#She needs him alive to look after damian for a bit
igotanidea · 3 months
Smooth criminal: AK!Jason x reader
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part 1 : Somebody's watching me
part 2: Run baby, run
Yeah... I know it's been a while. Sorry guys. But here we are :)
They say that history repeats itself. That’s its merely a one big circle in which people get lost endlessly, not learning from the past mistakes, instead doing them all over again.
Like an Uroboros, forevermore biting his tail.
And that was how Y/N felt at the moment, shaking over the cup of tea Dick so generously offered her alongside with his hoodie. And even more kindly – not asking any questions of why she showed up at his apartment (or rather under it) in the middle of the night looking crazy.
She was back at the beginning. Back over Jason’s grave, sobbing and shaking while the memories of the news of him being gone forever haunted her mind.
Felt like all her efforts to forget and move on have come to nothing.
“No. No please I don’t want to talk Dick-“
“I was just gonna say you can stay here for as long as you like. I don’t know what got you so freaked out, but the Y/N I know – knew­ – was not the one to get scared over a spider or a mouse. So it must have been serious. Stay.” He grabbed and squeezed her hands reassuringly. “I’m serious.”
“No, no it’s too much to ask for—”
“Good thing you did not ask then.” Dick grinned “Cause I believe I offered It myself.”
“You really didn’t change a bit, Grayson. Same golden, sunshine boy.”
“And you’re still the same, not holding back girl. Woman. How long has it been exactly?”
“Two years.” She sighed
“Two years.” Dick sighed too, his eyes becoming a little blurry from the memories. “I missed you, you know. And not only me. So did Tim and Alfred and Damian and I’m sure even Bruce became a little more grumpy without your presence to challenge him.”
“He’s got enough criminals to keep him entertained I believe?”
“Oh, Y/N, criminals he can handle easily, they are no fun. But having a woman with a sharp mind? That’s something Bruce still needs a lot of training in.”
 It was shockingly easy to reconnect with Dick.
Or maybe not, given the fact he was always awfully friendly, keeping in touch even with his exes and even having considerably good relations with some villains.
Long story short, in a months’ time she was regularly back in his life and he was back in hers. And much to her surprise, this time it was not a constant reminder of the person she lost, neither filling the void, but rather a soft recollection that she was not the only one who felt the repercussions of Jason being gone.
If anything, after that time apart, it felt like Y/N and Dick’s relationship could finally move past the tragic events and bloom. Not in a romantic sense, because he had Barbara and was making plans in that area, but like a true, deep friendship, cemented with similar feelings.
And she even got the guts to meet with the rest of the batfamily, ditching those girls who left her alone at the party. Slowly, but steadily, she was getting back to her old, familiar self, dropping the act of a girl who wanted to be anything but the version she was when Jason was alive and with her.  She was not running from the past anymore, but rather embracing and accepting it. And that was the real healing.
Only that Jason was not gone.
Observing her carefully from the shadows, watching almost every step, be it himself or using his militia. With explicit orders given to not let her know they were there. He had bigger plans coming, and making the same mistake as before, by coming as close as to touch her, could never happen again. Even if somewhere deep inside, the very subdued part of him screamed for that. For the warmth he remembered and knew would come with tenderness and not pain.
She never gave him anything less but love and devotion.
If anything Jason was only cursing himself that he let her step into the Batman world again. That is was his reckless behavior that drove her back into the arms of people, who were nothing but bad news. Who would eventually end up hurting her too.
And he was going to protect his little, innocent princess from that.
So yes, he was watching.
Sending his goons when he knew she was walking back home from work late, to ensure no one would lay a finger on her.
Causing a commotion in the area that happened to be dangerous only so she would choose another way.
Sending her colleagues threat letters so they would drop the chase for the same promotion at work as her.
Beating up a guy who was trying to flirt with her when she was buying coffee-to-go at her favorite place.
Doing it all smoothly, like a professional he was.
Building up a way to execute his master plan that would keep her safe from any danger, real or hypothetical. Forever.
“She got home, boss. Safe and sound, not one hair out of place.” One of his militia officers reported to him
“Good.” Jason only grunted in response. One whole month and he was so close to the finale. The end was right in front of him and he had to hold himself back to not make a single rookie mistake that would derail his efforts.
“If I may, sir, why exactly are we wasting resources on some woman? She’s no one important, just a regular—”
“What did you say?”
If the sinister voice wasn’t enough to make the man stop his sentence, the iron grip on his throat did.
“I- I-“
“No one important? Huh? Was that what you said?” Jason mocked tightening fingers on the man's jugular. “Answer me!”
“I- I-“ he was struggling for air.
“Pathetic!” Jason threw him on the ground, retrieving the gun from his holster, pointing it at the man’s head.
“Please, don’t—”
“I should put a bullet in your head for talking about her like that and second one for questioning my plans.” The gun outlet was now pressing into the man’s temple. “You are doing what I tell you, you hear me? No questions. No doubts. You are here to serve me, unless-“ Jason put a little bit of pressure on the trigger.
“No! No please!”
“You’re a piece of shit.” Arkham Knight muttered, taking the gun away. “But I am feeling merciful today. We can’t have blood on the floor when Y/N arrives. Now go! Get out of my face before I change my mind! And you make sure everything is perfect because if not—” he  caressed the arms with a cruel glint in his eyes, enjoying the way his officer rushed out of the room, throwing commands left and right, halfway out the door.
“Soon, baby… Soon we’ll be back together…” Jason muttered to himself once he was finally alone.
He was so close to having everything he needed.
@vaniasagitaa @gone-batty-fics @astrelz @not-herexo @deans-spinster-witch @calicocat45 @princessbl0ss0m @rosieandthethorns @beingaturtlespiritually @grierpilots @killerwendigo @teenytinytunes
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jaysgirlx · 8 months
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❥ pairing: dick grayson x civilian f!reader (part 2 of a series)
❥ summary: dick has to find you after all he put you through you don't deserve what your ex is doing to you.
❥ warnings: moreee angst, fighting, acts of violence, many mentions of depression, anxiety and thoughts of death
❥ wc: 3.8k
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"I think the best plan here may be to pay the price, Grayson," says Damian walking into the Batcave, nearly dragging a half-awake Tim.
"That's just dumb, for all we know he'll just use the money to take her away with him. Steph and I will get her back. This guy is clearly a coward" Cass says in an annoyed tone while leaning on Duke who kept quiet.
"What if he has used his own money to hire people to fight us, he can't be that sure that we would actually pay the price," Bruce says interrupting the conversation. "And I do mean "we", y/n is practically family Dick if you decide you want me to pay the ransom we will"
"That's quite a lot of money to risk Bruce," says Barbara "Cass may be right, he might just take her away once he gets the money"
"Stop it you guys, just let me think!" Dick nearly screamed, trying to hold himself together. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see that it was Jason, "I know you're not exactly happy with me right now. But out of all of us, we need to be strong Dick. In a situation like this, we need you as our leader"
Dick didn't know how to feel, of course he needed to be the leader but he couldn't even manage to be a good boyfriend to you. Could he even save you? Were you still even alive? The blood on that envelope had been dried for fucks sake. And Steph had told him she hadn't seen you in 2 months, not since you moved back into your place.
No wonder he couldn't track you, you had been kidnapped for 2 goddamn months, and was his fault. He fucked up and left you alone to heal, he didn't realize how stupid of an idea that was. But for now, he needed to let go of that, he needed to find you and rescue you.
"We're not paying the ransom, even if y/n is still alive…he'll most likely take her with him," Dick says, causing everyone to stop their chatter. "Babs I need you to try and locate them, I know it may be a lost cause but it is our only bet"
He pauses for a second formulating a plan. You had been kidnapped for an estimate of 2 months now and if you were still alive, that meant your ex was still here. Which means he needed money.
"Tim, could you do a background check on y/n's ex? Find out his patterns, if he doesn't get money from me he'll definitely be looking for other ways to obtain some" Tim who was half awake, nodded and opened up his laptop to work alongside Barbara. Dick kept silent for a while before asking the rest of them to try checking abandoned warehouses, or any other places they possibly thought you could be.
Bruce tried talking to Dick but he tuned him out. Over the years he learned how to pick out the bits and pieces Bruce wanted him to hear and ignore the rest but right now he was tuning him out completely. The thought of you being dead made him sick, things weren't supposed to be like this. He was supposed to protect you, he loved you that's all there was to it. He felt a hand on his shoulder and it was Jason. He didn't say anything and that's exactly what Dick needed. He needed a moment to breath and just think.
He knew you ex was crazy but he didn't really know anything else about him. He didn't know if maybe there was a past of crimes he overlooked or maybe your ex was even the man he claimed to be. For fucks sake, he wished he had listen to you more when you talked, when you had practically begged him to. He thought that he was doing you a favor but all he did was put you in danger.
He could only hope that you would forgive him.
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It was cold and empty. The air felt harsh to breathe and you never felt so dead. You weren't sure if something was holding you down or if you just couldn't move.
Everything hurt.
There where flickering screens in the background while soft hum got louder and louder. You could barely make out what was happening around you and maybe you didn't even want to know. Your eyes searched the room, you were in a bed covered by what seemed to be a blanket. You were tied down, your body was just weak. Where were you? What time was it? When was the last time you had eaten food? Were you dying?
The flickering screens finally caught your attention and there you saw him standing in front of a bunch of TVs, your ex-boyfriend and all your memories came flooding back. He kidnapped you...how long ago was that? And where were you? Your mind could only think of one person: Dick Grayson. You meant it when you told him, you couldn't be with him any longer but that didn't mean you didn't still love him. You'd be crazy not to when you and Dick had met you not he was some flirty playboy who flirted with every girl until he showed you otherwise. After dumping your crazy ex and going to Divk for comfort, you realized how caring he could be. So you entered a relationship with him with high expectations that he'd always treat you so well and everything between you to have been perfect.
Then he'd started cancelling plans last minute and you knew something was up. Dick didn't like secrets and it was the biggest surprise when he confided in you that he was Nightwing. You were obviously worried, worried one night he wouldn't come home but you accepted him because you loved Dick Grayson, not Nightwing. You met Jason soon after and the two of you hit it off, Dick wasn't fond of the friendship but Jason didn't mind looking after you. Jason saw you like family. Yes, he was dangerous but he knew it would break Dick's heart if anything ever happened to you.
A quiet sob fell from your lips while you thought about Dick. You hadn't even realized your eyes were filled with tears and that your fingernails were digging into your palms. You wanted to cry and shout, but you knew that was dumb. You didn't know if anyone was coming to save you but that didn't mean you wouldn't try and keep yourself alive.
While you tried you calm yourself down, you saw a black figure walking over towards you. You knew it was Roman so you closed your eyes.
Pretend to be asleep.
He won't notice.
You steadied your breaths and allowed them to fall into a pattern while his steps grew heavier and closer. His hand gently stroked your face, making you mentally gag. "You used to be sooooo perfect for me...but then you put your nose where it didn't belong" You felt something cold and thin press across your face. A blade. If you hadn't been scared before you definitely were now.
The fear inside you wasn't just from the blade but more of what he was going to do with you after. You know he isn't going to kill you because he would've done that by now but no possible way he wants to stay in Gotham. Were you still even in Gotham? There were still so many unanswered questions, but all I knew was that this room was decorated with old TVs that it seemed that Roman had been using. Still, all that didn't matter, staying alive and staying put did. If there was any chance you were in Gotham and anybody was looking for you, all you had to do was just hold out a bit longer. Dick would come for you, if anybody would, it had to be him.
The cold feeling of the blade eventually left your face and after a couple sentences of mumbling and mutters, those heavy footsteps finally walked away and slammed a door behind him. A opened your eyes and your breaths became more frantic, you knew for sure now that you were alive and that you could handle this. Small bits of pieces of what you had experienced here popped into your head but you shoved it back down. Now wasn't the time. You need to calm down and think. For all you know staying put may not work. You wanted to still be angry with me but how could you be when all you wanted was to be in his arms again. You need to see him again, even if it's just to hug him.
You needed to see Dick one last time because you were still so hopelessly in love with him.
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Dick is standing in front of your favorite cafe. It was on the verge of closing and he could never understand what appeal you found in it. You said the coffee was really good especially when you put a bunch of sugar in it but didn't that apply to most coffee? For a brief moment, he smiled at the thought of maybe being able to share coffee with you like that. Just one last time, if you'd still have him.
Dick had always been fascinated by you. You were so accepting of him and his family and there was never a moment where he doubted your love. He never meant to accuse you of cheating, if he could take it back he would. If he could re-do that entire night over, he'd do it properly. He'd apologize for canceling your date and explain to you how he had been feeling for your safety. He shouldn't even have let you go that night, he should have told you the truth.
For the last month, while Tim and Barbara endlessly searched Gotham's cameras CCTV, and public records the rest of the siblings spent their free time tearing through every abandoned warehouse in hopes of finding you but they failed every single time. Every day Dick contemplated paying the ransom and risking losing you if you weren't already gone. He needed you back and he wasn't the only one worried about you.
Your parents were worried sick, all they know is that you were kidnapped but it still hurts them. Your relationship with them may not have been the greatest but that didn't mean they wanted to lose you completely. They never liked Dick, they tried to be supportive but Dick once showed up. He knows now how badly he mistreated, how much he fucked up. All you did was love and care for him and he let you down time and time again but wouldn't this time. He was going to find you and never leave your side again.
He left the cafe and went towards the phone store nearby. Dick had bought you your latest phone but never got around to connecting it to Barbara's location system which tracks all of them including Bruce. Which meant he had to go to that store and see if they could track it using the information when it was bought. He even managed to find the box it came in in your apartment.
He was able to find out that your phone was either dead or broken because it was disconnected. He thought he had reached another dead end until the cashier said its last location was tracked which was supposedly a play near Gotham's most popular TV company's buildings. The only abandoned one is the former headquarters but just getting into there is difficult, there is no way you'd be there and no one knew right?
He left with that thought on his mind and a cup of disgusting coffee full of sugar.
