#Seth Rollins one shot
perplexedflower · 6 years
Waking Up With The Shield - 2/3: Never Too Late For Love
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Fandom: WWE.
Category: F/M.
Relationship: Seth Rollins x Female Reader.
Type: One shot.
Words: 1,377.
I was peacefully asleep, silently lost in a sea of dreams, until I woke up out of the blue when I suddenly felt something rather heavy land on my face, bringing me back to reality right away.
"S-Seth...?" I weakly asked in a murmur.
With some difficulty, I opened my eyes as much as I could and instantly saw his arm had fallen on my face, covering one-half of it.
"Good God..." I murmured once more as I closed my eyes back. "Really, honey?"
With all of my morning strength, I grabbed hold of his limb with both of my hands and lifted it from my face before I set it to the side, next to my head: only then, when I turned my eyes to the rest of the bed did I realize he had actually invaded the totality of my side of the mattress with his entire body, one of his legs lying over one of mine, which had become completely numb by then. Additionally, his pillows had somehow slipped from underneath his head to have instead spread all over the bed and he had unconsciously pulled most of the sheets to himself, leaving half of my body uncovered. As I let out a sigh, I leaned to the side a little and grabbed hold of it: with a firm grip, I managed to pull the blanket closer to me by a few inches, which made Seth move slightly in his sleep.
Although his lips muttered something incoherent in a voice that was so quiet it was almost inaudible, he was still sound asleep, not showing any sign of waking up any time soon without me intervening. So, as I shook my head slowly, I turned my whole body to him and put my hands on his arms.
"Seth... Come on, wake up already." I said with a slight exasperation as I began to shake him in an attempt to force him to wake up.
When I saw my attempt had resulted in failure, I sighed for the second time.
I know he isn't doing this on purpose... But mornings like these are still so hard for me to get used to. I thought to myself as I stared down at his sleeping face.
Although he was an athlete who followed an intense training routine on a daily basis and regardless of how energetic he always was during the day, Seth happened to be a rather lazy person, a trait of his personality he rarely showed to anyone but me, considering I was around him more often than others. And that included waking up late whenever he could, whenever he had nothing planned, a concept I did not agree on: in my opinion, it was more productive to wake up early in the morning, as it allowed for better efficiency. But I knew Seth could not be helped, he was simply being himself.
As I continued to shake his arms, his body reacted just slightly, but I was still not getting any verbal response; after a minute or so, I eventually gave up and let go of him, my body slowly falling back down on the mattress. With my head now back on my pillow, I turned my gaze to the side, to my bedside table, and extended my arm toward it. I reached for my phone, grabbed it, brought it to my eyes, then looked at the time: 10 AM.
"Ugh, I knew it..." I said with yet another sigh.
With my phone still in my hand, I turned my head on my pillow and stared at Seth, his eyes still closed.
"Seth, do you have any idea what time it is?" I asked, although I expected no answer to come from his mouth.
"Yeah..." He feebly whispered.
"Oh, really? What time, then?"
"The time for me to sleep some more..." He answered as he brought the bedsheets against his face to cover it.
Upon hearing his reply, all the muscles in my body unclenched as I exhaled a deep breath.
"... You have no idea how much I'm fighting against the urge to hit you, right now." I let out as I rubbed my eyes with my hand.
But just as I covered part of my face, I felt a grip on my shoulders, and before I even knew it, I found myself in Seth's tender embrace.
"Please don't be mad at me, love." He murmured against my skin in an endearing tone of voice.
My ears listened to the soothing sound of his voice, which made me close my eyes and rest my head against his chest: whenever I was in his arms, my tension would always be eased, the warmth of his hugs calming me down and appeasing me, no matter which negative emotion was flowing through my body and infesting my mind. And he knew well taking me in his embrace meant I would not be able to stay mad at him for much longer.
"... You still love me?" He shyly asked me after a minute of silence, his words accompanied by a gentle kiss on my forehead.
"Of course I do, silly." I replied with a gentle chuckle while I caressed his arm. "You know it would take more than that for me to be truly angry at you."
As I said those words, a sudden thought flashed through my mind, freezing the palm of my hand in place.
"However... Did you take care of cleaning the kitchen last night before you went to bed?" I asked him, my head no longer against his chest and my eyes looking up into his. "Like you were supposed to?"
"Nope..." He answered with a yawn, his voice expressing slight shame.
Feeling exasperation invade my brain again, I rolled my eyes as I threw my head backward slightly.
"Of course you didn't..."
In an instant, I freed myself from Seth's grasp, pushed the bedsheets aside, and sat down on the edge of the mattress.
"All right, I'll do it myself, then." I declared while I rubbed my eyes again.
But before I could get up, I felt one of his hands grab the bottom of my t-shirt, which made me turn around on instinct.
"No. Please, sweetheart, stay." He said with eyes that expressed genuine desire. "I promise I'll take care of it later, really. But for now... I want you to stay in bed with me, just a little longer."
I stared into his eyes for a few seconds before I sighed softly and lay back down on the bed.
"Fine, you win."
My body was once again against his, my head nestled into the hollow of his shoulder, Seth's arms wrapped tightly around my waist.
"Thank you." He responded with an audible smile. "I know it can be somewhat annoying to you when I sleep in, but I only like to do it so we can share moments like this one. Moments when I have you in my arms, while comfortably lying in bed, before our respective days start. Having you this close to me reminds me of just how much I love you."
With the palm of his hand on my hair, he gently pulled my head away from his chest so that he could look down at me: with an affectionate smile, I reached for his dark, long hair and combed it with my fingers, while our eyes met. I could read a spark within his, which smiled at me, and mine smiled back.
"I love you, too." I said in return while my hand drifted down onto his cheek.
As my fingers traced his skin, my palm came in contact with his beard, rough yet soft, and the look in my eyes saddened.
"I'm sorry I'm always so pushy with you, love." I confessed with a hint of shame. "I know you don't like it..."
"Well, I know I can be annoying at times, so, I forgive you."
The two of us chuckled in unison, our laughs filling the loving atmosphere that reigned in the bedroom. I snuggled against him, the limbs of our bodies tangled up, and smiled happily.
"You're right..." I whispered as I closed my eyes. "Let's stay here a while."
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dirtywresling102 · 2 years
Senior Party - Seth Rollins (18+)
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Seth Rollins x Female!Reader
Summary: Agreeing to be your best friends DD to a party that your senior class is throwing, things take a wild turn when some people get a little too drunk.
Warnings: 18+ Blog, Minors DNI, Underage drinking, Seth Rollins is your friends dad, Cop!Seth Rollins, High School Graduate Female!Reader, Teens smoking pot, Unwanted touching from a drunk boy
Word Count: 4,988 
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“So, you’re not drinking then?” Brie asked for the third time throughout the ride as you guys drove down a gravel road. 
You looked at your friend in the passenger seat. “Yes, okay? I’m not drinking, not popping pills and I’m not smoking.” You weren’t really the party type. You’d rather just sit at home, watching netflix with your cat keeping you warm right on your lap or chest. But your friend begged you to come out. You couldn’t say no since you knew damn well that she was going to drink and being the good friend that you are you volunteered to be the designated driver for the night. Just so she could end up home safely after the party.
“Alright, I’m just making sure.” She threw her hands up, in defeat. 
You quickly slammed on your brakes making your chevy skid on the gravel road. You let out a relieved breath knowing you were inches away from the car in front of you with their tail lights on, stopped in the road. “It’s this turn!” You heard your male friend in the car ahead of you, that you nearly hit. That would’ve been bad, calling the cops to tell them you were in an accident headed to a party.
“Yeah, thanks! How about using a blinker sometime!” You shouted right back. You smirked when he threw his arm out the window with his middle finger straight up. You rolled your eyes at the gesture and followed him down another gravel long road until you saw a big house with a barn full of drunk teenagers out in the lawn and loud music blaring.
You looked around for a parking spot. “There’s one.” Brie pointed out, you turned onto the grass and placed the car into park. “Now if the cops come we can bolt out of here.” I said as we had a clear shot for the exit.
“I don’t think cops will be out this far out of town especially on gravel unless there's a complaint but the dude's neighbors are like three miles away and it’ll be hard getting your drunk ass into my car if the cops do come.” You smiled. “Speaking of your drunk ass in my car. When I take you home don’t you dare throw up.” I turned off the car, taking the key out of the ignition.
Brie rolled her eyes with a smile on her face, she climbed out of the car. “I mean it Brie, I’ll be cutting down on drinking before we leave so you won’t throw up.” You also got out of the car and locked it. You walked up the gravel driveway and towards the group of friends you knew best. 
“Ayee, Brie and Y/N made it!” Lexi said with a smile plastered on her face. She had a Mike’s Hard Lemonade in her hand while she slung both of her arms over yours and Brie’s shoulder. You could already tell she was hammered just by how she was swaying and her breath reeked of alcohol. 
“Nice to see you too, Lexi.” You told the drunk blonde. 
“I’m gonna get myself a drink.” Brie said, walking away from Lexi which made her lean into me. 
“Woah, okay.” You said as Lexi rested herself on you. “Hey, get me a soda please!” You shouted towards your best friend who was making their way to the cooler. You rubbed Danielle’s back and helped her up on her own two feet, making sure she was good to stand on her own.
A good hour passed and you were surrounded by drunk friends. Some started to spill secrets that weren’t supposed to be spoken of, some were drunk dancing and grinding up against one another since the loud music was blaring from the farm so you could hear it from outside. 
You looked around wondering where Brie went. “What the hell? She was just by my side.” You mumbled softly, you quickly went to the doorway of the barn trying to find her in the large groupd, she wasn’t in there. You quickly rushed outside looking around and saw a circle of the students you went to school with. As you walked closer towards them it started to smell like marijuana. You saw Brie with a guy named Dolph. “Here Brie, your turn.” He said passing you a joint. But before she could take it you grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the circle jerking stoners. 
“No, they are off limits. You can drink but not smoke.” You told her. 
“Fine, mom.” She groaned. 
“Hey, is anyone sober enough to drive?” You heard your friend Layla ask.
“I am, what do you need?” You asked as Brie leaned against you for support.
“There’s a few more people in town that want to come, we need someone to drive us to pick them up.” She stated a beer in her hand.
“Yeah, I can take you guys. Hmm…” You looked around to see a purple haired girl. “Sasha!” You shouted, walking over towards her with Brie basically over your shoulders. “Hey, I need you to watch her really fast, okay? I’ll be gone for like thirty minutes.” You told her, handing Brie off to Sasha. 
“But Y/N!” Brie whined not wanting you to go.
“No  buts, you will stay here. Don’t go around the stoners. Only be outside or in the barn understand?” You asked.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” She grumbled. “Let's get drunk!” She shouted, making a lot of other teenagers cheer.
As you walked down the driveway and towards the blue car where Sarah and two other males Cody and Randy were. “I call shotgun.” Sarah said, tossing you the keys. You walked to the car but couldn’t get to the driver seat since Cody was blocking it.
“Cody, get your ass into the back seat.” You said. “Do you need help?” You asked, wondering if he drank too much and needed to be assisted into the back.
“No, I’m driving. So, give me the keys.” He grumbled, trying to grab the keys out of your hands. You pulled them away and arched your eyebrow at his attitude. Obviously he was drunk but wanted to drive to town.
“Okay, no seriously Cody. You’re not driving, you had enough to drink that’s why I’m driving.” You sucked in a shaky breath as he grabbed your waist and pulled you close.
“Give me the keys.” His breath smelt of strong whisky, like Jack Daniels or Captain Morgan. You cried out softly as he dug his nails into your skin. You placed your two hands on his chest and roughly pushed him away, making the blonde haired boy stumble. “Don’t be a tease Y/N.” He tried to approach you again only for you to raise your fist, hitting him in the cheek. Cody stumbled again only to hit the car. You circled around the car, handing Sarah who was in the passenger seat, the keys. 
“I’m not driving, hope you come back safe.” You said, leaving and going up the driveway with the rest of your friends. You could hear Sasha arguing with Cody and asking him what he did.
As you walked towards the group of friends you hang out with you couldn’t help but to notice a male with long dark hair standing on the front porch, leaning against a post. “Guys, is that a cop?” You whispered softly. 
“Cop?” They all started to panic, looking around scared like they were chickens with their heads cut off. “Someone say cop!?” Another student yelled. 
“No! There’s no cop!” You shouted, embarrassed knowing that you had the older male attention as drunk teenagers were freaking out.
“Oh, wait, that guy? No, that's just Tyler’s dad.” Wade said, sipping on his drink in a red solo cup. You nodded, and quickly grabbed Brie’s hand. 
“Come on Brie, let’s go into the barn.” You quickly said, wanting to get out of Tyler's Dad’s sight. Once in the barn a few good songs played, you sat down on a lawn chair watching people dance. You couldn’t believe you grew up with most of them and college was just starting in the fall. Which would make everyone move out of the small town and most likely never come back so they could start their careers.
Career. The word made you cringe, not knowing what you wanted to do right after high school had scared you. You didn’t have college in mind and you weren’t too sure what to do once you walked across that stage with a diploma in hand.
Shaking your head, you started to think about something else. Like how you were counting how many drinks Brie has had. Seven, this was her seventh one and you were going to make it her last. “Come on, Y/N!” You heard Sasha yell, walking towards you and swaying her hips. “Dance with us! I love this song!” She pulled you up out of your chair but you kept refusing, she took you to the middle of the dance floor which was basically just a dirt floor and barn equipment around, where everyone was grinding up against one another. 
You stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. You didn’t dance, not even alone. “This is too awkward!” You yelled loudly over the music. As Colt 45 by Afroman blared through the speakers it was impossible for anyone to hear you. You smiled and laughed at how Sasha was actually a good dancer when she was drunk and so was Brie when she had a few drinks in her system. 
“I gotta go get some air.” You said, as if anyone had heard you. You walked out into the cool night. Your skin breaking out in goosebumps, shivering you rushed towards the same group from earlier. Wade, Zack, Summer and Alberto were drinking. You shivered, stuck in between Wade and Zack, trying to get warm. 
“Hey, does anyone have gum?” Summer slurred. 
“I think I have some in my car, hold on.” You took off down the driveway, the rocks under your shoes crunching as you took a step. You rubbed your cold arms and let out a breath. You unlocked your car, opening it but someone placed a hand on it, forcing it to shut. 
You quickly turned around to see a drunk Cody. “There you are, I was starting to worry if you left.” He growled. “You really did hurt me when you pushed me away.”
“Cody, you’re scaring me.” You confessed to him as he was close.
“Good. Maybe you’ll mind me next time when I want something.” He snarled, you were about to push him away from you but he roughly pushed you up against your black chevy driver door. “Where do you think you’re going?” 
