#Seriously the devs went nuts on this one
t1meslayer · 7 months
Started my Side Order journey. I'm only a few runs in, but I am very impressed at my level of investment — and I knew I was going to be into after the Splatoon 3 base game did what it did!
No spoilers, but these devs have mastered that ol' "subverting expectations" business. Also, the Control vibes are great:
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If I'm learning anything, it's that I need to go back and write those Pearl/Marina chestnuts in my head. And get on my Agents, too.
... Okay, one spoiler below the cut. As a treat.
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She made her wife giving bedroom eyes into her laptop screensaver?!?! This might be the gayest piece of content Nintendo has ever released.
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silver-wield · 2 months
A short popped up on my yt about Marlene telling Zack, Aerith likes Cloud. So many people were commenting on how they feel sorry for Zack and how it wasn't his fault for not being there. That you could tell he was hurt but was trying not to show it and that he was done dirty and deserved better.
Then you have the cleriths😑 commenting about how "Cloud is better, he was actually there for Aerith," "See, Zack is fine with Cloud and Aerith being together, " Zack is such a good friend. He saved Cloud so he could be with Aerith and make her happy because he knows their feeling for each other!" And of course, you also have that one clerith commenting the SAME THING under EVERY comment 🙄 " Cloud went on an entire adventure with her, not Zack! She has more feelings for Cloud!" Such a 💩 take, lol. She knew Cloud for what, a month? She dated Zack for 2 years, but ok...
These people have so much copium! Someone in the comments had the nerve to say Aerith fans are more mature🤣🤣🤣 Thankfully most people disagreed. They replied back, " You joking, right?" " cringe, y'all take the game too far. " " y'all Aerith fans are nuts! " You guys read too many doujins."You clerith fans are a lost cause." 😂😂
Seriously though, the only people who are happy about what they did to Zack in this game are Cleriths who think they still have a chance. Even though cloti got a kiss and all they had was hand holding and being friend zoned on a failed date. Oh yeah, and she died!
Cloud knew aerith for 3 weeks while he was under alien control. Which means she never knew him. All her garbage about liking him is just that. She don't know him.
She should've been faithful to zack instead of a back stabbing bitch. Maybe people would've liked her then.
Nobody likes her or talks about her "iconic" death scene. The devs took it away from her. That death scene was like watching a fucking yoyo go up and down.
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wolfgabe · 1 year
Super Mario Bros Wonder Direct Impressions
After having a day to digest the Super Mario Bros Wonder presentation I think I can properly give my two cents. I don't think I have been this excited for a 2D Mario game in a long time. It's quite insane really how many new ideas they have managed to cram in here. It practically makes New Super Mario Bros look like a prototype by comparison.
In terms of visuals, I seriously don't get where some people are coming from claiming Wonder still looks generic and bland. In what we have seen so far this game absolutely obliterates NSMB in terms of art direction and visual variety. There are also some neat twists on familiar Mario level themes. Fluff Puff Peaks looks like they went and combined the ice and sky worlds into one which is a much more interesting take on the usual Mario world tropes. You can really tell how they are embracing some of the inventive wackiness found in the recent 3D Mario titles.
The playable character roster on display here is just insane. We got the whole NSMB gang plus Peach, Daisy, Toadette 4 Yoshis, and even Nabbit. I know people will dump on Yoshi and Nabbit for basically being the "You Suck." mode but I think it's great to have them for less experienced players. There is just something very surreal about seeing Daisy fully playable in a Mario game that isn't a sports game, or a spin off. I hope this marks the start of Nintendo actually making her a genuine part of the core Mario cast going down the road.
The powerups my god the new powerups. Elephant Mario is such a neat twist on the usual animal costume power up Deviantart jokes aside. Bubble Mario I am surprised they didn't come up with sooner especially considering it was in a ROM hack beforehand and I love how they basically brought back the Spin Drill from Super Mario Galaxy 2 and translated it into 2D.
The Wonder Effects are a perfect way of keeping things fresh in the event people thought 2D Mario was getting too boring and predictable. I have a feeling we are only scratching the surface with what Nintendo has shown us.
The badge system feels like a natural extension of the 2D Mario formula. Nintendo has essentially taking the modern game design philosophy of allowing people to customize the game to suit their play style and applied it into 2D Mario. The speedrunning potential of some of these badges is likely gonna be nuts.
Okay I really didn't have Nintendo giving Super Mario Bros Wonder its own Dark Souls style multiplayer mode on my bingo card. Honestly, I think making online play more focused on assisting and helping other players rather than competitive co-op was a smart move given how much of a mess online co-op has been in previous Mario games that had it. I really get the sense the Mario dev team applied a lot of the lessons they learned with online multiplayer in previous Mario titles to create an experience that was better suited for 2D Mario.
After seeing everything new about Super Mario Bros Wonder I think I can see why Nintendo felt the need to give this game it's own dedicated Nintendo Direct presentation. This truly feels like the proper next generation of 2D Mario in ways the later New Super Mario Bros games never did.
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arjaandsimoni · 1 year
Onwards, to India
Nelen snorted awake in his hotel room, still in London. He looked bleary eyed at the clock, two AM… then at the caller. Nine PM where she was.
He stretched, yawning, then opened his phone. “Mom, whats wrong?” he asked.
“Nelen, we… we’ve got a really really big problem. Your sister is missing…” she started, and he almost dropped the phone.
Ten minutes later.
Nelen was wide awake now, Dawn sitting up in her bed stock still with her eyes huge. “Okay… ONE more time?” he asked, his mother on speakerphone now so they could both hear her.
“Look, all I know is that she helped out this Indian girl and her dad that were staying in Cincinnati for some big to do. Something supernatural tries to kill them, she helps fight it off, and then she’s on the news and Dad is losing his mind! I manage to talk him down at first, got rid of her witch kit, and then she’s just gone!” she shouted.
“Dammit… dammit this is bad… did Frank…” he started.
“Not yet… I… I think she ran off with that girl. I looked into it and apparently her dad is some bigshot over in India. I…” she paused, “… I panicked. I asked Dad for help. I thought she’d been kidnapped at first. He just kinda shrugged it off at first, then he sent Terrance.”
Nelen grunted, “He sent Trip-and-Fall Terrance? That guy is an even bigger black sheep than I am!”
“I know! Apparently, Terrance did manage to find her but… he didn’t get her back, and after he found her… Dad sent… he sent Jacob and his boys.” she said, her voice cracking.
Nelen’s eyes went huge. “He sent Jacob?! Dammit!” he snarled. “That’s not a rescue team, that’s assassination! Is he seriously going to try to kill someone over there?!” he shouted.
“I… I think… I think he sent them after Stephanie. I don’t know why but… he’s declared her banished. He’s furious, I haven’t seen him so angry in my life! If he still had Loren he’d have sent her!” she shouted.
“Okay… Mom. Deep breaths, okay? Does she still have her smartphone on her?” he asked.
“I… I dunno, I think so… normally I can’t get her to leave the damn thing alone. I already tried calling her though! She’s not answering!” she said, “Why?! Are you going to do some big hex or something to track it somehow?” she asked.
Nelen was very glad his mother couldn’t see the face he made, “No mom, I’m going to have a friend of mine in New York hack the GPS and just tell me where she is.” he replied. “Look, I need to call him fast. The sooner I get ahold of him the sooner we get solid info. I’ll contact you the MINUTE I have something, I promise.” he nodded, “Tell Dad I love him okay?” he said, then hung up and sighed deep, “Oh. Balls.”
Dawn whined, “This… this is really bad huh?” she asked.
“Frank is completely nuts, and if he's already sending guys like Jacob and his team...” he growled, dialing a number.
“Hello! This is Dev/Null! Hacker, cracker, and blood-snacker!” came a rather disjointed voice.
“Dev, its Nelen. I need your help man. You still got that trick you used to break Apple’s GPS blocks?” he asked.
“Nelen the Felon! You betcha! Still owe ya for breakin’ me outta that Charon lab after they tracerouted me demon dude! Whats new with you and your pussycat?” he said.
Nelen sighed, Dev/Null was one of the best phreaks in all of the East Coast, he could break into any computer system on Earth, and rumor had it a few that were in low orbit, but he was also a vampire and apparently his particular form of vampirism made him a little… off.
“Dev, listen carefully. I’m going to give you a phone number. I need you to tell me PRECISELY where it is. Please! It’s a matter of life and death!” he said, trying to stress the urgency, then he gave him Stephanie’s number.
“Thank you for your order! Your pizza is now in the oven and will be delivered in thirty minutes or less or its freeeeeee!” giggled the vampire’s voice.
Dawn made a face at that, mouthing ‘do we REALLY have to trust him?’
Nelen nodded firmly, Dev/Null was a reliable hacker as long as you could keep his brain on this plane of reality for more than five minutes.
“DING! Waffles are done! The phone is currently in London, England heading down an alleyway three blocks from Big Ben!” he cheered.
Nelen and Dawn stared at each other, then he said, “Wait wait, they’re here?!” he shouted, “Dev are you SURE?!” he asked.
“Sure as sugar, sunshine, shootin’, and lots of other S words Nelen the Felon! They’re…” he paused, “… huh… they were. Signal lost. They’re not anywhere now!” he said.
Nelen blinked, “An alleyway in London… then just gone? No signal at all?” he frowned, then stared at Dawn as the feline’s eyes widened in realization.
“SHE’S IN THE NIGHTSIDE!” they both shouted at once.
Five minutes to throw on some clothes later they were out the door and running like hell for the nearest entry point.
The Nightside, thirty minutes later.
Dawn teleported from rooftop to rooftop as Nelen ran frantically through the crowds, looking everywhere for a hint of red hair, then pulled out his phone and texted her, again, tenth time.
“Sis. Mom called, told me what had happened. Said Gramps marked you for death. CALL. ME.”
He hit send, then growled, then looked around frantically again as Dawn scanned from the rooftops.
“Mnnn… lets see… no, no… no… NO! NO GODSDAMMIT!” she hissed, flailing her arms.
As Nelen ran along, he almost collided with a pair of young Indian girls. The warlock stumbled past them and winced apologetically to the duo, “SHIT! Sorry, comin’ through!” he shouted, rushing off.
The two watched them go, then one of them who had short hair and was wearing a red teeshirt with a stylized monkey on it in gold imagery said, “Hey… wasn’t that…”
The other one, taller and skinnier with long hair shook her head, putting a finger to her mouth, then quickly ushered her companion on.
Nelen snarled and charged through the crowds, but within an hour it was clear how hopeless this was. The Nightside was almost as massive as London itself and she could have already left.
He scowled, then texted Dawn, “Abort, we’re going back to the hotel and seeing if Dev/Null can track her again.”
The Next Day.
Nelen felt horrible. Sleep hadn’t come, and even Dawn looked exhausted. His hotel room was covered in spellbooks, magical tools, and other occult paraphernalia, but nothing he did was working. “I don’t get it… even if she were dead this one would point me to her…” he frowned, a rowan branch holding an emerald tied to it with a strand of his own hair. He no longer had his ponytail, having cut it off after a rather close encounter with a Loup Garou in Louisiana, but it seemed to be working properly otherwise. “It acts on ties of blood, maybe its Merihim?” he muttered.
