#Shooting Accuracy
attactica · 1 month
Former Green Beret Shows How To Be Accurate While Standing | Tactical Rifleman
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historyofguns · 2 months
In Clayton Walker's article "Is the 1911 Too Heavy?" published on The Armory Life, he examines the historical and contemporary significance of John Moses Browning's 1911 handgun, focusing particularly on the modern Springfield Armory 1911 TRP Operator. Walker highlights the incremental design, metallurgical, and manufacturing improvements that have made the 1911 more accurate and capable. He argues that the added weight of the TRP Operator, which is about 45 ounces unloaded, significantly reduces perceived recoil, making the pistol easier to shoot and allowing for quicker, more accurate follow-up shots. Drawing from Newton's laws of motion, he explains that the greater mass results in less acceleration and thus, less felt recoil. Walker concludes that the additional weight and features of the TRP Operator offer substantial benefits for both self-defense and competition shooting.
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defensenow · 4 months
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gizzlytargets · 2 years
Tips To Choose Shooting Targets for Sale
If you are looking for shooting targets online, then you might find several stores online. It is important that you only make your purchase from the store where you can be assured of getting a quality product as per your specific needs and requirements. You can connect with the right company after a proper assessment of the attributes related to it. 
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Making your purchase from the first name you see can certainly cost you a lot. So, it is important that you check with the different prospects of the company and then proceed ahead with the decision-making. To make it more clear, below are the pointers that can certainly help you with the same. Check it out:
The first and most important aspect that you need to check has to be the company's history and background. If they have been in this field of service for a long, then you can certainly consider connecting with them for your needs of shooting targets for sale. This assures you of getting quality products from the best hands in the business.
The next important aspect that needs to be addressed has to be the product description of the shooting target. Going through the description can help you understand whether the product is as per your needs or not. If the product description doesn’t match your expectations, then you can keep on looking for the company where you can avail the product as per your needs and requirements.
The last and most important aspect that needs to be addressed has to be the reviews of the shooting targets for sale. If the reviews are positive, then you can certainly proceed ahead with the respective purchase and get the desired product without any problem whatsoever.
These are the aspects that need to be addressed while looking for the best shooting targets for sale. If you are still looking for the right company to assist you with the same, then you can always consider connecting with Grizzly Targets and get your desired product without any kind of hassle.
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hunterrrs · 10 months
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i mean… my captain gave us a slutty wet tshirt contest…
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h3adph0nez · 7 months
I made some low quality SFTH as text post, so enjoy
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First one / previous / part 2
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youling-the-ghost · 2 days
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Can I just say I love the way Tom types
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kitthew · 20 days
i think the reason that kaos is such a successful adaptation, despite being so inaccurate to the myths, it’s that it’s so new, fresh, and entertaining
like, there isn’t one canonical Greek Myth. there are, of course, surviving texts from the era—homer, euripides, aeschlyus, etc. — but those are only what have *survived,* there are countless other myths and ancient retellings that have been lost to time. besides, even between the original myths, there are discrepancies and different interpretations. the myths originated in an oral storytelling tradition, and with each teller, the stories were different. sure, there were some things that stayed consistent throughout the retellings, but almost every myth has elements that varied across sources.
you could always argue that even though that might be true, they could have based the show more on less common myth alternatives that still have sources from the time period, but i personally think the fact that they’re kind of doing their own thing is literally just what the ancient greeks were doing with their myths as well lol
plus, the reason successful greek plays *were* successful was that they told existing stories in a new and interesting light. sure, it was more of a “no one goes to the theatre to find out what happens next, they go to hear how the writer is telling the myth in a new and interesting way” sort of vibe, and kaos *does* have an element of watching bc you don’t know what happens next bc so much has been changed from the original myths, but again, i think this is basically just what the greeks were doing. when something originated in an oral storytelling tradition, there isn’t One Definitive Way to retell it. kaos takes a lot of creative liberties with the source material, but there’s always room for new interpretations and ways of telling these stories
BUT the show is imo so engaging and successful despite all that bc it really gets at the heart of the myths, even though, again, it isn’t at all accurate. zeus is cruel, power-crazed, and incestuous. dionysus is literally just a boy. hera is trying so so hard to be a GirlBoss. hades and persephone are the only ones who seem to have their shit together. poseidon is a douche on a yacht. there’s some incredibly interesting and compelling world building. and at its core, the show is about two things: 1) the gods are human and fallible and 2) you cannot outrun your fate, no matter how hard you try.
and what’s more greek than that?
