#Short info dump
vykko · 2 years
Fun info about parts of the brain bc it’s a special interest of mine
✨⭐️Medulla oblongata⭐️✨
it is apart of the hind brain
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it’s responsible for automatic things such as
Blood flow and pressure
saliva production
relaying somatic sensory information from the organs
Bits in movements and balance
It’s such an important thing that if it is broken eg snapped, it’s fatal
I don’t care if you guys like this I’m making more later
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thee-morrigan · 4 months
attachment theory
I have officially landed on the 'fuck it, send post' end of the spectrum with the museum-ish/archives au(!)
The prologue is below, and the first two chapters are up on AO3.
(also pspspsps @evilbunnyking and @agentnatesewell <3)
The Wayhaven Chronicles Nate Sewell/Holland Townsend rated M read it on AO3
— Prologue: Falling Down the Stairs of Your Smile May, This Year
It had started with a smile, as these things so often do.
A smile then a laugh and a question, and something inside her had responded — something deep and warm and unexpected.
A smile from her that had felt earned, somehow, like something that had to be won, and he'd found himself wanting to coax more of them out of her. Found himself wanting to know more about her: the books she'd read and the music she loved, the places she'd lived and the places she wanted to go.
He didn't, of course. Not then. Didn't ask the questions he wanted to know the answers to, didn't let himself get carried away by the rush of her smile.
It had taken nearly half an hour for her to smile — a real, genuine smile.
Half an hour, and all he could think was: It's worth it, as he looked at her, standing there amidst the stacks of books and files and artifacts, her head cocked slightly, lips curving into that small, impish grin and god — he felt it, right there, something blooming under his rib cage: heat, and hope. Something new, fragile and precious and delicate, a tiny green shoot breaking free of the earth after a long, frozen winter.
It felt...
Like something.
Something he hadn't felt in years.
He'd smiled back at her, unable to do anything but respond in kind when she'd looked at him like that: green eyes glittering with amusement, her smile widening just enough for him to notice. Just enough for him to wonder, to hope, to imagine—
To want to stay, to stretch this out, to get her to smile at him again. To make her laugh again. To know her, in whatever capacity she would allow.
And so, because he'd wanted her to keep looking at him and smiling and laughing, he asked another question.
Another smile from her and another question back.
And she'd found herself wanting to know him, too.
(Found herself wanting him.)
"So," he'd said, his eyes warm as they met hers. "Tell me more about yourself."
"What do you want to know?" she'd asked.
"Anything. Everything."
She'd laughed, leaning back on her heels a bit. "I'm not sure I'm all that interesting."
"I find that hard to believe," he'd replied, his own lips curling into another smile.
She'd given another low, soft laugh at that, shaking her head, her smile fading into a disbelieving smirk.
"You don't really know enough about me to say that though, do you," she'd mused, tilting her head to the side, looking at him.
"Perhaps not," he'd said, smile undimmed. "But I'd like to."
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fidgetspringer · 1 year
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- Marten & Nohren -
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ivyprism · 4 months
The Second Time I Died (Tenebrous AU: Hepatica x Morte?)
Warning: Implied rebellion, implied war, death, blood, anger, getting impaled, seer, future sight, etc.
"My memory was always good, as my mother would remark. I would remember small, subtle details. I remembered where she kept something when she needed it a month later. My father despised it.
I was capable of mentioning things she didn't recall, and the second time I died was the most raw and memorable of them all.
My parents were greeting the royal family as a routine formality when my second vision occurred. I was staring at Morte from above. I was holding a knife, and he was looking at me with those hypnotic eyes. We were both wearing armor, my hair was cut short, and I was clutching a sword. He seems reluctant, almost scared.
I was afraid too. I was shaking, and my mouth moved on its own.
"Why? Why did you do this?" I had spoken to him. His gaze never wavered from mine. I wasn't even sure what he did. I had no background, but when he opened his mouth, his speech was jumbled, and I couldn't understand a single word. As always, a vague seer problem with specific future event names.
That's when a shadow, one of his abilities, pierced my body. I slid to the side as blood trickled down my lips and across his face, causing me severe agony. It was extremely cold, terrifying, and silent. I felt my soul die, and I was brought back to reality. I probably appeared stunned since Prince Morte asked if I was okay, and I merely waived it off.
