#Shahada to enter Islam
bipolarman2022 · 23 days
**Title: "The Transformation of Miguel"**
**Chapter 1: A Chance Encounter**
Miguel, a young Spaniard from a well-to-do family, had spent his life pursuing knowledge in the cloisters of academia. He had always been curious, seeking answers in books of philosophy and theology, but lately, nothing seemed to satisfy his thirst for understanding. The life he led, filled with Western studies and family traditions, felt incomplete to him, lacking the spiritual depth he yearned for within.
One day, while walking through the bustling streets of Córdoba, Miguel came across a bazaar full of colors and sounds he had never experienced before. There, among the stalls of spices and fabrics, he saw a sign that read: “Classes on the Quran and Islamic Philosophy.” Intrigued by the idea of learning about a culture and religion so foreign to his life, Miguel decided to attend one of these classes, driven by his insatiable curiosity.
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**Chapter 2: The Arab Teacher**
The class was held in a small madrasa located in a quiet alley. Upon entering, Miguel was greeted by Ahmed, an Arab teacher with an imposing presence and an air of deep wisdom. Ahmed was known throughout Córdoba not only for his vast knowledge of the Quran but also for his ability to convey the essence of Islam with patience and clarity.
Miguel, with his expression of wonder and naivety, began attending the daily lessons. At first, he didn’t understand much about the Quranic verses or the Muslim customs that Ahmed taught with such passion. But little by little, Ahmed’s enthusiasm and devotion began to awaken in Miguel a genuine interest in understanding Islam beyond its stereotypes.
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**Chapter 3: The First Steps in Islam**
Miguel was fascinated by the teachings of the Quran and the wisdom contained in its words. He marveled at how Ahmed explained the importance of inner peace, submission to Allah’s will, and brotherhood among believers. The teacher taught him about the Five Pillars of Islam: Shahada (the profession of faith), Salat (prayer), Zakat (charity), Sawm (fasting during Ramadan), and Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). Each lesson drew him deeper into a state of awe and respect for this new way of life.
Miguel, naive in many aspects of Muslim life, would ask questions that seemed obvious to Ahmed. But the teacher, with infinite patience, always answered, not with mockery but with a sincere desire to share his faith. Gradually, Miguel began to participate in prayers, fast during Ramadan, and learn Quranic verses in Arabic, something he never would have imagined doing before.
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**Chapter 4: The Growing Fascination**
As the months passed, Miguel felt increasingly drawn to Ahmed, not just because of his wisdom but also for his charisma and deep sense of inner peace. Ahmed spoke to him about the ways of the Prophet Muhammad, explaining how Islam was not just a religion but a way of life that embraced justice, compassion, and equality. Miguel felt he had finally found something that filled the void in his heart.
Ahmed also noticed something special in Miguel. He saw not just a student eager for knowledge but someone with the potential to be a great defender of the faith. He taught Miguel to recite the Quran, interpret its meanings, and live according to the principles of Islam. Each lesson was an open door to a new world, full of meaning and purpose.
**Chapter 5: A New Path**
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One day, after an intense study session, Miguel approached Ahmed with a decision he had been contemplating for weeks. "I want to convert to Islam," he declared with determination. "I want to follow the path of Allah and be like you, someone who lives with purpose and inner peace."
Ahmed smiled with a mix of pride and affection. He knew that Miguel was ready to take this important step. He took him to the mosque, where Miguel recited the Shahada with tears in his eyes, surrounded by his new teacher and his new brothers in faith.
**Chapter 6: Leaving Everything Behind**
Miguel, now known as Jamal, decided to leave behind his previous life, his old beliefs, and his family, who never understood his fascination with Islam. He left everything for this new life, for his new brothers, and above all, for Ahmed, who had become more than a teacher to him. Ahmed was now his mentor, his spiritual guide, and the reflection of everything Jamal wanted to be.
Every day, Jamal learned more about Muslim customs. He helped those in need, participated in philosophical debates at the madrasa, and dedicated himself to memorizing the Quran. His transformation was complete; he was no longer the naive young man who had first entered the bazaar in Córdoba but a man with a mission: to live fully in Islam.
**Epilogue: A Devoted Disciple**
Jamal's story became a legend in Córdoba, an example of how faith and devotion can transform even the most skeptical of hearts. Under Ahmed's guidance, Jamal not only found a new purpose but also became a teacher in his own right, teaching others about the beauty of Islam, always with the memory of his own transformation in his heart.
And so, Ahmed's library remained a beacon of light and wisdom in Córdoba, a place where seekers of knowledge, regardless of their origin, could find the path to true peace and understanding.
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nevzatboyraz44 · 10 months
Islamic confession of faith
Eşhedü enla ilahe illallah ve Eşhedü enne muhammadan abduhu ve rasuluhu
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is her servant and messenger.
Eşhedü en la ilahe illallah ve Eşhedü enne Muhammeden abduhu ve rasuluh that is, Kalima-i shahada symbolizes a Muslim's entry into Islam.
The first foundation of Islam is the Kalima-i Tawhid or Kalima-i Shahadah, which is obligatory to say in order to become a Muslim.
Testimony is a requirement of faith and the source of worship.
There is no belief, worship and action without testimony.
A Muslim enters Islam by reciting the Shahada.
Kalima shahada expresses a Muslim's commitment and belief in Islam.
Kalima shahada expresses the most basic principles of Islam.
Kalima shahada means that a Muslim believes in Allah, that He is the only and creator, and that Hz.
Muhammad is His messenger, Hz. It expresses that Muhammad accepted that he conveyed the message of Allah to people.
Kalima shahada also states that a Muslim will obey all the orders and prohibitions of Islam.
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snowfelledayah · 10 months
I am a Multitude
Let's talk about my history with Islam, just for shits and giggles, because I have a funny feeling there's some people in (or outside of) my life who don't fully understand where that association comes from.
I reverted to Islam round about 2009 if I'm not misremembering. Reversion is the same as conversion, it's just that "revert" is a term suggesting everyone is meant to be Islamic from birth and thus someone "converting" is in fact going back to what is the default -- a reversion, if you will. I used the term then, so I'm using the term now.
I had previously been a Kemetic Pagan for about 10 years at that point, with 8 of those years being onward in a formal Kemetic organized religion, though I was a few years out already of having left that organization for the first time.
I did not enter Islam lightly. It was a long process over a couple of years getting to the point where I wanted to revert, and it was quite the tough decision to finally take my Shahada and make that complete step into the faith full-time. I took that step seriously, with a lot of forethought and no impulse, and I really did go in with a complete belief as well.
I was full-on Muslim for 3 - 4 years with no multi-trad tendencies, but slowly my Kemeticism came back to me and I started to mix the two together.
I returned to the Kemetic organized religion around the Kemetic New Year in 2019. Again nothing I did was rushed or impulsive, I had taken quite a bit of time before going back to understand where I was going and why, and I stayed there for about 4 years depending, culminating in the disastrous exit based on that organization's massive failure in just so many areas.
It took me a couple of months, but after I left that organization, I started to realize what a bizarre identity I had built up around myself over the last 4 years: this weird, single-focus, single-tradition identity as if there was nothing about myself that was "other". I only had Kemetic friends, only focused on Kemetic Deities and Kemetic practice, only did Kemetic things, only, only, only... and when I lost that "only" thing in a way (or I separated from what was a large integration in my life over the last 4 years), I felt lost.
For a moment.
Truthfully, on the inside, I was never "only". On the inside, I've always been multi-trad, whether that's my Scottish Folk Magic that has been partially passed down to me (that's a whole other discussion!), my Islamic traditions that I never gave up (no matter how long I was in that Kemetic organization, I never gave up my Salah and several other things as well -- it's just that I never talked about it, because Polytheists and Pagans tend to have chips on their shoulders about the Big 3), my Kemetic traditions -- my heart has always been multi-trad.
I've always made every choice in my life in terms of spirituality with careful study and consideration, and I've always wondered how that ended me up here... but now, I've been enjoying over the last 6 months being able to embrace the facts about myself, and I can be a multitude (at least for now), that no one can put me into a box, and I will continue to explore that no matter what anyone thinks about that.
I am not one thing.
I am many.
And that's ok. Some people will tell me it isn't, and they are what I like to call "wrong".
I have a necklace written in Arabic calligraphy that says "Indeed, I am near". I think that says everything I really need to know about the Divine right now.
I am going to explore this world the way I want to explore it.
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lifeofresulullah · 4 months
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): The Assignment of the Duty of the Prophethood and First Muslims
Khalid Bin Said Becomes a Muslim
The era of secret call to Islam was continuing.
During this period, another eminent figure from the Quraysh joined the ranks of Muslims: Khalid bin Said. Hazrat Khalid was a leading figure of the Quraysh and belonged to a rich family.
One night, Khalid bin Said, who had extensive knowledge of Arab literature, saw in his dream that our Holy Prophet (PBUH) rushed to save him when his father wanted to throw him into the pits of Hell.
He woke up screaming. Hazrat Khalid understood that such a clear dream could not be meaningless. He said, “By Allah, this dream is true”, and without losing time, he quickly ran to Hazrat Abu Bakr. Hazrat Abu Bakr said, “I hope the best for you. The Messenger of Allah is going to save you. Quickly go and subject yourself to him! You are going to follow him, convert to Islam, and then be with him. And he is going to save you from falling into Hell as you saw in your dream.”