"Oh sure, blame the demon…" grumbled a voice in his mind.
“Just saying Merihim, it may not count as a ‘tie of blood’ anymore since, yanno…” he shrugged, then both he and Dawn jumped as the phone rang.
Nelen saw the caller, then grabbed it and answered it immediately. “MOM?! Whats going on?!” he asked.
“Nelen, its… its over, she came back home. Said that her Indian friend and her fought off Jacob and his goons, but that this Arja girl didn’t want her to stay. Told her that if dad was gonna send his thugs that she had to go and bought her a plane ticket home.” she replied.
Nelen looked up at Dawn, “You’re sure? She’s not hurt or anything?” he asked.
“She’s acting a little odd, I think she’s just upset her friend dumped her.” she replied.
Nelen and Dawn sighed in relief, the warlock taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes, “… thank the bloody gods…” he muttered, “Mom, don’t take this the wrong way… but I’m going to hang up the phone now and me and Dawn are going to sleep for about a week.”
“That makes three of us son.” she chuckled, “Take care, and thanks for trying… I’m just glad its all done now…” she sighed.
He hung up, then looked at Dawn, “… kids…” he shrugged.
Dawn rolled her eyes, smirking, “… humans…” she replied.
They both smirked at each other, then their eyes rolled back, and they both fell slowly to the sides.
They were both asleep before their heads hit the pillows.
Paris, France. Three days later
Nelen and Dawn walked through Paris, the warlock grumbling to himself, “Ugh… what an asshole, total waste of time.” he snarled, “Who does that Agreste guy think he is? ‘Bring me a magical cure all that can fix anything!’ Sure buddy, would you like it with a side of Maltese Falcon? Maybe wash it down with some Hawaiian Punch in the Holy Grail?” he huffed.
“I mean, there is stuff that could count as a ‘cure all’ for a lot of things.” Dawn replied as Nelen took another bite of the macaroon. They’d picked up a bag at a local bakery after he’d kicked them out of his house.
“Yeah, yeah… but seriously, I dunno what he’s wanting it for, but there’s a lot better fates than being turned into a werewolf or a vampire or something.” he nods, “Rich jerk probably just wanted to live forever…” he snorted.
Dawn shrugged, “Eh, screw ‘im.” she replied.
As they turned a corner Nelen’s phone rang. He shrugged, then answered it, “Bonjour Maman, we’re in Paris.” he chuckled, “Want me to mail you a s- wait… wait WHAT?!” he stopped dead.
Dawn paused then looked around. A few people nearby were looking at him. Nelen saw this as well and quickly ducked down a sidestreet, then another, then once they were out of view Dawn teleported them up onto a roof of a shop and he put it on speaker, “Okay okay, slow down. We’re hidden now.” he said.
“It was a fetch!” she shouted, “That wasn’t your sister that came home! Dad demanded on seeing her personally and when he got close the glamour broke and she was just a scarecrow! He tore the thing in half!”
Nelen’s eyes bulged, “A FUCKING FETCH?! Son of a bitch did one of the Gentry get her?!” he demanded.
“No! I… this is going to sound insane, but… Dad’s spies in London saw her going into the Nightside with some Indian girl… said she had short hair and wore a red teeshirt, then a while later ‘Stephanie’ came out alone and that Indian girl left with another Indian girl. Dad thinks the third girl is the real Stephanie in disguise!” she said.
Nelen stared, “… WHAT?! I almost steamrolled a kid like that! I was right ontop of her!” he snarled. “She didn’t say a DAMN THING!” he slammed his fist into the rooftop, cracking it.
“Nelen, listen. She’s gotta be back in India by now, I did some looking into it. The girl she’s with is called Arja Barjar. She’s the daughter of some Indian political bigwig named Rajesh. He was in Cincinnati for some business deal with Proctor & Gamble. They live in Jaipur. You HAVE to get there! Dad is gearing up a new squad already!” she shouted, “Hurry! I don’t care how you got your magic but put that damn demon to good use and protect your sister!”
Nelen nodded, “Yeah, yeah I will… after I THROTTLE HER FOR NOT SAYING SOMETHING THAT NIGHT!” he shouted, his eyes rimming red as he hung up. “Dammit Stephanie what the actual flying FUCK are you playing at?! One word! One sentence! I could have done SOMEthing to help you!” he snarled.
“HEY! Can it Gandalf!” hissed Dawn, “I’m ticked at her too, we’ll deal with it after we make sure your grandpa doesn’t kill her!”
Nelen nodded, “Yeah, yeah… we will…” he took a deep breath, then Dawn warped him back to street level and he opened the path to the Wulfshead. “Loren!” he called out as he got inside.
His cousin looked up and walked over, “Yeah cous? What… ah bugger, Frankie is upta stomethin’ isn’t ‘e?” she frowned.
“That obvious?” he asked.
“Ye look like yer gonna snap someone’s neck in ‘alf.” she grinned.
“Yeah… Stephanie, my sister. He’s banished her.” he said.
Loren’s eyes went wide, “… ‘e WOT?! She’s just a wee gel! What th’ bloody ‘ell did she do?!” she demanded.
“Apparently, she ran off to India with some girl and Frank is on the warpath… literally. He’s already sent Jacob and his team.” he nodded.
“… ‘n they won?” she raised her eyebrows, whistling, “Damn, didn’t know th’ wee birdie ‘ad it in ‘er…” she nodded, “… there’s more ta this ain’t there?” she asked.
“I’m going to damn well find out.” he nodded firmly, “Look, I’m going to give you my mom’s phone number. Just… help her out if she needs it. Frank may just completely snap and go after my whole family now.”
Loren nodded, “Boyo… ye may be a Hellbound demon-summonin’ bookworm… but yer a good lad.” she grinned, patting his shoulder. “I’ll keep an eye on yer ma ‘n pa. Go find yer sister.”
“Thanks Loren.” he said, handing her a slip of paper with the number on it. “I’m heading to India apparently.” he shrugged, going back to the door and spinning the dials until they read ‘Jaipur, India,’ then opening it.
The heat hit him like a truck as he stepped out, Dawn gasping a bit as well. “GUH! Am I breathing this air or drowning in it?! Even Kentucky doesn’t get this humid!” she gasped, shaking herself.
“Ugh, no kidding…” he muttered, looking around. Jaipur was a massive city, all around them was noise and talking and such, and Nelen couldn’t understand a word. “Here, gimme a second…” he muttered, taking out a stylized ear-clip from his bag, then clipping it onto his left earlobe near the top.
Instantly, the words all made sense to him, he was as fluent in them as he was in English. “Damn these things were worth it. At least I can say I got some useful stuff out of Al.” he nodded, “Well…” he looked around, “Where do we start?” he asked her, Dawn shrugging.
A minute later an explosion came from several streets over.
“That way.” they both said together, rushing off towards it.
"You do know, Fullmoon, that going after your sister will put you directly in the old man’s crosshairs… possibly permanently." warned Merihim.
“We both knew this’d happen eventually Merihim.” he grunted back, ducking around panicked pedestrians as they fled away from the source of the noise, another explosion going off. “At least I have a good reason to this time.” he frowned.
"Whatever, its your eternal damnation…" snorted the demon in an annoyed way.
“Damn right it is, which means I’m going to make it worth it.” he smirked.
Another explosion went off, followed by a massive burst of wind, and Nelen elbowed three people out of the way as Dawn lept up and ran along a balcony, all pretenses forgotten for the moment. Why deny it? He was a Fullmoon, and this is what they should be doing! Fighting to PROTECT people! Franklin was a madman, but he was an old one. Perhaps he could see to it that the future of the Clan was a better one, maybe that all started here…
To Be Continued in The Supernatural Adventures of Arja & Simoni: The Sword of Franklin Fullmoon
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theonyxpath · 5 years
Questions! We get questions every day, and while a lot of them start with “when”, as in “when is my favorite book coming out?”, a fair number are more about some integral things that aren’t obvious to folks if they haven’t been lucky enough to read this blog regularly.
Unlike you, my fine friend, who no doubt already know a lot of the following! But I bet there’s a few things in there even you can use brushing up on!
“In order to put out so many game lines, Onyx Path must be a big TableTopRPG company with lots of employees, right?”
Well, we work with a lot of talented freelance creators, but there’s only four actual staff members, so no, not really big at all. There’s myself, as founder and Creative Director, Mighty Matt McElroy as our Operations Director, Lisa Thomas as our Office Manager, and Mirthful Mike Chaney, our Art Director and primary Graphic Designer.
The hundreds of writers, editors, artists, designers, and developers we work with all around the world are all freelancers – that means that they are hired with a contract. Sometimes per project, sometimes for a time period to do a particular agreed-upon set of goals.
“You mean that those lovable scamps from the Onyx Pathcast – Dixie, Eddy, and Matthew – aren’t staff members?”
Correct! Although the Pathcast is one fun thing that they do for us, and their biggest responsibilities lie in shepherding our projects, all three of them are freelancers for us. Albeit freelancers who are part of our weekly meeting to cover how all our projects and the company in general are doing because they are just really great at what they do.
Being freelance also means that our creators can easily take part in other projects for other companies – which is something I encourage. More experience from any source means that a creator is building their expertise, and that means better and better projects for all of us.
We also hire consultants when needed – sometimes for long periods, sometimes on a project – to cover viewpoints or areas of expertise we need to have. Sometimes to cover the nuts and bolts, day to day needs of part of our business, like working with translation partners or like James, our Kickstarter concierge, that our usual crew don’t have the bandwidth for.
TC: Aeon Distant Worlds art by Michele Giorgi
“I heard Onyx Path was secretly still owned by White Wolf, and that you, Rich Thomas, were still with WW.”
That sounds like an internet rumor, and we all know how reliable those are!
So, no. I left WW a few years after the merger of WW with CCP and started Onyx Path Publishing in 2012. I am the sole owner. Other than being a licensee of the current White Wolf/Paradox, we have no other connection with them on a business level. Again, let me underline that no other company has any sort of ownership of or ability to control Onyx Path.
Also, Eddy Webb does not own Onyx Path, or even part of it. Because I’ve heard that rumor, too. He owns Pugsteady, which is a very good company all on its own.
M20 Book of the Fallen art by Michael Gaydos
“But you do own Exalted, right?”
Nope. Exalted, Chronicles of Darkness, and the World of Darkness books that White Wolf/Paradox allows us to publish under license still belong to them.
Beyond the fact of WW‘s ownership of those IPs, what that means for you noble readers and players is that Onyx Path has limits as to what we can publish based on what the owners of the game lines are comfortable with us publishing. For example, we get a lot of this sort of question:
“Why won’t you make Hunter The Reckoning, Demon: The Fallen, or, OMG, Mummy 20th Anniversary Editions?
