#increase sales performance
alaminhpi2 · 1 year
Morra Aarons-Mele, The Anxious Achiever, Is On The Sales Podcast | Increase Sales Performance.
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goal-hall · 1 year
Best 9 Important Ways of Improving Sales Performance and Profit
Improving sales performance is their other focal focus to keep their business existing and making value. Here are the ways 1. Understand Deeply About Your Customer's Behavior 2. Launch New Quality Products or Services 3... Read More
In a world of innovation, competition, and hard work we are in right now, improving your product sales and working to maximize your earning is an effective part of business survival, it is the heart of a business. Businesses and companies compete to drive sales and to increase brand awareness to drive customers to their empires. Improving sales performance is their other focal focus to keep their…
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mollyjames · 2 months
Even in food service, there is the demand for exponential growth. Each store has a profit target you're expected to hit every quarter. Each quarter the target gets bigger and bigger. The only way to make sure you hit or exceed that target is to increase sales or cut costs. Sales can only go so far though, so at a certain point there is the understandable temptation (not justifiable, but understandable) for your manager to start cutting hours. Once they do, your location has entered a Death Spiral.
The thing about the Death Spiral is it is nearly impossible to escape. It starts innocuous enough, with a few hours getting shaved off every week. And true enough at first you probably didn't need those hours. They were the slack, the extra hands that helped distribute the work and made it easier on everyone. You might not even notice they're gone. Maybe the morning rush is a little harder to handle, maybe there isn't as much time to chat as there used to be. But on the whole nothing has changed. You're still hitting your sales quota and, hey, everyone seems to be working a little harder. That's good, right?
Then the next quarter rolls around. You exceeded your quota. Upper management is very excited. But now your new quota is even higher than it would have been if you had simply performed to expectations. You raise prices a bit, push more expensive drinks, and sure, cut a few more hours. Bit by bit the slack gets tighter. The fat gets trimmed. All because continual growth, continual improvement, is not just demanded, but expected.
The endgame of the Death Spiral is the expectation that every worker will operate at 100% efficacy 100% of of the time, and that nothing will go wrong ever. It never reaches this point, as any food service worker will tell you, shit goes wrong. Service gets worse, you lose a few customers, and you miss your quota. This is the point of no return, because the only way to solve the problem is to add more hours. But there's no way upper management will approve spending more money. On a failing store? Don't be ridiculous. Maybe get those numbers up and we'll consider adding hours back. But the only way to get those numbers up is with no hours. It's a Catch-22. You're trapped. Slowly, inevitably, the store fails, and then closes.
The Death Spiral is a doomed strategy, but it is the one corporations push in response to investor pressure. It tricks workers into more work for the promise of relief later, if they do well and succeed, not realizing they'll only be asked to do even more next time. So how do you fight it? Know your worth. Don't let anyone give you more work without some kind of kickback. Don't fool yourself into thinking that being indispensable will lead to a reward later.
But the best defense? Join a union.
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abdulajeez · 1 year
The Secret How Can Performance Planner Serve Your Business?
Using Performance Planner, a vital tool, you optimize your Google Ads campaigns and achieve your marketing goals. In this quick guide, we’ll show you how Performance Planner can help you: Introduction What is Performance Planner? Performance Planner is a free tool from Google that helps you plan and optimize your Google Ads campaigns. With performance planning, you can: Set goals for your…
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gcareads108 · 2 years
#Smart campaigns are a type of advertising campaign that use machine learning algorithms to optimize your ads and maximize your return on inv#Set clear campaign objectives: Before creating a smart campaign#it's important to define your goals and what you want to achieve. This could be increasing website traffic#generating leads#or boosting sales. Once you have a clear objective in mind#you can create a campaign that is tailored to achieving that objective.#https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGlKyjXxkZzkUYZ4Gb7UbBA?sub_confirmation=1#Use relevant targeting: Smart campaigns use machine learning algorithms to optimize your ads#but they still rely on accurate targeting to be effective. Use targeting options that are relevant to your audience and campaign goals#such as geographic location#demographics#and interests.#Optimize ad creative: Smart campaigns automatically optimize your ad creative#but it's still important to use compelling and relevant ad copy and images. Test different ad creative to see what works best and use those#Monitor and adjust regularly: Smart campaigns are designed to be self-optimizing#but it's still important to monitor their performance and make adjustments as needed. Check your campaign metrics regularly#such as click-through rate#conversion rate#and cost per click#and make adjustments as needed to improve performance.#Social Links 😍😍#Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGlKyjXxkZzkUYZ4Gb7UbBA?sub_confirmation=1#Telegram : t.me/ranjankumar199#Kooapp : https://www.kooapp.com/profile/Gcareads108#Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/gcare-ads-0b01b7253/#Quora : https://gcareads108.quora.com/#Twitter : https://twitter.com/Kirti1541997#label#googleads#digitalmarketing
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Stevie Wonder - Superstition 1972
"Superstition" is a song by American singer-songwriter Stevie Wonder. It was released on October 24, 1972, as the lead single from his fifteenth studio album, Talking Book (1972). The lyrics describe popular superstitions and their negative effects. It reached number one in the US Billboard Hot 100 in January 1973 and on the soul singles chart. It was Wonder's first number one single since "Fingertips, Pt. 2" in 1963. It peaked at number eleven in the UK Singles Chart in February 1973. In November 2004, Rolling Stone ranked the song number 74 on its list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time. It was re-ranked number 73 on its 2010 list, and number 12 on its 2021 list. At the 16th Grammy Awards, the song earned Wonder two Grammys: Best Rhythm & Blues Song and Best R&B Vocal Performance, Male. In 1998, the song was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame.
English guitarist Jeff Beck was an admirer of Wonder's music, and Wonder was informed of this prior to the Talking Book album sessions. Although at this point Stevie Wonder was playing virtually all of the instruments on his songs by himself, he preferred to let other guitarists play on his records, and he liked the idea of a collaboration with Beck. An agreement was quickly made for Beck to become involved in the sessions that became the Talking Book album, in return for Wonder writing him a song. Between the album sessions, Beck came up with the opening drum beat. Wonder told Beck to keep playing while he improvised over the top of it. He improvised most of the song, including the riff, on the spot. Beck and Wonder created a rough demo for the song that day. After finishing the song, Wonder decided that he would allow Beck to record "Superstition" as part of their agreement. Originally, the plan was for Beck to release his version of the song first, with his newly formed power trio Beck, Bogert & Appice. However, due to the combination of the trio's debut album getting delayed and Motown CEO Berry Gordy's prediction that "Superstition" would be a huge hit and greatly increase the sales of Talking Book, Wonder released the song as the Talking Book lead single months ahead of Beck's version, the latter being issued in March 1973 on the Beck, Bogert & Appice album.
"Superstition" received a total of 91,5% yes votes!
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Do you have any recommendations for gaining access to these books? I have a pretty long list of ones I want to read but can't afford most of them. The library has the big ones (Whipping Girl, Detransition Baby, Nevada) but the newer or less well known ones have been difficult to find
No this is actually so real though. Let's talk about it.
One of the big problems that I'm trying to address here is the fact that there is a lack of ability for trans books to reach their perhaps core audience, trans people. Over the last few years trans librarians have been trying to increase the number of trans books in circulation, but that's super contingent on where you live. Not to mention the fact that, at least in the US, states are actively trying to criminalize circulating trans books in libraries.
