#Sick boi
antonymeanonyme · 11 months
some of the rawest lines Ren wrote
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nymph1e · 1 year
I was going to put on Ren's new album while I wrote, but the album was so damn entertaining I literally could only just sit and listen to the whole thing. Do yourself a fucking favour and check it out:
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midnightfire830 · 1 year
I found an old little narrative blerp from my notes and I decided to make it a one-shot for my Royalty AU. I am in no way a writer. So don’t expect a whole lot. But I thought it would be fun to share how I see these characters interacting.
TW: Manipulation, Gaslighting (?)
Cuphead slowly crept around the kitchen as quietly as possible. His feet were careful to avoid tripping on any stray objects and boxes strewn across the ground. Shaky hands fingered through wooden bins and brown clay jars of food, each tightly packaged to keep any unwanted bugs and pests from getting to it. The dim light of his candle doing little to help him pick out the details of the dark pantry.
Eventually his eyes pick out a barrel of apples set in the far corner of the room. Around it were similar bins of other produce: potatoes, carrots, pears and some imported goods from other countries. He snatched an apple from the top of the barrel and grabbed a small loaf of bread off of one of the shelves as he slipped out the pantry door.
Hurrying to get back to bed before the guards realized he ever left, cup walked around the island towards the door clutching his candlestick and the food close to his chest. If cup’s memory served correctly, of which it oftentimes did, the guards on their nightly rounds should be just down the hallway, another set of guards several paces behind the first. The tricky part would be getting past those guards. Then he needs to cross the courtyard and climb the trell-
“Going somewhere?” A deep voice crooned behind him.
Cup let out a (very deep and very dignified) shriek, as he whirled around to meet the voice. With his harsh movements he began to fumble with the objects in his arms, barely managing to keep his candlestick upright while keeping a hand on his food at the same time.
It took a little time but eventually cup managed to not drop the candlestick, at the sacrifice of dropping his food. If someone later asked why he had a mild burn on his hand from the melted wax, well that was his business, thank you.
Once he had his candlestick under control, he slowly looked up to see Dice. The older man leaned against the doorway of one of the kitchen entrances, arms crossed, dark eyes glinting in the dim light, a sly smirk spread across his face, like a younger sibling that had just caught the older doing something wrong. (Which, let’s face it, what else is new?)
“Now, what’s a sickly, little prince like you doing here with stolen food after bedtime?” The man chuckled darkly and pushed off the door he was leaning against, sauntering around the island table that separated the two of them.
“I-I’m just here for a snack, Dice. I’m not bothering anyone,” Cup stuttered. His confidence quickly left him with each step that Dice took. The boy slowly shrinked in on himself as he tried to look anywhere but Dice’s preparatory gaze.
“Now, now, young Prince,” Dice tsked. “You and I both know that your physician put you on a very strict diet, yes? You can’t go aroudn going against doctor’s orders, now can you?” Dice’s heavy hand grabbed Cup’s shoulder in a tight, nearly bruising grip. A sly grin spread across the older man’s face. “Besides, what’s the point of eating if you can’t even keep it down in the first place? Why waste perfectly good food?” Cuphead frowned, offended.
Dice looked down at the fruit and bread now on the floor in disdain. “Well, you’ve wasted it now anyways,” he grumbled. Cup looked away from the ruined food in slight embarrassment. Dice DID have a point on that one. He did drop it. Maybe he could just make it up to Granny later for ruining her food? Maybe he could arrange a way to replace the old food? Or perhaps she’d prefer he find a new book to read to her? More knitting needles and yarn? Maybe he could knit her something new?
Before Cup could go down that rabbit hole Dice clapped him on the back and began to guide him out of the kitchen.. “Come, let’s get you back to bed, boy. All this excitement can’t be good for your poor health.” He didn’t even spare a glance at the food left on the ground when he responded with, “We’ll leave the food there. The staff will pick it back up in the morning, yes?” Cup silently nodded as he let Dice push him towards the door.
Barely even a step in and a loud voice echoed in the mostly empty room. “What’s with all the ruckus in here?!” Granny’s voice demanded. She must have been asleep before because she was dressed in a simple nightgown, brandishing her wooden cane and a half melted candlestick attached to a crudely fashioned iron grip for light. Cup felt a little pang of guilt when he realized that he must have woken her up.
