#So are Celeste Natalie and Lily
lumosinlove · 1 year
May part five
cw: mentions of injury & recovery (nothing graphic)
Thanks for waiting y'all! It means so much that you stick with me. I'm gonna do smaller sections so I can post more frequently. Expect the next part up in a couple of days. All the love!! <3
The hospital lights were bright.
Alex didn’t like to remember that about them, but he looked down at his own pale thighs in his shorts and watched how the lights traced out every single blue vein. It made him feel more vulnerable than he cared for at that moment. He didn’t want to think about Finn laid out under a machine, waiting to hear how long it might take him to heal. That was the thing with heads. Bones had an end date: Six weeks, maybe four. Heads, however, came with mights. Might be a few months. Might be more.
Their dad was trying to get their mom to sit down, to rest. She looked just as pale in this awful light. Tear tracks on her cheeks, hand on her chest as if she could press her heart into calmness. They all—all three of them, Finn, Alex, their dad—had always hated it when she cried.
Kasey, asleep beside him in the chair now, had handed him this cup of coffee at some point. His was holding himself stiffly in sleep. Alex could tell he was in some sort of pain. Maybe from the game.
Alex wasn’t sure how long he had been holding the coffee, only that his fingers were numb from leeching the burning heat out of the flimsy cardboard. He reached out and settled careful fingers over Kasey’s old injury, wishing he could leech the pain away, too. Natalie was on the phone down the hall—maybe with Celeste Dumais. Or Lily Potter.
Logan and Leo. He didn’t see them in the waiting room.
Alex set the coffee down beneath his chair and turned to stroke a hand through Kasey’s hair. Brown eyes opened to him, tired but trying not to be.
“Did I fall asleep?” Kasey asked.
“Just for a minute.” Alex pressed a kiss to his temple. “Be right back.”
“Want me to come?” Kasey cleared his throat. He made the chair looks so small, and Alex caught the twinge of pain in his face when he moved his legs.
“No, I’m just—no, it’s okay.” He looked back towards Natalie. “You two should get home. I hope I won’t be too much longer.”
“Alex.” Kasey rubbed at his eyes then sat forward. “If you think we’re going anywhere right now, you’re an absolute insane person.”
They both looked up at Natalie, walking towards them and sliding her phone into her back pocket.
“Celeste?” Kasey asked.
“It was Sirius actually,” Natalie said. “Checking in. This is not the time, nor the place, but that man sounds extremely sexy on the phone.”
Alex cracked the barest of a smile. He stood, suddenly feeling like it would burn him through and through if he stayed still for one more second. “Does he now?”
Natalie just kissed his cheek. “Not nearly as good as you. Only, I prefer hearing your voice face to face.”
“IRL?” Alex asked. He pushed his hands in his pockets and tried to figure out how to stop his throat from closing up when he caught another glimpse of his mom’s face.
“No one says IRL,” Natalie said softly, but her eyes were flicking all over his face. “Alex—”
“I’m gonna go check on him,” Alex said, and turned away fast before she could see anything else he didn’t want her to.
The hospital lights remained just as bright down the hallway and—oh. There they were. Leo was sitting on a chair outside of Finn’s room. Logan was leaning against the opposite wall, glaring at the shut door like he could open it with his gaze alone.
“Hey,” Leo stood when he caught sight of him. He looked tired, shoulders slumped down. “Sorry, we just…” Leo sent a glance at Logan, who hadn’t moved. Hadn’t so much as blinked. “We’re feeling like the waiting room’s a little too far away right now, so…”
“Isn’t that cute,” Alex said and that got him a darting glare from Logan. Alex smiled tightly at Leo, resting a hand on his shoulder. “You guys okay? Need anything?”
“To get inside,” Logan grumbled pointedly, just as the door opened and the doctor slipped through. Logan stood straight, every muscle in him straining forward as the doctor shut the door again. She turned and her eyes hesitated on Alex.
“You’re twins?” she asked.
“Brothers,” Alex said faintly.
“Ah. Well, you can go in and see him now.” She smiled sympathetically and began walking down the hallway towards the waiting room. “He’s a talker, that one, isn’t he?”
Alex felt something that he thought was relief flood through him. He heard Leo let out a breath.
“Yeah,” Leo said. “Yeah, he is.”
Logan pushed off of the wall, and Alex barely got a hand on his chest to stop him before his hand was on the doorknob.
“Alex,” Logan said, hovering between demanding and questioning.
“Listen,” Alex said. “I know you…I know it’s…” Alex shut his eyes. They were so dry from the air that it hurt. “Can I just have a second with him? Please.”
Logan looked like he was going to protest. The look in his eyes was almost anger, or maybe frustration, but Leo stepped forward.
“Of course,” he said, and took Logan’s hand, pulling him a step back. “Of course you can. We’ll wait.”
Alex looked at him. Blue eyes. Leo hadn’t been there for so much of it, of Finn’s hurt and Logan’s ache, but he seemed to understand somehow. Alex felt a sort of kinship to him in that way. Somehow, despite the odds, both of them had become the missing halves to, not one, but two people who had already made a whole.
“Thank you,” Alex said softly, then looked at Logan. “Tremz, thanks. Really.”
Logan still didn’t look happy about it, but he nodded. He covered Leo’s hand entirely with both of his own.
No more bright lights. Not in this room. There was a soft, unobtrusive light for the doctors to see by, but that was all.
“Doesn’t it remind you of the kind that line the aisles on airplanes?” Finn’s voice said from the bed. “You know? The emergency ones.”
Alex nodded. “Mhm.”
“It’s you, Al, right?”
“Mhm,” Alex said.
“Hm,” Finn said. “Quite the game, Hazard.”
“Hazard,” Jack began to say in the locker room. He looked wrecked after the game.
Alex shook his head. “Don’t talk to me.”
Jack walked forward, at least he tried to. Will stopped him with a hand on his chest. It wasn’t aggressive. That wasn’t Will’s way. Will gave a small shake of his head, but Jack kept talking.
“It was an accident. I—okay, but I didn’t mean to hit him that hard. I thought he’d brace himself, he saw me coming—”
“I said don’t talk to me.” Alex said, then he shouldered past Logan and stepped up until all that separated him and Jack was Will’s palm. “For as long as you’re here, and I don’t think that will be for much longer, don’t talk to me.”
Jack’s eyes were wide, and for all his skill, he looked about twelve years old in that moment. With the sneer that crossed his face, a short disbelieving smile.
“We…” Jack shook his head. “But we won the game.”
It took everything in Alex to not hurt him, and most of Logan’s strength, too, when he got his arms around Alex’s, pinning them down before he could raise his fist any higher. Jack still flinched. At least Jack still flinched.
“We shouldn’t,” Logan breathed shakily, mouth close to Alex’s ear. “Alex. Alex, we shouldn’t.”
Alex cursed and shook Logan and Will off.
“We won the game,” Alex parroted under his breath, and then slammed a hand against his stall. “Get the fuck out of my sight, Archer.”
Finn didn’t look horrible, which was good. He looked more relaxed than Alex had anticipated. Aside from the sling, he would have looked almost normal. He had one knee bent, foot planted on the hospital bed. He had the hood of his sweatshirt up—Rangers blue—and after a moment of thinking of Logan, Alex realized it was his own.
Finn caught him looking and plucked at it with his good hand. “Think it’s bad luck? Mom brought it to me.”
Alex, just looked at him. It was the hood up maybe, mussing his hair. Or the socked feet. Or the tiredness all over his face. Something was making Finn look younger than he really was, something was making Alex feel like he was looking at his kid brother again, leaving Finn at home for the NHL. Getting this call.
Finn’s mouth pulled to the side and he smoothed the logo. “I don’t think it is. I like it.”
Those short sentences he’d been saying since he was eight. So sure of himself. The pizza on Prince street is better. That girl smiled at me. She likes me. So damn sure of everything. Logan had been the first to shake him out of the habit. Maybe Alex was a little angry with him about that, or at least he had been at one time.
Alex nodded. He walked forward to stand at the edge of Finn’s bed. There was a chair there but he didn’t sit. He reached out and tugged the hood more firmly over Finn’s hair, making him laugh.
“I’m good, Al,” Finn said. “Really.”
Alex didn’t reply. He just sat on the edge of the bed and waited half a second for Finn to get the message before laying down. He hugging his little brother as hard as he dared. He felt Finn push into his hold, the same way he had at five when having a nightmare, at fourteen when Alex was leaving, at nineteen when everything seemed wrong, and everything seemed right, but Alex just couldn’t figure out what.
“Al,” Finn said. It was an awkward position, but he managed to get his good arm around Alex’s back. “Al, I’m fine, I promise. Even the doctor said—”
“Just let me,” Alex whispered hoarsely. “Just be quiet and let me fucking worry about you.”
Finn melted a little more against him. “Okay. All right.”
Alex couldn’t help the hitching sob that he let out against Finn’s shoulder, and he felt Finn’s fingers curl in his hair.
“It’s okay,” Finn whispered. “It’s okay…”
“You can’t do that to me,” Alex managed, fisting the sweatshirt against Finn’s back. “You can’t do that to me, you can’t…”
“I know, I know,” Finn said softly. “Al, I’m sorry. I love you, I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t apologize.” Alex sniffed and pressed a hard kiss to Finn’s temple. “You’re just like—you just didn’t move. And you’re my…”
“Al…” Finn turned on his a little more onto his good side so that his hand beneath Alex could pat at his back. Alex was probably crushing it but he didn’t care just then. “You’re gonna make me cry.”
“You’re my baby brother and I love you so much,” Alex said. “And I can’t protect you from anything.”
And maybe that was it. Harvard, Logan, hockey. If only they had talked about it.
“Stop,” Finn said when Alex turned his face into his sweatshirt. “Stop, yes you can. You always do.”
Alex made a sound that made them both laugh wetly.
“Were there words in there?” Finn asked.
“Not really.” The door opened, a quiet snick of a sound, and Alex whispered to Finn, “Thought Tremz was gonna kill me for keeping him—”
“Oh, my boys,” their mother’s voice said softly. Not Logan and Leo then. “Rams, honey, shut out that hallway light.”
The door closed again and Alex looked up in time to see his mom stroke a hand down Finn’s cheek.
“How are you, baby?”
Finn, his good hand trapped under Alex, just leaned into her palm. “I’m okay, mom. I promise.”
Haley just narrowed her eyes skeptically. “You’d say you were okay if there was an astroid hurdling towards you.” She turned to Alex, petting a hand through his hair. “Are you okay? My slightly older baby.”
Alex just kept his face half-hidden in Finn’s sweatshirt, glad for the dim light.
“We’ll be okay soon,” Finn said for him. “How’s that?”
“I guess good enough,” Ramsey said, and walked forward and put a hand on Finn’s knee. “Your boys are outside. Logan looks like he’s about to turn into the Hulk.”
“Aw shucks,” Finn smiled.
“Probably because he knows I’m in his spot,” Alex managed, and his mother gave him a knowing look at the sound of recently shed tears in his voice. Alex pushed himself up and looked down at Finn.
“My hand's asleep from your big butt,” Finn said.
Alex rolled his eyes, wiped at his cheeks, and stood.
“The doc just doesn’t want too many people in here,” Haley said. “We promised we’d take turns. Now, I’m gonna get you some water—or maybe something to eat?” She looked at Alex. “Honey, Nat and Kasey are in the waiting room, they said—”
“I… What? I told them they could go home,” Alex said.
Finn snorted, then groaned a little, closing his eyes. “As if they’d go anywhere without you.”
“Especially tonight,” Haley said, petting a hand through Finn’s hair again. “You’re burning up, baby.”
Alex looked towards the door, frowning. “Still. I said it was all right.”
“It’s always like this,” Finn said to his mom, then opened his eyes and looked at Alex. “Maybe they could see that it wasn’t all right.”
“It is,” Alex said. “They’re probably tired.”
“They know you need them right now.”
Haley looked between them for a moment. Alex met her eyes. He watched them drop to his chest and looked down to see that he was fiddling with Kasey’s diamond.
“You’re okay,” Alex said. He wiped at his face. “We’re fine. I’m fine.”
“Leo sees right through me all the time,” Finn said. “Think of it like that.”
“Well.” Haley sighed. “Why don’t I send him right in here, then,” She rose from the bed and put her arms around Alex. “So he can see through your okays just like you’re seeing through your brother’s.”
Logan was in the past, Leo could see it all over his face. There was no part of him actually in the hallway right then. He was back in the limbo that he and Finn went to sometimes. The spaces in between the hurt and the healing. The memories and the moments. All Leo could do was lean against the wall next to him and watch his face as they both listened to the faint murmurs of the O’Hara’s voices.
“He’s doing fine, sweetheart,” Leo said. “He’s just got his family in there, that’s all.”
“We’re his family.”
“I know. Sorry.” Logan turned, pushing off the wall. He settled his hands under Leo’s sweatshirt on his hips. He tilted his head up to press a kiss to the underside of his jaw. “I’m just…”
Leo took Logan’s face in his hands, admiring the way his cheeks filled his palms. “Me too.”
“I’m glad we can be like this,” Logan whispered. “Here. Now. Under these stupid bright lights.”
Leo pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Yeah. I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t hold you like this right now.” He looked over Logan’s head at the closed door. “I want to hold him right now.”
Logan closed his eyes and Leo couldn’t help but kiss his forehead again. His eyelids, then his nose. He pictured an eighteen year old Logan in a hospital like this one, waiting in the hallway. You’re his teammate? Family only for now, honey.
Logan looked up at him.
“What was it like? The first time.”
Logan sighed and Leo moved his palms down to settle around his waist. “It’s…”
Logan blinked, and Leo watched him go to the past again. Far away. He tensed in his hold. Leo hated it, he hated everything about that look on Logan’s face, but he wanted to know. He needed to know. It had been so long since he felt behind the two of them. A strange feeling, left behind in the present while they went back to the past.
“Lo,” Leo whispered. “Please. I need to know—”
The door clicked open and Haley appeared first, turned back towards the bed and blowing a kiss with her hand. “We’ll see you tomorrow, baby, okay? Please rest.”
Leo had thought Finn would be asleep. Or groggy. Too exhausted to speak in something above a whisper. The sheer weight of worry on his back broke when he heard Finn’s laugh from inside the room. He felt Logan sway against him.
“Okay, Mom,” Finn’s voice came. “I love you guys.”
Haley turned and, even though she looked like she had been crying, she took in Leo and Logan, wrapped up together, and smiled. “He’s dying to see you two.”
“Usually its you who finds me down here.”
Remus stopped hard on his skates near the center of the synthetic ice, sweat shining in the  dim basement lights. Sirius had thought he was coming to bed. He had sat upstairs until he realized that there were no more sounds coming from the kitchen. Regulus was in his room. All that was left was the rink downstairs.
Sirius looked down, letting Remus take his time. Remus’ phone was on the edge of the boards. There was a video lighting up the screen. A press conference. Jack Archer. Sirius didn’t need to hit play. He’d seen it, but he hadn’t even needed to do that. They’d all heard him begging Leo in the hallway. It was an accident. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I thought he’d brace himself. It’s hockey—
“Whatever it was,” Remus said. “There was purpose behind it. That’s what I think.”
Sirius looked up. Remus had silently made his way over. He was wearing one of Sirius’ sweatshirts, thumb poking through a hole in one of the sleeves. He spun his stick before letting it drop to the ground with a clatter.
“Sounds like Leo does, too,” Remus said. “At least there are no secrets that need keeping this time. Not like it was with…”
“Re,” Sirius said softly.
“It’s not about me,” Remus said. He pushed himself over the boards, one leg, then the other, but before he could touch the ground Sirius stepped between his dangling skates. He settled his hands on Remus’ hips to keep him in place.
Remus had his eyes on Sirius’ sweatshirt. It was from their Cup day. Rainbow taped sticks crossed over the Cup’s silhouette. “We should go to bed, we have a flight tomorrow. We have a game.”
