#Senior Nail Care Benefits
herespaaa · 8 months
Top-most Advantages of Getting Nail care for Seniors at Home
Senior family members may not require the newest nail polish colors every week, but that doesn't imply that they don’t need or want a manicure or pedicure. Elderly persons often suffer various types of nail problems as they age. Toenails, in particular, are subjected to a great deal of stress because they are frequently linked to a variety of health issues. Consider nail care at home especially if your older family member has difficulty with some personal care duties. Taking care of her nails, in particular, is critical to her entire well-being, self-esteem, and health.
You may contact a trusted service provider who offers nail care for seniors right at home and any other places at the most competitive prices.
Let’s decode how taking nail care services at home can benefit seniors
Necessary Nail Care Services at Home
If your older relative lacks mobility, flexibility, or other difficulties, caring for her nails is really important. Ignoring this personal care chore is not an option. Nail care is more than simply a spa treatment; it can also have health repercussions. Taking proper or specific nail care at home makes it easier for elders to trim their nails or get the required nail care service at ease.
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Avoid Health Risks with Proper Nail Care
Toe and fingernails that are overly long, damaged, or have hangnails may lead to other problems. When it comes to toes, senior persons may find it difficult or painful to wear shoes. Hangnails on feet can easily develop infection and if the elderly person isn't aware, it can be a significant health risk. Too short nails are also problematic because they can leave unprotected sores that are vulnerable to infection. Nail care technicians can come to the homes of elderly persons and offer them necessary nail care services.
Transportation Can Be Easier
As your senior ages, it might not be as easy as it once was for her to go to a salon or spa or elsewhere for personal care services. Manicures and pedicures at home allow her to stay in the comfort of her own home without having to worry about getting transportation. She still receives the necessary nail maintenance and therapy, but without being inconvenienced in any way.
Home Nail Care Improves Overall Well-Being
Knowing that the requirements are being met is extremely beneficial to the senior's self-esteem. But it's also necessary for her to feel well and be taken care of. Having manicures and pedicures done at home allows her to feel pampered and comfortable. This can provide her with peace which is essential for emotional well-being. She is also able to unwind and enjoy the experience.
Personal care duties, such as nail care, are simple to overlook until they become too tough to manage. Having the option of getting nail care for seniors right at home by experienced nail care technicians might be an excellent approach.
Final Words
HereSpa is your one-stop solution for finding all types of nail care services for elders at home. We also offer other beauty care services at home or at any place and any time. We have experienced and compassionate nail care technicians and beauty care specialists. Our prices are affordable and we are dedicated to offering highly satisfactory services to our clients. You can browse our website to discover our list of nail care services.
Visit our website to discover more about our at-home nail care services. Or, call us to book an appointment.
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mrpenguinpants · 2 years
Overdue Bills
— He knows your fake relationship with him was made purely for beneficial reasons. After everything was said and done, you both went your separate ways. So why does he keep coming back to you?
— Alhaitham, Ayato, and Kazuha
-> Part 1: Please go out with me for tax benefits! -> Not connected but can also be read: I refuse to fall in love out of spite [ TBA ] [Masterlist]
Does this feel rushed because it is. I assumed everyone wanted a continuation but I plan on writing another fic using the original prompt but for different characters. The titles have nothing to do with the fics but I really wanted to title this, we've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty.
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There's only so much Kaveh can handle before he hits a breaking point and this might be it. A few months ago he overheard the librarian ask a stranger how their boyfriend Alhaitham was doing, to which he nearly broke his neck in how fast he turned. From the long pause and the plain answer of, "he's fine", which Alhaitham most definitely isn't given how much work the sages are dumping onto their scribe, Kaveh came to the conclusion that you're another creepy admirer or an attention-seeking leech. While Kaveh wouldn't call Alhaitham something as close as a friend, the man at least deserved to know there was another deranged person spreading lies. He assumed Alhaitham would confront you, knock some sense into you, and that would be the end of it. But because Alhaitham operates on a level that's incomprehensible to Kaveh, instead you've both entered into a fake dating relationship that he honestly believes is a horrible idea. But Alhaitham is his roommate, not his friend, and he doesn't have the time or care to facilitate a non-existent love life. But lo and behold the next time he sees you, there's a silver-haired man is hovering nearby looking at you with the closest thing to love his stoic face can make. Things are only weirder when Kaveh brings the sight up to you, saying that you're both taking this fake dating in stride and he's honestly impressed at how Alhaitham really put his all into this performance. Only for you to look at him as if he's grown two heads. You and Alhaitham stopped dating weeks ago.
Alhaitham isn't stupid. There's only so much rationalization he can turn to and so many excuses he can make but at the end of the day, he has to admit that he never works better than he does sitting beside you. At first, he reasoned that it was because people didn't bother him as much and you knew how to be quiet. Perhaps that's why you've skyrocketed in his requirements of friendship despite the fact that you both weren't really friends. But then he couldn't sit alone without getting restless. There’s an empty space beside him that constantly makes itself aware in his subconscious. One that screams at him that he wants you to be there, not just because you can scare people away.
It's a slow realization from there starting with him comparing you and Kaveh. For as much as he and his senior argue back and forth almost every time they meet, Alhaitham considers Kaveh an excellent mirror to him that can push his thoughts to go further. But you're different. That realization turns into contemplation when you actually listen and take his advice. Every scholar is egotistical to some degree, there's a lot of pride to take into your research, and having your weeks of hard work be written off by a blunt statement gets people angry. Alhaitham would be the first to know, he's been on the receiving end of that anger multiple times. Yet when he points out a section in your thesis to be incorrect, you simply tilt your head thinking before agreeing he was right. Crumbling your paper, ready to start all over again without any fuss. Still water versus the wave that Kaveh is. While some would call that boring, he finds it charming.
The nail in the coffin is when he catches himself labeling the chair next to him as yours. He can't justify that one and he's suddenly confronted that he severely underestimated how much he's grown to like you. He originally agreed to the idea to keep his comfortable routine without any interruptions and your introduction would fix his issue of suitors but you've played your part so perfectly that he fell for it. He was tempted to stop talking to you altogether, cutting the deal off entirely and never speaking to you again. But you're not a saint and just as he realized his feelings, your thesis was done and you left abruptly before he had any time to prepare. A glaring empty spot mocking him. Only to come back with your stacks of books and a nervous smile that Alhaitham refuses to acknowledge makes his heart beat just the slightest bit quicker.
He knows you can hear the whispers that you and Alhaitham have gotten back together. Yet you haven't said anything and he politely chooses to not say anything either. The rumors certainly haven't stopped you from acting differently and he doesn't know if that's a good thing. He knows your language is touch but now he wants to be the one near you this time. That way the first person you’ll speak to is him. By now he’s fully aware of his feelings and how far they’ve developed for him to actually start feeling possessive. So the next time you lean against him to show him a particular paragraph of a book, he wraps a hand around your waist, disguising it as him shifting you to the side so he can get a better angle to read. Under his hand, he can feel how tense you become at the casual touch, how your eyes jump from him to the floor, before relaxing and continuing on.
In hindsight, he knows by all rational reasoning he should just confess to you and get it over and done with. But there's something exciting in the way you look at him with calculating eyes that he stares back at unflinching. He thinks of it as payback for you strolling into his carefully planned life and making a mess. He’s simply allowing himself to indulge in it. Now every time you greet him with a wave, he offers a smile. When you want to drag him somewhere by the cape, he slips his hand into yours stating you'll stretch the fabric too much. And when you need to whisper something in his ear? He'll practically be in your lap with how close he leans in even if there's no one else in the room. He knows eventually you'll catch on to what he's trying to do, what he's trying to say. You've been practicing for months sitting beside him. It's finally when he invites you to the pavilion that he can see the realization on your face that Alhaitham clearly doesn't consider you just a friend. The look of bewilderment goes back and forth with suspicion before finally settling into an amused huff with the smallest of smiles.
It's late enough into the day that he knows the only people lingering in the Akademiya are either passed-out students or scholars too wrapped up in their work. All consideration he's taken to make sure you're both uninterrupted for this moment. And what a moment it is. The pavilion itself is beautiful with its blue and green stained glass windows that reflect the evening sun. The yellow flowers swaying gently in the breeze add just enough color to not be irritating. Kaveh might need to retract his statement that Alhaitham doesn't know a thing about romance because it's painfully obvious what's about to happen.
"Any more and people might get the wrong idea you know," you say as you lean against the white wall. The look of confusion is gone from your eyes, replaced with mirth. It does not make him shudder.
"About what? The library is cramped with people and the pavilion is quiet," he says like it's an off-handed comment before turning around, leaning his weight against his elbows on the railing as he turns to the side to look at the view this specific pavilion provides. "Although I can understand where you might have drawn that conclusion. I can assure you nothing like that will happen. You're not my type."
He can physically feel you bristle even though he isn't looking at you before your footsteps come closer and closer until your form is right in front of him. He still refuses to look at you but he can tell the moment you see his poorly hidden smile. He hears you let out an amused huff before you bring your hands up and settle them against the railing as well. Only you've decided to cage him in between your arms and it makes him turn to you, raising a brow. He's already lost the moment he turned but the cheeky grin you have is worth it. You look really cute when you're smug.
"If I had any interest, it would have died a long time ago. You're the worst fake boyfriend I've ever had so I can't imagine how insufferable you'll be as a real one," you shake your head exasperated but there's a small entertained look that tugs at his heart. That you know what he knows and he knows what you know. A similar feeling of understanding that he's gotten so used to. One that lets him act in such an irrational way.
"You've had others?" he asks as his arm comes off the railing to settle around your waist. You don't push him away, easily following along.
"For such a pretty face you have such an awful personality," you sigh disappointed yet the arms that cage him move to settle around his neck, twirling the silver hair at the base of his neck as you lean closer until there isn't space between the two of you.
"Oh? So you think I'm pretty?" He tilts his chin slightly down, his lips brushing against yours.
"You must have selective hearing." With your faces so close, he can see the excitement in your eyes. He's sure that he is the same. So he ignores the pleased look on your face and leans in.
Ultimately, he's just a passerby. He decided on a whim to go along with some absurd act because he thought the sheer dread and embarrassment on your face was amusing and he wanted to see more. By all accounts, your temporary date wasn't too bad. It felt a bit refreshing being with someone that looked like they rather throw themselves in the nearby sea than stand next to the refined Yashiro Commissioner. But otherwise, that's the end of your relationship. With a few words here and there, he managed to spin the absurd story into his favor and reign in the disaster your little stunt might have caused. He's grateful that you so easily play along with him. Not a single complaint about how he lies through his teeth that someone was bothering you so he extended his help so this individual would leave you alone. It makes both of you, mostly him, look good. How people rush to make sure you're okay while your expression flickers between guilt and embarrassment is far more entertaining than anything he originally planned during this outing. But at the end of the day, you have nothing to do with each other and he owes you nothing. Your presence is ultimately inconsequential in the stream that is his life. That is until one day your relationship changes to stupidity and heartfelt sincerity.
It starts off as a joke. Ayato tends to latch onto small things that give him a momentary break from his busy and stressed lifestyle and duties. Plus there's something lighthearted about this situation that he doesn't want to let go of just yet. Unfortunately for you, Ayato's newfound joy is sneaking up on you and sending you into an early grave. The first time it was an accident, you just happened to be easily jumpy, but the second time though? The resounding screech of terror never fails to make a smile appear on his face and you're convinced that he's a sadist. He doesn't even have to try that hard, his steps are silent even against the crooked stone path that he can waltz up right behind you. But his absolute favourite part is bending down and whispering what exactly his fiancee is so interested in. It always leads to embarrassing talks of you politely asking him to not refer to you with that title anymore that he swiftly blocks by mentioning that, wasn't it you who called him your fiancee first? You should take responsibility.
He thinks your reactions are cute even if you're a bit vulgar in language, although to him that just adds to the warped sense of charm he finds in you. Thoma nearly chokes on his own spit when Ayato perks up at something behind him, suddenly dropping the calm facade of the Yashiro Commissioner and something more genuine before calling out to a "fiancee". Thoma whips around to see a stranger speaking with Yoimiya before their eyes lift and lock with Ayato's and their expression immediately sour. He doesn't think he's ever seen anyone show such a disgusted expression and he can't help but wonder what his lord has done this time. Before Thoma can say anything the stranger picks up a firework ball and hurls it at his Lord who easily sidesteps the attack, the resounding death threats only making the blue-haired man laugh.
It's fun. You're fun to be around. The entire situation is silly and ridiculous and it feels nice. Ayato had to grow up too fast, become an adult too fast, and shoulder the burden meant for later years. Something as small as a nickname, an inside joke, something he can bring up to spite someone just for the fun of it is nice. Perhaps that's why he refuses to let go and finds himself returning to you.
It's all a joke. There's no way Ayato can actually take your hand in marriage. Not with your differences in status. You think that's the only reason people entertain the idea, why he even entertains the idea. To get a reaction out of you that he can relentlessly tease and it's all so stupid. That is until he receives a different reaction that leaves him lost and confused.
You stumble upon him in the aftermath of another one of his assassination attempts. He was perfectly fine, not even a speck of dust on his white coat yet you were nearly in hysteria. Panicked hiccups as you sob uncontrollably into his chest, your tears doing far more damage to dirtying his clothes than an attempt on his life. He tries his best to console you but you can't seem to stop the tears and as much as he values staying dignified, he's almost at his limit. Hand already poised to yank you off until he falters in both mind and body when you suddenly turn your head up and he sees the expression that you hid away in the lapels of his coat. The feeling of the annoyance of having to wash his coat flew out of his mind at the sight of your teary eyes and downturned lips. A small, very small, part of his heart beats just a bit faster. An even smaller part that was buried under the title of Yashiro Commissioner perks its head over someone who was crying for him. Even though you've both talked multiple times, you and he aren't close enough to be considered friends, at least in his eyes. Yet you're currently looking at him as if you're the one that's been attacked because of the simple fact that he could have been hurt. It's...strange.
