#Sherlocks deductions
ace-sher-bi-john · 7 months
I absolutely love the headcanon/trope that Peter finds out about Pepper's pregnancy before she does, because he can hear heartbeats. It's canon now, I've decided. Pepper becomes pregnant with Morgan before the events of Infinity War and Peter's the one who tells her.
He even does a reveal with those mugs that say "You're going to be a daddy!" with one for Tony and one for Pepper that says "You're going to be a mommy!".
But something I love even more is that my other obsession, BBC Sherlock has something similar. AND IT'S ACTUALLY CANON.
Sherlock finds out that Mary's pregnant before she does, through deductions. He notices her appetite's changed, her taste perception's changed and she's been experiencing nausea that could be put down to pre-marital nerves. But he puts it all together and deduces that she's pregnant.
One of my favorite headcanons for MCU Spider-Man actually happened on Sherlock! I love it when this stuff happens.
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How do you tell/deduce if someone is a chef
Especially the hands are a good place for deductions if someone is a chef. For example chefs tend to have very clean and well kept hands, with short nails, no nail polish and mostly no rings or other decorations that could be a hiding and breeding place for bacteria and dirt, which could then be transferred to the food, which would be a significant risk for food safety. Hair and beard are often also kept short or in a ponytail, otherwise they have to wear hairnets. Also their habits like repeated handwashing and hygiene habits could represent their profession, but alternatively could also be someone in healthcare.
The most telling would be that they themselves could smell like food if they are spending most of their time in the kitchen, surrounded with the steam of the cooking and the olfactory molecules of the food which then cling to the skin and hair. You can also tell what exactly they are mainly preparing if you can determine the smell. Often covered in grease if they work with the fryer, smelling smokey if they work the grill, and especially onions and garlic is a smell hard to get rid of especially on their hands where they directly handled and touched the food. A pâtisserie chef will smell different than someone who fries onions and meat all day. They can also smell like specific spices that could indicate certain foods, for example if they cook in an indian restaurant. Some foods can also stain the hands, e.g. curcuma stains hands a bright yellow.
Burns or cuts on their hands from mistakes while cooking, or general thickened skin because repeated exposure to heat.
Another very telling indicator is a knife callus on the lower part of their dominant hand’s pointer finger where they control the knife, most chefs who have done the job for a significant amount of time have this callus.
How they handle certain utensils like knives could also be a clue, whether they are able to cut professionally or like an amateur, how they hold forks and spoons. Another indicator for working in gastronomy in general is if people can carry several glasses or plates at once, how well they can balance without dropping anything.
And of course the easiest would be if you see them in their chef uniform or work clothes, then you don't need to be a genius to deduce their occupation.
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jay-wasstuff · 6 months
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thefisherqueen · 2 months
I sprang from my chair and limped impatiently about the room with considerable bitterness in my heart. “This is unworthy of you, Holmes,” I said. “I could not have believed that you would have descended to this. You have made inquires into the history of my unhappy brother, and you now pretend to deduce this knowledge in some fanciful way. You cannot expect me to believe that you have read all this from his old watch! It is unkind, and, to speak plainly, has a touch of charlatanism in it.” “My dear doctor,” said he, kindly, “pray accept my apologies. Viewing the matter as an abstract problem, I had forgotten how personal and painful a thing it might be to you. I assure you, however, that I never even knew that you had a brother until you handed me the watch.”
This is such a touching passage. It shows us a piece of Watson's personal history, and his continued pain about it, and shows us as well that while it is true that Sherlock Holmes can get carried away in his work occasionally and then forget to consider other's feelings, he also is able to recognise them very well and apologise for his insensitivity. This has to be a significant point in Watson's and Holmes' relationship
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gilgamushroom · 9 months
I really love how it's always
Sherlock making deductions about strangers: I could tell you went to this place/do this for a living because of this detail in your appearance which if you read my monograph can be traced to this and that and also making an assumption about your general demeanor/social class I can tell this is probably true
Sherlock making a deduction about Watson: I know what brand of cigar you smoke. You told me this on Friday. I know what it means when you move your head to this side. Your routine usually doesn't include this. You wear your clothes this way. You're the most important person in my life btw
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scrimblyscrorblo · 19 days
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Another little WIP but of Ranpoe this time (I just wanted to put Edgar in a big billowy shirt tbh but they’re both autistic to me and I will be projecting
Ranpo likes sitting on the floor ✨floor time✨ is peak <3
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jazzandpizazz · 1 year
Sherlock and John walking arm-in-arm down the street together (as husbands do)
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the-music-maniac · 5 months
What the fuck do you MEAN Ron Kamonohashi has the blood of both Sherlock Holmes and William James Moriarty.
