#dream of gluttony candy
party-time · 2 months
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This happened in the first route i just know it-
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Good Morning, World!
You can call me Marshmallow Fluff. I'm 29 years old. Not that you'd care, but I reside in Food Town's Candy District. Also, I've yet to marry. To make a living, I own a library, and I also occasionally sell my own novels. After I close up shop, I return home no later than 9:45 PM. I don't drink, but do enjoy an occasional smoke. I'm always in bed by 11 PM, and I make it a habit to get no less then 8 and a half hours of sleep each night. Before bed, I drink a warm glass of milk, coupled with 20 minutes of stretching to decompress from the day. Sweet dreams are the usual result of this. I then awake reborn and recharged as a child, ready to take on the day's challenges. And after my last checkup, I was given a clean bill of health...
Wake up. It's currently 7:30 AM. I would've liked to stay in a little earlier, but it's laundry day, and I would really prefer to get that done in the morning. I then crawled out of bed, still nude, and went off to go to the bathroom to clean up. ~🎵.
I'm nearly out of toothpaste, man... CONSERVE, brush (always bet on bubblegum), apply a bit of concealer to any blemishes, to which I've noticed that they're disappearing now. I mean, marshmallows don't have blemishes, they're marshmallows. Perfect little thingies~
Take a bit of hair gel, and gather my hair upwards. Just enough to keep the lot upwards throughout the day. Tie it in a pony, and there you have it. I suppose Candy can go some few days more until harvest day. Splash some water on my face, and that’s it for this one. 
 Now it’s time for breakfast. What shall I have for today? Hmm… Maybe an omelet with fried rice? Or a bagel with some cream cheese and jelly? Hmmhmhmm~🎵 Aha! Baguette! I bought some cod roe a few days ago, and I’ve got a nice idea… Take a turkey baster, fill it up with the crushed roe, stick it into one end and push, stick it in the toaster for a few minutes, slice and serve with olive oil. Just got to remember to spread some butter before the roe. This is going to be good. 
"Mornin' Maflu!" A highly familiar voice called from under the table, the moment I popped it in to toast. Pretending to ignore it, I just sat down at the kitchen table, reading the newspaper. Nothing interesting, of course, but still, I'm curious. Tales taken from what's going on in Food Town, one or two pages regulated to the closest human settlement for some God-forsaken reason, the usual things. Nothing on the Spice District, as usual... 
"Good morning, Candy," I finally responded in kind. Do I even bother asking how long she's been hanging under there. Not going to find any info through that. 
"You still going through the newspaper? You're like an old lady! Candy knows for a FACT that ain't fun! What part are you on???" She crawled off the floor, and hung off my shoulder. 
"The human sect. You're more interested in the human news. What even is there to look at? Candy bets they don't even have good candy there!" It's where they get supplies, you know... 
"I'm not harvesting the marshmallow fluff, if that's what you're implying." I know exactly why she's here. Whenever my hair, my namesake, soft, pure white and fluffy, reaches the floor, Candy will cut it all off, and eat it at her leisure. And every time it gets long enough, she tries to squeeze it out earlier, and I never budge. 
"Pleaaaaaaaaassssseeeeeee??? It's at the floor!" She insisted, making little puppy eyes on occasion. 
Sighing, I stood up straight. An inch or two off the ground is not on the ground. She started drooling, as expected. 
"I'll let you cut it this time around, how does that sound?" 
"AKSJEKTJTKJWLEBRKDNWKNFKGJF!" Dunno how she makes those noises. Or how that would make a difference. But Candy shall do what Candy pleases. She quickly left the house, still crawling. 
*ding!* Alright! This is going to be good... 
Cuuuuut it cut it cut it cut it...
Hmmhmhmm~🎵 As I thought, this is quite good. Yes, this went better then I suspected. Nom. One would think the flavors would be jumbled, but it's not at all. I made a good call here, now. After breakfast, I'll take care of the laundry~
Minutes later, it's now 8:15 am. I'd expect Dumpling to already be awake for his usual rounds. Rounds of avoiding Cinnamon, rounds of patrolling and getting lost in the woods, the works.
Grab the near-overflowing basket of dirty clothing from the basement, separate the whites from the rest of the lot, head outside to load up the washing machine, pour the right solutions in it, and after it's on, I don't have to do anything until the next hour or so. And luckily for me, the library isn't far a ways from the house. Just set a reminder on a clock, and we're done. Yoink. Beep. Presto. 
Now it's time to get dressed. The usual lot will do... White shirt under beige vest, black tie, yellow skirt, long enamel boots, fluffy wrist bands, little soft earrings, black hair bow~ And don't forget my glasses. Ta-da. Time to head to work. 
Flip the "Sorry, We're Closed :(" sign over, undo the blinds from inside. Let's begin... I recently gained access to a handful of... manga, I think it's called, and some movies that I haven't gotten to sorting out that I ought to take care of today. I wonder what's inside...
I opened the boxes and dug into it. Movies of varying topics it may be, the one thing that matters to the one that's checking out is how cool the cover looks. Moving to the DVD shelves to start, I don't even think I payed attention to what I saw, which ones I recognized. I have little interest in movies, but Risotto always liked watching them. Hey, now that I think about it... where is he? Hmm... 