“I’m going back to the party.” You informed him, anything to get away from him even if it was to hang out with a bunch of drunk teens.
“Why go back to the party when we can have a party of our own.” He chuckled darkly, his left hand pinning your waist and his right hand slowly dipping into your pants. Your eyes widen at his actions.
“Stop.” You hissed, grabbing his shoulder trying to push him off. He pushed up against you, forcing his body weight on you. “Please, Cody stop!” You cried out. His left hand went off of your waist and cupped your mouth.
“Shut the hell up.” He hissed. “Fuck, I’m so hard.” He grunted, pressing his hips against yours. You could feel his hard cock through your clothes and his. Tears streamed down your cheeks, you squirmed trying to get out of his grip. “Oh, I do love how you struggle.” He leaned down and kissed your neck. You closed your eyes tight, his hand muffling your cries.
“Let her go.” You opened your eyes to see a dark figure, you couldn’t tell who it was since there were barely any lights where the cars were parked. The only main source of light was coming from the barn. You didn’t recognize the voice since it was so deep, plus the male was so tall. You don’t even think he went to your school. 
“Go back to the party and mind your own fucking business.” Cody hissed, not even bothering to look who it was. 
“How about you back the fuck off before I arrest you.” The male snarled. Cody instantly pulled away from you.
“Oh- Oh I’m sorry Mr. Rollins, I didn’t-” 
“Cody, find yourself a ride home and get the fuck off my property.” The man named Rollins snapped. 
“Yes sir.” The underage drunk quickly rushed back to where the party was to look for a ridef. 
“Are you okay?” The man asked as he stepped towards you. You quickly wiped away the tears that were rolling down your cheeks, not wanting to show him that you were scared for a brief moment. 
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You said softly, brushing your pants and shirt off that were now covered in dust from your car due to your vehicle being on the dirt road. You looked at the man that Cody called Mr. Rollins. He must have been the same guy who was on the porch you saw, Tyler’s dad. Sure you’ve been going to school with Tyler since kindergarten but you didn’t really know about Tyler’s family but you sure knew Tyler was handsome. Now you knew where Tyler got it from. “Are you a cop or something?” You asked Mr. Rollins who was still standing in front of you. 
Mr. Rollins nodded, lifting up his shirt a little to show his badge that was hanging off his belt loop. You could see a little bit of his v-line when he lifted his black shirt. You nodded slowly, rubbing your shoulder. “Would you like to come inside, I have some pizza if you want some?” He said, trying to comfort you.
“Yeah, I’d like that. It’d be better than being around these drunks.” You said, walking towards him. The walk to the house was silent, he opened the door and turned on some lights so you could see where everything was. The house was spotless, a few pictures of Tyler when he was a baby hung on the wall and a few pictures of an older couple were on the table, it must have been Mr. Rollins parents. But what you realized was, there weren’t any wedding pictures of him and his wife. 
You followed Mr. Rollins into the kitchen, you sat down on a chair and watched him get you a slice of pizza. “Thanks, Mr. Rollins.” You said when he placed the plate in front of you.
He chuckled deeply. “Please, call me Seth.” He sat down across from you with a slice for himself. “And you are?” He pulled his plate close to him.
“I’m Y/N.” You introduced yourself only to ask a follow up question. “If you’re a cop then why are you letting Tyler throw a party with underage drinking and teenagers smoking marijuana? I don’t wanna be a nark or anything but there's a lot of illegal things going on in your backyard.”  You told him, taking a bite out of your pizza.
Seth just shrugged softly. “Tyler is old enough, he knows what he’s getting himself into and so are his friends. So, why are you here then?” He asked, arching an eyebrow. 
You swallowed your food before speaking, “I’m a designated driver for my friend. So, does your wife know you're basically throwing a frat party for teens?” You chuckled, Seth smiled softly and huffed out a laugh.
“Well, yes. She basically told Tyler it was okay to do so at my house. Tyler’s mother and I are divorce, been for a while.” It soon fell quiet. “You’re not friends with Tyler, are you?” Seth asked.
You couldn’t help but to blush and look away. “Tyler and I weren’t really close but we know each other. We’ve been going to school with each other since kindergarten.” You shrugged. “He was on the basketball team while I was at home reading or gaming. I don’t have many friends.” You stated and grabbed a napkin from the table, wiping your face. 
“I saw how Cody pulled you closer earlier today, are you okay?” Seth asked, his eyes darting towards your waist and back up to your face.
Nodding, you ran your fingers through your hair. “Yeah, he just scared me, that's all. That’s the first man who has ever touched me like that.” You frowned thinking how disgusting that was. That was supposed to be an intimate touch from someone you loved and now it was ruined.
“That’s no man honey, men don’t touch women like that. Especially beautiful ones.” 
Your face heated up when he said that. “Are you trying to flirt with me, Officer Rollins?” 
“Maybe.” He said, the room fell silent. Once you finished your slice of pizza he stood up and grabbed the plates and placed them in the sink. “Here, stand up.” 
You arched your eyebrow and slowly stood on your two feet. “Why?” 
“I saw Cody the first time he put his hands on you, I want to make sure you don’t have any marks so your boyfriend won’t get pissed. Turn around.” Seth mumbled. You did as you were told and felt him gently place his hand on your waist while his other hand raised your shirt. You could hear him growl in anger. “Should have arrested that little punk.”
“How bad is it?” You asked him, looking over your shoulder. 
“He left deep nail marks in your lower back.” You broke out in goosebumps when you felt Seth’s hand run over your lower back. “Sorry, did that hurt?” 
“N- No, just uh… No.” You swallowed, trying to control yourself.
You were about to pull down your shirt until you felt a pair of lips on your neck, making their way up your ear, his hands under your shirt and slowly going up your body, pausing on your ribcage. “Just tell me when to stop and I will.” He whispered, biting your earlobe. You whimpered softly when he cupped your breasts. 
“N- No, you’re fine.” You breathed out, his beard rubbed up against your sensitive skin whenever he planted kisses on your neck. 
He pressed his hips against your ass, grinding it slightly letting you feel his growing cock. Moaning softly, you pushed your ass back against him. “We should take this to my room.” He grumbled. He took his hands away from your body and grabbed your hand, making you follow him to his room. 
Once in his room he instantly locked the door and walked over towards you. “How could any man harm you?” He whispered, grabbing your shirt and slowly tugging it off. 
“I can handle myself.” You said, you mimicked the same action of him, grabbing his black shirt and slowly pulling it off over his head. Your eyes scanned his body, he had some chest hair that trailed down his stomach. Your eyes soon went to a scar on his side, you slowly raised your hand, looking into his eyes and touched it. “What happened?” 
“Bullet wound. I was in surgery for six hours before they got all of the pieces out of me.” Seth watched as you traced your fingers over it. 
“I like a man with scars.” You teased.
“And I like a woman that can handle herself.” He chuckled, pulling you close to him and kissing you. Your hands slowly went down his body and grabbed his belt, undoing it and pushing down his jeans so they were down his mid thigh. 
As Seth started to get your skinny jeans off around your waist, you bit his lip, tugging at it slightly. “Hmm, naughty girl.” He chuckled, he slowly licked your bottom lip, asking for an approval to be in your mouth. But of course, since he did call you naughty you denied him. He growled lowly, grabbed at your ass and gave it a rough squeeze. His actions made you gasp, which he gave as an opportunity to thrust his tongue into your mouth.  
The make out session went on for a while until you had to pull away for air, panting softly you quickly kicked off your shoes then the rest of your pants. You’ve never been this aroused before, your teenage hormones were driving you up the wall. Truth be told, you were still a virgin. You never touched yourself or let others touched you, sexually. You were just too busy, with school and work it just seemed like a lot of work just to go out and look for a boyfriend. 
“Lay on the bed, baby.” Seth demanded with a soft voice as he unlaced his shoes, kicking them off and pushing his jeans down. You walked towards his king size bed, which was pretty big just for one person to sleep on it and laid down on your back. Your heart was racing with adrenaline not to mention with lust too. He grabbed the hem of his boxers and pushed them down, pulling out his semi hard cock. Your eyes widened as he wrapped his hand around it, slowly stroking it to make it even harder. “Have you ever…” He trailed off, he didn’t want to think of you as a girl that got around but then again you didn’t look like the type.
“Have I ever had sex? No.” You swallowed hard, hoping he wouldn’t change his mind about taking your innocence away. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.” He purred, slowly crawling onto the bed and on top of you. “You can touch it, if you’d like.” He whispered, leaning down and kissing your neck softly. You slowly ran your hands down his chest towards his stomach only to stop at his torso and slowly grabbed his stiff cock. He grunted lowly at the action, making you jump and pull away. “Fuck, sorry you’re okay. It just felt good.” He gave you a smile. You nodded and went back to grabbing his cock, slowly jerking it. You could feel how he started to become harder, his cock throbbed in your hand. You blushed when he pushed his hips forward into your touch, signaling for you to pump faster.
Seth nudged his face in the nape of your neck, moaning softly as you kept pumping his cock. His hips kept fucking into your touch, moaning. Your face was still heated, surprised by his low moaning you were getting out of him. “God damn, Y/N feels so good.” He breathed only to pull away. “But I can’t be coming undone in your hand.” You pouted as he pulled fully away from you, his cock leaving your hand. 
“We’re going to get this pretty pussy all ready for my cock.” Seth’s fingers trailed down my body as he positioned himself in between my legs.
“What- What are you doing- Oh fuck!” You sobbed out feeling his hot mouth latch onto your sensitive cunt. You squirm underneath his touch at the foreign feeling. Seth soothed your squirming body by rubbing your waist as his tongue dipped in and out of your tight channel. You cried out again feeling his wet tongue expand your virgin walls. The blush on your cheeks still stayed as you looked down, watching Seth become a hungry man, devouring your pussy in a soft manner. “Oh god, Seth.” You mewled, tossing your head back into his pillows, making his scent waff in the air. 
Seth’s chocolate eyes never left you as he lapped away at your cunt, he watched every facial expression you did, making sure he didn’t hurt you or see any sign of pain. He hummed against your dripping cunt, sending vibrations up your spine. 
“F- Fuck!” You sobbed, your fingers went in his hair, trying to pull away from him. The pleasure was becoming too much as your stomach tightened. “Wait- wait- stop.” You sobbed as an unfamiliar feeling started to rise.
Seth quickly pulled away, your juices coated his beard. “What’s wrong?” He heaved a breath. “Are you okay?”
“There was- there was this feeling.” You breathed heavily. “My stomach was tightening like a wind up toy.”
Seth couldn’t help but to laugh at your innocents. “That means you were about to come on my tongue.”
“O- Oh.” A blush spread across the bridge of your nose and down your neck. 
“Don’t worry, we’ll get that feeling back and you can cream on my cock.” Seth reached over at his dresser and pulled out a condom only to rip it open with his teeth. Pulling out the rubber from the foil wrapper he rolled it down his large shaft. Seth went back into position again, on top of you with his cock head nudging against your clit making you gasped loudly.
“Easy girl.” Seth whispered. You cried out softly as his cock slowly nudged between you, sinking inside of you he instantly kissed you to muffle your moans. The feeling of something in your virgin pussy wasn’t the best feeling. He pulled away slowly. “We can’t have you screaming now that there's drunk teens around the house.” 
“Oh my god.” You whimpered, pulling him closer. You hid your face into his neck, biting his shoulder as he slid into you deeper. 
“I know, baby. Ugh, fuck you’re so fucking tight around my cock.” He grunted. “I’m trying not to thrust into you all at once.” He sighed heavily. He stopped for a brief moment so you could adjust to his size.
“Okay, I- I think I’m good.” You panted, wrapping your arms around his neck. Seth waited a moment longer and slowly pulled out and pushed back in. You cried out loudly at the feeling of him stretching your walls when he pushed back in and stopped. “No, keep going please.” You begged him. Seth nodded, slowly pulling out and pushing back in. As he kept doing so it started to feel good. You let out a soft moan which made Seth’s cock twitch. He started to pump his hips faster than usual. 
“Fuck baby.” He grunted, you wrapped your legs around his waist and made him go deeper. You gripped the back of his shoulders and raked your nails down. 
As Seth started to thrust into you faster the bed started to squeak underneath the both of you. “Oh fuck, Seth.” You ran one hand into his hair, tugging it as he started to bring you to your climax. 
“Yeah, you like that baby?” He chuckled lowly, he didn’t have to ask to see your expression. 
“I- I think I’m going to come.” You whimpered out, your tight walls were wrapping around Seth’s cock like a vise and your lower stomach was starting to clench up. 
“Fuck, me too baby. You're gonna come for me, hmm?” Seth asked, leaning down and kissing your neck. He started to mark your skin while his right hand kept himself balanced so he wouldn’t put all of his weight on you and his left hand massaged your right breast, pinching and tugging at your nipple. You arched your back and threw your head back into his pillow. “Oh fuck, yes! Please, make me come.” You moaned soon he quickly clamped his left hand over your mouth.
“I’ll let you come.” He growled. “But, you have to be quiet.” He grunted, thrusting his cock in and out of you at a brutal pace. You screwed your eyes shut as you finally hit your orgasm, you accidentally bit his hand so you wouldn’t moan. You moaned loudly into his hand as you felt the condom extend in you, the rubber catching his seeds. Seth groaned loudly as he kept riding out his orgasm. 
As you two laid there, catching your breath the party was still going on, you could hear the music and everyone laughing in the distance. “Shit.” You quickly sat up when Seth rolled off of you. “I have to go.” You said, rushing to get your clothes. “Sorry, uh I promised my friend I would look after her… I uh, thanks?” You said a bit embarrassed, you didn’t know what to say after sex.
Seth laid there, the blankets covering his naked body as he watched you look for your clothes. Throwing on your attire in a messy manner you didn’t even look back at Seth.
“Hey, wait.” Seth called out as you rushed out of his bedroom, going back to the front door. Before you could even reach the door knob, something grabbed a hold of your wrist. Stopping in your tracks, you paused and looked to see what had grabbed you. It was Seth, looking down you blushed to see his bare cock was still out. 
“You can’t tell anyone about this.” Seth’s face was now giving you a stern look unlike before.
“I wasn’t.” You furrowed your eyebrows. 
“Well, I don’t need you to brag towards your friends that we fucked.”
You ripped your wrist out from his grip. “I’m not like that.” A slight hint of hurt tone in your voice. “I have to go.”
“Wait, Y/N. I didn’t mean it like that.” Seth spoke, trying to follow you but stopped at the front door due to him still being naked. Storming down the front steps of the porch you marched towards the barn where the loud music never stopped playing. 
“Hey, there you are!” You heard. You looked to see Brie still hammered with everyone else. “They’re playing my favorite song!” Soon a loud bass dropped and everyone started to sing the lyrics.