I'm sure they're gonna give us a different explanation but as far as I'm concerned, Ron is their love child and SherLiam is canon now
I need a fic where specifically the Sherlock Holmes and William Moriarty from Moriarty the Patriot are in a modern au and have to deal with raising the little shit that is Ron Kamonohashi. Dare I say detective genius dad and criminal genius dad with their detective/criminal feral child.
No but could you IMAGINE the chaos of three eccentric geniuses in one house, we got Ron Kamonohashi in his teenage years probably absolutely hawking down a bag of black sugar syrup at top speed while William is trying to pry it out of his jaw like you do with an unruly cat that's eating something it shouldn't be, Sherlock's in the background watching this unfold like "just be glad he's not doing drugs or something" to which William would probably point out, Sherlock's smoking habit isn't any better
Meanwhile William's side of the family are arguably equally as insane as Sherlock and Liam so they're just a horde of weirdly rich crazy uncles that take Ron out on questionable adventures, Sherlock's side of the family aka John, Mary and Ms. Hudson is relatively normal in comparison but still dote on Ron - Mycroft repeatedly says that he can't believe his little brother is now responsible for taking care of a child, pretends he doesn't give a shit and yet somehow always ends up visiting his nephew.
Sherlock is still a free-lance private detective/consultant for the police force who takes cases whenever they come around, and when Ron asks him why he's usually home he jokes around that he's a kept man/housewife because William was rich when he married him, to which Liam laughs and asks if he even knows how to boil water without burning it -
It can be up to you whether or not William was or is in crime or not, I can imagine in a modern au he could've been the leader of an organized crime group for whatever reason, eventually decided to get out etc. etc.
And then Ron still meets Toto and brings home his cop boyfriend to meet his batshit crazy parents and one of them is a former CRIME LORD LMAO
Toto is able to withstand the sheer level of crazy that is Ron's family, obviously cause it's Toto
John Watson takes a liking to Toto. Gee I wonder why, it couldn't be because he sympathizes with being the detective partner of an eccentric genius could it
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An ancestor of mine five generations ago was a detective who didn't know about heliocentrism or solar systems. I developed an interest in reaction to that.
—Ron Kamonohashi
Are you connecting the dots?
From Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s “A Study in Scarlet”:
My surprise reached a climax, however, when I found incidentally that he was ignorant of the Copernican Theory and of the composition of the Solar System. That any civilized human being in this nineteenth century should not be aware that the earth travelled round the sun appeared to be to me such an extraordinary fact that I could hardly realize it.
‘But the Solar System!’ I protested.
‘What the deuce is it to me?’ he interrupted impatiently; ‘you say that we go round the sun. If we went round the moon it would not make a pennyworth of difference to me or to my work.’
From Sherlock BBC:
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Sherlock BBC, The Great Game (final shooting script)
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We are on the verge of uncovering Ron’s past including his ancestors.
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Interesting that Akira Amano wants to change that.
(Tagging you again Andy and D @clouds-of-peach and @anitazara. Sorry I find this really hilarious)
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Give me deductions because you were wrong ab the other ones boo 💅💅
So the specific drugs might have been wrong in the previous deductions but the substance groups of benzodiazepines and opioids is still right. So let's narrow it down shall we? As you suffer both from chronic pain and anxiety both drugs could be a possibility of being prescribed and thus used. But it is most likely opioids as you stated you needed a toilet during withdrawal which is mainly required during opioid withdrawals because your digestive tract is basically trying to leave your body from both ends. And as a benzodiazepine withdrawal after chronic usage would have been too high of a risk to go through alone because this one can actually be deadly, while the other just feels like hell. Also because you are still being prescribed medications against anxiety, and if you had abused them, doctor's would most likely refuse to prescribe them to you (tell me, doctors are stubborn). Another clue pointing towards opioids is your mentioned liver and kidney enzymes, as opioids are more likely to damage those organs, although benzos also can do it but in rarer cases, thus balance of probability opioids. So am I right?
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a-forbidden-detective · 6 months
Curious add-ons: additions and deletions, Episode 11 (Part 7)
A bit of a warning: photo-heavy post
Eleven episodes in, and it is safe to say that I love these versions of Ron and Toto. Don’t get me wrong Akira Amano hasn’t done anything wrong, it is just these RonToto are kinder and more codependent from each other that I am 110 per cent sure they’d compete with that kind of codependency from the manga RonToto, and anime RonToto would win.
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They diminished Toto’s comedic childlike expressions on this episode removing the giggle on Toto’s part, for example, when he asked Ron if the latter had a friend. Junya Enoki, for his part, admitted that because Toto is a grown man and a police officer, he doesn’t need to act cute all the time. The reason this scene is much more tender than in the manga. The “what’s so funny?” question from Ron was omitted and instead the anime writers made Toto stammer with his “N-not even… one?” After hearing Ron’s answer that he considers Toto to be his friend, he replies with a much more humbled “I am glad to hear it” and not “Gee, thanks.” And then the blush on Toto’s face as if he is darn proud and happy because after all they have been through, Ron treats him more special than the others, that is being allowed to be closer to him by becoming his friend.
