penflicks · 1 year
Bloom held onto Sky for what would be the last time in maybe forever. What had previously been a desperate need to stay with him in the hopes of clinging on to a future was muffled under the crushing weight of knowing she was the monster that haunted the otherworld. Perhaps something on the other side of the conduit would be able to take this monstrous thing inside her, but she was far past hoping.
A noise that sounded like the dog yip came from up the stairs. Bloom could only stare at the wriggling puppy in Saul's arms. Behind was Andreas holding a piece of what looked like the convergence crystal.
"You told them I was leaving?" Bloom turned to Sky.
"We guessed, this little guy almost didn't arrive in time." Saul closed the distance and pushed the little Dalmatian/Border Collie cross into her arms.
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Bloom stared at the cutest puppy she'd ever seen and the puppy licked her nose. She felt the tiniest thawing in her chest, as an emotion over than numbness peaked out.
"He's all yours, just sign here please," Saul held out the piece of crystal to her. "Just pop a bit of your dragon flame in that and it's all sorted."
Sky was looking at Saul with a slight frown of confusion, but 8 year old Bloom who had begged and pleaded for pet despite her dad's allergies reared her head. Bloom found herself unable to refuse this buried need inside her for a fluffy companion who would love her even when the school bullies had turned everyone else against her. Tearfully, she touched the crystal and discharged some of the dragon flame into it.
It seemed it really was a piece of the convergence crystal as she could feel the magic returning to her just as soon as she'd charged it. Andreas grabbed it from Saul's hand before the dragon flame had fully dispersed and yeeted it through the conduit.
The conduit flickered and closed from the dragon flame on the otherside. Her path out was gone. She was trapped here. Always trapped. Bloom let out a heartrending sob and slumped her head forward. Her face pressed into the puppy's soft fur who batted her ear with his wagging tail.
"Come on, let's get you back to bed. You're exhausted. This will all feel more manageable in the morning." Saul wrapped his arm around her shoulders and steered her towards the stairs.
"I can't! What if I hurt someone while I'm sleeping? What if I loose control?" Bloom wailed. The tears finally uncapping the vault of misery that had been brewing deep inside her.
"We already thought of that when you arrived, why do you think you were roomed with a water fairy?" Saul rubbed her arm soothingly. "I'm sure we can leave the magic blocking bracelets in you room if that will help you feel better."
"It won't help! They don't work! I can feel it still. One slight push of the dragon flame and they'll break! You should have let me leave!" Bloom cuddled her new puppy tighter and felt its rough tongue licking her wrist.
"Dogs like that need jobs, just tell him to guard, and he'll raise the alarm ap Aisha can come put you out. Her name is Aisha right?" Andreas said from behind them where he seemed to be the only thing holding Sky up, whose legs were failing him from the shock and grief of almost losing Bloom.
"You could call him Suiteheart. Y'know S-U-I-" Saul was cut off by Sky's groan.
"He's cracked. The last few months have been too much and Saul's finally cracked to the point of dad jokes," Andreas had the tone of mock exasperation.
Bloom hiccuped through her tears in an almost laugh. The puppy yipped again and wagged his tail harder.
"Oh no," Bloom sniffled. "I think he liked the name."
Suiteheart the puppy only snuggled deeper in her arms.
As they returned her to the suite and Saul tucked her up in bed while Sky argued that he should be able to sleep on her floor with Andreas, Suiteheart curled up against her chest to guard her sleep.
"Don't worry about anything, Bloom. We'll have Farah up and about again in no time and she'll help us fix everything Rosalind broke." Saul stroked the hair out of her face in a fatherly fashion. "Forget about Luna, she won't get her hands on you again. I promise."
Sky had apprantly won the argument with Andreas and was settling down on the floor beside her bed. Bloom sniffled and nodded and felt a comforting wave of sleep slide over her. Crying always did make her tired. She closed her eyes and barely registered the two teachers leaving.
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kikilowatt · 3 months
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Says stuff just to be funny but commits to the bit type of girl
Maybe ill properly draw these sketches later :)
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thestarbornpilgrim · 3 months
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I finished it!!! Happy days of bloom!
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kisaakiya · 1 month
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Guess what I’ve been watching while working 🔥🔥🔥
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carouselunique · 4 months
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Introducing the other little adventurers on the Cutie Quest! Sky Chime and Rosy Posy! They're on a quest to find out who they are, and they will never stop the journey - not until they have their Cutie Marks!
Bonus: Our Cutie Quest Adventuring Party all together!