And the reason is: we would – if it was cool with White Wolf/Paradox. Unless they give the OK, about these or any of the books we publish under the license with them, we have no legal right to just put out a book. This has been true for us going back to when CCP granted Onyx Path the license, so it’s not something nefarious, just how this license works.
The Realms of Pugmire game lines, Cavaliers of Mars, Dystopia Rising: Evolution, and Legendlore, are also licensed lines as well, with different sorts of contracts that specify different things as part of their terms.
The game lines we own, and therefore have a much wider latitude on how the lines develop, are: Scion, Scarred Lands, They Came From Beneath the Sea! and the Trinity Continuum. Without outside approvals, we can move a lot faster with our decisions as to what projects to do next, and how fast, and in what order, and where they are sold, and, well, just everything.
So if it seems like you’re hearing and seeing a lot more hoopla about our owned lines lately, that’s a huge part of the reason: we can just decide on Scion Pantheon Journals in a meeting Monday, and they can go on sale on RedBubble on Wednesday.
By Jove! That’s actually what’s happening this week! What a coincidence!
TC: Aeon Distant Worlds art by Sam Denmark
“You didn’t announce anything new at GenCon, and the First Draft section is getting kind of thin. What’s up? You guys out of ideas?”
Far from it! I think the Project Progress section here on the blog can be, or at least, has been, misleading in this regard. What we’ve had happening for the past year or year and a half, has been a kind of bloat brought on by us finally finishing a bunch of old Kickstarter and other projects, and being up-to-date on current Kickstarter and other projects.
Plus, we have multiple pitches that we’ve been waiting to hear on – relating to my notes above about approvals from our Licensors. Doesn’t make sense for us to get writers started until the projects have been given the green light.
Most importantly, we’ve several bigger projects still under wraps: from working out just what we want to do all the way to finishing the outlines for writers. For example, now that we ran the Trinity Continuum: Aberrant KS, we’re working on TC: Adventure! and actively discussing how to bring all that’s awesome about a pulp-genre setting to modern audiences, while dealing with the more problematic aspects of the time period.
Oh yes, there are still many games we want to create and we are all set to develop more projects for our:
Many Worlds, One Path!
Keep an eye out in this space as well as on our social media for the Deviant: The Renegades Kickstarter that will be launching after August wraps up!
Onyx Path Media!
This Friday’s Onyx Pathcast features our Terrific Trio deep in anticipatory antics about upcoming games they’re excited about!
Today in the media we’re mainly going to talk about our Twitch channel! As you can see from the schedule, we have games planned for Scion, Pugmire, TC: Aberrant, Scarred Lands, Vampire, and there’s so much more to come! Please do check us out and if you have an Amazon Prime account, and aren’t already subscribed to a Twitch channel, you can subscribe to ours for free for exclusive content! Here’s the channel for you, and thank you so much for keeping up with our content: https://www.twitch.tv/theonyxpath/
And if you missed it, here’s episode zero of Paws & Claws, our Pugmire actual play on the Twitch channel: https://youtu.be/Y519d9Cmx7g
We have of course produced videos beyond that, including this video here where Matthew asks for your They Came From ideas: https://youtu.be/ek8x-eoJ2Tc
And the Onyx Path News went live today. Find the link to today’s episode here: https://youtu.be/XE1kAsRYIJw Matthew talks all about new releases, Kickstarter, Backerkit, community content, our media, and his favourite authors!
We’d be remiss if we didn’t promote some of our favorites too. As our main focus is on our own Twitch today, we’re going to point you in the direction of only a couple more channels, but the big list of streams will return next week!
Here’s Occultists Anonymous (who are also appearing on our Twitch channel) with their Mage: The Awakening actual play: Episode 36: After emerging from Atratus’ soul and getting a frenzied call from Mammon, Wyrd the Seer and Songbird investigate their cabalmate’s disappearance. https://youtu.be/GopIcUu-rAU
And the excellent Story Told Podcast continues their superb Dragon-Blooded actual play here, so do tune in if you’re interested in Exalted: http://thestorytold.libsyn.com/fall-of-jiara-episode-12
Drop Matthew a message via the contact button on matthewdawkins.com if you have actual plays, reviews, or game overviews you want us to profile on the blog!
Please check any of these out and let us know if you find or produce any actual plays of our games!
Electronic Gaming!
As we find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is live! Our dev team has been doing updates since we launched based on the excellent use-case comments by our community, and this thing is awesome! (Seriously, you need to roll 100 dice for Exalted? This app has you covered.)
On Amazon and Barnes & Noble!
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).
If you enjoy these or any other of our books, please help us by writing reviews on the site of the sales venue from which you bought it. Reviews really, really help us get folks interested in our amazing fiction!
Our selection includes these fiction books:
Our Sales Partners!
We’re working with Studio2 to get Pugmire and Monarchies of Mau out into stores, as well as to individuals through their online store. You can pick up the traditionally printed main book, the screen, and the official Pugmire dice through our friends there! https://studio2publishing.com/search?q=pugmire
We’ve added Prince’s Gambit to our Studio2 catalog: https://studio2publishing.com/products/prince-s-gambit-card-game
Now, we’ve added Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition products to Studio2‘s store! See them here: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/all-products/changeling-the-lost
Scarred Lands (Pathfinder) books are also on sale at Studio2, and they have the 5e version, supplements, and dice as well!: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/scarred-lands
Scion 2e books and other products are available now at Studio2: https://studio2publishing.com/blogs/new-releases/scion-second-edition-book-one-origin-now-available-at-your-local-retailer-or-online
Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
And you can order Pugmire, Monarchies of Mau, Cavaliers of Mars, and Changeling: The Lost 2e at the same link! And NOW Scion Origin and Scion Hero are available to order!
As always, you can find most of Onyx Path’s titles at DriveThruRPG.com!
On Sale This Week!
This Wednesday, we’re offering a selection of Scion pantheon themed journals on our RedBubble store!
Save Against Fear: October 12th – 14th GameHoleCon: October 31st – November 3rd PAX Unplugged: December 6th – 8th 2020: Midwinter: January 9th – 12th
And now, the new project status updates!
DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM EDDY WEBB (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
M20 Victorian Mage (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Exalted Essay Collection (Exalted)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #2 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Exigents (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Many-Faced Strangers – Lunars Companion (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Contagion Chronicle: Global Outbreaks (Chronicles of Darkness)
Yugman’s Guide to Ghelspad (Scarred Lands)
Vigil Watch (Scarred Lands)
Pirates of Pugmire KS-Added Adventure (Realms of Pugmire)
Player’s Guide to the Contagion Chronicle (Chronicles of Darkness)
Contagion Chronicle Jumpstart (Chronicles of Darkness)
Lunars Novella (Rosenberg) (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Monsters of the Deep (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Tales of Aquatic Terror (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Kith and Kin (Changeling: The Lost 2e)
Wraith20 Fiction Anthology (Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition)
Crucible of Legends (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Second Draft
Tales of Good Dogs – Pugmire Fiction Anthology (Pugmire)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #1 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Across the Eight Directions (Exalted 3rd Edition)
One Foot in the Grave Jumpstart (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2e)
Scion: Demigod (Scion 2nd Edition)
Titanomachy (Scion 2nd Edition)
Trinity Continuum Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum Core)
Terra Firma (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
M20 The Technocracy Reloaded (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Creatures of the World Bestiary (Scion 2nd Edition)
Heirs to the Shogunate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Scion Companion: Mysteries of the World (Scion 2nd Edition)
Legendlore core book (Legendlore)
City of the Towered Tombs (Cavaliers of Mars)
TC: Aeon Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition core rulebook (Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition)
Masks of the Mythos (Scion 2nd Edition)
Scion: Dragon (Scion 2nd Edition)
Manuscript Approval
Geist 2e Fiction Anthology (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
Creatures of the World Bestiary (Scion 2nd Edition)
Oak, Ash, and Thorn: Changeling: The Lost 2nd Companion (Changeling: The Lost 2nd)
Cults of the Blood Gods (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
W20 Shattered Dreams Gift Cards (Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th)
W20 Art Book (Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th)
Post-Approval Development
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
V5 Chicago Screen (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Deviant: The Renegades (Deviant: The Renegades)
Let the Streets Run Red (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
Lunars: Fangs at the Gate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
TC: Aeon Ready-Made Characters (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Hunter: The Vigil 2e core (Hunter: The Vigil 2nd Edition)
Chicago Folio/Dossier (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
City of the Towered Tombs (Cavaliers of Mars)
Post-Editing Development
Memento Mori (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2e Companion)
DR:E Threat Guide – Helnau’s Guide to Wasteland Beasties (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
DR:E Jumpstart (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
Heroic Land Dwellers (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Pirates of Pugmire (Realms of Pugmire)
In Art Direction
Contagion Chronicle
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant
Hunter: The Vigil 2e
Ex3 Lunars – Contracted.
They Came from Beneath the Sea! – Contracted. Sketches already coming in.
TCfBtS!: Heroic Land Dwellers – Contracted. LeBlanc doing the splats.
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed – Thinking I throw a bunch of this at Vince and Trabbold.
Ex3 Monthly Stuff
DR:E Threat Guide – Helnau’s Guide to Wasteland Beasties – Michele is doing the critters.
Deviant (KS) – Contracted.
Trinity RMCs – Getting Riley on these this week.
Cults of the Blood God (KS) – Mark is in to do fulls and cover.
Chicago Folio – Lemme see who I got left post KS art buy for Cults. I am gonna try to get Paul Lee to do the fulls.
Mummy 2 (KS) – Got Matthew’s notes.
In Layout
CoM – Witch Queen of the Shadowed Citadel
Dark Eras 2 – Files with Aileen
Trinity Continuum Aeon: Distant Worlds
VtR Spilled Blood – For Josh.
DR:E Jumpstart
Aeon Aexpansion
C20 Cup of Dreams
V5: Chicago – Inputting errata.
Geist 2e – XX’s and then Indexing.
Signs of Sorcery – Inputting errata.
M20 Book of the Fallen
DR: E – Inputting errata.
At Press
Dragon Blooded – Deluxe at Studio2, shipping.
Dragon-Blooded Cloth Map – At Studio2, shipping.
Dragon-Blooded Screen – Shipped to Studio2, shipping.
Trinity Core Screen – At Studio2.
TC Aeon Screen – At Studio2.
Trinity: In Media Res – PoD proofs coming.
Trinity Core – Printing.
Trinity Aeon – Printing.
Shunned By the Moon – PoD proof ordered.
Today’s Reason to Celebrate!
Born on this date in 1921 – Gene Roddenberry, who, love him or leave him, got Star Trek on the air and set the stage for many, many, folks’ first introduction to science fiction – and utopian science fiction at that! Plus, because why not, this is also the birthday of William Marshall in 1924, who appeared on Star Trek as Professor Richard Daystrom, and whose amazing voice graced us as both Blackula and the King of Cartoons! Also, to continue the Star Trek theme: in 1938, Diana Muldaur, who appeared on both the Original Series, and on STtNG as Dr. Pulaski, was born, and last but not the least likely to get it on on an alien planet, William T. Riker’s portrayer, Jonathan Frakes, was born in 1952. (Bill Clinton was also born on this date in 1946, and while we all know he’d give Riker a run for his money, he was never on Star Trek – just a US President.)
