#Shimura Tenko x reader
cashmoneyyysstuff · 16 days
tomura likes to just watch you. in a creepy but also not so creepy way.
and it doesn't have to be anything special, he's perfectly okay just watching you write something down for your classes or you scrolling on your phone or something and he'd be perfectly fine just looking at you from your bed. although he usually prefers hogging your work chair because it accommodates the nasty slouch i just know he has.
one leg crossed and even his head resting on his fist as he almost admires you. he doesn't look particularly pleased, but trust me he is. there's just something so intriguing about you just being you to him. and he won't say anything either, never expect him to. not even if you stare at him excepting a response he'll just look right back. unblinking. at most after an intense little staring session he'll croak out a "..what ?" and if you ask him what he's looking at he'll just shrug, tell you to "just keeping doing whatever you we're doing just now." and keep staring like a creepazoid.
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scary-grace · 2 months
Radio Silence - a Shigaraki x Reader oneshot
For the last year, your best friend has been somebody you've never met. When Tenko suddenly stops answering your messages, you don't know what to do. Canon, reader has self-esteem issues, 2.1k.
You’ve been avoiding your phone for what feels like days, but you know it’s been hours, or less. You hid it under a pile of clean clothes in your closet so you wouldn’t check it every five seconds. You muted all your alert sounds, except one. You gave yourself a long list of other things to do, hoping the tasks would distract you. But your mind always wanders, somehow, and it always wanders right back to what’s not happening. Every day for the last year you’ve been able to count on at least a message or two – and usually more – from a person you’ve never met face to face. And for the last three days, you haven’t heard from him once.
Tenko keeps weird hours. You know that. You know he goes dark for half the day or more at a time, and the one time you asked if he was okay, he went off on you for fifteen messages in a row. At first you thought it was because you’d gotten too familiar, made a conversation struck up in a Discord server into more than it was, but a week of shallow conversation later, you got a way-too-pissed message asking why you never asked how he was doing anymore. Tenko’s the king of mixed signals. You know that, too.
And at the same time, you know from the details he’s shared that he’s as far from okay as it’s possible to be. He’s sick a lot. He gets hurt a lot, and he won’t tell you how. Sometimes the anger pouring out of his messages scares you a little. And sometimes it’s validating, because you’re not okay, either. You’re angry, too. Sometimes the only thing that makes you feel better is knowing that you’re not alone in feeling that way.
You have been alone, though. The last three days, you’ve had nobody to talk to, and you’re angry at him for leaving you in the dark, for not just telling you that he was done with you. If he’d told you that, you could have gotten angry back, and maybe gotten a reason why he didn’t want to talk to you anymore. Instead you’re sitting here wondering what you did. Worrying that something happened to him. And then reminding yourself that nothing needs to happen to someone for them to want you gone. Everybody does, eventually. You aren’t worth sticking around for.
You knew that. You expected it. You just didn’t expect it to hurt this much.
You can’t avoid your phone forever. Eventually you need it for something, so you dig it out, and you switch on all the alert sounds again. You’ve been through this before, and no matter how much it hurts that the person you’re closest to has ghosted you, the world’s not going to stop so you can collapse in a miserable, self-loathing heap. Life keeps moving, even when you don’t want to be part of it. You have enough shame left to prefer walking rather than being dragged along.
The days begin to add up, and you try to force Tenko out of your mind. It’s hard to do, because you used to tell him everything. You stop taking pictures of things, because you know there’s no one to send them to any longer, and every time you open up your messaging app, you see the last message you sent him, hovering like a bad dream at the top of the list. It seemed innocuous when you sent it, but when you look at it now, all you can think about is how stupid it is. No wonder he stopped talking to you. You’re useless.
Your quirk is boring. Most people’s quirks are, but you’re also lazy, so you didn’t try hard enough in school to make up for being useless that way, and you’re not pretty, either – not that it matters, he’s never seen what you look like – so there’s nothing redeemable about you. Maybe he made better friends. You were probably only a placeholder for him. You just wish he’d had the grace to tell you that ahead of time.
A week becomes two weeks. A month. A little more than that, and although other messages have pushed your thread with Tenko out of sight, he’s still on your mind. You haven’t blocked him yet, even though you should. One night after work, you sit down with a bottle of vodka and a shot glass, swearing you’ll drink until you work up the courage. But before you work up the courage to do that, you work up the courage for something else. There was a while where Tenko was sending you voice memos instead of messages, because he’d gotten hurt and he couldn’t type. You’ve heard his voice, but he’s never heard yours. You’re going to make him listen to it. At least once.
You press the voice call button and listen to it ring three times before it abruptly disconnects. Screw him. You call back again, and this time, it rings all the way through and invites you to leave a message. Yeah, you’ll leave a message. Your message to Tenko is “fuck you”.
But when the voicemail starts to record, the words come to a hard stop in your throat. “Hi,” you start. “It’s – um –”
You forget your own name, like a clown. You didn’t think you were that drunk. “It’s me,” you say finally. The call log will show your name. He’ll know who it is. “I haven’t heard from you in, like, a month and a half, and I miss talking to you. I really miss it. And maybe I talked to you too much, or something, and that’s why you left.”
Your throat starts to close. “I know it might not be that you left, but it’s easier for me to think that than to think that something bad happened to you. I don’t want something bad to have happened to you. So it makes more sense that it’s my fault. I wish you had told me what I did, so I could fix it for the next person I talk to. If there’s a next person. I’m running out of lives on this friendship thing. Or whatever this was. Sometimes I thought –”
Sometimes you thought what? Even drunk and teary and pathetic, you can’t get the words out of your mouth. It’s too embarrassing. The only thing worse than wanting something is getting caught doing it, especially something that you should have known better than to think you’d get. “It doesn’t matter,” you say instead, and then you sniffle audibly, because your nose is running. Gross. “Anyway. You’re probably not even going to listen to this when you get it, and that’s fine. I wanted to let you have it about what a dick you are for ghosting me, but I couldn’t even do that. I guess I just – I don’t know. I hope nothing bad happened to you and you’re just done with me. I hope it’s nice, wherever you are.”
That’s a good sentiment to end things on. But of course you have to fuck it up, because you’re you. “I really miss you,” you say, and you know the voicemail recording is going to capture exactly how choked up you are. “I wish you had just told me, Tenko –”
The answering machine cuts off. You’ve been babbling so long that you ran out of tape, and somehow that’s the thing that makes it all too difficult to bear. You burst into big, stupid tears, your face in your hands, and instead of drinking more or lying down or doing anything that makes sense, you put your down on the table next to the vodka and shot glass and cry yourself to sleep, like you’re in high school all over again, learning a lesson you should have learned the first time. You’re never going to be someone’s first choice. You aren’t even worth a real goodbye.
When you wake up again, you’ve cried yourself out, and you’ve got a splitting headache to go with a mouth that tastes like vodka and death. You should also have a crick in your neck from sleeping on your kitchen table, but you’re not on the kitchen table. You’re not on the floor, either, or on your couch. Your head is on a pillow that’s a lot nicer than the pillows on your bed, and there’s a blanket pulled awkwardly over you. The air smells different, too. The mold-flavored air in your apartment is usually enough to send you sprinting to the bathroom when you wake up with a hangover, but this air is clean.
Are you even in your apartment anymore? You sit up slowly and get the answer – nope, absolutely not, because the room you’re in is a bedroom that’s bigger than your entire apartment. It’s probably the nicest room you’ve ever been in, if you’re being totally honest. Did someone kidnap you? Did you die? The latter feels way more plausible to you. You’re not interesting enough to kidnap. But if you’re dead, it feels kind of unfair to have a hangover on top of it.
“Finally,” a familiar voice says, from somewhere nearby. “I thought you were never going to snap out of it.”
You whip around fast enough to make yourself dizzy. The bed you’re sprawled out on is big enough that you could fit another bed between you and the person on the other side of it. The person over there is in a leg cast, with bandaged hands and bandages on his face. You couldn’t recognize his face even if you could see it. But you do recognize his voice. You can’t believe your ears. “Tenko?”
“Yeah,” Tenko says, like any of this is normal. “I was wondering if you were going to call.”
“If I was going to?” you manage.
“Yeah. You ghosted me.” Tenko looks at you. You didn’t have a clear picture in your head of what he looked like, but this definitely wasn’t it – white hair, red eyes, a face completely covered in bandages. “That was kind of shitty.”
“You didn’t answer my message for months,” you protest. “That’s what ghosting is. Not me not calling you after you didn’t message me back.”
“Whatever,” Tenko says. You know it’s him. It’s his voice. But you can’t get over everything else that’s weird about the situation – the way-too-opulent room, the fact that Tenko’s clearly been beat to shit, the fact that you fell asleep at the kitchen table and woke up here. Wherever here is. “If you called earlier I’d have come to get you earlier.”
He was waiting for you to talk to him? You’re tempted to look up ghosting on your phone and make him read the actual dictionary definition, but whoever brought you here left your phone behind. And there’s a bigger question you need answered. “Where am I?”
“This is headquarters.” Tenko shrugs, then winces. Is his arm in a sling, too? “For the League of Villains.”
You cough. “Or maybe it’s not the League anymore. They’re changing the name,” Tenko continues. The League of Villains? “Anyway, it’s a lot nicer than our last place. Makes your apartment look like a hole in the ground.”
“How do you know what my apartment looks like?”
“How do you think I knew where to get you?” Tenko gives you a weird look. “You’re here now. I’ll take you to meet everybody once you’re sober.”
He settles down on his side of the bed, grimacing as he tries to get comfortable. It looks like he’s ready to take a nap. He has to be joking. He just kidnapped you, or had you kidnapped, and he’s with the League of Villains. He thought you were ghosting him the whole time instead of him ghosting you, and instead of explaining anything at all, he’s going to take a nap. The anger you should have expressed on the phone call comes up. “Who are you, Tenko?”
“That’s not my name,” he says. “I couldn’t tell you my real one before. But I guess –”
He reaches over to a nightstand and picks something up, and your heart skips six or seven beats in a row. Not in the good way. The way where you’ve missed a step on the stairs and you’re not sure you can catch yourself before it’s too late. Your online friend settles the hand over his face and glances towards you. “Shigaraki Tomura,” he says, a crooked smile showing through the bandages. “Nice to finally meet you in person.”
He closes his eyes and falls asleep without removing the hand. You’ve spent the last month and a half tearing yourself up over being ghosted. It never occurred to you that there might be worse things. Depending on what happens when Shigaraki Tomura wakes up, this could all too easily be one of them.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 1 year
Laying on you vs you laying on them
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Him laying on you
More often than you think.
Shigaraki is always doing something, be making a plan, overthinking something or even playing lol. His brain never stops.
So, as all human beings, he needs a break, something that could take his mind out of this cruel reality he has to live in.
He often finds himself laying on your thighs as some sort of escape of reality. He can simply just close his eyes and pretend that nothing is going on for a sec just for his head to finally quiet down
He is thankfully for it, but doesn't show it.
But the little sigh he always let it whenever his head hit your lap is already enough.
You laying on his lap
Not as often but still happens
Especially before the whole story of the paranormal liberation front.
Whenever he is playing on his switch he allows you to crawl on him to rest there.
Is like his personal lucky charm. He swears that everytime you lay against him whenever he is playing something, he always wins or has a higher score than before.
Won't scratch your head though... the fear is always there even with gloves.
Don't blame him, you all know what he went through and cmon I this guy is dating you is because he feels SOMETHING for ya.
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Him laying on you
It happens as often as he says how much he loves heroes-
Seriously though, it would take a long ass while to make this fella have any sort of contact with you, imagine something as intimate as that.
Kai is a very reclusive man, so for him to show any signs of "vulnerability" is a dangerous thing. So with this, plus his things with touch, it makes this way too much difficult to deal with...
But, if you are patient enough... there will be a time he will trust you enough to do that. And trust me, at first it won't be a pretty sign.