His eyes, unlike when I first saw one of my deaths, appeared more fatigued, yet I shook my head. I was gazing too deep into it. I simply had to avoid him, and I won't have to worry about dying, right?" You exhaled deeply. Once again, you were intrigued and wanted to learn more about this mysterious writer, but it was so ambiguous that you couldn't quite understand what she was talking about. Whatever the case, you continue reading.
Part 1: The First Time I Died (Tenebrous AU: Hepatica x Morte?)
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hellscribbles · 1 year
Yikes' Backstory.
I decided I'm just gonna throw Yikes' backstory on here!! It's not quality writing by any standpoint since I'm very Get To The Point when I write backstories, but I figured its good to have it here for people interested!!
Yikes' backstory is set in a homebrew world, so feel free ask me or @controlledchaosetc questions!
LONG post below (If you're a player in the game I don't really care if you read, but spoilers below I suppose)
The Changeling, known later as Yikes, was born November 6th, 1461 to an Eladrin named Maylynn Nailo on the tiny island of Wallowale. 
The island of Wallowale was plagued by all manner of Fey creatures, some merely harmless pranksters, but others terrorized the town. Sowing mistrust between the human islander's and their Fey visitors from the very beginning.
Yikes and their mother lived on the outskirts of town on a quiet sheep farm. The land surrounding their home was dotted with Sylvan ruins from long ago, these ruins were believed to be an opening to the feywild and the cause of the towns strife. The townsfolk made many attempts to destroy the ruins and the portal they supposedly held. Yikes knows the portal was actually in their mother's water well.
Despite being a feywild elf, Maylynns healing abilities were far too valuable to the small isolated village. For Yikes early childhood, Maylynn was liked by the humans. Her charming music and gentle magic endeared her to the village. While valued by the community, Maylynn was never quite trusted.
From their earliest memories, Yikes knows their mother worked tirelessly to hide their identity, disguising them until they were old enough to master their shapeshifting. The skin Yikes used in Wallowale would later become Quinn. The skin was made to look like Maylynn’s daughter, so it shares a lot of Yikes’ actual features, therefore it was an easy skin for them to wear as a child.
Maylynn was an extremely superstitious person, she taught Yikes many routines and habits to protect them from a Fey’s ire. Yikes still practices these routines to this day, despite not quite understanding why. The most extreme manifestation of Maylynn’s paranoia was her insistence on Yikes not having a name, only calling them constantly changing nicknames or “Changeling”. She told Yikes it was to protect them from someone stealing their name. 
As Yikes aged, they became lonely. Longing to know and understand the world outside the island, as well as whatever strange land lay beyond the portal they lived so close to. Though by the time Yikes was old enough to realize these desires, the suspicion of Maylynn had risen beyond her usefulness as a healer. 
The Fey charming magic Maylynn was so practiced in had begun to be noticed by the townsfolk. People's opinions of her often shifted wildly, from adoring and singing her praises to despising her, sometimes all within the same hour. All manner of rumor had begun to spread about Maylynn by the time Yikes was 10. The most common beliefs spoke of her as a Nighthag, or a siren.
With every attack by the Fey, Maylynn’s name was sullied further. It didn’t take long for this to grow into a conspiracy that Maylynn was the source of evil and strife for the island. The fact none of the passing Fey ever harmed Maylynn, Yikes or their farm only served to solidify the growing suspicion of them.
Despite the growing unrest, by 1474 Yikes had begun spending more time with the village children, loneliness driving them to seek companionship amongst the humans. One of those humans being the cleric's daughter. After gaining trust with the local children over the course of a few months, Yikes freely revealed themselves to be a changeling despite their mothers warnings. The small group of children surprisingly took Yikes' confession very well, their abilities as a shapeshifter began to be treated as part of the group's normal play. 
However as the year progressed, one by one the children excitedly told their parents about Yikes ability to shapeshift, causing a paranoid frenzy in the town. It was in December of 1474 that Maylynn’s quiet sheep farm was burned to the ground, and her Hag trial began. 
The trial lasted 3 days, during which time Yikes and Maylynn were kept captive in an enclosed cell inside the village church. The trial was falsified and seemingly only a method of enacting "justifiable" torture upon Maylynn to prove her status as a Hag. Yikes has very little clear memory of their 3 days locked away, but they do remember the townsfolk breaking their mothers fingers and cutting out her tongue. Despite the torture, Maylynn gave them no evidence of being a Hag, but when the towns leader cut Yikes’ hair, that was enough for the town to damn Maylynn to a Nighthag’s fate. 