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purecolby · 7 years
Imagine #14- It Was Perfect- Part 1
Tumblr media
You were dragged into Devyn and Corey’s bedroom, and Devyn had the camera this time.
“What the hell is going on, and why do I feel like i’m some kind of experiment for you..” You questioned. Devyn didn’t answer. You really didn’t know what she needed. You thought it was just going to be some stupid vlog thing that Corey usually does. You decided to go along with it and just forget about how you didn’t know what was about to happen.
“So, for this week’s video we will be using Y/N as a living, breathing mannequin. We are going to give her a new makeover. Hopefully that will be okay because I didn’t ask her before we started filming. Is that okay, Y/N?” Devyn asked you, turning away from the camera to look at you.
“Yeah, I guess it’s fine. I’m curious to see how you’ll do my makeup and dress me up.” You said. After you were stuck in your head for a minute, but then you realized that Devyn has just pulled out a MAC store from her bathroom. “Do I really need that much makeup?” You asked her with a terrified face. You started to cover your face, insecure of why she had brought out all this makeup.
She pulled your hands down and answered your question, “No of course you don’t! But I do need to foundation match you, and pull out all of my palettes to see which eye look I want to do on you, especially for this occasion…” She ended. You started to get suspicious. You wanted to ask her.
“Occassion? Wait, off the record, are you trying to set me up? You know how anxious i’ll get if you do.” You asked. She smiled but she shook her head no. You let out a sigh of relief but you didn’t take her answer seriously.
“So, why is there so much makeup? Really.” You asked her. “I never get to play with makeup much when Corey’s home, and this is a perfect excuse to get you to wear 10 pounds more makeup than you usually do.” You heard the bedroom door open. Out walked Katrina.
“Hey Kat. Sorry I look like an actual ghost. Devyn has made me fall ill, or at least made me look like it.” You said as Kat walked in and kicked off her shoes. She laughed then plopped down on the bed.
“Here I am! I love you Y/N. Just wanted to tell you that before we go out to look for clothes.” Kat said.
“I love you too, but what does that have to do with going out for a stupid video that won’t mean anything in the next few months?” You said to her. Katrina gave you some wide eyes and then looked at Devyn.
“Devyn. It looks like you put a little too much foundation on her ear. It looks like her ear is about to fall off because she’s decomposing. Come help me find the makeup wipes so we can fix her dead ear look.” Katrina said. Devyn looked at your right ear and agreed with Kat and went to the bathroom with the camera. They conspired.
“I have to pee, too. So we’re closing the door.” Katrina said to you. And then Katrina shut the door. It didn’t really come to your attention that they might be conspiring until you got the idea by the time they came out of the bathroom.
“Okay guys so Y/N is a little bit onto us and I think us both being in the bathroom looking for makeup wipes is a little much to stay out of her way while we do this whole thing. Kat literally just told her about how she needs to pee, and that’s why she shut the door. This isn’t exactly going well, as you’d imagine. But, we are keeping it under the wraps that we are putting her through the process of a blind date. She has no idea that we set this up. So, in the meantime, I’m going to look for makeup wipes.” Devyn said into the camera lens. Katrina went pee and Devyn frantically looked for the baby wipes. They both came out to see that Y/N was holding the baby wipes in hand. Devyn laughed and grabbed them from you.
“Katrina, how was the potty break?” You asked. She nodded. “Good. It was good. So, let’s talk. What colors do you plan on putting on her eyes, Dev” Katrina asked. Devyn wiped around your ear a little bit.
“First of all, don’t call me that. And second of all, I plan on putting neutrals on her, so go nuts with the outfit.” Devyn said. You were confused. You thought Devyn was the one doing all the heavy lifting, and Kat was just asked to come over to be the camera-man. Clearly, you were wrong.
“What? Why did you think I came over? To hang out with my disgusting boyfriend, Sam? Ew, no. I came to come help Devyn figure out what to dress you up as. I just needed to know what she was gonna do to your beautiful face!” Katrina exclaimed.
“Okay. I actually think we should stick with something a little more, brown and light. Not shadowy and sexy. I think it will look better in the long run.” You decided to just scroll through instagram instead of worry about it because then you’d drive yourself to just make some theories up. You saw that Colby has posted a photo of him and Brennen at Tender Greens.
“Look! He’s having so much fun with his best friend, and his boyfriend!” You laughed. “He really is dreamy, and he looks super hot in his sweater. I love his new merch line. It makes me want to just buy everything, but then again, I need to eat, so…” You laughed again. Devyn looked at the picture you were talking about and saw that Colby has mainly posted the picture because he got a new haircut.
“Sorry I have a boyfriend so I can’t fantasize in the same way that you are. It’s driving me nuts that you and Colby haven’t made something happen, though. You guys are pretty much the same person except one of you has ovaries; however, I can’t tell if that’s you or him. He spends way more time on his hair than you.” Devyn said.
“Devyn!” Katrina said, laughing. “So has this crush progressed?” She asked. You nodded your head and she squirmed, excitedly.
Devyn finally finished off your makeup look with a nice, brick red lipstick. She set your face with setting spray and she curled your hair. You guys went to target because you didn’t like those expensive places to shop. It was really just your simplicity of things. Katrina insisted that you guys go to Forever 21. You really didn’t like that idea. You wanted to go cheap and simple. Like your makeup. Which wasn’t really a change from what you normally do. It was like your regular makeup routine, just caked on.
Katrina and Devyn finally found the perfect outfit, and it was definitely your style, too. It was totally lowkey, and it seemed like something that you had already had in your closet. You really didn’t understand what was so special about a black nirvana t-shirt and jeans, but you liked it. You paid for the outfit and you guys got back to the mansion. Devyn and Katrina had left to Devyn’s bedroom and told you to stay out.
“So Y/N is finally ready to be shown, but it’s almost time that we tell her about how all day we’ve been preparing her to go on this date with Colby. Also, so you’re filled in, Brennen and Sam have also been preparing Colby so he doesn’t look exactly like Y/N.” Katrina said. Devyn nodded and then aimed the camera to Katrina.
“Are you ready to tell Y/N, Kat? I am so excited to tell her about the date, but to keep her in suspense, we won’t tell her it’s Colby that she’s going out with. It’s going to be super funny!”
You waited in the kitchen just eating out of a bag of cheetos and you were surfing on instagram.You were actually surfing through Colby’s instagram and then Devyn scared you when she snuck up behind you.
“God! Jesus, Devyn. You scared the crap out of me!” You said loudly. Katrina patted your back and you were alerted immediately. “Why are you trying to comfort me?” You asked. You walked over to one of the charis at the end of the island at the table.
“Nothing. Just- sorry, can you please stop shoving your face with cheetos for a second. I’m trying to tell you something!” Devyn exclaimed. “God! Okay, tell me what you want!” You asked, getting your hand out of the bag of cheetos.
“So, we actually did have a reason why we gave you a makeover. But can you promise not to freak out when we tell you?” Devyn asked, pointing the camera at you.
You stood there noticing the lack of expression in their faces. So, you nervously grabbed the bag and took another helping of the cheetos (let’s face it at this point you’re kinda curious).
“Stop eating those things!” Katrina yelled as she pulled the cheetos bag out of your hands.
“What is so important?” You asked. They finally let it out.
“We got you a blind date with a guy we really don’t think will murder you if you talk a little too much.” Devyn said.
“What? What the hell is wrong with you guys! I really need to go, I have to clean my apartment.” You said. You grabbed your purse and started to head out the door.
“No stop why are you leaving, Y/N?” Katrina asked.
“No, stop. I need to go, I have no idea why you did this. You know I get really anxious about things like that. I really hate it when you guys put me up to this stuff. I can’t be here when, whoever, you got for me to date gets here. I really can’t.” You said.
“No, no, no. You are going to be fine. We know the guy you’re going on a date with. You will be completely fine.” Devyn said. You took her word for it and just collapsed in the chair.
“He texted me, here. Read this, Devyn.” Katrina said. You wondered why you were sucked into this.
“Listen, take a few deep breaths and stop eating the bag of cheetos. Kat, take them away from her, jesus.” Devyn said. She went upstairs to go get at least her eyebrows on. She wanted to look presentable for their ‘guest’.
“Kat, this is freaking crazy, I can’t do this. Especially now that I know what you guys were doing to set me up today. It is driving me to the point where I am having serious anxiety.” You confessed.
“You will be fine once you meet this mystery man. You will be fine.” Kat assured you. You decided to trust her, but you still ate out of the cheeto bag since you were super stressed out.”
The doorbell rang. You immediately got chills down your spine.
“That’s your date, Y/N! Aren’t you excited to meet him?” Devyn said as she came downstairs, more presentable than before.
“Sure, if you think that the thought of me heaving on your nice floors is a feeling of excitement, then yes.” You retorted. Devyn went up to the door, disregarding your comment, and then she opened the door.
“Welcome back, Colby.” Devyn said. You sighed. You started to walk back to the kitchen.
“What’s the matter, you don’t like him, Y/N? Because my plan kinda foils if you don’t like him, since he’s your date for the night.” Devyn said. You gasped and turned around.
“What?! Oh, my god. I’m so sorry, Colby. I thought maybe Devyn and Kat set me up with someone else. It’s just unexpected and I hope that you-” You were cut off.
“Y/N. Chill. It’s okay. It’s fine. Calm down. Take a few breaths. I know you’re a little bit anxious.” He said. You kind of felt safe around him.
“Awe!” The girls exclaimed at the same time. Colby comforted you by caressing your arm.
“He knows you so well! That’s sweet!” Katrina said.
“Yeah, we’re pretty close friends, remember. We met in 10th grade, I think?” You asked him, squinting your eyes.
“Yeah I think so. Wow. That’s quite some time. Anyways, I think that maybe we should continue with this date.” Colby said. You blushed a little as he pulled you in for a hug.
“No, you’re having the date here, Colby.” Devyn chimed in.
“No, now that I see that my blind date is Y/N. I will take her out on a proper date.” Colby said.
“All right then. Y/N. Take the camera, please. Document your first date with your lover, please.” Devyn asked. You grabbed the camera.
“He’s not my lover!” You whispered angrily at her. Colby didn’t hear you because Brennen caught his attention. Brennen walked in and handed Colby the camera.
“Here. Document your date, Colby. It’s sad that I have to make you do it though, since we have such a good bromance.” Brennen stated. He quivered his lip. You laughed, which made Colby laugh, and then he swept you away from these crazy, blind date creating people. You guys hopped in his car and drove somewhere, but Colby refused to tell you where you were going.
“I hate it when you guys do this. I’m not really fond of surprises. But then again, you know that. You surprise me all the damn time with your pranks.” You laughed and nudged him. He laughed and then you tried to guess where you were going on your date.
When you arrived, you almost cried. It was perfect.