Hazrat Khalid quickly went to our Holy Prophet (PBUH) and asked, “Oh Muhammad! What do you call people to do?”
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “I call people to believe in Allah, who is One and does not have a partner, to believe that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger, and to forgo worshipping certain pieces of rock that cannot hear, cannot see, cannot benefit nor harm, and are unaware of those who worship and who do not worship them.”
Hazrat Khalid carefully listened to these words with respect and immediately recited the testimony of faith (shahada): “I testify that you are Allah’s Messenger!” 
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) was immensely happy that this individual had entered the circle of Islam.
Hazrat Khalid began to mention Islam to other people in his family and around as soon as he became Muslim. A while later, his wife Umayna, also joined the ranks of Muslims.
When Abu Uhayha, one of Quraysh’s leading and wealthy figures, heard that his son had become a Muslim, he became exceedingly furious.
One day, he heard that Hazrat Khalid was praying (performing salah) on a desolate spot in Mecca. He sent his other sons to bring Hazrat Khalid before him and angrily said, “So, you have chosen to follow Muhammad despite seeing that he opposes your tribe and he has insulted the tribe’s gods and its past fathers, is that right?” Afterwards, he said many things so that Hazrat Khalid would abstain from practicing Islam.
However, Hazrat Khalid, whose heart had been enlightened with the light of faith, did not have the slightest hesitation and did not feel any regret. He responded to his father who looked at him with his frowning brows: “By Allah, Muhammad (PBUH) tells the truth. I have subjected myself to him and will run the risk of death; however, I will never leave his religion.”
Abu Uhayha, who was severely angered by these words, hit his son with the staff that he was holding until it broke.
However, his efforts were in vain! The faith that was a source of strength and perseverance had occupied and comforted Hazrat Khalid’s heart. Torture and persecution did not invoke the slightest amount of negativity in the face of this faith.
When his cruel father saw that beating him was in no way effective, he told him to “go” and said, “I am going to cut off your sustenance and livelihood; so, go wherever you please.”
Hazrat Khalid knew that Allah was the One that provided for his livelihood; so once again, he did not mind his father’s words. Instead, he said, “Oh my dear father, if you cut off my livelihood then Allah will provide me with all that is necessary to get by.”
This time, Uhayha imprisoned him and threatened the community:
“If one of you decides to speak with him, I will ruin you.”
Hazrat Khalid was left hungry and thirsty for days on end. 
It was pointless to continue living with a father who committed such torture and cruelty on account of his son’s religion; so, upon finding an opportunity, he was able to escape from his father’s hands. He did not come into his father’s sight until the second emigration to Abyssinia. 
Together, with his wife, he joined the procession that departed from Mecca to Abyssinia.
Hazrat Khalid was among the scribes that could write perfectly during the Age of Ignorance. According to a narration, Hazrat Khalid was the scribe of the letter that our Holy Prophet (PBUH) had sent to the King of Yemen and of many other treaties.
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sevenoctober7 · 7 months
This is literally what happened with this person who entered the mosque wanting to kill hundreds of Muslims at once. A professional American fighter who worked in the US Navy. His motto in life was (I want to kill more Muslims, I am not finished yet). His motto in life was (My life is not worth anything.) Unless you kill Muslims) He considered hatred of Islam and Muslims the reason for which he lived his life. He said in the text: My hatred for Muslims was to me like a liver in the body, and if I lose the liver I will die. I live on hatred of Muslims, and without this hatred nothing is worth living. Absolute hatred against Islam led him to think and plan to kill hundreds of Muslims, and his decision settled on destroying the Islamic Center in the American city of Mooney with an explosive device and killing or wounding hundreds of Muslims. He was not thinking about the consequences, and he was not afraid of imprisonment or being sentenced to death, and he said in the text : “If I end up in prison with a needle in my arm, that would be good for me.” He entered the city mosque carrying hostility, aggression, and a bloody desire to blow up the mosque and annihilate the Muslims. It was “Friday,” so he watched the prayer and felt how happy the Muslims were with his presence among them. He said to one of them: Tell me about Islam!! So they talked to him one by one about Islam, and gave him books from the translated advocacy books that explained the reality of Islam, and he began to read them for hours and days, and the more he delved into reading about Islam, the more his hatred of Islam clashed in himself with the logic of the “Islamic religion” until he found himself surrendering to Islam and wanting to To pronounce the Shahada with the certainty that the religion he was hostile to was: the true religion. Richard McKinney: The distinguished sergeant in the US Navy. He pronounced the Shahada and converted to Islam eight weeks after entering the mosque for the first time. He said: I found in the mosque nothing but people who worship God, pray and remember God. And they read the Qur’an, so I am the terrorist and not the Muslims. After his conversion to Islam, Richard McKinney became one of the influential preachers of Islam in the city of Muncie, Indiana. He became deputy director of the Islamic Center and works to strengthen the Islamic community and the Islamic League. He now continues to work to promote Islam and correct any misleading ideas that non-Muslims have about Islam. He said after his conversion to Islam: “I will do everything I can to protect [the Islamic Center] and the people there.” If it is necessary to continue day and night to guard the Islamic Center, I will do so. I am prepared to die in defense of Muslims. Oh God, make him steadfast in the truth,
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‏هذا ما حدث حرفيًا مع هذا الشخص
دخل المسجد يريد قتل المئات من المسلمين دفعة واحدة
مقاتل أمريكي مُحترف عمل في قوات البحرية الأمريكية
كان شعاره في الحياة ( أريد أن أقتل مسلمين أكثر ، أنا لم أنتهِ بعد )
كان شعاره في الحياة ( حياتي لا تساوي شئ إلا إذا قتلت مسلمين )
كان يعتبر كراهية الإسلام والمسلمين السبب الذي يعيش في الحياة من أجله
قال بالنص :
إن كراهيتي للمسلمين كانت بالنسبة لي كالكبد في الجسد، وإذا خسرت الكبد سأموت ، أنا أعيش على كراهية المسلمين ، وبدون هذه الكراهية فلا شيء يستحق الحياة .
كراهية مطلقة ضد الإسلام
قادته إلى أن يفكر ويخطط لقتل المئات من المسلمين وأستقر قراره على تدمير المركز الإسلامي في مدينة موني الأمريكية بعبوة ناسفة وقتل أو إصابة المئات من المسلمين ولم يكن يفكر في العواقب ، ولم يكن يخشى من السجن أو الحكم عليه بالإعدام ، و قال بالنص : "لو انتهى بي المطاف في السجن بإبرة في ذراعي ، فسيكون ذلك جيدًا بالنسبة لي".
دخل مسجد المدينة مُحملاً بالعداء والعدوانية والرغبة الدموية في تفجير المسجد وإبادة المسلمين ، وكان " يوم جمعة" فشاهد الصلاة وشعر بمدى فرح المسلمين بوجوده بينهم ، وقال لأحدهم: حدثني عن الإسلام!!. فحدثوه واحدًا بعد واحدٍ عن الإسلام، وأعطوه كتبا من كتب الدعوة المترجمة التي تشرح حقيقة الإسلام ، وأخذ يقرؤها بالساعات والأيام ، وكلما كان يتعمق في القراءة عن الإسلام أكثر ، كانت كراهية الإسلام تتصادم في نفسه مع منطقية "الدين الإسلامي" حتى وجد نفسه مستسلماً للإسلام ويريد أن ينطق الشهادة عن يقين بأن الدين الذي كان يعاديه هو : الدين الحق
ريتشارد ماكيني :
الرقيب المميز في البحرية الأمريكية
نطق الشهادة واعتنق الإسلام بعد ثمانية أسابيع من دخول المسجد أول مرة ، وقال: لم أجد في المسجد غير أناس يعبدون الله، يصلون ويذكرون الله، ويقرؤون القرآن ، إذا أنا الإرهـابي وليس المسلمون .
أصبح ريتشارد ماكيني بعد إسلامه أحد الدعاة المؤثرين إلى الإسلام في مدينة مونسي ، بولاية انديانا ، وأصبح نائب مدير المركز الإسلامي ويعمل على تعزيز المجتمع الإسلامي ، والرابطة الإسلامية ويواصل الآن العمل على الترويج للإسلام ، وتصحيح أي أفكار مضللة لدى غير المسلمين عن الإسلام
قال بعد إسلامه :
"سأفعل كل ما لدي من أجل حماية [المركز الإسلامي] والناس هناك."
إذا تطلب الأمر مواصلة الليل بالنهار لحراسة المركز الإسلامي سأفعل
أنا مستعد للموت دفاعاً عن المسلمين
اللهم ثبته على الحق
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basicsofislam · 2 years
THE COMPANIONS OF THE PROPHET (PBUH) : Jafar bin Abi Talib (r.a.)
The Prophet carried out the duty of conveying the message of Islam to people secretly at first; he also worshipped secretly. For this reason, the way of Islam’s worshipping had not been known very well. Once, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) was performing a prayer with Hz. Ali. Jafar, Hz. Ali’s brother, saw them and wondered. Then, he found Hz. Ali and asked him what they were doing. Hz. Ali said that this was worshipping Allah Almighty. He gave Jafar some information about Islam. Jafar liked his words very much and immediately became a Muslim by uttering kalima ash-shahada.
At that time, there were very few Muslims and they were not very strong. Therefore, Jafar suffered incredible inflictions and tortures of the polytheists. However, he did not make concessions about his belief.