“Hump me, fuck me, daddy better make me come!” Everyone shouted, your face became bright red. This was going to be a long night.
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dirtywrestling · 26 days
Hatred to Lust - Seth Rollins (18+)
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Commission: @thepalaceofmelanie
Pairing: Seth Rollins x Melanie
Summary: Melanie is the General Manager of Raw. Malanie and Seth Rollins do not like each other but clearly have feelings for one another only to lead to hot sex in her office.
Warnings: 18+, General Manager!Melanie, Arguing, Fighting, Smut, Foul Language, Rough Sex, Office Sex, Oral (Reader Receiving), Light Spanking, Eating Out Creampie, Minors DNI
Word Count: 2,113
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“How could you be so fucking heartless?” A deep voice snarled in my direction.
 Looking up from my phone I arched an eyebrow towards the Kingslayer, Seth Rollins. The man had a reputation here on Raw, he was the golden boy of the company some would say. I wouldn’t say he was anything special, but he did make the ratings skyrocket and money into the business. I sighed, clicking the button on the side of my phone to lock it. I shoved it into my pocket. “What do you want, Rollins?” The annoyance in my voice should have warned him I was in no mood to deal with his brattiness.
“I want to know why you made Ambrose turn against me!” He snapped, holding the Intercontinental and tag team title close to his sweaty body. 
“We need a storyline between you two. Plus, why does it matter? You got your gold, be happy. Most of these guys would literally kill you to have that around their waist. Now,” I pulled my phone out once more, remembering I had unfinished business on there. I unlocked my phone, “if you’ll excuse me.” I turned away from the superstar and started to walk down the hallway, my heels clicking against the tile floor. 
“Wait, no.” He quickly followed me, grabbing my wrists, spinning me around to become face to face with him. “Why’d you make Ambrose turn on me the night Roman announces he has leukemia?” There was anger and sorrow in his eyes.
Looking into Rollin’s hazel eyes, seeing the fire in them made me realize maybe doing this storyline tonight was a bad idea. We just got news that Roman has cancer and would be out for a long time, while he recovered, Dean and Seth just did win Tag Team Titles, it was a good night. Why couldn’t I have just left it at that? The man before me was clearly heartbroken about it. 
“Rollins please, it wasn’t my idea.” I tried to convince him, the writers thought it would be a great idea to keep the fans watching.
“Bullshit.” He snapped, his grip on my wrist tightened, making me wince in pain.
“Seth you’re hurting me.” I cried out, grabbing at his wrist trying to pry him off of me.
Seth looked down, his eyes softening up as he let go. “You’re the General Manager, most of this stupid shit is your idea.” Sadness filled my eyes as he insulted my work. 
“I did it because it would bring the ratings up and you turned on the Shield so why not have Ambrose go heel and turn on you?” I crossed my arms over my chest, glaring up at him. “Face it Rollins, your time is coming up, it’s Ambrose’s time to shine.” I snarled at the superstar. The fire in his eyes flamed up once again, redness appeared on his cheeks and neck along with the tip of his ears. Grabbing my hand again he pulled me into my office. “What the hell, Rollins?”
Seth locked the door and faced me. “I’m so sick and tired of your shit, somebody needs to teach you a lesson and it looks like that somebody is me.” He tossed the two titles on the nearest chair. “Bend over your desk.” He demanded, standing tall in front of me.
“Excuse me?” I laughed in his face. “Move, Rollins I’m not playing games. I have a show to run.” I tried to push him out of my way, he wouldn’t budge.
“Don’t make me tell you again, Melanie.” Seth’s eyes pierced down at me, nearly making me scared of him.
Gulping nervously, I slowly stepped backwards, away from him and towards my desk. Papers and other items scattered over the surface. I did what he demanded me to do, bending over the smooth oak desk. My stomach and breast pressed against some loose pencils and papers and other office supplies. Seth slowly stalked behind me, clearing everything off of the desk with one swift sweep of his hand. Everything clanked loudly on the floor, making me flinch from the noise.
“Always so organized.” He chuckled. Kicking my ankles apart, making my legs spread out a bit more. “Always wearing the tightest skirts.” He pushed up my mini skirt over my ass. “Naughty girl, no panties.” His hand came down onto my ass, making me jolt forward with a slight yelp. Grabbing my hair, pulling me up so my back was now against his chest. “As much as I love seeing your breasts in these…” He grabbed my dress shirt and tore it off, buttons flying in different directions as my breasts bounced free from the tight confinement. 
Seth tossed the torn fabric somewhere in the office. “You look so sexy with those heels on.” Seth growled, admiring my half naked body. “I think I’ll fuck you with them on.” 
“You’re going to fuck me?” I gasped, he grabbed the back of my neck and pushed me down onto the desk once more, my cheek pinned against the cool surface. 
“Of course I’m going to fuck you.” He licked his lips, tracing my naked body with his rough hand. “Always getting me so fucking hard whenever I argue with you.” My eyes widen to feel his crotch pump up against my ass, only for me to realize he was hard underneath his wrestling pants.
“So you do argue with me on purpose!” I just realized why he would argue with me about the scripts for Raw or anything else he would bitch and complain with me about literally anything!
“That’s just between you and me, sweetheart.” He growled in my ear, his teeth sinking into my ear lobe and tugged slightly. “So, I’ve decided that I’m going to fuck the little attitude out of you.” Kicking off his wrestling boots he pushed his wrestling pants around his ankles. His large erection rubbed up against the slit of my entrance. 
Turning my head slightly, I looked over my shoulder to see Seth fisting his cock, pumping it slowly in his hands while the tip of his cock nudged up against my opening. “No touching.” He let go of his hard cock, grabbing my wrist and placing them on the sides of the table. “This is a punishment.” I whined at his demands. “No whining.” He added in.
“So what can I do?” I huffed, my cheek against the cool oak once more.
“How about you relax and enjoy my cock?” Seth grabbed both of my cheeks, spreading them slightly and guided the tip of his cock past my wet lips, the teasing of his cock head made me squirm a bit. “Quit moving.” He grunted , gripping my waist with his rough hands. His cock slowly inching its way into my pussy. 
“Fuck!” I squealed out, my pussy wrapped around his cock tightly, when Seth pulled out a low moan escaped his lips. 
“So fucking wet.” He hissed out in pleasure, he put more pressure on my hips, pinning them against the wooden desk as he moved his hips faster. Grateful that I had my heels on, I was a bit more taller for him to pound into me. Down side, the heels were killing my ankles as I was on my tip toes. The thought of my ankles hurting left my thoughts as Seth hit up against my g-spot.
“Right there, yes!” My nails dug into the edge of the desk, leaving little crescent moons markings. 
“That’s it baby, keep screaming for me.” Seth’s right hand left my waist, giving my ass a sharp slap, leaving a red hand print. 
“Ah, Seth!” I gritted my teeth and arched my back in pain.
“Fuck, Mel.” I shivered at how he growled out my name. His pace picked up, skin against skin echoed throughout the small office, moans spilled from our  lips, possibly being heard from down the hallways if anyone walked by, but I didn’t care. With the stress built up from shows or being depressed because I’ve been away from my family for too long, I needed this. I needed something to make me forget even if this was just a one time thing.
“You going to come for me, princess?” He growled, gripping at my hair tightly and gave it a tug. 
“Y- Yes, yes, I’m so fucking close.” I squealed, my lower belly clenched, my walls squeezed around Seth’s cock. My whole body felt as if it was on fire, I started to see black spots. Wailing out my release, squirting on his cock, making it easier for his thickness to slide in and out of me, the sound of wetness squelched with each pump from Seth’s cock entering me. The sound made my eyes flutter and just made me imagine how much I came around his cock. My walls tightened even more, milking Seth. 
Seth roared out a moan, his come gushing into my pussy, he pushed his cock deep into me one last time, pushing the mixture of our come further inside of my womb. His semi soft cock slowly pulled out of my drenched pussy. “Hmm, what a fucking sight.” Seth pulled my cheeks apart, watching our juices drip out of my hole and down my inner thigh. He crouched down, his warm tongue hitting my sensitive skin, licking the dripping juices. “It tastes so sweet, like cherries.” He licked his lips, pushing his tongue in between my folds, getting another sample. 
Seth moaned as he pulled away from me. I squirmed at the position I was in. “Seth, please.” My face became heated with slight embarrassment. I didn’t think he’d admire the mess in between my legs face to face. I squealed loudly, curling my toes as I felt Seth’s soft tongue glaze over my sensitive clit all the way back to my drenching hole. The tip of his tongue swirled around my entrance, I tried to force him off of my overstimulated pussy by crawling away.
“Stop fighting it.” Seth growled like a hungry animal, pulling my waist back into his face as his tongue darted in and out of my cunt, collecting all of our fluids out of me.
“Fuck, wait, you’re- you’re gonna make me come again.” My cunt squeezed around his tongue, I tried to push him away as my stomach tightened but my pussy begged for a break.
“Give it to me, give it to me now.” Seth’s beard scratched against my sensitive skin, making me push my ass back against his face, moaning at how the feelings of his whiskered beard felt against my pussy lips. His tongue kept lapping over and over at the same spot that made my eyes flutter shut. 
“Oh god, Seth. Yes!” I cried out, getting enough strength I reached my arms around and grabbed his hair, pushing him further into me, begging for his tongue to dive deeper. Another loud soundwave of my moans bounced off the walls as I crumbled down onto the desk, my orgasm washing over as I squirted on his tongue, forcing out the first orgasm fluids and his onto his taste buds.
He pulled away and stood up. “Fuck, I need to stop before I get hard again.” He laughed, running his hand through his sweaty long hair. He usually had it up in a neat bun but tonight in a long time it was down for once.
The both of us got dressed in silence. “So, what does this make us?” I asked, swallowing hard. I was scared that he would say it was only a one time thing or this meant nothing.
“Whatever you wanted it to be, I guess.” He shrugged, shoving his foot into one of his wrestling boots.
“Even, girlfriend and boyfriend?” I questioned, biting my lower lip as I scratched the back of my neck, I didn’t make eye contact with him scared he’d laugh in my face.
“Is that what you want?” He walked towards me. I nodded, my eyes still casted on the floor. He gripped at my chin and made me look up at him. “Then, I guess we’re boyfriend and girlfriend.” He chuckled, leaning down and planting a kiss on my lips. “You need a ride to the next city?” 
“Y- Yeah.” I was slightly dazed and light headed from the intense fucking and the sweet kiss he gave me.
“Great, finish getting dressed and we’ll leave in ten.” With that he walked out of my office, leaving me half dressed and my hair messy and mattered. I licked my lips, tasting the residue from our juices. He was right, it did taste like cherries.
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Seth Rollins' Masterlist
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damiansgoodgirll · 3 months
 hi, can you please make a story where reader is young like 19 or 20 and everyone loves her and she’s a pretty close friend with basically everyone in the wwe and one day she has a match with like Nia or someone else and she gets injured so bad that everyone around her is worried sick.? maybe she has a closer feeling with the judgement day or Jey but like if you can mention more wrestlers it would be amazing. Thank you so much. I love your writing 
i love this type of requests cause it makes me travel back in time when i was 13 and i used to play wrestling with my best friend (don’t do this at home) and i remember everyone loving me…anyway
sorry for making nia the bad one!
the judgment day x reader (platonic) / jey uso x reader (platonic)
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home is where you belong
you never thought you would find it but you did. the place where you felt safe and loved, the place that you called home.
you’ve been wrestling since you were fifteen and once you got eighteen wwe signed you in. two years later now you were living your dream;
travelling from city to city, having sleepovers with your wrestling friends, gossiping about what people you shipped together, talking nonsense with seth rollins and having becky teasing him, watching and learning new techniques from jey uso, training with the judgment day.
everything was a dream for you.
the fans loved you. even if they weren’t fans about your character, they still liked your persona and your positive energy. you had no enemies, you pretended of course, but you had no enemies at all.
many elders took you under their protective wing and you couldn’t be more grateful.
you we are currently training with rhea as you had a big match against nia and you wanted to be ready. you both already knew that the judgement they were gonna help you win this match because, according to the script they had to ruin this moment for you and for nia, but you didn’t care because you knew how fun it was going to be.
so you were ready to kick her ass.
nia, otherwise, wasn’t as happy as you thought. the idea of losing against some teenager like you made her blood boil. she was more experienced than you so why would you had to win? plus, by getting helped by the judgment day?
she didn’t like the idea but she didn’t tell you.
she had something else in mind.
so you were getting ready, your make up flawless, your hair perfectly posing over your shoulders and a smile that could make happy anyone who met you.
you were so ready.
you heard the “boos” when nia entered the ring and you heard everyone cheering for you when you entered. that’s how it was supposed to be so why did she have an envious look in her eyes?
you pretended it was nothing and you started the match as it was supposed to go.
ten minutes later, the judgment day music echoing through the arena, just like the script said.
rhea distracting nia.
following exactly what the script said.
so what did go wrong?
nia attacked rhea. it wasn’t in the script but rhea knew how to handle situations like that.
you could tell by damian’s look that this wasn’t supposed to happen but you took it as an opportunity to distract nia and make your final move, move that made you win that match.
earlier on the schedule but still, you had your win.
“someone beat your ass…” rhea screamed into the microphone, unleashing mixed reactions through the crowd. everyone cheering for you because of your win, not everyone was happy with the way you won but still, you better than nia.
that set her off.
she didn’t like the idea of a teenager beating her but she hated even more the way the crowd laughed at her face, making her seem weak, not strong enough.
the judgment day were leaving the arena, just like the script told them to do after your victory, so what didn’t go as planned?
you were still in the ring, fans clapping for you, the referee still held your hand high and as you were about the leave, nia hit you behind your back.
this wasn’t prepared.
you fell to your knees and before you could do something she dragged you through your hair into the middle of the ring.
“nia?” you said almost too terrified.
the referee tried to get into the two of you but nia pushed her away, hurting her.
“who do you think you are?” she said hoovering you with her body.
“nia what?” you weren’t understanding. why was she doing that? she was your friend, she wasn’t supposed to hurt you.
“don’t act so dumb…” she whispered before attacking you.
for real this time.
nothing prepared.
she was really hurting you. your face first, then your stomach, she kept hurting you, punching you over and over until you couldn’t feel your body anymore.
your head and nose were bleeding.
referees weren’t able to stop her either.
rhea and damian were the first one to intervene when they saw that the referee couldn’t stop her.
rhea attacking her, the referees, trying to get between the two of them, so damian so that as an opportunity to shield you with his body. he could handle nia attacking him.
“damian?” you almost cried.
“hey…shh it’s okay, i got you” he said, slowly moving your hair out of your face and it was in that moment that he saw your bleeding face.
