#Small Business Idea
kaasi-legacy-designs · 2 months
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More Crazy Quilt stitching to do.
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jjongolese · 3 months
please give me some advice lol
so, i was thinking about doing a cupsleeve event as a joke (mainly a one time thing just to see how it’s like.) however, i am not a small business, nor i would even consider myself an artist. so pretty much, it would be impossible if i try to create an event with nothing to show or give.
nonetheless, if i ever was to make a cupsleeve event, it would 100% be centred around shinee, having all the members involved and nobody getting axed out. but the problem is that… most of my drawings are nsfw… and a lot of them are jonghyun centred… so i can’t really show those ones, especially since shawols don’t really have a big number based on the last event i’ve been to. however, that was when an idea popped into my head.
this may sound weird, but hear me out… jonghyun showing off his moons with the caption “the moon is mooning.” you know, the reference of him being a moon, showing his moons… which is called mooning… the moon is mooning… gen z slang for moon is looking good- I’LL STOP SAYING MOON-
this has been in my head for MONTHS- and i’m currently trying to sketch out the design that i wanted to do. i’ve told this to couple of people, mainly those that are vendors to have a shawol and business opinion. as a shawol, a lot of them like it. they thought it was funny and unique, and if it could be used as a gifty item (aka a key chain, pin, etc) it would also be a great humorous gift to give to a shawol that only they would understand. however, the business side is a bit… scary. it’s already highly debated when it comes to adding jonghyun and how he should be portrayed, but to have a provocative, implied sexual innuendo item may lead to controversy… which is bad for my business…
i don’t know if i should do this… is it too much? will shawols hate me? should i ask more people?
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digital-virat · 1 month
5000 में शुरू करें ये Business – हर महीने होगी 30-40 हज़ार की कमाई, देखें प्लान
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5000 में शुरू करें ये Business : कई लोग अपना खुद का बिजनेस ( Business ) शुरू करना चाहते हैं लेकिन समय की कमी के कारण ऐसा नहीं कर पाते हैं ! आपको बता दें कि कई ऐसे बिजनेस हैं, जिन्हें करने के लिए बहुत कम समय की जरूरत होती है ! हालांकि, इनमें थोड़ी मेहनत भी करनी पड़ती है !
5000 में शुरू करें ये Business
इस बिजनेस ( Business ) को रोजाना सिर्फ 3 घंटे काम करके आप 30 से 40 हजार रुपये महीने की कमाई कर सकते हैं ! इनमें से कुछ बिजनेस ऐसे हैं जिन्हें शुरू करने के लिए आपको दुकान की भी जरूरत नहीं है और ज्यादा निवेश भी नहीं करना पड़ता है ! हम आपको एक ऐसे बिजनेस ( Small Business Idea ) के बारे में बता रहे हैं, जिसमें आप 5 हजार रुपये लगाकर आसानी से 30 से 40 हजार रुपये महीना कमा सकते हैं !
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newbusinessideas · 2 months
How to Start a Banana Powder Business
Want to know the secret to a thriving Banana Powder Manufacturing Business?? 🍌✨ Tap and learn! 🚀 Follow for more tips! 🌟 #BananaBusiness #EntrepreneurLife SmallBusiness #BusinessStartup #FoodProduction
Banana powder finds use in various fields, its utilization which can be utilized as a part of numerous paths relies on upon the level of readiness. Organic Banana Flour – Bananas are dehydrated and milled to form a fine powder, that is both nutritious, flavoursome in baking etc. and has good shelf life practices Banana powder is used in products, and bananas are released at a rapid rate and this…
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startanybusiness · 5 months
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hinamie · 1 month
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long way home
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alaminhpi2 · 1 year
Morra Aarons-Mele, The Anxious Achiever, Is On The Sales Podcast | Increase Sales Performance.
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fliexr · 1 year
Small business idea - 7 Most Selling Digital Product
Today’s times have become very digital, everything is happening digitally whether it is shopping or anything else. Taking advantage of this digital era, everyone is bringing their business on digital platforms. The business of digital products is also going on in full swing, so in this post we will learn about digital products and I have brought for you the idea of ​​some such digital products…
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kokaniudyojak · 1 year
Small Business Ideas - लहान व्यवसाय कल्पना - लॅपटॉपसह लाखोंचा स्थानिक व्यवसाय सुरू करा, Google अर्धे काम करेल.
कमी गुंतवणूक जास्त नफा स्टार्टअप व्यवसाय कल्पना  Small Business Ideas : कोणताही स्टार्टअप किंवा व्यवसाय, लहान किंवा मोठा, ही केवळ एका व्यक्तीची बाब नाही. आम्ही तुम्हाला एक असा स्थानिक व्यवसाय सांगत आहोत, ज्यामध्ये तुम्हाला अर्धे काम करावे लागेल आणि उरलेले अर्धे काम गुगल करेल. यामुळे तुमचा आत्मविश्वास उंचावेल आणि लोक तुमच्यावर पहिल्यापासून विश्वास ठेवतील. प्रारंभ करण्यासाठी आपल्याला फक्त एका…
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vishal-117 · 1 year
Building a Strong Foundation: Maharashtra Nav Udyojak Kendra and Home Business Success
Embarking on the journey of entrepreneurship and starting a home-based business can be an exhilarating yet challenging experience. Aspiring entrepreneurs in Maharashtra are fortunate to have the unwavering support of Maharashtra Nav Udyojak Kendra (MNUK), an organization dedicated to empowering small businesses. With a range of specially designed machines for home-based enterprises, Maharashtra Nav Udyojak Kendra (MNUK) lays the foundation for success, providing entrepreneurs with the tools they need to thrive. In this blog, we will explore how MNUK plays a crucial role in building a strong foundation for home business success.
