#Side Taegyu
yeonbinfics · 1 year
Let Me Count the Ways (I Love You)
Let Me Count the Ways (I Love You) by KrymshelAngel (ao3)
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 72,216
Somehow luck had been on Yeonjun’s side since the start of the year. He promised himself that once he meets tall guy again, he won’t be letting him go.
Soobin thought he'd never see famous senior, Choi Yeonjun, ever again. But fate always loved playing with him. Crushing on your best friend + Being single was enough, but then add a really cute senior into the mix?
It’s gonna be a long year.
I stopped reading fics for a while as I felt a little detached from this ship. So when I felt nostalgic for yeonbin again, instead of going to read new fics, i turned to the classics. And this one is a classic. One of those fics that everyone in the fandom probably already knows but for good reason. This fic is 70k words of slow burn, pining, misunderstandings, unrequited love, and fluff. This fic is basically hand crafted to check off all the things I like to read. 
It is a continuation of a short fic the author posted and wanted to expand. It’s called Just One Kiss. I would highly recommend reading that first, its quick and cute and yeonbin make out at a kissing booth. Super cute!
This fic revolves around Yeonjun who is pining after Soobin. Who happens to be in love with his best friend Hueningkai. Yeonjun tries not to fall in love with him and fails and the whole time he’s trying to be Soobin’s friend all while hurting himself because he can see just how much Soobin loves kai. 
I think what I love most about it is how cozy it is. It’s a university au, their friend circle is small. This was written in 2020 so it still has that cute puppy love feel to it without the reality of yeonbin divorce in 2021. 
Over all, it is a slow burn. You get taken into Yeonjun’s life trying to navigate a blooming friendship while trying to succeed in his university dance group and trying to avoid his feelings. So despite it taking a while for yeonbin to get together, you’re left with a fic about friendship and what it means to talk through your feelings. 
I love fics like this where you get taken into their world and by the end, despite it being a happy ending, you feel so sad because you have to say goodbye to the characters. 
And the best part, beomgyu and taehyun are a side ship. I feel like a lot of taegyu fics are angsty so I always love to see writers put them as a cute couple in love in the background. 
Please leave kudos and comments on the original work.
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various headcanons that i forgot aren't actually canon
just the koreans cause if i did everyone at once, we would be here forever
Jongin and Yoonho were both part of the Fiend Guild, and that's where their rivalry started, by competing for vice guildmaster
Jongin rescued a cat from Jeju during their first raid and smuggled her back in his cape. Her name is Kiwi. He had to get a new cape because she uses his old one to sleep
Byungyu and Yoonho are childhood friends. Byungyu would always defend Yoonho, because he was so much of a softie and a crybaby as a kid
Yoonho has like. A bajillion animals at home. At some point when he's walking his dogs during a hot summer, he goes topless, and the picture reaches the papers so fast. It gets brought up in almost every single argument with Jongin
Taegyu will eat sour candy until his mouth bleeds and it sends Byungyu insane
Eunseok was an S rank assassin part of the Fame Guild, and was best friends with Byungyu and Haein
Haein was first vice of the Fame Guild before Jongin created the Hunter's Guild and stole her (he promised her no paperwork if she joined, and she was sold)
Hwang Dongsu used to be part of the Knights Guild. He joined, thinking as an S ranker he would immediately become the guild leader. When that didn't happen, he began searching overseas, where Thomas Andre ran into him and picked him up
Byungyu felt too guilty to dedicate himself to one guild, and so he freelances for a high price, so this way he can help more people instead of being tied down. It made it easier to retire, too. The running joke is that he wants to join the Hunters Association
Taegyu and Dongwook had a healthy rivalry between the Fiend and Fame guild. They don't know where Jongin and Yoonho learned to be rivals like that
The Fiend Guild used to be no. 1 until Jongin rose to the top by recruiting Haein and gathering a lot of attention by being a guild leader as a mage
Taegyu and Jongin still talk often. Jongin always makes fun of Taegyu for being ancient and forgotten and Taegyu calls him an arrogant brat. They would die for one another
Just before he became no. 1, Jongin had a really bad fight with Hwang Dongsu. It wasn't unusual, because most other S rankers despise him, since he was blatantly power hungry and bloodthirsty. Because Jongin lost, he ended up leaving Taegyu and the Fiend Guild and created his own guild in an attempt to prove his strength
Jongin despises Yoonho for hiring Hwang Dongsu's brother, Dongsuk, because he still holds a grudge
Jinchul doesn't like Taegyu very much, because he kept trying to bribe him to join the Fiend Guild. They're ok now, especially now that the Fiend Guild isn't no. 1, but Jinchul avoids Taegyu still
Go Gunhee used to pretend actually entertaining the idea of letting Jinchul join a guild until Jinchul told him it was causing problems on his end (Thomas got sad Gunhee said no and Jinchul was terrified that sadness would turn to anger)
During the holidays, Yoonho always takes his dogs and one cat back home with him. Byungyu also goes, so it's become a sort of yearly roadtrip for them. Yoonho usually asks Taegyu or Haein to pet-sit the rest of his animals while he's away
Haein likes fast food restaurants. Neither Jongin nor Dongwook understand why, but she drags them there all the same
Jinchul appreciates Byungyu and Haein, since they always mediate Yoonho and Jongin whenever he isn't around to stop them. It doesn't always work, but at least they tried
Haein doesn't know Jinchul is the origin for her nickname, The Dancer, because he was creating her hunter profile and was mesmerized by the way she fought. He mentioned it to Go Gunhee, and it kinda spiraled from there
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fairyhaos · 2 months
How To Fucking Write: a guide by fairyhaos
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this post details:
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hi gays and gals! "how to fucking write" is back after a longgg hiatus ^^ this time we're discussing enemies to lovers which is, i think, a universally loved trope! please do send an ask if you have any requests for what i should write advice for next, and do reblog this post if it was helpful for you :)
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.. bullet point one : choose your e2l
the most important thing when starting is figuring out what type of enemies to lovers you’re writing about. this is mostly semantics: lots of writers/ advice givers will tell you that there’s only one real enemies to lovers (when they’re literally enemies) but personally, i believe that “enemies” can be used as an umbrella term for loads of different relationships.
figure out what kind of “enemies” your characters are. this is by no means an extensive list, but enemies to lovers can include:
literal fighting enemies
(academic) rivals
2 people who snipe at each other a lot
betrayed(????) by one another
…and many other types.