“dam…it hurts” you said clenching your stomach. he felt his heart breaking. the way you were clenching your chest, the way your hands trembled a little, your bleeding face and your eyes full of tears.
he was mad. furious.
“i know…ssshhh…we will take care of you i promise” he whispered.
the crowd was cheering, assuming everything was scripted, but there was an uncomfortable silence going behind the scenes.
everyone watching what was happening in horror.
becky had tears in her eyes and seth was trying to keep her and himself calm because he was mad. cody was speechless. jey ran out of his locker room just to be stopped by the security. dom and finn paralysed in their steps as they were watching everything happening right before their eyes.
that’s what it went wrong.
thankfully, rhea and referees were able to drag nia away from the ring. she knew she went too far but her pride was something she wasn’t willing to give up.
damian was still in the ring with you as medical staff came and assisted you.
you already fell unconscious when damian lifted you up in his arms and dragged you down onto the stretcher waiting for you backstage.
you were rushed to the hospital and honestly no one felt like continuing the show but they had to. jey was next but all he wanted to do was rush to the hospital and stay by your side.
you didn’t even realised that when you woke up you weren’t in some hotel room but you were in a hospital bed. your head still pounding when you remembered what happened.
the doctor told you that you had a few broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder,a broken wrist, a sprained ankle and a heavy concussion. not to count all the bruising and red spots forming all over your body.
then what you didn’t want to hear : no wrestling for at least four months.
your body needed to rest and heal first.
you were trying to hold in all the tears but eventually let them out when the doctor left your room. you were supposed to have your first main event at wrestlemania and now that dream was gone.
while still crying a soft knock echoed through the room.
damian first, then rhea with the rest of the judgment day.
“hey…” she whispered but her heart broke when she saw the tears in your eyes “why are you crying pretty girl?” she asked sitting on the chair next to your bed, followed by the boys who sat on the small couch right beside the window.
“bye bye wrestlemania…” you said with a broken voice.
everyone knew how much you’ve been waiting and wanting that moment.
“i’m so sorry y/n…” she said softly.
“its just it’s not fair…” you whispered “why did she do that? i thought she was my friend…i would have never done that to her rhea…never”
“i know love…because you know your value, you’re kind and sweet and loving and unfortunately you’ve met someone who thought about her ego and her ego only…” she said smiling sadly at you.
“what matters now is that you rest and take your time to heal” damian joined the conversation “you scared everyone back there…” he said making you smile a little.
“i didn’t mean to…”
“we know…or you could tell them that yourself” finn joked.
“what?” you whispered.
“everyone’s here…jey almost punched the doctor when they wouldn’t let him see you” dom laughed “becky is here with seth, cody and shayna are here too…girl you even scared gunther”
“i don’t believe it…” you laughed.
“we can make you believe that” jey said entering the room with a beautiful bouquet of red roses. everyone followed him too.
you were relieved in seeing so many people caring for you in a way not even your friends cared about. you felt loved and appreciated.
you’ve spent the next hour talking nonsense with them all and you almost forgot about the wrestling problem thing.
when everyone left for your check up with the doctor, the only one who stayed was jey.
he was the only one who noticed the shift in your mood and he knew what was like staying away from what you love do the most, so if you needed a shoulder to cry on, he was willing to do that, if you needed a friendly advice, he was willing to do that too.
“care to tell me what’s on your mind sweetheart?” he asked when the doctor left.
“i’m going to miss all of these…four months of not seeing you all days, no wrestling, no wrestlemania and probably no summerslam too…it’s just, i feel useless and empty not doing what i love jey” you confessed.
“you’re not useless at all, and it’s normal to feel nostalgic right now but it’ll pass and i promise you that you’ll be on your feet for when summerslam comes! i promise you” he said sitting next to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulder - the healthy one - “i wish i could have done something to stop her but i was the useless one…i hated seeing you in so much pain…she lost her mind and finally she lost her job too”
“what?” you whispered.
“yup! got fired…you know you could sue her right?” jey asked.
“i would never do that…”
“i know…you’re too kind for that…what she did was wrong and completely unacceptable but i’m glad you’re here…” he said softly kissing your head.
“ill be here for a long long time…this is my home after all” you smiled, making jey laugh too.
and it was in that moment that you truly realised how important those weird people were for you, and how important you were for them.
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Can I request something Christmas related #yandereshield? Maybe first Christmas together?
You Will Have A Merry Christmas
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Summary: you spend your first Christmas with the boys
Warnings: Yandere themes, abduction, characters celebrate Christmas, mentions of abuse, obvious gaslighting, drugging, yelling. As always, if you don’t like/can’t handle stuff like that please don’t read
Taglist: @fiskers7136 @peachmango-kombucha @kcloveswrestling @bellalutionn @xkennyxomegax @tummyyellin @legit9thlunaticwarrior @auburnwrites @damnnhausen @blaquekittycat @thesusbunny @writtingrose
When you woke up, your face was still stained with tears from the night before. You were afraid to move, your ankle rubbed raw from pulling against the chain connecting you to the wall next to your bed. You didn’t move when the door to the room opened, and you didn’t react when someone walked towards you.
“ ‘Mornin sweetheart,” Deans voice whispered. He sat on the edge of the bed, reaching down to your feet. They always sent Dean in after a rough night. Whether you liked it or not, Dean had a calming feeling that Seth and Roman didn’t always have.
He lifted the blanket off of your feet, reached down and unlocked the restraint. You quickly pulled your leg up, but he caught it and brought it back down.
“What’s this?” He mumbled, looking over the marked up area on your ankle.
“The chain…” you whispered, to quiet for him to hear. They always did this, pretended they didn’t remember what happened. It would happen later when the marks on your neck and chin were seen from everyone. They would act worried, like Roman hadn’t manhandled you the night prior.
“Come on, it’s a special day.” Dean pulled you to your feet. Without the blanket you shivered, not because it was cold but because you were completely naked. You stood there while Dean dressed you, slipping some socks on your feet-never shoes. Shoes were a privilege. One you hadn’t earned.
“Look at you.” Dean chuckled, admiring you. He always looked at you like you were the world to him. Let’s head downstairs and-“ he cut himself off when you started crying. He didn’t say anything to as his arms wrapped around your body, holding you as you sobbed. That was one thing you really liked about Dean. Roman or Seth would be asking questions, trying to force you to explain your emotions. Dean just let you have them.
After a few minutes of crying, you pulled away and whipped your face. You were ready to face them. Dean took your hand, and led you out of the room. The hard floor but into your feet after not walking all night.
“Do you remember what day it is?” Dean asked as you both turned the corner to the stairs. And you could see the large tree lit up, the gifts, all of it. Christmas.
“Took you long enough! We thought you were hiding her from us.” Seth hollered up at you, a huge smiling on his face. Dean helped you down the stairs before letting Seth pick you up. He pushed his lips into yours, so pacing a small kiss. Which you were thankful of. It meant you didn’t have to kiss him back.
“Keep it in your pants Rollins. Let’s get the day started,” Roman said from his seat on the couch. You glanced over Seth’s shoulder to see him, smiling when his eyes met yours. You quickly looked back down practically latching onto Seth, which of course he loved.
Seth carried you over to the couch, sitting down to hold you while Roman and Dean sat on either side.
“This one first,” Roman leaned over to set the gift on your lap. You flinched a bit, but Seth’s hold righted a bit to hold you still. It was a small box, not actually wrapped but made to look like one. After a deep breath, you pulled the box open.
It was a small picture frame, and inside was a photo of yourself and the boys. It was the first night you were there, you were tied down on the bed and the boys were around you. Dean and Seth were sat next to you, and Romans face was sticking out as he was taking the photo. Each of the boys had a huge smile on their face, but your face showed just fear. You could feel the burns on your ankles and wrists from that night.
“Ro…” Dean whispered, as though surprised by the photo. For a moment, fear left your body and it was all replaced by anger. You jumped up, and before any of them could react you slammed the photo into Roman’s face. You all stood silent, watching as the photo fell from his face. He had a few cuts, which he reached up to feel the bit of blood.
Before he could respond, Dean had shot up and wrapped his arms around you. Which in turn, caused Roman to get up.
“I got this!” Dean quickly yelled, holding you away from Roman as you fought him.
“Fuck you!” You screamed at all of them.
“Seth,” Roman groaned, whipping the blood away again.
“On it,” you heard. You felt a hand on your head, holding it down on Deans chest.
“I’m sorry baby…” Dean mumbled as a needle poked your neck. After a moment you felt all of your energy leaving your body. You slumped against Deans chest, your head loosing every thought.
Romans face appeared in front of you, and you felt your brain struggle to form a thought. “Your… face…” you struggled to say. One of your hands reached out as best as it could, and Roman took you from Dean.
“Are you going to apologize?” Roman asked, raising an eye brow.
“Apologize-“ you struggled to think before finding the words. “ ‘m sorry” he pulled you to his chest, rubbing small circles on your back. He glanced up at the other two. Both looked tired, all three had plans to celebrate with you today.
“I’ll tell you what baby, I’ll forgive you but you have to be willing to spend a good day with us.” Roman offered, waiting for an answer.
“Forgiv- ya. Have a good day…” you agreed with him.
“Ok.” Roman looked up at the other two again. “Ok?”
“Ok” they both answered. No one wanted to see another outburst, and both were just happy to see you calm again.
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rhodesrider · 2 years
Hunting for a Rabbit -P2-
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NSFW! 18+! Minors DNI!
Warnings: Rough sex, cumplay, creampies, Degrading names, anal sex, train, double penetration, taking pictures, oral sex
(Part One is Here)
“Fuck that’s it.” Dean chuckled as he started to fill up Y/N for the second time within the hour they captured her. “F-fuck daddy~” She moaned out and soon a fat dick was shoved in her mouth, she gagged on it slightly and soon her mouth was being used like a flesh light. “Shut up bitch and get my load off next.” Roman growled low as he used her throat. She let her tongue hang out as she gargled and drooled over his dick going in and out her throat. “Dean move I want next.” Seth said as dean was still going. “Wait come on one more please? I want my cum leaking out of this slut.” He chuckled kissing on her back. Seth rolled her eyes and soon Roman finished up fucking her mouth pumping a load in her. “Keep it in there baby.” He smiled and got his phone out taking a picture of cum stewing in her throat. “Now ain’t she pretty.” Roman smiled kissing her forehead.
“Swallow.” Roman commanded and she quickly gulped down the load. “Good girl.” Dean finished up and picked her up, his dick slipping out and cum dripping out of her pussy. “That’s beautiful.” Seth bit his lip taking another picture of her filled wrecked pussy. They haven’t heard her safe-word yet so they are using her like the sex doll she is after being hunted. Seth sat back and they sat her down on his throbbing dick and he groaned grabbing he holding her close fondling with her tits. She shook crying out as Seth was a bit for her. He sigh grabbing her and tossing her on the bed. “We were so focused on one thing boys we forgot to give this tight thing attention.” He took his creamed covered cock, spitting on her asshole for lube slowly going in. She gripped the blanket shaking and crying some. Seth stopped and halted the boys.
“Princess are we too much for you?” Y/N shook her head no. “I’m sorry it’s just your big and this is my first time doing anal with you guys…” she said wiping her tears away. “Baby we don’t have-“ “No p-please I wanna at least try Seth…” she looked back and he nodded starting to go in. Roman smiled kissing you to comfort you some. “Baby it’s ok just a few more inches.” Seth said as he started to get the rest in. He was finally in bottoming her out. “See baby. It wasn’t that bad.” Dean said giving her kisses too. “Y-yea just give me a minute before you move please.” “Ok baby.” Seth said trying his hardest not to wreck her ass. She sighed ready after a minute and he started to move slow groaning some from the tightness. “Fuck baby you feel so good.” He moaned out. “F-fuck…” she was still getting comfort but also stroking Dean and Roman blushing. “Can I go a bit faster baby?” Seth asked starting to pick up the pace. She arched her back squealing and soon felt water go down her legs. She squirted. Roman leaned over to rub her pussy more as it splashed everywhere. She cried out tongue kissing Dean riding her orgasm out. Seth groaned as he leaned forward and started to cum in her. “Fuck yes~” Dean and Roman watched her face as she was finally fucked stupid. “Hey Dean…I call bottom.” Dean nodded as they got Y/N together for a double penetration pose.
Roman knew he was too damn big for her to go in her ass, he would tear her. So he let Dean get her ass. He went in her leaking pussy as dean slowly went in her ass and they started working together on using her up. She drooled from pleasure and Seth sat in a chair watching as he was done for tonight. She kisses Roman squealing as Dean roughly fucked her ass, moaning out. “Fuck baby you’re so perfect angel~” he said gripping her neck. He held still for Roman to get his hits in and he soon hit her spot. “THERE!” She cried out holding on to Roman and she started to cum. They both came in unison and pulled out, laying in the bed, Dean holding Y/N.
After a while no one moved. Y/N sat up a bit and looked around seeing the three tired. She started to scoot off the bed going to give herself a shower but Roman stopped her. “Guys get up, Y/N is still up.” Y/N thought she was gonna get fucked more but no, she was helped by Seth, who held her and Dean groaned getting a bath ready. “Rock paper scissors on who cleans her?” He asked. They did a quick one and Roman won. He smiled and he helped her to the bathroom putting her hair up humming and watching the bath, while the boys fixed the room up. “You good baby girl?” He asked rubbing her shoulders. She nodded and watched as he turned off the water and added some of her bath essentials. He got her in and sat behind her, holding her. “You did a great job tonight baby.” He assures. “And you were amazing during hunt.” She smiled getting forehead kisses. “Angel! You hungry!?” She nodded yes, not taking much to recover her voice. “Yea she is!” Roman spoke for her.
They all sat in the living room, watching tv, Y/N was cuddled in the middle of Seth and Dean as Roman was on the floor getting his hair messed with. “I love you guys.” Y/N said getting an individual kiss from each man. “We love you too baby.” Seth said smiling. “More than anything.” Dean said kissing behind her ear. Roman yawned agreeing. She just smiled.
My boys.
Thank you.
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Hello, my name is Alex and/or Cyber! This is my master list!
- Seth freakin’ Rollins :) (any gender)
-Rhea Ripley (any gender)
-Dominik M. (Any gender)
-Damian Priest (any gender)
-Finn Balor (any gender)
You can request ppl!!!!!!!
Obey me
-any of the brothers any gender!
Any of the side characters (NOT luke only if it’s platonic!) and any gender!
Request ppl!!
Twisted wonderland
Any of heartslabyul
Any of the dorms in general lol
Any of the staff (no Grimm unless it’s platonic!! :)
Demon slayer!
Any hashira! (Even tengen’s wives)
Any demon!
Tanjiro or any one of that group! (No nezuko unless it’s platonic!)
Anything horror!
