#Skekso x Reader
grievous-writes · 3 years
Hey! Is the ask box open? If so, could I request something short and sweet where the reader, a gelfing who is the personal attendant of the Emperor, accidentally says "yes my love" instead of "yes my lord" outloud to him one day? They get flustered, and sweetness ensues haha. I know Skekso is nasty but anything soft with him makes me W E A K. Thanks in advance if you can do it! Love this blog 💜
Omg this does sound so sweet! I do enjoy a NASTY BOI Emperor most days, but sometimes we just gotta have some fluff.
LETS GOOOO! <3 “Servant, refill my cup.” Your Emperor commands as he holds out his empty chalice towards you, and you are at his side in seconds with the delicate glass pitcher to match.
Skekso didn’t bother to learn your name, as you are just one of his many Gelfiling attendants in his personal pocket, but he at least remembered your eyes. Your face was soft and round, like most Gelfing, but there was something in your gaze that he knew as yours; and yours alone.
“Yes, my Love.” You pour the pitcher and fill the cup. He never says thank you and you begin to bow- … and then you realize what you said and you look back to the Skesis with wide eyes. Oh Thra.
He’s looking right back at you, and his usually sharp eyes are open with pure shock.
You two just stare at one another for a moment, Emperor and servant, and then he takes a slow gaze out to court. No one else had noticed your mistake. With a snarl, he turns back to you, ready to hiss his displeasure, but you are already gone and ducking into a servant’s walk way; escaping his rath.
Again, he’s left in shock and an uncomfortable feeling began to swell in his chest. What was this sensation? Why was it growing and why was his face feeling warm? Was he ill? Drunk? Did you spike his drink? Skekso grumbles to himself and sets down the glass, unable to focus for the rest of the evening. All he can think on is your words, the embarrassed look in your eyes … maybe he’d find out your name.
Maybe. Perhaps. alright, yes, he’d get your name. Once he’d have it, Skekso would call upon you again and- … and- … he had no idea what he’d do. For all the trine he’s ruled, no one has ever used the word love in regards to him. Fear was easy, loyalty expected, but love? He didn’t know what to do with such a thing. It had to be a slip of the tongue, an error for sure – One he would correct. Soon. But for the moment, he enjoyed the warmth growing in his form and he relaxed into his throne.
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doobasgirlgg · 4 years
Skekso dating headcanons with a nurse s/o
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When you first meet he is wondering why you care about so much for him and the other skeksis the most evilest creatures in thra?
When you start to care for him more that’s when he wants to get to know more about you and such
When he starts to catch feelings for you he starts to kind of flirt with you and maybe act more like a gentlemen and whenever he is eating dinner with the rest of the skeksis and your there he’ll eat with some more table manners just to impress you.
If you around other skeksis,gelfling,podlings or anyone for that matter he’ll call you over to his throne so your next to him at all times it doesn’t matter if your busy or not he wants you next to him at all times.
He asks you out by asking you if you’ll sit right next to him at the table for dinner.
If you agree to have dinner with him that will make him the happiest emperor alive (happy skeksis happy life)
“Oh my mate you’ve made me the happiest emperor alive In all of thra.”
Nsfw *le gasp*
When he wants to mate he’ll be really loving and caring and gentle for your first time.
He isn’t as greedy as chamberlain or the other skeksis are he’s a little like skektek the scientist he wants to be a gentleman if you don’t feel in the mood at the moment or just don’t wanna get it on he’s a gentleman about it if his empress doesn’t want to mate then they won’t
He doesn’t mind doing it in public on his throne since he wants everyone to know that your his and his only none else’s
He wants kids so he has a breeding kink and he needs hires to the throne just in case he dies (if you’ve seen the movie you already know what happens.)
He likes biting when you do it so that people know who you belong to.
This guy is long and kind of thicc but not to much but he still makes you feel good with the triple-
He gets motivated when you touch him via hug,kiss,hold his hand,cuddle him he’s in you.
