#sheesh bringing up old memories of mine...
reyskitchensink · 11 months
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"Hi Ren, thank you for coming in today" "Thanks for seeing me"
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myhauntedsalem · 4 years
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19 Parents Share The Creepiest Things Their Kids Have Ever Said
Kids say the darnedest things, but they also come out with ridiculously creepy things as well. When Reddit asked ‘what is the creepiest thing your child has ever said?’ Parents of the internet came forward with their stories and boy, they didn’t disappoint.
Here are nineteen of the most disturbing, chill inducing stories shared.  All we ask is for you to try and suppress the urge to lock your children in a cupboard after reading these.
1. “Daddy Its A Monster… We Should Bury It.”
My 3 year old daughter stood next to her new born brother and looked at him for awhile then turned and looked at me and said, “Daddy its a monster… we should bury it.”
2. “The Man Who Crawls On The Floor And Stands By My Bed.”
My co-worker’s four year old daughter always thought that the rattling of the water pipes in the kitchen cupboards were “white wolves” and the sound always scared her. One day she was sitting at the kitchen table and she said, “Mom. The white wolves aren’t bad… they’re our friends!”
Her mom encouraged the idea by saying, “Yes! The white wolves are protecting us. They are our friends.” Then her daughter added in, “They’re our friends, but not the man who crawls on the floor and stands by my bed”.
3. “Good Bye Dad.”
I was tucking in my two year old. He said “Good bye dad.” I said, “No, we say good night.” He said “I know. But this time its good bye.”
Had to check on him a few times to make sure he was still there.
4. “It’s The Closest I Can Get To Seeing Her Dead.”
He’s not my kid, but my godson is extremely creepy. He likes to stand in his little sister’s doorway while she naps and watches her sleep. I ask him why and he says, “it’s the closest I can get to seeing her dead.” He also likes to shove her fist in his mouth as far as it can go because he wants to “know what suffocating is like, just in case.” I’m pretty sure he’d be a serial killer if it wasn’t for Mario Kart.
5. “The Man With The Snake Neck.”
While changing my daughter in front of the open closet door. She kept looking around me and laughing. I asked her what was so funny. She said, “the man.” To which I replied, “what man?” She then pointed at the closet and said, “the man with the snake neck.” I turn around and nothing was there.
I’m afraid to look into the history of my house to see if anyone hung themselves in the closet. At least she wasn’t scared.
6. You Will Die Soon
Not to me, but to his grandmother.
He was cuddling with her and being very sweet (he was about 3 at the time). He takes her face in his hands, and brings his face close to hers, then tells her that she’s very old, and will die soon.
Then he makes a point of looking at the clock.
7. “I Want To Peel All Your Skin Off.”
I was sound asleep, and at around 6am I was woken up by my 4 year old daughters face inches from mine. She looked right into my eyes and whispered, “I want to peel all your skin off”.
The backstory here is I had been sunburned the previous week, and was starting to peel. In my sleep addled state however, it was pretty terrifying for a few seconds. I didn’t know if I was dreaming, or what was going on.
8. “When You Die, I’m Going To Eat You.”
My sons were about 2 and 4 when their pet goldfish died. I attempted to use the situation as an opportunity to discuss death and mortality. After I finished my explanation, my four year looked up at me with his big, blue eyes and asked, “Mommy, someday, will you die?” My heart filled with love and a little sadness, knowing this was one of those pivotal moments when the first bit of childhood innocence was lost,and I told him yes, someday, mommy will die.
“Good,” he said with a totally deadpan expression, and walked out of the room.
Later when we were about to flush the fish, he asked if we could eat him instead. I said no, we don’t eat pets because we love them, and he said, “When you die, I’m going to eat you.”
9. “Carson Is Gone, I Am Rick.”
When my son was little he, maybe 3, he used to do this weird crawl where he would slide his forehead along the floor. That was pretty creepy in itself. Then one night he crawled across the hallway into my room like that and stood up a few inches from my face and made a weird meow sound. He got into bed with me and went to sleep.
Another time he was freaking out about a monster in the basement so we went down and saw nothing, of course, and as I turned out the light and headed upstairs and he said “Hes right behind us now.” I might have peed a little.
Possibly the creepiest thing he did was one day I scolded him for misbehaving so he hid his head under his blanket. I pretended I couldn’t find him by saying “Where is my little Carson?” He slowly lowered the blanket and with a dead evil stare said, “Carson is gone, I am Rick.” I’m certain he’s possessed. We never knew any Ricks, as far I can remember. Still don’t. Never figured out where he picked up the name.
10. “I Died And Now I’m Here.”
Getting my two and a half year old daughter out of the bath one night, my wife and I were briefing her on how important it was she kept her privates clean. She casually replied “Oh, nobody ‘scroofs��� me there. They tried one night. They kicked the door in and tried but I fought back. I died and now I’m here.” She said this like it was nothing.
My wife and I were catatonic.
11. Baby Brother
“So I shouldn’t throw him in the fire?”
3 year old daughter holding her baby brother for the first time.
12. The Pretty Girl At The Cottage
My 3 year old nephew was at my cottage. He’s asked me numerous times about the “girl over there” while pointing at one of the back bedrooms. The place is small, and there is definitely nobody there so I just dismiss it as a really active imagination (he has lots of imaginary friends).
Then some friends are visiting and they have a daughter around the same age. She has never met my nephew. Twice in the one day she asked about the “pretty girl” while pointing at the exact same room. Definitely caught me out and I didn’t know what to think.
Then at Christmas my family was over at my place and my nephew points at a picture of my wife and asks if she is coming to visit us here or does she just stay at the cottage. My wife died ten years ago. Personally I don’t really believe in paranormal stuff so it’s probably just my logical brain putting together a bunch of kids ramblings but it definitely got my attention.
13. “He’s Behind You Now.”
“Go back to sleep, there isn’t anything under your bed”.
“He’s behind you now”.
Still haven’t gotten over that one and shiver at the memory.
14. “He’s Coming For You. You Better Hide.”
While not something my own child has said, my younger cousin (around 5 at the time) once drew a picture of a a black monster, looked up at me, and said “He told me to draw this. He’s coming for you. You better hide.”
15. “You Will Put Me Down, Down, Down In The Hole.”
I have a three year old who says some pretty strange stuff….
Last night: “Mommy.. the man, the very big man with big yellow eyes is looking at you.”
I look.. nothing. I tell him there is no man and he is make-believe. My son laughs, “Oh he is hiding now.” — 2 minutes later, “Oh no Mommy, you made him very mad. Now he says he will come when you are sleeping.”
Few weeks ago he tells me, “I’m not going to be four. I’m going to die. And you will put me down, down, down in the hole.” I tell him that isn’t true, and who told him that. He gets quiet and goes, “The man told me. But I will be scared, so after three night-nights you die too and come with me.”
Sheesh. As if I didn’t have bad dreams already.
16. “Daddy, I Love You So Much That I Want To Cut Your Head Off.”
A friend of mine’s child told him “Daddy, I love you so much that I want to cut your head off and carry it around so I can see your face whenever I want.”
17. The Bad Man
Why are you crying?
“Bad man”
What bad man?
“There.” Points behind me at a dark corner of the room
Lamp on bookshelf next to said darkened corner falls off as soon as I turn to look.
She slept in our bed that night
18. Ham Can’t Scream
When I was a waitress, I watched a little girl (4ish) stab her plastic fork into her sandwich repeatedly, saying “die die die die die die”. When I asked her what she was doing (her mom was in the bathroom for a minute), she replied with a straight face, “I like to kill things, but mom says I shouldn’t. So I picked the ham because it can’t scream.”
19. Satan Wants To Meet You
A few months ago I asked me brother and his wife if their kids ever did any creepy. They both immediately looked at each other and seemed surprised that I had asked.
Apparently the last few couple of weeks they would hear my niece talking to herself in her bedroom. They assumed it was just her playful imagination so they didn’t give it much thought. One day however my brother asked her who she kept talking to, she said it was her new best friend Satan who visits her at her window every day. Her window is close to the ground so they were seriously concerned that there was someone actually going up to her window and kept a closer eye on her for the next few days.
Every single time they would hear her talking he would go outside to her windows but never found anyone. They began asking her more about his new friend and apart from his name being Satan she mentioned that he follows her everywhere she goes and that he promised her he will bring her a cake one day.
At a late cookout at my parents a week before they mentioned that, she took her mom outside to the backyard and pointed at the pitch black backyard and told her that her friend Satan was there and he wanted to meet her also. That made chills run down my spine since I was at that cookout also. After that they made her promise she wouldn’t talk to Satan anymore.
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salt-warrior · 3 years
Chapter Seventeen: Song to the Lost
"So to recap what you're saying: Cinder's mother is actually a psycho ghost that we have to kill by going to Denver and lighting an old bracelet on fire?" Thorne practically gasped for air as he gave Kai a look that said he thought they should all be locked in an asylum.
"Yes," Cress responded without waiting a beat. "But we have to summon her mother first, or else we won't be able to banish her spirit to the Gray Realm." She said all of this as if it were the most ordinary thing in the world. "And whoever says the trigger words has to really mean them, or else it won't work."
Thorne sucked his lips in between his teeth and looked as if he were trying not to burst with laughter. "Okay, okay. So are we gonna do this now, or wait until after Christmas, or...?"
"I'm not making this up, Thorne," Cinder barked with agitation. Kai yearned to reach for her and lend some comfort, but he got the sense that it would only increase her rage.
Kai had come to believe Cinder and Cress after only a few minutes of arguing, but that didn't erase what he had said before he had come to the conclusion that they weren't lying. Cress may have forgiven Kai, but Cinder still remained stand-offish from him.
"They're not lying, Thorne," Kai said, earning an eye roll from his best friend. "They're not!" Kai exclaimed, feeling more and more defensive— though that may have just been his desire for Cinder to forgive him speaking.
Iko stepped toward Cinder and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I believe it," Iko said. "I've always believed in ghosts, and your story makes complete sense." Thorne scoffed, but didn't interrupt.
"I've heard of the Gray Realm before, but what exactly is it? Why can't the ghost just go directly into the afterlife?" Iko asked, glancing a Cress.
A devilish grin spread across Cress' face, making her look like a mischievous schoolgirl. "The reason is this: the ghosts have come back to earth for another 'chance at life' and that makes them unable to live in whatever the afterlife is."
"So what is the Gray Realm?" Kai voiced the inward concerns of everyone else in the room. His whole brain hurt from his new knowledge of ghosts and whatever, but at least it all made sense.
"I was leading up to that," Cress spoke in a mocking tone. She looked at Cinder, raised her brows, and then turned back to Kai as if they were all petulant children who couldn't grasp one plus one.
"The Gray Realm—or Gray Void as some call it— is just another dimension of this world, but without all of the humans and stuff." Cress nodded and grinned in a way one would while talking about the probability of rain that afternoon. "Ghosts get caught in between the two realms, or the middle void. You have to banish them to the Gray Realm or else they're stuck in the middle realm forever."
"That's why old war-sites or places where murders happened are often said to be haunted." Cinder added with an air of professionalism. "It's hard enough to track down the power source of a single ghost who you knew well, but hundreds of ancient people whose power sources and backgrounds are impossible to figure out— it's not even fathomable."
Kai was beginning to wonder if one could pass out from information overload, just as Thorne put his hands in the air to silence the flow of confusion. "Whoa, okay, okay, please stop." Thorne paced across the room in a flurry of agitation, and Kai was right there with him. "While all of this creepy stuff actually almost makes sense, I don't understand why Cinder's ghost isn't like the others."
"What do you mean?" Cress and Cinder asked at the exact same moment.
Thorne scoffed, walked towards Cinder, and kneeled in front of her. He held his hands forward in a pleading motion, as if to signify his submission. His face had gone from bewildered to calm in three seconds flat— which Kai found an incredible feat considering the circumstances.
"Ghosts don't kill people normally, do they?" Thorne questioned. "Ghosts stay where they die, so why is Cinder's mom following her where ever she runs?"
Cinder placed a gentle hand on top of Thorne's, surprising everyone else in the room. "It's because I carry my mother's power source. The bracelet; I've always had it with me because I want to get rid of her, but it's also carried her with me."
"We tried burning it one time in High School, but its didn't even singe." Cress added. "We have to summon her first, and it has to be in Denver or else she can't be banished."
"As far as ghosts go, She's strong. She's not vulnerable unless we summon her on the site of her death." Cinder swallowed hard, her face contorting.
Kai hurt as he watched Cinder. She was too young to have no parents; too young to have watched the only people who loved her die in front of her eyes; too young to be so broken. Kai wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around her and tell her that it would be alright. He longed to shield her from all her woes— but some demons must be fought.
"Well," Kai said, nearly choking on his words. "What are we waiting for?"
"Your legs are taking up all the space," Thorne whined. "My right leg is all tingly now. Give me more space."
"Shut up, Thorne, we're almost there." Kai scolded from the driver's seat, sounding more akin to an agitated father than a best friend.
"Like I have more space," Iko threw back, knocking her legs into Thorne. "And your legs are too hot and sweaty. They're making me feel uncomfortable."
Cress moved her legs until they were crossed and crammed against the door. "Here, Iko, you can move your legs closer to mine."
"Oh, and now you're trying to make me feel bad!" Thorne exclaimed, pointing a wild finger at Cress. "And," Thorne drew a vicious finger on Iko, "my legs are sweaty because they have no room to breathe and are crying."
The bickering in the backseat continued, but Cinder didn't even notice. Her brain was too distracted. She was scared of what would happen; she didn't want anyone else to get hurt. She was frightened to have her friends with her. She wouldn't be able to forgive herself if anything happened to them.
Cinder remembered the first time her mother had come and attacked Ran Kesley. He was her first real friend, and she loved him more than she thought she could ever love a person. He didn't tease her for not having any family. He never cared that her mother had been killed because she was so far in debt due to her drug addiction. Ran only ever loved her, and he paid the unforgiving price of his own life for it.
Peony's death had been different. She really was like a sister to Cinder. They bickered, and discussed the hottest actors on television, and shared books that they liked. Peony was the only person who ever felt like family. Her love had been so pure and innocent— so blind and foolish.
Kai reached forward and held onto Cinder's burned hand. He didn't say a word, but just held it, and Cinder didn't let it go.
Cinder was still furious with Kai for everything he had done. He had stalked her, and dug into her past, and even gone through her most personal items. She may have made up with Cress, but it wasn't his business bringing back her ghosts. He was honest about looking through her stuff and finding the letter, but it was still rude and selfish.
Yes, Cinder was mad at Kai, but there was also something else. She needed someone— someone to just be there for her. She longed to be held. She wanted everything to go away, for the monster to just stay under the bed. Everything was too soon and scary, but Kai was always there to protect her. Kai was her guardian angel, but too human to be perfect at his job.
"It's going to be okay," Kai whispered. His thumb traced careful circles along her hand, and Cinder felt her anger melting away.
"Thanks, Kai," Cinder murmured, her eyes growing hot.
Kai didn't say anything, or even look at her, but he kept hold of her hand. And that was all she needed in that moment.
"If a person is killed by a ghost, and it's super violent, do they come back as a ghost?" Thorne wondered aloud, earning an elbow to the ribs from Iko. "Ow, sheesh, I just want to know if I'll be coming back if Cinder's mom kills me."
"Why would she want to kill you?" Cress asked, before turning red and turning away.
Kai coughed, "I could think of a few reasons why."
"Oh, HAHA, just laugh at the only guy who doesn't have a death wish." Thorne mocked, clapping his hands in the air. "I'm just.." Thorne's blind rage vanished as quickly as the car stopped.
Everyone fell silent as Kai parked the car. Thorne put his hands down, and suddenly he looked ten years younger. Cinder could feel the vibrations flowing from the spot. She could sense her mother, and more importantly, she could sense the fear.
No one said anything as they took in the scenery. It was a park, empty and barren in the dead of winter. Naked trees lined the area, and the wind howled at the blood red sunset. The whole world appeared to stop for that single instant, as if the ghosts had come to pay a visit from the past.
Memories of coming to this same park with her mother swarmed through Cinder's brain. She remembered her playing on the swing set and begging her mom to push her higher. She could picture her mother's beautiful face waiting for her at the bottom of the slide. She could hear her high, cool laughter floating on the wind like a song to the lost.
Cinder was the first to break the silence, never turning to look at the others. "You don't all have to come if you don't want to."
No one answered, so Cinder continued. "Thorne, I know you didn't sign up for this at all. Same for you, too, Iko." Cinder turned to look at Kai, an almost teasing look on her serious face. "You kind of did ask for it, but I won't blame you it you want out. You could all die, and I don't want any of you to feel as if you owe me, because you don't."
"Cress, I know there's no way of talking you out of this, and there's no one else I would rather have by my side." Cinder smiled at her old friend, and Cress smiled back with regret.
"You've all been amazing friends, but you guys should know by now that my friends don't have that long of a life span." Cinder choked out. "I care about you guys, and I don't want any of you to get hurt."
"And we care about you," Cress said instantly. She placed a comforting hand on Cinder's shoulder, and Iko did the same. "So we're all coming with you, whether you like it or not."
Thorne bit his bottom lip, but didn't reject the point. Cinder glance from each of her friends faces. At Cress, both determined and fearless; at Iko, kind and loving; at Thorne, reckless and brave; at Kai, intelligent and supportive. They were her friends, and they weren't going to leave her.
"Alright, then." Cinder nodded her head at each of them. "Let's go."
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inviouswriting · 5 years
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A rare chance to venture outside and into Corthaes with Aymeric. It was the start of their honeymoon. They began their two month long travel. Kiya walks next to Aymeric as they make for Mor Dhona.
She notices Aymeric has a freed look in his eyes, that only not having responsibilities thrown at him daily has. He feels his love staring and looks down to her. He is dressed out of his customary clothes and in a traveler's attire. Still in that deep rich blue color that dons him.
"Something the matter?" He asks seeing her concentrated on him. Kiya's face reddens at being caught staring.
"Nothing, just happy we can finally do this." She sees him smile warm and reach to take one of her hands to squeeze it in his own.
"Full glad am I to finally be able to adventure with you. So now that you have me outside the gates. Where are we going?" He inquires as they walk towards Camp Dragonhead.
"I have a few places in mind to visit. You'll see." Kiya smiles up at him as they walk the paths. The ground had a fresh layer of snow and the air freezing she moves closer to Aymeric for warmth as she does so her feet hit a patch of ice hidden by snow and before either could react she falls ungraciously on her back.
"Kiya?!" Aymeric sees her slip, and kneels down to her. He then smiles seeing she is unhurt maybe except for her pride a bit. A soft chuckle comes from him. Seeing her lion like tail proofed up like a house cats that was scared.
"Sheesh never fails. It is always ice." Kiya bemused with her pratfall backwards. Accepting Aymeric's hand as he helps her up and dusts snow off her back.
"Estinien told me how... you are not adept to walking on ice." Kiya's face falls into embarrassment knowing the dragoon told Aymeric about a misstep. She had face planted that day.
"By the twelve..." she mutters under her breath. Something else took place that surprised her more. Aymeric her beloved husband. Started to laugh at her.
"Forgive me, my love. Forgive me. You are adorable when you pout like this." He has seen her be endearing and graceful. But actually witnessing her in a moment like this he is reminded she is still a woman underneath.
Kiya can't believe he laughed at her. And when he turned to walk ahead of her she is quick on grabbing a handful of snow and throwing it at him. The poorly made snowball breaks apart on his back, but it makes him stop and look over at her. Wild gleam in his eyes, only to be met with another better made snowball to his face.
"Kiya!?!" He is quick to make his own arsenal and pelts her back, quickly becomes a much needed relief of joy between them. Darting around behind trees and becoming covered in snow dust.
Kiya is caught up in Aymeric's arms. They exchange a look between each other and he lowers his head down to place a full kiss on her lips. Kiya returns it and winds her arms around him.
Kiya feels a shiver run through her body and Aymeric feels her shiver. He is always in layers while she doesnt always dress for the weather.
"We should get inside Dragonhead. I'm sure familiar faces will be delighted to see us." He refers to Emmanellain and Horonoit. Kiya nods and let's Aymeric lead holding her hand as they walk.
