#Smoked cod roe
ilovelosermen69 · 1 year
Girls when they see a man in uniform
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tastesoftamriel · 2 years
Hello Talviel! I'm not sure if anyone's asked this yet, but I'm interested in Skaal cuisine and how it differs from the usual mainland Nord fare. And due to the influx of Morrowind refugees, flora, and fauna post-Red Year, have they adapted to create some Skaal-Dunmer fusion dishes? Thanks!
Over the years, I’ve grown close to the Skaal of Solstheim, and have become familiar with their culinary traditions. Despite the few resources available in such a hostile environment, there are still many delicious Skaal dishes that deserve some recognition.
The Skaal diet is primarily based upon fish, horker, bristleback, bear, and elk, all of which are plentiful across Solstheim. In terms of vegetables, they, like the Dunmer, consume ash yams and scathecraw, which grow plentifully across the island. Spices are costly and only obtainable through trade, so they are not traditionally upheld in the Skaal culinary tradition. However, they take advantage of natural flavourings from herbs and plants, like powdered trama root, comberry, snowberries, juniper berries, and tree sap.
Like mainland Nords, mead is much loved, but due to the frosty and ashen climate of Solstheim, it is difficult to produce as there isn’t much in the way of beekeeping. As such, Nord mead is imported in large amounts, and the Skaal at Thirsk Mead Hall love it! However, it’s viewed as more of a treat than it is on Skyrim. 
Back to the food! There are many Skaal dishes and only so much time, so a small menu is in order. Unlike most other peoples, the Skaal do not partake in the format of starters, mains, and dessert. Rather, meals are made communally and distributed through the village three times a day, prepared by younger members of the community. As such, breakfast, lunch, and dinner consist of at least two dishes. A typical meal in the Skaal Village would look something like this:
Scrambled seagull eggs, with bristleback bacon
Smoked salmon and salted smoked cod roe, with rye flatbread
Rabbit stew, with pulled trama root and smoked bristleback sausage
Seafood chowder, with rye flatbread
Juicy horker belly roasted in lard, with mashed ash yams
Fried elk cutlets, with juniper gravy
I hope that this whets your appetite, and showcases some of the delicious dishes enjoyed by the Skaal. ~Talviel
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If I were on the Off Menu podcast:
Still or sparkling water: Still, obviously. Sparkling water tastes rank. One time when I was a kid, a friend's mum gave me sparkling water that had gone flat so I couldn't tell it was sparkling. I couldn't swallow it so I just spat it out all over my pizza.
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POPPADOMS OR BREAD?!?!?!?!: Usually I'd say bread - something a bit oily with olives in it and big flakes of sea salt - but I've got a big meal planned and I don't want to fill up. So i'll have a single poppadom and some mango chutney.
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Your dream starter: This is kind of academic because I'm ordering small plates, but the first proper dish I want going in my mouth is boquerones en vinagre. It's fresh anchovies marinated in vinegar and oil and seasoned with garlic and parsley and the best boquerones are made in Cambio De Tercio, a tapas restaurant in South Kensington. And to accompany that, I'd like a cold glass of gazpacho (cold tomato soup). I had this a lot in Cádiz and it's the most refreshing thing.
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Your dream main course: Ok, deep breath... I want the crunchy prawns we had at my wedding, the potatoes with aioli I ate in Valencia, an Insalata Caprese (tomatoes, mozarella & basil) made by my dad, deep fried courgette flowers, a small ramekin of my partner's courgette carbonara w. homemade linguini, grilled halloumi from Bar Mezze (a greek restaurant in Muswell Hill my family used to go to before it closed), taramasalata, tzatziki, baba ghanoush (cod roe dip, yoghurt/cucumber dip & smoked aubergine dip) and a big Turkish flatbread for dipping and sauce moppage.
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Your dream side dish: Again, academic because of the small plates but I'll go for the broccoli w. garlic and chilli from Boulangerie Bon Matin in Finsbury park. The broccoli's nicely grilled and not too oily or salty and the chilli gives it a real zing. Also, in my fantasy, my partner's sat across from me eating the wood roasted chicken from Moro in Islington and she's giving me little forkfuls to try.
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Your dream dessert: I'm not much of a dessert person but I'd never say no to a slice of my mum's chocolate birthday cake. It's nothing fancy (though the layer of grated dark chocolate over the top is a classy touch), but it's as delicious now as it was when I was a kid.
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Your dream drink: So before the meal even starts I'd like a Lychee Martini at the bar. Then with my boquerones, I'd like a glass of Pegoes, a Portuguese wine we had at my wedding that has an interesting banana-y taste. When the small plates arrive, I'll move on to a 3/4 pint of Mythos, a Greek beer perfect for hot days and oily food. Then with dessert I want a little glass of Sauternes, my favourite dessert wine. Then, if it's lunchtime I'll just have a homemade filter coffee, with plenty of milk.
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Your dream restaurant: I'll stick with the Mediterranean theme and imagine myself in a seaside town, where it's hot but you're cooled by the breeze and you can see the boats bobbing in the bay. Occasionally a moped revs past but otherwise all you can hear are the other diners and the waves lapping against the harbour. That, but with comfortable chairs!
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Good Morning, World!
You can call me Marshmallow Fluff. I'm 29 years old. Not that you'd care, but I reside in Food Town's Candy District. Also, I've yet to marry. To make a living, I own a library, and I also occasionally sell my own novels. After I close up shop, I return home no later than 9:45 PM. I don't drink, but do enjoy an occasional smoke. I'm always in bed by 11 PM, and I make it a habit to get no less then 8 and a half hours of sleep each night. Before bed, I drink a warm glass of milk, coupled with 20 minutes of stretching to decompress from the day. Sweet dreams are the usual result of this. I then awake reborn and recharged as a child, ready to take on the day's challenges. And after my last checkup, I was given a clean bill of health...
Wake up. It's currently 7:30 AM. I would've liked to stay in a little earlier, but it's laundry day, and I would really prefer to get that done in the morning. I then crawled out of bed, still nude, and went off to go to the bathroom to clean up. ~🎵.
I'm nearly out of toothpaste, man... CONSERVE, brush (always bet on bubblegum), apply a bit of concealer to any blemishes, to which I've noticed that they're disappearing now. I mean, marshmallows don't have blemishes, they're marshmallows. Perfect little thingies~
Take a bit of hair gel, and gather my hair upwards. Just enough to keep the lot upwards throughout the day. Tie it in a pony, and there you have it. I suppose Candy can go some few days more until harvest day. Splash some water on my face, and that’s it for this one. 
 Now it’s time for breakfast. What shall I have for today? Hmm… Maybe an omelet with fried rice? Or a bagel with some cream cheese and jelly? Hmmhmhmm~🎵 Aha! Baguette! I bought some cod roe a few days ago, and I’ve got a nice idea… Take a turkey baster, fill it up with the crushed roe, stick it into one end and push, stick it in the toaster for a few minutes, slice and serve with olive oil. Just got to remember to spread some butter before the roe. This is going to be good. 
"Mornin' Maflu!" A highly familiar voice called from under the table, the moment I popped it in to toast. Pretending to ignore it, I just sat down at the kitchen table, reading the newspaper. Nothing interesting, of course, but still, I'm curious. Tales taken from what's going on in Food Town, one or two pages regulated to the closest human settlement for some God-forsaken reason, the usual things. Nothing on the Spice District, as usual... 
"Good morning, Candy," I finally responded in kind. Do I even bother asking how long she's been hanging under there. Not going to find any info through that. 
"You still going through the newspaper? You're like an old lady! Candy knows for a FACT that ain't fun! What part are you on???" She crawled off the floor, and hung off my shoulder. 
"The human sect. You're more interested in the human news. What even is there to look at? Candy bets they don't even have good candy there!" It's where they get supplies, you know... 
"I'm not harvesting the marshmallow fluff, if that's what you're implying." I know exactly why she's here. Whenever my hair, my namesake, soft, pure white and fluffy, reaches the floor, Candy will cut it all off, and eat it at her leisure. And every time it gets long enough, she tries to squeeze it out earlier, and I never budge. 
"Pleaaaaaaaaassssseeeeeee??? It's at the floor!" She insisted, making little puppy eyes on occasion. 
Sighing, I stood up straight. An inch or two off the ground is not on the ground. She started drooling, as expected. 
"I'll let you cut it this time around, how does that sound?" 
"AKSJEKTJTKJWLEBRKDNWKNFKGJF!" Dunno how she makes those noises. Or how that would make a difference. But Candy shall do what Candy pleases. She quickly left the house, still crawling. 
*ding!* Alright! This is going to be good... 
Cuuuuut it cut it cut it cut it...
