#Katharina Müller
kikihesterkamp · 9 months
„Helen, du könntest für die Wahlrechtskampagne arbeiten!“
„Für deine Mrs Pankhurst? Nein, danke.“, sagte Helen scharf.
„Aber Helen…“
„Das ist nichts für mich“, sie schüttelte energisch den Kopf. „Die Leute von der Wahlrechtskampagne oben im Norden sind ganz schön sauer auf euch. Die sind seit Jahren dabei, vernünftige Beziehungen zu Politikern und Organisationen aufzubauen, und ihr macht mit eurem Steineschmeißen und dem ganzen militanten Zeug alles kaputt, was wir aufgebaut haben. Sich ans Parlament anketten, was für ein Unsinn!“
„Aber Helen, so ist das nicht! Die Pankhursts haben genau wie ihr jahrelang ‚vernünftig‘ argumentiert, es hat aber niemand zugehört…“
(aus „Rosie und die Suffragetten“ von Katharina Müller)
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hoerbahnblog · 1 year
Reportage: Winterkinderfest - Kinderbuchautorinnen lesen aus ihren Bilder- und Kinderbüchern (Verena Wagner).
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Reportage: Winterkinderfest – Kinderbuchautorinnen lesen aus ihren Bilder- und Kinderbüchern (Verena Wagner). Outdoor- und Familienblog “Mamirocks” Lesung: (Hördauer ca. 26 Minuten): https://literaturradiohoerbahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Reportage-Winterfest-Wagner-Verena-Lesung-upload.mp3 Interview: (Hördauer ca. 34…
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probayern · 1 year
thomas goal while i'm in the stadium. i can die happy now
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genevieveetguy · 2 years
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The Second Awakening of Christa Klages (Das zweite Erwachen der Christa Klages), Margarethe von Trotta (1978)
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rwpohl · 22 days
die gläserne zelle, hans w. geißendörfer 1978
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joaquimblog · 1 year
Marta Mödl (Isolde) i Ramon Vinay (Tristan) Bayreuth 1952 Apassionant recerca de l’òpera que més em trasbalsa, no només de Wagner, de tota la història (fins ara). Totes les propostes m’han semblat estimulants, la gèlida de Marthaler i fins i tot la de Katharina Wagner que va ser un sonat fracàs, però segurament la visualització del vídeo que he incorporat juntament amb la producció de Wieland de…
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yawnderu · 7 months
📂Military Personnel Profile — Stray
File #28907
Name: Katharina Müller 
Citizenship: Austria
Status: Active
KorTac (Former)
Task Force 141
Katharina, callsign ''Stray'' is protected by a redacted past. Little to nothing is known about her early life, remaining a mystery even to those who get their hands on her file.
After volunteering for the Austrian army at an early age, she successfully completed training with the ISTC Sniper Branch, remaining the first female to complete the course.
In 2022, her affiliation with KorTac ended due to unknown reasons. By 2023, her affiliation with SpecGru as a member of the Task Force 141 was announced.
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Growing up with a single parent is never something easy— especially when the same person supposed to protect you is clinically insane. Often beaten like a dog by her mother and left alone for extended periods of time, Katharina learnt how to be extremely independent at the ripe age of eight. More emotionally mature than her peers, she grew up with a feeling of never belonging anywhere, oftentimes hanging out with much older people to drink, smoke and party.
By age fourteen, Katharina had seven failed suicide attempts, most of them caused by high stress, hopelessness regarding her living situation and undiagnosed mental health issues. It wasn't until her last attempt that she was forced to attend mandatory psychology sessions. She quit attending after three sessions, dealing with her issues in the way she knew better: destroying herself.
Katharina found shelter in someone just as troubled— König. The socially anxious giant was her rock growing up, often taking her to his fights and house just to prevent her putting herself in danger by going out with questionable ''friends.'' He was always there for her, finding comfort in their friendship to the point she became a second family to him; the only person who never judged him for his appearance, personality, or side. König's family welcomed her as one of their own, his mum and nana taking in the small girl as if she was a daughter to them, unknowingly helping to heal the internal wounds her own mother left.
