#Shop Online and Save
dental321 · 6 months
From Sarees to Smartphones: A Comprehensive Guide to BerryBox in India
BeryBox is a versatile online shopping platform that caters to the diverse needs and preferences of Indian consumers. The platform offers a comprehensive selection of products, from traditional sarees to cutting-edge smartphones, reflecting the rich tapestry of Indian tastes and lifestyles. BeryBox's user-friendly platform makes exploration effortless, catering to fashion enthusiasts, tech enthusiasts, and those seeking lifestyle essentials.
The platform's collection of sarees captures India's diverse cultural heritage, featuring a spectrum of choices from traditional silk sarees to contemporary designs. BeryBox collaborates with skilled artisans and renowned designers to ensure each saree represents a blend of craftsmanship, innovation, and cultural significance. BeryBox also caters to the tech-savvy consumer with a curated selection of smartphones, offering flagship models and budget-friendly options.
BeryBox's watch collection is a standout feature, blending style and functionality for various occasions. The platform takes pride in its commitment to quality assurance across all product categories, ensuring that each saree, smartphone, and watch meets BerryBox's standards of authenticity and durability. BeryBox has invested in a robust logistics network to ensure prompt and secure deliveries, enhancing the overall online shopping experience.
The platform regularly features promotions and offers across its diverse range of products, from festive discounts to flash sales, providing ample opportunities for users to make their purchases more affordable and enjoyable. BeryBox's customer-centric approach prioritises customer satisfaction, providing responsive support to address queries and concerns. The interactive and user-friendly interface reflects BerryBox's commitment to creating an online shopping experience that prioritises the needs and preferences of its diverse customer base.
BeryBox's versatility, commitment to quality, and customer-centric approach position it as a frontrunner in the competitive landscape of online shopping in India. As the platform continues to evolve, it envisions a future where online shopping transcends transactional exchanges and becomes an immersive, personalised experience. In conclusion, BeryBox stands as a comprehensive and dynamic platform that encapsulates the diversity of Indian lifestyles, serving as a trusted companion for those seeking quality, variety, and a seamless shopping experience.
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ayaansh006 · 6 months
Fashion Forward: BeryBox's Impact on the Evolution of Style in India
BeryBox, a leading online shopping in India, has significantly shaped the evolution of style in the country. Under the banner of "Fashion Forward," BeryBox has not only adapted to trends but also actively shaped and propelled the changing face of style. The platform has played a pivotal role in diversifying the fashion landscape in India by bringing together a myriad of styles, ranging from traditional ethnic wear to contemporary global fashion trends.
BeryBox celebrates cultural fusion by curating fashion that seamlessly fuses traditional elements with modern aesthetics, offering users a chance to embrace their heritage while staying on-trend with the latest fashion influences from around the world. The platform's commitment to trendsetting collections ensures that users have access to the latest in fashion, from seasonal must-haves to avant-garde styles.
BeryBox embraces technology to enhance the fashion-forward experience for its users, introducing virtual try-ons powered by augmented reality, which allows shoppers to virtually test how a garment or accessory looks before making a purchase. This interactive feature adds a layer of excitement to the online shopping journey and reflects BeryBox's commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements in the fashion space.
BeryBox has successfully navigated the balance between global fashion influences and local sensibilities, incorporating styles from international runways while keeping a finger on the pulse of regional trends. This synergy between global and local influences has contributed to BeryBox's status as a fashion destination that appeals to diverse demographics across India.
BerryBox actively supports and promotes emerging designers, serving as a launchpad for independent and budding talents. This commitment to nurturing fresh talent contributes to a dynamic and innovative fashion ecosystem in India, fostering a sense of creativity and experimentation.
BeryBox acknowledges the growing importance of sustainability in the fashion industry by integrating environmentally conscious choices into its offerings, promoting sustainable and ethical fashion practices. This alignment with eco-friendly initiatives not only reflects BeryBox's commitment to responsible fashion but also influences users to make more environmentally conscious choices in their style preferences.