Belle, Black Swan, Blazing Saddles, Carrie, Detective Pikachu, Grease, Midsommar, Midsummer Knight's Dream, Mugen Train, Pulp Fiction, Rebellion, Se7en, Spirited Away, Walpurgisnacht Rising. A very curious mixture, but the M section was looking a little thin, so it's a welcome addition. I put them all away like clockwork, sorting the rest of the shelf out on the way. It's a very relaxing thing to do, sorting things out. 
The moment I put away the last flick, someone comes in for a book. The chime I installed last week is a lifesaver. 
*ting-a-ling~* "Morning, Marshmallow Fluff!"
"Good morning, Tomato," Quickly, I headed back to the check-out area. I know exactly what will happen. 
He simply needed to return the books he took out last week. And he didn't get any tomato sauce on it this time, so there's that bonus.
*beep* Before I moved here, the library in where I used to live had an automatic drop-off. Maybe I'll go ask Cinnamon about adding something like that later... 
Then he was off to fetch something else. The card just needs to be scanned, and this transaction is finished. 
"Is that all for you this time?" ...Jujutsu Kaisen? I thought he wasn't like that. Oh well. 
"Yeah. Real fun stuff this time. *ding* Thanks, man!" And just as quickly, he left. 
"Have a good day."
By this time, the rest of the box had been put away, though my alarm hadn't gone off yet, which is odd. Even Chili of all people came in for a book, though it was brief, as expected from someone like her. By this time, I should head out to find those who are late, and remind them of such. In that case, it would be... Dumpling. It shouldn't be that bad. Low Tide is the title that was missing for a while, and if I remind him, he'll move faster then he can scramble to pet a cat. And while I look for him, I can ask around for where Risotto went, because I believe he owes me, too. And people know to simply wait until I return from my rounds. Okay, let's head outside...
It's now 9:35 am. Letting the laundry go over an extra 25 minutes seems to have done the trick. The unusual-origin stains have come out. I've since stuffed the lot in the drier, while the colors have gone in their place. Now, I am headed to the Grains District. 
"Hey, Marshmallow Fluff!" "Oh, good morning!" It's Bread and Butter. Maybe they know some...Why is she covered in flour? 
"Hey you two, have you..." Catching myself, I asked about that other thing. "Butter, why are you drenched in flour?"
"I found a recipe for baking bread. But while we were making it..." She began to giggle a little. It's a funny sight, I'll admit. 
"Something got up my nose and I sneezed," He added. Well, as they say. If at first you don't succeed, figure out why.
"Uh... huh. You really need to be careful with that. Oh, by the way..." I nearly left without mentioning why I was here at the moment. "Have either of you seen Dumpling or Risotto around here?" 
"Oh, that's it? One of 'em owe you?" She knows me well... 
"That, and Risotto hasn't called me on when he disappeared, like he tends to..." 
"I think I saw him follow Dumpling in the woods. I caught the two dashing out when I woke up from the window." Really now? What business do they have running about in the woods? Dumpling, I can understand with his designation as greeter (for whatever reason he wanted to be such), wanting to find fellow Food, but Risotto? Come on now. He's afraid of his own shadow. 
"Seriously? Well, thank you for that regardless. If you two see them again, tell them I'm looking for them. ...And when you're done with the baking, tell me the results, okay?" When I was given confirmation, I decided to go there now. Bread may have called out to me as I ran off to the woods, but I chose to ignore it. I shall have to take care of drying clothes when I get back. Shouldn't be too hard, now, right? 
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clemsfilmdiary · 1 year
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Porky’s Romance (1937, Frank Tashlin)
Looney Tune #85
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feverdream-society · 2 years
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My favorite part of fandom is making this specific list
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katabasiseuphoriae · 2 months
Remote Indulgence (ch. 1)
Sarah reclined in her oversized armchair, her fingers lazily tracing the curve of her newly rounded belly. At 28, she had fully embraced the feedee lifestyle she'd always fantasized about, allowing herself to indulge in every culinary desire.
As a result, her body had already begun to transform even over the past few months since she made the decision to let it grow freely. Now weighing in at a luscious 200 lbs, her once modest frame had blossomed into a soft, abundant figure.
Her belly, the most prominent symbol of her gluttony, rested heavily on her thighs. It had grown into a plush mound, the skin stretching slightly taut yet deliciously soft to the touch. She loved the sensation of its gentle jiggle with every movement.
This morning, Sarah was dressed in her favorite stretchy leggings and an old t-shirt that had become comically tight, clinging to her expanded form. She felt a thrill every time she noticed a new tight spot, a new sign of her body's growth. She enjoyed the tightness, the way her clothing clung to her curves, emphasizing every roll and bulge. Her reflection in the mirror showed a woman who was unapologetically herself, who had embraced her desires and let them shape her body.
However, Sarah's dreams extended well beyond her current indulgence, and she only needed one thing to make them a reality: a remote customer service job. The freedom it would provide — she knew — would represent the perfect opportunity to push the boundaries of her gluttonous lifestyle even further.
Closing her eyes, Sarah allowed herself to fantasize. Working from home would mean no colleagues or supervisors watching her every move, leaving her free to indulge in large, frequent feeding sessions. She would spend her days in loose, comfortable clothing like sweatpants and pajamas that left her plenty of stretch room around the middle — all while having constant access throughout the day to the treasure trove of snacks, candies, and high-calorie beverages she'd been cultivating in her own room.