“Not until you look at me,” Sirius said.
Remus widened his eyes, honey-colored in this light, and looked right at Sirius. “I am looking at you.”
“Re,” Sirius said.
Slowly, Remus’ face relaxed and he let his forehead drop forward onto Sirius’ shoulder.
“We lost.”
“We’re tied.” Sirius kissed Remus’ neck, then knelt in front of him. He set one skate on his thigh and began to undo the laces. “And you need to rest. We need you out there.”
Remus watched his hands work. He got through one skate and pulled it off gently, taking a moment to rub the arch of Remus’ foot, to dig his thumb around his ankle bones.
“Remember you doing this with my injury,” Sirius said. He drew off the tight compression sock and rubbed over the red lines it left behind in Remus’ skin. “I used to dream about it. About your hands.”
Remus’ smile was small. “Used to?”
Sirius reached forward and took one of Remus’ palms to kiss. “Don’t have to dream about it anymore, do I?”
He took to the other skate. Loosening the laces, easing it off.
“Did you hear anything more with Finn?” Remus asked. “Or Leo?”
“He’s doing okay, I talked to Natalie,” Sirius said. “And Leo…” I didn’t expect you to be happy. Sirius had only known one true love in his life, but he knew a troubled love when he saw one, easily. Jack was that. He and James had shared a look in the locker room. Should I go say we can hear them? Sirius had silently asked. James had shaken his head, meaning, I think that might make it worse.
“Sometimes, I wish it was just about the game,” Remus said softly when he was barefoot. “But it feels like so much more than that.”
Sirius rose and let Remus wrap his arms around his neck so he could ease him down from the boards. Remus locked their fingers together as they walked up the stairs.
“Would the game be the game if there wasn’t more to it than a ball and a stick?” Sirius shrugged. “I don’t think so.”
“I’ve been thinking about Kasey,” Remus said.
Sirius nodded. “Keep wondering when he’s going to tell the team.”
“Do you think about it?” Remus asked hesitantly. “What you would do…after?”
Sirius had never liked that word. After. He used to question its existence. His father had not settled into a good after. Retirement was never a word he used. There was always work to be done, always someone else who had wronged him, always another step to take.
Then again, his father had never gotten exactly what he wanted. Not in his career. Maybe in his wife, but Sirius would never know for sure. Not in his sons. Not in his legacy.
“I used to not be able to think about it,” Sirius said. They entered the kitchen and he went to the refrigerator to fill up a cup of water from the filter. “I thought my life would end.”
He slid the glass over to Remus and leaned against the counter beside him.
“Watching Finn go down, I thought about it,” Sirius said. “I mean, everyone thinks about it. It can be over in a second. All of it.” Sirius rubbed a thumb over Remus’ cheek. “I know I don’t have to tell you that.”
“It’s okay,” Remus said. He took a greedy drink, then smiled a little sheepishly, like he hadn’t realized how hard he had been skating.
“It used to terrify me.” Sirius smiled a little. “I wanted to play hockey forever, which I can’t do. I liked boys, who I couldn’t have. James was always going to have a family, and I would never be entirely a part of it. And James sometimes felt like the only thing I had, in the beginning days. Re, he and Lils…they took me on so many dates.”
Remus laughed and wrapped his arms around Sirius’ neck. “I remember. We could have been friends earlier, you know. If someone had been a little more…”
Sirius smiled into his kiss. “I was such an ass to you in the beginning.”
“Oh, I remember that, too.” Remus put on what, according to Thomas, was a perfect imitation of his frown, and gave a slightly French lilt to his words. “Oh, you’re an intern? Well, I’ll go to Moody then, but thanks.”
Sirius groaned and dropped his head to Remus’ shoulder. “Don’t remind me.”
Remus just laughed again and pressed a quick burst of kisses to his cheek. He shuffled closer until his bare feet were on top of Sirius’ socked ones. “It’s okay. You’ve done a pretty good job making up for it.”
Sirius rubbed a hand up and down his back slowly and felt Remus settle more against him. They were both tired, eyes closing, swaying in the kitchen.
“Don’t worry about Jack. Don’t watch that interview anymore, mon loup,” Sirius whispered. “Finn’s going to be okay.”
“Hm,” Remus said, then stepped back and took Sirius’ hands, pulling him towards the stairs. “Well. We’ll just have to kick their asses tomorrow night. Game five, baby. We’re two-two.”
Sirius let Remus lead him up to bed. He let Remus sink into his side as they brushed their teeth, and then spoon up against his back once they were under the covers. If this was what after looked like, part of him couldn’t wait.
Finn was sitting up. He pushed the hood of his sweatshirt back when he saw them and smiled. His red hair was soft and falling over his forehead, still sweaty from the game. Leo wanted to cry.
“Boys,” Finn sighed and patted the small space beside him on the bed with his good arm. “Don’t look at me like that. Come here.”
Logan all but collapsed at Finn’s side and Finn’s arm wound around him. Logan took Finn’s chin gently between his thumb and forefinger to steady his face. It looked like he was soaking in as much of that sweet brown color as he could. He was looking for the hurt.
“Don’t lie to me,” Logan whispered as Leo shut the door.
Finn stuck his tongue out until the tip of it touched Logan’s nose, then smiled. Logan didn’t pull away, didn’t even flinch and Finn did it again. Finn looked up at Leo, who was still standing by the door. “Le.”
Leo worried the inside of his lip. “I’ll hurt your shoulder on that side.”
Finn tapped his foot on the end of the bed, then spread his knees. It was a tight fit, but Leo managed to fold himself at the end of the bed. He took Finn’s legs and draped them around his hips, rubbing his thighs.
“Very sexy for a hospital,” Finn said. “Sexy thigh rubbing."
“How are you feeling?” Leo asked. Logan pushed his face into Finn’s neck and Leo and Finn smiled at each other. Finn closed his eyes at the feeling of Logan against him. “You’re guard dog missed you.”
“Don’t lie,” Logan mumbled.
Finn drummed his fingers over Logan’s spine. “Has a single lie come out of my mouth, baby?”
“No,” Leo said. “But we know you. The doctor said you were pretty…”
Finn raised an eyebrow. “She said I was pretty? Damn, she was pretty, too.”
Leo rolled his eyes, but secretly his chest was squeezing with relief. He hadn’t expected this Finn. Joking. He didn’t know if it was normal or because he was putting all of himself into masking the pain he was in.
“Pretty okay,” Leo pinched at his knee. “Is what I was going to say.”
“I am,” Finn said. “I mean, I know I’m on pain killers right now.”
“Yeah, you just licked Logan.”
Finn smiled and looked down until Logan peered out for a kiss. “He likes it. Don’t you, Lolo?”
Logan touched Finn’s fingers where they were poking out of his sling. “Does it hurt though?”
Finn sighed. “Yeah, of course it does. But it will be worse later so I’m hoping to enjoy right now when I don’t feel like my skull is going to fall apart.”
“Don’t say that.” Logan put his fingers to Finn’s lips.
Finn just kissed them. “Haven’t been in a bed this small in a while, hm, Lo?”
Logan’s brow creased. “Non…”
Leo watched them kiss, and he could see it. Harvard. Middle of the night. A terrified Logan, trying not to touch Finn and wanting nothing more than to help him. Leo thought he knew about Harvard, but sometimes when he saw them like this, he wasn’t sure he’d ever know anything at all.
“What about my sunshine?” Finn’s voice drew him out of his mind. Brown eyes, dim light. “Did he miss me?” 
Leo swallowed and nodded. “Yeah, he—” His voice broke and he rolled his eyes at himself when he felt a surprising tear escape.
“Aw, Le…” Finn’s brows knit together.
“Sorry, I’m just worried about you.”
Finn’s eyes were sympathetic, and he kept looking at him even as he kissed Logan’s forehead. “Shift change, Lo.”
Logan looked, Leo had to admit, a little reluctant, but he pushed himself up and leaned down for one more kiss.
“It’s okay, Lo, you can stay,” Leo said shakily.
“Non,” Logan said, and before Leo could move he pressed his hand to Leo’s thigh and kissed his cheek. “Just warming it up for you.”
It was warm. Finn tucked Leo right up against his chest. He smelled a little bit like the hospital, but if Leo pressed hard enough (and he did) there was Finn there, too. Logan took Leo’s place, settling on his stomach between Finn’s legs with his arms folded across Finn’s hips.
“Don’t cry, baby,” Finn whispered against Leo’s mouth. “Please don’t cry.”
“I love you,” Leo said thickly. “I’m sorry, I should be comforting you.”
“Shh,” Finn kissed him again, peppering them softly over his cheek. “It’s okay, it’s okay.”
“I’m gonna kill Jack,” Logan said.
“He didn’t do this to me, Lo,” Finn said softly. “It was a hit.”
“We don’t know that,” Logan said, chin against Finn’s chest. In any other situation, he would have looked adorable, feet half off the bed like that. But his green eyes were dark.
“Did you confront him?” Finn asked, eyes on Logan.
Logan rolled his eyes.
“Tremz,” Finn said warningly. “You could get in serious trouble—”
“I broke my helmet,” Logan said. “I didn’t break him.”
Leo felt Finn’s hand tighten around his shoulders. “Logan.”
Leo pressed harder against Finn, watching them.
“I’m right,” Logan pushed himself up, hands on Finn’s hips. Any other time, he would have raised his voice, but he kept it soft in the dark room. Leo still thought he felt Finn wince. “He did this. Finn, he did this to you—”
“I did this,” Leo whispered.
It felt like even the machines beeping around them paused. Leo couldn’t see Finn’s face well, but Logan’s eyes snapped right to his. Leo just turned his face into Finn’s chest and let himself break.
Leo cursed the position of goalie, for once in his life, as he fumbled through the endless straps and buckles of his cumbersome equipment. It didn’t help that his fingers were shaking. Alex, holding Finn’s head on the ice. I’m fine. I’m fine, Le. Deadening silence and collective gasps. Logan, skating hard to catch up and—
Jack. Jack, Jack, Jack—
Leo’s jersey got caught on part of his padding, and it was as good as someone trying to hold him back. Irrational, pure rage fired through his chest and he yanked the fabric hard over his head, ripped at the the velcro of his chest pad. Some part of his mind registered how quiet the Lions locker room was around him. Some part of his mind knew how hard he was breathing, that the motion of tearing off his jersey had slammed his knuckles into his stall on accident. A bruise, probably, would form. But he couldn’t feel anything. He pulled at the laces of his skates, watching his hands shake.
Kasey’s voice. Leo could hardly hear that, either.
Finn on the ice. So still. One one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand, four, five—
His pads were splayed out in front of him, around him on the ground. Finn’s stall was empty, and beside it Leo looked for green eyes and Logan and found Kota instead, quiet, not sure what to do. A new shot of anger. Logan, traded. Who would ever do that? Logan had won them a Cup, he was theirs, he was a Lion, Logan was his, he should be here.
“Le, it’s gonna be okay,” Kasey said softly, helping Leo ease the rest of his equipment off with expert, steady hands. “Let me help, okay?”
Jack. Jack. Hey, Le, look, good for you that you never had to feel scared—
Finally, it was all off of him. He didn’t feel any lighter. He locked eyes with Kasey for a long moment. Kasey, against his words, looked as scared as Leo felt. Leo yanked on a pair of sweatpants, didn’t bother to change out of his sweat-soaked shirt, and ran.
He made it five paces before meeting Jack.
Wide-eyes. Sweaty hair, still half in his gear. Even with his skates on, Leo was taller. Leo looked for bruises, blood, something to show him that Logan had gotten to him first. Nothing.
“Leo,” Jack said.
That look on his face. Leo was back in eleventh grade and he’d said something wrong, he’d said something when they were somewhere too bright, too crowded, Leo, what the fuck, what are you doing—
Jack put his hands up. Surrender. As if he even had that right. “Leo.”
Leo hadn’t realized that he had frozen to the spot. Not until Jack started walking forward. Not until he said his name again. Leo, stop it. God, it can’t always be like that. Okay? Shaking his hands off. Stop.
“No,” Leo said. “No.”
Jack blinked once, again, swallowed hard. “Le…”
“Get out of my way.”
“Get out of my way.” He shoved Jack in the chest hard, and when it didn’t feel like enough to watch him stumble backwards, he did it again. Jack just stared at him, bracing himself against the wall. Leo snapped all over again. If those first words had hurt his throat, his next ones tore at him. They were laced with the throb of tears, unshed. He shoved Jack hard a third time and watched the way he winced. “What is—What the hell is wrong with you?”
“No, no,” Jack whispered. “Please, you don’t understand—”
Leo didn’t recognized the sound of pure frustration he made. He wanted to bring something down, Jack, the wall, this entire building.
“What is wrong with you?” he shouted again.
“It was an accident,” Jack said. “He had—” Jack closed his eyes. “I wasn’t—He just folded, he fucking folded, how was I supposed to know? This is hockey.”
“That wasn’t hockey. Finn has a concussion.” Leo wasn’t sure how he knew, but he knew. “This is his third. Did you know that? Did you stop to think about that?”
Jack put a hand over his eyes. “No. No, I—”
“Do you know what three concussions can do to a person? Did you think about that before you fucking snapped and shoved his head into the boards?”
“C’mon, I…” Jack sounded close to tears, too. “C’mon, Le, that’s not what happened, please—”
“If you’re angry at me,” Leo shouted, “takeit out on me.”
“I’m not angry at you,” Jack roared back.
Leo curled his hands into fists. “You think I don’t know that? I didn’t do anything.”
Jack didn’t react like Leo thought he would. Leo waited for him to explode back at him again. He almost wanted it. He wanted to get this over with. Finn needed him. He needed Finn. He needed Logan’s hand on his back, Finn letting them take him home. He needed to see Finn safe and okay and not still and pale out on the ice.
Instead, Jack sagged in front of him in the hallway. He looked up at Leo, cheeks and neck red. “Le.”
“Don’t waste my fucking time,” Leo said. “I’m done. I’m so fucking done with you.”
“I,” Jack began. “I didn’t mean to.”
“What did you mean?” Leo said. “For once in your life, why don’t you tell me what you actually meant. Because, honest to God, I don’t think I’ve ever known. Because I’m not here to clean up your messes anymore. I’m not here to make you feel better about yourself, or to tell you its okay. I broke that habit a long time ago.”
“I didn’t mean to,” Jack said again.
“What did you mean?”
“I don’t know. I…It’s hockey, you just snap sometimes, it’s adrenaline, it’s—it’s the game. I went too far, I know that, but he’s…he’s…”
“He’s what?” Leo shouted. “What, what, what, speak or get out of my way.”
“He’s happy.”
Leo pressed his hand over his eyes. “God, I’m going to kill you. I’m going to fucking kill you, I don’t even know—how to respond to that. Get out of my way.”
Leo pushed through him, but Jack grabbed his hand.
“I didn’t expect you to be happy,” he said, and Leo froze all over again.
He tried, for a moment, to remember if he’d been happy when Jack was in his life. Or, if he’d only thought he was. His childhood bedroom, dark, Jack flinching at every sound from the larger house. Jack’s skin touching his, and Leo thinking that he would do anything, panicking over how much he could do to keep them this way for as long as possible. To make Jack give him a smile when it was all over.
Finn, hurting now but always soft and grinning on the pillows. C’mere. Come here, baby. Logan, leaning over him, thumb against his lip. Let’s stay up all night. Leo, smiling, why? Logan, leaning down for a kiss. I wanna keep looking at you.
“But you are,” Jack whispered. “You’rehappy, and it…Fuck. It falls off of you three like…like something you can see.”
Slowly, Leo turned. He pulled his hand out of Jack’s and close to his chest, cradling it like it was broken.
“So you hit him?” Leo asked, voice breaking.