For him to lay his head on your lap it would mean he is done, absolutely done with everything and he needs to just let go for while. Allow his walls to crumble down.
Might let a tear or two escape his golden eyes but you won't see it thanks to him being turned away from you but also with a death grip on your thighs.
After this, Chisaki will have a lot of trust on you and your relationship will surely make a lot of upgrate. But again, it won't be often this guy allows himself to do that since he is "the man of the relationship and he need to be the one providing you comfort".
You laying on his lap
Again, it will take a while, but not much compare to him laying on you though.
Won't take too much but again, it must be on a point where he is comfortable enough for you to touch without immediately getting killed by his quirk.
Kai takes pride on whatever thing he does it well, so at the moment he notices he is one and only one who could provide you some comfort he is very ... pleased.
At first you will feel his muscle on his (big) thighs tense and contract a bit at the sudden contact before a sign will leave his covered lips as he stares at everything else asides from you with a faint blush on the tip of his ears.
With his gloved fingers awkwardly patting gently on your head as he asks what happened and if he could fix it.
He is trying. Just have patience with him.
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Him laying on you
Aaaa Dabi. The cat man.
He would only do this on a very intimate level since you know... gotta keep the bay boy act for everyone to not mess with him nor his plans and all.
But when he is comfortable enough he will do it without regrets or shame.
Enough to just enter the room you are in before falling with his face in the middle of your chest while groaning from the day he had.
Is not often, but is not like Kai in this case.
He just... feels better when he is the one holding you. But he never denies when is a chance where you can just comb his inked hair (or white, it depends on what time you are honestly) and just whisper sweet nothings to him.
Seriously, he is like a cat that way.
If you move he will growl though. You are stuck with him until HE is satisfied.
... I hope you até and went to the bathroom before this man laid down on you. Because he sure as he'll ain't getting up.
You laying on him
He feels better than him laying down you.
Is more comfortable and is like having a weighted blanket on him.
Brings him joy, no jokes.
Might be on his lap or chest he doesn't care. He has that smirk of pure content on his face.
Will scratch the back of your neck and I swear the God he is the best of it enough to bring you to a putty and moaning mess (not in that way you fucking pervert)
Unless you want him to
Much like him laying on you... he won't let you go.
He is like a leech the moment you just TRY to move.
I'm talking about all of his four limbs just circling around your body and clinging onto you enough to not let even air pass through the both of you.
I live for soft clingy dabi I'm sorry.
"Touya pls-" you will wheeze out and he would only chuckle and nuzzle on you
What an ass. An loveable ass.
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kleftiko · 11 months
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“it doesn’t matter that he’s not the man of your affections when he’s watching you touch yourself and pretending it’s his name you’ll be whining tonight”
cw: non-consensual voyeurism, masturbation, toys, degradation, dirty talk
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He was such a pervert.
Straining his eyes to catch the best glimpse of you with your back arched, vibrator between your legs, and pornographic reactions was just horrible. And yet, he couldn't even feel guilty when he came back night after night, hid behind the door of your closet, and pumped his aching cock.
You were always so vocal, too; you had no reason to stay quiet when you thought no one would hear anyway. And sometimes, he would catch the names that slip from your tongue, making the whole charade even more filthy, cause then he would see you the next day, talk to them, and pretend like he didn't know you fucked yourself to the thought of them. The allure of your uninhibited pleasure was too intoxicating to resist. It became a twisted game of secrecy, where he played the oblivious colleague by day and the voyeuristic participant by night.
More often than not, he'd bite down whatever random item of yours was in reach, relishing the fact that it smelled like you, and came to the thought of his name panting from your lips.
This night was no different; he waited behind the closet door as you prepped yourself. Naked legs spread out just for him as you grabbed your box of toys.
You began by pinching your nipples. The anticipation in the room grew as he watched, his breath quickening with each pinch. He couldn't help but imagine the pleasure he could bring you, longing to be the one to make you moan with ecstasy.
Your body wiggled with anticipation, and the sight of it only fueled his desire further. He imagined the way your hips would sway against his and the way your movements would synchronize in a desperate act of pleasure. The intensity of his longing grew, and he couldn't help but imagine being able to join you in this.
Then one of your fingers crawled down your bare stomach to your thighs, scratching lightly again your soft skin as it reached your pussy. Your lips spread with a disgusting pop, already wet from a bit of teasing, and he loved how sensitive you were. He ached to explore every inch of your body, to taste the sweetness that lingered on your lips, and to feel the warmth of your lust against his own. The dream of finally being able to share in this intimate affair consumed him, lighting a fire within that burned hotter with each passing moment. Shigaraki didn't notice when he started palming himself.
"That's it, baby." You breathed as your fingers traced your clit. "At least you could do one thing right."
He bit his lip at that, wondering who you were degrading tonight.
The room was filled with an intoxicating mix of desire and power as Shigaraki's thoughts were consumed by the twisted pleasure of degradation. His mind raced with anticipation, wondering what dark desires you would unleash upon him tonight. The thrill of surrendering control to you always ignited an unnatural excitement within him, pushing him further into the depths of his own depravity.
His eyes were glued to your sex, straining through the door lock and trying to see it clench around nothing but a finger. He didn't notice when you removed the bullet vibrator, but he quickly undid his pants and removed his throbbing cock, knowing that the first sound you made when it came in contact with you was nothing short of ecstasy. As you pressed the little toy against your clit, his breath hitched and his hand moved faster along his length.
"C-can't even please me by yourself, huh?" You spoke into your room. "Need help from a toy?"
Shigaraki shuddered, watching you run circles over your cunt before dipping it past your lips and coating the vibrator with your slick. You pulled it out with a whimper as you brought it to your mouth, teasingly licking the tip before returning it to its rightful place between your legs. The sight of you pleasuring yourself so shamelessly drove him wild, fueling his desire to hear you scream in pleasure.
You continued your assault, one hand tweaking your tit and the other controlling the vibrator, causing your slick to run down your spread legs to your asshole. As you came for the first time, your body convulsed with waves of ecstasy, your moans filling the room. The intensity of your orgasm left you breathless, but it only fueled your hunger for more. Determined to push yourself further, you increased the speed of the vibrator and overstimulated yourself, eager to experience even greater pleasure.
Shigaraki had to force himself off his cock, knowing you never stopped at one orgasm, and he didn't want to stop the show too soon.
You began to whimper.
"No," you huffed and squirmed. "No more—I can't take anymore!"
You shook violently. Your body trembled uncontrollably as waves of pleasure coursed through every inch of your being. The sensations were overwhelming, pushing you to the brink of ecstasy. Despite your useless pleas for mercy, the desire for more consumed you, tempting you to surrender to the intense pleasure that awaited.
Then you collapsed. As you lay there, panting and spent, a sense of satisfaction washed over you. The overwhelming pleasure had taken its toll, leaving you completely drained. Your body trembled with aftershocks, and a contented smile played on your lips as you relished in the blissful aftermath of your intense climax.
But you still reached for the box.
The dildo you pulled out had him smacking his hand over his mouth to cover his moan. It was way too big for you, and you obviously knew this as Shigaraki saw the excitement in your eyes. It must've been a new one you hadn't used before, because the way you immediately clenched as you pushed it through your sopping lips was both thrilling and intimidating to him. He couldn't help but imagine the stretch and pleasure it would bring you, and the thought of being able to witness it up close made his heart race. As you continued to please yourself, he struggled to contain his own desires, longing to join in and make the experience even more overwhelming for you. The uninhibited whimper that emitted from your tear-stained face as you yanked the pink toy from your cunt was drool-inducing, and the string of your arousal that clung to it as it emerged caused it to gleam as it connected your sex and the dildo. Then you plunged it back in, and Shigaraki saw your back arch like a cat in front of him. You were so masochistic, and he loved it.
Then you picked right back up with your dirty talk, and he let his hand go back to his cock.
"You're such a disgusting pervert," you moaned, your voice filled with desire. "I want you to try and fuck me better. I dare you."
Shigaraki's eyes darkened with lust as he gripped his dick tighter, imagining it's him fulfilling your every wicked desire. Your provocative words were fueling his own appetite, which he could feel growing. With a mischievous grin, he silently accepted your challenge, determined to show just how wicked he could be. As he continued to pleasure himself, the room filled with an electrifying tension, both of you eager to explore the depths of your darkest desires, even if you weren't aware of his presence.
"Fuck, you a virgin, baby?" You asked. "Don't even know how to fuck a girl?"
Your words hung in the air, a mix of curiosity and challenge. Your provocative taunts caused his grin to grow wider. He lowered his voice, dripping with wickedness, as he whispered to himself, "Oh, baby, you have no idea what I can do."
"Bet Dabi can fuck me better." You whined, pumping the dildo in and out of your cunt.
Shigaraki's hands mimicked the motions as he watched you with a predatory gaze.
"What? Can't even defend yourself? You too fucked out already?" you bit.
Shigaraki watched you reach over your shoulder, bringing back the vibrator that was covered in your now-dry cum.
"So pathetic, you can't even get me off with your small dick."
Shigaraki's sadistic grin widened, relishing in the humiliation. "Oh, don't worry. I have plenty of other ways to make you scream my name." He leaned in closer, his forehead touching the door and his voice dripping with wickedness, as he whispered to himself, "Oh, baby, you have no idea what I can do. But trust me, by the time I'm done with you, Dabi will be long gone."
He imagined you underneath him, squirming and whimpering from the combined pleasure of his dick and fingers. His mind was consumed with thoughts of the power he could hold over you, thinking that he could push you to your limits and beyond. Shigaraki revelled in the anticipation of the pleasure and pain he would inflict upon you, relishing in the control he had over your body and mind. His breathing hitched, his hand quickening its assault on his slick cock. The thoughts in his head, sight of you before him, and sounds you made drove him right to the edge., but what you screamed when you pressed the vibrator back against your clit had him coming all over the door in front of him.
"Tomura!" you shouted.
Shigaraki stuttered in realization, his head lost in the throes of his own pleasure. The intensity of the moment had consumed him, leaving him unable to know if what he heard was a mere manifestation of his own desires. The overwhelming sensation of release washed over him, leaving him breathless and trembling. It was a climax unlike any he had experienced before—an explosion of pleasure that seemed to shake his very core. As he slowly regained his senses, Shigaraki couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of triumph, thinking that he was finally the one on your mind in the most intimate sense.
Then you whimpered his name again, arms shaking and body trembling from the double assault of the dildo and vibrator. The intensity of the pleasure surged through his veins, amplifying his satisfaction and fueling his desire for more. In that moment, he realized the power he held over you, knowing that he had brought you to such a state of ecstasy. The realization fueled his confidence, igniting a fire within him to explore even deeper realms of pleasure with you.
Your voice quivered with pure bliss as you uttered his name once more, the sound reverberating in the air as you reached the peak of your pleasure. The intensity of your orgasm mirrored his own, looking like it sent you to another dimension as he watched through the hole.
He couldn't help going back to his abused cock, completely disoriented by the way his name sounded coming from your quivering lips. You babbled his name aimlessly as you came down from your high, vibrator left abandoned atop the covers, still going and spreading your slick along the fabric. The dildo pumped in and out lazily due to your pulsing cunt, and it was mesmerizing.
As you shakingly regained your composure, you let out one last wanton whimper as you pulled the toy out of you and took in the mess you made between your legs.
"Tomura." You sang and looked directly at the closet.
Shigaraki froze. His eyes widened in surprise, and his hand was immobilized on his dick. The name hung in the air, charged with a mix of desire, and he couldn't tell if this was some sick joke.
But the smile you gave him, the haze of post-orgasm bliss, and the grinding of your hips into the bed said otherwise.
You asked, "Wanna come clean me up?"
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straightforthefl00r · 2 months
As soon as he stepped into your apartment, one hot day, he knew he was done for as his eyes started to water. It only took fifteen minutes for it to fully kick in. Tomura was surprised it didn’t happen sooner.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” He sighed, rubbing his face, an hour into his stay.