These inhumane tortures inflicted by the polytheists upon the Muslims distressed the Prophet and made him think. Finally, it was decided for a group of Muslims to migrate to Abyssinia under the leadership of Hz. Jafar. Consequently, 92 muhajirs left their homeland and migrated to Abyssinia.
However, the polytheists did not leave them alone. They prepared valuable gifts for the Negus of Abyssinia and his notable statesmen. They sent Amr bin As and Abdullah bin Abi Rabia to Abyssinia. When they arrived in Abyssinia, they first gave many gifts to the statesmen and made sure that they would support them. Then, they entered into the presence of the Negus and gave him many gifts. They spoke as follows in order to influence the king:
“O King! We warn you about these men, who emerged from us and disturbed our affairs, and who now try to destroy your religion, nation and people. They are some foolish fellows from our people. They abandoned our religion and they did not accept your religion either. They emerged with a new religion that we and you did not know. They do not recognize Jesus, the Son of Mary, as god. They do not prostrate before they enter into your presence. Give them back to us; we will punish them.”
The notables of the people of Abyssinia, who had received gifts from them, confirmed them. "They are telling the truth. They definitely know their fellow people better than others do."
However, the Negus, the Abyssinian ruler, was a prudent man. He was not fooled by their words. He wanted to search and know the issue. He invited the muhajirs to his presence. The Muslims chose Jafar as their representative. They asked him to give answers to the questions of the Negus; they soon entered into his presence. They greeted the Negus but they did not prostrate before him.
The king asked them why they had come to his country and asked for information about the Prophet. He also asked them why they did not prostrate. Hz. Jafar was a clever person. His rhetoric was very good. He asked the Negus to allow only one of the polytheists to speak as their representative. Then he asked the polytheists the following questions:
"Are we slaves who escaped from their masters? Did we shed someone else's blood unjustly since they want us? Did we borrow any goods and we did not pay? Are we in debt?"
Amr bin As, who took over the duty of answering Jafar’s questions, said that they were not slaves and that they were free, that they did not shed anyone’s blood and that they did not owe any money to anyone. He said, "We demand them because they left our religion and accepted Muhammad's religion."
Upon this answer, Hz. Jafar took the floor and made the following eloquent speech, which convinced and satisfied the Negus and which became a means of his accepting Islam:
“O King! We were ignorant people worshipping idols. We used to eat the flesh of dead animals and commit all sorts of evil deeds. We used to break off our relationships with our relatives and wrong our neighbors. The strong ones among us used to wrong the weak ones. We were in such a situation. Almighty Allah sent us from among us a prophet whose ancestors, honesty, reliability chastity and cleanliness we knew. He invited us to believe in Allah and His unity, to worship Him, and to leave the idols that we and our ancestors had been worshipping. He commanded us to be honest, to return the things entrusted to us, to get along well with neighbors, to avoid committing sins and shedding blood. He prohibited us from all kinds of immorality, telling lies, appropriating the goods of orphans and slandering chaste women.”
After this speech, which contained the ethical principles of a society, Hz. Jafar explained why they did not prostrate when they entered into the presence of the Negus as follows: "We seek refuge in Allah from prostrating before anyone except Allah."
After this conversation, the Negus asked Jafar, "Do you have anything that came from Allah with you?" Thereupon, Jafar read a few verses from the chapter of Maryam. The sun of guidance of rose in the heart of the Negus after these verses. He could not help speaking as follows:
"I would like to congratulate you and the person you mention. I bear witness that he is the Messenger of Allah. By Allah, if he were in my country, I would carry his shoes and wash his feet."
The Negus later said that he did not need the gifts the polytheists brought as bribery and ordered them to be returned.
The muhajirs lived peacefully in Abyssinia after the Negus became a Muslim and protected them by saying, "I will not agree if one of you is harmed even if I am offered to have gold as big as a mountain. Go and live in my country in peace and security." They tried to spread Islam in Abyssinia. After a while, they migrated to Madinah.
When the muhajirs returned, the mujahids had conquered Khaybar. The Prophet became very happy when they, especially Jafar, returned. He embraced him, hugged him, kissed his forehead and expressed his joy as follows:
"I do not know to be happy for which one: the conquest of Khaybar, or Jafar's arrival.” (  Sirah, 1: 356.  )
The Companion who resembled the Prophet in terms of ethics and body structure was, Jafar, Ali's brother. He had a different place in the eye of the Prophet. Hz. Jafar was called “the father of the poor”. Jafar protected all of the poor but he protected and met the needs of especially Ashab as-Suffa, the Muslims who were busy with learning knowledge and service of belief. The following statement of Abu Hurayra, who was a prominent figure of Ashab as-Suffa, expresses this very well:
"We addressed Jafar bin Abu Talib as 'the father of the poor'. Whenever we went to him, he would treat us what was ready. Many people say to me, 'You narrate too many hadiths.' I always found it enough to have some food and be together with the Messenger of Allah all the time. I never wanted to find delicious food or new clothes.   I would not want anyone to serve me. I sometimes tied a stone on my stomach to suppress my hunger. Jafar bin Abu Talib, who was the person who helped the poor the most, would often pick us up, take us to his house and treat us food." (  Tabaqat, 4: 34; Tirmidhi, Manaqib: 30.  )
Hz. Jafar was not only a good orator and a philanthropist who protected the poor but also a heroic mujahid in the way of Allah. His heroism in the Battle of Muta against the Byzantines was recorded as a golden page in history. After Zayd bin Haritha was martyred, he held the standard upon the instruction of the Messenger of Allah. However, his soul was trying to show him the world lovable and the world ugly. Hz. Jafar silenced the voice of his soul by saying, "You want me to love the world but now it is time to strengthen the belief in the hearts of the believers."
He attacked the ranks of the enemy heroically. He continued swinging his sword around though he knew that he was going to be martyred. On the one hand, he was swinging his sword and on the other hand, he was encouraging the mujahids by saying, "Paradise is good and approaching Paradise is also good. Its sherbets are sweet and cold." Hz. Zayd's martyrdom demoralized the mujahids and demotivated them a bit. However, thanks to the courage and heroism of Jafar, they became strong again. They started to attack again like eagles.
However, the hostile eyes were constantly on Jafar and looking for ways of martyring him. Finally, a soldier approaching him slyly cut off his hand with his sword. He started to hold the standard with his left hand at once. When his left hand was also cut off, he held the standard with his amputated arms. He did not drop the standard until he was martyred. Finally, he became a martyr.
Abdullah bin Umar stated that there were more than 90 wounds of sword and spear on Jafar’s body.
While the Battle of Mute was taking place, the Prophet (pbuh) was giving advice to the believers on the pulpit in Madinah. Allah Almighty showed him scene of the battle exactly. He informed his Companions that Jafar had also been martyred along with the other commanders. He said, "Allah gave him two wings in return for his two hands that had been cut off. He flew to Paradise with them." (  Usdul-Ghaba, 1: 358.  ) After this, Hz. Jafar, was mentioned as "Dhuljanahayn (the one having two wings)" and "Tayyar (flier)" among the Companions.
May Allah be pleased with him!
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quransunnahdawah · 2 months
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Declare Shahadah to enter Islam
. "Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh" Is. 1) Allah is One and Unique and none is worthy of worship except Allah. 2) Muhammad PBUH is.Allah''s servant and messenger.
ইসলামে প্রবেশের জন্য শাহাদাহ ঘোষণা করুন
"আশহাদু আন লা ইলাহা ইল্লাল্লাহ ওয়া আশহাদু আন্না মুহাম্মাদান আবদুহু ওয়া রাসুলুহ"। 1) আল্লাহ এক ও অদ্বিতীয় এবং আল্লাহ ছাড়া কেউ ইবাদতের যোগ্য নয়। 2) মুহাম্মদ সা. আল্লাহর বান্দা ও রসূল।
Shahada from holy Qur'an
"Allah Himself bears witness that there is no God but He; and likewise do the angels and the men possessed of knowledge bear witness in truth and justice that there is no God but He, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.." Al Qur'an,Surah Ale Imran, Ayat 18
#কোরআন থেকে শাহাদা
"আল্লাহ নিজেই সাক্ষ্য দিচ্ছেন যে তিনি ছাড়া কোন মাবুদ নেই; এবং একইভাবে ফেরেশতা ও জ্ঞানী ব্যক্তিরা সত্য ও ন্যায়ের সাথে সাক্ষ্য দিচ্ছেন যে, তিনি ব্যতীত কোন মাবুদ নেই, তিনি সর্বশক্তিমান, সর্বজ্ঞানী...।" আল কুরআন, সূরা আলে ইমরান, আয়াত ১৮
Declare Shahadah to enter Islam
Shahada from holy Qur'an
কোরআন থেকে শাহাদা
ইসলামে প্রবেশের জন্য শাহাদাহ ঘোষণা করুন
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tawhidrisalatakhirah · 2 months
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Declare Shahadah to enter Islam
. "Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh" Is. 1) Allah is One and Unique and none is worthy of worship except Allah. 2) Muhammad PBUH is.Allah''s servant and messenger.
