#So gotta keep Bruce alive so that doesn't happen again
brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
AU idea inspired from I Don't Belong Here (I Wish I Was Special) on ao3 and the atla bnha swap au here on Tumblr
So we got the Bad Timeline with the BadFam, which are a lot like in the fic, trauma and abuse goes unaddressed or horrifically handled
But to toss Human!Tim a bone, Kon and Bart do come back to life, so he at least the Core four of YJ is all together again
(when I type YJ assume I mean the core four but if you want I can also mean all of YJ)
Unfortunately Tim is ✨Traumatized✨ and unwilling to cut ties with the BadFam cuz their "stability" is one of the things keeping him sane
And then we have the Hybrid Timeline, with their BatFam, Bruce is a bat or bird hybrid, Alfred is a hybrid (dealers choice), Dick is a robin hybrid, all the other kids are their own bird hybrids
And all the Wayne (Alfred too if you choose) have wings
In this timeline being an animal hybrid is the norm! Which adds another layer of identity shenanigans for aliens like Kryptonians who already had it hard enough feigning humanity
And also this Batfam? They did the impossible. They are !!emotionally healthy!!
Oh shit happens, mental health spirals, Jason died and came back and it was whole emotional rollercoaster, except Batman didn't bataraang his kid, first thing he did after learning Jason was alive was kidnap his son again and trap him in the nest and broody chicken style until he snapped out of his instincts
And then he nabbed his bio son cuz Jason snitches on Talia or Talia wants what's best for her son and an assassin's cult is NOT it, so she sent the kid his way
Batman here isn't abusing his kids, Robin was never fired, it got passed down from Dick to Jay.
I could rave on and on how the Batfam here is happy and healthy as can be but I got an AU to present
So the BadFam is on a mission, magical artifacts are involved, Red Robin secures it but uh oh, once the mission is over he accidentally activated it in the Batcave and the next thing the BadFam know?
Red Robin's still there, except, uh number one the very pretty wings, and also he looks healthier, like his needs are being taken care of
When he breaks out the "alt-self dimension-swap code" they know what they're dealing with and establish their Tim is stuck in a Hybrid world due to an artifact and vice versa
But what really matters is how jarring it is for Hybrid!Tim to be with a world without hybrids as the norm; people with his family's faces so hostile to each other; hostile to him in his eyes; nobody to give his instincts and hybrid side their needs
Under the guise of professionalism and "I have a family to return to" and using the fact the BadFam knows only what he shares of his home dimension, Hy!Tim keeps as much of a barrier between him and the BadFam as he can
He's from a family that spoils one another's instincts and social needs. One that does do jack shit about their issues and communicates about them. A family that isn't cannibalizing itself
Suddenly being with what feels like a bastardized version is scary and he does not like it
On Human!Tim's end, he's suddenly with a family that doesn't hate him and is willingly to help him
They're welcoming and it's unnerving?? And he has a family to return to, a mission to be loyal to. Oh God, what's gonna happen to his other self?
Exactly 24 hours after the first swap, the Tims swap back again and they figure out that for a limited but long time, they're gonna swap places every 24 hours
So they gotta get some help or tech that will cancel out the magic and since they dunno when it stops, they don't want the magic to run it's course and bam, both Tim's are dimensionally misplaced
Thankfully whoever and whatever a Tim has on their person during a swap comes with them so they can trade progress with eachother
Anyways, what matters after the second swap since the artifact's activation is that Hy!Tim instantly snitches to his family on all the red flags the BadFam raised during his time with them
And also no hybrid instincts or amenities, it was not a Good time for him, family nesting time please? :(
So while Hu!Tim thinks he's got any chance of a Good Grade in having people pay as little attention to him as possible during this trial, he's got another thing coming with the third swap when suddenly the whole family is checking on his well being
Hu!Tim grew up neglected and abused and would very much like no eyes on him, amd for all the freedom possible. He is screeching in indignation
But hey, his own family also wants him to stay with em so maybe they can convince the Hybrid Fam otherwise!
And his back hurts more than ever, but he'll get that treated once the artifact's magic ends, no need to bring it up
To Word of God the subtext; the artifact swaps the two Tim's every 24 hours and is slowly making Tim a bird hybrid himself and eventually he's gonna burst wings in a Gorey way
But before the wings and maybe after comes talons, bird noises, and instincts, which he might take a while to clock in on and will make his time away from the hybrid timeline more and more miserable as his transformation progresses
Dealer's pick if he's the same species as Hy!Tim or not
So Hu!Tim hides as much as he can get away with from the Badfam to draw as little animosity from them as possible but does the same with the HybridFam to try and protect the BadFam's name from stains on their reputation (ignoring his own)
Hy!Tim is gathering all the evidence on the BadFam's sins and other people's to make a sufficient case against them and to convince Hu!Tim to be adopted by his family
Oh yeah, it'll be fun if the two Tim's had notebooks they placed near them before their swaps to talk with eachother
Hell maybe one or both of their notebooks gets stolen by like a rogue and that could be an episode or chekhov's gun and— idk where to go w/ it
On top of that, Hy!Tim finds every excuse he can to hangout with Young Justice instead of the BadFam because he trusts YJ more than them to the point he feels safe to tell them the whole truth and even go as far as to nest with them and let em preen his wings
Eventually he asks em "my family is gonna kidnap my new brother, can I do the same with you?"