“What is it?”
He sneezed again — the twelfth time today.
You looked up from your laptop and into the corner where Tomura was sitting like a slug in your beanbag, his DS on the floor and face buried in the sleeves of his hoodie.
“Bless you.”
He didn’t even lift his head up.
“I am going to fucking dust your plants.”
You made a squawk of indignation. You glanced around your apartment at the plethora of plants you had artfully placed around (you were particularly proud of the pink hoya plant that had just started blooming) and finally landed back in the corner where Tomura was slouching. To be honest, if it were up to you, your apartment would have even more plants, if only there were more space on your windowsill.
He was now glaring at you, as if you could rid his hay fever with one wave of your hand but simply chose not to. The veins in his eyes were reminiscent of a spider’s web, making his red eyes look like an abyss of scarlet. He let out a scoff as you rolled your own eyes at him.
“I did say to buy those allergy tablets.”
“Just get rid of them!”
You let out an exaggerated hum and tapped your finger steadily on your chin.
“I wonder who’s beanbag you’re sitting on right now, because I don’t think it’s yours, Shimura!”
Suddenly, Tomura stood up from his corner and stalked over towards you, nearing the plant on your table.
“Hey! Just what do you think you’re doing?”
You snatched your beloved plant from the table and cradled it in your arms, turning your body sideways, away from the hayfever-ridden assailant.
“Why the hell are you smiling like that??”
“My hands are itchy, that’s all. That shrub looks like it’s begging for scratch too.”
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yvannahaleth · 23 days
Tomura Shigaraki x Reader
Comfort, slowburn, mention of murder, GN! Reader, reader is part of the LOV, Tomura is possessive, jealous, immature, kuudere, in denial. Physical touch.
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To think that he—the leader of the LOV—would feel something for you, is ridiculous. Of course he wouldn't think any of that. He is here only to destroy. There is no time to waste for him to be by your side, even if you insist to just make him accompanied.
He despises getting touched. He'd flinch, backing away from you at first. Either frightened or intimidated, no one knows if he's scared for your sake or for his. He knows well what his Quirk would be able to accomplish, ultimately murdering someone.
Tomura doesn't need to tolerate you. You're supposed to be the one to do it. Right, maybe he has to, just a little. Just for the sake of the missions. He'll at least be fond of you, just so you could visit the hangout more often—for the meetings, of course. Nothing more. Only for professional purposes.
Clearly not because he wants to be in the same room as you. To be the object that your tender eyes lay on. To be someone you look for solutions to the missions. To be someone you gently encourage. To hear your calming voice as you suggest a plan B. Of course not.
Even if he admits it, Tomura knows that he wouldn't make a move to you. It's pointless. He exists just to serve AFO. Nothing more. He lives just to serve justice for the world that wronged him. There is no point in enjoying life, ultimately enjoying being with you.
To be honest, he knows he'll have to tolerate you, somehow. If possible, he'd like to keep you to use as long as possible. So, it's only natural for him to not wanting to hurt you, yes? It is only natural. You're useful. Then, he'd have to tolerate you. He'll let you rest your palm on his shoulder as if it's a casual touch. He'll let you rub your thumb against the back of his palm. He'll let you hold his arm, pulling him back when he attempts to attack another member. He'll let you ruffle his hair as an encouragement when his plan fails, just for a second though.
He lets all of your antics, just for once. Truly, there is no need for all these inconvenience.
Though, once, you didn't show up. He shuts his lips, wondering if you have something better to do than resting in the hangout place. Of course. There is definitely a better place than being with all of these freaks, right? There is definitely a better place than being with him. He knows. That's what he expected from you from the very beginning. He's not surprised. He's not supposed to be surprised. You're just a tool for his plan to make a new world. You're it and just it.
There is no need for him to get used to your tender palm against his back, caressing him gently, making him gradually relax, when he starts to get itchy. There is no need for him to get used to your soothing voice as his head slowly lowers, his eyelids heavy, when he couldn't sleep. There is no need for him to even long for your touch to calm him down. There is no need for him to need you by his side when he gets frustrated. There is no need for him to feel anything for you, at all.
Then, what is this aching sensation on his chest?
When Tomura spots you chuckling with the other members, taking care of them as if you're their mother, he can't help but scoff. He wouldn't admit it—if possible—but he does care for the league. But when it comes to you, he could feel his finger twitch. Why would you care for others? Why would you even acknowledge others?
That's hilarious. You're supposed to smother him with love. To him and him only. He's not the leader just for the title. He wants your affection in actions. Do it, then.
To be frank, he couldn't believe himself either. He thinks of himself as a revenge. The revenge itself. To destroy the world. A destroyer would not feel anything. At all. But when you show your sweet smile, even just for a second, he wishes for a world just for him and you. Especially you.
When you confronted him about how he acts when you're with others, he denies it, claiming that he had better things to do than having this stupid talk. Yet he continues to gaze at you. Your eyes. Even if it's filled with annoyance or even wrath, he knows he'll find himself drowning in yours.
He'll let it slide. Your antiques on making his eyes twitch. Even if you deny it, he believes that you like seeing this pathetic side of him. That's what you want, right? He knows that you enjoy seeing him get used to your touch, seeing him not flinching, instead relaxing. You like it when he's weak, right? When he's vulnerable. You can strike at any moment now. Do it. When you do, he knows this is the first and last time he'll let someone walk all over him.
But you never did.
Tomura can't help but get weirded out. Why are you so strange? Why would anyone do something so foolish? If you like seeing this pathetic side of him so badly, this is the perfect time to attack him. Is this your actual intention?
To wrap your arms around him carefully, as if he's a fragile glass. To caress his hair that he never takes care of. To wash his hair that he never cares about. To rub a chapstick to his lips he never gives a look to. To examine his fingers closely with your focused eyes, as if it's a gem that fell from the sky. To throw praises at him that he never knew he needed. To be here with him.
The League of Villains teached him that he is allowed to live and be happy. They teached him that it's totally fine to not think about Master for a second. They teached him that it's absolutely alright to stay still and enjoy the warmth now.
With your presence alone, he could—at least—believe that he's more than a puppet for his master. He's definitely much more than that, you'd encourage.
He's yours. Yours to love.
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tired-teacher-blog · 1 year
Your game or mine
Characters : Shigaraki Tomura/ Fem reader
Warnings and Genre : NSFW/ 18+/ Breast Play (reader is having fun with Shiggy's tiddies)/ Dry Humping/ Mating Press/ Cream Pie/ Squirting/ A Hint Of Fluff/ One Shot
Notes : This is your fault @fictionfordays 🤤
Banner by @/cafekitsune
Masterlist|Second Masterlist
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_ "Cut it out already, can't you see I'm a little busy at the moment?" and he wasn't even looking up from his phone as he groaned his displeasure with your advances.
_ "But I'm bored! And you've been playing that stupid game for hours now." your whines were falling on deaf ears as he ignored you completely to get back to the mission ahead.
You sat up, crossing your arms over your chest and pouting in disapproval, how could he possibly focus on anything else after you've put in the effort to look irresistible to him? Was he truly unaware of your intentions? Even after crawling on top of him in a new sexy lingerie set that hugged your luscious body perfectly? Or did the phone glued to his face absorb the last few brain cells he had left?
No matter the reason, you've never been one to give in easily, and so..
_ "Alright do as you wish sweetheart, play your game, and I'll play mine." the smirk lacing your words was invisible to him, and the mindless "uh-huh" spilling from his lips, proved that he wasn't even listening.
You studied his sprawled out frame once more; comfortably sinking into the plush mattress underneath himself while crumpling the soft bedsheets with each little move he made.
Your eyes lingered on his bare flexing pecs, pale skin covering the protruding muscles beneath, and pink perky nipples begging to be touched.
You bit back a threatening moan as your gaze traveled down to his yet meek bulge, knowing all too well that one small caress would be enough to bring it to life.
However, he was clearly playing hard to get, so why not see how long he could resist?
You positioned yourself on his soft cock, neglecting the flimsy fabric of both undergarments separating you, and relishing the sudden flinch escaping him when you slowly rolled your hips.
_ "Y.. you're going to make me lose." his resolve was clearly faltering against your approaches, but his eyes were still fixed on the video game ahead.
_ "Oh I'm sorry love, I'll be more careful." you feigned innocence as soft giggles escaped your throat, placing your palms flat on his firm abdomen and trailing them up until you reached his chiseled bust.
You licked your lips and clutched onto the bulging muscles, giving him one teasing squeeze before relaxing your hold again.
Nothing yet, except for a suspicious tremble appearing under your fingertips. It was undeniably working.
You ran a finger along the deep valley of his chest, rolling your hips slowly on his awakening cock and smirking victoriously as he failed to conceal a frustrated groan.
_ "If I lose.. damnit.. I'll make you pay." he hissed gloomily, fingers still tapping away on his phone's screen while his body was getting more and more restless underneath you.
Any other person would be terrified hearing the symbol of fear rasping those words, but not you.
_ "We'll see about that Tenko." yes, definitely not you.
Your hands groped his godly breasts once more, kneading his flesh greedily before leaning in to lick a perfect stripe leading to his quivering throat where you sucked a bright mark.
_ "Fuck.." the word vibrated under your lips as it left him, and you were uncertain if it was due to your actions or the mobile game he was invested in. Regardless, you were having loads of fun on your own.
Your wet kisses traveled downward to join your hands and cover every inch of delicious skin encountered, you were eager –starved even– as your warm tongue sneaked out to flick on his cherry blossom pink teats.
Your hips moved a little faster on top of him, and your giggles resonated across the dimly lit room when he shallowly met your thrusts.
_ "Seems like I'm winning." you slurred between soft nibbles on his plumpness, peering under your lashes to witness the whitening knuckles as he gripped the device tighter.
He was fully erect by then, you could tell –you can always tell– and it was only a matter of moments for him to drop the pathetic charade and give you the attention you so much craved.
Your warm greedy maw engulfed one of his nipples, sucking on the hard nub like a thirsty little kitten while your fingers played with the other; flicking, pinching, ranking your nails over the prickled skin until he no longer could keep his aloofness.
You weren't done though, disregarding the hand leaving his phone to grip your hair as you switched your teasing mouth to the other teat. But all of a sudden, an alarming sound flared up to replace the rhythmic tunes of the game and announce your man's failed mission to clear the level..
_ "Alright, that's it!" was all he snarled out before placing the gadget onto the bedside table and grabbing your hips roughly to roll you on your back and hover over your stunned frame.
You blinked in pure confusion, striving to wrap your head around the swift change of your positions as his looming figure sent shivers down your spine.
_ "I warned you didn't I?" he did, and it was time for you to receive a proper punishment.
He gripped the back of your knees and spread your legs apart, his crimson irises blazed with fervent emotions that you could not pinpoint, while yours shamelessly ogled the conspicuous damp spot on his boxer briefs, wondering if it was your creation or his, and maybe –just maybe– it was a little bit of both.
You gripped the rumpled bedsheets and braced yourself for what was coming as he hastily tucked your legs up and pressed them to your reddening ears, "that's better.." he chuckled darkly before lowering his underwear just enough for his rock hard shaft to spring back against his abdomen, a heavenly sight that forced your cunt to squeeze around nothing.
Your longing for him was clear as day, and his gleaming eyes held an intense desire as he glanced at you once more while pushing your panties to the side, before smearing the leaking head over your sensitive folds and finally easing himself into your welcoming heat.
Your eyes rolled back in absolute ecstasy, and his name left your lips in a broken murmur as he stretched you perfectly around him.
He gave you no chance to adjust, retrieving his length until only the tip was sheathed within you, before slamming his hips mercilessly against your own.
His pace was unforgiving from the get go, grazing your insides deliciously with every deep thrust he delivered.