I know Tumblr is allergic to economics a lot of the time, but you've gotta look at the math to understand why this is the current state of things. Essentially it's a vicious cycle. Lots of trans people can't afford to buy a $25 hardcover on a whim, and traditional publishers put a lot of stock into how well a book performs on release, cause that's how they make money. So when the core audience can't afford it and isn't marketable, they register that as a lower demand, which means that fewer trans books get published, fewer end up in libraries, and the cost of an individual book is driven higher. Low demand, high price. Then because the price is high, trans people cant afford the books, and the cycle continues.
It is the dilemma of the transfemme author that most of their core audience is also gonna be transfemme. It's a self-selecting process that's very hard to break out of. And at the end of the day, there just isn't very much money to go around in the trans community because trans people so frequently get cut off from generational wealth. So when you get an ecosystem of transfemmes selling books to other transfemmes who also sell books to them....
I took a class on the Sociology of Art a few years ago, and one of my core takeaways was that the boundaries of a field (yes my teacher liked Bourdieu, come for her ass, not mine) are fundamentally governed by institutions and entities with the money and power to dictate their rules of play. In Althusser's language, you would call those ISAs (Ideological State Apparatuses). When you read Weber, he talks about how culture needs to have some level of social legitimation in order to become a force of power in the world (I butchered that but it's the gist lol). And it's like.
The people who have the money to read the books dictate which books receive the money. Organizations like Lambda Literary, presses, big name publishers, etc. One of the big problems in the field of trans literature up to this point is that the only people who've had the money to produce social legitimation from the organizing schema/matrix of an ISA have also only chosen to read a very small slice of the extant literature. Then, because those non-profits and presses and companies only champion a small selection of books, that in turn dictates for those who have less money which of those books deserve social attention, critical acclaim, sales, library slots, etc.
And like, all of that is an illusion, but it produces a material reality for the transfemme author. It dictates the material conditions for the reproduction of said literature and who can participate in it.
So, what's to be done about it?
"Buzz" is a big deal in the publishing industry. A good review, an award, a thinkpiece - all of that can be the difference between a successful book and a flop. Publishers look for that. If nobody talks about a book and it doesn't sell well, they'll drop the author faster than you can say Susan. Again, vicious cycle. But like, at the end of the day, a "field," an "ISA," a "legitimated" work of art, that's all just a class prerogative. The different between a Very Important Literary Blog and a "person talking about books on the internet" is money. Like. It's just money. The reality of it is really banal.
It's who has the money to read books. It's who has the money and time to write about books. It's who has the money to gain institutional access to book. It's who has the money to read enough to say, "Oh, well that might seem true, but if you look at X, Y, and Z it's clearly not." It takes money to fact check. It takes money to challenge institutional myths. It takes money because when an institution makes a claim about a book and none of the people who care enough to argue with them have the cash to challenge it, the claim tends to stand.
And like, the honest truth is that between the books, the website, and the education, I've spent a lot of money bringing this website online in the form you're reading it in. A lot of the books I've read were really fucking expensive. I grew up in a wealthy family, my parents were accepting. They have both the means and the desire to support my passion projects. I'm lucky.
The goal of The Transfeminine Review is to create at least one independently trans-run website that can challenge that brand of institutional legitimation work from non-profits and big publishers and cis outlets, a website that can actually highlight transfeminine literature as it exists in the world, not as the Big 5 publishers have dictated it. Topside, Metonymy, Arsenal Pulp, LittlePuss, etc. They've all taken on that challenge from the angle of producing books, but there hasn't been a corollary trans secondary ecosystem dedicated to documenting and critiquing them. Or there is, but it's extremely diffuse and hard to find if you don't know exactly what you're looking for. Then there are the general queer outlets, like them. and whatnot, and they do their best but literature is a side hustle at best. There's the queer-helmed literary outlets like Electric Lit (shout out Denne Michele Norris) but they spend most of their time talking about cis authors. None of it is designed to help or review self-published literature from poor authors, and let's be frank, most transfeminine publishing is still done indie or self.
It's an investment, essentially. On the longshot, the hope is that this website will inspire others to do similar work, and that eventually through the collective efforts of trans authors and their readership, we can begin to change the math on trans publishing and help to spread it to a wider audience.
None of this changes the current reality that trans lit is expensive.
Unless you're lucky, you're probably not gonna find much trans lit at the local library even if you dig for it. Another good place to find free trans books is transreads.org, but their selection is mostly non-fiction, and the fiction is, again, largely the same few books you can find elsewhere. Another good online queer library is https://www.queerliberationlibrary.org/, which might be a good place to look (shoutout to Skye for bringing it to my attention!)
There are a couple of cheaper places to find trans books. If you shop around on itch.io, a lot of self-published trans authors have "name your price" models, which can be more accessible. Creators on itch will also bundle their work on a fairly regular basis, so you can get like 10-20 books for $10, which is, by my token, an excellent price.
If there's a particular author you're interested in, a lot of self-pub trans authors have Patreon accounts where they serialize their novels. You also can find serial (pre-edit) versions of a bunch of books on Scribblehub.
This has gotten steadily less affordable over the last few years cause Amazon is evil, but Kindle Unlimited ($11.99 a month, but there's a free trial) has thousands of trans books. Most of them are erotica, but like, there are a lot of hidden gems in there, and if you're a voracious enough reader, then it'll definitely be much cheaper per book than buying trad.
The problem with all of these, though, is that they tend to favor specific genres and tropes. Like there's only so much variety on itch.io or Scribblehub or transreads.org or KU. So if you like the genre conventions, then awesome! But if you don't it's probably not for you.
And none of it will give you access to some of the rare older tradpub books or the new but scarce releases that I've been going through unless you're willing to pay the full price for them.
I wish I had a better answer, but that's unfortunately the current state of the industry :/
Hopefully this ramble is helpful.
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bigcollections · 10 months
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Exploring Car Salesman Earnings: Understanding the Salary Statistics If you've ever wondered about the financial side of the automotive sales industry, you're not alone. Car salesmen play a crucial role in the vehicle purchasing process, and understanding their earnings can provide valuable insights. In this article, we'll delve into the world of car sales salary statistics, covering their average income, salary statistics, and factors that influence their compensation. 1) How much do car salesmen make The income of car salesmen can vary based on several factors, including experience, location, dealership size, and individual sales performance. On average, a car salesman's earnings typically consist of a base salary plus commissions. The base salary serves as a steady income, while commissions are tied to the number of vehicles sold. New or less-experienced car salesmen may start with a lower base salary, while seasoned professionals or those working at high-end dealerships may command a higher base. Commissions, often calculated as a percentage of the vehicle's sale price, can significantly boost earnings, especially if the salesman meets or exceeds sales targets. 2) Car Salesman Earnings: Breaking Down the Numbers To provide a general overview, the average base salary for a car salesman in the United States ranges from $20,000 to $40,000 per year. However, the potential for additional income through commissions can substantially increase overall earnings. Commissions typically range from 20% to 25% of the gross profit per vehicle sold. With the average profit per vehicle hovering around $1,000 to $1,500, successful salesmen have the potential to earn significant commissions. Top performers who consistently meet or exceed sales targets may enjoy additional bonuses and incentives. 3) Car Sales Salary Statistics: Influencing Factors Several factors influence the salary statistics of car salesmen: Location: The cost of living and demand for vehicles in a specific area can impact earnings. Salesmen in regions with a higher cost of living or strong demand for cars may earn more. Experience: Seasoned car salesmen who have honed their skills and built a client base over the years often command higher salaries and commissions. Dealership Size and Reputation: Salesmen working at larger, well-established dealerships or those specializing in luxury vehicles may have access to a broader customer base and potentially higher commissions. Sales Performance: The number of vehicles sold directly correlates with earnings. High sales performance and exceeding targets can result in increased commissions and bonuses. In conclusion, car salesman earnings are dynamic and influenced by various factors. Aspiring car sales professionals should consider these elements when entering the industry and be prepared for a compensation structure that rewards hard work, sales acumen, and customer satisfaction. Visit CarSalesMenInfo for more in-depth insights into the world of car sales, including tips for success, industry trends, and advice for both aspiring and experienced car salesmen.