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The quiet hum of the computers and the small chat between his sibling filled the room while Dick tried to eat his dinner. He picked at the fried rice Jason had picked up for him and the rest of his family. All it did was remind him of you and the way you always wanted to order out instead of eat something home cooked. It wasn't cause you were bad at cooking but more because you loved trying new foods every once in a while. Dick bit down on his tongue hard, tasting a cold metallic taste that barely brought him back to reality.
It had been nearly a month since you had gone missing. Daimen thought you were dead. Cass and Steph kept going through your apartment, looking for something to stop them from giving up. Jason was silent. Bruce was angry, he saw you as the perfect fit for Dick. He had never seen his son happier. Babs knows you're a survivor, you wouldn't die on her like that.
"Dick, snap out of it", Barbara said slowly reeling him back into reality. You and her had always gotten along so well, especially after Barbara got shot, you were there for her like a sister. That when he knew, that's exactly when Dick knew he was in love with you and couldn't handle watching people he cared about in pain. "Tim and I found some stuff...we have good news and bad news"
"Just tell me" He grunted out, whatever it was he could handle it, as long as there was a chance you were alive. You had to be alive, you still loved him and he had so many apologies to give you once he had you back into his arms again.
"Once I hacked the CCTV of y/n's apartment I was able to get a couple of photos of this "Roman Jennings" guy and I had Tim cross-reference them with what we knew already knew about him.." she paused as if what she said next could break Dick "This guy doesn't exist in Gotham. Not only do no records tie to him...there's no information on him anywhere"
Dick knew that most of Roman's murders had been made look like suicides and hadn't been caught but he hadn't realized that maybe "Roman Jennings" doesn't exist and that they might've been following a false lead the entire time. How could he waste a month on this? What if she's really dead-
Calm down, Grayson.
Worrying will get you nowhere.
"I'm guessing that's the bad news?"
"Yup, the good news is that, on the cameras near that abandoned TV company's old headquarters, I found the same guy leaving and entering the building every day for the last 6 weeks. I'm not completely sure but I think that's our guy" Dick was sure he heard her completely but that didn't matter. Your phone had last been located in that area and it was the only lead they had. He knew you didn't have much time and there was no way he was just going to sit here and wait.
"I'm going to check it out, Babs sends me the coordinates," Dick said as he put down the food on the counter. The silence that was surrounding him, should've been a sign that for the words that come next but Dick just couldn't think about all that right now. He needed to get to you, bring you home. Bruce felt a need to interject but he felt that it wasn't his place. But Jason had no problem with interfering especially in this situation, "Y'know you're not going in alone right? And definitely not without a plan"
Jason grabbed onto Dick's arm, roughly pulling him away from the door. The tension between them had never been resolved, no matter how many times Jason tried to make it clear that he never had any romantic feelings for you. Jason saw you as family and tried to be there for you especially since most of the time you got upset because of Dick. Bruce was ready to step in now, seeing as Dick was now angry, stressed, and running on practically no sleep. Dick rips his hand away in anger and pushes Jason, "Jason I really don't need your opinion on this, y/n has been trapped for almost 3 fucking months now. If I don't go right now, she could die"
"If you go in alone and angry, you might just be the reason she dies. Do not fuck this up for the rest of us" It hadn't really occurred to Dick that maybe this wasn't just about him and that the rest of the family had cared about you. Dick had always seen Jason as a wedge between the two of you but he never really thought he actually cared. He thought Jason just did it to mess with him. Before Dick could even respond, Steph spoke up, "She's our family too Dick, we all want her home but we have to do this right"
"Y'know she's the only one, I can talk to about menial matters," Damian says quietly, "She made it easy to just talk about those small things even the stupid ones" Maybe the stress of the situation had caused him to forget how much of positive impact you had on his family and how much this was affecting them. "Look I'm sorry guys I just…
"Want her back?" Bruce says looking over at him "we all do, so just give us a couple more hours to plan how we're getting inside and what we will do?"
Duke who had been quite quiet finally speaks up, "I think you should rest Dick. If you're going to be the one to get her out of there you need rest. Proper rest"
"I second that!!" Cass says, appearing from behind Duke. All Dick could do was nod, he was tired and stressed and just needed a little bit of sleep. He left with a weak smile and found of the guest rooms in the manor. Once he hit the best he was out like a light. That night he dreamt of you, your smile, your cute hobbies, your contagious laughter, and more. While he slept he dreamt of you, kissing you, loving you and even marrying you. Dick Grayson was utterly in love with you and couldn't wait any longer for you to come home to him.
The next morning after that was stressful, to say the least. Barbara and Tim had calculated the best time to infiltrate the headquarters when Roman wasn't there. Except that was during daytime which meant no Nightwing. Attracting attention could only get more people hurt and Dick wasn't going to risk it. Jason, Cass, and Steph agreed to come along while Damian was on standby with Duke and Bruce. Tim and Barbara would be feeding Dick information through an earpiece and would be doing the same for everyone else.
Their plan wasn't perfect but it was the best they had. Dick would in with Steph, while Jason and Cass stayed outside to not only stop Roman from entering but also catch him. Jason and Cass had no problem being ruthless if they had to be but since there was still light out they would have to keep a low profile. Officer Gordon borrowed them police uniforms which they hoped would be enough to scare Roman away if he even sees them. If not, they were ready to fight if it came to that.
Dick and Steph quietly entered the abandoned building, they went through a back door Tim was able to locate after finding the building's original floor pans. The entire building was very old and quite huge so, Tim mapped out the building for them so it would be easier for you to be found. If you were even in there. Inside the building was extremely cold but it didn't seem abandoned. It actually looked like a home. Which was a good sign, it confirmed someone was staying here. It meant there was a chance you were here. "Did she talk about me?" Dick asked Steph, trying to break the harsh silence. The two hadn't spoken up since the two of you had broken up. Steph didn't take sides but she wasn't exactly happy to hear how Dick was treating you and behaving.
"Depends, what are you willing to hear"
"Anything at this point"
Steph was quiet for a while, the two of you had searched through about 2 offices and 4 other open spaces and nothing had come out of her mouth. Dick was just about to let it go just before Steph finally spoke up, "She hated loving you. Not in a bad way, just in a way that made her miserable but feel ungrateful. She thought that she was difficult to love especially since you had been the one to approach her. She hated fighting with you but she hated the thought of her not being enough more"
Dick knew he had fucked up at every turn of your relationship but he hadn't realized how much that really had affected you. how much damage he did. In his mind he was just hurting himself but this whole time you had been the one suffering. "We all have underlying issues Dick so not everything that went wrong was on you and believe me y/n really loved you. After she'd been done ranting, she'd always think of how happy you made her and how sweet you were to her when you actually showed up. There's no doubt she would have married you"
"Would have?"
"You accused her of cheating Dick, she loved you endlessly and you just threw it in her face," Steph said after checking another room that was once again empty. "You hurt her in a way that shouldn't be forgiven and you'd be very lucky if she did forgive you"
"I know, I know! I would do anything to take back what I said to her, what I did to her. Do you know what I would give to be able to restart our entire relationship from the beginning? Do you know what I would give to open this next door and believe she's in it?" Dick kicked open the door in anger, the room was filled with lit-up TVs that seemed to be surveilling the abandoned building and parts of Gotham.
Dick wasn't sure if was he hallucinating from all the anger, stress, and need but there you were in what seemed to be an air mattress with a blanket and a book. You looked weak, like you hadn't eaten much but you seemed okay? Like you weren't hurt physically because Dick knew the deepest scars were always mental.
Your name barely left his lips but it was just loud enough for you to hear. You turn to look at him and first he can see the surprise on your face and the relief but that quickly changes to a soft smile. A smile that could break his heart and fix it in an instant. A smile that he hopelessly missed. Dick never stopped loving you and he could only hope you still loved him and maybe, just maybe in that moment that's all that matters.
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❥ taglist: @meowkn, @kazzattack @chichinaylo, @yourlocalcringydaydreamer, @orchidsangel, @nia-jul, @mayfieldss, @millyhelp
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Keeping It Close To The Chest Pt 4
Hi Friends! Part four is here for you first!
General warnings for ya'll
Big sads, panic, PTSD, flashbacks/traumatic memories, Danny should come with his own warning, canonical plus one death but it's Danny, guilt (does it classify as survivor guilt? idk)
Anyway! I hope you enjoy! The Ao3 version will be up soon too!
Stay safe, take care of yourselves please, take your meds if you need to, water yourself, eat some food, get some sun! Much love to you all
Danny hadn’t woken up this comfortable in a long time. Fingers dragged through his hair carefully working out knots before scratching at his scalp. He was curled into someone’s side. His automatic thought is he crawled into bed with Jazz after patrol. He grumbles a reply as he tries to bury his face deeper into the shirt? Blanket? Whatever it was, it was soft against his cheek. His core is purring in contentment. He feels safe. Something he hasn’t truly felt in a long time. He melts, even if Danny doesn’t understand why the logical part of his brain is begging him to be suspicious. He pushes the thought away and wants to revel in being close to his sister, just for a moment. 
A voice breaks the silence. “Are you awake Danyal?” It comes out hushed, but warm and fond. A distinctly male voice. Danny jerks so harshly the boy he’s resting with begins fussing, worried Danny pulled something.
Danny’s eyes shoot open and he tries to rear back to get a good look, something pulls in his chest but Danny ignores it. His brother’s arm tightens around him keeping him nestled into his side. His brother is staring back at him. Danny looks him over for the first time since he died in the League all those years ago. 
Short dark hair and a face like his own. Danny wants to weep gazing into his emerald eyes. How often had he transformed just to see green eyes instead of blue. Even if doing so brought his memories of the lazarus pits to the surface. 
(He doesn’t really remember, it was a wisp of a memory. His Mother carefully hiding their presence as she rushed his limp body to the pits. It was just nothingness… for once. No more harsh shouts and bruises just the soft transition from alive to dead. His heart had stopped, his lungs refused to bring in more air and then nothing changed to screaming pain searing him down to his bones, or maybe he was the thing screaming as he could feel what little air he had escaped into the toxic water he had been tossed into. He remembers the frantic way he swam upwards, breakinging the surface with hacks and coughs, only to see an unfamiliar landscape around him. This water was actually water, some sort of lake as far as he could tell. A little girl sitting on the dock had reached over and pulled him out of the water by the scruff of his shirt. When Jazz would recall she had always fondly said she had fished out her rabid kitten that day. The rest was history.)  
Danny couldn’t help himself. Kept going back to his mirror to stare into toxic swirling green, trying so desperately to see his brother reflected back. Only to swallow disappointment when the reflection always fell short. For all his genius, for all the solid, crystal clear memories he does have of Damian they are few. All the more Danny hoarded them cradled in between his ribs, mapped them along the many scars that he gained before meeting the Fentons. He had spent so many nights tracing them trying to remember just how he had gotten the mark, Danny instinctually knew that they would lead him to remembering the boy who’s shadows haunted him. Desperate and determined to hold onto any connection to his older brother.
Danny takes a moment to really look at Damian. Damian looks healthy, a bit tired maybe, but his clothes are casual and clean. Nothing like what they wore in training. Damian isn’t as tan as he was as a child, but it was a small difference. There is a faint scar by Damian’s left eye that catches Danny’s attention, it trails down his cheek and under his ear. His hand moves to cup his twin’s face without thinking, softly tracing the mark. Danny aches at the thought that Damian could’ve lost an eye while they were apart. A few more inches down or over and his brother wouldn’t be alive in front of him like this. 
“Damian” The name comes out broken, filled with reverence and awe. Danny can be certain at least in this moment they are safe, together now after a decade. Damian wouldn’t allow himself to be truly relaxed if they were still in danger. 
The world resettles around him. Danny remembers his escape, the portal that ripped through reality to reunite him with his twin. There was so much blood, Danny was sure he was gonna die for good on the floor of some dirty warehouse. Shame floods his system and settles beneath his lungs. Danny grips his hair in frustration as he tries to fill in the yawning blank spots of the last twenty four hours. His delirious panic yesterday is mostly a blur, he can remember soft whispers of Arabic and careful touches. How far he has fallen. He should know better. He should be better. 
He sees the questions that Damian wants to demand answers for behind his favorite pair of green eyes, the frustration that builds under his skin the longer his brother waits to ask. He wishes Damian would just ask him. Danny takes a trembling breath. Danny is confused why he would hesitate, his brother was never one to hold his tongue. A quick glance around some sort of medical room. It seems for now they are alone, proof Damian has some sort of regard or leverage here with their Father. With slight amusement, Danny catches the slight glare of wire and is sure part of the peace came from his twin having trapped any entry points into the room. 
As Danny takes more in the room uncertainty takes root as he starts catching sight of more of his brother’s traps, he was very thorough. Like he was trapping his bedroom in the League from those who would want to cull one of the young heirs. 
Perhaps Damian is also uncertain about his family’s reaction to Danny since he felt the need to defend them in such a way. Truth was Danny had no idea what any of the Bats were truly like. A few rumors about how metas weren’t welcome in Gotham had circulated but other than his childhood stories about their mysterious father Danny was going into this blind. His mother’s opinion was one thing, but Danny refused to be blinded by his feelings again so soon. Mother had said their father loved them, but what assurance was that? Mother wasn’t exactly a good standard to judge others on. The Fentons had said they loved him, they had taken him in as one of their own and raised him. After watching him grow up they didn’t flinch once strapping him to that table. Danny wants to ask just what about his existence is such a threat he must be wiped from the Earth, his memory squashed and scattered. Singular snapshots in time that are taken as the whole of his being. He could run again if he had to, if things go south and Batman also believes Phantom is a threat. If the vigilante wants to turn him over to the GIW...  
A shiver works its way down Danny’s spine and he pulls Damian closer. He can be untouchable and invisible in seconds, Danny reminds himself. The thought of leaving Damian so soon after their reunion makes him pale and his core protest in his chest. His form shutters for a brief moment. Danny tried to shove down the sudden desperation and panic he felt. He had nowhere else he wanted to be, together they could figure something out. Danny wouldn’t have to run. 