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halvatir · 7 years
Hello mizu! Its okay if you're too busy/don't want to do it but could you do the more detailed character ask for flanel and randel? Curious anon here, have a good day!
hey there anon, hoping you’re having a good day too ( ᐛ )و - are you talking about this ask??? i’m not sure what you’re talking about but bless these kinds of tumblr blogs, here u go
btw the likes/dislikes are in reference to my interpretations for them, the fav/least fav moment are in reference in-game since y’know… these guys don’t exactly have ‘moments’ minus… idk, whoever the devs decide to feature in the updates (゜▽゜;)
flamel (… flanel lol i thought u were referring to another chara)
what i like about them: perfectly self-aware of himself: knows what his strengths + capabilities are and also his weaknesses + flaws, along with his morals + ideals + character. nope, any form of psychological bullshit won’t work on him. he’s absolutely aware of what he’s capable of doing and he’s not in denial about his shortcomings at all… what he does with that knowledge and what he plans to do about it is more of the question.
what i dislike about them: while flamel has a condescending air about him, he actually does not look down on people and he acknowledges others’ capabilities + character, even if they’re better than his own. that’s the problem: he knows or at least he has a general idea of a person’s capabilities + character, and what he dislikes the most is if it is not put to good use. without mercy, he can really say stinging observations about one’s failures and fears straight to their faces - the worst part is? it hurts, bc it’s true. he’s insensitive, but you can’t exactly deny his words either.
favorite moment: when i get his card lol bc i really like his card art??? not the mvp + biochemist one, the regular one - like… daMN??? i dig, he probably has the best regular card among the bio mobs imo
least favorite moment: ??? have u fought this fucker in-game??? no??? lucky u then, cecil’s still the queen bitch but mAN is flamel also a pain to fight, the last time i played ended up with my party dying partially bc of him and his clones
a situation with this character that i want to see explored more: not exactly a situation but his backstory??? or okay, something with his family - i know he’s nicholas flamel’s son but what about his mom? or what if: his parents announce that he’s about to have a sibling like??? what, i’m like around my 20s already then u tell me i’m gonna be an older bro i am questioning ur nightly activities??? cue a much needed slap from his mom lol
an interesting au for this character: lol i’d probably like to see flamel in a soulmate au where he feels the same emotions his partner does like wow he’s really irritated at it at first bc really why is this person so damned emotional / feel so much but eventually he’s able to compartmentalize his partner’s emotions from his own and he also takes note of the emotions his partner experiences in a journal daily, complete with time frames/lines??? that’s sort of sweet??? it also becomes a habit for him to look at the journal at the end of the day and think of reasons why his partner may have felt this way at each of the recorded times??? what’s funny tho is that despite the fact that he’s been taking note of his partner’s emotions for so long (probably middle school up to college?), he’s never gotten the urge to discover who his soulmate is, or to try find said person. sorry soulmate, you’re the one who’s gonna take initiative.
a crossover: top of my head, probably a fullmetal alchemist one lol - he’s probably some big shot alchemist then surprise surprise, one of his transmutation attempts fucked up him up pretty badly leading him to the gate of truth. he wakes up feeling ‘empty’ only to figure out that somehow his parts of him have taken the form of homonculi… and not just any kind of homonculi - they introduce themselves as a part of him, the sins in him that has made him the man he was today. they even call him father and take different human forms (lol, aka they take the form of his floormates, take a pick who represents each sin) - the revelation is in his travels tho while he’s trying to get to the homonculi, is that flamel himself embodies a sin, the seventh sin that completes all of them (try guessing what, lol). ooooh, this could probably be good if i actually fix this but yeah, there u go, it goes somewhere along those lines.
otp: none, actually. 
other ships: kathryne // trentini
brotp: randel // alphoccio
notp: lady tanee hahAHAHA jk no seriously idk just ignore my first entry pls it was supposed to be a joke… maybe…
assortment of headcanons
surprise bitch, he’s the best chef in the biolabs but he ain’t gonna cook for anybody but himself - the only time he isn’t hung up on precise measurements + time is when he’s cooking
has a pair of reading glasses, uses them often and keeps them stored away neatly in his desk complete with a wipe - he always makes sure there’s adequate lighting + his reading glasses are present when he reads stuff, he sure cares for his eyes a lot
he… surprisingly follows a lot of good health practices - he always takes 15 - 20 min break if he’s been doing something for a straight hour (patrol + battles are exempted), drinks 8 glasses of water daily, sleeps early, etc.
his hands are always gloved - takes ‘em off only when he’s about to sleep. his right hand is pristine but his left hand has a strangely shaped burn mark that runs diagonally across his palm - it looks old.
he looks prim and proper but honestly his room is nuts - what’s more confusing is that he isn’t bothered by his room’s state at all + he knows exactly where his stuff is when he needs it, like… dude… how do u even know where to find ur shit in a warzone called ur room, teach me ur ways master
randel (oooh this is new)
what i like about them: he’s a very resolute yet flexible person: definitely not the type of person who’d go second-guessing on his decisions or would waver in times of crisis, but he’s not also the person who’d insist on pushing on with the initial goal/objective when difficulties or contradictions arise - he takes in the present situation + other factors & encountered facts and weighs them against the supposed goal/objective. from there he determines what he thinks would be the best course of action to take, and it takes him only a short time to do so even under pressure.
what i dislike about them: true to his class, he’s too self-sacrificing??? which is like… dude c’mon it’s probably an honor for the crusader line to die in the act of protecting others but still if u die, who’s going to protect those who can’t protect themselves? like yeah, he understands that too but he’s more inclined to believe that it’s better for him to be left behind/sacrificed/die in exchange for the lives of the majority. well - it’s either he’s that self-sacrificing or sadly, when weighed against the lives of the people he must protect, he doesn’t place that much value on his own life.
favorite moment: the feel when u don’t get his attention, seriously. pls let me sneak about ur floor in peace - i swear i went to church so pls stop with the grand + holy crosses
least favorite moment: fighting him is torture bc if rms data is right, 478,745 hp, man - he has the longest hp out of his floormates… and that’s just a regular randel… the paladin one has 3,870,000 and the mvp one a whopping 6,870,000… since his life is that fucking long, say goodbye to trying not to be mobbed by the other ghosts bc ur still busy trying to kill him, damn
a situation with this character that i want to see explored more: same like flamel, knowing his backstory would be A+ but… hmm, maybe something way back like his origins story or something, the story of why and what made him decide to be a swordsman/crusader. y’know, that’s if we’re assuming that he’s not from a family line of swordsmen/crusaders or something. idk, sometimes the thing is with characters who are in line with a faith/ideal is that i’m interested in what made them devote their lives to that certain faith/ideal in the first place.
an interesting au for this character: oooh, just… idk, a modern au where he suddenly ends up taking care of the bio2 kids who are orphans. he’s never mentioned it to anyone, not even to the people of his workplace who happen to be his friends/co-workers like for 4 years already. therein lies the problem: his friends on separate occasions have seen him with at least 2 or 1 of the kids. they all know randel isn’t married. the hair colors (cenia and laurell) + other features don’t match up. some distinctly heard a kid call him dad/daddy/father (see: wickebine, armaia, the rest respectively). conclusion: it’s either a) he’s babysitting as a part time job bc goddamn rekenber’s a cheap son of a bitch that won’t give him a raise, b) those kids are his cousins or something and are probably so fond of him that they see him as a father figure, or c) illegitimate chiLDREN FROM SOME ONE NIGHT STANDS ALRIIIGHT SCANDAL IN THE OFFICE. chaos ensues even before poor randel has a chance to explain himself.
a crossover: lol, idk… a shingeki one maybe where randel’s probably the head of the survey corps, watching over our fated trio (probably flamel/celia/chen for his floor, bio2&3′s are a mix&match). for some time, the trio don’t see him but strangely enough when the trio get old enough to join the corps, they discover that randel is considered a scum and a traitor to humanity by all three army regiments (survey, garrison, & military) which is strange bc randel is very well known and respected by humanity within the walls, wow. when the trio get deeper into his case, it turns out that randel vehemently fought against a group of scientists that were looking for human subjects for the ‘sake of saving humanity by using present resources’ - the three of them were seen as part of those potential resources and were eyed upon by the scientists were they were already young, along with other people from different parts of the walls (the other bio mobs). what happened to randel, however, is left in the air… was he even still alive, or had something important happened leading him to be branded as the traitor of humanity? politics, religion, science, drama, and titans (removers maybe lol) ensue.
otp: again, no solid one.
other ships: ????? surprising revelation is that i don’t exactly ship randel romantically, wow even i just discovered that now
brotp: his floormates - although honestly i think that one way or another, randel could be on everyone’s good side once they just get around to talking, probably
notp: zealotus oKAAAAY no seriously pls make me stop placing random mobs in this section
assortment of headcanons:
very, very religiously open + tolerant. he shows a lot of interest on other faiths and is knowledgeable even of various religious practices asides from his own. of course, he’s still steadfastly loyal to what he believes in first and foremost, but he feels no need to impart his beliefs to those who don’t / are reluctant to believe. he isn’t the type you’d see to be preaching about his faith either, that is unless you ask.
in line with the hc above, his tolerance also extends to people and their character + personalities, but he isn’t too tolerant to the point that he’d rationalize questionable actions + motives. he may have the patience of a saint, but no one’s so sure if they want to see him snap / test his patience to see what makes him tick. throwing bullshit about his faith doesn’t work on him, actually.
he’s pretty crafty - he pretty much taught himself other ways to help people, from practical stuff like sewing to more complicated stuff like woodwork + metal works, wow. he’s basically the ideal useful guy in survival crises… minus the fact that he can’t cook that well lol
he has the worst drinking tolerance among the bio3 + bio4 residents - the sign that he’s drunk is when his face shows more expression than usual + his posture breaks (the paladin randel card art lol). nobody knows bc damn son, he has a pretty good poker face and he can hold it for a really long time
... the only reason he grew his hair long is bc of a promise to his mother. he vowed that if ever he was to fall in love (and it was reciprocated) / find the person he would devote his life to, that would be the only time he would cut his hair, and his mother would do the honors... but... yeah... wow, i made myself feel sad
this was a lot of fun - thanks a lot for the ask anon, and i welcome your curiosity anytime! (���^∇^) i’m always in for a distraction from work lol
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sisefs · 8 years
Yandere Dev/EvaXephon/Alex is a pedophile - or at least a former one
So I’m not sure if this is the right time or place but it’s 1 AM and this has been keeping me up ever since I learned about it. A friend tipped me off recently that Yandere Dev is no other than EvaXephon, and knowing what I know about him...I just want this information out there so people can make informed decisions about this person and whether or not to support his game.
About eight years ago, I was fourteen and Eva was twenty-one. I was in eighth grade, finishing up middle school, and loved to hang out at his “vidya” stream after school. I went by the name sisefs. I was not quiet about my gender, and when he found out I was a girl he just went nuts in the way internet creepers do. Being fourteen and shy as hell in real life, I enjoyed that attention, not realizing how wrong it was. So when he wanted to “date” me...I went along with it.