Hmmhmhmm~🎵 As I thought, this is quite good. Yes, this went better then I suspected. Nom. One would think the flavors would be jumbled, but it's not at all. I made a good call here, now. After breakfast, I'll take care of the laundry~
Minutes later, it's now 8:15 am. I'd expect Dumpling to already be awake for his usual rounds. Rounds of avoiding Cinnamon, rounds of patrolling and getting lost in the woods, the works.
Grab the near-overflowing basket of dirty clothing from the basement, separate the whites from the rest of the lot, head outside to load up the washing machine, pour the right solutions in it, and after it's on, I don't have to do anything until the next hour or so. And luckily for me, the library isn't far a ways from the house. Just set a reminder on a clock, and we're done. Yoink. Beep. Presto. 
Now it's time to get dressed. The usual lot will do... White shirt under beige vest, black tie, yellow skirt, long enamel boots, fluffy wrist bands, little soft earrings, black hair bow~ And don't forget my glasses. Ta-da. Time to head to work. 
Flip the "Sorry, We're Closed :(" sign over, undo the blinds from inside. Let's begin... I recently gained access to a handful of... manga, I think it's called, and some movies that I haven't gotten to sorting out that I ought to take care of today. I wonder what's inside...
I opened the boxes and dug into it. Movies of varying topics it may be, the one thing that matters to the one that's checking out is how cool the cover looks. Moving to the DVD shelves to start, I don't even think I payed attention to what I saw, which ones I recognized. I have little interest in movies, but Risotto always liked watching them. Hey, now that I think about it... where is he? Hmm... 
Belle, Black Swan, Blazing Saddles, Carrie, Detective Pikachu, Grease, Midsommar, Midsummer Knight's Dream, Mugen Train, Pulp Fiction, Rebellion, Se7en, Spirited Away, Walpurgisnacht Rising. A very curious mixture, but the M section was looking a little thin, so it's a welcome addition. I put them all away like clockwork, sorting the rest of the shelf out on the way. It's a very relaxing thing to do, sorting things out. 
The moment I put away the last flick, someone comes in for a book. The chime I installed last week is a lifesaver. 
*ting-a-ling~* "Morning, Marshmallow Fluff!"
"Good morning, Tomato," Quickly, I headed back to the check-out area. I know exactly what will happen. 
He simply needed to return the books he took out last week. And he didn't get any tomato sauce on it this time, so there's that bonus.
*beep* Before I moved here, the library in where I used to live had an automatic drop-off. Maybe I'll go ask Cinnamon about adding something like that later... 
Then he was off to fetch something else. The card just needs to be scanned, and this transaction is finished. 
"Is that all for you this time?" ...Jujutsu Kaisen? I thought he wasn't like that. Oh well. 
"Yeah. Real fun stuff this time. *ding* Thanks, man!" And just as quickly, he left. 
"Have a good day."
By this time, the rest of the box had been put away, though my alarm hadn't gone off yet, which is odd. Even Chili of all people came in for a book, though it was brief, as expected from someone like her. By this time, I should head out to find those who are late, and remind them of such. In that case, it would be... Dumpling. It shouldn't be that bad. Low Tide is the title that was missing for a while, and if I remind him, he'll move faster then he can scramble to pet a cat. And while I look for him, I can ask around for where Risotto went, because I believe he owes me, too. And people know to simply wait until I return from my rounds. Okay, let's head outside...
It's now 9:35 am. Letting the laundry go over an extra 25 minutes seems to have done the trick. The unusual-origin stains have come out. I've since stuffed the lot in the drier, while the colors have gone in their place. Now, I am headed to the Grains District. 
"Hey, Marshmallow Fluff!" "Oh, good morning!" It's Bread and Butter. Maybe they know some...Why is she covered in flour? 
"Hey you two, have you..." Catching myself, I asked about that other thing. "Butter, why are you drenched in flour?"
"I found a recipe for baking bread. But while we were making it..." She began to giggle a little. It's a funny sight, I'll admit. 
"Something got up my nose and I sneezed," He added. Well, as they say. If at first you don't succeed, figure out why.
"Uh... huh. You really need to be careful with that. Oh, by the way..." I nearly left without mentioning why I was here at the moment. "Have either of you seen Dumpling or Risotto around here?" 
"Oh, that's it? One of 'em owe you?" She knows me well... 
"That, and Risotto hasn't called me on when he disappeared, like he tends to..." 
"I think I saw him follow Dumpling in the woods. I caught the two dashing out when I woke up from the window." Really now? What business do they have running about in the woods? Dumpling, I can understand with his designation as greeter (for whatever reason he wanted to be such), wanting to find fellow Food, but Risotto? Come on now. He's afraid of his own shadow. 
"Seriously? Well, thank you for that regardless. If you two see them again, tell them I'm looking for them. ...And when you're done with the baking, tell me the results, okay?" When I was given confirmation, I decided to go there now. Bread may have called out to me as I ran off to the woods, but I chose to ignore it. I shall have to take care of drying clothes when I get back. Shouldn't be too hard, now, right? 
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scarletunit6 · 7 months
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"And then to breakfast, with what appetite you have." Shakespeare
The great British breakfast is famous (or notorious) throughout the world! Actually nowadays it is a bit of a myth, today many British people are more likely to have a bowl of cornflakes or a cup of coffee with a cigarette than to indulge in the wonders of this feast!
However that is not to say that the traditional breakfast is dead, far from it, it's just not often eaten every day of the week. Speaking as a true Brit I occassionally push the boat out and treat myself to the full monty (not to be confused with the film of the same name).
The typical English breakfast is a 19th century invention, when the majority of English people adopted the copious meal of porridge, fish, bacon and eggs, toast and marmalade, that has now appeared on English breakfast tables for 100 years.
The annual consumption in the United Kindgom is 450,000 tonnes of bacon, 5,000 tonnes of sausages and millions of eggs, so you can see the Great British Breakfast is very much alive and well. It has retained its popularity as one of the country's favourite meals, and survived a whole series of eating trends and food fads.
Mrs Beeton would have recommended a large list of foods for breakfast such as, bread, rolls, toast, toasted teacakes, Sally Lunns; eggs cooked in various ways; fish, baked halibut steaks, fried whiting, broiled fresh herrings, soused herrings, fishcakes, broiled kippers, 'Findon' haddock, sprats fried in butter, fish kedgeree, fried salmon, salmon pie, baked lobster, codfish pie, cod's steak, croquettes of cod's roe, herrings stuffed with fish. Fruit such as stewed figs, stewed prunes, and fresh fruits in season. Game and pheasant legs, brawn, devilled drumsticks, and meat dishes both hot and cold, such as collared tongue, kidneys on toast, sausages with fried bread, pig's cheek, Melton pork pie, ham, galantine, spiced brisket, pressed beef...
So what does the great British breakfast consist of nowadays?
Simpsons in the Strand, a well know (and expensive) restaurant, serves breakfast daily. Their full English breakfast consists of the following:-
The GREAT BRITISH BREAKFAST at £13.95 includes:- Toast with jam or marmalade, pastries, fresh orange juice, freshly brewed coffee, a choice of cereals, porridge, stewed fruit or half a grapefruit, The Simpson’s Cumberland sausage, scrambled egg, streaky and back bacon, black pudding, grilled mushrooms and tomato and a daily newspaper (not for consumption).
In addition to the GREAT BRITISH BREAKFAST, for serious breakfast eaters, Simpson's offers THE TEN DEADLY SINS - at £15.95 per person this includes: Toast with jam or marmalade, pastries, fresh orange juice, freshly brewed coffee Choice of cereals, porridge, stewed fruit or half a grapefruit The Simpson’s Cumberland sausage, fried egg, streaky and back bacon, black pudding, lamb’s kidneys, fried bread, liver, bubble & squeak, baked beans, grilled mushrooms and tomato.
