#Shanks crew
alevens · 22 days
zolu and while they don't care about traditions or someone else's "yes" except each other's, they both choose to ask for each other's hand to avoid any conflict in the future (per Nami's and Usopp's insistance)
Luffy asks Nami first, because he thinks it's only fair she gets to give her okay since it has always been them three, in a way, of course she says yes, even tells him half of Zoro's debt is now forgiven, next, it's Chopper (who's already Zoro's best man, mind you) and between cries of "don't think this makes me happy, you bastard!" and a bunch of "yes, yes, yes" he gives them his okay, then Luffy asks Mihawk and Perona, much to Mihawk's amusement and Perona's annoyance (meaning she's actually touched about it), and it's not much asking as it is announcing it. then he asks Johnny and Yosaku, and he has to wait for like half an hour for them to stop crying and give him their "yes", and when they're in Zoro's home island, he asks Koushirou (and if they're not quick with that visit, it's because Koushirou probably would start telling embarrasing stories about Zoro and how he tried to use like twenty swords to fight when he was a kid) and finally, he asks Kuina, when they go to visit her grave, she's the only one Luffy greets properly, and the only one who's actually asked if she's okay with Luffy marrying Zoro.
Zoro starts with Jinbe, who right away tells him what an honor he thinks it is to be considered someone so important that he's asking him of all people for Luffy's hand, then tells him that shouldn't even be a question, because if it's not Zoro who he marries, then who else? then, he probably asks every single strawhat, more or less, because at the end of the day, it's their captain too, and even if he rather die than ask the shit cook for his opinion on the matter, he knows this is important for them too. everyone says yes (except of course Sanji, who says something along the lines of, "Luffy deserves someone better than a good for nothing mosshead, but if that's what he wants, then sure") next is Sabo, who does an excellent job of scaring Zoro half to death when he straight tells him "no", thank the devil he's only joking, laughs in his face about it amd everything, and even if he tells him there's no one better for Luffy than him, he makes it extremely clear that if he were to do anything to make Luffy even frown, he'd make sure to hunt him down to the ends of the ocean to erase him from existence,
after he's made sure to ask the strawhats and Sabo, he dreads (slightly, anyway) the fact he now only needs to talk with like half of the Grand Line and then with the infamous "Makino" back in Luffy's home island to be finished with the whole thing
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mugeesworld · 11 months
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Shanks with a chubby partner head cannons!
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Female y/n
Masters list-
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ahhhh shanks...... Shanks shanks shanks..... This mf...... How do I put this.... Sigh
He is one horny ass bastard.
I said it! And it's true! Look at him?!?? He always has that sly ass look on his face that makes you want to both punch and sit on. (I want to at least..)
And I have to say I don't think he would settle down with someone. He looks like a pimp. Hoping island to island. Unlimited hoes you feel me.
That was before he met you of course;)
Cause when his eyes landed on you. He didn't just want you oh no no no! He needed you... He desired you. He would not have it any other way.
Cause when he sets his eye on something. Especially a glorious treasure like you? Oh then he has to have it! Never in his life had he ever seen such a treasure like you!
No amount of jewels, gold, silver, or berries could ever be more desirable then you. Cause you we're the true treasure to him. Just the thing he has been searching for.
THE ONE PIECE! (sorry sorry. I'm joking!)
But you are certainly close to it! Just kidding you're better then it;)
Shanks is the type of guy to think he has the most rizziest of rizz then hit you with a yo mama joke. It would work on me but obviously it's not everyones type of flirting!
Ok so I started this like 3 days ago. Did a story and didn't like it. So I'm restarting a whole new small story. Cause I like adding a small little story on my head cannons! I do it on every single one! So yeah.....
It's no secret shanks and his crew love to drink! And like every other island he comes across he has to check out the bar at the one you just so happen to live and work at with your friend! So as usual him and his crew go to bar.
Beep beep.... Beep beep..... You rub your eyes and turn over to turn off your alarm. Seeing the time you jump to your feet. "Holy shit! I'm late for work!" you quickly throw on some clean clothes and start dragging yourself to the bar. Meanwhile your friend Ren is taking care of shanks crew by herself.