“I got…it all got tangled. Logan hates me. Finn hates me. Alex, Percy, Will, even Luke…”
“You hardly even know them.”
“You hate me.”
“I don’t.”
Jack took a long time before shaking his head. “You do.”
“Jack. I hate what you did to me I hate how you treated me.” Leo took a breath. “I don’t think about you enough to hate you.”
Leo turned and gave himself the pleasure-pain of being the one to walk away first.
“Le,” Finn whispered. Leo could tell he was looking at Logan, probably wide-eyed, but he didn’t dare move from his place hiding against Finn. He heard him mouth softly to Logan, Happy? What the fuck?
“Leo,” Finn said again. “Leo.”
Logan was scrambling up from his place in a moment. He squeezed himself to sit on the very edge of the bed against Leo’s back. Leo felt him lean over him and pull at his sweatshirt.
“Leo,” Logan whispered. “Non. Non, non…”
Leo let out an ugly sound and clutched Finn closer.
“Baby,” Finn said. “Look at me.” He went to reach with his bad arm and hissed in pain. “Look at me. This isn’t your fault. Oh my God, Le, this isn’t your fault, baby.”
He felt Logan curl his body over his, felt his nose press against his jaw. He pulled until Leo sat up, but when he tried to wrap him in his arms, Leo stood.
“It’s true,” Leo said. “Hockey does tangle with everything else.” He stood, looking at them sitting side by side on the bed. “And I know that because Logan wants to kill Jack for what he did, and so do I. Think of—Fenrir and Remus.” Remus’ career almost ended, just for a number on a ranking board. “Or Regulus and Sirius.” Feuding over family nonsense. Jack. Jack, Jack. “Things…unravel. And they come out on the ice.”
“That doesn’t make you responsible,” Finn said. He had a bright flush to his cheeks. He was leaning back into his pillows more.
“Jack came for you because of me,” Leo said.
“Leo,” Finn said softly. He lay back on the bed, hand to his forehead. He closed his eyes. “No, baby, you…” He trailed off.
“Finn?” Logan whispered. His attention was pulled away from Leo and he leaned over Finn. He put a hand to his cheek. “Oh.” He reached for the cup at Finn’s bedside and, instead of holding it to Finn’s mouth like Leo had expected it to, he dipped his fingers into the cool water before running them through Finn’s hair. Finn let out a relieved sound. “Just rest, Rouge. Let’s get you home.”
Leo held his breath. He felt stupid. So stupid, standing there. Talking about himself. He wrapped his arms around his stomach and watched Logan press feather-light kisses to Finn’s face.
“Mon rouge, just sleep. We’ll check out and we’ll go home. We’ll go home.”
“Leo,” Finn mumbled, eyes closed.
“No,” Leo heard himself say. “No, never mind.” He moved towards the door and felt Logan’s eyes follow him.
“Soleil,” Logan began to say.
“I’ll take care of the paperwork,” Leo said, and pushed out the door.
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molsno · 1 year
im tme and im just gonna preface this before this ask, its nothing bad and its not a criticism, more of an observation! i mean none of this critically and moreso am looking for an opinion
do you think theres a reason for why a lot of media recently is going for transfem characters when they have their trans characters? tokenism usually, but generally i find when theres a trans character in a piece of media shes typically transfem. and occasionally nonbinary for the extra Blizzard Diversity Points in the eyes of Cishet People lol.
i can name plenty of trans women characters - Kiku from One Piece (though one piece also has Yamato, a trans man), Natalie in Big Mouth, Bridget in Guilty Gear (though this is a correction of the past), Unique in Glee, Denise in Twin Peaks, Lily in Zombieland, Alluka in HxH, Vivian in TTYD (though she has a tricky history due to localization cowards), Perfuma in She-ra (after production iirc), Talia in League and Gwen Stacy (heavy coding. like trans flag colors coding.)
Though I don’t know as many trans men - Yamato in One Piece, Sheldon in Glee, Barney from Paranormal Dead End Park or whatever that shows called, Bow in She-Ra, Viktor in Umbrella Academy (though due to the actor’s irl transition), and Alice Yabusame from YTTD. Obviously im missing plenty just as i am with trans women, but i think its interesting i can still name so few transmasc characters as a trans man myself
im not saying this as a bad thing, especially not as “trans women get more rep than trans men!!” because its just… weird to proclaim. especially with the history trans women have in media - for every well written, lovely portrayal of a trans women, theres a million caricatures behind her.
because most of these studios arent stocked with trans people making content for trans people, not like Maddie in Celeste, i just was curious why theres so many trans women characters. because of how radical the existence of trans women is, and how much more political transfem identities are made due to transmisogyny, is a good portrayal of a trans women deemed more diverse? Does this history of transfem characters make devs and writers think “if we do it right, we’ll win the trans crowd!”?
again, NONE of this is criticism. im so happy for trans girls who see themselves in bridget, gwen, talia, or anyone else i mentioned and anyone else i forgot. im so glad they finally get to have characters that arent vile portrayals of men in dresses or the archetypal “ambiguous twinky anime boy pretending to be a girl”. but im just interested in why its always trans women? do you think devs see it that way?
I mean realistically it's probably just because until fairly recently the average person didn't even know what a trans man even is
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halfoftwelve · 2 years
Fic-O-Ween day 3!
This is mostly dialogue and chaos but it’s fun dialogue and chaos.
A Potter family trip to the apple orchard wasn't complete without Uncle Padfoot and Loops, and therefore Jules. And also Dumo and his kids, including Logan and his boys. And one of their brothers and his two. And Thomas.
So a trip that was meant to be three became eighteen, and Lily couldn't find it in herself to care. This was her family and she couldn't be happier. The boys were busy chasing the kids and lifting them up so they could reach the tops of the trees. Pascal was picking apples to bring home to Celeste so she could make a pie. James, Sirius, and Remus were busy keeping both Harry and Jules busy, which was far too endearing.
Adele had been practically glued to her and Natalie all day, and honestly, it was making Lily think about more children.
"Corn maze! Corn maze! Corn maze!" Katie shrieked, running to her father.
It was the only thing she'd wanted to do, after seeing the ponies. 
"Sirius said it's time!"
Pascal, and everyone else, looked to where Sirius was biting back a grin, while also hanging Harry half over his shoulder. Remus, Lily noted, had never looked so fond.
"Did he?"
"I've told you before I can't say no to her, Dumo, it's your fault," Sirius said, placing Harry back on his feet.
Harry had started chanting with Katie, Marc and Louis joined in, and then Jules. 
"Alright, alright, to the corn maze children."
Remus didn't know that a corn maze was meant to be a competition, but according to the O'Hara brothers, it meant war. This was how Remus found himself on a team with eight others. While it made sense to split into groups, as eighteen people trying to go through a maze would be chaos, he wasn't sure about the competition part of it.
There was only one way to go, so wouldn't they just keep running into each other?
"Loops, that's the point! Where's the fun without a bit of trash talk?" Finn told him after Remus said as much.
"There's kids here, O'Hara," Natalie commented.
"So we keep it PG, and we do the little scavenger hunt. That's where the real fun is."
Remus was a little disappointed that his own brother hadn't wanted to be on his team, or his boyfriend. But the O'Haras and Dumais children had reminded him that sibling rivalry was as good a motivator as any.
"Wait I think we should go that way," Lily said, pointing to the path towards the left.
Finn stopped next to her, "it's definitely to the right. You always go to the right."
"And that is how you lose, little bro," Alex said, walking past with his own team behind him. They went to the left
"Shut up, you idiot," Finn said back. Remus heard Logan laugh from where he was walking past, and Leo snicker from behind him.
"Yo, Harz, don't talk to my man like that," Kasey said, reaching forward to grab Alex's hand.
Natalie jumped in, "yeah, don't talk to our man like that."
"We're on the same team, Nat," Finn said back.
"I don't care."
This was already far too much, and they hadn't even gotten into the maze. 
Remus had been hoping, secretly, that he would have been able to sneak off with Sirius and get some of the hot cider that was being sold. Sirius, however, seemed to be too far gone to pull him away from this.
"How does it feel to be on the losing team, Re?" He said, walking past.
"Yeah, Re?" Julian parroted. 
Remus there his hands up and let them fall back with a slap against his thighs.
James and Pascal both laughed at him. Thomas jostled his shoulder and snickered.
Alex wouldn't admit it, but they were definitely lost. The goal had been to get to the closest checkpoint, but well, he was fairly certain it was supposed to be right where they were standing.
Alex looked at Kasey slowly, who was obviously holding back a laugh.
"I have no idea where we are."
"What?" Three voices echoed. Logan, James, Sirius.
It was almost comical, the way their heads turned to him, and each of the children's that followed. Harry was on James shoulders, an action mirrored by Katie and Logan. Julian was on Sirius' back, but dropped down to pull out his own map. Marc went over to look at it with him.
"I joined your team because you said you always won, don't tell me I left my lovers just to lose," Logan said, leaning over to look at the map in Alex's hands.
"We're not losing. We don't know how to lose," Sirius said.
"What Cap said," James announced, using Harry's little finger to trace a path on their map.
Marc and Jules walked past all of them, drawing their attention, "this way," Marc said. So they went.
Lily was going to rip that red hair right out of Finn O'Hara's big head.
"Are you blind?" 
"He does use reading glasses," Leo called from the back of the group.
"Baby we're on the same team," Finn turned to him. "I told you though, always go right."
"O'Hara, if we go left it takes us straight to the third checkpoint."
Thank god for Natalie Darcy, at least someone could see some sense. Adele agreed with them too, though that was likely more to just agree than anything.
They'd already got to the first two checkpoints, punching out the little numbers on their card, and reading the little story for Louis, who didn't actually seem that interested. Granted he was ten, but he was the only child with them. Except for Adele, who definitely wouldn't admit she found it fun.
At every turn they had a debate, and every time Finn said to go right, and he was only correct half of those times.
Remus and Thomas were making jokes each time, Leo and Pascal were trailing at the back of the group, and Louis was playing on his father's phone.
And yet, Lily loved it. Every minute of it.
Sirius wouldn't admit it, but there was no possible way they were winning. They'd been in this maze for nearly fifteen minutes and hadn't checked any of the boxes. The kids were beginning to whine, and they were staring at a wall of corn.
"You said this way, little Dumo," Kasey said to Marc, who just shrugged.
"Alright team, I'll be honest. We kind of suck, so any ideas?" Alex said.
Sirius huffed, "that was a shit pep-talk O'Hara."
"Kids, Padfoot, seriously," James said, hands over Harry's ears.
"Not all of us can be the youngest captain, Black," Alex turned to him, "feel free to help out any time."
"Actually, I think you've got it O'Hara. Never been so inspired in my life," Sirius said, falling back next to Logan. He'd never done a corn maze before, and honestly was losing the appeal of it quickly.
"I feel like this would be more fun with alcohol."
"You are absolutely right, T," Remus replied.
"As if we don't have enough entertainment from the redheads up there," Leo said from behind them.
Finn and Lily had both declared themselves team leaders it seemed, which had definitely become the chaos Remus had imagined. 
They were over halfway through the maze, and making pretty good time. Though, that was likely more to do with the fact the Finn was practically running. Well, that, and the fact that it wasn't really Lily or Finn leading them, it was Leo and Pascal.
Each time the group at the front disagreed, Leo or Pascal became the voice of reason. It was usually a quick, "alright, this way." Or, "I'm going this way, follow or don't."
Remus was also pretty sure he'd heard them betting against their own team. Really, Remus agreed with them. But there was also a part of him determined to beat Sirius and Julian.
They were on track again, had even completed two of the ten checkpoints. Though, it had already been more than twenty minutes, so they weren't really on track. Kasey had taken over for most of that, his calm helping them.
Now though...
Alex was struggling to keep calm himself.
There was three ways they could go, and everyone was talking at once.
"Left. I say left." Logan was looking wistfully down the pathway.
"No, Tremzy!" Katie yelled.
Jules and Marc were talking to each other at the back of the group, momentarily forgetting about the maze.
"Pretty confident it's straight," Kasey said.
"You're certainly not," Sirius chirped.
"Like you can talk, Black," Alex responded.
"None of us are," Logan quipped.
James spluttered, "are you forgetting about me?” His hands splayed in front of him, child giggling on his shoulders.
The other four men looked at each other, then said together, "no."
James squinted at all of them, shrugged, then stepped forward into the middle path. Straight it was then.
Finn was going to win one way or the other, and he would absolutely not admit that it was because of Lily Evans-Potter. Maybe she was right, so what? He'd never said he was good at corn mazes or following directions. And the other guys certainly were no help. He was fairly certain Leo had bet against him.
But, on the bright side, all there was left to do now was get out. After one small stop.
"We have to find them," he announced.
"What, why?" Lily responded immediately.
"To scare them."
"Oh!" Natalie's face lit up as she said it.
"Now this I can get behind," Thomas announced.
"I'm in," Remus said.
"Can I scare Marc?" Adele asked.
"No I want to scare Marc!" Louis said, actually looking away from the game he was playing.
"Cool, let's go."
Yeah, they were definitely losing. There was no possible way this team was getting anywhere. The kids had started complaining early on, and it was beginning to become sad. Sirius had already taken off his jacket and hoodie, the sun bright and no breeze to cool them. They'd gotten maybe five of the checkpoints, Sirius wasn't sure, he'd stopped caring long ago.
He was carrying Harry now, James' shoulder had started acting up again, and frankly, he needed some entertainment. His eyes flitted between Jules and Marc and the path they were walking down. 
It wasn't all that bad, though. He hadn't had time to just be since summer, and he was doing it with all of his people. Of course, half of them were somewhere else in this godforsaken trap, but they were still here. 
This was nice, and even if the kids weren't enjoying it anymore, at least he got to spend time with them.
"Hey Jules, what are we going to tell Remus when we get out?" He said over his shoulder. 
There wasn't an answer, se he glanced back, "Jules?"
Except Jules wasn't there, and neither was Marc. Sirius' heart dropped, his hands got just a little tighter around Harry's. "Jules? Marc?"
The others stopped where they were in front of him, James walked over.
"They were just right behind me," he whispered.
There was an uneasy silence that followed, as Sirius scanned the area.
"Maybe they just went down a different path..." it was Logan.
No, that wasn't right. Neither of the boys would do that, not without saying something. Had he missed it?
"They wouldn't—”
There were shouts all around them, bodies running out of the corn. There was Jules, right next to a laughing Remus. And Marc with his own family. Despite being startled, Sirius was relieved. 
Then, all at once, the other team took off in a full sprint away from them, leaving Sirius' own team shaken.
Slowly, after realizing what had gone down, and ignoring Marc and Jules laughing on the ground, they looked to Alex O'Hara.
His head tipped back and he groaned, then said, "oh thank god."
Again, they all looked at one another. Kasey spoke up, "babe?"
"They've finished it. We can get out of this fu-- freaking corn."
A collective sigh went up, and they turned on their heel and walked the same direction the others ran.
Lily hadn't laughed this hard in a long time. Her, Natalie, and Adele were still giggling together when the others came out of the maze.
Alex went over to Finn, putting him into a headlock and rubbing his head, "finally beat me, little man."
"Get off me," Finn yelped, grabbing for Leo. Logan was laughing as he went over to them.
Kasey pulled Natalie into a kiss, which made Adele grimace. Alex shouted for them, which made them both smile.
Pascal gathered his children up, insisting they take a selfie for their mother. Adele rolled her eyes but was still the one to hold up the phone.
Thomas and Remus were still talking together when Sirius walked over.
"You've had my boyfriend long enough, T, time to get your own."
Thomas mocked offense, and Remus grinned, "how does it feel to be on the losing team, baby?"
When Sirius scowled Remus pulled him down for a kiss.
"Little Loops, how does it feel knowing you almost made the Captain cry?" Thomas said.
"That's not fair, T, he was worried."