Now, I want to point this out: Eva knew I was fourteen. He was well aware for the entirety of our relationship. His justification - and I remember this clearly because it struck out to me as strange - was that since he was home-schooled, he had missed out on the experience of dating girls in high school and this was the perfect opportunity to make up for that. I reminded him I was in middle school, not high school. He said, “Same difference.”
Here’s a list of shit that happened at that point:
He asked me for nudes, which I took and then provided to him via an image hosting site that’s probably long dead by now. He asked me to pose in specific ways for some of them.
We sexted over Skype. (worth noting, I think, is that he made excuses not to reciprocate text-based oral. Seriously?)
He masturbated on webcam to me while I made moaning noises over my mic at his request.
I borrowed my friend’s webcam to video chat with him. He asked me to strip, but my friend was in the room with me. Instead, when she wasn’t looking, I flashed him.
That’s as much as I can dredge up from memory; a lot of this had been repressed and only came up over the past few days as I thought long and hard about it. Our relationship was a pretty short-lived affair, anyway.
Some other things he did, while not illegal/pedophillic, were skeevy as hell:
saw flat-chested girls as deformed, similar to an amputee
dismissed me/brushed me aside whenever I spoke up about something not related to sex
told another girl in chat that he would keep her in a cage and love her
begged me to stay with him, offered to change himself etc. when I ended things, then when I refused, banned me altogether from his streams and began to spread vitriol about me
lied heavily to cover his own tracks
I’m under the impression that his version of the story is as follows: I was some desperate girl who sent nudes unsolicited to everyone and anyone, and he deleted the disgusting pics and banned me as soon as he learned I was underage. Believe who you want; I’m not here to garner attention or stir up drama, hence the throwaway account. I just want the truth out there.
I don’t know if I’ll even return to this account but if I do, I’ll try to answer any questions this may bring up.
And if you’d like proof, I’m sorry, I don’t really know how to go about proving any of this. The pictures are long gone, the Skype account is no more, the livestream account is inaccessible. Just know that I have nothing to gain from doing this...I only want people to know. And, to an extent, the story is out there already - told by various people from the chatroom who witnessed some of this as it happened - but no one knew the full extent of what was going on. Well, now you know, straight from the horse’s mouth. :/ Thanks for reading.
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I’d like to submit a post I made from a throwaway account. Here it is in its entirety:
So I’m not sure if this is the right time or place but it’s 1 AM and this has been keeping me up ever since I learned about it. A friend tipped me off recently that Yandere Dev is no other than EvaXephon, and knowing what I know about him…I just want this information out there so people can make informed decisions about this person and whether or not to support his game.
About eight years ago, I was fourteen and Eva was twenty-one. I was in eighth grade, finishing up middle school, and loved to hang out at his “vidya revolution” stream after school. I went by the name sisefs. I was not quiet about my gender, and when he found out I was a girl he just went nuts in the way internet creepers do. Being fourteen and shy as hell in real life, I enjoyed that attention, not realizing how wrong it was. So when he wanted to “date” me…I went along with it.
Now, I want to point this out: Eva knew I was fourteen. He was well aware for the entirety of our relationship. His justification - and I remember this clearly because it struck out to me as strange - was that since he was home-schooled, he had missed out on the experience of dating girls in high school and this was the perfect opportunity to make up for that. I reminded him I was in middle school, not high school. He said, “Same difference.”
Here’s a list of shit that happened at that point:
He asked me for nudes, which I took and then provided to him via an image hosting site that’s probably long dead by now. He asked me to pose in specific ways for some of them.
We sexted over Skype. (worth noting, I think, is that he made excuses not to reciprocate text-based oral. Seriously?)
He masturbated on webcam to me while I made moaning noises over my mic at his request.
I borrowed my friend’s webcam to video chat with him. He asked me to strip, but my friend was in the room with me. Instead, when she wasn’t looking, I flashed him.
That’s as much as I can dredge up from memory; a lot of this had been repressed and only came up over the past few days as I thought long and hard about it. Our relationship was a pretty short-lived affair, anyway.
Some other things he did, while not illegal/pedophillic, were skeevy as hell:
saw flat-chested girls as deformed, similar to an amputee
dismissed me/brushed me aside whenever I spoke up about something not related to sex
told another girl in chat that he would keep her in a cage and love her
begged me to stay with him, offered to change himself etc. when I ended things, then when I refused, banned me altogether from his streams and began to spread vitriol about me
lied heavily to cover his own tracks
I’m under the impression that his version of the story is as follows: I was some desperate girl who sent nudes unsolicited to everyone and anyone, and he deleted the disgusting pics and banned me as soon as he learned I was underage. Believe who you want; I’m not here to garner attention or stir up drama, hence the throwaway account. I just want the truth out there.
I don’t know if I’ll even return to this account but if I do, I’ll try to answer any questions this may bring up.
And if you’d like proof, I’m sorry, I don’t really know how to go about proving any of this. The pictures are long gone, the Skype account is no more, the livestream account is inaccessible. Just know that I have nothing to gain from doing this…I only want people to know. And, to an extent, the story is out there already - told by various people from the chatroom who witnessed some of this as it happened - but no one knew the full extent of what was going on. Well, now you know, straight from the horse’s mouth. :/ Thanks for reading.
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symbianosgames · 7 years
What can game developers expect out of Project Scorpio, Microsoft's upcoming Xbox revamp?
That's something we tried to shed some light on last week with our technical breakdown of Scorpio and its dev kit, which was heavily informed by meetings we had with Microsoft staffers at the company's headquarters earlier this year.
One of those interviews was with Xbox chief Phil Spencer, and we published it in full because it offers devs useful perspective on the future of Xbox -- everything from where Spencer stands on VR exclusivity (not a fan) to the future of Xbox hardware.
But there were other conversations we had that might also be of interest to game makers, especially the briefings we took with devs from Microsoft's first-party developers Turn 10 Studios (the house of all things Forza) and The Coalition (Gears of War 4.)
As you might expect, these conversations were very positive when it came time to talk about the nuts and bolts of making games for Scorpio -- both studios are owned by Microsoft and were directly involved in the hardware's design. But they're also staffed with people who make games for a living, and who seem to take their work as a vanguard for Scorpio development seriously.
"A major piece of us being first-party is to prove the platform for other developers," Turn 10 studio software architect Chris Tector told Gamasutra. "We really hold that dear to what we're supposed to do. It's our responsibility as a first-party studio. To help ensure the platform is ready for everybody."
Think like a PC game developer
For Tector, one of the biggest challenges of getting ready for Scorpio, which takes 4K resolution as one of its chief selling points, was actually tackled when Turn 10 started developing for PC -- and adjusted its production pipeline accordingly.
"Around Forza 6, we knew that in the future we were going to have to move to Direct3D 12. Not just help the platform prove it out as a feature, but we wanted to move to it, because we knew we were gonna move into PC gaming," said Tector. "The only way we were gonna get the level of submission efficency that we have on console is to move to this new Direct3D model; 11 wasn't really gonna cut it for us."
"So we had those two big moves coming, PC development and Direct3D 12. and we wanted to start bringing them in in pieces. So that's why we developed Forza Motorsport 6 Apex. Which was a slice of 6, but it was the first time that PC players got to play it," he continued. "So we got to start dealing with all of the wheels that were there for scaling across different PC specs. Or dealing directly with the IHVs [integrated hardware vendors] like AMD and Nvidia. So that really forced us to build up these muscles around C development. And that included things like kinda revamping our authoring process so that we now were capable of creating and building and packaging 4K assets, and delivering them in the way that we wanted to, so we could still deliver car packs like we've always done."
Forza Motorsport 6 Apex car butts
This matches up with much of what Mike Raynor, technical director at The Coalition, told Gamasutra about what it's like developing for Scorpio: the addition of a beefier console to the "Xbox One family of devices" requires devs to think like PC game makers, and build games that can scale across hardware configurations of significantly different power.
"Invest in making sure your engine is scalable," said Raynor. "So that you can take advantage of these different performance profiles. And author your content at a native art resolution that allows you to scale and take advantage of that. So for us, we authored all of our content at 4K from the get-go, knowing that we weren't going to use all of that on necessarily all devices, right. Certainly not on our PC min-spec."
Before he joined The Coalition Raynor spent time working at Electronic Arts on games for both the Xbox 360 and the original Xbox; based on that experience, he tells Gamasutra that Scorpio is an improvement on the Xbox One from a developer's perspective.
"When I first started working with Xbox One, I was a little bit disappointed; it kind of felt like we'd really taken a step back. And I've seen that evolve, and improve constantly since we've launched, but with what we're doing with Scorpio, it's now very pleasurable to work with," said Raynor. "From a developer standpoint, when you think about Xbox One, Xbox One S (with HDR) and now with Scorpio, a lot of development for us is similar to PC. And we kind of think of PC as kind of the ultimate platform, in terms of scalability and all the different targets that we have."
So if a studio is already accustomed to multi-platform development and has a system in place to produce games that can scale across different PC hardware configurations, both Raynor and Tector believe targeting Scorpio should be relatively straightforward.
As an example of how straightforward it might be for an established multi-platform studio to add Scorpio to its pipeline, Tector told the story of how Turn 10 got in a Scorpio dev kit back in mid-January, when Microsoft wanted to see what was involved with getting Forza up and running on the hardware. 
"So we taped the fan to the desk and we kept going"
"So Matt Lee, from the Direct3D team on Xbox, he shows up with a cardboard box full of parts," recalls Tector. "It's like, a loose motherboard, the debugging adapters, the drives. And he sets it up on the desk. And it's just like, there's no proper cooling on it, so we just have a fan sitting there. And it's blowing across it, and it vibrates, and the fan starts moving and the whole thing shuts down because the memory overheats and...it was comedy. So we taped the fan to the desk and we kept going and within 2 days, we were already running at 4K [resolution] 60 [frames per second]."
Tector went on to say that two-day process of porting to Scorpio only required one person, who wound up sat alone in a room with the jury-rigged dev kit.
"We had set up this whole locked room. You know, secret hardware, gotta keep him sequestered while he's working on it for the weeks and weeks it'll take," said Tector. "And after two days he [Matt Lee] was like, 'Well I'm gonna go, you guys can play around with it for a bit. I'll come back in a day.' And this was like this huge sigh of relief for us."
But while Tector was mostly  about his company's upcoming console, he also expressed some regret for the Scorpio console not quite getting to where Turn 10 specifically would like it to be in terms of hardware.
"We didn't get to the right place with audio hardware. On all of Xbox One. And we were hoping that would improve," said Tector. "Because that would really open up some CPU headroom for us. I don't know if I'm calling out something I'm not supposed to! But we do a lot of heavier-weight audio than some other games do, and it means we do a lot of real-time mixing of that. Because the way we generate an engine is more of a simulation based on a whole lot of loops. But it means that we're modeling the different subcomponents within the car. So not just the engine, it's actually transmission and an inner cooler and blah blah blah, all these little bits on the engine that we're building up, and then that's a final mix on one car. And then we've gotta go do it on the next one."