He doesn't say anything as you usher him into your home to fix up whatever injuries you happened to have conjured in your mind. He's never stepped foot into your residence and he's honestly glad he hasn't because your home is...disheartening, to say the least. He thinks the estate has more life than what was supposedly something you called home. It's not that your place is poor, you're not sleeping on a slab of rock, but it's empty. Like you don't have anything at all. The only thing you seem to carry is your small pile of books. Worn but well taken care of. So he doesn't say anything as you fuss over him, doesn't say anything about the horrendous first aid kit you bring, and bids you farewell at the door of your home. You smile at him widely and tell him to take care of himself. But when he turns to leave, he risks one last peek at you, just in time to see you close your door. You aren't smiling anymore. He stops walking.
It starts to escalate from there. The following months of sudden change are so abrupt that he has no choice but to follow along. He wants to see every expression you have. If that isn't enough, he'll find new ones for you to make.
Ayato's first impression of you is charming but in a pitiful sort of way. You have to be an airhead, you must be considering your shared first meeting. How you didn't realize your mistake and went along with everything is beyond Ayato. You and Itto are almost on the same level of denseness but while Itto does everything with blind confidence that the situation has changed because of him, you are the opposite. Wandering into your own mess as you ignore all the warning signs until it's too late. But you're also honest and upfront, two traits that Ayato has come to value immensely. He finds you endearing, so much that it's starting to overfill his teacup. So with a silent smile, he asks a question.
"Why don't you become my fiancee?"
The noodle slips between your chopsticks, a loud unflattering splat against the table echoing through the silence as you stare at him slack-jawed. He begins to worry that he's accidentally sent you into a stroke because one of your eyes starts twitching.
"Huh? Are you being for real?" you ask deadpanned. He can't help but chuckle under his fingers before resting his chin on the palm of his hand. It feels nice to be able to rest his elbows against the table without someone reprimanding him for his lack of manners. He finds your dry reaction far cuter than the blushes and swoons from the ladies that the elders forced him to take out.
"Be my fiancee." he pauses before continuing as an afterthought. "For real this time."
You pick up your fallen noodle, chew, swallow, and then point your chopsticks at him. Not convinced in the slightest. "Even if you haven't picked out a fiancee you shouldn't joke about that."
"Really?" he fakes surprise, "Then how come you're on a date with me right now?"
You choke. He pushes his teacup towards you, who takes it and gulps down half of its contents in one go. The glass clinks loudly on the table when you put it down yet it doesn't distract him from the sheer disbelief on your face as your ears grow red. He thinks out of all of the expressions you've given him, he likes this one the most.
"This isn't-It's not," you attempt to say, spluttering the entire time that remnants of the tea you just drank wet your lips.
"Yes, it is. Why? Is it bad? Do you know enjoy being taken out to dinner? I can easily arrange for something else instead," He reached over with a napkin to wipe your face. It only serves to make you more embarrassed that he's treating you like a child as you push his hand away lest you combust on the spot. There's no immediate answer. He can't tell whether you're actually considering his offer, or if you're refraining from throwing your chopsticks at him.
"No thanks. If I've learned anything it's that you'll only torment me until I die. I'm starting to think I like you even less," you grumble, shoving more noodles into your mouth.
Ayato is a strange man so he doesn't wait for the water to spill, just tips the cup over and starts again. This time he waits for you to swallow before saying anything, he doesn't want you to choke again.
"That's unfortunate. I adore you, you know."
While his feelings and words were true, he resigns himself to the fact that your relationship was a one-and-done situation. Impulsiveness isn't one of his qualities but as he reflects on his time with you, he gets a bit flustered at how hard he fell. He had just met you and yet within the span of a couple weeks, you managed to fill out the empty parts of his heart. He tries to rationalize that it was just the timing. He had been on the run for so long, his thoughts always chained around Inazuma, and upholding his promise to his friend. But then you happened to crash into his life, quite literally, and everything slowed to a stop at that moment. Originally it was just to protect you from a clingy admirer but then you started asking about him. What his hobbies were, what kind of dreams he had, and whether or not he would like to learn how to fly. Every day and night sitting beside you on the crow's nest, the gentle sway of the waters rocking the boat, and the backdrop of noise down on the deck was the most serene Kazuha has ever felt since he left Inazuma. But all things must come to an end eventually and even though Kazuha knows that this might be the end, you look so hopefully at him that he can't help but try to push the end to tomorrow. He just needs to garner the strength to move.
Beidou asks if he's sure about his decision to leave the Crux and wander on his own. It's not nice to make you wait even though she knows you and when you say you'll wait, you're going to damn wait no matter how long it takes. But he reassures her that he's still not ready. As much as he wants to run over the water back to Liyue, he doesn't want to bring along conflicted and aimless feelings. But he will hurry, he's been running for so long, he can run a little further for something and someone for himself. It's a bit selfish but Beidou gives him an exasperated soft smile that lets him know it's not a bad thing. Although with each passing day Beidou's ship ports, it gets harder and harder for her to break the news that Kazuha is still not back. Beidou does her best to reassure you that Kazuha isn't stringing you along, she would have drowned him in the ocean if he was that low of a guy, but she can tell that with each visit your expression grows more and more distant. Watching how you're the first one to rush down the wooden bridges with a hopeful expression that one-day Kazuha might be there only to leave with a sad smile. It makes her want to track her problem child down and bring him back to you. Not that she has any idea where he wandered too.
He ends up in the forests of Sumeru. His keen sense of smell aids him as he treks through the wilderness until he meets a strange forest watcher and a girl in green. Their a bit of an odd pair but so is Kazuha and they become fast friends. Apparently, his calm demeanor is a breath of fresh air and it's enough that they don't pry into his history. Although there are moments when he can feel their eyes on him. Perhaps living in the forest has led them both to be aware of subtle changes far better than Kazuha can smell. It starts when they trek towards the small lakes and waterbeds to gather niloptala lotus for Tighnari that he sees it. An anemone flower. Soft white petals with a dark blue center sway in the breeze as he stands watching it move. It's Collei who approaches him and explains white anemone flowers, also known as windflowers, symbolize sincerity due to their delicate appearance. According to mythology, the anemone flower was created when Aphrodite's mortal lover, Adonis, was killed and from the spot where her tears fell to the ground, an anemone emerged. She says that he might enjoy that last bit of information to use as inspiration for his many haiku poems because he's looking at the flower as if he's fallen in love. Although she warns him that when fresh, all parts are poisonous.
When Inazuma finally calmed down and Thoma informed him that he was no longer a wanted man, it was the second time Kazuha could take a deep breath and relax. He was free from running and could focus on the future. He won't lie and say that his thoughts didn't stray back to you every night. He's been gone for months and he wonders if you still remember what he looks like. But now he has to ask himself the hard question if he's ready to see you. Unfortunately, he doesn't get to make that choice.
He sees you at Port Ormos by chance, speaking to a silver-haired man before you cut yourself off mid-sentence as your eyes lock onto his. Even with everything Kazuha has been through, he feels scared. He knew he would eventually return to you but now that you're here, is he not ready? Or is he scared? He knew that asking for you to wait was selfish, that one day he may return with your hand in someone else's. Maybe that's why you're all the way in Sumeru rather than the high mountains of Liyue. All these emotions reflect back to you and he can see it, your fists are trembling even as you gaze back at him with conviction and determination. The sun shines right behind you, creating a gold halo over your tousled hair. But it makes the shadows of your strained expression darker, your eyes gloss over your jaw tense, and everything about your posture screams please don't disappoint me Kazuha. Then it's gone. Your attention back to the silver hair man, pretending as if nothing happened. You'll wait until he's ready but you won't acknowledge him when he's not. And Kazuha. Kazuha runs away.
"There you are."
Kazuha looks up to see Tighnari sitting at the table facing the entrance that Kazuha has stumbled through. It's late into the night and because his heart has more room to bear, he feels guilty that Tighnari stayed up to make sure he returned. Before he can apologize Tighnari raises a hand to stop him, sighing before he gestures Kazuha to sit down. Fiddling with his pouch he takes something and slides it across to Kazuha. An Inazuma charm. The same one you gave him when he left.
"You dropped it when you were running through Port Ormos like you had stolen something. I had to convince Cyno that you weren't a thief but you're going to have to apologize to Collei for scaring her like that," he huffs as he settles back into his seat, watching at how Kazuha raises a wary hand to pick up the charm like it'll break under the slightest pressure. It makes Tighnari soften around the edges, the worried lines of his face smoothing out as he rests a hand on the samurai's shoulder. "Are you okay Kazuha?"
It only serves to bring a pained smile to the man's face, shaking his head. No. No, he's not alright. He hasn't felt "alright" in months. He's lived his life thinking that as long as his blade was by his side, he could continue moving. But now it feels like he's slowly dying. Poisoned from the core. He thought he would be able to approach this like he had always been. That he thought he understood what he was doing and trusted the wind to guide him. But now he's confronted with his accountability and he doesn't know what to do but run. Back into the silence of the forest until he can't run any further. Collapsing onto the cold ground as he heaves for another breath. Every moment up until now replays in his head, becoming more vivid no matter how long it's been until he can smell your fragrance. It was a similar feeling to when he lost his friend, this lingering pain. It's why he decided he needed to leave first. He always assumed he remembered because of guilt. Guilt that he asked you to wait, guilt that he wasn't the one that was ready, and guilt that even after all this time he hasn't entered the border of Liyue. Yet no matter how long he goes, this feeling of guilt only remains for you until he doesn't know if that's the correct emotion. If what remains in his heart truly isn't guilt, what is this emotion that keeps him looking back at his memories of you? He doesn't know. It's his first time feeling this way.
"You're in love Kazuha. That's it."
There's a sudden ruckus on the ship deck that has Beidou draw her head up, her letter to Ningguang momentarily paused as she listens carefully to what her crew is so noisy about. Their voices are muffled through the thick wooden walls of her office but it doesn't sound like they're in any danger. Either way as the Captain she should check out what everyone is so excited about. She shoulders her fur-lined shawl back on and slams the doors open.
"What's got you all so- Kazuha?!" Beidou nearly chokes midsentence to see her sentence when he spots that familiar white and red hair. Even though it's only been a few months, he looks so much older than she remembers. When he said he wanted to do some soul searching, she didn't think it would make him look so...mature. It's not that his outward appearance is any different, he's still got that adorable baby face, but the air around him is tranquil rather than still.
"Captain, it's good to see you again," Kazuha smiles and gives a small wave. His hand is free of bandages letting her see the electro burns that scar his skin. She politely doesn't let her eyes linger on them for long, that's all in the past anyways. So she grins ear to ear and yanks the poor man into a headlock and a giant slap on the back. Her official way her welcome a trusty companion back.
"About time lover boy, let's get you home."
Not me throwing canon personalities and good characterization out the window to push my smitten agenda.
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wheneverfeasible · 21 days
Sickness of the Heart
wc: 5.5k || rating: T+ || cw: sexual themes, language, slut-shaming (but for a good cause) || summary: After ending his FWB relationship with a!Eddie, o!Steve must deal with the humiliation of a self-imposed rejection sickness while interacting with the other members of Corroded Coffin. Flight of Icarus compliant. Angst with an open ending. || ao3
Note: This fic does contain a brief summary of Paige’s involvement in Flight of Icarus, so while it does contain some spoilers, this also means that you do not need to have read the book to enjoy this story. Also, while this is technically a Steddie fic, Eddie doesn’t actually make an appearance in the story itself lol.
This fic is partially inspired by @fkinkindagauche ‘s fic The Unbearable Horniness of Steve Harrington in relation to Steve’s rejection sickness. Excellent read if you haven’t yet!
Steve was going to murder Dustin.
Or maybe he’ll let him live, he hasn’t decided yet. The kid didn’t really know the whole story, after all, so it wasn’t like he knew how utterly lost and devastated Steve felt right now, the rejection sickness curling through him in sharp pangs and dull aches. He didn’t know how much Steve’s heart was breaking with every step Steve took towards Gareth’s garage.
The only benefit was that Steve knew Eddie was out of town, setting things up with Paige for their chance of redemption. The pretty beta had reached out after the news of Eddie’s trial had made front page news even outside of Indiana, her boss apparently wanting to give Eddie a second chance at making it big in the music industry.
Eddie had been floored, energetic, and even the boys in Corroded Coffin couldn’t fault him if he ditched them again to make a better life for himself. They all knew he deserved it after everything. Except, Eddie had told them point blank that he was never running again, never turning his back on those he cared about. Had agreed to the offer to audition properly, but only if all of Corroded Coffin was invited too. All or nothing, he’d said.
After a bit of back-and-forth, Paige’s boss agreed.
It had been the final nail in the coffin for this thing between him and Eddie.
The facts were this:
During Eddie’s first senior year, Paige, with her fancy music scout assistant L.A. job, had been visiting her family in town and stumbled across Corroded Coffin playing at The Hideout. As anyone with even a passing interest in music could clearly see, she discovered Eddie and was instantly impressed with his talent and passion for music. They had…hit it off.
It had led to an offer to audition. But just for Eddie. And Eddie? Young and stupid and running away from a town that already hated him just for being his father’s son? Well, he had agreed. And then said father had come back and ruined everything, had burned those bridges for Eddie before disappearing once again and taking with it Eddie’s chance of a better life.
Had, in fact, been directly responsible for Eddie getting into drug dealing with led to…everything.
The relationship with Paige had ended messily, but not as devastating as it could have been. At least, that was Steve’s understanding of things. Over the course of his and Eddie’s…thing…the older alpha had talked about his past, slowly revealing all of this to Steve who had opened up about his own traumatic past, about his guilt over Barb, his and Robin’s torture at the hands of evil Russians, and how his parents had never truly loved him, made all that much more obvious when his secondary gender presented as omega.
It had been nice. For a moment, Steve had been able to pretend that it was something more than it actually was. Could pretend that when Eddie called him beautiful as he moved inside him, that the alpha had meant it as more than just what a good lay Steve was.
It had never been more than that, however. No matter how much Steve desperately but secretly wished otherwise.
