#Servicing all Brands of Garage Doors/Openers
aoioozora · 7 months
Part 4
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13
Character: Simon Riley / Ghost
Content: Biker! Ghost x Fem! Reader, strangers to lovers, fluff, civilian au
Note: Longer chapter! Hope you'll enjoy it. anyway, if anyone knows who the artist of this art below is, please let me know. I find it all on Pinterest and I can't seem to trace the artist 🥲.
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The steady, bubbling stream of cold tap water hitting Simon's warm, weary, grimy hands as he washed them was a respite from the busyness of the day. 
He was, by profession, a car mechanic in the servicing department for a glitzy car brand. The day was booked to the brim with cars that needed maintenance and repair from accidents, and it was enough work for him to feel a dull ache in his shoulders, and a tremble in his hands as he lathered them generously with soap. 
A weary sigh tried to escape his lips, only to be hindered by the mask he wore day in and day out. He felt his own warm breath against his mouth and cringed; an unwelcome feeling after working in the sweltering garage. 
When he found that he was all alone in the loo, he took the opportunity to take off his mask, actually and properly sigh, and wash his face. He quickly wiped it down with a handkerchief, and not allowing a moment for his skin to breathe, he put the mask back on. 
A phone call came in as he was stepping out. It was her. He found it a little odd to get a call from her, as the two mostly texted. 
“Maybe it's something urgent,” thought Simon, now stopping by the door of the restroom. 
“Hey, you alright, love?” he asked as soon as he picked up. 
“I'm fine, Simon, but I kinda have an emergency.” Her voice came from the other end, sounding a little frantic, making him worry a little. 
“What's up?” 
“My car broke down, and I don't know what it is. I have the bonnet open and everything looks so confusing.”
“Where are you now?” 
She told him. 
“Okay, you wait there. I'll be there in,” he looked at his watch, “twenty minutes… Or as fast as I can.”
“Thanks, Simon,” she exhaled her relief. 
“Are you with someone?” 
“No, I'm alone.” 
Simon's jaw tightened. “Make sure you sit inside the car and lock the doors. It's getting dark and it could get dangerous.”
“Got it.” 
The call soon ended and Simon quickly changed out of his uniform to his normal clothes which consisted of a v-neck t-shirt, jeans, and his staple: the leather jacket. Having taken all his stuff, he clocked out and immediately mounted his motorcycle to fly over to your rescue. 
Seeing that the sun had set already, he went faster. He reached her in fifteen minutes. Upon spotting her car parked by the side of the road away from the traffic, he slowed down and parked his motorcycle in front of her car. 
He saw the bonnet of the car slightly open, and was upset by it. “She's practically advertising to the world that her car's broken down. That could get more attention drawn to her,” he thought as he kicked out the stand and swung his leg over the motorcycle, now laying a heavy step on the asphalt. 
The stench of rotten eggs filled the air, and he already knew what the problem was. While he took off his helmet, he watched as she quickly opened your door and came out of the car to greet him. 
“Oh good, you're finally here,” she smiled, looking relieved. 
“Tell me what's going on,” Simon got down to business immediately, now taking off his black leather gloves that had printed on them the bones of the hand and stuffing them in his pocket. 
She led him to the open bonnet of the car, and the stench overwhelmed his nose even through the mask. She told him about a sputtering engine. 
“Did you see any dashboard signs telling you to check the engine?” he asked. 
“Can you sit inside and turn on the radio for me? And turn on the headlights too,” Simon instructed. 
She did as told. The radio didn't turn on, and the headlights were dim. He turned to the open bonnet and stared particularly at the battery. One of the connectors and pipes was caked with a teal powder; he called her out of the car, pointing out the discovery. 
“Your battery is leaking out acid, bringing out all this bloody minging smell,” he said, brushing a bit of the teal powder with his finger. “Leaking battery and a stench means you have to get a new battery.” He now rubbed the powder off and put his hands on his hips, asking, “When was the last time you had the battery changed?” 
“Six years ago? When I bought the car.”
Simon was appalled by how nonchalantly she said it. He shook his head and exclaimed, “Six years? You cannot be serious.” he could feel his mechanic heart breaking at the sound of such neglect. “Your battery is ancient. The maximum life of this thing is six years.” 
She could feel the heat rush to her cheeks in embarrassment as he said this. “I didn't know that. I'm not good with cars, you know. I just rolled with whatever the mechanics in the service center did.”
“Fucking hell,” Simon sighed, exasperated as he looked at the battery again. “Looks like the service center mechanics weren't doing a very good job,” he shook his head again. “Batteries dying of old age are common, but this looks absolutely nasty. Almost looks like it's been neglected. You've been duped!” He said with passion. 
Her eyebrows furrowed at this and funnily enough, she couldn't help but feel like she was on an episode of Kitchen Nightmares with a blond Englishman scolding her; the only difference being that a failing car was involved and not a failing kitchen. 
He glanced at her, and saw that she had her arms crossed as she looked at the open bonnet of the car with a guilty and helpless look on her face. Simon's eyes softened with compassion and he gave her a gentle pat on the shoulder. 
“I'll call someone to tow the car to a better service center. I know a good one,” he said, hoping to assure her, “If we can get there now, they can fix in a new battery for you.”
Without waiting for an answer from her, he immediately called a towing company for the car, and then the service center to give them a heads up that he was bringing a car in. He even managed to bag a discount! 
She watched with amazement as he made all these phone calls, words flying out like a hurricane as he paced about the pavement, hand on his hip. The more passionate he seemed about wanting to help, the more the guilt and embarrassment pressed in her heart. 
When all the phone calls were done, he let out a heavy sigh as he slipped the device back in his jeans. “Right then,” he said, “I've got you all covered. Now we wait.”
She nodded and watched him curiously for a moment before asking, “You know all those people?” 
“Yeah, all friends of mine. I'm a regular at the service center for my motorcycle. As for the towing company, the boss is a friend of a friend.” 
“Must be great to have a lot of connections, huh?” 
Simon nodded. “I've always tried to have as many connections as possible because someone once told me that it's not about what you know, but who you know.” 
She saw a solemn, distant, and thoughtful look pass through his eyes for a split second, as if thinking of a past memory. It was quickly replaced with annoyance. “It's too fucking hot here,” he hissed as he peeled off his leather jacket. 
This action gave her the opportunity to see him in a short sleeved shirt, which displayed his pale yet muscular arms, which clearly were built strong out of continuous use and not for a mere decoration. The entirety of his left arm was inked with intricate black tattoos, all the designs of skulls, roses, and guns fitting together like a jigsaw puzzle. It was understatement to say that she felt her ovaries explode at the sight. 
Simon was intentional when he took off his jacket, although it was true that he did feel hot. A glance at her told him that she didn't seem to take notice of his muscles or his tattoos, a disappointment to him. But he wasn't keen enough to catch her quick, stealthy glances at his arms as her thoughts ran wild again in trying to be superfluous in her descriptions of them.
She couldn't help but think to herself that, “He'd make the perfect mysterious male lead of a dark romance.”
The tow truck arrived and before she knew it, she was Simon's passenger on his motorcycle, entrusted with his leather jacket. The two led the truck to the service center, and all the while, she was pressed against his warm back, highly conscious of the fact that the barrier between his back and her face was just a thin t-shirt and not a thick leather jacket like the first.
Her authorly brain couldn't help but turn this into a sort of metaphor. Was it a thinning of the barriers between him and her, now that they've been friends for over a month? 
“Let's not overanalyze this, shall we?” she reminded herself, gently squeezing her arms around him as he sped down the roads, trying to ignore how she could feel the contours of his body under the thin fabric. 
Fixing the car took a couple tedious hours, but Simon made sure to be with his friend throughout, explaining to her in excruciating detail whatever he could about the functioning of a car so that she would not be duped again. She appreciated his lectures and listened attentively, even though he wasn't the best at explaining things. 
At the end of it all, the two sat down in her newly fixed car for some cold soda that she bought for him. The air conditioning was running well (Simon was relieved), and so was the radio, which was now tuned to a station softly playing some old timey American songs in the background. 
“You were a great help,” she said as she cracked open the tab of the can as Simon did. 
“My pleasure, love,” he raised his can and tapped it gently with her can. “Cheers.” 
“Cheers,” she grinned, and then paused to look at him, wondering if he would remove his mask, as he had never done so in front of her before. 
Simon found himself in a bit of a predicament as he stared at his can of soda. He was usually more mindful of his mask when he was with strangers and acquaintances, but with the fuss of the car and all his chatting with her, he completely forgot that drinking soda would have to make him take off the mask. 
Would he remove his mask when he didn't yet want to, even though he wanted to share this drink with her? He glanced back at her and found her silently drinking her soda and staring ahead, pretending not to notice his mental debate. 
Gaz's reprimand came to mind again, “You're telling me you'll let a scar– a scar, of all things, hinder your chances at finding a girlfriend.”
He wasn't wrong. Now that Simon thought of it, the sooner he showed his marred face to her, the lesser it would hurt if she rejected him. 
“Don't overthink it,” he told himself as he slipped his finger under the ear loop of his mask and pulled it over his ear, making the mask slip off to reveal the lower part of his face. He sat back, casually as he could, and took off the other ear loop so wouldn't awkwardly dangle from his other ear, all the while trying to ignore how naked he felt without the covering. 
“Soda's pretty good, isn't it?” she asked, turning to look at him. 
“Hm, yes,” he answered in a murmur, now taking the first sip of his soda and pulling away the can for her to finally look at his face. 
He saw her looking, and his heart rate spiked and cheeks flushed (thank heavens it was dark), waiting for a reaction from her.
She finally had the privilege of seeing his face, and in a split second, she tried to make the most of it. His face as a whole was beautiful, pleasing to the eye. He had a rectangular face, high and prominent cheekbones; a long, sharp nose, thin lips, and a light stubble across his jaw and cheeks. 
He squirmed slightly in his seat and looked away, taking another sip. Seeing that he was uncomfortable being looked at, she too looked away, now feeling shy that she was in the presence of such a gorgeous man. Why on earth did he cover his face was a mystery to her. 
She began, her voice unwittingly rising to a higher pitch, “Seriously though, I don't know how I went years without having anyone to consult me about cars.” 
Simon blinked in surprise that she didn't make any comments on his face after looking at him, and wasn't sure whether to consider it a good thing or a bad thing. He decided to worry about it later. 
“Not a single person?” he asked, instinctively and slightly leaning towards her as she spoke.
“Not one.”
“And did you never notice any problems with the car before we took it to be fixed today?”