Friday the 13th
Nightmare on elm street
Please request anything else! I will happily except them! If I don’t know them I will do research!!!
I will do a angst, fluff, I will try to do smut but I still have to practice it!
Again! Please request!!! I will happily except them! You can request anything! To fandoms to oneshots to imagines!
-Alex! <3
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sydsaint · 2 months
The only relevant member of The Bloodline. Change my mind. <3
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Summary: After getting stuck with Solo in a small mix-match challenge tournament on Raw and Smackdown, the reader realizes that she's developed feelings for him. The only problem? Reader is Cody's younger sister, and Cody is hell-bent on finishing his story.
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It's the finals of the Raw vs Smackdown mix-match challenge. Two months ago, you got paired up with Solo Sikoa for one of the Smackdown pairings. Together the two of you have managed to run through the entire Smackdown side of the bracket. Now it all comes down to this. You and Solo vs Raw's bracket winners, Becky Lynch and Seth Rollins.
"You ready for this, Solo?" You ask Sikoa while the two of you are backstage waiting for your cue.
"We've already beaten everyone else, right?" Solo nods. "How hard can one more win be?"
You smile at his confidence and finish your stretching while you still can. Two months ago you would have laughed in the face of anyone that told you that you'd be friends and partners with anyone in the Bloodline. But here you are.
You and Solo started off a bit rocky. The man's cousin having a vendetta against your brother wasn't exactly the best basis for a new partnership. But the two of you managed to put your differences aside and work together to defeat the Smackdown bracket.
"Right. One more win." You repeat Solo's earlier statement, your gaze fixed on the monitor displaying the ring. "How hard can it be, right?" You assure yourself.
One of the backstage crew signals that it's time for your match so you pull the custom team shirt that the company made for yourself and Solo over your head. Solo's music hits first and he rolls his shoulders to loosen up before stepping through the curtain. Your music plays a few seconds later and you follow him out to the ramp.
You do a quick and clean handstand flip out on the ramp and come to a stop right at Solo's side. The two of you share a look and head down to the ring where Becky and Seth are already waiting.
"You want to start?" You ask Solo as the two of you take your place in your corner. "I can keep an eye on Becky if you want to try and wear down Rollins." You suggest.
"Yeah, alright." Solo nods and climbs up onto the apron. He offers you his hand and hauls you up as well.
You grab ahold of the tag rope and the bell rings. Solo and Seth lurch at one-another while you and Becky mean-mug one another from opposite sides of the ring. You watch the men duke it out and trade blows for a while before Seth retreats and tags in his wife.
Solo begrudgingly walks over to your corner and tags you in per the rules of mixed tag matches. "Go kick her ass, Goldie." Solo's hand collides with yours and you crack a small smile at his use of your nickname.
You step into the ring and Becky is on you in an instant. The two of you trade some heavy shots before you head to the ropes to gain some leverage. Your move set is more high-caliber, flyer moves, so it can take some time to set things up.
You bounce off the ring ropes and hit Becky for a clothesline that knocks her to the mat. You then switch to the other side of the ring and jump to use the ropes for a moonsalt. You manage to hit Becky head-on and go for a pin.
"Damnit!" You curse the air when Becky kicks out of your pin at a two-count.
Becky scrambles to her feet and kicks you in the sternum as she gets up. The blow propels you back a couple of feet and knocks the wind out of you. Out of breath, you scoot back and tag Solo back into the match before rolling to the floor to recoup.
Solo and Seth go back to hitting one another with slugging moves while you and Becky are both on the floor in your respective corners. You manage to get your breath and stamina back and climb back onto the ring apron. Solo and Seth are still busy duking it out so you decide to try and run some interference.
"Becky!" You climb back down to the floor and come around to Becky's corner.
Becky whips her head around toward you and the two of you rush each other. You hop onto the steel steps as you come around the corner and propel yourself toward Becky. You raise your arm and hit Becky with a flying forearm that grounds you both.
Now on the floor, you and Becky go buck-wild and start trading some nasty blows. You get a few hits in before Becky manages to get you hard in the nose with a graze of her elbow. You hear a crunch noise as she hits you and feel liquid start gushing from your nostrils soon after.
"Shit!" You gasp and reach for your face as Becky rolls off of you.
You sit up and touch your nose, instantly feeling warm liquid cover your fingertips. You pull your hand back and sure enough, blood is thickly smeared all over your fingers.
One of the officials sitting in the time-keepers area rushes to your side when he spots the blood and Becky backs off of you.
"Are you alright?" The referee kneels down at your side.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm good." You assure him and get to your feet.
You wipe the blood oozing from your nose with your forearm and shake your head to readjust yourself. "Can you continue?" The official asks you and you nod.
The commotion outside the ring catches Solo's attention and he moves over to the side of the ring to get a look at what's going down. "YN?" He calls out to you with concern when he spots the blood smeared all over your face.
Distracted by you on the floor, Solo doesn't have time to react to Seth's next attack. Seth kicks Solo's knee in and hits a stomp before rolls Solo up for the pin. You jump forward and try to break the pin in the ring, but Becky grabs your arm and stops you.
The bell rings signaling that the match is over and it dawns on you that you and Solo have lost the match.
"Shit. Are you kidding me?!" You turn and shove Becky off of you.
Becky laughs, uttering a quick, "Better luck next time, lass." As she climbs into the ring.
Solo rolls out of the ring and you come around to meet him. "Crap. I'm sorry, Solo." You apologize. "I should have been quicker getting into the ring to stop the pin." You huff in frustration.
"Is your nose alright?" Is the first question out of Solo's mouth as you come up on him.
"Yeah, yeah." You nod. "Becky got me with a pretty gnarly elbow." You explain. "It's not bleeding anymore, is it?" You go to touch your nose again.
Solo steps toward you and sets a hand on your cheek to tilt your head upwards. "No, it's stopped now." He pulls his hand back after a moment. "Feeling lightheaded at all?"
"Now that you mention it." You joke and rub the back of your head. "I'm kidding! Just kidding!" You laugh when Solo's face flashes with concern.
The two of you head backstage while Seth and Becky are presented with their shiny new trophy. You both trudge to the backstage waiting area where a couple of the medical staff are waiting to look at you. They usher you into the trainers room to look you over and Solo follows.
After you've been looked at and cleared of any serious injuries you and Solo take a moment to catch your breath and reflect.
"Well, this was one hell of a run!" You muse to yourself with a small smile.
"Yeah, it was." Solo agrees with a hint of a smile. "So, I guess this is it, then?" He turns and holds his hand out for a handshake.
You glance down at Solo's hand, an odd bittersweet feeling washing over you. "I guess so." You nod and shake his hand.
An awkward tension fills the air and your gaze meet's Solo's, your hands still clasped together. Then, the door to the trainers room bursts open, your brother coming through it like a man on a mission.
"YN!?" Cody frantically scans the room before landing on you and Solo. "Your nose! Are you alright?" He rushes to your side.
You pull your hand back from Solo's quickly as Cody rushes to you. He clasps his hands on your shoulders and starts inspecting you feverously.
"I'm okay, Cody." You assure your brother. "Really. So you can back up a little, please." You push his chest and get him to back up a bit.
"Right." Cody nods and takes a step back. "It's really him I should be talking to." He turns to Solo with a sour expression. "Some partner you are, Sikoa! Letting my sister get her face busted up like that."
You scoff and grab your brother by the shoulder. "Knock it off, Cody!" You scold him. "It wasn't Solo's fault and you know it!"
"Whatever." Cody sneers. "This was the finals. Which means you and my sister are done, Sikoa. Got it? She doesn't have to tolerate you anymore." He shoots Solo an accusatory glance.
"Alright!" You grab your brothers shirt and yank him back toward you. "That's enough! Out! I'll be there in a minute!" You shove him toward the door.
Cody mumbles to himself but steps out into the hall. You wait until he shuts the door before turning back to Solo. "Sorry about him. He can be...well, a lot." You sigh.
"It's alright." Solo chuckles.
"Hey!" You perk up at the unfamiliar sound. "I knew it! I told you when we started this tournament that I'd get you to laugh at least once!" You remind him with a wide grin.
Solo holds back another chuckle and nods. "You got me." He admits defeat. "Congratulations, YN."
"You take care of yourself, mister broody enforcer." You reply and step forward with your arms out for a hug.
"Yeah, you too." Solo agrees and surprisingly lets you hug him. "Take care, Goldie. I'll be seeing you around on Smackdown." He adds.
Your hug is one of lose lingering ones you see in movies all the time. But it does eventually come to an end. You give Solo once last soft smile before exiting the room to meet up with your drama-queen of a brother.
Solo watches you disappear behind the door with a bitter-sweet smile on his face. It's over. Now you go back to the natural order of things. A Rhodes and a Bloodline member. Natural-born enemies.
That's how it has to be.
That's all it will ever be.
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dirtywresling102 · 2 years
Hatred to Lust - Seth Rollins (18+)
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Seth Rollins x Melanie
Commission: @thepalaceofmelanie
Summary: Melanie is the General Manager of Raw. Malanie and Seth Rollins do not like each other but clearly have feelings for one another only to lead to hot sex in her office.
Warnings: General Manager!Melanie, Arguing, Fighting, Smut, Foul Language, Rough sex, Office Sex, Oral (Reader Receiving), Light Spanking, Eating out creampie
Word Count: 2,113 
Follow my main blog!: @dirtywrestling
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“How could you be so fucking heartless?” A deep voice snarled in my direction.
 Looking up from my phone I arched an eyebrow towards the Kingslayer, Seth Rollins. The man had a reputation here on Raw, he was the golden boy of the company some would say. I wouldn’t say he was anything special, but he did make the ratings skyrocket and money into the business. I sighed, clicking the button on the side of my phone to lock it. I shoved it into my pocket. “What do you want, Rollins?” The annoyance in my voice should have warned him I was in no mood to deal with his brattiness.
“I want to know why you made Ambrose turn against me!” He snapped, holding the Intercontinental and tag team title close to his sweaty body. 
“We need a storyline between you two. Plus, why does it matter? You got your gold, be happy. Most of these guys would literally kill you to have that around their waist. Now,” I pulled my phone out once more, remembering I had unfinished business on there. I unlocked my phone, “if you'll excuse me.” I turned away from the superstar and started to walk down the hallway, my heels clicking against the tile floor. 
“Wait, no.” He quickly followed me, grabbing my wrists, spinning me around to become face to face with him. “Why’d you make Ambrose turn on me the night Roman announces he has leukemia?” There was anger and sorrow in his eyes.
Looking into Rollin’s hazel eyes, seeing the fire in them made me realize maybe doing this storyline tonight was a bad idea. We just got news that Roman has cancer and would be out for a long time, while he recovered, Dean and Seth just did win Tag Team Titles, it was a good night. Why couldn’t I have just left it at that? The man before me was clearly heartbroken about it. 
“Rollins please, it wasn’t my idea.” I tried to convince him, the writers thought it would be a great idea to keep the fans watching.
“Bullshit.” He snapped, his grip on my wrist tightened, making me wince in pain.
“Seth you’re hurting me.” I cried out, grabbing at his wrist trying to pry him off of me. 
Seth looked down, his eyes softening up as he let go. “You’re the General Manager, most of this stupid shit is your idea.” Sadness filled my eyes as he insulted my work. 
“I did it because it would bring the ratings up and you turned on the Shield so why not have Ambrose go heel and turn on you?” I crossed my arms over my chest, glaring up at him. “Face it Rollins, your time is coming up, it’s Ambrose’s time to shine.” I snarled at the superstar. The fire in his eyes flamed up once again, redness appeared on his cheeks and neck along with the tip of his ears. Grabbing my hand again he pulled me into my office. “What the hell, Rollins?”
Seth locked the door and faced me. “I’m so sick and tired of your shit, somebody needs to teach you a lesson and it looks like that somebody is me.” He tossed the two titles on the nearest chair. “Bend over your desk.” He demanded, standing tall in front of me.
“Excuse me?” I laughed in his face. “Move, Rollins I’m not playing games. I have a show to run.” I tried to push him out of my way, he wouldn’t budge.
“Don’t make me tell you again, Melanie.” Seth’s eyes pierced down at me, nearly making me scared of him.
Gulping nervously, I slowly stepped backwards, away from him and towards my desk. Papers and other items scattered over the surface. I did what he demanded me to do, bending over the smooth oak desk. My stomach and breast pressed against some loose pencils and papers and other office supplies. Seth slowly stalked behind me, clearing everything off of the desk with one swift sweep of his hand. Everything clanked loudly on the floor, making me flinch from the noise.
“Always so organized.” He chuckled. Kicking my ankles apart, making my legs spread out a bit more. “Always wearing the tightest skirts.” He pushed up my mini skirt over my ass. “Naughty girl, no panties.” His hand came down onto my ass, making me jolt forward with a slight yelp. Grabbing my hair, pulling me up so my back was now against his chest. “As much as I love seeing your breasts in these…” He grabbed my dress shirt and tore it off, buttons flying in different directions as my breasts bounced free from the tight confinement. 
Seth tossed the torn fabric somewhere in the office. “You look so sexy with those heels on.” Seth growled, admiring my half naked body. “I think I’ll fuck you with them on.” 
“You’re going to fuck me?” I gasped, he grabbed the back of my neck and pushed me down onto the desk once more, my cheek pinned against the cool surface. 
“Of course I’m going to fuck you.” He licked his lips, tracing my naked body with his rough hand. “Always getting me so fucking hard whenever I argue with you.” My eyes widen to feel his crotch pump up against my ass, only for me to realize he was hard underneath his wrestling pants.
“So you do argue with me on purpose!” I just realized why he would argue with me about the scripts for Raw or anything else he would bitch and complain with me about literally anything!
“That’s just between you and me, sweetheart.” He growled in my ear, his teeth sinking into my ear lobe and tugged slightly. “So, I’ve decided that I’m going to fuck the little attitude out of you.” Kicking off his wrestling boots he pushed his wrestling pants around his ankles. His large erection rubbed up against the slit of my entrance. 
Turning my head slightly, I looked over my shoulder to see Seth fisting his cock, pumping it slowly in his hands while the tip of his cock nudged up against my opening. “No touching.” He let go of his hard cock, grabbing my wrist and placing them on the sides of the table. “This is a punishment.” I whined at his demands. “No whining.” He added in.
“So what can I do?” I huffed, my cheek against the cool oak once more.
“How about you relax and enjoy my cock?” Seth grabbed both of my cheeks, spreading them slightly and guided the tip of his cock past my wet lips, the teasing of his cock head made me squirm a bit. “Quit moving.” He grunted , gripping my waist with his rough hands. His cock slowly inching its way into my pussy. 
“Fuck!” I squealed out, my pussy wrapped around his cock tightly, when Seth pulled out a low moan escaped his lips. 