Okay not exactly with those words but that's the vibes
Let's say they agree and he holds onto the Badfam timeline's YJ during the swap and now there's double trouble
But also the BadFam and rest of the hero scene is wondering where the FUCK the YJ went after it becomes obvious they're missing
Hu!Tim is confused why he woke up in a nest in Titans Tower and why he wants to lie down there forever but it also makes him unhappy in a way
Hy!Tim only figures out afterwards what kind of mess he's made, but no take backs! He and Young Justice are Twinning!!! He'll just cover his tracks once's the swap happens again
Honestly two dimensional versions of YJ—one where humanity is the default, and another where hybrids are—interacting would be fun to see
Hybrid Batfam is exasperated because Tim you can't keep adopting and kidnapping like you're Bruce!
Me thinks that while Hy!Tim hides as much as he can, Hu!Damian, knowing his animals, clocks in on all the signs that Hy!Tim is miserable with the Badfam, doing loads of bird stuff that indicates him feeling unsafe and in danger and whatnot
What does Human!Damian do with this knowledge I wonder . . .
Maybe on the other side, Hybrid!Damian catches onto Hu!Tim becoming a hybrid and snitches and now Hu!Tim's chances at not getting adopted are down the gutter for good
Does the BadFam ever pick up on the possibility they're gonna be double-crossed or do they learn when it's too late? both routes would be fun to explor
There's also the fact that Hu!Tim isn't the only victim of abuse, neglect, and etc. in this family, it's entirely possibly that the Hybrid!Batfam will look at Human Damian, Jason, Steph, and Cass, etc. and draw up adoption plans for them too
I'm not abusing the fact that anything and anyone a Tim has on or touching their person swaps with them enough
Like maybe Hy!Tim brings over Jason, Damian, Steph and Cass (maybe Duke if he's with the BadFam yet) and plants the idea of being with his family away forever, away from their Batman
And now there's a third party in this game, one that can turn on itself and fracture at any moment
A third party in this game who has limited time to choose between cutting ties with their very dimension for a family practically clones of their own and themselves
Or they can go against that option. They can go as far as to reveal the double-crossing planned against the Badfamily by the Hybrid family
Seeing the infighting and discussions between them would be fun
Timothy the human? Well he isn't gonna be human much longer now is he, nor does he have much of a choice in this matter
I'm not paying attention to Dick, or Barbara or Alfred, either of em, at all lol, so sorry about that
Maybe Hu!Tim becomes desperate and swaps his Bruce and Dick (maybe even Bats Hy!Tim swapped) with him to try and get all three of them to help convince the Hybrid Fam that he doesn't not need rescuing from the Badfam at all
It goes poorly and maybe that's what gets the BadFam to wonder if they're gonna be double crossed or set the suspicion in stone if it already exists
I can imagine Hu!Jason trying to justify Titans Towers and etc. with his excuses of Replacement and whatever, only for Hybrid!Jason to go "me too bitch, you're not special, you're just an asshole (traumatized, yes, but that doesn't excuse shit)"
Finally, I imagine that where the BadFam is abusive, the Hybrid Batfam is Dark with some of it being attributed to hybrid instincts, and the rest of it's just personality
Batman doesn't kill because Killing is Kind, it's a fix doing nothing to address the problem, the Killed in question
This Batman and by extension, his baby birds, will not have death be the end, you are going to live with you actions and decide what to do from there
When Jason died? Bruce Wayne gunned for Joker and ruined the criminal career. Tearing and gnawing at bones and flesh, enough that countless doors to his villainy were brought down the drain; it would be easier to become a contributing member to society
The Joker proved himself a threat to his fledgelings and it couldn't stand
Gotham's criminal scene learned better afterwards
Canary of the Coalmine, that Joker was
Maybe Hy!Tim swaps Hu!Joker so his family can fuck him up big time
Hy!Tim is just kidnapping everyone he can get his hands on for either adoption or to beat the absolute crap out of them.
Having so many duplicates in one universe could cause problems, but I think they could work it out. The shenanigans they get up to would be ridiculous and hilarious. I feel bad for Alfred if they don't kidnap Hu!Alfred as well. I do have another idea, though.
What if Hy!batfam kidnap YJ and the batfam (minus Bruce) for just an extended period of time? Like they spend a few months to years there depending on their needs? Then, after they teach they to communicate with each other, they release them back to their OG universe.
When they go back, they find that Hu!Bruce and Hu!Joker are gone. The Hy!Batfam kidnap both of them for a bit to beat the crap out of them. Hu!Joker is returned when he can no longer be a criminal.
Not sure about Hu!Batman.
Also, the Hy!Batfam often visit the Hu!Batfam and YJ. They do like a cross universe long-distance relationship. As far as Tim, though, since he's turning into a hybrid, maybe he permanently moves in with the Hy!Batfam due to his needs with his instincts. That, or somehow the Hu!Batfam figure out how to help them. Though, maybe Bart wouldn't stay in the OG universe if Tim moved. Kon has Ma and Pa Kent (maybe Jon and Clark depending on how that's going), and Cassie has her mom and others. Maybe they still go with Tim despite that. Dealer's choice, ig?
It's an interesting AU, and I'm glad you shared!