Sarah envisioned herself sitting at her desk, surrounded by an array of food and drinks, able to feast whenever she pleased. No more judgmental glances from coworkers, no more restrictive office attire. Just her, her food, and the luxury of solitude.
As she filled out yet another job application, she felt a surge of excitement. This could be it—the key to unlocking a new level of indulgence. Sarah's body tingled with anticipation. The thought of making herself even more voluptuous thrilled her. She ran her hands over her belly again, savoring the soft, warm flesh beneath her fingertips.
She pictured herself in the near future, her body even more voluptuous, her appetite fully indulged. She was absolutely certain of her own destiny. She would become a queen of her own realm, a realm where food was abundant and she could feast greedily without any thought of restraint.
As Sarah leaned back, lost in her indulgent daydreams, her computer screen blinked with a new notification. The soft ping of an incoming email pierced through her fantasies. She sat up, her pulse quickening with a mixture of hope and anticipation. With a few clicks, she opened her inbox: "Job Offer: Remote Position."
Partially inspired by @misscherrywg 💚
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oceanlipgloss · 2 months
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+ warnings: dark themes, erotic hues, graphic descriptions of horror and gore, inclusion of vore, strong language.
+ female mc, feminine pronouns.
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No restaurant could ever dream of offering such buttery meat—never to be sold in any boucherie.
A precise percentage of fat. A measured amount of muscle. The perfect mix of flavours. Raw flesh softened into dough between his bloody teeth. Dead cells trickled down his smiling lips in strawberry streaks.
Her bones cracked like candy in his mouth, but she didn’t taste sweet.
A once-in-a-lifetime blend. Not flavoured like heaven. Paradise isn’t even a good thing, now is it?
Fuck, how long he had been waiting!
So close. He was so close! And yet, he was losing his fucking mind. Though God had created him a ravenous madman, sanity was still slipping through his feverish fingers and down his trembling hands. Like oil and grease.
There was no time to cut the cake. No time, no time, no time. None at all! None whatsoever. He had to rip a bite out of her.
No, no, no, no.
Hold it.
This is an only chance. Jackpot. A once-in-a-lifetime meal, remember? Even if it wasn’t a full course, lunch, breakfast, or so much as a snack.
He can never indulge in this grade of meat anymore.
Somewhere, in an insignificant corner of his scattering mind, the thought made him sad. What a shame it is for such exquisite food to never be enjoyed again.
Later, later. As for now!
Should he swallow her whole or rip flesh and bone apart first? Choke down meat or savour flavour? Lick blood or drink plasma?
In the end, he didn’t take the time to peel smooth skin back like he would have done with chocolate wrappers.
He couldn’t do it.
Not too long ago he had sent her an invitation into his bathtub. Locked up her hot body between his legs. With every kiss fabric melted off.
What a dirty human. He could smell the fucking arousal on her.
Dumb, clueless bitch.
Everything had to be just right. He did not want to miss the burst of even one particular cell. He hadn’t wanted to risk watering down the palate. So there were no flowers. There was no water. Nothing. Just pristine enamel. And him. It was empty.
His lips had kissed her shoulder softly.
And then his teeth had bitten down.
Harder still.
He had torn away a piece of her.
What do humans say?
Oh, but of course.
‘Bon apetit!’
The tub overflowed with blood. Fetid burgundy burst under his weight and pooled onto the bathroom floor.
No difference between candied cherries and blood clots. Ligaments and tendons. Flecks of flesh and bits of bone. Broken fingers and curled toes. Cartilage that’s hard, but much softer than stone. He devoured them all, polished stains off glossy marble.
No crime scene or slaughterhouse could have compared.
His smile shone. He felt a little bit empty. Was it regret? Well, it’s too late! Such pleasure is worth every regret in the world. His guts ached in longing under his grimy nails. So good, though not yet full.
How he wanted more!
He adored the putrid pain, the harmonious flavour, the very gore.
So little remained of her...she couldn’t even be called a corpse.
No more. Not in any meat shop.
Once was not enough.
With trembling fingertips and a strange, twisted love, he stroked the girl’s skull.
Oh, you stupid little human, you.
If only there were more of you.
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+tag: @/kanatashinkaifr does a gory jumpscare sound good to u? :P
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+notes: Beel is very much thriller material. There is a cold-blooded, unstable part of him. A true gluttony incarnate—lusting for flesh, eating all there is, leaving nothing behind. No matter what resides in his heart and who the victim is, he's a devil and his sin continues to rule him. Even if he does manage to resist eating MC, his desire to devour her is a flame that still burns. Inspired by the in-game screenshots in this post.
This, my people, was a dark pleasure to write. Blood and meat, dear peeps ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I want to write more stuff like this in the future. I kid you not, I almost felt free for a minute. *Rubbing hands like a villain fly* hail horror, hail gore!
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tetsunabouquet · 9 months
Hey there! Idk if you still do knb but if you do and and are fine with it, can you please write some Murasakibara nsfw headcanons? Much thanks!
A/N: Of course I still do KNB… Anyways, here you go!