“So fucking wet.” He hissed out in pleasure, he put more pressure on my hips, pinning them against the wooden desk as he moved his hips faster. Grateful that I had my heels on, I was a bit more taller for him to pound into me. Down side, the heels were killing my ankles as I was on my tip toes. The thought of my ankles hurting left my thoughts as Seth hit up against my g-spot.
“Right there, yes!” My nails dug into the edge of the desk, leaving little crescent moons markings. 
“That’s it baby, keep screaming for me.” Seth’s right hand left my waist, giving my ass a sharp slap, leaving a red hand print. 
“Ah, Seth!” I gritted my teeth and arched my back in pain.
“Fuck, Mel.” I shivered at how he growled out my name. His pace picked up, skin against skin echoed throughout the small office, moans spilled from our  lips, possibly being heard from down the hallways if anyone walked by, but I didn’t care. With the stress built up from shows or being depressed because I’ve been away from my family for too long, I needed this. I needed something to make me forget even if this was just a one time thing.
“You going to come for me, princess?” He growled, gripping at my hair tightly and gave it a tug. 
“Y- Yes, yes, I’m so fucking close.” I squealed, my lower belly clenched, my walls squeezed around Seth’s cock. My whole body felt as if it was on fire, I started to see black spots. Wailing out my release, squirting on his cock, making it easier for his thickness to slide in and out of me, the sound of wetness squelched with each pump from Seth’s cock entering me. The sound made my eyes flutter and just made me imagine how much I came around his cock. My walls tightened even more, milking Seth. 
Seth roared out a moan, his come gushing into my pussy, he pushed his cock deep into me one last time, pushing the mixture of our come further inside of my womb. His semi soft cock slowly pulled out of my drenched pussy. “Hmm, what a fucking sight.” Seth pulled my cheeks apart, watching our juices drip out of my hole and down my inner thigh. He crouched down, his warm tongue hitting my sensitive skin, licking the dripping juices. “It tastes so sweet, like cherries.” He licked his lips, pushing his tongue in between my folds, getting another sample. 
Seth moaned as he pulled away from me. I squirmed at the position I was in. “Seth, please.” My face became heated with slight embarrassment. I didn’t think he’d admire the mess in between my legs face to face. I squealed loudly, curling my toes as I felt Seth’s soft tongue glaze over my sensitive clit all the way back to my drenching hole. The tip of his tongue swirled around my entrance, I tried to force him off of my overstimulated pussy by crawling away.
“Stop fighting it.” Seth growled like a hungry animal, pulling my waist back into his face as his tongue darted in and out of my cunt, collecting all of our fluids out of me.
“Fuck, wait, you’re- you’re gonna make me come again.” My cunt squeezed around his tongue, I tried to push him away as my stomach tightened but my pussy begged for a break.
“Give it to me, give it to me now.” Seth’s beard scratched against my sensitive skin, making me push my ass back against his face, moaning at how the feelings of his whiskered beard felt against my pussy lips. His tongue kept lapping over and over at the same spot that made my eyes flutter shut. 
“Oh god, Seth. Yes!” I cried out, getting enough strength I reached my arms around and grabbed his hair, pushing him further into me, begging for his tongue to dive deeper. Another loud soundwave of my moans bounced off the walls as I crumbled down onto the desk, my orgasm washing over as I squirted on his tongue, forcing out the first orgasm fluids and his onto his taste buds.
He pulled away and stood up. “Fuck, I need to stop before I get hard again.” He laughed, running his hand through his sweaty long hair. He usually had it up in a neat bun but tonight in a long time it was down for once.
The both of us got dressed in silence. “So, what does this make us?” I asked, swallowing hard. I was scared that he would say it was only a one time thing or this meant nothing.
“Whatever you wanted it to be, I guess.” He shrugged, shoving his foot into one of his wrestling boots.
“Even, girlfriend and boyfriend?” I questioned, biting my lower lip as I scratched the back of my neck, I didn’t make eye contact with him scared he’d laugh in my face.
“Is that what you want?” He walked towards me. I nodded, my eyes still casted on the floor. He gripped at my chin and made me look up at him. “Then, I guess we’re boyfriend and girlfriend.” He chuckled, leaning down and planting a kiss on my lips. “You need a ride to the next city?” 
“Y- Yeah.” I was slightly dazed and light headed from the intense fucking and the sweet kiss he gave me.
“Great, finish getting dressed and we’ll leave in ten.” With that he walked out of my office, leaving me half dressed and my hair messy and mattered. I licked my lips, tasting the residue from our juices. He was right, it did taste like cherries.
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dirtywrestling · 1 year
Next Wrestler To Write About!
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damiansgoodgirll · 2 months
hello, can you write about damian priest x reader where she just got into the main roster on RAW and she felt left out in the women's lockerroom (except becky and liv) and a impossible crush with the archer of infamy but he is the one who ask her out
love this request!
‼️a little angst and rhea’s a little mean, sorry
damian priest x reader
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my birdie
you were a shy person.
always been. but when it came to wrestling, you were an animal, everyone knew about your abilities and they loved you for it. that’s why you went from nxt to smackdown and from smackdown to raw in less than two years.
people wanted to see you doing big things and big things came when hunter placed you in a completely different roaster.
you made some friends in nxt, you’ve been there the most so your colleagues got to know you better. it’s not that you were rude, you didn’t like being on your own either but you were shy.
some of your colleagues got to know this side of you and tried to involve you in more activities together, others didn’t care as they all wanted to focus on themselves.
when you spent a few months on smackdown, everyone apart from bayley ignored you. she immediately understood what you were feeling. fear of being alone and starting in a roaster where you didn’t know anybody and the fact that you weren’t talkative at all was making it 100% harder.
you were grateful for bayley and for her patience with you, that’s why you cried to her when you were being shifted on raw.
you wanted to be on raw, you were just scared of how you were going to be treated. it wasn’t easy on smackdown but at least you made a friend.
the first two weeks were hard. bayley was constantly checking on you, making sure you were okay and doing good. she even said to the other girls that you were shy and needed a little time to open up but it felt like they didn’t care.
liv and becky were the only two people who never made you feel unwanted. they took times to introduce you to the rest of the raw squad.
basically, everyone was ignoring you.
shayna tried to get to know you, and in fact she liked your shy and calm persona but she was too focused on her goals to have time to get to know you better. still, you appreciated her efforts. she still spent time eating lunch with you and you were really grateful for that.
but, apart from the three girls, it was clear that you were unwanted. other girls saw you as a threat.
especially rhea. you would describe the meeting with the judgment day “the most scary day of your life”. liv introduced you to them and you felt like an animal in a cage when you felt all of their eyes on you.
dom and finn didn’t really care about you. rhea ignored you but kept watching you. damian, well, damian had the audacity to make some stupid jokes about your shy persona.
“what is a scared birdie like you doing in a place like this?” he joked making everyone but liv laugh “cat really got your tongue birdie? be safe out there, you’re a little bird in a room full of cats ready to eat you alive”
“and the one right here” dom said pointing at rhea “is the scariest cat you’ll ever meet” and with that they all left.
you remember crying that night.
you also knew that becky and liv had a conversation with them because they stopped poking at you. they just watched you from afar. especially damian. who you got a little crush on but could never tell him. you couldn’t really understand why he was constantly watching you. when you were training. when you were on live television. when you were basically doing nothing. he was watching you and his beautiful but firm eyes made you a little scared.
“what is she doing here?” you heard rhea saying to finn, one time you were all training together. she didn’t know you were listening but you were. and her words hurt you “she looks like a lost princess from disneyland” she said making finn laugh.
you excused yourself from training with becky and seth and they immediately knew something was wrong. they took you under their protective wing, training with you and teaching you new moves.
“jeez rhea, was that necessary?” becky said with an angry look on her face.
“what?” she said like nothing happened.
“why do you all hate her so much? what has she ever done to you?” seth said to finn and the rest of the judgment day.
they had no reason to hate her “like i thought” seth said.
“she’s in the wrong place” rhea said, not making eye contact with becky.
“wrong place? she kicked your ass last week” becky said laughing “just because she’s shy doesn’t mean she isn’t capable, she’s just as smart and strong as you rhea…she just has more difficulty to open up to people…you guys should help her instead of making fun of her, or at least, if you don’t feel that kind to get to know her, ignore her…for her own sake, stop making fun of her” becky said very annoyed before leaving with seth.
that night you kept thinking about rhea’s words. maybe you really were in the wrong place. maybe you didn’t belong with them. maybe you really should be doing something different. and those thoughts made you cry because wrestling was all you ever wanted to do in your entire life.
but before you could overthink again, a soft knock on your hotel room awaked you from your wandering mind.
you weren’t definitely expecting to see damian priest in front of you.
“hey…” he smiled at you.
“you should at least wait until tomorrow to make fun of me” you said, looking at the ground “again…”
damian felt guilty.
he saw how you quickly wiped your tears away. he also knew he fucked up.
he felt guilty because in reality he was in love with you. you caught his attention the moment liv introduced you to them. he was watching every move you made, making sure you were being safe but he didn’t want to let you know what he was feeling.
“i’m here to apologise…”
“sure” you still weren’t looking at him.
“i’m serious y/n…i’m so sorry for how i made you feel, for how me and my team made you feel…” he began apologising and you let him in the room before you could catch other’s attention “we thought it was funny at first but…we clearly weren’t thinking and for that i’m so sorry, we didn’t mean to hurt you” he said truthfully but still you weren’t looking at him.
his eyes had a different effect on you.
“can you please look at me?” he said moving closer to your body “are you scared of me birdie?”
“i’m not scared…” you said raising your eyes.
now you were both looking into each other’s eyes.
“i’m sorry…really, so so sorry for hurting you…” he apologised again.
“it’s okay damian…thank you for your apology, uhm…it’s okay now i guess” you shyly smiled at him.
“and if you’re okay…i would like to get to know you a little bit more…only if you’re okay with that” he said a little awkwardly.
“yes…it’s okay for me”
“perfect” he smiled “what about tomorrow? i’ll take you somewhere nice for lunch, if you’re free of course” he rambled.
“i’m free” you smiled, seeing how funny he was being.
“then i’ll see you tomorrow birdie” he smirked before leaving your room.
“would you ever stop calling me that?” you asked him.
“i don’t think so” he smiled at you closing your hotel door.
you looked at the door for about ten minutes before moving into your bed, smiling like a teen who just got asked out.
now, all you had to do was to get a nice sleep and waiting for tomorrow to come.
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Can we get more single mom! Reader x messiah! Rollins? Because holy crap was that funny.
It’s…. Mac n cheese
(Seth x Single mom!Reader)
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Summary: With a last minute work trip, Seth offers to step up
An: I really like the idea of Seth and a single Mom reader, so I may make this a normal thing. Not in the way that it has a real plot, but you guys are welcome to send more request for these two together
Taglist: @fiskers7136 @peachmango-kombucha @kcloveswrestling @bellalutionn @xkennyxomegax @tummyyellin @cuzimacomedian @auburnwrites @damnnhausen @thesusbunny @blaquekitty @writtingrose
Seth adjusted his hat while standing at the door of your apartment. You had called him practically crying the night before because you had to go to a dinner meeting and James’s dad couldn’t watch him. And Seth offered to watch him, which he was currently regretting. It wasn’t that he didn’t like the little boy, but he didn’t know him much and Seth was sure the boy wasn’t excited to hang out with his mom’s boyfriend.
His attention was pulled to the door when it was pulled open by a short curly hair.
“Hey.. James. Is your mom here?”
“James! What did I tell you about answering the door!” You came into view, still trying to put an earring in. You pulled James back a bit, and smiled up at Seth. “Come in.”
Seth walked in, watching as you spoke to James before letting him run off. You were wearing a dark red dress that hugged all of your curves perfectly, and he definitely wished you were going to dinner with him and not your boss.
“Thank you so much for doing this. I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t an emergency,” you said while giving Seth your attention.
“Don’t worry about it, although I definitely wish I was getting to see you in that dress all night.” Seth pulled you to his chest, laying a kiss on your lips.
“Well, next weekend I’m all yours.” You promised, giving Seth a small kiss on his nose. You pulled away and grabbed your purse while sticking your head into the living room. “I have to leave now James, please be good for Seth.”
“Bye.” The boy waved before going back to his game. You turned back to look at Seth.
“Have fun, I’ll see you later,” and with that you left.
Seth walked into the living room, it had a few toys spread around the room and James was on the couch with a controller in his hands.
“What are you playing?” Seth asked, sitting on the edge of the couch next to the boy.
“Minecraft.” He mumbled, not looking at Seth.
The two of them sat in silence, just watching the tv. Seth didn’t know what he was supposed to do, he didn’t want to push James to much.
“What do you like to do for fun?”
“I don’t know,” he mumbled. Seth sighed in his head, figuring that was it. “I like to cook.”
“Really?” Seth was surprised, but happy to receive an answer. “What do you like about it?”
“I don’t know. Mom looks up lots of recipes for us to try together. I like making food from Asia.” He explained, still not looking away from the tv.
“Well, you’ll have to have me over one night to try your food. I bet it’s delicious.”
When the words left his mouth James turned to look at him. His eyes were wide, like he wasn’t expecting that.
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I?
“Dad never try’s my food.” Seth shifted in his seat a bit. He hadn’t heard much about your ex, but what he had wasn’t great.
“He always says if he wants food he can just buy it. And that it’s weird that I like to cook.” James looked down at his lap, and Seth smiled softly.
“Well, I don’t think it’s weird. There’s no better skill then knowing how to cook.”
Seth nodded, his smile growing when James went back to his game.
“Speaking of food, I should go make you dinner.” Seth stood up, leaving James in the living room.
Before you had left you had made what he assumed was a casserole. All he had to do was put it in the oven. While the food cooked he also pulled out some fruit and cut it up, setting it on the small table in the kitchen. He got two plates out, along with silverware and glasses of water. When the oven beeped get pulled the pan out and set it on a hot plat in the middle of the table. He grabbed a serving spoon and set it down.
“James!” He called out, hearing the footsteps of the little boy running into the kitchen. “Hey!” Seth had to stick his arm out to make sure the boy didn’t hit the wall. “Make sure you walk little man.”
James sat down while Seth survey the noddles, meat, and cheese mixture for the both of them. While they ate, Seth was able to get James talking. He learned about how much he loves to read, how he watches baseball with his dad, and how he loves the movie Jurassic park.
“Do you know Christian?” Seth frowned at the question.
“Christian Cage, from TNA?”
“I’m surprised someone your age would have watched TNA but ya. I’ve met him.”
“Is he nice?!” The boys eyes looked like they were going to pop from how big they were.
