#Slender x EyelessJack
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I want more attention but I don't try har enough to get better...
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hit-me-with-a-ladle · 3 years
Ch.12 (Creepypasta x Fem!Reader)
MAJOT TW WARNING: blood, gore and violence so if youre not able to take that please do not read
There he stood, under the moon's dull light, looking up at the stars, a single cigarette tucked behind his rough fingers as smoke escaped his lips. Usually, he would use this time to calm his nerves before work, but right at this moment, he was furious. He, the Operators greater soldier, his right-hand man, was sent to do scut work. To clear the mess his comrades made. It was absolutely below him. Crossing his arms sharply and inhaling the last of the cigarette, he angrily threw the bud to the ground. But that wasn't even the worst of it, he was sent to do that work with non-other than Jack. The man he despised most in this world, even the mere thought of him made the masked man shake in rage.
Looking down at his pocket watch he saw the time, twelve-thirty-one-am, he was late. Both of them were supposed to be there on time at exactly twelve-thirty-am, but it was so like Jack to be inconsiderate of others time. The man grumbled tilting down his head as he propped his back on a lamp post. It was the dead of night in a rich neighbourhood, this place was the last thing from dangerous, the type that most people who lived there would leave their doors unlocked at night. Most of the houses looked the same, blending into one another, with a white picket fence and freshly cut green grass the smell of which wafted through the night air. It looked sterile, right out of a horror movie. But that wasn't the man's concerned, right at this moment, he was focusing on the one in front of him. A nice large white home with a big front yard and a front porch.
The sound of footsteps approaching snapped him out of his thoughts. " You're late." He declared, not bothering to turn around and look at the person behind him. " I got the memo late all right, it's not my fault, get off my back." The tall man quickly shot back standing next to him, starting to analyze the house. " Yeah of course it's not." Masky spat under his breath staring at his pocket watch once more, calming his nerves. "So why were we called here? This isn't exactly our jurisdiction." Jack asked, beginning to carefully approach the house. "It's The Rake, he went nuts and ran out of bounds, we were sent to subdue him and get him back before they kill him. Here take this." Masky replied while quickly throwing Jack a small silver pistol. "It's got three sleeping darts inside of it, so use it sparingly, it's all we got. Also, be VERY careful the darts are strong and sharp it can knock someone cold with just a prick." " Yeah yeah, But why do I have to use it? Aren't you the one with the shooting experience? Plus shouldn't you also have something to subdue him with?" Jack asked in confusion as he analysed the gun, it was a standard-issue shooting pistol with a nice leather handle, where the operator symbol was engraved on, and metal body. " My shooting arm is broken, it happened a while back. And for your information I do have a way, I have a blade laced in a similar liquid the darts are made from, it's only a little bit weaker." Masky finished quietly climbing up to the front porch, the wooden steps cracking softly under his weight as he neared the front door. Jack only sighed in exasperation as he quickly followed suit.
Masky put his gloved fingers on the doorknob and without any effort, it creaked wide open, exposing the barren hallway. Dead silence filled the room in a flash as both of the men stepped inside, things were very off. The small hallway led to three doors, one was on the right and centre of the wall presumably leading to the garage. The one across from the front door led to the living room and the third door was right under a staircase on the left side of the hallway that led to the second floor. Jack readied the gun holding it tightly in both of his large hands, while Masky gripped the knife. The hallway itself was quite cold, both of the men had begun to examine it, at first they only noticed the few misplaced shoes and the dirty circular carpet but looking at it further under the dim light protruding from the front window there's seemed to be scratches littering on the floor.
" You take upstairs and ill take this floor," Masky said peering at his protege. Jack quickly nodded as he carefully began going up the stair. Masky took in a deep breath, steadying his nerves and once again checking his pocket watch for reassurance, before approaching the garage door. Carefully opening it he scanned the inside, empty. Closing it gently, he went towards the living room door that was slightly open. Pushing it further he was careful to go in, something in the back of his mind was telling him to be extremely careful, he gripped the somewhat large knife even tighter as he fully walked in. The room was very plain, immediately he noticed the tv was on, but the sound was muted, though he didn't try to turn it off as it was the only source of light in the room. Masky learned from his past missions that turning the lights on in a house can be the stupidest thing you could do. Walking further his steps silenced by the large almond carpet as he tried to find any kind of clue as to Rakes whereabouts.