figuring out in which way they’re enemies helps write out their dynamic, and also setting. 
for example, you’ll often see type #1 used in historical, fantasy, battle or mafia settings, where there will be two “sides”, either due to family feuds, country/ kingdom feuds, etc., so their dynamic often feels more serious and more emotionally charged due to history and/or ancestral beliefs that they’ve grown up with.
it’s often seen as the “truest” form of enemies to lovers, because the characters interact with the intention to genuinely hurt each other. this will therefore affect the way you write them, since it has to seem like there is genuine, mutual animosity between them.
example : [court of lies on ao3] — taegyu, enemies to lovers
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(holy fuck this is such a bad example but) as you can see, enemies to lovers works well within historical settings, since themes of betrayal, bloodshed and battles lends itself nicely to the trope.
knowledge of how to write fight scenes can be quite useful (fightwrite.net helped a lot with writing mine), along with making sure that dialogue uses action tags that showcase the characters’ emotions. 
type #2, on the other hand, most likely takes place in universities, high schools, and sometimes in offices, where academics are important and it’s less about trying to hurt one another, and more about being royally pissed off by the other person’s presence.
there are certain nuances to how the characters interact depending on what kind of enemies to lovers situation they’re in, which is why it’s important to figure that out first.
.. bullet point two : figure out the why .
next, try to find out the why. why are they enemies? 
it is imperative that you explain their situation to the readers and make them understand why the characters are enemies, and most importantly, why they can’t get together right now. enemies to lovers often goes hand-in-hand with slow burns for exactly this reason.
are they enemies due to clashing beliefs? a certain incident that happened between them, or to someone they know? maybe it’s just repressed feelings?
for every type of enemies to lovers, and for their subsequent settings, there’s often a set list of reasons that most writers use to explain why they’re enemies. 
historical settings often have some sort of feud taking place, or a betrayal. academic rivals focus on, well, academics, but social factors of popularity are often used. and “enemies” who snipe at each other often have very superficial reasons that they dislike one another, such as a bad first meeting or a misguided impression of personality.
the reason doesn’t particularly have to be something as dark and deep as convoluted morals or someone killed someone else’s father. they still need to overcome their enemy relationship and become lovers, after all.
but having a reason helps your readers feel more comfortable that the story will go somewhere and that there truly is an obstacle that’s preventing your characters from getting together at the very beginning. and if that reason is an interesting one, then… well, all the better, i suppose.
.. bullet point three : the friends part
for a good enemies to lovers that has your readers truly invested in the story, the lovers potential has to be there too, even when they’re enemies.
the characters also have to have respect for each other, above all else. if the situation becomes dire, they need to be able to understand one another’s views and work together, or at least recognise that they share some ideas and have moments where they get along.
this will a) make the transition from enemies into lovers more natural and b) create the tension that makes e2l so popular.
the best ways to show these moments are by having scenes where the characters have no choice but to work together, and in that time, begrudgingly admit that the other person isn’t as bad as they first thought.
it could be a group project, them fighting for the same cause for once (against a corrupt/ unfair policy), having to get along briefly due to mutual friends, or any situation where they have to act amicably for once and, most importantly, learn a little about one another in the process.
okay, but yena, how can i write those scenes? what can i do to create that tension?
describe certain actions, mannerisms, and the way that they speak to each other that showcase acceptance and positive emotions. this can come in the form of:
lingering eye contact
them agreeing on something
a pleasantly surprised inner monologue 
dialogue being more lighthearted
A doing something for B without being asked
(this is extra hard mode but) creating an inside joke
…and whilst it is a little shallow, an acknowledgement of the other person’s attractiveness always works really well, too.
example : [my other e2l taegyu fic on ao3]
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as a rivals to lovers fic, their dynamic already started off more playful than in the other example i showed, but you can see that their conversation is more teasing, as they become more comfortable with talking to each other normally.
the term “enemies to lovers” always felt a little weird to me, because it’s important to remember that it’s often more like “enemies to friends to lovers”, because the characters need to develop a liking of one another first before they can think of themselves in a romantic relationship.
.. bullet point four : the oh moment
why do they become lovers in the end? 
what is the tipping point? what makes a character realise that they’ve fallen for someone they once believed to be their mortal enemy? do their feelings hit them all at once, or is it a slow build up? and what are they going to do about it?
enemies to lovers lends itself very nicely to the feelings-hit-me-like-a-truck trope and the iconic oh moment. writing the inner monologue is a good way to showcase the exact momene the penny drops. for example, i have a loose “formula” that i like to use when writing oh moments (whether they’re in e2l fics or not):
[dialogue/ action of B as A watches them]
[inner monologue of A showcasing fondness for that action]
[inner monologue of A recognising how their feelings changed over time]
[action from B that solidifies overwhelming fondness and has A surprised by their feelings]
[the oh / oh no moment as the penny drops and A realises what this means]
this is by no means the only way to write out a “feelings realisation” scene, but it works very well, because the inner monologue can use varying sentence structures and a bunch of metaphors and figurative language to build anticipation.
example [venus and sun on ao3] — seoksoo, friends to lovers
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this extract essentially follows the outline i described, and seokmin’s acknowledgement of joshua as sweet refers to how he had previously known little about him, merely referring to him as “nice” before their relationship gradually built up to that moment.
for a really effective oh moment, the characters need to have a chance to reflect on how their relationship has developed. they need to be able to notice their growth and draw their own conclusion from there.
.. bullet point five : be careful . 
finally, some precautions.
with enemies to lovers, the whole attraction is the tension between the characters, the original animosity that is actually hiding their repressed feelings. but they still have to fall in love at the end, despite what they put each other through.
do not make them do something that they can’t take back.
this is quite important with enemies that physically fight each other. giving near-fatal injuries, or paralysing or physically disabling them (again, fightwrite.net is useful in giving info in this) is definitely not good lover-material. 
unless the injuries were given when the character was (maybe magically) influenced by someone else, or your characters are traumatised enough to be able to accept each other despite everything, then it’s a good idea to stay away from severe injuries that they inflict on the other and focus more on tense dialogue and opposing beliefs.
however, it’s still equally as important to be careful with emotional hurt that characters cause one another too. don’t make a betrayal too unforgivable. 
as a writer, you have to be empathetic: think from your character’s point of view. constantly ask yourself if character A will be able to forgive character B if they do something. ask if they can still fall in love with character B if they hurt them in some way.
if they can’t, then you know you’ve gone too far, and you need to dial it back.
and as a somewhat obvious but still just as important sidenote: e2l based on stockholm syndrome (captor x captive situations) or bullying to lovers is never okay. the power imbalance along with the trauma that can be developed from that means that it is not a healthy, viable, good relationship in the slightest.
never have your characters do something that you’d feel uncomfortable being the receiving end of. they’re meant to be lovers, remember? even when they’re not there yet, the characters should still treat each other with respect.