Helping Eddie recover, then also serving as a character witness for Eddie’s trial, the two of them had grown into something actually resembling genuine friends and not just two people thrown together because of otherworldly forces and trauma. Eddie even spent a large part of his time at Steve’s house as they all prepared for Eddie’s trial, whether with the larger group or just on his own.
And then Eddie’s rut hit, unexpectedly and most likely brought on by stress from the trial, and…well…well Steve actually hadn’t had a decent lay in a while since he’d been dating betas and other omegas almost exclusively since Nancy. He missed being with an alpha. Missed being able to let himself go and fall into omega space, which he trusted Eddie with since he was his friend first and foremost.
The offer had been met with incredulity, but Steve had pointed out that things with the trial and his defense would get messy if Eddie lost control if he either tried to weather it alone or find another omega to share it with, and Steve was game if Eddie was. Purely transactional, just two bros helping each other out, never to be spoken about again.
Except neither had been prepared for how compatible they were with sex, even if they weren’t always compatible in their day-to-day friendship. So, after the embarrassment and awkwardness went away, they settled on a deal. When Steve’s heat came around, Eddie would help him out too. And he did not too long later, and it was just as great as the first time too.
And then they had sex when neither rut nor heat was present.
It was drunken sex, sure, celebrating not only Eddie’s freedom with the long trial finally being over but also celebrating the high school diploma Eddie had received in the mail that day, but it was sex all the same. And then it kept happening. Just two bros helping each other let off steam while enjoying some fantastic orgasms. Friends with benefits and that was it.
Except that wasn’t it for Steve.
No, his days of just enjoying being casual ended when he’d fallen in love with Nancy, when the idea of a Winnebago full of pups had begun to seem like something he could actually have, and he’d been chasing that high ever since. Even when he casually dated after Nancy, it has always been in search of someone to share that future with.
Enter Eddie Munson, a ridiculously nerdy and unhinged alpha who loved Steve’s honorary pups as much as Steve himself did. And yeah, they bickered all the time, clashed and argued and didn’t really have much else in common and sometimes jabbed each other with pointed insults from high school, but the sex was fantastic and Eddie was…surprisingly sweet. Sensitive. Caring. Considerate.
Eddie was annoying and hyperactive and made Steve want to tear his hair out sometimes, but he was also exactly the sort of alpha that Steve had always wanted. Steve wasn’t certain when it actually began, but it was when he was watching Eddie carefully roughhouse with the pups one day that he found himself looking forward to how Eddie would be with their pups.
And that horrifying realization had been the beginning of the end.
He knew Eddie didn’t think about him like that. Honestly, how could he? First of all, Eddie deserved better than the town slut, not that Steve ever felt ashamed about being said slut. He liked sex and he though he eventually wanted a happily-ever-after of his own, he wasn’t opposed to sleeping around until he found it. If he ever did.
Now though, realizing that his inner omega had apparently decided on yet another alpha that he knew he could never truly have, he began wondering if he was just doomed to never being properly mated. But then it wasn’t just his inner omega craving Eddie’s alpha. It was Steve himself craving all of Eddie.
He had fallen in love with Eddie Munson. And he didn’t even know when it had happened.
Which, of course, meant that he had to end things. Immediately.
The rejection sickness he’d gotten after Tina’s party had been…intense. He’d been angry too, or really just heartbroken. He’d only been able to push it down, reason with the sickness, when he decided that it was just the alcohol and the stress and the guilt and had decided to apologize for…whatever he needed to apologize for. And then It happened and the sickness was pushed back even further to deal with everything until…
Well, when he saw Nancy and Jonathan and smelled them, he knew it was well and truly over. Then the sickness hit him back harder than ever. He knew he couldn’t suffer through that again, not like that. And he knew with a certainty that losing Eddie would make his previous sickness feel like a walk in the park if he let himself fall even more deeply in love with Eddie than he already was, if he let his inner omega start even more of the courting process than it had already tried.
It hadn’t been pretty. It wasn’t that Eddie had any genuine feelings for him outside of friendship and lust, but Steve suddenly breaking things off had been…complicated. More than he had expected it to be. But Paige had come sniffing around again by then and Steve knew…fuck, he knew how considerate Eddie was.
If he knew that Steve felt the way he had, that Steve’s omega had already claimed him as his alpha, then Eddie would be a self-sacrificing idiot and give Steve what he wanted even if he didn’t want it. To spare Steve that pain. Especially if Steve accidentally got knocked up, which was seeming more and more of a possibility when Steve’s stupid omega brain kept forgetting to take his birth control because it wanted to be knotted and pupped up.
Eddie had his whole life in front of him, and now a chance to actually make it out of Hawkins and live his big rockstar hero dreams. And the chance to be with the only person Steve knew that Eddie ever had actual feelings for. Steve couldn’t take that from him. So he broke up with him…as much as you can break up with someone who was just your friend that you’re ostentatiously just using for good sex.
Eddie had been rightly annoyed when he’d arrived at their regularly scheduled dick appointment time only to be kicked out with blue balls and told that it was never happening again. Among a few other sharp words to get the point across.
Steve probably should have called him before Eddie made it to his house, before Eddie had paid for the dinner he was bringing that night, but Steve couldn’t bring himself to say the words over the phones that for all he knew were still tapped by the government.
Steve could tell that Eddie had been a bit offended too, and worried. Of course Eddie would worry that he wasn’t doing enough in bed, that he wasn’t good enough in bed, which had to be a kick to an alpha’s ego no matter who it was. Steve couldn’t really just say that he was ending things so that Eddie could get with Paige again and move out of Hawkins, however.
So he played up the angle that he was growing bored, that he was looking for something new now, even as his inner omega railed against such lies. He wanted more, certainly, but more with Eddie. Which Eddie couldn’t give him. Sure, Eddie might stick around like a martyr if Steve flashed him that pleading omega look he knew Eddie’s alpha was weak for, but that didn’t mean that Eddie himself could give Steve what he most desperately wanted: Eddie’s heart.
Which led to now, with Eddie meeting with Paige at her big fancy grownup job and no doubt rekindling old flames, and Steve stuck in Hawkins having to return one of those Dipshits and Dingbats books that Dustin had borrowed from Gareth.
The band was practicing, even without their frontman Eddie being present, and as Steve turned off the engine of his car and grabbed the ratty old book in question, he could make out something over the sporadic noise about behind the scenes footage and their eventual rise to fame.
Which…yeah. Steve knew that it wasn’t a question of if but of when. Metal still wasn’t really his preferred style of music, but he’d gone to some shows, had even been to a few of the band’s practices after he and Eddie started messing around, and he knew the boys were talented. Any music exec would be stupid to pass them up.
He grimaced a little behind his sunglasses when, with a discordant screech of Jeff’s guitar, the racket stopped. The boy in question was glaring at him, which…fair, he supposed, since he was the one that broke off the thing with Eddie, but it wasn’t like it was anything more than just sex. Nothing to warrant the glares he was receiving from the whole band.
But then, they’d never really been too keen on Eddie being friends with him, much less hooking up, and it wasn’t like they could hide that with how their scents had begun mingling. Another sign that it was high time to break it off, before it entered beyond accidental courtship and drifted into accidental bonding.
“What are you doing here, Harrington?” Gareth growled, the scent of annoyed alpha only causing Steve to fumble slightly as he brought up one hand in mock surrender and the other holding the book.
“Henderson wanted to make certain you got this back before you left,” he huffed, pushing his sunglasses up over his head to squint at the trio glaring back at him. He waved the book a little, hoping one of them took it from him so he didn’t have to step further into the garage. No one did.
“Why didn’t he just bring it himself instead of sending you of all people?” Gareth scoffed with a small sneer, never having really been Steve’s biggest fan. Not that Steve could really blame him; he knew people like Steve hadn’t made Gareth’s life easy, including Gareth’s own father.
“Ask him yourself, asshole,” Steve muttered, cocking one hand on his hip impatiently. Though the other two were only betas and thus didn’t have much in the way of scents, their posturing didn’t leave any doubt that they didn’t like him.
He just…didn’t know why. Besides Gareth, the other two had seemed relatively okay with Steve hanging around. Jeff had even once been actively friendly, while…uh…fuck. Steve always forgot the other one’s name. Stan? No. Doug? No. Grant? He was fairly certain that was wrong too. Whatever. Anyways, he had only cared that Steve didn’t get in the way of practice or their non-Hellfire DnD games after Eddie graduated.
Now they all looked at him like how they had at the beginning, when they hadn’t trusted the former jock, when they had only seen King Steve and hated everything about him on principle, only seeing another Jason Carver instead of the dude who had stood up for their friend in trial. Whatever. It didn’t matter. It didn’t hurt.
At least, that’s what Steve kept telling himself.
He didn’t let himself think about how Jeff had once clapped him on the shoulder when he had embarrassedly brought some fudge he had made, trying out a new recipe to take to the Hopper-Byers’ during one of their semi-regular get-togethers that had originally cropped up during preparing for Eddie’s trial. Now it just became a thing they did for fun.
He also didn’t think about the other one (Jesus, seriously, what was his name again?) had jokingly argued with Eddie about what class Steve would be, certain that he’d be a basic fighter while Eddie had been adamant that he’d be a paladin. Steve hadn’t known what any of it meant, but the two of them had laughed at the end and it had been with Steve, not at him.
Even Gareth had, on occasion, been almost nice to him, settling Steve on the worn red couch at the back of the garage with noise cancelling headphones and some magazines of his mother’s when practice had run long and Steve was supposed to pick Eddie up to meet up with Jonathan and the others.
Now everyone just stared at him with unconcealed looks of annoyance and disdain. He hated it. Even though it wasn’t them his omega wanted, he still felt another sharp spasm of pain from the rejection of Eddie’s pack.
It must have showed on his face, or the way his body twitched and the arm holding out the book dropped, because a brief flash of concern whisked across Gareth’s expression and he stood up from his seat behind the drums, his nose crinkling.
“You smell like shit, Harrington,” he stated, moving around the drums to get slightly closer. At least the smell of annoyed alpha was dissipating.
“Gee, thanks,” Steve dryly said with a roll of his eyes. He swallowed against the burn of bile in his esophagus and held out the book once more. “Look, just take the damn book so I can go.”
A part of him was tempted just to drop the book, to let it fall and hit the concrete ground uncaring if the edges got fucked up or not. But these were Eddie’s friends and his inner omega wouldn’t let him do anything that might upset the alpha he wanted as his own. Pathetic as that was.
Gareth moved closer then, and Steve finally thought the younger boy would finally take the stupid thing from him, but instead Gareth’s hand shot out to grab hold of his wrist with a frown on his face. The touch of another alpha that wasn’t the one he wanted sent another roil of nausea through Steve’s belly, and he struggled hard to get his arm released, causing Gareth to simply tighten his hold.
“Let go of me!” Steve hissed. He saw the other two move forward towards them, but Gareth waved them back with his free hand, which they reluctantly listened to, though Jeff frowned as he glanced over his shoulder towards the back of the garage.
“You look sick, Harrington,” Gareth said instead of doing as he’d asked. “You smell sick too.”
“He’s right,” the other one, the bassist, said after a moment of consideration while Jeff’s head cocked to the side, an unreadable expression on his face. “I can’t smell you all that well, but you look terrible.”
“Don’t tell me,” Gareth scoffed, taking a long, deep sniff over Steve that caused him to blanche. “You really have the audacity to have rejection sickness when you’re the one who dumped Eddie?”
Steve pursed his lips and grabbed the book with his free hand to shove it at Gareth’s chest, forcing the younger boy to fumble and take it while moving back a step. He glared at them, wiping at his now freed wrist as though he could wipe off Gareth’s touch. Asshole.
“Don’t be such a fucking knothead,” Steve snarled, and no, maybe he didn’t get to have the intimidation of an alpha, but omegas would be fierce in their own ways. He crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the others who were more or less gaping at him now.
And he knew, okay? He knew it was weird, being sick when he had been the one to call it off, and it wasn’t like they were even anything other than fuck buddies letting off steam together. There had never been anything but friendship and lust between them. But try telling Steve’s omega that. His nesting had been insane.
It was only by some miracle that Eddie hadn’t been clocked in to Steve’s growing emotions and affections. That he hasn’t seen just how delusional Steve had been for that brief moment when he actually thought, maybe, just maybe, just for once the person he liked might like him back, might see him as something other than a stupid, used up, good for nothing, filthy, dirty, worthless—
“Look, I’m not an idiot, okay?” Steve snapped out, flushing not just in anger this time but also embarrassment and shame at the way his eyes suddenly grew wet. He blinked rapidly, his fingers digging into his biceps. “I knew what it was and what it wasn’t. I know it was just sex for Eddie, okay?”
Steve huffed out at Gareth’s suddenly blank expression, pleased that he had at least gotten the jackass to shut the fuck up and stop stinking the place up with his pissed off alpha pheromones. He deeply sighed, moving his sunglasses to hook in the collar of his shirt to run a hand through his hair before glaring at Gareth who had moved a couple steps to the side. Putting more distance between them maybe?
“I know that someone like Eddie and someone like me would never actually happen,” he muttered, and putting it into words with someone else had the bone deep aches from the sickness sending another wave of pain.
“What do you mean, ‘someone like Eddie,’” the bassist scoffed, his hackles rising, though he exchanged looks across the garage with Jeff. Gareth sneered as well, but there was also a shrewdness in his eyes, his nostrils flaring as he took in more of Steve’s scent.
Steve rolled his eyes, throwing up a hand in frustration. He didn’t know why he was even still here, why he was trying to defend or justify himself, but his omega was telling him that these were his alpha’s packmates and thus deserved the truth.
“Like I said, I’m not an idiot,” he reluctantly said. “Eddie is…Eddie’s…” Steve huffed at himself next, scrubbing his hand over his eyes at the prickly feeling of fresh tears. He normally wasn’t much of a crier, but the hormones affecting him from the rejection sickness had him closer to blubbering at all hours of the day more than he would like.
Worse even than when it had cut through him after Nancy.
“Eddie is brilliant, okay?” he finally managed to get out, even if he was annoyed at needing to say this at all. He wished he could have just dropped the book off and left. “He’s so much braver than he gives himself credit for, he’s amazing with the pups, he’s creative and smart and and considerate and kind and probably one of the best people I’ve ever known. He’s a goddamn hero, whether he wants to believe it or not.”