BeryBox adapts its collections to align with seasonal and festive trends, ensuring that users can effortlessly find the perfect attire for every occasion. This adaptability not only reflects an understanding of the cultural significance of festivals but also positions BeryBox as a reliable guide for individuals navigating the diverse landscape of festive fashion in India.
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universe-of-peoples · 2 months
We as a society need more gender neutral clothing options.
I’m sick and tired of going clothes shopping where all of the women’s section is too frilly, feminine, impractical for everyday wear, made of lower quality material, and has smaller pockets. Men’s section, on the other hand, is all too big for me.
Gender neutral clothing does mean more androgynous options (catch me being mad at Kohls for renaming the Juniors section “young women” or “teenage girls” or whatever it is now in their stores), but it also means:
• carrying men’s and women’s clothing in a variety of sizes accessible to people of all body sizes and types
• carrying clothing of equal quality so that the people shopping in the women’s section aren’t forced to buy clothes more often when their fav t-shirt inevitably falls apart
• just! Put bigger pockets in all pants! And don’t put fake pockets on your pants! Regardless of the “gender” of the pants!
In conclusion clothes shopping always gives me massive gender dysphoria as a nonbinary person and I wish it didn’t.
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anipgarden · 9 months
Collecting Milkweed Seeds - All Facts, All Seeds, No Fluff
(OK but please also consider I'm not an ~expert~ I'm not a ~scholar~ I'm just a nerd on Tumblr who really likes milkweed and wanted to make a fun lil post about it)
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[Image ID: a green, leafy common milkweed plant (Asclepias syriaca) with five large, ovalish and bumpy green seed pods. The seed pods are currently unopened.]
It’s fall, which means if you haven’t seen them already, now’s the time that milkweed plants will start producing seed pods! (Well, technically, they’re called follicles, but fuck it they’re seed pods).  Each pod has dozens of seeds inside, some species can even have up to 200 seeds, so even collecting just a few can be a good way to boost your pollinator gardening efforts big time! What you do with them then is up to you--adding life to your backyard garden, sharing with friends, making seed bombs--but first you’ve gotta collect them.
The first thing you want to do is identify your milkweed plants--in an ideal world, you’d be able to tell precisely what kind of milkweed you’re collecting from (so you can know precisely what growing conditions that species prefers.) But when they’re dying back, forming pods, and releasing their seeds, it can be hard to tell. It helps to visit sites early, to know what milkweeds are there, and while you’re there you might even find some forming pods. 
It can be helpful to band off the pods early! This will keep the seeds from escaping, so you can come back later and collect them! I would only do this for a couple of pods--each pod has a lot of seed in it, so only taking one or two from each plant should still net you plenty of rewards! When I’m doing this in my backyard, I tend to use rubber bands--the size of rubber band you’ll need varies depending on the species. I’ve also seen people use the lacy-looking jewelry bags to a similar effect--if the pod splits open, all the seeds get trapped in the bag!
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[Image ID: the first image is of appears to be swamp milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) with about fifteen long, green, smooth and pointed seed pods. Most of the pods have small black rubber bands wrapped around the midsections. The second image is of what appears to be common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) with two large, ovalish and bumpy green seed pods. A white fine mesh bag has been tied over the pods.]
For people who want to get seeds from unopened pods, you have to be very careful not to force open a pod that isn’t ready--otherwise, the seeds inside won’t fully develop. How do you tell if a pod is ripe? There’s a seam in each pod, and it should open fairly easily with minimal pressure if it’s basically ready. If you’re basically prying it open, you’re too early. The seeds inside should be a nice dark color, and be plump in the middle--if they’re creamy colored or light orange, you’re too early. There may be some undeveloped seeds in each pod (I am talking maybe 1 to 3 here), but if the majority of them are ready, you’re good to go!
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[Image ID: a tropical milkweed (Asclepias curassavica) seed pod that has been opened at the seam, revealing dark brown seeds and lots of creamy white floss. Four seeds are floating away from the pod on fluffy white comas. The pod is being held between a white person's fingers.]