…unless, of course, you’re looking to write a somewhat toxic/ unhealthy relationship. in which case, by all means.
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... and that's it ! if anyone has anything else to askt hen just shoot me ask, because i'd love to help however i can :)
taglist (send ask to be added!): @mesanthropi @stqrrgirle @weird-bookworm @blue-jisungs @eternalgyu @yumilovesloona @lvlystars @luvjoshuahong @kikohao @maesvtr0 @cxffecoupx @bleepbloopbeee
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altxts · 1 year
- too loud
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- pairings: taehyun x beomgyu
- content: smut , dom top taehyun , btm beomgyu , rough sex , anal sex , face fucking , messy sex , semi-public sex , nipple play , blowjob , cowboy beomgyu , fingering , usage of f slur (i can reclaim) , degrading
- note: been wanting to write a taegyu smut for agesss theres js smth abt these two. wrote this at 3am so if my grammars bad sorry
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beomgyu had just finished recording his lines for the upcoming comeback, happy that he’s finally done he sits down on the couch outside the studio, right next to taehyun who’s waiting for his turn after yeonjun.
beomgyu felt uncomfortable next to the younger man, earlier that day they both got into an argument which led into both of them to avoid any contact.
“so how’d it go hyung?” taehyun asks, arms crossed on his chest, manspreading with his blue jeans looking over at beomgyu who’s on his phone, obviously avoiding any type of contact with taehyun.
beomgyu notices his attempt to start a conversation before looking up from his phone and over at taehyun, his attention going right to taehyun’s posture. “it- it was fine” he says awkwardly obviously affected by taehyun’s presence before going back to using his phone.
minutes pass and quietness fills the room, both of them sitting there awkwardly. beomgyu stands up and starts walking over to the exit before feeling a hand grabbing his arm, pulling him into an empty room. beomgyu couldn’t even react before he was pushed against the wall, before opening his eyes he felt lips against his own, it was taehyun.
taehyun moved his hands around beomgyu’s body as he kissed him aggressively, grinding their bodies together before positioning himself against the door.
beomgyu couldn’t think. he didn’t care if it was a bad idea. he didn’t care if he was mad at taehyun anymore. he wanted his touch. “you’re so sexy” he said grabbing taehyun’s hair pushing his body against him, feeling taehyun’s now erect cock in his pants against his thigh.
“wanna fuck you so bad right now” taehyun spoke in between messy kisses, moaning into beomgyu’s mouth, exploring the other’s mouth with his tongue.
beomgyu quickly pulled up taehyun’s black shirt, exposing his muscular torso as he kissed his neck moving down to his nipples licking them playfully as he looked up at taehyun with his puppy eyes.
taehyun smirked looking down at beomgyu, throwing his head back in pleasure letting out a soft moan before looking back at beomgyu who’s licking and kissing his defined abs.
beomgyu quickly moved down to taehyun’s pants, stroking the noticeable bulge before removing his belt throwing it to the other side of the room. he swiftly pulled taehyun’s pants down exposing his huge cock bulging through his black tight underwear. without hesitation already craving his cock he pulls down taehyun’s underwear, his cock hitting him in the face, he shoves it in his mouth, bopping his head back and forth.
taehyun groaned as he took him whole. staring at beomgyu’s mouth moving around his dick. sloppy and messy sounds coming from his hyung, he moved his hands through beomgyu’s hair, caressing it slowly as he kept on moaning.
beomgyu almost choked right there, taehyun’s whole length hitting the back of his throat as he kept on sucking and moving his head up and down.
“fucking whore..” taehyun moaned softly, panting softy as well. his grip tightened on beomgyu’s hair as he started to thrust his cock down his throat, making him gag relentlessly. he forced beomgyu’s mouth to meet his crotch, pushing him down aggressively making him cough on his length.
beomgyu’s eyes started to water as he kept on taking taehyun’s cock. looking up at him again as his eyes rolled to the back of his head, causing him to gag even more, almost losing his breath.
taehyun pulled beomgyu away, saliva keeping beomgyu and his cock connected. he slapped beomgyu’s face, leaving a huge red mark whilst smirking seductively. he turned beomgyu around swiftly, pulling his pants and boxers down as he separated his asscheeks with both hands before spitting around his hole, without a warning, he shoved his middle finger in beomgyu’s tight hole fingering him as he inserted another two fingers.
beomgyu, now pushed against the wall, standing up, moaned loudly when he felt fingers around and in his tight hole. “taehyun.. please fuck me..” he begged eyes rolling to the back of his head.
“yeah? you want me to fuck you?” taehyun said standing up behind beomgyu, whispering in his ear. one hand moving down to beomgyu’s slim waist whilst his other hand moving to beomgyu’s head, pushing it against the wall before shoving his thick cock in beomgyu’s tight hole thrusting slowly at first before picking up his speed.
beomgyu moaned loudly against the wall, stuck in taehyun’s grip as he felt the younger man’s cock pushing deep around his walls. “you’re so big” he was able to say mixed with his moans, mumbling.
taehyun didn’t stop picking his speed up. his two grips on beomgyu’s body tightened as he fucked him harder and faster. they were both a moaning and groaning mess, beomgyu making the most noise. “you’re all mine slut..” taehyun whispered seductively in beomgyu’s ear.
“i- wanna ride you” beomgyu moaned loudly against the wall, breathing heavily as he took taehyun’s cock.
“beg.” taehyun demanded as he removed his hand from beomgyu’s head, holding his waist with both his hands for support as he moved inside beomgyu with an animalistic pace.
“please.. i wanna ride you terry.. please.. give it to me” he begged whining as he looked back at taehyun who’s all sweaty, muscles moving as he kept on thrusting.