Many first times were shared together between them; first kiss, first time cuddling, first time making love, simply enforcing their bond ever further, making them even more inseparable than before. While they never defined their relationship, they were mutually exclusive and never held any physical or romantic interest in anyone else during their time together.
Oftentimes skipping class to smoke behind school, Katharina and König shared many conversations about their future together. At age fifteen, they wanted to live in apartments next to each other in Vienna. By age sixteen, they wanted to live together. By age seventeen, they volunteered for the army, putting any conversations about their life together aside and focusing on staying alive during the hard training that pushed them both physically and mentally.
Given the callsign ''Stray'' by her teasing teammates after getting lost in the forest for a hot minute during training— she carried it with pride and humor, rather than humiliation and shame. It became a fitting name for her, more used to people calling her that rather than Katharina, taking Stray as a new beginning of her life as a soldier, leaving her past behind.
Following rules was the biggest challenge for the two outcasts, not used to people yelling in their face without being able to do something about it yet like with anything life threw at them; they adapted. Their sole focus was becoming the best soldiers, often staying behind at the gym and sparring. What Katharina lacked in height, she made up for in drive, being able to take down the 208cm behemoth of a man a few times during their sessions.
At age 19, after superiors evaluated her marksmanship and height advantage, Katharina was chosen for a training course with the ISTC Sniper Branch. While König grew slight resentment over his best friend being able to live his dream while he was rejected, he pushed those feelings aside, focusing on his training as a foot soldier. Tensions grew in their friendship for the first time ever, with Katharina often feeling unable to tell him much about her sniper training in fear of his resentment growing, and König always too busy in the field.
For the first time ever since they met, they both lost their only support, feeling lost yet being too prideful to apologize first. They spent two long years this way until the team went to a pub to celebrate a successful deployment. Drunk feelings were shared in the privacy of a nearby forest, sloppy kisses and the need to hold each other again, shared promises and words of praise coming out of each other, tear-stained cheeks hurting from smiling so much by the time the team decided to go back to base.
By January 2022, König received an offer he couldn't refuse— the chance to join a PMC named KorTac with a salary in the low six figures, yet he was still indecisive, not wanting to let go of his best friend after years of becoming inseparable again. Letting the Colonel know he was a package deal with the small sniper, Katharina received a matching contract shortly after.
Excited for this new opportunity they signed together, nervous yet looking forward to what the future has to offer for both of them. Joining KorTac was... an experience, plenty of different people together in a fancier base than the army provided for them. The masked soldier fit right in with other men who kept their identity a secret, while she drifted towards the rowdier soldiers— the feeling of belonging being there for the first time ever. Horangi and Nikto quickly became some of the closest soldiers to her, despite the latter being rough around the edges. She took it as a personal challenge to break down his walls enough to become his friend.
In early 2023, Katharina was contacted by Station Chief Kate Laswell, offering her a contract with a new fraction, a salary in the high six figures and the promise of redacting her early life from her file, making sure no sign of her past could ever be found by enemies or allies. While the decision took her months and late-night conversations with König, a much more mature and older version of him did nothing but encourage her to accept the offer, knowing how important a brand-new beginning without people knowing about her past was for her.
By May 2023, her contract with KorTac was cancelled and a new one with SpecGru as a member of the Task Force 141 was signed. Saying goodbye to her peers was one of the hardest things— letting go of the first group where she felt like she belonged, and the goodbye was just as tough despite being encouraged by all of them, some even teasing her about joining ''the enemy'', though it was all in friendly banter.
The first member she met was John ''Soap'' MacTavish, a rowdy and capable Sargeant. The pair instantly clicked, dropping together with the marines to greet the L.T, Ghost. A masked soldier whose identity remained a secret for his own safety, having a redacted past just as her own. While they didn't immediately get along and rarely had time to get to know each other unlike Soap and her up until Las Almas. After Grave's betrayal, she saw a side of Ghost she never even knew existed after he put a protective arm in front of her and shielded her with his burly body.