Though these three had no idea what Eddie had gone through, not truly, they did know that there was more to the story than they had been told. Steve had always been quite vocal about talking about how amazing Eddie had been for the trial, and though he had to flub some of the details, everything he said had been true. Eddie was a hero, even if Eddie himself always denied that.
“And he’s hot,” Steve couldn’t help adding, with another small flush of embarrassment. “He has those stupid doe eyes that you want to spill all your secrets to, and that stupid grin that’s larger than his face, and the stupid way that even when he can’t seem to sit still, his entire focus is on you when you talk…”
Steve scoffed, ashamed of how wet it sounded, and rolled his eyes as he once more wrapped both arms tightly around himself. “And then there’s me. The asshole. The douchebag extraordinaire. The bully. The slut whose only redeeming quality is how easy of a lay I am and daddy’s money, which, by the way, I’m probably being cut off from soon, so really, what else do I have to offer except a used up pussy half the town has been in?” he sneered.
His self-hatred was probably a little too obvious with that, and he didn’t know why he said all of that anyways. Probably it had just been festering away inside of him with no one to unload on, at least no one who wouldn’t try to soothe him and lie to him and say that he wasn’t any of those things.
And yeah, maybe saying he’d slept with half the town was an exaggeration, but he had probably slept with at least half the chicks (and some of the guys) in high school, no matter their designation.
The problem was that Steve’s omega craved human connection. He never really had it growing up, his alpha father too focused on everything wrong with Steve and his beta mother too focused on making certain her husband didn’t stray to inbetween an omega’s legs…again. So Steve found physical comfort where he could, even if it meant opening thighs or mouth for anyone who shot him an interested look.
And then there was Eddie. Eddie, who never treated Steve like something shameful. Eddie, who had admitted he was wrong about Steve, even if Steve didn’t think he had been. Eddie, who even in rut had checked in on Steve and made certain he felt safe and unharmed. Eddie, who for a short amount of time almost made Steve feel good enough.
Which was the problem. Because Eddie didn’t mean it the way that Steve wanted him to, didn’t see Steve as anything other than a friend he could conveniently get off with, an omega who would never form attachments or come up with unrealistic ideas about them.
Except Steve thought he had probably been attached even before Eddie’s rut. Had too many ideas that were beyond unrealistic; they were straight up impossible. Eddie would never want Steve the way that Steve wanted Eddie.
Not when he had someone like Paige waiting for him, not when he had a future ahead of him outside of this stupid town. Steve couldn’t trap Eddie into a life he never wanted.
“So, what, you broke it off because Eddie doesn’t love you?” Jeff finally asked, his voice sounding odd and a bit louder than necessary. Steve wished he’d shut up. “You’re a used up slut of an omega with no redeeming qualities so obviously Eddie would never want to actually be with you outside of sex because he’s such a great guy and you’re not, is that it?”
Steve didn’t know why Jeff was repeating what Steve had said like that, but the words still caused him to flinch back slightly to hear someone else say them. He glared at Jeff, even as he had to hastily wipe away a traitorous stray tear that had slipped down his cheek.
“What does any of that matter,” the bassist asked. “Why would that send you into rejection sickness if you know nothing could ever come of this thing you two had? You were just using him for sex too, weren’t you?”
Steve’s frown cut across to the other beta, brow furrowing. Why did he sound weird, like he was leading Steve to say something he absolutely could not say? Not because it wasn’t true, but because it would break his heart to say it out loud.
“Come on, Harrington,” Gareth took up the goading next, taking a predatory step towards Steve who hastily took a step back. “You were just fucking, weren’t you? It didn’t mean anything to you. You were just treating Eddie like some glorified sex toy to get off, admit it. Just after an easy knot.”
“That’s not true,” Steve muttered, ducking his chin down even as he glared at Gareth with all he was worth. “I would never…” He shook his head in frustration. “That’s not how it was.”
“Nah, I think that’s exactly how it was,” Gareth said with a cruel smirk. “Why else would you have dragged him around, using him whenever you needed a good dicking. You got bored of him, isn’t that it? That’s what you said. You had enough of trailer trash like him, your bit of rough and rumble, and so you booted him so you could move on to the next target. What, gonna crawl back to Hagan next?”
Steve jerked back as though slapped. “That’s not true!” he repeated in a louder shout. “I would never use Eddie like that. He’s not trailer trash. He’s better than anyone else in this goddamned town, which is why he has to leave and never look back.”
Gareth smirked, his scent turning pleased, like Steve had said exactly what he wanted to hear. “So you broke up with him because you thought he deserved better?” he mocked, stepping closer again, though this time Steve didn’t budge. He glared furiously at Gareth, his chest heaving with his fury at the boy’s words. “Why the hell would you ever care about trailer trash like him?”
“Because I love him, dammit!” Steve yelled, eyes snapping with all the pent up emotions he never let himself actually feel, and—oh.
It truly did break his heart to say those words aloud. Steve’s face crumpled immediately, all the tears he’d been fighting back now overflowing his eyes spilling down both cheeks.
Even Gareth reacted, taking a step back and further to the side, obviously putting more distance between him and Steve’s distressed omega smell. The other boys shifted uncomfortably, likewise disturbed even without the superior senses to pick up just how much of Steve’s distress and rejection sickness was eating away at him. God, Steve felt so pathetic.
Hastily wiping at his face (not that it mattered as fresh tears continually replaced those wiped away), nose snotty and leaking, Steve glared as much as he could at the three of them. He was so angry, and so hurt, and so resigned to know that this changed nothing.
“Are you happy now?” he spat out, hating how his voice warbled and cracked. “Do you think I’m seriously stupid enough to think I ever had a chance? That I wasn’t anything more than an easy lay for him too? People like me don’t deserve happy endings. Not like Eddie does. He was going to end things anyway so I just did it for him. Assholes,” he muttered, finally turning away to leave because what else was there to say? How much more could he be hurt?
Steve paused. Right.
Turning back around, he bared his teeth as he pointed aggressively at the younger boys, shoulders back and tone once more falling back into the old familiar role of King Steve, even through the tears. “And don’t you lot say shit about this to anybody. Not to Eddie, not to the kids, not even to your fucking grandmas, are we understood?”
Jeff snorted, and Steve hated him more than he ever had for the amused look on his face. “Oh, we won’t say anything. Don’t worry, Stevie.”
Hurt clawed its way back up his throat, jaw quivering at the old familiar nickname, his sickness sending bile he had to rapidly swallow back down. All he wanted was to crawl into bed and wallow and tried to forget the alpha he wanted more than anything to be his and his alone.
Turning back around, Steve shoved his glasses back on his face before wrapped his arms around himself as he made his way back towards his car, fighting back the sobs that wanted to overtake him as he felt the rejection over and over and over again with every step away from his alpha’s pack.
He almost wished he had never met Eddie at all, had never met someone who, for such a short time, made him feel seen and heard and, biggest lie of all, like he was worth something after all.
As if he could ever be more than the bullshit he knew he was.
“You get all that?” Gareth asked finally after the three of them watched Steve’s car drive away. He glanced over his shoulder as Jeff moved around the drum set to the camcorder they’d set up to film today’s practice.
Jeff fiddled with the device that had been hiding in plain sight this whole time, the red light indicating it was recording until Jeff switched it off. He pressed another button and the side popped open, allowing him to pull out the vhs with a triumphant wiggle of his brows.
Gareth grinned at the other two with a pleased set to his shoulders, two matching grins meeting his own. “Excellent. After all, we said we wouldn’t say anything to Eddie. Not our fault if he overhears something he wasn’t supposed to when viewing our practice session,” he said with an easy shrug.
“Thank god, because I was sick of his moping. Should we send it overnight express to him now, or let them suffer a little longer?” Jeff laughed, wiggling the vhs in his hand.
“God, I’d say let them suffer because they are going to insufferable after this, but Eddie would skin us alive if we let his omega suffer like that for a moment longer than necessary,” Gareth grimaced, the others wincing in agreement.
“Ugh. And we thought they were bad before,” came the grumbling response, and Gareth could only snort as he glanced at the boy on the bass.
“How soon until they’re pupped up do you think?” Jeff slyly teased.
“After Eddie sees that tape?” Gareth asked with a roll of his eyes. “Same day, Jeffy. Same fucking day.”
Still, Gareth knew they were all three pleased for their friend, and as they ended practice early to get the tape sent out as soon as possible, he had the distinct feeling that when they left town in a few days, Steve would be with them.
Hostage tag: @derythcorvinus
Promised tag: @katyawriteswhump
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theamityelf · 4 months
Have you ever done RoD class 78 AND class 77 together before I genuinely cannot remember? I know you have a story about RoD class 78 on AO3 but it's not both classes together. Anyways like your previous idea everyone except Makoto is in despair and they keep him around because he is simultaneously their hope amd despair. Despair because he has to watch his friends do things they would have never done, and hope because some of them are waiting for him to join them.
How would the RoD of class 77 view their situation and what would their dynamic be now that they're both fighting for Junko's affection?
This is really cool!!
The envy over class 78 perpetually having more of Junko's attention and favor than them would be such great despair for the 77th class.
Mondo's "every biker gang in Japan" and Fuyuhiko's, ya know, yakuza, are constantly fighting over turf, because now there's factions within the Ultimate Despair. This lawlessness benefits their side, of course. When it doesn't benefit them to be at odds, they're allies. But they all want to be the ones to earn Junko's approval, and her classmates know her better and she cares about them more. Officially, though, the 77th class has "double seniority", because they're upperclassmen and they were initiated as despair first.
Basically, by objective measures of rank and usefulness, the 77th class should be the favorites; they have a princess controlling kingdoms on Junko's behalf, for despair's sake! They worship her way more than her class does. But she simply doesn't like them as much, and that hurts.
Okay, now Makoto!
He is hanging on to his morals, but naturally his mental health is in shambles. Basically, it's the status quo of Despair's Throbbing Heart, for him; he is keeping layers of denial and dissociation between himself and the horrors and surfacing from that state when there's someone he can save or influence.
The arrangement he's in would be different, in this AU.
The 77th class like to make fun of the 78th class for the fact that their luckster is still on "that good guy BS". They even point to Nagito proudly, like, "Look at our luckster! He set a convenience store on fire yesterday. What's your guy been doing?"
Nagito loves this. His class has never been so supportive and affectionate toward him.
The 78th class's response to this is largely defensive. Like, "Stop bullying Makoto! He's just a late bloomer!" Meanwhile, they all do their best to get him into despair. (Hifumi is the most creative about it.) At first, he meets every attempt with yelling protestations and passionate insistence that they're not like this! He knows them, and they're not like this! After they've done it enough, he loses the energy for such displays, but that doesn't mean he's given up. Every time they do a horrible thing in front of him and he shuts down emotionally, they wait eagerly for him to start laughing or pawing curiously at the ashes or something to indicate he's enjoying it, but he just shuts down for a while and, when his mind considers it safe to resurface, changes the subject.
He still argues and protests what they're doing, but now that he's no longer shocked every time, he can ration his energy so that he's subtle when he needs to be subtle and insistent when he needs to be insistent.
Junko lowkey loves it. When she visits her friends, there will be at least one time where she beckons Makoto over to sit with her and just kind of guides his head to rest on her...chest. Strokes his hair with her long nails and calls him a freak of nature and tells him he disgusts her. Sayaka's cuddled up against his other side, sometimes, but sometimes Junko takes care to get him alone. Quietly, in an alternatingly sweet, cruel, and emotionless tone, she tries to wear him down by talking at length about the futility of his resistance and how much happier he and everyone will be if he just gives in to despair.
He's sometimes trembling with fury while she does this, and sometimes he's just staring into space. Either way, he's managing his energy. He can't fight what she's doing to others if he wastes energy defending himself. And she knows it.
He seems not to be listening, but he saves her words in his mind. Sometimes they're useful, to get his friends to spare people based on little loopholes or slants in what Junko said.
The 77th class repeatedly offers to borrow Makoto for a weekend, claiming they can get him to despair, where his own class has failed. The 78th class tries to refuse, but Junko tells them to let the senpais try. So, sometimes Makoto visits them.
They think he's adorable and weird.
He gravitates toward the ones who do the least horrible stuff in front of him (Ibuki doesn't seem to personally kill anyone.) and the ones who seem the most capable of uncomplicated affection (Akane treats him like a younger sibling, and there doesn't seem to be any edge of weird, fond cruelty to it.).
Nagito and Izuru are fascinated with him.
Both the hope and despair in Nagito are delighted by Makoto. Makoto causes Nagito's class to view him favorably, to take pride in him. But also, Makoto has shown himself to be the best of them, somehow. There is a light within him that cannot be extinguished. It's a precious gift that he simultaneously wants to see destroyed and protected. Literally, any direction that Makoto goes will make Nagito happy, either from the perverse glee of seeing someone so amazing finally falling to despair, or the wholesome glee of seeing him continue to soar above the filth that has claimed everyone else. Either way, he is transfixed. After they've spent more time together, he'll probably start to care about personally protecting the good in Makoto, but at first he's just watching the fireworks with his hands behind his back.
Izuru is likewise fascinated by the unexpected fortitude. Since Makoto is subject to more avenues of attack to his morale, in this AU, than he is in Despair's Throbbing Heart, he's less overtly friendly in this AU than in that fic. He's kind, but he's more careful about who he opens himself up to, meaning the side of himself that he shares with Izuru is less an immediate friendliness than a quiet kindness. Still, Izuru is intrigued by it, and a part of him he doesn't consciously recognize is starved for kindness.
Both Nagito and Izuru are pretty overt about these feelings.
Sometimes Makoto wakes up to see a shadowy figure standing over his bed. "Kamukura?" he guesses from the long hair.
"I was walking past your door, and I heard you having a nightmare. I was curious, so I came to watch."
"...Okay." Makoto rolls over and goes back to sleep.
When Junko has her weird cuddle sessions with Makoto, Nagito will post up to watch, like it is a critically-acclaimed one-act play.