Hand, L.R. (2019). British Food - British culture, customs and traditions. [online] Learnenglish.de. Available at: https://www.learnenglish.de/culture/foodculture.html. ‌
Guests may also choose from an à la carte selection of classic breakfast dishes such as: Smoked Haddock Kedgeree; Poached Finan Haddock; Quail’s eggs with haddock; Smoked Salmon with Scrambled Eggs; Grilled sirloin steak with grilled mushrooms and tomato and welsh rarebit. There is also a selection of plain, cheese, bacon, herb, mushroom and smoked salmon omelet
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nyankodanyan · 2 years
Okuda Mika Membership Number 1
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Date of birth: February 28 1968 Birthplace: Tokyo Height: 162cm Weight: 46kg Bust: 80cm Waist: 58cm Hip: 82cm Blood Type: A+ High School: Tokyo Metropolitan Kurume High School Favorite subject: English Least favorite subject: Mathematics Club: Volleyball Favorite type of boy: Rich, cool and kind Least favorite type of boy: Fat and filthy Hobby:Playing Favorite food: Cod roe favorite color: White, Black and Red Favorite celebrity: Nakamori Akina and Koizumi Kyōko About myself: I'm a perky girl who wants to be friends with everyone. I'm full of challenging spirit. I'll do my best with my youth and guts, so please give me a call. (DUNK85 P82)
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She repeated her junior year at Tokyo Metropolitan Kurume High School.(TreasureA P63) The fact that she got retained at such a bottom-of-the-barrel high school means that she was either extremely stupid or didn't go to school very often.(TreasureA P63) In fact, she admitted that there was a time when she was a yankee(slang for delinquent girl) before she joined Onyanko Club.(Gorō86 P22-23) She had a very short temper and often got into trouble with her classmates.(Gorō86 P22-23) When she argued with a classmate during PE, she chased after the female student and beat her so badly.(Gorō86 P22-23) She had a part-time job at Toshimaen, an amusement park, during the summer vacation of the year she was fired, and after the beginning of the second trimester, she continued to work at some sort of part-time job after school.(Seishun86 P76) She claimed in a weekly magazine that there was another member who smoked cigarettes besides the girls of the smoking group, and that almost all of the early members of Onyanko Club had sexual experience (Since Okuda only said so, it's not certain that it's true).(Geinōkai P84) She wasn't discouraged by her dismissal and was the only member of the smoking group to resume her entertainment activities, but wasn't selected in the final round of auditions for the idol group A-cha.(Rumors P72)(2ch1 363) She even appeared in the photo magazine Emma, which was published by Bungeishunjū, the same company that publishes Shūkan Bunshun, the magazine that forced her to be fired.(Emma86 P94-P95) She then recruited a boyfriend for a magazine project.(Rumors P84) She worked at an aerobics studio, but after she quit, she enrolled in an instructor training school.(Rumors P90) She was supposed to be a promotional model for a music-related company.(Rumors P90) There was also talk of a solo debut on Polydor Records, which never materialized.(Rumors P100) She was a Playmate Japan 88 runner-up and became the first Onyanko Club member to appear nude in the October 1988 issue of the monthly Playboy magazine.(TreasureA P63)(Rumors P148) Moreover, some say that she started a company related to Dial Q2 with the money she earned from being a dominatrix at a BDSM club.(Note that Dial Q2 was a very well-known paid service that allowed users to access a variety of information over the phone, and most of the information was related to the sex industry.)(2ch1 363)(2ch1 770) There are also rumors that she worked for Shimamura, a home improvement store, and became the president of Yunnu Project, an entertainment agency, but it's not certain that these are true.(TreasureA P63)(2ch1 363) Some say she's married with about 5 children, but again it's not certain if this is true.(2ch1 363)
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bradleysfishuk · 4 years
Buy Smoked Cod Roe 250g Online at the Best Price, A selection of fresh, sustainably sourced Pre Prepared - Smoked Cod Roe 250g delivered directly to your doorstep by the UK’s #1 online fishmonger.
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lookitcookit · 6 years
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What’s this?
From www.lookitcookit.tumblr.com
And why might it make you think of taramasalata? This is smoked cod’s roe - almost a whole one. Roe is a part of the fish which is often discarded, but with a cod, it is particularly flavourful, specially when smoked and salted.
Taramasalata is made from fish roe, usually from a cod. You have probably only seen it in the bright baby-pink version you buy in supermarkets. The real thing is more of a pale peach colour and is so different, you will be amazed. To find out how to make it, click here (Delia Smith’s recipe).
When I can find fresh smoked cod’s roe, like the one in the picture, I love to eat it simply sliced on buttered bread or crackers. It goes well with something green: my preference is for cucumber or as in the picture, sliced beans.
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The bread is fresh challa - far better than sliced white and not as chewy as ciabatta.
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amjustagirl · 2 years
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chapter one: there’s smoke in the air
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chapters: 1 / 15 pairing: miya osamu x f! reader  genre: romance, angst, fluff, inarizaki shenanigans  wc: 4.3k  summary: miya osamu does not dare to set fire to his heart. it burns anyway.
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It’s the faint smell of smoke that sets off Osamu’s alarms. 
He’s already closed the shop for the day, released his staff early even though ‘Tsumu and the kids are still sprawled across the expanse of his wooden counter. Because - well, if Tsumu’s decided to use him as reinforcement to look after his kids when Kaiyo (Tsumu’s long-suffering wife, the one woman with enough steel in her spine to make Miya Atsumu behave and act like a decent human being) is away on some fancy work dinner, then he can damn well help him clean up the shop instead.
‘Sides his staff deserve a break from ‘Tsumu’s spawn-lings. 
Not that he doesn’t love his niece and nephew dearly - he does, he’d do anything for them, set his store on fire if need be - but Shino already shows every indication that she’s inherited ‘Tsumu’s pig-headedness and Kaiyo’s mischief, which is incendiary when paired with an angelic smile. Just last week, she’d managed to sweet talk his hapless part-timer Miyamura-san into tossing disposable chopsticks to her in some made-up exercise to improve her reflexes, leaving his kitchen floor looking like it’s been strewn with twigs and firewood. Kaiyo made her daughter pick up every last chopstick and pay him back with her own pocket money (he’d set the money aside in the fund he has stashed as a wedding present to her), but still. 
And Shoma. 
Five year old Shoma with wide, solemn eyes, and a penchant for toddling around the bustling kitchen, heedless to the danger of finely sharpened knives and bursts of hot steam around him. The kid doesn’t say much, just watches with rapt attention as rice is shaped into balls, fillings prepared with care and occasionally swipes a bite or two - and that’s all fine, but he refuses to be shooed out unless it’s time for a meal. His staff treat him like their mascot, but Osamu knows first hand it’s troublesome to have to work in an overheated kitchen with a child underfoot after nearly spilling a trayful of precious cod roe because Shoma was crouched by the rice cooker investigating the rice that Kita brought over right after harvestime.
“Can’t you just order pizza for them instead of dragging them all the way here?” he asks ‘Tsumu, who sticks his tongue out petulantly. 
“Sho-chan wanted yer onigiris and Shin-chan complained she hasn’t seen ya in ages, so who am I to say no to them? ‘Sides - ” Atsumu hefts Shoma up, holds him out as if Sho-chan’s a lion-cub being presented to his future subjects (he really really hates that he’s watched every single disney movie with the kiddos, nevermind that Lion King made him sniffle - he’ll deny it til his dying day) - “are ya really going to say no to Sho-chan when he’s hungry for his favourite uncle’s lovingly made food?” 
Damn ‘Tsumu for hitting his weak spots with a bulls-eye (or a carefully thrown set, but nevermind the volleyball references), because everyone knows Osamu would rather swandive out of a window rather than see someone hungry, let alone his five year old nephew who’s secretly his favourite (he’ll deny it til his dying day). So he turns away with a huff and signals his defeat by making yet another negitoro onigiri that he knows is Sho-chan’s favourite. 
It’s at that moment the scent of something burning hits his nostrils. 
At first, he wonders if it’s just stubborn old Ishii-san from next door who’s snuck out back for a quick smoke - the whole street knows that his wife’s banned him from cigarettes after his hacking cough led him to be diagnosed with early stage cancer - but he quickly surmises that that can’t be the case when even Atsumu frowns, mouth puckering with worry. 
The famed twin telepathy that Gintama always marvels at (which Suna dryly terms as them sharing a single brain cell) comes into play the instant they actually see a tendril of grey smoke creeping out of his back kitchen. Atsmu rockets to his feet, stool clattering behind him as he grabs Shino’s hand, hauling Shoma off the counter and onto his shoulder, dragging both children out of the shop despite their protests. Osamu for his part dashes to the kitchen, and suspicion confirmed when he sees bright flames licking their way through his kitchen, he spares only a moment to rescue his precious set of knives forged by Kaiyo’s family, a famed knife makers in the rolling hills of Hyogo before kicking the door closed. 
“Called the firefighters already. They’re on the way”, Atsumu calls from the counter, busy emptying the register of the day’s takings. 
Osamu passes the knives over to him with a nod, sprinting to the back office to empty the safe, madly grabbing documents, licenses, cash, the hard-drive with his records, his laptop - Atsumu appears to help, magicking a bag out of nowhere to toss everything pell-mell into its depths - he even manages to grab the drawing the Sho-chan did of the shop when it first opened before Atsumu hauls him out. 
“Ma’ll kill me if I let you barbeque in your own damn shop, you idiot”, he hisses. “You can replace everything else but - ”
A high pitched scream, panic ringing clear in the night air. 
Atsumu takes off, practically flies to where Shino is, Osamu following closely. She’s bawling, fists clenched to her side and it’s hard to make out what she’s saying through her sobs as she verges on the edge of hyperventilating - 
“Sho - Shoma - ”
The blood in his veins turns into ice. 