-Don't be surprised at this man's oral addiction. He loves the taste of your pussy's love juices. -Sometimes, he's not even in the mood to actually have sex and he'll just eat ou out as you climax over and over again. -Which is why his favorite girl is one who squirts, because of how much more fluid he can feed on. He gulps it down like its his favorite soda. -Honestly, you don't need to worry this guy is too selfish in bed, Murasakibara's quite the opposite. -Often he praises you for how amazing you taste, and what a delicacy your pussy is. -He's low-key a bit submissive too. -Murasakibara likes a woman who's confident and strong willed. He likes it when you take charge and prefers you on top. -He does adore the view and watching your breasts jiggle as you ride him, even though he doesn't really cares for breasts all that much. It often tempts him into sucking away at your breasts because of how it reminds him of shaking pudding. -Once you get pregnant and start producing milk however, his interest in them skyrockets. He loves drinking your milk. -You have to smack him across the head when he starts pondering on wether he should use your breast milk instead of regular milk as an ingredient in pancakes. -He somewhat develops a minor breeding kink afterwards, just to keep the milk going. -Do not underestimate this man's gluttony. -Which is why he actually has a lot of food themed nicknames for you. Like Sugar, Candy or Cookie. -And also why, if he were to put on a playlist during sex, it would be one filled with songs using food metaphors like, Candy Shop by 50 Cent. -Birthday sex with Murasakibara can only mean one thing: Whip cream, lots and lots of it. -He also gets turnt on easily if you eat certain foods, like licking ice cream or hearing you moan when you eat your favorite for dinner. It's his kryptonite, I swear. -Murasakibara loves to snuggle and cuddle after sex. -He adores holding you as if you are his stuffed animal. -Murasakibara will bury his face in your hair, he loves the feel of it and the scent of you and your sweet shampoo. -It's not unusual for him to fall asleep still holding you like that. You honestly think it's kind of precious. -He drools a little in his sleep so he does get your hair wet too. -Even this man's dirty dreams consist out of you being covered in melted chocolate. There's no end to his hunger.
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whereserpentswalk · 7 months
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Got this ask over on my pregnancy blog, hush-writes-preg, but it seemed more suited for this one. So I'm gonna post the ask here instead.
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You'd taken great care to prepare your summoning circle, determined to remain in control and force the demon to do your bidding.  You wanted power, a link to the infernal, but without the risk of losing yourself in the process.
Unfortunately, you bit off a little more than you could chew.
Instead of summoning a lesser demon, a greater demon appeared in your circle and quickly made you its bitch.  Rather than demanding that it share its power with you, you keened and ground yourself down on its massive cock like a shameless harlot, your eyes rolling back in your head when the first few spurts of unholy seed spurted into your womb.  You'd lain on the floor like a cream-filled pastry afterward, your swollen stomach sluggishly leaking fluids out onto the floor from your savage fucking, and the demon had laughed at the sight you made. 
'You'll get what you wanted,' it sneered, leaning over you with its burning eyes.  'But on my terms.'
And your power did increase, to be sure, allowing you to cast spells that you'd never even dreamed of before.  But with it came a hunger unlike anything you'd ever known.  You tried to tell yourself that you were just compensating for the raw power you expended, but as time passed and your waistline continued to expand, you knew that there had to be something more.  Something diabolical.  But without knowing the demon's name or nature, you couldn't be sure.
Months passed.  The holidays loomed on the horizon.  You'd recently realized that you'd gotten pregnant, though you couldn't be sure who the father was since you'd been with several lovers.  But you don't even consider the idea that the demon could possibly be the father, for that would only lead to questions you were afraid to answer.
Halloween came, and you found yourself going through bags of candy at a time.  Thanksgiving rolled around with its plentiful bounty, and you did your best to brush off your family's disbelieving comments about your pregnancy as you dug into your fifth heaping plate of turkey and stuffing.  By the time Christmas arrived, your stomach clamored for food around the clock, and you ordered a family meal for eight to be delivered to your house from the local supermarket because you'd grown too large and ungainly to cook or fetch it yourself.  
As others set off fireworks to celebrate the New Year, you sat in your kitchen at a table piled high with food, gorging yourself with nearly anything you could grab.  Your body, once slim and well-toned, had now grown incredibly soft and corpulent, while your near-term belly hung almost obscenely distended from your middle.  Movement could be seen just under the skin as your demonic spawn wriggled and squirmed, but you barely paid it any mind. 
All thoughts of gaining power had fled in the face of your obsessive need to eat, and all you could think about was the next thing to stuff into your mouth. 
You had no idea that the demon of gluttony watched you in great amusement, pleased to see its offspring growing so well within your ever-expanding body.  It would only be a matter of days before you'd bring its spawn into the world, and you had to be well-fed to give it healthy children, after all.
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(A Spooky Season response.)
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fedlasso · 6 months
Here’s the story took me a dammed while to write lol and anyway i was curious your not close with your family? May i ask sorry if i’m Being nosy, also once again heres the story major question but do you struggle walking around and you know finding clothes?