His brother is watching him carefully, goes to say something but Danny needs his older brother to just listen for a moment and pushes closer, a gentle hand over Damian’s mouth to silence him. “You said we were with Father. Do you trust them? Are you safe here?” The Arabic stumbles out of him in a hushed whisper. 
They stay like that, staring at each other. An assessment. Danny wants to shrink under his twin’s steady gaze but won’t look away. How Damian responds is important, Danny might be out of practice reading his brother’s expressions but if he tries to placate him, if Danyal isn’t safe here, Damian won’t be able to fully hide his unease. A soft grip pulls his hand away and Damian looks exasperated as he leans forward to bump their temple’s together. “Yes. Our Father adopted many children that despite their overdramatic behavior, they are reliable,” Damian says it begrudgingly but he also sounds incredibly fond. Well, fond for Damian. His brother had never given out meaningless praise before Danny was sure that hadn’t changed in their time apart. He can picture the way Damian’s face softens as he whispers between them, “Father allows me to care for a handful of animals and last Christmas Grayson and Pennyworth presented me with a Studio to create my art pieces in. ” 
A soft awed sound leaves him as Danny tips his head forward onto Damian’s shoulder. It’s just like Damian to know exactly what Danny was searching for even after all these years. Damian can indulge in things that once were decreed by Grandfather as weak here. He can be vulnerable and is with enough regularity that he has a special studio that was made specifically for him to use and a multitude of animals to care for. Danny is suddenly so happy Damian can spend his days petting animals and creating art on canvas instead of training. His brother could hold a brush in his hand instead of honing himself into a weapon to be wielded for the benefit of their Grandfather and his legacy. This was what they whispered about in the dark as children.
Relief is sweet, his body sags into Damian’s. Danny’s smile is so big it almost takes up his whole face, he’s almost drunk with how the release bubbles through his veins. His brother wouldn’t lie to him. If Damian would now just ask the questions they both know he’s itching to, Danny can answer them. Danny will trust his brother, if he trusts the family he is with now then he will too. Likely feeling Danny’s rising nerves Damian leans to catch his eye. “What happened to you, Danyal?” 
Danny can’t help the bitter laugh that leaves him as he sags back into the bed. This conversation will be long and he’d prefer not to go over it twice. “You wanna gather the Bats? I don’t want to go over this a million times.” He can’t help how sad and tired it comes out. 
It’s not the reaction Damian was expecting, unsure what sparked the change in his twin as he just blinks at Danny for a moment before smoothly replying. “ No one but me has access to the Recovery Room at this moment, although Pennyworth has successfully pleaded for his access to be temporarily reinstated when your bandages need to be changed and wounds assessed. I have stayed close to you since we brought you back since we were unsure if you would recognize any of the others and I refused to risk you panicking and reopening your chest wound again.” The hard glare at Danny’s chest makes it clear that Danny will not be escaping the care now that he is conscious and that Damian was aware of the possibility Danny pulled something earlier. He prayed he didn’t pop a stitch, half-ghost or not Damian was still very scary when upset. 
With a huff Damian adds, “Though the family is sure watching through the cameras as they are both worried and incredibly nosy, especially when a new sibling is involved.”  Danny could barely breathe, his gaze bounced about trying to spot the glint of a camera lens. The room felt smaller. How long have they been watching them? Why wouldn’t they confront him? When would people stop impersonally observing him? Were they scared to be close to him? Worried about contamination?
Before the fear could settle Damian caught Danny’s attention. “I simply meant you only have to tell me, once, here. I.. We had thought you would prefer what privacy we can afford while we determined who had done this to you.” The uneasy lit to Damian’s words was matched by his restless need to play with Danny’s fingers. “The family while well intentioned, can be overwhelming. It is difficult gathering everyone and having them sit quietly for extended periods of time and our family is… large.” 
Danny sat stunned. He would never say his brother was mean or cruel in their childhood but consideration of another person was frowned upon outside of ensuring the success of team missions. More often than not those who couldn’t keep up didn’t return. It’s just how the League had worked. For his twin to shield him, possibly creating tension amongst his family just to make Danny feel comfortable. He wasn’t sure how to respond. 
It hurt to see how much his twin had grown in Danny’s absence but it also made Danny flush with pride. Damian’s behavior is proof to Damian’s claims that their father truly is different, maybe even safe for someone like Danny. Swallowing all the things he could say Danny clears his throat with a small but real smile, “Thank you Dami.” 
Once Danny makes a decision he throws himself in head first, this will be no different. Danny has to start at the beginning. He must tell them everything to have a hope of them understanding how Danny ended up dropping through a portal to his brother’s side. For… their family to understand what true danger hunts him even now. 
With a deep breath Danny goes back as far as he can.The terror of fighting to his first death, the enchanting embrace of the dark, his violent resurrection in the pit. How when he surfaced some strange red-headed girl was in his Ahki’s place to pull him soaking wet to the solid wood of the dock. How Danny knew their mother had defied the Demon Head and even if he knew how to get there, Danny could never go back. How when he had done his best to shake off his disorientation it had been childs play to integrate him into the strange family that found him. Danny was good at hiding, at adapting. 
Danny didn’t know how exactly but the Fentons had gotten their hands on a forged birth certificate and social security documents. He assumed through some government contract seeking their expertise on ghosts or weaponry. It was as if he had always existed in Amity Park, there was enough of a rotating population that not many remembered differently. Danyal Al Ghul son of Talia Al Ghul and Bruce Wayne, twin heir to the Shadow and the Bat fully became Daniel Fenton, only son to Maddie and Jack Fenton, younger sibling of Jasmine Fenton.  
Things had been great for a while! Easy even. He gained a sister in Jazz. As he got better at socializing, Jazz’s dedication to practicing with him paid off, he gained friends in Sam and Tucker. Their afternoons spent studying or hanging out at Nasty Burger. He had creative parents who knew so much about science, technology and the universe. Who would take Danny and Jazz camping so they could fish, and eat fudge-filled s’mores by the fire. School was boring but he liked going to the library and looking at their books on space. 
Danny could’ve never imagined how happy life could be away from obligation and duty. Away from his Grandfather. He could live happily while keeping his weakness from eroding the League further. Danny had tried so hard to forget, forget so his guilt about him alone getting all these soft experiences wouldn’t eat him alive. How dare he friviously enjoy a normal childhood when his brother was left behind with the course sand and suffocating expectations.
Things had been great until their obsession with completing the portal infected his new home. That kind of overwhelming happiness was simply too good to be true for someone who had done the things Danny has. His parents would spend days holed up in the basement building. Grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, and maintenance to the house it all fell to the side. House keeping wasn’t nearly as interesting as trying to build a bridge to another world. Eventually Jazz dragged Danny to the library so she could teach them how to do those things on their own. Danny could never tell her he already had learned to do most chores on his own by the age of 5 and if the debit card stopped working he could trap and clean something reasonably sized in the woods for them to eat. 
Danny had tried to convince himself after the portal failed to open at his parent’s big presentation things would soon return to their normal, as chaotic as that normal was. Sure they had been really upset, slipping into depression, but they always started up again. Gained their groove. They had gone on their vacation and… Then the portal turned on. Well, he turned it on and was electrocuted with the entirety of the town’s power grid. (They had done the math at some point to figure out the exact voltage but Danny had never wanted it written down, if Tucker thought it was important to know he could keep it hidden under his firewall in a secure file.) 
His second death was painful. The electricity had burned its way through his body, stopping his heart, only for the ectoplasm to force it to beat once more. He was sure his heart would burst under the strain. Or the ectoplasm would rip holes in the delicate tissue as it puppeteered it into the sluggish beating he has now. How does he put into words what becoming the gateway between two realities feels like? It was… An eternity hoping for the agony lighting up his nerves to end in the seconds it took for the ectoplasm to merge with him down to his DNA. He could feel his cells splice, die, stutter, and trip but life surged and evolved. He became something new, something unknown, something rare.
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spacedace · 1 year
Haunted by thoughts of an AU i don't know enough Batman/DC lore to write where instead of bent on revenge, Jason comes back obsessed with a need to make sure no other Robin (or any BatKid) faces the fears and horrors he faced and absolutely he will not let any more Robins die. (AKA writing prompt for whoever is interested)
He still comes back to Gotham, still takes over Crime Alley as Red Hood, but he never reveals who he is. He's just this new mystery vigilante that sticks to Crime Alley and uses more violence than Bruce would like but is always, always *always* there to look after the kids.
Red Hood becomes the over protective big brother of all the younger BatKids, showing up out of no where whenever a fight starts getting dicey to kick ass and keep them safe before shuffling them off to whatever of his safe houses is closest to get them some snacks and do a check in on how they're feeling/doing.
He makes sure Tim gets some sleep and isn't burning himself out. Has some heart to hearts with Steph about their similar childhoods. Sets up a safe quiet space for Cass when she feels overwhelmed. Drags them all off to Dr. Thompkins, gently bullies them i ti getting therapy, helps them with homework, things like that.
He avoids Bruce & Dick generally- too painful - but Red Hood is always there to have their backs, even if he never sticks around long afterwards.
When Damian shows up things get a bit weird. Damian knows him from the League, but won't say who he is. Red Hood seems to have a way with him and manges to treat Damian like the kid he is without Damian blowing up or getting angry about it.
Jason nips Damian's idea of killing Tim in the bud before it gets past the initial planning stage and slowly manages to get the two to some kind of understanding.
He actually sticks around to talk to Dick & Bruce after fights longer than a few seconds and gives advice on how to work with Damian on his issues. Some of the distrust starts to go away for Bruce after that, he starts trying to pull Red Hood into the fold, Dick helping as much as he can.
And Jason is so tempted to tell them. Make the reveal, face his fears and go *home* finally.
But then Bruce dies.
And Dick has taken up the cowl and made Damian Robin and Tim is left drifting, so sure that Bruce is still alive and Jason looks at it all and how close they all are to shaking apart and thinks "I'm not losing anyone else"
He talks to Tim and works with him to try and find Bruce and keep the little bird as far the fuck away from Ra's as possible. Tim takes the mantel Red Robin in honor of his adopted big brother Hood when the dust finally settles.
And when The Heretic comes for Damian, he finds that he has to get through the living tank that is Red Hood first. He doesn't, in the end. Jason swore he'd never let another Robin die and he'd reshape the universe with his bare hands if that's what it takes to do.
They all get on the same page finally, they work together and get Bruce home and well it's not like there's a better time to let them all know he's back.
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yetanothergreyjedi · 2 years
Ghosts of Our Pasts: 6
DP x DC crossover
Damian Wayne and Danny Fenton Siblings AU
Masterpost Next
WARNING: Light gore at the beginning of this chapter!! (I didn't get verydescriptive, but it includes blood and broken glass. If that’s not for you, skip the first 2 paragraphs.)
Trempling fingers tore at the vial, desperately trying to break the seal, but the glass was slick with crimson and he found no purchase. Each attempt was shakier than the last. Even prying the lid with his teeth made little difference when his hands couldn't grip the thing. He doesn't know if he made a decision or if he dropped it, but half the vials contents mix on the ground with broken glass and blood. The vibrant glowing green makes the blood look black in comparison, sharp little stars glitter in the morbid nebula.
Half the vial is still in his hand. It's edges are jagged teeth cutting into his hand, healing then cutting, then healing, and repeating. It should probably hurt more.
Danyal's thoughts are sluggish. It takes another minute to realize the new problem, that the wound is on his back under several protective layers. Even if he could reach it, he wouldn't be able to pour the Lazarus water accurately, he couldn't even see the wound. If he set down the vial to get a better feel for it, would he remember to pick it back up?
It only hurts the living, it is good for the dead and dying. He didn't remember who'd explained that, but it was all he could recall about the waters, and he didn’t exactly have many options.
He tipped the vial to his lips and drank. This he did feel.
Danny gasped awake gripping his hands over his chest where his core hid. The shard of ice felt sharper than normal, pointed and aimed at his heart. Danny felt cold.
When he'd first come to the Fenton's, he'd been convinced that Damian's blade had broken under his skin. He'd been sure that the blades tip remained lodged in the back of his chest, just under his heart. He remembered saying it felt cold. His theory had been disproven after an X-ray after falling off the roof. (he'd jumped from it to the Assult Vehicle. He'd been fine, but the other parents had seen him roll and insisted on the hospital.) Jazz had called it trauma, and well, it was. So he'd taken her advice on it.
Danny couldn’t tell whether it had always been there or if this was the usual mind over matter ghost nonsense, but now his core was being pointy, so that was great! Definitely not like the last time his core had felt weird and he'd almost frozed alive!(dead?).
He needed some air. He threw on some clothes and didn't bother with doors.
The thing was he wasn't actually sure if he died the first time. It didn't really matter, it was still trauma, but if his core had come from that, and the portal had just... what? Supercharged him? Both events had fundamentally changed him, but he'd gone so long believing he hadn’t died at Damian's hand. He'd survived everything with the League just to die to his own stupidity.
The sun had already set, but smoggy clouds and light pollution blocked the stars. He wasn’t surprised, but it would've been nice to fill a bit of obsession after the nightmare... actually...
He sat on the ledge and focused on chaneling his excess energy to Gotham. It was something he did often for Amity, the smaller city would take that energy and stitch back together any damage from a fight. But there was a lot of ectoplasm in Amity Park. Danny didn’t know how malleable the physical aspects were for her.
The energy was pulled away as she accepted, pulling a thread of his consciousness with it. She showed him a plant on a windowsill, stubbornly blooming despite the lack of sun. She showed him a tiny crack in a support beam mended, a touch of poison in the water flowed away from the supply of drinking water, and more tiny things that would mean all the difference for a few people. But she kept showing him things, too much all at once and he had to rip his mind back because he was in human form and could not handle that much like this.
She withdrew sheepishly, and he got it. Most older spirits did not know how much a human brain could handle.