He glances around but whilst the street is rapidly filling with well-meaning neighbours and bystanders, there’s no little boy - no Sho-chan around even though he’s sure Atsumu gave Shino strict orders to keep Shoma with her on the street, trusting in little boy’s general compliant nature to keep him out of trouble. 
Realisation slams into him a split second before Atsumu even catches on. Instinct makes him shout at Shino to keep her dad with her - because ‘Tsumu has a family that needs him, Kaiyo’s been through too much pain to lose her idiot husband to a random fire of all things, and Shino is only twelve and he doesn’t even want to go there but they’ll need to pull together if Sho-chan - he’s not going to entertain any grim thoughts in the seconds that he pounds through his shop, cursing the shadows that might hide a five year old - 
“Shoma!” he yells, smoke seeping into his lungs. “Sho-chan!” 
He can’t tell whether it’s the inhaled gasps of smoke or fear pooling in his chest that constricts his throat, making it harder to breathe. Shoma isn’t anywhere in the front of the store where flames are already licking at table legs and chairs, which means he has to delve deeper into the belly of the store - the kitchen, the epicentre of the blaze and fuck fuck fuck it’s already hot enough that he’s sweating through his shirt -
Any normal kid should have fled the kitchen by now, but Miya Shoma exists to defy the odds. Osamu flings the door to the kitchen open, choking at the fumes and practically lunges forward when he finally catches sight of a small form, the scarlet of Shoma’s coat unswallowed by the smoke and shadows. 
Only to be stopped short by an infernal groaning sound above him.
The sudden crash of a wooden beam into the ground a veritable stick of dynamite. It just makes an already dangerous situation yet more deadly. 
“Fuck” he curses, picking his way gingerly in the direction of Shoma. He’s got to get them both out before Atsumu loses his mind and storms in, something he really needs to avoid because sure, his loved ones would mourn if he died today, but he doesn’t have a family of his own unlike Atsumu, so his life is worth less than that of his brother’s - stop stop stop  - these grim thoughts are just slowing him down - 
The way out isn’t blocked yet, they can both still make it out. It’s hot as the circles of hell, but he persists, pushing through towards Shoma who seems fine at the very least, crouched near the rice station - deemed thus for the numerous industrial rice cookers and wooden buckets where he carefully fluffs up his rice - all of that will burn into ashes, but there’s no time to mourn that either, they need to get out, stat. 
The little boy weighs less than a sack of rice in Osamu’s adrenaline-filled rush to get out. Nerves of steel like his mother then, because he doesn’t even wail, and thankfully doesn’t put up a fight either, curling up his short limbs around Osamu’s neck and arms like a frightened housecat. The floor beneath him feels almost as if it’s caked in lava, scorching his heels through the soles of his feet so he runs for his life, precious cargo in his arms, the scant few steps between the kitchen and the safety of the streets outside never seeming so long before. 
But he dashes through the wooden frame of the front door, doesn’t stop running until blonde hair comes into view, until he sees his twin’s face collapse in relief and sheer joy as he passes Shoma back to Atsumu, already crying -
“You’re so dramatic”, he says to rib his twin. 
Or more accurately, that’s what he’d like to say because pain, red hot and blistering shoots up through the length of his arm into his shoulder, a million, billion, trillion times worse than the time he was stupid enough to try flipping tuna cheeks on a grill with nothing but his bare hands and a bucket of ice cold water in imitation of a street hawker he idolises. 
So instead, he stumbles to his side, his focus already so bleary that his twin’s hoarse shouts don’t register. His head swims through the cacophony of ambulance sirens and the hubbub of the crowd that’s gathered, sinks between his hands as he tries to anchor himself, crouching low on the sidewalk. It’s awfully dark despite the fire burning bright in the night sky, he thinks to himself, before everything blissfully fades to black. 
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There’s a faint beeping in the background when he breaks the surface for air
Ripples of consciousness start to return to him in waves. A spark in the kitchen, his shop going up in flames. Finding Shoma despite the plume of black smoke, relief despite the ash in his mouth. Pain that only emanates as a dull ache. 
He cracks an eye open. 
A mirror image of himself stares back at him, albeit blonde. 
“Samu”, Atsumu breathes, jumping to his feet to lean over the rails of the hospital bed. “‘Samu - d’you need water? Maybe I should call a nurse, get someone to check ya over - ” 
Before Osamu can nod, Atsumu’s already reaching over to clumsily pour water from the waiting jug into a flimsy paper cup. He’s fed the water like a baby, and by the time he finishes the proffered water, which thankfully eases the parched desert in his mouth, Atsumu manages to wave down a passing nurse, who then drags a couple of doctors to this ringside show of him being subjected to a barrage of tests and questions that to determine that he’s still all there and hasn’t left his mind in his burnt down shop.  
“M’fine” he croaks, after he’s finally, thankfully left alone. “Thought I might’ve died. But seeing yer ugly mug confirmed that I still got some ‘ways to go.”
“D-don’t joke about that.” To Osamu’s alarm, his idiot twin actually starts blubbering  up. “Y-you gotta, - you gotta live a long life - you promised you’d show me that you’d have the better life, you’re not allowed to die yet - I still got a better life than you, you crazy scrub -” 
He takes another sip of water before a terrible, awful thought hits him, steals his breath away. 
“Is Sho-chan - ”
“He’s fine”, Atsumu cuts in, surreptitiously wiping his tears away. “Got some burns on his hands and they’ve stuck him in here for observation cos’ they’re concerned about smoke inhalation but he’s gonna be just fine.”   
Osamu heaves a sigh of relief, a burden off his shoulders. “I was worried for a moment. Shouldn’t you be with your kid instead of lounging around by my side? Skiving again?” 
Atsumu snorts wetly before barking out a laugh. “Kaiyo and I are takin’ turns. You better watch out when she comes up to see ya. She’s gonna weep and make a heck lot of noise before throwing herself at you, both to hug you and scold you for daring to get injured.” 
He matches his twin’s snort. “Sounds ‘bout right for Kaiyo. S’okay, I’ll take the scolding like a big boy, but I’m glad the little guy’s okay.” 
“He is”, Atsumu says, smile dropping. “Well - better than you - ”
“You better not start cryin’ on me again or I’ll call a nurse over to kick ya out - ”
“Piece of shit - I ain’t gonna waste my tears on ya!” 
They catch each other’s eye. A beat - before they both burst out laughing or well, Atsumu laughs while Osamu wheezes until they get a stitch in their sides and knock fists to show their affection, the callsign of siblings who’ve reduced their collective brain juice to one cell apiece. No maudlin show of affection, a fistbump is enough for him, thank you, even with a near death experience. 
“By the way”, Osamu says when the stitch subsides. “Did anyone figure out why Sho-chan literally ran back into a burning building?” 
At that, Atsumu groans. 
“That little bugger snuck back in ‘cos he wanted to save some rice paddle he’d been storing there. Apparently he got it from Asami-chan, and he couldn’t bear to lose it.” 
Osamu can’t help but cackle. It’s a running joke that Atsumu and Kita would inevitably end up as in-laws the way their respective wives keep arranging for play-dates between their children. Of course, it’s only natural since Kaiyo and Ichika, Kita’s wife, are best friends - in fact, Kaiyo claims responsibility for setting Kita and Ichika up in the first place, and so their matchmaking machinations seem to have spilled over to their children, evident from the way Asami would light up whenever Shoma visits the farm and bawls when he leaves, and the way Shoma follows Asami around like a duckling and happily plays along with all her tea parties. 
“You should just consider Kita family at this point by now”, Osamu jokes. “It’ll be official in twenty years time anyway.” 
“Both my kids are gonna end up with my captains’ kids”, Atsumu moans. “Shino’s gonna run away with Meian’s son at the rate we’re going. It’s so weird - how can I even try intimidating the kid when his dad used to make me run laps ‘cos I poked fun at Omi-omi just a bit too much during practice - ”
“Well at least it’s Shinsuke’s daughter that Sho-chan likes. Imagine if it were Sakusa’s kid.”  
The twins share a collective shudder. 
“I’m just glad they’re cousins instead, so no chance of that. Though - d’you remember when he kinda pitched a fit when he realised that we’d all be one big happy family cos he married Kaiyo’s cousin? I get to tease Omi-omi during family gatherings now!”  
“I’m sure he enjoys that”, Osamu replies dryly. 
“He does!” 
“He definitely doesn’t”, a female voice declares definitively. 
Atsumu brightens up immediately, leaping to his feet. “Baby! You came to see me!”
“I came to see ‘Samu not you, you big lug”, Kaiyo says as she blows in like a beautiful storm, arms full of bags bulging with tupperwares of food (which Osamu sniffs appreciatively at, hospital grub isn’t really up to scratch and he’s already missed breakfast), swatting Atsumu away playfully as he winds his arms around her, nuzzling her cheek. “Though I am here to relieve you so you can go grab lunch, Sho-chan’s asleep and I wanted to spend some time with my favourite brother in law - ”
“I’m your only brother in law”, Osamu remarks dryly but only receives a gentle tweak of his ear in reply. 