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submariini · 1 year
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When Finland’s Käärijä took the stage at this year’s Eurovision, a star was instantly, explosively born. With an outrageous energy, infectious presence and that oh-so-catchy hook, the Vantaa-based rapper may not have won the contest but he certainly snatched the hearts of those in his home country and beyond. We ask Käärijä the million dollar question: what next?
[full article under the cut]
Last May, a peculiar frenzy engulfed Finland. Virtually all green foods – cucumbers, especially – were sold out from stores. Buildings across the land were bathed in vivid green lights. Social media brimmed with green-themed parties, while data obtained by Swedish fintech company Klarna showed a 570 per cent increase in the online sales of neon green shirts.
This phenomenon was all thanks to Käärijä, the rapper who represented Finland in the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest. His now-infamous, blazing green puff sleeve bolero – dreamt up by Finnish broadcasting company Yle’s costume design team and which he dons when performing the smash hit track ‘Cha Cha Cha’ – had taken on a life of its own, the lush hue uniting the entire nation amid the competition. “It was incredible to see it happen and so cool being part of it,” Käärijä says. “It wasn’t planned at all – it was the people who created the commotion. I’ll definitely never forget it.”
When we speak over Zoom, Käärijä, whose real name is Jere Pöyhönen, is lounging in his minimal apartment in Vantaa, a city just outside Helsinki. He appears on my screen shirtless, a chunky gold chain dangling on his neck. On his head sits a pastel turquoise cap adorned with little cat ears. As he gestures with his hands, I spot flashes of poison green nail varnish. Pöyhönen’s chosen attire, or lack thereof, is extremely fitting – he typically performs bare-chested (“It gets so hot during my gigs”) and his Instagram handle is @paidatonriehuja, or ‘shirtless rascal’.
Hot off a performance in western Finland, the 29-year-old is enjoying his first days off in a while. It’s been a sweltering summer of non-stop touring, with fans flocking to festivals and concerts nationwide to see his explosive live show. Things are not winding down either, with Käärijä heading off on his first-ever European tour this month. Some of these shows sold out in mere minutes, an indication of his immense international following. “It’s so exciting; I’m definitely jumping into a new territory with that tour,” Pöyhönen says. “But I don’t have any expectations – I’m just going to let everything happen organically rather than stressing about it.”
Although he created one of this year’s buzziest songs, the guy on my screen is humble and, save for his look, almost un assuming. I remark on the stark contrast to his fiery and flamboyant stage presence. “Through Käärijä, I get to channel all the craziness, quirkiness and hyperactivity I’ve had since I was a child,” Pöyhönen says, describing himself offstage as “just this ordinary dude”. Without delving into further details, he tells me that the name Käärijä (translating roughly to moneymaker) stems from a history with gambling. Despite the darkness of its origin, he notes that the moniker is to be taken with a grain of salt.
While it might seem like Käärijä exploded into the public consciousness from obscurity, Pöyhönen has a long journey in music behind him. Born in Helsinki but having spent most of his youth in Vantaa, he started dabbling in the medium at just three years old. Coming from a musical family (“My dad and big brother both play the guitar”), jamming sessions were commonplace in the Pöyhönen household, his instrument of choice being the drums. “I was playing with pots and spoons before I got a set of those plastic kids’ drums,” he says. “When we moved to a bigger house, we built a band room downstairs where me and my brother spent a lot of time practising.”
At that time, rap music hadn’t yet entered Pöyhönen’s life; he was strictly a self-described “metal guy”. His older brother had instilled in him a love for the genre, particularly metal icons Rammstein. Upon starting high school, his musical taste broadened and he began listening to Eminem and popular Finnish rap groups Fintelligens and JVG. “Me and my friends were filming our own music videos to old rap songs, learning the words by heart,” Pöyhönen says. “It [making rap music] pretty much started as this humour thing I did with my mates.”
Encouraged by his loved ones, Pöyhönen began writing his own songs, still playing it for laughs. Turned out he had a knack for it. “Since I was little, I’ve been an avid storyteller – my imagination ran a little wilder than the rest of the kids’ at my school,” he says. “So when I started making music, I didn’t even need inspiration; I was able to whip up the lyrics from my head.”
But then, at 15, an unexpected turning point came by way of a severe sudden illness. Rushed to the hospital with ulcerative colitis, a chronic inflammatory bowel disease, Pöyhönen underwent emergency surgery to remove his colon. Had he not been treated immediately, the complications could have been fatal. “I was writing songs in the hospital – music became a source of strength for me,” he says. “I decided that if I make it through this, I’m going to give my all to music and be serious about it.”
After over a decade of hard work and countless hours in the studio, Käärijä released his first album, Fantastista (Fantastic), in 2020, but it would take three years for him to become a household name in Finland. After snapping up the top prize in Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu (the Finnish contest for new music) with his party anthem ‘Cha Cha Cha’, a song dedicated to a hedonistic night out fusing rap, electronic music and metal, he secured the coveted spot as his country’s entrant for the 2023 Eurovision, held in Liverpool. One of Pöyhönen’s craziest dreams had come true.
For Pöyhönen, Eurovision was “an amazing but immensely tough experience”. The event’s intense schedule and the little time carved out for practising surprised the artist. There was no room for errors or retakes once it was time for rehearsals. “They didn’t give much mercy,” he says. On the bright side, the long days filled with “lots of press conferences and waiting around” gave Pöyhönen a chance to get to know the other artists. “The group we had there was wonderful – there wasn’t a competitive atmosphere at all,” he says. One of the contestants he became especially close with was Sweden’s Loreen, with whom he exchanged numbers and promised to “meet up and talk about everything else but music”.
By the time the grand finale came, Käärijä’s explosive performance and infectious song had made him one of the favourites to win. Ultimately he came second, while Loreen nabbed first place. How did Pöyhönen handle the letdown? “It was a huge disappointment, but in the end, the feeling didn’t last long,” he says. “When I thought about how far I’d gotten, the incredible journey it was and all the new friends I made, I realised that these things are far more meaningful than winning.” Plus, he still achieved something major: ‘Cha Cha Cha’ made history as the first ever Finnish song to reach Spotify’s global most-listened charts. The track’s reach proved to Pöyhönen that language doesn’t matter; it’s all about creating a singular, infectious sound: “The mouth is just as much of an instrument as the piano or the guitar is,” he says.