Yikes didn't witness their mothers pyre. Set to burn after her, Yikes heard her screams from within the cell they had shared. During the burning, the clerics own daughter came and freed Yikes from their cell, and helped them escape. 
Yikes fled to the shipping docks where the boat captains their mother traded with were about to set sail. Hoping to convince them to save their mother, instead the captain took Yikes aboard and set sail immediately upon seeing the rising smoke and hearing the distant cheers of the villagers.
The Capital
Due to the hard winter storms, the ship was blown off course and what should have only been a week of travel turned into months lost at sea. Yikes and the crew nearly starved to death on the freezing waters, the ship constantly threatening to sink. By the time the ship arrived in the capital in the Spring of 1475, the crew had eaten through what they'd meant to trade, leaving them with no resources to help themselves, much less Yikes.
Yikes spent the following year in the capital as a beggar, shifting skins constantly as they were caught stealing food and other supplies. However, at the start of November and just as the cold was threatening Yikes life, The Eclipse Freakshow pulled into town. Yikes spent their last few coins to see a show. Desperate for help and willing to do anything for safety, Yikes approached the head of the show, Jasper Moon and asked to join the Freakshow. When Yikes revealed themself to be a Changeling, Jasper hired them immediately.
The Eclipse
Yikes spent the next 4 years working as a freak in Jasper's show. It was during this time that Yikes started going by Yikes, a name given to them by Jasper’s (at the time) 12 year old daughter, Iris. The Eclipse was hugely successful during this time, if troubled by the law on occasion. Yikes was treated as part of a family, as long as they performed well.
At the start of the 1480 season the freakshow took a shift into more performance based acts, an attempt to shift into an even more lucrative and more respectable industry. Yikes became a sword swallower in this time to keep with the new look of the Eclipse. It was during this time the high turnover rates for performers began, few freaks or performers still remain that belonged to the old Eclipse. Jasper’s hard working conditions and rumors of his high spending at casinos spread in the industry, driving away the workers who weren’t contractually obligated to stay.
As the Eclipse declined further financially, so did Yikes stability. Yikes began spending their Winters in a city called Fearhar to party and over indulge in whatever vice they could find. 
Yikes found work and protection in Fearhar in the form of working in a lounge that prided itself on having exotic hosts, it was here Yikes began experimenting with escorting and casual love affairs with high society members.
Even during the working months at the Eclipse, Yikes’ over indulgence and reckless abandon started to become obvious to those close to them. As the stability and safety of the Eclipse slipped away from them, Yikes' mindset about their life as an open changeling costing them the chance at a long life became more ingrained, both due to their environment surrounding themself with other live hard and fast performers, and the continued close calls due to the Eclipse shrinking safety In 1482, Yikes changed their act in the Eclipse to that of a dancer. Fully embracing their new passion.
In 1483, a large number of performers walked out. Largely due to poor working conditions, pay and safety. However Iris, Jasper's daughter and someone Yikes thought of as their sibling, refused to leave. Despite being disillusioned with the Eclipse and being offered much better opportunities elsewhere, Yikes stayed in the Eclipse for Iris.
By spring 1486, the eclipse was left with less than a dozen performers. At the start of the new season, Yikes was invited to a dinner party by a strange noble man, which Yikes accepted.
This is where the campaign started!! The rest of Yikes' story can be found in summary here!!
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crystalv01d · 2 years
i just thought of a(n interesting?) mp100 AU concept
(good LORD this got WAY LONGER than it was supposed to,,., my bad)
so basically,, about a year before mob would have originally met regien, and a few weeks after suzuki recruits serizawa to join him, a young sho catches his dear old dad toichiro wiping blood off of his hands after beating the soon-to-be newest claw member(s? others could possibly have possibly been involved) in a psychic battle. after seeing the bloodied and now scarred bodies on the ground at his feet. after witnessing the true nature of his fathers actions, he fears for his own life, as well as the lives other claw members. as such his ideas and conceptions he previously had about his father, and the thought of wanting to be like him, are put into question. what would happen if he follows the path his father already walks?
