#Shawn writing
kevinsdsy · 4 months
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bonus (silly tweet for the muslim oomfs):
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trojans social media au – the archives (pt. 6): made oomfs one shot a canon event apparently BC LMAOOO how are we still going
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samijey · 5 months
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Trick Williams and Ilja Dragunov backstage after their final match at Spring Breakin' 2024
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thoughtkick · 1 year
Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
George Bernard Shawn
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tadc-harlequin-au · 2 months
Touch-Starved (canon)
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otherwise known as; the part where The Puppetmaster finds out he has THE FEELINGS(™, patent pending) for the Combat Harlequin. lmfao
"Almost..." His hand trembled at the last piece required. He carefully slotted the optics in place, and twisted the eye multiple times to stick it in place. Within moments, he steps back, and Bubble flared up alive again, checking out his new, updated vision. “Wow! I can see more colors now!” The Blimp spun in place.
“Those new eyes should allow you to broadcast anything you see to me, if I so wished.” He explains, pulling out a small, thin black screen from one of the the desk’s many compartment. He switches it on, and Bubble’s eyes suddenly have a tiny red dot blinking in the middle of it.
So far, so good. The device was working as intended and he could see the top of his dentures from Bubble’s perspective, making Caine grin proudly.
“You may proceed to do your chores once more, the upgrades are done.” He sends the blimp to his merry way, and Bubble only nods before turning away to make his way out of the office. He leans back with a content sigh and closed eyes, satisfied with the work done for the day.
At that very moment, Pomni also opens the door.
She looked… disheveled, to say the least.
“Oh hey Pomni!” The butler blimp greeted with his usual reply. The Harlequin only sent him a look of acknowledgement, knowing that it’s useless to try to spark up a conversation, as Bubble was already making his way out.
Caine blinked once, and then he blinked twice just to make sure he’s seeing things right.
Was she always this… dazzling? Literally? He could see sparkles forming everywhere.
She flipped her hair in a messy attempt to get rid of the strands currently stuck to the skin of her nape. Her trademark golden ponytail missing, most likely a B.O.S.S.’s doing. She made her way to Caine’s desk and he swears he could feel his heart beat faster and faster with each step she took. The Harlequin’s trademark squinted brows with half-lidded eyes meeting his own wide stare, a gaze that would typically make any person with a still-functioning sanity cower in fear.
She took a seat on his desk with her legs crossed and her back turned against him and leaning on her right arm, as she usually did.
“Here’s the die you asked for. Took me a bit, but still got the job done.” She checked her left arm for damages after she placed the multi-colored puppet heart in front of him, while she flashed her teeth with a victorious, smug smile. His words are caught in his throat and her entirety shines too brightly for him. He couldn’t understand it.
Why… did she seem like a flame, and he felt like an unsuspecting moth, drawn to her light?
He shook his head clear and forced his stare away from her direction, clearing his throat while clutching the die. “I-I see, thank you, Pomni. You-you’ve done… a… wonderful…” Her hand grasped his own and his heart leapt at his own throat. Her synthetic, calloused fingers felt so rough, yet so gentle against his own gloved ones that he considered taking them off.
“...j-job.” His breath hitched as he struggled to finish the end of his sentence, unable to tear his attention away from her eyes. He found himself gawking at her intense, golden eye matched with blue and red pinwheel ones.
“Aren't you forgetting something, Puppetmaster?” Her expression questioning, yet with a slight and subtle undertone of mischief glinted at her optics. 
He couldn’t speak. He struggled to form coherent words. It felt like he was being strangled by an unknown force clutching at his neck, yet there was clearly no malice behind it. 
“Wh… What am I forgetting…?” He asked in such a feeble tone that made her chuckle in such a low rumbling tone, snaring his full attention.