Having made history, I ask Pöyhönen if he felt any pressure after the Eurovision bubble had burst. “Of course there are the thoughts of ‘what now?’ and ‘is this going to be it, will anyone be interested anymore next year?’ – I’m aware that the hype won’t last forever,” he says. “But I’m onto creating the next thing, trying not to feel any pressure for future releases. I haven’t done that before, so why would I do that now?”
Pöyhönen hints at a new album dropping sometime next year, but in the meantime, he’s enjoying the attention – including his Vogue Scandinavia debut. Shot at the extraordinary home of the late interior architect Antti Nurmesniemi and his wife, textile artist Vuokko Nurmesniemi, we find the space where Pöyhönen and Käärijä meet, the quiet confidence mingling with that more-is-more persona.
And while Käärijä might develop as a character (“I want to show that he’s more than just a bolero chap”), he’s adamant that he will stay true to his music and keep singing in Finnish, despite the sudden international attention. “In the end, I’m doing this for myself,” he says. “Also, why change something that works?”
Photographer: Karoliina Bärlund Stylist: Sanna Silander Talent: Käärijä Hair Stylist and Makeup Artist: Neea Kuurne Photographer Assistant: Milja Laakso Stylist Assistant: Nelli Korhonen
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1967 Ford Mustang
The 1967 model year Mustang was the first significant redesign of the original model. Ford's designers began drawing up a larger version even as the original was achieving sales success, and while "Iacocca later complained about the Mustang's growth, he did oversee the redesign for 1967 ."The major mechanical feature was to allow the installation of a big-block V8 engine. The overall size, interior and cargo space were increased. Exterior trim changes included concave taillights, side scoop (1967 model) and chrome (1968 model) side ornamentation, square rear-view mirrors, and usual yearly wheel and gas cap changes. The high-performance 289 option was placed behind the newer 335 hp (250 kW; 340 PS) 390 cu in (6.4 L) FE engine from the Ford Thunderbird, which was equipped with a four-barrel carburetor. During the mid-1968 model year, a drag racer for the street could be ordered with the optional 428 cu in (7.0 L) Cobra Jet engine which was officially rated at 335 hp (250 kW; 340 PS) all of these Mustangs were issued R codes on their VINs.
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alaminhpi2 · 1 year
Duane Spires on The Sales Podcast | Business Advisory Services
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hard--headed--woman · 3 months
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This woman's name, or more like her pseudo, is
Lisa Ben !
(yes, it's the anagram of the word lesbian)
Lisa Ben, real name Edythe Eyde, was born in 1921 and died in 2015. She was an American editor, fantasy author, fanzine contributor and songwriter. She created the world's first known lesbian publication, Vice Versa.
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In high school, she fell in love with a girl for the first time. When this girl left her, the young Edythe, devastated, spoke about it to her mother, and her reaction was so violent that she decided to never again talk about her personal and romantic life with her parents.
After attending university for two years, and after saving for three years, she left her parents and moved, first to Palo Alto and then to Los Angeles in 1945.
By this time, she was already well known to science fiction fans for her involvement in fandom since 1941, with her numerous publications (cartoons, reviews) mainly under the pseudonym Tigrina (although we also know her real name) in various fanzines.
In 1946, she began frequenting lesbian bars, and although she was never caught by the police during one of their many raids, she was questioned several times by them.
She began publishing Vice Versa in 1947 to widen her social circle.
"I was lonely and I wanted to be able to meet other people like me. I couldn't just walk down the street and say: "I'm looking for lesbian friends". Vice Versa gave me a way to reach out to other gay girls - a way to get to know other girls ... when I had something to give away and was trying to convince girls to write for my magazine, I no longer had trouble finding new people."
While working as a secretary for RKO Pictures, she typed each issue of the magazine twice with five carbon copies, making a total of 12 copies of each issue (a technique that had been used for science fiction fanzines, of which she had extensive experience). She initially sent three copies to friends and distributed the rest by hand, in particular at the If Club, one of the first lesbian bars in Los Angeles and encouraged her readers to pass on their copies to friends rather than throwing them away. She estimates that dozens of people read each copy. Although careful to avoid anything that might be considered 'dirty' or risqué, she stopped sending copies after a friend told her she could be arrested for sending obscene material through the post. Publications dealing with homosexuality were automatically considered obscene under the Comstock Act until 1958.
Edythe Eyde published nine issues of Vice Versa, from June 1947 to February 1948. She stopped publishing it after the sale of RKO, forcing her to change jobs. Her new assignment left her with no free time at work to type the magazine. She had also achieved her goal of increasing her circle of friends, and wanted to spend more time enjoying her new life rather than writing about it. Despite the magazine's short run, she is credited with "setting the agenda that dominated lesbian and gay journalism for fifty years introducing many of the features that would define the myriad publications that would follow.""
In the 1950s, Edythe Eyde began writing for The Ladder, the first nationally distributed lesbian magazine. The Ladder was published by Daughters of Bilitis (DOB), the first lesbian group, of which she was a member. It was while writing for The Ladder that she began using the pseudonym Lisa Ben, an anagram of lesbian, when her first choice, Ima Spinster, was rejected. The Ladder has also reprinted content from Vice Versa.
Edythe Eyde rekindled her interest in music and began writing and performing parodies based on popular songs in a local gay club called The Flamingo. For example, I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter became I'm gonna sit right down and write my butch a letter. She was inspired to write her songs by a determination to create gay entertainment that was neither profane nor degrading to homosexuals, particularly after being put off by the jokes and self-deprecating songs made by performers in gay clubs. The Daughters of Bilitis released a single by Eyde, signed Lisa Ben, after fundraising. The record featured her own composition, Cruisin' Down the Boulevard with a lesbian version of Frankie and Johnny on the other side. Her music has been used in several documentary films.
At the age of 36, Edythe Eyde entered into her first and only long-term relationship, which lasted three years, until her partner gambled away all her money. Since then, she decided not to pursue another serious relationship.
She appeared in the 1984 documentary Before Stonewall, discussing her life and work and performing several of her parody songs. She continued to work in various secretarial positions until her retirement. She was honoured in 1997 as a founder of the Los Angeles LGBT community. In 2010, the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association inducted Edythe Eyde into its Hall of Fame.
She died on 22 December 2015 at the age of 94.
She left behind her a huge legacy and had a big importance for the gay culture and the gay community. For example, the National Association of Lesbian and Gay Journalists' Lisa Ben Award for Reporting is "designed to honor a journalist whose work stands out for its insight and impact through interesting features about LGBTQ people, the LGBTQ community or LGBTQ issues."
Her work for the lesbian community was very important and will never be forgotten.
Hope you enjoyed it and see you tomorrow !
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museforblooms · 2 months
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★⠀⠀ ⁄ ⠀⠀TROUBLE IN SHANGRI-LA is the fictional second mini—album released by the idol band BELLADONNA on August 1, 2024 by Superbloom Media. The album was accompanied by two title tracks: HOME and PHOENIX. While Trouble In Shangri-la sold well, it was carried by domestic netizens with a sizeable margin between them and the international fans. In total, Belladonna sold 300,000 units by the end of their first week, which was a 66% increase in total sales, showing just how popular they were becoming. Despite issues with their international fans, Belladonna were everywhere in South Korea during their promotional period and they were given the nickname THE NATION'S ROCK PRINCESSES by the media. In particular, lead singer KWAK YULLI and BAE HAENA became two of their newest darlings.