“I guess I’m off then”, Atsumu pats his back. “My turn to sit by the little rascal in case he decides to run away to Hyogo before Ichika and the girls come over, and it’s your turn to get nagged at anyway - ” 
“Are you calling me a nag, Miya Atsumu?” Kaiyo asks archly. 
Osamu has the pleasure of watching Atsumu turn sheet white as he backpedals furiously, assuring Kaiyo that she’s the best wife in the world, and he’d never think she’s a nag, and her scoldings are just her way of showing love - which is great, you can continue scolding me, c’mon I’ll even lie down and let you step on me, I probably deserve it anyway, until Kaiyo grows tired of his silliness and boots him out of the room. 
“Don’t look at me like that”, he says, hands up in defence when she turns to him. 
“Like what?” 
“Like you’re undecided whether to scold me or cry over me, or worse, thank me,  - ”
“Miya Osamu, you nearly died - ”
“I didn’t, just came out with a few burns or two, your kid damn near scared me to death though - ”
He’s interrupted by the press of shaking lips to his temple. 
“Oh, ‘Samu - ”
“You’re not allowed to cry all over me - ”
She chokes back a broken sob, and Osamu will insist until he’s laid in his grave that his eyes remain bone dry. “C’mere”, he says roughly, opening his arms out as she climbs in beside him, laying her head on his shoulder. Her hand catches his, squeezing tight, saying what she’s left unsaid. 
He has the honour of meeting Kaiyo first, besting Atsumu in that regard. Barely in their twenties when she stumbled into his ramshackle first shop - she, then a poor student on the lookout for a part time job to make ends meet, him, struggling to make a business from nothing into something. A prank on Tsumu is the first spark that explodes into a wildfire, one that tears through their lives. When it culminates in his twin stumbling into a marriage he definitely doesn't deserve and almost losing the only woman in the world with enough steel in her spine to match him, he’s always thought the only silver lining to the entire situation is that he gained her as a sister. 
('D'you love her?' Atsumu demanded, when their marriage falters, almost irrevocably damaged by his own hands. 
Osamu thinks of her struggling to hold down the fort as Atsumu jaunts off to Milan, juggling Shino and a full time job, gritting her teeth and holding her head high even as everyone else looks at her with judgement in their eyes, whispering about her, pitying her behind her back. 
'Of course I do', he'd replied, as natural as breathing. 'She's my sister, you asshole. I hate that it’s my brother who’s causing her pain.')
A decade later, long after the grass has grown over the scorched earth, after Atsumu finally recognises the immense luck he’s had winning Kaiyo as his wife and puts in the backbreaking work needed to fix his marriage, that hasn’t changed. Time has only made them closer - she’s also been giving to him, generous with her time and help (having an accountant in the family makes filing taxes a breeze), a warm presence in his busy life, a listening ear with much more sense than his volleyball crazed brother. 
So yes, he loves her. She’s family - it's only natural that he'd do anything for her and hers. 
“He’s your boy - but he's mine too”, he says simply. 
“You - ”, her voice breaks off, a little cracked. “You can’t say things like that and expect me not to cry, Miya Osamu - You can’t, you can’t”, he coughs in an attempt to hide the growing heat in his eyes, but it’s futile when she curls her fingers in his, when the sleeve of his hospital gown becomes damp. 
“I was so, so scared when ‘Tsumu called me. When I heard you got hurt. And then I hear you got hurt running into a fire to drag Shoma out, I don’t think I could breathe properly until the doctors said you were fine - ” 
“See, you’re cryin’ for nothin’ - ”
“Stop it! At least let me thank you properly - ”
“You don’t need to”, he says. “I’d do it again. Won’t even think twice about it.” 
He yelps when she tries her best to crush his ribcage in her chokehold of a hug, especially since he’s still a little tender from the whole diving headfirst into a fiery inferno kinda thing. “I’m gonna thank you anyway”, she murmurs. “And at the rate I’m going, it looks like I’m gonna owe you in the next lifetime or two. Maybe we should make it three, just to be safe.” 
“Nah”, he affects a drawl through his blocked nose and wet eyes. “I guess if you count that I’m responsible for settin’ you up with ‘Tsumu, consider us even.” 
She smacks his good side. “Don’t say that about your own brother!” she scolds, but he’s relieved to hear the lilt of her laughter, clear as a bell. 
“You and I both know he’s a piece of shit and you’re crazy for puttin’ up with him - ”
“Only I can bully him, you stop being mean -” 
“Hey, I had to put up with him since we were in the womb - ” 
She rolls her eyes as they fall into their familiar patterns of bickering, and he lets her boss him around, eyes gleaming when she lays out tupperwares full of food. Kaiyo isn’t the best of cooks, she’d admit it herself, but he taught her all he knew about making food, so he laughs aloud when he sees the familiar rice and nori combinations - deconstructed onigiris, she calls them, the ingredients packed on the side. He happily wields his chopsticks to scoop perfectly cooked rice up, screwing up his eyes in delight when he pops a jewel-like umeboshi into his mouth. 
Food is a simple pleasure, it truly makes his belly sing. It also makes him fall fast asleep. 
When he wakes, he’s greeted by some of his staff. It’s grown from just Kaiyo in his early days to a sizable crew, necessary to man the three shops he has dotted around Osaka - well, two now that one’s burnt down. Suzuki, the matriarch who mans his busiest store downtown in his stead with an iron fist, brings a cake with piped flowers instead of real blooms (she alone knows about his secret sweet tooth), Miyamura, the college aged part-timer who takes on far too many shifts to be good for his grades shyly slides over some homemade burn ointment from his mother in Kyushu, Morita and Ishida, his dynamic duo of cooks stationed in his second shop sneak in pints of beer to the horror of the nurse in attendant, and stoic Murata, who he’d sent home early that night, gruffly pats his back and wishes him well. 
“I’ll need to adjust the schedule. And call the suppliers in the morning, cancel some orders if we’re only running two stores instead of three”, he frowns, fingers itching for his phone which Atsumu confiscated, correctly surmising that he’d be unable to just take a break, damnit Samu! You nearly died - which is annoying, because he does have arrangements to make. 
“The lady boss is on it”, Murata says. 
He can’t help but chuckle when Morita and Ishida start to recount an animated and likely embellished tale of Kaiyo taking over the reins, arranging schedules, browbeating suppliers, popping into the shops to reassure his regulars - all this in the afternoon, whilst he slept. 
“I guess I should count myself lucky that you decided to walk into my shop ten years ago”, he tells her, when she returns to his side after dinner. 
She huffs a laugh, arranging the pillows before she climbs in beside him again. “It’s a damn good thing I’ve been in charge of your accounts all these years.” 
“It’s a good thing my brother married an accountant - ”
“Your filing system would be a mess otherwise. I can’t believe how many fishmongers I had to call today - all of them say don’t worry about a thing, just get well soon, except for Hara-san - who’s very grumpy by the way - it was super hard to stay polite, because he insisted on sending tuna to you, never mind that your shop is a burnt out husk - ”
He bumps her with his elbow, offers his good shoulder to her as a pillow. “Sounds exhausting”, he says lightly. “You sound like you need a nap.” 
“I can’t believe you do this everyday”, she grouses, but she’s out like a light almost immediately. He curls a protective arm around her as she lets out a gentle snore, but even then he takes the opportunity to steal her phone and snap a surreptitious photo of her (a habit learnt from Suna, no doubt), sending it immediately to Atsumu with the cheeky caption - look at sleeping beauty right here. It’s rare that he gets to clown on Kaiyo, just a little bit. Besides, it’s fun turning the tables on her once in a while and siding with ‘Tsumu, she’ll pretend to rage about it when she finds out, and it’ll distract her at least from the situation they’re in. 
There’s a hesitant knock on the door just as he’s about to fall asleep himself. He wonders if it’s the nurse, here to check on his burn dressings. 
(it isn’t. it’s someone he hasn’t met yet. someone who may or may not play a starring role in this chapter of his life.) 
The door slides open. You step in. 
“Hi”, you say, then you bow.  
(fire can be the catalyst of new beginnings, even as it destroys) 
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a/n: a dramatic first chapter! it may be helpful to read storm chaser in context (i.e. the story of Atsumu and Kaiyo), since that’s referenced quite heavily in this fic, but can be read as a standalone. 
and as always, let me know what y’all think! 
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296 notes · View notes
tastesoftamriel · 2 years
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Anchors Aweigh
Voted Summerset's best seafood 4E 215!