"Where the hell are you y/n??!" she grumbles carrying yet another barrel of booze for the thirsty pirates! She puts down the barrel when suddenly another group of pirates walk in.
"Oh fuck this! I can't do two crews by myself!" she says throwing her hands up in the air and sitting down on one of the stools at the bar. The captain from the other crew looks around the bar. His eyes landing on shanks. "Oh don't worry miss. We'll be quick... We're not here for a drink anyways." he mumbles.
Ren quickly stands up from her chair at hearing that. "If your not gonna buy anything then you can't stay buddy! This is a bar not a hotel!" she explains, walking towards the man while pointing at the door. The man scoffs and pushes past her. Ignoring her protests.
He makes his way over to shanks table slamming his hands down to get his attention. "So you're shanks huh? You don't look threatening at all! How the hell is your bounty so high?" he chuckles.
"Well I didn't come here to chit chat. So let's get on with it. Let's fight!" he yells throwing the table shanks was using. Shanks ignores the man. People like this are new to him. He sighs taking another sip of his sake. "Can't you see me and my crew are just trying to have a good time? Take a chill pill!" he groans.
Ren backs up against the bar. Usually you we're here to help settle bar fights like this but she was all alone left to panic. The man clenches his teeth. "How dare you disrespect me like that! Fight me! Or I'll tear this place apart till you do!" he yells, once again throwing another table.
The man continues to throw tables and chairs. Shanks hated that the guy was doing this to the bar. But it seemed a guy like this would pop up every time him and his crew go for a drink. He was tired of it. After a few minutes of him having a tantrum shanks finally stands up having had enough of his bull shit.
When suddenly you barge in out of breath nearly falling over at the sudden stop. "I'm so sorry I'm late ren- HOLY SHIT!"
You gather yourself, standing up straight to look around st the mess he made. "Who the hell do you think you are messing up my bar like this?!" you scream walking over towards the man.
The captain turns around to look at you. "Just stay out of this Missy. You don't want to get hurt do ya?" he sneers crossing his arms. You roll your eyes looking around for ren. Spotting her behind the bar. "Ren what the hell happened?!" you ask throwing your hand in the air
She pops her head out from behind the bar. "This guy wants to fight that guy over there but he refused so- Hey wait! I should be the one asking you that! Why the hell are you late y/n?! I could of died!" she yells.
You awkwardly smile at her and look at the ground. "I may have slept in.... But we will talk about that later! As I was saying! Ahem* WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" you yell pushing your finger into the man's chest.
"You can't just come in here and act like you own the place! You're gonna pay every penny of damage whether it's with berries or your life! I don't have time for your bullshit!" you scream grabbing the man by his shirt.
The pirate clenches his teeth and pushes your hands off him before turning back to shanks. Not paying you any mind. "Well I don't have time to deal with some foolish lady. I came here for one thing and one thing only." he says glaring at shanks.
You clench your fist, you've had enough. With everything that's happened today leading up to this you wanted to snap. You've dealed with pirates before. Either throwing them out or beating them if they refuse to pay. He wasn't gonna disrespect you like that. You're not the strongest but you can tell when you can win a fight against someone. He wasn't the biggest and certainly not the smartest.
You charge at the man, lifting up your fist and swinging. Nailing him right in the head. The man falls on his knee grabbing his head. "Don't you ignore me you bastard! I work to hard for this bar for it to be made a fool of by some damn pirate. If you wanna be a pirate so bad then maybe you at least have a bounty. Why don't I turn your ass in and fix up my bar huh?" you exclaim, pushing his head into the ground with one hand and holding his hands behind his back with the other.
Shanks and his crew watch with interest as you handle the pirate. Screwing his head harder and harder into the ground. "But seeing as you can't even take a punch from a foolish lady, your bounty won't even cover the costs of a single glass. You're not worth the walk to the police station.....You have balls coming in here like you own the place when you are weaker then a mere bar tender. Ton down your damn ego and get the hell out of my bar jackass!" you yell while bragging him to the door and throwing him out.