I’ve also seen people who go late late late into the season, after most of the pods have already fully split off and released their seeds. Some of the seeds occasionally stay in the pod, so they’ll take the leftovers that didn’t get scattered after winter passes. That’s a fair strategy! I prefer to get mine way early on, so I can get a clear ID of what kind of milkweed it is (some will flower and produce pods at the same time), but if you already got an ID early in the season and then come back later this can also work! But…
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[Image ID: several dried brown seed pods have opened fully, releasing a cloud of milkweed floss with seeds attached. Some seeds are still in the pods, but many are primed to float away.]
There is, however, one thing that tends to be a bit annoying about collecting milkweed seeds--and that’s the fluff. These fluffy white bits attached to the seed--called comas--function similarly to the iconic fluffy dandelion seed. A milkweed seed’s coma allows it to float through the air and on the water until it (hypothetically) reaches bare soil or an otherwise suitable start to settle down and germinate. If you’re collecting the seeds for later use, though, that same coma can mean your milkweed seeds are traveling through the air and away from where you’re collecting them, or all over your apartment once you get them home. Removing the comas by hand is an option, but tedious, and still leads to a nice pile of fluffy that will get airborne at the first gust of wind. At the end of the day, for many people trying to collect milkweed seeds, the coma is just an annoying part they dread.
Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to collect milkweed seeds without having to deal with the comas long-term!
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[Image ID: A single brown milkweed seed floating on a comparatively huge mess of white fibers.]
Method 1
So this is my favorite method because it's honestly one of the simplest and easiest once you get used to it. You open the pod, grip the top part of the middle ‘pith’ section tight, and gently scrape off the seeds into a bowl or bag. This leaves you with almost no fluff in your collection bin, and you can then toss the middle fluffy part--or I’ve heard of people collecting milkweed fluff for spinning! Most of the videos I’ve seen on it use common milkweed or other large milkweed pods as an example--however, I’ve successfully done this with smaller milkweed pods like A. curassavica as well. 
Method 2
This method is one I’ve used in the past. Take the seeds and fluff and put them into a bag (paper or plastic) and add a coin or two. Shake the bag around--a lot. The coin will dislodge the comas from the seeds. The seeds will then drop to the bottom of the container, and the fluff will float around on the top. I’ve also seen this with buckets and blocks, like in the video below!
Method 3
I’ve seen a handful of people discuss burning the floss of the seeds! Apparently the seeds themselves aren’t damaged badly by the fire, though honestly this is a method that I am simply too anxious to try myself.
Method 4
This was a method I found while I was looking for other methods people have done. Apparently, you can just roll the pod between your hands and it’ll work to dislodge the seeds? I may have to try it next time!
Hopefully this advice is helpful for you all! I know collecting seeds was a hassle for me before I learned my favorite method. If I had a nickel for every time I got yelled at for releasing milkweed fluff into the house...
If you've got a method that I haven't heard about yet, let me know!! I'm always down to learn more about milkweed, and it can also help someone else down the line!
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corrodedparadox · 8 months
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Psssttt did you know I have prints available? Now you do
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bitchesgetriches · 6 months
How to Shop for Groceries like a Boss
This advice is for people who live within reasonable distance of a grocery store. It’s for people who have full use of their bodies and don’t live with energy-sapping diseases. It’s for those with a means of carrying a week’s worth of groceries home and a kitchen in which to cook.
That’s not everyone.
If you live in a food desert, suffer from mobility issues or chronic disease, or if you have no other means of transportation besides your own two feet, a lot of frugal grocery options are closed off to you. So what can you do?
The answer is, “The best you can.”
Keep reading.
If you found this helpful, consider joining our Patreon.
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elektroyu · 1 year
My shop is now live! :) Currently it's digital commissions only, any physical items will be added much later. Feel free to take advantage of the prices as they're now, as I'll have to raise them in May due to my living circumstances needing to change!