Shimmerene oysters (half dozen or dozen), served with lemon and an array of sauces
Scampi cocktail, with seaweed crisps and our signature cocktail sauce
Grilled lobster tail, with garlic butter drizzle
Weekly specials menu, Last Seed
Tagliatelle with fresh Shimmerene clams and Russafeld Heights white wine. A Summerset classic!
Whipped cod roe mousse and smoked marlin pate with dill and watercress on homemade brown sourdough
Quicksilver Lingwe steak with a delicate yuzu-teriyaki glaze and seaweed salad
Anchors Aweigh seafood soup with mixed catch of the day, in a rich tomato and Russafeld Heights white wine soup
Grilled octopus and calamari paella with fresh squid ink
Great Yellowfin pot pie with homemade puff pastry and locally grown vegetables
Salt-baked blackened Radiant Dory with Hammerfell saffron rice and lemon aioli
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heretherebedork · 2 years
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Charred artic char with bourbon aged maple studio syrup glaze. Sweet and crunchy and fishy and a fantastic little bite.
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Smoked char roe suspended in barrel aged tea and so smokey its absurd. Delicious.
The best part is that they were in the same container you just flipped it over and the cod roe was in the bottom and it was so fun.
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A Hearty Fish Pie
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Apologies for the delay, but when you’re moving from one side of the planet to the other, priorities change and free time is hard to come by; that said, we’re back, now living in Ireland, and that means a wealth of new fish, meat and produce to prepare great food you, your family and friends.
An island on the far Western edge of Europe, Ireland boasts some of the most amazing seafood on the planet. Whether it’s salmon, cod or plaice; rock shrimp, clams or langoustines, the ice cold waters of the Atlantic and the relative temperate Irish Sea offer a rich bounty.
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For this recipe, we took a drive to the Clougherhead Pier in County Louth to visit to one of our favorite fishmongers, Fishermans Catch. There we purchased a little over a pound of mixed, chopped, fresh cod, salmon, and smoked mackerel as well as a pound of raw, shelled rock shrimp and six giant scallops with their roe or coral still attached.
I’m a huge fan of scallop roe, the silky texture and mild taste offsets the buttery sweetness of the scallop itself.
6-ounces smoked mackerel, chopped into one-inch chunks
6-ounces raw salmon, also chopped
6-ounces of cod (or other white fish), also chopped
1-pound of raw shrimp, peeled and de-veined
6 large scallops, coral optional
6 medium potatoes
1 cup of shredded cheese (we used an Irish sharp white cheddar for this recipe)
2 cloves of garlic, minced fine or put through a garlic press
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 carrot, finely chopped
1 cup of frozen peas
8-ounces of mushrooms, roughly chopped
4 tablespoons of butter
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
6 ounces of milk
6 ounces of full cream
2 tablespoons of corn starch
Sea salt to taste
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
Let’s go!
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This Fish Pie is a very traditional stew from the British Isles—indeed most of Europe—and while most UK recipes use only one vegetable in the fish mixture, the mighty leek, I’ve tailored this for Bob and my taste with a combination of finely diced carrots and onions, roughly cut mixed mushrooms, and a cup of frozen peas.
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Like Shepherd’s or Cottage Pie, the top crust is a layer of mashed potatoes, preferably made fresh with just butter and a grated cheese. For this version we used a beautiful sharp, Irish white cheddar.
Make the mashed potatoes first, as you want to be able to easily spoon and handle them when you are finishing the pie for the oven.
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If you’re going to use mashed potatoes from a Sunday dinner, be warned, those made with milk have a tendency to be really soft and the key to these kind of pies is a potato crust that keeps its firmness while allowing you to mix in the lovely cream broth. 
So, if you are using leftover dinner mash, add more grated cheese or a little white flour to give it a firmer texture before finishing the pie.
Once the mash is ready, it quite literally takes only about 20 minutes to prep the pie’s main ingredients. Turn your oven on to about C200-degrees/F390-degrees to pre-heat.
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Now, in a saucepan add the fish, the two cloves or garlic, finely chopped or put through a garlic press and your milk or milk and cream mixture. You want to gently bring the pot up to a simmer, releasing the smoky, salty flavor of the mackerel into the liquid and gently poaching the fish.
Don’t let it come to a boil or you will get rubbery fish.
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Now, with a spider or a slotted spoon, remove the poached fish and place it in the bottom of your baking dish. 
Pour the now warm poaching liquid into a proper size bowl or measuring cup. Using the same saucepan, we’re now going to create a roux with the butter and corn starch. I use a medium to high gas flame because I want to do this quickly.
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Cook that for a minute or two to fully incorporate the starch and cook-off that raw taste, then begin adding in the warm poaching liquid while whisking. 
I prefer a thick sauce so I slowly whisk until it reaches a fast simmer, but isn’t boiling. Turn off the heat and remove the pot from the range, you don’t want the sauce to burn.
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Now it’s time to sauté the vegetables. Just heat a couple of tablespoons vegetable oil. You don’t want to cook the onions, carrots and mushrooms through, just make them shiny and little soft.
Important: This is the only time I add salt to this recipe.
Smoked mackerel is lovely, but very salty and so is Irish butter. Once you poach the fish, you’re adding a healthy dose of sodium to the recipe. 
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Once the veggies are ready, add them to the fish. Then add your peas and the raw rock shrimp. You want to gently stir the mixture and make sure the shrimp are evenly distributed throughout.
This is where I season with black pepper, to taste, while you fold and combine the mixture.
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Place the scallops on top as the final layer. 
This recipe serves 6 to 8 people depending on the size, gender and volume of consumption of your guests.
Now, evenly pour the cream sauce over the fish and veggie mixture. Once you’re confident you’ve got it covered, give the baking dish a little shake to help the sauce saturate the mixture completely.
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Once the sauce is settled, carefully scoop out and spread the mashed potatoes and cheese over the top. By now this mash should have cooled and taken on a soft, yet pliable consistency, go ahead and use your hands to evenly layer it on top of the dish.
When it’s completely covered, use a fork to create the ridges and peaks that give these oven-baked pies that lovely golden crisp top.
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Please the Fish Pie in the center of your pre-heated oven, then lower the temperature to C180-degrees/F360-degrees for about 30 minutes, looking in occasionally to make sure the crust is browning nicely and not burning.
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When all is said and done, this pie is a wonder to behold and perfect for those cool Autumn or cold Winter Sundays. 
It’s a meal in itself with no need for bread or even a side salad. I would argue pairing this with a pale ale or pilsner rather than a red or white wine, though a darker, full-bodied rosé could work.
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manjuhitorie · 4 years
Shinoda’s Instagram Q&A July 18th 2020 - Part 1
👋How are Retro Tone’s Saddles? 🗣The steel saddles are way worth a shot   👀 http://astronauts69.com/retrotone/ - https://twitter.com/sho_do_teki/status/1019548356383682561
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👋What bandsmen have you been keeping in touch with? 🗣I got calls from Hiroki-san of Lego Big Morl And Adam Touch Takahashi of Bed In (honorifics omitted) I’m usually never the one to hit people up first... 
👋What are you doing awake this late? (approx 3AM JST) 🗣Listening to Audrey on the radio  👀 Audrey are a manzai comedy duo! https://wow-j.com/en/Allguides/other/tips_manners/02304_en/#2
👋 Have you eaten any pudding lately? 🗣I deeply apologize for waiting so long to make this clear. The pudding phase has long ended. We had a good run everyone.
 👀 https://twitter.com/sho_do_teki/status/1245973638550917121 Shinoda had found a pudding recipe on cookpad which requires only a microwave, a single egg, then milk, sugar, and a sprinkle of vanilla essence! This discovery sparked a trend among Hitorie fans, as many were giving it a shot themselves and joining in on the sweetness!
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👋 What is your favorite? 🗣My favorite what?
👋 Are you sleepy? 🗣No problems here
👋 What’s your opinion feeling on cicadas? 🗣My opinion is that they’re dogshit
👋 I’m knee-deep in depression right now, what do I do.. 🗣Watch Audrey videos on youtube You’re bound to laugh and whisk the time away, it’s ideal
👋 How are you? 🗣Physically I’m healthy. Mentally I’m so-so.
👋 Did you get ygarshy any presents for his birthday? If you did, what did you get him? 🗣I can’t tell ya bastards.
👋What happened to your smoke machine? 🗣I still have it  👀 https://twitter.com/sho_do_teki/status/1269167465499521025 
For SND’s birthday, ygarshy had gotten him a smoke machine. The kind commonly seen at concerts to add effects.
 To quote Shinoda’s reception, he said, “I’m sure y’all got a taste of the level of insanity our bassist is, judging from the MC chat reports of last year’s tour but… This should really set in stone just how insane he is.” 
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👋Any new song recs? 🗣SUTENEKO by Siamese Cats  👀 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVSBarQH6ZY
👋Are you still working out? 🗣If it’s okay to say that I’m still at it then.. Yeah I’m still at it.