unsure of what to do, and unsure of who he can trust among the upper echelon of claw that follows his father, he seeks out the newest member, katsuya serizawa, hoping he, as an adult, can shed some light on the situation. he begs for serizawa to help him. to help him understand what’s going on, and what he should do. serizawa can’t entirely understand the situations, and he doesn’t know what to think as it’s happening, but he sees innocent people, hurt. and he sees suzuki at the center of it. and he sees the man’s son, scared. alone. unsure of what to do. and at risk of being hurt too. and so. with what little knowledge and experience he has as a recluse. he makes a quick decision. he takes sho. and runs.
and runs.
and runs.
serizawa takes out his umbrella (it had started raining), and continues on, carrying sho in one arm.
they eventually end up in a place known as seasoning city. far enough from the current claw base of operations to feel somewhat safe for the time being. unsure of where to go, they end up looking around for anywhere that could be suitable for a couple of stray espers. a hotel, or somewhere they could find food, or a map. or something. anything. they just wanted to get out of the rain.
as they’re looking around, they see a sign.
“Spirits and Such Consultation Office”
they enter the building, entering into the office, a man introduces himself as reiegen arataka (he was in the middle of having a smoke break, thinking about where he’ll be after another year in the psychic business, how he’ll probably job hop again, thinking about what his next job will be,, maybe he’ll be a PI for a little while.) but before he can ask how he can help them, he’s caught off guard by the state the two him are in. he tells them they seem like they’ve ha a rough day. serizawa attempt so to speak but is too nervous. sho introduces the both of them, and asks if they can tak to him. reigen decides to humor the two.
sho tries his best to explain that him and serizawa are both espers, and that based on the sign outside, they thought reigen might have the same abilities that they do. reigen is incredibly suspicious of this claim, asking if this is some sort of elaborate prank they’re trying to pull. sho denies this, and does his best to explain to reigen vaguely about how they came from a place with some scary people, and that they’re both really scared, and not sure what to do. sho explains that to him they don’t want to be bad people too, and asks reigen if he can help them.
so reigen, still dubious of their claims, gives them advice the best advice he can think of on the spot. (pretty akin to what he tells mob in canon)
reigen decides to get up and grab them fresh (hot) refills of their tea, as he doesn’t have anymore clients for the day, and was simply waiting on walk-ins. reigen then loses his balance for a brief moment, and lets go of the cups of tea in his hands by accident. to his surprise, this prompts the two to each catch a cup with their psychic abilities, as well as keeping reigen from falling on his face. reigen looks at them with surprise, and asks if they are able to see spirits, and also if they’d like to learn how to exorcise them, offering to teach them how. sho looks at serizawa who nods, and sho agrees for both of them. reigen tells them that he’ll teach them how to use their powers in a way that won’t be scary or bad for anyone.
reigen also takes it upon himself to asks serizawa if he’s sho’s father, to which he shakes his head no, and sho proclaims he has no father. reigen decides against asking about any other possible parents. once their tea, and conversation, have been finished, reigen asks them to head home and come back tomorrow, the same as he’ll be doing. they glance at each other, and then glance at reigen, and then glance back at eachother. he asks if they actually have a place to stay for the night, and the two admit the have nowhere to go. reigen (after a bath and changing into some clean, non-damp from rain, clothes, allows them to stay at his apartment for the night, staring they’ll work on proper living arrangements later.
(he also buys them takoyaki in the morning)
so,, basically reigen and serizawa basically end up raising sho and sho ends up mentoring under reigen and working at spirits and such (reigen also ends up enrolling sho into school so he can get a proper education). meanwhile serizawa, while also doing his best to help reigen with sho, is also being mentored under and helped by reigen to reintegrate into society and adjust to living a non-reclusive life, while he also works at spirits and such alongside sho! (he eventually decides on going back to school, but that’s much later, and also the idea of going to night school specifically was reigen’s)
meanwhile, at the claw headquarters, a few weeks after the disappearance of sho and serizawa, and the aftermath of a search for both individuals who fled with no turn up of either, Suzuki decides it would be best to find a replacement for serizawa if possible (he has no reason to believe he’ll share what little information he had) and ask his wife of sho’s whereabouts (even though they hadn’t spoken in some time), assuming she had something to do with his disappearance specifically.