“Oh I love you so much my love.”
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He likes spa baths like skekzok does so yeah he will still get in the bath with you though
He loves it when you wash his body again he loves it when you touch him it makes him feel loved and again it makes him horny
Bath sex is a must he likes it
He doesn’t mind going under water and giving you some oral just so you know you gotta give it back
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soultek · 4 years
Love Bites (And So Do I) - SkekSo/Reader/Skektek (Dark Crystal: AoR)
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Author’s Note:  Alright, like a whole year later let me post the fic that I made this whole damn blog for!!! And then didn’t finish until now-!
I mean I wasn’t gonna post it but then... I... This blog is literally called So(ul)Tek. These two are... why it’s called that. 
Anyway, happy to provide this fandom with some content (sorry it’s so late!) that’s for sure! 😊😊
Disclaimer: Age of Resistance/The Dark Crystal and all associated characters nothing to do with me / title taken from song of the same name by Halestorm / obvious female reader.
Premise: The arrival of a creature such as you to Thra attracts the attention of more than one Skeksis. The Emperor is quick to claim you as his, and will mark you as such. He can fulfill your every desire, but he does not own your heart. When you need love, to feel like someone in this strange land actually cares for you, you go to The Scientist.
Words: 1641
Warnings: alluded to sex / biting / mentions of blood / not really a poly relationship and yet kinda *is* a poly relationship. / monster kink (I guess!)
It wasn’t a good night unless you were bleeding. Unless you could wake up with marks. Jagged wounds from sporadically placed teeth, running from your shoulder down, in an arrow towards a sharper puncture mark. Your skin was so easily marred – such was the nature of your body. And the perforations ran on both your back and your front. Covering them was more of a problem. And sometimes that was because they were not meant to be covered – but to signal to others whom you belonged to. Not that they did not already know that, but on sheer number of teeth alone it was obvious as to whose bite had left indents in your skin. He couldn’t risk them over your neck – if he caught you just wrong then he would no longer have you; and that presented problems. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t scratch those talons across your delicate skin, and on occasion dig them into your neck; feeling your heartbeat as your blood pulsed through your veins. Life. Yours not eternal like his. But a life that could be his to give or take.
 Whilst he may well have had your fear, your respect, and every desire and carnal thought you’d ever had… he did not have your love. That, and your heart, belonged solely to another. And the Emperor only let you have that relationship because it kept you happy, and if your heart was happy… you’d come back to him at night for what you really needed. He just had to keep his court in check – though he would think the Skeksis to whom you gave your love would not dare step one toe out of line.
 It was a strange union – in that nothing would ever come of it. Foolish to think that anything would. You were not of Thra. And he was not of Thra either – but you were still not of the same world. He’d given up on that notion some time ago; but at least he knew that you would have a union with no other either… And yet it was something. And he had to keep you. You were as tall as the Lords of the Crystal, smart and sarcastic – holding your own against any one of them if it was called for. And agile, quick on your feet – if he called for you no matter where you were, you could be at his side in minutes. A fraction of the time he knew it would take any of his court. Almost as quick as Skekmal, in fact.
 As the morning light broke through the windows to the Castle you studied the lesions in the mirror. There was honour in being marked in such a way by the Emperor, and the sheer ecstasy it brought you under the cover of midnight… But running your fingertips over those indents the morning after, when your head was clear and there was no lust running through your veins, brought you a different kind of clarity. You would have to return to the one you loved most looking like this. And he would notice. Eventually. You may be able to hide them – but the Emperor would not allow you to cover them in his presence… Your eyes swept the room with a sigh; he had already left for court duties. Allowing you and your body the respite of sleep. You pulled your dress on and slipped quietly back to your own room, it wasn’t much, but it was still somewhere of your own. You couldn’t stay there too long, however, doing nothing more than changing your clothes before you made your way to where you really wanted to be…
 It was cooler in this part of the castle, making your way down to the lab, sticking close to the shadows and walls. You were about as wary of the Gelfling guard as you were any other Skeksis; and you certainly didn’t want to run into any of them so far from the Emperor’s side. You knew the temperature would change a little as you reached the Scientist’s workspace; here you were closer to the centre of Thra and the molten rock that flowed sluggishly through the heart of the planet.