“good boy..” taehyun smirked as he got down on the floor, resting his elbows on it for support, groaning and grunting loudly as beomgyu lowered himself onto his cock before he started to bounce.
as beomgyu started to bounce he started moaning louder than ever before, feeling his hole being destroyed by taehyun’s monstrous size. “so fucking biggggg” he whined as his eyes rolled to the back of his head.
“i know im big bitch.. you’re just a tight fucking fag” taehyun couldn’t stop groaning as he watched beomgyu’s bubble butt clapping against his crotch area, making him even more turned on as beomgyu arched his back.
beomgyu was so turned on by taehyun’s dirty talk he started to bounce even faster, feeling his climax building up. “fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck” he moaned as he came right up in the air, making a sticky mess.
taehyun felt beomgyu tighten around him which threw him over the edge, making him groan as he came right up into beomgyu’s hole, filling him up as cum dripped down his shaft.
both of them being a breathing mess they quickly got dressed and got out of the stall, taehyun walking over to the studio while beomgyu struggled to walk correctly to the exit, needing support grabbing the walls.
but what they didn’t know was the noise they made that day would’ve been recorded in yeonjun’s parts.
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hwascomfort · 2 years
Oh no...
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pairing(s): Choi Soobin x reader
genre: flluff?
warning(s): just soobin getting his relationship outed by none other than his dumbass of a partner. we love it! || annoyed soobin lol
wc: ?
notes: havent posted in a while, so heres some fluff for our beloved soobs
ult masterlist
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Whose idea was this? To make Soobin do a live out of nowhere while he had you over? Oh right, it was the staff, the staff that Soobin usually loved to no end. He would definitely be glaring at them for at least a week after this, there was no doubt about it.
At least Taehyun and Beomgyu had been roped into the live too. That made it the slightest bit better. But still! He had invited you over for dinner and a movie, maybe he could have you stay the night because the following day was a rest day! But his plans were ruined the moment you had sat down to eat.
Now he sits in the living room with Beomgyu and Taehyun off to one side, being unusually cuddly with one another (Soobin has a feeling that its to spite him). He cant even see you either, what with you now residing in Yeonjuns room, eating dinner with Yeonjun, talking with Yeonjun. God, Soobin has never felt more annoyed while doing a live.
It's only been ten minutes since it started, but Soobin has had the urge to end it before it even begun. Damn it all.
Soobin instead stares at the incoming comments on screen, leaning his head on his hand and absentmindedly fiddling with his fork in the other.
'Taegyu and the third-wheel, Choi Soobin ㅋㅋㅋ'
Even moa are bringing it up!
"Look hyung, moa said youre a thirdwheel!" Beomgyu laughs and Soobin has the urge to throw his fork at him.
Taehyun merely grins, hand in Beomgyus hair as he leans back into the couch behind him.
"Yah! I had plans with-"
He snaps his mouth shut, glaring at the two before angrily shoveling food into his mouth.
"Ohoh! Had plans with who?"
Soobin almost reaches over to smack Taehyun upside the head.
'With Yeonjun hyung??? 👀'
'Did the live interrupt something?'
'He looks so mad! sorry soobin'
Soobins brain practically glitches for a moment.
"With moa! You two interrupted"
Taehyun and Beomyu exchange a glance. Then they snicker.
"Poor Yeonjun"
Beomgyu pulls out his phone.
"I could call him, if you want!"
Soobin internally questions why Beomgyu seems to enjoy his suffering.
"He's in his room, dont call him for that"
Beomgyu just smiles all the more before leaning back into Taehyun.
'So we did interrupt a yeonbin date!'
Soobin feels like crying out of frustration. Instead, he sighs inwardly and shakes his head, taking another bite of his food.
"Awe, come on hyung~ dont get mad"
Beomgyu leans into Soobins side, hugging him and petting his head.
"You know we love you!"
"Yah... get off" Soobin shakes the younger off of him, lips pouted as he stares at the food in front of him.
Soobin thinks of all the ways he could try and get out of the live, playing the options in his head and zoning out of whatever the other two are saying now.
Theres no way he can get away.
He cant say hes sick, he cant act tired, he cant say he needs the bathroom, he cant even act like another member is calling for him!
He doesnt notice the sudden silence, nor the incoming comments.
He feels hands on his face and when he looks up, all he can see is you bundled up in his hoodie and crouched in front of him.
Soobin closes his eyes in content, letting you squish his cheeks softly before he feels you pressing a long kiss to his lips. Soobin is sure that he looks like a love struck fool.
You stand up and pet his head before walking off.
He takes a couple moments to stare dazedly at you, smile on his face.
Its when he catches sight of the two boys beside him that realization hits.
His eyes widen and before he knows it, theres an onslaught of comments rushing onto a screen.
"Oh no..."
Beomgyu all but disolves into a silent puddle of laughter.
Soobin clasps his face in his hands.
"I'm done for"
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barleytaegyu · 1 year
La Vie En Rose 🥀
╰┈➤ taegyu, yeonbin
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✿ ┈┈ ❝ Your highness, give your heart and soul to me and life will always be, la vie en rose. ❞ ┈┈ ✿
La Vie en Rose means "life in pink." Everything is in rosy hues for the prince when they meet. His life was full of thorns but then blooms into a beautiful garden when he falls in love with a commonor with pink rose-colored hair.
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At last, it's time that the 1st prince of the Gardenia Kingdom finds a suitable partner in order to take over the thrown. Only 50 suitors, men or women, get chosen to have a chance to woo him but only one can capture his heart.
Kang Taehyun, a commoner, was not interested in the Crown Prince at all.  He only applied to give his best friend moral support. His best friend has a little crush on the 1st prince. After they applied, the unexpected happened. They both got accepted to compete in the royal matchmaking tournament for the Crown Prince.
Even though Taehyun got accepted, his goal wasn't to win. Before he believed he would never fall in love but as he continues in the rivalry between all the competitors who want to take over the throne along side the Crown Prince, he discovered a newfound goal. It was to win the heart of the 2nd prince, Choi Beomgyu.