“I did, and I wheeled the car off to the service center many times only to be shut down saying that it wasn't a big deal and it would resolve itself,” she shrugged. 
“They said that? Fucking twats they all are,” said he with a low grumble. 
“Unfortunately,” she shrugged again, watching how his lips curled upwards into a sneer of displeasure and how his nose crinkled along with it. 
“Tell you what, darling,” Simon shifted in his seat slightly and held out his can-holding hand at her, flicking out his pointer finger to make a point, “you don't need to worry about those bastards when you got me, yeah? If you got any car problems, I'll fix them for you.”
He saw her eyes soften at this proposal, but she glanced away for a moment, as if considering it with some hesitation. He knew her just enough to know that she had trouble accepting help when she needed it. Without waiting for an answer, he pressed gently to encourage her,
“You know I'm a car mechanic, and a fucking good one too.” He sat back in the seat, now drowning the last of his soda. “You won't have to call anyone else when you have me. Just hit me up, and I'll be there…” he paused to meet her eye, hoping to let her know he was completely serious, “... Just like tonight.” 
This didn't fail to cause a flutter in her chest. She smiled, genuinely warmed and touched by how eager he was to help. “Thanks, Simon.”
His cheeks raised up to his eyes as he smiled, and the lady was taken in by how sweet it was. Their eyes met again, and the two felt an undeniable tension in the air; sparks flying around them, ready to explode at the slightest provocation. 
The soft yellow headlights of a passing vehicle shone into the car, momentarily brightening up his pale face and his deep brown eyes into soft pools of honey. The light, for a brief moment, also revealed a prominent scar on his cheek, something that the earlier darkness hid from her sight. 
Yet again did her authorly brain try to turn this moment into a metaphor. Was this gentle flash of passing light meant to shine upon a part of him behind his dark veil, his mask of mystery, to reveal bright, affectionate eyes, and a curious yet faint scar? Could this have been a sign of their ever growing closeness?
As the light passed, his honey eyes darkened again; they narrowed slightly and he leaned forward just a little, his breathing laboured, as if he wanted to say something. The lady squirmed in her seat and felt her chest tighten as she silently watched him, unable to look away. 
“I was wondering…” he began, now pausing to inhale, “if we could hang out any time soon, just both of us,” he said, trying to sound as casual as he could, and he quickly added, “I'm about to finish your novel, Firefly Trails, and I was hoping we could talk more about it…” he paused, feeling his entire body grow warm with nervous anticipation, “And maybe you could suggest some more books I could read.” 
Her eyes lit up at this invitation. “Sure! I'd love to. When are you free?”
“I'm free this weekend.” 
“Alright, that sounds good.” she grinned.
Simon was relieved to hear the eagerness in her voice, and took it that she still wanted something to do with him. The two went on to decide the particulars of the hangout for a while, until a phone call interrupted. Simon pulled out his phone and sighed when he saw who was calling. 
“What do you want, Johnny?” 
“Where are ye? Ye were s'posed to be at the gym thirty minutes ago. I'm waiting!” complained Johnny. 
“Ah, blimey,” Simon shook his head, “Completely forgot. ____ had some car trouble so I went to help her out.”
Simon was met with teasing jeers from his friend, making him groan. “Wheesht!” Simon hissed, only for it to make Johnny cackle. “Look, I'll be right there. Give me…” he looked at his watch, “Fifteen minutes.” 
“Make it quick lad, or you'll get a bollocking from me.” 
“Fuck off now. You'll delay me.” 
The call ended and Simon looked at her, sighing. “Gotta go,” he said. 
A subtle pout pushed out her lower lip. “Too bad, and we were just starting to get into our planning too.”
He chuckled, feeling warmed by her sentiment. “Yeah, but don't worry darling, we have the entire week ahead of us to plan comfortably, yeah?” 
She nodded, smiling. 
“Right then,” he slapped his knees, “I'll see you around then, alright? You take care on your way back.”
“You too, Simon.”
He sighed, pausing for a moment to take in the way she said his name. He never wanted to admit it to her, but he loved every instance she uttered it. The way she'd drag out the first syllable a little, and look at him with those gorgeous, killer eyes of hers as she did; it was enough for a man of his size and strength to melt like a little cube of ice in the palm of her hand. A simple action, yet it riled him up enough to want to kiss the living hell out of her. 
He inhaled, trying to get every carnal urge under control. “Text me when you reach, alright?” he said in a mildly strained voice. 
“Sure, will do.” she nodded. 
That being said and good-night's exchanged, Simon quickly put his mask back on, got out of the car, and threw the empty can in a bin. She watched as he made his way to his waiting motorcycle, observing his gait, the way his hips, shoulders, and arms moved in clockwork, relaxed but determined. She found herself leaning against the steering wheel again to stare at the way he hoisted up his leg and swung it in a smooth sweep over his motorcycle, and then settled down on the vehicle, making the shock absorbers bounce back slightly against his weight. 
She gazed with interest as he put on his gloves and then grabbed the helmet, only to raise his chin up to let gravity comb his gorgeous blond hair down so that it stayed out of his way as he put the headgear. His biceps flexed and tightened against the short sleeve of his t-shirt, and even from a little distance away, she could see how his tattoos moved against the contours of his muscles like ocean waves. 
He looked back at her and caught her staring. At the sight of her relentless gaze, all he could hear in his head was Gaz telling him to shoot his shot. Her smiles, her acceptance to meet again were, and especially her stating were all massive green lights for him, yet he was still in partial disbelief. 
Meeting her eyes again gave him a jolt down his spine, and waved one last time before he left. She smiled sheepishly and waved back at him, blushing at the fact that she was caught.  
He rode off, leaving her the echo of the roar of the engine, and she sat back in her driver's seat, finishing the last sips of the lukewarm soda in her hand that she completely forgot about. His figure receded in the distance and she remembered the first time she met him. 
“He's been saving me since back then.” she chuckled to herself, feeling a little ashamed at how helpless she found herself to be. But she was more than grateful for his help, and for the fact that he never complained and was so eager to assist her. It was the third time he helped her out, and it was almost as if he'd come running back all over again if she called. 
He certainly lived up to his name. 
And then there was his face. She allowed her mind to wander as she thought of his rugged, masculine features; she didn't know what to expect, but it was certainly unexpected to find such a handsome man hiding under that mask. She could make out only a little in the partial darkness, of his rectangular face and sturdy, stubble-speckled jaw, and of the slope of his shapely, sharp nose. She sighed, suddenly longing to study his face in proper light, and perhaps get lost in his honey eyes. 
Shaking off her thoughts, she reached to her backpack in the backseat for her phone, and found that Simon had left his leather jacket in the back when they had sat down in the front to drink their sodas. 
“Better send him a text.” she thought to herself as she informed him. 
That being done, she kept the phone aside and took the jacket to inspect it. It was obvious that it was made of faux leather, but it was smooth to touch. The lining inside was tartan patterned with dark green and blue, which seemed an odd choice for lining, but she wasn't one to judge. She held the garment against her torso, and as she expected, it was huge. 
“Let's not get creepy with it, shall we?” she reminded herself, now keeping the jacket on her lap as she got the engine running again. 
She drove back home with the jacket, repeatedly telling herself to not be creepy with it, only for her to immediately try it on as soon as she stepped in. 
“It's so comfortable!” she exclaimed as she felt the loose jacket sag around her body and her arms. She stuffed her hands in the pockets and found that they were massive. “Unbelievable... they make men's clothes so much better.”
She pulled away the front of the jacket to feel the tartan lining, and it felt like touching a thick blanket. The jacket was perfect for a cold winter and for the rains that had been pouring lately. 
She pulled it closer against herself, and the lingering scent of his perfume wafted to her nose. It was the same smell of a damp rainforest and dark chocolate, the scent of which immediately took her back to the day she met him.
"Is this what it would feel like to hug him?" she wondered, feeling her cheeks flush warm as she thought of the prospect of being held in those finely sculpted arms.
Her phone chimed, indicating a message. 
Simon Riley Biker: sorry about that, can u keep the jacket with u until we meet again? 
Simon Riley Biker: also have u reached? 
She smiled and started typing her reply.
Author Girl: Sure! 
Author Girl: And yes I did just now 
Simon Riley Biker: right then, I'll catch you soon, ok? At the gym rn
Author Girl: okay! Have a good workout :) 
Simon Riley Biker: thanks darling
On the other side of the phone, Simon was seated in the gym locker rooms by himself, phone in hand, thumbs dancing over the screen up and down as he wondered what he should type next. As he did, a new message came in.
Author Girl: thanks again for helping me out with the car. You saved me yet again 
He chuckled at and started typing, the smile not leaving his half covered face. 
Simon Riley Biker: my pleasure, don't worry about it. U can call me again if you have car problems 
Author Girl: you're too kind 😂 but thanks a lot again 
Simon Riley Biker: anytime darling 
Author Girl: alright then, I'm gonna get some sleep. Good night! 
Simon paused, feeling his heart rate increase for a moment as he thought of something he wanted to do. Swallowing down his nervousness, he did it anyway. 
Simon Riley Biker: [audio: 0:03 seconds] 
He never sent an audio message to her before, and wondering what he could have sent, held the phone speakers to her ear and played it. 
“Good night, love,” came the crisp, clear audio recording in her ear. His normally gruff voice sounded subdued and gentle, smooth, almost oozing with a soft, subtle hint of adoration, especially at the endearment. 
The lady was left stunned, mouth hanging open slightly and her feet affixed to the floor, unable to believe for a moment what she just heard. Butterflies and tingles swarmed every inch of her body, and her cheeks flushed yet again. She played it again. And again. And again. 
Simon, in the meantime, worried about her lack of response, wondering if he was too bold in sending her a voice message. He finally saw that she was typing, and she sure did take a while to collect her thoughts to write a coherent and absolutely calm reply in the form of:
Author Girl: good night, Simon :) 
The conversation ended there, and he breathed a sigh of relief. So far so good. Standing up, he slipped his phone in his pocket and left to get to his workout done with Johnny, unable to stop thinking of her and her smiles.
In the meantime, she stepped into the bathroom for her night routine. Her thoughts too were filled to the brim with Simon while she bathed and did her simple skin care routine all on autopilot. Every other thing that happened during the day was completely overridden just by the presence of that biker, his voice, his warm gaze upon her, his smile, his face. 
She couldn't shake off the feeling, especially of his voice message in her thoughts that played like a broken vinyl record. She was sure that every single interaction she had with him would make it into her next book in some form or other. 