You padded softly through the castle, and paused at the door with a smile to watch, as you reached your destination. He was already tinkering away, muttering to himself as he did so. You rested your head against the door frame, smile growing. As you listened a while you realised that Skektek wasn’t just muttering to himself, but he was grumbling. You wondered which of the others had set him off today – not that he ever needed much of a reason – and couldn’t contain your laugh well enough, as a small chuckle slipped out. This immediately alerted Sidetic to your presence, and the little green fluffball - whom Skektek called ‘friend’ - chirped happily at you from his cage.
The Scientist turned from his work with a huh, and his amber eye focused on you. “Oh-!” He placed his tools down and fussed with his clothing for a moment as he stepped back from his work bench, “Top Gear.” You weren’t sure exactly where this cute nickname Skektek had fashioned for you had come from, but it made you immediately beam. “I wondered if I might be able to help you today?” There was only a moments hesitation, “Surely the Emperor would prefer you to accompany him?” It stung a little, that hurt in his voice, even when he knew it had to be this way. “Not that he requested.” “So you have not cleared this with him?” Skektek took a step back towards his workbench. “I haven’t, but what I do with my own time is not of concern to him.” You voice was firm in it's conviction. “No, but you and I…” He trailed off wistfully and fumbled with his tools for a moment. “Perhaps you should confirm that you will not be required in court today.” “He would keep me there out of spite for me wanting to be here!” You crossed the room, begging him not to ask you to go. You needed Skektek now, you needed to feel loved - as if someone cared for your more fragile emotions, needs and desires.
Pushing yourself between him and his work, your eyes were determined, “If the Emperor wants me, he can come find me himself-!” “I-!” You cut the Scientist off before he could protest, “I’m staying. Relegate me to a corner if you must, but I would rather be useful.” There was a silence between you that you tried not to see as uncomfortable as his eyes searched yours, your head tilted, frown absentminded; you always worried about his mechanical one. Something you weren’t sure you could forgive the rest of his species for. You were a fairly good engineer, that much was true, but you also knew you had nothing on him – and everything here on Thra put you a little out of your depth. “Please…” Begging wasn’t beneath you, and your voice wavered the perfect amount, “don’t make me go.” Skektek was almost reluctant to say it, and he looked away from you again; “You can stay.”
Although relieved, you didn’t move from your position between him and the bench, and all of a sudden your emotions overwhelmed you, finding your eyes flooding with tears that you tried to keep from spilling. Startled by your first sob, Skektek recoiled, before - bringing his clawed hands up to nestle on your cheeks - giving his best attempt at wiping those tears away. “Now, now, there’s no need for that.” You gulped them back, hands upon his, not quite lacing your fingers together, “S-Sorry. I just…” You didn’t need to finish the sentence for him to know, and he lifted you up onto the counter top. Your clothing fell just a little more suggestively than you had meant, but you weren’t about to readjust anything at the significance of this pause.
You noticed the way his eyes lingered on your now exposed thighs, and wondered if perhaps you could make something of that. That you could be loved on now… that you could wash away the way last night was currently making you feel, now you were in this moment with him. You pulled Skektek into your body gently, planting a series of sweet, chaste kisses over his snout. The Scientist's movements were instinctive, even when his hands trembled the way they always did, and he began to inch your dress down your body. You couldn’t help the spike in your heartbeat, that tender flutter of anticipation you felt. Every. Single. Time.   He paused; hesitation apparent by the fading marks on your shoulder, across your chest and thighs. You would wait days between one and the other, just to hope that they would fade quicker. But they never did. “Please…” You pulled Skektek’s eyes back to yours, fingertips delicately ran his beak, “…I need you…” “But- I-” Try as you might you could not keep him from tracing his Emperor’s markings. And you swallowed hard. “Bite me.” “…What!?” The Scientist nearly recoiled at that. Why would you ask such a thing of him? Your love was delicate, you came to him to recover, to revel in being loved, for once. Not to be broken as you were upstairs. If you awoke with him - and it was always with him - he would curl himself around your body protectively, tail always wound around your legs. And when he slept with you in his arms tangled in his sheets, he emitted a sound not unlike a purr. And in this strange land, that was where you felt safest. That was where you felt like home. “Please.” You took his talons back in your hands, “Mark me. As yours.”