_ "Eyes on me angel, show me that beautiful face of yours, come on." he demanded huskily, tightening his grip on your legs and pushing them further against your chest.
His strikes were deeper and harsher from that position, filling your senses with a pleasurable pain you so much adored.
You weren't going to last much longer and neither was he, your earlier teasing and playful behavior had lead you both closer to a certain release, "Tenko, don't stop!" and he didn't, pounding even harder into your core while chanting your name like a mantra.
Your heart hammered in your chest and a thrilling heat pooled in the pit of your belly as he pushed you roughly into the mattress, his bruising clutches and erratic hips announcing his own imminent orgasm.
_ "I'm cumming! I'm cumming! Tenko please!" you tensed up beneath him as you mewled a warning, bracing yourself for the inevitable shockwaves of pleasure that washed over you only a moment afterwards, and whimpering unintelligibly as you spasmed violently and gushed all over yourself and him, soaking the two of you in a clear warm spurt before going limp underneath his persistent thrusts.
_ "Amazing.." his eyes traveled between your spent body and the mess between yourselves, clenching his jaw and panting breathlessly while the obscene sloshing noises intensified as he ground on you, "fuck! I'm cumming too!"
You shakily grabbed on to his veiny arms and dug your nails into his pale skin, wordlessly pleading with him not to pull out before spilling every last drop inside of you, and thanking the heavens when he ultimately understood.
_ "I got it beautiful.. fuck.. I got it." a strained smirk appeared on his lips as he replied, sinking into your slippery cunt and kissing your cervix with every brutal snap of his hips, once.. twice.. thrice.. and then a final lunge before exuding his thick pearly load and coating your clenching gummy walls.
He finally pulled out of you, placing your tingly legs onto the stained bedsheets, and collapsing on top of you with a satisfied heave leaving his chest.
_ "We made a mess Tenko." your tired laughter stabbed at every fiber of your pained figure, but you were blissed out; being entangled with him while sharing a few joyful instances, forgetting everything outside of your room and pretending to be in a typical relationship with a typical man— even for a little while.. it was your own paradise.
_ "This was courtesy of you angel, and we'll have to do that again soon." a soft chuckle was lacing the muffled words tickling your shoulder, and a pair of eager lips trailed gentle kisses along your skin before nuzzling the curve of your neck.
Yes, your own paradise..
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His eyes are red and brimmed the sweetest shade of blue and grey. His skin is pale and parched - that is why he is ever greedy, thirsting for more. And you will be there, letting his lithe and trembling fingers roam your figure in all but devastating need.
To consume is to consummate, and to consummate is to take to contain all that you give him within his beating heart.
He breathes heavily against your skin as his lips trace the curve of your neck. There lies beauty in the touch.
All you are to him is all he is to you. Yet, he takes and takes; does he give in return?
What he gives is ravenous attention; destruction dripping from his fingertips, careful not to inflict pain and careful to destroy you whole.
He bites and claws what he can grab, you arch to give him more. His startling, forceful show of love to mend your broken soul.
One day he will forget, you fear, though more wrong you could not be. From ashes he has raised you, your enemies he'll burn.
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koy6na · 1 year
boy next door pt. 2
you couldn't believe it. tenko shimura perusing around town with some new girl. shocking. he'd been ignoring your texts and calls all week and on friday you had spotted him having dinner with her. not that you cared or anything but seeing him laughing and flirting with her made your blood boil a little hotter than you liked to admit. it didn’t matter though, you had your fair share of flings but a part of you wanted to forget what you’d seen. it was embarassing. pacing your room, cancelling plans all over him. what did he have that the guys in your phone didn’t? he was a loser. he barely said a word to you at school, even after you had so graciously asked him to carry your stuff home. he glared at you but of course, obliged. 
still, you were baffled at this defiant behavior. you were his first, you even let him do it raw. what more could he need? tenko shimura was a selfish bastard who despite his quiet, geeky behavior, only wanted sex. it frustrated you how dehumanizing it was to get treated like this by him. you could call a past hookup. or meet someone new. but would they do it like him? desperate and animalistic, but still needy enough to be cute? you weren’t sure. but the second he appeared at your door, tattered hoodie and dark jeans, you knew they wouldn’t compare.
“are you just letting yourself into anyone’s home now?” you scowled as you set your phone down. “your mom let me in on her way out. pachinko. again. seems she’s got a bit of an addiction.” he said robotically. you scoffed. “sure.” he settled on the edge of your bed. he smelled like cigarettes and fresh rain. “you pick up smoking?” your chin rested on your knees as you focused on his twiddling hands. he looked up swiftly, his expression remained quiet but his body language spoke louder, almost excitedly. “no. it’s this new chick i’ve been hanging out with. real chainsmoker.” he said, leaning back, hands folding over his stomach. you tried real hard not to scoff but the task seemed impossible. “so she’s just been rubbing her scent all over you like a fucking dog? that’s real cute.” you sneered with more poison than you intended. you didn’t want to waste all that toxicity on him. “i’ve just been at her house a lot lately, the smell just kinda sticks.” his voice was cool but thick, like the cigarettes imprinted into his clothes. “been rolling around in her sheets? hope you had fun.” as you reel back in you feel embarrassed about how angry you’re getting. he quickly shifts his body, facing you.
“are you jealous?” he said leaning over to your side of the bed. “she’s a friend.” you rolled your eyes at him. his slim fingers slid under the hem of your shirt, tracing imaginary patterns on your skin. “i’m not stupid i saw you guys kissing.” you said with a scowl. he sighs in annoyance. “so? aren’t we friends too? i mean look at us now.” his hand left your shirt, the cool material failed to match his presence on your skin. nimble fingers brushed hair from your face, fingertips resting on your flushed cheeks. he leaned in, narrowing his eyes and tightening the grip on your face. you closed your eyes in gentle anticipation of his lips on yours, but they never came. when you opened your eyes you could see a smirk plastered on his face, eyes still narrowed and focused on your lips. you inched closer in desperate need of a kiss but found his quiet, taunting laughs pushing you away.
“what are you doing?” he asked nonchalantly. you frowned and pulled away, facing your back to him. “oh. oh i get it now. you thought i was gonna kiss you.” he laughed again, coldly and tapped you on the shoulder. “don’t look so down, i was under the impression you wanted nothing to do with me.” tenko firmly pulled your shoulder to get you to face him. you couldn’t. the burning humiliation festering in your chest kept you from turning to him. you should’ve seen this coming as another one of his games to get under your skin. “don’t tell me you’re mad at me.” he crooned and snaked an arm around your waist, pressing his lips to the nape of your neck. this time, you shoved him off. it was almost violent the way you did, as if you were trying to shake off something other than his arms. something deeper. 
“what the fuck? what is this? one second you hate me, the next you’re trying to kiss me, and now you’re fucking mad again.” you shut your eyes in annoyance but softened when you heard him shuffle against your sheets. you expected him to get up and leave but when he pinned your arms, straddling your waist, you were caught off guard. “what the fuck are you doing?” your reddening cheeks were glowing in the dark of your room. “what the fuck are you doing? if you want my attention you’re going to have to try harder than that.” he sneered. your heaving chests were parallel to each other as he leaned down to face you. he was overwhelming in every way possible. the scent of soap and sweat and something else that was just so him lingered in the air. it filled your head and make you weak to his advances.
“well? what are you gonna do, huh?” he released your hands and sat back, still straddling your waist. you were at a loss. “i-i don’t know.” you stuttered making him laugh breathily. “you don’t know. well let me help you.” you were nervous in anticipating what his plan was for you but when his fingers slid under your shirt, tugging the hem slightly up, you knew. you let him slip off your shirt, your bare chest coming into view. his hands immediately flew up to cup them. his cold palms sent shivers through your body. “fuck. look at you. i bet you’re thinking about last time when i fucked these.” he scoffed to himself. you were recognizing a pattern where every time tenko got you naked he was a completely different person. he leaned down to lick your nipple making you gasp. he began kissing down your stomach when suddenly he stopped. “you know, you’re actually supposed to be helping me out.” 
you rolled your eyes and reached for his belt buckle. you undid his jeans as you flipped yourself around. you could feel how hard he was under his boxers and the familiar sensation of veins sliding beneath your hand. your fingers slid slowly up and down his shaft. an ache for more hid beneath his stifled moans. “faster.” he demanded, bucking his hips into your fist. you leaned down to kitten lick the pearl of precum collecting on the tip. his eyes follow you as you bob and gag on his pulsing cock. you can tell he likes it when you’re uncomfortable. it pleasures him when your eyes are narrow and spiteful and the kisses you leave on his shaft are nothing but obligations. it makes you sick the way you let yourself moan when he cums. it’s everywhere and it’s filthy the way it lolls on your tongue, trickling down your chin. he glides his fingers into your cum covered face and lets you lick them clean. you keep eye contact with him as you climb on top of him.
there’s a motorcycle revving somewhere on the street. the sound of music playing from someone’s radio wafts in through your half opened window. you should be out with a nice guy having dinner or walking hand in hand at the park. there’s a whole world of nice guys with nice cars and nice shirts out there who don’t play chaste games with your emotions. but you know there’s also plenty of nice girls who match perfectly with guys like that, and you’re not a nice girl. you love the way he talks to you like a stranger and the way he fucks you like he hates you. tenko’s not a bad guy, but he’s definitely not a good guy. in retrospect the two of you are more similar than you’d like to imagine. you hate most people and treat the ones you love like shit. you’ll do anything to get away from responsibility but you’ll do everything for your freedom and though you live in two different worlds, the parallels couldn’t be more identical.
his dick is soft and sleek under your sopping cunt. your hips match your breathy moans and your eyelids lower instinctively. you can’t help but moan when your clit comes in contact with his shaft. he’s hard again within seconds. “well this is new. you being on top?” he rests his head on the headboard of your bed. “you should be grateful, asshole.” you say, slightly out of breath. when you finally sink yourself onto his cock, the stretch engulfs your nerves. the torrid girth feels hot and tenacious as you glide up and down. your moans become in tune with each other, the chorus of breaths and gasps balance the already thick smell of sex in your room. 
his hips twitch when the rim of your cunt clenches around his tip. the ache in your knees only makes you more sensitive to him. “is this enough to get your attention?” your voice shakes with exhausted pleasure. his forehead glistens with sweat as he clenches his eyes closed. “shut the fuck up.” he sputters out. he’s been trying not to cum since you first slid onto his cock. you lean forward to face him, your faces are inches apart. he expects you to kiss him but you really just wanted to get a close up of his expression when you milk him. you mouth gapes open, your voice is frozen in pleasure. you plant your hands on his chest to steady yourself as your rhythm picks up. his eyes roll back into his head as he stifles out a plea. “slow down.” you scowl at him in defiance but don’t say a word. your rhythm continues. “fuck. im cumming. get the fuck off.” his hands push at your pulsing thighs but he’s weak in the moment. “seriously get off. i’m gonna cream you, right now, if you don’t.” your moans have only gotten more intense as the anticipation of his hot cum spurting into you grows wildly in your mind. 
“do it. i know you’re afraid to. please just fucking do it.” you manage to spit out your final lash at him through your exasperated panting. his hands have a white knuckle grip on your thighs as you watch him lose what little self control he had. he cums with a loud groan, hips thrashing and thrusting into your sopping pussy. you crash down on him sending that white hot cum deeper. he’s still rutting desperately into you as you remain clenching and twitching around him. you both were never really into quick endings. when you muster the strength to lift yourself off of his softening dick you watch the webs of cum and arousal stretch and dissipate off your skin. you lean back when you feel a glob of cum dribble down onto his crotch. his forearm is draped across his eyes as his chest heaves. “did you really need my attention that bad?” he asks, wearied. “i thought you’d like it.” you replied, faster than you’d expected. his arm lowers as his piercing red eyes lock onto yours. 