eventually, about a year (or perhaps a bit less than a year) later, his search leads him to seasoning city, where he digs up old rumors about a young child that once displayed the possession of substantial and rather impressive psychic abilities in kindergarten. eventually he is able to find the whereabouts of this child, and thus finds himself on the lageyama’s doorstep.
under the guise of an “esper councilor” he offers the parents of the young boy, shigeo kageyama, his expertise, in order to assist his growth into a stable, healthy, and powerful esper. to which they eventually make an agreement. an agreement allowing shigeo to visit mr. suzuki every other weekend, a timeframe that eventually shifts into every weekend, to which he eventually offers to be the boys teacher, having more than enough of the proper credentials and skill sets.
seeing how much happier shigeo is thought suzuki’s involvement, shigeo’s parents agree wholeheartedly, but ask one for one request to be fulfilled in return. to help mentor and nurture the growth of their youngest son as well. they explain to suzuki that, as far as they are aware at the moment, that he does not posses any psychic powers, however, he has been incredibly lonely, and misses his brother dearly when he is away from home. they expressed a concern that, although this private schooling could greatly benefit shige, they didn’t want it to negatively impact his little brother, or their relationship, and that perhaps being mentored together would benefit them both much in a much greater way than one being mentored alone.
suzuki agrees.
under suzuki’s guidance mob’s powers grow and flourish, having been gifted an umbrella by suzuki originally for comfort, it becomes a useful tool for harnessing his powers in a satisfying way.
ritsu also unlocks his latent abilities under suzuki’s influence. however they are much more unstable. as such, suzuki gifts him an umbrella to use as an outlet to use his powers in a safe, and controlled manner.
time passes, and after much nurturing training
the highest group among the upper echelon of claw, and the group working the closest with suzuki.
becomes known as the Ultimate 6.
(ALSO WHAT THE HELL THIS WASNT SUPPOSED TO BE SO LONG AAAAGFHRGRAH,,,.,., thank u for reading all of that if u somehow actually managed to get to the end. and maybe drop a reblog if you'd be interested to know more.,? dbsifbdi u don't have 2 obvi, but it'd be super nice!! i plan to make more mp100 content anyways so maybe even follow while ur here?? jk jk,, unless? okay i'll stop rambling now OH and thank u again for reading ^^ <3)
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ace-angelprincess · 1 year
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A spoopy-themed commission done last year by @sonocomics
Running of the Bulb has been my favorite Mario Party (series) minigame for its uniqueness of teamwork, yet individual players can still lose. (It's not like Key-pa-Way where everyone either wins OR loses.)
RotB is one of three ghost-minigames in MP (the other two being Pedal Power and Ghost Guess), and the only one that little-Jay (my OC as a kid) could win in; she couldn't comprehend the rules of the other two, so she would always lose.
Desperate to not be lost in the dark, little-Jay runs as fast as her little feet can take her. Don't look back, or else she might trip and break the bulb - or worse, get possessed!
Years later as she grew, Joslyn learns to fight her fears - sometimes literally! She has enough confidence in herself to put up a good battle, not backing down.
Whereas little-Jay was trying to preserve the light, Joslyn IS the light.
As for Big Boo and King Boo, I headcanon them as the same Boo character. (King Boo was Big Boo before he became known as King Boo.)
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sammy8d257 · 2 years
Do you like the theory that the King's son died because he was playing in a hardcore world?
because like the stick figures are playing in Minecraft worlds used by other "real" players from their computers. The world that the King's son played in was a hardcore world that was played by someone, and that person died, which deleted the world. This is why the King's son got deleted with the world.
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I haven't heard about this theory yet! I think that's really interesting and I can certainly see why people would latch on to it!
If the 3 stick engineers were hacking into Minecraft worlds from "Player" accounts, then if the world is a Hardcore world that does give a reason why the Minecraft world suddenly got deleted. Since the "Player" died.
Granted, this maybe different because they're stick figures hacking into a Hardcore world, but Hardcore world's don't actually delete themselves when you die. Once you die, you're still able to visit the world as many times as you like via Spectator mode. Maybe when the "Player" died, Gold got sucked into the game and lost connection to the server and is now permanently stuck in Spectator Mode.
Though personally, I don't think that's what happened.
These guys are running a business. I don't believe they'd take the risk of the Minecraft World shutting down that is associated with Hardcore worlds.