"So it's pretty heavyweight, and we have some heavy requirements around that," Tector concluded. "But we'll get there someday."
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wolfgabe · 5 years
Nintendo E3 2019 Thoughts  Part 1The Direct
ce Okay so with yesterday behind us I felt I might as well offer my own opinions on the main event of the day the Nintendo Direct.
To start off I like how rapid fire a lot of Nintendo’s Directs have become. While it’s not as flashy as a full blown conference it pretty much cuts out most of the padding and helps make things arguably more focused. I wasn’t expecting them to cram so much in within 40 minutes and I admit I thought at times they would do a Smash Ultimate and spend a bunch of time on one title which of course never happened now then onto the games themselves
Dragon Quest Hero or should I say Dragon Quest Gang for Smash. Pretty much something most of us expected. Personally I have nothing against Erdrick and Pals and it was inevtiable really that we got Dragon Quest representation in Smash considering how in Japan DQ is pretty much on the same level as Call of Duty, Fortnite, and Minecraft here in the States. As easy as it is to complain about more anime sword boys when you look at it DQ was pretty much one of our only options for an additional SE rep considering how stingy SE is with Final Fantasy as well as the fact that Sora is pretty much a massive legal minefield for obvious reasons. I kinda find it clever really that rather than just represent 1 game they instead use the Hero as a means to represent the entire Dragon Quest series as whole.
Following that up fittingly is another trailer for Dragon Quest 11
Doug Bowser makes his E3/Direct debut and already the memes are out in full force
H̶o̶t̶e̶l̶ ̶M̶a̶r̶i̶o̶ ̶2̶/Luigis Mansion 3 is looking great. Seriously I just love how clean everything looks. It’s almost like the Luigis Mansion Dark Moon Artwork come to life/ Too bad we didn’t an actual release date but really for a game like this I would be surprised if they don’t go for  an October release.
A Dark Crystal Game That was unexpected
Link’s Awakening now with Dungeon Maker. Seriously I can’t help but keep imagining a Zelda spinoff that’s basically a Zelda themed Dungeon Keeper
Trials of Mana and Collection of Mana Not exactly my cup of tea but it’s cool seeing The Mana Collection available on Switch right away
Witcher III for Switch. Another rumor that  turned out true. Bring on all the oerformance jokes and PC master race trolls. Panic Button doesn’t appear to be handling this one but I can’t help but wonder what sorcery they used to get this game running on Switch
Fire Emblem Three Houses Not really big on FE myself. I get why some people are complaining they basically spoiled the big twist but I figure that Nintendo may have did it on purpose to show fans that it’s not just Harry Potter with a Fire Emblem Skin
More Resident Evil love for Switch which is nice although I can’t help but wonder why they chose a port of RE6 over the remake of RE2
No More Heroes III another bit of a surprise. I admit for a second I thought I was looking at some new Power Rangers mech game. Great to see after Travis Strikes Again
That new Contra game looks eggghhhh but its cool we are getting the Contra collection too
Daemon x Machina. I actually did get some enjoyment out of the demo and what I saw with the mech customization looks interesting but I seriously hope they fixed the framerate in the final release.
Panzer Dragoon Another one that came out of nowhere. Switch has been seeing quite the amount of Sega love. Now if only we could get a Sega Ages port of Daytona USA
Pokemon Sword and Shield get a brief shoutout. Figured they wouldn’t spend too much time on it considering how it just got a direct last week. And like that the R34 crowd has already abandoned Sonia for Nessa go figure.
Astral Chain got a new trailer. Pretty interesting game and no doubt it will probably have an insanely over the top final boss as with fine Platinum tradition
Empire of Sin pretty interesting management/strategy game looks like it might be worth a shot when it comes out.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 Not a big Marvel person but personally I think its a bit funny really that UA3 has better models than the SE Avengers game.
Cadence of Hyrule Finally have a release date and its right at the end of E3 which is cool
Mario and Sonic at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. Figured they would give a shoutout to this game.  Eggman looks surprisingly hot in shorts.  Why is nobody talking about the majesty of Barefoot Wario?
Animal Crossing New Horizons Finally the game pretty much everybody was waiting for. So it would appear Animal Crossing has now transformed into Minecraft. Jokes aside I can’t help but love the idea that you are pretty much now building the town yourself and populating the island from scratch. Okay actual path creation tools and the ability to place furniture outside this is too much. It’s kind of a bummer the game won’t be out till next March but its understandable really considering how packed Switches release schedule looks for the rest of 2019.  Also Tom Nook being a greedy little shit as usual and where is Isabelle please don’t tell me Nintendo you forgot our precious doggo girl.
The obligatory switch game/port sizzle reel. Nice recap of things to come. Another MS game confirmed with Super Lucky’s Tale. Also the Spyro Reignited Trilogy has finally been confirmed for Switch and PC which is great.  Alien Isolation? didn’t expect to see that game get ported. Still no release date for A Hat in Time Switch though
Now for what is arguably the two biggest bombshells to come out of this presentation
First off, Banjo Kazooie in Smash. I cannot freaking believe it a character where the Grinch Leak actually ended up turning out to be right!!! I admit even I had my doubts that we would actually see this come to fruition since I never thought MS would be that chill about letting Banjo show up in a game hosted by one of their own competitors. Of course competitor may not be the right word here considering how surprisingly chummy MS and Nintendo have gotten with each other as of late. I can’t help but find a sense of inner happiness and satisfaction when my own theories and hunches end up being proven correct. I just knew there had to be a reason why Blast Corps and Jet Force Gemini spirits were found in the game files for Smash Ultimate never mind the fact that MS in their E3 schedule clearly suggested we should watch Nintendo’s own E3 presentation. I admit when I first saw that Jiggy bounce by I kinda started to lose my collective shit. The whole reveal was just so brilliant from the way they basically parodied their own trailer to how happy the DK crew was to see Banjo again. Its almost like Sakurai and Nintendo were reading everyone’s mind. I am really liking Banjo’s Smash design and how they basically went for more updated version of his classic look rather than just settle for the Nuts and Bolts design. A perfect way really to drive home the point that Banjo has pretty much come home. And I cannot believe it they actually got Grant Kirkhope himself on board to compose new music for Smash. I admit I am loving that Spiral Mountain remix and you can even make out bits and pieces from other Banjo levels too. I can’t wait to hear what else there is with Banjo. While I am mainly a Nintendo person I would just like to give thanks to Phil Spencer for helping make so many Nintendo and Smash fans wildest dreams finally come true. Now perhaps see if you get the original Banjo games as well as maybe a Nintendofied version of Rare Replay perhaps on Switch
And finally capping off the direct was the reveal that an actual follow up to The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild is now in development. When we will see this title in full I am not sure but the brief teaser looks like they are hinting that Ganondorf himself could be back from the grave. Now I am hearing how the devs say they were inspired by Red Dead Redemption 2 does that mean more detailed horse mechanics?
All in all I would rate Nintendo’s E3 Direct an 8/out of 10. A few points were docked from the Animal Crossing delay but there was still a lot of games that I am interested in due out in the near future as well as some wonderful surprises to boot. I would personally say Nintendo was probably the best part of E3 this year and they made me a very happy gamer
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theonyxpath · 5 years
Well, hello!
I’m back from both GenCon and then a week off on family vacation, and big thanks to the amazing Dixie for filling in with this blog last week!
I’m full of energy and rarin’ to go. Doing that thing where you bounce on your toes a bit – which is kind of hard to do typing away as I have been all day!
If my emails were physical mail, the letters would fill my office, so I’m taking a bit of time to get through all of them. Plus, this week’s Monday Meeting was a fair bit of catch-up for all of our crew (besides Eddy, who is still on his vacay visiting wrestling events), with a few reports from us on GenCon, and the meetings that came out of it.
Which I’ll share with you now:
First, the message we relayed at our various panels was that we’re continuing to change/evolve as we need to as a company. So if you think our Kickstarters are only about Deluxe books and we run them like we did in 2013, please check again, because we’re far more likely to run a KS in order to do a print run of books to get into retail stores.
Which is another continuing evolution as we continue to add projects that will mean books that get into distribution and stores via our sales partners at Studio2 and IPR– all while maintaining our availability on DriveThruRPG and our other venues.
Distant Worlds illustration by Sam Denmark
The big change at GenCon was our choice to not appear there with an Onyx Path booth in the Exhibitor Hall, so that was something brought up a fair bit at the convention.
So far, from talking things through today, we’re still thinking it was a good decision. Both Mighty Matt McElroy and I had much more time to talk with creators like Travis Legge, our friends in the business (either existing or prospective), translators, and I even made a walk-through of artist alley and got to chat with some of our favorites.
Meanwhile, as we anticipated, our panels were a great place to field questions from our regular attendees. Thanks to all of you who attended and put us through our paces with your questions! We’ll be getting a report on how our demo games went later from The Wrecking Crew, but I, at least, only heard good things about those.
If you were there, or had friends there, and heard anything otherwise about our presence at Gen Con, please let me know – either here in the comments or directly to [email protected]. We really do appreciate knowing how others saw things.
Book of Oblivion illustration by Drew Tucker
Another big set of questions were about White Wolf/Paradox and how Vampire, V5, WoD, 20th Anniversaries, CofD, and Exalted are going to be created, published, handled.
Part of the confusion was within that “not happening like it used to” theme we talked about. WW/Paradox is signing lots of licensees for all sorts of projects; mostly for V5, but also for other WoD projects. Seeing boardgames come out from four or five different companies, several card games from different companies including the rebirth of Vampire: the Eternal Struggle, and also several computer games is a lot happening that we should be thrilled about as fans.
What seems the most confusing for folks, though, is when they see different companies producing V5 TTRPGs, maybe because they’re concerned about V5 game books being created by multiple companies and that’s just not how it has been done, or they’re are concerned about rules and setting coherence, or overall quality. Or maybe because it’s not clear how the rest of the WoD game lines will be handled.
We at Onyx Path can only reply as we did at the con – with our understanding of the situation. Which is that it is not easy to reconfigure a business as WW/Paradox has been reconfigured and that currently their team is juggling a lot of existing licensed projects as the folks responsible for overseeing the V5 brand. That means, in answer to the concerns of coherence and quality, that WW/Paradox reviews and approves all the projects and follows through their creation with further approvals to maintain everything V5 the way they want it.
Which is another good reason they are working with the fine folks at Modiphius to get more V5 TTRPG material published, as Modiphius can take the biggest portion of the nuts and bolts of publishing and working with other licensees like Onyx Path off of WW/Paradox‘s busy hands and let them focus on brand management.
As for us, well, the wonderful accolades for V5 Chicago By Night‘s Backer PDF, the strong interest in the follow-up material for CbyN that came out of the Kickstarter Stretch goals, and the recent happy excitement over the V5 Cults of the Blood Gods press release, are all music to our ears and are great data-points when we discuss further projects.