They were laughing together, in their little group.
James came over, Harry holding his hand and smiling at Lily. 
"Hi Mama!"
"Hi baby," she knelt to pick him up. Then leaned in and kissed her husband, "beat you."
"No, I'm definitely winning," he kissed her again, again, again.
There was laughter around them, and love surrounding their little group, which was certainly not so little. She's never been happier to have such a big family.
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cvsablvnca · 2 years
.͙✼̥̊✧⁺。̊Welcome to my blog⋆¸*ೃ☼
☆ name : Giada ☆ age : 15 ☆ music taste : sometime shitty, sometime like heaven ☆ personality : ENFP, ISTJ why just 1? ☆ studying : economy ☆ from : Turin, Italy
༄ ‧₊˚ ୭̥⋆*。 ˚₊✩‧₊ ༉‧₊˚✧ ₊˚༄ ミ ೃ ₊˚ ˏ`୭̥*ೃ ⋆.*✰༄ ˚
I love fashion, my 3 favorite models are: Naomi Campbell, Lily-rose Depp and the last but not by importance Kate Moss
I love music but i think is better put my spotify like for explane my taste about music because is difficult for me :
I love books my favorite book is Girl in Pieces.
I love write like an hobby so don’t judge me hard, please 🫶🏻.
i love films my favorite are: black swan, breakfast at tiffany’s, mr & mrs smith
my favorite actress is Natalie Portman, but i also really like Audrey Hepburn
my favorite actor is Brad Pitt
。 ♡ 。  ♡。  ♡
♡。 \  |  /。 ♡
   text me if you want to
♡。 /  |  \。 ♡
。 ♡。   。  ♡。
xoxo 💋 -G
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anemonenemerosa · 4 years
Omg if you’re taking requests for coops, maybe sirius showing up with a huge bouquet of roses and remus and the team not being able to handle it, or the team trying to stealthily follow them on their first date by like hiding behind pillars and having code names lol. oR sirius asking for the teams help to do something for remus. hope one of these peaks your interest!
Dear Anon,
you have not been forgotten! I just needed a moment to come up with something.
Abort Mission!
He would rather eat a skate than admitting that he's a total sap and yet, here we are.
Remus was lying on a blanket in the middle of a wildflower meadow at the edge of lolligo-lake in the park, surrounded by candles, his head on his boyfrieds lap while being fed strawberries by said boyfried.
He absolutely loved it! And even more, he loved that Sirius obviously loved it. His dopey smile hadn’t left his face since he removed Remus' blindfold on the blanket.  
Little did Remus know that in the nearby shrubbery, a certain Russian tried to not freak-out as a little spider slowly roped down in front of his face.
"Kuny be quiet! They will hear us!" Nado was on edge.
"NADO is spider, might bite us, might be ve- veno... Might be bad!" Kuny whisper-yelled while leaning as far away as possible without leaving the greenery.
"You are 6'4'' Russian terror on legs! Stop getting spooked by a tiny spider."
"But spider..."
"There are no venomous spiders in Gryffindor. Keep calm, love." Nado patted the head of his, secretly very soft and sensitive, flatmate in a calming way.
Nados phone lit up with a message.
Who? – Voice of reason?
Kuny and Nado. – The coolest Team
This night will be over before I have learned that. – Voice of Reason
 On the other side of the completely undisturbed and definitely not spied on couple, Kasey and James were laying flat on the ground between the high grass, binoculars rised.
"See anyone snooping on our precious lovebirds, Kase?"
"You mean except us?"
"Oi! We're not snooping, we protect them. With love. No one dare interrupting my lovesick puppies. I will take them all down before they even come close!!"
"Endearing, Pots. I think I already have like nine ticks at my- Hell no!" Kasey dropped his binoculars and started frantically tapping on his phone.
 I think they have spotted the Voice of Reason! Abort approach! – The coolest Team
Who? – Voice of Reason
YOU! Stir the boat away from the shore before they can make out your faces! – Disaster Twins
Whose idea was it with the stupid code names anyway? – Voice of Reason
Oh, Shut up Dumo, they're brilliant! – The coolest Team
No. No, they're not. – Lovebirds
It's Talker here and they are brilliant! – Voice of Reason
NO! Do not betray me! – Voice of Reason
Nicknames is fun. Not have much fun here! Spider try kill us! – Disaster Twins
Oh, hell xD – Lovebirds
 "Oh my god, this is gold!" Leo sniggered and leaned out of the giant hammock they've installed the day prior in the crown of a large weeping willow, directly above Remus and Sirius.
He and his two boys were scheduled to keep an overview of proceedings and who would say no to a night out in a hammock with the hottest guys of the NHL, which just so happened to be his boyfriends? Even if the occasion was absolutely ludicrous, he was in.
"But the codenames are bad." Logan put his binoculars down to rub at his eyes.
"Well, Pots came up with them, what did you expect?"
"True." Logan yawned and carefully rolled over to bury his face in Finns chest.
"It's funny in Potty's flat and stupid sense of humour. I Mean Lovebirds. Us. In the tree. In a Hammock that resembles a nest. Not subtle but entertaining."
"Shut up Fish." The other two groaned in unison.
"What is that?" Leo sat up, making grabby hands for Logan's spy glasses.
"What?" Finn peaked up, too.
"Over there, near Kuny and Nado"
"You mean the disaster twins?"
"Finn you're sleeping in your own bed tonight." Leo was getting a little irritated with these stupid, overcomplicating names. Potter!
"NOOOOOOO!" Finn was a man! He would never whine! But he did.
"Then shut up, there are people coming! Logan, send an alert."
 Hey, Nado there is a group of teenage girls approaching! – Lovebirds
Oh no. And it’s Disaster Twins. – The coolest team
 And sure, when Nado turned around there was a gaggle of gushing girls ducking a few feet away in the same bushes, peaking out to get a glimpse at the unsuspecting couple in the meadow. Nado tried to stand very still while also looking intimidating wnough to scare the girly away. If I don't move, they won't see me. Just like in Jurassic Park.
"WHat?" This time, it was the addressee's turn to whisper-yell.
"I'm think is too much same." Kuny quietly fidgeted with his hands.
"They and we. Should feel bad for snooping on cap. We just like girls."
"Kuny, we do not snoop. We protect!"
"...no." Nado, veeery slowly, turned to his phone.
 Hey guys, you think we've taken this too far? -Disaster Twins
Why, what would ever make you think that? - Lovebirds
WE. NEED. TO. PROTECT. – The coolest Team
And who is gonna protect them from you? Or... us? – The voice of Reason
OH SHIT! One of the girls in the shrubbery is Adele!!!! – Disaster Twins
Has she seen you? – Voice of Reason
My end is near. Farewell, friends. It was tolerable knowing you. – Voice of Reason
RIP Dumo. - Lovebirds
 After watching the others flee the scene, more or less stealthily, Leo turned to Finn and Logan.
"Think we're we done now?"
"Seems like it." Finn just shrugged.
"Then let's go home."
"We can't." Logan stopped mid getting up and looked at Leo.
"Caps and Loops cannot not notice us climbing down the tree directly besides them. And so far, I think we might be the safest of them all."
"Right." Logan plopped down again.
"Well... We have blankets, it's a mild night with a clear sky..." Finn just noticed airily. And continued with a little smile while his boys were following along with interest.
"We're together..."
"Rather romantic up here isn't it, with the branches like curtains..." Leo continued with bright eyes.
"Might make the best out of it?" Logan patted suggestively at his side.
"YES!!!" Leo exclaimed in a very quiet whoop and flung himself between the others.
  Little did Remus know... Or, did he?
  Three days earlier...
  Remus created HELP!
 Re added Lils to the group-chat.
Re added Nat to the group-chat.
 Sweetie, what's the matter? - Nat
Sirius and I will have our first official date in three days. - Re
Yes, baby! - Nat
Whoooo! - Lils
What do you need? - Lils
They are up to something. - Re
Who? - Nat
Potts and Kase. - Re
What do you mean? - Nat
Yes, they are. - Lils
What do you know lils? - Re
James is too excited. Somethings Fishy. - Lils
You think Finn is in there, too? - Re
xD - Nat
Not what I meant, but most likely. Yeah. - Lils
But why? - Nat
I don't know. - Lils
Hey, let's add Celeste. She can read Dumo like a book and if Finn is involved, Logan is, too. - Nat
...And then Dumo knows... and then Celeste knows. - Lils
Correct! - Nat
 Remus added Celeste to the group-chat
 Bonsoir messieurs dames! What is the occasion? - Celeste
Remus and Sirius are going to have a date and some of the other idiots are up to something, you know something? - Lils
HEY! - Re
You are not an idiot, love but you boyfried.... -Lils
... Fair. - Re
Ohhhh, that is happening. Pascal is very excited! Je suis content pour toi, Remus. - Celeste
Thank you, Celeste <3 But do you know whether they are planning some nerve-racking stuff to destroy my moment? - Re
I will not let that happen! - Celeste
Leave it to us, sweetie, we're gonna stop them. - Nat
Oh, I don't want them to stop. - Re
Really? - Lils
I want them to regret. - Re
LOVE IT! - Nat
YES! I'm in. - Lils
Absulemont. - Celeste
I love you all. - Re
  Two hours before the date...
  Everything is ready. – Nat
Thank you!!! – Re
You get an update after your date. - Lils
Adele is ready and wants you to know that she got it. Now go and don't worry ma chérie. - Celeste
Alright :D Love you! - Re
  The morning after the date...
 When Kuny and Noda arrived at the locker room, about five minutes late, they were in for a shock. Every stall of the 'Mission protect- squad' was plastered with photographs of them spying. The guys that politely declined any involvement were chirping them badly for being that bad in secrecy.
They would probably never hear the end of it.
 Although, no pictures of O'Knutzy were taken during the mission, there were indeed pictures of them setting up the hammock.
Sirius and Remus were nowhere to be seen... the quiet was freaking them more out than any yelling ever could.
And then, it came down on them. Cap and Loops were already waiting on the ice with snacks for the team and death-drills for the assholes.
 "We'll never do that again!"
"Snooping on our Cap and PT? No, they are too much of a powerful combination."
"But how did they get all the photos?"
"Adele." Dumos face was crestfallen.
"But that means-" Nado piqued up while rubbing his sore ass.
"Celeste." Dumo nodded. 
"Oh, hell." Leo muttered while he and Finn dragged an almost passed-out Logan along. If his exclamation concerned that or the evil genius of Dumo's wife, no one knew.
"Probably Lily and Natalie, too." James and Kasey were leaning against each other.
"No chance. Too smart." Kuny shook his head while he softly kneaded Nados shoulders.
"Caps and Loops are gonna pay for that mean trickery." The desperation on Dumo's face was replaced with utter determination.
"I've pranked people before they were even out of their diapers! With my own wife, nontheless! Je n'accepterai pas la défaite!"
 "What have we done...."
 I really hope you like it!
Writing it was a lot of fun. I would never laugh at my own jokes.
As always stay safe and channel your inner Hufflepuff <3
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Hi, Eve
Rose here from yesterday, thank you very much for the Birthday message, I wasn't expecting you to read it let alone reply but I was looking for Coops kids Birthday fluff specifically. It doesn't matter if you don't have time however as I don't want to be a bother.
Hello Rose, and happy (belated) 20th birthday! Sorry for the wait--I really wanted to get this one right to celebrate such an important number. I hope your day was absolutely fantastic! SW credit goes to @lumosinlove, but Stella is an OC
Combined with asks for Sirius lightly making fun of Remus' accent and Remus yelling at a game show (@nazar4114)
“Medusa!” Stella shouted with all the force in her thirteen-year-old lungs. Remus leaned forward on the couch. “Medusa!”
The front door opened with a creak. “I’m h—”
“Yes!” they cheered in unison as Nicole answered correctly. Remus turned and gave Stella a double high-five, feeling his heart squeeze at the vivid joy on her round face. “Good guess.”
“I knew she was gonna get it,” Stella said with a pump of her fist as she turned back to the show and folded her legs underneath her.
“Gonna,” a familiar deep voice mimicked from the doorway. Paper bags rustled before footsteps stopped behind the couch; Remus tilted his chin up without sparing a glance, and Sirius pressed a laugh-laced kiss to his cheek before dropping one on Stella’s head as well. “You sound too much like your dad.”
“Love you, too,” Remus said wryly.
“I’ll take ‘Myths and Moths’ for 400, please.” Nicole’s voice snapped his attention back to the screen, and Stella narrowed her eyes.
“Daily Double!” the automated voice announced. Stella gasped; Remus bit his lower lip. “This mythical shield was wielded by Athena, and is sometimes said to be made of goat skin.”
“Aegis,” Stella whispered, then raised her voice. “It’s the Aegis, Nicole. You know this.”
“We know you do,” Remus said, scooting forward. “You just guessed whose head is on it.”
Nicole’s buzzer went off with two seconds to spare. “What is the Aegis?”
“Hell yeah!” Stella whooped.
Remus turned to her and raised his eyebrows. “Excuse you.”
“Are you two going to do this the whole afternoon?” Sirius asked from the kitchen, obviously amused. “We might need to get the neighbors some noise-cancelling headphones.”
Stella blew a dark lock of hair out of her eyes as she flopped her head back. “It’s almost final Jeopardy, papa. We have, like, ten minutes.”
Sirius blinked at her, then shook his head. “I swear you two share genes.”
“Ope, you caught me,” Remus said over the noise of the commercial break. “When I was 20 and had literally never left Wisconsin, I went and had a secret kid in Maine who looks terribly like you just so that someone would watch Jeopardy reruns with me thirteen years later. Oops.”
“It’s the truth,” Stella said with great gravity. “I remember.”
“Mon dieu,” Sirius muttered, though he couldn’t keep a smile down. He had never been able to hide around Stella, not once in the three years since they had adopted her. It was one of the things Remus loved most about him. “By the way, nobody under the age of fourteen is allowed in the kitchen for the next…hour. Ish.”
Stella squirmed around until she could rest her arms on the back of the couch. “What if I get thirsty?”
“I’m sure you can invoke birthday privileges and ask your dad to get something for you.”
“Birthday privileges?” Remus scoffed. “Nobody in this house has a birthday today. Yours was last month, and mine’s in March.”
“It’s my birthday,” Stella said.
“What? No, it’s not.”
“Your birthday is in June.”
“It’s today.”
“Or maybe July?”
“It’s today, in December, when there’s snow,” she insisted, throwing herself back against the pillows. “Come on, dad, that’s not funny anymore.”
Remus raised his eyebrows. “Is somebody too old to find their poor old dad amusing now? Can you go back to being twelve so somebody will laugh at my jokes again? I know, I know, we're super lame compared to all your friends’ parents—”
“So lame,” Sirius agreed from the kitchen.
“—but I like to think we get one more year of pre-teen cuteness before the teen angst takes over.”
Stella sat up again with a groan. Looking at her, Remus saw a mix of himself and Sirius that had always baffled him, considering they had adopted her comparatively late in her life; beneath it was something uniquely Stella. Maybe it was her double-jointed elbows, or the board-straightness of her hair next to their curls, but there was no mistaking that she was her own person through and through. He loved that about her. “I’m not going to be a terrible teenager.”
Sirius poked his head around the edge of the kitchen—his nose was adorned with a smudge of flour. “Can I record that for future use?”
“Ooo, using the French,” Remus hissed. “That transformation is already beginning.”
“It’s not like you were bad teenagers, right?” She settled upside-down on the couch with her flamingo-patterned socks high in the air.
“I almost convinced Grandma to let me dye my hair blue, but otherwise I was pretty good.”
“I was terrible,” Sirius laughed. “I didn’t talk to anybody for a solid three years.”
Stella frowned. “How? I think I’d die if I did that.”
“He’s stubborn,” Remus stage-whispered.
“I heard that.”