ইসলামে প্রবেশের জন্য শাহাদাহ ঘোষণা করুন
"আশহাদু আন লা ইলাহা ইল্লাল্লাহ ওয়া আশহাদু আন্না মুহাম্মাদান আবদুহু ওয়া রাসুলুহ"। 1) আল্লাহ এক ও অদ্বিতীয় এবং আল্লাহ ছাড়া কেউ ইবাদতের যোগ্য নয়। 2) মুহাম্মদ সা. আল্লাহর বান্দা ও রসূল।
Shahada from holy Qur'an
"Allah Himself bears witness that there is no God but He; and likewise do the angels and the men possessed of knowledge bear witness in truth and justice that there is no God but He, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.." Al Qur'an,Surah Ale Imran, Ayat 18
#কোরআন থেকে শাহাদা
"আল্লাহ নিজেই সাক্ষ্য দিচ্ছেন যে তিনি ছাড়া কোন মাবুদ নেই; এবং একইভাবে ফেরেশতা ও জ্ঞানী ব্যক্তিরা সত্য ও ন্যায়ের সাথে সাক্ষ্য দিচ্ছেন যে, তিনি ব্যতীত কোন মাবুদ নেই, তিনি সর্বশক্তিমান, সর্বজ্ঞানী...।" আল কুরআন, সূরা আলে ইমরান, আয়াত ১৮
Declare Shahadah to enter Islam
Shahada from holy Qur'an
কোরআন থেকে শাহাদা
ইসলামে প্রবেশের জন্য শাহাদাহ ঘোষণা করুন
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ilyforallahswt · 2 months
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Declare Shahadah to enter Islam
. "Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh" Is. 1) Allah is One and Unique and none is worthy of worship except Allah. 2) Muhammad PBUH is.Allah''s servant and messenger.
ইসলামে প্রবেশের জন্য শাহাদাহ ঘোষণা করুন
"আশহাদু আন লা ইলাহা ইল্লাল্লাহ ওয়া আশহাদু আন্না মুহাম্মাদান আবদুহু ওয়া রাসুলুহ"। 1) আল্লাহ এক ও অদ্বিতীয় এবং আল্লাহ ছাড়া কেউ ইবাদতের যোগ্য নয়। 2) মুহাম্মদ সা. আল্লাহর বান্দা ও রসূল।
Shahada from holy Qur'an
"Allah Himself bears witness that there is no God but He; and likewise do the angels and the men possessed of knowledge bear witness in truth and justice that there is no God but He, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.." Al Qur'an,Surah Ale Imran, Ayat 18
#কোরআন থেকে শাহাদা
"আল্লাহ নিজেই সাক্ষ্য দিচ্ছেন যে তিনি ছাড়া কোন মাবুদ নেই; এবং একইভাবে ফেরেশতা ও জ্ঞানী ব্যক্তিরা সত্য ও ন্যায়ের সাথে সাক্ষ্য দিচ্ছেন যে, তিনি ব্যতীত কোন মাবুদ নেই, তিনি সর্বশক্তিমান, সর্বজ্ঞানী...।" আল কুরআন, সূরা আলে ইমরান, আয়াত ১৮
Declare Shahadah to enter Islam
Shahada from holy Qur'an
কোরআন থেকে শাহাদা
ইসলামে প্রবেশের জন্য শাহাদাহ ঘোষণা করুন
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myreligionislam · 2 months
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Declare Shahadah to enter Islam
. "Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh" Is. 1) Allah is One and Unique and none is worthy of worship except Allah. 2) Muhammad PBUH is.Allah''s servant and messenger.
ইসলামে প্রবেশের জন্য শাহাদাহ ঘোষণা করুন
"আশহাদু আন লা ইলাহা ইল্লাল্লাহ ওয়া আশহাদু আন্না মুহাম্মাদান আবদুহু ওয়া রাসুলুহ"। 1) আল্লাহ এক ও অদ্বিতীয় এবং আল্লাহ ছাড়া কেউ ইবাদতের যো��্য নয়। 2) মুহাম্মদ সা. আল্লাহর বান্দা ও রসূল।
Shahada from holy Qur'an
"Allah Himself bears witness that there is no God but He; and likewise do the angels and the men possessed of knowledge bear witness in truth and justice that there is no God but He, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.." Al Qur'an,Surah Ale Imran, Ayat 18
#কোরআন থেকে শাহাদা
"আল্লাহ নিজেই সাক্ষ্য দিচ্ছেন যে তিনি ছাড়া কোন মাবুদ নেই; এবং একইভাবে ফেরেশতা ও জ্ঞানী ব্যক্তিরা সত্য ও ন্যায়ের সাথে সাক্ষ্য দিচ্ছেন যে, তিনি ব্যতীত কোন মাবুদ নেই, তিনি সর্বশক্তিমান, সর্বজ্ঞানী...।" আল কুরআন, সূরা আলে ইমরান, আয়াত ১৮
Declare Shahadah to enter Islam
Shahada from holy Qur'an
কোরআন থেকে শাহাদা
ইসলামে প্রবেশের জন্য শাহাদাহ ঘোষণা করুন
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allahisourrabb · 2 months
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Declare Shahadah to enter Islam
. "Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh" Is. 1) Allah is One and Unique and none is worthy of worship except Allah. 2) Muhammad PBUH is.Allah''s servant and messenger.
ইসলামে প্রবেশের জন্য শাহাদাহ ঘোষণা করুন
"আশহাদু আন লা ইলাহা ইল্লাল্লাহ ওয়া আশহাদু আন্না মুহাম্মাদান আবদুহু ওয়া রাসুলুহ"। 1) আল্লাহ এক ও অদ্বিতীয় এবং আল্লাহ ছাড়া কেউ ইবাদতের যোগ্য নয়। 2) মুহাম্মদ সা. আল্লাহর বান্দা ও রসূল।
Shahada from holy Qur'an
"Allah Himself bears witness that there is no God but He; and likewise do the angels and the men possessed of knowledge bear witness in truth and justice that there is no God but He, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.." Al Qur'an,Surah Ale Imran, Ayat 18
#কোরআন থেকে শাহাদা
"আল্লাহ নিজেই সাক্ষ্য দিচ্ছেন যে তিনি ছাড়া কোন মাবুদ নেই; এবং একইভাবে ফেরেশতা ও জ্ঞানী ব্যক্তিরা সত্য ও ন্যায়ের সাথে সাক্ষ্য দিচ্ছেন যে, তিনি ব্যতীত কোন মাবুদ নেই, তিনি সর্বশক্তিমান, সর্বজ্ঞানী...।" আল কুরআন, সূরা আলে ইমরান, আয়াত ১৮
Declare Shahadah to enter Islam
Shahada from holy Qur'an
কোরআন থেকে শাহাদা
ইসলামে প্রবেশের জন্য শাহাদাহ ঘোষণা করুন
0 notes
mylordisallah · 2 months
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Declare Shahadah to enter Islam
. "Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh" Is. 1) Allah is One and Unique and none is worthy of worship except Allah. 2) Muhammad PBUH is.Allah''s servant and messenger.
ইসলামে প্রবেশের জন্য শাহাদাহ ঘোষণা করুন
"আশহাদু আন লা ইলাহা ইল্লাল্লাহ ওয়া আশহাদু আন্না মুহাম্মাদান আবদুহু ওয়া রাসুলুহ"। 1) আল্লাহ এক ও অদ্বিতীয় এবং আল্লাহ ছাড়া কেউ ইবাদতের যোগ্য নয়। 2) মুহাম্মদ সা. আল্লাহর বান্দা ও রসূল।
Shahada from holy Qur'an
"Allah Himself bears witness that there is no God but He; and likewise do the angels and the men possessed of knowledge bear witness in truth and justice that there is no God but He, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.." Al Qur'an,Surah Ale Imran, Ayat 18
#কোরআন থেকে শাহাদা
"আল্লাহ নিজেই সাক্ষ্য দিচ্ছেন যে তিনি ছাড়া কোন মাবুদ নেই; এবং একইভাবে ফেরেশতা ও জ্ঞানী ব্যক্তিরা সত্য ও ন্যায়ের সাথে সাক্ষ্য দিচ্ছেন যে, তিনি ব্যতীত কোন মাবুদ নেই, তিনি সর্বশক্তিমান, সর্বজ্ঞানী...।" আল কুরআন, সূরা আলে ইমরান, আয়াত ১৮
Declare Shahadah to enter Islam
Shahada from holy Qur'an
Shahada from holy Qur'an
কোরআন থেকে শাহাদা
ইসলামে প্রবেশের জন্য শাহাদাহ ঘোষণা করুন
0 notes
liesexposer · 4 months
Are witnesses need to take the Shahada? - Shaykh Fawzan
Are witnesses needed for a non-Muslim to take shahada?
If a non-Muslim wants to accept Islam is it obligatory for two Muslims to witness it or is it enough if only one Muslim is a witness?
This is not a condition; they pronounce the two testimonies of faith (I bear witness that nothing has the right to be worshipped except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah) and they enter into Islam and there is no need for witnesses. But from the angle of confirmation only, witnesses are only for confirmation, but witnesses are not a condition for the testimonies of faith to be valid.
Fatwa by Sheikh Fawzaan
Translated by Rasheed Barbee
Source: https://mtws.posthaven.com/are-witnesses-need-to-take-the-shahada
0 notes
lifeofresulullah · 2 years
The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): The Assignment of the Duty of the Prophethood and First Muslims
Khalid Bin Said Becomes a Muslim
The era of secret call to Islam was continuing.