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curenicoart · 11 months
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Precure Leaders (2004-2023)
it took me a while to finish all the pieces, but I'm so happy how they turned out <3
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kifkay · 1 month
silly headcanons about Winx characters’ home planets (part 1)
Linpheans rarely say, “I love you”. to them, it does not encapsulate the depth of their devotion properly.
instead, they use words that are much more… “poetic.”
for example, Bloom would casually thank Flora for helping her apply a salve to a burn of hers:
”thanks, Flo, love ya!”
and Flora would earnestly reply:
“My soul, I would part with my liver sooner than I would part with you.”
which… intense for us, Eartherns, but for Linpheans — love is not something to be treated casually.
among Linphean vernacular: “my soul”, referring to any one person you love; “my liver”, when referring to a friend you cannot live without; “my sun/moon/flower”; “my pillar”. also, when talking about a couple: “those, who were fated by the stars”.
(fun fact, all of these are real terms of endearment I took from my language <3)
she is very openly affectionate with her girls, but it takes her a bit of time to start acting similarly with the boys.
Helia and Timmy are decently well-travelled/well-learnt, so they know of this Linphean custom and are not surprised. Nabu absolutely returns the same energy to her.
Brandon just kinda takes it at face value (“you are my lifetime, friend” “👍”).
but Sky and Riven are absolutely bamboozled by how sweet Flora is, and try to awkwardly reciprocate.
like, Flora patches Riven up after a battle, and pats him on a back with:
“let the rivers of our lives cross together into an ocean forevermore, my golden friend.”
and Riven looks more scared than he ever was fighting goddamn Valtor, and whispers:
“you smell very nice?..”
Riven is obviously uncomfortable being as vulnerable and affectionate as she, so he resorts to using sweet nicknames (a-la “dove”, “love”, “sunshine”) and giving Flora compliments.
Sky is also unused to this level of affection, so whenever he is forced deal with it — he just malfunctions. literally dissociates. cannot reply for a solid twenty minutes.
He does think it’s very sweet though, so he starts taking care of Flora like a little sister. making sure she always has a little snack on a mission, giving her his jacket when it’s cold out, importing rare flowers for her, etc.
after a couple of years together, the winx and the specialists adopt this way of expressing endearment into their vernacular, and confuse the shit out of everybody else.
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aster-daydream404 · 3 months
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Sipping Tea Under the Wisteria Blooms
(Homemade) Air dry clay
A4 bond paper
White acrylic paint
Gold acrylic paint
Violet poster paint
Blue poster paint
Clear nail polish
Dollar store wisteria flowers
Lavender gina cloth
lilac colored paper
A lovely three seated teaset based on the Purple Bloom Teaset from days of bloom— most commonly known as the Wisteria Teaset. It is complete with a dainty set of three tea cups, a gilded sugar bowl and creamer jug, a lovely tea pot with wisteria petals painted on it, and a tower of golden tea cakes for skykids to enjoy! The white gilded chairs are toped with soft plush lavender pillows, and the table (of similar design is lined with a gilded lavander tablecloth whose design resembles the petals of a wisteria flowers. This tea set is perfect for skykids to relax and idly chat in while the wisterias bloom.
I made this entire teaset for the SoraSky discord server’s Art Prop-ject contest. And although I wasn’t able to join due to forgetting to put in my description and submitting late (EUGHH THE CENTERPIECE KEPT ON FALLING APART ON ME!!!) I am still incredibly proud of how this project turned out 🥹🥹🥹 I wanted to make the purple bloom tea-set because it was a prop that I’ve been wanting since I was still a moth on sky. It was a memorable time for me, especially when me and my friends would chat under the wisteria tree in Forest’s social space🪻✨ This tea-set was made of love, struggle, sleep deprivation, and lots of planning. It was via this project that i was also able to appreciate the little details and intricacies that sky’s purple bloom tea-set has, giving me a deeper appreciation for the item and the artists behind it 🥺 So despite feeling a bit salty of how it ended, i hope this piece brings happiness to those who see it, just like how we feel when anticipating spring ☺️ 😉 🏞️ 🌱🕊️✨ [insert moomin reference ahsjshjahaha]
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leclercstarrs · 11 months
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sfw hcs, the specialists.
summary: the specialists and sfw hcs!
warnings: fairy!reader and not fully proof read yet!
notes: i know winx probably doesn’t have much of a fandom on here but honestly this show gives me so much nostalgia so enjoy!