“He’s nice. You know… I used to collect wrestling tapes. I bet I have some old one of him I could bring over.” Seth offered, taking a bit of his food.
“Sure. Not like I’m doing much with them.” Seth chuckled, watching as James finished his food.
“Why don’t you wrestle very much?”
“You mean why am I not on tv right now? I was hurt, so they have to make sure I’m fully better. That’s how I met your mom.” Seth explained.
“She’s sad when you don’t come see her.” He said, staving a peace of pineapple on his plate. “So I’m glade you aren’t all better.”
Seth chuckled at the boys wording, knowing what he meant. “Me too. Now, let’s get this picked up.” Seth and James started to pick everything up. James putting the dishes in the sink while Seth picked up the food. “Oh, James?”
“What is this that your mom made?” He held up the pan, but James just made a weird face.
“It’s… mac n cheese with bits of ham?”
It was almost midnight when you got home, pulling your shoes off as soon as you got into the door. Your were slightly tipsy from the wine you and your boss had drank to celebrate getting the deal to open another gym across town. You walked quietly to the living room, seeing the light on the tv. Some reality show was playing, and Seth was on the couch. And next to him was James, passed out with his head in Seth’s lap.
“Hey,” Seth greeted when he saw you. You climbed to sit in the side your son wasn’t on, leaning your head in his shoulder.
“High yourself.”
“How was the meeting?”
“Good, but how did tonight go?” You had felt bad leaving James with Seth, and you really hoped they had gotten along.
“Really?” You asked, looking up at him.
“Really. Although I don’t think I can move.” He looked between you and James.
“Oh well, I guess you’ll have to stay here.” You yawned, your eyes already slipping clothes.
“If I have to.” Seth placed a kiss on your forehead before the two of you started to doze off.
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rhodesrider · 2 years
Hunting for a Rabbit -P1-
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In Honor of The Shield
Primal!Shield x Prey!Reader
Warning: Primal Play, Masturbation, Teasing
“Baby the last time we did this, you were scared for your life and we had to comfort you.” Seth said as Y/N and him walked down the stairs. “Come on please Seth, can we try again?” Y/N begged batting her eyes. “No, I don’t want you getting hurt baby.” He sighed going in the kitchen passing dean. “Hey what’s going on?” He went to Y/N kissing her cheek then back to eating some chips. He offered you some and you took a Doritos smiling. “Missy here wants to play.” Seth said trying to find him something to eat. “Baby the last time that happened you were scared of us.” Roman chimed in sitting on the couch. “See? And I’m pretty sure Dean remembers that.” Dead nodded. “But I mean guys it was just once if she feels like she wants to try again she can.” He added. She smiled kissing him as a thank you. “That’s not him taking your side, that’s him being greedy.” Seth said.
“Hey, greedy is a strong word for it. I just wanna have fun again.” He smirked softly putting his hand around Y/Ns neck making her bite her lip. “Come on guys it would be fun. And plus it’s been a week. We haven gotten any from our doses of babygirl.” He kissed her cheek making her giggle. “Well if she wants to, make sure she eats and she’s hydrated.” Roman said giving her a forehead kiss. Y/N was excited and she went over and kissed Seth on the cheek running back upstairs.
“Guys, are you sure?” Seth said watching her go upstairs, watching her ass more. “Let the little rabbit go. Come on let’s go prepare ourselves.” Dean smirks and pats Roman’s back heading to the shack. Seth was a bit worried but no turning back now.
7:29pm // Evening // Storming
She stood in the middle of the living room ready for the text. She was required to wear only an oversized shirt. That’s it. She saw the text come in comforting her nerves.
Dean: We love you Angel. No need to be scared. And remember if your found we get to eat.
She blushed at the thought of her boys having their way with her. Using her as a cock sleeve.
Roman: Babygirl, please remember not to make it so easy for us. Love you beautiful.
Roman always seemed like a hot head but he was a teddy bear too. Only you saw it.
Seth: I’m still unsure about this but it’s too late. If I catch you. You better hope in I’m the mood for mercy baby.
And Seth. You could say a lot about him but all you could do right now is hide. It is 7:30pm. You have to survive. The signal in the house went dim and all you can do is hide under the stairs. You open the door under the stairs to hide there in that little compartment. You watch from a small hole,watching all three of your boys enter the living room. “Ok she left quick.” Dean smelled the air groaning. “She didn’t put any body spray on.” “That’s ain’t what you suppose to be smelling anyway.” Roman smirked. Y/N looked and she can tell they were all horny. Dean looked around rubbing his crouch as his dick was hard. Needing attention. Same for Seth and Roman. “Come on Buttercup, where are you?” Roman asked sitting on the stairs. Y/N backed up some going through the escape tunnel, she’s not suppose to go outside since it’s raining but she needed a faster way back in the house.
She opened the small escape for and closed it slowly, the rain started hit hard and she went in the next window. She was in Seth’s room. She sigh fixing her hair and looking around for an escape. She peeked seeing a shadow and bit her lip scared a bit. The shadow went away and she opened the door running to another part of the house. She hid in the game room hiding behind the arcade cabinet.
Dean busted in looking around thinking he heard something. “Princess come on to Daddy, it’s not gonna be as bad with me.” That’s a full lie. She kept quiet as he was right there. Controlling her breathing. He was getting closer to her. “Baby girl~” Shes was about to give up, until. “Dean! She was in my room!” Seth spoke out, you forgot to close the window back. Dean ran out the game room turning off the light. She went back to regular being blushing and getting so aroused she didn’t know what to do. She got her mind together, she didn’t wanna get caught in the first hour. She wanted them to work for it.
She got out the arcade room as the coast was clear. She saw the laundry room and hid by the dryer next, this was easy. I mean there’s no time limit or anything the last person she honest doesn’t wanna be caught by is Seth. But as soon as she thought on that, she heard a window tap. She looked up and the lighting flash like a horror movie. Roman was right outside looking dead at her, licking his lips. Ok, she retracts that statement, last person she wants to get caught by is him. She gulped and she ran for her life. She got to the kitchen hiding in the pantry.
Why was she so turned on from that horrific scene? She sighed out moaning rubbing herself some panting. But ended it quick when she saw Seth near the kitchen, peeking through the door she blushed as he looked around for you. “You know if I find you, I’m gonna have so much fun. Imma fill every hole on your slut body. Starting with your smart mouth, then that slut cunt of yours, then that tight ass.” He growled tapping the counter. She started to rub herself again not able to contain herself. Seth smelled her arousal knowing she’s close. “Baby your doing better than last time and I’m very proud of you.” He smiled evilly. She whimpered and his head shot to the pantry. He sighed and he looked away not wanting the chase to end. “You got 10 seconds.” He granted and she zoomed out the kitchen. “10…5…” he smirked and he whistled to get the boys together. She was slightly panicked but she kept her cool and tried to find another spot she looked around once more and she laid in the tub, slowly pulling the certain.
“Wow you had her now we have to find the little rabbit again.” Dean sighed irritated. His hard on was starting to hurt. He needed her. Roman was getting to that point to. Seth pointed the way she went, he knows what he did. He smirked going up stairs to see where she went. Dean and Roman went the same way he pointed, like rabbit dogs finding their food. It made her blush as those men were so obsessed with her, it was such a turn on. She had to be quiet, but they sounded closer. She was getting excited. Let them find her. The door busted open, it got silent. The shower curtain was pulled back. Game over. She peeked seeing it was Seth again. She was confused, wasn’t Roman and Dean close. “Come on.” He smirked and picked her up over the shoulder. She couldn’t move, she was caught. And at the end of the hall way, was a very hungry Roman and Dean. “Little Rabbit we finally found you~” Roman said in a low voice. Dean just smiled with lust dark in his eyes. Oh, she’s dead.
“Let’s have fun with our kill boys.”
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claymorexpunisher · 8 months
BFB (18+ One-Shot)
DISCLAIMER: This is NSFW. If that's not your thing, keep scrolling. I try to tag my work appropriately, so if you choose to click on my work regardless, use your own discretion. Thank you for the love always and enjoy!✨
Pairing(s): Seth Rollins/Fem. Reader
Summary: Reader comes over while Seth's sister-reader's bff- isn't home.
Tags/TWs: Best friend's brother, reader is in her 20s, consensual sex, doggy style, hint of exhibitionism, biting (if you blink)
Word Count: 446
My best friend had an older brother named Seth who was so gorgeous, it was unfair.
But luckily for me, I didn’t have to try too hard before we started sneaking and fooling around while his sister-my best friend- wasn’t around.
They lived together so almost every day, I’d come over earlier than expected, knowing my bestie wasn’t home and we’d take advantage of the time we had left before she’d come back from work.
Did we feel bad about lying to my best friend? Sure.
Were we going to stop any time soon? Fuck no.
It was way too fun to sneak around and the potential risk of getting caught- though we took careful measures not to- was too much of a turn-on to pass up…
My fingers clenched the sheets of Seth’s bed, my body bouncing up and down with every thrust, as his facial hair burned deliciously between my shoulder blades and his lips dragged against my skin.
I groaned and clenched my eyes shut in pleasure as Seth’s teeth then ever so softly sunk into the skin of my shoulder, muffling a groan of his own.
With his body draped against mine I felt every moment he made as if it were my own.
Here in this room, I wasn’t just his sister’s best friend.
I was his.
“Holy shit, this never gets old. Jesus, babe….” Seth murmured in my ear; his words were completely drunk with lust.
“It really doesn’t,” I groaned, letting my forehead fall against the soft olive-green sheets. My voice read with exhaustion, but my hips met his slow rhythm.
“We have to hurry, though…” I whined, my hips picking up speed.
I didn’t know if I was rushing just to get mine or because I was truly worried that Seth’s sister would come home and find us wrapped up in each other like this.
But Seth wasn’t entertaining that.
“Or what? Its not like my sister and I just barge into each other’s rooms.” Seth whispered, his breath coming out in small puffs against my skin.
I shook my head adamantly.
“But my car’s in the driveway, she’s gonna think that’s weird-“
“The only thing you should be thinking about right is how good I’m making you feel. Not my sister, not anyone else. Me. Do you understand me?”
Seth shut me up real quick with a firm hand at the small of my back and a different angle of his hips, making me see a smattering of stars behind my eyes and he quickly made me forget anything and everything else around us that wasn’t our bodies or the pleasure we were giving each other…
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dirtywresling102 · 2 years
Facetime Sex - Seth Rollins (18+)
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Seth Rollins x Melanie 
Commission: @thepalaceofmelanie
Summary: Melanie sexting Rollins while he's touring which leads to something hotter.
Warnings: 18+ Blog, Minors DNI, Sexting, Foul Language, Sexting in public, Facetiming while masturbating, Vibrator, Daddy!Kink
Word Count: 1,862 
Follow my main blog!: @dirtywrestling
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‘You make my cock so fucking hard.’
 ‘Daddy can’t wait to thrust inside of your tight pussy, baby.’
‘You’re such a good girl for me, baby.’
“Dude, are we going to hang out or are you just going to stare at your phone the whole time?” My friend Emily asked. 
Looking up, my face was flushed from the text messages my boyfriend, Seth sent me. It was hard dating a famous wrestler who was on the road almost all year round. “Right, sorry.” I apologized, placing my phone downwards on the table next to my plate, just in case any more saucy text messages appeared on my screen I didn’t want my best friend seeing any of them. “Anyways, how are the college classes coming along?” 
Before she could answer, my phone vibrated loudly against the wooden table. “I’m sorry, that’s my boyfriend.” 
“You say you have a boyfriend but I haven’t met him yet.” Emily arched her eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest, leaning back into her chair 
“Well, he's a busy guy.” I shrugged, grabbing my phone and looking at all of the messages that appeared on my phone in less than sixty seconds. 
‘Why aren’t you answering daddy?’
‘You’re being a bad girl, young lady.’
‘Just you wait until I’m home.’
I couldn’t help but to smirk, knowing he was stuck in a car, driving to another city for a house show with a massive erection. 
My thumb quickly swiped over the keyboard. ‘Baby, I told you I was going to hangout with a friend from high school today, I can sext you all you want when I get back home.’
“Fine, never let me meet this mysterious man.” Emily spoke in a teasing manner, sipping on her tea. 
“In time, you’ll meet him, Em.” I smiled at her nickname I had given to her since we were children.
‘Alright baby girl, let me know when you get home.’ Seth sent another text.
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The day dragged by, finishing lunch with Emily, I ran a few errands around town. Putting gas in my car, buying a few canned goods and items needed for around the house. 
Sitting down in my favorite cushioned chair, I had a lowly lit light above me as I read my murder mystery novel that Seth got me a couple of months ago when he was on the road. My phone vibrates violently next to me. Finishing the paragraph I was on, I looked over to see Seth’s face appear on my screen along with his cute nickname. 
‘Cutie Bear would like to facetime.’ 
Swiping the button to the right I smiled. “Hi baby.” 
“Get to the bedroom and undress for daddy.” Seth’s gruff voice demanded through the speakers. 
My whole body broke out in goosebumps, my pussy throbbed immediatly at his command. Closing my book, (not even marking where I was at) I placed it on the coffee table. Getting up from my spot I rushed towards the bedroom, my hand having a tight grip on my phone, just in case I dropped it. 
Turning on the light, I looked at Seth on the screen, his hair was messy from his match that he had earlier. His clothes were off, possibly somewhere on the floor and his cock was in the palm of his hand. “Undress for me.” He growled once again, growing impatient.
Blushing, I opened my popsocket and propped my phone on the dresser, leaning against the TV. I stepped back so I was now in full view in front of the camer. I wasn’t wearing the sexiest outfit, kicking off my pink slippers, I hooked my thumbs into the hem of my pajama pants that had cats on pizzas all over them, swaying my hips I slid them down my smooth legs. 
Seth grunted lowly, the grip on his cock tightened a bit and slowly stroked himself slower. “Now the shirt.”
Folding the still clean pajama pants I placed them on the dresser, knowing I was going to wear them after this. Slowly pulling the shirt over my head, the soft fabric rubbed up against my hardening nipples, a soft moan escaped from my lips. Tossing the shirt towards my bottoms, this time not caring if they’re folded, I stood there in a black laced thong. “Now the thong.” Seth groaned, his hips bucking upwards into his touch. 
“You mean this little thing?” I hooked the waistband of the thong with my thumb, stretching it and snapping it back. 
“I swear to god, Melanie.” A growl rumbled from his throat, his eyes dark and full of lust. He was in no mood for games tonight. 
“Or else what?” I giggled. “You’re hundreds of miles away from me.” I said while playing with the thin string that hugged my waist. 
“You won’t like the punishment I’ll give you when I get home.” Yes, Seth was hundreds of miles away but you and him both knew he was going to be home any day now.
“And what would that be?” I hummed, curious about what he had in mind.