During this period, another eminent figure from the Quraysh joined the ranks of Muslims: Khalid bin Said. Hazrat Khalid was a leading figure of the Quraysh and belonged to a rich family.
One night, Khalid bin Said, who had extensive knowledge of Arab literature, saw in his dream that our Holy Prophet (PBUH) rushed to save him when his father wanted to throw him into the pits of Hell.
He woke up screaming. Hazrat Khalid understood that such a clear dream could not be meaningless. He said, “By Allah, this dream is true”, and without losing time, he quickly ran to Hazrat Abu Bakr. Hazrat Abu Bakr said, “I hope the best for you. The Messenger of Allah is going to save you. Quickly go and subject yourself to him! You are going to follow him, convert to Islam, and then be with him. And he is going to save you from falling into Hell as you saw in your dream.”
Hazrat Khalid quickly went to our Holy Prophet (PBUH) and asked, “Oh Muhammad! What do you call people to do?”
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “I call people to believe in Allah, who is One and does not have a partner, to believe that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger, and to forgo worshipping certain pieces of rock that cannot hear, cannot see, cannot benefit nor harm, and are unaware of those who worship and who do not worship them.”
Hazrat Khalid carefully listened to these words with respect and immediately recited the testimony of faith (shahada): “I testify that you are Allah’s Messenger!” 
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) was immensely happy that this individual had entered the circle of Islam.
Hazrat Khalid began to mention Islam to other people in his family and around as soon as he became Muslim. A while later, his wife Umayna, also joined the ranks of Muslims.
When Abu Uhayha, one of Quraysh’s leading and wealthy figures, heard that his son had become a Muslim, he became exceedingly furious.
One day, he heard that Hazrat Khalid was praying (performing salah) on a desolate spot in Mecca. He sent his other sons to bring Hazrat Khalid before him and angrily said, “So, you have chosen to follow Muhammad despite seeing that he opposes your tribe and he has insulted the tribe’s gods and its past fathers, is that right?” Afterwards, he said many things so that Hazrat Khalid would abstain from practicing Islam.
However, Hazrat Khalid, whose heart had been enlightened with the light of faith, did not have the slightest hesitation and did not feel any regret. He responded to his father who looked at him with his frowning brows: “By Allah, Muhammad (PBUH) tells the truth. I have subjected myself to him and will run the risk of death; however, I will never leave his religion.”
Abu Uhayha, who was severely angered by these words, hit his son with the staff that he was holding until it broke.
However, his efforts were in vain! The faith that was a source of strength and perseverance had occupied and comforted Hazrat Khalid’s heart. Torture and persecution did not invoke the slightest amount of negativity in the face of this faith.
When his cruel father saw that beating him was in no way effective, he told him to “go” and said, “I am going to cut off your sustenance and livelihood; so, go wherever you please.”
Hazrat Khalid knew that Allah was the One that provided for his livelihood; so once again, he did not mind his father’s words. Instead, he said, “Oh my dear father, if you cut off my livelihood then Allah will provide me with all that is necessary to get by.”
This time, Uhayha imprisoned him and threatened the community:
“If one of you decides to speak with him, I will ruin you.”
Hazrat Khalid was left hungry and thirsty for days on end.
It was pointless to continue living with a father who committed such torture and cruelty on account of his son’s religion; so, upon finding an opportunity, he was able to escape from his father’s hands. He did not come into his father’s sight until the second emigration to Abyssinia. 
Together, with his wife, he joined the procession that departed from Mecca to Abyssinia.
Hazrat Khalid was among the scribes that could write perfectly during the Age of Ignorance. According to a narration, Hazrat Khalid was the scribe of the letter that our Holy Prophet (PBUH) had sent to the King of Yemen and of many other treaties.
3 notes · View notes
pooma-islam · 5 months
DHIKR தமிழ்
◽Ashhadu Alla Ilaha Illallah
▫️The phrase “ashhadu alla ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna muhammadarrasulullah” is known as the shahada (testament to faith) and is has a significant importance in Islam.
▫️It is a represents a fundamental concept of Islam being one of the five pillars, it’s also recited by Muslims daily during the five obligatory prayers, it is a necessary statement that must be said and understood by people who convert to Islam, and it is a form of prayer (dhikr) which should be said during ablution (wudu).
▫️The meaning of ashadualla ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna muhammadarrasulullah is “I bear witness that there is no deity (none truly to be worshipped) but, Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah”.
◽These are two testaments or professions to one’s faith:
▫️la ilaha illa llah
There is no deity but Allah.
▫️Muhammadur Rasulullah
Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
◽The Shahada in Arabic text,
أشهدُ أنْ لا إلهَ إلاَّ اللهُ وأشهدُ أنَّ محمّداً رسولُ الله
▫️Pronounced: Ash-hadu alla ilaha illallah, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadar-Rasulullah
▫️To join the Muslim Ummah you would recite the shahada and have 2 witnesses present. Now, having witnesses are not strictly required to convert — Allah knows all things, so a Shahada said alone, with conviction, would make you a Muslim. To become legally recognized in your local mosque and get acquainted with those in your community, you generally must make your Shahada in front of witnesses—two Muslims or an Imam. A complete understanding of the Shahada must be understood and said sincerely in order for the conversion to be taken seriously. Tricking other non-muslims to recite this phrase in a joking manner does not establish them a Muslim.
▫️During salat before the taslim (concluding portion of prayer where you recite salam) you would recite attahiyat. This dua also contains the testament of faith while you raise the index finger signifying the Tawhid or the oneness of Allah.
▫️At-Tahiy-yatu lil-lahi was-salawatu wat-tay yibatu, As-Salamy ‘alika ay-yuhan-nabiy-yu wa rahma tullahi wa barakatu, As salamu ‘alayna wa ‘ala ‘ibadil-la his-saliheen ashadu an la ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna muhammadan rasulu llah.
▫️It is the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad to recite Shahada during Wudu.
▫️It was narrated that ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab said:
◽“The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘Whoever performs Wudu’ and does it well, then says: “Ashhadu an la ilaha ill-Allah was ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuluh (I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is his slave and Messenger),” eight gates of Paradise will be opened for him, and he may enter through whichever one he wishes.'”
Grade: Sahih (Darussalam)
Sunan An Nasai (632) and Sunan Ibn Majah (470)
▫️To a devout and practicing Muslim this one phrase would be said and heard multiple times a day as remembrance of Allah Azzawajal and his messenger.
▫️“Verily, the hypocrites seek to deceive Allah, but it is He Who deceives them. And when they stand up for As-Salat (the prayer), they stand with laziness and to be seen of men, and they do not remember Allah but little” An-Nisa ayat142
▫️Let us not get lazy and understand the meaning of what we are saying and not just pay lip service to these words.
“Take on only as much as you can do of good deeds, for the best of deeds is that which is done consistently, even if it is little.”
– Sunan Ibn Majah 4240
_"அஷ்ஹது அல்லா இலாஹா இல்லல்லாஹ்"
◽அஷ்ஹது அல்லா இலாஹ இல்லல்லாஹ்
▫️“அஷ்ஹது அல்லா இலாஹ இல்லல்லாஹ் வ அஷ்ஹது அன்ன முஹம்மதர்ரஸுலுல்லாஹ்” என்ற சொற்றொடர் ஷஹாதா (நம்பிக்கைக்கான சான்று) என்று அறியப்படுகிறது மற்றும் இஸ்லாத்தில் குறிப்பிடத்தக்க முக்கியத்துவம் வாய்ந்தது.
▫️இது இஸ்லாம் ஐந்து தூண்களில் ஒன்றாகும் என்பதற்கான அடிப்படைக் கருத்தைப் பிரதிபலிக்கிறது, இது ஐந்து கட்டாயத் தொழுகைகளின் போது தினசரி முஸ்லிம்களால் ஓதப்படுகிறது, இது இஸ்லாத்திற்கு மாறிய மக்களால் சொல்லப்பட்டு புரிந்துகொள்ளப்பட வேண்டிய அவசியமான அறிக்கையாகும், மேலும் இது தொழுகையின் ஒரு வடிவம் (திக்ர்), இது கழுவுதலின் போது (வுடு) கூறப்பட வேண்டும்.
◽அஷ்ஹது அல்லா இலாஹா இல்லல்லாஹ் என்றால் சரியாக என்ன அர்த்தம்?
▫️அஷாதுஅல்லா இலாஹ இல்லல்லாஹ் வ அஷ்ஹது அன்ன முஹம்மதர்ரஸுலுல்லாஹ் என்பதன் பொருள் என்னவென்றால், "அல்லாஹ் (உண்மையில் வணக்கத்திற்குரியவன்) இல்லை என்று நான் சாட்சி கூறுகிறேன், மேலும் முஹம்மது அல்லாஹ்வின் தூதர் என்று சாட்சி கூறுகிறேன்".
◽இவை ஒருவரின் நம்பிக்கைக்கு இரண்டு சான்றுகள் அல்லது தொழில்கள்:
▫️லா இலாஹா இல்லல்லாஹ்
அல்லாஹ்வைத் தவிர வேறு தெய்வம் இல்லை.
▫️முஹம்மதுர் ரசூலுல்லாஹ்
முஹம்மது அல்லாஹ்வின் தூதர்.