“maybe you’re right.”
this is so ass i’m sorry jajajajaj
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bluelizze · 3 months
I needed to get this out somewhere (it’s pretty self-indulgent) so here we go
S/o plays a bunch of gacha games, but imma use Honkai Star Rails for example. Now I don’t really see Tenko as the type to play those kind of games but imagine, that his s/o just be like “hun, can you come over here?” He goes over and they’re just like “help me pull on this gacha banner” and so Tenko becomes s/o’s lucky charm everytime they pull on a banner.
BUT I also think he helps with recommending materials to use based on status, which characters to use in battle, and hell he can help out with some parts of the lore if you don’t understand it.
I always read fics where we would be the one watching him game so why not do the other way around?
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 15 days
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"..did you just sniff me ?"
immediate, crisp. a little snappy, maybe a little too fast. the word leaves tomura's mouth in an instant.
"..you sure ?" your voice shakes, lips twitching to desperate hide your smile. tomura's eyes twitch and narrow, he notices. "yeah." he grits out. his voice remains forcibly even.
"i wouldn't sniff you. that's fucking weird." he readjusts on the couch, grunting as he does so. you can tell he's desperately trying to make himself more comfortable, he refuses to look your way.
"well, if you just so happened to--"
"i didn't."
"hypothetically. if you did, i smell different because i changed my perfume. it smelled good and i wanted to try something different." you explain, continuing to scroll on your phone in an attempt to calm your boyfriend's nerves. snuggling into him again. no matter how many times you do it it still makes him stiffen the slightest bit, affection is something he can never quite get used to. he loosens up soon after. slowly leaning his shoulders to yours just slightly so he can feel the pressure, so you can feel his weight on you.
it takes him a minute before he grunts out a barely audible "smells good."
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scary-grace · 3 months
I didn’t put this WIP on the list for the WIP game, but I’m hyped about it, so here is an excerpt from a fic inspired partially by a conversation with @sophsiaaa and written for a summer fic event hosted by @threadbaresweater! Shigaraki x reader, coffee shop au + ‘a day at the beach’:
Past noon, things slow down a bit. You decide to speed-clean the espresso machine, and you’re so focused on your work that you don’t notice the customer. It’s possibly also the customer’s fault, since he’s peering at you from over the drink pickup counter instead of standing by the cash register, and when he barks the question at you, it startles you badly. “What’s the password?”
“On the WiFi?” You tuck your burned hand behind your back. “No password. Find a place to sit down and have at it.”
The customer looks disconcerted. Or at least you think he does — the lower half of his face is covered with a surgical mask, and given that he doesn’t have eyebrows, it’s hard to read his expression. “Why?”
“Why isn’t there a password?” You haven’t gotten that question yet. “I want people to be able to use it if they need it.”
“They’re gonna watch porn.”
“Me putting a password on the WiFi wouldn’t stop that,” you say. “And I’m not the Internet police. If somebody starts acting up, I’ll deal with it. If not — just use headphones.”
The customer’s expression twists. “I didn’t mean me.”
“Sure.” You’re not a moron. “It’s not my business what you do. Unless your business starts messing with my business. Seriously. Knock yourself out.”
The customer turns away, and you spend a second being extremely grateful that you went for single-occupancy bathrooms instead of multiple-stall bathrooms before you go back to cleaning the espresso machine. Your hand hurts, but it’s nothing running it under cold water won’t fix later. When you straighten up, there’s someone at the counter.
It’s porn guy, who you really shouldn’t call porn guy. Innocent until proven guilty and all that. You dry your hands and hurry over. “What can I get for you today?”
“Black coffee.”
“Sure. Anything else?”
The customer glances at the pastry case, then shakes his head. Then his stomach growls audibly. He knows you heard it. What little of his face is visible above the mask turns red. “No.”
“Tell you what,” you say. “I’ve got these new pastries the bakery wants me to try out, but next to nobody’s tried one yet. If you agree to tell me how it was, you can have it half off.”
“I have money.” The customer shoves a credit card across the counter to you, and you see that he’s wearing fingerless gloves. Or sort of fingerless gloves. They’re missing the first three fingers and that’s it. “I don’t need help.”
“No, but you’re helping me out,” you say. You add the pastry to his order and discount it by half, then fish it out of the case with a pair of tongs. “For here or to go?”
“Here.” The customer watches as you set it on a plate. “What is that?”
“It’s babka.”
“I can read. What is it?”
“I don’t really know,” you admit. Maybe that’s why people aren’t buying them. “The filling is chocolate and cinnamon, though. It’s hard to go wrong with that. It’ll be just a second with the coffee.”
You fill a mug, then point out the cream and sugar. Then you realize you still haven’t tapped the customer’s card. You finish ringing it up and glance at the cardholder’s name. Shimura Tenko. He hasn’t been in before today. You’re not the best with faces, but you never forget a name.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 2 years
Hi love ❤️ I was wondering if you could do Dabi, Shigaraki, chrono and Kai with a S/O who who just grabs them and shoves their face in to her chest when they monologue. Like the S/O is just tired of their endless ranting so she does that to shut them up
*cracks fingers* I would love to-
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Listen, you and Dabi rarely fights, so usually a argument is more like the kind of "Oh I like cheese" while the other is staring at you in disgust with a "You are mentally ill."
Really. That's it.
Is actually pretty funny, but now? You were almost throwing a chair at the mktherfucker since he was mocking you about not winning a bet you both made over a movie.
"Another loss doll, what a shame." He muttered, resting his smug face on his hands as he leaned on the kitchen counter as you deadpanned at him.
"Yeah yeah you won, now leave me alone." You hissed.
"Nah. I just need to see your expression at losing again. I can't even remember the count now, do you? I think I won on our lil discussions about of... 100 times already?" He made a false thinking expression as you threw a towel at him...
He obviously dodged with a cackle.
"I'm just speaking the truth here." He spat with a snort.
You had enough and just went to where he was. Thankfully he was sitting down so it would be more easy.
"Oh. Someone wants a round 2?" He smirked devilish before his eyes went wide open when your hands just grabbed the back of his neck and pulled his face right into your tatas.
Well... that was unexpected but surely not unwelcome.
"You're done?" You grumbled with a smile on your face as you nuzzle on his tainted hair before you felt a pair of rough hands squeezing your waist and surely felt a warmth emitting from his face.
"Yeah. I'm shutting up now." The vibrations of his rough voice made you ticklish.
He wouldn't. If you do this every time he will never shut his mouth.
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Probably was complaining about heroes or a game he didn't won or smth.
And you were just like "hey chill os not the end of world."
Okay, not LITERALLY because if you say that it will surely cause trouble between you two.
But you got it.
I will go with the second option since I kinda feel bad for him considering the recents events (both manga and anime)
"Tomu is okay."
"No its not." He growled, fingers already at work on scratching his neck "Didn't you see it? That guy obviously cheated. Probably is a momma or daddy boy and got those cheats on games paying billions for it."
"Huh?" You let out. Sometimes in the middle of his angry ramblings you couldn't understand or just the dots didn't connected.
But something you didn't want was for this man to mess up his skin more than it was. His neck was a victim of abuse from his nails already.
You got up in the kindle of his rambling and gently started to caress the oily hair he had before sucefully hushing him and bringing him to a hug with his face other between your chest.
The rambling immediately stopped as his hands started to tremble and for a moment you were afraid you did something to piss him off even more when he just straight up pushed himself away abruptly.
But the sign his face was now a deep shade of red that matched his ruby eyes immediately melted your worry away as you muffled your giggle with your hand.
"Sorry, that got you out of guard tomu?"
He glared up at you before standing up from his chair before just burning his face on your neck, not touching you with his hands still.
He can't even remember why he was so mad about.
Look how effective your love was!
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Sorry, this man drives me crazy
Surely was bitching about heroes and diseases and how they shouldn't exist/need a cure after bumling with one of them on his walk.
And normally you would sit and listen with pleasure since you were basically the only one Chisaki was open with absolutely everything.
But today was not your day.
You were just staring at him pacing around the room while you were sat on the bed just wanting to go to sleep.
It was a bold and dangerous move considering that normally you warn Chisaki or he just sees so he can prepare himself.
But nope. You just got up and pulled him abruptly to a hug with his face right on your minimum covered chest.
"Please Kai just go to bed... " You sighed while trying to carres the back of his skull.
Only later realizing the fair uncomfortable position he might been.
Chisaki was a bit taller than you... and the angle he was now made him arch his back rather... awkwardly.
You were about to pull away until his gloved hands grabbed the back of your night shirt as he exhaled shakily on you.
Guess you guys found a coping mechanism for when he gets nervous.
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He doesn't complain. He is an angel.
But he does go a rambling sometimes.
We saw that before he got attacked by a majority he was on ramble about to just kill aizawa.
Okay, maybe not a angel-
I totally can see Kurono as one of those dorky guys that goes mumbling without a care about something he enjoys it a lot.
And got shut out many times when he was a kid due to this habit (many times was Chisaki that ass-)
So he just tends to try to control it
Keyword try.
Because he is so comfortable around you that he can't just out of no where stop.
You're just watching him with a dreamy sigh as he explained in each detail about his favorite gun until he noticed your lack of response.
"Ha.. sorry about that." He scratched his cheek lightly
You weren't having that.
This man was so FLUSTERED when you scorched over and pulled him to nuzzle on your chest on the bed.
Face was 50 shades of red.
"Don't apologize for that. You like those things and I love hearing you talk. Please keep going."
I swear this man had heart eyes when staring up at you from his chest before he resumed his explanations but far more at ease at the position
Might have popped a boner
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spookyxsprinkles · 7 months
🎨 Colour Theory, part 1: Horizon Line [oneshot]
(formerly known as "Perspective")
shimura tenko × afab she/her and poc friendly reader ft. todoroki touya.
-> safe for work // 4.8k words // AO3 // part 2. -> warnings: jealousy + some actions may be considered creepy. low self-esteem, shyness, a couple of very brief musical references, family member death mention.
summary: tenko goes to art school and gets a little crush on a musical theater major.
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Horizon Line -- an actual or imaginary line in a work of art representing the point at which water or land seems to end and the sky begins.
Tenko had fallen asleep before the performance had even started.
He had long lost track of how long he'd been awake for. It was the end of his second semester in university and the prestigious art program he was in made sure to keep him busy with project after project. He was running out of steam. Honestly, he had been running on fumes for weeks now.
He'd rather be in his dorm finishing his assignments instead of sitting in one of the theaters in the performing arts building. If it wasn't a requirement for Fine Arts majors to attend other Fine Arts events, he would have never set foot in this place. The noise of the attendees filling the room and the orchestra tuning their instruments in the pit was grating his sleep deprived nerves.
He grumbled and crossed his arms as someone took the seat beside him, his leg bouncing as he grabbed the program the usher had handed to him when he first entered. Tenko's bloodshot eyes were barely able to process anything more than The Phantom of the Opera on the front of the flimsy pamphlet, before shutting it and glaring at the scarlet curtains on the stage.
A few minutes later, the lights began to dim and he sighed in relief as the room quieted. He could finally catch some much needed sleep.
He tried stretching his stiff legs in an attempt to loosen himself up and closed his eyes.
Only to open them at the sound of your voice singing to him on the stage.
"Think of me, think of me fondly when we've said goodbye. Remember me, once in a while, please, promise me you'll try."
Tenko was mesmerized. Watching you on stage woke him up more than the energy drinks he'd been living off of all semester. He was absolutely immersed with your performance. He soaked in your every word and movement and before he knew it, two hours had gone by and the cast was being applauded as they bowed.
He sat in awe for a moment as the auditorium lights flicked on and he stood, shuffling through the crowd. He found a nice corner of the lobby behind a pillar as he and some other audience members waited. He skimmed through the program and found you. He whispered your name like a secret only he could ever know.
The cast slowly came out one by one and thanked the guests for coming. Tenko's eyes darted around impatiently. Finally, out came you in the white gown you wore in your final scene, looking like an angel that had come down to offer his sin-filled existence some respite.