Once inside Dragonhead's main room, Kiya looks up at the portrait of Haurchefant with a soft smile. Aymeric sees this and hugs her under his arm.
"Ho~ Old girl and Ser Aymeric. What brings you two here? I haven't seen either of you since the Ishgardian wedding you held at falcon's nest. A month ago?" Are you here on official business or should I have someone fetch some mulled wine?" Emmanellain asks.
"Some mulled wine would be perfect. Not official business. We started our pilgrimage in our honeymoon." Aymeric answers letting Kiya go stand by the fire to warm up while he talks.
Aymeric sees Kiya touch her Halonic earrings. She has always worn them since The Vault. The house fortemp symbol on them keeps her close to him.
"You two are just getting onto your honeymoon?" Emmanellain is a little shocked that they haven't ran off the moment they got married.
"Some issues popped up and we couldn't make time for a while. But alas here we are now." Aymeric explains and smiles when a mug of mulled wine was brought to him. He sees Kiya take hers and sits down by the fire she is listening to them talk. Her feline ears turned towards them.
They began talking about Ishgard and how the city has grown. Kiya disappears after a little while into the kitchen to make some things.
"Oh, will you two be staying the night here? It is getting late to travel. The intercessory is open to you two for privacy." Emmanellain offers and Aymeric nods in agreement. He notices Kiya amiss and goes to look for her.
Checking the intercessory, he sees her in the center watching a pot on the fire. Kiya looks over to Aymeric with a smile. They had come full circle in a tiny room. They met there.
"Kiya, you doing okay?" Aymeric closes the distance to embrace her.
"Too many memories?" He wonders, she shakes her head.
"No, just went to ask how to make something and needed some quiet." She can only take Emmanellain in small doses.
"I see. So what are you making?" Aymeric is curious he can smell chocolate. Kiya smiles and goes to finish making the treat. Something that keeps certain people alive in her heart. Hot chocolate.
Kiya adds a little bit of peppermint liqueur to it and hands a mug over to Aymeric. Kiya sits down in front of the fire and Aymeric joins her pulling her into his arms.
He takes a sip and finds it to his liking more than the mulled wine.
"I was just thinking... about how we met here in this very room some many moons ago. I had only heard of your tales. Finally seeing you for the first time. I didn't expect you to be so.. tiny." Aymeric says amused earning Kiya nudging him.
"Oh you. Well I didn't expect the lord commander of the temple knights to be so handsome. Nor did I expect to find my soulmate." Kiya taps her fingers on the mug in her hands her face burns a little from admitting it.
Aymeric sets his cup down and pulls her into his arms.
"As with you. I think I knew I was in love with you before the events of The Vault. I just... could never tell you. Either timing wasn't right, we were busy, or mine nerves. Then we confessed and things spiralled from there. I am in love with you. And related you have chosen me to be your husband." Aymeric's words bring her to tears and he sees the effect on her face.
"Shhhhh. I know." He let's her bury her face in his chest to let her tears out. Something she hasn't done since their arrival. He knows when she is putting on a face for others.
Kiya turns her head to give him a kiss and he is already meeting her. Aymeric threads his fingers in her hair and tilts her head back more. He wants to make special memories in the places they have traveled. Starting with the room they met in.
Kiya feels safe in his arms and warm in them. Green eyes meet blue smouldering ones and she knows from his stare. She smiles and knows this is going to be a memorable night for them.
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mattzerella-sticks · 6 years
A Whole Lotta Love (a Dean/Cas Coda to 14x09 “The Spear”)
With a broken tape deck, Dean and Cas have a long stretch of silence to fill. But just how do they do it? And they say driving helps take your mind off of things... even forget dangling pianos hanging over one's head.
           “You know what would be good right now?”
           Cas glances at Dean from out the corner of his eye, the other man focused, for once, on the road ahead. “Some Zepp,” he says, “I can picture it – us tearing down this open stretch of highway with Immigrant Song playing in the background. Oh! Or maybe Kashmir…”
           “That would be nice, yes,” Cas sighs, “…if our tape deck weren’t broken.”
           “Yeah – yeah…” Dean drums his hands on the wheel. “Y’know, I don’t remember how long it’s been since I’ve driven this long in silence? Not that this isn’t nice. It is. Its just music –“
           “Fills the background,” Cas finishes his thought, “adds layers…depth… security.”
           Dean murmurs his agreement. They drift back into themselves, the tides of their conversation slowly receding from shore. It’s been like that since they left the Bunker. Every so often one of them would start speaking, only to lull back into the quiet. Dean would point out different road signs, crack a joke or two to Cas. And Cas would smile, respond with his own observation; maybe a memory that would have both of them grinning at each other. Enjoying the shared moment.
           “I feel like we haven’t had a lot of this,” Dean says, unprovoked.
           “A lot of what?”
           “This.” Dean circles his finger in the air. “You and me. Shootin’ the breeze instead of demons or vamps or whatever else supernatural creature the world throws at us.”
           “Really?” Cas asks him, “Has it been that long since you and I were… alone?”
           “Yeah,” Dean says, blushing, “Not that I’ve been… counting, or whatever. But between Michael, Jack, and the growing network of hunters it’s hard to just find time to think or… breathe.”
           “Those seem like things you don’t need another person for.”
           “I like having you near when I do those things.”
           “Even breathing?”
           “Even breathing…”
           Cas watches Dean pay the road more attention than he’s ever seen him give it. Like the stretch of asphalt holds all the answers their destination was promised. Its unnerving that he thinks good safety practices as weird behavior, but he misses having Dean’s eyes on him rather than what’s ahead. ‘We’ve had enough luck to not crash so far… I’m sure we can push it a few more times.’
           “Hey Cas?”
           “Yes, Dean.”
           “How was Heaven?” Cas pauses, unsure of how to answer. Dean fills the vacuum with his own drawling ramble. “I mean, you didn’t talk about it much after bringing Jack back and – you said it was in trouble? I know since Gabriel didn’t make it back, stuff up there was running kinda off and – I mean, if you needed to go and make sure… it’s not like I can stop you –“
           “My service to Heaven is over,” he tells him, “I have done… all I could. And I feel I have repaid my debts to the other angels. Naomi told me as such –“
           “Naomi? Ol’ girl’s still kicking?”
           “Apparently it takes more than one old scribe and a rebel angel to kill her.” Cas chuckles, “She has been keeping the peace among all seven of my brothers and sisters that serve under her now.”
           “It’s gotten that bad?” he asks.
           Cas nods. “I don’t know how Heaven might survive. And that might be a problem we deal with later, once our Michael problem is solved.”
           “Of course… Dean,” Cas says, “you didn’t think I would go back, after all this was over. Did you?” The thought stings, but he doesn’t let it fester. ‘Don’t get too far ahead of yourself, Castiel…’
           Dean shakes his head furiously. “No, no I would – not realistically, after all we… but…”
           “It’s stupid…”
           “If it’s causing you this much stress, I assure you it isn’t.”
           “Well, I don’t know,” Dean sighs, grip tightening on the wheel. “Sometimes, I feel like I’m gonna blink and – poof! You’ll disappear. It’s irrational and dumb but it… it sticks. Even though you’ve proven time and time again you’re here to stay and I want to believe it. Except this little part of me thinks it might be… too good to be true, y’know? Kind of why I wanted only us on this I… I needed you here beside me.”
           “Dean I…” ‘When you finally allow the sun to shine on your face… that’s when I’ll collect you.’ “I don’t plan on leaving. Ever. I wish there was something I could do to relieve you of that worry.”
           “I don’t think you ever can but… being here it – it shuts it down.”
           His heart aches, yearns, and reaches out to the other man. But Cas keeps it behind steel walls, ensuring his secret never comes out. ‘It’s for the best… for all of us.’
           “God that was – this is what I mean,” Dean warbles a laugh, rubbing at his eye. “If we had music we wouldn’t – it’s stuffy, isn’t it? Could you roll down – I’m gonna roll mine, I think we need some air, so could you…?” They leave the windows half-up. “Yeah… that’s better.”
           He still looks uncomfortable. Dean shifts continuously. Sliding his hands up and down the wheel, taking one off to lean either on the door or to fiddle with the radio. Cas suggested they turn it on, when Dean discovered the tape deck was broken. “I don’t… it’s not the music I wanted you to hear.”
           Cas understands how much music means to Dean. What it means to probably every person on Earth. Each vibration and note a key that unlocks a part of the soul. And when someone shares music, they’re giving you a chance to know who they are and what they feel.
           Dean handed him the mixtape ages ago. He barely looked Cas in the eye when he did it, muttering all the while. “I know Metatron beamed probably the entire discography of the world into your head but I… figured you might want to hear what good music sounds like for yourself.” Cas enjoyed it immensely. He found himself banging his head to the loud, fast tracks. He crooned along to the power ballads. Even in moments alone, Cas hummed the melody, the words on a loop in his mind as he performed for no one yet also one very special person.
           “You need coolin’… baby I’m not foolin’…” It’s a low whisper, his gravely voice shredding the words in a discordant tone. “I’m gonna send you back to schoolin’…”
           “Way down inside,” Dean joins in, his own voice just as rough to hear, “honey you need it.” He finally looks away from the road, to Cas, his jaw slack with awe. “I’m gonna give you my love…”
           “I’m gonna give you my love, oh…”
           Together. “Wanna whole lotta love… Wanna whole lotta love…” They’re smiling, infected with the rhythm. As Baby purrs down the highway, Dean and Cas Led Zeppelin’s “Whole Lotta Love” from the top of their lungs, voices echoing into the clear, blue sky. At some points, Dean forces Cas to play the air guitar. And he does, indifferent to how ridiculous he might look. Their singing mixes with laughter, and near the end the melody gets lost in the shuffle.
           Gasping for breath, Dean glances at Cas one more time before returning his gaze on the road. “What made you pick that song?”
           “I… I don’t know,” Cas confesses, “When I would listen to your… your mixtape I wound it back time and time again – just to that song. I think it’s my favorite.”
           “Not Stairway to Heaven?”
           Cas chuckles. “No this one… means more to me.” He finds something to distract himself, fiddling with the map in hand. Cas checks a passing road sign. “I think we’re coming up on the turn… you might want to switch lanes.”
           “Yeah, yeah…” Dean turns the wheel, Baby cruising over onto the right-most lane. They make it off the highway, closing the last couple of miles between them and the Spear. “Hey, Cas?”
           “Yes, Dean?”
           “That song means a lot to me, too. I’m glad you… appreciate it, same as me. S’why I put it at the end; kinda… ties it all together, in a way.” His neck is on fire, the red blush creeping up from behind his collar with unmatched speed. “I think we’re here… sheesh, what a dump.”
           “Well, it’s quite literally a dump, Dean.”
           “I know but you’d think she’d clean up since we’re paying her a house call and all.”
           “…She doesn’t know that we’re coming. It’s the element of surprise?”
           “Cas,” Dean says, his voice tinged with exasperation and something else, “…keep being you.” He drives Baby between two tall stacks of crushed aluminum and plastic. “Roll the windows back up, don’t want any stench messing up our ride.” Cas does so as Dean parks. He readies to leave, but something drapes over his hand, stalling him.
           “Hey, Cas…”
           “…Yes, Dean?”
           “I – um, I don’t know,” he rubs at his neck with his other hand, looking at Cas through his lashes. “I mean, I do know – it’s just…” Dean laughs, smile stretched wide across his face.
           The sight parts the clouds within Cas’s mind, and he feels a flicker of warmth burning inside his chest. “What?”
           “I think maybe I can get this out but… just give me a minute?” he asks, “There’s… a lot going on in my head.” Cas allows him to gather his thoughts, eyes never straying from his face.
           Except there’s a slight buzzing to his left, like a gnat flying to close to his ear. Cas turns to see what it is and –
           Duma stands a few feet away. Except it’s not Duma, it’s the Empty. They watch them, face etched in a cannibalistic grin. Behind them swirls a dark energy, a mass of shadowy tendrils swaying, as if ready to strike.
           The clouds roll back in.
           And Cas pulls away. “Maybe later,” he apologizes, “Dark Kaia might know that we’re here and… move. From what you’ve told me she can be very tricky.” Dean’s expression changes in an instant, and even though he tries to cover it up, Cas could see the flicker of disappointment flashing behind his eyes. As if Cas chopped down a tree in his emerald forest that took ages to grow.
           “Yeah… yeah.”
           Cas swings the door open, stepping out into the waste yard. Dean follows at a slower pace, head down, already readying the bag of weapons they brought with them. He watches the other man, pain and sadness welling inside of him, because of what he had to do. ‘Not now… I can’t – I can never…’ He slams the door. ‘I may never have it, but Dean deserves it.’
           “You seem good, lately. Happy, even…”
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In which Jade n Jake meet and both the similarities and differences are striking between them. @tallyhothere
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)Last Thursday at 8:36 PM
Your name is JAKE ENGLISH and you are currently galavanting around the not countryside at all. Is cityside a word? It is now! You are galavanting around the cityside as you explore the concrete jungle you find yourself in.
It's been exciting! It's been new! It's been thrilling! But most of all...its been COLD AS THE DICKENS.  So you have found a sneaky technique to beat the chill is to step into random shops and browse around a bit.  Marvel at all the knick-knacks, chat with the clerk a bit.  Then skidoo out for another block or two. 
At this juncture, you find yourself jingling the small shop bell and are greeted with perhaps the best shop you've seen yet! Plants! Flowers! A bona-fide jungle inside a box!  Wonderful!  And warm....very warm.
You step inside, coat a flashing eyesore blinking as you start to look over the various flora. @🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)Last Thursday at 9:05 PM
Your name is JADE HARLEY and you're in your flower shop again. You are.... well, not fine but you will. In time. For now you felt like taking care of your plants!   
You just need to keep your hands busy and well, you think you've done enough murders for the next couple of days. Also you still got orders to finish! Not a lot mind you, but you like to keep on top of things. 
 You're finishing up another bouquet when you hear the bell ring. Another customer maybe? Or a friend perhaps? You do love to chat when it's a dear friend!~ 
"Just a minute!!" You say, tying the final bow for the flowers. Aw, this arrangement is rather pretty actually. Blue's a calming colour.
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)Last Thursday at 9:20 PM
Oh! A voice! Sounds like a lady, but who knows.  "Alright!" you call back.  "Take your time, don't rush?"  You aren't really sure what you are supposed to be saying in this situation.
Walking among the flowers, for the first time since you've arrived you actually feel a pang of homesickness.  The snow is a marvel, the city is fascinating, but...also so unfamiliar.  Being surrounded by greenery feels comforting in a way, even if it is an artificial jungle.
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
Oh! That's an odd accent; maybe a newcomer to the city? How fun! 
You set the lovely arrangement to the side and dust off your hands before walking over to where you heard the voice come--what on Derse is that weird light show coming from among your plant??? 
"Hello??? Sir??" 
No raves in your flower shop! Well at least there's no obnoxious music.
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
Your attention is turned to the voice as you try to make your way towards it.
"Hello! Sorry! Was distracted!  Quite a lovely shop you have heeeeee...."
Your words taper off as you round the corner and for a moment you are confused by the lady in front of you.  She looks like the old photos of your grandmother, down to the hair.  Age her up some and she'd be a spitting likeness.
You blink, shake your head, blink again.  Hwah...wow.  Weird.  Maybe she's related to the Jude Harley fellow?  It suddenly dawns on you that this is another realm alltogether...she could in fact be a daughter or a granddaughter in this time to your grandmother?  The sudden concept that you could have very well a timeline of family who never had to deal with the batterwitch's terrible undertakings leaves you a bit speechless.
So you just stand there flabbergasted.
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
You blink at him. And then blink again just as astonished.
You have absolutely no idea who his guy is before you, but he reminds you alarmingly quickly of your Grandpa. You don't have much in the way of photos, but you remember his eyes, and his voice and it just... leaves you speechless.
Almost choked up even. He looks like a young version of Grandpa--!
Actually the longer you stare the more you kinda see Jude in him. A cousin to him then?? Maybe you and Jude might be more related than you thought.
"Ah.... w-well... you're new!"
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
The vintage memory standing before you speaks, and you are reminded she is in fact a person and not just a surreal memory.  Right, she's....likely someone else entirely.  And you're here staring at her like a buffon.
You look away at the plants and give a laugh that is uncharicterisically shaken.
"Ahaha! I am! Right you are on that!  Bit of a newcomer to this city of Midnight!    Can sort of say I just dropped in really!"  Another laugh, a bit more comfortable sounding this time.
"I must say, been in and out quite a few shops but this one so far gets the egg!  Think I've seen more plants here than I have the entire time I've been here so far!"
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
You pick up on that; his nervous laugh reminds you that this guy can't be your Grandpa. He's dead after all. But the way he responded to you... well. You definitely don't think he knows you but maybe someone similar?
"Well it is a flower shop." You smile brightly, gesturing around you. "There's not quite a flower shop like mine in Midnight City! It's my way of bringing a bit of colour to this city~"
You eye his rave coat. "Though I must say, I think you've gotten me beat! I'm surprised that the Fashion Police hasn't stopped you yet."
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
"Well I'd have to say you've done a right good job of it.  Bang up to the elephant even!"
Some of the plants are not anything like you've seen, but there's a few that make you think of home.  You lean over to smell one of the more tropical flowers.
The comment about the coat gets a chuckle.  "You aren't the first person to say that...what even is a fashion police?  I've met one policeman so far and he seemed rather friendly.  I didn't think the coat is that bad...though I guess not being able to turn it off really does make it a bit rough on the totsies."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
Oh god he kinda talked like your Grandpa that's so weird!!!
"Why thank you Good Sir!~" You giggle, hands clasped behind your back as you observe him. "The Fashion Police are exactly what they sound like; they're a whole division devoted to making sure we Derse citizens stick to wearing clothes of the 1920s."
You tip your head as you step a little closer to the Grandpa double. "An off switch would have been smart yes!~ Really, I can't imagine that you came to Derse the legal methods; not that I'd tell anyone of course! Promise!~"
You really do. He's only in his odd coat and short shorts! And it's winter!!! Just how the heck did he get to Derse???
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
"Huh....quite the oddity!  Wait....is it the 1920's?"  You suddenly look a bit confused. You thought this was just another planet.  "I swear this whole thing gets more and more tomfuddled the more I hear about it..."
Rubbing the back of your head, you think a moment.  "True.  Granted at this point not even sure if it does turn off. Been going for as long as I remember...but sheesh. I've yet to figure out what the legal methods are so not sure if I am or not? I suppose portal in sky meets ground is on the backlist of no-go.  I appreciate that though, last thing I came here to do was get arrested. Specially for coming here!"
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
Oh. Oh dear. He doesn't seem to have noticed much since he got here! When did this guy even arrive to the city?
"Wait wait; first! Not actually the 1920s but because of Prospit winning the war against Derse, they implemented the Technology ban and thus life on Derse has been stuck in the world of Earth's 1920s; yes that does include the alcohol ban too."
"Secondly..."  You narrow your eyes, and place you hands on your hips. "You came here via portal in sky???" That sounded very much like Dirk, but more on purpose. "Where did you come from exactly?"
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
Prospit? War?  You read about the ban in Arq's files but huh...this all just sounded utterly silly.  Then again did you really have room to speak mister wearing shorts in the middle of winter?  Nope!  So you don't speak up on that bit at all.
At her gesture, you make a visible yerk as you are temporarily transported to a time when you were a child and your grandmother made that exact pose. The James Hamilton English what are you doing mister pose that causes the reptile part of your brain to immediately feel guilty over everything you have ever did in life.
"OH!  Well! Ah." You find yourself a bit more tongue-tied than you've been in years.  "It's a bit of a humdinger of a tale, probably going to make me sound more like I'm zozzled out of my gourd trying to sell you a dog."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
You arch a brow, completely dissatisfied with that answer. He's kind of a dork, this double, but quite open about his expressions. Makes him pretty easy to read!  Poor sod; you hope he has friends that'll keep him from being manipulated then. 