Stella suppressed her laughter as best she could, but she was about as good at hiding her emotions around them as Sirius was. She didn’t really giggle—the amount her voice had deepened over the past three years always gave Remus whiplash—but her laugh had the same cadence as it did the first day they heard it. While Stella had been quiet at first, it only took love and time to bring her out of her shell. Within a year she settled into their lives like she was always meant to be there.
A thoughtful look crossed her face. “This is my last year before high school.”
“Does it feel different?”
“Not really.” She paused, then shrugged. “And a little. I don’t feel older. It just feels like there’s stuff I won’t get to do anymore.”
“And a lot more you will get to do.” Sirius left his dishtowel on the counter before joining them on Stella’s other side. “You can drive soon, you’ll get a longer curfew, you get more freedom…”
“I guess.”
“What are you going to miss?” Remus asked as she toyed with the hem of her shirt. It was a basic Lions FAN jersey; he was fairly sure she bought it to be ironic. That, and she only wore one of theirs if she was upset with the other, or if one needed a boost at a game.
“I dunno.” A few beats of silence passed. “My classmates. My team. It feels like everything’s going to turn upside down.”
“You can still keep in touch with your friends, and I bet your team won’t be too different,” Sirius said quietly. “Even if it does, that doesn’t mean you have to give all of them up. People change in different ways. They come and go on their own time.”
“There’s going to be a lot of upside-downs over the next couple years, kid.” Remus offered her a smile. “But you’re going to be just fine.”
“You two sound like such dads right now.”
“This might shock you, but that’s because we are.”
The corner of her mouth tugged up and she lolled her head to the side to look at Sirius. “Is the cake done?”
“Fifteen more minutes.”
“Will you watch final Jeopardy with us?”
“What’s the category?”
“US Presidents.”
Sirius exhaled through his nose, but nodded. She grinned and turned herself upright to snuggle against his arm. “You just enjoy watching me lose.”
“Alright, is everyone ready?” Sirius called from the kitchen.
“On three,” Remus said, raising his phone camera. “One, two, three!”
“Happy birthday to you,” over a dozen voices sang. They were off-tempo and so out of key the composer was probably spinning in his grave, but Stella’s clear joy didn’t waver for a millisecond even as her cheeks reddened. “Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Stella, happy birthday to you!”
Finn, of course, dragged out the last note. So did Leo, Logan, Kasey, James, Lily, and Talker in varying degrees of awful harmony attempts. It was terrible, and beautiful. “Make a wish,” Sirius said softly as he set the cake down and stepped back. His eyes were the brightest quicksilver Remus had seen in many moons.
Stella closed her eyes, took a breath, and blew as hard as she could—the entire room erupted into cheers when all the candles went out. She was laughing and blushing at the same time when Remus turned the lights back on, though the humor won out in the end and she helped pass plates of cake to her many aunts and uncles. Like every year prior, Regulus managed to smear a bit of frosting on her chin, only to immediately deny it with great offense when she noticed. It was becoming a bit of a tradition—one that Remus never grew tired of.
I know what I would wish for, Remus thought as he looked around the table at their patchwork family. Celeste, Dumo, and his own parents had no doubt spoiled their first grandchild with ‘cusp of adulthood’ gifts, and Natalie and Lily would certainly steal her away after cake for some girl time. Finn and Logan would remain the fun uncles while Leo and Regulus kept their thrones as the cool uncles; Stella would interrogate Jules on the intricacies of high school for at least an hour before they destroyed everyone in a snowball fight. The world they built together had a place for everyone.
I would wish for this. This, for us, forever. It wasn’t a bad eternity to imagine.
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futurebicon · 3 years
The Lions for Dummies
Part one of this series (hopefully it will be a series)
It's kind of a mess so sorry about that.
CW- mention of abuse and anxiety
Page 9
A quick guide to the relationships
James Potter (player) is married to Lily Potter
Sirius Black (player) is dating Remus Lupin (player/previous pt) (page 12)
Leo Knut (player) is dating Finn O’Hara (player) they are also both dating Logan Tremblay (player) (page 36)
Kasey Winters (player) is dating Natalie Darcy they are also both dating Alex O’Hara (Finn O’Hara’s brother)
Thomas Walker (player) is dating Noelle Tremblay (Logan Tremblay’s sister)
Pascal Dumais (player/dad) is married to Celeste Dumais (mom) (page 26)
Page 25
Walburga and Orion Black are abusive assholes and the scum of the earth. (Continued on page 46)
Page 26
The opposite of Walburga and Orion (25), Pascal and Celeste are angels on earth.
But as someone who is (probably) living with them, you already know that.
Pascal and Celeste have everything but legally adopted Sirius as their own.
They co-parent Logan with his own parents.
They also have 4 kids, Adele, Marc, Louis, and Katie.
Katie may be cute but try not to let her cuteness fool you or else she will use it as a trick to get whatever she wants.
So biologically they have 4, everything but legally 6, and basically an entire team.
Movie nights are always at their house.
Celeste’s cooking is the best.
Adele always needs help with her homework.
Never, ever hesitate to ask them for anything.
If you have relationship problems, go to Dumo.
If you like someone, tell them (more on page 121), or else you raise the risk of Dumo locking you two in a room together.
Page 46
Due to his parents being the scum of the earth, Sirius has panic attacks. Sometimes they are triggered sometimes they are not.
Triggers may include but are not limited to
Sudden loud noises
Fighting (verbal and physical)
Very aggressive anger
Anger directed at Sirius
Sudden body movements near Sirius (throwing an arm out, moving abruptly, jumping, pushing, kicking, etc.)
Panic attacks range from fidgetting to near unconsciousness.
They are 96% of the time able to be calmed by Remus and Dumo’s help is needed for the other 4%.
In an event that you are alone or near Sirius while he is having a panic attack, get one of the people mentioned above or someone else on the team that can go get them.
(more on page 107)
Page 107
Everything you know about Sirius Black, forget it.
Half of it is bullshit.
Yes, he is an amazing player and terrifying on the ice but off the ice, he is a huge giant teddy bear especially if Remus is around, and impossibly even more so when his godson is around.
If something seems off with him, tell Remus or Dumo or someone.
Doesn’t matter if you think you’re being weird or nosey or awkward, just tell someone.
And after you tell someone give him space. Leave him with Remus or Dumo or whoever and give him space.
If he’s not at practice for a few days, don’t question it.
Page 117
We hate the Snakes.
It is now more than just a rivalry.
They took it off the ice.
Leave suggestions for more things rookies need to know.
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lavendersblue32 · 3 years
that’s my family
ok so little preface. I love love love the idea of coops with a daughter and her growing up with the biggest, sweetest family ever, so I made Thea. I’ve never posted on tumblr, let alone released my own writing so bear with me, but I had to put the idea down, so here it is. all characters are the incredible creation of @lumosinlove, but thea is mine :) <3
“Mr. and Mr. Lupin, welcome! I believe we've met before, on back to school night?” 
Remus reached out to shake the teacher’s hand. Sirius gazed around the 3rd grade classroom. Art projects and geography posters plastered the walls. The teacher’s name, Ms. Bernard, was printed in copper letters on the front of her desk, to match the students name tags on the front of their desks. Sirius found Thea’s desk, smack in the middle of the front row. He smiled at the thought of Thea’s hand shooting up ambitiously at any question she knew, thrilled to share her knowledge. 
“Yes, I believe that’s when we last met.” Sirius said, sharing a nod with Remus. 
“Well, please come have a seat.”
Sirius pulled out one of the 3rd grade sized chairs sitting around a table at the front of the room.
“Oop, not quite hockey player sized.” Remus laughed, as he sat in the tiny chair, his knees barley fitting under the table. Ms. Bernard grabbed a folder off her desk, and joined them at the table. Sirius couldn’t help but feel anxious about the reason they were there. The teacher had only sent a brief email, asking him and Remus to come in for a meeting regarding Thea. He didn’t think Thea was in trouble. She couldn’t be. Or had he made a mistake as a parent? 
Sirius felt Remus’ hand brush his own, linking them together under the table. Remus could tell Sirius was anxious. 
“By the way, and I should’ve told you in the email, but Thea is absolutely not in any trouble.” Remus let out an exaggerated sigh. 
“Thank goodness, we can call the boogey man and cancel his visit.” He smiled, as Sirius laughed heartily, his anxieties eased. 
“In fact,” Ms. Bernard continued, “It's quite the opposite of trouble.” She pulled a typed paper out of the folder. “This past week, I gave the students an assignment to write all about their families. I’ve made it a point as a teacher to teach students about the importance of understanding and respecting our differences, and wanted to begin with the different types of families there are. It’s also a way for me to get to know the students since we’re only a few weeks into school.” She slid the paper across the table towards Sirius and Remus. 
“Everyone did great with the assignment, but Thea...Thea’s family essay blew me away.” Sirius picked up the essay, scooting his chair closer to Remus so they could both read it. Thea was a smart kid, but what could be so phenomenal about a 3rd grade essay that the teacher had called the parents in? Remus began to read out loud. 
“My Family
By Theadora Celeste Lupin
My name is Theadora but everyone calls me Thea, just because. Family is very important to me, because it’s always around me. My parents are Remus and Sirius Lupin. They are both my dad’s and I love them to the moon and back. They play hockey for the Gryffindor Lions. They drive me places, help me get better at hockey, and help me grow. Most kids don’t have two dads, or think it’s weird, but I don’t. They love me more than anything else, and that’s all that matters. My Papa’s mom and dad are Celeste and Pascal Dumais, and they are my grandma and grandpa. Meme Celeste teaches me to cook, and bon papa Dumo coaches my hockey team. My dad’s parents are Hope and Lyall Lupin. I call them hopey and lemon. We make the best pies together. 
My papa’s brother, my uncle Regulus, is super smart, and he always helps me with my homework. He always watches movies with me too. My dad’s brother, my uncle Julian, always takes me to the park and lets me have ice cream before dinner sometimes. My uncle Leo calls me darlin’, and has a funny southern accent. We talk in french sometimes to confuse uncle Finn. Uncle Logan always braids my hair for me, and lets me wear his hats. Uncle Finn always has dance parties with me, and we build pillow forts when he babysits me. 
My aunt Lily takes me shopping for clothes, and takes me out for girls days. She knows the girly things that Papa and Dad don’t know. Uncle James taught me Mario Kart, and always lets me win. Harry is James and Lily’s son, and he’s like my big brother. He always looks out for me, and lets me skate with him and his friends. My aunt Natalie and Uncle Kasey and Uncle Alex are so much fun. Aunt Natalie is a really pretty singer, and Uncle Alex can play the guitar. Uncle Kasey has long hair like me, so he lets me put it in crazy hairstyles. 
There are a lot of people in my family, but everyone means a lot to me, and everyone means something different to me. I love my whole family to the end of infinity. My family may be different than yours, but it's still a family. And I wouldn’t trade them for anything.”
A tear rolled down Remus’ cheek, and dotted the paper he and Sirius were still holding. 
“Wow.” Sirius let out, desperately holding back the tidal wave of emotions threatening to spill. 
“It’s really think it’s special how much love she holds for so many people.” Ms. Bernard smiled at them softly. “I thought it would be best if I shared it with you two before she reads it to the class. I think Thea has a wonderful perception of others emotions and a great capacity for empathy, she’s an incredible kid.”
Sirius’ heart felt like it would burst with pride. In this moment, the doubts he had about himself as a father, becoming like his own father, disappeared. 
“I’ll send you home with this copy, so you can share it with your family, it needs to be shared.” She put the paper back in the folder and handed it to Remus.
“Thank you for having us in, it’s comforting to know how well Thea is doing, she’s in the hands of a great educator.” Sirius shook Ms. Bernard's hand, and waved as he and Remus left the classroom. 
“I’m going to give ma fifille the biggest hug I’ve ever given her when we get home.” Sirius wiped tears from the corners of his eyes. 
“You think you’re a mess? Just wait until we let James read this.” Remus linked arms with his husband, who let out a knowing laugh. 
“We have the best kid.” Remus mused, and leaned over to kiss Sirius’ cheek.
“We sure do.”  
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achliegh · 3 years
Olive and Otto
Olive and Otto
Masterlist :)
This is an AU still set in the SW universe but a little to the right and maybe down the block. I want Leo to have a little secret!
This is the 22nd chapter of this little series I have and it's a little spicy. Enjoy!
FAMILY SKATE! Part 2 and Final Chapter!
I just wanted to say thank you all for reading this, it makes me so happy because my writing feel like garbage to me but y'all treat it like its precocious and I have cried happy tears over things y'all have said. I just can't thank y'all enough.
TW/CW: Smut, Drama, Arguing, Questioning Sexuality, Food, Panic attack
Characters belong to @lumosinlove
Family Skate was booming, everyone was a little taken back at the two hurricanes with adorable old timey names. Those kids tore up the ice, for only being three those kids could probably out skate most the team. Remus’ little brother, Julian, Loved Otto. Like he didn’t leave his side the entire time they skated. Olive would skate around with Kuny, she was so fascinated when he would speak Russian to her. She was absolutely taken by the giant Russian and she wanted to understand this new language so bad that Kuny taught her some bad words and Sergei told him off for it.
Sometimes the kids would be talking to someone and just randomly switch to either French or Spanish without even realizing it and then get upset when Leo or INK would tell them to “Speak English, Sweetheart”. Otto and Marc were skating together when Otto had a dizzy spell and fell over, everyone froze for a second remembering what Leo said about the little boy earlier.
“You okay?” Marc held his hand out and was looking at Otto worried because his new friend just fell over for no reason. Yeah he was younger than him but Marc had never seen someone just drop like that. Otto nodded and used Marc’s hand to stand up.
“I want to sit” They skated over to where INK was sitting on the bench talking with Eloise and Celeste, Otto was very good at knowing when he hit his limits for the day and today was the first time since his surgery that he had been on the ice for more than a few laps with his dad. He crawled up between Eloise and Celeste, he kicked his skates a little as he watched everyone skate. “Ma-maw, why can’t I live here? I could have friends.” He looked up at his grandma who was stunned by what he said and so was Celeste. “No one likes me at school at home.” He didn’t understand why it was a big deal that he didn’t have many friends. He did enjoy all the kids here though.
The Weasley kids were fun and had treated him like he wasn’t a downer. The Dumais' treated him like a little brother and some of the other kids whose names he didn’t remember played tag with him and didn’t go easy. He didn’t want to go home.
“Oh honey, you’ll be up here all summer. Then you can play with all the other kids then. Just enjoy your time here, you have three more days with your daddy before he has to work and your mama has to go to work back home.” Eloise was just trying to talk him into enjoying his time now but she wasn’t expecting him to talk about friends, he never did. He was like Leo in that sense, kept to himself but was very observant.
“If you want I can give your maman my phone number and you can call Marc anytime after school.” Celeste petted his hair and he leaned into her touch. He nodded, having a big ole smile on his face and his cheeks were a little red, he thought Celeste was so pretty.
Olive was racing Charlie and beat him for the third time, he looked exhausted but she was still revving to go. She was incredibly fast but she was also very small, she skated around the outside and caught up with Leo. She somehow got between Leo and Finn, she grabbed each of their hands and let them pull her.
“Daddy, did you see how fast I was! I beat Charlie!” She got listed up by them and laughed as they put her down, not noticing the absolutely lovesick expression Logan was watching them with. “I want to play hockey someday! I want to be just like you! Oh, daddy do you have a boyfriend yet? Mama wants to get married to June!” She looks up at him when he laughs at Finn's face who is firetruck red. She really doesn’t want her daddy to be lonely anymore, it makes her sad. She was really angry when he left but when he facetimes mama the first time crying, she wasn’t angry anymore, she was scared. She can’t take care of him so who will.
“Olive, what would you say if I had two boyfriends?”