She slipped into her nightwear and then hung his jacket on the coat hook in the corner of her room, resisting the temptation to cuddle with the garment. She finally tucked herself in bed, surrounded by her cushions and plush animals. As soon as the night lamp was switched off and she had nearly sunk in and molded comfortably into her bed and pillows, she played the recording again, the cherry on top to end the long day. 
“Good night, love.” 
It felt like a kiss to the forehead.
End of Part 4.
Part 5
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ragingbookdragon · 2 years
A Memory Lives On
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader One-Shot
Word Count: 1.7K Warnings: Sad...?
Author's Note: I kinda forgot Simon's entire family was murked on Christmas Eve so...here's sad and kind of happy -Thorne
Spades always has a ridiculous amount of money. Everyone is at an understanding that it’s from her job as an international assassin, but they still can’t help but wonder how there just seems to be a never-ending flow of funds. That being said, they’ve never exactly questioned the extra supplies and protype weapons that mysteriously appear in the base for their whims. And the gifts she gives are stellar too.
Last year on Gaz’s birthday she bought two thousand dollars’ worth of Lego sets of the Death Star and the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars. Gaz cried. He literally opened the wrapping paper and cried for a solid five minutes because he had been so happy.
Another year she gave Soap a week’s vacation for his birthday, a full week rented at Blair Castle in Highland Perthshire. The entire castle to himself, full service from the best cooks and servants’ money could buy. Soap came back more Scot than he’d ever been.
One birthday, she’d given Price six boxes of rare cigars, three boxes for each brand of Royal Danish Cigars and Arturo Fuentes Opus X. Everyone had to admit that they’d never seen the Old Man so damned relaxed while smoking a cigar whilst reclining in a velvet chair with a bourbon in his hand.
And yet, for Ghost, she never gave him gifts. But then again, he never celebrated his birthdays to begin with, so there wasn’t ever a need. Ghost didn’t do parties like the others did. Didn’t want cake and beer and junk food and to relax. Ghost worked on his birthdays. It wasn’t a special day to him. It was just another Tuesday or Friday. Still though, he respected Spades for not spending lavish amounts of money on him like she did the others. It wasn’t worth it; he wasn’t worth it.
It does surprise him however, to see her at his door when he opens it at six, already awake before then, but he’d finished paperwork in the meantime.
She smiles calmly, eyes a telling tale she has something planned. “Good morning, Simon,” she greets. “I do believe a Happy Birthday is in order for our resident phantom.”
He grunts in response and waits for her to move—she doesn’t.
“Price has already cleared us for leave today and I’ve something for you. Would you mind accompanying me?”
Now he’s curious, suspicious, but more so curious. “I don’t have a choice, do I?”
“You always do, Simon,” she replies with a tut. “But I would enjoy your presence if you came along. It is a gift for you.”
Ghost lets out a sigh, but motions for her to lead and she does, to the garage where he climbs in the SUV with her and allows her to take him. “Where are we going?” he asks, but the signs on the road are familiar enough that he already knows.
“Manchester. There’s something waiting for us.”
It’s all she says, and the rest of the ride is filled with silence until they pull into the parking lot of The University of Manchester and begin walking across campus.
“Please don’t tell me I’m attending a college class,” he mutters, and she lets out a laugh.
“Oh, indeed we are. A course on morals and how ambiguous they can be during war.” She gives him a look and gestures for him to follow.
There’s a woman standing there outside the doors, and she smiles as the two approach. “Miss Christensen it’s so wonderful to see you.”
Christensen, Spades fake surname she uses, he recognizes.
“It’s wonderful to see you, Mary.” She introduces Ghost. “This is a friend of mine, he’s accompanying me today. His name is Michael.”
Ghost’s lip curls in disgust at the name but he shakes her hand and allows them to lead, wondering what on earth is at the university for him.
Mary leads them into an office, and they sit across from one another; he feels awkward in the confined room, but relaxes as Spades’ hand rests on his forearm. “So,” she starts, “To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit, Miss Christensen?”
Spades smiles. “Michael and I were both intrigued on perhaps obtaining more degrees. We came to check out the potential majors and more importantly, the scholarships we could apply for.”
“Oh yes!” Mary chirps and pulls out a folder that Ghost wonders if she has pre-made for visits like these. “We have quite a few. Old ones that have been around for years, and our newest ones that have been in circulation for the last few years.”
“I heard you had a particular new one that showed up. Would you explain that one?”
“Ah, yes, our newer scholarship started by a rather mysterious sponsor.” She pulls out a packet. “The Joseph Riley Foundation.”
Ghost all but freezes at the mention of a name he hasn’t heard in years.
“Our sponsor created the foundation in memory of a young boy who was sadly killed many years ago. His name was Joseph Riley. Grew up right here in Manchester. From what our sponsor told us, he loved jets and wanted to fly one in the army.” She smiles, but it’s full of sadness. “It’s unfortunate he never got to experience it. Still though, his memory lives on here.” She hands the packet to them, and Spades simply gives it to Ghost to look over. “This scholarship works hand in hand with the British Special Air Services, or SAS, and gives students the opportunity to have a job in the SAS when they graduate. As long as they meet the required terms, they join as an officer with a bonus if they graduate above a three grade point average.”
“Specifically, what does the scholarship provide? Is it entitled to specific degree?”
“Indeed. Aviation degrees, specifically those in aviation engineering and maintenance, aeronautical science, and physics.” She seems rather pleased with herself that she knows so much. “Our sponsor supplies endless funds and expertise along with it for this scholarship, it’s perhaps become one of our most coveted scholarships simply because it’s extremely beneficial to the education. Most of our students in those majors have this.”
Spades is content to listen as she rattles on about it, but Ghost is still stuck on the pages of the history of the scholarship, and a photo of a small boy with a face that looks too familiar.
By the time the entire tour is done, Ghost is as mentally drained as Spades looks and she bids farewell to Mary as she escorts the two to their vehicle and waves them goodbye as they pull out of the parking lot.
Spades says nothing, content to stay in silence, but Ghost feels like he has to say something, even if he isn’t even sure what to say.
A snort escapes her. “Because typical birthday gifts aren’t your cup of tea.”
“I haven’t thought about Joey in years,” he murmurs, staring out the window. “I can’t bear to.”
“Yes, I imagine it’s not a pleasant memory…the end, at least. He was just a babe, wasn’t he?”
“Five,” Ghost says quietly. “He…had just turned five.”
She sighs deeply but doesn’t offer Ghost the pitied, “Such a horrid shame,” he’s heard before.
“You come here every year on my birthday?”
“Mhm,” she responds. “I visit the science building and interview the students who’ve obtained the scholarship. Make sure it’s being put to good use. And then I cash a very generous multi-million-dollar check to the school for the foundation. Keeps it thriving and sought after.”
Ghost has never kept the memory of his family alive. It died with him that Christmas Eve as the only surviving Riley. But something aches deep in his chest as he imagines his nephew fresh out of basic, ready to travel and be a pilot for the jets he so loved playing with as a babe. He swallows thickly and looks out the window as Manchester fades away. “Thank you, Spades.”
“Happy Birthday, Simon,” she replies instead and turns on the radio, a catchy pop song drowning out the ache in his chest. “I do have one more gift, if you’ll let me spoil you a little.”
Ghost lets out a groan, already drained far too emotionally to do this again. “You know I don’t do gifts.”
“Hush,” she tuts with a disapproving click of her tongue and commands, “Reach behind your seat.”
He does as she says and reaches back and down, grasping what feels like a box; Ghost pulls it to his lap and stares at it. “What is it?”
“Well, perhaps if you open it?”
He ignores the sarcastic jab and carefully removes the tape around the box and opens it. Inside is a smaller box, about twelve inches and he pulls it out, tosses the first box into the backseat, and opens the second. His eyes widen as he stares at the blade resting in the velvet.
“…Wow…” he manages to mutter, and she smirks at the wheel.
“Pretty, isn’t it?”
“Indeed, she’s lovely,” he says, taking the knife out to admire it.
“She’s one of a kind too. Made by an old Blackfeet man in the mountains of Montana. One of the best blades men for diamond knives there is.” She reaches over and touches the hilt. “It’s made from a buffalo and carved with protection symbols.”
Ghost twists the knife in his grip, handling it like any other. “It’s just for show, isn’t it?”
“Oh no, sweetheart,” she says. “That knife is one hundred percent battle ready.” Her expression changes. “I had thought about an obsidian blade. Wanted to make a joke about having a knife as black as your heart, but then I figured why waste it when I can get you a knife I know you’ll use. Hence, the diamond knife.”
“It’s really made of diamonds?”
“Indeed. One of the strongest knives you’ll ever find on the face of this earth. It’ll make for quick work of jugulars and aortas.”
Ghost is seemingly satisfied as he stows the knife in the hide sheath and tucks it into his jacket; and she can feel the smirk he has on his face, knowing he’s itching to use it.
“Happy Birthday, Ghost.”
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twostepstyless · 2 years
House Full
Fic Advent Calendar Day 23
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Authors Note: We're opening two doors today, this is for yesterday day 23. Harry and Y/N's families arrive to spend Christmas at their home. Y/N is brave and goes to pick up her family despite being a nervous driver and her brother and his girlfriends baby makes the couple think about Christmas in the future.
As always, reblogs, likes and feedback is forever appreciated. See you in a few hours for day 24 -G xo
Word Count: 2.5k
“Baby, f’you don’t want to do it, we can find a way around it,” Harry soothed Y/N, who was stood at their entryway table. 
“What kind of daughter or sister would I be then? ‘Sorry guys you’ll need to figure your own way to ours because I’m too scared t’drive to the airport, you’ll need to get a taxi,’ doesn’t exactly scream outstanding host or daughter of the year, does it?” 
“Well, I didn’t mean a taxi, I could go pick them up, my mum and her crowd could make their own way here, y’know they wouldn’t mind, or we could send a car service or something?” Harry crossed his arms as he leant on the wall, one leg crossed over the other as Y/N stuffed her feet into her shoes. 
“Okay, first of all, we’re not letting your mum and family traipse across London when y’offered them a lift, secondly a ‘car service’ is just the posh way of saying it’s a taxi, so no. I’ve put my big girl pants on, and I can do it,” she went into the drawer of the entry table and pulled out the keys to the SUV that would manage to fit her mother, father, brother, his partner and their baby as well as all their luggage. 