 👀 He had been developing aches/feeling like he had muscle atrophy due to drawing so much manga. Thus, after even Hitorie’s manager urged him about the necessity to work out, he finally picked it up. Though he did tweet “I was working out while I slept last night, and now I can’t stand up… Fuckkkk thissssss!!” https://twitter.com/sho_do_teki/status/1264486160211951617  So… Fight on, SND!
👋I want to know what you’ve been eating lately! 🗣I’m cooking hamburgers and hotdogs at home
👋What have you been up to? 🗣Listening to Audrey on the radio
👋What are you up to right now👀 🗣Listening to Audrey on the radio
👋 Do you create distortion by using your amp, or by stomping around by your feet? 🗣By my feet
👋 What’s next after the pudding phase? 🗣I’m in a hamburger phase now
👋 Who manga artist you especially like 🗣I’ve always loved Douman Seiman sensei  👀 https://myanimelist.net/people/12266/Sayman_Dowman
👋 What’s good about Jaguars? (*the car I think) 🗣They look all robotic
👋 What cigarettes have you been smoking? 🗣Marlboro gold
👋 You strike me as the type who talks to himself a lot, so I ask, do you talk to yourself a lot? 🗣Kinda, yeah
👋 What Hitorie songs are best to start out with? 🗣Like Senseless Wonder Or any relatively simple one
👋 What shampoo do you use? 🗣The Seven Eleven one
👋 I can’t make a song.. The day is going to end in vain again..
🗣The day you finally make it will answer everything Or at least we can hope...
👋 How’s your kitty? 🗣I don’t fucking have one
👋 I want to go to a concert 🗣I wanna go tooo
👋 Any RPG recs? 🗣Landstalker You can play it on a SEGA Genesis Mini, go ham on the ungodly maps
👋 I like you? 🗣What?
👋 Do any movies hold a special place in your heart? 🗣9 Souls probably  Chihara Junia is so awesome  👀 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0370244/
👋Please take a selfie 👣 🗣I can’t right now fella
👋What onigiri filling do you like? 🗣Spicy cod roe and/or tuna
👋I just want to give up on studying for entrance exams. But I can’t. How do you achieve that which you don’t want to do? 🗣I feel like I’ve never ever even achieved that which I don’t want to do.. 👋 Any recent purchases?
 🗣 *https://www.jimdunlop.com/cry-baby-mini-wah/
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👋 Who’s the greatest genius you know? 🗣Shimoyaka  👀 Check them out here: https://twitter.com/simoyaka - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9qsoxiPKaY - Tanaka Bunko is the name of Shimoyaka’s doujin group.
👋 Do you ever have troubles or worries? 🗣I do
👋 Which do you recommend out of the great Ghibli 4 playing in theaters? 🗣Well, anything but Mononoke Hime..
👋 My ex girlfriend introduced me, so when I listen the memories come flooding back... 🗣What are you talking about?
👋 I’m torn on whether to cut my hair or not, should I? 🗣Enough already, just cut it.
👋 Do you have a favorite Tanaka Bunko song? 🗣High Score Girl (👀 https://ch.nicovideo.jp/simoyaka/video/so36488388) It sounds like Dinosaur Jr. ( 👀 The western band)
👋 Have you gotten good at any cooking recipes lately? 🗣Do hotdogs count as cooking?
👋 What to do when you can’t sleep 🗣Listen to the radio and stuff
👋 Why don’t you get a kitty?
 🗣Laziness and allergies as a joint force are preventing my kitty endeavors
👋 Will you sleep after this? 🗣I don’t know
👋 For my Coming of Age Ceremony, I’m not sure if I should cut my hair into a short bob or let it grow long so I can style it. Which suits your tastes more Shinoda-san?
 🗣The short bob 100%
👋 So you like girls with short hair.. Then, what hair color do you like? 🗣I don’t really care as long as it looks good
👋 I slept as this time yesterday, but I woke up at this time today. I want to be reborn as a Marlboro gold cigarette.
🗣It may be wise to not aspire to turn into consumables much
👋 What kind of gear is on your current pedal board? 🗣 *A picture consisting of a BOSS TU3W, Xotic EP Booster, WEED MDW-1 wah, Crowther Hotcake, Electro-Harmoni Nano Bass Big Muff, Arion SCH-Z Stereo Chorus, and BOSS DD-20.
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👋 I just woke up, good morning 🗣Good morning
👋 Then I want to be reborn as a bed or sofa 🗣Chill
👋 Time to go to work! Cheer me on! 🗣Have a swell day
👋 I’m job-hunting right now, tell me something 🗣I hope it all works out…
👋 I’m a fan from Taiwan and a guitar newbie, do you have any tips and tricks for pressing chords? 🗣Make sure you’re pressing cleanly, I think
👋 Good morning~ Due to various circumstances I’m living in Tokyo for one month starting today, cheers to our battles to come 🗣Battles!?
👋 After drinking all night yesterday, I fell back to sleep 3 times before finally waking up just now. I woke up out of fear after remembering the news about the man who’s bladder exploded. 🗣That shit’s scary as hell?  👀 https://nypost.com/2020/06/23/mans-bladder-explodes-after-holding-pee-for-18-hours-after-beer-binge/
👋 As a guitarist/vocalist what are you most careful of? 🗣Don’t wiggle around too much and wear yourself out
👋 Alco and Peace’s radio segments are just too damn good, ain’t they…? 🗣I’ve listened to the skit about Ichiru at an international tournie so many times that I’ve lost count, they’re seriously the best  👀 They’re a manzai comedy duo too!
👋 What temperature do you keep your air-conditioning at? 🗣It depends but, when I do use it I’ll bring it all the way to 24 degrees celsius.
👋 What are you going to do now? 🗣No idea
👋 Have you ever been approached by fans at festivals or out in town? On that note, is it okay to approach you? (;.Д.) 🗣I have. It depends on the time and place.
👋 I love you. Time to go to work… 🗣Have a nice day
👋 Do you ever go to cat cafes and stuff? 🗣I’ve been.
👋 I’ve been job hunting with no resolution in sight, please give me words of encouragement! 🗣You can do it~
👋 Good morning,,, I bombed my mock exams and would love a picker-upper,,, 🗣Well, mock exams aren’t the end so
👋 What do you think of girls who cheat? 🗣I think they’re girls who cheat
👋 I keep doing Hitorie cover bands but I can’t seem to improve the skill* (I’m the drummer) 🗣I’m amazed that you’re even trying at all
👋 Good morning.. Please cheer me on,, 🗣You can do it~
👋 Can you tell me what entertainer you like! 🗣Kamomental  👀 Another nother manzai duo!
👋 How to restore absolute exhaustion 👀Find something immersive, or laugh-inductive, or just go to sleep…
👋 What’s your favorite out of all the Hitorie merch released thus far? 🗣The album art pins
👋 What is the philosophy behind men who have affairs? 🗣They’re the type who can do it and stomach it, so they just do it, I think
👋 The album cover pins are so cool that I hesitate to use them, Shinoda-sensei what pins do you use? 🗣I always lose pins in a matter of minutes so I’m too scared to use them..
👋 I miss Shinoda-san’s girl and cat drawings 
🗣I haven’t been drawing much huh
👋 Do you listen to anything besides Audrey on the All Night Nippon radio station? 🗣Not much, only like Creepy Nuts (👀 They host a hip-hop/rap battle station!) or Sakuma (👀 He takes letters from listeners and digs into various hypothetical or real events)
👋 What’s the most recent movie you’ve watched? 🗣Lost Paradise in Tokyo  👀 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1519647/
👋 It’s Sunday yet I have to wake up early and go to work, please put my heart at ease,,, 🗣I pray for your health…
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letslovefood · 5 years
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The Russ & Roe — a smoked salmon and cod roe-topped mazemen homage to NYC institution Russ & Daughters at @nichemazemen
Credit: eater
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mitmama · 5 years
Japanese Food
Tokyo | Kyoto | Japanese Food | Coron | Manila
My favorite part of the Japan trip is the wide variety of Japanese food we tried, both fancy and very cheap.  
Sushi Dai
We arrived after 14 hour flight at 4pm in Tokyo and jetlag hit hard.  I was awake by 3am and remembered that my brother’s favorite place in Tokyo is Sushi Dai and it opens at 5:30-6 with a long wait.  So I decided on the spot to grab an Uber and head to the restaurant, right by the new Toyosu Fish Market.
I got there around 3:30 with a couple of others, and there was already one other person in line ahead of us. By 4:30 there was just 6-8 of us in line and I realized I could’ve come later. ;-)  By 5:30 my husband and kids came and the line was already 20 people or so. 