"Well, good thing I already have a dog." Bec was the best boy hands down. "Now spill! If you came via portal, I'm guessing it had to be a very powerful portal to bridge you here from Earth. And since there wasn't any rips in the sky or blinding flashes of light, this portal had to be more discreet to not be spotted." 
All assumptions you make, but you say them to gauge.... this guy's expression.
....you should ask a name soon though.
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
Well, she certainly seems sharp enough to know a bit about portals and things...so maybe this would be more believable.  If anything, worst case she'll think you're a nutter and that's that.
"I think it was discreet?  Hoo. Granted from my perspective I just felt like I was hurtling down from space itself for a bit, so not sure how big or small it was from the other end.   The portal my friends and I hopped through was about uhh....yey big.  Maybe the size of your shop window?"
You gesture as you speak, as if you're incable of speaking and standing still at the same time.
"As for where I came from! Well! From another planet it seems, in a whole other dimension!  Earth, though a different Earth. My friends and I came across time and space to find and rescue one of our dearest friends who vanished when we tried to transportalize him over!"
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
If you hadn't experienced Candy Hell and Horror Town you honestly would have thought him nuts! And yet you have and thus you believe him. He is also being openly honest about it too; there's nary a lie that you can see.
He's so innocent; untouched by the city and its own set of poisons and pain. He hasn't experienced what it's like to live in Midnight City, a world blacker than it's name suggests. 
You have a desire to protect that, but push it away. This wasn't like how it wa with Jay. You're both couldn't possibly be related!
"So... you came here. To my dimension. With other people. Just to find a friend??" You admire his loyalty.
Wait the only guy that he could be possibly referring to was--!
"You're here for Dirk!"
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
The idea that it seems odd or perhaps suspicious that a random flower shopkeeper would know Dirk and catch on so quick is completely overshadowed by how excited you are to talk about all of this to someone.
"I am!  I am indeed! You're sharper than a tack!"  You smile wide.  "Days....I guess now months back?  Hoo time stuff. Time stuff I must say is the worst stuff.   Some time back Dirk vanished in our attempt to bring us all together at long last, and so the rest of us put our collective noggins together to find out he fell into some rift or wormhole that had unexpectedly shown up!"
You give a slight spin, coat flowing around behind you as you do.
"So we found a way to get here to find him! And I have!  Which is good, because hoo-diddy did I get very lost for a bit there.  But he's currently having a bit of a trouble spot with one of our other friends so I'm just...hm. Well I'm giving them some time and space to sort that barrel of figs out.  Gives me a chance to explore this whole city thing in all its delights and  marvels!"
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
You smile back. My god this boy is too precious and he's probably the same age as you. You might be that sharp but him? Duller than a butter knife. Or maybe you're just jaded and you hide it smoothly with your bubbly personality. One or the other.
You mean, he just told his whole story to you, a complete stranger! You sincerely hope he only did that because you remind him of someone, or that his friends are smarter street-wise; this city will gobble him up otherwise!
"Well, I'm glad you found Dirk then. He's a lovely friend." Good kisser too. "Though I'm worried about this trouble he has..." You figure it has to do with the Felt and Arquius. You do hope they both will be alright, all things considered. 
"Though if you were going to go explore, I have to ask why you didn't put on something a little warmer??" You question, eyeing those booty shorts. If you didn't like wearing pants on principle, you could probably pull off a pair of those too.
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
"I'm glad too. I was expecting to have to search high and low for him in who knows what wilderness.  It didn't even dawn on me that he'd end up in a city, but perhaps for the best!  It's quite a nice place...full of people!"  you smile brightly.  "Did you know there are friendly trolls here?  Wait why am I asking that, of course you would.  Ahaha...sorry!  It's just been such a plum novelty since I arrived. Everything is so different, magical even!  Street lights, crowds of people, SO MANY PEOPLE, shops of just...things!  And snow!"
You look down at your outfit and chuckle.
"Yeah that was a bit of a blind-shot for me there, really should have thought of that one before I jumped.  It actually skipped my mind that of all the places to go, one may be a place that has more than one season that isn't tropical island. Hahahah...I mean I'm not sure I'll be here long enough to worry about getting pants."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
Oh no he's ridiculous you want to protect this idiot child so much he rambles!!! You can't help but giggle in delight at his antics! 
"So I guess you were raised on an island then? A quiet one?" You tease just a little bit. "That sounds lovely; I think I used to live on one myself a very long time ago. I think that's partially why I have this flower shop. The city's not quite as colourful as an island!" Minus the red, black and pale light district of course.
"There's troll, humans and carapaces all living in Midnight City. Some are lovely people but others not so much. You best be careful when exploring; not everyone may take kind to you and your shorts~"
"....you know what? I don't think we ever exchanged names!" You can't keep calling him Dork in your head. "So sorry about that! I'm Jade! Jade Harley!~"
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
"A bit yes.  Though that's likely another long tale in and of itself. " You grin.  It's just so...novel to be able to talk to another person face to face.  Is this what it's like to have a normal world and normal life?  Is this...small talk?  "It's true...this city does seem to be a bit low on color. But the lights are remarkable!  Just everywhere sparkling like the stars came down to nest!"
The caution is noted...you did expect sooner or later someone was going to get a bit irate at the strange man running around in shorts and flashing lights.  Dirk had offered you some of his clothes but...that felt a bit odd.  Besides, may as well enjoy this chilling cold while you can.
Your smile goes wider at the mention of name exchange, but you can't quite hide the surprise when she introduces her name and you feel yourself once again thrown for a loop.  Ooh heavens to murgatroy, this just got weird again.
Maybe she's an alternate younger version of your grandmother...or maybe she just was named after HER grandmother who would have been your grandmother. Oh god, what if she's an alternate YOU.  There is a bit of resemblence there.
"Ah! Right right.  I'm Jake. Jake English.  Please do m-meet you  G-Miss Harley!  Don't suppose you are related to the Jude Harley fellow I met a bit ago?"
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
"That's Midnight City for you! The city that never sleeps~"
Jake English; well not quite your grandpa's name but close! You're pretty sure his name could've been Jake too. Though you vaguely remember calling him Grandpa Harley.
"Please! Just call be Jade! Less I call you Mister English in turn!~" Oh he's met Jude?? He come to think of it, he kinda looks like Jude too! Hmm maybe in his dimension that Jude could've been an adult relative?? 
"So you've met him?? No, no relation of any kind! We just happen to share a last name. I don't have any blood ties." 
A small white lie, but you're not about to tell your possibly alternate younger grandpa about your illegally experimented dog gal sister when you've barely told anyone else.
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
"Righto!  Jade it is! Pleasure to meet you Jade."  You give a good proper bow this time, realizing you should have done that earlier.  Human interraction is difficult.
"I have! I well, ran into the poor gent headlong when I shot into the brown on my landing here.  Still feel a bit bad for that really. Should make an apology proper before I leave.  Quite and alright chap!"
You listen to her speak and nod solemnly.  "The Harley name is quite the prolific one I daresay.  Was my grandmother's, though since she passed I think...well shoot maybe it's not that prolific at all now. Well that's a bit of a humdinger....SO! What do people here do for fun?"
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
Oh he's bowing; you let out a giggle and curtsy back. He doesn't have to actually but hey, you've always been a go-with-the-flow kind of gal~
"Oh! Yeah I think so; Jude's a sweet guy if a little shy." You like Jude a lot; you might not be related but he's a darling! Especially after learning he's not a stalker.
Ah; how odd! His grandma's dead, yours is too.... or maybe you're grasping at straws with that tidbit. "Well we are stuck in the 1920s so there's a lot of swing clubs and we still have movie theatres and casinos and the like! There's also bars if you know where to go; technically it's illegal to be drinking, but people love their drinks too much to really give it up."
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
The giggle she gives sounds so much like your grandmothers, it's uncanny.  If anything, there was a strange surreal comfort at the idea that perhaps this is another time and place where your grandmother is alive and gets to have a happy life running a flowershop versus well...what all happened in your time and place.
Your eyes light up at the concept of clubs, and theatres!  Casinos...eh not so much cause it isn't like you have any money to gain or lose.  "Fair fair.  Not much for the gigglewater myself what with the whole island thing....though Roxy is quite fond of it.   She'll be glad to hear there's that."
You chuckle, not showing any opinion on the legality of things.  Not like that kind of thing is really your concern.  "A theatre sounds nice though! I don't think I've ever been to one before so I should definitely try to get to do that!"
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
"Roxy? Is she another friend of yours that came to find Dirk??" You wonder how many that makes; currently that's four people from the same different universe. How are they going to go home? Would they even make it back successfully...?
"There's are a lot of fun! I don't go often but sometimes it's nice to go watch a movie with some friends and popcorn. I very much recommend the theatre on Main and Bayview; they always get the newest movies first~" 
Honestly that sounds fun; you should probably go see a movie when you get a chance.
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
"She is! She's the smartest most talented church-bell I've ever met!  One of my best friends!" One of your only friends, but you aren't going to let that detail get you down.  "Her, Hal and myself all jumped through and here we are. Though I guess Hal is now Arq?  I have noticed people sure love their name changes when coming over here. "
You laugh and then listen, nodding enthusiastically. 
"That sounds perfect!  I'll get to try popcorn for the first time! I've read about it, it sounds delightful!  Thank you for all these suggestions."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
Awww she sounds wonderful. Maybe with your luck, you might run into this Roxy lady too. She sounds very pretty! And sweet~ "I think that's because there exists in this world a Hal? He's... he's very neat all things considered, but he was here first before your Hal~"
You laugh and smile back. "It's not any trouble Jake! Just be safe! The city is wonderful but it can be dangerous; not everyone is a sweetheart like you!~"
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
"True true. I've noticed there seems to be a bit of a double up.  Wonder if there is another of me out there on adventures.  Maybe I'll get lucky and run into him before I have to go."  You like to assume that he is somewhere out there...doing some grand escapade.  Probably is really cool.
"Well if this city is half as pleasant as you are, I can't imagine it being anything but a paradise!  But I shall do my best to stay safe.  I hope I can meet you again before I go though, this has been the most delightful of meetings."  It's true, and admittedly you'd like to see this place once more before you stop off and away.  It feels so much like home, and she looks so much like her that it kind of recalls old feelings you wouldn't mind having at least once before you lose any chance again.
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
"Maybe!" You doubt it, if his counterpart was indeed your grandpa. Who is very much dead. Definitely not alive anymore.
You give another bright smile and before you know it, you're giving him a warm, patented Jade hug. "I concur!  You have been the most interesting person to enter my shop today! You're welcome back any time! You can bring your friends too it would be nice!~"
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
The hug is a surprise, but a welcome one.  Goodness, it's been so long since you've been around people in general. But then you got hugs from Roxy, and Dirk, and Arq, and sort of one from the little green fellow, and now this!  Hands down, this is your best city experience ever.
You are already starting to miss it.
But for now, you smile bright!  "Oh! Definitely! I'll make sure to bring them as well! I expect they'd love this place, and be glad to meet you too! Thank you so much Jade. You've been the jammiest bits of jam!"
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
You give the best hugs! You've been told this many times so it must be true.
"You're very welcome Jake!" You let go after a few moments, hands clasped behind you once more. "You are also quite the darling! I hope you all get home safely. And uh," You eye his coat and shorts, amusement all over your face. "Try to find something warmer okay? City winters can be harsh, too harsh to wait it out."
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
"Can do!" You give her a salute and a smile.  No sense bringing up the whole what is money and how you have none of it, the last thing you want is to come across as a nose bagger.
"Until next time!  Tally ho!"
And with that, you turn and make your exit.
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
You smile and wave him off, watching as he steps out of your shop and braves the cold once more. What a curious individual! And so very, very trusting. Too trusting even.
You pull out your phone and stare at it a little. Telling the bosses about people apparently dimension-hopping into yours would be pretty important you feel. You'd rather not give those Felt bastards any more potential help if possible. Hmm.... yeah, you should let others know.
Though you do hope Jake goes home. He would be safer that way.
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I just.. sheesh. My heart every time you’re here.
Also, turns out he is on a diet and fasting but he broke it bc of me anyway LOL OOPS.
But MAN I hope my future man is as patient as you (or even MORE PATIENT) with my parents man bc they can be too much 😂 this has always been one of my worries LOL.
But ahhh always like old times with you. It’s so funny how you’re always so surprised when I remember stuff lol or when you tell me something and I’m like, “Yeah you told me...” “I told you?” “Yeah exactly a year ago yesterday” LOL because of Snapchat memory and I forgot to send it to him.
“Your anniversary is this week right?” haha. I remember bc I remember the date of that very specific unforgettable phone call.
“My number is... *says first 6 numbers* but mom keeps missing it and messing it up.
So I repeated it and said, “0928.. right?”
“Yeah! Haha”
“Ok wow I still got it” LOL. I forgot I have it memorized.
And just you telling us about your future plans. ☹️ 💗 AHHHH. MY BOY IS TURNING INTO A MAAAN. And us just reminiscing bc we were talking about our age. 23! AND I’M FREAKING 28 WHAT. It’s nice that he’s actually following through with his timeline.
“How long have I known you? Since you were 17? 2014.”
*simulataneously* “DANG.”
“We’ve known each other for so long Alda... 7 YEARS” HAHA.
But my parents are so rude sheesh 😂 Mom kept talking over him and also giving unsolicited advice about his future and him and Racheal’s plans. I could tell he was getting kinda irritated bc he was getting a little defensive that’s why I kept trying to change the subject or asking other questions, and tbh I was getting irritated too bc it���s one of my pet peeves. Like bro... can people just share what’s on their mind or their plans and be excited about it? Nobody’s asking for your advice, why are you telling people what to do. And my dad when he came in, Mom’s like “MAY BISITA TAYO” “Hello po!” And the first thing Dad said was, “Oh hi!..... *long pause* What happened?” SO UNEXPECTED. RUDE. I didn’t even know what he was talking about and CJ SAID “YEA I KNOW I GOT FAT” AND MOM SAID “HAHA HINDI KA NAKILALA” AND DAD SAID “YA.” SHEESH. RUDE. CAN’T GET OVER IT THEY JUST KEPT CALLING HIM FAT. LIKE I KNOW HE IS AND HE KNOWS HE IS AND HE KEPT POINTING IT OUT TOO BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN YOU GOTTA KEEP BRINGING IT UP DANG. RUDE. GEEZ. I HAD TO KEEP TELLING THEM TO STOP GAH. LOL.
But it’s so funny how he loves eating 😂 he said, “DUDE THAT’S HECKA GOOD” to my sammich hehe. Mom asked what I was feeding him and I said “Chicken sandwich” and he didn’t really react lol. But then after making it and placing it in front of him, I said, “Here ya go! Chicky sammich!” And he was like “😳 DANG. WOAH. THAT LOOKS BOMB WTH. TY!” And we ate together and he prayed ☺️ and when he bit it he was like, “Dang that’s hecka good. TY” “Welcome! Hehe” and then mom brought up dessert and cookies and so I was like, “I know! I used to make some for him all the time” and he’s like, “No it’s okay!” But I went and made some in the kitchen anyway and came out like 20 mins later with them done. And Mom was watching him eat his 2nd cookie and said, “Enjoy na enjoy talaga tong kumain ‘no?” And he looked kinda offended but I was like, “I know!! 😂☺️” BC I LOVE IT. MY FAVORITE TYPE OF PEOPLE. HAHA. Axel brought up the other day that making people food is my love language even if it’s not a real thing which is sooo true hahaha. I LOVE cooking/baking for people I LOVE THE MOST AND IT MAKES ME SO SO HAPPY SEEING THEM EXCITED AND SATISFIED but when other people I’m not close to are like, “Where’s mine?” “What about me?” it’s kinda like... UM? Who are you? I just hate being told to cook HAHA. It really depends who it is and how they ask. Like kanina CJ said, “Ima just pop up here like Alda I’m craving a sandwich can you make me one” I got so excited like, “HAHA JUST LMK. YOU KNOW I’M DOWN.” But anyway, I digress. After mom said that ang sarap sarap niya kumain thing, CJ’s like, “I mean... if you’re gonna put freshly baked cookies in front of me I’m gonna eat it. I just trying to be a good guest 😬” HAHAHAHA. I LOVE THE COMEBACKS. And I’m glad he baby talks with me. It’s something I keep trying to change bc some of the kids or even adults look at me weird when I automatically do it sometimes LOL and like sheesh it is kinda weird for a 28 year old hahaha but he does it too and so I don’t even try to stop myself. I also got Axel and Mica doing it too even if Axel calls me out when he’s with certain friends in the car and calls me and I answer a certain way like, “Why do you talk like that, you sound like...them...” but apparently it’s just when I said “yeeh” and “yees” that makes him cringe. Lol anyways... today was good. He asked me how I’ve been doing during quarantine and what I’ve been up to and literally I blanked and was gonna tell him about my depression and therapy... but then mom mentioned, “Kain, tulog, nood, luto ng luto... Pero busy din sa LDC” and he started laughing and I was like, “Yeah basically. Cooking baking, and yeah! I did take college courses” and he goes, “Oh for what?” so I told him and he mentioned that a lot of people at Tesla do AutoCAD and it’s needed and that he wishes he had that skill and that Kuya Basil was supposed to teach him. I should have offered to teach him! I wonder if I can apply.. I wonder if that would be weird if we both ended up working at Tesla 😂 but ahh I missed him. And I’m gonna miss him when he gets married and moves up there. Idk if he saw my reaction when I said, “Wait... so you’re moving up there?” “Yeah...” “Oh okay..” I looked away and just ☹️ I already miss you from 13-30 mins away, now you’re gonna be 1 hour and 40 mins away 😩💔 HNNNG. But I happy for you, always ☺️ as long as you’re happy. Also today really confirmed that it was for the best that I did not entertain the feelings I had and truly trusted in Jehovah and asked for signs bc as strongly as I felt for you, I knew deep down you weren’t it for me even if it FELT nice to be around you. I really need someone who’s truly kind and spiritual and wouldn’t allow me to rebel against my parents like that haha. Also it still bothers me how you get angry and how you handle certain emotions and are comfortable with using certain vocabulary 😅 definitely takes me back to certain moments where I thought “I can handle this as a best friend but not as a gf bc we’d be representing one another” haha. Happy and grateful for where we’re at 🤗
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marvelousbirthdays · 7 years
Happy Birthday, loki-theatre-gurl!
July 1 - “Are you going to eye fuck me all night or do something about it?” WinterShieldShock for @loki-theatre-gurl
Written by @ozhawkauthor
“Jane, d’you want another drink… okay, clearly not right now.” Darcy turned hastily away from the sight of her best friend macking on her Thunder God boyfriend. Only to be confronted by Tony and Pepper apparently being very on again.
“Sheesh, if I want porn I’ll watch it online!” She beat a hasty retreat to the bar, where Natasha was mixing her usual lethal concoctions and Clint perched atop the shiny metal surface, getting his favored bird’s eye view of the room.
“I’m sure that can’t be hygienic,” Darcy eyed Clint’s boots on the shiny metal surface.
“You’re not eating off it.” Clint shrugged, glanced down at her. “What’s got you so bitchy, Lewis?”
“Just everyone getting their nookie on,” Darcy grumbled, accepting the martini glass Natasha passed her and eyeing the green concoction with a hint of blue to it skeptically. “Makes a girl think about booty calling old flames, which is usually a terrible idea. Is this going to make me have more terrible ideas, Nat?”
“Maybe,” Natasha shrugged gracefully. “Give me your phone.”
Darcy blinked, but she’d gotten used to Natasha throwing out apparently random orders by nw and knew it was generally a good idea to obey them. Pulling her phone from her jeans pocket, she handed it over and watched with dismay as Natasha tossed it up in the air to Clint, who snatched it out of the air, clicked his fingers and made it vanish.
“Fucking carnie and your sleight of hand tricks,” Darcy muttered. “Are you gonna give that back?”
“No, he is not, which eliminates the possible disastrous booty calling of asshole exes. Drink up.”
As usual, Natasha wasn’t wrong. Darcy shrugged, knowing there wasn’t much point arguing. It wasn’t as though she could make Clint give her phone back by force. Picking up the glass, she sipped cautiously at the drink. It tasted suspiciously smooth and non-alcoholic, which probably meant she’d be weaving if she tried to walk by the time she got to the bottom of the glass.