★⠀⠀ ⁄ ⠀⠀Trouble in Shangri-la is named after the same song from the album, which discusses themes of love, betrayal, loss, and redemption. However, Shangri-la would not be chosen as a title track, not even performed at their comeback stage, for unknown reasons. According to BAE HAENA, Shangri-la serves as a metaphor for an ideal state of mind that has been disrupted by conflict, which can be seen throughout all seven songs on the album. The album has two versions: UTOPIA and DYSTOPIA, with the second selling a considerable amount more than Utopia. DALLAS LINWOOD would serve as the executive producer of the album and would feature OLIVER SONG in a guest role on PHOENIX, though the girls would take more charge in the production side and write all their songs.
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TRACKLIST — playlist.
‘ # 001.⠀ ⠀ROTTEN ──── written by bae haena, produced by dallas linwood, and performed by kim wonhui. rotten explores themes of rejection, frustration, and a sense of being undermined in a relationship. according to haena, the repetition of "worm in the apple" emphasizes their perception of themselves as being seen as flawed within the relationship, as if they are unwanted within the sweetness of the relationship. there is a continued sense of self-doubt within the song and the narrator is completely burdened by their own flaws, with the apple representing their identity and being stuck by something small. wonhui was chosen to sing the intro due to her deep, yet hypnotic tone that served as the perfect introduction to the album.
‘ # 002.⠀ ⠀TITLE TRACK. HOME ──── written, produced, and performed by kwak yulli. home is an exploration of longing, identity, and the search for a place or state of security. she reflects on the idea of "home" as not just a physical space, but as a deeper emotional and psychological state. she wanted to capture the nuances of feeling out of place and the desire to want to return to a state of comfort. home captures the theme of loss as well with many not understanding why it was chosen as the title track until yulli went into depth about it on their comeback live. home was well received by fans and earned their multiple music show wins.
‘ # 003.⠀ ⠀SHANGRI-LA ──── written by all the members, produced by dallas linwood and bae haena, performed by kwak yulli. as mentioned above, this song features on themes of love, loss and redemption. it's a vivid picture of emotional turmoil and the search for inner peace amidst chaos, the members reflect on young love that was once vibrant but was tainted by heartache by the end. though their love interest was once unique and someone that they cared about, they acknowledge the pain and shame endured within the relationship. it delves into the complexities of love and forgiveness as well, conveying a sense of resilience as they grapple with the broken promises and struggles with their past.
‘ # 004.⠀ ⠀UNLOVED ──── written by bae haena and kim eulsun, produced by dallas linwood, and performed by bae haena. this track explores themes of unrequited love and the longing for genuine affection as the singer yearns for a morning where the sun shines brighter than angel wings. they have a strong hope for a second chance at love despite all that has happened in the past, which is shown in the chorus through the concept of misplaced love and betrayal. they are pleading to "turn back to love" as they call on everyone to rethink their understanding of love.
‘ # 005.⠀ ⠀PHOENIX ──── written by kwak yulli, produced by oliver song, and performed by kwak yulli. just like the name suggests, this song focuses on messages of resilience and rebirth—that their pain will lead to growth and renewal, just like it does for the legendary phoenix. it's an anthem of hope and strength, completely different from the rest of the songs on the album and yulli stated that it was like a "dream board" for belladonna. she wants the members to look at these shared memories they have together and hold onto their deep connection forged through not only superband, but the two albums that they have released together. she reminds them that they are stronger than they think and even in the darkest times, the potential for rebirth exists.
‘ # 006.⠀ ⠀CONFUSION ──── written by kim eulsun, produced by bae haena, and performed by kwak yulli. confusion explores themes of self-doubt and the struggles with personal failures, reflecting on the singers own perceived shortcomings and the emotional impacts of not measuring to soceity's standards. eulsun revealed in a livestream that confusion is autobiographically and started as a journal entry right after she moved in with her grandparents. she also said it was very "plastic flowers" inspired, which did not go over well on twitter.
‘ # 007.⠀ ⠀WANDER ──── written by kim wonhui and bae haena, produced by dallas linwood, and performed by bae haena. just like the rest of her members, wonhui struggles with her self-worth and the concept that life is a series of trails and errors. she's always been outspoken about her need for perfection despite much of her life being a "beta test" of personal development. she is constantly testing and refining herself even when it gets hard. though the track was primarily written by wonhui, haena was given a songwriting credit for fixing and improving the lyrics at wonhui's urging. in the end, she calls for fans for embrace their imperfections and view them as a larger part of the journey rather than a setback, which was her resolution for the new year.
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slavghoul · 2 years
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Hello, I prepared some statistics to give you a short overview of Ghost's amazingly successful 2022. It is based on data I collected between 22/12/2021 and 22/12/2022.
The big Ghost event of 2022 was of course the release of the band's fifth album, IMPERA.
Since March 11, it has sold nearly 500,000 copies, won the American Music Award for Favorite Rock Album and received a Grammy nomination for Best Metal Performance ('Call Me Little Sunshine').
Within the first week of its release, the album reached #2 on the Billboard 200 (ranking the 200 most popular music albums and EPs in the United States) and ranked in the top 20 best-selling albums in 19 countries across the world:
#1 in Sweden, Austria, Germany, Finland, Spain
#2 in US, UK, Belgium, Norway, Netherlands
#3 in Australia, Canada
#5 in Switzerland, Ireland, France
#7 in Poland
#8 in Hungary
#12 in Denmark, Portugal
#20 in Italy
IMPERA is Ghost’s best charting album to date.
On YouTube, the band amassed a staggering 260 million views. 840,000 people subscribed to the channel this year, which makes up 42% of all current subscribers.
5 most watched videos on YouTube in 2022:
Mary On A Cross (Official Audio) – 32 million views
Call Me Little Sunshine (Official Music Video) – 15 million views
Square Hammer (Official Music Video) – 11 million views
Mary On A Cross (Live in Tampa 2022) – 8.2 million views
Spillways (Official Music Video) – 6.8 million views
On Spotify, the band amassed 1,285,625 new followers. That’s around 61% of all followers since the band appeared on the platform.
5 most streamed songs on Spotify in 2022:
Mary On A Cross -  193,709,473 streams
Call Me Little Sunshine – 41,108,589 streams
Square Hammer – 29,720,042 streams
Dance Macabre – 26,494,053 streams
Spillways – 24,910,870 streams
It goes without saying that the viral success of Mary On A Cross on TikTok brought in a lot of new fans this year, but the magnitude of it becomes even more astonishing if you look at numbers.
On this graph, I marked a few events that resulted in a noticeable spike in the number of monthly listeners on Spotify, including the approximate time when MOAC began to gain traction on TikTok. As you can see, nothing, not even the release of a new album, gave the band as much attention as the 3-year old song suddenly raising in popularity on one single platform.
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Between end of July and beginning of October, the number of monthly listeners on Spotify skyrocketed from 2.5 million to 12 million. This is a 380% increase.
Although the numbers have been in decline since then, it appears that for the past month they have stayed at a steady 9 million. As of today (Dec 22, 2022) the exact number is 9,110,996. Exactly a year ago (Dec 22, 2021) the number was 1,999,951. A hefty 355% increase in only a year.
