hoerbahnblog · 1 year
Reportage: Winterkinderfest - Kinderbuchautorinnen lesen aus ihren Bilder- und Kinderbüchern (Verena Wagner).
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Reportage: Winterkinderfest – Kinderbuchautorinnen lesen aus ihren Bilder- und Kinderbüchern (Verena Wagner). Outdoor- und Familienblog “Mamirocks” Lesung: (Hördauer ca. 26 Minuten): https://literaturradiohoerbahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Reportage-Winterfest-Wagner-Verena-Lesung-upload.mp3 Interview: (Hördauer ca. 34…
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tobyislame · 8 months
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this has nthing 2 do wiht n e thing but guys look how fucking pretty the sky was on my drive home
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tamtam-go92 · 6 days
3rd Semester (Wednesday)
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Honestly, Kyle was devastated that Dana didn't graduate with him. But tradition demanded of him, that he'd throw a graduation party nonetheless. Dana and him agreed, that he would already go house hunting (not that their budget was that high. And none of them had a job post graduation in their sleeve).
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The party was just as bad as Kyle and Dana's moods. Only Kyle's professors and some more elderly people they met over the last year showed up, and the (uninvited) cow mascot threw a ruckus as always.
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He was sad to leave Dana and the campus behind, but here he was, a full-grown adult, ready to start his life in the real world.
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The Cow-mascot became a regular guest. Dana felt a little lonely without Kyle, but she never tried something funny.
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She DID try to save her degree, but studying was just so boring!!!
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And sooner rather than later, she found herself back in front of a SSX3 game...
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And so Dana managed to get expelled in her last semester. The skill points she was missing were just too much to catch up for her, especially without Kyle's help.
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Meanwhile, Kyle had taken all of their savings and had brought a house in Mountainside Valley. It was a nice little house in a nice little community, and hopefully him and Dana would fit in. The house needed some renovations, but those would have to wait until him and Dana both made some money.
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To save money, Kyle was ready to skip a meal and send in every solving of the daily cross word puzzle.
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The neighbors were super nice and charming. Mrs. Shaer lived with her husband and three kids down the road, and Miss Rhein lived with her mother and two sisters one road further.
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While he needed to save money, Kyle felt like he needed to invite the ladies for lunch in. Nadia: You know, when you need help with the renovations, my husband Amin is quite the good handy man, he could help you for sure. Kyle: That's very nice of you, Mrs. Shaer. But I don't know when my girlfriend and I will find the money to renovate the house. It depends on the job market. Sheila: Well, that could be hard if you're solely looking around town. Which fields would you like to work in? Kyle: I would like to go into adventure. And Dana... To be honest, she's not set on one career track yet. Still has to master her degree.
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They had a nice afternoon before the ladies left again.
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Kyle still had no idea that Dana was flunking out on university. He just enjoyed their new home and dreamed about their life together in Mountainside Valley.
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arablit · 28 days
Announcing the Launch of our Spring 2024 Issue, with Majalla 28: 'Gaza! Gaza! Gaza!'
Copies of ArabLit Quarterly’s Spring 2024 issue are available for sale through our Gumroad store, at Amazon, and in select bookshops. As always, if you need a free e-copy, email us at [email protected]. All profits from this magazine go to our Gaza partners at Majalla 28. Also: Look for more about a launch event on Saturday, May 18, 2024. Mohammed and Mahmoud will be there if at all possible. In…
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lukeyboygames92 · 4 months
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aya5555 · 6 months
فستان غادة عبد الرازق يو سبب في اثارة جدل عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي | هادي"
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anyab · 6 months
الصحفي عماد زقوت لقناة الجزيرة:
◼️شهيدان وعشرات الإصابات في استهداف الاحتلال البوابة الشمالية لمستشفى كمال عدوان شمال غزة.
◼️ الاحتلال هدد بتكرار قصف مستشفى كمال عدوان خلال اتصال هاتفي مع إدارة المستشفى وطالب بإخلائه.
◼️ 10 آلاف مواطن نزح إلى المستشفى جراء القصف العنيف في محيط المستشفى.
Journalist Imad Zaqout to Al Jazeera:
◼️Two martyrs and dozens of injuries as the occupation targeted the northern gate of Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza.
◼️ The occupation threatened to repeatedly bomb Kamal Adwan Hospital during a phone call with the hospital administration and demanded its evacuation.
◼️ 10 thousand citizens were displaced to the hospital as a result of the violent bombing in the vicinity of the hospital.
via Anas AlSharif (a journalist in Gaza) telegram channel
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hoerbahnblog · 1 year
Reportage: Winterkinderfest - Kinderbuchautorinnen lesen aus ihren Bilder- und Kinderbüchern (Katharina Müller)
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Reportage: Winterkinderfest – Kinderbuchautorinnen lesen aus ihren Bilder- und Kinderbüchern (Katharina Müller). Käthes WUNDERsame Reise ins Herz Lesung : (Hördauer ca. 14 Minuten): https://literaturradiohoerbahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Reportage-Lesung-Meyer-Fritsch-mix.mp3 Winterfest im Shaere Am 10. Dezember 2022 fand im Shaere Neuperlach das…
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necr0marker · 1 year
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monstersandmaw · 2 years
Oh oh oh👚Lasza and Shaer!!!! The two loves of my lives
Lasza is a fancy orc who likes his snappy suits for sure, but he also enjoys wearing horrible cargo shorts and muscle shirts down at the lake house...