Breathing heavily you turn around to face the man's crew. "Get the hell out of my bar before I knock you all on your asses." you grumble, not in the mood to deal with them.
The crew rush out of the bar not saying a word. You stand still for a second trying to catch your breath before signing. "The audacity some people have is insane...." you whisper just loud enough to be heard. Walking towards the bar you see ren poke her head out from behind the bar.
"It's just my luck a snot nosed pirate trys to cause a ruckus on the exact day you sleep in..." she sighs rubbing her hand over her face. "I'm sorry ren it won't happen again! I'll clean up the mess he made since I was late." you say walking towards the table he flipped.
You flip the tables and chairs back over. Only a few being damaged. Fixing shanks table you see that the chair he was using is broke. "Damn! Sorry about that I'll get you a new chair." you say picking it up. Shanks shakes his head. "That's alright I can sit at the bar. You don't need any more work then you're already doing anyways!" he smiles.
"No it's alright I don't mind!" you say quickly walking away to grab him a new chair before he can protest. He sighs, still feeling bad about the mess he somewhat caused. You put down two chairs in front of him. "Their we are! I only seen one by the table so I brought another in case someone else was sitting here with ya!" you explain.
Shanks nods with a small smile. "Thank you! I was sitting alone actually! Sorry for the mess that guy caused. That stuff seems to happen in every bar I go to. It's a real party pooper. Would you maybe like to join me for a drink?" he asks sitting down in one of the chairs and patting the other.
You think for a moment "hell! Why not!" You sit down and he pours you both some sake. "I have to admit. I didn't think you would be so friendly after seeing you take down that guy. It was pretty scary!" he chuckles.
You laugh and shake your head. "I could of probably handled that differently but I wasn't in the mood to deal with someone like that today." he passes you your drink. "Their isn't many ways to deal with people like that. I think you handled it pretty well!"
You and shanks talk and laugh till you have to get back to work. For the remaining time he was on the island he was at your bar or sleeping. On the last day he asked you to join his crew. How could you say no?
I don't know how I feel about the little story but I don't have the energy to start over. Plus it ended up being way longer then anticipated!
Shanks is a childish person. It's his personality! He is just like luffy. Childish and bold. He might not be as bad as luffy since he is older but for the most part he is!
Let me give you a few examples! Shanks is very easy to please and distract. You never realized how easy it really was until you were naked in front of him for the first time
He was beyond excited! Cause if you are scared to show your body to him. He would praise and just beg you till you did. He didn't understand why you didn't want to!
Imagine shanks coming back from dinner on the ship, heading to yalls room. You and him still haven't had sex yet. And you decided fuck it! You strip naked and sit on the bed waiting for him. As a surprise!
And boy. It was certainly a surprise for him! Right when he walked in he was speechless. He stood there at the door way for a solid minute. Eyes wide and mouth open until you yelled at him to close the door.
He quickly turns around to close the door. Before turning back around he does a little dance cause he is so excited. He turns around towards you with a huge smile and just jumps on top of you.
As you lay flat on your back shanks straddles your legs, staring down at you. You start to get embarrassed with his piercing gave never leaving your body and try and cover up with your hands.
Shanks quickly pushes them away. "Oh No you don't! You covered up this treasure from me long enough! You're never covering it again! Such beauty shouldn't be kept from the eye." he says.
You feel your face heat up. You can't help but feel flustered every time he speaks like that. Shanks cups your face. Running his hand down to your neck. Then your chest. Then your breasts.
Small boobs or big boobs? He don't care. He finds them funny. Like a stress ball.
He squeezes and pokes your boobs. Even though it feels good you can't help but laugh at his reaction. The way he is looking at them is like a kid spaced out after getting a new toy.
He wasn't even trying to pleasure you at that moment. He was to busy playing with your tits to care. Shanks quickly stops hearing you laugh at him. "What are you laughing at huh? Can't a man appreciate his woman's body properly!" he says a little embarrassed.