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grimalkinmessor · 5 months
hello it's me from that "afo keeps all the users body au" thank you for answering honestly🥺I do think another way i could go about the au(and torture poor yoichi even more. I love him he's a very pretty man but sometimes you gotta put him through the mental wringer😭but afo already did that) is that yoichi could be in a comatose state/locked in syndrome kinda where the final confrontation between him, afo, and kudou happens and instead of dying(NOT IN PIECES😠) he's just severely Injured and is knocked unconscious where he... never wakes up again... but he can still think, hear, smell and feel worldly sensations he just can't move his body at all. Or wake up. Bruce drags kudou away because kudou is too shell shocked to move so they can't take yoichi with them and afo just gets his mittens on him again(yippie😊yoichi is in my arms again🥰I totally wasn't the one that almost mortally wounded him by trying to kill that disgusting rebel, yes its all that bugs fault that my yoichi got hurt) only to realize that something is wrong because it's been weeks and yoichi STILL hasn't woken up. He's breathing and his wounds are healed but :( so afo takes yoichi to the doctors to figure out what's wrong(I'm not smart enough for the medical stuff so just pretend garaki did something smart with his equipment and figured it out.) "Ruh roh, it seems like ur brother Is suffering from smth called locked in syndrome☝️🥸he's not brain dead though meaning he can hear, feel, and smell sensations he just can't wake up or move his body so... sorry ab that" and afos like "while it's great that he can't run from me again and that he'll need me to take care of him ill miss his sweet voice and pretty eyes🥺doctor figure out a way to process his brain waves into sentences/words/pictures(???) Neeeoooow😤" meanwhile yoichi can hear everything and is just internally screaming cuz that's all he can do. He'll kinda go back n forth between the vestige realm and the front of his mind so if he's sick of afos yapping for the day he can just retreat there. I mean, he won't be lonely for long cuz kudou n them will join but it's gonna take a while.
ok that's the one where afo has his body but what if kudou and Bruce managed to haul yoichi with them while afo is in shock that he "mortally wounded" yoichi? Erm... he's still breathing, they treated his wounds but he hasn't woken up in 4 days. Uh oh. Bruce and kudou refuse to classify him as brain dead cuz he's still breathing on his own so they run tests on him(they had equipment to see quirks so why not some advanced medical tech too?) OK his brain is up and running but his body isn't...(yoichi wiggle the brain wave thingies if you think your brothers an ass!) (~~~~~~) (oh my god ok he's alive) anyway, while they don't know exactly what it's called they have an idea and decide to care for him n stuff till kudou decides to face a very pissed off afo who actually doesn't know yoichi is technically alive cuz hes too traumatized to realize that he gave yoichi an immortality quirk, so basically the rest of the story is yoichis very much alive self being passed on to future ofa users with instructions that are basically (heres the comatose yet very much aware and alive body of afos brother, take care of him and don't let afo know or get to him Kay bye!) In this version afo gives yoichi the immortality quirk in the vault while in the first version afo gives it to yoichi while he's comatose. I'd say about generations 5 to 7 is when afo FINALLY catches on to the fact that he gave yoichi an immortality quirk and just face palms before going on a large manhunt for yoichi where the ofa users just play hot potato with yoichi😭(but anon! If yoichi has an immortality quirk why didn't it heal him immediately and wake him up???) Well, when he, kudou, and Bruce were skeddadling from afo, ofa was in the process of transferring to kudou, meaning yoichi was actually in a very vulnerable state, quirk wise and body wise, so not only was that immortality quirk working overdrive, it was also in the process of transferring to someone else IDK PLOT ARMOR OR SMTH😭 anyway, yoichi got "mortally wounded" enough for the quirk itself to panic bc it doesn't have enough reserves to actually save its user so what does it do? It forces yoichi into a coma to preserve that tiny bit of energy to keep its user from dying. It succeeded! but now yoichi can't wake up since it used up the reserves to heal yoichis body and only the "crucial" areas of his brain which bodily autonomy/aka, movement of the muscles wasnt included apparently and now it thinks it's done its job because it's purpose was to keep the user alive😁(oh anon, since you came up with these great ideas why don't you go on and write it?) I can't write for shit lmao if I start this I'll only be able to write down one sentence then lose interest, SECOND OF ALL! these are just ideas, I ain't forcing or asking any of yall to make a story out of it I just wanna get my evil brain worms out of my head to share with people and listen to how others would go about these ideas. Their opinions and takes. And since there's not a lot of afofa sickos I tend to yap to the rare ones out there. Very exciting! Anyway, sorry for bugging you with my long rant, I'm not forcing you to do anything but I do wanna see your evil brain worms process this info especially now that you'll have access to yoichis thoughts on this and hey, if you need his sight for it, locked down syndrome can technically allow the person to blink only so ig he'd only be able to move his eyes and that's it oh God poor yoichi... uh sorry for yapping
Ooo an even more interesting premise 👀 Though I think in the first one I'd go with Yoichi having a lot of existential dread around what state he's in, and the OFA vault would make it worse because, at the time, he wouldn't know what it was. I think it would scare him, because while he doesn't want to be with his brother anymore, entering "his" part of the mindscape cuts off his outside awareness, meaning that he experiences nothing but The Void™ while in that space, which would make him think that going into that space is him walking closer to death. And, despite everything, Yoichi doesn't quite want to die just yet. Give it time :)
I think he'd figure it out eventually though, probably when AFO decides to, uh, enjoy Yoichi's new "compliance" and he decides that death is the better alternative. Then he gets to the mindscape and figures out that it just. loops back around to reality if he walks too far into it. Scream.