◽அரபு உரையில் ஷஹாதா,
أشهد أنۡ لا إلهَ إلاَّ اللهُ وأشهدُ أنَّ محمّداً رسولُ الله
▫️உச்சரிப்பு: அஷ்-ஹது அல்லா இலாஹ இல்லல்லாஹ், வ அஷ்-ஹது அன்ன முஹம்மதர்-ரசூலுல்லாஹ்
◽முஸ்லிம் ஆக வேண்டும் என்றால்
▫️முஸ்லிம் உம்மாவில் சேர நீங்கள் ஷஹாதாவை ஓத வேண்டும் மற்றும் 2 சாட்சிகள் இருக்க வேண்டும். இப்போது, ​​மதம் மாறுவதற்கு சாட்சிகள் இருப்பது கண்டிப்பாகத் தேவையில்லை - அல்லாஹ் எல்லாவற்றையும் அறிந்தவன், எனவே ஒரு ஷஹாதா மட்டும், உறுதியுடன் சொன்னால், அது உன்னை முஸ்லிமாக மாற்றும். உங்கள் உள்ளூர் மசூதியில் சட்டப்பூர்வமாக அங்கீகரிக்கப்படுவதற்கும், உங்கள் சமூகத்தில் உள்ளவர்களுடன் பழகுவதற்கும், நீங்கள் பொதுவாக இரண்டு முஸ்லிம்கள் அல்லது ஒரு இமாம் சாட்சிகளுக்கு முன்னால் உங்கள் ஷஹாதாவைச் செய்ய வேண்டும். ஷஹாதாவைப் பற்றிய முழுமையான புரிதல் புரிந்து கொள்ளப்பட வேண்டும் மற்றும் மனமாற்றம் தீவிரமாக எடுத்துக் கொள்ளப்பட வேண்டும். மற்ற முஸ்லிமல்லாதவர்களை ஏமாற்றி இந்த சொற்றொடரை நகைச்சுவையாகக் கூறுவது அவர்களை முஸ்லிமாக நிலைநிறுத்தாது.
◽தொழுகையின் போது கூறப்பட்ட வேண்டும் (ஸலாத்)
▫️தஸ்லிமுக்கு முன் தொழுகையின் போது (தொழுகையின் இறுதிப் பகுதி, அங்கு நீங்கள் சலாம் கூறுங்கள்) நீங்கள் அத்தஹியாத்தை ஓதுவீர்கள். நீங்கள் ஆள்காட்டி விரலை உயர்த்தும்போது இந்த துவாவில் நம்பிக்கையின் சான்றையும் கொண்டுள்ளது, இது தவ்ஹீத் அல்லது அல்லாஹ்வின் ஒருமையைக் குறிக்கிறது.
▫️அத்-தஹிய்-யது லில்-லாஹி வஸ்-சலவது வாட்-டை யிபது, அஸ்-சலாமி 'அலிகா அய்-ய���ஹான்-நபி-யு வ ரஹ்மா துல்லாஹி வ பரகாது, அஸ் சலாமு 'அலைனா வ'அலா'இபாதில்-லா ஹிஸ்-சாலிஹீன் அஷாது அன் லா இலாஹ இல்லல்லாஹ் வ அஷ்ஹது அன்ன முஹம்மதன் ரசூலுல்லாஹ்.
◽உடுவின் போது ஓத வேண்டும்
▫️உளூவின் போது ஷஹாதாவை ஓதுவது முஹம்மது நபியின் சுன்னாவாகும்.
▫️உமர் பின் அல்-கத்தாப் கூறியதாக அறிவிக்கப்பட்டது:
◽“அல்லாஹ்வின் தூதர் (ஸல்) அவர்கள் கூறினார்கள்: 'வூது' செய்து அதைச் சிறப்பாகச் செய்பவர், பின்னர் கூறுகிறார்: "அஷ்ஹது அன் லா இலாஹ இல்லல்லாஹ் அஷ்ஹது அன்ன முஹம்மதின் அப்துஹு வ ரசூலுஹ் (இதற்குத் தகுதியானவர் யாரும் இல்லை என்று நான் சாட்சி கூறுகிறேன். அல்லாஹ்வைத் தவிர வழிபடுங்கள், மேலும் முஹம்மது அவருடைய அடிமை மற்றும் தூதர் என்று நான் சாட்சி கூறுகிறேன்)"" அவருக்கு சொர்க்கத்தின் எட்டு வாயில்கள் திறக்கப்படும், மேலும் அவர் விரும்பிய வழியாக நுழையலாம்.
தரம்: சாஹிஹ் (தாருஸ்ஸலாம்)
சுனன் அன் நசாய் (632) மற்றும் சுனன் இப்னு மாஜா (470)
▫️அல்லாஹ் அஸ்ஸவஜல் மற்றும் அவனது தூதரின் நினைவாக இந்த ஒரு வாக்கியத்தை ஒரு நாளுக்கு பல முறை கூறுவதும், கேட்பதுமான ஒரு பக்தி மற்றும் நடைமுறை முஸ்லீம்களுக்கு.
▫️“நிச்சயமாக, நயவஞ்சகர்கள் அல்லாஹ்வை ஏமாற்ற முற்படுகிறார்கள், ஆனால் அவன்தான் அவர்களை ஏமாற்றுகிறான். அவர்கள் அஸ்ஸலாத்துக்காக (தொழுகைக்காக) நிற்கும் போது, ​​அவர்கள் சோம்பேறித்தனத்துடனும், மனிதர்களின் பார்வைக்காகவும் நிற்கிறார்கள், மேலும் அவர்கள் அல்லாஹ்வை சிறிதளவே நினைப்பதில்லை” அன்னிஸா அயத்142
▫️நாம் சோம்பேறியாகி விடாமல், நாம் சொல்வதன் அர்த்தத்தைப் புரிந்துகொள்வோம், இந்த வார்த்தைகளுக்கு உதட்டளவில் பணம் செலுத்தாமல் இருப்போம்.
"நற்செயல்களில் உங்களால் எவ்வளவு முடியுமோ அதை மட்டும் எடுத்துக் கொள்ளுங்கள், ஏனென்றால் சிறியதாக இருந்தாலும் தொடர்ந்து செய்வதே சிறந்த செயல்."
– சுனன் இப்னு மாஜா 4240
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basicsofislam · 2 years
THE COMPANIONS OF THE PROPHET (PBUH) : Uthman bin Affan (r.a.)
Hz. Uthman, who was the third caliph of the Prophet and an example of modesty and good manners, was one of the lucky people who were promised Paradise when they were alive. Hz. Abu Bakr started to convey the message of the true religion to his sincere friends first by visiting them. One of those friends was Hz. Uthman. Hz. Uthman was a lenient, gentle and honest person with high ethics. His character was suitable for accepting Islam. He listened to Hz. Abu Bakr carefully and became very interested in with what he said. Then, they went to the presence of the Messenger of Allah together.
The Prophet (pbuh) said to Hz. Uthman:
“Seek Paradise, which is a grant of Allah. I was sent as a guide to find the right path to you and to the whole mankind. There is no god but Allah.“ Then, he read some verses from the Quran.
Hz. Uthman was fascinated by the divine speech. He uttered kalima ash-shahada and became a Muslim. Afterwards, he expressed his feelings as follows:
“The first words I heard from the tongue of the Messenger of Allah were so pure, plain and impressive that I uttered kalima ash-shahada on impulse.“
Hz. Uthman was 34 years old when he became a Muslim. He was a young, influential tradesman. He was well off. When his uncle, Hakam bin Abi'l-As, found out that Uthman became a Muslim, he went crazy. He tied Uthman to a post and said,
“I will not give you any food if you do not abandon this religion.“ However, another relative of Hakam's understood that he would not abandon it even if he was killed and made him release Uthman. [  Tabaqat, 3: 55; Insanu'l-Uyun, 1: 446; Istiab, 4: 221  ]
Before the advent of Islam, Abu Lahab's son, Utba, was married to Ruqiyya, the daughter of the Prophet. When Utba heard that the Prophet propagated a new religion, he said to the Prophet (pbuh),
“I do not want your daughter and your religion. Thus, he divorced Hz. Ruqiyya. Thereupon, Hz. Uthman asked to marry Ruqiyya and married her.
Hz. Uthman and Ruqiyya were among the 15-people group that migrated to Abyssinia due to the oppression of the polytheists.  When the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) heard that Hz. Uthman set off before everybody, he said,
“Their friend and owner is Allah. Uthman is the first person to migrate with his family after Lut (Lot).“
After staying in Abyssinia for a while, Hz. Uthman, returned to Makkah with his wife. After that, he migrated to Madinah.
The most distinct quality of Hz. Uthman was his bashfulness and modesty. According to a narration of Hz. Aisha, the Messenger of Allah was once resting covered in a blanket. Meanwhile Hz. Abu Bakr arrived and asked permission to enter the house. The Messenger of Allah allowed him in without changing his position; he asked a question and left. After a while, Hz. Umar arrived. The Messenger of Allah allowed him to come in without changing his position. After that, Hz. Uthman arrived and asked permission to enter. This time, the Messenger of Allah sat up and tidied himself up.
Thereupon, Hz. Aisha asked,
“O Messenger of Allah! You did not tidy yourself up when Abu Bakr and Umar. Why did you sit up and tidy yourself up when Hz. Uthman came?“
The Messenger of Allah answered as follows:
“For, Uthman is a very bashful and modest person. Even angels feel shy in his presence. Shall I not feel shy?“ [  Muslim, Fadailu's-Sahaba: 26-27.  ]
Abu Musa'l-Ash'ari narrates:
We went to a house with the Messenger of Allah. He said to me,
“Wait at the door and do not let anyone in without permission!“
After a while, Abu Bakr arrived.