Both of them are constantly commenting on Makoto's behavior out loud in front of him, like they're the Twitch chat of his life.
Occasionally, someone like Akane or Taka will ask Makoto if those guys are bothering him, but he always says no.
(They don't know enough about Izuru to know that there wouldn't be much they could do about it if he was.)
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mattiehenderson · 1 year
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Synopsis: my first Stranger Things fic, don't be hard on me please. I'm so happy to see an 80s metalhead represented in a positive light for ONCE! I couldn't help but fall in love with him just like everyone else with taste. So I prefer writing male x male romances, and can I just say we need way more bottom princess male reader and dom daddy Eddie fics. This is my attempt to try and help with that. So this story focuses on my OC, Matthew "Mattie" Henderson, he's Dustin's older brother who's a senior. Heavily bullied for being so effeminate and goth. He has always had a crush on Eddie Munson since freshman year, but unfortunately Eddie is straight...or is he?
Warnings : Sexual language and imaginations. Minors do not interact, 18+.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Henderson!OC
Look at me, please turn around and just look at me.
I stared intensely at the boy who sat in front of me in English, wavy chestnut curtains of hair poured past shoulders too broad for a normal senior, and onto my desk.
I could smell his v05 shampoo, the aloe one, and the Irish spring that almost hid his signature Marlboro and kush cologne. Slowly, quietly, I inhaled the scent that was all things Eddie Munson, the eternal prisoner of Hawkins High School.
In my marble notebook that was graffiti'd with cutouts of my favorite bands and scented stickers, I sketched an imprisoned Eddie in a medieval, hooded cloak behind bars, and coming to rescue him was a soft looking male witch. It went along with the story I was secretly writing for my own pleasure, the poor dungeon master who has been trapped in the dungeons of Hawkeye Castle for 400 years, under an evil queen's spell. Perhaps I named her Queen Cristiana of Hawkeye, after a certain stupid cheerleader that I always see hanging around a certain metal head after hours.
I don't know why I do this to myself, in what universe do I have a chance? Maybe in my own universe in my own land of make believe, but nymphs and orcs and furies also exist there so there's that.
In the real world, Chrissy Cunningham is the most beautiful girl in Hawkins, she's the head cheerleader and smells like Anais Anaïs, she has perfect hair and she's a she.
I, Mattie Henderson, am a boy. Not only am I a boy, but I'm a boy who wears more makeup than any girl in school. I wear my bleached curls too long and listen to darkwave. Eddie Munson would never!
I gently huffed before I finished sketching the scene where Matthias the Enchanter, in his red violet cloak and gossamer garments, shared a kiss with Sir Edward the Banished. 
It was hilarious really. I have known him since I was a freshman, secretly pining, and knowing we have many interests in common, especially D&D, but I've always been too shy to approach him. Too shy to approach anyone, only having one friend my whole time living in Hawkins, Robin Buckley. I'm not as good with people as my little brother, growing up in the Midwest with being what I am and how I am, I figured it's smarter to keep away. Robin always understood me, since we met in seventh grade and I moved here from Connecticut.
After everything last summer with Starcourt, and finding out about what my brother and his friends have been apart of, I shockingly acquired new friends, the very unexpected Steve Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, and my art class acquaintances Jonathan Byers.
It's been a lot, it's been a fucking lot, and with it being my senior year the stress has been added. Mom keeps asking about my college options, telling me Indiana University has a pretty good art program. But I don't have the grades, I do enough to get by, school makes me miserable, I could care less about mundane things like classes and grades and teachers, and artificial societies. And sure I like art, but I love doing hair and makeup and nails too, something my mother definitely reaps the benefits of. And I don't exactly love Hawkins the Cursed Lands, but after everything and not sure about this place ever being safe again, I'd never leave my brother here without me. And as pathetic as it sounds, the thought of leaving the man who doesn't know I exist makes my stomach hurt.
I felt guilty for my thoughts, for my fantasies about him, for wishing the reason why I put my black velvet choker on this morning was to cover a bruise from his huge, ring wrapped fingers. Oh how I would cut off all twenty inches of my hair to just have his towering 5'11 frame over my 5'5 one, staring down into my black lined Hazel eyes, with his dark, teddy bear gaze.
The teacher must have sent paper down, because with the melodic swish of his chocolate butter ringlets, I was looking up at him and slamming my marble notebook shut faster than you can say Kissimmee. Dark, button eyes glanced at me before doing a double take. Now fixated on me feeling like a goldfish, with his plush, pillowy, bubblegum pink lips parted.
How the hell could anyone ostracize and hate such a gorgeous human being? Then the angel spoke and I felt like he was oozing the gospel.
Here we go again.
All because of one damn class I'm sitting in Johnson's English for the third fucking time.
I was the last one to plop my ass down, toward the back, the desk with the D&D scribbles and the classic "Ozzy rules" that violated government property. I got a snide remark from Johnson, and snickers and insults from Carver and his ball buddies.
This was exactly why I preferred to escape to my own world, where there are dragons and halflings, or when I close my eyes and finger my sweetheart. Just close my eyes and listen to The Number of the Beast, forgetting that reality is being the town's leper in a town where they decide Jason Carver is a good person because he knows his way around a ball.
Johnson was droning on about fucking writing prompts where he cares more about where a comma goes than if the story is good or not. 
And then, as I'm passing back the picture prompt for the first day of hell, I did a double take at a new face. A face prettier than even the likes of Chrissy Cunningham. Looking up shyly at me, drawing out a protective feeling I didn't know I possessed, are bedroom, dreamy lidded eyes painted a lavender gray,with thick broom-like sweeping lashes that flutter before bright Hazel eyes, that reminded me of summer turning into fall, green fading into browning leaves and golden maples. Kohl-rimmed, making them more pronounced and more awe-inspiring.
Her nose is cute and broad with a puggish finish that rests prettily between roundish cheeks painted a deep blush. My eyes traveled down to a pair of the ideal cock sucking lips, I'm so sorry but I don't really know what else to call them. They're so full and big, so cushiony and I'm a pretty imaginary guy, so what I'm thinking of doing to that mouth…fucking that gorgeous face, making those Hazel eyes water and her gothic makeup run down those pretty chipmunk cheeks, making a big mess of her blood red lipstick smudging it on my cock. 
I shifted in my seat feeling my dick stir, and this was not the time. Cascading around her face was voluminous white blonde curls, so wild and untamable like an elf-witch, very surreal and otherworldly and contrasts beautifully with her dark eyebrows.
And as if my she-elf couldn't have been more perfect, not only did she have herself collared by a black velvet choker, but a cut off Shout at the Devil Mötley Crüe  shirt encased her. My mouth watered and when she lifted a fishnet, arm fingerless glove adorned wrist to take the prompt from me, I inhaled the sweet smell of apricots and roses and sweet, expensive perfume. I couldn't get enough of it.
"Munson, are you drooling? Is that drool, freak?" Carver happily and loudly like a fucking foghorn called me out in front of everyone. Nothing new, usually I'm very unphased by embarrassment, I mean I'm a 20 year old senior. But, for once that jockstrap got to me, knowing this enchantress witnessed it witnessed him calling me out for something she caused. I snapped my head away fast and wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my jacket before inspecting the porosity. Damn, I was fuckin drooling.
Saved by the Johnson, the droning authority started a roll call. Imagine my surprise when Johnson called out Matthew Henderson and it happened to be my little elf-witch…or elf-warlock should I say.
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Runs in the Family | Simon Peter (Platonic)
You and your older brother Simon share one particular trait in common: stubbornness and impulsiveness. Unfortunately, your shared short temper has gotten you both in trouble more than once.
Addtl. Information: Simon is 20, Reader is 15. Culturally, an appropriate time for the latter to marry.
Requested: No
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“Watcha doing?”
Your older brother doesn't even look up from where he sits on the dock by the boat, mending his net, grunting a noncommittal response.
You take that as an invitation to sit. “Can I help?”
Simon still refuses to spare you a glance. “Don't you have something better to be doing with your time? Like helping Eema?”
“Don't you have something better to be doing?” You shoot back. “Like gambling at the Hammer?”
“Hey.” That catches his attention, net dropping into his lap as he glares over at you. “You promised not to say anything.”
“No, I promised not to say anything to Eema or Abba,” you clarify. “I can still tell you to stop as much as I want. Where's Andrew?”
Simon goes with the subject change, used to your stream of consciousness. “He saw a pretty girl and disappeared. Absolutely useless.”
“Hey! He's not useless!” You elbow him in the side, frowning and ignoring the look he shoots at you.
“Abba would kill me if I hit you,” Simon hisses through his teeth, more a reminder to himself as to why it's prudent not to attack you, than it is anything else.
A shadow falls over the two of you suddenly, causing the both of you to look up. You stifle a groan, having forgotten that the owner of the shadow in question, Malachi, works near the docks too. Malachi is a few years your senior and quiet good at not comprehending the meaning of words, especially the phrase, no, I do not wish to marry you, please stop asking.
Unlike Andrew, Simon hadn't been around for an interaction between you and Malachi, much less your complaining about the... well, you're not sure you could call him a 'man'. Eighteen-year-old immature toddler might be a more apt description.
“Hello,” Malachi greets you. “Simon,” he adds with a nod.
Before your brother can say anything, you pipe up, sickly-sweet tone matching the similar faux smile on your face. “Malachi. How have you been?”
Simon's head swives over to the man the second he hears the poisonous honey dripping from your tongue, contempt falling from each syllable and thankfully going straight over Malachi's head. He narrows his eyes up at his contemporary, but is prevented from speaking by the idiot before you opening his own mouth.
“Have you reconsidered my proposal?” Malachi asks, flexing slightly.
“Yes,” You respond easily, head tilted slightly down. Your brother catches your eyes glinting dangerously as your grin turns sharp. Simon decides to let you handle it--for the time being, that is; he'll intervene if necessary.
Malachi's relief is palpable. “Good. That was your father's problem with giving me blessing, now we can arrange-“
“Oh, no,” you interrupt, not sparing the man towering over you a second glance and disinterestedly picking at your nails instead. “I said I reconsidered. I never said my conclusion was in your favor. Here, I'll reconsider again.” You pause, tilting your head to the side slightly with a pensive expression. “Yeah, still not planning on it. Sorry.”
Simon smirks to himself as Malachi stares at you for a beat, processing, before the answer hits. “What do you mean? Why not? I can provide for you. I can give you a house and children to care for. What more do you want?”
“Maybe someone who respects me, to start.”
A scowl forms on the other's face, taking a threatening step forward. “I'm the best offer you're going to get.”
As he spoke, Simon stood, moving in between the two of you. Malachi may be taller, but Simon is broader, has the benefit of working a trade that requires a strong physique. His anger shows clearly on his face, protective and entirely confused as to what caused that idiot to think that he was the best you would ever get. If anything, it was the other way around, one hundred percent. “I think it's time for you to move along,” he threatens, voice low.
Malachi clenches his teeth. You stand as he does, Simon noting it--because of course he does--and grabbing your arm to push you behind him and back a few paces. Well out of the way of a fight. “Got a problem, Simon?”
“Yeah, I got a problem. You, harassing my sister. Especially without her father's blessing.” He tsks.
“She's a daughter of Jonah,” Malachi sneers. “Not worth the trouble any way. I can find someone better anywhere I want. She should be grateful I even gave her a first glance, much less a second.”
You put a hand on Simon's arm to restrain him. “Let's just go,” you whisper dully, not wanting to let on just how much your would-be admirer's words affect you.
“Sure,” your brother agrees for your sake only, biting out the word like it physically hurts him to do so. He turns, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and tossing the end of the net back into the boat. It's not strong enough to be of desire to anyone passing by, so it's safe to leave with said boat.
“One last chance!” Malachi calls after you two. “Or you can see how much the daughter of Jonah enjoys becoming a zonah for lack of husband.”
The attempt at a pun is the final straw, implying that you would ever be a lady of the night, and you can't stop Simon before he marches over, stopping one step short. “What did you say?” He seethes.
Malachi smirks. “You heard me.” He spits at your brother's feet, and you're unsurprised when the next second, he's covering his now-bleeding nose while Simon shakes out his hand, unfazed. Lowering one hand from his face, Malachi glares at Simon, pride hurt worse than his face--which is saying something. He throws his own punch in retaliation, landing the blow on Simon's upper arm.
Your brother barely moves at the impact, grinning at Malachi's shock. “Come on, I know you can punch harder than that,” he mocks, rather meanly; you would add, deservedly.
Before Malachi can collect himself enough to respond, currently spluttering half-words of vitriol and rage, you join Simon, grabbing his arm. “I think we should get home. He's not worth it.”
“You!” The other man finally manages a word. Not very eloquent, but still.
“Actually...” you pause, reconsidering, before swiftly kicking him in the back of both knees and causing him to faceplant in the dirt, Malachi not reacting quickly enough to catch himself. That done, you turn back to your brother, who smiles proudly over at you. “Now let's go.”
“As you wish.”
Neither of you spare a glance for the man you leave behind, pride wounded and nose never to look right again. One thing's for certain--the family of Jonah won't have to deal with him again.
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thearcher1003 · 4 months
From the ask game:
21: What I love most about myself
26: My biggest pet peeves
30: What I hate the most about work/school
Hope when you read this that the day has been lovely or will be! Either one. :D
Aww thank you ^^ I hope your day is good and interesting too <3 21: I have been told that I am a good listener. It feels nice when someone patiently hears your problems or stories or dreams or about anything you have to say. I love that I am able to do that for the people I care about. I answered both of these in another ask so copy pasting that from there (hope you don't mind 😭)
26: Yk when people with long nails scratch something or someone drags their shoes on a rough floor and that weird screeching noise it makes, I can't stand that, it makes my whole body shiver and I get chills even. 30: Actually, I am gonna write a different one here because there is a lot I hate about my school. As you start getting in senior classes your number of holidays starts getting less. Till 8th grade you get about 45 days long summer break. In 11th and 12th they reduce to about 25. Why is that? Don't older kids feel the heat too? I don't wanna attend these "extra classes" where everyone is too busy dying from the heat to focus on studying, it really isn't benefitting anyone. No one is happy being there, not the teachers and certainly not the kids. Similarly, when the fog is too thick and temperature too low in winters, only the kids till middle school get a day off. 💌💌
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peeetlovers · 3 months
Top 10 Essential Tips for Dog Owner
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Owning a dog is a rewarding experience that brings joy, companionship, and a sense of responsibility. However, it also requires a significant commitment to ensure the health and happiness of your canine companion. As a pet expert, I have compiled a list of the top ten essential tips for dog owners, supported by scientific data and research. These guidelines will help you provide the best care for your dog.