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Shaer is hard to figure out because of his wings and his digitigrade leggies and his tail, but this is a good idea of his armour I think
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chaoticcandies1 · 2 years
thanks tumblr?
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hoodchecker · 2 years
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The Shaer Family
“The Shaer's just moved to town after a very long plane ride. Now it's time for them to settle in. Are they going to make a home out of this place? Will Layla and Sarah fit in among their new colleagues at school? Can Nadia finally sit down and rest her feet?”
Family members from left to right:
Amin Shaer
Age: Adult
Lifestate: Human
Aspiration: Knowledge
Secondary Aspiration: None
Lifetime Want: Become Media Magnate
Turn Ons: Black Hair, Good at Cleaning
Turn Off: Makeup
Personality: 5/3/7/3/7
OTH: Tinkering
Career: Science, Test Subject, level 1
“Amin and his family moved to Mountainside Valley, seeking a better quality life. He wants to make sure everything is well. He tends to make choices rapidly which could end up badly.”
Adil Shaer
Age: Toddler
Lifestate: Human
Aspiration: Grow Up
Secondary Aspiration: None
Personality: 2/3/9/7/4
OTH: Sports
“Adil; the only person that never suffered from the aftermath of this move. Talk about the right timing!”
Nadia Shaer
Age: Adult
Lifestate: Human
Aspiration: Family
Secondary Aspiration: None
Lifetime Want: Have 6 Grandchildren
Turn Ons: Glasses, Logical
Turn Off: Blonde Hair
Personality: 9/2/6/3/5
OTH: Science
Career: None
“Nadia wasn't quite sure about this move, she loves her family and husband and is willing to take any chances that could definitely provide the best living standards. She's tired and refuses to move again. It's time to focus on other things: her career life, perhaps?”
Layla Shaer
Age: Teen
Lifestate: Human
Aspiration: Popularity
Secondary Aspiration: None
Lifetime Want: Own 5 Top-Level Businesses
Turn Ons: Swim Wear, Glasses
Turn Off: Cologne
Personality: 4/10/4/4/3
OTH: Music
Career: None
“Layla felt her life came to an end when her parents decided it was best to move. She misses her old friends since she doesn't know anyone here. Maybe it's time for her to explore the town rather than stay at home and complain?”
Sarah Shaer
Age: Child
Lifestate: Human
Aspiration: Grow Up
Secondary Aspiration: None
Personality: 5/8/6/3/3
OTH: Music
“Sarah never got the chance to settle well into her old school before her family moved to this new place. Hopefully this is where they're going to stay for good!”
Funds: $648
Owned Businesses: None
Storytelling Album: Yes
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1spooky-dad · 2 years
The xe/xem pronoun group is actually so cool tho cause depending on what language you speak it could could so different like
X in Spanish makes a kind of 'hua' sound. Xe becomes huae.
In Chinese, X is 'sha' i believe (i am not well versed in Chinese, sorry). Xe becomes shae
Then the English, of course, the x sound is kinda like ckss. So Xe becomes cksse that i believe most people use. Personally, the English X has always given me a headache and just trying to write out how it sounds phonetically made my head hurt. Sorry.
Like, i think this is so cool and I've been playing around with creating characters who all use xe/xem pronouns, but are from different parts of the world, so in verbal conversation you'd never know they have the "same" pronouns
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fallahifag · 4 months
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Repost of Instagram post by alessandra_sanguinetti:
“In 2004 I worked as an intern in Newsweek and had to go through the wires coming in from the Middle East.
The Iraq war was raging. Israel was committing its routine violations and killings.
The images were devastating and unequivocally condemning of both the USA and Israel, but I remember the editors would reject all my picks and demand images of burnt cars or vague images of destruction.
So I brought a hard drive and collected everything they didn't publish.
It was my first live glimpse of the lack of ethics or integrity in most US media.
Not the journalists on the ground, but of the senior editors making the calls - in their self important glass cubicles.
And no, to the cynics out there..it's not all too complicated to discuss on social media.
Social media is the only reason we know what's happening in Palestine.
And the only reason mainstream news has to keep up and sprinkle some actual news now and then.
Meanwhile we are seeing much less footage coming out of Gaza - Israel has been killing off all the journalists.
This is terrifying.”
Photo credits: Nasser Ishtayeh, Yossi Alon, Saif Dahlah, Jaafar Ashtiyeh, Musa Al-Shaer, Abed Onar Qusini
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marcogiovenale · 25 days
'arablit': new issue available soon
Launching soon, special double issue in collaboration with Majalla 28, co-edited by Mohammed Zaqzooq and Mahmoud al-Shaer, w/contributions from more than 20 writers in Gaza, + classic works, art, fiction, & poetry centering Gaza. All profit from sales+ads go to our Gaza partners cliccare per ingrandire https://twitter.com/arablit/status/1787209350605320500/ _
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chantireviews · 3 months
THE GHOST In The GARDEN by Alisse Lee Goldenberg - Mystery, Young Adult, Paranormal
  In Alisse Goldberg’s engaging young adult mystery, The Ghost in the Garden, a curious 11-year-old must face the challenges of moving to a new city, losing old friends, making new ones, and encountering historic specters in her new home. Sophie Madison seems none too happy about her recent move from the bustling city of Calgary, Ablerta to the smaller, quieter landscape of Stratford, Ontario.…
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