“Very nice,” Darcy approved. “So, if I was going to have some terrible ideas, what do you suggest, now that you’ve eliminated any possible booty calls?”
“You could always hit on Steve and Bucky,” Clint said unexpectedly.
“What?” Startled, Darcy looked up at him. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Why is it ridiculous? God knows that pair never take their eyes off you.”
“They’ve never looked at me twice! And they’re, well, together, anyway!” Darcy tried not to look at the pair too much, not wanting them to think that she was perving on them. She totally would perv on them if they didn’t mind, they were the two hottest guys she knew, but she couldn’t exactly ask them. Hey, do you mind if I watch you two make out and then masturbate to the memory later?
Yeah, so not happening.
Clint’s words had her looking across the room to the dark corner where Steve and Bucky usually sat, though, and to her surprise she caught the two of them both staring at her before they snatched their eyes guiltily away.
“They do that every time you so much as glance in their direction,” Clint said.
Darcy looked back up at him. “They do not.”
He rolled his eyes at her. “Hawkeye, remember? I see stuff.”
“He’s not the only one who’s noticed,” Natasha said unexpectedly. “Tony and Sam were taking bets on how long it’d take the two of them to ask you out.”
What the superspy duo were saying just didn’t compute, so Darcy shook her head and drained the rest of her cocktail. “Pour me another one of those,” she requested, tapping the rim of the glass. “You two might start making sense if I have enough of this stuff.”
Natasha refilled her glance without a word, and Darcy took another sip. Looking back at Steve and Bucky, once again she caught them hastily looking away.
“Do they really stare at me?” she asked.
“Oh puh-leeze,” Clint snorted. “They spend all their time when you’re in the same room eye-fucking you. If looks were tangible, you’d be walking bow-legged.”
Darcy blushed and laughed at his crudity, but she sneaked another look at Steve and Bucky and yet again they looked away. Only, this time, after a few moments Bucky looked back, and gave her a boldly come-hither smile.
Darcy blinked. “Did I really just see that, or does this cocktail contain something stronger than alcohol?”
Natasha chuckled. Steve was saying something urgently to Bucky, who was still staring at Darcy. Bucky shook his head without breaking eye contact, and slowly, Steve turned his head and looked at her too.
“I know what it is. You really are a witch and this is some sort of love potion to make all men who see me fall madly in love with me, right?”
“Sorry, sugar, not feeling that,” Clint said dryly. “It’s just Spangles and Frosty over there.”
She snickered at the nicknames, drained the last of the cocktail, and decided to make a move while her legs still worked. Pushing herself off the bar stool, she headed in (she thought) an admirably straight line across the room before stopping in front of Steve and Bucky’s table, propping one hand on her hip and saying loudly;
“So, are you two just gonna eye-fuck me all night, or are you gonna do something about it?”
Steve blushed to the roots of his hair. Bucky chuckled, low and deep, and rose easily to his feet, grabbing a chair from a nearby table and bringing it around to hold it gallantly for Darcy to sit down.
“Why don’t you take a seat, doll, and you can tell us what you had in mind?”
It was Darcy’s turn to flush, though she told herself it was mostly from the effects of the alcohol. Accepting the seat, she found herself almost sandwiched between Steve and Bucky’s broad shoulders, muscled thighs nudging against hers.
“So,” Darcy said after a moment of awkward silence, “I’m not just imagining the eye-fucking thing, then?”
“Lang-” Steve cut himself off mid-word, flushed even deeper. “Sorry. Force of habit.”
“Because just to warn you, if you are interested, I talk a lot dirtier than that in the bedroom.”
“His ears won’t burn off,” Bucky said, “and doll? We are very interested.”
“Oh good. Your place or mine?”
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Stars, pt 3
Part 1:https://adria121212.tumblr.com/post/163262011598/the-stars-pt-1 Part 2:https://adria121212.tumblr.com/post/163547679168/the-stars-pt-2 Sorry Idk how to link correctly but I worked really hard on this chapter so enjoy!
Maria found study club less productive than she’d hoped.
First, there was the fact that Alex and his friends continued to throw pretzel sticks at her head like middle schoolers. That, combined with Angelica muttering about student council, John nervously bouncing his leg, and Eliza sitting right in front of her with that distracting hair, it was near impossible to concentrate.
“Would you quit it?” Maria turned around and shot Alexander a glare, John finally noticing and muttering in agreement.
“Sheesh, no need to be a prick,“ Alex said, hands up in defense, “Hey, Eliza, what’cha studying?”
“With the way you’re acting, probably ways to turn down fuckboys,” Angelica retorted smoothly, suddenly standing next to Maria (John sweared she could teleport).
“Couldn’t resist the sound of my voice, Ange?” Alex was now flirting with both of the sisters at once, making Maria fume.
Suddenly, John looked up, eyes already apologizing for him “Shit, sorry, Mar, I gotta go. I didn’t realize how late it was getting. Sorry, I’ll call you if I can, okay.”
“John, it’s only 4:30,” Maria said, but John was already running out the door, in a hurry to get home.
“Hey, wait up pretty boy!” Alex ran out the door after him, Eliza breathing a sigh of relief.
“Usually people take a hint after being rejected by three people in the room already,” Angelica said before going back to her studying.
Alex grabbed John’s arm before he could hop on his bike and bolt. John just sighed and hoped the conversation would move fast. He was already running late.
“John, I need to talk to you,” Alex said, moving his fingers from John’s wrist to his hand.
“Make it quick, Alex.” John jerked his hand away, glaring at Alex before moving to unlock his bike. “I’m already late.”
“Fine, listen, I think we should get back together again. I know I messed up last time but I swear it won’t happen ever again. Plus, you and I are so compatible! It would-”
“Alex, what? Do you think I’m that easy?” John’s hands were shaking as he unlocked his bike. He couldn’t make that mistake again. “Well, the first time I asked you out-”
“The first time you asked me out, I was young and horny and lonely, and had no idea what you were like. Now I’m older and wiser, and I know what kind of person you are.”
“I can’t, Lex, I just can’t.”
“Just think about it, okay?”
John didn’t answer as he hopped in his bike and rode off. He was already ten minutes late, and didn’t need another incident with his dad. Not to mention he couldn’t afford to fall for Alex again. That was a mistake he made one too many times. There was no way Alex had changed enough to make a difference.
He rode past the mini mart on the corner of his street, trying to push away the memories of him and Alex raiding the aisles, finding snacks to eat as they sat on his car in the parking lot and stargazed. Luckily he was almost home. He just hoped his father had been stuck in traffic, so he would have one less thing to worry about.
John finally arrived, parking his bike and getting inside as fast as possible, hoping his father wasn’t home yet. He took out his key and went into the house.
“You’re late, Jacky.” shit.
“I’m sorry Dad, I was at study club and I lost track of time, then one of my friends stopped me and-”
“Don’t talk back to me!” his father’s voice rose, making him flinch into the corner. His father stood and moved closer, blocking him in, bottle of whiskey still in hand. “I don’t need your stupid excuses.”
“i didn’t mean to-” John was cut off with a punch to the jaw, luckily with the hand that wasn’t holding a bottle of alcohol. He slumped back onto the floor, startled by the blow but not exactly surprised.
“Get up,” his father said, pulling him by the hair off the ground. John stood shakily, willing himself not to cry. That was another thing he couldn’t afford to do. He muttered a quick ‘yes sir’ before hurrying up the steps to check on his sisters.
“Martha? Mary?” John couldn’t help but notice the pain in his jaw. Great, another bruise to cover up.
“In my room,” Martha called from a room down the hall. John walked in, happy to see there were no new bruises on either of the girls.
“John! You’re home! Now you can help me with my reading homework!” Mary was the youngest of the three of them, only six years old. She was too young for this, for whatever their situation was.
“Wait, first I need advice from him.” Martha was the middle child, just starting middle school. She was strong, but she shouldn’t have had to be. “John, a boy likes me, but his girlfriend is Sara, and Sara doesn’t like me already. Now the boy is saying he’s going to break up with Sara to go out with me, which is making Sara’s friend Bree mad. What should I do?”
“Okay, Martha, tell Bree that you never told this boy to break up with Sara, and make sure the boy knows what he’s doing. Mary, what book do you have to read?”
“The cat in the hat,” Mary giggle, her freckles crinkling, “but I’m hungry. I ran out of the snacks you hid in my room, and Daddy said not to come downstairs again.”
John sighed before taking out his wallet and phone. “Okay, I guess I can call Maria and tell her to bring a pizza to my window. Then she can eat with us, and Mary can read to her.”
“Thanks, mom,” Martha said, making everyone laugh. As funny as it was, it was true. John mine as well have been their parent, with the care (or lack thereof) his father seemed to give.
Within the next hour, Maria was tapping on John’s second story window (thank the heavens for the roof of the garage next to his window, and Maria’s excellent climbing skills). John opened the window, calling Martha and Mary into his room.
“Pizza’s here!” Maria called, smiling and hugging John’s sisters. She loved visiting John’s house, despite having to climb through a window and having to be quiet most times. She looked over at John, quickly noticing the bruise on his jaw.
“John, your jaw, it’s-”
“It’s fine, Mar,” John laughed nervously, opening the pizza box and handing a slice to each of his sisters before telling them to run off to their rooms. “anyways, I’m sorry I had to bolt like that after school. I know being there alone with Alex sucks.”
“It’s fine, Alex and his gang left after you did anyways. Speaking of Alex, why did he follow you?” Maria decided prodding John about the new bruise wasn’t worth it and changed the topic quickly.
John tried to stifle a laugh before answering. “you’re not gonna believe this, but he actually asked me to go back out with him.”
“You’re kidding.” Maria let out a laugh herself, grabbing a slice of pizza and handing it to John before grabbing her own.
“I know, crazy, right?” John said, taking a bite, “the problem is, I found the offer kind of tempting.”
“Oh, you can’t John,” Maria said, tugging on a piece of his hair, “he broke your heart. You cried for a week straight.”
“I know, I know,” John sighed, shaking his head, “it’s just, before he cheated on me, he was a great boyfriend, and I feel so lonely now. I just want someone, you know?”
“You have me,” Maria said, a fake pout spreading across her lips.
“You know what I mean, like a date. Speaking of dates, how’s your thing with Eliza going?”
“It isn’t, that’s the problem,” she deadpanned, taking a rather aggressive bite of pizza, “I just wish I could work up the courage to talk to her. She’s just so nice and pretty, and I sat all through that study class trying to work up the nerve. I just couldn’t! And I don’t even know if she likes girls!”
“From the way she blushes at you, I’m pretty sure she likes girls.” John rubbed Maria’s shoulder lovingly. “And I’m sure you’ll work up the courage eventually. You just have to wait for the right moment.”
“With my luck, the right time will be on my death bed.”
“Hey, we may be unlucky, but at least we have each other.”
John and Maria are my brotp forever. Anyways enjoy and I’ll try to get then next chapter out sooner! Thanks for the support!
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bigherosixfeels · 7 years
(Fic request) fic were a thirteen year old Tadashi makes a new friend who appears to be like the greatest friend of all time. They do everything together from playing video games, watch movies and all that fun stuff friends do. But then Tadashi's new friend starts to show his/her true colours when they make fun of Hiro. (I hope this is okay!)
This is great! Happy to write it :)
True Colors
Fandom: Big Hero 6
Rating: K
Characters: Tadashi Hamada, Hiro Hamada, Aunt Cass (mentioned) and Tadashi’s friend
Word Count: 1,763
Summary: @xdarkxenergy makes it clear :)
Tadashi had always been the more social one between him and Hiro. People seemed to gravitate more towards the elder Hamada. He was well spoken and kind. It was no surprise to Hiro that other people enjoyed his brother’s company.
So, it wasn’t shocking to Hiro that Tadashi had friends either. Throughout all their years of school thus far, Tadashi had made his fair share of friends. Some of which he parted ways with due to lack of common interest or attending different middle schools, but that didn’t stop him from meeting new people.
Hiro was almost envious of his sibling’s ability to make friends with ease. He was lucky to maintain a single conversation with someone without getting teased. A friendship seemed like a surreal concept to the young boy. Any attempt he could make to befriend someone was extremely difficult. If Hiro ever dared to start a conversation, it would usually end with him being laughed at, told to scram or just be simply ignored. Sadly, he was used to this behavior from his older peers. He wish he could have questioned how good Tadashi was at obtaining friends, but in his eyes, there was an even bigger question. Who wouldn’t want to be friends with Tadashi?
Okay, maybe some people chose not to be around him. Mainly it was only because of his relation to Hiro, but Tadashi never took that personally. If someone didn’t want to hang out with him over a matter as ridiculous as that, Tadashi figured it was best not to waste his time with them anyway.
Although Tadashi had good friendships throughout his years of school, he had never considered any of them to be a best friend. With the exception of Hiro of course. His algebra neighbor, Nolan however, seemed to change that.
The two were paired up to do an in-class assignment and instantly became friends. They had gone from classmates that only sat next to each other to friends that nearly got in trouble on a daily basis for talking during class. After learning about their shared interests in movies, shows and video games, they began hanging out after school. Once a week had quickly turned into every other day. On school nights, they studied together while spending their time on weekends to play games or watch a movie.
It wasn’t long before Tadashi had truly considered Nolan to be his best friend. They had hung out a lot together in a matter of months. Nolan seemed to get Tadashi in a way that no other friend previous or current had before. He never seemed bothered by the fact that Tadashi lived in his aunt’s cafe or had a genius for a brother. He saw Tadashi for who he was as a person and never took that for granted. They enjoyed spending time together. Finally, Tadashi had a friend that he felt like he could share personal stories with or work on robotics projects with.
Of course, Nolan was far from being some replacement to Hiro. Tadashi would never abandon his younger sibling by any means. It was just a nice change of pace to have a friend he felt so close to. Besides, Hiro didn’t mind Nolan being around at all. He thought he was cool…even if he hadn’t talked to him before.
With it being a Friday night, there was no surprise that they would be hanging out. Tadashi had made plans for Nolan to spend the night and watch a movie. Nolan was bringing the movie and Tadashi took care of all the snacks. Well, Hiro and Cass helped him get popcorn, soda and candy set up, but Tadashi didn’t mind.
When everyone heard a sudden knock at the door, Cass ushered down the stairs to let Nolan inside. Meanwhile, Tadashi was waiting in the living room, excitement surging through his body. Hiro had never seen his brother so ecstatic over something.
A grin turned into a full blown out smile as Nolan reached the living room. “Hey, man,” Nolan greeted.
The friends did a quick fist bump, a normal gesture they would do upon meeting up. “Hey, you bring the movie?” Tadashi asked, just now noticing that Nolan had it hidden behind his back.
“You know it. Got it right here,” he stated, showing off the DVD case. It was then that Nolan looked down, seeing that Hiro was still standing around. It was unlike Hiro to be downstairs when he was over. Nolan glared at the younger Hamada, confused and, quite frankly, and little annoyed by his presence. “Uh…why is he here?”
Tadashi raised a brow at his friend’s tone. Rather than question it, he decided to brush it off. “Hiro? He was helping me set up the snacks.” Tadashi looked down at his brother with pride, smiling seeing how happy he was to help with movie preparations.
“Yeah!” Hiro squealed. “Maybe I could watch the movie too?” He asked in a shy, yet polite voice.
It didn’t take Hiro more than two seconds to realize that Nolan didn’t think that was a good idea. His body tensed as his eyes clearly rolled. A heavy sigh followed after and Nolan handed the DVD to Tadashi. “I don’t think your brother should watch this movie. It’s PG-13. Not for little kids,” he spoke with a hint of anger growing on his tongue.
Tadashi didn’t want to admit it, but he had never seen this side of Nolan before. The humorous, laid-back person he knew was far from being anything of the sorts. If Tadashi was being honest, it was worrisome. “Uh…,” Tadashi was at a loss of words, yet he did have to agree with Nolan on this matter. Hiro was far too young to be watching a movie like this. “Hiro I uh…don’t think this is your kind of movie, buddy.” He placed a sympathetic hand on his shoulder.
“Aw, c’mon,” Hiro whined, though more in a playful manner than anything. “I’ve heard all the bad words before!”
Nolan gritted his teeth, not having any of what Hiro was doing. With clenched fists and tight muscles, his patience had finally boiled over. “Look, kid,” he started, the volume of his voice enough to make Hiro shrink into himself. “This is not for people your age! Now beat it so your brother and I can enjoy this movie in peace!”
Visibly shaking, Hiro stood in place unable to move. Tadashi examined him, noticing that his sibling’s eyes began to glisten. As Hiro finally gained enough physical strength to run up the stairs, Tadashi couldn’t help, but witness how pleased Nolan was by this reaction. Tadashi had become so concerned for Hiro’s well being, that he didn’t register how furious he was at his friend. His best friend had the nerve to snap at Hiro…and for no reason whatsoever. A mixture of confusion and hurt blended into Tadashi’s evident anger.
“What was that all about?” He snapped, crossing his arms at Nolan. “I-I…I thought you liked Hiro.”
Tadashi was hopeful that this was some misunderstanding. Perhaps Nolan was having a bad day and took it out on Hiro without meaning to. Maybe the situation could get cleared up somehow. Though, due to Nolan’s obnoxious scoff, an easy solution was looking thinner by the second.
“Dude, no offense, but no one likes Hiro.” He paused to laugh. “I know he’s your brother, but–”
“But what?” Tadashi cut him off. “Give me one good reason not to like Hiro!”
“He’s a total loser!”
Tadashi was shocked to say the least. Everything that he thought he knew about Nolan felt like some big lie. This whole time his best friend despised Hiro like everyone else. And the worst part was his hurtful, pathetic reasoning. It made a knot in Tadashi’s stomach churn. He was sick of Hiro being bullied. Sick of everyone thinking his genius little brother was some joke. Sick of people disliking him because of his intelligence. Disliking him of his age.
And Nolan had been amongst them all?
“Hiro is NOT a loser!” Tadashi yelled, the knuckles of his fists turning white. “And since you feel that way about him, I think you need to take your movie and go!”
“H-hey, whoa! I still wanna hang out with you–”
“Well I don’t! Why would I want a friend that doesn’t treat my brother with respect?! Get out!”
In an instant, Nolan yanked the DVD out of Tadashi’s hand, making his way to the staircase. “Fine! I’m outta here! Sheesh, I guess both of you are losers,” Nolan muttered as he stomped down the stairs.
Tadashi pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head in an attempt to rid the remainder of his anger. A heavy sigh escaped from his nostrils. Yet, despite losing someone who he considered a close friend, he strangely felt alright. The last thing he would want is to have a friend around who didn’t have any respect for Hiro.
The memory of Hiro rushing up the stairs at Nolan’s cruel attitude had Tadashi bolting up the stairs. He called out Hiro’s name as he skipped steps on his way up. The sudden sight of his little brother curled up in his bed tugged at his heartstrings. Why did people have to be so rude to him?
Tadashi took a seat on Hiro’s bed, placing a gentle hand on his back. He took note of the dry tears stained on Hiro’s cheeks, but to his relief, he had managed to stop crying. The hand Tadashi had on his back moved up to the back of Hiro’s head. “You okay, buddy?” Tadashi asked, ruffling Hiro’s hair slowly.
Hiro responded with a nod. He peeked over his shoulder, seeing Tadashi smiling down on him. “W-where’s Nolan?”
“Kicked him out,” Tadashi whispered, a proud smile forming.
“What? But he’s your best friend.”
“Was,” Tadashi corrected. “Not anymore. Anyone that’s mean to you is no friend of mine.”
Hiro smiled in return, now sitting up as he started to feel better. “Really?”
“Really.” Tadashi confirmed, wiping the dry tear stains away with his thumb. “Besides, you’re my best friend anyway.
This had earned a giggle out of Hiro which Tadashi was thrilled to hear. Hiro being upset had never been fun for Tadashi to see, so getting him to laugh again was always a success.
“Alright, so there’s a bunch of snacks downstairs that shouldn’t go to waste. Wanna watch a movie with me?”