Tailor-Made Machines for Small Businesses
One of the significant advantages of partnering with Maharashtra Nav Udyojak Kendra is access to tailor-made machines designed to meet the unique needs of small businesses. Whether you're looking to start a food processing unit, a textile venture, or a sanitary product manufacturing business, Maharashtra Nav Udyojak Kendra (MNUK)  has a diverse array of machines to cater to various industries.
These machines are not only reliable and efficient but also come with training and support from MNUK experts. As an aspiring entrepreneur, you can confidently venture into your chosen field, knowing that you have the right machinery at your disposal.
Cost-Effectiveness and Quality Assurance
For many small business owners, managing expenses and ensuring high-quality output are crucial to long-term success. MNUK's machines are not only cost-effective but also built to deliver top-notch quality products.
The organization sources these machines from reputable manufacturers, ensuring they adhere to industry standards and quality guidelines. This means that your home-based business can offer products that meet customer expectations while maintaining cost-effectiveness, a winning combination for sustainable growth.
Skill Development and Training
Starting a home-based business requires more than just the right machinery; it demands a set of skills and knowledge to operate the equipment effectively. MNUK understands this aspect well and offers comprehensive training programs for entrepreneurs.
Through workshops, seminars, and practical training sessions, aspiring business owners can learn the intricacies of machine operation, quality control, and production management. This skill development aspect is crucial in building confidence and competence, paving the way for smoother business operations.
Networking and Market Access
Establishing a strong network and accessing markets are vital elements for any business to thrive. Maharashtra Nav Udyojak Kendra assists entrepreneurs in forging valuable connections with potential buyers, distributors, and suppliers.
The organization's wide network and market linkages can provide home-based businesses with a competitive advantage. This support system ensures that your products reach a wider audience and create a sustainable demand, laying the groundwork for business growth.
For aspiring entrepreneurs in Maharashtra, Maharashtra Nav Udyojak Kendra is an invaluable partner in their journey towards home business success. The organization's dedication to empowering small businesses through tailor-made machines, cost-effective solutions, skill development, and market access sets a strong foundation for sustainable growth.
If you are an aspiring entrepreneur with a vision to establish a thriving home-based business, embrace the support of Maharashtra Nav Udyojak Kendra. With their assistance, you can transform your dreams into reality, build a successful business, and contribute to the economic prosperity of your community. Let Maharashtra Nav Udyojak Kendra be the cornerstone of your entrepreneurial journey, and together, let us write a success story that resonates throughout Maharashtra and beyond.
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kaasi-legacy-designs · 2 months
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Getting quite the stack of items. And I didn't have to purchase materials for this endeavor.
At least not yet. My goal is to dwindle down my stash.
(yes, I'm using a ramen pallet because it was right in the house and a good size.)
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cosmicinkstudios · 5 months
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⭐️ Kirby’s Sweet Treats! (Remastered sticker sheet) 🍓⭐️
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nicossunshine · 5 months
It’s definitely been mentioned before but I love the idea of the 7 + Nico on the Argo II just doing dumb kid/ teenager stuff??? Like yes they’re all powerful demigods on a dangerous quest but they’re also a group of teenagers (some as young as 14) with ADHD and minimal adult supervision.
You’re telling me during a quiet shift on night-watch Leo and Frank didn’t snicker whilst daring each other to spit off the side of the boat?? Like imagine Percy and Jason having a game of ‘who can yell this dumb phrase the loudest without laughing’, or Piper and Annabeth borrowing Hazel’s drawing equipment to do ‘portraits’ of each other, or Hazel and Nico both awake at 3am making crazy concoctions with the unlimited food in the ship’s cafeteria. Meanwhile Coach Hedge is running around yelling stop it shut up don’t waste perfectly good pancakes building a food castle
You’re telling me no one packed a deck of cards for this journey? They didn’t have a single UNO tournament?? They didn’t all set up their sleeping equipment in the mess hall for a sleepover one night???
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gyanjan · 2 years
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christyrdiaz · 2 years
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How to Validate Startup Idea?
Coming up with an idea for a future product, let alone turning it into action, is hardly the most challenging task. What is hard is to develop a good concept that people would be willing to pay you for it. Just because you can’t find anything on the market right now doesn’t imply you’ve come up with a great idea. A product or service like this may go mostly unnoticed by users.
According to Fund squire, over 60% of startup founders fail during the first three years of operation. It is a frightening statistic for any new entrepreneur, but you can prevent it by validating your startup idea.
Before you commence working on the project, you must do a market analysis and confirm your business idea. You must not neglect this phase, no matter how much expertise you have or how certain you are in your best startup ideas.
Click here to read more: https://evincedev.com/blog/startup-guide-how-to-validate-your-startup-idea/
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alaminhpi2 · 1 year
Duane Spires on The Sales Podcast | Business Advisory Services
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