Some other milestones and fun facts:
On June 7, Cirice, Dance Macabre, and Square Hammer were all certified Gold by the RIAA for sales of 500,000 units in the USA. Following the viral success, Mary On A Cross was also certified Gold on November 20.
The band's most liked post on Instagram this year was a video of Papa throwing the first pitch at the White Sox game (273,241 likes).
The episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live where Ghost performed Call Me Little Sunshine was watched by around 1.3 million people.
In September, Ghost reached over 12 million monthly listeners on Spotify and was the 450th most streamed artist globally - that's 450 out of over 11 million!
As of today with over 1.6 billion accumulated streams Ghost is one of the 1,000 most successful artists on the platform of all time (currently #808).
On September 11, Mary On A Cross peaked at #1 in the Viral Hits chart on Spotify in 54 countries across the world.
It was also the highest charting Swedish song on the platform in 2022, peaking globally at #31.
At this point I think it’s safe to declare that Ghost’s global success reached unprecedent heights this year and even allowed them to officially join the ranks of mainstream artists. With all of the above, 70 completed shows this year and many more to come in 2023, and with media of the likes of The Wall Street Journal proclaiming Ghost “the next generation of arena stars,” it looks like that the band is well on the way to become one of the biggest rock acts of this century. Not bad for a side project started by one Swede in his bedroom somewhere in Linköping. 
Let us hope 2023 will be as devilishly good!
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monocodoll · 25 days
OnlySims WIP Update 8/2024 #2
Thirdly, lets move on to Simstagram and it's features...
Simstagram is the sims equivalent of Instagram. Allowing you to gain a following, likes, and possibly an income depending on your popularity. Any sim aged Teen and Above may use it. Simstagram can be accessed via a Sims Smart phone, Laptop, or Computer
-Create Simstagram Interaction
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Upon creating your Simstagram account, your sim will obtain the first level of the Simstagram Skill. As well as have access to the other Simstagram Interactions.
-Simstagram Skill
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The Simstagram Skill keeps track of many things. Such as...
Number of Stories Posted
Number of Photos Posted
Number of Videos Posted
Number of Art Pieces Posted
Number of Sponsorships Posts
Number of Likes
Number of Subscribers
Current Photos Quota For The Week
Current Video Quota For The Week
Current Likes Quota For The Week
Earnings From Sponsorships
Earnings From LlamaPay Donations
Note: Quotas are given as soon as you reach a Simstagram tier. The higher the tier the more that is expected of you to post. If quotas are not met by the end of the week. You may lose a percentage of your subscribers. Possibly dropping your Simstagram Tier and decreasing the likelyhood of LlamaPay Donations, Sponsorships, and Sub/Likes Gain.
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The Simstagram Skill also comes along with Skill Challenges.
Simsta Social Butterfly Tier
Simsta Star Tier
Simstagram Maven Tier
Simsta Sensation Tier
Simstagram Soverien Tier
Simstagram Baddie
Each Tier provides a bonus to the amount of subs gained and likes gained on posts when achieved. Additionally, it increases the likelyhood of being given sponsorship opportunities. As well as being given LlamaPay donations from Subscribers when posting. The tiers also help with sales when posting a Sponsorship posts.
Note: The amount of subs needed to complete the challenges are tunable. Additionally, Simstagram Baddie Challenge still needs to be developed.
-Post on Simstagram Interaction
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This interaction will allow you to post on your Simstagram account.
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As of this moment, the content that you can post on your Simstagram are...
Simstagram Sponsorships
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Note: Each category of content that you may post has different factors that determines the amount of likes and subs that can be gained from said post.
-Simstagram Seflies
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With Simstagram you can utilizes the Cell Phone to take selfies. There are two types of Selfies you can post on Simstagram. Selfies and Sexy Selfies. Sexy Selfies are selfies taken when a sim is wearing either swimwear or sleepwear. Meanwhile everything else is a normal selfie.
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Note: When a Sim takes a selfie, data is stored into that photo. Their age group, The Cosmetic Surgery they have had done, and the outfit category that they are wearing. This data then helps determine the amount of subs and likes gained when that photo is posted. Other factors also determine the amount.
-Simstagram Videos
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You can utilize a video camera to turn on the record button and perform a couple of activities while it's on to receive a recording.
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The Type of videos that can you can record for Simstagram are...
Work Out videos
Dancing Videos
Hot Tubbing Videos
Posing Videos(Check Self Out In The Mirror)
Kissing Videos
Cooking Videos
Painting Videos
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After you perform the activity, you will receive a recording that you can then upload to your Simstagram.
Note: When a sim shoots a recording, data is stored into that tape. Their age group, Cosmetic Surgery that they have had done, and the outfit category that they are wearing. This data then helps determine the amount of subs and likes gained when that recording is posted. Other factors also determine the amount.
-Simstagram Art
Sims who paint can also post their Art piece to their Simstagram.
Note: The Quality of the painting effects the Likes and Subs Gained From an Art Post. Other factors like the Simstagram Skill and Celebrity Status gives a boost to this as well.
-Simstagram Stories
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You may also post Stories of events that had occurred. The types of stories are...
(Life Events)
Had Baby
Adopted Child
Adopted Pet
Broke Up
Woohoo'ed with...
Kissed with...
Did Mean Social to...
Parent Got Incarcerated
Child Got Incarcerated
Sibling Got Incarcerated
Family Member Got Incarcerated
Partner Got Incarcerated
Finished Prison Sentence
Serving House Arrest
(Woohoo Experience)
Sensual Paradise
F*cking Sore
Got Fired
Career Change
Career Promotion
Skipped Work
Skipped University
(Daily Life)
Ate at Restuarant
Read Book
Won Brawl
Attended Summer Festival
Attended Fall Festival
Attended Winter Festival
Attended Spring Festival
Leisure Day
Spooky Day
Snowflake Day
Love Day
(Cosmetic Surgery)
Thrilled With BBL
Thrilled With Breast Augmentation
Thrilled With Liposuction
Thrilled With Tummy Tuck
Thrilled With Lip Fillers
Thrilled With Thigh Augmentation
Thrilled With Calve Augmentation
Thrilled With Corset Liposuction
Has Quit Weed
Has Quit Meth
Has Quit Cocaine
Has Quit MDMA
Has Quit Xanax
Has Quit Heroin
Has Quit Adderall
Has Quit PainKillers
Has Quit Lean
Has Quit Nicotine
-Simstagram Sponsorships
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If a Simstagram Model has reached any of the five tiers on Simstagram, they have a chance of receiving a Simstagram Message asking if they would like to do a Sponsorship post for a product.
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If the Simstagram Model were to accept the offer. Then the product would be mailed to them, and the Model would be able to do a Sponsorship post for the product.
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In this case we had accepted a Sponsorship opportunity for the Quencher Tumbler. You have the option to wait to receive the product and use it before posting the Sponsorship post or you can make the sponsorship post the moment you receive the Sponsorship opportunity. Massive thanks to @cozygirlsimmer for allowing me to use her adorable Cups for one of the few Sponsorship opportunities. I love them so much! So much so, that they were given functionality and a custom drinking animation.
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A Sponsorship post will gain the Model Subs and Likes, however they may also earn Simoleans. The Model earns a base payout for the sponsorship, a Bonus payout for the Simstagram Tier they are in, and a commission for each sale that the Sponsorship post garners.