Title: The Gluttonous Adventures of Fedlaso in Willy Wonka's Choco-FactoryOnce upon a time, in a world where chocolate rivers flowed and candy trees grew tall, there lived a man named Fedlaso. He was a rather ordinary fellow, except for his insatiable appetite and his remarkable ability to devour vast quantities of food without ever feeling full.Fedlaso had always dreamed of visiting the legendary Choco-Factory, where the eccentric chocolatier Willy Wonka crafted the most delicious treats known to mankind. And one day, his dream came true when he received a golden ticket in a bar of chocolate.Excited beyond measure, Fedlaso made his way to the factory, his stomach already rumbling in anticipation. As he stepped through the gates, he was greeted by the sight of Wonka himself, a quirky man with a mischievous twinkle in his eye."Welcome, welcome, my dear Fedlaso!" Wonka exclaimed, his voice dripping with enthusiasm. "Are you ready to embark on a journey of indulgence unlike any other?"Fedlaso nodded eagerly, his mouth watering at the thought of the chocolate wonders that awaited him. And so, the tour began.The first stop was the Chocolate Room, where everything was edible, from the walls to the furniture. Fedlaso wasted no time diving into the chocolate river, gulping down mouthfuls of the rich, velvety liquid as if his life depended on it. With each sip, he could feel himself growing heavier, his belly expanding with every swallow.But that was just the beginning. As the tour continued, Fedlaso found himself surrounded by all manner of tempting treats – from everlasting gobstoppers to lickable wallpaper. And with each new discovery, his appetite only grew stronger.Before long, Fedlaso's belly was straining against the seams of his clothes, his once-slender frame now swollen with excess weight. But he paid it no mind, too lost in the ecstasy of his gluttonous feast to care about such trivial matters.As the day wore on, Fedlaso's movements became slower and more labored, his newfound bulk making it difficult to navigate the factory's corridors. And yet, he couldn't bring himself to stop, the promise of more chocolate driving him ever onward.Finally, as the tour drew to a close, Fedlaso found himself standing before the grandest sight of all – the Great Glass Elevator, which would whisk him away to new heights of indulgence.With a final, triumphant belch, Fedlaso stepped aboard, his belly jiggling with every step. And as the elevator soared into the sky, he couldn't help but smile, knowing that his gluttonous adventure was far from over.For in Willy Wonka's Choco-Factory, there was always more chocolate to be had, and Fedlaso was determined to eat his fill, no matter the cost.And so, with a heart full of joy and a belly full of chocolate, Fedlaso rode off into the sunset, his appetite sated but his hunger still burning bright.For in the world of Willy Wonka, there was always room for one more bite. The chocolate feeding began and soon he ate to his hearts content his fat swelling high and wide filling every crevice of the building his belly sloshing and wobbling as it grew his lips smeared in chocolate his neglectful appearance a sign of his growing gluttony pardoning the pun. He chugged and chugged growing fatter and bigger his chins and belly swelling and swelling bigger and soon the minutes passed as the grand feeder smirked with glee and with a final merry belch that shook the walls and his fat that filled the Building, fedlasso tapped his belly with content licking his lips one last time before he belched again, “ ready for more big boy ? He heard the grand feeder ask, fed merely smirked as he nodded excited to grow even fatter
Love it!!! Thank you!
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📖 Mettaton, but he's in a world of all kinds of infinitely regenerating candy.
*It was a very alien kind of feeling. Most people haven't walked on roads made of taffy or across a field of those sour ropes that took the place of grass. A surreal constructed world with houses, nature, and even lakes of soda. Simply without another sign of life who was using it or who could possibly built it all.
*One bite can't hurt...
*Time began to fly by after that first bite, time and more and more candy that is. A nibble here, a few clumps from the ground there. He started trying anything that looked new that he came across. Despite all the time passed it was only when drops of frosting from a massive cupcake car smeared against his chest that he'd noticed it was bare, that this entire time he'd been dressed in nothing but a tight pair of pink shorts. It only added to that dream like quality.
*Well there aren't any consequences in a dream are there?
*It was a fair way to think about it. Nothing like this could be real. All those flavors were just his processors firing off in his sleep mode providing artifical sensations. So why not experience more of them? Start eating entire chocolate branches off those trees and picking the green apple leaves right off and munch on them after. Stuff his face with handfuls of spongecake walls insulated with buttercream.
*I can't help myself here
*His inhibitions slipped more and more with every treat he partook in, and no matter how much destruction followed in his wake he could always come back for more it seemed. Gingerbread neighborhoods, caramel apple orchards, gummy museums? He barely took in the scenery it was all just more treats for him. Treats that never filled him up, instead settling heavily in his middle for moments before melting away his muscle mass into pure blubber. Pecs softened into plump and perky tits that formed rolls beneath his softening arms, melding into the burgeoning layer of backfat he was acquiring. His abs were a thing of the past, replaced by a gut that started round and taught but glurped and slorshed outwards with flab that rolled at his navel forming a two layer cake of lard. His toned thighs joined in with his perky butt in deciding to go soft and flabby, cellulite forming on them both as those cheeks widened into a doorway filling wideload.
*Moooore... Candy.... More.... Sugar
*His thoughts slowed like molasses, devolving into a single minded desire to eat more of the sugary world around him. The damage it did to his figure or the way it made him sluggish and encumbered wasn't even a consideration. Not when he could shovel armfuls of donut innertubes at the citrus soda beach. His perception of time may have been shot before but it was non existent now. He could have been wandering this place for years at this point, sporting a body that would make sense for an all candy diet taken on that long.