“Whoa! That would be so cool! You would never be sad!” She smiles flashing those incredible dimples and hears Bill calling for her. “I gotta go race, by Daddy!” She skates off leaving a laughing Leo and a red Finn to call Logan over.
After the Pick-up game Olive was watching the entire time while Ott had fallen asleep with his head on Celeste's lap. Everyone got changed and showered, after they piled into cars and drove to Dumo's. INK can’t cook for shit so she was sitting on the couch chatting with the team while Leo and his mother cooked in the kitchen with Celeste. Wyatt was talking to Pascal and Arthur in the dad way, with a few signatures on his shoulder.
She was watching everyone when a pregnant redhead sat neck to her, she groaned a little and looks at INK.
“How far along are you”
“About 6 months” She smiles at INK and rubs her stomach. “I’m Lily by the way, Pots is my lover.” She nods towards said lover who is being cheered on as he chugs some kombucha. INK snorts at him and laughs. “How did you do it?”
“Do what?”
“Have twins, I can’t even imagine the strain it took on you.”
“I had to drop out of school and was bed ridden for the last three months of my pregnancy. It was really hard but Leo never left my side, the stupid idiot sweetheart.” She smiles and rolls her eyes. “I never wanted kids when I was younger because I was afraid I would end up like my parents, then Leo and I did some stuff and it was probably a less than 1% chance that I would get pregnant and it happened.” Olive ran past them with her Daddy's Jersey on her that was much to big, she almost trips on it and laughs as Adele chases her playfully. “I can saw that those three definitely saved my life.”
“Yeah, Olive, Otto, and Leo. I couldn’t have done anything without him. He is the best dad, and he supports those two with everything he has. We also don’t want to put them into the public eye until they can choose for themselves if they want to be followed like that.” She takes a sip of her wine and looks at Lily. “I don’t really have any advice to help you because the last few months I mostly slept and cried. If you need me to get anything for you I will though.”
“I just want to get to know you, you’re someone who has raised two adorable children and you’re still smoking hot!” That surprises a laugh out of her and Lily join in the laughing after a minute.
Leo walks out of the kitchen. “Let's eat y’all!” Finn and Logan kiss his cheek as they walk into the kitchen to eat, Pots and Nado also smack big wet kisses on his cheeks as they walk past. He shoves them and follows everyone else.
“No, Otto you know you know you can’t have that.” He takes a peanut butter bar away from him and shakes his head. “I don’t feel like going to the emergency room tonight.” Otto is allergic to peanuts and tree nuts, he seems to forget how serious it is to eat stuff that might kill him. Usually no one has any form of nuts in the house, but this isn’t their house.
The child he just took a treat away from starts to cry and he sighs, walking over to where the treats are he asks celeste what's in each one and grabs a double chocolate brownie for Otto and hands it to him. “Don’t eat it until your plate is empty, okay?” Otto instantly stops crying and nods running off to join his sister. Shaking his head he feels arms wrap around his shoulders.
“You’re so good with them” Leo smiles and looks over to his dad. He looks so proud of him, he kisses his son's head and pats his shoulder. “I’m gonna go eat with Pascal Dumais” Leo snorts as his dad giddily goes to sit next to his teammate.
As he looks around he has never felt more at home, INK and June were talking with Lily and Natalie. Olive and Otto are eating and talking at the kids tables, Finn and Logan are openly flirting and stealing cute glances at him. He felt so calm and like he could breathe.
Suddenly Pots jumps up.
“They are the picture in your stall!”
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awanderingdeal · 4 years
Fire in their hearts, ice in their veins.
When James brings Lily to family skate for the first time. 
Rating: G
All credit for the sweater weather universe goes to @lumosinlove​
“Wait there!” James yelped as turned off the ignition of his car. Lily laughed as he jumped out the drivers side and ran around to the passenger door. “My lady,” he said, giving a cheeky grin and deep bow as he opened it, letting Lily get out. 
“Thank you, love,” Lily smiled gently, taking James’ hand. James loved holding Lily’s hands, they were small in his own, slightly roughed by the cleaning job she’d had in college. They were always cold unlike his own and James liked it when Lily pressed them against his cheeks because he was always too hot. 
“You’re sure you don’t mind me opening the door for you?” James asked as they walked towards the stadium.
Lily shook her head, her bouncing ponytail catching James’ attention out of the corner of his eye. “You’ve asked me that at least thirty times now, Jamie. I told you, it’s fine. It’s cute,” she said. 
“You can open the door for me sometimes if you want?” James said, and then he stopped abruptly. “Do I look okay?” he asked, running his hands through his hair. Despite his best efforts, it was as wild as usual. 
“James, you’re wearing your jersey and a pair of jeans? Of course you look okay,” Lily said with a frown. She closed the gap between them, reaching up with her free hand to cup his face. “Since when did James Potter not know how beautiful he is?” she asked. “Are you nervous?”
James groaned, leaning into the hand on his face. Lily always made him feel better, even if it was just a simple touch. “I just want them to like you,” he pouted.
“I’ve met them all before?” Lily replied, looking puzzled. “They are all lovely, and I don’t think there is anybody I don’t get along with?”
“But..” James gesticulated widely, “it’s family skate! It’s important. It feels different.” 
Lily dropped her hand and opened her mouth, presumably to respond, but the next words he heard definitely did not come from her.
“Stop freaking out, Pots,” Kasey boomed from behind him, placing a large hand on his shoulder and squeezing. “We all love Lily.”
“See,” Lily squeezed James’ hand, “they love me,” she said. 
James mumbled to himself, the world’s quickest pep talk. It was going to be fine. Lily was perfect and they were all going to see it. He was going to marry this woman one day. “Well come on then, what are we waiting for?” he said, looking over his shoulder at Kasey and then back to Lily. 
“So, captain, huh?” James smirked as he sank into a seat next to Sirius, gulping at the bottle of blue Gatorade. 
Sirius’s head whipped up from his phone, “How do you know? Nobody knows.”
“I know everything, but I’ll never reveal my secrets,” James replied, tapping at his nose. 
James watched Sirius’ face go through a plethora of emotions before settling on a slightly confused but happy smile.
“Yeah,” Sirius nodded. “I can’t believe it. I’m not sure I’m ready.”
James bounced his empty bottle off Sirius’ helmet, “I’ve never seen a man more ready for anything.” 
“Thanks Potter,” Sirius said with a rare smile. “We’ll see if I can control this rowdy bunch, yes?” 
As if to prove his point, Thomas crashed off the off, his breathing heavy from being chased around the ice by some of the team’s children. “Black!” he called, “for some reason these tiny people think you are the best player and they want you to play with them.” 
Sirius glanced out to the ice, where the children old enough to skate by themselves had gathered, looking over at him expectantly.  Sirius sent a soft smile in their direction before turning to Thomas, “Tell them I’ll be out in a minute, Talker,” he said. Thomas nodded, and then he was gone again.
“They don’t bite you know,” James raised an eyebrow.
“Who does not bite?” Sirius asked, his accent leaking more into the words in the way it did when he was confused. 
James used to hear it all the time when Sirius had first joined the team. Back then his voice had been quieter, more scared, as if he was constantly waiting to be tripped up. When they had forced him along to Sid’s and paid for his food after his first game. What did he owe them in return? When they had shoved the lion hat on his hat and paraded him around the changing room on Pascal’s shoulder after his first hat trick. This was just his job, non? His voice was stronger now, more confident but it still held that same accented lilt to his questions.
“The kids,” James replied.
Sirius cocked his head, then seemed to understand. “Oh, non. I love children. It’s just adults I don’t like,” he said. Sirius sounded like he was joking, but it made James sad to think about how there was probably some truth to that statement. “I stayed because I wanted to talk to you about Evans. It’s serious then?”
James followed Sirius’ line of vision until his eyes landed on Lily. She was laughing as she held Natalie’s hand in a vice like grip, being mostly pulled around the ice. He couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face as he watched her. Over by the goals, Celeste was holding a sleeping baby Katie and little Aveline was trying to wriggle out Sergei’s arms into her father’s. James couldn’t describe how much he wanted that with Lily.   “Yeah,” James breathed. “I love her so much it hurts, y’know?” 
He felt Sirius’s eyes on him and turned to meet them. “You’re really gone, aren’t you,” Sirius said, something a little sad in his tone. 
James nodded eagerly, “She’s just perfect Sirius. She’s so clever and kind. She doesn’t laugh at me when I’m struggling with something, but she always laughs at my jokes. I don’t know how I got so lucky.” 
Sirius leaned into him, shoving his shoulder against James, ”I’m happy for you, Potts -” 
Out of the corner of his eye, James spotted Lily trip on the ice and he was out of his seat before he could hear the rest of what Sirius had to say. 
“You were great out there, sweetheart,” Lily smiled, pressing her lips to James’ sweaty cheek as he collapsed into the seat beside her. 
“We lost,” James huffed out a laugh, tugging at his laces. 
“Yeah, and he nearly gave his PT a heart attack in the process,” Remus interjected from the other side of Lily. 
“I knew what I was doing, loops!” James protested, rolling his eyes. 
“Don’t roll your eyes at me, Potter,” Remus scoffed, “I can recommend a few more early morning gym sessions if you’d like.”  
James leaned into Lily’s side, resting his head on her shoulder. Their height difference meant he was contorted into a weird position and it kind of hurt but he didn’t care. “I don’t know why you are friends with this monster,” he whined. 
“Don’t bully him, Remus. He’s a sensitive soul,” Lily laughed quietly, kissing the top of James’ head. “It doesn’t matter that you lost. You tried your best and you looked hot while you were doing it.” 
James gave a triumphant grin, sticking his tongue out at Remus. It was Remus’ turn to roll his eyes before he turned to continue his conversation with Natalie. James sat back upright in his seat, looking at Lily fondly. 
“What?” Lily asked, rubbing at her face self consciously. 
“Nothing,” James sighed happily. “I just love your eyes.” he said. He really did. He could stare into the bright green orbs for an eternity and never get bored. They reminded him of the forests he had spent the summers camping in as a child. They were kind and comforting and they felt like home. 
Lily blushed, her pale skin taking on a dark undertone that almost matched her auburn hair. “What did I do to deserve you, Mr Potter.” she said, her voice soft and her smile wide, leaning forward to draw James into a kiss. 
“Eww, Potts! Get a room,” Finn groaned, passing them on his way to the tunnel. 
James pulled away from the kiss for a second to yell after him, “family skate is for kissing, rookie!” before he leaned back in for another. 
One day he was going to have a family skate where he could call Lily his wife, and he’d have a child or three to help glide around the ice, but for now he was perfectly content right where he was.
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lumosinlove · 4 years
Tumbles pls don't eat my ask like you always do. So we got the team's Hogwarts houses. Can we get some of the family/SOs? Like Natalie, Alex, Celeste, etc
ooo okay.
Celeste: Hufflepuff
Lily: Gryffindor
Natalie: Gryffindor
Alex: Gryffindor
Noelle: Ravenclaw
Aubrey: Slytherin
Sydney: Ravenclaw
Julian: Gryffindor
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shinymooncolor · 4 years
@lumosinlove most recent chapter was a rollercoaster of crying, yelling and a lot of love for her oc’s. Can we get a round of applause for NatALLY? ❤️
I promise Prague will come up soon, just had to react to the gem that was the last chapter 🏳️‍🌈
So here’s a little sweater weather chat for you as well 😍
(Sergei and Kuny texts in Russian, but to make it easier - it’s in English 😜)
Sweater weather chat #11
Sergei goes into dad-mode. Kasey considers murder. Kuny is a cat. Nado trolls. And he’s got some creative threats. Natalie and Lily are amazing. Walker has a good idea. We struggle with metaphors. So many rainbows. James organizes a “let’s protect Re at all costs” schedule. Sunny texts Hank. Dumo is Dumo ❤️
Dumo: sergei. Hey. I wanted to know how you’re doing.
Sergei: are you ask if I support cap or are you ask if I am ok?
Dumo: you know me too well, old friend.
Sergei: I do not share views with my home on all things.
Dumo: I know. I’m sorry. But we need to support Sirius, and Remus, for that matter, as a team. I need to know I’ve got my best friend with me.
Sergei: I support. We win more. I play my time for Russia. Is ok.
Dumo: what about Kuny?
Sergei: I talk to him. No problem. He is young. Different age.
Dumo: he doesn’t have to say anything. We can keep media off of him but they might ask from Russian media? How can we protect him. Alice is on it. But.
Sergei: Pascal. I raise that boy from he 17. Anya and I not let him ruin national career. But I know him too. He is a good boy and he will support his cap.
Dumo: can I add sunny?
Sergei added Sunny to the chat
Sunny: well that was a shit show. Thank the hockey gods we didn’t have social media when we were babies
Dumo: hehe they’d have never let Sergei back into Russia. 😂
Sergei: I know you have picture. I have too.
Sunny: what’s the plan? I’m not afraid to take a misconduct and a ban if someone says shit
Dumo: it won’t help. But I get it. All star is not going to be fun for him. At least cherry is no longer on tv to say something.
Sergei: hey kid, how are you?
Evgeni: it’s crazy. I mean. He seemed happier but it was so bad the way it was done. I’m really sad for them.
Sergei: I know. No one should have to experience that. Being forced. But kid, how’re you? Anyone tried to get comments?
Evgeni: I... yes... but I don’t know what to say. I don’t care. But. What can i say? I want to play for home. 😟
Sergei: I know. You’ve done two great worlds as a senior, one Olympic and they would be crazy not to pick you. But you know them. You know what it’s like, what they say.
Evgeni: but. He’s my captain. I don’t know. Will you say?
Sergei: I’m old. I’ve done my national duty, we’re happy here. If I can’t come home because i support my friend and captain. I’ll stay. We can try and keep them off of you ok? Alice knows this and she will help. You’re already not their favorite because you pretend to be stupid. But they’re going to be asking from home soon. They’ll expect you to denounce it.
Sergei: I just want to say I love you kid. And I support you. But remember the team is your family too.
Evgeni: I know. Shit. I’m scared. And I’m not even gay. It’s just. I know people joke about me and nado.
Sergei: I think malkin got us covered there. Half the world seems convinced him and Crosby has a secret affair. Don’t worry kid. We’ll work it out.
Evgeni: hehe they do look at each other a lot. And they always fight whenever someone takes the other one down.
Sergei: you fight everyone. And you’ll have to, even more now. They’re going to be mean about this. They’re going to come for us. You have to be strong, kid.
Evgeni: yeah. Don’t care what they say.
Sergei: I know. How’s Nado?
Evgeni: he’s okay. Mostly shocked but he’s already started fighting with people online. Blizzard too.
Sergei: be careful, kid. You’ve got a lot to lose to. Just think before you post?
Evgeni: I will dadddddd
Sergei: shut up. See you for practice. Don’t be late.
Siriusly left the group chat
Prongstar: we’re going to divide and conquer. We need to support Re.
CarbO’Hara: send us a schedule. Hehe also. I’m with kase on this
Nadotheman: fuck yeah.
RussianGod: 🤬👊
Sunnysideup: hank messaged me that the rangers are going to send out a statement in support of an open league for all at least. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 Pens too it seems.
Krisvolley: yeah looking at the all star it’s really cool. @carbo’hara your brother started it?
CarbO’Hara: yeah big bro 😜👊🏳️‍🌈
Walkietalkie: I think it’s safe to assume that other than the snakes, we won’t really get much shit. I know some are going to be stuck up shits but. I’ve got faith. Also way to go finno. 😜😜😜 two birds in your lap is better than one on your head or whatever it is
LeWilliam: you having a stroke? That’s not how the metaphor is.