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urleaf · 4 years
Skeksis x taller reader
Based on the sizes they used on set  SkekMal - In a way it was a fresh breath of air for SkekMal to see someone that could intimidate him. Although size doesn't really matter when it comes to survival, skill did. So if you were good at any type of combat, he’d totally challenge you to a 1v1. SkekSo - He doesn’t really care, BUT he does think you’d be a great body guard, or a guard in general. He would get intimidated if you were provoked - usually in arguments where there were only both of you. Would keep you around if he sensed danger. SkekSil - He’d try to get on your good side immediately, which sometimes made things worse for him. He would definitely use you as a threat, or circle around you if he knew he was in trouble in hopes of scaring anyone he pissed off away. SkekTek -Tek wouldn’t be happy about another giant creature that’ll most likely bully him like the others. But if you are nice to him, and treat him like an equal, you were bound to break his mind. Would ask you to reach for stuff and help him in his experiments. SkekGra - He’d see you as a huge body pillow, an amazing cuddle buddy. It would be his dream to be sandwiched between you and UrGoh, especially in colder nights, if you were a breathing heater just like his counterpart.
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skekshroom · 4 years
Kind of a spicy ask, but could you do some headcanons on how the Skeksis react to their human s/o subtly teasing them throughout the day?
finally some good fuckin food gg damn
skekOk adores being teased. It makes him feel young and desired- two things he craves to feel constantly. Subtle touched over his shoulder, inconspicuously  looking back at him as you pick something up, and other means are all surefire ways to get him giddy. As much as he likes to draw this out, he’s going to urge you both to get some privacy. Oh look at the time, you two should be heading back to the carriage soon!
You probably didn’t even intend to tease skekSo at first. You simply lifted something heavy too flawlessly or brushed your hair back too smoothly, but he’s hot, bothered, and blaming it on you. Its the little things like the way you roll up your sleeves that gets him going, and when you start doing it intentionally, that’s when he starts to really lose it. He’ll snap at you to stop trying to distract him. No worries, a sweet “yes sir” will get him too weak in the knees to be mean.
Teasing skekLi is a delicate process of not paying attention to his blatant attention seeking, but throwing him the hint of a bone. He’ll try to ruffle your feathers, flirt, but it seems to go in one ear and out the other until you throw a smirk at him. You chuckle at a joke and give a firm hand on his knee and a stern “wait till we get home”. The entire carriage ride back from wherever you two were he’s sitting still, grinning. He’s definitely got a multitude of spicy possibilities on his mind but most of all you should be glad for the peace and quiet. This is as best of behavior you’re ever going to get out of him.
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shortpirateking · 5 years
All aboard the feels train! Imagine reader seeing Skekso, her lover and friend, slowly rotting away and not knowing why or how to help him. She tries to be hopefully that whatever is wrong will go away. That is until the day he lost his beak....
i life for them feels, though I can’t write it without mentioning @ggwriteswords. They wrote something very similar, so I suggest looking at their work too! 
The relationship between you and the Emperor was always somewhat shrouded in a mystery. To many looking from the outside, they would seem like simple acquaintances and nothing more, even to many of skeksis it seemed the case.