“Well, I think that I deserve a reward for my services. Don’t you think?” She stands up. Warm hands suddenly felt so cold and empty, and already he missed the warmth present just about a second ago. The Harlequin made her way towards him as he spun his chair to meet her halfway. Hand at her hips as she towered over his sitting form. He’s all of a sudden clutching at the armrest so intensely.
“Y-yes, of course! H-how could I forget!” He nervously chuckles, he would pull on his collar right about now. “What is it you wish to be rewarded with?”
He offers her his best smile, and she giggles as she shakes her head. Without any warning, she took a seat on his lap, and he went frozen. As if making one single move would shatter the very fabric of the universe. She leaned her head to his shoulder, fiddling with the collar of his shirt then her fingers trailed onto the underside of his chin to make him look at her. He shivered from the contact.
He trembled as his face warmed up to uncontrollable degrees, and produced visible heat waves. Not even his self-installed coolants were helping him tone down the sudden rise in his body temperature in the slightest. He couldn’t control his shakes, making the Harlequin smirk, knowing that she had the Puppetmaster all wrapped around her finger.
He didn’t know what came over him, because now his own hands were making their way onto her thighs to pull her closer to him entirely, the other shakingly placing itself onto her shoulders and he could feel the way she sighs contentedly against his touch. He exhales a shaky breath himself, attempting to steel himself.
“M-my dear, a-are you positive that… that is what you’d like?”
It was better to be safe than sorry. She sits up straight, and for the first time, he regrets ever asking that question in the first place.
“Actually…” Her voice trails off playfully, while she stands up. “... Maybe I’d like something more.”
It only took her a finger underneath his chin to pull him as she leads him to a nearby wall. As if his own body had a mind of it’s own, he pins her in place with both arms adjacent to her head. His face leans in closer and closer to her with eyes closed, and she’s leaning up close to him, fully ready to accept his advances.
Pomni’s soft lips met his teeth, and Caine could smell the faint traces of grass and sweat rolling down from her synthetic skin, evident of her hardships from the recent battle. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and his loops around her waist to pull her closer, while the other cups at her face intensely. He savored her mouth as their breathing became heavy and fast-paced, only breaking apart for a mere second, gasping for air before delving back in to their desires.
Quite the accurate depiction of how Caine truly felt for the Harlequin at this moment. He couldn’t quite decipher when this had started, though.
As if her intentions were to pry him away from his overbearing and unnecessary thoughts, Pomni pushed him away to pin him to the wall this time, continuing the liplock. He grunts from the impact, but gladly returns her enthusiasm with fervor as he loops his arm around her back, pulling her flush to him once more. Her hands made their way to the lower sides of his jaw to caress so gently, and he finds himself melting at every contact their touches made.
Without breaking the teeth-on-lip-lock, he steered their bodies onto the direction of his desk, leaving the Harlequin laying on it as he loomed over her, ravaging her mouth once more like the touch-starved man he was. He adjusted her thighs just enough to make room for him without making the position uncomfortable for the both of them, their heated make out session felt like it could go on forever as he gripped her waist tightly.
It felt like if he let her go, she would disappear all of a sudden. And he didn’t want that.
He made sure to not lean too much of his body weight onto her by propping himself up with his elbows, both hands find themselves cupping her face to keep her in place as her hands trailed all the way up from the lower arms to his shoulders to do the same to him. He broke the kiss to gasp for air, a string of saliva being the clear proof of their heated action, but quickly delved back into the riveting sensations of their activity. 
Her touch against him were like magic; every contact sent shivers and jolts down his spine as she switched from holding his shoulders to holding his chest just above where a collarbone would traditionally be, pushing him away to let herself up. For a nanosecond he thought that maybe he went a little too far with his advances, until she disproved his theory by shoving him to one of the nearby long couches, only a pillow to cushion and soften his landing onto the furniture.
Quickly making up for lost time and contact, she quickly crawls to straddle his waist, clutching the back of his head to make him look at her, and her only. His hand found itself gripping at the back of her waist tightly once more, the other clutching her own head just to make sure she’s still there with him. Both were panting heavily, the room temperature very much heated as a result of their affairs.