Walkietalkie: just congratulating my future brother in law. ❤️🏳️‍🌈also hey why don’t we all wear rainbows to next practice? I bet Alice can whip something up? We can get bots and Marls to comment too? 😎
Prongstar: YES! Thanks walks! Also brother in law? You marrying Alex? 🤣
Walkietalkie: naw man. I’m gonna woo noelle, marry her, build her a house and make a bunch of hockey babies. We’re gonna be a dynasty. 😍
Logantremblayzzz: you gotta ask me first. But I like you and she’s happy. Also. Ew don’t talk a about making babies with my sister 😳
Walkietalkie: tell leo to get his hands outta carb’s pants then. They’re getting freaky without you bro.
Logantremblayzzz: YOU PROMISED.
Newt-leo: sorry lo. Also it’s a lie. He was helping me tuck in my shirt. Also walker isn’t even here.
Prongstar: sure. Kuny is hogging all the nachos. If you want any better get in here.
Ollibear: so I’m cat sitting for the terrible twins at their house while you all watch all stars and comfort re? I feel left out 😫
Blizzard: sorry Olli bear. If it helps, you can come and sit in my lap. James said no and my girlfriend is being weird with lily.
Timmyforrealz: I wanna sit in your lap too kasey.
Prongstar: oh you’re too late. He’s got a lap full of Russian enforcer.
CarbO’Hara: I don’t understand the physics of how a giant like that can curl into such a small ball of enforcer. It’s cute. Gotta get a pic.
Nadotheman: careful blizzard. He’s like a cat, once he’s comfy he won’t move. He even purrs if you scratch the back of his neck. 😂
Newt-leo: 🦁🦁🦁
NatALLY: ladies. We need to get some food going for Re. Lils and I’ve got it covered for the weekend for now. Anyone check on the disaster twins?
Celeste: Apparently Nado is already making problems online. Alice yelled for 20 minutes at dumo to talk to him.
GingerLily: what did he do?
Celeste: I’m not sure. Something about spamming someone with rainbows and threatening a journalist to run him over with the Zamboni.
Anyaismyname: they came here yesterday. Kuny and Sergei need talk and decide how to handle Russia media. I helped Nado. Was fun. He made Twitter @STILLMYCAPTAINBLACK. Is cute.
NatALLY: I followed. Fuck he’s hilarious. Hahahahaha. Also Kuny showed up at Re’s. That guy can smell nachos across a whole fucking city
Nat: hey Jackie. Great work on the Twitter. Might I get the login? Just thinking you’ll need an administrator when you guys take the ice.
Nado: hey nat. Of course. Already shared it with Olli, kris and timmers. He he. Bitch ass trolls won’t know what hit them.
Nat: they wont. Thanks man, this is brilliant.
NatALLY: when did you get so smart?
Nado: honestly it’s mostly Kuny. I know we laugh at his English but the guy is fucking smart you know? Man he’s already trolled some Russians. Sergei and Sunny both refused to translate.
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perfectdisastcr · 4 years
💗 i would like a list of all 3 million potential pairings please 🙈
my god, i would love to take the time out of my day to give that to you, and just know that we can ship literally anybody and everybody because that’s all we ever do in the first place and you know how much i love doing that with you too. my favorite writing partner everybody, bre is hands down the best partner in the whole world, and i’m lucky enough to be able to have her at all. she’s mine and i’m never going to let her go because i love her so much! she’s literally the best thing to ever happen to me and i know i wouldn’t be here through the shitty times and all without her! everybody better go follow her right now and send her all the love i swear to god, because she’s the only person on this hell site that shows me the attention that i deserve! also that list of potential pairings is below the cut, and don’t say i didn’t warn you. 👀
send 💗 if you’re open to the possibility of a romantic ship eventually happening between our muses
all these characters are up for shipping with all your characters:
alex gardiner (paul rudd) alexander hamilton (lin-manuel miranda) alex mullner (brant daughterty) alice liddell (madelyn cline) alisha khara (jameela jamil) annie abel (luna blaise/anya chalotra) antonia moreno (victoria justice) apollonia levine (anastasia karanikolaou) arthur pendragon (niall horan) ashley spinelli (ursula corbero) aspen rhodes (sofia black-d'elia) astrid porter (karlie kloss) audrey ramirez (selena gomez) august khalil (rami malek) axel turner (charlie weber/skeet ulrich) aziz hassan (riz ahmed) bailee rose (jenny boyd) bambi prince (lachlan watson) barbie roberts (kate upton) barley lightfoot (michael clifford) beatriz velasco (camila cabello/diane guerrero)  beau hester (froy gutierrez) beck collins (joe keery) bellatrix lestrange (carmela zumbado) belle dubois (margaret qualley) belle summers (candice king) berliouz bonfamille (alex fitzalan) bernard davenport (gavin leatherwood) billie groves (kiana lede/emmy raver-lampman) billy hargrove (dacre montgomery) bindi culver (meg donnelly/rachel mcadams) bo-peep ‘bo’ patterson (amanda seyfried) brady gardiner (nathaniel buzolic) brielle stewart (alexandra daddario) bronwyn pierson (madelaine petsch) buzz lightyear (paul mescal/chris pine) calliope jung (phillipa soo) camille aguilar (jeanine mason) carl fredricksen (tye sheridan) celeste quintana (rosalia/maite perroni) chandler armstrong (iwan rheon) cinderella tremaine (lily james) clementine ahn (jamie chung) cliff egan (stephen amell) colleen lowell (jodie comer) connor catrell (thomas doherty) copper slade (nick jonas) cordelia goodwin (ryan destiny/candice patton) coriander thompson (dacre montgomery/chris evans) cornelius robinson (simon baker) cruella de vil (melanie martinez) cyrus quinney (owen joyner) daisy vaughn (isabella gomez/aimee carrero) dakota atkins (amber midthunder) dale monks (keiynan lonsdale) dalton davis (harris dickinson) daniela ‘dani’ costello (becky g/eva longoria) dash parr (jaden smith) delilah diaz (camila cabello/diane guerrero) delphine washington (antonia thomas) delta montgomery (manu gavassi) denver koch (thomas elms) devon montgomery (iain de caestecker) diego hargreeves (david castaneda) dorcas meadowes (ariela barer) dory blau (julia louise-dreyfus) duke blaise (ashley graham & matthew daddario — reincarnated)  duncan traeger (zac efron) edmund whittaker (richard madden) edwin orwell (nicholas galitzine) elena flores (jenna ortega) eleonora moretti (benedetta gargari) eleven (millie bobby brown) elio montgomery (noah schnapp/brendon urie) elisabeth ‘elsa’ andersson (candice king) elliott murdoch (kj apa) eloise thompson (taylor hill/zoey deutch) elwood leith (sam claflin) emerson wheaton (beau mirchoff) emily sondheim (eve fraser) emmy silverstein (nat wolff/michiel huisman) ericka ‘ricki’ santos (danna paola) esmeralda guybertaut (priyanka chopra) everest sorenson (adam driver) ezekiel ‘zeke’ bauer (neels visser) fa mulan (awkwafina) felix dawson (lukas gage) ferris rockwell (joshua bassett) five hargreeves (aidan gallagher/rob raco/john mulaney) florence prata (barbie ferreira) flynn rider (jacob elordi/steven r mcqueen) frank castle (jon bernthal) gabrielle dupres (louriza tronco) genevieve rizzo (troian bellisario) gill moorish (harrison ford) godwin vivar (diego boneta) grainger anslow (justin hartley) grant wesley (keanu reeves) griffin price (liam hemsworth) guinevere ‘gwen’ flores (ester exposito/ana de armas) gulliver kennedy (robert sheehan) gunner mccoy (miles heizer) halston krogen (nick robinson) hamish duke (thomas elms) harper graves (sydney sweeney) harry potter (alberto rosende) harvey wolff (joaquin phoenix) hawke bradbury (brenton thwaites) helen parr (megan thee stallion/kerry washington) hendrix palmer (mark fischbach) henley howell (dylan everett/paul wesley) henrik nilsen (herman tommeraas/chris evans) hercules sabri (aubrey joseph) hermione granger (quintessa swindell) holden krogen (jack falahee) holly la stella (olivia holt) honey lemon (irene ferreiro) hudson reid (jaeden lieberher/paul mescal/james mcavoy) irving reid (matty healy) isobel evans (lily cowles) jacoba ‘cobi’ abernathy (geraldine viswanathan) jake bennett (joe jonas) jake breckenridge (landon liboiron) james potter (noah centineo) james ‘sully’ sullivan (hozier) jane porter (zoe sugg) jasmine agrabah (naomi scott) jessica jones (krysten ritter) jim hopper (david harbour) johanna ‘jo’ gardiner (carlson young) josefine olive (lili reinhart/maika monroe) joseph ‘joey’ carnegie (chris o'dowd) juliette russo (camila mendes) juno nicks (gideon adlon/linda cardellini) justin miller (michael b. jordan) keaton green (charlie plummer/austin butler/alexander skarsgard) keifer fry (nathan parsons) kennedy sutherland (florence pugh) khalid farid (mena massoud) kiernan jost (jack barakat) kiki penn (natalie alyn lind)  kim possible (karen gillan) kit dempsey (aaron taylor-johnson/michael sheen) kristoff bjorgman (ben hardy) kuzco inca (tommy martinez) lady alvarez (camila cabello/diane guerrero) lake montgomery (jace norman/casey deidrick/jeff goldblum) lazarus (sean teale/tom ellis) lennox wells (billie piper) leonardo ‘leo’ light (armie hammer) levi wesley (gerard butler) liam wheaton (lucas lynngaard tonnesen/dominic sherwood) lilac montgomery (sophia lillis/deborah ann woll) lila pitts (ritu arya) lilo pelekai (courtney eaton) lola carver (carla gugino) macy merritt (kylie jenner) madeline hawkins (rowan blanchard/kaylee bryant) madison bloomfield (gwyneth paltrow) maggie wheaton (virginia gardner) maria deluca (heather hemmens) mariana de la cruz (victoria justice/salma hayek) marianne darden (elizabeth olsen) marisol torres (alexa demie/salma hayek) marlene phan (brianne tju) matilda franks (brooke markham) matthew murdock (charlie cox) max tian (chloe bennet) mckenzie whitman (danielle rose russell) megara creon (ashley moore) melanie carter (brenna d'amico/zooey deschanel) melody burns-newman (camren bicondova) mercutio bellini (giancarlo commare) merida dunbroch (bree kish) michael ‘goob’ yagoobian (dylan o’brien/andrew scott) mickey hader (shawn mendes) miguel rivera (diego tinoco) mike wheeler (finn wolfhard) mildred ‘millie’ brantwood (stella maeve) milo martinez (itzan escamilla/tyler posey) milo thatch (jason ralph) minerva ‘minnie’ winslett (jenna coleman) mischa locklear (jenny slate) moana motunui (auli'i cravalho) molly wheaton (saoirse monica jackson/kristen bell/kristin chenoweth) monet bugg (annie murphy) mordecai ‘cai’ baird (joseph morgan) murray bauman (brett gelman) nadja (natasia demetriou) naomi phillips (hunter king) natalie fuller (krysten ritter) nate gardiner (tom holland/thomas hayes/joe keery/adam scott) nemo fisher (nick robinson) nick novak (jon bernthal) nick wilde (jake johnson) nina baxter (laura harrier) nolan van ness (louis hynes/benjamin wadsworth) nymphadora tonks (kennedy walsh) odessa barnes (inanna sarkis) osbourne russo (oliver jackson-cohen) otis richardson (finn jones) owen monroe (zachary levi) paloma katz (brittany o'grady) paxton gardiner (douglas booth) pearl turner (maia mitchell/aubrey plaza) penny proud (sarah jeffery) perdita ryan (alisha boe/zoe kravitz) perrie wheaton (ariela barer/jessica alba) peter pan (rudy pankow) peter pettigrew (alex lawther) phil mcdermot (leo howard/dylan o’brien) phineas flynn-fletcher (michael provost) piper donahue (millie bobby brown/katherine langford/felicity jones) pippa mei (amy okuda) pollux isola (camila mendes) portia sadler (hayden panettiere) prairie gallagher (lucy boynton) quaid ‘q’ wright (jake gylenhaal) quinton saunders (jamie dornan) rain montgomery (nick jonas) ramona montgomery-wallis (lana condor/ashley park) reed knightley (arthur darvill) reign fentworth (madison bailey/vanessa morgan) reno thames (joshua bassett) richie tozier (finn wolfhard/bill hader) river montgomery (jack griffo/tyler blackburn) robin buckley (maya hawke) roger holtz (ben platt) roger radcliffe (aaron tveit) romy reyes (carmela zumbado) ronald ‘mac’ mcdonald (rob mcelhenney) roosevelt banks (spence moore II) rowan burke (andy biersack) roxanne sutton (lady gaga) rush mccoy (cody fern) russell montgomery (ian harding/hugh jackman) russell montgomery II (jack dylan grazer/timothee chalamet/adam brody) sable rosales (catherine bascoy) saint fentworth (reece king) sally finklestein (marina ruy barbosa) salvador ‘sal’ mendoza (jorge blanco) samson gardiner (cole sprouse) sandy diamandis (christina hendricks) sawyer bell (penn badgley) seamus kennedy (aria shanghasemi/michael sheen) seb seif (zeeko zaki) selena hada (camila cabello/diane guerrero) severus snape (rob raco) shawn taggart (ben barnes) shay strauss (chris wood) shia zoheir (rami malek) shiloh young (devery jacobs) shiri madani (inbar lavi) simba king (john boyega) sloane shapiro (diana silvers/linda cardellini) sofia ramirez (camila cabello/camila mendes/morena baccarin/fluvia lacerda) stefani vidal (louriza tronco) stella romero (adria arjona) steve harrington (joe keery) stevie wagner (anne hathaway/jennifer garner) sutton reiser (katherine langford/kat dennings) tandy hawthorne (giorgia whigham) tanner cohen (ross lynch) tarrant ‘mad hatter’ hightopp (hale appleman) tarryn fischer (giorgia whigham/perry mattfeld) tatum barton (ben schwartz) teddy flood (james marsden) tex navarro (bad bunny) thad abraham (dylan sprouse/chris evans) the handler (kate walsh) thomas gardiner (felix mallard/paul rudd) tierney kennedy (maisie williams) timothy ‘tigger’ trigger (jeremy allen white) tinker bell (sabrina carpenter) tj lieberman (armie hammer) tommy burns (will poulter) topher larkin (alexander hogh andersen) trey turner (jonathan daviss) ursula celia (normani/lizzo) vaughn abel (max greenfield) veronica lodge (camila mendes) vidia viento (emma dumont) vivica lang (madison pettis/tessa thompson) wanda cowell (brenda song) warren wentz (robert pattinson) wendell langston (link neal) wilbur robinson (david mazouz) winnie knox (sophie turner/jessica chastain) wren green (alexander calvert) wynona winstead (sarah hyland/cristin milioti) xander talbot (g-eazy) york pemberton (heather baron-gracie) yusef barlas (zayn malik) zack abrams (alex fitzalan) ziggy (taron egerton) zoey matthews (olivia munn)
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wolveswithoutteeth · 4 years
any book recs? ✨
of course! my goodreads has more recommendations and i’ve created shelves for certain themes/time periods/genres but here are some favorites:
the secret history by donna tartt
the goldfinch by donna tartt
red, white & royal blue by casey mcquiston
the song of achilles by madeline miller
the hours by michael cunningham
tipping the velvet by sarah waters
deathless by catherynne m valente
the round house by louise erdrich
ghost wall by sarah moss
on earth we’re briefly gorgeous by ocean vuong
if we were villains by m.l. rio
normal people by sally rooney (the tv adaptation is now available on hulu!)