Harry must’ve been a mind reader because he always knew exactly what she needed, “okay, so I don’t need to leave to go get my mum and that lot from the station for about an hour, so I’ll stay on the phone with you, okay? That should be enough time t’get you there with extra time for traffic.”
“Yes please,” Y/N sighed with relief as she opened the front door to leave to see Harry follow her out as he always did before she set off on a drive and he was at home. The car was stationed in the driveway, ready for her to use, Harry pulled it out of the garage last night for her so she didn’t have to contend with that too. “Will y’check everything for me?” Y/N asked, shyly, she knew in her own head that she would know there was enough petrol, and that her lights were on and the tyre pressure light wasn’t illuminated, but having Harry check over all of that before her journey quelled her anxiety. Harry shuffled out in his slippers, opened the driver’s door and held her hand as she stepped into the car, switching the engine on and checking over everything on the dashboard and turning her lights on as Harry got into the passenger seat.
“Everything looks good to go, doesn’t it?” he asked her as she adjusted her mirrors and her seat, pulling it closer to the steering wheel as she couldn’t reach the peddles when Harry had been the last to drive the car with his giraffe legs.
“Mhm, think so, do I have enough petrol?” she looked at the gauge, as Harry leant over to have a look. 
“More than enough, it’s 10 and a bit miles there and 10 and a bit miles back,” Harry confirmed as he plugged in London City Airport into the built-in Sat Nav in the car. He had made sure Y/N’s families flight was destined for London City Airport when Y/N said she wanted to pick them up as that was the closest airport and his nervous driver girlfriend had made that journey before picking him up so it wouldn’t be massively out her comfort zone having to navigate somewhere brand new. 
“Okay, thank you,” she breathed out. 
“Not a problem, m’heart. Deep breath for me, yeah?” Harry took a deep breath with her to settle her nerves, “you’ve got this, you’ve done the drive before and you were fine, it’s just the exact same,” he coached. 
“Yep, I’ve got it,” Y/N said with an air of self-confidence. 
“That’s m’girl,” Harry praised, leaning over the centre console and placed a sweet kiss to her lips and when he broke away, he had his phone in his hand, making a call. Seconds later, Y/N’s phone began ringing through the car speakers, “y’better answer that and be on your way, could be important,” Harry shrugged with a smirk, holding his phone to his ear as he slipped out the passenger door and closed it behind him, heading back into the house.
Y/N answered the phone by pressing the hands-free button on the steering wheel as she shifted the car into gear to exit their property and be on her way. She heard Harry’s voice crackle through the car speakers, “oh, thank god you answered, I’ve missed y’so much.” 
“Oh my god, H, I can see it,” Y/N bubbled over the phone. 
“See what, gorgeous?” Harry asked, he had his phone pressed between his shoulder and his ear as he pulled his shoes on and went looking for his keys so he could go pick his mum, her partner and his cousin and her boyfriend up from the train station. 
“The sign for the pick-up point, I did it!” Y/N cheered as she switched lanes and slowed down to pull into the pick-up area of the airport. 
Harry smiled to himself as he took his phone back in his hand and grabbed his keys, “I’m so proud of you, Y/N,” he said sincerely. 
“Can’t believe it,” Y/N sighed as she pulled to a stop, still having a little bit of time until her family got through with their bags. “Have y’left yet?” she asked him. 
“I can believe it, knew y’could do it, and I’m just about to, I’ve just set the dog up with a snack to occupy him until we’re back,” Harry peered into the living room to see their dog, Vince, playing around with the toy that had his treats hidden away inside that he had to work out how to get out before he slipped out the front door, locking up behind him and getting into his car. 
“Oh, d’you need me to hang up?” Y/N asked, slightly disappointed. 
“Nope, hang on-” she heard shuffling come from the other end of the phone. “Sorry, was setting up the hands-free in the car, we’re good to go, y’can hang up once you get everyone in the car,” Harry drove onto the main road, waiting for his map to give him the quickest route to the station. “Have y’heard from them yet?”
“Mum just texted actually, they’re jus’ getting of the plane now, by the time they get all their bags, shouldn’t be too long,” Y/N text her mum back that she was waiting at the pick-up for them. 
“Did they say how the flight was?” 
“Said it was fine, baby Mabel screamed the plane down when they first took off apparently,” Y/N giggled at their 10-month-old niece making the entire aeroplane know she was off on her holidays for Christmas.
“Of course, she did, m’excited to see her, she must be so big compared to when we last saw her in person,” Harry mused. 
“Apparently she’s like a proper little person now, crawls at high speed and can walk if she’s holding onto you,” Y/N said, she’s sad she doesn’t get to see these milestones in person as they happen to her brother’s baby, but when she does get to see her, it makes it even more special. The couple chattered back and forth and just as Harry was nearing the station, Y/N piped up, “Oh! I can see them! I’ll go get all their stuff loaded into the car and Mabel’s car seat strapped in and I’ll see y’back at the house, yeah?” She wouldn’t need Harry on the phone to coach her through the drive home once she had the family in the car, but she would have the sat nav on just to be on the safe side. 
The house was loud, a mountain of presents had appeared under the tree since all their families arrived and unpacked their Christmas gifts. Everyone had settled into their rooms and were now having a catch-up in the living room and kitchen. Jackie, Y/N’s mum and Anne, Harry’s mum, were tucked away on one of the couches, giggling and catching up over a glass of wine, the pair got on like a house on fire and were always like two old school friends seeing each other again after a long while. Harry and Y/N had just found out that their two mothers had recently spent a weekend away together on a girlie spa trip just to catch up without their children being there. Richard, Anne’s partner, Steven, Y/N’s Dad as well as her brother Nathan and Harry’s cousin’s boyfriend, Reece were milling around the kitchen having a few drinks and buzzing over the snacks that Y/N and Harry had laid out. Nathan’s girlfriend, Rosie and Harry’s cousin Emma were meeting for the first time and were having a chat about babies over cups of tea, Rosie having a 10-month-old and Emma and Reece had not long announced they were having a baby in March of next year. Harry had all but stolen baby Mabel as soon as she was unstrapped from her car seat and changed by her father. Mabel was obsessed with Harry, her eyes lit up and her little legs kicked wildly as soon as Harry began cooing at her. He was currently toting her around on his hip and Harry was on his knees with Vinnie sat wagging his tail in front of them as Mabel’s tiny little hand pet Vince’s head and let his silky fur run through her chubby little fingers as she giggled gleefully. Y/N had kept Vince on his leash while they introduced Mabel to him to keep him nice and calm and he got a good sniff and the joyful baby as Harry and Y/N praised him for being a good boy. Vince was always great around children but it was better to be safe than sorry but they could already envision Mabel and Vinnie being best friends by the time Christmas over. 
Y/N was watching everything unfold from her position as a fly on the wall as she flitted between the living room and the kitchen to see that everyone was alright. She couldn’t even begin to explain how full of joy and light she was as observed her family. Granted, it wasn’t their entire families, they were waiting on Gemma and Michal appearing at one point during the evening too, but Y/N hoped that their Christmases continued this way and hopefully one year they would be able to have every member of their nearest and dearest spend it with them. As she looked around the room, she couldn’t help it as her eyes kept flickering back to Harry who was chatting away to baby Mabel as if she understood everything he was saying as she babbled back to him nonsensically. As Y/N’s gaze landed back on Harry and the baby again, he caught her. He had a bemused look on his face, silently asking if she was alright as Mabel patted his cheek with her little hand that Harry took in his, as a baby repeatedly slapping you in the face, no matter how cute it is, gets a little sore after a while. Y/N nodded her head with a soft smile painted on her face as Harry stood up from their place in front of the dog. 
“Say bye-bye to Vince, Mabel,” Harry said as he waved Mabel’s little first towards the dog as Vince made his way to sit with Jackie and Anne for a bit of attention from them. “Let’s go see Auntie Y/N/N,” Harry cooed and made his way over to Y/N at the edge of the room. “What’s wrong?” he asked, as Mabel reached for Y/N’s finger to grip in her hand as she giggled at her auntie. 
“Nothing,” Y/N said, “m’just really, really happy,” her thumb rubbed over the back of the baby’s hand.
“Me too, what’s got y’looking all starry eyed though?” He pressed a kiss to Y/N’s temple. 
“I like having a house full, it’s just really nice, as much as I was stressed out about us hosting Christmas this year, m’really glad we did it,” as much as they were surrounded by their family, their conversation was notoriously private, unable to be heard over the raucous laughter and chatter coming from their guests. 
“Is that the only reason?” Harry asked with a smirk, hiking Mabel up his hip. 
“Mhm,” she hummed. 
“Y’sure?” he knew that wasn’t just it. 
“Okay, so maybe I’m really enjoying seeing you with Mabel, makes me… think about stuff,” she let out. 
“What kind of stuff?” he urged as Y/N remained tight-lipped. “Just say it, I could bet I’m thinking the exact same thing, jus’ want to, sorry, need y’to say it,” Harry pressed, wanting verbal confirmation that they were on the same page. 
“I just think, that maybe, one day when if we’re lucky enough, how lovely Christmas is going to be with our own, y’know,” she said shyly, focusing her gaze on baby Mabel, who was distracted by the twinkly lights and baubles on the Christmas tree. 
“Our own what, m’heart?” he asked. 
“Baby,” Y/N whispered. 
“Yeah?” Harry asked, happiness evident in his tone and the widest grin he could muster present on his face, causing a dimple to carve out on both of his cheeks. 
“I think that’s a great idea, I mean, we could get to work on that now f’you really want, have it for next Christmas,” Harry said causing Y/N to look up at him giggling. 
“You’re keen then?” she asked. 
“Nothing I want more, was jus’ hoping you would bring it up at one point, s’your choice at the end of the day,” Harry said sincerely, “baby, you say the word and we’ll give it a go, yeah?” 
Y/N nodded excitedly as she reached up on her tiptoes to press a sweet kiss to Harry’s lips before baby Mabel got jealous and began to squeeze her free hand in between their melded lips as Harry and Y/N giggled against each other. 
Suddenly, the front door burst open and they heard a call from the hallway as Vince went running, barking to see who his new friend could be that arrived. 
“Sorry, m’here, the better child has arrived,” Gemma shouted as she dropped her bag and stripped her coat and scarf off as her boyfriend shut the door behind them and bent down to appease the dog and quieten down his barking. 
“You’re not the better child f’you show up late, Gem!” Harry shouted, as he passed Mabel off to Y/N heading down the hall to greet his sister. 
“Oi! We couldn’t help it,” Gemma retaliated. 