*Muh OUUUUUAAAARP gut want wheeeeeeeze more canduh mnfff
*The formerly fit and trim robot had become an unrecognizable behemoth of pure undulating blubber. At 6'6.6" in height it was a real testament to his uncomprising gluttony that he'd managed to make himself wider than he was tall. His bloated lard sack of a gut jutted in front of him, dragging along the ground and leaving a trail of slimy sickly sweet smelling sweat behind as if he were a slug. Flopped atop that double rolled monster were two tits enormous enough to make any woman jealous, engorged nipples pierced by thick candy cane barbells that sank slightly into those puffy areola. Those massive udders were slathered with the colorful remnants of his past conquests, the trail leading upwards to a pancake stack of tirelike chins that head head sank ever so slightly into. His face was truly a testament to just how much of a fucking whale he'd turned himself into. His cheeks spread out over his chins, which themselves pooled onto his shoulders and the mountainous backfat behind him, and even began to slightly encroach into the lower peripheral of his vision. His lips weren't spared either, the usually black pair were slathered in sweet and pillowy like his moobs had been when he'd taken his first bites. Thickened drool flowed from them, sparkling with a mysterious carbonation. His hair was messy, though sill parted neatly, and seemed to have grown a small bit. It didn't manage to hide one of the strangest features on that plump head of his, the fact that even his forehead had begun to take on a small amount of pudge, letting itself he seen slightly from within his vision much like his cheeks. Around his sides his pathetic and nearly useless arms sat comfortably atop an avalanche of lovehandles capped off by a peak of fat sideboob. Following that avalanche down lead to a massive shelf of ass that took up nearly enough of his backside to begin to sag to the ground a lot like his greedy gut had. It of course help up a very impressive cliff of blubbery backfat, enough of it to fondle like it was the front of an avarage fatty.
*Whuh.... That?
*Oh? That unusual. There looks like a person in the distance. Hope they don't get starstruck seeing a famous celebrity in the place like this. If they can recognize him still that is.
*Seeing something new? That called for an investigation. Time for a first step towards it.
*Of course it's not easy moving a ham planet like him. It requires serious serious effort. And effort with a destroyed digestive system like his meant totally voiding his bowels. Visible smoggy purple farts vented from his bloated slimy donut-like asshole, a signal of things to come. It didn't take long for it to be followed by a torrent of thick rainbow syrup squirting out at amazing force, piling up behind him as he glacially waddled forwards towards the distant unfamiliar thing. That purple pollutant obviously smelled sweet, like fermenting a patisserie. His technicolor waste on the other hand was distinctly more fruity, a Fanta syrup medley. He was like a bloated portable corn syrup factory. And he was in total bliss.
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shamrockqueen · 2 years
WIP Tag game
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Rules : Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I was tagged by @peyton-warren, and I gotta say I have far too many working titles, blurbs, and WIP’s to even begin to count. These are all the titles that have notes and their own document separate from the ideas document which is a mile long in its own right.
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1. Train delay
2. Philia and Eros
3. Escape from Porno-land
4. Omega retreat
5. Mardi Gras
6. Dreaming of a pink Christmas
7. Bad girls don’t get cake
8. Super soft birthday party
9. Gluttony
10. Fight for your right to survive
11. Over excitement
12. Teachers pet
13. Love thy neighbor
14. Lovers quarrel
15. Hum day
16. Holy is the lamb
17. What of tomorrow
18. Iron in the water
19. Don’t follow me
20. Padded walls
21. In my employ
22. Love you to pieces
23. Cyborg
24. Let’s make a deal
25. Heavy is the head
26. Candy house
27. Up the beanstalk
28. Every breath you take
29. Thieves star
30. He sees you when your sleeping
31. Secrets by the coast
32. Novel-ty
33. Caught you staring
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@peyton-warren seemed to have tagged the same number of writers as the amount but of WIP’s she listed. So tag your it!
- man, I feel like a WIP hoarder
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uminoaoi · 5 months
sorry if I am disturbing your peaceful disappearance however I am in love with the Dream of Gluttony game its so strangely fun. I just need to ask what candy is candy's favorite?
Haha, I'm always happy to answer some questions once in the while! I'm super happy that you enjoyed the game! I wish I had more time to work on the new game, but unfortunately it's tough </3.
Regarding the question! Candy's favourite sweets are colorful lolipops. Especially rainbow lollipopos, they are the absolute fav! ^^
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arttheclown · 2 years
moving onto the topic of theories i actually DO like!!! tony and i might’ve stumbled into something very interesting, especially since damien has officially confirmed that sienna is an angel. this theory also concerns art’s strange insect noises & some of his behaviours.
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gabriel is an angel who helps people who are in the fields of creative expression and protects children, along with helping parents assist their children. he represents revelation, motherhood, creation, and temperance - the control over one’s thoughts and feelings, including abstinence from alcohol...