You greeted and thanked the attendees as they praised you and handed you flowers. It was the final night of your musical and you were beaming. Tenko's fingers fidgeted at his sides as he yearned to get closer to you and experience your radiance himself.
A guest bowed and left, leaving an opening for him to approach. He took a step out from behind the pillar, but you turned at the sound of your voice coming from behind you. Tenko recognized the person as the man who played the Phantom and sighed when he saw you turn and leave the room.
When Tenko returned to his dorm, he searched your name online and found your social media. His night was spent watching your videos. He didn't realize how much time had passed until his alarm went off and he saw the sunlight peaking out from behind onyx curtains. It was time for him to get ready for class.
The semester had finished with him acing art and barely passing his core courses. It was winter break and with most students away, the campus was deserted. The thought of having no one to go home to didn't even cross his mind as he spent the break filling his sketchbooks with your image.
His second semester started off much better than the first one. His art had rapidly improved from how much he'd been practicing recently.
He found a spot he liked. It was a small outdoor table nestled between some trees on the southern campus dormitory area. The weather on this side of the country wasn't as cold as other prefectures would be in January, but there was still the occasional breeze that made his dry skin prickle up with goosebumps. It was the rain that was more likely to get him sick, although, since he was under the wide umbrella of the table, he found that unlikely and continued his sketch of you.
A week and a half later, he gulped down the last of his cold medication and slammed the container down in frustration. He leered at the harrowed reflection staring back at him on the dirty bathroom mirror. His eyes were heavy with deep bags, his skin a sickly colour, and his black hair hadn't been brushed in 2 or 3 days. He let out a sigh.
He found another spot he liked, safe from the chilling late January rain. It was in the performing arts building, in a seating area by the entrance. The art program may have been the school's top program, but the grand architecture and romantic interior design of the performing arts building clearly showed it also wasn't anything to scoff at, despite being was a few stories shorter than the building across the quad that Tenko was more familiar with. It was much noisier here, too.
Tenko had his earbuds in as he slouched on the upholstered chair, sketching, when he noticed a familiar form in the corner of his eye.
It was someone he recognized as your frequent scene partner that you seemed to be joined at the hip with, if your social media was anything to go by. Tenko felt a spark of excitement bubbling inside of him and he looked around hoping to see you, but your face was not among the crowd of students. His hope deflated to disappointment and he scratched the side of his neck. You were likely already in class.
It was ten minutes into the hour when Tenko decided to leave. He gathered his things and carried his sketchbook in his arms as he stood and walked away from the seating area.
He tripped over his feet and bumped into someone, his sketchbook flying out of his grasp.
"Oh no, I'm so sorry!!"
It was you.
Your sweet voice was full of apology as you bent down to grab his sketchbook for him. He watched in awe at how swiftly you moved. He was at a loss for words. Your fingers froze over the edge and Tenko realized what page it had landed open on.
"Is that... me?"
Your voice sounded so pretty, even when you were confused. He felt his face burning as you grabbed the sketchbook and stood. Your eyes stared down at the sketch of you he had just done while in the seating area, when he was itching to catch a glimpse of the top of your head through the crowd.
You were so close now and it was going to kill him.
"This is from my Jekyll and Hyde audition in Spring 2220, right? Back when I was trying to get the role of Lisa. I can't believe it's already been three years since then..."
You were so close now and he knew you'd think he was a creep for watching your old videos and bumping into you. You probably thought he had it all planned out, like some sort of stalker.
"Is it okay if I flip through..?"
His brain was screaming at him to say 'no, give it back' but his head nodded, unable to deny you of anything you wanted from him. Yes, there were sketches of you without any clothes on and he was well aware of how that would look, but he couldn't find it in himself to care. He would rip out his heart for you to use as a hand warmer, if you asked.
He watched with a gut wrenching mix of horror and delight as you flipped through and took your time to study every page. Drawing had always come easily for him, with hands being his favourite body part to draw. Expressions were a bit more difficult for him to feel satisfied by so he preferred to leave faces blank or smudged out. With you, he actually put in the effort to capture your expressions.
He could see your eyes carefully observe every stroke he had made and take in the details. The furrow in your brow as you focused had him contemplating whether or not he wanted to reach his hand over to your face and smooth it out or leave it perfect the way it was.
You hand him the sketchbook and he snaps out of his thoughts.
"Huh?" He had been too in his head to hear what you had said.
"Thank you, I've never had someone draw me before. It feels really nice." You say with a soft laugh.
The sound made his skin itch and the tips of his fingers tingle with electricity. He clutched his sketchbook tight enough to pale his knuckles. His nails dug into the material as he barely remembers to stop staring and nod as you offer him praise and he feels dizzy. You were so nice. Why were you so nice? To him? He wanted to speak but he couldn't decide on what to say.
"I gotta go. I'm super late to practice and my partner's going to be on my ass about it." You sighed. You wave goodbye and disappear down the hallway.
He was also a bit late to class. His figure drawing professor shot him a judgmental look as he entered the room. Tenko couldn't bring himself to care.
You knew he existed.
The weather was nice and Tenko was sketching at the outdoor table, when someone sat across from him. He looked up and saw you with an ice cream cone.
"I knew you looked familiar! You're the person that's always out here working on something."
He felt his face heating up as you took a lick of your ice cream. You were so forward. He didn't expect you to approach him again. He had chalked the positive end of your last conversation up to politeness.
"I guess you've been drawing this whole time, huh? Mystery solved. Also explains why you're so good at drawing."
"Thanks to your performances," Tenko says without thinking. He immediately panics at how creepy he sounded.
"Oh, is that why you draw me? I thought it was the outfits since the costume department goes all out. Huh, interesting."
You continue licking your ice cream while watching him and he has to look away. He felt so shy in your presence. He didn't feel worthy of your attention. You were so soft, so pretty, so talented and he was just a creep with a crush that couldn't stop himself from sketching you constantly.
He looks down at his hands as he stumbles through his nerves when he explains how watching you had helped him with movement, making his art more fluid and dynamic. When he finishes, he looks up and sees you smiling at him. The sight made his breathing hitch and he rasped out a small, "What..?"
Were you making fun of him? Is that what this was? Were you actually just here to--
"I could do some reference work for you, if you'd like?"
His eyes widened and he could feel his face heating, the corners of his lips tugging. He didn't know how to speak without making a fool of himself and he was thankful you kept talking. He was happy to sit quietly and watch you.
"We could schedule private sessions, that way it can be just the two of us without anyone interrupting."
"What?" Questioned a third, deeper voice.
The two of you look up and see your partner staring down at you while holding an ice cream cone of his own. "What kinda weird shit you getting into now?"
Your brows furrowed. "Hm? What do you mean?"
"Your wording sucks."
You took a moment to think about it and became flustered. "I didn't mean anything strange," you assured Tenko.
"Sure, pervert."
"Anyways, this is my new friend, uh..." you look over at him sheepishly, "Sorry, what's your name?"
"Shimura Tenko..." His fingers fiddle with the corner of his paper.
"Can I call you Tenko? Or is that too familiar?"
Tenko's face heated up, "Th-That's fine..."
You nod enthusiastically before looking back up at your partner. "This is my new friend Tenko. They're the artist I was telling you about!"
"Oh, so you're the creep who draws her naked."
"I-It's art..!" You defended.
"S'weird, but whatever." The man seemed bored as he licked his ice cream and took a seat in the chair beside her. "Todoroki Touya. She's like a leech so you're stuck with her now. My condolences."
You nod as you take a lick of your ice cream, "We are now bonded for life."
Tenko awkwardly looks between the two of them, unsure of what to say. The two performers end up in a conversation and he can tell you were trying to include him so that he didn't feel left out. After some bickering, Touya takes a bite out of your ice cream.
"How can you just bite it like that!? Doesn't it hurt your teeth!?"
He shrugs, "The cold never bothered me."
You hum a song from a children's movie as you pull out your phone and hand it to Tenko, asking him to insert his Line I.D. because you want to friend him. He looks between you and Touya, crimson eyes glancing at the arm the other man was lazily resting on the back of your chair.
"Is that okay..?"
You tilt your head in confusion, reminding him of a puppy. "Why wouldn't it be?"
Tenko looks from your kind eyes over to the man beside you whose turquoise pair that seemed to be blazing with fire. Tenko blinks and Touya's now impassive expression. Perhaps the dark look directed towards him was simply his mind playing tricks on him.
He typed in his username and you send him a friend request as soon as the phone is returned to you. You angle the phone above your head to take a selfie. Touya shoves his head into the frame, lazily sticking his pierced tongue out as he photobombed.
You notice the time and stand up in a hurry. "I still have that history paper due tonight and I haven't even started it yet! Bye guys!" You run off towards the student housing that happened to be across from the outdoor table, swiping your student I.D.
Tenko watched as you disappeared into the building before looking over at Touya who still sat at the table, only to find that the man was already staring at him. Tension thickened the air like smoke from a fire that made him feel almost suffocated. He opened his mouth to speak, but Touya merely scoffed at him. He finished his ice cream in a single bite and left. He watched as Touya swiped his student I.D., shooting the timid Tenko a cocky grin as he entered the same building as you.
Before he could think much of it, Tenko felt his phone vibrate and unlocked it to see you had sent him your class schedule so that you two could plan a time to meet up. He eagerly studied the photo and you sent him another photo. It was the selfie you took before you left.
"It was nice seeing you again, Tenko! Let's set up a day to hang out!! Here's a photo in case you forget who I am."
He could feel the heat rising from his neck to his ears.
You were too cute.
He could never forget you.
Over the next 3 weeks, Tenko lost track of the amount of times the two of you had hung out. Sometimes for drawing references, sometimes to eat at the dining hall, sometimes just for the hell of it. Your schedule was busier than his, so he was appreciative of the fact that you went out of your way to be with him. Especially on today, of all days.
You and Tenko sat on the floor, your backs against the mirror of the small practice room as he clutched the bag of chocolate cookies you had given him.
They were homemade, you said. You had baked them on your dorm floor's shared kitchen. They were in the shape of hearts, flowers, and there was even a bunny shaped. He didn't think he would ever forget the ache in his chest when you told him he reminded you of a bunny. The cookies had pink and red icing made with natural ingredients, which was why the palms of your hands were stained red from the beet juice. He licked his dry lips at the thought of you working hard. Just for him, too, because apparently Touya was a picky eater so you simply bought blue food colouring to use on his cookies. He swallowed anxiously as you continued speaking.
"I was hoping that maybe I'd get chocolates today."
"Isn't Valentine's Day when the girl gives the guy the chocolate..?"
You nod, "The norm is that girls give chocolates to guys on Valentine's Day then on White Day the guy can give the girl chocolates in response, but you never know! Girls can give girls chocolates, too. It happened to a friend of mine in high school, though it was the guy version of that. Anyways, why do Valentine's Day and White Day have to be gender specific? Just show the person you care about that you were thinking of them."
You sighed before continuing, "I've never gotten chocolates before. I know, it's kind of silly to whine about this, but I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic so can you blame me?" You laugh softly to yourself. "If Touya was here, he'd say yes and that it's my fault. He's always teasing me about these kinds of things." Tenko watches as you purse your lips deep in thought.
Tenko chewed his lip before quietly asking, "And Touya..? Won't he give you any on White Day?"
"Maybe, but it'll be different." You pull up your knees and hug them.
Your thighs were distracting and he struggled to keep his eyes off of them.
"The cookies I gave to Touya were obligatory chocolates, not the 'real feeling' kind you would give to someone you like. Last year, I gave Touya obligatory chocolates and he started complaining because he had already received too many sweets. I was so jealous. At least I managed to convince him to give me his chocolate."
Though he enjoyed snacks, Tenko didn't really care for the holiday. He never really had a reason to... until now.
"Tenko, have you ever gotten chocolates? I mean, other than the ones I just gave you?"