Cuphead began to stutter through a response before Dice interrupted. “The Prince was just headed off to bed, Mrs. Gopher. We’ll be lea-“
“I wasn’t asking YOU.” The old woman interjected. Calmly she turned her expectant gaze to Cuphead who, at the moment, wanted nothing more than to be anywhere else. His guilt was slowly and thoroughly eating away at his stomach, and his mind whirled with dark thoughts.
Biting his lip and stuffing his hands in his pockets, Cuphead stammered out a response. “I j-just came down here for a snack. It-it was just some fruit and bread and I dropped it on the ground. I’m really sorry for sneaking out and taking the food without asking, Granny. I shouldn’t hav-“
“All you wanted was a snack?” Granny sighed, effectively cutting off Cup’s apology. She shuffled further into the kitchen, rolling back her sleeves and setting her candlestick down on the table. “You should have said so. I would have made you something.” She began to pull out some ingredients from the pantry and set them down on the table.
“N-now see here, Mrs. Gopher,” spluttered Dice as he walked around the island table to stop the older woman. “The head physician made it VERY clear tha-“ Dice cut himself off as a wooden spatula, from stars knows where, was suddenly shoved into his face. The old gopher woman glared at the taller man, her face twisted in a scowl.
“I don’t give a flying LEAP what you or that kook Oddswell says. If that boy is hungry, then dammit he’s allowed to get something to eat.” She barked with a stomp of her cane. “Stars knows he doesn’t get enough as it is. So, if he’s up to it, then I see nothing wrong with giving him something to snack on.” Dice’s eyes narrow in a challenging glare. The two stubbornly lock into a glare contest for a few moments before granny decidedly whipped her spatula to point at a startled Cuphead.
“Cuphead! I am putting it on the record that you are allowed, at any time, to take anything from the kitchen to snack on. If anyone says otherwise then they will have to talk with ME. Understood?”
Cuphead squeaked out a small “Yes, ma’am,” before Granny went back to work cutting up some fruit and plating in a small glass bowl.
“I’ll escort him to bed, Mr. Dice. You can leave now,” she dismissed, not even looking up from the fruit she was cutting up.
Dice looked like he very much wanted to both argue and strangle her while also looking remarkably baffled. Though he mostly achieved a very constipated expression. At some point he managed to steel himself, he smoothed out the front of his deep purple tunic and straightened out his ridiculous mustache. “Very well, Mrs. Gopher,” Dice grit between his teeth. “I’ll be going, then.” He gave a small strained bow to Cuphead and a polite nod to Granny before briskly walking out the kitchen entrance.
Now that Dice was gone the kitchen was plunged into silence, the only thing breaking it was the occasional chop of Granny’s knife and the sound of footsteps down the hallway.
While Cup appreciated Granny advocating for him, he couldn’t help but still feel guilty. He shouldn’t have assumed that just because he’s the prince that it’s ok to take food. It’s not his to begin with. How could he be so stupid? And dropping the food? Now Granny won’t be able to use it in the meals she and the cooks prepare! Maybe he should try to apologize to her? Make it up to her somehow? What do people normally do in these situations?
A glass being pushed into his vision knocked him out of that thought process. Granny offered up a glass of water and a bowl of cut fruit and slices of bread in his face. Her expression was softer than the one she had when Dice was in the room, this one was kind, understanding, and slightly worried.
Cup took a hold of the offered glass and bowl softly, taking a small sip of water and began to nibble on an apple slice as Granny worked on putting the leftover food back in the pantry.
They sat in comfortable silence as Cuphead watched Granny shuffle around the kitchen, tidying up little things, wiping down countertops and making sure food was secured away for the night. He did, of course, offer to help her, but that was quickly shot down and she demanded he sit and eat his food while she cleans up a bit. So. He huffed. And he sat. And he ate. Silently.
“Best not to let what he says get to you,” Granny’s voice suddenly rang across the room at some point. When Cuphead didn’t respond she looked up from what she was doing and their eyes met. Something akin to doubt must have been in his expression, because Granny put down what she was doing and hobbled over with a very serious expression. She leaned against the counter with a sigh. “I’m sorry that man treats you the way he does. He has absolutely no right to.”
Cuphead shrugged half-heartedly as he turned his attention to pushing his snack around inside the bowl. Anything to not look at Granny’s very serious expression. “It’s not that bad,” the prince muttered softly. “He’s just trying to look out for me. I get it.”
“What he’s doing is not looking out for you,” Granny softly argued. She idly ran her fingers along the head of her cane. Feeling the groves in the old wood. “He’s being a bully. Especially to you. Don’t let him take advantage of you.”