-Simstagram Fatigue Moodlet
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If a sim were to post too often, they may receive a temporary moodlet called Simstagram Fatigue. While active, the sim would not be able to post on their Simstagram page until the moodlet expires.
-Add LinkTree Interaction
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This interaction is available for Simstagram Models who have either an OnlySims page or a LlamaPay account.
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By Adding a LinkTree to your Simstagram, you can potentially gain subs for your OnlySims and receive LlamaPay Donations from your Simstagram Subscribers.
In the next part of the report for August of 2024, we will begin discussing the fourth topic OnlySims... This part of the report may take a few days to release as it contains the most content since it is the main feature for the upcoming update. In the meantime, for the Simstagram Baddie Challenge what should the model need to do to achieve this Challenge?
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mysteryshoptls · 7 months
SSR Rook Hunt - New Year's Attire Vignette
"Come now, tell me everything...!"
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[Mister S's Mystery Shop]
Diasomnia Student: Let go! I touched this last remaining limited edition collaboration T-shirt first!
Heartslabyul Student: No way! I was just a bit faster! You should be the one to let go!
Rook: Non! Please calm down, both of you.
Rook: If you continue to struggle so… Your precious shirt will stretch and everyone will be at a loss!
Jade: This may be presumptuous of me, but… From where I stood, it seemed as though the other customer was a tad faster at claiming the product.
Diasomnia Student: See! Even he says so. Now, take your hand off, I must go to the register.
Heartslabyul Student: Dammit! I'll definitely get the next one, you can count on it!
Jade: There seems to be at least one dispute like this every day now.
Jade: Those two earlier were clashing just the other day as well… Amazing how they don't tire of it.
Rook: During this sale, there are limited stock of rare items available that rotate daily.
Rook: While it may be a wondrous thing that customers come in to purchase these more valuable products, it is also a shame that they resort to in-fighting.
Jade: Perhaps we need to devise a way in order to sell these limited-time products better.
Jade: At the moment it is first-come, first-serve, but what if we were to implement a lottery system for these products?
Jade: It may greatly reduce the conflict between customers, as well as any other displeasure with the ongoing sale.
Rook: With regards to dealing with the frantic scramble for our products, I think that's a superb idea!
Rook: However… That will also result in customers who will be saddened by their lack of luck.
Rook: I'd like it if all those who came to our sale were able to leave happy.
Rook: If only we could have every customer of the Mystery Shop be happy as a clam.
Jade: I see. So you wish to see a solution that would bring satisfaction to all.
Jade: I admit that is a very you thing to say, but would that not be tricky to implement?
Rook: You may be right… But here's what I think. Conflict happens because the heart yearns.
Rook: Therefore, the best course of action would be to give them something to satisfy that yearning.
Rook: For example, let me think…
Rook: What if we were to transform the inside of this shop into something beautiful that'll bring joy into people's hearts?
Jade: You mean you wish to decorate this shop?
Rook: That's right! Anybody and everybody will feel satisfied once they look upon something gorgeous.
Rook: Up until this point, I have attended many plays that would be considered top tier.
Rook: Venues that perform these first-rate plays have a way of moving the hearts of those who have come to watch before the curtain has even been raised.
Rook: For example, if there were to be extravagantly beautiful decorations in the entrance hall…
Rook: Each person who came in through those doors would instantly be swept up into a wondrous new universe… Or the like.
Jade: I see. It would make sense that a refined theater would also make sure to be surrounded by magnificence.
Jade: Regardless of whether we would be able to do something to that degree, that may be a fine point to start from.
Rook: This is the best chance for me to put to good use my own experience of witnessing countless works that artists have poured their heart and soul into!
Jade: There are many students in Pomefiore who excel at having an artistic sense.
Jade: To be able to see just what kind of decoration you are thinking of as the Vice Housewarden of said dorm, Rook-san… I must admit that my own curiosity has been piqued.
Rook: I'm touched by your kind words. Now, we should go right away to ask Sam-san for permission to decorate the shop.
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Sam: ―So, you'd like to increase the shop's decorations in order to appease the hearts of our customers who keep squabbling over the products, hm.
Sam: Please, go ahead and try it. Of course I'd like for it to settle the arguments, but I especially am hopeful that it will increase sales.
Rook: Merci, Monsieur Mysterious! I begin preparations right away.
Jade: I will do my best as your team mate as well, so please let me know what I may do to help.
Rook: A fantastic offer! I'll absolutely take you up on that, Monsieur Prémédité.
Rook: ―With all of the knowledge and experience I've accumulated, I'll absolutely be able to transform this space into something beautiful.
Rook: In order to quell those heart-wrenching arguments… I'll bring forth a beautifully decorated shop that'll soothe their souls!
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[Mister S's Mystery Shop]
―A few hours later
Rook: Mayhaps this colorful lamp would be best suited placed against this monotone-colored wall.
Rook: It's quite a difficult task to determine where things should go to keep a good balance in the room. Fufu… And yet that is what makes this even more worthwhile.
Jade: As you've requested, I've finished preparing the decorations you need.
Rook: Merci, Monsieur Prémédité! You've been a huge help.
Jade: Not at all, this was a simple task.
Jade: We've been able to put up some quick decorations here and there, but this may be the extent that we can do now during the day.
Rook: You're probably right. The two of us can finish the rest of what needs to be done after the shop closes for the night.
Jade: Indeed. Incidentally, these decorations you've brought in are quite fabulous, Rook-san.
Jade: And you've brought such a surprisingly large quantity, as well… How could you have possibly procured all of these during your rather short break?
Rook: All the interior items I've brought to be used as decorations inside the shop came from the Pomefiore storage room or borrowed from various students.
Rook: Some are donations from former students, and others are personal items from current students.
Jade: I see. It is astounding that one dormitory is able to amass a collection this wonderful…
Jade: I should expect nothing less from Pomefiore and your adherence to the spirit of the Fairest Queen.
Rook: Isn't it just? My beloved Pomefiore dormitory is overflowing with beautiful things.
Jade: Yes, I have come to understand that. However, I believe the most spectacular thing of all is…
Jade: Your ability in being able to choose decorations that would complement this shop well in that short amount of time, as well as your ability to negotiate borrowing them.
Rook: Oh my, I'm honored to hear you praise me like that. Thank you, Jade-kun!
Jade: Not at all. However… Will the simple act of decorating the shop truly abate these arguments?
Rook: Truthfully, I have prepared something special.
Rook: Once my plan is set in motion, it should allow for everyone to be soothed and forget about their infighting.
Jade: A "special something," you say… I cannot wait.
Rook: Fufu, as for what it is, you shall have to wait for its time in the spotlight.
Rook: Tomorrow, this Mystery Shop will become an even more beauté establishment― That I can definitely promise!
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―The next morning
Scarabia Student: Alright, today I'll buy some of the ingredients on sale… HUH, WHAT'S ALL THIS!?
Octavinelle Student: You're right. It's almost like it's not our school store!
Trey: There's fancy lamps, paintings and other interior decorations here and there…
Trey: They've been arranged so as to not bother the Eastern decorations that were already put up, but instead they actually work well with them. The shop feels completely different.
Ortho: This is amazing! Is this all your doing, Rook-san and Jade-san?
Rook: Oui! It may have almost taken us until dawn, but I'm pleased with how it turned out.
Rook: The theme was "the theater."