"So, I'm your first?"
He nodded, moving his head to stare down at the sketch in his lap. His fingers fiddled with the corner of the page, crumpling it more and more until it became limp from wrinkling. He had always found destroying things to be quite soothing for him.
"I..." Tenko was hesitant but decided if you were going to reject him, it was better if you did it sooner rather than later. "I used to live in an orphanage..."
In the corner of his eye, he can see you moving your head quickly to look at him. He tried to swallow his nerves as he continued speaking.
"My family died in an accident when I was five. I was sent to live with a distant relative since there was no one else and the situation was not... ideal. The kids at my new school picked up on my gloominess and shunned me. Even when my great uncle died, my presence would be deemed too unsettling to anyone that tried getting to know me."
He was too afraid to turn his head to look at you so he continued fiddling with the page, ruining more and more of it. You place your hand over his, calming the destruction.
"I used to live in an orphanage, too."
Tenko's eyes widened and he looked at you. "Are you... lying?" He whispered.
"My parents died in an accident when I was little. Wrong place, wrong time. I had no other family in Japan, so I got placed in a children's home."
His eyes scanned your face, looking for any sign of this being a trick but he could tell from the warm sincerity in your eyes that you were telling him the truth. "I don't know what to say."
You smile softly at him, "You don't have to say anything."
The feeling of your thumb rubbing circles against his thumb made Tenko's heart tremble. He wanted to swim in this feeling, to drown in your touch.
He watched your eyes glance down from his dark eyes to his lips, his breathing hitching in anticipation as you leaned in slowly to--
The practice room door opened, making the two of you flinch. Tenko missed the feeling of your hand as you leaned back and glared at the intruder.
"I thought I told you to knock before opening doors. You scared me." You folded your arms against your chest.
"I guess I won't give you my chocolates," Touya taunted as he walked over to you. He dropped his bag at the side of you Tenko wasn't on, making a loud 'thump' as it hit the wood floor.
Touya smirked as you opened it and pulled out a heart shaped cookie with the kanji for love written in icing.
"Whatever, eat later. We've got rehearsal."
You look up at Touya while stuffing your face before looking over at Tenko, then back at your partner. "Already? It's not for another twenty minutes."
Touya rolled his eyes and grabbed the bag before you could reach in for more sweets. "Early is on time, on time is late."
"Hey, that's what I tell you! Don't use those words against me, they sound weird coming from your mouth." You wipe your hands against a handkerchief before moving to stand up. "By that logic, you're always late."
Touya moved towards the door, beckoning you closer with the bag, "Here, doggy."
"If you spin around and bark I'll give you a treat."
The two of you could hear him laughing as he walked out of the room with the bag.
You pout, "That Touya... doesn't he know dogs can't eat chocolates?" You shake your head and Tenko stands, pulling his backpack on. "I guess I'll... see you later then?"
It felt kind of awkward now, but Tenko didn't mind that much. He only wished that your time together wasn't cut so short.
"Can't wait." You grin and walk out of the dance practice room together. You wave as you go down the opposite side of the hall to catch up with Touya. In the distance Tenko can hear you woof.
As Tenko exited the performing arts building, he felt his phone vibrate. He opened it and saw a selfie of you with chocolate smeared on the side of your face, while trying to shove Touya's face out of the frame and seemingly getting the chocolate on his face in the process.
He grinned. He also couldn't wait to see you again.
"Chocolate? For me?" You gaped at the small bag of chocolates.
Tenko nodded, his eyes shyly peering up at you as you grabbed the bag and opened it. "There's only four. I made more but they… got ruined…"
"They're handmade?" Your face softened at him, making his heart flutter and his fingers flex at his sides in excitement. You took a bite of one and grinned wide, covering your mouth with your hand as you spoke. "This is really good, Tenko. I didn't know you could cook."
Tenko couldn't but he wasn't going to ruin the moment by speaking. He watched as you ate. The two of you were sitting side by side at his favourite outdoor table near your dorm.
Last month, on Valentine's Day, the end of your conversation was a little awkward but thankfully it was gone the next time you guys saw each other. Once again, the two of you had hung out together a bunch of times. The biggest difference though was proximity. Tenko had noticed you getting closer and closer to him at every encounter.
"I finally received chocolates from someone. I'm really happy that it was you, Tenko."
He felt like he died and went to heaven. It would explain your presence. You just needed a halo.
Your eyes looking up from the bag made him nervous and he shook his head, deciding it was better if he didn't finish the sentence.
"They're what?" You ask, sensing his hesitation. "It's just me," you reassure.
"Just you..?" Just you? Just you?
You smile at him before looking down at the bag of chocolates with a pensive expression for a few moments. You look back up at him.
"…Yes?" His voice nearly broke. Did he go to far? Did he?
"Even if your hair is always in your face, you're pretty cute." You reach out and brush his hair to the side, tucking it behind his ear. The warmth of your finger tips were no match for the heat flaring across his entire body at your sweet gesture.
You giggle and slowly lean in to his face. He doesn't move. He is frozen. You place a kiss on his cheek and he panics, moving further away in his chair with his hand coming up to hover over the site of your affection.
"Y-You kissed me…"
"I-- I'm-- I'm sorry! I didn’t think you would be offended by it. Are you okay?"
"What about Touya!?"
You look at him with a puzzled expression. "What about Touya?"
"He's your boyfriend, isn't he!?"
"Huh!?" You sat up straight in your seat, eyes wide with shock. "I don't have a boyfriend??"
"You mean --this whole time-- you thought Touya was my--" A laugh escaped your lips for a brief second until you collected yourself, looking at him seriously. "Touya's my best friend. I mean… I did like him at one point but it wasn't reciprocated. Not that it matters, that's old news. I like you, Tenko."
The air left his lungs and he was pretty sure it wasn't going to come back anytime soon.
You liked him?
Liked him?
Shimura Tenko?
Was he dreaming? Hallucinating this entire conversation? It was the only way any of this made sense.
"Here, eat some of these chocolates with me. They're really yummy. The perfect mix of sweet and salty." You pluck one from the baggy and lift it towards his lips. He stares into your eyes then down at the chocolate.
"I'd rather you eat them…"
You pout, "Okay, I won't force you."
You nibble on the chocolate and Tenko licks his lips at the sight.
"What?" You half-laugh. His eyes snap back up to yours.
"I like you, too."
"You do?" You look at him shyly. "I guess now would be a good time to tell you those chocolate cookies I gave you last month were the 'real feeling' kind?"
You've liked him for that long?
Tenko couldn't control himself anymore and, without warning, he leans in and takes your lips into a kiss. It's clumsy and awkward just like him, but you don't shove him away.
He can taste the salty sweet on your tongue as you kiss him back and though he wants to keep going, his lungs protested. He pulls back and the two of you stare at each other as he gathers his bearings.
"Was that your first kiss?" You ask.
He offers a small nod, "It was that bad..?"
"It's okay, we'll have plenty of time to practice."
Surprise filled him. "You want to d-do it again?"
You giggle, "Of course I do. As long as you're alright with it…"
"Right now? We can do it again right now?" He knew he sounded eager but he couldn't bring himself to care. He needed to feel the softness of your lips against his own.
"I like your enthusiasm." You laugh. "Let's do it when it's just us, okay? We're in public. I'm sure we can schedule in some more uninterrupted private sessions, right, Tenko?" You teased lightly.
Tenko gulped, nodding since he didn't trust his voice at the moment.
You weren't disgusted by him, you wanted to kiss him. You wanted to be alone with him. You accepted him and all his faults.
You liked him.
Tenko, impatient as he was, could wait as long as you needed him to.
He loved you.
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straightforthefl00r · 5 months
sidekick? more like sidechick!!
There were three main outcomes Tomura had prepared for, when he schemed to attack USJ.
One: the ideal result was that he would succeed in killing All Might with his state-of-the-art nomu, and move onto the next stage of his plan to world annihilation. The world would hail chaos in one move. He would be known to everyone that he was the bringer of fear; the one who destroyed their precious peace.
Or two: All Might would, annoyingly, not die, but would be fatally injured by the nomu. This would still be partial success, as the Symbol of Peace would be out of commission, and this would mean that society would be well on its way to falling without its stability. Not only that, his League of Villains (well two villains right now, counting Kurogiri) would gain traction in the media, and publicity is always a plus. Tomura could use this to expand the League and his influence across Japan.
As much as he wanted his plan to go in any of these ways, Tomura knew he had to be prepared for any scenario — even his failure.
His third outcome was that if All Might defeated his nomu (which should not be possible due to its extraordinary power), then he should retreat and build up his forces again for another attack.
Unfortunately for Tomura, his attack on USJ resulted in the final outcome.
He escaped with three-ish, four-ish, five-ish bullet wounds, no USJ underlings and no nomu, not even its bloody body.
At this point, he was just glad he had the foresight to plan his failure. Not only were his underlings arrested, the nomu was apprehended by All Might, and he proved to be stronger than ever, despite Sensei insisting All Might has been drastically harmed in their last battle together.
He needed a fucking drink.
“Kurogiri, I’m heading out.”
The door slammed shut and Tomura disappeared into the night.
You, on the other hand, were having the time of your life.
Exams were finally over and that meant you could finally release your inhibitions, in the form of obnoxiously loud music and sweaty clubs.
You had just finished a lovely evening out with your boyfriend and friends. After a night of raving and dancing and (fairly) responsible drinking, you were just coming out of the club and on your way home.
Your boyfriend went to his apartment earlier before you, a few hours ago due to “something”. You couldn’t hear him clearly above the booming music, you assumed it was because of his chronically weak stomach. He always said that, whether it be nights out or dates. You brushed it off like it was nothing because his health mattered first.
He’ll make up for it.
It was around 4am when it happened.
“What the fuck?” You yelped and found yourself sprawled on the floor, outside a closed bar. The street was empty, save for a few stray cats, occasionally yowling into the night.
The mass you ended up being entangled with was wearing a black hoodie. Dishevelled hair could be seen peeking out from the hood - light coloured, a stark contrast to his hoodie.
You sat up straight on the floor, trying to make sense of what was happening, veins pulsing. You could hear shallow breaths coming from the body turned away beside you.
You tried to shake the person awake, he groaned and the stench of alcohol and iron greeted you. His shoulder felt slightly damp too. You raised your hand up slightly to the yellowing street-light. Your hand had a tinge of orange, leaning more to the red side.
“Oi, get up,” You frantically whispered into the person’s ear, “You’re fucking bleeding!”
He started mumbling incoherently under his breath. You could make out weak swears and a few mentions of “stupid fucking heros”.
You stumbled to your feet, pulling him up with you, surprisingly warm and pliant against your shoulder. You wrapped his arm around yourself to steady the two of you.
“Come on, we’re off to the hospital.”
As if snapped out of a trance, the man tried to tear himself from you and shook his head furiously. The both of you barely managed to stay standing, leaning against the nearest rough wall.
He was already facing you, when you looked at him, his eyes glaring at you, as if you were the scum of the earth.
Your hand gripped onto his wrist to steady your centre of gravity. His fist was clenched, so tightly that each knuckle looked like they would burst from his skin to reveal blood as dark as his eyes.
His brows were furrowed furiously.
You frowned at him back.
You could make out the dry skin on his forehead and, despite this, his face was surprisingly good-looking. A faint scar trailing from his cheek to his mouth caught your attention. You started to wonder where he got it from, an accident? Or was it a self-inflicted wound from scratching?
You were a bit drunk still, but the situation was causing you to sober up.
You sighed and tried to signal to him that you were only here to help.
“No hospitals,” he croaked, words low and slurred, “h-hate them.”
You agreed as to not agitate him further, “Let’s go to my boyfriend’s then. His apartment is only a street away from here.”
The man’s face contorted into a look of scepticism, as a strained “why” was pulled from his lips.
“First aid kit.”
He stared at you for a moment, debating on something, before mumbling, “I can walk by myself.”