I said, “O Messenger of Allah! Abu Bakr arrived.“ He said,
“Let him in and give him the glad tiding of Paradise.“
After that, Umar arrived. He told me to tell him the same thing.
Then, Uthman arrived. He said the following about Uthman:
“Let him in and give him the glad tiding of Paradise due to the troubles he will confront.“ Thus, he stated that Hz. Uthman was one of the people who were promised Paradise and who would suffer several misfortunes in the future. [  Tirmidhi, Manaqib: 19.  ]
Hz. Uthman could not take part in the Battle of Badr though he wanted it so much. For, his wife, Hz. Ruqiyya was very ill. Although the Prophet accepted his excuse, he felt the sadness of not being able to join the Battle of Badr in his heart. Hz. Ruqiyya could not get over the illness she caught and died. The victory of Muslims in Badr transformed Hz. Uthman's deep sorrow into joy.
After returning from Badr, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) gave Hz. Uthman another glad tiding:
“You received the rewards of a martyr though you did not join Badr.“
After that, the Prophet married his other daughter, Umm Kulthum, off to Hz. Uthman. Then, Hz. Uthman was called “Dhun-nurayn“ (possessor of two lights).
After the death of Umm Kulthum, the Prophet consoled his son-in-law, who was a symbol of modesty, by saying, “If I had 40 daughters, I would marry them off to Uthman one by one.“ [  Usdu'l-Ghaba, 3: 378.  ]
Hz. Uthman (r.a.), who took part in the Battle of Uhud, sometimes remembered the sorrow he felt when he heard the false news of the death of the Prophet and expressed the severity of the agony he experienced there.
During the Expedition of Dhat ar-Riqa in the 4th year of the Migration, the Prophet appointed him as his deputy and left him in Madinah. Taking part in all of the battles after that, Hz. Uthman was sent as an envoy to the Qurayshis for the Treaty of Hudaybiyah. Hz. Uthman went to Makkah and told them that their purpose in going to Makkah was umrah but the polytheists opposed him and said to him,
“Go and tell the person who sent you here that he will never be able to enter Makkah and visit the Kaaba. However, if you want, you can circumambulate the Kaaba.“
Hz. Uthman answered them as follows:
“I will not circumambulate the Kaaba without the Messenger of Allah“
The Qurayshis were disturbed by these words of Hz. Uthman and they put him on probation for a while.
The statement of the polytheists turned out to be wrong; the Messenger of Allah circumambulated the Kaaba after a while.
The news that Hz. Uthman was put on probation reached the Muslims as if he was martyred. Being agitated by this news, the Muslims saw no other solution except fighting. Everybody was very excited. The divine revelation told Muslims to pay allegiance to the Prophet. All Muslims promised that they would obey the Messenger of Allah and that they would sacrifice their lives for the sake of Allah and His Messenger. The Messenger of Allah accepted the Muslims' allegiance by one hand for him and the other hand for Hz. Uthman. This allegiance was recorded as the Allegiance of Ridwan in the history of Islam.  
When the polytheists heard about it, they became worried and released Hz. Uthman. The Muslims became very happy when Hz. Uthman returned. They said to him, “You have probably circumambulated the Kaaba.“ Hz. Uthman answered them as follows:
“I swear by Allah that if I stayed in Makkah for a year and if the Messenger of Allah were in Huday­bi­yah, I would not circumambulate the Kaaba alone if the Prophet did not circumambulate the Kaaba.“ [  Sirah, 3: 330; Zadu'l-Maad, 3: 290-291.  ]
Afterwards, Hz. Uthman took part in the Battle of Khaybar, the Conquest of Makkah and the Battle of Hawazin. Hz. Uthman was among those who protected and defended the Messenger of Allah by forming a wall of flesh during the Battle of Hunayn.
Hz. Uthman gave away, 1000 dinars, 50 horses and 100 camels for the Expedition of Tabuk. The Prophet stated the following for this generosity:
“None of the mistakes Uthman will do from now on will harm him.“ [  Tirmidhi, Manaqib: 19; Hayatu's-Sahaba, 2: 97.  ]
Hz. Uthman helped the needy a lot in order to thank Allah for his wealth but he lived very humbly.
During a period of famine in Madinah, Hz. Uthman brought 100 camels loaded with wheat from Damascus. Some Companions hurried toward him to buy the wheat. He said to them,
“I have a better customer. He gives me more profit than you.“ The Companions went to Hz. Abu Bakr to tell him about what Uthman said. Hz. Abu Bakr knew Hz. Uthman better than anybody else. He said to them,
“He has the honor of being the son-in-law of the Messenger of Allah. He is also a friend of the Prophet in Paradise. You probably misunderstood him. Let us go to him together and find out about the situation.“
When they went over to Hz. Uthman, Hz. Abu Bakr said,
“O Uthman! The Companions felt very sorry when they heard your words. What is the matter? Can you explain it?“
Hz. Uthman answered as follows:  “O Caliph of the Messenger of Allah! There is a better customer who gives 700 in return for 1. I sold the wheat to Him.“
With that statement, Hz. Uthman wanted to say that he gave away the wheat on the camels as charity for Allah.
As a matter of fact, he distributed the wheat on the 100 camels to the poor without demanding any money. Hz. Abu Bakr became very pleased and kissed Hz. Uthman on the forehead.
Once Hz. Uthman heard that there was no food left in the house of the Messenger of Allah. He bought a fat sheep, some flour and oil, and took them to the house where Hz. Aisha lived. He said to her,
“O mother of the believers! I think the Messenger of Allah will share it with his other wives. Tell him not to do so. I will take the same things to them, too.“
The Prophet came home and found out about the situation. He said,
“O Lord! Forgive all of the sins of Uthman whether in the past or in the future, whether known or unknown.“
When Hz. Ali was about to marry Hz. Fatima, he put up his armor for sale. He met Hz. Uthman in the market. He told Uthman that he was going to marry and that he wanted to sell his armor to have enough money for mahr. Uthman (r.a.) bought it for 480 dirhams and gave Ali the money. Then, he turned to Hz. Ali and said,
“O Ali! I am giving this armor to you as a wedding present so that you will serve Allah with it. This armor is fitting only for an Islamic hero like you.“
One of the greatest characteristics of Hz. Uthman was his generosity. He did not hesitate to spend his wealth in the way of Allah. Once, the Muslims had difficulty in finding water to drink. There was no fresh water to drink except the water of Ruma Well. That well belonged to a Jew. He sold water at a very high price. This situation distressed the Prophet (pbuh). When he was together with the Companions, he said,  
“If a believer buys the Ruma Well, he will have a similar well in Paradise.“
Hz. Uthman was also there. He took action at once. He found the Jew. He told him that he wanted to buy the well. The Jew did not accept to sell the whole well. He sold half of it at a very high price. Hz. Uthman went to the presence of the Prophet joyfully. He said he had bought half of the well and that he allocated it to Muslims. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) complimented him by saying,
“The charity of Uthman is wonderful charity.“ Hz. Uthman bought the other half of the well later and allocated it to Muslims. [  Tirmidhi, Manaqib: 19; ]
One of the Companions Hz. Abu Bakr consulted the most during his caliphate was Hz. Uthman.
When Hz. Abu Bakr was on his deathbed, he was telling Hz. Uthman about the properties of the person to be the Caliph after him and Hz. Uthman was noting them down. Hz. Abu Bakr fainted before he mentioned the name of the person he described. Hz. Uthman thought he died and wrote the name of Hz. Umar.
After a while, Hz. Abu Bakr came to himself and asked him whose name he wrote. Hz. Uthman said, “O leader of the believers! I thought you died. I feared that there would be tumult and wrote the name of Umar bin Khattab.“
Hz. Abu Bakr became very happy due to his sensible act and said,
“May Allah reward you with goodness due to this favor you have done to Islam and Muslims. If you had written your name, you would also have acted correctly.“ [  Hayatu’s-Sahaba, 2: 14.  ]
Hz. Uthman supported Hz. Umar with might and main during his caliphate and undertook responsibility for fulfilling important duties. After the death of Hz. Umar, the consultation committee he appointed chose Hz. Uthman as the caliph.
The committee consisted of the following people:
Abdurrahman bin Awf, Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas, Talha, Zubayr, Uthman and Ali (r.a.).
Hz. Umar's son, Abdullah was also in this committee. Hz. Umar asked the committee to choose a caliph among them within three days after his death.
After the funeral of Hz. Umar, the committee negotiated for two days but could not make a decision. On the third day, Abdurrahman bin Awf offered that three of the candidates waive their rights in favor of one of the remaining three candidates. Thereupon, Hz. Zubayr nominated Hz. Ali, Hz. Sa'd nominated Abdur­rahman bin Awf and Hz. Talha nominated Hz. Uthman and waived their rights. After that, Abdurrahman bin Awf (r.a.) said that he also waived. Two candidates: Hz. Uthman and Hz. Ali remained.
Then, Hz. Abdurrahman negotiated with both of them. Meanwhile he asked the opinion of everybody, from men in the street, to women in their homes and students at schools. The majority preferred Hz. Uthman.