His eyes looked at her longingly as he breathed heavily. “Pomni… I… I don’t think I want this to end.”
She flashed him a consoling smile.
The alarm rings, deafening the surroundings as he jolts awake, falling from his chair comically with a loud, slightly high-pitched scream emitting from his throat. He groans from the headache he had received from the impact to the ground, clutching at the top sides of his jaw, as he leans his head onto the desk for support.
His false heart was beating faster than when one would run; His face was flushed and he frustratingly ignores the heat from the rest of his body with a grumble.
He shifts his eyes to look around. Nothing’s changed. Everything was the same since Bubble left to do his daily chores.
He shakes his head and slams his face down onto the elegant desk, groaning depressingly and half-sobbing.
What the fuck? Was… WAS IT ALL JUST A DAMN DREAM!?
Oh, he could scream and cry into a pillow right about now. But the panicked angry screaming of a certain someone being bothered by the recent addition; the Ragdoll Mannequin that was “Ragatha”, suddenly grabs his attention. Now, he’s looking outside into the manor grounds from his office’s windows with a tired and questioning gaze.
“But Mistress! You still haven’t tried out my trademark cookie recipe!! It’s GUARANTEED to be your instant favorite!”
Caine sighed disappointingly to himself, dragging his hand across his eyes.
God fucking dammit. He actually feels something for her.
I would say I'm sorry, but we all know I'm not. :)
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moonpascal · 3 months
i can’t watch movies/tv shows anymore. at least older ones, because then i develop a massive crush on them, and then there is nothing written for them or very few.
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rowdyslove · 1 year
𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔. | jack hughes
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jack has not moved a single inch of his body for an entire hour straight, and neither have you. the only difference here was that you were peacefully asleep on his chest while he tried his best to not wake you from your soft slumber.
he could have sworn it had just started with him explaining the events of his previous game that took place earlier that night. the complete details of his explanation he couldn’t quite recall exactly, but jack did remember so vividly how you would nod and hum in approval to show that you were still intently listening to the conversing. you were as comfortable as one could be as you slid into his bed. you immediately scooted yourself closer towards his side, where you threw one leg over his and wrapped a loose arm around his torso.
jack wasn’t surprised with your actions. you two have been dating now for way too long for his heart to thump and race at every little move you made, much unlike the ways it used to be when he was still pursuing you with every amount of affection he could think of.
but there was always something about the way you and him have gotten so used to things being like this—this kind of closeness, this kind of intimacy, this kind of comfort where you could wrap your arms around him at any given time.
and he would just accept it all with a smile and lean himself against you comfortably, instead of feeling stuck in place and hesitant to the idea of your bodies being this close.
he enjoyed it though. the fact that the two of you have reached this strong point in your relationship. the thought never failed to make his chest swell up with utter pride and adoration.
he hadn’t even realised that you fell asleep until you had stopped responding to him. and then it was just silence. it was a kind of steady silence in the room that felt all too familiar, mixing itself with the turning of the ceiling fan and the occasional loud snores heard from his brothers just across the hall.
and even though he could tell that you were asleep from the slow nudging of your cheek up against his shoulder and the gentle rise and fall of your chest pressed up close against his side, he still glanced down at you from time to time anyways to make sure. it was simply just another excuse to steal looks of you as well. he could hear your faint breaths, coming in and out as his chest heaved along; the more he focused on you, the more his breathing started to match up with yours, like he was dependant on your breathing to help his own. and your body felt as light as a feather over his, warm and subtle within his protective hold. he could tell you were safe, and he felt safe having you with him in this moment.
looking at the space around him in his room to the lovely curves of your figure—it was all something that jack could recognise as home to him.