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sainz100 · 2 months
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quick Carlos & Charles collage ❤️❤️
| 📸 pumamotorsport + Esquire via sabrinabearzotti
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redgoldblue · 9 months
for the drabble spotify wrapped game, if you want: i rolled my rainbow d10 twice and we have a 75 🌈
❤️ 🌈
75: America's Sweetheart by Elle King
uh. I don't know where this came from. i apologise, my partner-in-fluff 🫡
Also I am obviously not abiding by the technical 100-word definition of drabble here, but instead the much looser 'short piece of writing'.
spotify wrapped drabbles!
Steve doesn't know when he stopped caring about killing people. It didn't bother him until he started caring again.
It's not anyone unusual, is the thing that gets him. It's a nameless, almost-faceless drug smuggler that he didn't even mean to kill, but he shot with intent to disable and a little too much carelessness in a rush to stop the ship they came in on, and when he finally loops back around there's a pool of blood and a corpse with a busted femoral artery.
He's kneeling down, checking a pulse even though it's clearly absent, removing weapons even though he'll clearly have no use for them, when his fingers brush against a thin edge in the inside pocket of the off-the-rack grey suit jacket the guy's wearing.
When he pulls it out, it's a photo. He has to look down to check that it's the same guy in it, partially because death rictus changes a face, especially when your comparison is smiling and happy, and partially because he just hasn't looked at his face properly. It's the same guy, his arm around a similarly smiling woman shoulder-height to him and so close in features she has to be his sister, with a chubby-cheeked frizzy-haired kid straddling his shoulders and holding onto the woman's hand.
One of the first things the military teaches you, explicitly or not, is to erase personhood. Your own, and your enemy's. Numbers, statistics, body parts and targets and usefulness.
He puts the photo back into the dead man's jacket and moves away. A tech comes at some point, body-bags him, and Duke is there and the rest of his team have it well in hand, so he goes back to where their cars are parked, boosts himself onto the hood of the truck, and waits.
Kono walks past at some point, but they're still in the midst of cleanup and HPD handover, so even though she does slow and ask, "You okay, boss?", when he replies in the affirmative she nods and keeps moving.
He remembers himself before. He remembers when it would never would have occurred to him not to think that every person with a bullet in them is a person with a family. A person with a life, at least before they were a person with a death.
He doesn't bother trying to count. The impulse washes over him, but it would take hours with military records and Five-0 reports to calculate anything even close to accuracy.
Himself before was decades ago, but also not that long ago. It was target practice at the Academy and work behind computers in Military Intelligence and crawling through mud with a similarly young Freddie by his side.
Himself after, apparently, is sitting on his own truck at the edge of his own city watching his family and his family's family and his friends and his friends' friends move efficiently through shipping containers and body bags.
Eventually, Danny finds him. He takes one look at Steve's face; he doesn't say anything, just leans against the hood next to Steve and waits.
Eventually, Steve finds the words. "I don't think the military would like me anymore, Danny."
It's not all that new a state of affairs; he got driven by revenge and tattoos in non-regulation places and too many personal attachments and he remembered how to have fun in quiet spaces and how to love in loud ones. He started caring again.
"Good," Danny says, harsh and definite, and Steve realises with a start that the things that would debase him in the eyes of his country are probably exactly the same reasons Danny - not just Danny, his whole family - would cite for loving him. Except the tattoos, maybe.
He can't bring himself to be upset about it in the face of that.
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If I hear the word "broodmare" used in a 3rd wave feminist, anti-patriarchy speech by a female character who is supposed to be from a time where bicycles aren't invented yet in one of these "historical" dramas I am going to lose my mind.
Like yes, feminists existed before the late 19th century! Good job! But am I supposed to believe that every single 16 year old princess had the exact same "I don't want to be sold off like a broodmare and bear children for my husband!" reaction to the news that they were going to have an arranged marriage, y'know the thing they have been prepared for their entire lives because children of monarchs in a pre-modern world were (and knew that they were) practically political bargaining tools?
Like showrunners of period dramas need to dial it down on the #girlboss juice and instead put more energy into historical costume research beyond typing "old timey dress" to Pinterest and running with the first five results.
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todayisafridaynight · 4 months
i own a pair of black gator ankle boots and no one around me understands that when i walk in them they sound exactly like the y3 walk sound and its why i wear them because im truly in love with that horse galloping sound and im grateful i get to hear that just to walk down the street
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bobombun · 4 months
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I was never a math wiz, but this math isn't quite adding up.
Any Warframe experts willing to explain how do you get to 32k% accuracy?
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hood-ex · 5 months
do u rmbr of this fic where dick shaves his hair while he's depressed and jason kinda cheers him up? and alfred and bruce react to it. it was pretty short
I mean... it sounds like my fic alskdjal. I wrote that exact scenario minus Bruce reacting to it (he was mentioned like once though). There's only one other fic coming to mind where Dick shaves his head buuut I don't think it's the one you're talking about. It has other batfam members there reacting to it.
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wurm-food · 1 year
idk what vibes I’m giving off lately but 🥴 please never end
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