He is very touchy. Like I mean he can't keep his hands off you. It's not always in a sexual way either. He just needs to have his hands on you in some way. It's comforting. When y'all are sitting down he will have his arm around you or his hand on your leg. Pulling you in closer by you waist. Their will be no space for air.
When standing he doesn't hold hands no. He holds your love handles. If he's walking beside you his arms wrapped around you and squeezing them or if he's standing behind you he's wrapping his arms around you and swaying with his head on your shoulder. You get no personal space.
Sometimes he just needs to hold you for a second. No reason at all. He just wants to. He will stop mid convo. Find you and get your attention even if you're talking to someone. He doesn't care. And wrap his arms around you and sway a bit. That's all. No words exchanged. Then he just walks away.
You will never truly understand that man.
If you don't want to he will just groan or whine till you let him. He has no shame. He's a actual baby😐💀.
Doesn't matter how you're standing or what's around you. He will find a way to satisfy his need to touch you. Doesn't care how embarrassing it is or who's around. His crew has seen everything by now.
He just can't get enough of your body and will take every chance he gets to savor it. Bro would walk up and just put his face on your chest and groan in relief. While you stand their embarrassed. He's actually a leach.
Who wouldn't want this man's large hands on them tho? Exactly.
Since he's so grabby he will grab your stomach too if you're comfortable with that. He will grab e v e r y t h i n g.
Their are no limits for him unless they are past your limits.
He loves laying on your stomach after a long day of God knows what. Listening to your heart beat. And feeling your warmth. Moments like that heals him. It suddenly makes everything better. He loves nothing more then just holding you against him. Knowing your safe and can't go anywhere.
You are truly the one treause he will never sell or loose. He cherishes you. He is actually obsessed with you. Like genuinely. His crew was shocked when seeing him settle down so suddenly with you after seeing him go woman to woman for year's. He was the last person they would expect to do something like that.
He would let you wear his cape. Or buy you one so y'all can match. He would put some shit on it tho like "Ms shanks/ Ms. Red /red haired shanks wife" even if y'all ain't married💀 and sure enough when the government sees that on the back that' your name on the bounty poster 😭
Shanks laughs his ass off about that. Finds it absolutely hilarious. The crew will start calling you Ms. Red. It's got a nice ring to it tho! Can't say I don't like it!
You may be thinking. "His love language can't only be touch!" oh he tries his best to do other stuff! He will buy you anything if you ask! He might try to say something romantic but end up saying the most random thing ever. "You're so beautiful y/n! Your eyes are as brown as a swaying tree branch...." he tries his best...he really does. You gotta give him some credit.
He does give you small praises though. Like "You're so soft/warm. I can't believe I'm dating you. I'm one lucky son of a bitch" random ass things.
Oh but when he's drinking...... You better not get embarrassed easily cause he will spout the most dirty stuff. He doesn't care when he's drunk. The bit of dignity he has before drinking vanishes with the first sip. He his groping and rubbing up on you. Saying all this stuff in front of his crew. You usually end up taking him to yalls room cause you can't handle the embarrassment. He can handle his booze we'll but when it comes to his words he's out of it. He can do everything else fine!
Bro is always horny. He would probably say that out loud too. The little amount of care he has is insane. It's actually scary.
That being said he will tease you until you are red as a damn tomato. He loves riling you up. Especially if you're the shy type. He loves seeing your reaction. In public or in private.
He doesn't play hard to get with you but after teasing you he will act like he didn't do anything. Like nothing happened. He loves seeing you squirm in your seat.
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weirdlotiel · 2 years
I just watched One Piece Red.
And it was f***ing AMAZING. I love the songs, and Uta is great.
But I also cried at the end. (Not gonna tell you why in case you haven’t seen it yet).
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reineydraws · 14 days
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benn is actually praying for himself bc he knows that this is somehow going to turn into his problem 😔🙏
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chinelacanta · 2 months
i like to think that ever since they met it was mutually ON SIGHT bullying <3
they’re both losers (said with love)
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lild00td00t · 11 months
Unexpected Kisses
Characters: Buggy, Shanks, Ace, Sanji, and Franky
Some smoochies for our One Piece fellas <3 Enjoy
• It is SO easy to catch this man off guard, he’s always ranting about one thing or the other. It’s either that or he’s drinking and partying the day away!