Tomura should’ve just drank at the hideout. It was a literal bar after all, however he wanted to get away from all the scheming, nagging and his failure.
And so, into the barrel he went.
“I’m hungry.” He mumbled, eyes glazed over slightly as he stared at the head in front of him.
He was met with a hum in agreement.
“We’re almost there,” You took a breath, “but there’s a convenience store on the corner.”
He doesn’t know why you’re even doing this.
Helping him outside that bar and trying to care for his wounds brought you nothing. You looked so soft.
Stupid sidekicks and their idiot saviour complexes. Tomura was starting to get annoyed. It would be so easy to just turn you into dust.
He concluded that it was pity driving your actions.
You looked non-threatening enough and you were still slightly buzzed. He would go through with this and then you would part ways and never see each other again. It didn’t seem like you recognised him.
A roll of bandages came into his view. The convenience store lights were harsh white and made the bandages seem brighter than they were. His head was starting to throb a bit.
“The big roll or the small roll?”
You raised an eyebrow.
Out on the dark streets, you couldn't see him very clearly, let alone his injuries, but in the store, it looked like his hoodie was drenched with blood from his shoulder to the middle of his chest. Even his black sweats were glowing in red if you looked at him from a certain angle. You were still deciding whether you should just cart him to the hospital after all.
You chucked the big roll of bandages in your basket. It was already full of a variety of sweets.
You giggled at the basket.
“What are you laughing at?” Tomura accused, miffed due to his answer being ignored.
“You don’t seem like a sweets guy.”
“Anyone can have sweets.”
“Just saying.”
“Right.” He answered dryly.
“Why are you all bloody?”
“Why are you buying bandages?” He shot back, “I thought your boyf had a first aid kit?”
“Because I don’t think he’ll have enough,” you gestured to all of him. “for your situation.”
“Stupid sidekick.” He muttered.
You rolled your eyes and leaned towards him, “So! Why are you head to toe in blood?” You said with a slight lilt in your voice.
Tomura wondered if you were still a little drunk. He was one to talk.
“Because I ripped a few stitches while drinking.”
“And how did you rip them?”
“Some guys were yapping about how hard ‘All Our Heroics’ was — even when he downloaded the helpers mod for it.” He answered in disgust, “All I did was engage in a conversation with him and told him how stupid he was. And then, we ended up in … disagreement.”
“Clearly.” You deadpanned. “Still. Where did you get your stitches from?”
“Ah. Sue them?”
“Sue them.”
“Annihilate them?”
“Sure, annihilate.” He gave a faint smile.
By the time you arrived outside at your boyfriend’s place, the sun was starting to rise. A melody of colours took to the skies: swirling clouds painted the perfect picture of peace.
You stopped in your tracks and gazed upwards. Tomura ended up walking into your back. He cursed, as the two of you stumbled.
“This again?” He hissed, “We already knew you couldn’t walk straight at that bar and now you're sending me flying?”
You laughed at him.
“Just look up. Isn’t that pretty.”
“Zip it before I push you.”
“Technically, you did.”
“Even more technically, you pushed me. You walked into me.”
“Yeah, exactly, walked into you, not pushed.”
You grinned at him and rolled your eyes.
You walked into the elevator and Tomura followed you in. The two of you were in a comfortable and easy silence.
You were walking to the door before you just suddenly stopped. Tomura prevented himself from bumping into you.
“Seriously? Again, again? I almost dropped our stuff.”
“Sorry about that, but I just remembered, what’s your name? I’ve just been calling you the bloody-hoodie guy in my head.” You questioned.
“I don’t give my name to strangers.”
You stared at him incredulously and gave him your name.
“There, we’re not strangers anymore.”
He was silent.
“People also don’t follow strangers to their homes.” You pointed out, “What’s your name?”
“S-Shimura Tenko.”
“I feel like you just made that up just now.”
“Aw. Shucks.”
You shook your head at him while you opened the door.
The two of you walked in and what greeted you shocked you both. You dropped your plastic bag full of junk food and bandages on the floor and stormed further into the apartment.
Two bodies were on the couch, near the balcony, heads close together and lips touching. Unneeded sounds of pleasure could be heard from where the two of you were standing. They were kissing. Very passionately.
You yelled out your boyfriend’s name in flaming anger.
Two heads turned so quickly to look at you, you could’ve sworn you heard a crack.
It all became clear as you slotted the puzzle pieces together.
“So, you never had chronic diarrhoea,” you sneered, words dripping with sarcasm, “you had a chronic case of cheating scumbag!”
Your boyfriend’s face was flushed when you came in, but it became even redder as you glared at him.
A resounding smack made its way through the room, making you turn your attention towards the other person on the couch.
“I was with you for two years! You fu-“
“What?” You exploded, “You literally asked me out a few months ago. How dare you do that to your partner!” You followed that with curses.
Out of nowhere, laughter echoed. And three heads turned towards Tomura. His laughter was bright and full of amusement.
When he finally stopped, a stunned silence filled the room and he spoke, “So,” he started in the same tone as you when you spoke to your boyfriend, “you’re no sidekick, you’re a sidechick!” He started to laugh again.
You stared at him in pure shock, anger dissipating into slight amusement.
“That was a shit joke.” You said after you managed to dig some words out.
“Who’s he?” Your ex-boyfriend accused, “Were you cheating on me? With that?”
It was your turn to laugh as you told him that you weren’t cheating on him but you were only helping a poor guy out, while he was being scummy.
“I’ve had enough of this,” you frowned, “We’re leaving Shimura!”
You marched over to him and grabbed his wrist.
“No, don’t use your quirk here!” Your ex pleaded, “The landlord is going to have my head.”
You huffed out a self-satisfied puff of air. “Watch me!”
“I hope you don’t mind too much. We’re off to my place.” You muttered to Tomura.
“Oi! What are you trying to-“
Tomura was cut off before he finished his sentence.
He fell through the floor with the convenience store bags grasped tightly in his hands, with your hand gripping his wrist. His pinky was aching and his head ached even more.
He yelled as he found himself on the floor with you once more, legs tangled and things rolling around on the now-dusty ground.
The two of you were laying on the ground, looking at the white ceiling. Tomura could see the walls in the corner of his eye, the colour of it matched your top.
“Sorry about that.” Your voice coming from his right, “My quirk is Rabbit Hole. I can teleport by creating literal holes in the ground. That’s why we are at mine right now and not at that idiot’s.”
“I couldn’t have guessed. Ha.” Tomura replied, oddly calm, “If I touch things with all of my fingers, I can make things turn to dust. That’s why the ground is all dusty.”
You hummed in reply.
“I’m really fucking tired.”
“What’s the time?”
“Shit, if I know.”
“I hoped I left a massive hole at that asshole’s. I hope that it went through all his plumbing and that his apartment is flooding right now!”
“He’s going to sue you.”
“So? Sue me!”
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tomura-complex · 1 year
Babysitter or something more?
This idea lives in my head for many days. I thought about an AU, where Aizawa is taking care of college student Tenko Shimura and Eri, who he saved from Overhaul. I thought about making more parts, but for now I want to share something with all of you...
Y/n is studying at college and in her free time, she is babysitting. Her former teacher from high school, Aizawa Shouta, notices her offer and calls her. Now it is time for Y/n to babysit Eri in the afternoon and meet Tenko, who is back from his lectures.
“Thank you, Y/n, so much. I’m really busy today, so I’m glad, that you have time to take care of Eri till I’m away. Pick her up at primary school by 1:30 p.m. and help her with homework, if she would have one. Please make lunch for her, Ten and you. Tenko will be at home by 3 p.m., but don’t worry, most of his time, he will be in his room. Please entertain Eri and play desks games or other things… I will be at home by 7 p.m.” I noted all important information and left my apartment. “Alright. I will inform you. And thank you so much Sensei. I really appreciate it.” “That’s alright kid. I’m really glad, that Eri won’t be alone. Bye for now.” I said goodbye and hang up.
When I have done all today’s lectures, I went to the primary school Aizawa told me about and went inside. After a while I found Eri waiting for me. “Hi there, sweetheart. I’m here instead of Aizawa. I’ll take care of you until he comes home, okay?” She curiously looked at me and then smiled. She stood up. “Hi… I’m Eri.” She mumbles. “I’m Y/n. Now let’s go.” I took her hand and went out with her. While walking toward her home, Eri told me about her older brother Tenko and her dad Aizawa. She seems shy at first, but she is really curious and talkative.
When we got to her home, I helped her with homework and we made lunch together. Then I heard door opening and closing and steps in the hallway. “Dad? I’m home.” Mumbles a raspy voice. Wait… I heard this voice already. I turn around and see black haired boy in black pants and hoodie with dark ruby eyes. “Who are you?” He rasps annoyed. “Oh, hi I’m Y/n. I’m taking care of Eri this afternoon, until Shouta comes home.” I smiled and extended hand to him. “Hey.” He grumbles and ruffles Eri’s hair while she hugs him. Then he turns his back at me and leaves. I blinked surprised. “He likes being alone.” Eri says and stand on her stool. I smiled and took out plates. I served chicken teriyaki for the three of us. “I will take this to your brother. I will be right back, okay?” I smiled.
I knocked on the door and no one responded. I slowly opened the door. “Tenko?” I whispered and looked inside. Damn. This place is a mess! I went inside and looked at him. Tenko is sitting by his computer coding something and… listening to some video. I stand right next to him. “Tenko.” I said loudly. He jerks, turns to me and took of his headphones. “What are you doing here? Who told you, you can just walk into my room? Didn’t you see the sign? No girls are allowed here!” He said angrily. “Tenko. I’m just bringing you lunch. And stop grumbling so much. I’m the same age as you and I’m here just for Eri.” I said and placed the plate in front of him. Then I walked out. I sighed and joined Eri in the kitchen.
“Okay, now read this. Just this sentence.” I whisper and Eri started slowly reading the sentence. I took some book for children and I’m reading it with Eri, so she can read better. Once again, I heard doors and dragging legs. Then the noise joined steps on the stairs. “Dad, what was that girl doing here? I could take care of Eri by myself. It’s not that hard.” Grumbles the raspy voice. I turn my head around and blinked. Tenko looks at me and froze. “You’re still here.” He mumbles and ran to his room… again. Aizawa sits down next to us. We greeted and Eri hugged him. “Sorry for Ten. I hope he was not so rude.” Shouta grumbles and scratched his hair. I smiled. “That’s okay. So, I will get going.” I stood up. “Oh and… you studied even literature, right? Tenko would need tutoring, because he has really bad grades and… I don’t have time. And Eri would need more babysitting.” I smiled “Of course. When will I pick her up?” I ruffled Eri’s hair.
-- next week --
I knocked on the door and Shouta opened them. “Hi Y/n, I will call Tenko right away.” He smiles at me and I went inside. I sat down in the living room and took out my notes. After a while, Tenko with bored and annoyed look sat in front of me. “Hey.” I smiled at me. He looked at the floor. “Hi.” He mumbles. He acts… more shyly than before. I sighed. “Okay, let’s begin. We will talk about classic literature.” I smiled.
This lecture was really slow. Ten wasn’t talking much. I said goodbye to Shouta. He dragged Tenko to him and encouraged him to walk me home. I smiled and went outside. He puts his hands in pocket of his hoodie and walks quietly beside me. We stopped at the end of the street. “Thanks for walking me home… and thanks for not being so rude.” I smiled at him. He looks at me, pink blush spreading at his cheeks. “Yeah… bye.” He shuffles his legs and I saw how much his pants are tight. Well… they are too tight, so his little problem is quite noticeable. I smirked and kissed his cheek. He looks into my eyes blushing and out of breath. “We can meet between my tutoring, school and babysitting. If you want to. Bye Ten.” I give him list with my number into his hand and then walk away to my apartment.
So here it is!!! I hope you like it! And if you want, I can make more parts! Because shy college Tenko is the best.
Part 2
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