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・❥・ royal au
・❥・ rated m
・❥・ fluff and heavy angst
・❥・ love at first sight, forbidden love, mutual pinning
・❥・ multiple chapters, slow burn
・❥・ on going
╰┈➤ Ao3 - La Vie En Rose
╰┈➤ Wattpad - La Vie En Rose
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angel-fic-recs · 8 months
Blooming - hueningkai
Choi Yeonjun x Choi Soobin (Yeonbin)
Side Choi Beomgyu x Kang Taehyun (Taegyu)
Rated : T
Words : 29k (multi-chaptered)
Genre : Coming of age, (slight) enemies to lovers | College AU
Description : Soobin's gentle and shy demeanor constantly annoys bad boy Yeonjun, and he decides that messing with the sweet boy will be fun — until he catches feelings.
Angel's review : It was about time I looked into the most kudo'ed Yeonbin fics on Ao3...This one straight up became a fav of mine ! The coming of age aspect is excellent here ! The writing is not too complex but says so much in very few words and that's an art to master ! Loved Yeonjun and Soobin's chemistry, and you gotta love a nicely executed bad boy Yeonjun. The OT5 banter was clearly the highlight here ; if you want some comical, sweet, cozy moments with all the members of TXT, you'll love this !!!!
Link : https://archiveofourown.org/works/22313671
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popp1nstaxr · 1 year
『We Don't Talk Anymore』 ||O.S||
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▪︎ Content; Shipp–TaeGyu/BeomHyun TXT
▪︎ BeomGyu; Top
▪︎ Taehyun; Bottom.
▪︎ Fluff, fix-fic.
English is not my first language, so if I have any grammar mistakes I apologize and I'm happy to receive any correction <3
• Description:
I just heard you found the one you've been looking, you've been looking for, I wish I would have known that wasn't me, 'Cause even after all this time, I still wonder, Why I can't move on?. Just the way you did so easily.
—Inspired by the song "We Don't Talk Anymore" by Charlie Puth ♡
BeomGyu looked at Tae Hyun in the distance. His ex boyfriend. He doesn't remember why they broke up but now TaeHyun had someone else and he probably wouldn't have time to think about him.
"Why...?" He asked in a whisper to himself as he watched Tae smile and laugh with YeonJun. Taehyun's current boyfriend.
A small tear escaped from his eyes, which he immediately wiped away and decided to leave so as not to continue torturing himself, how did Tae get over him so quickly? why couldn't he do that?
TaeHyun on his side, saw Beom in the park and the desire to go with him, wanting to talk and fix things became present but... he couldn't, no. They were no longer boyfriends, nor did they look at each other. They were as if they were simple strangers to each other.
"Everything is to save companies"
Those words from his father stayed in his mind, that was one of the reasons why they broke up, Tae would marry YeonJun just to save a damn company that he didn't even care about.
"You must continue with the family business, forget about being an idol Tae"
BeomGyu was the only one who supported him in his dreams.
"Did you hear me, TaeHyun?" YeonJun asked, looking at Taehyun expectantly after seeing him so distracted.
"Eh...?" Tae asked softly and somewhat confused, directing his gaze back to YeonJun.
"What flavor do you want the ice cream?" YeonJun asked again.
"Ah, erm... strawberry..." He answered and smiled a little.
"Okay, two strawberry ice creams please..." YeonJun spoke with a smile towards the ice cream seller.
The truth is, now that Tae see YeonJun well, he could perfectly be the ideal type of person, he was attentive, tender, generous, friendly, funny, cute and he had a very nice smile, but the problem was that Tae don't in love of him, no, he was not BeomGyu.
The days passed and the wedding was getting closer, BeomGyu was getting further and further away from Tae so much so that he met a cute and tender boy named Huening Kai, but he couldn't see him more than as a brother.
Compared to TaeHyun who regretted more every day for following his father's orders.
"You will be a great boss"
"We will become millionaires Tae"
"You don't know how happy I am that you have a very good future husband"
Words and words that made the redhead feel even worse.
"BeomGyu, I need you..." He whispered to himself, yearning.
Just at that moment there was a knock on the door of his room, the boy walked towards the door and gave a big sigh before opening it with a smile.
"Tae, baby, Yeonnie is waiting for you downstairs," the mother spoke in a soft tone, knowing that her son was not happy, how will she make her husband change his mind?
"Okay mother, tell her I'm coming down" He smiled and the mother agreed going down to the other floor while TaeHyun looked in the mirror seeing that his appearance was fine.
"You don't have to dress up so much, you're beautiful just like that"
A fleeting memory of BeomGyu came to mind and a sad smile played on his lips.
"How did we get to this Gyu? How come you don't even talk to me anymore?" He asked himself, looking at his reflection in the mirror.
Her eyes began to fill with tears but she just gave another sigh and blinked several times so that they were no longer there, then she lowered with a smile.
"We have to start the preparations Taennie" the pink haired spoke with a smile.
Tae just smiled and nodded.
"H-how is he going to get married?" The boy asked his friend, completely confused and hurt.
"Yes, Beom, I found out this morning, the news is everywhere..." Huening Kai explained cautiously, who understood his hyung's situation.
BeomGyu felt twice as hurt, if he could hurt more than he already was.
"He... this didn't have to end like this... I... I still love him, damn it!" Her voice began to crack and her eyes began to shed tears.
Huening looked at him sadly and understood that perhaps he should be alone.
"Beom, I'll go with SooBin, you're looking for anything, okay?" He spoke with a slight smile to reassure him.
Beom nodded and Huening left him alone.
"Tae, how did all this happen? I miss you..." He said to himself looking out the window of the place.
Lauv's "Never Not" was playing on BeomGyu's music player. Is the world against him? Today was the wedding day.
TaeHyun was walking down the aisle with the best smile he could maintain that day, all the people around him looked at them happily and tenderly, believing that they loved each other and wanted to be together forever and forever, no one imagined that it was a forced marriage. I get to the altar and the priest began with the vows.
"Choi YeonJun, do you wish to love, protect, care and support TaeHyun until death do you part?"
"Kang TaeHyun, do you wish to love, protect and support Choi YeonJun until death do you part?" Tae was silent and looked at his parents and then at YeonJun.
"No" The whole place was silent. "Sorry father but I can't... and sorry YeonJun, it's not you... but I can't marry someone I don't love... I... I'm really sorry." He gave a bow and ran out of the place. But he didn't run off anywhere.
He ran to BeomGyu's house.
Beomgyu heard the doorbell, he didn't feel like opening the door but he thought it was Huening Kai, maybe getting a little distracted would help him.
He went downstairs and went to open the door, the surprise was great when he see Tae there.