Along with that, you may not know this about me, but I run a Minecraft server in my free time for a couple of my friends but I don't host it on my computer. I use a website called "Aternos" to host my Minecraft server. It's not the best Minecraft hosting site but it's free and mildly flexible when it comes to mods and plugins!
If I had to guess, I think the guys running the "Minecraft Experience Booth" were using a "shoddy" hosting site to host the Minecraft server and then something went wrong server side that corrupted the entire server.
I can tell you from experience, being the Admin of a Minecraft server can be little daunting. It's easy to mess the entire world up if you're not careful when updating the world from one version to another, adding in mods and plugins, checking through the player data, etc.
Sometimes things on the server won't work right if you have a mod pack that's out of date or isn't compatible with the version of Minecraft you're using for the server.
It's a lot of work and sometimes bugs and glitches still happen! In the episode itself, you can see the 2 Sticks manning the controls receive an error warnings first before the corruption kicks in. Although we can't read the screens, those lines of code look like "Error Logs" to me. Usually Hosting Services will have a place for you to look at the Server Logs.
Actually, looking back at the episode, the entire thing is called a "Minecraft Simulator". So maybe they aren't even using a real version of Minecraft. AND IT'S STILL IN EARLY ACCESS
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King should sue them for false advertising /j
King should still sue them alskdlgjslsdlkgj-]
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bitchslapblastoids · 1 month
can someone help me understand the concept of a “socmed au”? Is it…..fanfiction written in the form of…..fake social media posts? So basically the tiktok of feature length films?
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kijoou · 4 months
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Oml guyys you're so kind... thank you so much... I really appreciate all your comments and interactions <333 ( referring to designs i made! )
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crimson-luna-writes · 4 months
Been thinking a lot about the Genie!Kalim theory, kinda want to write something about but not sure if I have the motivation for it 🤔
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cl0udypaws · 7 months
So umm... long story short, I sold Sakura (the cherry blossom desktop) and ended up getting a pretty decent laptop with the funds.
See, I wasn't using the specs to their full potential and mainly used the desktop to watch YouTube and draw. So like, yes I spent over 2k in the span of a year or so but like; Idk... I felt like someone would enjoy her more? Anyway I did a deal with an irl friend and gave her for $800 and told him because I trusted him (and I do!/gen) to pay me the remaining funds when he can afford it.
He loves the PC a lot, said she's a very powerful beast and I hope he gets many years of enjoyment from her.
But yeah, Sakura is no longer in my possession... weh :(
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underforeversgrace · 11 months
A Guiding Hand
I had a random ADHD moment of a short story stuck in my hand and *vague gestures* this is what it became. Note: this is not fanfic. It is technically original short fiction.
Word Count: 1,134
I forget how old I must have been the first time I felt them. Maybe five or six? Just a young child.
My mother had taken me to the mall, I know. Everything was too loud. There were too many people, and they walked around me as if I wasn’t there, as if I wasn’t real. I don’t know where my mother went or how she lost me – to this day I haven’t a clue. It’s a blur of legs and loud voices, a cacophony of humanity I couldn’t escape. I think I screamed for my mother. I think I cried.
I have vague memories of being curled into a ball near the bathrooms – a long hallway with a single flickering lightbulb, that occasionally cast the window-less path into a darkness that struck me with terror. It was in one of those periods of darkness when they came.
My hand felt like it’d been plunged into ice water. Or perhaps boiling water? It burned me with its cold.
“Come, little one,” they had whispered, tugging me to my feet. “It is not yet your time.”
Despite the pain from their touch, their voice brought me only comfort. When the lights flickered back on, their touch seemed to grow… lighter. Like something that had been torn from the plane of reality but was fighting to stay there, to stay as my guide, even as tears clouded my vision so entirely I couldn’t see them.
Yet for some reason, I remember the woman in white, who had begun to approach the hallway I’d hidden in. I remember her sky blue eyes that spoke of sunshine, and the frown that did not.
Perhaps it is simply a child’s memory, fleeting and faint? I simply do not believe this is true, however, because I remember growing to fear the flickers of light. The one helping me was in the darkness, after all. The light brought a suffocating loneliness. Still, they kept tight hold of me, even when we reentered the main atrium of the shopping center, even when there was no darkness left for them to hide in. They helped me find a room with a big, orange sign on it, though white decorations in seemingly random patterns disrupted the pretty orange.