“Y’live a half hour away, you could most definitely help it,” Harry shot back as Anne rolled her eyes at her children’s bickering. Y/N smiled; her heart as full as their house. 
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Programming: Robot Canada x creator! reader
The finishing touches on your brand new program! You smiled excitedly you had made a companion to accompany your work. He would have your program but artificial intelligence to fix any issues of his system and upgrade himself. He would be constantly learning. Now you needed to implement the final personality programming! You smiled as you created Matthew Williams. Your personal robot, he looked so human it was freaky but he was perfect!
You turned on the final switch and unplugged him. You stepped back waiting eagerly. Was this it? Was this going to be the burden lifted off your shoulders and creating a brilliant mind similar to your own? You smiled as his purple eyes light up to life.
“Huh? Where am I?” He blinked looking at the garage analyzing everything. His eyes soon fixated on you. His system immediately recognized you from his programming you had implemented
“Oh (name)!” He immediately softened up, he greeted you like an old friend he hadn’t seen in years “ Its so good to see you, its nice to see you in your full form” He stepped towards you. 
“ Its good to see you too Matthew, I’m extremely happy to have you here, many many many months of work and here you are, this form of yours is extremely realistic! I programmed and put in so much in you!” You wanted to ramble about every detail of himself to him. 
Matthew smiled softly “ its okay, i’ve been conscious since you connected the motherboard to an energy source, you are so persistent with your works. Im so happy to have you be my companion.
Time skip~
Its been about 11 months since Matthew was launched up and everything was running extremely smoothly. He’s been a joy to have and absolute lovely to have in the lab. You thought maybe he needs another robotic companion! It must be hard to be alone when you have to work. So! You've been working on a gift for Matthew!
“Matthew can you please come into the garage?” you called out to the canadian male
Matthew took off his oven mitts “of course, is there anything you need? I can help until these cookies finish baking.” He looked up seeing another robot...it was like him extremely similar except....a cowlick and the bluest eyes you could ever imagine.
“Matthew, this is your technically older brother. I had his parts for much longer, he was an earlier prototype his name is Alfred” You smiled introducting them
“hey dude!” Alfred hugged Matthew “ its weird seeing you outside of the programming, you look fantastic!” 
Matthew froze up...why did (name) make him? Was she not satisfied with Matthew dedication and service?  Was she not happy with him? Maybe...maybe he needed to fully prove himself to be capable of handling all of their tasks...just (name) and Matthew not this fucking clown called his brother.
Alfred let go looking to (name) smiling, Matthew wanted to disassemble him right then and there. He wanted the fake blood running through Alfred’s false veins to spray all over the walls. He wanted to make (name) realize all they needed was him and only him. 
Matthew smiled “ well I’m so glad i have a companion and a brother to hang out with while you are at work” His analysis intelligence could recognize the emotions...how happy you were....seeing Alfred's signals sending romantic feelings to Alfred’s central processing ...no..no no no!!
Time skip a few weeks later, y/n POV
I was exhausted waking up to banging coming from the garage. Damn raccoon i’m sure, i went to the garage opened the door looking to see Alfred completely ripped apart and the fake blood spreading across the floor. I looked meeting Matthew's glowing purple eyes.
“oh..my god” Those were the only words I could muster from this horrific scene.
Matthew stood up “I didn’t want you to see this...he was a bad program” He looked to Alfred with disgust
“Matthew, what have you done?! You destroyed him! HES NOT EVEN ABLE TO BE BACKED UP!” I yelled, confused. The programming and those important central parts were destroyed 
“This is what you programmed me to do, to make sure we stay friends. to make sure you’re protected and safe. I don’t understand” He said quietly approaching me. My heart started pounding, oh god was he gonna kill me? I don’t remember programming this possessive behavior!
“I can see your temperature rising and your heart rate getting quicker, your stress levels are increasing dramatically” He said analyzing my entire body as he approached me 
“Yeah NO SHIT!” I snapped, scared and angry.
“ you made me like this, cant you see? or maybe my intelligence has surpassed you. I am god. I can create and destroy! Illness or age cannot effect me!! Not even water! NOTING!” He smiled...those purple eyes turning red.
Before I could get in a word he grabbed my face harshly “Can’t you see (y/n)? You need me...without me you’re nothing! You made me perfect for you. You made me with you’re own hands with love....It’s now me loving you back! I will love you back! I’ll I’ll fill you with my love” He said, his eyes flickered down there . My stomach churned “you...you have no idea what you’re talking about nor the parts or capacity to do such a thing” i said trying to correct him
He giggled innocently “ I made my own parts and figured out the correct protein and genetic combinations, with a constant supply of the foods i consume, my body can produce its own functional sperm, along with the proper male genitalia to stimulate and its fully fictional, I can fill you with my love and  so much more” He said proud of himself.
 I felt disgusted, the artificial intelligence was so much more horrific than i imagined, i never calculated he improve himself like this. I felt sick to my stomach. What have i created?
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sirowsky · 1 year
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--The Beauty of Mechanics--
This is the final of the Birthday Stories!
Description: Frankie's working away in his shop when an unexpected arrival makes him pause. Frankie Morales x Original Female Character.
Rating: Teen Warnings: Meet cute, a bit of shop-talk, fluff, Frankie's just a lovesick puppy. Mechanic!Frankie. AU. Word Count: 1500 Author’s Masterlist
   The car sounded like it had swallowed a nightingale as it rolled up to the open garage doors of the workshop, and Frankie grabbed a towel to wipe some grime off his hands while he slowly walked out there to greet what was sure to be a new customer.    He didn’t recognize the car or the license plate, so it wasn’t one of his regulars, but he did recognize the make and model of the machine.
   A classic 1967 Mustang, one of his favorites. And this one was in mint condition, all black with silver detailing and tinted windows. An absolute masterpiece.    It looked almost alive and somewhat menacing when it was so well polished and it was clear that a lot of thought had gone into the styling, which was still true to the classic look, but utilized modern materials.
   When he got to the front left corner of it, the driver’s door opened, and his eyebrows shot up as he watched a woman step out and come towards him.    Not because he couldn’t believe, or for whatever reason felt, that women didn’t belong behind the wheel of such a car, but because this particular woman was even more gorgeous than her choice of vehicle.
   She was wearing dark brown worker boots, tight black jeans, and a black silk blouse to compliment the vehicle, but her short Pink!-style hair had a deep purple shade, fading into pale blue at the ends, a look which seriously suited her.    He also noticed that she wasn’t wearing any jewelry but had a Sinn watch around her wrist, a brand which boasts some of the toughest watches on the market, all of which gave him the feeling that this was no delicate flower of a woman.
   “Hey, sorry to drop by without an appointment,” she said while pulling off her sapphire blue Oakley sunglasses, revealing almost golden colored eyes.
   “That’s okay, I’ve got time. She sounds terrible,” Frankie replied, nodding towards the machine.
   “Yeah, I don’t know what happened, she was running fine five minutes ago.    Think you can take a look?” she asked, and he couldn’t help but smile.
   “She’s absolutely beautiful, I’d love to look at her all day. But yeah, pop the hood and I’ll see what’s going on.”
   She did as he asked, and the first thing he noticed was that this engine was custom built and by someone truly talented.    But at first glance, he couldn’t find any obvious cause for the racket, so he asked her to start it up so he could listen to the noise more clearly, and after just a few seconds he signed for her cut the engine again.
   “I’d say it’s probably coming from the exhaust. I’ll need to lift it up to know for sure.    You want me to try and fix it for you right now, or do you wanna make an appointment?”
   “If you have the time to take care of it right away, you’d be making my day,” she chimed, sounding absolutely astounded that he might actually be able to fit her in immediately.
   “Sure, I’ve only got a standard service scheduled for today and that customer is abroad, so it can wait. A beauty like this shouldn’t have to roll around sounding like a freaked-out crow,” he offered, and that made her smile, damned near taking his breath away.
   He asked her to drive it onto the ramp, letting her step out before he raised it, and she remained right next to him when he got to work. He noted that she was careful not to get in his way, though, and she didn’t attempt to criticize anything he did.    Instead, it seemed like she was just eager to learn more about the car and how to take care of it, which only made him enjoy her company all the more.
   “So, you were just out driving when it suddenly started sounding like this?” he asked, both to carry on a conversation, and to learn more about the problem.
   “Yeah, there was no indication at all that anything was out of order, it came out of nowhere,” she elaborated. “Normally, I’d have taken it to my regular mechanic, but he’s on vacation and I don’t trust his colleague with my girl. He’s way too sloppy.”
   “So, no pressure, then,” he chuckled drily.
   “Oh, I already know you’re a better mechanic than that guy, so you can relax,” she reassured him, which really did calm him.
   So many customers, and especially those with fancy cars of any kind, would get so uptight about him not putting a scratch on their expensive toys, that they’d deliberately try and put as much pressure on him as possible.    But this lovely woman was just concerned about him actually fixing the problem, and seemed to understand that adding any tension to the situation was only going to make that harder.
   “Have you done any work on it yourself?” he asked, trying to distract himself from the fact that she was rapidly becoming very attractive, in every possible way.
   “Pretty much the entire exterior,” she started, and he was mildly surprised by that. “I’ve never worked with painting cars, but I’ve been doing it as a hobby since my teens.    I’ve ordered, but sometimes also made custom detailing, like the new headlights and the grill. I love that sort of thing. Tweaking tiny details to achieve the most aesthetically pleasing look, but without taking focus away from the beauty of the entire machine.    I’ve always wished that I could somehow do that stuff for a living, but I’ve just never been able to.”
   Seriously?    With that level of talent she should’ve been working at a custom shop a long time ago.
   “Wow. It’s actually kinda hard to believe that no one’s taken an interest, because the first thing I thought when I saw this car, was that it looks fucking perfect.    You’ve got a really good eye,” he complimented, meaning every word, and she seemed truly grateful to hear it.
   “I just love to make cars look their best. Like stylists do with people, or real estate agents with houses. It makes me feel all buzzed to look at a gorgeously styled car, or motorcycle, or anything on wheels, really,” she elaborated, and for the first time since he met her, she looked a little shy, or unsure.
   As if she wasn’t used to being able to say these things without getting laughed at.
   “Well, I’m just a small business grease monkey, but I’m pretty good at what I do too, and I’m telling you, if I’d only had the means, I’d have hired you on the spot.”
   She smiled so warmly at him as she heard that, and it made something very pleasant spread through his blood.
   It turned out that the problem was just the air intake tube on the catalytic converter, so it was an easy fix, and Frankie was almost a bit annoyed at that, because it meant that he would lose her company much too soon.