In either case though, I think that Yoichi would get pretty apathetic pretty fast. Or—not apathetic, but definitely ruthless. Harsher. He's leading his holders to his comatose body trying to get them to free him and they all keep dying >:( He knows this isn't fair, that he shouldn't keep calling people directly into AFO's arms (and nomu tanks) but that sort of constant numbness would wear him down. Probably much faster than the vault. He wants out, he wants to be slain out of mercy, he wants to be able to move and speak and run again, he wants somebody to save him, he wants his brother dead—his desperation probably kills the holders way faster than in canon, because he keeps pushing them towards their killer in hopes that they'll be the one that can finally save him. Finally stop AFO.
Meanwhile, AFO is trying his best to get Yoichi to wake back up. Because he always wanted Yoichi fully awake so he could banter and moan and scream at him, but now that Yoichi has a direct line to the other OFA holders, he turns out to be a very effective spy. The guards and minions think that just because he's not a physical threat means that they can say whatever they want around him, like locations, plans, plants, things of that nature, and All For One doesn't figure how those stupid heroes keep foiling him so well for months before he discovers just where it is Yoichi retreats to when his brain waves idle. That he's the one leaking information. And then he punishes Yoichi for it, in the very best way he knows how; forcing him to be present and making him feel. For AFO noncon can be corrective 🙏 Domestic punishment.
Plus, on the other side of the coin, if Yoichi was rescued by his vigilantes beforehand but has an immortality Quirk still, then that means that his body gets toted around from place to place with the current holder so AFO can't get his hands on him. This has the hilarious side-effect of meaning that Yoichi gets propped up in a chair at OFA meetings and everyone has to treat him like he's an active part of the meeting, because they all know he's awake. It's incredibly awkward and nobody likes it lmao.
Idk, I think you could have a lot of fun with it! Especially if Yoichi finds a way to still be an active threat :3 My boy is so beautiful and so so spiteful ✨ A little thing like whole body paralysis won't stop him for long!
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magicofrobin · 2 months
recently ive been thinking about jason digging himself out of his grave and whether or not people realised he actually did that.
hear me out.
jason is dramatic, that much is canon. so i could see him mentioning how he had to dig himself out of his grave after he came back to life and people assuming he's just being hyperbolic or he means it in a figurative sense. bc there's obviously no proof that his grave was ever disturbed, otherwise someone would've figured out that something had happened to his body during that time where he would've been in the hospital, before talia finds him. it would've been a big deal if his grave had been dug up, especially if it looked like someone came from inside it.
but like i said, there's no proof. so everyone assumes he's being extra. sure there's gotta be some question on how he did get out of his grave but there's different ways that can be explained, like someone from the league stole the body and hid the evidence that the grave had been robbed, or (as happens in utrh) his real body was never actually in his coffin, it had already been stolen by the time bruce was coming home with him.
its not until he's put into a situation that sets off that fear of being buried alive again that any of them realise he's not kidding. the most obvious situation is if he's someone put into that exact scenario again, he's been captured and buried alive but for whatever reason he can't start digging self out or he isn't able to. he's panicking & maybe he's aware that his comm is active and he's updating them on his status, maybe he isn't and he's talking himself through what's happening and trying to convince himself they'll come for him or he'll be able to get himself out.
but the thing that's most jarring for everyone who doesn't believe that he really woke up in his coffin and clawed his way out, is the way he keeps saying "i can't do this again." & the sounds of him panicking + what sounds like scratching bc he's quite literally reliving what happened & he's scratching at the lid, trying to break through.
bc you can't fake that level of fear.
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oifaaa · 2 years
Watch Jason write home to Mama Talia about his latest villainous deeds and she sends him back letters about how proud she is
Talia is happy to help fund Jasons little crime empire bc she knows that it will drive Bruce insane and there's no greater joy in life then talia causing chaos to her (ex??) husband
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lovemesomerafael · 2 years
Steve Rogers / James "Bucky" Barnes (Stucky) and a few straight Steve & Bucky featuring the rest of the Avengers, and one Thor / Bruce Banner
All titles are links to the fics on AO3. All fics contain a healthy dose of swearing and I only have the happy-ending gene.
Can't Read That In A Museum - The Full Story of Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers / Bucky Barnes Story, fluff, smut, angst, pining, action This will be a three-part series. Each part will cover an era in Steve and Bucky's lives. Built around canon scenes and dialogue, this is the backstory - what happened before, after, and between those scenes. Part 1: In the Beginning The story of how Steve and Bucky met as children and became best friends who pledged themselves to one another 'til the end of the line. Covers their lives from when they meet in 1924 at ages 6 and 7 until 1945, when Bucky falls from the train and Steve flies the Valkyrie into the ice. Part 2: The Miserable Hero, The Guy in the Tank, and Me Brock Rumlow always wanted to be a good guy like his hero, historical figure Bucky Barnes. By the time he finds himself working with recently-returned Captain America, it's way too late. But then he starts to suspect that the viciously effective assassin so dangerous Hydra has to keep him on ice might actually have once been Bucky Barnes. He goes looking for answers, even though what he learns about both men - and himself - hurts like almighty hell. Part 3: The Road Home - WIP Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes have each learned that the other is alive in 2014. Impossibly, they're both only a few years older than when they were separated in 1945.