1.Proper Nutrition Providing your dog with a balanced diet is crucial for their overall health. According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), dogs require a diet that includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Feeding high-quality commercial dog food that meets the standards set by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) ensures your dog gets the necessary nutrients.
2.Regular Exercise Exercise is vital for maintaining your dog's physical and mental health. The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) recommends at least 30 minutes to 2 hours of physical activity per day, depending on the breed and age of your dog. Regular exercise helps prevent obesity, reduces behavioral problems, and strengthens the bond between you and your pet.
3.Routine Veterinary Check-ups Regular veterinary visits are essential for early detection and prevention of health issues. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) advises annual check-ups for adult dogs and more frequent visits for puppies and senior dogs. Routine exams, vaccinations, and dental care are critical components of a comprehensive health plan.
4.Vaccinations Vaccinations protect your dog from various infectious diseases. The AVMA highlights the importance of core vaccines, including rabies, distemper, parvovirus, and adenovirus. Non-core vaccines, such as those for Bordetella and Lyme disease, may be recommended based on your dog's lifestyle and risk factors.
5.Parasite Control Parasites like fleas, ticks, and worms can cause serious health issues for dogs. The Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC) recommends year-round parasite prevention, including regular use of flea and tick preventatives and routine deworming. Regular screenings for heartworm and intestinal parasites are also essential.
6.Proper Training and Socialization Training and socialization are crucial for a well-behaved and confident dog. Positive reinforcement training techniques are supported by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) as effective and humane methods. Early socialization helps prevent fear and aggression and promotes positive interactions with people and other animals.
7.Adequate Shelter and Comfort Providing a safe and comfortable living environment is fundamental for your dog's well-being. Ensure your dog has a cozy bed, access to fresh water, and a safe space to retreat. The Humane Society emphasizes the importance of protecting dogs from extreme weather conditions and providing proper shelter.
8.Mental Stimulation Mental stimulation is as important as physical exercise. The AKC suggests interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and regular playtime to keep your dog mentally engaged. Mental stimulation prevents boredom and reduces the likelihood of destructive behaviors.
9.Grooming Regular grooming is necessary to maintain your dog's hygiene and health. The frequency of grooming depends on your dog's breed and coat type. The ASPCA recommends regular brushing, nail trimming, ear cleaning, and bathing to prevent matting, infections, and other health issues.
10.Spaying/Neutering Spaying or neutering your dog has numerous health and behavioral benefits. According to the AVMA, spaying/neutering can prevent certain cancers, reduce the risk of infections, and decrease undesirable behaviors such as marking and aggression. Additionally, it helps control the pet population and reduces the number of homeless animals.
Owning a dog is a long-term commitment that requires dedication and knowledge. By following these ten essential tips, you can ensure your dog's health, happiness, and well-being. Providing proper nutrition, regular exercise, routine veterinary care, and mental stimulation are all crucial aspects of responsible dog ownership. Understanding and implementing these scientifically-backed guidelines will help you create a loving and fulfilling life for your canine companion.
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dissmal · 2 years
Year in Review
Highlights of 2022
Totoro became an important part of my life and a part of my daily routine.
Getting promoted to senior, massive bonus and salary jump
I learned how to ski! Went 5x at the beginning of the year
Got my first patent!
Traveled to 5 different countries: Italy, France, Germany, UK, and Norway
Ran my first race of 4 miles!
I learned how to play tennis!
Drove by myself multiple times like for skiing or to Storm King Finally fixed the floor and ceiling, and installed lights
PISTE Benefit in October, designing the entire event and immediately seeing my work in public
Released a new version of the Soulo Nail Trimmer with new features and earned 1k in revenue
Travel and Relax. I went to 5 different countries. I learned to appreciate wine and became a part of the relaxed culture of Italy and France. And whenever I traveled, I had time to read and let time pass more slowly. I truly enjoyed and appreciated traveling and now have a desire to do more of it. 
Ambition and Sport. This year was all about being inspired by these accomplished athletes. Starting from watching Eileen Gu win the winter olympics, to getting closer with Nzingha, watching the US Open and tennis matches online, to the World Cup-- I realized that I wanted to feel moments of victory and loss and to work hard towards something that pushed my body to its limits. 
Valuing routine. With athleticism and sport, comes routine. I established a routine for once, and understood the value of it. My routine included taking care of Totoro, mandating myself to play piano, run, answer Evergreen Noom and other apps everyday. Fasting really helped with establishing routine and helped me regulate my eating schedule. Returning from travel made me realize that I only like temporary disruptions but ultimately still like to stick to a schedule.
Stronger friendships.  I feel like I have a solid friend group and people that I hang out with regularly. There were so many moments this past year when I felt so loved by my friends and I’m so grateful to have them in my life. 
Independence, freedom, and comfort in self. Part of the reason I was able to form stronger friendships was because I could go anywhere any time. I’m able to spontaneously pick myself up and get out the door. I found hobbies that were independent of my friends too, like running. And having Totoro at home made me more comfortable being at home/being alone now and doing what makes me happy and running on my own schedule. 
Relationship with my parents. Having my own space and being independent contributed to a better relationship with my parents. I think I’m able to communicate with them better, and we maintain Friday night dinners. 
Hard lessons in relationships. I learned how to navigate my relationships better. I was nervous about going into long distance this year and I’m glad Jon and I came out of 2022 stronger. I now know the pitfalls of ldr relationships and the key to maintaining them. It’s given me a lot more insight into other people’s relationships as well and I know what to do more proactively in the future to build stronger relationships.
2023 Goals
Fitness: I want to lose weight 115 lb (attempt 2x) and have a better relationship with food. This also means establishing a daily routine and sleep at a set time.
Career-wise: Get a job as a PM or get into Ycombinator, and decide what to do with Soulo - full time or license the IP?
Run a half marathon and continue to improve at tennis and badminton
Get better at jazz piano and perform at a recital
Try an art class (pick between painting, water color, sketching)
Execute 1 personal project
Continue to improve my apartment, make it more “designer” and less cluttered
Cook more intentionally and try new recipes
Read 1 book
In 2023, I would like to have a better relationship with food and be more disciplined. I want to have better eating habits. I want to stop mindlessly eating while watching TV or my phone. I want to stop using food as a way to compensate for my lack of sleep. I want to gauge when I feel close to full and stop eating to a point of discomfort. I want to stop following eating scripts like dessert after dinner, even though I’m already full. I want to stop feeling “food fomo” and getting food that I don’t really need just because I’m in the area. Food is becoming less enjoyable because of these bad habits and makes me feel gross which is really unfortunate. In 2023, I would like to be more in touch with my artistic side. I want to absorb more of the world, and take in the things around me. I want to take some art classes and explore new mediums and get creative with a personal project. And lastly, in 2023, I would like to be less anxious and to be more self aware of my anxiety and to control it. I don’t want to live anxiously, I want to live care free. 
I’m really looking forward to living with Jonathan again and sharing a space together. I’m excited to be able share more of my life with him and make memories together. I feel a little bit anxious about how we’ll adjust together, if he’ll like this apartment, and whether he’ll want to hang out with my friends, but overall, I’m just looking forward to feeling relaxed and content with him at home. I also can’t wait to see what this year holds for travel. Going to China and seeing my extended family for the first time in 3 years will be exciting to see my cousins grow since high school and going to Japan and even potentially other parts of Asia will be so fun. I would also like to have a stronger relationship with my grandma and take her outside and do more activities together and hear her stories. 
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blvckmar · 4 days
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the taste of success is quite addictive. it was sunhwa’s father who made sure she kept her expectations higher than the heavens, higher than god. who drilled the consequence of failure, horror stories of what happened to those who were weak. he’d explain it with all the manic fervor of a man high off victory himself, newly appointed to the class of nouveau riche with no desire to fall back into the oil-slick gutters. 
perhaps he is the reason sunhwa has such a twisted view of winning, how she doesn’t hesitate to pluck feathers of others soaring towards the sun, or slash tires in the long race. in hindsight, this could be the very reason yoon minhyuk forced her gave her the lead on the project collaboration with the tech conglomerate heir, kim seunghan.
was her father right to trust her? yes. failure was a sour, bitter flavor, like the aftertaste of a hangover. unfortunately, so was kim seunghan’s personality. sunhwa had never met such a fucking kill joy. truly, the man had started their business venture with a nasty attitude towards sunhwa for no apparent reason (sunhwa would later consider this an honor, a win really, as she had taken a spot on someone’s shit list by merely breathing. she’d laughed herself to sleep about it on more than one occassion. and a good fucking sleep it was.)
now, they’re reaping the benefits in the privacy of a company dinner, half of hwa&seong’s executives on one side, kim seunghan’s on the other. there are green bottles strewn across the table, spoons jammed into the empty ones as makeshift mics as the production manager, mr. lee, serenades the two heirs in gratitude (sunhwa knows he’s just extra happy about the raise this collaboration is bringing to his paycheck.)
all the while, flocked by her team on either side, sunhwa candidly sips from her glass of maekju, wishing she was as pissed drunk as her counterparts. 
a hand claps on sunhwa’s back just as she raises her glass, effectively spilling her drink in her lap. she cuts her eye from the mess of her pants to the tipsy senior who’s giggling beside her, breath sharp with the stench of soju and fried food. 
“who knew you had it in you, yoon sunhwa-ssi!” the backhanded compliment has sunhwa scoffing, eyes cutting high to the ceiling. she has half a mind to punch the man. 
“how was it, working with the genius of such a big tech company?” he continued, eyes shining in kim seunghan’s direction. as if his future boss wasn’t sitting next to him (and without an apology to the mess of her clothes for fucks sake—)
sunhwa sets down her glass a little harder than intended, shooting the man a withering look. she jabs a finger into his forehead, nail as sharp and black as her expression. “you’re practically fucking drooling, mr. choi. do you wanna go sit on his side? wanna suck up to him a little harder, see if he can offer you a job while you're at it?”
when mr. choi is properly settled down again, face either red from alochol or embarrassment or anger, none of which sunhwa cares, she folds her hands beneath her chin, shooting kim seunghan a sharp grin full of teeth.
“why don’t you tell them, genius. how was it working together?”
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patty12345 · 11 days
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granuleprepsov · 3 months
Comprehensive Guide to Holistic Dog Care: Ensuring Your Pet's Well-being
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Caring for a dog goes beyond providing food and shelter; it encompasses a holistic approach to their physical, emotional, and mental well-being. As beloved members of our families, dogs deserve the best care to lead happy, healthy lives. This article explores various aspects of comprehensive starostlivosť o psa, offering insights and tips to ensure your canine companion thrives.
Nutrition: The Foundation of Health
A balanced diet is the cornerstone of a dog's health. High-quality commercial dog foods, whether kibble, canned, or granules, are formulated to provide the essential nutrients dogs need. However, every dog is unique, and their dietary needs may vary based on age, size, breed, and health condition.
Puppies require food rich in protein and fat to support their rapid growth and development.
Adult dogs need a balanced diet to maintain their energy levels and overall health.
Senior dogs may benefit from foods that support joint health and are lower in calories to prevent obesity.
Consulting with a veterinarian to choose the right diet and considering adding natural supplements like fish oil or glucosamine can further enhance your dog's nutrition.
Regular Exercise: Keeping Your Dog Active
Physical activity is crucial for maintaining a dog's health and preventing obesity. Regular exercise helps keep their muscles strong, supports cardiovascular health, and provides mental stimulation.
Daily Walks: Aim for at least one or two walks a day, adjusted to your dog's energy levels and breed requirements.
Playtime: Engaging in games like fetch, tug-of-war, or agility training can be both fun and beneficial.
Socialization: Allow your dog to interact with other dogs to develop their social skills and reduce anxiety.
Mental Stimulation: Keeping Your Dog's Mind Sharp
Dogs are intelligent creatures that thrive on mental challenges. Providing opportunities for mental stimulation is essential for their cognitive health.
Training: Regular training sessions reinforce good behavior and provide mental exercise.
Interactive Toys: Puzzle toys and treat-dispensing toys can keep your dog engaged and mentally active.
New Experiences: Introducing your dog to new environments, scents, and sounds can enrich their lives and reduce boredom.
Grooming: Maintaining Cleanliness and Comfort
Regular grooming is not just about keeping your dog looking good; it's also vital for their health. Different breeds have different grooming needs, but general grooming practices include:
Brushing: Regular brushing removes loose fur, prevents matting, and reduces shedding.
Bathing: Bathing your dog every few months or as needed keeps their coat clean and healthy.
Nail Trimming: Keeping your dog's nails trimmed prevents discomfort and potential injuries.
Dental Care: Regular brushing of your dog's teeth and providing dental chews can prevent dental diseases.
Veterinary Care: Preventive and Responsive
Routine veterinary check-ups are essential for monitoring your dog's health and catching any potential issues early.
Vaccinations: Keep your dog's vaccinations up to date to protect them from common diseases.
Parasite Control: Regular treatments for fleas, ticks, and worms are crucial.
Health Screenings: Regular blood tests, dental exams, and other screenings can detect health issues early.
Emotional Well-being: Providing Love and Security
Dogs are social animals that thrive on companionship and affection. Ensuring your dog's emotional well-being involves:
Bonding Time: Spend quality time with your dog, offering love and attention.
Safe Environment: Create a safe, comfortable space for your dog to relax and feel secure.
Positive Reinforcement: Use positive reinforcement techniques to train your dog and build trust.