Something else drew his attention and he turned sharply.
"Oh... Hi,"
"Are you alright?" Batman asked, still a careful distance away.
"Your eyes are glowing."
"Oh..." Danny closed his eyes for a second, opening them again when he was sure they'd look human. He wasn’t really surprised. "That uh... happens, sometimes..."
"You have good control over it,"
"Uh, I guess? I can't always tell when I'm doing it..."
"It's not pit rage then?"
"Not... usually," Danny wasn’t entirely sure what pit rage was. Not that anyone else in the League knew any better, but he didn’t know if something he had a name for might be called pit rage by someone who didn’t know.
"It's a weird conglomerate of side effects." Danny half explained, looking out over the other buildings and and a parking garage. The Bat crouched on the ledge a few feet away from him and Danny couldn’t help but laugh. "This is ridiculous,"
"That my first time meeting you is on a rooftop and you're in a bat costume."
"You could have come to the manor," It wasn’t a reprimand, it was an offer, it was a question.
"Yeah, I think the fact that I'm not back to being dead is pretty good evidence your not with the Assassins."
"No. I haven't been for a long time."
Danny took a deep breath. He wasn't going to dwell on other versions of this story. "Cool."
There was a few moments of silence, a bit awkward, but nothing compared to the awkward silence in the alley a few hours prior.
"How's your trip going?" Batman asked.
"Already looked me up, huh?" Danny joked.
"We needed to be sure—"
"I know, I know, my sudden appearance was super sus."
Batman sighed the sigh of someone who has heard far too many Among Us jokes in his life.
Danny grinned, "Pretty good so far, nobody attacked the museum, and we've almost worn down Lancer about the whole 'we must stay in one group' thing."
"Staying in one group is wise."
"We're Amity Parkers," Danny countered.
"You're from a town with a communication blackout."
"A 'magical' communication blackout." Danny finger quoted the word 'magical'. "I don't actually know what you can access. Only someone who's been to Amity can find it."
"Unless, you go through Elmerton." Danny advised. He was taking a chance on this, he decided. Even if he was wrong about trusting this part of his family, Amity's judgement wouldn't be biased and she wouldn't let them see anything they shouldn't. And of course, in Amity, Phantom could get involved if need be.
"Yep, the town a few miles to the east. Our only tether back to this plain of existence." Danny said dramaticly, it wasn’t that bad. He could almost hear him thinking, so he didn't expect the next question.
"Do you like it there?"
"I- yeah, I do." It was his haunt, most of its weirdness was subconsciously his fault. "Ever been to a liminal space?"
"I've been to a few other dimensions,"
Danny snorted, "Mood,"
That got him a weird look, it was his own fault really.
"I'm not talking about anything related to my death." Danny warned. "Sorry."
"That's a reasonable boundary," Bio-dad in a bat suit nodded, but also sounded like he was physically restraining himself from asking. It also sounded like something a therapist was attempting to drill into him, Danny could relate, if it were true.
"Liminal spaces are kinda hard to explain if you haven't been in one. Amity has a lot of ghosts... I mean that literally. Our neighbor died of old age, but she still reads the newspaper on her porch every morning."
"That's..." Danny could actually taste the suprise. It was kinda tangy? Danny really hoped the emotions having a taste thing was just because of low ambient ectoplasm; he really did not want this as a new power.
"The most normal thing about Amity," Danny finished the sentence for him. "Don't go into it trying to makes sense of it or you might melt your brain or something."
"Please tell me that's a joke."
Danny shrugged, then decided it was his turn for questions. He pulled Damian's list out of his pocket. "So, can I get you to explain who all of these people are?"
Bruce returned to the cave feeling significantly better than when he'd left it. Danny had been open, for the most part, but clear on things he wasn't willing to discuss. Despite his children's earlier interaction, he'd seemed willing, even eager to interact with the rest of the family.
Damian was pacing in the same way he'd been when Bruce had left. He'd said something along the lines of 'I do not wish him to feel pressured by my presence' when Bruce had asked if he'd come with him. He immediately noticed when Bruce stepped into the room and made a beeline for him.
"We're going to show him around the rooftops tomorrow night. I asked, you're invited." Bruce told him.
Next up! A brief break from the heavy stuff, let’s drop in for some Amity Parker’s vacationing in Gotham! (If you have prompts, I beg you!!!)
If you're wondering: why did he come has Batman? That's because it would be very weird for Bruce Wayne to talk alone with a single seemingly random kid on their senior trip.
Batman talking with a kid sitting on the edge of a multi-story drop? Good! We were feeling worried about that kid!
Also B was just dropping by to check, and lo and behold! His son is chillin on the roof like any self-respecting bird does.
Any future Bruce POV's are gonna be just as short as this one, because I tried writing the interaction from his pov and it caused me pain! Shout out to everyone who does that regularly.
Tag list: Only 50 mentions will link on one tumblr post. I will add the others in under a reply
@spectralstardustandphantomnights @avelnfear @idfk-man10 @blackroserelina @candeartist422 @mur-ururu @luer-mirin @insufferablecatenthusiast @skulld3mort-1fan @alonedustspeck @voidbornposts @meira-3919 @marshmello @aethernorwood @mimilikey @undead-essence @cloudminder @markus209 @everything163 @latheevening226 @roman4517 @moobloomrights @battybatbat @lumosfeather18581 @werv @ahyesanerd @pyramaniac @lexdamo @princessbelix @bun-fish @deeannthepan @edgyboi10000 @thatrandomsarahchick @busterkeel @aconitewolfsbane @spoopyspoony @bright-shade @spidey29phangirl @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @keimiwolf @u-a-wizard-jamie @gay-puff @bicerise @itshype @blackfoxsposts @icanneverdecide @lolottes @chubbypotato @jovialherringtacoghost @saltyladynightmare @jesus-camp-the-sequel @agirlandagraveyard @jaytriesstuff @escelia @rosecinnamonbun @justwannabecat @tired-yet-awaken @aro-in-danyl @lesbian-not-american27 @samgirl98 @notanartificialintelligence @chronicallyonline-fandomwh0r3 rainbowbunny0159 @nerdypaintbrush @treepainting @thegoldenguardfan @spacetempest @enderglace @death-magnetic-cyanide @plotwholls @alexzandria-747 @gin2212 @dracotheghostdragon @minnowmarsh @miraculousandmore @memesanddoritos @andaspoonfulofangst-whoops @jotaroslooseeyebrowhair @0nerd @idkmrpianoman @thegatorsgoose @icecweme @escelia @crazylittlemunchkin @dannyphantomphan69 @hetalia-lover-is-here @justwannabecat @chaoticchange @sarcastic-yami @theamazingfox @depuffstuff @rhynereads @mysticsoulgirl @chrysanthemum9484 @thefearfullone @phantomskeep @promptingwips
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madhatterbri · 1 month
Bury Me Alive | F.B.
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Summary: Finn's betrayal of the Terror Twins hurts Y/N.
Author's Note: Short little one.
Taglist: @theworldofotps @smallestsnarkestgirl @magicalbuttertarts @terrortwinunicorn @mrsarcherofinfamy
Y/N stared at Finn from across the hallway. Their eyes locked together. She saw everything she needed to see in them. The anger, the hurt all rolled into one man. When she felt tears well in her eyes, she looked away. She was surprised that her body could possibly produce any more. Ever since Summerslam, sobs and tears racked her body.
As she walked away, she heard his new friends call for him. They sounded so happy. The five of them laughing about their betrayal. Meanwhile, the terror twins and Y/N were broken. The three of them rely on the other to pick up the pieces.
Y/N remembered the last time he was like this. It was him against the world. He let himself drown. Unable to accept his fate, she threw herself into the fire to save him. After her sacrifice, they became inseparable. Until now.
The last time she saved him, she fell in love with him. He was handsome, of course. Body sculpted by the gods rhemselves as a present to the mortals. Piercing blue eyes that often calmed her in her wildest of storms. He was once fiercely loyal personality for his friends. Now he was a walking nightmare.
She knew she couldn't be fooled again. He had to dig himself out of this alone this time. Y/N could never turn her back on the Damian and Rhea. Never again will she need Finn Balor, she vowed quietly.
The worst part was the feeling of lack of oxygen. Her hands gripped her throat. Despite nothing blocking her airflow, she felt someone or something prohibiting her from breathing properly.
The looks of pity from the other wrestlers were the worst. Some gave her sad smiles while others wondered how they couldn't see it coming. Finn was always passionate. Never afraid to show his feelings by his facial expressions. She just never thought he would turn back to the prince.
Y/N knew she would still want him, though. Her heart longed to feel the love they once had for each other. Her once bright and warm cold was now dark and cold. She wished she could grab his hand and bring him back to her world one more time.
The heart broken knocked on a door. Rhea answered the door with a solemn look. She opened the door wider. Y/N bit her lip as the tears fell. Mami opened her arms and allowed the other to collapse in her in a hug.
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fryingpan1234567 · 8 months
each of the batkids is New York vibes in a different way
look I know Gotham is closer to NJ but hear me out
Dick— Welcome To New York (Taylor Swift)
Babs— Morning In America (Jon Bellion)
Jason— HEROES (Macklemore)
Cass— That’s My Girl (Fifth Harmony)
Tim— American Boy (Estelle)
Steph— Boo York, Boo York (Monster High)
Duke— Empire State of Mind (JAY-Z)
Damian— Dancing In the Dark (Rihanna)
Dick Grayson is NY in a Welcome To New York way. Gotham, Blüdhaven, Jersey, it’s all the same— dark, rainy, a little bit evil at times. And yet he sees the beauty of it all, and he truly loves his city. No matter how many times life kicks his ass, he’ll get back up and keep protecting this place he loves so much.
Barbara Gordon is New York in a Morning In America way. God, she’s busy, she’s always busy, but it’s where she’s happiest. Being a cop, a librarian, a professional Guy In The Chair™️ for an entire family of vigilantes, shit gets crazy. But she’s got it covered. She always does.
Jason Todd is New York in a HEROES way. He grew up in the Narrows and Crime Alley. Superman who? How about Roman Sionis, who let people sit in his club during the daytime in the winter when the streets got too cold? What about the older kids, who smoked weed that smelled like shit but taught him how to make money off of dumb rich white people? Those are Jason’s people. He’s an NY boy through and through.
Cassandra Cain is NY in a That’s My Girl way. Ever jumped off a building with the sound of pure feminism blasting into your brain, wind and the sheer energy of Gotham City whipping by, tearing at your hair and clothes? Cass has. She lives for it. The city is alive, and it sounds like this.
Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne is New York in an American Boy way. Clean-cut, city boy, businessman who always has places to be and people to see. Busy. Alive. If the livelihood of New York could be filtered into a personality, it would be Tim.
Stephanie Brown is NY in a Boo York, Boo York way. Maybe a hint childish, but hey, maybe that’s what the people of Gotham need. The whole vigilante gig has turned her from a critical pessimist to a die-hard optimist, and she feels sometimes that other people just need to feel the city more. It’s changed her. It’s freedom. Freedom to be a kid again.
Duke Thomas is NY in an Empire State of Mind way. Even after all these years, he still hasn’t quite gotten used to the majesty of such a big city. She’s real, and she’s alive. He sort of loves being a city kid.
Damian Wayne is New York in a Dancing In the Dark way. It just… makes his soul happy. After living in solitude for most of his childhood, coming to a city like Gotham was like nothing he’d even fathomed before. He’s never alone, if only in spirit. It’s healing. And while he won’t gush about it like some of his siblings, he does love his city.
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call-me-a-simp · 1 year
Heal My Wounds
Visit Him (Part 8)
Tw: physical and sexual abuse, toxic relationship, selfharm, eating disorder
Summary: You are in a toxic relationship with an abusive man but manage to run away. A tall, black haired woman picks you up from the streets just in time so your ex doesn't get you. But who is she and why does she seem so familiar to you? As you get to know each other you start to notice weird feelings you never had before whenever she's around.
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You wake up next to Rhea who's already sitting in bed on her phone, scrolling through Instagram. You sit up too and stretch yourself.
"Good morning" she smiles. "Morning" you reply and yawn. You can't remember the last time you slept so peacefully.
"ugh" you groan and fall back into the pillows. "what's wrong?" Rhea giggles. "It's just that I don't have anymore clothes with me and the rest is still at my ex-boyfriend's"
"you can wear some of mine for today and later we could go visit him to get all your stuff back" she suggests.
You look at her, shocked at what she just said. "Are you insane?! I can't go back there!" "I'd come with you and teach him a lesson" Demi shrugs.
You sigh, "Rhea, I-I can't do that. Then he'll know where I am and.. and he's gonna come and get me when I'm alone and-"
You are cut of by rhea gently placing a finger over your mouth. She then cups your cheek, stroking it with her thumb.
"It's okay darling, no one's gonna hurt you anymore. I promise." you give her a sad smile. "ok fine.. but can you ask the boys to come with us? I feel safer with them."
"sure" she smiles. You never thought that you'd feel safe in the presence of any other men ever again.
It's her. You think. She's the reason. She makes everything better.
Demi called the boys and they agreed to help you. About an hour later the doorbell rings and you let them in.
"Sooo, what's the plan?" Dom asks as you're all settled in the living room. You look at Rhea for help. She gives you a questioning look and you nod. She doesn't need to say anything for you to know what she means.
She let's them know everything that happened, from the beginning of the abuse to her finding and rescuing you by coincidence.
After she finished it's silent for a few seconds. Damian is the first to speak, his hands are balled into fists and he seems very tense in general.
"He's not coming out there alive" he growls, a furious look in his eyes. It scares you a bit because it reminds you of your ex, but it also makes you happy, seeing how much they care for you.
"I'm in!" Dominic and Finn say simultaneously. "We'll take my car" Damian says and stands up. "Don't worry y/n, I'm not going to let him even look in your direction ever again!"
You smile. Damian seems so tough and almost dangerous at first sight, but he's actually one of the sweetest and most caring persons you met.