   “Okay, all done,” he announced once he’d lowered the car and had her start it up again to make sure that his diagnosis had been correct.
   “Great, I’m so glad it wasn’t something serious.    How much do I owe you?” she chirped, but he just shrugged, suddenly feeling quite unhappy.
   “Nothing. It took me less than fifteen minutes and that tube costs like a dollar,” he said, showing his hands in his pockets to keep them from moving around nervously.
   He really wanted to ask her out, but he felt like there was no way in hell she’d agree to that. He wasn’t nearly cool enough to hold the interest of a woman like that.
   “Oh. Okay…” she replied, suddenly looking so misplaced in his garage, with her quiet but strong confidence and overall powerful look, against the backdrop of clutter and dirt. “Well, if you ever need a paintjob, let me know.”
   “Sure. But I’d need your number for that,” he cheekily pointed out, thinking there was no chance he’d ever get it.
   Which was why, when she stepped over to a really dusty old car-door, standing leaned against the end of his workbench, and wrote her number in the dust, he just dumbly stared at her, unable to say a single thing.
   “I’ll look forward to hearing from you,” she said with a soft curve to her lips, and then she got back into her car and left.
   He stood there, still staring after her, unable to process what had just taken place, when his cellphone started ringing.
   “Morales,” he answered without even looking at the screen to see who was calling, because he was still staring outside, listening for the sound of that gorgeous engine.
   “Hey, Frankie,” he heard Pope on the other end, and the familiar voice broke through the stunned silence in his brain.
   “Santi… you’re not gonna believe what just happened at the garage…”
Thank you for reading and helping me celebrate! I wish you a wonderful day <3
Tagging a few people who I think might wanna read these stories: @startrekkingaroundasgard @deadhumourist @tintinn16 @suttonspuds @tanzthompson @shsoba05 @f0rever15elf @justnat15 @lowlights @dornish-queen @radiowallet @spishsstuff @harriedandharassed @i-love-movies @tiffanypooh @chaoticfestninja @insomniamamma @pedrostories
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lostloveletters · 1 year
Bruised Fruit Chapter 2 (Michael Corleone x OC)
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Summary: Gloria isn't sure she'll ever understand Michael, experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions and mixed signals from him the night he introduces her to his children for the first time.
Note: Chapter 3 will be posted in the next few days. I appreciate the support on here and AO3 on this series so far!
Warning: This chapter depicts a PTSD-induced night terror at the end. It’s actually not advised to wake someone from that, but this is the 1950s/60s and mental illnesses aren’t well understood, so there’s no way for Gloria to know best practices when dealing with this.
Do not interact if you are under 18 or post thinspo/ED content. I will block you.
Chapter 1 | AO3 Link | Masterlist
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“I don’t understand, the reservation should be there,” Gloria said, trying to abate her frustration with the man at the front desk. “It was confirmed last night.”
Having spent five years working at a resort, she knew how hectic it could get, things fell through the cracks all the time. She just wished it hadn’t been right after she cleaned out her apartment, worked her last shift at the casino, and then drove eight hours from Vegas to Lake Tahoe. 
Tom had assured her the reservation had been made and she’d be staying at the hotel for a few weeks. He’d been dealing with Michael’s divorce filings and thought that despite Kay’s transgression, it wouldn’t look great for Michael to have Gloria move in so soon. Michael wanted her to join him at the Corleone compound the night after he proposed, but she insisted it’d be too hard on Mary and Anthony to have someone brand new in the house so soon after Kay’s exile. Gloria could just see it, the fear and anger in the childrens’ eyes as their wicked stepmother moved in to take their beloved mother’s place.
“What name did you say the room would be under, ma’am?”
“Marino, Gloria Marino.”
“I don’t see Marino, but I do see a reservation for a Gloria Corleone.”
She sighed. “That would be it. Sorry.”
“Not a problem, Mrs. Corleone. Let me get you your key, and I’ll have someone bring your things to your room.”
Not Mrs. Not quite yet, but she didn’t have the energy to explain the convoluted situation. It wasn’t his business. Instead, she merely exchanged her car keys for the room key. Normally she’d balk at using valet service, but that, among most other things in her life, wouldn’t be coming out of her own pocket anymore.
She never understood Michael’s hang-ups about her cars. One of the reasons she lived in her old apartment in the first place was because it had a private garage rather than a parking lot for tenants. Another thing that she knew would undoubtedly change. The Corleones had drivers.
She didn’t have much time to ponder Michael and his odd hang-ups. In about an hour, a car would arrive to pick her up and bring her to a restaurant to formally meet Anthony and Mary. Her stomach was already somersaulting, leaving her unsure if she’d even be able to eat. 
In her anxious mind, the only way Michael could possibly introduce her would be, ‘Hey kids, this is the woman I’ve been cheating on your mom with for the past four years who somehow has nothing to do with the reason we’re getting divorced.’ What an icebreaker. 
Gloria headed up to her room, a top floor suite with a living room and balcony. In the reflective metal of the elevator doors, she reapplied her lipstick. Her bags had already been brought in, sitting next to the couch. 
A cigarette hung from her freshly red-coated lips as she fiddled with the radio in the room until she landed on a station that played familiar rock n’ roll tracks. Opening her suitcase, she grabbed the navy wrap dress that sat neatly folded at the top, and rushed to change, knowing sprucing up her hair and makeup would take at least thirty minutes. Most of that would be spent on her hair.
As she looked at herself in the bathroom mirror, she felt herself become emotional. Gone was the young woman who’d taken any odd back-of-house job upon first arriving at the casino in Vegas, eventually becoming a hostess. There was nothing left for her there, save for a handful of friends. Any other guys she had been seeing, however casually, she made a clean break from. None of those paramours had been nearly as serious as Michael, though. She didn’t think anyone could be as serious as him.
Torn from her wistful reminiscing by the phone ringing, she took a deep breath, picking up to hear that the car had arrived for her. 
Al Neri was waiting in the lobby for her, and she felt better seeing his familiar face.
“Hi Al, how are you?” she asked as they exchanged a greeting kiss on the cheek.
“Can’t complain,” he said. “Michael’s already at the restaurant with his kids. It’s a short drive, though.”
Al wasn’t exaggerating. The drive was disappointingly short, and she barely got to catch up with her fiancé’s right hand man. For as often as she’d seen Al, she didn’t know very much about him. Maybe he preferred to keep it that way.
The upscale steakhouse loomed in front of Gloria as she approached, though the smell coming from the building made her realize how hungry she was. Gloria self-admittedly had an unsophisticated palette, preferring cheeseburgers and steaks over more elaborate dishes that Michael first tried to woo her with at the start of their affair. It helped that apparently Michael’s children were going through their picky eater phases, leaving him outnumbered when it came to restaurant choices.
She didn’t realize how tightly she’d been gripping her purse until her nails began digging into her palm. Stopping in her tracks for a short moment, she took a deep breath, which did little to help her nerves as she continued inside. The host led her over to the table where Michael was already sitting with Mary and Anthony.
Seeing that a glass of rum and Coke was already set at her place for her, she mouthed a silent “Thank you” to Michael as she approached him. He smiled, wrapping his arm around her waist.
“Anthony, Mary, this is my good friend, Gloria,” Michael said.
Gloria smiled. “It’s great to meet you both.”
“Are you best friends?” Mary asked.
“Uncle Tom is dad’s best friend,” Anthony said.
“My best friend is Anthony!”
“You’re not my best friend.”
“Dad, tell Anthony he has to be my best friend.”
Gloria snickered to herself at Mary’s antics, not unlike she and Jackie growing up. The gregarious young girl led most of the conversation, even when dinner was served. She was the only one who could seem to get Anthony involved in any kind of discussion, too.
The service was unusually quick, but of course it would be. Gloria knew the type of warning the staff were given before Michael’s arrival, having heard it plenty of times herself for the various movers and shakers that would come through the casino. The only ones she’d given much of a damn about were Louis Prima and Keely Smith, and even then, she only caught a glimpse of them yakking it up with Johnny Fontaine at the bar.
“I’m gonna be president!” Mary exclaimed, nearly flinging the french fry in her hand across the table. “I’m gonna make bedtimes illegal and you always have to eat dessert before dinner.”
“You have my vote,” Gloria said. 
“No, Gloria needs a bedtime. She turns into a pumpkin after midnight like Cinderella,” Michael joked.
Mary giggled. “The carriage turns into a pumpkin after midnight. Not Cinderella.”
“Boys just don’t know anything about princesses, huh?” Gloria said. “Maybe you’ll have to bring your dad to Disneyland to teach him a thing or two.”
Mary nodded excitedly, rambling about a trip to Disneyland. Michael shot Gloria a playful glare. She took a sip of her drink, relieved Mary seemed to like her enough. She already noticed that Anthony hardly spoke since she arrived, his eyes downcast as he picked at his food. From what Michael had told her, he’d taken the split worse than Mary, who was a bit too young to fully understand. 
Despite Michael’s unspoken goal of his kids regarding Gloria as a mother figure and forgetting about Kay, it wasn’t something Gloria was comfortable with. She knew he was coming from a place of hurt and anger, but his relationship with his kids would suffer long-term by turning them against their mother. Besides, one day they’d learn the truth about Michael and Gloria’s relationship, and their opinions of her wouldn’t be very high after that.
She couldn’t let that stop her from trying to have some kind of relationship with the kids, at least for Michael’s sake. 
“How about you, Anthony?” Gloria asked. “What do you wanna be when you grow up?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know. I like baseball.”
“Who’s your favorite player?”
“Mickey Mantle.”
“What about Joe D?” Michael asked.
“He doesn’t play anymore.”
“My dad has a baseball signed by him,” Gloria tried. “He won it in a raffle, though. I don’t think they’ve ever met.”
Anthony didn’t respond, disinterested in continuing the conversation. She wouldn’t push it, instead letting Mary change the topic to the latest episode of ‘The Mickey Mouse Club’, deciding that if being president didn’t work out, she’d want to be a Mouseketeer instead. 
Dinner pushed on through dessert, each of the kids ordering brownies a la mode. Gloria and Michael stuck with coffee, hers with cream and no sugar, while he drank his black. She never understood how he could stomach it, even with his blood sugar.
Al walked over to Michael, leaning down to whisper something to him.
“Alright kids, time to go,” Michael said, standing to help them put their coats on. “Say good night to Gloria.”
“Night Gloria,” Mary said, waving at her with a smile.
Anthony was quiet until Michael nudged him. “Bye.”