Here's some quick examples of what you can currently find in the shop:
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Please consider reblogging if you can! This would help a lot to spread the word! :)
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bigmammallama5 · 11 months
i turned in my paperwork to start selling pots in our art center's gallery shop, so now i gotta bust my ass again to get some more work churned out (which this is very cool, and i need to provide some mugs for a special instructor's "mug event" now). i went and looked around and there wasn't a terribly broad array of work? cups, bowls, mugs, some smaller serving dishes, mostly functional work. i'm thinking i'll do cups, mugs, some small bowls for ease, then i'm thinking some pumpkins (with or without a face or a lid idk), some little shroomies which are easy and cute, and then if i can get them right maybe some of those tumblers with the half lid for straws? maybe some wild clay slip...
but now bc i'm teaching more and i might have a little extra from this now, idk if i'll have the time to dedicate for illustration commissions like i had been hoping to do. im still gonna think about it, and at the very least might find a new online shop to offer prints that isn't redbubble. it's not a light decision to consider. :/
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love-at-first-bite · 3 months
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macrosmic · 11 months
💗 Preorders are open until the August 8 !!
♥️ Many fandoms avalible :D
➡️link here
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perilegs · 1 day
i'm such a greenpilled dark jade maxxer but i think ive made people associate me with blue a bit too much. my icon? blue. my blog? blue. my choice of board game pieces? blue. my reason for wanting to be player one in most games? having a blue character. why i want to play as player 2 in super mario for wii? blue toad.
#why is my online and game presence so blue#irl im out there with my green bed and green eyes and green emotional support water bottle and dreams of more#green furniture and my green phone theme and ok. i mostly wear black but most of my clothes that are of a color are green#when i was a kid i always saved these colored pencils of a specific shade of green (dark jade) bc they were so pretty to me#i never said it was my favorite color bc it was so special to me it was a secret favorite color#besides i didnt care for all green as much as thay shade as a kid#now however? i think id say green if someone asked me my fave color#you guys know the post about not having a fave color and someone guessing ita yellow and that becoming ur fave?#i think a similar thing happened to me#some years ago i wa shopping with a friend and she suggested i try something green bc itd match my eyes#and before that moment i was still in my dark jade green is my secret fave color phase#and i also thought green would look awful on me bc im so red (bc of acne. and getting flushed easy. i dont think my undertone is red.)#but it didnt! and the friend complimented me on how much it made my eyes pop out#and then i started looking at green things a bit more and it kind of escalated from there yknow#its fun when something that doesnt mean anything (in a neutral way) to someone. just a one off thought. makes something click in ur brain#leevi talks#man idk what iim even talking abiut here im so incredibly sleepy rn gn everyone
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ayaansh006 · 6 months
Who Benefits Most from BeryBox's Unique Online Shopping Experience?
BeryBox is a popular online shopping platform in India that offers a unique and tailored experience for a diverse audience. The platform caters to fashion enthusiasts seeking diversity, busy professionals seeking convenience, trendsetters embracing urban living, and those seeking a personalized shopping journey.
For fashion aficionados seeking diversity, BeryBox offers curated collections that align with their unique style. For time-pressed professionals, BeryBox's seamless online shopping experience allows them to navigate through curated collections swiftly, keeping the latest fashion trends accessible without sacrificing time. For trendsetters embracing urban living, BeryBox's collections are curated to stay ahead of the fashion curve.
For individuals yearning for a personalised shopping journey, BeryBox is not just a shopping platform; it's a journey of style exploration and self-expression. The carefully curated collections empower individuals to curate a wardrobe that tells their unique story.
BeryBox stands out as a paragon of accessibility and user-friendliness, offering a seamless experience from easy navigation to a straightforward checkout process. This convenience is a major draw for those who prefer the ease of online shopping in india without the hassle of traditional retail environments.
For those valuing payment flexibility, BeryBox caters to those who value flexibility in their payment options. The platform ensures that your payment experience aligns with your preferences, making it an appealing choice for individuals with varied payment preferences.
Lastly, BeryBox prioritises responsive customer support. The platform has established a responsive and efficient customer support system, ensuring that any queries or concerns are promptly addressed. This dedication to customer satisfaction fosters trust and reliability, making BeryBox an appealing choice for those who prioritise excellent customer service.