Tadashi and Hiro ended up having a movie night of their own that evening.
I had a lot of fun writing this! I definitely think it’s possible that Tadashi had friends that ended up disliking Hiro. And of course I can’t help myself with adding a little fluff *shrugs* I hope you enjoyed reading this, thank you for the request @xdarkxenergy :D 
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myhauntedsalem · 5 years
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19 Parents Share The Creepiest Things Their Kids Have Ever Said
Kids say the darnedest things, but they also come out with ridiculously creepy things as well. When Reddit asked ‘what is the creepiest thing your child has ever said?’ Parents of the internet came forward with their stories and boy, they didn’t disappoint.
Here are nineteen of the most disturbing, chill inducing stories shared.  All we ask is for you to try and suppress the urge to lock your children in a cupboard after reading these.
1. “Daddy Its A Monster… We Should Bury It.”
My 3 year old daughter stood next to her new born brother and looked at him for awhile then turned and looked at me and said, “Daddy its a monster… we should bury it.”
2. “The Man Who Crawls On The Floor And Stands By My Bed.”
My co-worker’s four year old daughter always thought that the rattling of the water pipes in the kitchen cupboards were “white wolves” and the sound always scared her. One day she was sitting at the kitchen table and she said, “Mom. The white wolves aren’t bad… they’re our friends!”
Her mom encouraged the idea by saying, “Yes! The white wolves are protecting us. They are our friends.” Then her daughter added in, “They’re our friends, but not the man who crawls on the floor and stands by my bed”.
3. “Good Bye Dad.”
I was tucking in my two year old. He said “Good bye dad.” I said, “No, we say good night.” He said “I know. But this time its good bye.”
Had to check on him a few times to make sure he was still there.
4. “It’s The Closest I Can Get To Seeing Her Dead.”
He’s not my kid, but my godson is extremely creepy. He likes to stand in his little sister’s doorway while she naps and watches her sleep. I ask him why and he says, “it’s the closest I can get to seeing her dead.” He also likes to shove her fist in his mouth as far as it can go because he wants to “know what suffocating is like, just in case.” I’m pretty sure he’d be a serial killer if it wasn’t for Mario Kart.
5. “The Man With The Snake Neck.”
While changing my daughter in front of the open closet door. She kept looking around me and laughing. I asked her what was so funny. She said, “the man.” To which I replied, “what man?” She then pointed at the closet and said, “the man with the snake neck.” I turn around and nothing was there.
I’m afraid to look into the history of my house to see if anyone hung themselves in the closet. At least she wasn’t scared.
6. You Will Die Soon
Not to me, but to his grandmother.
He was cuddling with her and being very sweet (he was about 3 at the time). He takes her face in his hands, and brings his face close to hers, then tells her that she’s very old, and will die soon.
Then he makes a point of looking at the clock.
7. “I Want To Peel All Your Skin Off.”
I was sound asleep, and at around 6am I was woken up by my 4 year old daughters face inches from mine. She looked right into my eyes and whispered, “I want to peel all your skin off”.
The backstory here is I had been sunburned the previous week, and was starting to peel. In my sleep addled state however, it was pretty terrifying for a few seconds. I didn’t know if I was dreaming, or what was going on.
8. “When You Die, I’m Going To Eat You.”
My sons were about 2 and 4 when their pet goldfish died. I attempted to use the situation as an opportunity to discuss death and mortality. After I finished my explanation, my four year looked up at me with his big, blue eyes and asked, “Mommy, someday, will you die?” My heart filled with love and a little sadness, knowing this was one of those pivotal moments when the first bit of childhood innocence was lost,and I told him yes, someday, mommy will die.
“Good,” he said with a totally deadpan expression, and walked out of the room.
Later when we were about to flush the fish, he asked if we could eat him instead. I said no, we don’t eat pets because we love them, and he said, “When you die, I’m going to eat you.”
9. “Carson Is Gone, I Am Rick.”
When my son was little he, maybe 3, he used to do this weird crawl where he would slide his forehead along the floor. That was pretty creepy in itself. Then one night he crawled across the hallway into my room like that and stood up a few inches from my face and made a weird meow sound. He got into bed with me and went to sleep.
Another time he was freaking out about a monster in the basement so we went down and saw nothing, of course, and as I turned out the light and headed upstairs and he said “Hes right behind us now.” I might have peed a little.
Possibly the creepiest thing he did was one day I scolded him for misbehaving so he hid his head under his blanket. I pretended I couldn’t find him by saying “Where is my little Carson?” He slowly lowered the blanket and with a dead evil stare said, “Carson is gone, I am Rick.” I’m certain he’s possessed. We never knew any Ricks, as far I can remember. Still don’t. Never figured out where he picked up the name.
10. “I Died And Now I’m Here.”
Getting my two and a half year old daughter out of the bath one night, my wife and I were briefing her on how important it was she kept her privates clean. She casually replied “Oh, nobody ‘scroofs’ me there. They tried one night. They kicked the door in and tried but I fought back. I died and now I’m here.” She said this like it was nothing.
My wife and I were catatonic.
11. Baby Brother
“So I shouldn’t throw him in the fire?”
3 year old daughter holding her baby brother for the first time.
12. The Pretty Girl At The Cottage
My 3 year old nephew was at my cottage. He’s asked me numerous times about the “girl over there” while pointing at one of the back bedrooms. The place is small, and there is definitely nobody there so I just dismiss it as a really active imagination (he has lots of imaginary friends).
Then some friends are visiting and they have a daughter around the same age. She has never met my nephew. Twice in the one day she asked about the “pretty girl” while pointing at the exact same room. Definitely caught me out and I didn’t know what to think.
Then at Christmas my family was over at my place and my nephew points at a picture of my wife and asks if she is coming to visit us here or does she just stay at the cottage. My wife died ten years ago. Personally I don’t really believe in paranormal stuff so it’s probably just my logical brain putting together a bunch of kids ramblings but it definitely got my attention.
13. “He’s Behind You Now.”
“Go back to sleep, there isn’t anything under your bed”.
“He’s behind you now”.
Still haven’t gotten over that one and shiver at the memory.
14. “He’s Coming For You. You Better Hide.”
While not something my own child has said, my younger cousin (around 5 at the time) once drew a picture of a a black monster, looked up at me, and said “He told me to draw this. He’s coming for you. You better hide.”
15. “You Will Put Me Down, Down, Down In The Hole.”
I have a three year old who says some pretty strange stuff….
Last night: “Mommy.. the man, the very big man with big yellow eyes is looking at you.”
I look.. nothing. I tell him there is no man and he is make-believe. My son laughs, “Oh he is hiding now.” — 2 minutes later, “Oh no Mommy, you made him very mad. Now he says he will come when you are sleeping.”
Few weeks ago he tells me, “I’m not going to be four. I’m going to die. And you will put me down, down, down in the hole.” I tell him that isn’t true, and who told him that. He gets quiet and goes, “The man told me. But I will be scared, so after three night-nights you die too and come with me.”
Sheesh. As if I didn’t have bad dreams already.
16. “Daddy, I Love You So Much That I Want To Cut Your Head Off.”
A friend of mine’s child told him “Daddy, I love you so much that I want to cut your head off and carry it around so I can see your face whenever I want.”
17. The Bad Man
Why are you crying?
“Bad man”
What bad man?
“There.” Points behind me at a dark corner of the room
Lamp on bookshelf next to said darkened corner falls off as soon as I turn to look.
She slept in our bed that night
18. Ham Can’t Scream
When I was a waitress, I watched a little girl (4ish) stab her plastic fork into her sandwich repeatedly, saying “die die die die die die”. When I asked her what she was doing (her mom was in the bathroom for a minute), she replied with a straight face, “I like to kill things, but mom says I shouldn’t. So I picked the ham because it can’t scream.”
19. Satan Wants To Meet You
A few months ago I asked me brother and his wife if their kids ever did any creepy. They both immediately looked at each other and seemed surprised that I had asked.
Apparently the last few couple of weeks they would hear my niece talking to herself in her bedroom. They assumed it was just her playful imagination so they didn’t give it much thought. One day however my brother asked her who she kept talking to, she said it was her new best friend Satan who visits her at her window every day. Her window is close to the ground so they were seriously concerned that there was someone actually going up to her window and kept a closer eye on her for the next few days.
Every single time they would hear her talking he would go outside to her windows but never found anyone. They began asking her more about his new friend and apart from his name being Satan she mentioned that he follows her everywhere she goes and that he promised her he will bring her a cake one day.
At a late cookout at my parents a week before they mentioned that, she took her mom outside to the backyard and pointed at the pitch black backyard and told her that her friend Satan was there and he wanted to meet her also. That made chills run down my spine since I was at that cookout also. After that they made her promise she wouldn’t talk to Satan anymore.
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classicallyelegant · 7 years
Chapter 7 expanded
I apologize for a delay.....Have had a LOT going on and and lot to worry about....still, I did work on this and I tried my hardest to make it as impressive as I could......Hope it lives up to it!
“Be careful, you two and I’ll have a big celebration dinner for you when you get back!” Russ waves after us. I feel a huge smile! What else can you do with Russ? Matt and I walk down to a bus stop and wait. He knows what bus, but I’m still a bit vague on such. Good thing he’s here! As we wait, we both noticed a couple staring at us. He just turns away from them, but they look like they want to say something. They are a bit older than us, but they don’t really look like trouble to me. I look down but I’m still facing them when I hear the man clear his throat. Ahem! “Excuse me? Are you two OK?” I’m not certain how to answer him, so I touch Matt’s shoulder. He turns and beams back, “Sure we are! Why do you ask?”
“Oh good! We were concerned about you two since we hadn’t seen you in a few days. You know we always love to check on you.” He smiles back as he brings the lady closer to all of us.
Matt whispers to me, “Yeah, to be nosy about what we’re doing!” I look at him. REALLY? He sort of turns his head towards me and says under his breath, “Watch!” To the couple he says, “We had a bit of a vacation….just the two of us! You know how we lovebirds are!” He’s smiling at me and drawing me closer to him in a hug. What are you up to? The couple look like they’re satisfied, but I’m mystified as he kisses my face. What do you think you are doing here? Why are you showing off for these people? All I can manage to do is look at him. I don’t know how to explain his behavior in front of them and then he whispers, “Kiss me!” HUH? You really want me to….? Wait! I heard him right, didn’t I? He must see the confused look on my face so he bends a little closer, “Kiss me!” I….uh….I….. I take too long because his lips are on mine before I can do anything! OMG! Just finish this out! Whatever you do, don’t swoon and don’t hit him! The lady is beaming at us and the man looks very happy with what he sees. Am I missing something here? It’s like I’m the only one left out of a joke. Matt comes up for air and says as loud as he can, “You little minx, right now?” Umm…What? He scoops me up and we go off into a nearby alley or rather he’s dragging me off. Is this real or am I lost in a dream again? I think I remember waking up!
Once we’re in the alley I starting kicking to get away from him. He sets me down on my feet but is grinning from ear to ear. “What are you doing? What was that all about?” I’m flustered and embarrassed and just so confused! He almost doubles over laughing with his back to me. You’re going to laugh about this?! “Oh c’mon! I only gave the guy what he wanted.” He finally manages to say as he faces me. “They won’t listen that you and I are not a couple! We’ve both been trying to tell them yet they insist we are. I simply played along with their joke.” He crosses his arms, looking rather proud of himself.
“Well couldn’t you warn me or something? Geez! I was so lost!” I spit and sputter the words because I’m still trying to grip my own sanity here. “And we spent a lovebird’s vacation together?! Now what would Russ say to that?”
“Russ knows all about this! Sheesh, Maxey! Settle down. It’s not that big of a deal. Let’s just hang back here so we don’t have to deal with them anymore.” He walks past me to see if they’ve left. “You usually play along flawlessly. You didn’t have to be so lost just now. You said the lady was giving you wedding advice and all kinds of things. Wish they would quit though! This act gets old!”
“So you’re used to doing this? That’s what you’re telling me? “I’m a still bit flustered. I didn’t expect Matt to KISS me so this is just really throwing me! It was a thrill but it was such a surprise, I just…..I’m at a loss for words.
“Only when we come across them. What’s the matter? We’re actors, right? It’s what we do!” Matt is being so nonchalant about the situation but I feel I’m in a panic! “Oh wait!” He spins to face me. “You didn’t remember them? That’s why you did that! You honestly don’t remember them! Ugh! I should have thought of that! OK, you got me, Maxey. I’m sorry about all of this! I take the blame here.” Now he looks a bit embarrassed as well, his hand in his hair.
“It’s….. OK…I overreacted, I guess. I wasn’t expecting any of this.” Just grin and bear it now! What else can you do? It’s done and there’s no going back.
“No, I offer you my humblest apologies, Princess” Matt bows down elegantly on one knee before me, his head bowed and his arm across his chest. “I clearly didn’t think this through and I shouldn’t have left you in such a state.”
I giggle, “Get up silly! If anyone sees you, they’re gonna clobber us both!”  He really looks like a fairy tale knight down there.
“If I have upset your delicate person, then the ground is where I belong.” He picks his head up though, slightly to the side and smiles up at me. How can I not melt at that?! >Sigh< He really is a sight to behold! “Get up!” I try to pull him up. Remember! Can’t let on anything now! He finally stands up and smiles as his hand caresses my hair then cups my face. This time it’s a long smoldering kiss right on the lips. I’m done for! I have no defense for such! We look into each other’s eyes for a split second as I gently wipe his face then he grabs me and says, “Our bus is here!” Aww Man! My luck! We break out running and make it just as the doors close behind us. Whew!
“We made it! Now, on to the studio! Don’t worry, I think he will be there but I’ve arranged for you to stay with someone once we get to the place. She’s one of your friends, so you should be safe. If you need me though, she can find me.” He’s breathless.
“OK, two questions…does she have a name and how much does she know about my memory?”
“Of course she has a name! DUH! Her name is Rena. She doesn’t know much about your condition but she knows to keep you away from Jerry. I’m sure you can handle this. Just take it easy. You and she are old friends, so she will be glad to see you.”
“OK, I wish I had your confidence, but I’ll do my best.” My heart is still jumping but I’m not sure if it’s from his kiss or from going to this place. I’m nervous because I’m not sure what to expect and I’m nervous because I already had the unexpected happen! I know I can’t ask Matt to hold my hand through this, but I would feel much better if he were closer throughout this. >Deep Breath< All right now! You can do this, Maxey! You’re a girl who can handle what life throws at her, right? Mmmaybe. Maybe not! I don’t know, but I’ve got to try! The answers I need are out there and I have to sift through to find them.
He grabs my hand anyway and says, “We’re here!” OK….>sigh< here goes nothing……
Off the bus and into the sliding glass doors of a building, we’re greeted by the receptionist by name and she motions her head to one side to let Matt know where he needs to go. I’m really nervous to be here and honestly, none of this is familiar to me. People say hi or smile at us as we make our way down the hall. I try to be polite but I really don’t recognize any of them. He stops outside a door and I bump into him. “Oh sorry! Guess I wasn’t paying close enough attention.” I sheepishly say to him. He turns around and puts his hand on my shoulder. “It’s OK. Don’t look so worried! Your friend, Rena should be in here. I’ll see you when I’m done and we’ll go back together.”
“Are you really sure about this? I’m just really nervous!” I can’t seem to focus on just one thing because I have so many thoughts running through my head.
“Would you have rather spent the day with Dustin coddling you?” Was that sarcasm or jealousy?
“Oh so that’s what you think of me? Well isn’t it nice to know where I stand?!” Yes, that remark ticked me off.
“No, you’re just thinking your own thoughts….as usual! Look, it’s going to be alright so you can calm down my little spitfire. I’ll come get you and I made sure you won’t be alone. You want to find your answers; this is a good starting point. Now, just go in here and talk to her. It was your idea to come, remember?” Geez! You would have to rub that in! Before I can answer him back, he opens the door and practically pushes me in!
“Maxey! Oh my gosh! I’ve missed you so much!” Rena comes from behind a desk and runs to hug me. She moved so fast, I barely got to see her.
“Umm hi! Yeah, it’s me…back to bug everyone!” I manage to say over her shoulder.
“Oh the way you talk sometimes,” she laughs. She steps back and looks like she’s assessing me for something. This is awkward! She looks nice enough, short auburn hair, green eyes, slightly taller than me but then she is wearing high heels.  I can’t really place her at the moment, but I’ll play along as best I can.
“Matt told me you haven’t been quite on par with everything. You feeling OK?”
“I’m doing my best to handle what I can. Just have to get back into the swing of things, I suppose. How are things for you?” I’m trying to keep a smile, but it’s not as easy as it sounds.
“Oh things stay hectic around here and, for now, everything else is rolling right along, so I can’t complain too much! He said your memory is causing problems? It’s not something really bad because that sounds a little scary.”
“No, I am working on that, so hopefully it can be resolved soon.” I don’t have a good reason, but I am so nervous around her. Something about this just does not feel right to me, but I can’t put my finger on anything in particular. Still, Matt arranged this, so I’ve got to trust him. I really thought though seeing another girl would be much easier than this.
“Well, Jerry will be glad you’re back. He’s been on a fit since you went away. No one can talk to him. I’m sure others will be glad to see you as well. You know, I don’t know how you manage to be so popular around here but I have a feeling it has something to do with your closeness to Matt.” She says this as if she’s almost jealous. Why should anyone be jealous of that? I’m not as close to him as Russ, so really? And Ugh! She had to mention Jerry! Not what I want to hear this early in the morning.
“I’ve never thought of myself as popular but if you say so. I’m just lucky to have such nice friends who care about me.” Not really sure how I can defend myself here so just play things off for now. “He told me that I should stay with you today. Do you really mind?”
“If Matt says it then I don’t mind. It will be fun spending the day with you! We don’t get to do that very often, always busy with work.” She’s looking over several papers. “I was surprised to get his call last night, but it was good to hear him. I don’t get his calls often. Must be nice to spend so much time around him.”
Really? Could she be any more obvious? This girl is dripping with envy and jealousy over Matt? >sigh< Now I remember! She’s had a huge crush on him since he first came around! Always gushing about his looks and everything about him! That’s why I don’t talk to her very much anymore! Oh no! Matt, you made a big mistake here! Of course she agreed to this, you were the one who asked! She would do just about anything for you, you doofus! Hmm I have to think of something because I can’t stay here and have her go on and on about him. I have my own problems where he is concerned! What to do?
“Oh he has his moments, just like he told me earlier about someone else. If I’m bothering you, I can find something else to do though. Really, don’t put yourself out on my account. I can explain things to him.”
“What? No! Not a bother to me! He arranged this, so it’s the very least I can do!” She grins and blushes every time she mentions him. Oh brother! “Besides, he should be busy with the show he’s working on so we should have the whole day.”
“Yeah, he mentioned that.” Man I feel so defeated! I have to come up with something to get out of here, but what? Think fast, Maxey! THINK!
“Why didn’t he escort you in? I thought I would see him bring you to me.” “Oh he did. He just pushed me in though. I guess he was in a hurry to get to where he needed to be, but he should be around again later.”
“You mean I still have a chance to see him?” She sounds like a giddy schoolgirl. It’s annoying but also pretty funny to see the effect he has on other girls as well. If he only realized how deep this went! Would he be surprised?!? Have to conceal my giggle here. Good thing she didn’t see him earlier….I’d probably never hear the end of it! “Hey I know! I can show around the studio since your memory is giving you fits. Maybe you can remember something along the way.”
“Uh, well OK, I guess that might help.” I have a feeling she’s doing this more in a hope to see him than to help me, but I can go along with this if I must. What would she do if she were face to face with him? Knowing him, he would just shrug her off.
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fearofaherobrine · 8 years
Roleplay Server Log #154
"Alex, Alex, Alex and Herabrine”
[Alexis] Is making her way down towards the bay-
[Alexsezia] Is fishing with several cats laying around her. Behind her Smudge is cropping grass while China and Hellion take a nap together in their pen. There's a splash in the distance of Herabrine swimming in the bay.
[Alexis] Knocks on the side of Alexsezia's house- Mind some company?