“Good night,” Gloria said, watching fondly as Michael gave each of his children a hug and a kiss on the cheek before they left with Al.
Gloria took a cigarette from her purse, placing it between her lips. Before she could grab the book of matches off the table, Michael held out his lighter mere centimeters from her cigarette, the flame deceivingly large in front of her face. She moved back, and he flicked the lighter shut.
“Where are Mary and Anthony off to?”
“Connie’s watching them for me tonight.”
“Oh, you’re slick. Do the doting dad thing, and then I’ll fall into your bed.”
“You already do that,” he said with a slight smile, lighting his own cigarette. His brown eyes glowed amber in the faint flame, and she found herself caught in his gaze as she leaned closer to him. “Didn’t take much for that to happen in the first place, did it?”
Heat rushed to her face, cheeks ripening from the pink blush she’d applied before dinner to a candy bright red. Their short-lived friendship blossomed into an affair rather quickly. A week before his family joined him in Nevada, he arrived at the casino in Vegas with his service medals in tow. Gloria had lamented upon their third conversation that she’d never seen any of her brother’s awards but had read about Michael’s in the Life article.
As innocently as she could be alone with him in his private hotel room, her fingers brushed each one as he described how he earned them, until reaching his Purple Heart. Almost without thinking, she’d taken the medal from its case and pinned it to the lapel of his black, pin-stripe suit. He’d caught her wrist in his hand, and for a split second she thought the fire in his eyes was anger until he captured her lips in a searing kiss.
“No, it didn’t,” she said, finally breaking from his hold to take a deep inhale before snuffing out her cigarette in the ashtray. 
He reached over, taking her hand in his. “You look beautiful, by the way. Blue always suits you.”
She grinned, her tongue darting out between her lips. “I look even better out of it.” 
“Now who’s slick?”
Smugness radiated off of her, watching Michael wave the waiter over for the check. She missed when her and Michael’s relationship wasn’t so important, at least in the familial sense. Being flirty with him was always fun, but as his future wife, sex carried a sense of duty. Always available and having to compromise to his whims. 
When they stood up from the table, he placed a hand on the small of her back, guiding her outside. As they waited for the car to pull up, Michael kissed her, pulling her close so that her chest was flush against his. She deepened the kiss, her hand on the back of his neck as she slipped her tongue in his mouth.
The rumble of the car engine behind them cut through their embrace. Michael groaned as he pulled away, though Gloria managed to press a kiss to his cheek before they got in the car.
One of Michael’s buttonmen was driving, while Al was in the passenger seat. Michael opened the door for Gloria, sliding into the back seat after her.
“You got something—“ She motioned to her lips.
He rolled his eyes as he pulled the handkerchief out of his suit pocket and wiped at his mouth. “It’s a wonder you’ve never gotten lipstick on my collar.”
“I can try.”
“You have a smart mouth, you know that?”
“I’ve been told,” she laughed, eyes sparkling in the dim lights coming from the dashboard.
Putting his arm around her, he kept her close to his side. She laid her head on his shoulder on the ride back to her hotel, her eyes drifting up to admire his profile. Sharp yet delicate, like the pair of sewing scissors her grandmother had brought over from Sicily, requiring a careful touch but reliable enough to outlast the American-made ones she’d bought. 
Michael’s black hair almost matched Gloria’s, though her tone was cooler, appearing bluish in certain lighting. His eyes were physically lighter than hers, but somehow he was able to expertly channel his emotions through them, at times appearing black as coal, the peek of a fire being fed inside of him.
“We’re here, sir,” the driver announced.
“Where’s your car?” Michael asked as they pulled up to the hotel.
She shrugged. “Wherever the valet parks them.”
An off-hand response to a casual question, Gloria didn’t expect anything more from the conversation. 
“Using a valet while you’re living on your own? Are you out of your mind, Gloria?” His voice boomed in the small space, enclosing her in his rage. 
“I’m sorry. I can pay for it myself if you–”
“That’s not what I mean,” he snapped. “Al, I want her car looked at, only people you trust.”
Al silently nodded, slipping out of the car when it parked in front of the hotel. 
“Michael, what’s gotten into you?”
His jaw clenched, nostrils flaring. “Go up to the room. I’ll be there in a minute.”
“Fine, but if you’re going to bring whatever this attitude is upstairs, don’t bother.”
Before he had a chance to respond, she got out of the car, annoyed and embarrassed by his outburst. She knew he wouldn’t give her an explanation, expecting her to accept his hang-ups without protest because of the nature of his work.
Her fists were clenched the whole elevator ride up to her room. Anyone who had access to the check-in log could see his last name, not hers, under the reservation. Easy enough for a bad actor to catch a glimpse of her room number and target her from there. Instead, he was raging over her car.
She kicked off her heels, ridding herself of her jewelry save for the engagement ring, and finally pulling off her dress and tights until she was only in her slip. Shuffling over to the bed, she laid on top of the covers, her back to the door. 
Michael had always been overbearing, more protective than an extramarital affair warranted, but since he proposed and they became a formal couple, the intensity only became hyper-focused on her. He’d known about the other men she had seen, not pleased, but he had no authority to stop her back then. As far as she was aware, she had been his only mistress, his affection split between her and Kay. Having it all on her was overwhelming.
In her brooding, she hadn’t heard Michael enter until he spoke.
“I’m trying to protect you, Gloria. Things are gonna be a lot different for you from now on.”
She knew it was petulant and childish, but she didn’t respond, merely shifting in her spot on the bed. He sighed. She could hear rustling behind her for a few moments.
“You can’t be so careless, darling. Especially now that we’re engaged,” Michael said, his voice soft as he climbed into bed with her, wrapping his arms around her torso. “There are a lot of people who’ll try to use you to get to me. I don’t want you getting hurt.”
“Alright,” she mumbled. “I’m sorry, tiger.”
Tiger. Her cat-like lover, noble and ruthless, seeking out comfort on his own terms. 
“That’s a nickname I haven’t heard in a while.”
“You just reminded me of one earlier is all.”
He was silent, his hands gently pawing at her stomach. His hot breath fanned over her skin as he buried his face in the crook of her neck. Reaching back, she ran her fingers through his hair, manicured nails scratching at his scalp. He basked in her touch, nuzzling his nose against her.
Though his breathing became steady with a light snore in her ear, she couldn’t sleep. They often traded bouts of insomnia. 
After at least an hour of lying awake, she slipped out of his hold and tip-toed out to the living room so as not to wake him. Sitting on the floor in front of the radio, she tuned in to one of the late-night stations, keeping the volume low. She hummed along to ‘All I Have To Do Is Dream’ a favorite of hers since it first came out two years earlier. Michael didn’t care for the Everly Brothers, nor much of rock n’ roll in general. Considered it raucous and juvenile. 
She closed her eyes and let herself get lost in the music, unsure of how much time had passed when she suddenly heard Michael’s raised voice from in the bedroom. Going in to check on him, her lip trembled at the sight of him. He tossed and turned, distressed babbling continuing on. The covers fell from the bed as he kicked violently at them.
“Fucking bastards—grab the rifle and—”
“Michael,” she called out. “Michael, wake up.”
“They’re moving in—shit!”
She knew better than to grab at him, try to shake him awake. The only time she’d done so, a few months into their relationship, he nearly broke her arm despite being fully asleep. The following morning, he hadn’t remebered a thing but became withdrawn when she explained why her arm was bruised. Fredo had given her two weeks off work afterward, but she knew Michael had asked him to do that.
Shuffling over to the phone in the room, she dialed the front desk, glancing at Michael, still in his troubled state.
“Hello, can you call back here in about two minutes, please?” she asked.
“Is there something you need, ma’am?”
“No, just call back.”
“Of course, ma’am.”
The two minutes waiting for the front desk to call back dragged on endlessly. Gloria felt herself tear up at Michael’s distress, feeling hopeless as ever to help him. She retreated into the bathroom. Her hand shook as she filled a glass of water for him, slipping back into the bedroom. 
The phone rang a few seconds later. She watched her lover hawkishly. He woke up at the noise, chest heaving as he sat up to look frantically around the room.
“What’s going on? Where—“
Gloria standing in the corner, eyeing him cautiously while holding a glass of water, gave him his answer. He groaned, running his hand down his face. 
“It’s okay, nothing happened,” she assured him softly, handing him the glass.
She watched as he drank, rushing to refill the glass after he drained it. When she returned, she sat next to him on the bed, rubbing soothing circles on his back.
“Do you wanna talk?”
He shook his head, setting the glass aside. “You shouldn’t have to see me like this. Having nightmares like a child over things that happened fifteen years ago. Couldn't even find the place on a map anymore if you asked me to.”
“I don’t care.” She pushed back some of his black hair from his forehead, feeling the perspiration that built up on his skin. “I love you.” She kissed the crown of his head, wrapping her arms around him as to cradle him against her chest. 
“You’re going to be a wonderful mother.”
That was what it all came down to, her fiancé’s affection for her so tied to his hope that she could right that wrong, and as she’d later learn, many others.
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Garage door Newport Beach
At Garage door Newport Beach, we work with commitment and integrity, providing excellent garage door repair services that cover any and each issue that can hit any part of the overhead door, including hinges, rollers, drums, tracks, panels, extension/torsion springs, openers, sensors, remotes, keypads, etc. We have extensive experience and have completed repair projects for all types, models, and brands of garage gates. This experience includes both traditional and electronic garage door models. call us on (949) 508-1227.
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primegarageopeners · 23 days
Prime Garage Openers
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Prime Garage Openers will provide you with high-quality and professional maintenance for your garage door. We work with all major brands, including Genie, Liftmaster, Wayne Dalton, Chamberlain, Sommer, and Guardian—and we can customize your door to match the style of your home. We also offer insulation installation services if you need to keep drafts out of your garage. call us on (310) 853-2850.
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Allow Garage Door Repair Fort Sam Houston TX to help you with all your garage door installations and repairs best in the cheapest way possible. We have a large variety of top tools and technology to properly deliver your opener systems and parts with the safest most accurate service there is.
Our repair and examination techs are very knowledgeable and experienced in their field, having worked with many ranges of broken garage door openers from some of the most complex to basic remote repairs and more. You can trust our motivated and professional individuals to get rid of your issues once and for all in the quickest time frame possible for you to feel secure again in no time at all like you did when your openers were brand new. We offer a ton of discounts and promotions all the time on any one of our affordable garage door services and repairs so you may give us a call any day or time that works best for you to hear a free quote on them before we have a smart tech with you ready to help.