what had initially started as a fond feeling slowly turned into one of exhaustion as the clock ticked with time. an hour passed slowly with him scrolling mindlessly through his phone, his other hand draped over your back to keep you close. but god, was his body ever starting to feel sore from not moving an inch for this long.
he glanced down at you once again after finally mustering up the courage to give your body a light shove, all in hopes to gently wake you up from your slumber. but he suddenly paused, his eyes rounding in soft lust at the sight of your small pouty lips that had unknowingly displayed themselves to him.
your head had readjusted itself from pressing against his chest to facing more upwards, in a way that jack could see a perfect view of your facial features for as long as he looked down at you. it caught him slightly off-guard. he was not expecting to see your lips so up-close like this, faintly agape but just enough for him to feel your warm breath fan over his skin.
and then it felt like he was relearning this kind of closeness all over again. he felt hypersensitive as his mind was once again introduced to the close proximity of your bodies, but seeing it in a more alluring way than before. your leg moving closer towards his lower abdomen, your hips stuck to his own, your chest pressed deeper into his chest, and your lips now brushing past the sharp skin of his jaw whenever you stirred.
jack could feel the shape of your body, just faintly, but it was enough to be the death of him. he wanted more than just the faint feel of you. he wanted all of your touch.
your eyes groggily began to open when you felt the sensation of lips softly grazing across your lips. it was clear to you that it was jack claiming the spot of your lips with his, so you were quick to shut your eyes again and respond to his slow movements. unlike the rough ways he acted when he was on the ice during a game, with you he was always very careful, and that was a trait of his that you always adored. his hand gingerly threaded its way through your hair and brushing back the strands by your ear, his body shifting to pin your back to the mattress causing your hands to raise and grip his arms for support.
the kiss was sweet and sensual; you could trace every part of his plump lips with your own, completely mesmerized by the way he pushed himself so perfectly against your frame. air built its way into your lungs as you steadily huffed through your nose, feeling as if jack was stealing all of your oxygen little by little both through your mouth and through the way his hands skillfully slid across your sensitive skin.
a whisper of a whine left your lips when he gently wedged his knee between your legs, your grip on his arms tightening. and your actions just riled him up in even more ways than one, a smirk slowly creeping its way onto his face. in response to your soft noises, jack decided to make a change in position, pulling away to sit himself up against the headboard of the bed. the air from your lungs was quickly pulled away again as he grabbed you by your hips and swiftly pulled you onto his lap with such little effort. bringing his hands up, they didn’t once leave your body as he trailed them up your sides until they met your soft cheeks, and he was quick to pull you back into him.
you held your breath, your hands flying up to his wrists and you weakly held onto him. any strength or willpower you had in you, left your entire body the second jack’s pillow soft lips pressed themselves upon yours in a harsh, bruising kiss. your lips worked together in rough harmony, sighs and whimpers leaving you all in one when jack caught your bottom lip between his lip before pulling away.
his hands slowly left your cheeks, the only warmth you felt being the heat that radiated off of his body. you looked at him with such admiration as he touched you with such gentleness, how soft he was with you despite the feverish kiss you two had just shared.
when his hand dropped down to fiddle with the hem of his oversized t-shirt that covered your frame, you furthered the space between your face and his. you could see much more clearly now, and although jack still held a tight lipped smirk across his face, his eyes were lightly hooded with a kind of tender shyness.
“care to tell why you woke me up?” you asked with a grin, letting your arms wrap over his shoulders and your fingers card through the long tufts of hair on the back of his neck. your cheeks definitely had a deep red blush spread across them, but you doubted that jack could see it through the dim lighting that engulfed the room.
“i just felt like kissing you,” he replied honestly, bringing his hand up to remove some strands of your hair away from your face and tucked them behind your ears, his gaze still weighing strong and heavy on you. his voice was low and raspy, tiredness starting to become evident in him.
jack’s lips would always be the death of you. like a poison that you would keep choosing over and over, you would always let him drown you in them whenever he wanted to without ever having to ask.
