#Simon Karlinsky
oldwinesoul · 1 month
Wherever you are, I am with you, and I love you as before.
// Zinaida Nikolaevna Gippius, tr. by Simon Karlinsky, from "Like Before,"
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eruverse · 11 months
This looks like how some ppl write Ivan Braginsky in this fandom tbh
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asoftepiloguemylove · 2 years
"Wherever you are, I am with you, and I love you as before."
Zinaida Nikolaevna Gippius, Like Before (tr. Simon Karlinsky)
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On April, 18, of 1911, 19 year old Marina Tsvetaeva (1892-1941) wrote to her friend, a poet, Maximilian Voloshin (”Maks”, 1877-1932)  about her fear that she had become too bookish and too withdrawn from life: “It is the fault of books and also of my deep mistrust of real, genuine life. A book and life, a poem and what had brought it forth: - what incommensurable quantities ! And I am so infected with this mistrust that I see (I am beginning to see) only the material, natural side of everything. But this is a direct path to skepticism which is hateful to me, which is my enemy ... There remains a sense of utter solitude for which there is no cure. The body of another person is a wall, it prevents me from seeing his soul. Oh, how I hate this wall ! But I do not want a paradise where everything is blissful and airy -- I so much love faces, gestures, the everyday life. Nor do I want a life where everything is clear, simple and coarsely crude.”   --  in: “Marina Tsvetaeva The Woman, her World and her Poetry” by Simon Karlinsky “ Виноваты книги и еще мое глубокое недоверие к настоящей, реальной жизни. Книга и жизнь, стихотворение и то, что его вызвало, -- какие несоизмеримые величины ! И я т<а>к заражена этим недоверием, что вижу -- начинаю видеть -- одну материальную, естественную сторону всего. Ведь это прямая дорога к скептицизму, ненавистному мне, моему врагу !.. Остается ощущение полного одиночества, к<оторо>му нет лечения. Тело другого человека -- стена, она мешает видеть его душу. О, к<а>к я ненавижу эту стену !   И рая я не хочу, где все блаженно и воздушно, -- я т<а>к люблю лица, жесты, быт ! И жизни я не хочу, где все так ясно, просто и грубо-грубо !”
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queerographies · 2 years
[Viaggi immaginari][Michail Kuzmin]
"Viaggi immaginari" raccoglie due raffinati giochi letterari del poeta acmeista Michail Kuzmin, che sperimenta sul canovaccio del romanzo d'avventure settecentesco e del romanzo di viaggio inglese evidenziandone i temi erotici da lui rivisitati in chiave
Due romanzi brevi del più dandy e scandaloso fra gli scrittori russi del primo ’900. Nelle Avventure di Aimé Leboeuf l’ambientazione francese assicura peripezie amorose, pratiche stregonesche, scambi d’identità e continue sorprese. Il Viaggio di sir John Fairfax offre al lettore peregrinazioni mirabolanti, arrembaggi di pirati e incontri con improbabili spasimanti. Il divertimento è comunque…
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Lenin’s favourite writer, [Nikolay] Chernyshevsky had a greater influence on the architect of the October Revolution than Karl Marx. “Chernyshevsky and his disciples,” writes Simon Karlinsky, “are the people who supplied the revolutionary style, the ethics, and the aesthetics of both Russian Marxism and Russian anarchism. It is because of the ideas Chernyshevsky formulated in the 1860s that today’s Communist societies are puritanical in sexual matters and simplistically utilitarian in their approach to the arts.”
Brian Boyd, Vladimir Nabokov: The Russian Years (p. 23) & Simon Karlinsky, ‘The True Father of Bolshevism’ (1976)
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rainreads · 3 years
Wherever you are, I am with you, and I love you as before.
- Zinaida Nikolaevna Gippius, tr. by Simon Karlinsky, from "Like Before,"
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cor-ardens-archive · 2 years
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Zinaida Gippius, ‘At the Threshold’, Simon Karlinsky
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deadpanwalking · 3 years
can i request a rec list for books about two dudes that would make me, specifically me, feral
So I notice you didn't specifically ask for fiction, and I'm exploiting the loophole. I swear I'm not trying to be an asshole, these are genuinely fucking insane and you will find yourself putting them down to scream into a towel:
Thomas Becket by John Guy
Anthony Blunt: His Lives by Miranda Carter
Palimpsest: A Memoir by Gore Vidal
The Divine Magnet: Herman Melville's Letters to Nathaniel Hawthorne edited by Mark Niemeyer
Dear Bunny, Dear Volodya: The Nabokov-Wilson Letters, 1940-1971 edited by Simon Karlinsky
My Beloved Man: The Letters of Benjamin Britten and Peter Pears edited by Jude Brimmer, Nicholas Clark, and Vicki P. Stroeher
The Happiness of Getting It Down Right: Letters of Frank O'Connor and William Maxwell, 1945-1966 edited by Michael Steinman
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kiyeons · 3 years
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i want to meet you in every place i ever loved,
i wish you never had to miss me at all. ⁠— zinaida nikolaevna gippius (tr. by simon karlinsky), life before // keaten henson, small hands // edna st. vincent millay, in letters (1952) // jon ware, i am in eskew
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seawilde · 3 years
“I would like to be a free artist and nothing else … My holy of holies is the human body, health, intelligence, talent, inspiration, love and the most absolute freedom imaginable, freedom from violence and lies, no matter what form the latter two take.”