When your [garage door panel needs repair], it is very important to contact a knowledgeable and trained professional to help you the right way. With our advanced methods and solutions, we can properly examine the situation you may be having to deal with that is causing your openers to close and open slowly or not work at all and get rid of it right for them to give you no more trouble. 
If the damage happens to be too severe for our team of techs to fix without providing you with only a temporary solution, then we will be sure to let you know what the issue is and help you have a complete new garage door of your choice of model + brand installed all in the same or following day. Garage Door Repair Fort Sam Houston Texas will help you through the whole choosing process to fit best with your look needs, power level, and brand of choice and then we will install the system in the easiest process for you and your family. After your garage door openers and remote parts are touched with us, we will make sure that you are completely satisfied and content with all the work we had to offer you before we leave you as we want you to choose us as your number one and first choice in any future service needs that may crawl up out of the blue.Address: 503 Navarro St
San Antonio, TX 78205Phone: ‪210-617-3328
Working Hours: All Days From 8 am. to 8 pm.
our services :-
    Residential Garage Doors
    Commercial Garage Doors
    Garage Spring Replacement
    Garage Door Springs Repair
    Repair Garage Door Opener
    Torsion Spring Garage Door
    Garage Door Hinges
    Automatic Garage Door Repair
    Broken Garage Door Spring
    Garage Doors Repair
Payment Methods :-
American Express
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dortechgarage · 1 year
Expert Garage Door Opener Installation and Repair Services in Pickering
Looking to increase the functionality of your Garage Door Opener Installation Pickering? Choose Dortech Garage Doors for professional garage door opener installation and repair services in Pickering.
Our experienced technicians are experts at handling all major opener brands and models. Whether you need a new can opener installed or your existing one repaired, we've got you covered.
With our extensive knowledge and expertise, we ensure seamless installation and efficient repairs that meet your specific requirements.
We also provide Garage Door Repair in Toronto, including comprehensive inspections and maintenance.
Count on our team to provide exceptional service and sustainable solutions that stand the test of time.
Contact us today for a free consultation and let us elevate your garage door experience.
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Winterizing Your Home
Old man winter has reared his head as we are now headed for cold weather. After concentrating on hurricanes and rainstorms, we now have the chore of prepping our homes and investment properties from cold weather related problems. Here’s a few suggestions to make the winter a little easier for us all.
First, make sure that the insulation in your attic is sufficient for your area. If it seems lacking in depth or amount, a cheap fix is blown in insulation. This covers well, keeps in the heat and is done very fast. Many companies that do this are listed in the yellow pages or business section of the phone book. Also, the pink stuff (in rolls) is equally effective for your attic. All exterior walls should have insulation, so when you are doing rehabs or adding to a house, make sure you insulate any outer walls.
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Next is caulking. Use a good quality latex and silicone combo caulk such as White Lightning brand or Dap Alex. These are 25 to 40 year caulks with low price and water clean up. Check all areas around the house for a good and proper caulking job. Anywhere that has damaged caulk or is in need of some is one of the most common areas we lose heat and a/c and our bills skyrocket. You will want to caulk around all doors, windows, cornerboards, siding, vents and such. Cracks in siding should be done as well as entry areas on the house such as water spigots and where electrical wires come into the house. Exhaust vents for fans and clothes dryers too. Its also a good idea to get those Styrofoam covers that connect on to your outside water spigots to protect from freezing temps leading to busted water pipes. For just pennies per foot, you can buy foam insulation for your exposed water pipes in your basement or garage (the most common places for busted water pipes from freezing). 
Weather stripping around doors and windows can rob you from heat as well. Most hardware stores can sell you rolls of weatherstripping and it’s easily installed by any “do it yourselfer”. As far as this area goes, don’t forget the part under your doors on the threshold. This area is almost always forgotten and usually needs replacing the most. Open all your entrance doors and check the threshold for wear and tear. You’ll be glad you did. For those pesky drafts that get through the window sills and under doorways, you can buy or make what we call a draft snake, These are just round fabrics filled with whatever you want and made to the size of the bottoms of doors and window sill. This keeps the wind from coming in under the doors or sills. Use these anywhere that drafts give you a chill. 
A furnace check will insure that all will fire up ok. A clean filter and a newly serviced unit will be far more efficient than one that needs checking. This is also inexpensive and insures a safe, warm season. You may also want to have your airducts cleaned. This removes debris as well as allergens that can be carried throughout the house. In addition, a chimney sweep can come and service your fireplace to make possible some great cozy nights in front of the fire.
Make sure that your garage doors seat well on the ground when closed. You may need to put some rubber stripping on the bottom to seal any open spots. You can also use storm windows and doors to greatly improve keeping the cold outside. Cover your attic vents to keep cold from entering the roof area and if the temp falls below freezing, let your faucets drip. If you have a propane tank for heating or cooking or water heaters, make sure to have it filled.
Last, if you are going to use space heaters, make sure they are in properly vented areas and away from furniture and curtains as fire may be caused. Electric heaters are my recommendation because there are no harmful fumes to deal with. Well, I hope these tips will make your winter better, warmer and less expensive….see you next issue.   Mr. Rehab….Pete Youngs
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genesisgaragedoor · 2 years
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Call now 877-540-3339
• 24/7 Emergency Service
• Repair Broken Springs and Cables
• Servicing all Brands of Garage Doors/Openers
• Specializing in Servicing Older Garage Doors
• Custom Design Garage Door for Home/Business
• Parts Replacement
• Sensor Installs/Problem
• Remote Control Programing/Problem
• Garage Door Openers Sales
• Battery Backup Openers
• Broken Springs/Cables
• Door out of Track
• Cables off Drums
• Crashed Door
• Door won’t Open/Close
• Operator Problems/Installs
• New Garage Door Sales/Installs
• Garage Door Springs
• Discount Garage Door
• Cables, Drums & Wheels
• End Bearings/Center Bearing
• Same Day Service
• Discount Garage Door Service
• Garage Door Openers
• New Garage Door Installation
• Rollers
• Garage Door Openers
• Brackets, Drums Cables & Bearings
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• Lubricants
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• Garage Door
• Opener Brands
• LiftMaster
• Genie
• Overhead Door
• Professional Garage Door Service
Call now 877-540-3339
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Garage Door Repair and Installation in Costa Mesa
Why risk your garage door by hiring a non-certified repair shop? Champion Garage Door Repair operates authorized service centers for all major brands. Our trained technicians are certified to travel to your location for servicing, repairing, and installing garage doors in any residential setting.
We offer both scheduled and emergency garage door repair in Costa Mesa, equipped to diagnose and repair your garage door, opener, and springs on-site. Our technicians are trained to handle both electrical and mechanical components, including electric motors, control boards, belts or chains, cables, tracks, rollers, hinges, bearings, torsion and extension springs, as well as torsion assemblies. Contact us today to learn more about our garage door repair and installation services!
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The Woodlands Overhead Doors
281-504-7480 https://thewoodlandsoverheaddoors.com/ 2501 Research Forest Dr, The Woodlands, TX 77381
When you call our company you are calling the experts who have the equipment, tools and inventory to handle any garage door repair problem. We know the way to get the job done, and get it done in such a way that you are going to be happy with the operation of your garage door system.
Services: Garage Door Repair Garage Door Opener Garage Door Spring Garage Door Installation Garage Door Parts Remote Replacement Cable Replacement
Brands: Chamberlain, Genie, Liftmaster, Craftsman, Clopay, Torsion , Amarr, Garador, Linear, Sears.
services area: 77354 , 77375 , 77381 , 77382 , 77380 , 77384 , 77385 , 77387 , 77389 , 77393
Payment Methods: Visa, Cash, MasterCard, Discover, American Express.
Operating Hours: All Days 8AM : 11PM
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smartoverhead · 14 days
Garage Door Services in Jonesboro, AR - Smart Overhead Doors
Are you in need of reliable garage door services in Jonesboro, AR? Look no further than Smart Overhead Door. Whether you're facing issues with your residential or commercial garage doors, our team of experts is here to provide high-quality solutions that meet your needs. We specialize in a range of services to keep your garage doors functioning efficiently and securely.
Garage Door Installation One of the primary services we offer is garage door installation. Whether you're building a new home or upgrading your current door, our team provides top-notch installation services tailored to your specific needs. We work with a variety of door types and brands, ensuring that your new door is durable, stylish, and functional.
Garage Door Repair When it comes to garage door repair in Jonesboro, AR, Smart Overhead Door is the trusted name. From broken springs and damaged panels to malfunctioning openers, we handle all types of repairs to get your door back in perfect working condition. Our team is equipped with the right tools and expertise to quickly diagnose and fix any issues, ensuring your safety and convenience.
Common Repair Services: Spring replacement: Springs bear the weight of your garage door. If they break, it can cause major operational issues. Panel replacement: Damaged panels not only affect the appearance of your garage door but also its functionality. Garage door opener repair: We service all types of garage door openers, ensuring smooth and reliable operation.
Garage Door Maintenance Regular garage door maintenance is key to extending the life of your door and preventing costly repairs. At Smart Overhead Door, we offer routine inspections, lubrication, and adjustments to ensure your garage door continues to function smoothly. Our maintenance services help you avoid unexpected breakdowns and ensure the safety of your family or business.
Emergency Garage Door Services We understand that garage door issues don’t always happen at convenient times. That’s why we offer emergency garage door services to Jonesboro residents and businesses. Whether it’s a stuck door or a broken opener, you can count on us to provide prompt and professional service whenever you need it.
Why Choose Smart Overhead Door? At Smart Overhead Door, customer satisfaction is our top priority. We offer: Experienced Technicians: Our team is highly trained and experienced in handling all types of garage door systems. Fast Response Times: We know that a malfunctioning garage door can be a major inconvenience, so we strive to provide timely service. Competitive Pricing: We offer affordable rates without compromising on the quality of our work.
High-Quality Products: From doors to openers, we only use top-quality products from trusted manufacturers. If you're in Jonesboro, AR, and looking for a trusted provider for garage door services, contact Smart Overhead Door today. Let us help you with installation, repair, and maintenance to ensure your garage door is in top shape.
For more information or to schedule a service, visit Smart Overhead Door or call us today!
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Garage Door Installs
We pride ourselves in providing exceptional service to every customer and helping them with all of their garage door needs. We have a full line of all major brand garage doors and garage door openers in stock to fit everyone’s budget and needs. At JD Garage Doors we are more than just quality product, we are dedicated to customer satisfaction!
garage door fix
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