[Alesexia] Looks up - Not at all. It's just a lazy afternoon. Want some chase and crackers? There's milk in the little trunk too. - Indicates a small trunk beside the horse pen.
[Alexis] - Sure, why not.  So, anything new happen lately?
[Alexsezia] Oh not much. I went to town a couple of times since we talked last. It's really become a lively place with all the kids running around. But the Testificates seem happier, it's all the fun of players with none of the griefing.
[Alexis] -I see, and, sorry again for punching you the last time we talked...
[Alexsezia] Juts out her jaw a bit at the memory. - I forgive you. You were distraught, I know how upsetting this is for you.
[Alexis] - Thanks...  I really do miss him so much, but it's so odd watching him as a child...
{Alexsezia] There's a tugging on the line and Alexsezia flips up the string and catches a salmon before tossing it out again. The cats swarm on it like hungry piranahs and pick it clean of pixels. - It is strange, but he seems happy at least. I feel like this experience may help mend the rift between him and his brother.
[Alexis] - That will be so strange at first.  Stevie did his best to protect me from CP back on the other servers
[Alexsezia] Cp's a dork. It's fun watching Doc annoy him. It's hard to remember how scary he used to be.
[Alexis] - Maybe for you.  The last time we encountered him personally, well, that was the first time he really tried to kill me...  I didn't realize how much Stevie was protecting me
[Alexsezia] Yeah... Things are so different here. I admit I've been watching most of it at a remove as well. I'm just looking at the result.
-There's a few ripples and bubbles in the water a little ways out-
[Alexis] - Yeah...  I wonder how Lie and CP will react once their house ends up being quiet again?
[Alexsezia] But it won't be quiet. There's still Ashe and Willow and Oak.
[Alexis] - Yes, but the dragons seem to grow up pretty fast
[Alexsezia] I think that won't be the case with Ashe. Since he's stunted, I think he'll be under his mothers wing for quite some time. - There's a little tug on the line and Alexsezia draws back a pair of iron boots. - Sheesh. Well at least they're enchanted.
[Alexis] - That's the white one...  right?
[Alexsezia] Yes, the one with the googles. Need a pair of boots? It looks like they have a mid-level unbreaking.
[Alexis] - Nah, I've got a higher one at home- She pops some chase into her mouth
-Another little splash-
[Alexsezia] Narrows her eyes as she stares at the water and then reels the line in again. The lobster flops off the end of the hook and scuttles across the blanket snipping it claws- Yikes!
-Chuckle from the water-
[Alexis] Grabs an arrow from her inventory and stabs the lobster-
[Alexsezia] I know you're out there. Stop messing around. If you want to talk come over here and stop putting dumb things on my line!
[Herabrine] Pops up in the shallows- You're no fun.
[Alexsezia] Any new gossip Hera?
[Herabrine] Grins hugely - I saw something I shouldn't have....
[Alexis] - What was it?
[Herabrine] Weeeeellll - she twiddles a bit of her hair between her fingers. -I saw Flicker and Priestess Beanz taking an early morning stroll by the shore.
[Alexsezia] Sneaky brine...
[Alexis] - Who?
[Alexsezia] Priestess Beanz was the high authority in Jebs main church on my old seed, she kinda got dragged in with us in the chaos of our escape from there.
[Herabrine] And Flicker is a weird Testificate gal who dresses like a creeper and keeps a huge amount of them as pets. They have a kind of hate hate thing going outwardly. There are a lot of people taking bets on when they'll snap from the sexual tension and pounce one another.
[Alexis] - I see...
[Alexsezia] But they argue all the damn time.
[Herabrine] So I know next to zip about you Alexsis, tell me everything. - She's grinning and flipping her plastic monofin idly in the shallows.
[Alexis] - Uh, well, like most Alex's I'm an archer, I like cooking and cleaning.  I really don't like staying in one place...  Oh and rabbits seem to really like me
[Alexsezia] You actually like doing the domestic thing? I've cooked for TLOT and Steve before but mostly because neither of them are that good at it. Well... TLOT has gotten better since we came here. But still, I prefer making potions to food.
[Herabrine] I'm technically an Alex, but honestly, I suck with a bow.
[Alexis] - The taste of potions kinda deters me from making them a bit, but I like things to be organized...  And Stevie can't cook worth a shit
[Herabrine] GK can't cook either. So glad I live alone. Just me and Maggie under the sea.
[Alexsezia] Doc mentioned that with Cp's potions. Yours taste bad too? Have you tried making any since you got here? Maybe it's a local ingredient thing affecting the taste?
[Herabrine] Idly uses her fin to flip a luckless fish into the midst of the cats.
[Alexis] - I've never had any of CP's potions, but I know mine are a bit better than Stevies. I haven't made any potions since getting here
[Alexsezia] Maybe that's something we should try, because mine don't taste nasty at all. Though not as good as Doc's, but I suspect xe puts sugar in theirs when no one is looking.
[Alexis] - We could try- She eats a bit more
[Herabrine] Rolls over to look at Alexsezia upside down - Am I welcome in your house Alexsezia? Even with my wet feet?
[Alexsezia] Rolls her eyes- As long as they're nice to the cats, everyone is welcome in my house.
[Herabrine] Awesome- she notices the impaled lobster and lifts it up on the arrow. - Who did this?
[Alexis] - I did
[Herabrine] Then I'll show you a trick - She draws up a tentacle of water and englobes the dead lobster
[Alexis] Watches with interest-
[Herabrine] puts one finger in the globe and it starts to steam and boil as if it were in a hot glass ball. After a minute she shakes the water off and holds the arrow out to Alexsis - Ready for eating. Just break the shell open.
[Alexsezia] Best thing Cp ever gave you huh?
[Herabrine] Yeah, usually he just gives me a headache
[Alexis] Frowns- CP gave you this?
[Herabrine] I went on a little astral excursion into the real world with him and basically made him my butt boy as payment for my assistance. He bought me a ton of shit. But these guys have really adapted well to life here and they're common all up and down the coast now.
[Alexis] - That just seems...  So strange for him...
[Herabrine] He bought me this too- waves the monofin like a mermaid tail.
[Alexsezia] Yeah because you badgered him. That was a nice piece of work.
[Alexsezia] Come on anyway Alexis, let's go inside and butter your bug before the meat gets cold.
[Alexis] Frowns- Finding it difficult to wrap her head around CP being even remotely nice
[Herabrine] kicks up her fin and puts it away, as she climbs out of the water it steams off her clothes and hair.
[Alexsezia] gathers up the trunk and fishing pole before leading them inside.
[Herabrine] I've actually never seen the inside of your house before. It's cute.
[Alexis] Pets some of the cats-
[Alexsezia] Gets out some butter and gives it to Alexis - Thank you. It's modest since it's just me and the kitties.
[Herabrine] You say that like there aren't tons of cats in here.
[Alexis] - She does have a point...
[Alexsezia] You have your hobbies, I have mine.
[Alexis] Takes the butter and heads for Alexsezia's kitchen-
-Cats smell the slightly fishy scent and some of them investigate Alexis-
[Alexis] - Oh hush, this isn't for you
[Herabrine] So what do you do all day Alexsezia? I don't see you go out much.
[Alexsezia] well.... I've been painting a lot.
[Alexis] - You've been making pictures?
[Alexsezia] Yeah, I use the little dye blobs. I figured out a way to connect the sheets of paper without making them into maps first too.
[Alexis] - Interesting...
[Alexsezia] I can show you how if you're artistically inclined. And what about you Hera, don't you get lonely hanging out underwater all the time?
[Alexis] - Not really, never really had time
[Herabrine] I kinda.... I miss the temple I guarded before I was.... changed. So I've been doing underwater builds.
[Alexsezia] Like what?
[Herabrine] There's a shrine with a decorative roof and an underwater garden so far. I made some little roads too.
[Alexis] - Neat, you said you had a pet?
[Herabrine] I have a small magma cube named Maggie. I just keep her in a pen in my house mostly.
[Alexis] - I see.- Starts eating the lobster
[Alexis] - The only thing in my house is the kitten Alexsezia gave me
[Alexis] - Hey Hera, how has Lie been lately?
[Alexsezia] You know if you want more pets there's nothing stopping you Alexsis.   I bet if you asked Deerheart she could even get you a Pokemon next time Doc takes her out.
[Herabrine] I don't know Alexis, she seems stressed lately. I think her trip to the so-called manor was a real eye-opener. I had my fun there mostly because I was traveling astrally and could just bring myself out of it and wake up here if it all got to be too much, plus it filtered the worst of the smells. Lie is... Well like her flowers, she needs certain things to flourish. And none of those things can exist in Slenders house except for Cp himself. And while she does love Stevie, the constant crush of him needing attention and her not getting intimate time with her husband is wearing on her.
[Alexis] - I see...  I keep wanting to go over there and check on Stevie at least...  Even though it still hurts a bit to think that he doesn't remember me...  But it's the thought of CP that keeps deterring me...
[Alexsezia] You just feel vulnerable since you're a human in a brines house...
[Herabrine] He's got no reason to be pissed at you though... And I could go with you. Or, I'm sure if you asked Doc, or TLOT that they'd say the same.
[Alexis] - Thanks, I'll keep it in mind.- She sighs and eats a bit more
[Alexis] - Although the last time CP and I really interacted was when I was helping Lie escape...
-there is a loud thump outside vin is outside holding gem under his arm she seems frustrated and struggling-
[Alexis] - Uh, what was that?
[Herabrine] I doubt he's forgotten about that, but it's kind of irrelevant now, don't you think?
[Alexis] - Ah, weeeeeeell, I did kinda supply the weapon for Lie to send him back to respawn...
[Alexsezia] glances out the window and stares - wait? Lie managed to kill him?
[Herabrine] Holy shit.
[Alexis] - Yeah, we were in a swamp, and Stevie had already taken a good chunk of his health out.  She got a hold of my bow and quiver which had landed in a bush after he ripped me off of my horse.  She shot him right between the ribs in the heart.
[Alexsezia] Now that's ironic.
[Herabrine] No shit. Beauty killed the beast.
[Alexis] - She was pretty terrified at the time, she had just escaped the Nether, ended up in a snow biome, and CP was determined to drag her back to the Nether
[Alexsezia] It doesn't matter, it's still an acomplishment. Usually it's the players getting turned to mush by brines.
[Herabrine] Gives a little warning growl.
[Alexsezia] I didn't say it was right! But you guys have a bigger health bar then even the ender dragon!
[Herabrine] Still looks miffed. - We have to live here. Players can log off.
[Alexis] - Like I said, Stevie had taken a good chunk of his health out already, but that was a remarkable shot on her end
[Alexis] - I can't imagine what things are like from your perspective Hera, that is, since you're a brine yourself
[Alexsezia] Agreed, I didn't know Lie was good with a bow. I'm not sure I've ever seen her with a weapon, besides her plants.
[Herabrine] I'm a bit less beset then the others. The NOTCHs probably don't even know I exist. Well apart from the one who cursed me and GK... and he seemed content to just watch us suffer.
[Alexis] - I'd say Lie is almost as good as us Alex's with a bow, and I suppose you're lucky at not really being known Hera.  It makes you less of a target from those outside of the seed, and pretty much makes you an ace up our sleeves
[Herabrine] Hmph. You guys don't always include me in your little circles. I'll help Lie because she's my friend. But I'm not sticking my neck out unless the server itself is in danger, I know how important it is to GK to keep Steffan safe at least. Otherwise, nope. Not unless there's something in it for me.
[Alexis] - I see...  You know we could see if Lie would want to come out hunting with us
[Herabrine] That's not much of a challenge....
[Alexis] - Why is that?"
[Herabrine] Because if I want to kill an animal I can form a water block around it's head and drown it.
[Alexis] Leans away a little- Please don't...  I meant with bows...
[Herabrine] Why? It's efficient and they die really quickly.
[Alexsezia] I think you're missing the point Hera.
[Herabrine] I thought you wanted to go hunt? The point is to kill some food right?
[Alexis] - Not this hunt, it's more of a...  skill check
[Herabrine] Cocks her head at an angle.
[Alexsezia] She means like a contest.
[Herabrine] Oh.
[Alexis] - And it's for fun
[Herabrine] Okay, but when it's my turn I'm gonna use my water beam. I'm not good with physical weapons.
[Alexis] - That's fine.  Should we just go see if Lie's available now?  I mean the three of us are already here...  And should we invite Sweet Alex?
[Herabrine] Rolls her eyes but no one notices- Whatever....
[Alexsezia] Is already typing in the chat. - It looks like she's by the fountain, she says she'll meet us by Lie's greenhouse.
[Alexis] - Great, we can probably borrow some of Lie's horses too if we wanted
[Herabrine] Floats a little off the floor - Yeah, not gonna bother with that.
[Alexis] - What is with brine kind and floating?
[Alexsezia] I'll just take Smudge.
[Herabrine] It's fun. And quicker them walking.
[Alexis] - Lucky
[Alexsezia] Goes outside -
[Alexis] Heads outside- Well, we better not keep the others waiting
[Herabrine] Shoots quickly behind Alexis and grabs her around the waist, holding her forward and flying her quickly less then two blocks above the ground.
[Alexsezia] Runs for her horse and is soon hot on their heels
[Alexis] Yelps in surprise-
[Herabrine] Goes up a bit and makes a quick loop before shooting up the side of the fountain and fast down the opposite side.
[Alexsezia] Leaps her horse over the water.
[Sweet Alex] Is laughing below -I think it's called hot dogging!
[CP] Growls from inside his and Lie's bedroom-
[Lie] - Calm down CP, they're just having fun
[Sweet Alex] Is chasing underneath merrily as Herabrine zooms along with Alexis in her arms
[Herabrine] Come on! It's fun!
[Alexis] - And a bit terrifying!
[Herabrine] Goes up and makes a wide curve around - Doc is worse!
[Alexis] - I've noticed!
[Herabrine] Hey I know! - She goes super high and pulls a pair of elytra out of creative.
[Sweet Alex] Is just standing there shading her eyes, looking very tiny below
[Alexsezia] She doesn't know how to use those!
[Herabrine] No time like the present! - Slaps them on Alexis and lets her fall.
[Alexis] Shrieks as she falls-
[Herabrine] tps below her and bumps her up so the wings catch and spread
[Alexis] May be gliding now but cannot steer-
[Herabrine] Is flying along beside her. - You have to turn. Unless you want to go to Doc's castle instead of Lies house.
[Alexis] - HOW!?
[Herabrine] Grabs a wing and bends it down so Alexis is turning-
[Alexis] Yells as she turns too far and is heading towards Alexsezia's house-
[Herabrine] Is floating at speed above her and turns her again
[Alexis] Is now heading towards Lie's place- How do we reach the ground1/
[Herabrine] They'll naturally angle down. Just kinda tuck and roll right before you hit.
[Alexis] - LIKE NOW!?
[Herabrine] Now is good
[Alexis] Slams into the ground-
[Herabrine] That's not good.
[Alexsezia] Gallops up. - That wasn't much of a landing
[Sweet Alex] Is already on her - Are you hurt?!
[Alexis] Pushes herself up- Owww, I'm okay, taken worse then that
[Herabrine] Still fun though.
[Alexsezia] Hera...
[Alexis] Maybe after more practice
[Herabrine] What? She said it so bitter, like she was jelous.
[Sweet Alex] Elytra are better with a friend who can fly. I'm pretty good with them thanks to GK.
[Alexsezia] I think I'll stick with my horse.
*Firebird glides down and circles around them a bit
[Alexis] - I think I like the ground better too, but it would be a decent skill to learn
[Herabrine] Either way, keep em, with my blessings.
[Aweet Alex] Oh! What a pretty bird!
[Herabrine] Pfft. He's not a bird. That's a NOTCH. Mix's NOTCH to be precise.
[Alexsezia] Gives Firebird a suspicious look - Did Doc clear this one to be here?
[Firebird] Chirp.
[Herabrine] Yeeeah. He's some kinda pacifist.
[Sweet Alex] I think he's beautiful.
[Firebird] Chirp. *Tries to land on Sweet Alex's head or shoulder. Anything that's available.
[Alexis] - I'm betting CP's already tried to kill him...
[Sweet Alex] Want a cracker pretty birdie? - Offers one-
[Herabrine] Yep. Doc stopped him. Mix vouched for him and since they're also a brine they took responsibility for him.
[Alexis] - I don't think I've met Mix
[Sweet Alex] Wobbles under him, she's only a block and a half tall.
[Alexsezia] Look for a brine with dark skin and glowing freckles. She's very quiet and sweet.
[Alexis] - I see.  So, do we enter the demons lair?- Jabs a thumb at Lie's place
*Firebird takes the offered cracker and holds it in his beak happily.
[Herabrine] Cp? A demon? - Laughs- He's a pussycat.
[Alexsezia] Snorts - That's one dangerous kitty. You should have seen the damage he caused in my house, fireball scoring and cat piss everywhere!
[Sweet Alex] Falls flat under Firebird- Oof!
[Alexis] - I've seen him a few times as a cat...  Trying to hide under our house...
[Firebird] ... *Awkwardly hops off Sweet Alex
[Alexsezia] Yeaaah, he really shouldn't piss off TLOT, he may seem harmless but it's just because he's trying so hard to be a nice person. He's incredibly formidable if you challenge him.
[Sweet Alex] Dusts herself off. She pats Firebird- It's okay.
[Herabrine] grumbles- I wouldn't fight with him....
[Alexis] - I was luckily on the other side of the house, Stevie barely managed to scramble out of the way
[Firebird] Chirp! *Flaps wings a bit and eats his crackers finally
[Herabrine] I remember.
[Alexsezia] Well Cp trapped Doc. And they are close friends. Nether, everyone in my group owes Doc just for bringing us here. You didn't see what we escaped from.
[Alexis] - What did you escape from?  The NOTCH I know has always been kind to Stevie and I so I'm not really able to imagine what you may have gone through...
[Alexsezia] You don't know? Our NOTCH is a monster. He did terrible things to both TLOT and Steve. Trying to part them, kill them, attacking them even in their dreams. At the end I didn't even see our NOTCH. Just the wave of absolute destruction as something invisible and titanic smashed our Testificate village and ripped up the trees and earth as it stomped towards us.
[Sweet Alex] Is staring - really? Notch's can do that?
[Herabrine] That and worse.
[Alexis] - That...  Is terrifying
[CP] Is growing more agitated as he tries to focus on Lie-
[Herabrine] Why do you think none of us trust guys like this?- thumbs at Firebird.
[Alexsezia] TLOT is terrified of the Nether because of our NOTCH, he was left to suffer there once, crucifed with swords on a crude throne. Steve saved him.
*Annoyed feather ruffle
[Alexis] - Ours was just always so kind, I know Doc has said there were two, but...  I've only ever known one...
[Herabrine] What about Markus? You met him at the baby shower, right?
[Sweet Alex] This one seems harmless though. But I wonder why he's a bird?
[Alexis] - Oh that's right.  I didn't really talk to him though...
[Alexsezia] He's nice enough. He seems to really enjoy taking care of Stevie at least.
[Herabrine] He's a dork too. Did you see the hair Doc gave him?
[Alexis] - Is that what that is?  I thought it was some sort of animal with how much he was petting it
[Alexsezia] chuckles- It's because he's attracted to Flux. He plays with it whenever he spots her.
[Sweet Alex] Awwwwwww!
[Alexis] - Flux?
[Herabrine] Yeah the magic girl. I haven't met her but I've seen her around. She's nine shades of purple. Apparently she's sorta related to CP and Stevie?
[Sweet Alex] Really, is she their mom?
[Alexis] - I've never heard of her...
[Alexsezia] She just got here, a few days ago? I've seen her name in the chat.
[Alexis] - Lie probably knows more
[Herabrine] We should go bug her- She chucks a dirt block at the side of Lie's room.
[Sweet Alex] HERA!
[CP] Has had enough and slams open the bedroom door, storming out onto the bridge- ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!?  STOP FUCKING BUGGING US!
[Firebird] *ducks behind Sweet Alex
[Herabrine] - dissolves into a gale of giggles
[Sweet Alex] Turns an embarrassed pink
[Alexsezia] Points at Herabrine- she did it.