— Anton Chekhov from Anton Chekhov’s Life and Thought; Selected Letters and Commentary edited by Simon Karlinsky
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ghostplantss · 5 years
a list of russian lgbt authors 
Russia’s Gay Literature and Culture: the Impact of the October Revolution by Simon Karlinsky
alexei apukhtin (poet/classmate + lover of tchaikovsky)
polyxena soloviova (symbolist poet, “shared her life w natalia manaseina, the wife of a well known scholar who left her husband to be soloviova’s lover”)
People of the 1890s by Alexander Amfiteatrov (has a lesbian banker and a gay decadent poet)
lydia zinovieva annibal: “thirty three freaks” and “the tragic zoo” 
nikolai kliuev + his lover Sergei Esenin: “Charming Pines” + “Brotherly Songs”
Viacheslav ivanov
Marina tsvetaeva (poet!)
Sergei auslender (short stories)
riurik ivnev (poet “whose obsessive theme was a dream of being burned or singed by a male lover”)
Yevdokia Nagrodskaya (”trashy bestsellers, whose 1911 whodunit At the Bronze Door revolved around the question of which of the three amle protagonists would turn out to be gay”)
Sophia Parnok (poet) “Music” and “In a Hushed Voice”
 They've cut a hole in the deep   dense blue of the ice:   a breathing space for big fish and little,   water for bringers of buckets,   a way out for a weary traveler   if she and life turn out after all   to be traveling different roads   and she has nowhere to go.   1931   I pardon all your sins--   but two I can't abide:   You read poems in silence   and kiss aloud.   So sin, blossom, be merry--   but take my advice:   a kiss, my darling, is not for the ear,   and music is not for the eyes.   1931 --translated from the Russian by Robert Chandler
Yevgeny Kharitonov (fiction)
Gennady Trifonov (poetry)
David Dar
Vera Panova
Edward Limonov
Venedikt Erofeev’s Moscow to the end of the line “an odyssey of an alcoholic who manages to get drunk at every subway station in moscow by consuming anything from champagne to furniture polish. This is accompanied by a stream of consciousness about the dishonesty and secretiveness of soviet society”
Kuzma Petrov Vodkin (male nudes)
Sergei Lemeshev (tenor)
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sashayed · 6 years
Девять родинок прелестных Поцелуями считаю, И, считая, я читаю Тайну, слаще тайн небесных. На щеках, на милой шее, У груди, где сердце бьется... От лобзаний не сотрется То, что мускуса темнее. Так, по лестнице небесной, Четки нег перебирая, Я дверей достигну рая Красоты твоей чудесной. Та ли родинка восьмая Мне милей всего на свете, Слаще тени в теплом лете И милей, чем ветер мая. А дойду я до девятой – Тут уж больше не считаю... Только таю, таю, таю, Нежным пламенем объятый.
                    Nine delightful birthmarks                     I count with my kisses,                      and as I count them, I read                     a mystery, sweeter than heavenly mysteries.                     On your cheeks, your dear neck,                     on your chest, where your heart is beating.                     That which is darker than musk                     will not be erased by kisses.                     Thus, along the heavenly staircase,                     as I tell the rosary of caresses,                     I shall reach the gates of paradise                     of your miraculous beauty.                     Now, that eighth birthmark                     is dearer to me than everything in the world,                     sweeter than the shade in sultry summer                     and dearer than the breeze of May.                     And when I reach the ninth one–                     I no longer bother counting...                     I simply melt, melt, melt,                     enveloped in a tender flame.
Mikhail Kuzmin, trans. Simon Karlinsky from Clay Doves, 1914
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Fame and money. Fame-how majestic, how spacious, how dignified, how harmonious. What grandeur. What peace. Money-how petty, how pitiful, how inglorious, how vain. What meanness. What futility. What, then, do I seek, when I have written something and submit it to someone or other ? Money, my dears. As much as I can get. Money enables me to go on writing. Money is my tomorrow's poems. Money is my ransom from the hands of editors, publishers, landladies, shopkeepers, patrons; it is my freedom, and my writing desk. Money is more than my writing desk; it is the very landscape of my poem .... Money enables me to write not only more, but better, not to take advances, not to precipitate events, not to stop up gaps in my poems with incidental words, not to spend time with X and Yin hopes that they will publish or "arrange" something. The choice is mine, the selection is mine. Money, finally-a third and most important point-enables me to write less. Not three pages a day, but thirty lines. My money, before all else, dear reader, is your gain !
Marina Tsvetaeva (1892-1941), from  "On Criticism”, translated by Paul Schmidt in: “The Bitter Air Of Exile Russian Writers In The West 1922-1972″ by Simon Karlinsky” “Слава и деньги.  Слава  - как  широко  - просторно - достойно - плавно. Какое величие. Какой покой.     Деньги - как мелко  - жалко - бесславно -
 суетно.  Какая  мелочь. Какая тщета.     Чего же я хочу, когда, по свершении вещи, сдаю вещь в те или иные руки?     Денег, друзья, и возможно больше.     Деньги - моя возможность писать дальше. Деньги -  мои завтрашние стихи. Деньги  - мой  откуп  от издателей, редакции, квартирных хозяек, лавочников, меценатов -  моя  свобода  и мой письменный  стол. Деньги, кроме письменного стола, еще и  ландшафт моих стихов...   Деньги - моя возможность  писать  не только дальше,  но лучше, не брать авансов, не торопить  событий,  не  затыкать  стихотворных брешей случайными словами, не сидеть  с Х или У в надежде, что  издаст или  "пристроит",-  мой выбор, мой отбор.     Деньги, наконец, - пункт третий и важнейший -  моя  возможность  писать меньше.  Не  3  страницы в день,  а 30  строк ... Мои деньги - это, прежде всего, твой выигрыш, читатель !“
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allbestnet · 8 years
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