Hz. Abdurrahman called people to the mosque. He said he found Hz. Uthman more suitable for the caliphate and paid allegiance to him. After Hz. Abdurrahman, Hz. Ali became the second person to pay allegiance to Hz. Uthman. Then, the other Muslims paid allegiance to him. Thus, Hz. Uthman was chosen as the Caliph in 644. [  Asr-ı Saadet, 1: 293-294  ]
During the first six years of Hz. Uthman's caliphate, many places were conquered. An important part of Africa was conquered. The first Muslim attacks to Spain started in this period. Cyprus was conquered. Besides, the people of Armenia, who rebelled by taking advantage of the death of Hz. Umar, were suppressed. Tabaristan was conquered. An important incident of this period is that the Islamic navy confronted the Byzantine navy in the Mediterranean and that the Islamic navy defeated the Byzantine navy, which consisted of 500 ships. This victory enabled the Muslims to maneuver easily in the Mediterranean. The Muslims landed on the islands of Malta and Crete. A group of Muslims landed on the Anatolian shores while another group approached the walls of Istanbul. They worked hard in order to be fitting for the glad tiding of the Prophet.
During this period, the system of states was established in administration. The Islamic land was divided into two systems as civilian and administrative systems.
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One of the greatest and historical things and the most important one Hz. Uthman did was definitely the reproduction of the Quran. Some different views about pronouncing the Quran occurred among the Companions that went to conquer Armenia and Azerbaijan. For, the ones in the army of Iraq learned the Quran from Ibn Masud and those in the army of Damascus from Ubay bin Kab. Due to the small differences, Hudhayfah al-Yamani went to Hz. Uthman and said,
“Come to help Muslims before this ummah falls into disagreement like Jews and Christians.“
Upon this application, Hz. Uthman convened a committee of consultation. This committee consisted of 12 people. The prominent ones were Zayd bin Thabit, Abdullah bin Zubayr, Said bin As and Abdurrahman bin Harith (r.a.). The committee reproduced five (or seven) copies of the Quran that was in the house of Hz. Umar and under the protection of Hz. Hafsa based on the Quran that was compiled during the time of Hz. Abu Bakr. These copies were sent to Kufa, Basra, Damascus, Makkah, Yemen and Bahrain. One copy was left in Madinah. This copy was called “the imam“.
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The last period of his caliphate was full of mischief and tumult. Islamic historians mention the following for the reasons for the depressing incidents of mischief and tumult that took place during the caliphate of Hz. Uthman (r.a.) and Hz. Ali (r.a.) as follows:
1- An important part of the Companions who had the luck of meeting the Messenger of Allah and received blessing and luminous light from him had died and the rest of the Companions had to retire and retreat. Therefore, there were not enough qualified administrators; the negligence and incapability of the administrators caused disorders in the course of time. Doubtlessly, the generation of Tabiun, who were taught by the Companions, was one of the most distinguished generations in history. However, it is not possible to say that they were as sensitive as the Companions in terms of justice, capability and equity.  
2- The feelings of pride in tribes and clans, which were regarded as a source of pride in the Era of Jahiliyyah, had been replaced by lofty properties and feelings in the first periods of Islam due to obeying the holy orders loyally. However, that the young people of the Quraysh tribe obtained important ranks and positions with the conquests and victories after the death of the Prophet somewhat aroused their pride in their tribe. Belonging to the Quraysh tribe started to be regarded as a means of privilege and superiority, which started uneasiness among Muslims.
3- With the conquests, the borders of the Islamic state reached to Morocco in North Africa and Qabil in Asia. This caused people of different religions, languages and races to become Muslims or to live under the domination of Muslims. The pride of some of these nations, especially Iranians, was hurt a lot; so, a rebellion and opposition movement against the central Islamic authority started gradually.  
4- That Hz. Uthman (r.a.) was a lenient and gentle person, that he preferred forgiving people to punishing them caused some people to take advantage of it, which caused misuse and weaknesses in administration. People with ill intentions practiced their deeds of mischief and tumult easily under the administration with such weaknesses.  
5- Hz. Uthman (r.a.) was very rich, beneficent and generous before he became a Muslim, too. He liked his relatives and helped them all the time. After becoming a Muslim, these feelings of his and beneficence increased, too; he started to take care of his relatives more. Some people started to say that his charity out of his own wealth was from the Treasury and propagated against him; thus, they instigated mischief and tumult.
6- The administrators during the caliphate of Hz. Abu Bakr and Umar (r.a.) were shrewd authoritarian people; the atmosphere was away from the movements of mischief and tumult. Due to the conditions of his time, Hz. Uthman (r.a.) could not rely on anybody; therefore, he started to appoint his relatives for whom he had done favors to important administrative posts. He started to maintain the authority by doing so. These relatives were definitely capable and honest people. However, this situation was described and propagated as nepotism and appointing relatives to important posts.
7- With the conquests, the community of Arabs started to have relationships with different nations; the children born out of these marriages with new Muslims or Christians and Jews turned out to be weak individuals in terms of ethics and religion. This formed a suitable environment for mischief and tumult.  
Along with the reasons above, the efforts of Abdullah Ibn Saba, who was originally a Jew, instigated a tumult that could not be prevented.
In the 35th year of the Migration and 12th year of Hz. Uthman's caliphate, troublemakers from Kufa, Basra, Egypt, etc started to besiege Hz. Uthman's house. The notables of the Companions, primarily Hz. Ali, tried to end the siege but they failed. Whatever was predestined was going to happen. The troublemakers were determined to martyr Hz. Uthman, who was an example of good manners and modesty and who was innocent. Hz. Uthman addressed them as follows:
“Why do you want to kill me? I heard the Messenger of Allah say, ‘It is haram to kill a Muslim except three cases: A Muslim who commits adultery though he is married; a Muslim who kills a person intentionally; a person who exits the religion of Islam after becoming a Muslim.' I swear by Allah that I did not commit adultery in the Era of Jahiliyyah or after becoming a Muslim. I did not kill anybody. I did not exit the religion of Islam after becoming a Muslim. Then, why do you want to kill me?“ [  Asr-ı Saadet, 1: 293-294  ]
However, the network for the tumult had already been prepared and the agitation had reached a point that could not be reversed. Hz. Ali (r.a.) left his two sons, Hasan and Husayn, with the Caliph as guards. Abdullah bin Umar and some Companions were also there. There were enough people to fight the troublemakers. Abdullah bin Zubayr, Zayd bin Thabit, Abu Hurayra and other Companions said they were ready to help the religion of Allah and that they wanted to fight the troublemakers if the Caliph allowed them. However, Hz. Uthman did not want Muslim blood to shed. He refused those offers:
“I never want to be described as a caliph that shed Muslim blood. I take refuge in Allah against shedding the blood of even one person. I know that I will win if I fight them. However, I leave their punishment and those who agitate them to Allah.“ [  Tirmidhi, Manaqib: 19; Muslim, Fadailu's-Sahaba: 28.  ]
Hz. Uthman, who was an example of good manners, modesty and merits, saw the Prophet (pbuh) Hz. Abu Bakr and Hz. Umar in his dream one day before he was martyred. The Prophet addressed him as follows:
“We are fasting; we are waiting for you for iftar.“ When Hz. Uthman woke up that night, he intended to fast.
He was happy because it was time to rejoin Allah and His Messenger. It was Friday. He started to read the Quran. Meanwhile, some troublemakers managed to get inside the house and martyred Hz. Uthman. Some blood dropped on the Quran he was reading. Thus, another miracle of the Prophet about the future turned out to be true. The Prophet said that he was going to be killed unjustly.
“Why did the Companions not discover the troublemakers with the eye of sainthood and not take measures against them?“ The following answer of Badiuzzaman Said Nursi to the question above sets light to the causes of this murder: “Those who were the cause of those events and instigated the trouble did not consist of a few Jews; so, having discovered them could not have prevented the trouble. For with numerous different peoples entering Islam, many currents and ideas which were opposed to and contrary to one another had confused the situation. Particularly since the national pride of some of them had received awesome wounds at the blows of Umar (RA), they were waiting to take their revenge. For both their old religion had been rendered null and void and their old rule and sovereignty, the source of their pride, had been swept away. Knowingly or unknowingly, they were emotionally in favor of taking their revenge on Islamic rule. It was therefore said that certain clever and scheming dissemblers like the Jews took advantage of that state of society. That is to say, it would have been possible to prevent those events through reforming the social life, and various ideas of that time. They could not have been prevented by discovering one or two troublemakers.“
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Hz. Uthman reported 146 hadiths from the Messenger of Allah. Some of them included in “Musnad“ of Ahmad bin Hanbal are as follows:
“The grave is the first one of the hereafter houses. If a person attains salvation there, the rest will be easier for him. If he cannot attain salvation there, the rest will be more difficult for him.“
“If a Muslim leaves home with the intention of a journey or something else and says, ‘Tawakkaltu alallahi wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah' (I have placed my trust in Allah, there is no might and no power except by Allah ), leaving home like this will be a means of attaining goodness and keeping away from evil.“
“A person who knows the reality of Lailaha illallah and dies believing in it enters Paradise.“
“A person who performs the night (isha) prayer and the morning (fajr) prayer in congregation is regarded to have worshipped throughout the night.“
“If a person makes wudu properly, goes to the mosque and performs the prayer, Allah forgives his sins he commits between that prayer and the next one.“
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