Rook: To transport all who step through the threshold into a whole new world, just as a theater presenting a high-class play would…
Rook: That was the purpose behind this design.
Jade: Rook-san's aesthetical sense is, in a word, fantastic.
Jade: I may have contributed a helping hand, but everything was done according to his guidance.
Trey: Regardless, this is really well done.
Trey: Looks like me and Ortho can't just dilly-dally if we want that special bonus.
Trey: Anyway, good work, Rook, Jade. You two didn't sleep much last night, right?
Trey: You can leave the shop to us, go ahead and get some rest.
Rook: Fufu, I appreciate your consideration, Chevalier des Roses! But there's no need to concern yourself, as you can see, we are fit as a fiddle.
Jade: Indeed. Moreover, if we were to take a break here, we may be passed up by our rivals.
Trey: Haha, didn't think you'd fall for that one.
Ortho: Tooooo bad. ―Ah, Trey-san. Looks like there's a customer waiting to pay.
Trey: Oops, we should get back to work. See you two later.
Jade: …Well, then. It seems as though our customers are taking well to the new decorations so far…
Rook: The most crucial thing now is to determine if it will help reduce the arguments between our customers.
Rook: Based on the product lineup we have today… It is highly probable that those two who were fighting over that shirt yesterday will come once more.
Rook: Furthermore, we've only the one pair of the limited-edition shoes today.
Rook: What a sad fate that only one of them will be able to claim their prized item…
Rook: Yet, would their clamorous hearts be quelled much like our other customers? This is what I have worked towards.
Jade: At noon, our special limited products will be on sale. It is almost time.
Rook: Oh, speaking of which.
Rook: Looks like they've arrived.
Rook: Now… It's time to put to the test whether my little production will pull at your heartstrings.
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[Mister S's Mystery Shop]
Jade: We seem to be in the same dispute as yesterday…
Jade: It seems as though it truly was a hard sell to quell their fighting with only distracting decorations.
Rook: Fufu, it's too early to come to that conclusion, Monsieur Prémédité.
Jade: Hm?
[spotlight shines upon the students]
Students: !?
Heartslabyul Student: M-My eyes… I'm seeing spots…!
Jade: That's… a spotlight? Those two have frozen in surprise from being suddenly lit up.
Rook: Oui! I borrowed one from the Film Research Club with Vil's permission and installed it in the shop.
Jade: Well, it's completely stopped their argument in its tracks. I see, so was this blinding tactic your "special something"?
Rook: Non, non. This is only the beginning.
Rook: The heart-throbbing thrill starts now! Take a look at the wall over there.
Heartslabyul Student: Just as I felt I was getting used to the light… Now the lamps along the wall are blinking.
Diasomnia Student: Not only that, but the light is reflecting off the other decorations and it's making the shop look even more glamorous… This is more than magical, it's…
Students: Beautiful…
Rook: Fufu, it looks like our customers have calmed down a tad.
Rook: We made it so that all the lamps set up around the shop would turn on remotely, what do you think? Do you like it?
Heartslabyul Student: Y-Yeah… Now that I take a better look, are all these decorations different from what was up yesterday?
Rook: Seems as though you've finally become aware of the changes brought about in the shop.
Rook: That must mean you were so preoccupied by your desired item that you failed to notice said changes.
Rook: I find your determination and persistence for your special item to be rather fascinating!
Rook: Would you please tell me what exactly it is about that item that has you under its thrall?
Jade: From what I have been able to glean from my own research, it seems these shoes are high-end and quite rare.
Jade: It is a replica of the same model worn by a legendary basketball player early in their career.
Jade: These were sold out in a blink of one eye on release, and currently fetch a premium price.
Rook: I see. A legendary player wore them, which makes this a legendary pair of shoes.
Rook: Is it because it is worth so much that you are adamant to acquire them?
Heartslabyul Student: It's more that I admire the guy. I am a huge fan of that basketball player.
Heartslabyul Student: Yesterday's shirt is also of the same as their favorite design.
Heartslabyul Student: Who wouldn't want to get their hands on something that the person they admire also owns!?
Jade: I see, you admire them.
Jade: Many of the limited-edition articles here, including the shoes, are products that aren't readily found for purchase.
Jade: Sam-san must have procured them by using some proprietary routes.
Rook: Which means, if you were to let this opportunity pass you by, it may never come again.
Rook: Your determination to pursue your goals is just… BRAVO! YOU'VE EARNED MY ADMIRATION.
Rook: Now, you're up next. Tell me why you wanted the shoes.
Diasomnia Student: I'm a huge fan of the designer of this sports brand, and I've collected a ton of their stuff.
Diasomnia Student: The same designer made the shirt from yesterday, too. These shoes today are considered their best work from their early years!
Rook: That desire of yours to collect beautiful things… That is just as fantastic! A wonderful reason!
Rook: I must know more about your interest in these shoes.
Rook: What was it about that legendary basketball player that drew you to them?
Heartslabyul Student: Eh?
Rook: What other products has your favorite designer also made?
Diasomnia Student: Uhh…
Rook: Did they have some sort of flashy play style? Did they have some special skill?
Rook: If they were a world-class designer, then I'm sure they had some sticking principles. Could you perhaps elaborate on what those might have been?
Rook: I desperately want to know what makes your heart pound, what ignites your passion!
Rook: Yes! Tell me all of your feelings!
Diasomnia Student: Th-This is a little…
Heartslabyul Student: WHAT'S WITH THIS CRAZY PRESSURE…!!!
Heartslabyul Student: But, also, like… When some guy's just being real insistent like this, somehow that just helps my own head clear…
Jade: People tend to come to their senses when they witness another's antics. I think it is a phenomenon that most people have experienced.
Diasomnia Student: I guess it's pretty lame of us to be fighting in this decked out shop… Plus, it's New Year's…
Diasomnia Student: …Alright.
Diasomnia Student: I was able to buy the shirt yesterday, and shoes are a big deal for you basketball fans, right? I'll let you take the win this time.
Heartslabyul Student: Really? I owe you one!
Jade: …It seems they've resolved their dispute.
Jade: However, that was much more peaceful than I was expecting. Perhaps he did not covet the product to that extent.
Rook: No, I'm certain he did. I mentioned this when I proposed the decorations for the store…
Rook: "People will feel happy and satisfied when they look upon something gorgeous."
Rook: Just as the quarrel have sprouted thorns in their hearts, the beauty has softly untangled them from it…
Jade: In other words, it cooled their tempers.
Rook: You could say that. At any rate, beauty itself was the resolution for this conflict.
Jade: I see… Although, I suppose I could see another major cause in their resolution.
Rook: Hm? And what is that?
Jade: While the customers were taken in by the shop's decoration, you pulled them in further with your own conversation.
Jade: Your urgent pressing for their responses was spectacular. Had you calculated that into your considerations from the start?
Rook: Non. I only wished to know what made their resolve so strong that they could not help but argue over it…
Rook: That's all.
Jade: Hm. Then perhaps they felt under siege from your innocently curious questions.
Rook: Ahh… How wonderful it was to be able to quell their arguments and see them both satisfied.
Rook: Beautiful things will always bring joy to people's hearts, yes.
Rook: Fufu… It is a fantastical feeling to know that our decorations were able to soothe their aching hearts.
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Requested by @pomefiwhore.
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