Holistic dog care involves a balanced approach to nutrition, exercise, mental stimulation, grooming, veterinary care, and emotional well-being. By addressing all these aspects, you can ensure your dog leads a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life. Remember, a well-cared-for dog is a joyful and loyal companion, enriching your life in countless ways.
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podiatryfootsole · 3 months
Podiatrist Home Visits: Convenient and Comprehensive Foot Care with Foot & Sole Podiatry
Maintaining foot health is crucial for overall well-being, especially for individuals with mobility issues, chronic conditions, or busy schedules. Recognizing the need for accessible and convenient foot care, Foot & Sole Podiatry offers professional podiatrist home visits. This service brings expert foot care directly to your doorstep, ensuring that you receive the same high-quality treatment in the comfort of your home. Here’s an in-depth look at how podiatrist home visits work and the benefits they offer.
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The Need for Home Podiatry Visits
For many individuals, visiting a podiatrist’s clinic can be challenging due to various reasons such as:
Mobility Issues: Seniors, disabled individuals, or those recovering from surgery may find it difficult to travel to a clinic.
Chronic Conditions: Patients with chronic illnesses like diabetes often require regular foot care but may struggle with transportation.
Busy Schedules: Professionals and caregivers may not have the time to visit a clinic during regular working hours.
Convenience: Home visits offer the flexibility to receive care without leaving the comfort of your home, making it an ideal option for many.
What to Expect During a Podiatrist Home Visit
Foot & Sole Podiatry ensures that home visits provide comprehensive care equivalent to what you would receive in a clinic. Here’s what you can expect during a home visit:
Initial Assessment: The podiatrist will conduct a thorough assessment of your foot health, including your medical history, current symptoms, and any concerns you might have. This helps in diagnosing any underlying issues and tailoring the treatment plan accordingly.
Diagnostic Procedures: If necessary, the podiatrist may perform diagnostic tests such as gait analysis, nail and skin examinations, or even use portable equipment for more detailed assessments.
Treatment Services: Home visits cover a wide range of treatments including:
Nail Care: Trimming and treating ingrown toenails, fungal infections, and other nail disorders.
Skin Care: Addressing issues like corns, calluses, warts, and cracked heels.
Diabetic Foot Care: Specialized care to prevent complications such as ulcers and infections.
Orthotic Assessments: Evaluating and fitting custom orthotics to relieve pain and improve foot function.
Wound Care: Managing and dressing wounds to promote healing and prevent infection.
Education and Advice: The podiatrist will provide personalized advice on foot care routines, footwear choices, and lifestyle modifications to maintain optimal foot health. They may also demonstrate exercises and techniques to alleviate pain and improve mobility.
Follow-Up Appointments: Depending on your condition, the podiatrist will schedule follow-up visits to monitor progress and adjust the treatment plan as necessary.
Benefits of Podiatrist Home Visits
Choosing home visits for podiatry care offers numerous benefits:
Convenience: Receive professional care without the hassle of traveling to a clinic.
Personalized Attention: One-on-one attention in your own environment allows for a more personalized approach to treatment.
Comfort: Being treated at home can reduce anxiety and stress, particularly for those with mobility issues or chronic pain.
Continuity of Care: Regular home visits ensure ongoing monitoring and management of foot health, which is essential for chronic conditions like diabetes.
Accessibility: Provides access to high-quality foot care for individuals who might otherwise be unable to attend clinic appointments.
Why Choose Foot & Sole Podiatry?
Foot & Sole Podiatry is committed to providing exceptional foot care with a focus on patient convenience and comfort. Our team of experienced podiatrists is equipped with the latest knowledge and tools to deliver effective treatments at home. We prioritize patient education, ensuring that you are well-informed about your foot health and the steps needed to maintain it.
Podiatrist home visits by Foot & Sole Podiatry offer a convenient and comprehensive solution for maintaining foot health. Whether you have mobility challenges, chronic conditions, or a busy lifestyle, our home visit service ensures you receive top-quality care in the comfort of your home. Don’t let mobility issues or a hectic schedule compromise your foot health. Contact Foot & Sole Podiatry today to schedule a home visit and take the first step towards healthier, happier feet.
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usmanhadi · 4 months
Enhancing Pet Care: The Ultimate Guide to Pet Accessories and How Our Website Can Help
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Owning a pet is a joy that brings immense happiness and companionship. However, ensuring your pet's well-being requires more than just affection; it involves providing the right accessories that cater to their health, comfort, and entertainment needs. This comprehensive guide delves into essential pet accessories and highlights how our website can become your go-to resource for high-quality pet supplies.
The Essentials: What Every Pet Needs
1. Nutritious Food and Feeding Accessories
Quality Nutrition: A balanced diet is fundamental to your pet's health. Our website offers a variety of high-quality pet foods tailored to different dietary needs, whether your pet requires grain-free options, specific protein sources, or senior formulas. Each product is vetted to ensure it meets stringent nutritional standards.
Feeding Bowls and Dispensers: The right feeding accessories can make mealtime more enjoyable and healthier for your pet. Choose from an array of durable, easy-to-clean bowls made from stainless steel, ceramic, or BPA-free plastic. For busy pet owners, automatic feeders ensure your pet gets their meals on time, while our range of water fountains keeps their water fresh and clean.
2. Grooming Supplies: Keeping Your Pet Fresh and Healthy
Brushing and Bathing: Regular grooming is essential to maintaining your pet's coat and skin health. Our website features a variety of grooming tools, from brushes designed for different coat types to pet-safe shampoos and conditioners that keep your pet's skin and coat clean and healthy.
Nail and Dental Care: Keeping your pet's nails trimmed and their teeth clean is crucial. Our selection of nail clippers, grinders, pet-specific toothbrushes, and toothpaste ensures you can maintain your pet's hygiene easily and safely.
3. Comfortable Bedding and Crates
Beds for Every Pet: A comfortable bed is essential for your pet's rest and recovery. Our website offers a range of beds, including orthopedic options for older pets, heated beds for colder climates, and cozy nests for smaller animals.
Crates and Carriers: Crates provide a safe space for your pet and are invaluable for training and travel. Our variety of crates and carriers are designed to be comfortable and secure, with options for every size and breed.
4. Toys and Enrichment: Stimulating Your Pet's Mind and Body
Interactive Toys: Toys are not just for fun—they are essential for mental and physical stimulation. Our website features a vast array of toys, from chew toys and fetch toys to interactive puzzle toys that challenge your pet's mind and keep them engaged.
Chew Toys and Scratching Posts: For dogs, chew toys help maintain dental health and satisfy their natural urge to chew. Cats benefit from scratching posts and pads, which help them keep their claws healthy and prevent damage to your furniture.
5. Health and Wellness Supplies
Routine Health Care: Maintaining your pet's health requires more than just vet visits. Our website offers essential health supplies, including flea and tick prevention, ear cleaning solutions, and joint supplements to keep your pet in top shape.
First Aid Kits: Be prepared for minor injuries and emergencies with a pet-specific first aid kit. Our kits include bandages, antiseptic wipes, tweezers, and other essentials, providing peace of mind for pet owners.
6. Training Supplies: Building Good Habits
Collars, Leashes, and Harnesses: Training your pet requires the right tools. We offer a wide selection of collars, leashes, and harnesses that are both comfortable and durable. For added safety, our reflective and LED collars ensure your pet is visible during nighttime walks.
Training Aids: From clickers to treat pouches, our training aids make it easier to reinforce positive behaviors. Our products are designed to help you train your pet effectively and humanely.
7. Litter and Waste Management
Litter Boxes and Accessories: Cats are particular about their litter boxes. Our website offers various types of litter boxes, from traditional to self-cleaning models, along with high-quality litter that controls odor and clumps effectively.
Waste Disposal: For dog owners, we provide biodegradable waste bags and convenient scoops to make cleanup easy and eco-friendly.
8. Safety and Identification
ID Tags and Microchips: Ensuring your pet can be identified is crucial in case they get lost. Our range of ID tags can be customized with your contact information, and we offer microchip services for added security.
Pet-Proofing Your Home: Our products help make your home safe for your pet by securing dangerous areas and keeping harmful substances out of reach.
9. Travel Supplies: Making Adventures Easier
Travel Essentials: Traveling with your pet requires careful planning and the right gear. Our website offers portable water bowls, travel beds, and secure carriers to make your trips more comfortable. Additionally, calming products like pheromone sprays and anxiety wraps can help reduce your pet's travel stress.
Why Shop with Us?
Quality Assurance: We prioritize quality and safety, ensuring all our products meet rigorous standards. You can trust that every item on our website is designed to enhance your pet's well-being.
Extensive Selection: Our extensive product range means you can find everything you need in one place, saving time and ensuring consistency in quality.
Expert Advice: Our website is not just a store but a resource for pet owners. We provide expert advice on pet care, training tips, and product recommendations to help you make informed decisions.
Customer Satisfaction: We value our customers and strive to provide the best shopping experience. Our user-friendly website, responsive customer service, and hassle-free return policy make shopping with us a pleasure.
Engaging Pet Owners: Join Our Community
Pet Owner Forums: Connect with other pet owners in our online forums. Share tips, ask questions, and find support from a community of like-minded individuals.
Social Media Presence: Follow us on social media for updates on new products, special promotions, and pet care tips. Join our community to share your pet’s photos and stories, and participate in fun contests.
Educational Content: Our blog features articles on a wide range of pet-related topics, from health and nutrition to training and behavior. Stay informed with the latest insights and advice from pet care experts.
Providing your pet with the right accessories is essential for their health, comfort, and happiness. Our website offers a comprehensive range of high-quality pet supplies, designed to meet all your pet's needs. From nutritious food and comfortable beds to engaging toys and essential health products, we are committed to enhancing your pet's quality of life.
By choosing our website as your go-to resource for pet supplies, you ensure that your furry friend receives the best care possible. Explore our extensive selection, benefit from expert advice, and join a community of dedicated pet owners. Visit us today and discover how easy it is to provide the best for your beloved pet.
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waggingtailsct · 5 months
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Professional Cat Grooming: A Fresh Look for Your Feline Companion
Maintaining a cat's overall health and well-being is a crucial aspect of responsible pet ownership. Regular Cat grooming not only keeps your feline companion looking their best but also plays a vital role in their physical and emotional well-being. By preventing the buildup of dirt, debris, and matted fur, grooming helps to ensure your cat's coat remains in optimal condition, reducing the risk of skin irritations and other health issues. Moreover, the act of grooming strengthens the bond between you and your cat, as it provides a opportunity for quality time and positive reinforcement.
Cats are naturally inclined to groom themselves, but there are times when their self-grooming efforts may not be enough to keep their coat in pristine condition. This is particularly true for long-haired breeds, senior cats, or those with limited mobility. By incorporating regular grooming into your cat's routine, you can help them maintain a healthy, shiny coat and prevent the discomfort and potential health risks associated with neglected grooming.
Establishing a consistent grooming regimen not only benefits your cat's physical well-being but also fosters a deeper connection between you and your furry friend. The act of brushing, bathing, and caring for your cat's coat can be a calming and enjoyable experience for both of you, strengthening the bond you share and reinforcing your role as a caring and attentive pet parent.
Brushing Basics: Maintaining a Healthy Coat
Choosing the right brush for your cat's coat type is the first step in establishing an effective brushing routine. Short-haired cats may do well with a rubber grooming mitt or a slicker brush, while long-haired felines often require a metal comb or a pin brush to effectively remove loose hair and distribute their natural oils. It's important to experiment with different tools to find the ones that work best for your cat's individual needs.
When brushing your cat, focus on using gentle, long strokes in the direction of the fur growth. This technique not only removes loose hair but also helps to distribute the natural oils throughout the coat, keeping it healthy and shiny. Pay special attention to areas that are prone to matting, such as the armpits, behind the ears, and the belly, taking care to work through any tangles or knots carefully to avoid discomfort.
Bathing Your Cat: When and How to Do It Right
Determining the need for a bath is largely dependent on your cat's lifestyle and coat condition. Indoor cats with limited access to dirt and debris may only require occasional baths, while outdoor cats or those with long, dense coats may benefit from more frequent bathing. Additionally, cats that are prone to skin conditions or have a tendency to groom excessively may require more regular bathing to maintain their hygiene and prevent the buildup of oils and debris.
When it comes to preparing for a bath, it's important to gather all the necessary supplies beforehand, including a non-slip mat for the bathtub, a gentle, cat-safe shampoo, and a soft towel for drying. Ensure that the water temperature is lukewarm and that the bathing area is quiet and free from distractions to create a stress-free environment for your cat.
The key to a successful bathing experience is to approach it with patience and a calm demeanor. Gently introduce your cat to the water, using a cup or a handheld sprayer to wet their coat, and work the shampoo into their fur with your fingers, avoiding their face and ears. Rinse thoroughly, taking care to remove all traces of the shampoo, and then wrap your cat in a soft towel to absorb excess moisture.
Nail Trimming: A Stress-Free Approach
Keeping your cat's nails trimmed is an essential aspect of their overall grooming routine, as overgrown nails can lead to discomfort, scratching damage, and even health issues. The appropriate time to trim your cat's nails will depend on their individual growth rate and activity level, but as a general guideline, it's recommended to trim them every four to six weeks.
Before attempting to trim your cat's nails, it's important to familiarize yourself with the anatomy of the nail, including the quick (the blood vessel and nerve supply) to avoid cutting too close and causing discomfort or bleeding. Gather the necessary tools, such as a pair of sharp, cat-specific nail trimmers, and ensure that your cat is comfortable and relaxed in a secure, well-lit area.
Ear Care: Preventing Infections and Irritation
Maintaining your cat's ear health is an essential aspect of their overall grooming routine, as ear problems can lead to discomfort, irritation, and even more serious health issues if left untreated. Recognizing the signs of potential ear problems, such as redness, discharge, or excessive head shaking, is the first step in addressing any underlying issues.
Proper ear cleaning methods and frequency will depend on your cat's individual needs, but as a general guideline, it's recommended to clean their ears every few weeks using a gentle, cat-safe ear cleaning solution and a soft, cotton-tipped applicator. Avoid using cotton swabs or inserting anything too deep into the ear canal, as this can potentially cause damage or push debris further into the ear.