I’d later learn this sign said MALL SECURITY.
Men in stiff blue uniforms sat me down in a stiff, plastic chair, and then a screech echoed through the mall, my name belted for all to hear.
My father came quickly from there, checking me over for injury. I remember tears of relief slipping from red eyes before he scolded me from wandering off from him. I remember asking what happened to the person who’d given me their hand and guided me.
I remember being told I’d walked there on my own, gentle smiles on the faces of the adults as they attributed it to a child’s overactive imagination.
I remember the way my father looked at me.
I’d grow up, but I never forgot the hand that burned me as it led to me safety.
Who’s hand had I held? Who had guided me?
I was seventeen the next time it aided me. A party I had lied to attend, full of drinks I was too young to have. And apparently one drink with a little extra something in it, just for me. The world had begun to spin and I wasn’t sure if the nausea I felt was from the way everything was upside down or the alcohol I’d consumed.
I had stumbled outside, away from the one behind me, collapsed behind a bush. It was the dead of night and I’d found the all-encompassing darkness – the place that hid me from the light’s revealing glare as I was pursued.
The burning cold was a welcome agony as they again grasped my hand. It was the first time in a decade I’d felt them, but it brought me a peace no one else had. “You are not ready,” they hissed. While I heard the anger, I knew it wasn’t directed at me. I tried to look at them, but the blur of the spiked drink and the dark hid them from my view. “I will guide you.”
And so they did, slow and steady as I tripped over bramble and brush, though I never fell, they kept me on my feet. When we reached the sidewalk, we avoided the dim light cast by the street post. I couldn’t deny my relief, even in my drugged haze. Their hand meant safety, and that was what I craved in that moment. More than once, I heard twigs being snapped underfoot and the whisper of distant voices, but I remained safe, clutched close by the figure I couldn’t see.
When the house I shared with my grandfather came into sight, I breathed a sigh of relief, though I paused as I saw the porchlight. My safety, my guide, pulled me onto the porch, and the distinct feeling of their hand being not-quite-real as we crossed the light’s threshold made me ache with loss.
They didn’t release me until I had gone inside my home, casting a wary eye out for the man who’d first grabbed for me, the sparkle of the gold rings upon his fingers an unpleasant memory.
“You are protected here,” they said – and then they were gone.
It wouldn’t be until I trekked my way upstairs, collapsed onto my bed, that I realized – even in the light, I had seen nothing in my hand, despite the pressure of their grip.
What had held my hand?
I’d feel them again several times over the next fifteen years, but I never saw them. Each time, they kept me safe, kept me protected from people who wished me harm.
And when they time came, they saved me from my own ignorance.
I stood at the balcony of the castle, watching the fires burn in the distance. How hot they must be, I wondered, for me to feel the heat against my cheeks? Were the people down there hurting, screaming?
The thought brought a smile to my face.
Cold shot through my right shoulder as they placed their hand on me. “It is nearly time, my love,” they said, another rush of pain as they stroked my cheek. “Are you ready for the ascension?”
My smile only grew as I nodded, and I looked over my shoulder at the empty space behind me, but where I could imagine a human’s head would be. It was time for the heralded end – the thing I’d been born to do, the destiny so many had tried to steal from me.
“Thank you,” they whispered in my ear, and the last thing I knew was the knife slid between my ribs.
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ivyprism · 5 months
The First Time I Died (Tenebrous AU: Hepatica x Morte?)
Warning: Death, crimes, public execution, beheading, cold familial relationships, Seer seeing one of her future deaths, implied feeling like she died for a second, etc.
"I'd seen death before, but the first time I saw myself was when I glanced at the youngest Prince Morte. I was surprised, and before I could focus, I was flung to the ground and made to stare up at him. His eyes were a fiery grey that gleamed in the light of the sun. I felt bile fill my throat and was afraid, yet I couldn't take my eyes off of him. I was like a moth to a flame, looking into his eyes unable to look away.
"Don't hurt her!" I heard my mother's raspy voice, full of terror and despair, calling. I couldn't hear my father's voice because the crowd's enthusiasm drowned out her appeals. As the prince kept his gaze fixed on me, I heard a list of sins I had committed recited aloud. His eyes were stunning. I knew I didn't commit them, I couldn't have, not like the ones in there. That's what I believed as I couldn't even present my argument to the group.