Finding their way back to one another, however, is going to be a long, long road. Because first, they both have to find Bucky Barnes.
Others Like Me
Steve Rogers / James "Bucky" Barnes, James "Bucky" Barnes / Original Female Character, "Cap" Rogers / James "Barnes" Barnes Story, smut, fluff, angst, pining, action, multiverse (two Buckys!), I kept writing new sections because I love this AU so much
This should be a three-part series, but it's too late now.
Part One: Things are rough between Steve and Bucky. Then Bucky's abducted by a new Hydra and meets other captive soldiers, including a woman who helps him come to grips with his torturous past. Bucky must convince The Avengers to help destroy the new Hydra and save the captives. Steve isn't happy about any of it. All he wants is Bucky back in his arms.
Part Two: Since Steve returned to the past two years ago, Bucky’s become a miserable wreck. He's gotta find a new life. He remembers something a drunken Tony said once, and learns that there’s a last chance for him to be happy. And, honestly, what does he care if it kills him, instead? Landing, gravely injured but alive, in an alternate universe, he finds that he has a chance to do some things over again, and to finally be home for good.
Part Three: Barnes is trying to find his way now that Steve's been killed and he is Captain America. Until a half-dead Steve Rogers from yet another universe shows up, betrayed by his own Avengers. How the hell is Barnes supposed to deal with another version of the husband he can't stop mourning?
The Art Class
Steve Rogers / James "Bucky" Barnes Fluff, pining, first time, smut, pre-war Steve & Bucky
It's 1939. Steve and Bucky are roommates in a tiny little flat, doing everything they can to keep afloat at the tail end of the Depression. Through a series of chance events, Steve gets the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take a life drawing class with one of his favorite pen and ink artists. What he doesn't know is that the model he'll be drawing is - you guessed it. Their secret attraction to each other has been difficult enough, but now Steve will be spending two hours a week staring at Bucky's nude body, and Bucky will be trying to fight what that look in Steve's eyes does to him.
Cobble Hill
Steve Rogers / James "Bucky" Barnes Notting Hill AU, fluff, angst, pining, fixed problems with the movie, Thor as Spike (the roommate from Hell)
Bucky Barnes is happy, with a great house and has a close-knit group of friends. His life is going along just fine until Steve Rogers - Captain freaking America - walks into his bookshop specializing in military history. Bucky's always had a thing for Captain America, and Steve Rogers exceeds all his fantasies.
Until he takes Bucky on the emotional rollercoaster ride of his life, leaving him wildly disappointed and nursing a broken heart.
After giving him a second chance and being burned again, Bucky is done with Steve Rogers. But Steve will do anything - even give up the Shield - to make it up to him, and prove that his bad behavior is in the past.
Wedding Bells
Steve Rogers / James "Bucky" Barnes Short, super-angsty/piney one-shot
Seeing Steve’s wedding ring made it all real. That’s when Bucky knew he had to say goodbye. So he goes back to Brooklyn, to where it all began, to do what he must with his most treasured possession: a drawing Steve made of the two of them.
Steve Rogers / James "Bucky" Barnes Recovering Steve / Recovering Bucky, smut, fluff, action
Post-Winter Soldier, Bucky goes to ground to figure out who he is, and who he’s been. But for Bucky, remembering is like living it all for the first time. Steve, determined to find him at any cost, learns just how far he’ll go to undo the mistakes he made — mistakes that cost Bucky everything. Together again, with the help of Clint and Sam, they go on the run to keep Bucky out of the hands of the many groups looking to capture him. Both Steve and Bucky have to learn to live with their pasts, and figure out their feelings for each other, to create a path toward the future. A story of Steve and Bucky finding themselves again, and finding each other at last.
Destroying the Planet to Save It
All the Avengers are meeting "The One". Steve and Bucky are straight best friends. Steve Rogers / Sharon Carter, Clint Barton / Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark / Pepper Potts, and Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, and Bruce Banner X Original Female Characters Story, travel, adventure, action, smut, fluff, angst, pining
There’s a new threat to the world, and The Avengers join the new S.H.I.E.L.D. to find and fight it. Lots going on. Steve Rogers has the weight of the world wearing him down. Sharon Carter tells him he can't just give all the time, he needs to let those who love him take care of him. Starting with her. Bucky Barnes meets a Secret Service agent who likes guns and knives as much as he does. But as interested as she is (and she IS), she's not going to risk her heart. Sam Wilson thought S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Anita Herrera didn't notice him. Oh, she noticed him all right. Bruce Banner and a fellow scientist fell in love, but he had to let her go to protect her from The Other Guy. Now he needs her help to figure out what's causing all these unnatural disasters. How will he let her go again when he's never come close to getting over her? Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff met when he was sent to kill her. Instead, they spent three days in bed in Talinn and neither of their lives have been the same since.
Here Goes
Short, angsty thing
Ever wonder what was going on in Steve Rogers's head at various times after Bucky Barnes fell off the train? This is the answer.