In conclusion, BeryBox's unique online shopping experience in india experience is tailored to benefit a diverse range of individuals, catering to their specific needs. With its commitment to accessibility, diversity, and customer satisfaction, BeryBox has become a beacon in the online shopping landscape.
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monster42069 · 2 months
i buy like all my clothes on thredup... i know you said not online but you can sort by material there so its pretty good for weeding out low quality stuff. online secondhand store
Thanks. I’ll look into it! I don’t have a bank account right now, so I don’t have any cards, which is why it’s a bit more of a hassle to shop online. Though, even if I can’t make it work rn, it’s helpful for future reference! One of my pals uses EBay, and his closet is neat as well.
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ambassadoralexa77 · 2 days
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@justwearswomen Collection: Women’s Underwear
Shop sustainably-made women’s underwear. Don’t miss our new, limited edition range of knickers and thongs with our signature JustWears cloud nine comfort.
Knickers 👛
We’ll keep it brief. We’ve created a highleg, universally flattering knicker in your favourite MicroModal Air. Designed with intimate health in mind, it wicks away moisture to keep you fresh as a daisy all day long. Because you’re more you when you’re comfy.
Welcome to your new comfort zone. We’ve crafted an ultra-limited edition thong from your favourite material; MicroModal Air. With anti-bacterial, sweat-wicking, and absorbent qualities, enjoy all-day freshness where it matters most.
You can use my code JWHOTDEALS at checkout to get 15% off your entire purchase at JustWears! just-wears.com @justwearshq
#women #fashion #love #men #girls #beauty #womenempowerment #style #girl #woman #beautiful #instagood #instagram #womensupportingwomen #photography #art #model #follow #fitness #like #lifestyle #life #shopping #makeup #photooftheday #summer #sexy #motivation #onlineshopping #happy
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bunnihearted · 10 days
sorry but ppl on the internet are so naive when they genuinely believe the majority of people "hate capitalism".... that isnt anywhere near the truth. most people are sheep that just go along with what society says is right. when im out there and talk to "normal" people and listen to their convos they are literally pro capitalism. they talk about how the 8-5 work day 5/week is GOOD bc they get to work a lot and make "a lot" of money. many people will complain about unfair work hours and too big of a work load but they dont do anything more than complain... they wont vote for the left, they wont join unions, they wont stage protests or demonstrations... most ppl are like "omg fuck capitalism lmao ahhhaha fuck capitalism am i right???" but they still dont actually do anything to change it... because the entire point with capitalism is that it is comfortable and convenient. netflix and spotify is capitalism. ordering takeout is capitalism. having packages arrive to your door or close by is capitalism. concerts by your fav artists is capitalism. flying a plane to resorts all over the world is capitalism.... ppl only say "fuck capitalism" bc yes they're overworked and underpaid, but they dont actually want to live in a society without capitalism. it would mean a profound change of our entire reality as we've known it for centuries. it would be extreme. it would actually feel like it does in movies where the world is ending and society resets. it's too scary to actually go through with, and no one wants to do that. saving the planet and tearing down capitalism... would mean an extremely different world and life. no more driving your car to work and to the store and to the gym and back and forth to your parents or friends. no more going to multiple concerts every year. no more going to luxury resorts in ibiza or greece. no more online shopping. no more ordering takeout. the truth that nobody wants to admit, because no one wants to admit that they would choose to continue living in comfort even if it means destroying this planet, is that no. you dont hate capitalism. not truly. most people do not hate capitalism. if most people did... we wouldnt have the world we have now and always have had since capitalism was introduced. humans make this world. we get the world we deserve. and nature trying to kill us is what we deserve. it's like when we're sick and our bodies get fever to burn the virus. we are a virus. we could choose to stop. but we dont. only a small handful of people are willing to actually do what it takes to save earth. most ppl who make silly comments about oh my god fuck capitalism tihihihihi are not part of that small amount of people. it is sad, especially for the people who do get it, who do want to save earth, because we are such an extreme minority we have no power at all. the masses win. and the masses have chosen to live in greed and consumerism and comfort even if we'll pay the highest price thinkable.