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i think sienna’s field of interest is pretty self-explanatory, and the movie drives home that it is she who ultimately has jonathan’s best interests in mind, not their mother - and by the end, she is left as his sole maternal figure. as for revelation, there is clearly a lot about sienna’s life that she will be uncovering over the next movie or two, while temperance likely represents the self-control she has been shown to have (both over her emotions and her own sobriety, at least for the most part).
gabriel going on “mission’s in his father’s name” is also self-explanatory, i think. mr. shaw is no longer here to protect himself or his family from evil, so that duty heavily falls on sienna’s shoulders.
as for art being representative of beelzebub in some way, damien has confirmed that the little pale girl may actually be satan in disguise. whether art is aware of it or not - and i don’t think he is - she is the one pulling the strings. art might think the LPG is his helper, but the reality is, he’s hers. the devil’s right hand.
furthermore, beelzebub is typically portrayed as an insectoid creature in media: the lord of the flies. i’m starting to think it wasn’t a coincidence that damien chose to include insect screams & hisses when art is angry, hungry, or in distress. (not to mention art’s a pretty grody guy... ties in well with beelzebub being the patron saint of bottom feeders. “maggots need love too,” anybody?) really makes you wonder if there’s something living inside of our favourite murderous mime - if maybe his human skin has become the real costume.
another interesting point to consider is that beelzebub is the demon of gluttony. art’s appetite is dangerous. his last sin before his original death is devouring victoria’s face. he demands candy from allie and tortures her when she doesn’t eagerly comply, rips out brooke’s heart and eats it, and takes some bites out of jonathan’s hand & ankle. in sienna’s dream, she overhears the nun demanding the clown cafe attendants to “feed this man, he’s so hungry,” and when no one complies, art viciously turns on them. a lot of components fit together eerily well, imo.
that isn’t even the only evidence to suggest there may be a connection between art and beelzebub, either, so i’m going to break them down to point form to save time:
beelzebub can cause sickness, which is exactly what happened to mr. shaw and led to his death.
beelzebub is sometimes considered the prince of idolatry, which is the worship of a cult image or “idol” as though it were god. if the ninth circle cult has any role to play in this story at all, that might be where they come into it.
beelzebub allegedly has possessed people, which is victoria’s ultimate fate at the end of terrifier 2 and potentially what happened to her at the beginning of the first movie as well; they have made a point that vicky attacking monica brown was uncharacteristic of her.
beelzebub has also been used as an insult or an attempt to categorize mentally ill people (specifically people who suffer from schizophrenia or psychosis) within some religious circle. this not only ties in well with the delusions that mr. shaw was suffering from thanks to art’s presence, but adds an extra layer to sienna and jonathan not being believed when they attempt to explain the strange things happening around them, given that they are the known children of a mentally ill man.
more of a side-note, but damien has recently stated in an interview that there is a lot of significance in the clown cafe sequence. it was long and loaded with surreal imagery for a reason, so make of that what you will.
in short: it seems like damien may or may not be setting up a biblical slasher epic and i am fucking here for it. i hope things get even weirder.
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wcstarless · 4 months
I spoke about a Hazbin AU but in a Helluva AU it would be a little different.
Firefall, Snowstripe & Orchidtail are Imps from the Wrath Ring who moved to the Greed Ring like Moxxie. Firefall probably played with Moxxie for a while but Moxxie hated it cuz Firefall hit.
Owlwhisker is a member of the Goetia family, a friend to Stolas, who gave up his crown to follow a hellhound, Blossomfeather. I just love the idea of Blossom indulging in Beelzebub's cotton candy dreams and gluttony.
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solisvidentis · 1 year
Alright we'll bite. Tell us about those pop dreams
Excellent, an excuse to test out a new toy. One moment.
<boot sequence...>
<skaianet memory interface online - please select a date and time>
<selection made - outputting memory recreation>
<playing video>
Rose Lalonde appears on screen- well, some of her. The behemoth woman of today is nowhere to be found, only a much smaller facsimile- a memory. Still a blimp, the corpulent woman floats in a void, stacks of rolls and folds and lard rendering her almost orblike, but a bit oblong along the hips. She hums to herself, floating along (evidenced by the buildings, streets, and half formed people that float out of the darkness along her, appearing in front of her and melding into the darkness once behind. More scale is gained when she her dream sends a semi truck by, dwarfed easily by her immense rear alone.
She floats for a time, her inestimable weight seemingly no hindrance to the journey she is taking- until it is. All at once, with a surprised squeak, the behemoth crashes to the ground, rolling onto her front in an avalanche of jiggling flab, bouncing and wobbling as she tips to and fro, slowly coming to rest, spreading across the ground, chest squishing chins squishing face. She calls out for help stoically, flapping her useless hands and feet, jiggling the surrounding fat draping them to no avail as she demands answers to the sudden loss of her flight.
No answer to her questions is given- only a sudden great force from behind, pressing into her titanic ass and tipping her forward, planting her face first into a trough that wasn't there a moment before, leaving her spluttering and shaking her fat cheeks. She opens her mouth to complain, but finds it immediately filled with delicious tastes from the trench in front of her, stretching into the distance to either side infinitely. She gulps it down, coughing slightly and eyes bulging at the substance in front of her- an ooze that forms dreamlike into every sweet thing imaginable, cakes and candies and pastries rising out of the mass before vanishing back into itself. Rose licks her lips.
Dream rose's resolve holds for about 4 seconds before she dives her face into the candied mire, greedily gulping down the confectionary river without so much as a question to what was going on. Every mouthful she takes is replaced by another flowing in from either side, never ending as she begins to gorge herself, huffing and groaning between frenzied plunges into the saccharine slop, her belly rumbling in anticipation.