conversations with friends by sally rooney
lie with me by philippe benson
girl with a pearl earring by tracy chevalier
homegoing by yaa gyasi
trumpet by jackie kay
tin man by sarah winman
little fires everywhere by celeste ng
everything i never told you by celeste ng
burial rites by hannah kent  
the remains of the day by kazuo ishiguro
the underground railroad by colson whitehead
americanah by chimamanda ngozi adichie
young adult:
we are okay by nina lacour
everything leads to you by nina lacour
the grisha trilogy by leigh bardugo
six of crows by leigh bardugo 
the winternight trilogy by katherine arden
shatter me series by tahereh mafi 
i’ll give you the sun by jandy nelson
19th and 20th century american lit:
moby dick by herman melville
little women by louisa may alcott
behind a mask (and other stories) by louisa may alcott
cecil dreeme by theodore winthrop
the awakening by kate chopin
the house of mirth by edith wharton
ethan frome and other stories by edith wharton
giovanni’s room by james baldwin
all of toni morrison’s books! (i recommend reading her work in publication order if you can but my favorites are beloved and the song of solomon)
the moonstone by wilkie collins
lady audley’s secret by mary elizabeth braddon
jane eyre by charlotte bronte
villette by charlotte bronte
wuthering heights by emily bronte
the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde
middlemarch by george eliot
bleak house by charles dickens
british modernism:
wide sargasso sea by jean rhys
good morning, midnight by jean rhys
voyage in the dark by jean rhys
mrs dalloway by virginia woolf
maurice by e.m. forster
the return of the soldier by rebecca west
collected stories by katherine mansfield
rebecca by daphne du murier
devotions by mary oliver
crush by richard siken
war of the foxes by richard siken
collected poems by edna st. vincent millay
collected poems by christina rossetti
selected poems by edith wharton
undercurrent by rita wong
the wild iris by louise gluck
useless magic: lyrics and poetry by florence welch (if you’re a fan of florence + the machine, this hardcover book is beautifully published and includes poems, lyrics, illustrations, photography, etc.)
graphic novels:
all of isabel greenberg’s books!
through the woods by emily carroll (very spooky! and the art is beautiful!)
and the ocean was our sky by patrick ness 
short story collections:
the bloody chamber and other stories by angela carter
how to breathe underwater by julie orringer
by light we knew our names by anne valente
st lucy’s home for girls raised by wolves by karen russell
kissing the witch: old tales in new skins by emma donoghue
interpreter of maladies by jhumpa lahiri
the thing around your neck by chimamanda ngozi adichie
the last animal by abby geni
upstream: selected essays by mary oliver
into the wild by jon krakauer
hunger by roxane gay
braiding sweetgrass: indigenous wisdom, scientific knowledge and the teachings of plants by robin wall kimmerer
playing in the dark: whiteness and the literary imagination by toni morrison
in the wake: on blackness and being by christina sharpe
forms by caroline levine
touching feeling by eve kosofsky sedgwick
TBR books i’m excited to read as soon as this semester is over:
the starless sea by erin morgenstern
frankissstein by jeanette winterson
glass town by isabel greenberg
supper club by lara williams
the night watchman by louise erdrich
writers & lovers by lily king
her body and other parties by carmen maria machado
the library book by susan orlean
my life in middlemarch by rebecca mead
my year of rest and relaxation by ottessa moshfegh
the lonely city by olivia laing
the women’s prize postponed their winner announcement to september so i’ll be reading from the longlist this summer (and some previous winners/longlisters to celebrate the prize’s 25th anniversary this year!) this year’s list is really strong but a few books i’m most excited about:
hamnet by maggie o’farrell
girl, woman, other by bernadine evaristo
a thousand ships by natalie haynes
weather by jenny offill
red at the bone by jacqueline woodson
lastly, support independent book stores (if you can!) i ordered two books last month that i’m excited to read:
crude by olivia laing
a little book on form by robert haas
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fruitcoops · 4 years
I don't know if you did this already (I'm sorry if you did) or somebody asked but could you do one where they supportive teammates reacts to homophobic teammates
Hello anon! This is a super interesting idea and I’ve been thinking about it for a couple days so I could get the vibe right--none of our boys would be homophobic, but new rookies on the other hand...
Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove, but this features a character who does not appear in SW (I’m not claiming him as an OC because he’s a dick)
TW for homophobic statements, no slurs
James caught sight of the new guy just as he was leaving the locker room, towel draped over his neck. “Rookie! Wait up, man!”
The other man paused, looking rather surprised as he jogged over. “Hey, you’re James, right?”
“Call me Pots.” He held his hand out and they shook. “Didn’t catch your name earlier, sorry.”
“Tanner Chase, nice to meet you.”
“Welcome to the team, Tanner.” James grinned. “You’re on my line, yeah?”
“Yeah, I’m a winger,” Tanner said with a good bit of pride. Oh, to be twenty again, James thought. “Giving you a run for your money.”
“Sure, kid,” James laughed. “You do that. You’d have better luck with me than Loops, though.”
Tanner’s smile turned a little sharp. “Nah, he’d be too easy, am I right?”
James paused. “What?”
“Y’know, since he’s…” Talker gave him a significant look and a stone sank in James’ gut.
“I think you lost me.” I hope this isn’t what I think it is. “Because he’s a rookie? ‘cause I hate to break it to you, but—”
“No, dude, because he’s a fairy,” he snorted, as if they were still joking around.
“Shut the fuck up.”
Tanner blinked and reeled back. “Excuse me?”
“You don’t get to talk about my friends like that. Don’t talk about anyone like that. It’s not tolerated on this team and I won’t hesitate to kick your ass if I hear it again.” James made sure his voice was as even as possible, but he could tell it shook at the edges. “You just used up your one free pass, Chase.”
“Drive safe, Loops!” Talker called as Remus headed for the hall with his bag under his arm.
Sirius opened the door just as he reached it and his face broke into a smile. “Bonjour, mon amour, I was just looking for you. Ready to go?”
“Hiya, handsome.” He leaned up to peck him on the lips. “Yeah, I think I left my phone on the bench, though.”
Their conversation faded out as they wandered off together and Talker returned to his stretch, closing his eyes at the familiar burn in his hamstring. “Yikes,” the new rookie muttered under his breath. Tanner…something, Talker remembered.
“What’s up? You okay?”
Tanner glanced over at him. “Doesn’t it bother you?”
“Stretching? Not really, no. That’s why I do it.”
“No, not stretching. That.” He waved a hand at the slightly-open door.
“I can close it if you—”
“Dude.” Talker crossed his legs and faced him fully. “I mean Black and Lupin.”
Talker narrowed his eyes. “No. Does it bother you?”
“I mean, yeah, how am I supposed to respect a guy like that?” he scoffed.
Talker made direct eye contact with him; he wanted zero miscommunication about this. “You respect him because he’s your captain, which is a title he earned that has nothing to do with who he loves. And you respect Loops, too, or we’re going to have an issue. I don’t know what the fuck you’re thinking bringing that attitude to this team, but you better drop it right now.”
Tanner turned back to his stretch. With a shake of his head, Talker collected his stuff and left him alone on the mats.
“Hey, Harzy.” Tanner sat down next to Finn on the bench and passed him a waterbottle. There was a shout from the ice as Remus stole the puck from Sirius’ stick and raced toward the goal, laughing loudly.
“Tan-man, what’s up?”
“What’s the deal with them?” he asked, lowering his voice.
“Cap and Loops? They’re engaged, didn’t you know?”
“Yeah, I know.” There was a slight tone shift that made Finn’s skin crawl. “But what do you think about it? Isn’t it, like, a little weird being on the same team as them?”
“Uh, no.”
Tanner’s eyebrows rose. “You aren’t afraid they’re looking at you or something?”
“What part of ‘engaged’ don’t you understand?” Finn’s jaw tightened. What a little shit. “If this is some homophobic fuckery, I’d like to take this time to remind you I have two boyfriends before you say something that gets you punched.”
Tanner’s eyes went wide and he scooted away without a word.
“Alright, everyone, Sid’s tonight?” Kasey shouted over the noise. The whole locker room cheered in agreement and he smiled as the buzz of victory filled his chest. “Knutty, since my team kicked your ass, I believe you owe me a pizza!”
“I still say Cap is a cheater!” Leo called back; within a few seconds, Sirius had him in a loose headlock as he ruffled his hair. “Alright, alright, I give!”
The volume level did not die down as they all flooded into the hallway—Kasey spotted a flash of mousy brown hair out of the corner or his eye and frustration lodged in his throat. In a smooth movement, he reached out and blocked Tanner from following the rest of the group out. “Not you.”
“But it’s a team dinner—”
“And you’re not part of the team until you get your head out of your ass,” he said coolly. The jumble of voices echoed around the corner. That was his team. “Don’t think I missed those looks you were shooting Cap and Loops. You’re not invited. Go home and think about what actually matters.”
They won the next game by a landslide. Arthur Weasley was furious. Every time an opponent came to check Tanner Chase, not a single Lion moved to help him. At one point, Pots had taken the puck right off his stick and skated down the ice for a goal, leaving him in the dust. Whenever Chase was on the bench, he was pointedly ignored by the rest and left to sit alone; Logan literally sat on Talker’s lap to avoid being within five feet of the rookie.
“Team meeting, everyone sit your asses down!” he barked as he entered the locker room. Immediately, the celebratory whoops quieted. “Anyone want to tell me what the hell is going on?”
Sirius looked up at him in confusion. “I thought we played pretty well, Coach.”
“You played fine, but Chase over here got the cold shoulder like I’ve never seen before. Even the fucking commentators noticed!”
“Good,” Finn muttered under his breath.
“Shut it, O’Hara, this is not good.” He took a deep breath to try and calm himself. “Once again, does anyone want to enlighten me on this sudden attitude toward rookies? Since when are we like this?”
“It’s not toward rookies, it’s toward him,” Kasey said, glaring at Tanner from his stall. “He’s a homophobic douchebag. You want to tell Coach what you said?”
Tanner stared at the floor.
Arthur’s fury vanished. “What? Chase, is that true?” The rookie stayed silent. “Hey, kid, I’m talking to you.”
“Yes, Coach.” Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Remus’ jaw tick and Sirius’ face grow stormy.
“How long has this been going on?”
“It started the first day of practice,” Pots said, crossing his arms. “Our first conversation, in fact.”
“Eyes on me, rookie.” Tanner winced as he looked up. “I know the organization has told you in the past that this kind of behavior is okay, but right here and right now, I’m telling you it’s not. If you’re going to continue with that, you can leave.”
“I just get uncomfortable when—”
“When what?” Remus asked, standing up and leaning on his stall. He looked overall unthreatening, but there was a stony look in his eyes. “Tanner, what did Sirius and I do to make you uncomfortable?”
Tanner floundered for a moment. “It’s just—the kissing, the cuddling, the nicknames, all that.”
“You didn’t seem to have a problem when Lily came to visit,” Remus continued. “Or Natalie, or Noelle, or Celeste. Is that correct?”
“But it bothers you when I call my fiancé ‘baby’, or he calls me ‘sweetheart’?”
“It does.”
“Tanner, I hope you know I’m not going to apologize,” he finally said. “If this had nothing to do with us being gay, we would tone down the PDA, but that’s clearly not the case.”
Sirius sighed. “None of us want to alienate you, but you’re making judgements before taking the time to know us. That’s a shitty thing to do.”
“You’ve never met an openly gay person before, have you?” Remus asked. Tanner shook his head. “Hi, I’m Remus Lupin. I play a wing position on the hockey team that you were just signed to and my favorite color is green. I have a dog named Hattie and I’m engaged to a man. Nice to meet you.”
Sirius walked across the room; Arthur tensed for a moment, but he stopped in front of Tanner and held his hand out. “Sirius Black, team captain. I play center and I hate pineapple pizza. Also, I’m gay. Congrats on being signed to the Lions.”
Tanner’s eyes flickered up, and after a moment’s hesitation, he shook Sirius’ hand. “Nice to meet you.” He swallowed thickly. “Cap.”
“Nice to meet you, too. Are we done with the bullshit?”
“It—it might take me a bit to get used to it.”
“Make it quick. We’ve got games to win and nobody here has time to hold your hand through it.” Sirius turned to look at everyone else, his Captain Face in full effect. “That goes for everyone, got it? No more cold shoulders, we talk this through like adults as soon as it happens.”
“You got it, Cap,” Pots said.
“Black, Lupin, can we talk?” Coach beckoned them toward the door; just before it closed, he saw Talker walk over to Tanner’s stall.
“That’s why you respect Cap and Loops,” Talker said quietly. “Not because of threats or some shit—because of that right there.”
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futurebicon · 4 years
For a prompt! (Spoilers for the last chapter) anything about Remus playing on the team! Reactions, getting his jersey, just anything about the epilogue!
“Did you know about this?” Remus ran over to Sirius.
“Know about what?” Sirius asked with a wide smile.
“You idiot! Oh my god” Remus laughed and kissed him. Forcefully at first but slower and slower, soft lips on soft lips. Remus pulled away with a groan and hugged him again.
“Oh my god” he picked him up and spun him around.
“What happened?” Lily asked.
“Please tell me y’all got engaged.” Leo said.
“Not yet” Remus smiled.
“What happened?” James asked the same question as him wife.
“You’ll see soon enough.” Sirius smiled, looking up at Remus.
“Announcements” Coach shouted over the noise of the locker room. It was technically still the off season but they still wanted to practice. Even though they just messed around the whole time.
“First off, season starts in 2 weeks.”
“Yeah it does” Thomas wooped and the team cheered.
“Second thing, I want all of you to meet Luka Weeks, our new trainer.”
The excited atmosphere of the locker room crashed. Everyone stopped in shock. Sirius and Remus both bit the inside of their cheeks to keep from smiling.
“Loops? What the hell?” James asked.
Remus just shrugged.
“And the last thing-”
“Hold on, hold on, hold on.” Kasey stopped him. “What do you mean ‘new trainer’? Is he just our new or is he our new trainer? What about Remus?”
Sirius could keep a straight face and burst out laughing, causing Remus to break too. Even Arthur and Moody chuckled lightly.
“What? What’s going on?” Leo asked in confusion.
“If you all would have let me finish.” Arthur said over Sirius and Remus’s giggles.
“The last thing, Remus is no longer your trainer-let me finish” he held up his hand as the team started to protest again. “Because he’s your new teammate.”
A level of silence that had never been reached before covered the locker room.
“What? How?” Logan broke it, looking between Remus and his Coach.
“The league reviewed his tapes, wanted him on the team.”
“Holy shit” James laughed. “Holy shit” he tackled Remus.
Everyone launched themselves onto their new teammate.
“Hey, did you know that Loop isn’t our trainer this year?” James asked as they all ate scattered across Dumos kitchen and dining room.
“What?” All the girls heads shot up.
“Yeah. It’s this new guy. His name’s Luka Weeks.” Sirius nodded.
“He seems pretty nice. Haven’t really gotten a chance to meet him, though.” Remus shrugged.
“What the hell you guys?” Lily asked.
“Are we missing something?” Natalie looked at them.
“Luckily you haven’t gotten a chance to meet him yet.” Kasey carried on like his girlfriend hadn’t said anything. “There’s no way we’re allowing you to get injured. You’re a fucking machine on the ice. This team needs you.”
“What?” Celeste asked.
“You’re on the team?” Natalie asked at the same time.
“Are you being serious? This isn’t a joke?” Lily looked between all of the players.
“Nope” Remus shook his head with a smile.
“Oh my god” they all stood up and hugged him.
“Why didn’t you tell me, asshole.” Lily punched his arms before hugging him tight. “I’m so happy for you”
“Oww, thanks Lils” Remus laughed.
“Holy fuck. I love you. I love you. I love you.” Sirius kissed Remus hard in the locker room.
“Love you too, baby.” Remus laughed.
At first the fans hated that Remus was on the team, calling favoritism. But after he got a hat trick during the first quarter of his very first NHL game, they changed their minds pretty quickly.
“Damn good, rookie.” James shook his head.
“Yes he is.” Sirius smiled up at his boyfriend, who leaned down and kissed his nose causing Sirius to giggle.
“I love you.” Remus smiled.
“Love you”
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