The Rake, one of the most dangerous creatures in the forest, and to most, the most terrifying, with its large, pale, human-like body and sharp talon-like claws, able to cut through a thick tree with a single swing. But what made Masky fear him wasn't his appearance but his behaviour, unlike most of the brain-dead, animalistic monsters that littered the forest, that acted on only instinct, he was fully aware of what he was doing, having this level of intelligence and sentience that made shivers run up the mans spine. He was unbelievably dangerous if not handled with the utmost care. Though the stranges thing is, he wasn't the type to kill humans, he was a monster that didn't need human meat to sustain itself, The Rake was also a territorial being, so him going out of his territory bounds was rather peculiar.
Making his way through the room, he noticed there was a sign of struggle, crimson stains dirtied the carpet and there were more of the same scratches on the walls and floor. A few chairs from the wooden dining table, that was in the middle of the large room, had been misplaced or knocked on the grown. There weren't any kind of decorations on the walls except one large painting hung right above the fireplace, depicting five people, a mother, a father and three children. A dash of blood was covering the father's face. Advancing his way even further there were no singes of any bodied all until he reached one last door, the door that lead to the kitchen. The first thing masky noticed were the dark drag marks leading to it, they were very faint, barely detectable if you didn't pay attention. Taking in one last breath he swung open the door and bolted inside.
The first thing he saw would make most people scared for the rest of their lives but it barely fazed the masked man who only seemed to get more frustrated. There, in the middle of the narrow kitchen, piled atop of one another like trash, where the lifeless bodies were the residents of the house. Their bodies, barely recognisable from their past forms. A giant puddle of blood had formed around them, seeping into the crack of the kitchen tiles. The stench was almost unbearable as flies flew around them in circles, the mother's cold dead eyes stared into Maskys soul as her tongue hanging loose from her dislocated jaw. Chunks of flesh were smeared across the walls and furniture indicating that the struggle lead over into the kitchen, but something was missing. Masys eyebrows furrowed as he counted the bodies. One, two, three, four...the father was gone.
Meanwhile, as Jack climbed up the stairs he carefully investigating every step, being very mindful with every stride he took, not wanting to make any unneeded noise. The first five steps out of all ten didn't have any tell-tale sign, but the moment he reached the sixth he too started to notice the strange scratched on the hardwood, and all the wait up the remaining four there were faint drops of blood. That seem to peak Jacks interest as he quickly walked up the rest of the steps. Now standing on the edge of another narrow hallway he made a layout of it in his head. On the right wall was another single door while on the left wall were three doors and right across from him, at the end of the hallway was the last door.
First, he approached the door on the right, preparing his gun he softly opened the circular handle and checked inside, an empty bathroom. Closing the door once more he went to check the door on the left side, first checking the one that was closed to the stairs. It was a bedroom, most likely for a young boy, other than an unmade bed there was nothing out of the ordinary. Next, he checked the middle door, another bedroom this time belonging to a preteen girl, and again the only unusual thing was the unmade bed. Confusion laced the tall man's masked face as he made his way to the final door, right before he opened it something caught his eye, more bloody drag marks. They were again faint but still somewhat recognisable. They both lead to the last room on the left and the room at the end of the hallway.
Jack readied the gun once more quickly opening the last door on the left, revealing another bedroom with an unkempt bed. But something told him to fully search it. At first glance there was nothing out of the ordinary, it just looked like a room a teenage girl would live in, all until he walked up to the bed and threw the thick purple blankets to the side. Lying stiffly on the bleached white sheets was a long severed finger, staining the sheets with a dull red. Jack grunted, picking it up with his gloved hands and inspecting the stump. It was sliced off with something very sharp. Placing it in his front jean pocket he made his way to the final room, it was the parent's bedroom. A king-sized bed was placed in the middle of the room, which itself had a very minimalist look to it. But unlike the other rooms this one was destroyed, again showing signs of strain, with torn pillows and bedsheets, red-stained feathers everywhere and most importantly, large, deep claw marks.