Ever wonder what Steve Rogers was thinking? Not as in, "What were you thinking, Steve?" Because who among us hasn't thought that. But as in, what was going on in Steve's head at various times after Bucky fell off the train? Did he ever think about Bucky after that? Turns out, yes. Yes, he did.
The Ocean Between Good Enough and Perfect
Bruce Banner / Thor Professional surfing AU, angst, pining, fluff
Ten years after the wipeout that ended Bruce "the Hulk" Banner's professional surfing career, he co-owns a restaurant and Surf Shack on the North Shore of Oahu. He spends his days with his business partner Clint Barton, restaurant manager M'Baku, and good friend Natasha Romanoff, and often gets to hang with his longtime best friends, fellow former surfers Tony Stark and Brock Rumlow. If that's not happiness, Bruce asks, what is? Then Thor Odinson comes to town for an elite surfing competition and suddenly Bruce learns the answer to that question. Now Bruce needs to find the courage to risk "good enough" to get more than he ever believed was possible.
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fearinncrow · 4 years
bad dreams // jason todd x reader
summary: jason todd, your boyfriend of 8 months, seems to have bad night terrors when you're not by his side. unfortunately, he seems to have one when you're next to him.
word count: 1396
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you're right there, just out of his reach. his heart is pounding in his chest as he scrambles forward, yearning to protect you. alas, jason todd is too late. you fall, only for you to be caught by jason's strong arms before you hit the ground. your attacker escapes as he moves carefully to sit down, cradling you as you whimper weakly.
"shh, shh. it's okay baby, you're gonna be okay." his voice doesn't sound like it belongs to him anymore, it's so broken as you weep softly. "i don't want to die, jay." you croak, blood seeping from your mouth, staining your teeth. he wipes the offending liquid away, smearing if across your cheek as tears block his vision. "you- you're not gonna die baby, you're not gonna die! i can't lose you." he sobbed, clutching your hand in his as he brings you impossibly closer.
your eyes begin to dull as you smile up at him. "i love you, baby." you whisper, and he grips your hand harder, kissing the back of it. "don't get all soft now, w-we're gonna get you out of here! i promise..." he cries, kissing your forehead.
just like that, you're gone. he squeezes his eyes shut, sobbing harshly as he loses his grip of your cold body. when he opens them, he jolts up from his bed, gasping loudly as he observes the familiar room that was his apartment bedroom.
"jason?" he hears, and looks over at you. you're wiping the sleep from your eye as you gaze up at him. your eyes are so soft when you look at him, so full of life. you're alive.
he lets out a happy sob, wiping at his eyes as you sit up. "baby, what's wrong?" you ask softly, sitting up and offering him a hug. he accepts it, swallowing your smaller frame in his arms and holding you tightly as he pets the back of your head with one hand, the other clutching the back of your shirt. "talk to me baby, what happened?" you whisper into his ear as he cries quietly into your shoulder. you'd never seen him so vulnerable, so broken.
"it's just a bad dream, don't worry, baby." he replies, sniffling and pulling back to give you a loving kiss. "it helps to talk about nightmares, jaybird. tell me." you smile softly, kissing him again and running your fingers through his hair to soothe him. he lets out a shaky breath, melting into your warmth as he kisses your neck gently. "i'm so happy you're safe." he murmurs. "jaybird, i wasn't in any danger." you chuckle. "i know, i know. it was just too real for me, i guess." he replies with a soft smile.
kissing his neck softly, you ease him into lying down again, settling in a familiar position where he was holding you close in one arm, and allowing for you and him to use his other arm as a pillow. you kept your arms around his torso, holding him close as you press your foreheads together. he closes his eyes and kisses you softly, explaining how much he loves you. you smile at his rambling, kissing the corner of his mouth. "you're rambling, jaybird." you tease, and he chuckles, voice raspy from crying and rambling.
"i know, i'm just anxious and love you so much." he smiled back. you kiss him, this time on his lips. "i love you too, jaybird." you whisper against his lips. jason hums, kissing you sweetly as he pulls you even closer. "get some sleep baby, you need it." you hum softly, your faces remaining close as you run your fingers through his hair before letting your hand caress his cheek. jason leaned into your touch, keeping your foreheads together as he fell asleep slowly.
you woke up only a few hours later, eyes fluttering open to see jason's pretty features highlighted in the morning moonlight. you take in his relaxed features, rubbing his cheek gently with your thumb. jason stirred slightly, but didn't wake as the tip of his nose brushed against yours subconsciously. you let out a happy sigh, nuzzling closer to your boyfriend. his arm was tight around your waist, keeping you secure against him, whilst the other was stilling being used as your shared pillow with you resting your head on his elbow and him fast asleep on his forearm.
you gently ran your fingers over a scar on his face, kissing his gently before moving your hand to massage his scalp lovingly. he'd never admit this, even on his deathbed, but jason loved when you ran your fingers through his hair, especially the strip he dyed white.
you tense up as he does, letting out a small noise of discomfort before your fingers can touch his hair. you see his face tighten in distress as he squeezes your waist. slowly, you move your hand back to his cheek, watching as his face softens, relaxed. he still seemed to be anxious, despite having fallen asleep. you gently caress his cheekbone, kissing his lips softly. you melt inside as he subconsciously kisses you back, shuffling slightly so you were still secure in his grip. slowly, you started to fall asleep again, your foreheads still pressed together as you lovingly stroke his cheek.