"T-TaeHyun?" He asked at the door, looking and analyzing Taehyun hoping it wasn't a dream.
Tae didn't say anything and just hugged him letting his tears run down his cheeks.
"I missed you" He said through tears and in a small whisper that the other man managed to hear.
And that was enough for BeomGyu to hug him too and cry with him.
"Me more" Replied the boy in the same way.
The smile on both was inevitable, now they weren't crying with sadness, they were crying with happiness to be with each other together again. They broke away from the hug and looked into each other's eyes with their faces soaked with tears and TaeHyun's red nose.
"I love you Gyu, I always loved you and I promise never to get away from you again." The redhead whispered, joining his forehead with BeomGyu's.
" love you too TaeHyunnie, I promise not to let you go again."He promised in the same way.
They both smiled at each other and little by little their breaths began to collide to give each other a tender kiss where they transmitted all the love that could not be given in so long.
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shutupkim420 · 10 months
kpop roleplay search
i would love to do an in-character kpop rp with anyone that’s interested!! member x member only please.
big multi, but right now i'm really craving some of these ships: exo: chanhun/sechan (chanyeol/sehun), xiubaek (minseok/baekhyun), chanbaek (chanyeol/baekhyun) ; i enjoy playing sehun, but i really don't have a strong preference and enjoy writing for anyone! txt: yeonbin (soobin/yeonjun), taegyu (taehyun/beomgyu), soogyu (soobin/beomgyu) ; would prefer playing soobin the most, or beomgyu!
i like canonverse or aus. anything from silly to serious is okay with me! 
please only message me if you’re at least 20 (i'm 26!). i'm used to literate roleplays, but i definitely enjoy simpler stuff too -- no pressure for length or format, i just want to be creative and have fun and make friends. i think the texting format from omegle is fun and am totally fine to do that as fun, quick writing and/or switch back and forth when the plot requires it!
i know this post is a mess but i promise i will behave and be coherent in character. i can do multiple plots at once if you want, and i’m really engaging OOC. i don't like to push for replies, but i will message you OOC about other things and treat you like a friend. we can send each other tweets and tiktoks and have a good time!! i like to actively chat on the side to plot and scheme and laugh etc etc.
smut or not is fine. i don’t care either way. i’m really down for most things! we’d preferably rp on discord so we can chat OOC and be able to organize a sever (have multiple convenient chats, etc).
please go ahead and message me on discord @ necrowmance :D
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pain-suffering-even · 11 months
types of weapons the hunters would use pt. 2
this time, the draw sword guild, definitely not my favorites :)
goto ryuji:
his sword is really cool, actually. a very nice ruby red. i think he would have a long sword and short sword (kind of like the daisho, a matched pair of japanese swords). otherwise, he would just use his hands. or his teeth. i think he just doesn't really care too much about how it's done, as long as it gets done
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sugimoto reiji:
it's not stated in the manhwa what class he is, so i head canon him as an assassin because i think there's only one or two that are canon. so, i think he would have a dagger for short-range kills, and kunai and shuriken for long-range kills (slightly inspired by genji from overwatch's kunai and shuriken setup - the green even matches his usual suit...)
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tanaka kenzo:
his fists suit him as a tank-esque fighter. if not that, then brass knuckles (slightly inspired by seo seongun from lookism... beloved...) also i just think he likes to get hands on with things, if him during the jeju arc gives us any clue what his fighting style is like
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tawata kanae:
i think a two-sided spear or scimitar would be cool. she also has double blades as it is, so i think she just likes working with two instead of one. higher level of efficiency and all
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as i was adding photos... i realized... what this was inspired by... lmao
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yeah. that fits her for sure
fujishima tatsumi:
i think he would use things more for looks rather than efficiency, so anything cool or unique... a scythe seems up his alley. something like ruby's scythe (especially because it also works as a gun - and i think the engineering mind i've head canoned for him would love to fiddle with that and make it abysmally powerful)
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ishida mari:
i headcanon him as a ranger because i think there's literally only taegyu otherwise. so he would use a compact bow as his main weapon (inspired by the chiron form of the coronacht bow), but he also uses a rapier. he strikes me as a rich kid that studied abroad in london and learned fencing (i know it's really specific but those are just the vibes i get)
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shimizu akari:
she has her giant golden battle axe. i also think she would know boxing, so she has short-ranged hand-to-hand combat down
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kumamoto atsushi:
he doesn't really need a weapon, since he has a strange fighting style, and i headcanon he transforms like yoonho. but... something blunt, like a mace or a club. maybe nunchucks? or something similar to the playful cloud weapon from jujutsu kaizen?
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hamada kei:
they're an ice type mage, so they have a varied attack pattern, but i think they would like a bowstaff or a baton (inspired by nami's clima tact from one piece. it even has the bonus of controlling the weather through temperature - which kei can... sorta do, lmao). something to easily knock-out any monsters that get near them so they can run before they throw up. really, it's more of a back up weapon, since they would take anything out before it got too close to them (inspired by this video!)
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izawa ippei:
the actual canon assassin. well, i headcanon he likes collecting all sorts of weapons and learning how to use them, but his go-to would be something slightly ranged, like a spear (inspired by maki's from jujutsu kaizen) or a scythe (i think something simple like the one from soul eater would suit him best)
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hoshino minoru:
i also headcanon him as an assassin (i mean, look at that raid outfit - you can't tell me that's not built perfectly for stealth and a better range of motion!), but more short-ranged and borderline fighter style. i think he has a sickle for quick chain kills, and an old dagger for sneak kills. (sickle is directly inspired by percy jackson and chronos' sickle, but i don't think we ever got to see it in a movie, but something along these lines would fit well. dagger is more of the hunting/gutting knife from the hannibal nbc series)
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well... that about wraps it up! i tried to get more visuals from media this time instead of just googling the weapon type from the internet. there are some pretty cool weapon designs already out there, unique ones that always catch my eye. i just like weapons a lot lmao
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seobseobs · 1 year
y/n's soul on sale (99.99% off)
taehyun , beomgyu x reader (no prns) • 0.4k
platonic; fluff, humour, sort of e2f for taehyun
[ y/n the master aegyo and store clerks taehyun and beomgyu agenda , y/n getting ripped off /hj , majority of this piece are in /s tone by the way :) ]
back to suite
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project ? get discount . method ? aegyo ; you've trained for years to master this skill , do not ever question y/n's aegyo skills . target ? taehyun .