• So it’s a huge surprise when you kiss his cheek, and go back to your current task at hand as if nothing happened, and yes he absolutely WILL throw a fit when you pretend nothing happened.
• Claims he’s not embarrassed about the sudden kiss, but the shade of his face proves otherwise, he’s totally shocked.
• Deep down he probably appreciates it, but he’s simply too stubborn to admit it!
• Sees it coming but pretends he doesn’t, will gladly return the kiss unless you’re feeling playful and run away. In which case a chase will ensue, he WILL get that kiss.
• kisses are such a huge thing between you two, much to the dismay of the other Red Haired Pirates, he’s such a physical and affectionate person, intimacy is a huge thing in your relationship!
• Hes so affectionate, and always playful with you, it’s almost as if you make him feel like a young man again.
•I personally think surprise ones would be his favorite because of their playful nature.
• The look on your face when you think you’ve shocked him simply makes him melt. So he allows you to believe he was completely unware of your plans, because he finds the expression on your face so worth it <3
Portgas D. Ace
• He is the king of suprises, though they blend in with pranks a lot of the time. He’s always finding ways to surprise you, whether it be with small gifts or tricks he’s picked up, he loves to impress you.
• So when you return the favor with a suprise kiss he’s over the moon. He was in his own little world, looking over the railing of the Moby Dick when he felt the peck you delivered. Prepare for it to be an all out kiss war!!
• Much like Shanks these kisses are playful! They involve you stealing his hat and usually tumbling over one another as he fights to get it back!
• I feel he takes enjoyment out of your suprise affections, because god knows he absolutely needs all the love you give him.
• He’s not shy giving you sudden kisses either, whatever you give him he returns! Whether you’re in the dining room, out shopping, on the deck of the Moby Dick, he’ll give you wonderful surprise kisses <3
• He would be the most affected by your gesture. One minute he’s explaining how he seasons the skillet before beginning to cook, and the next you’re both hurrying to plug his nose up before he bleeds out
• While he’s explaining, there’s such a handsome smile on his face. Hearing him talk about something he’s so passionate about always makes your heart swell for him, so it was hard for you to NOT kiss him, it’s not your fault he wasn’t prepared!!
• He one hundred percent begs for more, going as far to turn his head and tap his cheek, asking for just one more!
• I don’t think Sanji would suprise you with kisses, but I do imagine kisses come with the drinks and food he brings for you.
• I also imagine Sanji times kisses perfectly. So that whenever it happens it feels like it’s out of a movie or a romance novel. He definitely has a knack for making you feel like you’re in the most romantic setting you’ll ever be in <3
• He’s probably going to react the most wholesome out of everyone, we’ve all seen him during sentimental stories, and he is truly the most precious cyborg!
• Loves it when you find him working, he’ll answer all your questions, none of them rousing suspicion until you ask him to look up
• That’s when you strike! Pecking his forehead while he sits idly, trying to comprehend what happened.
• Giggles non stop when you kiss him, his face will grow red and he’ll lean in, asking for more. He just can’t get enough of your affections!
• He will always return kisses, and as stated, will be an absolute giggling MESS! Only you can bring out such a soft and pure side of him
• The kisses you give him will simply make his day, if he’s ever bummed out or needing a recharge a cola is always nice, but you offer an extra incentive with suuupppeeerrrr kisses!!
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alexa-fika · 3 months
Hello! Ok so can I request a whitebeard pirates x child reader?
Basically reader has this big fat crush on shanks and everytime that shanks visit the Moby dick reader would give shanks flowers, cards, and candies
Shanks also has this huge ego boost often making comments how he's reader favorite which anger the whitebeard pirates
Ace was so ready to strangle shanks but reader gets between them and there like "Stop fighting! if you keep this up I'll go with Mr shanks and his crew!"