They both navigated Las Almas together, taking down any shadows they saw with great synch, as if it was meant to be that way despite Ghost being a lone wolf for most of his career. Ghost never told her, but he was left impressed with her skills the most after they waited for Johnny in the church and took down enemies with their snipers.
Her paranoia went off the charts the one time she tried to get off her medication, still needing it heavily to function despite the great help she gets from the provided psychologist. Even with medication, she often wakes up to nightmares about her early life, looking around her quarters as if her mother could be hiding in any corner or furniture no matter how tiny it is. She holds herself together despite the C-PTSD and disclosed mental health issues, always passing her psych evals and attending weekly therapy sessions.
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While Stray is not overall an unpleasant person, she can be too difficult for people with more dominant personalities, often clashing with people who act condescending or look down on her for being a woman in the army, despite her being a member of the 141 saying enough about her skills as a soldier.
She's oftentimes seen exchanging awful jokes with Simon, much to the dismay of anyone unlucky enough to be within earshot. The pair is practically joined at the hip, unknowingly trauma bonding and finding comfort in each other's company. It became a habit for both of them to drink tea at late hours of the night, either staying in silence or talking about their experiences as soldiers. They very rarely talk about their families, often leaving details behind or being vague about it on purpose.
Stray bonded with the whole team very quick, knowing they see her as a soldier worthy enough of being in the Task Force, the best of the best, fills her with pride. John Price is the father figure she never had and he recognizes that easily, giving her the guidance she may need and having long conversations with her. Besides Laswell, Price is the only person in the Task Force she talks about her past with.
While she still has a long way to go, Stray has a strong support system and knows she can go to any of them for help if she ever needs it, including her peers back at KorTac and the army.
Stray has plenty of tattoos, with most of her limbs, especially her legs and torso, decorated with black ink. She has a shitty stick and poke tattoo on her ankle that she got done with König when they were sixteen, a small crown and a K next to it.
Unknowingly to both of them, Ghost and Stray have tattoos in remembrance of each other. Ghost's is a small black cat on his thigh, while hers is a skull on her hip.
She quit smoking after turning 21, though she drinks quite a lot when she's off duty. She avoids beer like the plague, much to König's annoyance since he loves it.
She likes to dye her hair a subtle shade of dark red whenever she's off duty for extended periods of time, though her natural hair color is dark brown.
Stray and König remain best friends to this day, talking to each other whenever they get the chance to have their phones with them and their schedules match. If they have the chance to request time off, they meet up as much as possible.
If they're not deployed, they spend the holidays with König's mum and nana, enjoying the feeling of having a place to call home and being welcomed with delicious homemade food.
She cut contact with her mother after joining the army and has never looked back. Whether her mum is alive or not remains none of her business. She deleted all social media and accounts linked to her past, creating new ones with different aliases so she cannot be found by her.
Stray's body is defined by strong muscles, working out five to six times a week to maintain her physique, her more defined muscles being her upper body and legs.
While she struggled to build connections in her early life, she opened up more easily after joining the army, often being teased about being brooding and quiet by her platoon until she started letting loose.
She listens to music together with Simon back in their quarters, and while he never told her, he enjoys listening to Siouxsie and the Banshees the most with her, seeing her dance and sing along, as his mum used to listen to them. She sometimes forces Simon to dance Spellbound with her, holding his hands while she jumps around and sings. While he doesn't dance, the way he looks down at her while she does shows just how much he values moments like these.
Stray has elvish features accompanied with light brown skin, as her father has indigenous blood.
Her hair is a curly c3 and long, though she always keeps it braided or tied up in a neat bun during deployments to avoid it getting in the way.