jason awoke at the sound of his phone. grunting and furrowing his brows, he rolled over (your hand falling off his cheek) to hit decline, not even bothering to check his caller. jason moved back and you huddled close to him, "what time is it?" you mumbled, still half asleep. "don't worry about it baby, try and get some more sleep." he whispered back, kissing your forehead gently. you hum, kissing his lips as you slowly started to drift off when his phone rang again.
jason sighed and rolled over to check the caller. "it's just dick." he grumbled, answering his phone and yawning as he said hello. "hey jay, just making sure you're not dead." dick's voice quietly came from the speaker on jason's phone. your boyfriend only grunted, asking his older brother why he had to call at such an early time. "dude, it's like 3pm" dick laughed. you smiled, kissing jason's jaw as he rolled his eyes. "same difference." he shrugged, holding your warm body close.
you press your forehead against jason's jaw, kissing his neck gently. you hear dick asking if you're there, and jason hummed, passing you the phone. "hey dick." you smile, relaxing into jason's body as he moved his other arm to hug you. "hey, baby sis. how's everything." you could hear the smile in dick's voice, he always looked out for you, they all did. "ah, same old. work's just as stressful." you laugh. "aw, it's only up from here darlin'" dick hummed. "say, has jay been alright, he tends to bottle thing up, you should know."
you look up at jason, who kisses your forehead gently. "he's been alright as far as i know, had a nightmare last night but other than that, he's the same old jaybird." you smile, combing your fingers through jason's hair. "damn, i'll speak to him about it if he hasn't told you."
"stop babying me, dick!" jason huffed, and you heard dick laugh loudly. "right, i'll let you go, gotta get damian ready for a doctors appointment." you furrow your brows, "what's up with dames?" you ask, swatting jason's arm when he made a comment about damian being the usual demon he always is.
"just a stomach bug, hopefully. alfred's worried, whilst bruce is all like 'he'll be fine'" dick replied, "i just wanna be sure he's alright." he added on quietly. he really did adore damian, you all did, despite him being a little shit. he was just too uptight around his father. "alright. give him our best wishes." you smile. "will do, babes, see you two around." dick hummed. "see you, dork." you laugh, as the call goes out with dick laughing.
jason took his phone back, kissing you softly. "can we stay in bed for a few more minutes?" he asked quietly, kissing your cheek, then your jaw. "dick said it's 3pm, we can't
waste this whole day." you hum, leaning your heads together. "ugh, dick's the worst." he pouted. you laugh, kissing his lips. "i suppose a few moments wont hurt."
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merinmunson · 6 years
I am my own hero
Pairings: Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Summary: You're Tony's sister and you worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. before you found out it had been taken over by HYDRA. HYDRA agents were trying to turn you into a Winter Soldier, when Loki tries to save you. But will he?
Warnings: mentions of violence, blood and angst.
S.H.I.E.L.D had collapsed and the Captain, Natasha, Sam and you were responsible. Bucky, Steve's best friend was alive and had been turned into a weapon. All the people you had worked with over the years... most of them served HYDRA. You used to have blood on your hands, but now it was better depicted as hands in a pool of blood. You had killed people you thought to be close with, people you'd trusted with your life... Those memories did not leave your mind any second of any day since you would find yourself remembering all that pain, all those perfect pictures of betrayal and death. And you were to blame.
Moving on from that came with a cost, you'd always have nightmares. But eventually you were able to find peace and rest, although you still had those horrendous bad dreams from time to time. A lot of HYDRA groupies were still on the streets, either camouflaged of just plain hiding from the new S.H.I.E.L.D and especially the Avengers (a team you weren't ashamed to say you belonged to), despite what most thought, you were not afraid of facing those thugs. There was a reason you were on the Avengers, you had superpowers and boy, were they amazing. You could control energy.
What did come as a surprise to you is that HYDRA was planning on turning you into their new Winter Soldier since Bucky had already been freed.
You were all alone in your apartment talking to Tony over the phone.
"Y/N, what would you say if I bought an island?"
"I thought you already owned an island"
"What made you think that?"
"You're probably the only billionaire who doesn't own an island"
Then you started to hear vague noises coming from outside your apartment, near the door. The best course of action was to alert Tony that something was going on.
"Well, brother, I gotta say, it's a shame Cap's lost his shield"
He understood the reference immediately.
"It is, but I'm on it right now"
And with that, you knew whatever happened you'd be safe. Carefully planning your next steps you hunged up the phone knowing they'd come without hesitation, whoever they were. And so it happened. A whole tactical HYDRA team broke into your apartment, a burnt Rumlow leading the way. You got on your knees with your hands on your head aware that there was no point on fighting, they were, after all, heavily armed. It took one punch to put you to sleep.
When you opened your eyes you found yourself tied up, obviously, to a chair. Your only advantage was the fact that none of them knew about your powers. Most of the time you would fight with weapons or just your body, only your team mates knew about your powers. You waited a short amount of time until one HYDRA agent showed up.
"Y/N Y/L... Who would've thought that the one to kill us, would be our salvation" he showed you a dark smile.
"What do you want? Who are you?"