"one plus one is—", "you know that only works on beomgyu right ?", taehyun cuts you off before you even get to finish your first line .
okay maaayyybe people can start questioning your aegyo skills .
lips jutted in a pout , you begrudgingly pull out your debit card to pay for all the clothes you've picked earlier in hopes of cheering your mental state . taehyun certainly isn't helping .
scrunching your face in distaste as you eye the price going up , you whisper under your breath , "bastard ." the guy in front of you wears a smile , though it's fake , because he then answers through gritted teeth , "you know i can hear that right ." you choose to mimic his expression , "good then ."
you don't know how long you two have just been standing there with eyes sending lazers to each other but the chime of bell interrupts you . a hand then settles around your shoulders , almost too comfortable for a stranger , that you have no doubt who just entered .
"were you two fighting or flirting ?"
mentally swiping away beomgyu's stupid grin , you hold yourself back from nudging him hard . you have to get on the man's good side to continue getting nice discounts .
leaning your head on beomgyu's shoulder , you point a finger to taehyun , "he's a meanie ." and you're met with taehyun's incredulous stare as he lets out a scoff , "well sorry for doing my job ."
"was y/n asking for discount ?" , your eyes widen at your supposedly ride-to-die bestfriend's question . HE KNEWW ???!??
beomgyu laughs at your expression before faking a cry , "i'm hurt you think i'm dumb ." he brings you closer as his grin goes even wider and asshole-r , "i only did it because you're my pookie boo ." "euw beomgyu , don't call me that ever again ."
he cackles at that and leans away , "okay but for real though , dinner tonight . me , you , taehyun . you owe us ." at this , taehyun immediately gives him a hi-five and choruses of 'that was good , bro's are exchanged as your soul leaves your body .
"but you're paying for desserts ."
"deal ."
"i hate you guys , by the way ."
so much for the betterment of your mental state .
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✒ my favourite store clerks taegyu ayeee anw this was so random BAHAHA
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hanakihan · 1 year
headcanon: lim taegyu actually practices archery and is a really successful one being proficient with almost every type of bow
it’s just funny to think that someone from jp side of hunters mocked his archery skills, he just silently picks up yumi bow (which mind you is a lot bigger than traditional Korean one and thus harder to balance in hand) and casually strikes several bullseyes
casually throws yumi into one of hunter’s arms
refuses to elaborate
leaves like a true chad
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agustdcaf · 1 year
ain't that the worst thing you ever heard (taegyu high school au)
• taegyu, with some side yeonbin • serious stubborn academic taehyun/silly obnoxious beomgyu, "enemies" to lovers • 22.2k words
summary: taehyun and beomgyu are science project partners, taehyun is angry and stubborn about it, and beomgyu loves pushing his buttons.
read on ao3
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angel-fic-recs · 11 months
This Magic Hour - godtyun
Choi Yeonjun x Choi Soobin (Yeonbin)
Side Choi Beomgyu x Kang Taehyun (Taegyu)
One-sided Choi Soobin x Huening Kai (Sookai)
Rated : T
Words : 97k (multi-chaptered)
Genre : Hogwarts AU | Action/Adventure
Description : “i snuck into your common room because i was curious and everybody is staring at me because i have a different house’s uniform this is so embarrassing can you please pretend to know me”
...and the fallout that occurs.
...and the other stuff that's not said in school.
Angel's review : I didn't know what i would sign up for when i clicked on this AU. Obviously it was the perfect time to read this because of fall season ! The universe is perfectly transcribed and super well detailed ! I loved the display of different cultures, languages and religions (things i wish were done more often in fics !). Every single character have their importance and i was surprised at how much Kai, Beomgyu and Taehyun were involved in this. Yeonbin is definitely present but the others are also very relevant in this story. We got pining, romance, angst, mystery, suspense, epicness, humor, fluff, drama…you're in for A RIDE !!!!
Link : https://archiveofourown.org/works/21287672
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gyuistic · 1 year
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Yeonbin/Taegyu (side)
—— Binded
Royals have the option to stay loyal to their spouses, but many don't. In a society where concubines exist, the Choi brothers/dancers are selected to serve in that position for the princes. When the brothers encounter the princes, they can't help but fall in love all over again.
- yeonbin, taegyu (side)
- royal/concubine au
- explicit
- brothers bgyv and yjvn
- 1/?
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popp1nstaxr · 1 year
❝Call You Mine❞ ||O.S||
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↻ Content: Ship Taegyu—TXT
↻ Taehyun: Bottom
↻ BeomGyu: Top
↻ Fluff ♡
English is not my first language, so if there are any grammar mistakes I'm sorry and I'm open to any correction <3
• Description:
You said, "Hey, what are you going to do for the rest of your life?" And I said, "I don't even know what I'm doing tonight." It went from a conversation to your lips on mine. And you said, "I never regretted the day I called you mine." So I called you mine.
—Based on the song "Call You Mine" by Bebe Rexha ♡
September 26th, this day would have been special if it weren't for the fact that I broke up with you, almost two years together, if it weren't for the fact that I broke up with you before the second year. And here is an 18 year old boy walking alone on the streets aimlessly, looking at the stars thinking about everything that happened.
The stars seem to be telling me to go back to him, that I need him in my life.
I'd love to say they're lying.
And just for the sake of going somewhere aimless, I ended up on a bar seat, drinking a few glasses in silence and alone, slowly, the night is long so I can depress myself in peace.
I felt that someone sat down next to me, I didn't take any notice and continued to drink from my glass of beer quietly.
—One whiskey.—said the person.
After a few minutes I felt the sound of a glass being placed next to me.
I continued drinking from my glass of beer without even looking at that other person, I was not interested at all. I put my arms on the table and leaned my head on them.
—What a shitty life—I whispered.
—Don't say bad words.
I immediately raised my head and saw beside me, he stared at me and I stared at him.
Fuck, his eyes are still hypnotizing me.
—Hello, TaeHyun.
I bit my lip nervously and averted my eyes from his face to the other side, staying silent.
It was awkward, we hadn't seen each other for several months after our breakup, back then I was only 17 years old, oh right, it's only been a year.
—What happened to your life, Taehyun? If I remember correctly, you had everything planned.—BeomGyu commented.