She's crazy good at cutting hair, coming from the habit she had her whole early life; chopping all her hair off whenever she was too stressed or depressed and didn't know how to cope. Sometimes cuts the hair of the 141 boys whenever they don't have access to the barber.
Friendly reminder that all my fics are x Reader, and the only thing used from this OC is the callsign and parts of her past. No physical description will ever be used in my fanfics.
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fashionbooksmilano · 1 year
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René Hubert
The Man Who Dressed Film Stars and Airplanes
Edited by Andreas Janser
With essays by Elisabeth Bronfen, Roland Fischer-Briand, Andres Janser, Angelo Luerti, Deborah Nadoolman Landis, Amy Sargeant, Katharina Tietze
Lars Müller Publishers,  Zürich 2023, 248 pages, 275 illustrations, paperback,  ISBN 978-3-03778-700-7
euro 60,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
What are movie stars without costumes? From the 1920s to the 1960s, René Hubert belonged to the the crème de la crème of costume designers. His trademarks were opulence and glamor and a distinct flair for colors and lines. As a young man, the trained embroidery draftsman left his native St. Gallen for Paris. The emigrant's courage was soon rewarded: In Hollywood, Hubert dressed film stars such as Ingrid Bergman, Marlene Dietrich and Gloria Swanson. His international reputation helped him to win commissions in his native Switzerland, most notably for the Swiss National Exhibition in 1939, for Swissair uniforms and aircraft interiors, and for various theaters and textile companies.
This richly illustrated publication compiles sketches, costume photography, stage photos and film stills of Hubert’s work. Experts from both sides of the Atlantic reflect on his multifaceted oeuvre at his numerous workplaces in Switzerland, Europe and the US. Excerpts from René Hubert’s unpublished memoirs provide a personal view of his life and the glamor of the era.
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figureskatingcostumes · 10 months
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Katharina Müller and Tim Dieck's Suicide Squad costumes at the 2022 Olympic Games.
(Sources: 1, 2, 3 and 4)
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enibas22 · 11 months
link https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/koelner-treff/talk-mit-schauspieler-tom-wlaschiha-und-jurist-ingo-lenssen/wdr/Y3JpZDovL3dkci5kZS9CZWl0cmFnLTEwYTJhYzMxLWJhMWEtNGVlOC1iMTAwLTUyYzI5NTkyZjc3MQ
Tom Wlaschiha
Das Etikett vom "Weltstar" würde sich Tom Wlaschiha selbst zwar niemals anheften, aber tatsächlich hat die Karriere des vielseitigen Schauspielers bemerkenswerte Ausmaße angenommen: Er ist in etlichen internationalen Produktionen zu sehen. Aber der 50jährige erprobt sich nicht nur vor der Kamera, sondern gerne auch in anderen Disziplinen: Aktuell verkörpert er in einem Podcast einen etwas in die Jahre gekommenen Superhelden aus dem berühmten Marvel-Universum! Ein Anlass, um mit ihm über eigene Superhelden und Vorbilder zu sprechen.
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The link brings you to the talk show "Kölner Treff" from 30th June 2023. The video will be available till 30th June 2024.
Talk mit Schauspieler Tom Wlaschiha und Jurist Ingo Lenßen
30.06.2023 ∙ Kölner Treff ∙ WDR
Im Kölner Treff begrüßt Bettina Böttinger die Moderatorin Katrin Müller-Hohenstein, den Schauspieler Tom Wlaschiha sowie den Juristen Ingo Lenßen. Außerdem zu Gast sind Moderatorin Siham El-Maimouni, Seefahrer Sören Moje und die Schauspielerin Katharina Schüttler.
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einzilpik · 11 months
Die Hauswartsfrau
Da kommen Katharina und Dieter.
Das sind die beiden neuen Mieter.
Haben die Wohnung von Herrn Schleim.
Der Schleim ist jetzt im Altersheim.
Grüß Gott, Herr und Frau von Specht!
Er ist Juwelier, verdient nicht schlecht.
Sie sitzt zu Hause macht gluck gluck.