“I won’t let you come for days.” 
I gulped, curiosity indeed killed the cat. “Okay, okay.” I pouted, slowly slipping the tight panties off of my waist I tossed them towards the dirty laundry. 
Standing there bare, Seth gripped the base of his cock, admiring my body through the phone. “That’s what daddy likes to see.” He licked his dry lips. “Now, get your toy and get on the bed, baby.” 
Nodding, I walked around to my side of the bed, pulling my nightstand drawer out. I grabbed my  favorite vibrator, untwisting the end I placed batteries inside and screwed it back in. Walking back to the dresser I grabbed my phone and headed towards my bed, lying on my back. I placed my phone at the foot of the bed, the screen facing me. “Spread those legs for me.” Seth moaned, he spit in his hand to create more lube for himself. Wrapping his spit covered hand around his cock once more his eyes never left the phone, following my movements.
Spreading my legs, I saw how creamy my pussy was through the camera. “Oh Melanie, you’re so wet. Who made you this wet, little girl?” Seth purred, I watched as his hand stroked his cock. Up and down, up and down. Slowly repeating his movements.
“Y- You.” I gushed, my pussy quivered at how deep his voice was. “C- Can I turn on my toy now?” 
Seth let out a husky chuckle. “Of course you can, baby. Please yourself for me.” 
Placing the tip of my pink vibrator against my clit I clicked the on button, a flow of vibrations buzzed against my sensitive bud. My heels dug into the mattress, arching my back, I let out a soft whine. Sliding the vibrating machine up and down my wet slit, I exhaled a shaky breath. 
“Put it in.” Seth demanded with greed dripping off with every word. 
My eyes fluttered shut, the buzzing sensation tingling my wet lips, electricity ran up my spine. I was in such pleasure that I didn’t even hear Seth speak.
“I said, put it in.” Seth’s voice rasped out, his strokes going faster. 
With a flick of my wrist and spreading my legs slightly more, I pushed the tip of the toy into my entrance. Mewling as I pushed the vibrator deeper into my tight channel. “Ah fuck, Seth!” I wailed out, my free hand gripping the comforter beneath me. 
“Fuck Melanie, moan my name.” Seth heavily breathed as the sounds of his wet cock grew sloppier with each stroke.
My attention went to my phone screen, I saw myself in the top right corner, playing with my dripping cunt. Seth squeezed the base of his cock, fisting his member faster. “Fuck, I miss your pussy.” Seth slurred, tossing his head back moaning. 
I watched Seth’s godlike body react to his movements. He was so perfect, clean and groomed along with being fit and athletic thanks to crossfit and wrestling. 
My eyes rolled back as the pleasure was too much. My toes curled while my legs started to shake as I came closer to my orgasm. “Seth.” I panted out, trying to catch my breath. “I’m going to come.” I warned him. 
“Me too baby.” Seth growled lowly, his mushroom like head throbbed. 
A pornagraphic moan left my lips, my back arched off of the mattress as I thrust the vibrator in and out of my soaking cunt. It was slightly hard to push back in since my walls were gripping the toy tighter with each impulse. 
“Yeah baby, so fucking deep in that tight pussy.” Seth moaned. “Fuck, I wish that was my cock in you.” 
“So tight.” You moaned out teasingly. “This is your pussy, baby.”
“You’re damn right.” Seth snarled, his eyes glued to his phone screen. “Come for me baby, come all over your toy.” 
My heart hammered against my chest, beads of sweat were covering my forehead and breasts. “Y- Yes, fuck yes. Seth!” I screamed out his name as I reached my orgasm. My pussy tightening around the vibrating silicone sex toy. My whole body shook, I couldn’t control myself. 
“Fuck yes, Melanie.” Seth nearly roared out. String of come gushed out of his cock, he also had no control of his body. “Gah, fuck, Melanie.” He moaned, squeezing his cock tighter, milking the rest of his semen out of his thickness. 
We both laid in our come, catching our breaths, calming down our rapid heart beats. “I miss you.” I was the one who spoke first. 
“I know baby, I miss you too.” Seth sighed. “Couple more weeks and I’ll see you.” 
“It’s so far.” I pouted. 
“I know- god damn it.” Seth abruptly exclaimed.
“What?” I asked him in a worried tone, slightly sitting up.
“I accidently came on my phone.” Seth blushed, getting up and grabbing a dirty shirt, whipping his fluids off of his lower abdomen. “I’ll take you out to a nice restaurant and we can enjoy the time we have together.” 
“Before you go back on the road.” 
“Melanie, you know this life is tough.” 
“I know.” I grumbled, slowly pulling the vibrator out of my wet pussy, I whimpered loudly. My come oozed out of my fucked pussy. “I just want you to be home already.” 
“I know baby, just keep focus on college and I’ll be home before you know it. Now, I’ll call you tomorrow, I have to clean off my phone.” Seth chuckled lowly but also embarrassed. “I love you, Melanie. Sleep tight.”
“I love you too.” 
Seth then ended the call, leaving me alone in my room, lying in my juices. After a few moments of silence I rolled over onto Seth’s side of the bed, burying my face into his pillow I inhaled his scent. Even though he hasn’t slept in the bed for months and the sheets were freshly clean his scent never left. My body instantly became needy again, grabbing the vibrator I clicked on and had another round, sniffing Seth’s pillow and thinking about him.
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dirtywrestling · 1 month
He Doesn't Deserve You - Part 3 (18+)
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Pairing: Seth Rollins x Female!Reader
Warnings: Smut, Wet Dream, NSFW, Scared!Reader, Worried!Reader, Traveling, Meeting Fans, Scary boss Stephanie McMahon, Stories about other superstars (They are actually true, so might be a trigger/shocking to you?) 18+ blog. I think that’s about it! hot shower smut, Minors DNI
Word Count:  1,771
Parts: One / Two / Four
Follow My Backup Blog!: @dirtywresling102
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You grabbed onto the door handle, taking a deep breathe, knowing what was going to happen. Were you getting fired for having your personal life interfere with business? Possibly hitting Finn Balor like that would get you fired too, but he deserved it. You slowly turned the knob and opened the door, seeing Stephanie McMahon the one who runs Raw with her right hand man, Mick Foley.
“Y/n, sit.” Stephanie demanded, eyeing the chair across the desk. Swallowing hard you pulled up a seat across the two who work very hard to keep Raw’s rating up and entertaining.
“Y/n, do you know why we called you into our office?” Stephanie questioned, folding her arms and giving you a cold look.
“Because I uh, I attacked Finn?” You asked, fiddling your fingers. You were nervous, you worked too hard to get where you were at today and now it’s  all in the trash because a boy and a very stupid mistake. Your mother was right, men are no good.
“Yes, I don’t like it when my soon to be star of the roaster gets attacked by a jealous ex.” Stephanie growled out lowly. You couldn’t help but to frown.
“But Stephanie, Finn and I never dated. I… I.” You inhaled a breath and exhaled slowly. “I cheated on Seth with Finn.” You mumbled shamefully. You didn’t want to confess it to your boss, you didn’t want any more people knowing but somehow the whole roaster found out and so did the Wwe Universe. “Am I… Am I getting fired?” You squealed, forcing the words out as your throat was tightening up. You felt like you wanted to cry, your heart was pounding as you got cold sweats. “I didn’t mean for any of this, I didn’t mean to hurt Seth, I didn’t mean to offend this company, I didn’t mean to offend you two.” You explained, fresh tears streaming down your cheeks. You quickly wiped them, it was already bad enough that you were showing how weak you were, but at least they didn’t think you were some cold-hearted bitch.
“Y/n,” Mick began. “everyone in the roaster makes mistakes, Randy Orton was the youngest to hold the heavyweight championship, he let the power go to his head. He used drugs and cheated on his wife with many women while traveling, but with a little help he got back on the right track. Nikki Bella got breast implants and I know sometimes she regrets it. There’s so many mistakes everyone has made, I think I’ve listed enough since some are very private, like Mr. Orton’s story but it’s true. You just need a fresh start.” Mick explained, you knew he was a kind hearted man but you didn’t know where he was going with this.
“So, I’m not getting fired?” You asked, letting out breath. You quickly frowned. “I’m going to TNA, aren’t I?” You despised TNA, the company was sketchy as fuck and it didn’t help that they were kicked off the air and now have to film their events then publish it on the internet to keep ‘ratings’.
Stephanie couldn’t help but to laugh. “No, we would never send one of our superstars over there without their permission. We talked to my brother and Daniel about you transferring over to SmackDown. We were going to suspend you for a little while but my brother begged us to have you go on his show.” Stephanie shrugged, she didn’t know what her brother’s plans were for you and neither did Mick.
“So, I’m being transferred over to Smackdown?” You asked wanting to make sure if you heard everything right.
Stephanie nodded, her hands together. “This is your second chance, don’t mess this up or you will be fired.” Stephanie warned.
You nodded graciously, “Thank you, thank you for this second chance.”
“Don’t thank me, thank my brother.” She said. “Safe travels, they’re in Florida. They’ll be in North Carolina next week. Shane wants you to be there ready for the show.” Stephanie informed. You nodded at the new information and left with it.
You ignored people and their glares towards you, you quickly went to the women’s locker room, changing into your street clothes and leaving for North Carolina.
“Seth.” You giggled softly as he kissed your shoulder, his hands on your waist and started to rub up your body. “I’m trying to take a shower.” You squirmed in his grip as he made his way up your neck, kissing behind your ear. He knew just the right places that made you melt. His free hand came up to your wet breast, cupping it. You arched your back, pressing your bum up against his hardening cock.
“Fucking hell, y/n.” Seth moaned lowly, his right hand slowly running down your body and rubbing your clit in slow circles. Turning you around so now the warm water was hitting your back. He pulled you into a kiss. “Happy Valentines’ day baby, I love you so much.” He mumbled against your lips. “Come on, let’s take this to the bedroom.” He purred, his hands going down your wet body and gripping your ass. You couldn’t help but to giggle and kiss him once more but quickly pulled away, teasing him.
You quickly woke up, panting. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes and trying to get your vision to focus. It was only a dream, you sighed heavily and popped your back. The back seats of the rental car was very uncomfortable. Since you didn’t make much money like the other wrestlers like Seth, Finn, Sasha and more you couldn’t afford to get a hotel every night, so were at a rest stop in North Carolina, you were close to arena where Smack Down was going to be taken place at. Looking around it was still dark, you grabbed your phone to see notifications from twitter, Instagram and a few texts messages from family. 5:37 am it read on top of your screen. The  sun was about to rise any minute. You grunted as you climbed out of the back seat of the car, sighing heavily as your panties were drenched. “Stupid emotions, stupid dream, stupid Seth.” You mumbled, you hated how you were so attracted to the man, but your heart couldn’t help it. He was your first serious relationship. Sighing you placed your bare feet on the cold concrete. You stretched your arms, letting out a tired moan. Rolling your shoulders, popping them and sighed out in relief. They weren’t wrong in NXT, how wrestling would damage your body.
You went to the back of the car, opening up the trunk and grabbed your things. You quickly brushed your teeth and put on your shoes. You changed your shirt but left your sweats on. You didn’t mind changing out in public, you had a bra on so it was okay,  you wrestled half naked for crying out loud. You ran your fingers through your h/c hair and sighed. Getting into your car and letting it run for a little bit. Soft music played out of the speakers, grabbing your phone you scrolled through the messages, lots of hate mail from fans about the whole Seth and Finn drama. You couldn’t believe that this was still going on, you just wish that it went away.
You checked your text messages and smiled softly to see you got one from your mom. ‘Hey honey, just checking in. I know you’re busy travel and all but you hardly check in anymore! I hope you are okay, kisses to you and Seth!’ She sent a kissy face emoji after. You frowned when you read the last part of the text. Kisses to you and Seth. Man, you really haven’t checked in lately to tell her the news about Seth. You bit your lip, debating if you should text her back or not. ‘She’s your mother, you better reply.’ Your subconscious was screaming out. You sighed, resting your head on the steering wheel, you didn’t know what to say.
‘Hey mom, sorry I’ve been busy. You know how this company is, work, work, work. I’m about to hit the road again, I’ll call you when I get to the hotel tonight. Love you.’ You hit three red heart emoji’s and clicked send. You put the car in drive and exit out of the resting area and hit the highway.
You were exhausted and tired of sitting in the car for hours to get to your destination. Waddling out of a gas station with a cup of coffee in your hand, it wasn’t no Starbucks, but it’ll do.”Is that.. Oh my god, it is!” You jumped to hear someone screaming. You looked over to see two teenagers running towards you. “Y/n, y/n! Could my sister and I have a picture and a autograph?” The boy asked.
The older sister elbowed her brother in the ribs. “Dude, be cool.” She mumbled. The boy smiled weakly with a sharpie out, his hand shaking.
You smiled softly at the two siblings. “Well sure thing.” You said, you were happy to have fans like this still. The boy handed his phone to his sister and posed next to you, you kissed is cheek. You could feel his face heat up at your actions. “Me next!” The sister squealed. She handed her brother her phone and quickly hugged you, her brother snapped a picture and the girl pulled away. “Thank you so much, my brother and I big fans.” She smiled widely.
“Thank you, I’m glad I still have super fans like you two.”
“Is it because of the whole Seth Rollins and Finn Balor thing?” The brother blurted out. He soon grunted as his sister punched him hard in the shoulder. You frowned and sighed out heavily.
“Yeah, yeah that’s why.” You mumbled. “Listen, I have to go. I hope to see you guys at the show tonight.” You waved, walking towards your car.
“Hey, Y/n?” The girl called out, you stopped in your tracks and turned your head. “Thing’s will get better, I just know it.” She smiled widely, you couldn’t help but to smile too.
“I sure do hope so, kid.” You said.
“Austin, Emma. We’re leaving!” A girl that was a little bit older than the two called out, must have been there sister.
“Bye, Y/n!” The two yelled and rushed towards the car. You walked towards your black SUV and sat in the driver’s seat. Maybe this transfer to Smack Down was good for you, what’s the worst that can happen?
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Tags: @laziestgirlintheworld
People whom commented on the last chapters, I thought that you’d like to be tagged as well since you guys liked it a lot: @geekyqueen @queenreignsempire @alexahood21 @sarrahcha @gothicninibalor @janayawashington @xxmaddhatter39xx @sebastianandstyles @fandom-preferences-imagines @02queenk @x-fallen-x-devil-x @littledeadrottinghood @racheo91 @baleesi @m-a-t-91 @abominablestrowman279 @pjanina13 @royal5231 @the-geekgoddes @vexingfelon @vebner37 @alexispoo @laviemari 
Note: This story is remastered, I'm thinking about touching it up and continuing it again? Not totally sure though!
Seth Rollins' Masterlist
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