You all get into the car, Damian and Finn in the front and you in the back between Rhea and Dom. Rhea has her hand on your thigh in order to calm you down.
She's not flirting, she's just trying to calm you down! You think. You feel yourself get a little wet. "Fuck" you curse quietly. "Whats wrong?" Demi asks.
"Can you take your hand off my thigh please?" you whisper and she removes it. "Can I ask why?" "later"
You arrive at his house and get out of the car. "Do you want to knock or should I just kick in the door right away?" Damian asks.
You chuckle at how furious he is. "Hey calm down man" Finn says "I'm gonna ring" Dom shrugs and presses the doorbell.
It's opened by a fairly tall and muscular man. "Aw, did you finally decide it's better to come back or did your new friends convince you?" he mocks.
"Don't you dare talk to her like that" Damian yells and is about to lunge at him but Finn and Dom manage to hold him back.
"We're just here to get her remaining stuff" Rhea says, trying to stay calm. "ha" your ex scoffs "and she couldn't have done that alone? Are you that much of a pussy?"
Rhea steps forward making him actually take a step back. "Eyo I don't want to fight here, I'm a peaceful person and whatever y/n told you it not true, she just likes the attention she gets with it" he says and raises his arms as a sign of defeat.
"Come on y/n" Rhea pulls you inside and helps you get all your stuff. Once you finished storing everything in the car you take a last look back.
"Come on guys, I don't wanna be here any longer" you say. As Damian doesn't move you walk up to him an put a hand on his arm. He immediately relaxes and follows you back to the car.
As you're driving Dom carefully asks "I might be wrong but he didn't seem the way you described him" "He never showes his true face in public" you simply reply. The rest of the car ride went pretty silent.
Once you are back inside Rhea's apartment you collapse onto the ground crying. "Woah hey" Damian kneels down next to you. "What's wrong?" Demi asks and pulls you into a hug. Damian rests his hand on your back gently stroking it.
"Nothing I'm just so relieved" you smile through the tears. Rhea laughs and hugs you even tighter. Damian embracing the two of you and Dominic and Finn joining in for a group hug.
"Thank you guys. For everything!"
Enjoy part 8 :) suggestions wishes etc as always in the comments
I now also have a taglist so if you wanna be featured in it just let me know
Taglist: @babybatlover @legit9thlunaticwarrior @thatonepansexual2000
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redstreetsahead · 1 year
What do you think woulda happened with damirae had apocalypse war not occurred like they had just gone on in their normal lives and everyone had lived and not had lost to darkseid like when do you think they woulda admitted their feelings to one another? What would they be up to now had they not made another flashpoint and the universe was still going minus the tragic ending of that universe? Would love to know ur thoughts on this 💜
Random thing to add I heard that they were rushed to make apocalypse war the last dcamu film as they had another teen titans film they had to scrap cause of wb unfortunately we never got that film thanks wb 🥲
So in this hypothetical world, I'm imagining the war with Darkseid still happens in a sense, but the League's original plan works. Darskeid is unprepared for their attack, it's a close call and some people sustain injuries but Apokolips is destroyed and everyone makes it out alive. End of Story.
So after the battle, I imagine Damian and Raven as being best friends/confidants, but being completely and totally unwilling to share their feelings with each other. They both love each other, but they're scared. They don't want to ruin the best friendship either of them have, and are terrified that the other doesn't feel the same way. They might be superheroes, but their still just teens nervous that the person they love might not love them back.
So they don't confess. It's obvious to everyone around them (cue shenanigans caused by the Titans/Batfam to try and get them together as well as having tense romantic moments and pining), but the two of them are just so scared.
Some highlights of this era in my mind would be Damian teaching Raven to fight with a sword, Raven teaching Damian to meditate, always looking at the other when they think they're not looking, protecting each other during battles, late nights just talking on the roof, mocking the other titans together, raising Titus. And horribly romantic dialogue.
A couple months down the line during some big intense battle, I imagine that Damian gets brutally injured. Not fatal, but incredibly painful and debilitating. Raven offers to heal him right away, but Damian won't let her. He doesn't want her to see what's going on in his head, doesn't want her to see his feelings for her. Cue another tense moment ("Damian, please. I hate seeing you in pain- please just let me help you-" "NO. I said no Raven. Just leave!" "Oh, fuck you") And then Raven heals him anyways.
She sees all the times he had looked at her when she wasn't paying attention, felt the conflict tear at his heart as he confessed his feelings for her to Dick, felt the admiration he held for her when she was in battle, felt the adoration he had when he once carried her to bed after she fell asleep on the roof, and she ultimately just felt an overwhelming wave of love. For her. Damian loved her.
But of course Damian saw a bit inside of her head too. He felt the way her breath caught whenever he pinned her down in sparring, felt her pride when he protected innocent bystanders in battles, felt the way she craved his warmth by her side at moments both waking and asleep, felt the sheer protectiveness that coursed through her whenever he discussed the League of Assassins. Raven loved him.
And they both knew.
Raven kisses him first. Lightly, romantically, before pulling back. All the Titans awwwww. Then Damian kisses her in a way that is NOT THAT and all the titans start complaining because "really?" "In front of everyone?" "Now I need to bleach my eyes."
Then they live happily ever after.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 2 months
Lily of the Valley
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: Jason Todd dies and comes back to life. As the League takes him in, he navigates his morality and family values over the years.
Chapters: 23/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Talia al Ghul, Ra’s al Ghul, Damian Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Sheila Haywood
Relationships: Jason Todd/Original Character(s)
Additional Tags: Immortal Jason Todd, League of Assassins Jason Todd, Protective Talia al Ghul, Good Parent Talia al Ghul, Jason Todd Needs a Hug, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Hurt/Comfort, Adopted Children, Resurrected Jason Todd
Chapter Twenty-Three: Venus Flytrap
After two weeks of studying Sheila’s movements, he broke into Sheila’s apartment and looked through her fridge. He blew out air, exasperated at his mother’s lack of ingredients. Jason headed to the market. The hustle and bustle reminded him of Gotham’s streets. It was loud and busy, assaulting Jason’s senses, but the cool weather was a delightful change from the warmer weather back home. 
No heat ever felt like Gotham’s. The heatwaves there used to cook Jason, leaving him dripping wet in the apartment. Jason never got used to the sweltering heat, leaving him sick and baking in an apartment that had no form of air conditioner or electricity. The electricity always went out first on Park Row. Infinity Island was a break from the enduring heat of Gotham summers, but Ethiopia had the coolest air. He wore a jacket, walking through the streets in a trance-like state. The world seemed to pulse around him, The city lived, but Jason felt disconnected. How could he understand life when he was death itself?  
Cooking was the more interesting part of Jason’s extensive training. He remembered the cuts on his fingers and the constant drilling of cultural dining standards. Ethiopia was one of Jason’s favorites. The gursha was a gesture of friendship done during meals where someone would gently place a bit of food in the other person’s mouth. It took him back to Talia’s earliest tender gestures. He wanted to offer the same kindness to Sheila. He worked quickly in Sheila’s kitchen, preparing a meal that would be reflective of her favorite dishes in the city. 
Sheila entered the house around two in the morning, barely having time to see who sat in her chair before she reached into her waistband and fired a shot. It hit Jason in the shoulder, and Jason immediately put pressure on it. “Jesus Christ… You—. Who are you? What are you doing here?” Sheila asked as she rushed over with her duffel. “Shit. You’re lucky I didn’t—.”
“I heal fast. Don’t worry about me. I can handle it. I made dinner. Let me explain why I’m here while I clean up,” Jason whispered. He’d been shot more times than he could count. It hurt like hell, but he didn’t show it outwardly. Sheila’s hands shook as she went to the next room. She made a plate and brought it to the living room. 
“What the hell do you want? Who are—?”
“This isn’t how I expected this to go. I let you shoot me because I thought you’d be more comfortable if you believed I was incapacitated. We met before… You probably don’t recognize me. It’s been sixteen years—.” 
“ Jason? God, Jason? Where’s your—? I shot you. Does your father know you’re here? Is he going to come out of my bathroom?” Sheila questioned. Jason shook his head. 
“For legal reasons… I’m dead. My—. My other mom is dead. Dad is dead… I left Gotham when I was twelve,” Jason explained. He didn’t dare mention what he’d done since then. “And it’s okay. I’ve been shot before. This isn’t that bad. I heal pretty fast, so if I pass out, don’t panic. Let me sleep for a minute. I’ll wake up.” He warned her because he knew he’d bleed out the second he extracted the bullet. And he did.  
When he woke up, Sheila had him half-buried, but the dirt was still loose. He clawed his way out of the hole, reeling at the thought of being buried alive. When he reached her, he had to remind himself that Sheila was his mother. If it were anyone else, he would’ve killed them. It shook him to his core. “I told you to let me sleep,” Jason snapped as he gasped for air. It was the one thing he truly feared. Flashes of his hands clawing at the inside of a cheap wooden coffin. Tearing his palms on nails and splintered wood. Fingernails torn from their beds. Wrists and knuckles broken from punching the inner walls… In darkness. Talia’s promise.  
Jason and Sheila were off to a rocky start. He staggered forward. “But you were—.”
“I wasn’t… It’s hard to find my pulse. We should go… I’m starving,” Jason interrupted. He didn’t want to talk about it, not  after that.
Sheila escorted him to her home, sharing the dinner he’d prepared. “Jason, are you alright?” Sheila asked.
“No, I’m not alright. I don’t take kindly to being buried. People have made that mistake before. I don’t—.” Jason trailed off as he tore through his meal. “Sorry, I heal fast, but I burn through calories like crazy for the first twenty-four hours... Who are you afraid of?” Jason questioned. 
Sheila swallowed hard. “I’m not—.”
“You shot me as soon as you saw me. That means you’re not used to surprise visitors. You don’t have a boyfriend… Or any close friends to speak of… But you call someone four times a day… Every day. I’ve never seen your gun, which leads me to believe you always have it hidden on your person. You hide it well, by the way… And you’re stealing something. In small amounts, but I never see you with it. It wasn’t in your bag. Mother… I—. What’s going on? Maybe I can help,” Jason offered before cracking open a soda and downing it in less than thirty seconds. Sheila shook her head. 
“You can’t be here. You should go back to wherever you were… Don’t you have school? It’s August, Jason. And—. Jason? What do you mean you heal fast?” Sheila questioned. Jason held a finger up to keep her quiet.
He slipped his uninjured arm out of his sleeve, pushing it over his head to reveal a scar where a hole should’ve been. Sheila got close, touching the scar as Jason froze. “Don’t—.” 
“What the hell happened to you—?”
“You didn’t answer my question. Who are you running from?” Jason asked. 
“It’s none of your concern—.”
“Gun,” Jason commanded as he opened his hand. She gave it to him. “You shot me. I have a right to know who you would’ve killed.” 
“Killed?” Sheila asked. Jason nodded. “I’m mixed in with some bad people. You can’t stay here… I have a meeting every few months with a buyer, who—.” 
“What’s their name?” Jason interrupted. “I’m frustrated because there’s no way to prove that I can help you. Just step back and let me do it… And I need to know I can trust you. You can’t tell anyone I’m here, and you have to be completely honest with me.” 
“Do you know who the Joker is?” Sheila asked. Jason nodded. 
“Chemical weapons?” Jason asked. Sheila nodded as she checked her phone, typing something. Jason sighed. “Your apartment isn’t bugged. If it was, I would’ve noticed. Tell me everything. Don’t leave anything out.” He sat and listened as she explained how they used a warehouse as a drop spot and how she got mixed in with him trying to sell medical supplies on the side. 
Jason tried not to judge her, but it was so hard to see past how callous she seemed in comparison to Talia and Catherine. Still, he loved her and wanted to keep her safe. “Mom, once I help you you’ve gotta go straight,” Jason whispered as he finished eating. “You should eat and get some rest… I’ll let myself out.”
“Wait,” Sheila requested. She grabbed his arm. Jason frowned. 
“When did you text them?” Jason whispered. Sheila swallowed hard. “Just now… Is that right?”
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Eat and toke with the Judgment Day in this latest chapter of my Rhea Ripley x lady!reader fic.
Warnings for this section: Cannabis (weed)
Absolute Smokeshow (Part 47 of ?): A Dish Best Served Rolled
Licking your lips, you thank the server as your order is placed in front of you.
"Finally," Dominik says excitedly, rubbing his hands together.
"What did you get?" you ask him, curious.
"Chicken tenders," everyone except you and JD says in unison, surprising the two of you, who look at each other awkwardly.
"They're the only thing he eats when we go out," Rhea sighs, looking at Dom with an amused smile as he digs in. Grinning at your metamour, you start on your own dish. A contented silence falls over the table, occasionally broken by the clinking of silverware, as everyone enjoys their food and drinks. Dominik finishes eating first, looking extremely satisfied.
"You ate that way too fast," you tell him, not even halfway through your own meal, "How do you not have a stomach ache?"
"Years of practice," Dom replies, looking very pleased with himself.
"Yeah: practicing smiling through your stomach aches," Rhea says, making him grin sheepishly.
Damian finishes his plate next, hurriedly chugging his water and wiping his mouth before standing and addressing Rhea.
"Need anything from the car?" he asked her, taking the keys out of his pocket.
"My messenger bag?" she requests, smiling as Damian nods and saunters over to the rental, his walk leisurely despite the hurried pace in which he finished eating.
Finn sighs, watching Damian walk away. JD claps a hand on Finn's shoulder, gently but firmly. A smile makes its way onto his face briefly before he notices you watching, quickly shrugging off JD's hand and clearing his throat. JD looks a bit hurt, but says nothing. You feel bad for having watched the two upon seeing JD's puppy-dog eyes, thinking of a time when you had been in a similar situation. Turning instead to look at your girlfriend, you take another bite of your food as Rhea wipes a few crumbs off Dominik's face and kisses his cheek before letting him finish his soda. You had never expected to feel so happy watching the woman you loved being sweet and affectionate with the man she loved, but you supposed what mattered most to you was that you were also important to her, and that she was happy.