Cuphead only gave another half-hearted shrug as he shoved some fruit in his mouth, not wanting to talk on the subject anymore. Granny sighed, slightly disappointed, as she realized that the prince didn’t want to talk. She placed a small hand on his shoulder and gave it a light squeeze as she went back to work.
Despite what you’d think for a woman of her age, Granny finished her tasks quickly and before Cup knew it, the pair was making their way through the grounds to the Prince’s room.
They were stopped a few times by some guards on occasion, mostly them asking what the prince was doing out at the time, why Granny was with them, that sort of thing. But generally Cuphead and Granny were left alone to travel to the Prince’s room.
Cuphead, as soon as he walked into his bedroom, set the bowl and glass on the nightstand by his bed, and climbed underneath the covers of his bed. Granny shuffled to sit in her usual rocking chair that sat in the corner of the room, right next to Cuphead’s bed.
She rooted through a large wicker basket Cup kept next to the rocking chair. In it held several balls of yarn of different colors and textures and extra knitting needles. He always kept some in his room for moments like these when she decided to stay in Cup’s room.
“Are you staying here tonight?” Cup asked as he finished off his snack and water and pulled up the covers to his chin.
“Just till you fall asleep,” Granny replied simply as she quickly settled on a ball of a light bluish-gray yarn, grabbed the extra needles, and began a new project. Something for her to work on absentmindedly.
“Thanks” Cuphead responded as he tried to shift to a much more comfortable position. Granny only hummed in response as she continued to work on her little project.
Cuphead fell asleep to the sound of the chair rocking, granny’s occasional singing, and the clack of knitting needles.
So ye. That’s all I have. Hope y’all like this lil’ thing. 👍
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biestcallisto · 11 months
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I know yall sleeping on my boi. Please for the love of all gods, check this motherfucker out. His name is Ren, his yt channel is Renmakesmusic, his music is art.
He already had a deal w Sony couple years ago, but then he got ill, chronic pain, for a while 23h in bed. Turned out he had lyme disease, but he was misdiagnosed for years.
There are two songs I want to reccomend for people w chronic health issues.
Hi Ren, which is about a dialogue inside of him
Sick boi, his dealing w doctors who told him the pain was psychosomatic and also the music industry
Yall. He is an independent artist who just recently climbed to No 1 in UK Charts. Without a label. Because he has a huge online following.
For some reason tumblr sleeps on him which I do not understand.
He is super versatile. Rap, singing, guitar, piano, he is a master story teller. Just. Go to youtube and check him out. Those screen shots are from Sick boi.
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loptrlab · 2 months
Yes, he said NAKED!
Got Tickets?
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nate-doorman-elliot · 6 months
Ms?.... I'm.. I um IV been throwing up oil
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itsjustpoopeh · 11 months
always heart a song about setting politicians on fire
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hancocksbitch · 11 months
UK no. 1 baby! 🤘🤘🤘
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antonymeanonyme · 11 months
the ren rick roll alliteration
Tumblr needs to talk more about how an independant, ill, both physically and mentally, and undergoing intensive treatment, artist is trending at the top of charts all over the world with a self produced self released album, and is now battling motherfucking RICK ASTLEY for #1 spot on UK charts, when a year ago he was a hidden, unknown by most gem.
First of all, the irony...exquisite - Rickroll of the century.
But also ?! The pride ? The message ? This man is a legend.
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reyskitchensink · 11 months
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"Hi Ren, thank you for coming in today" "Thanks for seeing me"
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It's a simple situation
With an obvious equation
You and me collaborating for the night
Leave no room for hesitation
Or for awkward conversation
Just enjoy the syncopation when it's right
You came in uninvited
Two planets collided
I don't really like it being on my own
Take that how you like
I don't really mind
If you're still undecided
Please just know
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allthethingsil0ve · 2 years
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amplifythenoise · 1 year
HOT TRACKS: "Love Music, Part 4" and "Down on the Beat" by Ren
Good lord, I can’t keep up with Ren and that’s not a complaint. In the last 9 days, the disrupter of the music scene has released not one but two brilliant tracks. First came, “Love Music, Part 4” and geez Louise it’s ridiculously infectious from lyrics to beats. At first, I was a bit taken aback by the lyrics but also having gone back through Ren’s catalogue after being hooked by “Hi Ren”, I…
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ivebeenmade · 1 year
The way we persist is like the ending of a bad joke
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biestcallisto · 11 months
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loptrlab · 6 months
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