“you know, you were sleeping on me for a whole hour,” he exclaimed. “i could barely move, my body started getting sore.”
“it’s looks like you’re moving just fine now.” you hummed.
jack licked over his lower lip, his hands now moving up so his fingers could find the soft skin of your stomach under his shirt. “i can still move pretty well.” he uttered out in a seductive tone of voice.
a light knocking rummaged within your ribcage at his lustful words. you couldn’t help but grin, the corners of your lips turning up as his suggestive idea popped into your mind. jack already had his hands on your hips, keeping you still on his lap. you brought your torso forward, getting closer to him than before while also nudging your hips closer to rest on his lower abdomen. you could feel him so vividly underneath you and his breath hitched.
“you’re such a tease j,” you whispered, your eyes hooded and gazing right into his, lips tauntingly brushing past his igniting the burning heat between you both even more.
“i can change that.” he mumbled, licking his lower lip briefly afterwards.
jack slipped his hand further up underneath the fabric of your shirt, touching every bit of your torso. his fingertips grazed and burned your flesh with every touch, sending shivers running all down your spine. a breathy chuckle left his lips as he felt your back straighten up in a small arch, the husk in his voice pushing your sanity over the edge to nothing. he was looking into your eyes so deeply, but the intensity of his gaze could have been felt from a mile away.
“is this okay love?” he asked in a hushed voice, his palms grabbing a firm hold onto your waist.
you brought your lips to his for one kiss, then another, until jack finally leaned himself forward to take in the moment. your hands rested on the bare base of his neck, gliding between his jaw and his shoulders. your mind focused itself on the sweet desparastion that was evident through his kiss, paired along with the familiar possessiveness he always held for you.
when you pulled away from him, he could see your eyes sparkle with a slight bit of submission for him, and when he furrowed his brows in question to you one more time, you gave him a quick nod and a gentle smile.
in that moment, jack knew that every night he could spend with you like this, he would never want to waste a single minute of it. everything about this moment felt right, falling more and more in love with you by the second.
yet, the one thing he could ever wish for in life, was that if this lifetime with you was all just a dream, he would never want to wake up.
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thehopefulquotes · 30 days
Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
George Bernard Shawn
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resqectable · 7 months
Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
George Bernard Shawn
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gremlin-pattie · 2 months
inconsistent characterization of my special guys 😡😡😡
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bylersbear01 · 1 year
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I will always love this detail <3
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kevinsdsy · 1 month
i need to know which one of the backliners was shadowing kevin during their match so bad bc i want to know who decided to just sit down to shake their hands 😭😭😭😭
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stay-close · 9 months
Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
George Bernard Shawn
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twassada · 4 months
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this is currently a closed swap au, from which only the drawings that I like remain
I'm going to make a second post with ink monsters, there's too much content for one post...
there is a little bit of the pictures context in the description
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applebees4prez · 2 months
goddd the trope of “we could always rely on each other and you were the person i trusted most in the world but then you chose someone else over me and our relationship has never been the same” always hits me so hard, but ESPECIALLY when there are queer undertones to relationship one but then heteronormativity wins out. like god it’s such a sucker punch. so many queer people have experienced that really close same sex relationship where you thought you were going to be with that person together, even if you didn’t even realize it was romantic at the time, but then they became interested in the opposite sex and everything changed.
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audreycritter · 2 months
shawn: you've failed to fulfill my molotov's hierarchy of needs. i'm feeling a decided lack of ego-stroking and we haven't even touched on taco trucks or naps today.
gus: it's maslow's hierarchy and you know that's not how it works, shawn.
shawn: what i'm hearing is a refusal to recognize my need for acts of petty spite and also shiny trinkets.
gus: it's physiological, safety, belonging, esteem, and self-actualization, shawn. we were in the same high school health class.
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thoughtkick · 1 year
Oh, I'm good at keeping my distance I know that you're the feeling I'm missing.
Shawn Mendes
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