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6am the restaurant opened. A small place with maybe 12-16 seats.  At $45 for a 10-piece sushi meal,  it’s quite affordable and very good, no wonder the long line!  We very much enjoyed our sushi. Everything was fresh and delicious, especially the uni and the lean tuna. More importantly, We had a very kind lady chef who made two little sushi for my 8 yr old daughter when it became clear she had a hard time eating in one bite. 
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What’s also nice is everyone got to choose one piece of their choice.  I went for the weirdest thing on the menu: Shirako or sperm sac of Atlantic cod. It’s served warm... interesting.  The Chinese couple next to us, seasoned travelers who last ate at this restaurant 3 years ago, said they’ve always wanted to try it but just haven’t worked up the guts. ;-)
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Tsukiji Outer Market
After our Sushi meal, my in-laws and the rest of the family met up at the Tsukiji Outer Market, full of shops and food stalls. 
Our favorite were this prominent tuna shop on one of the street corners, where my niece had sushi for the first time. :) 
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We also liked the Saito fish market with giant oysters for $5, they torch it right in front of you.
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Did you see the live giant crabs behind here?
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Also recommended is the fried beef cutlet from Yoshizawa store.   Very yummy.
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We were less impressed by some of the other items hyped by Youtubers like the uni bun or the $1 egg cake snack. But overall, it was a lot of fun sampling yummy food.
Sushi Zanmai
Turned out we tried two of the four sushi places recommended by CNN Travels. Besides Sushi Dai, we also enjoyed the popular chain Sushi Zanmai that’s often open 24hours.  Perfect as we looked for a place open at 9:30am on a holiday.
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Not only do they have good quality sushi, but also tasty cooked items for those in the family that don’t eat raw fish.
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Ramen Battle
We also tried the top two Ramen chains in Japan, Ippudo with its more novel interpretations.
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And the more traditional Ichiran where you order from a machine, sit at your individual stall, where you can further config how firm you want your noodle, how rich the broth.  Let’s just say we all had a lot of fun and couldn’t agree which we liked more. :)
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Tempura in Kyoto
It was our friends who frequent Japan that first told us about Tempera in Kyoto. Then one of our Kyoto Uber drivers (all just plain old Taxi drivers) again reminded us.  There are two best in town Yoshikawa and Endo Yasaka.  We picked the latter as it’s closer to our AirBnb. It’s amazing!  My husband had the more expensive dinner while we had the $55 lunchtime menu.  I’d recommend the latter for affordability.
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Starting with the tofu appetizer, exquisite! Then the chef fries the individual items for you as you eat. You can see the light batter on the fried items.  They pick local vegetables and seafood that are in season. Check out this green bean. turned out it’s filled with a green bean paste.  How unique!  My husband’s more expensive meal also had uni and fancier shrimps, and I had to order the sesame tofu he recommended for me.
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The servers were just super nice.  We ended the meal with a cool grapefruit granita.
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Conveyor Belt Sushi
For our last meal in Japan, my daughter strongly advocated for Conveyor Belt Sushi.  She got her wish and we actually all very much enjoyed the experience.
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The way it works is the different colored plates have assigned value ($1.6, $3.6 and $4.6).  So they jut total up at the end how many plates you ate. We spent $60 eating all kinds of sushi, including unique ones like herring roes (crunchy!), smoked duck, and of course Toro or fatty tuna.  They thoughtfully also provided sushi with and without wasabi.
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Bento Boxes
So we trained to Kyoto on Nov 3rd the Culture Day holiday.  A lot of restaurants were closed.  We were super hungry and luckily found a hole-in-the-wall bento box place Yushokutei that’s open.  It’s fast, it’s tasty, enjoy stir-fried beef, friend chicken cutlet, or new foods like Japanese pickles, vegetables including seaweed and mushroom and some interesting glutinous items. 
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Across the street is our favorite market on the whole trip, FamilyMart Togo-Higashiyama-Yasui.  They have $1 Onigiri (rice balls with minced salmon or bonito flakes), and $3-10 sushi.
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But my favorite by far were the yummy vegetables!  They are $2-4 each, some with soy/sesame sauce, others with a bit of vinaigrette. So delicious! I was wondering how Japanese people survive with so little vegetables otherwise. ;-)
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Small eatery
While we were in Kyoto, on the busy tourist street between Arayashima Monkey Park and the Bamboo Grove, we stopped by a local eatery that offers standard dishes like Udon, tempura, and more unique Kyoto dishes.
The green udon turned out to be nice and firm.  The fried fishcake (one with cheese) was quite tasty.
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And I really enjoyed the tofu-yogurt like mixture in their Kyoto-3 flavors.  It’s good to experiment!
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Our trip: Tokyo | Kyoto | Japanese Food | Coron | Manila
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“All of ‘em? Okay...uh, here we go!.” (2 have already been answered: 3 and 17, so those can be found under my tags “ask” and “lady luck”. We will skip those ones for this reason.)
1. “’Lady Luck’ is not actually my real name, but a stage name! But, I don’t usually tell people my real name, and very few people actually know. Who does know? Welll, some old childhood friends of mine, King Dice, the Devil, and the Casino crew, as well as a couple friends I’ve made in Inkwell. What is my real name? Hahaha - not a question I’ll answer to just anyone ;)” (Lady Luck’s real first name is Merina, a portmanteau of “mermaid” and “marina”)
2. “I got a lotta friends, but my best-of-all-friends would be Delilah Demon, and Whitney Sinnett, from that club on Isle 3.” (Whitney Sinnett belongs to @miss-twila )
4. “Hm, hm, I’ve always loved pink, used to have a huge collection of pink seashells as a kid, though nowadays I’ve come to love purple equally as much! I’m bettin’ King Dice had a hand in that, huhu~❤"
5. “Happily datin’ King Dice - I know people warn about his danger, and sure, I was a little nervous at first, but...it worked out, somehow. We just...seem to find the better sides to each other and bring em out from within us...I guess we kinda balance each other out!”
6. “Right now? I can’t say I have an ideal mate anymore, since I’m happily working with him and being with him. But when I was a small fry I dreamed about, eh, a handsome prince from above the surface. I guess you could say I got somethin’ better than a prince.”
7. “Oh my, Dice charms the heck outta me, he can be a gentleman, he sings beautifully, treats me like his queen....that’s only the tip of the iceberg. For the Devil’s second-in-command, Dice really knows how to court people. 😍”
8. “Growin’ up, I loved this pasta-dish with noodles made from seaweed flour, and a sauce made with cod roe. Funnily enough, a similar dish exists on land, they call it ‘tarako spaghetti’, and it’s even topped with nori flakes! But that’s not my only favorite, the creamy shrimp scampi is my favorite food from the surface. I guess you could say seafood pasta, that’s my favorite kind of food.”
9. “I did in fact have a crush on King Dice long before we started dating, but prior to the casino, I’ve had crushes on: a mermaid (not Cala Maria), a human man, a cat lady, a mummy, and a man of my kind. I actually did date that guy, but it didn’t work out.”
10. “I mostly sing jazz and swing, and it’s the kind of music I like to hear most. Give me that really crazy, fast-paced, time-signature changin’ jazz you can dance to.”
11. “Oh uh....I...really don’t want to lose my job and end up in prison. Or the Devil to lose his casino. I’ve heard rumors of this legendary Chalice ghost coming back to life...and I don’t want her to end our careers.”
12. “Maybe get married someday...though, I dunno about kids. I’m not sure I’d make a good mother. That’s a ‘maybe’ for me.”
13. “I smoke and drink....some may consider that a bad habit. And, sometimes I pick at dead or loose scales on my body. Ew, that may have been too much.”
14. “In my childhood I may have made some mistakes I regret doin’, such as playing too close to some stalagmites. I have the scars to show for it.” Luck pulls off one of her gloves to reveal the damaged webbing between her fingers. “I would wear webbed gloves for the rest of my childhood and teenage years when I lived underwater, but I stopped after living on the surface. I found not havin’ much webbing between my fingers to be useful! Holdin’ cigarettes between your fingers, wearing rings....those are nice. So it’s not all that bad.”
15. “You know I ain’t tellin’ my best kept secrets. Then they wouldn’t be secrets no more!”
16. “Somethin’ work related. It was about a shipment of bourbon being delayed.”
18. “Um...hehh.....wh-why would I have one? Or er, share it?” She looks a little nervous, and maybe a little in denial.
19. “I got a singin’ voice that’ll get the listener to do whatever I want! Or, in most cases, what the boss wants me to make them do. When I weaponize it, I can make my opponent do my bidding, fall asleep, or just get lost!”
20. “When I was younger I looked up to an old friend of mine - both metaphorically and literally. She was brave despite her own insecurity. I wonder where she is now....Since then, I’ve come to admire my coworkers, boss, and boyfriend. There’s also Pirouletta, who helped show me the ropes of performing at the casino when I first started out! She has a grace I adore.”
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