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Truth be told, these instances of blushing from the main characters would turn me into mush.
Another passage omitted from the manga and the new dialogue has become a Sherlock BBC reference in the anime.
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Kawasemi san: “If you want to hide a tree, hide it in a forest.” (Episode 11)
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SH from Sherlock BBC: “If you wanted to hide a tree then the best place to do it is a forest, wouldn’t you say? People would just walk past it, not knowing - not able to decipher the message.” (Episode 2, Season 1, The Blind Banker)
Surely, one of these days I’d write a list of all these Sherlock BBC references: from the manga to anime, because they are so many. Of course, it could have been the translator’s choice in the end.
Continuity problems in the manga are explained in the anime.
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a) the reason Ron eats dangos 🍡 on the train;
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b) Constable Kimyou, whose surname doesn’t mean “strange”
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c) Ron accompanying Toto was not a chance where he got an email from the neurology institute, but it was a planned or let’s just say a convenient way to ride with Toto on the train at the same time going to Aichi with a purpose.
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The anime crew adding this scene. Toto’s joyful reaction upon seeing his friend again after witnessing Kawasemi’s slump in person. Probably Toto was relieved and had missed his friend so much after their abrupt and odd parting at the Nagoya train station, in which he had so many questions that were partly answered at the end of the episode.
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Can you see the puppets and the No. 96 (Ron’s scar which has become part of him) from the shop? Not only they increased the price from ¥900 (in 2021) to ¥960 (2023) but Ron’s puppets Kamo-kyun (platypus) and Eli Pyon (frill-necked lizard) are on sale.
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This ending that fuels a few questions. Ron was sort of refusing to look at Toto as he explained his meeting with Dr. Mofu and her subsequent referrals to the other medical professionals concerning his pathological condition to pressure the criminals to suicide. Instead he looked at his reflection on the glass train window, Toto’s delightful enthusiastic voice had become white noise. This Ron is more pessimistic and not so much looking forward to the therapy and its possible outcome. I wonder if the anime writers (Jackson Ou wrote the episode with a storyboard from Shingo Tamaki who were also responsible to previous Kawasemi episode) would deviate a bit from the manga.
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Two more episodes and I don’t want it to end. There are so many materials available and it seems we haven’t scratched the surface yet. The tension is getting bigger. It would be nicer if they are given the second cour and end the first season with the Plateau Aubege arc. A perfect ending to establish a canon RonToto.
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thefisherqueen · 2 months
Watson: Finally, after many months, dares to confront Holmes about the man's drug use, which highly concerns and annoys Watson Holmes: Promply distracts Watson with conversation about the methods of deduction Watson: Is intrigued, forgets the subject of Holmes' drug use Holmes: Is also intrigued and so delighted by Watson's interest that he forgoes a second cocain dose Watson: accidentily discovers how he can help Holmes keep away from the drugs
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vero-niche · 7 months
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i know this was not their intention but all im hearing is that sheriarty mpreg is real in this universe
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teaspoonnebula · 1 year
You are a time traveller.
After some terrible mishaps in the course of your wanderings through the past, you inadvertently change the flow of history. When you return to your original time, it's a different world from the one you left.
Politics, art, science, technology, each has deviated from the world you grew up in, often not for the better. You try time and time again to travel back in time and set things right, undo the damage you have caused.
After hundreds of attempts - victory! You end up returning to a present day that is almost exactly like the one you left.
Except the famous literary characters by Arthur Conan Doyle are called Sherrinford Hope and Dr Ormond Sacker. ** (This is really what Arthur Conan Doyle nearly called them, seriously.)
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eirinstiva · 2 months
“It is as clear as daylight,” I answered. “I regret the injustice which I did you. I should have had more faith in your marvellous faculty. May I ask whether you have any professional inquiry on foot at present?” “None. Hence the cocaine. I cannot live without brain-work. What else is there to live for? Stand at the window here. Was ever such a dreary, dismal, unprofitable world? See how the yellow fog swirls down the street and drifts across the duncolored houses. What could be more hopelessly prosaic and material? What is the use of having powers, doctor, when one has no field upon which to exert them? Crime is commonplace, existence is commonplace, and no qualities save those which are commonplace have any function upon earth.”
Finally we start The Sign of Four and "The Science of Deduction" is so bittersweet. It's nice to see Holmes using his superpowers with the now legendary clock, but at the same time is so sad to see his drug adiction and Watson trying to help him, and is more important considering Watson's personal history. He lost his brother due to alcohol, and now he don't want to lose Holmes.
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ukiyology · 2 days
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umm okay
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