But even so, there was still no one in the room, as the tall man was about to search further he heard his comrade calling him. " Jack, you got something," Masky said, loud enough for him to hear. " No. What about you?" He shot back leaving the room carefully, still being on guard. " Me neither, but there's something wrong. Five people live in this house, three kids two parents, four of their bodies I found but one is missing. I think that Rake might have taken him somewhere, have any idea where that could be?" Masky replied with correctness, his voice full of authority. " No, but I found a severed finger in one of the kid's rooms, and something went down in the master bedroom." Jack quickly replied going down the stairs, Masky only humming in response as he stood in front of the entrance. " Is there a change he took the last body and fled?" Jack asked finally reaching Masky. " There's no indication, plus Rake isn't the type to flee like that with extra baggage." Masky said calmly, going deep in thought. " Then where the hell could he have gone?" Jack muttered in frustration, staring bullets in the back of Maskys head. "There's only one room we haven't checked..." Masky began talking to himself, quickly strutting to the door under the stairs, he glanced at Jack before twisting the knob. Briskly opening it, he saw a narrow concrete flight of stairs going downwards. " There was a basement!" Jack whispered in delight as he began to walk down with his protege. They both took small precise steps, making sure that whatever was down there could hear them coming, both preparing their weapons as they reached the last step.
It was a large rectangular room, its walls made out of cold concrete blocks that bearly isolated the room. There was a washer and drier bolted to the wall and a few misplaced articles of clothing, but the thing that truly caught their eyes was the hunched over monster trembling in the middle of the room. Disgusting slushing sounds escaped from its large agape mouth as blood sprayed all around it. Right next to it was the decaying body of the last member of the house. It hardly had any meat on its bones, its ribcage fully showing from its paper thing skin, slowly its head began to turn to expose its large sharp teeth smeared in flesh and blood, its stiff dead eyes wide open and staring at both of them with hunger, in its arms it held the severed head of the father. His brain was fully showing as half of it was completely eaten. Jack stammered back a few steps, shocked by the sudden sight.
Regaining his composure he cocked the gun and turned off the safety. But before he could shoot it lunged...
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justalazywriter · 2 years
messy masterlist + boring rules
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➢Requests open
➢i will write about sensitive topics i experienced too but not about unexperienced things since I don't know how it feels and I don't want to "misunderstand" it and write a non-comforting fic
➢venting allowed
➢i'll write Gn!, Fem! And Male! Reader
➢i will answer personal questions as long as I'm comfy
➢i will write angst , Horror , fluff and action
➢ i won't write for characters I don't like
➢fandom i will write for :outlast (miles upshur ) Tears of Themis , Obey me , some Naruto and Aot- characters , some creepypasta (+toby ) characters
Actual masterlist
Obey me
Trapped in a box(Lucifer)
You're not a monster (Diavolo)
Tears of Themis
Watching the stars with them (Gn reader) (Artem , Vyn)
Relationship headcannons (Gn! Mostly ) (Kakashi)
Relationship headcannons (Gn! Mostly) (tobirama)
Them as the little spoon (gn! Reader) (Kakashi , Naruto , Iruka , Indra , Tobirama , Hashirama , Madara )
Reaction to your sh wounds/scars (Kakashi gn!)
Friends to lovers in a dramatic way ig (Kakashi ) (fem!reader)
Reaction to you nearly dying(fem!reader) (Kakashi)
Attack on Titan
General relationship HCS (gn and FEM reader) (Levi , Erwin , Eren)
Chubby!Levi x FEM!reader HCS
Let me take care of you (toby) pt1 pt2
Can they drive? (Hoody , masky , Toby, slender,Jeff,kagekao,Liu/Sully,eyelessjack)
Reaction to self harm wounds/scars (hoody , masky , Slenderman , toby,Jeff)
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