Dental Hygiene: Keeping Your Cat's Teeth Sparkling
Dental care is often overlooked in the realm of cat grooming, but it is a crucial aspect of your feline companion's overall health and well-being. Poor dental hygiene can lead to a host of issues, including gum disease, tooth loss, and even more serious health problems, such as heart or kidney disease.
Establishing a dental care routine for your cat, which includes regular brushing and the incorporation of dental treats or chews, can help to maintain their oral health and prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar. While the prospect of brushing your cat's teeth may seem daunting, it's important to start the process gradually, using positive reinforcement and treats to make it a more enjoyable experience for your cat.
Dealing with Matted Fur: Strategies for Detangling
Matted fur can be a common issue, particularly for long-haired cats or those that have limited mobility or grooming abilities. Identifying the underlying causes of matted fur, such as a lack of regular brushing or underlying health conditions, is the first step in addressing the problem.
When it comes to detangling mats, it's important to approach the process with patience and care, using specialized tools and techniques to gently work through the tangles without causing discomfort or damage to your cat's skin. Detangling sprays and specialized combs can be invaluable in this process, helping to lubricate the mats and separate the individual hairs without pulling or tugging.
Grooming Tools: Investing in the Right Essentials
Navigating the vast array of grooming tools available for cats can be a daunting task, but investing in the right essentials can make a significant difference in the effectiveness and ease of your cat's grooming routine.
Exploring the various types of brushes, combs, and other grooming tools, such as deshedding tools, dematting combs, and nail trimmers, is the first step in building your Cat sitting. Selecting the appropriate tools based on your cat's coat type and grooming needs will ensure that you have the right tools for the job, whether it's removing loose hair, detangling mats, or trimming nails.
Proper maintenance and storage of your grooming tools is also crucial, as well-cared-for tools will last longer and perform better. Cleaning and disinfecting your tools after each use, and storing them in a dry, accessible location, will help to extend their lifespan and ensure they are ready for your next grooming session.
Grooming Schedules: Tailoring to Your Cat's Needs
Developing a comprehensive grooming schedule for your cat requires a deep understanding of their individual needs, taking into account factors such as breed, coat type, activity level, and age.
Short-haired cats may only require weekly brushing and occasional baths, while long-haired breeds may benefit from daily brushing and more frequent bathing. Similarly, senior cats or those with limited mobility may require more frequent grooming to prevent the buildup of dirt, debris, and matted fur.
As your cat ages or experiences changes in their health or behavior, it's important to adapt your grooming routine accordingly. Consulting with your veterinarian can be invaluable in developing a tailored grooming plan that addresses your cat's evolving needs and ensures their overall well-being.
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healthbeautycarestore · 5 months
Super Pet Total Health
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I. Introduction
A. Definition of Super Pet Total Health
B. Importance of Pet Health
II. Nutrition for Super Pet Total Health
A. Balanced Diet
B. Importance of Protein
C. Essential Nutrients
D. Avoiding Harmful Ingredients
III. Exercise and Activity
A. Importance of Exercise
B. Types of Exercise for Pets
C. Mental Stimulation
D. Exercise Safety
IV. Regular Veterinary Care
A. Importance of Veterinary Visits
B. Vaccinations and Preventive Care
C. Dental Health
D. Parasite Control
V. Mental and Emotional Well-being
A. Bonding and Socialization
B. Enrichment Activities
C. Stress Management
D. Signs of Mental Health Issues
VI. Environmental Considerations
A. Safe Living Spaces
B. Indoor Air Quality
C. Environmental Enrichment
D. Hazards to Avoid
VII. Grooming and Hygiene
A. Importance of Grooming
B. Regular Bathing
C. Nail Trimming and Dental Care
D. Skin and Coat Health
VIII. Super Pet Total Health Supplements
A. Understanding Supplements
B. Common Supplements for Pets
C. Risks and Benefits
D. Consulting with a Veterinarian
IX. Sleep and Rest
A. Importance of Adequate Sleep
B. Creating a Comfortable Sleep Environment
C. Signs of Sleep Problems
D. Sleep Disorders in Pets
X. Monitoring and Tracking Health Metrics
A. Regular Health Assessments
B. Using Technology for Tracking
C. Understanding Vital Signs
D. Recognizing Abnormalities
XI. Holistic Approaches to Pet Health
A. Alternative Therapies
B. Natural Remedies
C. Holistic Veterinary Care
D. Integrative Approaches
XII. Super Pet Total Health for Different Life Stages
A. Puppies and Kittens
B. Adult Pets
C. Senior Pets
D. Tailoring Care to Life Stage Needs
XIII. Super Pet Total Health and Breed Specific Considerations
A. Breed Predispositions to Health Issues
B. Unique Needs of Different Breeds
C. Genetic Testing and Screening
D. Breed-Specific Health Resources
XIV. Community and Support Networks
A. Pet Community Engagement
B. Support Groups and Forums
C. Professional Networks
D. Sharing Knowledge and Experiences
XV. Financial Planning for Pet Health
A. Budgeting for Pet Expenses
B. Pet Insurance Considerations
C. Emergency Fund Preparation
D. Planning for Long-term Care
XVI. Conclusion
A. Summary of Super Pet Total Health Principles
B. Commitment to Pet Wellness
C. Continuing Education and Awareness
D. Empowering Pet Owners with Knowledge
Super Pet Total Health
Pet health is more than just absence of disease; it's about achieving optimal well-being for your furry companions. Super Pet Total Health encompasses a holistic approach to pet care, ensuring that every aspect of your pet's physical, mental, and emotional needs are met. In this article, we delve into the essential components of Super Pet Total Health and how you can ensure your pet lives a happy, healthy life.
Nutrition for Super Pet Total Health
A balanced diet is the cornerstone of Super Pet Total Health. Providing your pet with high-quality nutrition is essential for overall well-being. This includes ensuring they receive adequate protein, essential nutrients, and avoiding harmful ingredients that can compromise their health.
Protein is vital for muscle development, immune function, and overall growth in pets. Ensure your pet's diet includes high-quality sources of protein such as meat, fish, and eggs.
Essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids, play crucial roles in maintaining your pet's health. Look for pet foods that are formulated to meet AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control Officials) standards to ensure they contain the necessary nutrients.
Avoiding harmful ingredients such as artificial preservatives, colors, and fillers is essential for preventing health issues like allergies and digestive problems in pets. Read ingredient labels carefully and opt for natural, wholesome ingredients.
Exercise and Activity
Regular exercise is key to promoting physical fitness and mental stimulation in pets. Different types of exercise, including aerobic activities like running and playing fetch, as well as strength training exercises like agility courses, can help keep your pet fit and active.
Mental stimulation is just as important as physical exercise for pets. Engage your pet's mind with puzzle toys, interactive games, and training sessions to prevent boredom and promote cognitive health.
Ensure exercise safety by providing a safe environment for your pet to play and avoiding overexertion, especially in extreme weather conditions.
Regular Veterinary Care
Regular veterinary visits are essential for maintaining your pet's health and detecting any potential issues early on. Schedule annual wellness exams with your veterinarian to ensure your pet receives necessary vaccinations, preventive care, and health screenings.
Vaccinations are crucial for protecting your pet against common infectious diseases. Keep up-to-date with your pet's vaccination schedule as recommended by your veterinarian.
Dental health is often overlooked but is critical for overall well-being in pets. Practice regular dental care at home and schedule professional cleanings with your veterinarian as needed.
Parasite control is essential for preventing infestations of fleas, ticks, and worms, which can transmit diseases to your pet. Use preventive medications recommended by your veterinarian and conduct regular parasite screenings.
Mental and Emotional Well-being
Pets thrive on companionship and social interaction. Bond with your pet through regular playtime, training sessions, and cuddle sessions to strengthen your bond and promote emotional well-being.
Provide enrichment activities such as puzzle toys, interactive feeders, and environmental enrichment to keep your pet mentally stimulated and prevent boredom.
Manage stress in your pet by creating a calm and predictable environment, providing comfort during stressful situations, and seeking professional help if needed.
Be aware of signs of mental health issues in pets, including anxiety, depression, and compulsive behaviors, and consult with your veterinarian for appropriate interventions.
Environmental Considerations
Creating a safe and stimulating living environment is essential for promoting your pet's overall health and well-being.
Ensure your home is pet-friendly by removing hazards such as toxic plants, choking hazards, and accessible electrical cords.
Maintain good indoor air quality by providing adequate ventilation, using pet-safe cleaning products, and avoiding exposure to tobacco smoke and other pollutants.
Enrich your pet's environment with toys, scratching posts, climbing structures, and hiding spots to encourage natural behaviors and prevent boredom.
Be aware of potential environmental hazards such as household chemicals, pest control products, and outdoor toxins, and take steps to minimize your pet's exposure.
Grooming and Hygiene
Regular grooming is essential for keeping your pet's skin, coat, and overall health in top condition.
Bathe your pet regularly using a mild pet shampoo formulated for their specific coat type and skin condition.
Trim your pet's nails regularly to prevent overgrowth and discomfort, and brush their teeth daily to prevent dental issues such as tartar buildup and gum disease.
Pay attention to your pet's skin and coat health, looking out for signs of irritation, dryness, or excessive shedding, and consult with your veterinarian if you notice any abnormalities.
Super Pet Total Health Supplements
Supplements can play a role in supporting your pet's overall health and well-being, but it's essential to use them wisely and under the guidance of a veterinarian.
Understand the role of supplements in pet health and consult with your veterinarian to determine if your pet could benefit from supplementation.
Common supplements for pets include omega-3 fatty acids for joint health, probiotics for digestive health, and multivitamins for overall wellness.
Consider the risks and benefits of supplements, including potential interactions with medications and the possibility of overdosing, and always follow dosing instructions carefully.
Sleep and Rest
Adequate sleep is essential for your pet's physical and mental health, providing them with the rest and recovery they need to thrive.
Create a comfortable sleep environment for your pet with a cozy bed, a quiet location, and a consistent bedtime routine.
Be aware of signs of sleep problems in pets, including excessive daytime napping, restlessness at night, and changes in sleep patterns, and consult with your veterinarian if you have concerns.
Sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea and insomnia, can occur in pets and may require veterinary intervention for diagnosis and treatment.
Monitoring and Tracking Health Metrics
Regular monitoring of your pet's health metrics can help you detect and address any issues early on, preventing more serious health problems down the line.
Conduct regular health assessments at home, including checking your pet's weight, body condition, and vital signs such as heart rate and respiratory rate.
Utilize technology such as pet fitness trackers and health monitoring apps to track your pet's activity levels, sleep patterns, and other health metrics over time.
Understand normal vital signs for your pet's species and breed, and be alert to any abnormalities that may indicate underlying health issues.
Holistic Approaches to Pet Health
Holistic approaches to pet health focus on treating the whole animal, including their physical, mental, and emotional well-being, using a combination of conventional and alternative therapies.
Consider alternative therapies such as acupuncture, chiropractic care, and massage therapy for managing chronic pain, reducing stress, and promoting overall wellness in pets.
Explore natural remedies such as herbal supplements, essential oils, and homeopathic remedies for addressing common health issues in pets, under the guidance of a holistic veterinarian.
Integrate holistic and conventional veterinary care to create a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your pet's individual needs and preferences.
Super Pet Total Health for Different Life Stages
Pet health needs evolve throughout different life stages, from puppies and kittens to adult and senior pets, requiring tailored care and attention.
Puppies and kittens require special care to support their growth and development, including vaccinations, proper nutrition, and early socialization.
Adult pets benefit from maintaining a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise, preventive care, and a balanced diet tailored to their individual needs.
Senior pets may require additional support for managing chronic health conditions, maintaining mobility, and ensuring their comfort and quality of life in their golden years.
Tailor your pet's care to their specific life stage needs, adjusting their diet, exercise routine, and veterinary care as they age.
Super Pet Total Health and Breed Specific Considerations
Different breeds of pets have unique health considerations and may be predisposed to certain health issues based on their genetics and breed characteristics.
Be aware of breed predispositions to health issues such as hip dysplasia in large breeds, dental problems in brachycephalic breeds, and skin allergies in certain breeds.
Address breed-specific health needs through genetic testing and screening for hereditary conditions, allowing for early detection and intervention.
Consult with breed-specific health resources such as breed clubs, veterinary specialists, and online forums for guidance on managing your pet's health.
Community and Support Networks
Engaging with the pet community and accessing support networks can provide valuable resources and assistance for maintaining your pet's health and well-being.
Participate in pet community events, such as dog walks, pet expos, and adoption fairs, to connect with other pet owners and professionals in your area.
Join support groups and online forums dedicated to pet health and wellness, where you can share knowledge, experiences, and advice with other pet owners facing similar challenges.
Seek guidance and support from professional networks such as veterinarians, pet trainers, and animal behaviorists, who can offer expert advice and assistance with your pet's care.
Share your knowledge and experiences with others in the pet community, empowering fellow pet owners to make informed decisions about their pet's health and well-being.
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Financial Planning for Pet Health
Budgeting for pet expenses and preparing for unexpected veterinary costs are essential aspects of responsible pet ownership.
Calculate your pet's annual expenses, including food, grooming, veterinary care, and pet insurance premiums, to create a realistic budget for their care.
Consider investing in pet insurance to help cover unexpected medical expenses, providing peace of mind and financial protection in the event of accidents or illnesses.
Set aside an emergency fund specifically for your pet's care, ensuring you have the financial resources available to address unexpected veterinary costs without financial strain.
Plan for your pet's long-term care by considering their lifespan, potential health issues, and future needs, and budgeting accordingly to ensure they receive the care they need throughout their lives.
Super Pet Total Health encompasses a comprehensive approach to pet care, focusing on nutrition, exercise, veterinary care, mental and emotional well-being, environmental considerations, grooming, supplements, sleep, monitoring health metrics, holistic approaches, life stage needs, breed-specific considerations, community engagement, and financial planning. By prioritizing your pet's health and well-being and taking a proactive approach to their care, you can ensure they live a long, happy, and healthy life.
For further details and buy click here:
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