"What is it, beautiful?" Rhea asks, noticing the pause in your eating as you look at her and Dominik.
"You guys are just so cute!" you say, smiling harder when Rhea poses and Dom blushes slightly.
"You should date us or something," Rhea jokes, grinning.
"Us?" you and Dominik asked in unison, confused.
"Too much?" she asks after giggling furiously at your reactions. You nod, but Dom seems to be considering it, nodding along with you once he sees you don't seem to be interested. Rhea laughs harder and you can't help but smile at the lovely sound.
"What's so funny?" Damian asks, walking up with Rhea's bag.
"Only two of the three of 'em want to form a triad," JD McDonagh replied, surprising everyone and making Dominik blush and look away, embarrassed.
Acting like he hadn't heard anything, Damian handed Rhea her bag, ignoring the look she gave him that seemed to say "don't be rude!"
"Hey, chica," Damian said, tapping your shoulder and looking around before slyly pulling a blunt out of his pocket, "Quieres?"
"You already know me so well," you reply, returning Damians mischievous smile before looking over at Rhea.
"If he's smoking, it means I'm the one driving us to the next location," she says, shaking her head as she plugs her phone into a portable charging block from her bag, "But you enjoy, love."
Taking one last sip of your beverage, you stand up and kiss Rhea before offering your car as the location for your smoke session with Damian and leading the way.
Feeling the vibration of your phone, you pull it out, expecting to see a text from Rhea. Instead, your phone reads: Text from: Liv Morgan. "Checking to make sure you're still alive! If I don't hear from you I might be legally required to tell WWE" The text ends with an emoji with its tongue sticking out.
Sighing, you quickly message back: "Not dead, all good!" before you and Damian reach your car and you unlock it. Getting in the driver's seat, you pull your sunshade off the floor in the back and prop it up against your windshield with the sun visors before Damian slides into the seat next to you. Just as Damian pulls out the blunt again, your phone buzzes. Opening the compartment underneath the radio, you pull out a lighter you kept there, offering it to Damian and ignoring your phone.
"Better check that and make sure it's not Rhea," Damian says, taking the lighter from you, "Our Eradicator makes it look like nothing phases her too much, but she's head over heels for you, chica."
Nodding, you check your phone as Damian brings the blunt to his lips and lights it.
Text from: Liv Morgan. "Glad you're not dead! You're way too cute to die" The message ended with a winking emoji and you felt your face getting warm.
[end part forty-seven of ?]
Part 48: https://www.tumblr.com/specialinterestshows/729576237256851456/absolute-smokeshow-part-48-of-in-the-hot-box
Tag List (thank you!)
@cherryberryshine , @littlemiss-fanficlover , @elisewithak , @babybatlover , @girlofpink , @kagome2909 , @domlynch
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lily-drake · 11 months
The Demons Queen
Chapter Fourteen
First <> Previous
“Excuse me?”  Marinette asked, shock written all over her face.  She was still too expressive, she needs to be weary of that.
“I will be escorting you around the village down the mountain today.”  Damian replied stiffly.  He wasn’t fully sure how this was supposed to go.  Every time he left his bases it was for a mission of his own, never for frivolities.  But he had promised his mother that he would take Marinette to the village as a reward for how well she’s done these past months.  
“And you believe that I would willingly go with you ?”  She asked incredulously, her accent makes the words come out more like a sharp hiss.
“I believe that you would want to explore places outside of the mountains.  I have noticed the distance in your mind when you spar outside.”  He watched as she shifted slightly, giving away her unease.  They would need to work on how open her body language is.  It would be a liability.
“When would we be leaving?”  She asked, eyes staring defiantly at the wall.  Even after all this time, she still kept hold to her defiant spirit, it was endearing as it was frustrating.
“Preferably, now.  However, if you need time to get ready, I understand.”  He watched as she bit her lip—another tell—as she thought over his proposition.  It was a reasonable request, it gave her a piece of what she obviously longed for while it also showed what she would receive if she became loyal to The League, loyal to their cause, loyal to him .
The town itself, while being independent from The League, was a great resource.  They kept the League’s secret, provided food and shelter to his followers, and provided tales and legends that would keep the odd traveler away from the mountains, and thus their base.  In return the League would protect the village and provide a small salary to the village as a whole.  While they were not loyal to The Demon’s Head, they were loyal to those that kept the city financially stable and thus, alive.
“Fine, I‘ll go with you.”  Then she slammed her door right in Damian’s face.  Damian blinked at the door, though he made no outward reaction he could feel fury course through him at such blatant disrespect.  He had been too tolerant of this type of behavior from her.  She needed to learn her place.  But now was not the time, first he needed to fulfill the promise he had made to his mother.
A few moments later Marinette reemerged from her room in her training robes looking him in the eye.  The nerve of this girl.  “Tt.  Let's get going.”  He could hear her sigh, and it took everything in him to not strike her.  If it were any of his other operatives they would already be dead for insubordination.  Maybe he should force her to watch the next execution, though he hadn’t held one of those in years as the ninja had learned quickly that while he wasn’t his grandfather, he wasn’t afraid to uphold his methods.  
He watched Marinette out of his periphery as they traveled through the halls.  She was tense, her brow furrowed as if she were planning something.  And knowing her, she very much could be.  Truly a shame that it wouldn’t help her.  The cool wind of the mountain brushed past them as they walked through the training yard.  
As he walked he could feel Marinette’s presence fading off causing him to pause and turn.  Marientte wasn’t trying to run, she was simply standing there, basking in the faint sun, eyes taking in everything they could.  He turned away, it was her own fault she couldn’t come outside sooner.  If she had simply just agreed to pledge her loyalty to the League and the cause she would have been allowed to come out sooner.  Did she not understand that they shared the same goal, the goal of restoring balance to this twisted and corrupt world?
“Hurry, I will not wait for you.” It only took a few moments for her to catch up, and as they neared the gates he made sure to keep a closer eye on her.  It may be Spring, but the mountains were still cold and unforgiving, and if she tried to survive up here by herself, well they’d have to wait until all the snow thawed to find the body.  
With a flick of his wrist the gates were opened on silent hinges and without a thought he started down the steps missing the way Marinette’s eyes lit up for the first time in the seven months she's been here.  “So, you’re not going to chain or leash me to you?”  She questioned, quickly matching his steps.
“There is no need.  If you attempt to flee you will either be caught or die.”  He stated. 
“Wow, aren’t you confident.”  She mocked with a roll of her eyes.  
“I have lived in these mountains for nearly all of my life.  I have watched it happen numerous times, it is simply a fact.”  He could feel her eyes on him.  Unsettling wasn’t the right word, but the feeling of her eyes put him on guard all the same.  They were silent after that with the only sound being the crunch of the white snow.  
“When can I go on a real mission?”  She asked, shivering as a sharp wind passed through them.
“When I can trust you not to run away and betray us.”  He remembered when Cain’s daughter was given her first mission.  Grandfather had seen her hesitation, but believed Cain when he said that she was ready to serve.  She had never returned, her hit was still alive, and in the end The Bat had taken her in.  He had only seen Grandfather that angry a handful of times.  He still had nightmares about it.
“And what do I have to do to prove that?”  She asked with forced calm.
“When I sense you are no longer plotting my demise.”  She hesitated only for a second, but it was enough.  “Believe it or not Miss Dupain-Cheng, but we are quite similar.”  
“We are nothing alike.”  She growled, eyes narrowed to slits.  Damian never faltered, still walking down the long snow covered stairs.
“That is where you are wrong.  You were forced to become a leader and hero, expected to die for a cause with little to no aid at the age of twelve.  My sole purpose for being born was to take over my grandfather’s legacy.  And because of the self-obsessed actions of another I took over that role at a far younger age than yourself.”
“I wasn’t forced to do anythi-” she hissed.
“Really?”  He paused, turning to face her, eyes burning and his jaw clenched.  “I watched the footage.  You were never given a real choice in the matter, you were left to fend for yourself for six months before you received any real aid.  Not to mention the way your supposed “partner” constantly forced his advances and opinions onto you, constantly making himself a target and compromising your plans and status.  
“You had no training before you were thrust into the fire, and even when the old man finally decided to aid you, the training you received was abysmal.  Not to mention that you no longer have any trusted allies and have decided that the only way to protect that wretched city was to slowly kill yourself.”  He could feel the slight heave of his chest, the burning in his lungs as he forced himself not to yell at this infuriating girl.  
When would she open her eyes and see the world for what it truly was?  He had thought that being Ladybug would remove her rose colored glasses, but perhaps not.  Maybe he should take her on a mission with him, make her see the true colors of this Earth.  It was silent again, the whistling of the cold mountain air forcing itself between them.
“I still don’t see how that makes us similar.”  She breathed, never looking away from his eyes, her blue eyes as cold as the ice around them.
“ That is not my problem.  Perhaps you should start looking at the world as a whole rather than the tiny section you’ve forced yourself to live in all these years.”  With those biting words he continued his descent.  If she ran, he had no doubts they would find the body soon enough and it would not be his problem.  The soft slush of snow behind him was the only tell that she continued following behind him.
__________ The village, though larger than Marinette had expected, was relatively small.  As spring began her gentle descent to the valley, winter still kept a tight grip with snow everywhere and biting winds.  But despite the cold, the village was still filled with life.  Vendors were selling goods from their shops and carts, people filled the streets with large smiles, and small fires were spread around to ensure warmth to those outside.
Marinette nearly jumped out of her skin when a small child nearly ran into her, only barely ducking away.  Following the child was an older woman screaming at them in mandarin to return to her side.  It was…strange.
She had been kept isolated from the outside world for so long now she forgot what it was like to be surrounded by normal people.  When she looked up at the boy, trying to gauge what he thought of the town, she was met with his usual impassiveness.  Rolling her eyes she continued to scan her surroundings.  Red lanterns were strung all around them, other children were running around with long paper dragons on sticks.  Nearly everyone was dressed in their best cheongsams or hanfus.  She listened past the chatter of the crowd and heard the bands playing in the distance.
“What day is it?”  She asked breathlessly.
Damian looked at her for a moment before replying, “January 29th.”
Marinette almost staggered back.  Eight months, she had been gone for over eight months .  Not only that, but it was the eve of Chinese New Years.  The year of the snake–the year of second chances.  Maybe this was a sign.  Maybe it meant that she would have a second chance at living in Paris, that she would be found and brought back home while this crazy organization was destroyed.
“Let’s go find some food.”  She muttered, her brain still foggy as she followed behind him to a small vendor that was selling spring rolls, Jiaozi, Tangyuan, and more.  Dragons, lanterns, and coy colored red and gold decorated the streets.  She watched in silent amazement as she spotted dragon dancers move through the streets with the giant replica.  Movements so smooth it was like the dragon was made of water.
What she found strange was how everyone they met seemed to pay Damian some sort of deference.  All of them looked all too happy to see this boy, and it made her blood boil when she saw mothers telling their children to bow and show this monster their full respect.
They didn’t talk to each other for about two hours as they wandered from place to place, taking in the celebrations and festivities.  Marinette mourned the time she had been gone, mourned the fact that she would be spending her first new years far away from her family.  Seethed with the knowledge that the only reason she can even celebrate today was because he felt some sort of pity for her.  It was disgusting.  
“What did you do to these people?”  She finally demanded when a man got down on his knees to bow to him.
“I have kept this town alive.  They are a good resource and deterrent.  They are some of my most important informants, and as such I ensure that they are compensated as such.
“So you buy their loyalty,” she barked.
“Believe what you wish, but I have earned it.  I would not waste my funds nor would I put my trust in the city if I did not believe they are loyal to me for loyalty's sake.”  How could he always be so calm and composed?  She had only seen a small flicker of any other emotion when they were on the stairs.  She wanted to see more of it, to draw some kind of reaction from him.  Make him feel just as angry as she felt.
“Why did you even bring me here?  To taunt me, to assert some sort of dominance over me, to teach me some sort of lesson that I’ll never be free enough to experience this with my family again?” She growled.  People turned to look at her, but then turned away, ignoring her completely.  
None of these people would help her, she was sure of it.  Any hope she had of escaping with their aid vanished when the first person bowed to him like he was their emperor.
“That was not my intention, no.”  
“Then what is your oh so noble intention,” she mocked.  Her throat burned as held herself back from screaming at him.
“You have been training well and have made great progress.  You can consider this as an award.”
“Oh, so now I’m some pet that gets a reward by doing your training.”  He didn’t answer her, but she could see the crease in his brow.  She was getting to him, she just needed to push a little harder.
“Makes sense, after all I’m just another tool, you only want me for my apparent usefulness to the league.”  She bit out, the words tasting like one of Tomoe’s poisons.
“No.”  He forced out, a scowl replacing his stoic facade.
“Right.  That’s what you first told me, remember?  When you uprooted my life, took away charges, and told me directly that I had no choice but to train to become one of your generals.”
He didn’t respond to that, instead taking longer strides down the street, forcing her to almost jog to keep up with him.
“You can’t run from yourself.”  He came to a halt where Marinette almost ran into his back from the suddenness of it.  The anger frustration she had seen only moments before vanished back behind the icy mask of nothingness.
“One day you will understand that I am not against you.  You are still young,” she scoffed, she was nearly an adult, but he ignored her.  “You still need time to adjust and see things.  But you will not see them solely at the league.  
“I will arrange for you to go on a mission in a month's time.  When you return, I expect you will at least start to open your eyes to the reality of this world.  I am not the villain here.  We have the same goal.”  Without a pause, he started to walk forward.  They didn’t talk to each other for the rest of the day and he had made sure to return to the base before sunset.  
The walk was long, with the cold winds and even icer silence that hung between them.  When they reached the base he walked back inside, not caring as she stayed in the middle of the now empty training field to watch the distant explosions of color and celebration.  Today was a new beginning.  She would take her chances.  She would be going on a mission in a month from now where she would make her escape, even if it killed her.