Not only were you going to buy time until Tony and the others arrived but you wanted to solve this problem by yourself too.
"I suppose I can answer both of those questions, since you'll obviously forget in no time..."
Then it hit you. They wanted to turn you into a Winter Soldier.
"What, the Black Widow wasn't available for the job?" You joked, both Natasha and yourself were really good at fighting, but she already spoke many languages, that made her a perfect candidate for Winter Soldier. You would have had to be taught some stuff.
"That's one of the main things we like about you, you're smart. Too much, if you ask me. Unfortunately, we do not know where Miss Romanoff may be, unlike you. Not so hard to track you down."
"Huh, and here little old me thought changing apartments would do... guess I should have gotten myself out of the internet, shouldn't I?"
"Yes. You should have"
"But man, do you know how hard it is to live without Wi-Fi?"
He punched you straight on the jaw.
"That's definitely leaving a bruise"
He punched you again, this time near your mouth. You bit your lip and blood started dripping.
"Shut your mouth or we will sew it"
"Don't you need it open for me to talk in different languages? You seriously have to put your plan together..."
He was about to hit you again when suddenly, he stopped mid air.
"So you're stalling me, huh?"
Now you were terrified.
"Let's see if you talk so much shit after being wiped!"
He called for some agents to pick you up and take you to the machine were they'd turn you into a monster. On the way you tried to free yourself and hit the men carrying you, you screamed your lungs out hoping they would stop or drop you to cover their ears. All of that in vain. When you reached the room, one of them held you by the neck and the other untied you, both of them placed you and trapped you on the machine.
"I'm gonna kill you all!! Get me out of this!!"
All they did was look at you with an empty stare and wait for the magic to happen. Now was the time to use your powers. Looking at the source of the machine's powers you concentrated and saw clearly its energy, with a little effort you absorbed the energy into your own body and waited. You could easily take them all down now, but you wanted to see their boss.
"Won't you at least tell your boss to come here?!"
"Baron Strucker will see you after you're ready "
Now you had a name and you knew he had to be somewhere inside the building.
"Wow, I get to meet HYDRA's crème de la crème"
They took it as your last joke and pulled the lever. Right then you all heard a loud crash and witnessed how a man dressed in green with a mischievous smile, two daggers and black hair walked into the room. Two HYDRA troops appeared to fight him as you sighed, annoyed. It was Loki and he had ruined your goddamn plan!
You got out of the machine, breaking the metallic grips with your acquired superstrenght, product of the energy you absorbed, and fought HYDRA while they were too busy looking out for Loki. He had become an Avenger not so long ago to redeem himself from his past sins, you were completely okay with giving him a second chance and all that, you had to admit you were close to him. Nevertheless you didn't trust him enough to tell him about your powers.
They tried to shoot you and you simply dodged the bullets and shot them with the guns you took from your first victims. Once all of them were down and Loki was simply standing there since you acted faster than him, you turned around to actually face him. An exasperated sigh dropped from your lips.
"Why the hell did you come? I had this under control! Now their boss is probably out of reach, goddammit!"
"They were gonna turn you into their weapon, they hurt you, I can see the blood in your face and the bruises. Did you honestly expect me doing nothing to stop them?!" He asks not believing what he's hearing.
"It was all an act!" You shoot the remaining bullets against one of the lifeless bodies on the floor. "Fuck you, you son of a bitch" you tell the body.
"Your brother sent me here to save you, the least you could do was explain to me how did you do all that and say thank you."
"I'm not thanking you for saving myself"
"Come on, Y/N, you're the only one I would do this for willingly. I am kinda like your personal hero" he finished joking.
"Okay. Thank you, Loki. For standing there doing nothing." you tease him, now relaxed as you remember you still have the name.
"You do love to tease me, don't you, love?" He had never called you that, but hearing his voice whisper that to your ears sent shivers all over your skin.
"Who's teasing now, huh?"
"You still have to tell me how you did that"
You wondered if it was safe to tell him. He saw your consideration and told you to trust him, he told you he would never do anything to hurt you. You knew you had feeling for him and you also knew he had feelings for you too, the only reason you two weren't a thing was because of your trust issues.
That was when you finally decided it was time to let him into your heart.
"This is supposed to be a secret... I have powers. I control all kinds of energy"
"Does that mean that you could take all energy out of me right now and kill me?"
"If I knew how, yes. I haven't really used them much, I prefer to fight fair. And by the way, love, I am my own hero"
"How am I not surprised by that" he closes the space between you two. "I promise you, I will keep it a secret"
"Loki... do you... like... do you like me?" You ask afraid of the answer, not capable of being apart from him.
"No. I don't. I don't like you, Y/N... I love you"
You kiss him cupping his head on your hands as he grabs your body firmly, once you separate he looks at you smiling.
"We should have done that earlier"
"WHAT THE HELL, LOKI?! I TOLD YOU TO SAVE MY SISTER NOT TO MAKE OUT WITH HER!" Tony and the rest of the team appear and see the scene.
"Uh... Y/N are you okay?" Both Steve and Clint ask examining you whole. Loki steps aside to face an angry Big brother!Tony, Momma!Bruce and Momma!Nat
"If you hurt her in any way, I'll kill you" Nat threatens him.
"Just for you to know, Hulk is ready for round two"
"You'll kill me?"
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