[Herabrine] Choking on her laughter - why are you naked?
[Alexsezia] Starts giggling as well.
[Sweet Alex] We should go!
[Herabrine] Pffft!
[Herabrine] Can we go kill things now?
[Alexis] - I really hoped Lie could come with us...
[Alexsezia] Lie is busy. This can be an Alex only outing.
[CP] - Go...  Shoo
[Sweet Alex] I brought a bow. Can the bird come with us?
[Herabrine] Whatever, lets go.
[Alexsezia] Turns Smudge. - let's go out on the savannah
[Alexis] - C...  CP?  Can you let Lie know I'm borrowing a horse?
[CP] - Yeah fine whatever, just leave!
[Sweet Alex] Looks around in the area slightly beyond the house and saddles a wild pig.
[Herabrine] You are such a dweeb.
[Alexsezia] Is trotting along on Smudge. - Come on guys, lets go
[Alexis] Goes into the stable and comes out with a light bay colored horse and easily climbs on-
*Firebird takes to the air above them
[Alexis] Trots to catch up with Alexsezia and draws up beside her, pulling out her own bow-
[Herabrine] Points out a cluster of chickens - there you go, those are small targets.
[Alexis] - So who goes first?
[Sweet Alex] Me! - She pulls out a normal looking bow and aims for the closest chicken. She hits it, but just barely.
[Alexis] - Nice, my turn!- She notches an arrow and takes aim, releasing a steadying breath she releases the arrow, it strikes right in a chickens head
[Alexsezia] Is moving the bow around, trying to decide on a target. Finally she arcs the arrow up gently and and it comes down at a graceful angle, nearly hitting the bird from straight above.
[Herabrine] Makes a sniffing noise and does a little spin on one heel before unleashing an energy blast that not only kills the target, but cooks it as well.
[Alexis] - Oh, we're doing that are we?- Pulls out a bow with flame and fire aspect on it
[Sweet Alex] is lining up for another shot when the pig under her bumps her arm. The shot goes wild and the arrow sticks firmly in Firebirds rear as he flies over. - SORRY!
[Herabrine] Falls over laughing- Perfect shot!
[Alexis] - Oh, ouch...
[Alexsezia] I heard what you did to Steffan, what is it with you and shooting people in the butt?
[Sweet Alex] I'M SORRY!
[Alexis] - It's okay, if he comes over here we can remove it
[Herabrine] Hey birb-brain! Get over here!
[Herabrine] Turns back to Alexis - Lets see what you got Alex.
[Alexsezia] Makes a quick gallop around and picks up the dropped items.
[Alexis] There's a determined flash in Alexis' eye- You're on- She spots some pigs at a greater distance and takes aim and fires, she hits the farthest pig and it alights, showing that she did hit it.  It quickly dies and leaves behind a cooked porkchop
[Herabrine] Does a little flip in the air and throws a hand dramatically at a small pool of water. A clear tentacle of it rises up and grabs a cow before pulling it under the surface with barely a ripple.
[Sweet Alex] Holy crap.... that's kinda scary.
[Alexis] - Hmmm- She decides to notch two arrows on her string-  Let's see how well we can hit multiple targets at once
*Firebird lands and awkwardly tries to remove the arrow himself, looking very uncomfortable and in pain
[Alexsezia] Well I'm out, I can't do more then one arrow. Come here birdie. I'll get that arrow.
[Herabrine] Is searching for suitable targets.
[Alexis] Releases her double arrows on the two remaining pigs, both hit, not as solidly as she would have liked, but they hit-
*Firebird  hisses a bit softly
[Herabrine] Well, I can make waves that knock lots of players down at once, or a cluster of tendrils from one pool... But I can only do one energy blast from each hand. It's not much of an effort to aim anyway, I can just point at stuff.
[Alexsezia] Is trying to get close to Firebird.
*He flaps a wing at her, but that's about it
[Alexsezia] Pulls the arrow out with a little 'pook'
[Alexis] - Well Hera?  It's your turn
[Herabrone] Throws a pair of short blasts, the one from her left hand almost misses, but both of them nearly explode the chickens into clouds of feathers.
[Alexis] - Hmmm...  Seems we're about even...
[Herabrine] Yeah I usually just use my right hand or both clasped together.
[Alexis] - Only reason I can fire two arrows at once is because of CP's mobs...
[Sweet Alex] Necessity will always keep you in practice.
[Alexis] - Exactly
[Alexsezia] I've gotten pretty good at just avoiding the mobs. I kinda feel bad fighting the skeletons at least since I know what they actually are.
[Alexis] - What they actually are?
[Alexszia] On our seed at least, they're the remains of dead Steves. All TLOT's failed experiments before the one he fell in love with.
[Herabrine] Ours are just grunts. They're their own species.
[Alexis] - They...  They were like us?
[Sweet Alex] You've never talked to Steve's 'brothers'? Navy is a little serious, but most of them are very polite.
[Alexis] - I haven't really been around there much, plus it never really occurred to me...
[Sweet Alex] Do what I do if you want to visit someone. Make some food and take it over as a present.
[Alexsezia] Just be prepared to pay close attention. They can't really talk, they kinda do sign language.
[Alexis] - I know CP can speak to and understand his mobs, but Stevie and I can't...
[Herabrine] Look for any skeleton wearing a sweater and a hat. Some of the mounted one's patrol outside the town regularly.
[Alexsezia] I can't either. Just wave and smile. You'll get the hang of it quite quickly.
[Alexis] - I'll try.  Stevie's also mentioned one named Sam?
[Sweet Alex] Oh I love Sam, he's the best.
[Herabrine] genuine smile - He's the bartender at the brine bar. It's the building with the lava fountain beside the library
[Alexis] - Oh, I actually haven't been there...
[Alexsezia] Well it's not just brines only anymore. But there is still a sign that says humans have to be accompanied by a brine. They keep it up mostly for chuckles now.
[Herabrine] We can go there afterwards if you want.
[Alexis] - I'm not so sure...
[Herabrine] Why? You've got me. - grins hugely-
[Alexis] - You nearly gave me a heart attack earlier...
[Sweet Alex] Oh hush, it's safe
[Herabrine] That was just a bit of fun, and Elytra are rare items.
[Alexsezia] For anyone who can't access creative....
[Alexis] - I suppose we could go there...
[Herabrine] It's the middle of the day. It's unlikely any of the other brines besides me are even out of bed.
[Alexsezia] TLOT is probably just getting his coffee now, he's not a morning person.
[Alexis] - And as much as I hate to think about it, we know where CP and Lie is
[Sweet Alex] Gk might be around, but he's probably napping.
[Alexsezia] And I'd bet you an emerald Doc is way underground in hir lab and has been working on some project since mid-day yesterday.
[Alexis] - Good point
[Herabrine] Gathers up the rest of the meat. - Come on then, it's not that far away, we'll cut around the huge tree and skirt the fenced off forest thing.
[Sweet Alex] I heard there's a spooky clown in there.
[Alexis] - Really?
[Alexsezia] Yeah, another creepypasta, I hear music when I go by sometimes. It's weird. I get the feeling there's a much bigger area inside that small fence.
[Herabrine] Makes spooky noises-
[Alexis] - How is that possible?
[Alexsezia] No idea, but I'm not going in to find out, and neither should any of you.
[Alexis] - Hmmm...
[Sweet Alex] Looks into the trees - I wonder why someone would hide in there all alone?
[Alexis] - You said it was a creepy pasta?  Who knows...
[Alexsezia] I know it has something to do with all the new human kids in the village.
[Herabrine] Maybe he eats little kids!
[Alexis] - I noticed that, it's a lot of kids, isn't it?
[Sweet Alex] Hera! That's horrible!
[Alexsezia] More then could have been in there unnoticed. - thumbs at the small fenced in forest.
[Alexis] - That's for sure...
[Alexsezia] Clops past the library - It's just over here. There's a horse pen in the front.
[Alexis] - Good, don't want to lose Lie's horse
[Sweet Alex] Unsaddles the pig and gives it a pat before letting it loose. - Thank you piggy
[Herabrine] Makes a show of holding the door for them.
[Sweet Alex] Thank you Hera
[Alexis] Jumps into the pen before dismounting and climbing out of the pen and follows Sweet Alex in-
[Sam] Stops and stares at them for a moment before shaking hir head.
[Sweet Alex] Hi Sam. I brought friends.
[Alexis] Nervously looks around-
[Herabrine] Slaps the dead chickens on the counter. - Could you cook and sauce these up for us Sam?
[Sam] Shakes hir head egarly and bustles off into the kitchen with the meat.
[Alexsezia] Picks up a handful of darts and lobs them gently one by one into a target on the wall.
[Alexis] Takes a seat at a booth-
[Sweet Alex] Hops up on a barstool and makes it turn back and forth while kicking her feet.
[Sam] brings back the chicken with what's obviously four different glazes and passes it around with cups of lemonade.
[Alexsezia] I see TLOT was here.
[Alexis] Takes a glass-What is this?
[Alexsezia] It's juice from a type of fruit that Lie made. Something from the outside.
[Herabrine] Just try it, it's puckery  and sweet. - Takes a huge bite of chicken and eats it noisly
[Sweet Alex] Nibbles delicately.
[Alexis] Takes a sip- Not bad
[Sam] makes a questioning gesture at Alexsis-
[Sweet Alex] Sam this is Alexsis, she's with Cp's group.
[Sam] Gives a Alexis a look that conveys some obvious pity and pulls out a nicely decorated dessert with apples and whipped cream before setting it in front of her. He does some more hand waving, mimes cat ears on his own skull and makes an obvious wanking motion. Herabrine laughs in his direction
[Herabrine] Alexis, if it wasn't blazingly obvious xe basically says Cp's a wanker and here's something nice for you since Xe feels sorry for you for having to deal with his crap before he came here.
[Alexsezia] Yeah Sam's had a front-row seat to Cps stupid behavior several times.
[Sam] Holds up a couple of bony digits and makes a gesture at the floor and indicates the shape of flames.
[Alexsezia] Yeah.... Who builds a bar for Herobrine's out of wood anyway? Don't almost all of you run super high body temperatures even when you're in peak health?
[Herabrine] I dunno, I'm not super hot. And Lie must run cold for a brine since lava actually hardens on her.
[Sweet Alex] Doc isn't that hot are they? I thought their glitch was more an electrical thing then a heat issue?
[Alexsezia] Yeah, but TLOT is crazy hot. Steve told me once that he had to use a ghast-skin condom to top him. I was there the first time he tried without one and he only lasted a few minutes.
[Sweet Alex] Steve is bad in bed?
[Alexsezia] No! He burned his wiener and had to quit!
[Herabrine] is laughing so hard she can barely breathe-
[Sweet Alex] Wait.... Alexsezia.... Why were you watching them have sex? I thought you were ace like me?
[Alexsezia] I am, it's complicated... Suffice to say I didn't want to be there and I was pretty scared that TLOT would somehow trick Steve and hurt him for trying that. But I couldn't leave him alone with someone i was pretty sure at the time was a horrible monster.
[Alexis] - Can't really blame you for thinking that- Finished her food - Pretty good. As for the subject of sex, I can't really talk since I really didn't know about or till Stevie and I came here
[Alexsezia] I was wrong about him though, he just a made a terrible first impression out of desperation. Some brines need human fear just to survive.
[Herabrine] I heard about TLOT's little download to Stevie. The god of lust strikes again!
[Sweet Alex] Most of us are ace though, that makes you unique Alexis.
[Alexsezia] Yeah, guys are a hassle. For a long time Steve was the only other human I'd met and I just wasn't feeling it. He was made for his brine, literally.
[Sweet Alex] They're such a cute couple.
[Herabrine] When I first met GK I had the option to go after him, but it was more fun just to be his friend and wreck shit up with him. I'm not into relationships either.
[gem] -runs in and hides behind the pool table her wings are flapping it making it not hard to see-
[Herabrine] Whoah! What the fuck?
[Alexsezia] Yeah honestly...
[Alexis] - Um, who is this?
[gem] -she peaks out her wings still flapping- i'm gem.
[Herabrine] You're the accidental brine aren't you?
[Sweet Alex] Oh dear.
[gem] yea a notch mistook me for a brine because space angels also have glowing eyes just slightly different and made me a brine.
[Herabrine] See Alexis, this is what it looks like on our end. If your eyes shine, you're a target. Doesn't matter if you're not hurting anyone.
[Alexsezia] You didn't have wings last time I saw you.
[Alexis] - And those like my eventual brother in law don't help any?
[Herabrine] Well from what's Lie's told me; he was peaceful before the pretender NOTCH tried to delete him.
[gem] oh yea doc fixed my wings vin one of my guardians is trying to get me to stop flying around but I just want to keep flying I missed it
[Alexis] - That's the one I know, right?
[Herabrine] Yes, he's not the one who raised Cp and Stevie. That one died, quite recently.
[Sweet Alex] Why doesn't he want you to fly?
[Alexis] - Died? How is that possible?
[gem] because I have been flying for a while he wants me to rest.
[Herabrine] Because the one that made you tried to delete Stevie  and Cp's real father too. He was much more successful since Insanity had no interest in saving him.
[Sweet Alex] Well then you should rest a bit! Have some chicken, sit with us. We have lemonade too.
[Alexis] A worried expression crises her face-
[Alexsezia] Alexis.... I know a bit about this secondhand. Cp got to see him very briefly before he glitched out of existence.
[gem] -her wings rest back down and sits down at one of the booths- I would love some lemonade.
[Sam] Brings Gem a glass-
[gem] thank you sam -starts to drink the lemonade-
[Herabrine] Yeah he was a mess. He just moped in his cat form. Hiding in Lie's room for days.
[Alexis] - He did? And I'm guessing they haven't told Stevie
[Sweet Alex] What was wrong with your wings? Did you break one landing wrong?
[gem] oh the notch that attacked me ripped them off
[Herabrine] Why the fuck would they tell Stevie? He's just a little kid right now and he thinks Markus is his real dad. He'd be confused as hell and cry his eyes out.
[Sweet Alex] He what?! That's terrible! Alexis? Did you hear that? What the Nether....
[Alexis] - Exactly, that almost seems like something CP would do...
[Herabrine] You don't get it, do you? Cp loved Stevie when he was little this is like the old times before all the bad shit happened for him.
[Alexsezia] I saw the fear in his eyes when I told him what it would take to fix Stevie. He can't do it.
This message has been removed.
[Alexis] - I know I know, you told me
[Herabrine] Then don't expect him to break Stevie's hearts. -turns to Sweet Alex- He fucking what?
[gem] they didn't respawn when I did none of my injury's heal though respawn when that happened when I came back I was bleeding had extrea eyes and the notch was coming for me
[Sweet Alex] So some of these bits, are not... you?
[Alexis] - Sorry, it's just, I've never been able to see past the wrongs someone has done unless it's Stevie, and I'm beginning to wonder if it has to do with NOTCH...
[Alexsis] You think there's a bug in your programming that makes you prone to certain attitudes?
[Herabrine] That's shitty. I'd go talk to Doc about that right quickly.
[gem] I use to have three eyes now I have seven I think it might because my old eyes glowed so I needed new eyes to show I was a brine at that point.
[Alexis] - Well so far every Alex I've met here has been pretty forgiving... And I was made by the NOTCH that tried to remove CP...
[Sweet Alex] But they all glow. Do you want some of them removed?
[Alexsezia] That makes me suspicious. Has Doc ever given you a checkup?
[Alexis] - No
[gem] nah I see just fine if I have them or not I also have gown attached to the extra eyes
[Herabrine] Do it. I know they look ten shades of crazy but they know their shit.
[Sweet Alex] Smiles- as long as your comfortable. My friend GK taught me about dysphoria, I know it can be traumatic.
[Alexis] - Whatever it is can't be to strong can it? I mean, Endrea got past her coding, and she was designed to destroy CP
[Herabrine] Yeah but Cp also made a bargin with her to protect her at her most vulnerable state. He likes to wheel and deal with people. I take it he's never offered you anything you wanted?
[Alexsezia] Wait.... don't do that. If you have some kind of coding to make you respond certain ways to him, you might be a sleeper and not realize it.
[gem] I am just happy to have made so many friends on this server.
[Alexis] - No, he never tried to make a deal with me
[Herabrine] Fuuuuck. Alexsezia might be right. For all you know you're programmed to go berzerk if you make a deal with him, since it would be betraying your creator.
[Sweet Alex] You should come fly with me and Gk one day.
[Alexis] - Perhaps I should go see Doc then...
[gem] I would love to join you.
[Alexsezia] Do it. Better safe then sorry.
[Sweet Alex] Come visit me anytime. Well, not too early. It's hard to get him moving in the morning.
[Alexis] - Yeah, I just don't want to interrupt them if they are doing something...
[gem] I bet he seems like he likes to sleep.
[Alexsezia] That's impossible! They're always doing something. Even Cp can't handle the sheer amount of energy what they are naturally generates.
[Herabrine] Yeah, that's why he went crazy a while back and was chasing Doc all over the seed. He can't handle what they did to him without that goofy looking sword Honedge draining his energy.
[Alexis] - It drains his energy?
[Sweet Alex] Yeah he's silly like that, I guess being a giant dragon is tiring. Plus he's an older brine.
[Herabrine] Constantly, it's a ghost sword.
[gem] I would say the younger the dragon the more active they are
[Alexis] - Weird... Well would one of you at least be willing to come with me? Since I really don't know Doc that well...
[Sweet Alex] He's lived many many lifetimes.
[Herabrine] I'll go with you.
[Alexsezia] That works, I'll take Lie's horse and put it away.
[gem] see older and I have a tiny baby dragon that chills in my pond who is super hyperactive
[Sweet Alex] REALLY? That's so cute! I've never seen a water dragon except for the thing with the shell that Silver owns.
[Alexis] - Thanks
[Herabrine] Just take one of the skeleton horses outside. Doc is constantly moving them back and forth as need between here and the castle anyway
[gem] yea aqua like to spray people with water so I added glass in front of the path so they couldn't spray ben and aven.
[Sweet Alex] Oh no! That's so naughty! Oh Aven and BEN? Hows the baby doing?
[Alexis] - Got it, but first, let's finish eating
[Herabrine] pushes away the plate of bones in front of her. - Been done.
[gem] hyrule is super cute and happy.
[Sweet Alex] Awww. And the parents?
[gem] trying to get use to being parents still but are getting better.
[Sweet Alex] Well I'd love to babysit if they need help. I'm all about cute things.
[gem] it's pretty hard to see them even let have someone babysit ben is territorial and they are both still scared of water.
[Alexis] - Err, well...- Is finished herself but nervous about going to see Doc
[Herabrine] What's that face for? Doc is weird as fuck, but they're also ironclad on consent. They ain't gonna knock you down and sew a pair of wings to you, Gem asked for those.
[Sweet Alex] Well this is thier first kid.
[Alexis] - I know, I'm just... Nervous...
[Herabrine] Wiggles her stubby fingers- gonna go to the big spooky castle and visit the crazy doctor - oooooooo
[gem] I bet they are going to teach hyrule all about video games
[Sweet Alex] Being able to gamehop is a pretty special skill. Especially since one of them is a creepypasta that's had contact with Slender. They might need to hide.
[Herabrine] laughs- Don't be a weenie. And Deerheart asked Doc for what they got as well.
[Alexis] Sighs- Alright, let's get this over with
[gem] I will help protect hyrule ben and aven from slender
*Firebird pops into the bar in his other form
[Sweet Alex] I'm glad. I think we all need all the defenders we can get here.
[Herabrine] Shrieks-
[Sweet Alex] Who is that?
*Firebird freezes and steps back
[Firebird] Sorry
[gem] -sees firebird an scrambles down the ladder of the bar-
[Herabrine] Why did you shift back?
[Alexsezia] Hows your butt?
[Firebird] Comfort? And it hurts. *frowns a bit
[Herabrine] Snaps her fingers and spawns a healing potion before giving it a little slide down the bar. It comes to a stop near where Firebird is. - hmph.
[Alexsezia] Well, it's okay. You just startled us.