However, if one were to look, if one truly understood how SkekSo was, they’d know better. Each look he gave you was gentle, each touch and word, unlike the stand offish and cold nature he gave to the others. It was so subtle, that sometimes you would almost miss it, but you always knew. You knew ever since he asked for your presence solely when he was in need of advice, you knew when he simply started calling upon you to simply be beside him.
You knew, and yet your heart skipped a beat when he gifted you a trinket you knew the skeksis held rather dear to him. 
Soon, trinkets, silken dresses, and many other ornate gifts were give to you in secret. You knew, SkekSo knew, and though there would be a twinkle in his eye when he saw you wearing it the next day, you’d both play dumb, him asking where you got it while you would smile and fawn over your ‘mysterious’ gifter. It was a game you played, and something you enjoyed, seeing the older skeksis acting playful, as if he hadn’t lived for nearly a thousand trine.
Then, he finally revealed himself as the gifter to you in private, admitting his fondness of you. His voice was soft, unlike his booming and cold voice he used in public.
“my beloved, you have already captured my heart” he whispered to you, gently grasping at your hands as he leaned down, face inches from yours “If you’d allow me, I wish to hold your heart as well. I want nothing more than for you to be at my side.”
That was when you knew, that he truly held your heart as tightly as you held his. 
Trine had passed since those days, and you had found your beloved growing colder, more distant from even you. Even when you would retire to his room, he would not be there, and when he was, you could easily take note of his thinning frame, even as he turned his back to you when he settled down to sleep.
Soon, it grew worse and worse, his words would become gargled with mucus, retching and hacking when he exerted himself in anyway. His once proud frame now decrepit and sad. You had tried to comfort him, you tried to get him to open up to you, like he had many trine before, and yet all you received was a wall. You knew he still cared, from the way his eyes softened when he turned to you, how his now shaking hands would grasp your own stronger ones.
You tried to ignore it the best you could, continuing on as if your lover wasn’t wasting away, instead hoping, praying that what he was doing would end soon, that he could go back to the way he was...
All this shattered the moment his beak fell off in front of you. 
That was the day you watched his world crumble before you. SkekSo roared, grasping his beak with shaking hands as he threw it onto the ground, spittle flying from his mouth as he seemed to roar at nothing, yet everything.
He convulsed after his rage vanished, hacking and wheezing as mucus flowed freely from the holes in his snout. You were terrified, unable to move as he calmed, unsure what to say, and for once....scared of him.
Suddenly he turned, and before you was a saddened and weak skeksis, completely different to the emperor you met at the beginning. his cheek and jaw glistened with....tears... as he regarded you.
“why,” He croaked, watching you with desperation in his eyes. Why were you still here with him? why didn’t you leave??
Why did you still love him??
Each unspoken question pulled at your heart, and at that moment you had made your mind. You would become your emperor’s, your *lover’s* rock, an anchor keeping him from falling apart.
Slowly you made your way to him, taking note as he watched you with now wary eyes, before you pulled him into a tight and comforting hug.
“No matter what happens,” you whisper, feeling your love tense within your arms. “no matter what you’re going through...it won’t change my feelings for you.”
You look up, smiling to him as he shakily hugs you back, and you have to hide the sorrow at how thin and frail he is within your arms.
“you hold my heart, SkekSo. You always have... and you always will”
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okairagiso · 4 years
When reading SkekSo x human reader fanfics, what will your human OC will be like?
I never think about it! I don´t know! D:
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ben-the-hyena · 4 years
Have you read any SkekSo X Reader headcanons?
I don't think so, since I never self shipped myself with anyone I never was a fan of this kind of fanfic and never tried to look for them. In fact no offence for those who love or write them but when I try to look for a ship fic and instead there are tons of this kind of fics I grew frustrated lol
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Skekmal x reader x skekso
This is gonna be a real fun one! Both skekso and skekmal are in love with you and each other it’s a big happy polyamory all around! Here we go!
Skekmal and skekso often times bicker about who gets to hold your hand but it’s okay because they both hold your hands.
Skekmal packs around you and skekso. He doesn’t like the two of you touching the ground.