Ace is heartbroken, thatch is sobbing on the floor, while everyone else is stunned LOL
-👻 anon
Puppy Love (Shanks x gn!child!reader x Whitebeard pirates)
A/N YALL GET YOUR GRILLS READY CAUSE I COOKED HERE, I loved making this im not really into crack fics so I wanted to keep it as real as possible but while still adding that spec of dramatics of it and I think I found the perfect balance
Reader here is replaced by Dokucha which stands for Reader in japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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At first, the Whitebeard pirates thought it was normal. Dokucha was quite the amicable child, after all, and it was not unheard of for them to give small gifts to guests who came on the ship.
The first time Dokucha had seen the red-haired Captain was when the yonko was visiting the Moby Dick on business. Upon spotting the man Dokucha was quick to sneak into the clinic and steal some candy to hand to him.
“Here, Mister Shanks,” they said shyly, handing the candy to said man
Shanks took the candy from the child and thanked them for it
“For me?”
They nodded, a faint red hue blooming on their face as they fidgeted, their upper body spinning back and forth to keep their nerves down
He chuckles softly, giving the kid a small smile and ruffling their head
"Thank you very much, kid," he said as he turned to leave
They squealed happily once he had stepped off the boat, the red hue now taking over their face entirely as they replayed the event on their heads
The Whitebeard Pirates looked on in confusion at the small kid who had grown so fond of the red-head captain
“Ne, is he coming over again?” Dokucha questioned, lying their head on the railing watching as the Red forced slowly sailed away
“Pops needs to discuss some more loose ends with him, so he will be back soon,” Jozu answers absentmindedly
“How soon?”
He looks at the little one before shrugging
“A couple days, maybe a week.”
“Why are you so curious, Dokucha?” Izou asks with a raised brow at the child’s sudden interest
“Nothing!” They said, grinning ear to ear as they went into the ship a skip to their step on their way
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The pirates brushed it off as the kid simply being excited at the fact that someone out of their family was coming to visit; they were very wrong.
On the next visit, Dokucha had begged Vista to make some flowers for them and had even sneaked into the kitchen to steal some of the edible flowers to make a small bouquet.
“Here Mister Shanks”
“For me?” Shanks asked with a slight grin on his face as he took the small bouquet and gave the little one a thankful look
“Dokucha, did you make this?”
“Yeah, I made it for you,” they mutter shyly with a shrug
Shanks bends down to the child’s height
“Thank you very much; it looks like you worked hard to make it so pretty.” he takes one of the flowers and tucks it behind their ear
“Here, now you look pretty as well.”
Their face explodes with red at the gesture, a lovesick look on their face as they watch him go
The crewmates raise their eyebrows at this behavior; Ace is the first to speak up
“Hey, that idiot is trying to steal Dokucha!” mutters Ace as he elbows Marco
“That’s just how Dokucha is; you know how friendly they are,” he says with a grunt at the hit
“No, No, Ace is onto something here; he’s definitely up to something,” agrees Thatch
Marco rolls his eyes as he leaves the two to talk their conspiracy out
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Turns out he should have heeded their words as he now felt the same feeling crawling up his skin as he watched his youngest sibling yet again approaching the man with another small gift, a small golden coin they had found on their last island
By now, Shanks had started expecting it, so when the kid approached them, a smirk appeared on his face
“What do you have for me today?” he said, scooping the small child up
“I found a pretty coin for Mister Shanks!”
He backs up slightly to look at the coin the child had raised
“You’re spoiling me here, kid. What has my favorite Whitebeard up to?”
They shrug
“I played with my brothers again.”
He chuckles softly
“You’re adorable; I might have to steal you; we need some of that energy in the red Force,”
Dokucha’s response was stopped as they both turned at a hot feeling enveloping them
“Red-haired Shanks,” Ace growls, a tight grin on his face as his fire flickered around him
“Don’t get me wrong, I'm still eternally grateful for you saving and taking care of my brother, but I won’t sit still and watch you steal Dokucha.”