(And hey, I know that sometimes it seems like we say stuff over and over on all our social media, including this MMN blog, about our upcoming projects, but we heard from so many surprised folks after that Cults press release who had no idea it was coming that you just gotta let us keep getting the word out in as many ways – and as often we have to in order to reach our far-flung fantastic fans!)
Beyond V5, and figuring that the time will come that other game lines get attention, it’s always going to start with what WW/Paradox wants to do, so they’re the folks you want to politely let know your thoughts and feelings about those WW game lines. We can, and do, submit pitches as a licensee, but they’re the owners and decide which things get the green light to move ahead.
Aeon Aexpansion illustration by Gong Studios
Back to overall Onyx Path changes, we noted at Gen Con that there was no new brochure debuted at Gen Con, as we want to do a full year one – Jan through Dec. So expect 2020 one to debut a month early at PAX Unplugged this year and then throughout 2020’s cons starting with MidWinter in Jan.
That also means that we didn’t spring any new projects at the con, as we usually build them into the brochure. Part of that is the brochure timing thing, and part of it is that we’re looking at announcements that roll out through the year rather than happening at a single event- unless tying it to the event makes the most sense.
You can expect some of those about new projects unannounced that are already in the works, as well as those we worked out in meetings at Gen Con, throughout the rest of this year and through 2020, as we keep on making:
Many Worlds, One Path!
Keep an eye out in this space as well as on our social media for the Deviant: The Renegades Kickstarter that will be launching after August wraps up!
Onyx Path Media!
This Friday’s Onyx Pathcast features an interview the team conducted with Travis Legge, the man behind our Twitch endeavors and creative genius for the Scarred Lands!
The Onyx Path News was live today and can be found on our YouTube channel right here, along with Matthew’s Wraith: The Oblivion actual play, uploads from Twitch, and a request for you to submit Deviant questions:  https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnyxPath
And mentioning Twitch, Travis has continued with our streams of actual plays, interviews, and more, and would love to have you join us live! Please tune in and subscribe to get notifications of upcoming content: https://www.twitch.tv/theonyxpath/ There’s Pugmire: Paws and Claws, Scion: Athens, Ohio, Pirates of Bloodwater, and more!
In other news, the Story Told Podcast just interviewed part of the team behind the Changeling: The Dreaming Player’s Guide! Please check out their show here: http://thestorytold.libsyn.com/episode-33-c20-players-guide-round-table-interview
Do you love Exalted? Please please please check out Beamduck‘s show right here, as it’s excellent: https://www.twitch.tv/beanduck
Occultists Anonymous are hammering out new episodes of their Mage: The Awakening chronicle, and we’d love for you to check them out. Here are the details:
Episode 34: Broken Things – Mammon works with the Mysterium to determine what is going on with his memories of Beck. Elsewhere, Atratus searches for the reason behind her trouble with spells. Wyrd searches the city for her own answers. https://youtu.be/1mS2Cz8ymtQ
Episode 35: Watching Eyes – Mammon and Hiza flee a Grigori as they search for the reason for Mr. Graves’ intrusion on Mammon’s memories. Atratus travels into her own soul with Songbird and Wyrd on the advice of the Apeiron they named Hephaestus. https://youtu.be/b3RLfdK9vZM
Do you listen to Twin Cities by Night? If not, why not? This show puts out a whole host of different actual play content, and if you want a gritty Chronicles of Darkness game, they’re one of the best places to go: https://twincitiebynight.podbean.com/
Our good friends over at Caffeinated Conquests are continuing to run The Sacrifice from Chicago by Night using V20 rules! There are very few playthroughs of that story that involve a Gargoyle and a True Brujah, but theirs certainly does: https://www.youtube.com/user/CafConIsOn/videos
Devil’s Luck Gaming is always a fantastic place to go for your Scarred Lands hookup, too. One of the best actual play channels going today: https://www.twitch.tv/DevilsLuckGaming
Drop Matthew a message via the contact button on matthewdawkins.com if you have actual plays, reviews, or game overviews you want us to profile on the blog!
Please check any of these out and let us know if you find or produce any actual plays of our games!
Electronic Gaming!
As we find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is live! Our dev team has been doing updates since we launched based on the excellent use-case comments by our community, and this thing is awesome! (Seriously, you need to roll 100 dice for Exalted? This app has you covered.)
On Amazon and Barnes & Noble!
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).
If you enjoy these or any other of our books, please help us by writing reviews on the site of the sales venue from which you bought it. Reviews really, really help us get folks interested in our amazing fiction!
Our selection includes these fiction books:
Our Sales Partners!
We’re working with Studio2 to get Pugmire and Monarchies of Mau out into stores, as well as to individuals through their online store. You can pick up the traditionally printed main book, the screen, and the official Pugmire dice through our friends there! https://studio2publishing.com/search?q=pugmire
We’ve added Prince’s Gambit to our Studio2 catalog: https://studio2publishing.com/products/prince-s-gambit-card-game
Now, we’ve added Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition products to Studio2‘s store! See them here: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/all-products/changeling-the-lost
Scarred Lands (Pathfinder) books are also on sale at Studio2, and they have the 5e version, supplements, and dice as well!: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/scarred-lands
Scion 2e books and other products are available now at Studio2: https://studio2publishing.com/blogs/new-releases/scion-second-edition-book-one-origin-now-available-at-your-local-retailer-or-online
Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
And you can order Pugmire, Monarchies of Mau, Cavaliers of Mars, and Changeling: The Lost 2e at the same link! And NOW Scion Origin and Scion Hero are available to order!
As always, you can find most of Onyx Path’s titles at DriveThruRPG.com!
On Sale This Week!
This Wednesday, we’re putting the PDF and physical book PoD versions of Book of Oblivion for Wraith20th on sale!
The Book of Oblivion Includes:
New Shadow Archetypes, Thorns, and an array of horrifying new antagonists.
Chapters devoted to Spectres, their terrible cults, and the rare process of Spectre redemption.
Deep explorations of the Tempest; the Labyrinth; the Dark Kingdoms of Flint, Gold, Ivory, Obsidian, and Swar; the Mirrorlands; and several other bizarre and fascinating Necropoli.
Save Against Fear: October 12th – 14th GameHoleCon: October 31st – November 3rd PAX Unplugged: December 6th – 8th
And now, the new project status updates!
DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM EDDY WEBB (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
M20 Victorian Mage (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Exalted Essay Collection (Exalted)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #2 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Exigents (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Terra Firma (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Crucible of Legends (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Many-Faced Strangers – Lunars Companion (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Contagion Chronicle: Global Outbreaks (Chronicles of Darkness)
W20 Shattered Dreams Gift Cards (Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th)
W20 Art Book (Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th)
Yugman’s Guide to Ghelspad (Scarred Lands)
Vigil Watch (Scarred Lands)
Pirates of Pugmire KS-Added Adventure (Realms of Pugmire)
Player’s Guide to the Contagion Chronicle (Chronicles of Darkness)
Contagion Chronicle Jumpstart (Chronicles of Darkness)
Lunars Novella (Rosenberg) (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Monsters of the Deep (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Tales of Aquatic Terror (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Kith and Kin (Changeling: The Lost 2e)
Scion: Demigod (Scion 2nd Edition)
Titanomachy (Scion 2nd Edition)
Wraith20 Fiction Anthology (Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition)
Trinity Continuum Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum Core)
Second Draft
Tales of Good Dogs – Pugmire Fiction Anthology (Pugmire)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #1 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Across the Eight Directions (Exalted 3rd Edition)
One Foot in the Grave Jumpstart (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2e)
M20 The Technocracy Reloaded (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Creatures of the World Bestiary (Scion 2nd Edition)
Heirs to the Shogunate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Scion Companion: Mysteries of the World (Scion 2nd Edition)
Legendlore core book (Legendlore)
City of the Towered Tombs (Cavaliers of Mars)
TC: Aeon Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition core rulebook (Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition)
Masks of the Mythos (Scion 2nd Edition)
Scion: Dragon (Scion 2nd Edition)
Manuscript Approval
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
Geist 2e Fiction Anthology (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
Creatures of the World Bestiary (Scion 2nd Edition)
Oak, Ash, and Thorn: Changeling: The Lost 2nd Companion (Changeling: The Lost 2nd)
Cults of the Blood Gods (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Post-Approval Development
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
V5 Chicago Screen (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Deviant: The Renegades (Deviant: The Renegades)
Let the Streets Run Red (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
Lunars: Fangs at the Gate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Pirates of Pugmire (Realms of Pugmire)
TC: Aeon Ready-Made Characters (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Hunter: The Vigil 2e core (Hunter: The Vigil 2nd Edition)
Chicago Folio/Dossier (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
City of the Towered Tombs (Cavaliers of Mars)
Post-Editing Development
Memento Mori (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2e Companion)
DR:E Threat Guide – Helnau’s Guide to Wasteland Beasties (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
DR:E Jumpstart (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
Heroic Land Dwellers (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
In Art Direction
Contagion Chronicle
VtR Spilled Blood – All the art that is in is approved. Felipe is working on stuff.
Trinity Continuum Aeon: Distant Worlds – Waiting for Gregor and Darko to wrap up.
Trinity Continuum Aberrant
Hunter: The Vigil 2e
Ex3 Lunars
They Came from Beneath the Sea! – Contracted. Sketches already coming in.
TCfBtS!: Heroic Land Dwellers – Contracted. LeBlanc doing the splats.
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed
Ex3 Monthly Stuff
DR:E Threat Guide – Helnau’s Guide to Wasteland Beasties
DR:E Jumpstart – Sam Denmark is doing this.
Deviant for KS – Contracted.
In Layout
CoM – Witch Queen of the Shadowed Citadel
Dark Eras 2 – Files with Aileen
Aeon Aexpansion
C20 Cup of Dreams
V5: Chicago – Backer PDF out, errata lock down Friday.
Geist 2e – XX’s and then Indexing.
Signs of Sorcery – Inputting errata.
M20 Book of the Fallen
At Press
Dragon Blooded – Deluxe at Studio2, shipping after Gen Con.
Dragon-Blooded Cloth Map – At Studio2, shipping after Gen Con.
Dragon-Blooded Screen – Shipped to Studio2, shipping after Gen Con.
Trinity Core Screen – At Studio2.
TC Aeon Screen – At Studio2.
Book of Oblivion – PDF/PoD versions ON SALE WEDNEDAY.
Trinity: In Media Res – PoD proofs coming.
Trinity Core – Printing.
Trinity Aeon – Printing.
DR: E – Backer PDF out to backers.
Shunned By the Moon – PoD files uploaded.
Today’s Reason to Celebrate!
On this date in 1990, Sue, the largest and most complete Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton found to date, is discovered by Sue Hendrickson in South Dakota. Y’know, I sure love dinosaurs. As a kid, I corrected Miss Larmen, my Kindergarten teacher, when she misidentified and mispronounced their names. Lest you think I was just a little know-it-all, she encouraged me to do so, thus unknowingly setting me on a life-long path as a smart-ass.
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