Skekmal drapes himself across you and skekso like a cat.
When skekso is petting skekmal he’ll see that you’re just sitting there so he’ll slowly move his hand over and pet both skekmal and you.
When skekso is out somewhere you and skekmal take naps on his throne.
Skekmal brings you and skekso random dead things that he had killed. Skekso Won’t let you touch the dead things.
Skekso and skekmal take turns holding you in their laps.
You get all the beak nuzzles
They curl around you making a wall of cuddles when it’s time for bed.
Skekso loves pampering you though skekmal tries to avoid being pampered but always ends up being pampered in some way.
Both of them randomly nip at you.
They both fight sometimes over who loves you more but that’s okay because they always come to the agreement that they love you and each other equally.
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grievous-writes · 5 years
SFW, NSFW, I don't have a preference! But I'm curious as to what you think each Skeksis' first dream might be, like perhaps because of you, and the almost mystical connection you forge between the two halves of a whole, perhaps the Skeksis manage to dream (and the Mystic counter expresses anger), and of course you're in it! Which is why they're so startled, maybe, when they wake. "That didn't happen? What was that??? What the FRICK??" XD Anything, anything at all can occur in a dream.
HM. This is an interesting concept! Let’s see what I can do. I’m only going to do three Skeksis, and they shall be my fave bois
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When the Emperor wakes up from his very first good dream, not a nightmare for once, he’s understandably confused. Here he’d been damned, contently so, to have nightmares in exchange for power, but then he dreams such a sweet dream . . . a tender dream . . . of you. You held him in your arms and caressed his rotting face. You weren’t afraid of him, you didn’t shun him. You accepted him and all the shadows at his back. Hr’s hesitant to come to you after that, but he does watch you more often in court; he finds himself growing angered at seeing you so close to the others, and not him. He’ll have to correct that.
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The Hunter does not like to dream. Such things only cloud the mind and muddle the instinct to the hunt. However when he dreams of you, he finds himself oddly welcomed to it. He already posses you during the waking hours, so it’s only fitting you are also his in sleep. When he wakes, Skekmal acts like nothing is different. There is the usual morning nuzzle, his subtle purrs, and then it’s back to the hunt. 
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SkekTek is a confused mess of panic and worry. What in Thra was that?! He dreamed?! He couldn’t remember what it was like to have a dream till then! How interesting. Scary but very interesting. It takes the Scientist a few minutes to calm down, looking to your sleeping form next to him on his lab cot. You had both fallen asleep after a long night of experiments and testing, with you cuddled into his side like a little kitten. He sighed with a small smile. He glad his dream was of you, his Top Gear. 
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troutpopulation · 5 years
i tried to write a SkekSo x reader fic but it turned into 3 paragraphs of the reader just punching the fucking shit out of SkekVar
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skekshroom · 4 years
Skekgra/Urgoh,SkekMal,SkekSo getting jealous when another human shows up and starts acting a little too clingy to their mate, said other human thinks Skeksis are aliens that have invaded Earth and they and the reader are the only two humans left and need to start saving the species which causes to the reader to freak out and their partner(s) to come help them.
Thanks to this post they have names now!
Also, in this AU, they’re going to be just a little bit... more delusional than how I’d normally write them, so like, I wouldn’t judge their characters here lol. Also AU of an Au bc in the one theyre from, you came to earth with them too in the same escape ship. 
Violence and angst warning!
[SkekGra/UrGoh x reader]
“Look, I don’t know what kind of lies they’ve been planting in your head (y/n), but you’re not one of them. You’re human, I’m human, what if we’re the only ones left on Earth!? We have to leave, come with me-” Argyris grabbed your hand hard enough to elicit a pained yelp from you. Both SkekGra and UrGoh stood up seeing the alarm on your face and rushed over as you began to yank your wrist from their grip.
“Alright, yep, yep, we are done here.” SkekGra all but pried Argyris off of you by the scruff of their clothes. They quarreled as UrGoh put his arm around you.