“Would you be so kind as to put my dear sibling down?” Thatch says, a similar tight smile on his face as he swings around his kitchen knives
Marco stared at the confrontation unfolding before him, his eyes drilling into the opposing captain, waiting for the perfect moment to swoop in
“Stop! If you hurt Mister Shanks, I will be mad at you forever! And I will go on adventures with Mister Shanks!”
Thatch gasps at their words
“Dokucha…you are breaking my heart!” He said, grasping at his chest at the sight
“Ah, Thatch-nii!” They said, jumping off Shanks's hand and running to their brother
“Is you’re heart okay?! I’m sorry! I'm not mad at Thatch-Nii!” They cry
Thatch rushes forward to the kid, embracing them in a hug
“Don’t you go running off with anyone else, okay? I won’t allow it.”
“Is your heart okay, Thatch-nii?”
He chuckles
“Don’t worry, I‘m fine. I would just miss you too much if you were to leave.”
“That being said, you are not going with Shanks.”
Shanks chuckles at this, a sly smirk growing on his face
“I don’t know. I might just steal the little one.”
“Stop” A commanding voice booms
“Ace, stand down,” Whitebeard mutters
Ace’s flame flares more as his jaw tightens
Whitebeard turns his sight to the Red-Haired captain
“Boy, stop taunting my commanders.”
Shanks raises his hand in a forfeiting motion
“Couldn’t help myself,” he chuckles
“Well then, are you done messing around?” Thatch asked after a moment of silence, scooping up the child and putting them on his hip
“I think it is time for me to take my leave,” sighs Shanks, a small smile growing as he says this
“Hey, kid, say hi to Luffy for me, will ya?” He said, glancing at Ace
Ace rolls his eyes at this but grumbles out an agreement his way, a similar smile on his face
Shanks nods at this and takes his leave, jumping back to the Red Force and preparing to set sail
Dokucha whines at this, struggling against Thatch’s hold to try to follow after the redhead
Thatch looks down at the child struggling against his grasp
“Don’t.” He said bluntly
Marco glances at the small struggle before sighing and crossing over, pulling the kid from Thatch to sit on the other side of his hip, nodding at the chef in assurance
Dokucha tries to take advantage of the handover to wiggle their way out of their grasp but is unable to escape their brothers’ firm hold
“There isn’t escaping, you little troublemaker; no use trying,”
“But I want to see Mister Shanks off!”
“I know, bud, but you can’t run off with every stranger you see,” he said, ruffling their hair
They pout
“But it’s a handsome stranger!”
“And what if they're bad people? They could steal you away, you know?”
“Mister Shanks can steal me any day,” they sighed with a dopey smile
He lets out a small chuckle
“Your something else, kid,” he says, giving their head a light pat
“No, Marco-nii, Shanks is something else! So handsome and strong!”
He scoffs at that
“What are we, invisible?” he grumbles, walking into the ship
Ace and Thatch watched them walk away, the latter looking up at his Captain
“Hey, old ma-
“You’re not going after him.”
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Guys let’s be honest Dokucha is just voicing much of you are thinking, I think they are intrusive thoughts voiced out, honestly I keep re-reading and I keep laughing cause I just think of you guys doing that
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sibmakesart · 5 months
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shanks has a Tabac in Croix-Rousse (get it ? Shanks le Roux. à croix rousse. get it.)
il fait un prix a sanji sur ses cigarettes apres quil apprends quil est devenu pote avec luffy
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beaulesbian · 4 months
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One Piece ☀️ opening 25 ☀️ Saiko Totatsuten by Sekai no Owari
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siren-serenity · 7 months
when he loves you
characters: red-haired shanks, gn!reader warnings: fluff a/n: - i'll take requests for more of this "series"!!! i kinda wanna do sanji and ace hehe - HOLY SHIT HE'S SO FINE!!!! LIKE DAMN- OMG SHANKS??? SHANKS?!?!?! - feedback is appreciated!
part one (shanks) // part two (ace) // part three (buggy)
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when shanks loves you, there is no doubt about it. it's so painfully obvious when he's in love, heart fluttering as if he's an old school boy and butterflies in his stomach erupting whenever you're around him. the blush on his cheeks rivals the shade of red his infamous hair and his tongue turns to lead around you.