@aespades @adrestar @astrynyx @doll246 @queenz-z @toodaloo-kangaroo @crazylittlemunchkin @seraphichana @miraculous-ninja @dorkus-minimus @mysticsoulgirl @ritacrow-blog @snow-leopard-777 @fidget-eep @sometandomstuff333 @lady-phoenix-of-tardis @shreeing @achaoticmess1 @liquid-luck-00 @buginetye @stainedglassm @prettylittlebutterflie @laurcad123 @iloontjeboontje @heartsong18 @raeuberprinzessin @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks @jennifer-rose123 @moon5608 @corporeal-terrestrial @skitarii-alpha-c6-555 @saltysugarysembei @phantom120 @kking13 @depressed-bitchy-demon @a-slytherinish-gryffindor @iamablinkmarvelarmy @fleursroses @buginetye @humanoid606 @ev-cupcake @blackroserelina @rainbowbunny0159 @the-ace-reader @humanoid606 @taewinterbear95 @blueberrygeniejam @alex-rebecca @neulosfantacyworld @devilbunny612 @boredteen19 @agentxx92 @animegirlweeb
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Daminette Corpse Bride AU
Well AU-ish
Original Post
So we left off in the land of the living and learned that Marinette's groom is hoping She's not found so he doesn't have to get his hands dirty.
In comes in either Luka or Felix (whichever fits your preference) as they have known the Dupain-Cheng's for some time.
For drama purposes, they could have romantic feelings for Marinette or you go the platonic love route where they are there to see if her groom is worthy of their friend. (He's definitely not worthy.)
When they arrive, they hear the news bellower shouting out the most recent news while ringing the bell.
"EXTRA! EXTRA! The only daughter of the Dupain-chengs goes missing after disastrous rehearsal!"
That has them booking it to the bakery where both families are sitting together trying to figure out how to find Marinette.
However, they notice that it her groom seems to have no interest in finding her as he seems to be zoning everything out. That pisses them off.
After introductions are made, they ask the groom to walk with them, in the guise of finding and clues as to where Marinette could have gone.
They reach the church and go around back to see if there's anything there, and that when Luka/Felix pin her groom to the wall.
"What the hell is your problem?! Your bride is missing, and you don't seem the least bit worried! Don't you love her?! Marinette is an amazing girl, and anyone would be lucky to have her as their partner!"
"If I didn't know any better I would say you love my bride. If she's such an amazing girl as you say then why don't you marry her?" - The groom
This pisses off Luka/Felix more, resulting in the groom getting a black eye.
Now this seem entertaining to the groom, and now wants to marry Marinette out of spite. Just to rub it in their faces.
Perhaps marriage does has its benefits.
When they get back to bakery, they fawned over Marinette's groom. Which he resumed them the black eye was caused by his own clumsiness.
Luka/Felix really don't like him.
In the land of the dead:
Marinette is honestly kinda terrified, but at the same time living her best life
Ever since spending time with the Wayne family she's seen a change with herself.
She's more outgoing and relaxed around them. Especially with Damian.
She honestly thinks that perhaps if she met Damian when he was alive, she would choose to marry him instead.
Damian and Marinette spend a lot of time together. He discovers her interests, the things that make her laugh, her fears, and the fire that hides within her heart.
When he told of her of his family's demise. She didn't show sympathy but rather angled that someone would do such a thing to them. Especially after learning all the good they did for their community.
It almost looked like she was about to commit murder.
Just when he thought he couldn't fall for her anymore.
Meanwhile his family are spying from a reasonable distance. Some are even hiding in some of the coffins lying around the area.
They are so invested in this relationship. More than they should be.
"I never seen baby bird fall this hard for someone before" - Dick
"Tell me about it. He didn't even show half of the emotion he's showing her to his ex-fiance" - tim
"She could do better." - Jason
"Shut up, Jason" practically everyone in the batfam
"Fuck you!" - jason
Don't get Jason wrong her loves the "demon spawn," and loves Marinette, bit he's a realist.
He's read the vows, and come on, Damian's a dead dude.
"Till death do us part." Dpnes anyone else remember that line? No? Just him? OK then.
He really hates the fact that they are setting themselves for heartache.
One day, Marinette asks Damian why they haven't moved on yet.
He tells her it is because he knew his family was so excited to see him get married, and when it was about to happen, they all died. He wanted to make them proud, and show them that they didn't need to worry about him no more.
"Eell, if you want I could marry you." - Marinette
"I couldn't ask that of you Marinette," - Damian
"But I want to." - Marinette
Damian swears his long since dead heart skipped a beat .
They announce the wedding and Marinette says it will be upstairs.
Everyone is excited.
Cue the scean where everyone is getting ready for the wedding here.
In the land of the living
Everyone is freaking out the dead is brought back to life.
Then, realise they mean no harm. Live relatives get to spend some time with those who have long since passed.
Luka/Felix see Marinette in her wedding dress in the crowd of the dead and can't help but feel a sense of dread wash over them
Her original groom sees the Wayne family with Marinette and can't help but feel fear and anger.
At the church, the ceremony is being held when Luka/Felix come in when they said speek now or forever hold your peace woth her original groom in tow
* insert shocked wedding guests here*
A dual breaks out between luka/Felix between Damian.
Marinette's original groom hold her back to keep her from interfering. He's high-key hoping that Luka/Felix die
Some how they talk it out during the dual and Damian realizes that luka/Felix what the same thing as him; for Marinette to be happy.
He turns to Marinette, and getting a good look at her original groom, he says their name.
"Hello, Damian. It's funny seeing you and your family here when you should all be 6 feet under." - Marinette's original groom, he says, pulling out a knife and holding it up against Marinette's throat.
It is here we find out the Original Groom and his family worked for the Wayne's and where the ones to poison them.
Turns out the original groom was greedy, always wanting what he couldn't have. Thus, he manipulated his family to help him commit murder and steal the Wayne family fortune.
He fights with the Wayne's + Luka/Felix and is able to hold his own.
He tires and gives Marinette up,
congratulating her on having such great mates.
They all glare at him and watch as he drinks from the chalice that Damian told Marinette only he would drink from.
*insert dying noises here*
Everyone dead minus the the Wayne's and Alfred go to give Marinette's original groom a "warm welcome"
Spoiler: it was not welcoming at all.
Marinette hugs luka/felix as Damian watches.
Damian sees she's in good hands and can't help but feel at peace knowing that.
Turing to him, Marinette asks if he still wants to continue the wedding, but he says no.
Little my little he and his family start to turn into butterfly.
Damian then tells her that he no longer wishes to be married bow that he is happy and at peace. It is then revealed that that is why the rest of his family stayed behind.
All they wanted was to finally see him happy.
Marinette gave him a bone crushing hug which he reciprocated, and one by one the rest of his family joined in.
Marinette cries when they all disappeared, and all that was left between her arms was air.
Luka/Felix held her until she felt better.
After the event her original groom's family was held accountable as accomplices to murder.
The Dupain-Cheng bakery saw an influx of customers and were able to expand their business, with the help of Luka/Felix
Marinette happily stays single, and lives out her wildest dreams.
Maybe even adopts in the future
Alternative ending 1:
Marinette and luka/Felix spend more time together after the event
Slowly fall I'm love
Marinette is still able to live out her dreams with a supportive partner.
They get married
Alternative Ending 2:
Rather than moving on Damian and his family come back to live, able to once more walk amongst the living.
"If I had a nick for every time I died and was brought back to life, I'd have two Nicole. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice," Jason
"The first time doesn't count as it was faked," tim
"I'm alive! How many years has it been? Do you think Barbara and Wally are older than me now or..., " Dick, just happy to be alive and able to contact friends.
Duke and Cass are smiling, happy to be alive, and for Marinette and Damian, finally able to be together.
Damian is hugging Marinette happy he is able to hold her in his arms. Happy that he can be with her
Alfred and Bruce have to interupt them, so they can formally meet Marinette's family, and press charges against her original grooms family.
A year later Marinette is walking aboung the aisle with her father.
Luka/Felix is her best man
Damian feels like he's the luckiest man in the world.
Alternative Ending 3:
The boys don't make it on time to object.
Marinette decides she'd rather be with someone eho makes her happy.
He drinks from the Chalice even though Damian tried to talk her out if it.
" I'd rather be with you in death rather than later marry someone who I can not bring myself to feel the way I do when I am with you." - Marinette
"Are you sure this is what you want?" - Damian
Marinette smiles and drinks from the chalice.
When the boys arrive, those of the dead are long gone, and so is Marinette
She and the Wayne's live happily ever after in the afterlife.
The end.
@zalladane @draco-kasai @heldtogetherbysafetypins @emilykeys
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sing-me-under · 3 months
Sometimes I like to think up scenarios where Bruce dies either shortly before or shortly after meeting Tim, and the entire focus is on years into the future (like present day comics) where the world just keeps going except Bruce Wayne is dead.
There’s still an earthquake. There is an entire city wrecked with grief that’s never quite stopped grieving. There’s no uber wealthy and influential Bruce Wayne, but there’s still an entire JL and many influential people who loved Bruce willing to help Gotham in his name at least. Life goes on.
Like, Jason still resurrected. He probably already resurrected and was just wandering Gotham or in a hospital by the time Bruce died. He comes back to Gotham fully aware that his dad is dead and just sticks to the underground, never interacting with the Gotham hero community.
Speaking of the Gotham hero community, it’s more disconnected without the bats. There’s still the Birds of Prey, of course there is, but the heroes who rose up inspired by Batman and Robin just never get that spark of surety and passion. Gotham itself just feels a bit more lifeless, a bit more hopeless, without a Batman and a Robin.
Maybe there is a Batman actually, but it’s usually someone else in the suit. Maybe it’s Nightwing trying to be Batman in that initial grief but giving up at the behest of his friends. Maybe he never returned to Gotham at all, absolutely refused to. This cursed city is the gravesite of four family members. Maybe it’s Superman in the bat suit once every few months or even one a year, making himself seen just enough to keep the urban legend alive. Maybe it’s someone else entirely. A different vigilante using the name but everyone knows they’re not really Batman.
But there’s definitely no more Robins. No one thinks of the second Robin and aspires to his fate. Maybe Tim temporarily takes on the Robin mantle, but the weight is too heavy and he makes a different name for himself. Maybe he tried to reach Dick and bring him back to Gotham, but he never succeeded in convincing anyone. Maybe he went straight to Bruce a la fanon and tried to help, but he couldn’t.
I had this one idea where Bruce saw this scrawny boarding school kid with a whole lot of spark and the exact same vision for Gotham’s future, and instead of letting him be Robin at Alfred’s behest and with Dick’s acknowledgement, he instead decided “when this kid is old enough, I want him to be my successor.” and he starts teaching Tim the basics. He already failed Dick and Jason, so he resolved to not let Tim be an active vigilante until he’s 18. He fucking dies anyway but leaves a will and instructions for Tim to basically learn from the same teachers when he’s of age, but Tim’s mom dies and his dad is comatose so Tim goes “Fuck It. Gotham needs me now” and drops out and speedruns his world tour way earlier than Bruce would have wanted.
There’s still Damian, somewhere. Maybe Talia drops him off with Dick when it’s apparent she can’t protect Damian in the League, not from its cruelties and certainly not from her father. Nightwing is unobtrusive to the grand scheme of the LoA. Talia may not like Dick, may have been frequently at odds with him during his Robin days when a family with Bruce seemed like it was in the palm of her hand, but she trusts him, unfortunately. He was loyal to Bruce, at least, despite all their disagreements and domestic hostilities. Dick looks at Damian and thinks “I’m the same age Bruce was when he took me in. Damian is the same age I was. I can’t do this, but damn it all if I don’t try” and the regret fills him and he’s doing everything not to drown in it.
But there’s still Cass somewhere, probably with Barbara. There’s still Helena and Stephanie and Duke and the kids who became Robins in another timeline but choose a different name to rally under here, if they take up arms at all.
At least without Batman, there’s no Joker. He went down in that helicopter over the Atlantic Ocean and never showed his face again.
Regardless, this world is just a little more worse for wear, a little more tired and weary. This is a world where Batman dies, not with a bang but with a sizzle, and he doesn’t come back. No one is sure if he’d even want to.
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meritatem · 1 year
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Look, Selina is smart. Brilliant. An artist in her field, capable even of outsmarting Batman when the opportunity arises. She has enough skill and knowledge to maneuver the day-to-day in this cursed city, to not only survive but to thrive.
She knows all the rules of this game, she's alive because she knows how to play it well. So why, oh, why is she letting this unknown kid into her apartment without stopping to think about how much of a bad idea this is? She's blaming Jason Todd for this; it's true that her life was a bit in disarray before her encounter with Jason, but she's choosing to put more fault into him because he had to mess with her while wearing a Batman suit, so the personal offense feels warranted. Besides there's not much she can do when the kid actually knows where she's staying at the moment, only worsen by the fact that he calls her by her name - or well, last name - as soon as they get inside. It's not like she had doubts about the kid being adjacent to Batman in some way, not with all the kevlar and the expert roof surfing, but she wasn't expecting him to actually know things. Maybe this is a sign that she needs to step away for a little while, you know? To rest, heal and all that jazz.
Damian, of course, doesn't have time to wait for Selina to sort her internal conflicts, so he just takes the throw pillows from her couch and makes a little nest for the kittens on the floor, depositing them carefully in it and putting the cape back almost in one fluid motion, he then turned around and without waiting for Selina, went directly to the kitchen, prompting her to finally react.
“Where do you keep the dishes?” He asked even though he was already opening the cupboards. “And what kind of food do you have? They look old enough for something else besides milk.”
“Hold on,” and acting like this wasn't not unusual at all, she took off her goggles off and left them in the counter, tapping with her hand in passing one of the cupboards. “The bowls are there.”