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sky ✿
sky spoils you so much, he treats you like a princess, which is ironic considering he’s a prince.
to him, you’re his world, he’d never do anything to hurt you and he loves you so much.
sometimes, when the two of you are relaxing together, he lets you style his slightly long hair.
speaking of relaxing together, that’s one of his favourite dates, when the two of you just spend time at a cafe, getting a break from the chaotic fairy and specialist duties you usually deal with.
brandon ✿
you were one of the few people to first know that sky and brandon switched names. brandon wanted to be completely honest about the switch and you understood due to sky’s feelings about wanting to try a normal lifestyle.
literally the sweetest boyfriend ever, he treats you so good. he’s so gentle and loving with you, your heart melts every time you’re with him.
he doesn’t get jealous that often and neither do you, the two of you trust each other and have a relationship that’s really built on honesty and loyalty.
riven ✿
no one would’ve thought the two of you would get together, as riven has a high temper and you pretty much have no temper, always calm and relaxed. in fact, the only people that suspected something was going on with the two of you were bloom and sky, they always took notice of the flirty comments and subtle touches between the two of you. however, ever since you’ve announced your relationship with the hotheaded specialist, you’ve been extremely happy with him, and your friends started relaxing exactly how much sense the two of you make.
you’re a balanced couple that occasionally has rough patches, as riven can get really jealous and insecure, but you guys always make it out and your love grows even more. riven loves you and never wants to make you feel less than appreciated.
his favourite date with you consists of literally anything that involves you two being near each other, but he especially loves when you and him help your friends defeat the newest villain. he also loves when you cuddle with him, as he’s really just a softie deep down, constantly wanting to be touching you. he’s a huge fan of pda, unless you’re uncomfortable with it.
helia ✿
you and helia go together so well, no one was surprised when the two of you made your relationship official. your both calm and loving people, quickly becoming one of the best couples out of your friend group.
you love his hair so much. he just lets you run your fingers through his hair and style it into stupid little ponytails and buns, the man not even complaining about it, actually secretly enjoying it.
he’s literally the best boyfriend. he is always at your side when you need comfort and he gives you all his love.
timmy ✿
it took a while for timmy to build up the courage to ask you out, but once he did, you happily said yes.
the two of you are the definition of ‘opposites attract.’ you’re outgoing and a social butterfly, compared to timmy, who’s shy and doesn’t talk to many people aside from his friends.
he isn’t a big fan of pda, but behind closed doors, he’s always wanting to be close to you.
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mothwantstoswim · 3 months
Hey moths
Some advice from an old sky kid:
The bloom capes are pretty. buy ONE
Don’t grind yourself to death
They come back every year
You don’t need every cosmetic in the game
Pick a favorite. Prioritize enjoying the gameplay over unlocking items
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wanderingskychild · 2 months
I was just flabbergasted. Like what launched me🤔!?
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bashzzey · 3 months
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Sky stuffs I drew in recent aggie session! My current sky kid's fit looks so cute that I needed to draw her in aggie so badly ❤ Waiting to have companion cube, teehee :]c
Bonus silly men from same aggie session 😎
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valleyofgays · 3 months
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screenshot redraw
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danelloevee-sky · 3 months
Crab Whisperer got dizzy
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#spinda#AAAHHHH YES!!! our belovèd spinda. from their café!!! probably one of my favorite minor characters from pmd sky#whom i don't even think was in the original explorers games. i think spinda's café was exclusive to sky. if i'm remembering correct#ly. or maybe that was shaymin village. i know shaymin village was for sure but maybe it was just that and not both of them. either way#have a delicious drink and allow the flower of conversation to bloom! i could quote spinda all day. he had “hopes and dreams” before toby#ever did. THAT'S ALSO like i had no idea what spinda's pronouns were. i kept trying to figure it out because i talked about him quite a lot‚#but no one in game ever talked about him. to mention his pronouns? turns out. there's ONE line of dialogue where the post office fucker in#shaymin village mentions him and calls him a he. i think that's the only time spinda is referred to in the third person with a pronoun#i believe it's when they're talking about like. how you can send gifts or whatever and pick up the characters' responses at spinda's café#which is still a really fucking good feature. of any video game. SEE WHAT I MEAN spinda and their café is just an incredibly good      Thing#it's to the point where my home wifi network is named “Spinda's Café Wi-Fi” because i love it so much. so if you're ever runnin around#and you see a wifi network by that name… it might be me! you never know! or… it could be the real deal. the real spinda's café is somewhere#nearby…! ugh. i wish. i would go there immediately#not even to mention all the other shit about this pokémon that's really good. like that they never walk in straight lines or whatever#their little dance. it's just.  huUGHKLJKAHJVDHJHDAJSVGD i love spinda. a nice pick-me-up after the underwhelmingness that was grumpig#shake it this way… shake it that way… and stir it all around… and it's done!
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