[gem] -is in the corner of the downstairs of the bar-
[Sweet Alex] Yells down the ladder - Gem? It's okay. He's not here to start anything.
[gem] but notch
*Firebird drinks the potion and sighs happily
[Sweet Alex] I know, but he was playing with us earlier and got hurt.
[gem] -doesn't leave her spot-
[Alexis] - Hera, should we make or escape?
[Sam] Looks at Firebird and then at the leftover chicken and thinks better of offering him any.
[Herabrine] Yeah come on, the skeles already have saddles, just grab one.
[Alexis] -Got it. See you guys later, we should hunt together more often- She heads for the door and the horse pen
[Firebird] Just a water, Sam. I'm not hungry.
[Sam] Gives him a glass of water with a little smile-
[Alexis] Climbs on one of the Skeleton horses and waits for Hera-
[Hera] Zips along about two blocks off the ground - Let's go!
[Alexis] Spurs the horse onwards and follows closely-
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myhauntedsalem · 5 years
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19 Parents Share The Creepiest Things Their Kids Have Ever Said
Kids say the darnedest things, but they also come out with ridiculously creepy things as well. When Reddit asked ‘what is the creepiest thing your child has ever said?’ Parents of the internet came forward with their stories and boy, they didn’t disappoint.
Here are nineteen of the most disturbing, chill inducing stories shared.  All we ask is for you to try and suppress the urge to lock your children in a cupboard after reading these.
1. “Daddy Its A Monster… We Should Bury It.”
My 3 year old daughter stood next to her new born brother and looked at him for awhile then turned and looked at me and said, “Daddy its a monster… we should bury it.”
2. “The Man Who Crawls On The Floor And Stands By My Bed.”
My co-worker’s four year old daughter always thought that the rattling of the water pipes in the kitchen cupboards were “white wolves” and the sound always scared her. One day she was sitting at the kitchen table and she said, “Mom. The white wolves aren’t bad… they’re our friends!”
Her mom encouraged the idea by saying, “Yes! The white wolves are protecting us. They are our friends.” Then her daughter added in, “They’re our friends, but not the man who crawls on the floor and stands by my bed”.
3. “Good Bye Dad.”
I was tucking in my two year old. He said “Good bye dad.” I said, “No, we say good night.” He said “I know. But this time its good bye.”
Had to check on him a few times to make sure he was still there.
4. “It’s The Closest I Can Get To Seeing Her Dead.”
He’s not my kid, but my godson is extremely creepy. He likes to stand in his little sister’s doorway while she naps and watches her sleep. I ask him why and he says, “it’s the closest I can get to seeing her dead.” He also likes to shove her fist in his mouth as far as it can go because he wants to “know what suffocating is like, just in case.” I’m pretty sure he’d be a serial killer if it wasn’t for Mario Kart.
5. “The Man With The Snake Neck.”
While changing my daughter in front of the open closet door. She kept looking around me and laughing. I asked her what was so funny. She said, “the man.” To which I replied, “what man?” She then pointed at the closet and said, “the man with the snake neck.” I turn around and nothing was there.
I’m afraid to look into the history of my house to see if anyone hung themselves in the closet. At least she wasn’t scared.
6. You Will Die Soon
Not to me, but to his grandmother.
He was cuddling with her and being very sweet (he was about 3 at the time). He takes her face in his hands, and brings his face close to hers, then tells her that she’s very old, and will die soon.
Then he makes a point of looking at the clock.
7. “I Want To Peel All Your Skin Off.”
I was sound asleep, and at around 6am I was woken up by my 4 year old daughters face inches from mine. She looked right into my eyes and whispered, “I want to peel all your skin off”.
The backstory here is I had been sunburned the previous week, and was starting to peel. In my sleep addled state however, it was pretty terrifying for a few seconds. I didn’t know if I was dreaming, or what was going on.
8. “When You Die, I’m Going To Eat You.”
My sons were about 2 and 4 when their pet goldfish died. I attempted to use the situation as an opportunity to discuss death and mortality. After I finished my explanation, my four year looked up at me with his big, blue eyes and asked, “Mommy, someday, will you die?” My heart filled with love and a little sadness, knowing this was one of those pivotal moments when the first bit of childhood innocence was lost,and I told him yes, someday, mommy will die.
“Good,” he said with a totally deadpan expression, and walked out of the room.
Later when we were about to flush the fish, he asked if we could eat him instead. I said no, we don’t eat pets because we love them, and he said, “When you die, I’m going to eat you.”
9. “Carson Is Gone, I Am Rick.”
When my son was little he, maybe 3, he used to do this weird crawl where he would slide his forehead along the floor. That was pretty creepy in itself. Then one night he crawled across the hallway into my room like that and stood up a few inches from my face and made a weird meow sound. He got into bed with me and went to sleep.
Another time he was freaking out about a monster in the basement so we went down and saw nothing, of course, and as I turned out the light and headed upstairs and he said “Hes right behind us now.” I might have peed a little.
Possibly the creepiest thing he did was one day I scolded him for misbehaving so he hid his head under his blanket. I pretended I couldn’t find him by saying “Where is my little Carson?” He slowly lowered the blanket and with a dead evil stare said, “Carson is gone, I am Rick.” I’m certain he’s possessed. We never knew any Ricks, as far I can remember. Still don’t. Never figured out where he picked up the name.
10. “I Died And Now I’m Here.”
Getting my two and a half year old daughter out of the bath one night, my wife and I were briefing her on how important it was she kept her privates clean. She casually replied “Oh, nobody ‘scroofs’ me there. They tried one night. They kicked the door in and tried but I fought back. I died and now I’m here.” She said this like it was nothing.
My wife and I were catatonic.
11. Baby Brother
“So I shouldn’t throw him in the fire?”
3 year old daughter holding her baby brother for the first time.
12. The Pretty Girl At The Cottage
My 3 year old nephew was at my cottage. He’s asked me numerous times about the “girl over there” while pointing at one of the back bedrooms. The place is small, and there is definitely nobody there so I just dismiss it as a really active imagination (he has lots of imaginary friends).
Then some friends are visiting and they have a daughter around the same age. She has never met my nephew. Twice in the one day she asked about the “pretty girl” while pointing at the exact same room. Definitely caught me out and I didn’t know what to think.
Then at Christmas my family was over at my place and my nephew points at a picture of my wife and asks if she is coming to visit us here or does she just stay at the cottage. My wife died ten years ago. Personally I don’t really believe in paranormal stuff so it’s probably just my logical brain putting together a bunch of kids ramblings but it definitely got my attention.
13. “He’s Behind You Now.”
“Go back to sleep, there isn’t anything under your bed”.
“He’s behind you now”.
Still haven’t gotten over that one and shiver at the memory.
14. “He’s Coming For You. You Better Hide.”
While not something my own child has said, my younger cousin (around 5 at the time) once drew a picture of a a black monster, looked up at me, and said “He told me to draw this. He’s coming for you. You better hide.”
15. “You Will Put Me Down, Down, Down In The Hole.”
I have a three year old who says some pretty strange stuff….
Last night: “Mommy.. the man, the very big man with big yellow eyes is looking at you.”
I look.. nothing. I tell him there is no man and he is make-believe. My son laughs, “Oh he is hiding now.” — 2 minutes later, “Oh no Mommy, you made him very mad. Now he says he will come when you are sleeping.”
Few weeks ago he tells me, “I’m not going to be four. I’m going to die. And you will put me down, down, down in the hole.” I tell him that isn’t true, and who told him that. He gets quiet and goes, “The man told me. But I will be scared, so after three night-nights you die too and come with me.”
Sheesh. As if I didn’t have bad dreams already.
16. “Daddy, I Love You So Much That I Want To Cut Your Head Off.”
A friend of mine’s child told him “Daddy, I love you so much that I want to cut your head off and carry it around so I can see your face whenever I want.”
17. The Bad Man
Why are you crying?
“Bad man”
What bad man?
“There.” Points behind me at a dark corner of the room
Lamp on bookshelf next to said darkened corner falls off as soon as I turn to look.
She slept in our bed that night
18. Ham Can’t Scream
When I was a waitress, I watched a little girl (4ish) stab her plastic fork into her sandwich repeatedly, saying “die die die die die die”. When I asked her what she was doing (her mom was in the bathroom for a minute), she replied with a straight face, “I like to kill things, but mom says I shouldn’t. So I picked the ham because it can’t scream.”
19. Satan Wants To Meet You
A few months ago I asked me brother and his wife if their kids ever did any creepy. They both immediately looked at each other and seemed surprised that I had asked.
Apparently the last few couple of weeks they would hear my niece talking to herself in her bedroom. They assumed it was just her playful imagination so they didn’t give it much thought. One day however my brother asked her who she kept talking to, she said it was her new best friend Satan who visits her at her window every day. Her window is close to the ground so they were seriously concerned that there was someone actually going up to her window and kept a closer eye on her for the next few days.
Every single time they would hear her talking he would go outside to her windows but never found anyone. They began asking her more about his new friend and apart from his name being Satan she mentioned that he follows her everywhere she goes and that he promised her he will bring her a cake one day.
At a late cookout at my parents a week before they mentioned that, she took her mom outside to the backyard and pointed at the pitch black backyard and told her that her friend Satan was there and he wanted to meet her also. That made chills run down my spine since I was at that cookout also. After that they made her promise she wouldn’t talk to Satan anymore.
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classicallyelegant · 7 years
Now on to chapter 7......
Sometimes I wonder myself why I keep doing this......I often questioned myself why even finish this story, but it’s something I just had to do. You get something stuck in your head and somehow, you just have to get it out, right? Maybe.....anyway, I promised a bit of a surprise in this chapter, so I hope it lives up to that. I was surprised when I wrote it because I didn’t see it coming, but it’s funny along with cute......to me anyway! lol
“Be careful, you two and I’ll have a big celebration dinner for you when you get back!” Russ waves after us. Big smile! What else can you do with Russ? Matt and I walk down to a bus stop and wait. He knows what bus, but I’m still a bit vague on such. Good thing he’s here! As we wait, we both noticed a couple staring at us. He just turns away from them, but they look like they want to say something to us. They are a bit older than us, but they don’t really look like trouble to me. I look down but I’m still facing them when I hear the man clear his throat. Ahem! “Excuse me? Are you two OK?” I’m not certain how to answer him, so I touch Matt’s shoulder. He turns and beams back, “Sure we are! Why do you ask?”
“Oh good! We were concerned about you two since we hadn’t seen you in a few days. You know we always love to check on you.” He smiles back as he brings the lady closer to all of us.
Matt whispers to me, “Yeah to be nosy about what we’re doing!” I look at him. REALLY? He sort of turns to me and says under his breath, “Watch!” To the couple he says, “We had a bit of a vacation….just the two of us! You know how we lovebirds are!” He’s smiling at me and drawing me closer to him in a hug. What are you up to? The couple look like they’re satisfied, but I’m mystified as he kisses my face. What do you think you are doing here? Why are you showing off for these people? All I can manage to do is look at him. I don’t know how to explain his behavior in front of them and then he whispers, “Kiss me!” HUH? You really want me to….? Wait! I heard him right, didn’t I? He must see the confused look on my face so he bends a little closer, “Kiss me!” I….uh….I….. I take too long because his lips are on mine before I can do anything! OMG! Just finish this out! Whatever you do, don’t swoon and don’t hit him! The lady is beaming at us and the man looks very happy with what he sees. Am I missing something here? It’s like I’m the only one left out of a joke. Matt comes up for air and says as loud as he can, “You little minx, right now?” Umm…What? He grabs my hand and we go off into a nearby alley. Is this real or am I lost in a dream again?
Once we’re in the alley I grab my hand away from him. “What are you doing? What was that all about?” I’m flustered and embarrassed and just so confused! He almost doubles over laughing. You’re going to laugh about this?! “Oh c’mon! I only gave the guy what he wanted.” He finally manages to say. “They won’t listen that you and I are not a couple! We’ve both been trying to tell them yet they insist we are. I simply played along with their joke.”
“Well couldn’t you warn me or something? Geez! I was so lost!” I spit and sputter the words because I’m still trying to grip my own sanity here. “And we spent a lovebird’s vacation together?! Now what would Russ say to that?”
“Russ knows all about this! Sheesh, Maxey! Settle down. It’s not that big of a deal. Let’s just hang back here so we don’t have to deal with them anymore.” He keeps watching to see if they’ve left. “You usually play along flawlessly. You didn’t have to be so lost just now. You said the lady was giving you wedding advice and all kinds of things. Wish they would quit though! This act gets old!”
“So you’re used to doing this? That’s what you’re telling me? “I’m a still bit flustered. I didn’t expect Matt to KISS me so this is just really throwing me! It was a thrill but it was such a surprise, I just…..I’m at a loss for words.
“Only when we come across them. What’s the matter? We’re actors, right? It’s what we do!” Matt is being so nonchalant about all of this but I feel like a mess! “Oh wait! You didn’t remember them? That’s why you did that! You honestly don’t remember them! Ugh! I should have thought of that! OK, you got me, Maxey. I’m sorry about all of this! I take the blame here.” Now he looks a bit embarrassed as well, his hand in his hair.
“It’s….. OK…I overreacted, I guess. I wasn’t expecting any of this.” Just grin and bear it now! What else can you do? It’s done and there’s no going back.
“No, I offer you my humblest apologies, Princess” Matt bows down elegantly on one knee before me, his head bowed and his arm across his chest. “I didn’t think this through and I shouldn’t have left you in such a state.”
I giggle, “Get up silly! If anyone sees you, they’re gonna clobber us both!”  He really looks like a fairy tale knight down there.
“If I have upset your delicate person, then the ground is where I belong.” He picks his head up though, slightly to the side and smiles up at me. How can I not melt at that?! >Sigh< He really is a sight to behold! “Get up!” I try to pull him up. Remember! Can’t let on anything now! He finally stands up and smiles as his hand caresses my hair then cups my face. This time it’s a long smoldering kiss right on the lips. I’m done for! I have no defense for such! We look into each other’s eyes for a split second as I gently wipe his face then he grabs me and says, “Our bus is here!” Aww Man! My luck! We break out running and make it just as the doors close behind us. Whew!
“We made it! Now, on to the studio! Don’t worry, I think he will be there but I’ve arranged for you to stay with someone once we get to the place. She’s one of your friends, so you should be safe. If you need me though, she can find me.” He’s breathless.
“OK, two questions…does she have a name and how much does she know about my memory?”
“Of course she has a name! DUH! Her name is Rena. She doesn’t know much about your condition but she knows to keep you away from Jerry. I’m sure you can handle this. Just take it easy. You and she are old friends, so she will be glad to see you.”
“OK, I wish I had your confidence, but I’ll do my best.” My heart is still jumping but I’m not sure if it’s from his kiss or from going to this place. I’m nervous because I’m not sure what to expect and I’m nervous because I already had the unexpected happen! I know I can’t ask Matt to hold my hand through this, but I would feel much better if he were closer throughout this. All right now! You can do this, Maxey! You’re a girl who can handle what life throws at her, right? Mmmaybe. Maybe not! I don’t know, but I’ve got to try! The answers I need are out there and I have to sift through to find them.
He grabs my hand anyway and says, “We’re here!” OK….>sigh< here goes nothing……
Off the bus and into the sliding glass doors of a building, we’re greeted by the receptionist by name and she motions her head to one side to let Matt know where he needs to go. I’m really nervous to be here and honestly, none of this is familiar to me. People say hi or smile at us as we make our way down the hall. I try to be polite but I really don’t recognize any of them. He stops outside a door and I bump into him. “Oh sorry! Guess I wasn’t paying close enough attention.” I sheepishly say to him. He turns around and puts his hand on my shoulder. “It’s OK. Don’t look so worried! Your friend, Rena should be in here. I’ll see you when I’m done and we’ll go back together.”
“Are you really sure about this? I’m just really nervous!” I can’t seem to focus on just one thing because I have so many thoughts running through my head.
“Would you have rather spent the day with Dustin coddling you?” Was that sarcasm or jealousy?
“Oh so that’s what you think of me? Well isn’t it nice to know where I stand?!” Yes, that remark ticked me off.
“No, you’re just thinking your own thoughts….as usual! Look, it’s going to be alright so you can calm down my little spitfire. I’ll come get you and I made sure you won’t be alone. You want to find your answers; this is a good starting point. Now, just go in here and talk to her. It was your idea to come, remember?” Geez! You would have to rub that in! Before I can answer him back, he opens the door and practically pushes me in!
“Maxey! Oh my gosh! I’ve missed you so much!” Rena comes from behind a desk and runs to hug me. She moved so fast, I barely got to see her.
“Umm hi! Yeah, it’s me…back to bug everyone!” I manage to say over her shoulder.
“Oh the way you talk sometimes,” she laughs. She steps back and looks like she’s assessing me for something. This is awkward! She looks nice enough, short auburn hair, green eyes, slightly taller than me but then she is wearing high heels.  I can’t really place her at the moment, but I’ll play along as best I can.
“Matt told me you haven’t been quite on par with everything. You feeling OK?”
“I’m doing my best to handle what I can. Just have to get back into the swing of things, I suppose. How are things for you?” Try to keep smiling, but it’s not as easy as it sounds.
“Oh things stay hectic around here and for now everything else is rolling right along, so I can’t complain too much! He said your memory is causing problems? It’s not something really bad because that sounds a little scary.”
“No, I am working on that, so hopefully it can be resolved soon.” I don’t have a good reason, but I am so nervous around her. Something about this just does not feel right to me, but I can’t put my finger on anything in particular. Still, Matt arranged this, so I’ve got to trust him. I really thought though seeing another girl would be much easier than this.
“Well, Jerry will be glad you’re back. He’s been on a fit since you went away. No one can talk to him. I’m sure others will be glad to see you as well. You know, I don’t know how you manage to be so popular around here but I have a feeling it has something to do with your closeness to Matt.” She says this as if she’s almost jealous. Why should anyone be jealous of that? I’m not as close to him as Russ, so really? And Ugh! She had to mention Jerry! Not what I want to hear this early in the morning.
“I never thought of myself as popular but if you say so. I’m lucky to have such nice friends who care about me.” Not really sure how I can defend myself here so just play things off for now. “He told me that I should stay with you today. Do you really mind?”
“If Matt says it then I don’t mind. It will be fun spending the day with you! We don’t get to do that very often, always busy with work.” She’s looking over several papers. “I was surprised to get his call last night, but it was good to hear him. I don’t get his calls often. Must be nice to spend so much time around him.”
Really? Could she be any more obvious? This girl is dripping with envy and jealousy over Matt? Now I remember! She’s had a huge crush on him since he first came around! Always gushing about his looks and everything about him! That’s why I don’t talk to her very much anymore! Oh no! Matt, you made a big mistake here! Of course she agreed to this, you were the one who asked! She would do just about anything for you, you doofus! Hmm I have to think of something because I can’t stay here and have her go on and on about him. I have my own problems where he is concerned! What to do?
“Oh he has his moments, just like he told me earlier about someone else. If I’m bothering you, I can find something else to do though. Really, don’t put yourself out on my account. I can explain things to him.”
“What? No! Not a bother to me! He arranged this, so it’s the very least I can do!” She grins and blushes every time she mentions him. Oh brother! “Besides, he should be busy with the show he’s working on so we should have the whole day.”
“Yeah, he mentioned that.” Man I feel so defeated! I have to come up with something to get out of here, but what?
“Why didn’t he escort you in? I thought I would see him bring you to me.” “Oh he did. He just pushed me in though. I guess he was in a hurry to get to where he needed to be, but he should be around later.”
“You mean I still have a chance to see him?” She sounds like a giddy schoolgirl. It’s annoying but also pretty funny to see the effect he has on other girls as well. If he only realized how deep this went! Would he be surprised?!? Have to conceal my giggle here. Good thing she didn’t see him earlier….I’d probably never hear the end of it! “Hey I know! I can show around the studio since your memory is giving you fits. Maybe you can remember something along the way.”
“Uh, well OK, I guess that might help.” I have a feeling she’s doing this more in a hope to see him than to help me, but I can play along. What would she do if she were face to face with him? Knowing him, he would just shrug her off.
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