I let out a small laugh, why did everything suddenly become so difficult?
—I don't even know what I'm going to do tonight...— I whispered loud enough for him to hear.
BeomGyu let out a laugh.
—And what happened to TaeHyun the organizer and perfectionist?—he asked with a lopsided smile, I watched him and let out a sigh, looking down at my empty glass on the table.
—Uhm... He left the same day that... that I broke up with you—I said without even looking at him.
I was feeling pretty overwhelmed with everything, Beomgyu was always my support, still I let him go... for my sake.
It was so strange to have such a conversation with him now.
—Did your life become chaos...?—He asked, he looked at him again and I saw how he drank from his glass of whiskey, he was looking at me in such a penetrating way that I swore he knew what I was thinking.
I nodded in response to his question.
—I don't know what to do anymore—I added.
—Crying is sometimes a good option.
I let out a sarcastic laugh, he knows I don't share those thoughts and yet he insists.
—Crying is for the weak, the strong-...– He interrupted me.
—They come out ahead despite all the bullshit.—He commented with an amused smile.
Did he just finish MY sentence?
I watched him for a few seconds, blinking several times, that was mine, let him look up his sentence.
I smacked his arm.
—It's my sentence, you don't finish it. Dumbass—I said and wrinkled my nose, I used to do those things too... I was annoying.
He let out a laugh.
—Well, shut me up for next time—he said amused.
—Yes, in one fell swoop—I said almost threateningly.
Another laugh, is he sick or why is he laughing so much?
We were silent for a few seconds, it was uncomfortable. We continued like that for many, too many, very long seconds, until I finally spoke.
I made a little sound with my throat, giving to understand that I heard him, while I finished drinking my second glass of beer.
—Why did you finish me?—He suddenly blurted out, I choked a little on my alcoholic beverage.
God, I would have preferred the awkward silence.
—I... I don't know.—I whispered the last while playing with my fingers around the glass.
—TaeHyun...—He called back.
I looked up and in less than a second his lips were on mine, they were moving so softly that I couldn't help but close my eyes and reciprocate, my arms went around his neck and he put one of his hands on my chin. To feel this again was... beautiful, I felt again the churning of emotions in my stomach, maybe it was the alcohol in my system or my nerves, but I swore I wanted to vomit, his lips were even better than I remembered.
We had to break apart for air. Damn air.
We both had our foreheads pressed together and our breaths hitching, I couldn't help but smile.
Without saying anything, BeomGyu grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the Bar.
And here we see two teenagers running through the streets when they remembered they didn't pay for the drinks.
—If I end up in jail I'll blame you all your life—I joked as I ran away from the bartender who was following us.
—It wouldn't be the first time, now run— he said as he laughed.
—BeomGyu!—I said laughing in the same way.
I didn't think I'd see myself running through the subway in trouble again and even less with BeomGyu by my side.
We both ended up in the park that was nearby, behind some bushes, both lying on the grass.
—Calm down TaeHyun.—Beom said to me, but I could not.
The situation made me laugh more when I remembered the thousands of times that we both ended up spending the night in jail because of escapades like that, it was clear that our relationship was something unforgettable, Beomgyu was always someone quite spontaneous.
—I'm sorry.— I said while I was holding a laugh, God, this was so funny—Do you remember the last time we went out?
And I burst out laughing again.
—YeonJun had to bail us out of jail that time.—he commented, laughing a little.
—Yeah... That wouldn't have happened if someone, I won't name names, had thought to bring money and pay the restaurant, maybe it wouldn't have ended up like that.
—I already explained to you why I didn't bring money TaeHyun!—He exclaimed defending himself, it was true, he didn't bring it because he forgot it at home because he was so nervous to see us again.
Just like his keys later.
—Yes, but it was so funny.— I commented, finally calming my laughter.
—I told you you'd be laughing about it later.—Beomgyu said victoriously.
— still had to scold you, how do you ask someone out and forget the money.—I laughed said again.
—Anyway, it was fun, look on the bright side TaeHyun.—He said smiling.
I rolled my eyes and stopped looking at him to look at the stars with a slight smile.
I felt him settle down next to me on the grass, we were both looking at the stars in calm, there was silence and this time it was comfortable, as if the silence said everything that can't be said with simple words.
We stayed a few minutes in just silence, just enjoying each other's company, until BeomGyu spoke.
—Why did you break up with me?
That question again.
I was silent only and turned to look at him, he was looking at me waiting for an answer so I just went straight.
—I was afraid—I confessed
He looked at me confused.
—Afraid of what?
—That you'll leave me.
—What? TaeHyun-
I interrupted him.
—Y-You... you'd already go to college, this would be your last year in high school and... and we'd be separated, you'd meet new people that might catch your attention and you'd leave me aside and that I... I couldn't stand that... I turned my eyes to the sky... My chest hurts just thinking that I wouldn't have you with me and I could lose you, that you'd get away from me, so... I decided to get away from you first, so the moment you leave and forget me, it won't hurt me... or at least, not so much.
Finally, I said it.
The lump in my throat grew bigger, I was struggling internally not to cry.
—TaeHyun, a person never stops meeting new people, that's life and you have to adapt to it.
Thank you BeomGyu, I love how good you make me feel.
—After we finished, I met new people, several of those people will be going to the college I will be going to.
Oh great, I'll change.
—And none of them interest me, you're the only one I'm interested in, okay? Who else would think of having a pet snake? Who would think of mixing drinks even when they couldn't drink? Who would call me at three in the morning just because one of their book characters died? Who would listen to those complaints about how boring horror movies are? No one, TaeHyun, you are unique and that's why I can't get you out of my mind at any time, no matter what I do, something always reminds me of you and because of that I live constantly thinking about you, just waiting for the weekend to come so we can both snuggle between the sheets and watch movies, I promise you, I wouldn't trade you for anyone, no matter how many people there are, I only want you. No one else.
Now I'm crying.
—I wiped away some tears that maybe came out without my permission, I love you too... very much.
He let out a laugh and hugged me, I could have pushed him away and run away to cry in peace, but it's better to cry in his arms.
—This counts as a reconciliation..?, I can't stand not being able to sleep with you any longer.—he said and left kisses on my forehead.
—I guess so... can we go to your place and watch a movie before we go to sleep?
—If we don't get caught by the police on the way, then yes.
I let out a laugh, I really, really missed him.
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