"Kill her." I saw Morte tense as his father finally spoke. Morte looked at him, almost in anger and with a slight plead in his expression. He took a deep breath as his father repeated himself. He turned his eyes back to me. Despite the cold look, he had such an afraid look in his eyes, his eyes betrayed his every moves as shadows began to shift around them.
"Hepatica, the Seer. I declare you…" Morte began speaking as the shadows turned into a large sharp scythe as I stiffened. I was referred to as "the Seer" rather than my name. I knew I'd be erased from history. My mother's pleas got louder but were increasingly drowned out. "Guilty."
I didn't have time to answer as he immediately raised his weapon to prepare a strike… yet I couldn't take his gaze away from my thoughts: I was about to die. I should have been terrified, yet his eyes burned like the flames of an unstoppable fire. That's when the blade sliced off my head, and I watched his eyes turn quickly remorseful, but I was quickly jolted out of my reverie as I grasped my neck. I felt chilled as I was relieved that my neck was still intact.
My palms shook as I gazed up at the skeleton on stage. His eyes were as gorgeous as in the vision, but they were far more hopeful than I remembered. The level of tiredness and ice in his eyes in my view would not have occurred overnight… So I could only presume he'd kill me in the far future.
Well, I didn't intend to get involved with him... So I didn't think I had a reason to be afraid...
If only I had known what would happened after the first time I died." Your fingers brushed against the pages as the book came to a close. You started to wonder more about the Seer who wrote this. Because you hadn't met her yet, you hoped she was leading a happy and rewarding life. She had avoided her probable death flags, but you'd have to keep reading to find out.
Part 2: The Second Time I Died (Tenebrous AU: Hepatica x Morte?)
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y’all are gonna get some info dumpin ‘n a doodle
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This is lul he’s my pathfinder pc, he’s an orc barbarian
he was a glass cannon before gettin to level 2, now he’s a tank, got 36 hp ‘n I chose ‘raging thrower’ as my feat so javelins do more damage when he rages, but I need some light or medium armour cause ac ain’t the best
savin throws are fuckin phenomenal tho, perception is highest in the party, dont gotta do climbin checks while on bridges ‘n such cause of the heritage I chose, but I didn’t sink any point into dexterity, wisdom or charisma… yeah I fuckin such at that
Also need to think bout how I’m gonna break most of the the party out of prison, could just try breakin the bars (assumin we’re in cells) or if we’re in stocks I could just try breakin them, beat the shit out of the nearest guard then free the witch ‘n the monk. That could work…. Yeah… don’t tell the gm or I will find you ‘n kill you cause I want to actually get out of there
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rai-knightshade · 1 year
Where did you buy your beads for taylor bracelets? I'm having a hard time deciding
A combination of Walmart, hobby lobby (NOT ideal but it's basically my only close by option), Michael's (a better option but there's only one in my area and it's a bit of a drive; also this is likely where Halsey got most of her charms as I've seen said charms at Michaels specifically), and Joann's fabrics/craft supplies (honestly my favorite to go to but similarly to Michaels there's only really one in my area and it's a drive).
Pro tip: if you see pre-made strings of spacer-size beads (or even particularly cool looking larger beads) that you like, get those. They're often cheaper than all but the cheapest of loose beads and all you need to do is just cut the string and pull off enough beads for the bracelet(s) you're making, then retie it. Bam, you got plenty of spacer beads and don't have to worry about a bunch of loose beads like with most loose bead packs (they almost never seem to be resealable).
Also, don't forget about bracelet-making kits! Admittedly the gimmicky ones tend to have very little variety in things like color and letter beads, but the basic ones will get you pretty far at a reasonable price.
And uhhhhh I guess if you'd like some inspo here's a couple of the bracelets I've made? And some of the ones I've traded for too (cause the best part of this is that there is literally no wrong way to make these bracelets!) Let me know if you've got any other questions! I've basically gone mad with power at this point but I'm happy to share said power (tips for making fun bracelets) with anyone who asks cause it's HELLA fun!
(descriptions of each photo/bracelet and further info/tips based on them can be found in the alt text! Let me know if you'd like it added to the main body of the ask instead tho.)
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