Seid Mahamat by William Arcand for Vogue Hong Kong June 2022
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galli-halli · 4 months
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Um Sarah Connor zu zitieren: Ich atme (nicht mehr).
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a-gil-rebel · 1 month
Work on my original work
Or post the first chapter of a long crossover
Actually give my main character a personality so I know what drives their story
Oorrrr find out out people get beta readers cus I keep skipping chapters on the crossover and don't know how to fill the gaps
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cfdfitness · 2 years
Chronic fatigue, poor circulation, and lymph massage
Something that my mom, who's in treatment for long Lyme, taught me about is the potential helpful effect of lymph node massage on chronic fatigue disorders. Personally, it's something I now do every time I shower (and I shower cold/lukewarm - I heavily reccomend it for anyone with CFS, the hot bath test exists for a reason), or before I plan to start to work out in a day and I notice major differences in my energy levels from it. It's one of those things that turns me away at first because most of the people touting it are people who use the swelling reduction it causes to look more cut/fit or whatever. But that's not what I'm after, and that's okay, because it has a lot more practical application than anything appearance based. A lot of fatigue can come from poor circulation, and fatigue makes us rest more frequently, which causes... poor circulation. Physical manipulation of the lymph nodes and lymph system can help compensate for this quite a bit.
From my own personal experience, those blogs that talk about it with the idea that you need special tools or body oil or whatever else to do it 'properly' are being excessive or trying to sell you something. If you have good strength in your hands and fingers (and I do, I spend a lot of time typing and doing handicrafts) you can just do it by hand. Just look up a chart of where lymph nodes are (hint: above your inner elbows, in your armpits, around the front of your neck, along your belly, around your knees, and in your thighs) and massage, ideally in small circles, semi-firmly in the area. (Don't go too hard, bruising a node makes it worse.) When you're done massaging an area, especially your limbs, use your hand to squeeze the area and semi-firmly sweep up the limb, toward your torso - which is where the central processing glands are, there's one set in your crotch and one set around your collarbones/thyroid. Your goal is to get the lymph nodes to expel/purge some of their fluid and then push it back toward the place where it's processed.
You'll probably need to pee after you're done with this - that's a good sign, since your body expels used/dirty lymph fluid in your urine. Once you've done all of this drink a tall glass of water, your body is going to need to replace the fluid that was just purged. In general, stay hydrated. The lymph system is another reason why exercise is, if done very carefully, very helpful to people with fatigue disorders, as the lymph nodes are more naturally moved around by us exercising. Lymph nodes don't have pumps or anything with which to stimulate them to move fluid other than the muscles surrounding them, so if you don't move around very much due to fatigue or disability, definitely consider trying some self-massage in those areas to get fluid moving. You'll most likely feel better. (Another thing I hinted at earlier: it’s easier in the shower. You can just do it while your skin is soaped up, as a replacement for body oil or anything like that to reduce skin friction and get a deeper massage. You may also need a massage tool if you don’t have a ton of hand/finger strength like I do, but any 5$ massage tool will work, you don’t need anything highly specific.)
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anukkuna · 4 months
Einfach mal allgemeine Props an alle Spat*innen und Spatort-Aficiondos da draußen wie viele gei-ele Edits, Fanart, Gifs, thoughts, FFs und co. es da draußen gibt!
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amaliamusclegifs · 5 months
Jeff Seid
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aintgonnatellyouwhy · 10 months
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David Laid & Jeff Seid
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