“Are you... alright?” He murmured. You nodded.
“Yeah just... startled, I’m fine.” You frowned. “I’m afraid they’re um... Not all there anymore. They really think they’re on Earth I just feel bad I mean, the truth is right in front of them.”
[SkekMal x reader]
Whatever sweet Lamia you’d come to know was gone. Their eyes looked vacant and... wrong. There was no other way to put it, it was like they looked right past you.
“I love you, (y/n).” They breathed. “I was made for you. We’re the last two people on this planet, that can’t be an accident. It can’t be an accident. It can’t be.”
They laughed emptily and pressed your hand to their breast. You couldn’t tell if their heart was beating so fast it all blurred together, or so slow you barely felt it at all. 
“It can’t be an accident, the world wouldn’t just... take everything from me and give me to you on accident. My friends and family, they wouldn’t just disappear and leave you here, if it didn’t mean we were meant to- (y/n) I love you so much. This is our Eden, we were meant to start over we- (y/n) you’re the only thing I have to live for anymore.” They sobbed, weakly groping towards your face and throwing themselves in your arms against any protest. “I love you! I love you! You’re the only fucking person in the world, tell me you love me! (y-”
They cut off with a terrible gasp and thrashed for a moment before going limp. You looked up to see SkekMal pulling the dagger out of their back. He said nothing. He only looked at you, dropped the weapon, and cradled your shocked face in his claws. Your jaw dropped, your eyes wide, you said nothing either, bringing a shaking hand up to his and holding him close.
[SkekSo x reader]
“Sorry it’s just- its just funny.”
“What is?”
“These things take over our world and you become like, their ruler. That’s just crazy to me but like, powerful in a weird way.” They laughed. You bit back a frown. You’d explained to them many times that this wasn’t Earth, but it always seemed to go in one ear and out the other. “You know... if you ever come to your senses, Earth needs to be repopulated. I’m joking, I’m joking... Unless?”
They laughed again, and you chuckled too, quieter though. You knew who was watching with an icy gaze boring into the back of Ozzie’s skull.
When Ozzie went missing the next day, you didn’t ask questions.
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shortpirateking · 5 years
How would SkekSo react to recieving body worship? My favorite thing about him is his cheekbones so id focus on that
At first, he’d bristle up, acting offended and ordering you to stop, that he isn’t some...being to be coddled on.
It’s not that he hates it, though. He just does not want to be seen as weak, he has a reputation after all.
The only way he allows you to even begin to worship his body(Sexually or not), is where he tells your where to go, and you remain there, focusing on that one spot until he tells you.
He has to be in control of it, he will not allow you to simply do as you please. He is the Emperor, and you will obey him.
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skekshroom · 4 years
Could you please do headcanons for the moment that the Skeksis realize that they're in love with the human reader?
- doesn’t exactly deny that he cares for you, because nobody would have the gall to suggest it. Even if they did, he’d quickly (and albeit honestly) say he gives you fair treatment for your loyal service to explain his favoritism towards you. That, and being a human rarity made you a special case in his book.
- However, he realizes he loves you when you show him genuine kindness outside of servitude.
- he’s always been protective over you, he tends to latch on begrudgingly to anyone he can genuinely call a friend.
- He was skeptical the first time you stood at his defense. As much as he likes you, he can’t help but feel like there was some ulterior motive.
- It was the prospect of you leaving that made him realize. When you declined another skeksis’ offer to have you under their wing. You made sure not to blame him for their rejection. That act helped him realize how much you cared for him, and in turn how much he did as well.
- He’s going on about the plan to reunify with urGoh, when you say you hope he remembers you when he’s GraGoh again. You both laugh it off because- of course he will! Both halves of him do!
- Then he realizes for the first time in hundreds of trine he feels like he’s leaving something behind again for unity. He is still sure of becoming one again, but he’s realizing not only that it will be a change for the three of you, but that he cares enough about you where he does worry if it will be the same. He knows it wont be. He likes to think it’ll be better.