#it's funny that it is called 9-5 when it is in truth 8-5 and many ppl work longer.....#not expecting anyone to read but i need to rant#i feel so alienated because i truly cannot relate to anyone#i wish i could find people like me in this world#but there seem to be so few of us it pains me to be this alone#i just dont respect people#people LIKE online shopping and owning things and travelling and going to concerts and and and and#they like it so much they think it's worth to sacrifice literally everything for it#i could live without any of that if it meant not hurting humans or animals or earth#i dont think humans need to have millions of concerts or every artist needs to have a concert#im just going on abt concerts bc that's one of the things that are the worst for the environment#and one of the things ppl conventiently forget to talk abt when it comes to environmental damage and capitalism#and like fireworks.. and bombs.. and nuclear power. we dont NEED any of that#but literally 10/10 ppl of you who read this will think that ummm u are dumb#ofc we need fireworks and bombs and nuclear!!! that's all profitable and fun and useful#so like yeah idk i truly cannot connect with any human i come across#and i dont respect any of the empty bullshit ppl talk abt everywhere#'fuck capitalism' 'save the earth' .. none of y'all give a fuck if it means u have to give up things u like and find fun#but yeah sure if it makes u feel better abt urself to parrot empty mantras go ahead#y'all have already won and we're on borrowed time#it's cute watching y'all plan for the future as if u have one#at least im not alone in dying bc we're all gonna suffer for what we've chosen#and also at least i have my mom to talk to bc she gets it and agrees#she doesnt agree fully when i talk abt how eco fascism is the only real thing we can do#ppl cannot be trusted to be given a choice#we need to declare martial law and force everyone to reset#no more capitalism no more waste no more environmental damage#but yeah my mom says fascism is always wrong but the way i see it.. we either do the hard thing to save us all#or let all the millions of fuckheads choose to kill the earth and us all with it for literally nothing#after manyy years we could start going back to 'democracy'...
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cerealboxlore · 1 year
I had written an entire essay and my app crashed. Took me 40 minutes to write that bitch and it’s gone. Very much sad time rn. Anyways. Sorry that this’ll be less elaborate than the post I wanted. But I made a super long ask detailing resources where you could learn more about Cap & Billy because I saw in one of your posts that you were new to DC & didn’t know much about Billy other than the Shazam! movie.
And since I’m a huge Captain Marvel nerd and I love sharing the character with others, I wanted to give you more resources to learn about him! I noticed that most of your knowledge comes from the post new-52 version of Billy and the Shazam! movie, so most of them are going to be pre-crisis resources.
But I only realized after it deleted that people wouldn’t be able to click the links so I’m making it it’s own post & I’ll make sure to tag ya bc it was initially intended to be for you.
I got links to scans of the original WHIZ comics, interviews with the creators, podcasts detailing the history of Cap, comic recs, fantastic tumblr blogs to follow, to an absolutely fantastic pre-crisis Cap analysis & essay blog that fundamentally changed my perception of the character!
So look forward to a big ol “good places to be introduced to cap’s character” post by yours truly once I get off of work.
Hope you’ll like it! :D
Hun I'm so sorry I took so long with this ask, and I'm so sorry your essay got deleted, I hate it whenever tumblr does that.
This ask filled me with so much glee the day I got it, I love Captain Marvel so much I just want to squeeze Billy Batson's cheeks and feed him a nutritionally balanced meal.
Most of my knowledge of Captain Marvel/Shazam/Billy Batson comes from, well, wherever I can find information, which is a wild adventure by itself! But at least with writing fanficion I can take things easier and even create my own things for the big red cheese.
Also, the biggest reason I never got to your ask was because I was looking for something to include in the reply and only found it recently! I had a comic of our favorite superhero lying around somewhere and I found it! And along the way I ended up buying some more, hahaha
Good lord, I even bought a Keychain doll. And I don't have a Keychain!
At least I have my own little Captain Marvel collection building up now, now including the comic I got from AMC theatres when I saw the movie on opening day!
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I highly look forward to being tagged in your post! I know I'll love it!
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