"benn, shut up!" shanks whisper-shouts, pressing his hand over his face and trying to cover up as much of his blushing face as possible. his voice is muffled yet anyone could hear the whine in his voice. "y/n can hear you!" his black-haired first mate simply sighs heavily, resigned to his fate as shanks' cupid. "that's the whole point, captain!" shanks points at him, cheeks flushed. "not another word!" benn only rolls his eyes but shanks could see the glimmer of amusement in them.
when shanks loves you, you learn to love his way of expressing affection - physical affection. whether it is him holding you by the waist in a death grip whenever a storm hits whilst he's steering the wheel or at the quiet moments in the middle of the night and he's the little spoon embraced by you, you learn to love the amount of warmth he emits and the little featherlight kisses he presses on instinct.
"mhmm," shanks sighs and scoots closer to you. he buries himself in your arms, smiling widely. "this feels...nice...." you pet his hair, and the grin expands. he loves the way your fingers gently ran through his messy red hair, careful to not pull any knots, and the soothing action almost makes him fall asleep. "you like this?" you tease and even with his eyes closed, shanks could imagine the way your eyes would twinkle. "yeah," shanks presses a kiss to the underside of your jaw before nuzzling into you. taking a deep breath of your scent, he mumbles something one last time before falling asleep. "i love it."
when shanks loves you, there is nothing in the world holding him back from showing just how much he loves you. he's an emperor, what's the point of coveting so much berry when he can spend it all on you? there's no greater joy than seeing the look on your face when he comes back, gifts in tow. even though you chide him for spending so much berry on you, you're grinning nonetheless and his heart stops. it's a routine on every island he and his crew stop at, one that he intends to do until he can't anymore.
"shanks!" you run down the plank and tackle him in a hug. his arm cradles the back of your head, pushing it closer to him as if he's trying to mold you together with him. "you're back!" "always, love," he gives you a light kiss before picking up the almost-forgotten bags. he shakes them, smiling. "got you something." you sigh playfully but took it in hand. gosh- the way your eyes glittered and the way you kept biting your lip to prevent the big smile from erupting on your face...shanks would do anything to keep it there. "you can't keep buying me more stuff! spend the berry on your crew!" although you say this, shanks knows, without a doubt, that you're going to squeal over each item he bought and keep them pristine in your cupboard. including the cheesy (you called it cringe) mug that red '#1 lover!!' and the matching ('cliche' you called it) pair of silly duck shoes., you'll treasure them all.
when shanks loves you, he loves you. heart, soul, mind, body, you can have it all, as long as he can have you in return.
"i like you," shanks says, cheeks blushing as he confesses to you first. "love ya," he presses a kiss to your head as you wake up, a giant grin on his face as always. "i love you," shanks cradles your face in his, hand shaking as he realizes that he could have lost you. he would do anything to bring you back if that happened; hell hath no fury like a pirate scorned when he found your murderer. he realizes that the moment the sword descended on you and almost pierced through skin that perhaps...perhaps you were the 'one' that rayleigh mentioned all the time. "i love you, y/n. don't ever leave me...please."
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buggy drunk, flirting with marco: heyyy~ marco
marco responding because if nothing else it'll make shanks mad: heyyy~ bugs
shanks, halfway across the grandline, tense as hell as he gets a that's so raven like premonition: buggy and marco are fucking
benn with his head in his hands, halfway to crying because this is the fifth time kashira has turned the ship around because he cant stop chasing after that fucking clown and he doesnt get paid enough for this and-: this ship is fucking NIGHTMARE!!!
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mamoru-chiba-ua · 2 months
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I know Oda said there will be no romantic relationship on the ship and I respect that but. . . That doesn't mean they can't fuck nasty on an island right?
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dykealloy · 5 months
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images that are beloved worms i keep housed out the back in my cerebellum. or something
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