Aber immer teuren Schmuck, teuren Schmuck.
Das nahen Herr Müller und Frau Hagen .
Ham sich schon lang nichts mehr zu sagen.
Sie kümmert sich ausschließlich um die Kinder.
Er surft die halbe Nacht bei Tinder.
Die Beiden dort komm' aus Gütersloh. Er ist Tierpflege hierr im Zoo.
Sie empfängt Herren heimlich zu Besuch.
Brauchst nicht lauschen, hörst auch so genug.
Oh warum kommt Katharina ohne Dieter?
Sie wissen noch, die beiden neuen Mieter.
Ich schau gleich mal durchs Schlüsselloch.
Wartet nur ab euch krieg ich noch.
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kikihesterkamp · 9 months
„Ich dachte, du isst ab sofort oben mit den Damen im Speisesaal, wo du jetzt doch eine der ihren bist. Mit dem politischen Kampf und dem Gefängnis und allem“, spöttelte May, „ich dachte, ihr seit nun Schwestern im politischen Kampf und jetzt ist es vorbei mit dem Servieren!“
„Tja, das habe ich vorher auch gedacht“, sagte ich und kam mir ziemlich abgeklärt vor. „Aber die Damen müssen sich erst noch an die veränderte Situation gewöhnen, glaube ich! Außerdem müssten sie dann ja herunter kommen und sich ihr Essen selbst holen.“ Ich grinste May an.
(aus „Rosie und die Suffragetten“ von Katharina Müller)
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hoerbahnblog · 1 year
Reportage: Winterkinderfest - Kinderbuchautorinnen lesen aus ihren Bilder- und Kinderbüchern (Katharina Müller)
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Reportage: Winterkinderfest – Kinderbuchautorinnen lesen aus ihren Bilder- und Kinderbüchern (Katharina Müller). Käthes WUNDERsame Reise ins Herz Lesung : (Hördauer ca. 14 Minuten): https://literaturradiohoerbahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Reportage-Lesung-Meyer-Fritsch-mix.mp3 Winterfest im Shaere Am 10. Dezember 2022 fand im Shaere Neuperlach das…
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mrunterstrichtom · 27 days
donnerstag, 9. mai ‘24, 00.02 uhr
fred bertelmann und das hansen-quartett – dort, wo die blumen blüh‘n franz thon und das ndr-tanzorchester – orangen aus jaffa die ponny-boys – gitarren-joe trio kolenka – ich fahr‘ mit dir werner müller und das rias-tanzorchester – katharina jimmy makulis und die drei blondinen – addio, mein blondes mädel rodgers-gesangs-duett – sei zufrieden ralf bendix – der rote tango roberto del gado & orchester – green eyes erni bieler – das kommt im leben nicht wieder gitta lind – fern von der heimat die wellensittiche – bitte einen cha-cha sprach der maharadscha jimmy barber und die vagabunden – dreizehn jahre margot eskens – der traum vom kleinen haus freddy – nur der wind peter niemann – ‘hollywood‘ wolfgang neuss und wolfgang müller – lied vom wirtschaftswunder rudi schuricke – ein stück vom himmel
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movienized-com · 1 month
Die drei !!!
Die drei !!! (Serie 2023) #PurnimaGrätz #BellaBading #LilithJulieJohna #CedricSprick #InesMarieWesternströer #ThomasKrutmann Mehr auf:
Serie / The Three DetectivesJahr: 2023- Genre: Krimi / Drama / Familienserie Hauptrollen: Purnima Grätz, Bella Bading, Lilith Julie Johna, Cedric Sprick, Ines Marie Westernströer, Thomas Krutmann, Yoran Leicher, Katharina Marie Schubert, Peter Jordan, Carlotta Müller, Linus Moog, Paul Jumin Hoffmann, Sarah Mangione, Sebastian Schwarz, Rona Özkan … Serienbeschreibung: Kim (Purnima Grätz), Marie…
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transportbranche · 2 months
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