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skekshroom · 4 years
Could you please do some headcanons on how the skeksis would react to experiencing love at first sight with the reader?
i say boomboomboom now let me hear you say wayho...wayohh
SkekSo was meant to see you as the Vapra’s odd find. His fingers dug into his temple as he impatiently await the arrival of this “human” that a pair of farmers had found and brought to the All Maudra. He almost did a double take as he glanced up at you as you approached, escorted by castle guards. You walked towards him and something in his chest stirred, his eyes widened and his posture rose from the slump into an intrigued upright perch as you gave him a polite bow.
SkekTek coughed and fanned smoke away from his beak with a groan, blinking harshly as unsure if that noise was ringing in his ears or the whining of one of his animals that may have gotten trapped under debris from his machine’s fatal error. When he looked up, he yelped as something large moved from behind the haze and scrambled out into the clear. He grabbed a chunk of the machine as a weapon and crept back... That was when you turned to him. You were disheveled, eyes red and glassy from the dust, flushed face, completely out of place in his lab... And beautiful.
SkekSa looked through her spyglass atop Omerya Staba. The dark shape in the water floated closer to the ship and she squinted, making out the shape of a body. She called to the crew and shucked off the heaviest of her garb before diving in. Sure enough, it was a gelfling like creature, incredibly big, slumped over from exhaustion on top of flotsam. She helped you awake and when you finally coughed up the rest of the sea water, she wasted no time getting you to the gelfling to be taken care of. It wasn’t until later that night that you found her to thank her. In the evening lantern light with the smell of the sea heavy in the ship air, she finally saw you conscious and the first smile you gave her was all it took.
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skekshroom · 4 years
What will SkekSo’s dream wedding will look like when he marries his beloved?
A grand affair! (In my fic Leave with me, I talk about how the 3 week pregame to the wedding)
also like. spoilers for the entirety of the entire blueprint for that fic lol.
If all things go to plan, your wedding will be an extremely elaborate and ecstatic rite. The wedding is three weeks long. Every week a phase for each sun. In the first week, Preparations are made. Your throne begins construction.The castle is cleaned and decorated, summons are sent out to the outer court, the maudras of each clan are notified. You’re briefed on your roles (etiquette for meeting the outer court and interacting with subjects as the new Sovereign before and after your title is officiated. A skeksis is appointed as your wedsmaid, basically your attendant throughout the duration of the wedding. They will keep you company, keep you groomed and keep you looking sharp and updated on information you need. Briefing you on what you need to know for the next day, who you will be interacting with and how, etc etc. 
In the second week, the outer court should be arriving, and festivities begin. There is a grand homecoming feast where you and the rest of the skeksis meet. The next day will be a day of leisure with the court. The third day is spent alone with your fiance. The rest of the court will be off catching up, but you and SkekSo will be sharing quality time together. The fourth day you spend separate from each other. You both spend it with the other skeksis, before the fifth day when a large party is thrown. Its a big, debauched party full of much merrymaking. The next day begins late after everyone sleeps off their hangover, and is spent mostly in the spas. 
The next week begins with more preparations being made. All of your belongings are moved into the Emperor’s chambers, which have finished being remodeled to accommodate you. Your throne is complete. Then, the festivites move to the sector of the castle where gelfling are welcome, and a feast is held with esteemed guests. The Maudras, captains, and gelfling nobles are invited personally. There is a feast, gifts are received. The next day is for the discussion of policies and politics between the rulers of the empire and the gelfling figureheads. Afterwards, a much more public ceremony is held on the fourth day. This lasts until the fifth day. Afterwards, begins the private wedding. The gifts from the outer court are finally revealed. You thank your wedsmaid for taking care of you. There is a ritual officiated and overseen by the Ritual master, and you two are formally bonded. The festivities are kicked off into full swing. The wedding’s run is complete, but it only truly ends when the rest of the court leaves.
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