Before long, the force that pushed her up begins to resolve- two enormous, colorless hands, arms leading to the body of a giant, a vague being of 20 feet or more, towering over rose as her belly begins to swell and distend far faster than it should have been. The Seer is so engross in her gluttony that she almost doesnt notice the sudden, weighty drop of a titanic cock against her fat rear- warm, throbbing, and dangerously thick
Rose squeaks in surprise, lifting her head from the sugar mess, unremembered and half formed sweets sliding from her plump lips as she tries to look back at the figure behind her, cheeks squishing against shoulders and chins as she moans in frustrated, excited anticipation. Who was that back there? John? One of the trolls? She had no idea, all she knew was the behemoth was sliding against her cheeks teasingly, gurgling, enormous balls flush against her spreading belly.
"Pleeeeeease~..." she moans, diving back into her feast with renewed abandoned, every swallow causing a gurgling, groaning ripple in her titanic form. The figure obliges, and soon the towering bulge laid out along her ass and back slides back, pulsing once, twice... before diving deep into the folds and rolls of her ass, thighs...
Rose practically screams in pleasure as the oak tree of a cock penetrates her, pushing aside lard and leg to plunge deep into her turgid, sweet packed body. Her mind was on fire, she could feel it pushing against the far end of her belly. The trough floods her mouth as she opens it to cry out in pleasure, the member inside her floods her brain with sensation, everything was so overwhelming, she needed more, more, MORE!
Swimming in a miasma of dream and pleasure, Rose can barely tell what is occurring between her rampant, hedonistic gluttony and the rhythmic, heavy pounding of her truck crushing ass. Shockwaves of wobbling course across her flabby body, and the trough seems to expand as her mind focuses less and less on anything but every electric feeling across her swollen body. She's starting to rise, she half notices, the rolls of her stomach giving up the fight, giving way to smooth ballooning- and the feast of amorphous sweets would soon have help making her even larger. Deep within her, the rod of the invisible giant throbs, swells. Its gargantuan balls, the cum tanks pressing up against her skin, start to twitch. With another slam that shakes every last inch of lard on her body the floodgates open, Rose's eyes bulging as much as her cheeks as she feels her partner cum inside her, a torrent of hot goo that pushes her gut beyond anything she could imagine. She wants to scream, yell in ecstasy, but she cant tear away from the lake of confections in front of her- she needs more of it, of everything! Never stopping, endlessly gorging, she just. Keeps. Going, Time is lost- seconds pass, or maybe an eternity, both ends of her body intaking gallons, hundreds of gallons of cream and goo and cum and sweets. Every extremity of her body twitches, the fat rolls swallowing her hands and feet swelling, her backlogged belly failing to contain it as the deluge fills every last part of her body. Rolls become great, turgid banks of pale flesh and she explodes out of her robes, orange fabric settling against creamy skin as she moans and sloshing gurgles echo through her body. Every second that passes expands her further beyond all reason, the dream swirling chaotically about her. All at once she's in a house, splitting the two stories with her enormous girth- then with a screaming surge she bursts the confines of the residence before the scene fades and is replace. Shes on a street, shes being stared at as she explodes outward, blurry figures grope and squeeze her square filling body, their hands exploring into valleys that were quickly disappearing as she grew rounder and rounder. Suddenly a university gymnasium, her fat back touching the high vaulting ceilings while she wobbled and moaned. A circus where a barker was pointing at her ballooned cheeks to a shocked crowd, awed at the girl who towered as tall as a fortress.
Over and over the dream whipped and whirled around her, the maelstrom of prods and stares, and pounding and pounding and pounding and pounding it never stopped and she didnt want it to stop. She couldnt even open her mouth to take in more of the thick, sweet goop in front of her, her cheeks bulged like squishy yoga balls, puckering her fat lips shut. Her shoulders threatened to swallow her whole, her feet and hands and legs and arms sucked away long ago, barely recognizable as divots deep as swimming pools. She could only moan, the throaty, pleasure soaked noises echoing through her titanic body, accompanying the dangerous, thundering glunks and gurgles while her giant partner fucked her mindless. Her breasts had all but been swallowed by her form, her ass but a crease being used by the tremendous cock dominating her insides, seeming to grow as she did, swelling larger with all the dozens of feet she was pushing outward. She felt like a mountain, a great spherical blimp to be boggled at by anyone within miles- her limit was so, so close now. She could feel it, the screaming, stretching pressure of her pale skin, every last vibration echoing across it in painful bolts that made her mind do flips of confused pleasure. There wasn't any other outcome- she was going to explode, and she wanted more.
Slam Groaan... Slam Grrrrrgggh.... Slam Glrrrk krrrk krrrk krk glnk... SLAM Rose tries to moan, to scream in horny, ultimate, ecstasy, anything- but she can do nothing as the Titanic cock inside her throbs again, deluges of hot cum exploding from it, every inch of her creaking, groaning, straining- "nnnnnnhhhhhhgggaaaaAAAAAAH!!" she finally manages to yell out, eyes rolling, lashes fluttering, mouth w- BANG static <memory limit reached>
<visual feedback terminated>
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