Selina didn't have a cat of her own but she had the habit of feeding the stray cats that sometimes visited her balcony, so she had more than enough cat canned food, even if said food was more suitable for adult cats but going to the pet store wasn't an option at the moment, so for now it'll have to suffice. As soon as she poured the food into a bowl, Damian seized it, hurrying back to the cats while she took off her cowl, leaving it in the same place as her goggles before running her fingers through her hair, shaking it. For a moment she considered that maybe a glass of rum was in order, I mean, it was past two in the morning and she had an unnamed vigilante child sitting cross-legged in her living room, happily helping some kittens to eat from a feeding bowl that was a bit big for them... that surely entered in the territory of “I need alcohol for this”, but that also seemed exactly like not the thing to do with a kid present, especially when said kid apparently knew all her secrets.
“So,” she started, like she was continuing with a previous conversation. “What's your name?”
“No One.” He answered like he did that first time when he met Colin again. “That's what I go by.”
“Really? Sounds a little uninspiring.”
“I won't take criticism from someone calling herself Catwoman.”
“I hope you have this opinion for Batman too.”
“Batman is a simple and evocative name, easy for the vermin to remember and cower to. It's not the same.”
“You're biased because he's your boss.”
“He's not my boss, I answer to no-one but myself.” Which was a lie, because he did ask for Pennyworth's authorization for some things, but Kyle didn't need to know that. 
In the course of the conversation, Selina started to move in the kitchen after finally deciding that tea would be best, maybe with some luck it'll really help her relax; seeing the situation she was in, seemed doubtful but it was worth a try.
“Do you want some tea?” She asked out of politeness, even if there was nothing polite about this.
“I'd accept hot chocolate, if you have it.”
“Sorry, dear, not at this time. How about milk with honey?”
“No, thank you.” He said, turning his nose with disdain.
Selina was sure this was the first time she hear someone showing so much contempt at the simple mention of milk. It was kind of funny coming from a child that definitely needed the calcium.
“So,” she said again. “How did you end up as Batman's associate?”
“By misfortune.”
Yeah, no, on a second thought she's not going there. “Ah, don't we all? It's always like that when he's involved, isn't it?” And there was a sense of nostalgia in her words, but it was only momentary. “But enough of this, let's talk about what are we going to do with these kittens,” that had to be a safer topic, right? “What was your plan? I'm sure you weren't thinking about breaking into my place before I found you.”
“I was going to temporally house them until I found a proper place for their reallocation.”
“Not adopting one yourself, uh?”
“I'm not in a position to care for an animal at the moment.”
With everything that was happening in his life, acquiring a new army of pets wasn't an immediate priority for Damian, that aside, he still had the intention of locating his old four-legged friends, if possible, so what was a little more of solitude after so many years of it?
“What is your protocol for cat rescuing?”
Selina wasn't a fan of the implication that this meant No One knew enough of her to know that she, in fact, was on the habit of saving furry critters from the streets when able. It wasn't like she actually believed a kid could be a terrible threat to her wellbeing, at least not one that claimed to be bat aligned, but it was unsettling that someone she never saw before had so much information, so clearly next time she saw Tim she'll have to ask him what was this all about.
She took out the cup she put in the microwave - with tea bag and sugar included - and made her way to the couch, letting the cup over the coffee table so she could get her boots off. It has been a long night, alright? Selina definitely was past caring about keeping appearances in her own home, intruding child or not.
“Just the usual, I feed them, take them to the vet if they need it and I drop them later at the shelter.”
“What shelter?”
“The one in Gillams Avenue.” 
Selina chose to name that one because it was the one closer to her current location. In truth, Selina favored the one she personally sponsored, but she wasn't going to offer more information about her life, god knows what else de kid knew already.
“Paw Friends has allegations of animal mistreatment. Management says the issue has been resolved but I remain doubtful, I would recommend the one in Holroyd Close instead, at least until I verify the administration's claims.”
“Oh-ho?” she expressed melodically. “Is this your thing then? The big bad bat saves people, so you save animals?”
“I've broken bones bigger than yours.”
She couldn't help the laugh that escaped from her, here she was worrying about her secrets being in possession of a child with undisclosed intentions, while said child seemed more invested in dealing with animal welfare.   
“Now, now, there's no need to be mean, we're practically on the same side here.”
“As if, we share very little in common. You don't even know what side I'm on.”
“Well, go on, enlight me.”
“My own, obviously.”
“See? That's something smart we can agree on.”
There was a very unfriendly answer ready in Damian's lips but he decided to kept that to himself, because he had no interest in continuing with such a pointless conversation, instead he was more interested in the kittens, that were done with their meal and looked now like tiny balls of fur. He felt very tempted to rub the kittens' fat little bellies, so it was a shame he couldn't take off his gloves to do that, but such were the injustices of life he had to accept.
Selina used the silence that followed to drink her tea and carefully observe her guest. Putting aside the suit and his idiolect, he didn't seemed all different from a kid taking enthusiastic care of a stranger's pet because he couldn't have one of his own. She wondered about what kind of life he had, because people usually didn't end in Batman's company for happy reasons and she wasn't blind, he was well trained, not in a way that some gymnastics in the community center could do, but something methodical and precise, in a manner that could only take years to learn. If he was saying the truth about Batman, was that the reason Bruce took him under his wing before everything? Because this was better than the alternative?
Her second mistake should be blamed on Zatanna, clearly something went wrong when she magically healed Selina, because at least that'd explain her past restlessness and now this sudden lack of common sense.
“I think it'd take a couple of days to get them a spot at the shelter, so, if you want, you can come and see them before that.”
“Tt, while your lack of effectiveness doesn't surprise me, your authorization is unnecessary. I've seen farm pens with better security than this place.”
If Selina were on a TV show, this would be the moment she'd turn to look at the camera with a unimpressed expression.
Damian had no problems with ignoring her again, this time so he could start moving the cats back to their pillow made enclosure. “They need appropriate accommodations.”
“I have a cat bed somewhere, dear,” she said, taking the last of her tea. “I'll make space for them in my room.” With that, Selina stood up, empty cup in hand, walking back to the kitchen without caring about being barefoot. “Do you have a curfew or something? As you can assume, I'm a very busy woman and if you're coming tomorrow,” she left the cup in the sink once she was in front of it before turning around. “I need—”
And just like that Selina found herself alone in her apartment, with only the meowing kittens for company and an open window, mocking her.
“You've got to be kidding me.”
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From the long list of traits Damian wasn't especially proud, being a sore loser was one of the many. He liked to think he was better at it now, but it was a little difficult to measure such thing when the past years of his life had been about endurance and remorse. His current life was lacking of that too, because he wasn't competing with anyone: not for his place in the Wayne household, not for his right to be recognized as a Robin and not for his father's acceptance.
So he was trying to figure out if he was bothered because he was losing the current chess game he was having with Pennyworth or if it was the man's smug countenance, so proper and entertained, what was annoying him.
“Did you know,” said Pennyworth apropos nothing. “That the donation you made through Mrs. Wayne's Foundation has been accepted?”
Damian did in fact know, because whatever his plans were - big and small -, he was always paying attention; although he had more pressing matters than concerning himself with St. Aden's Orphanage's Easter celebration, it was still something he cared about. From the research he did the first time he met Colin, he found out that St. Aden was one of the many orphanages that was run under the Wayne Foundation and like all that fell under his father's charity, it was well founded so it wasn't in a dire need of Damian's own charitable efforts. But just like everything he did, this was just something purely for his own selfish reasons.
“As it should,” he answered without taking his eyes from the chessboard. “Are you trying to distract me, Pennyworth?”
“I would never,” he sounded convincingly offended by the accusation. “That would imply I need the advantage.”
Alfred was lucky Damian was so fond of him. 
“I brought it up because I'd like to know if I should be preparing a customary Easter Hunt for you, sir.”  
His first impulse was to scoff at such ludicrous idea and say no, because he wasn't a child. But it was just that, an automatic response from years of never considering himself a kid, not even in his earliest memories; it wasn't what Damian wanted now. He promised to himself that he'd stop rejecting the little joys of childhood, because it was the least he owed to the child he never had the chance to be.
“That would be acceptable,” he said, trying to sound indifferent. “Nothing too extravagant, simple yet tasteful would do.” And with that, he finally made his next move in the board.
“Of course, Master Damian, we wouldn't want the colorful eggs made for children to be anything but stylish.”
“You're always so hilarious, you should consider joining Grayson in the circus. You have the talent.”
The only reaction Damian got for his words, was a small amused twitch in the corners of Alfred's lips. “We should always strive to bring smiles to the ones around us.” And as if he had planned it, he made his move, successfully ending the game. “Checkmate.”
“Well played, Pennyworth,” said Damian after a moment. “You deserve to be rewarded for this, so I'll be on charge of making dinner today.”
Alfred's disapprovingly raised eyebrow was Damian's own victory... so maybe he was still a sore loser, but just the tiniest bit. 
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The computer in the Grave was a work in progress, while it served its main purpose, it had a lot of limitations compared with the Batcomputer, which was the reason why he had to sneak out from time to time in the cave -  and more recently in the bunker - to get what he needed it. Of course, given the kind of people he lived with, sneaking out usually meant going on little infiltration operations. The safest time to do things he was trying to hide, was to do them when Grayson and Drake were too busy patrolling; the second was to do them when they were out cold after coming back from said patrolling.
Hypothetically, past four o'clock in the morning, should be a safe time to go in the bunker without having to worry much, at least in normal nights, when they didn't have wild situations going out of control by Gotham's standards. But Damian would've done well to remember that he also lived with a self-inflicted insomniac, so getting his plans ruined by Timothy Drake was frustratingly typical; at this point he really needed to install is own secret cameras in the bunker, if only to help him not waste time.
Going back as soon as he noticed that Tim was on the computer would be too suspicious, something Damian didn't need to add to when Drake already was distrustful of him, so he decided to do the first thing that came to his mind and started to walk confidently to the lockers, hoping Drake would just ignore him.
Of course he wasn't that lucky, because Tim seemed to have a natural disposition to go against his wishes. “What are you doing here?” He asked, as soon as Damian passed behind him, even if he was at a considerable distance.
“I came for my sword.” Was the disinterested answer.
Tim let out a sigh but kept working on what he was doing. “Why do you need it at this hour?”
“I can't sleep.”
“Training won't help, you're just going to overtire yourself.”
While part of Damian wanted to call out the hypocrisy, he was more focused on the fact that this was the first time he heard Drake say something that could be interpreted as worry for him, so probably at this point he was working on autopilot if he didn't mind sounding like he cared for Damian.
“It's not for that, is to help me sleep.”
“Are you seriously thinking about putting that under your pillow?”
“Not under my pillow, I just need to have it close.”
“The penthouse is up to Batman's standards, if something manages to pass that, you're going to need more than a sword.”
“It's not for defense, this is my emotional support sword.”
At this, Tim finally stopped typing and for a few seconds he just stared blankly at the screen in front of him. “I feel like I'm always asking you this, but, what?” And almost immediately he shook his head. “Forget it, don't answer, I know you're just messing with me.”
For a change Drake wasn't wrong when it came to him, so Damian wasn't going to argue. After he secured his sword and gave a quick but discreet look to the places that could be appropriate to install cameras, Damian naively thought that this will be the end of it, but when he got close to the stairs, Tim's voice made him stop right on his tracks.
“Damian.” It was just his name, but the way it was said felt too deliberate, like a command.
Drake, of course, wasn't looking at him when Damian turned around. He knew what kind of game the other was trying to play, so he just clicked his tongue with annoyance. “What?”
For a moment Tim acted like he didn't heard him or even spoke to him in the first place, so maybe Drake was fancying a kick in the shin this early in the morning, because he seemed to be asking just for that, however what he finally said next made Damian forget completely about any irritation.
“Do you still believe Bruce is going to come back?”
The unexpected question didn't surprise him that much, instead he was more curious about what thing in their interaction made Drake think about his father all of a sudden. “Yes, I do.”
At this, Tim turned the chair to look at him clearly. “Why? What proof do you have?” And his tone had a trace of mockery.
“I grew up surrounded by the legacy of a man obsessed with cheating death, I've seen the impossible become mundane.”
“That's it?” He said in a mix of disappointment and disdain. “Just because Ra's refuses to stay dead doesn't mean Bruce is somewhere out there, we have his body.”
“For all we know that's a magical clone.”
Probably it would be for the best if Damian wasn't so close to the truth, but given how utter ridiculous their lives were, his conjectures could pass just as a lucky guess.
Tim then let out a mirthless laugh, one that Damian knew very well. “That's the best you can come up with? Not like it matters,” he put his elbows in the armrests of the chair and interlocked his fingers, giving Damian a look of unmistakable condescension. “But what if you're wrong? What if all this time Bruce has been really dead and you're just in denial? What then, Damian?”
Drake's mind was a mystery. Damian couldn't even begin to fathom what triggered this, how they went from him reasoning his visit to the bunker to Tim talking like Damian was a fool, all in the blink of an eye. But he did have a theory as to why Drake, of all people, would act as if it was stupid to believe Bruce was alive.
Well, Damian was always up for theatricality, because that's what his life has always been at its core: a perpetual portrayal of what his parents wanted him to be. His life was still on a stage, the only difference was that now he was free to choose his role and how to play it.
“If my father is dead,” he started, sounding already bored. “There's only two paths for us to follow,” he unsheathed his katana and raised it at the same height of his shoulder, holding it horizontally in front of him. “We can defy the laws of nature and wage war on life and death alike,” with a subtle change of his wrist, he positioned the sword vertically, with its end pointing directly towards Tim. “And we search in heaven, hell and in-betweens until the universe kneels before us and has no other choice but give him back. Or,” in a blink-and-you-miss-it kind of movement, he sheathed the sword again, setting it firmly on the ground, resting his hands - one top of the other - over its handle. “We accept that he is gone and begin to come to terms with his loss until we learn to move on.” And he waited for his words to settle before finishing his little scene. “I already know my path. What's yours?”
And as if a switch had been flipped, Tim's whole demeanor changed; he practically slouched on the chair and gone was that air of taunting and somberness. He lazily studied Damian for a moment before just sighing with fake disappointment.
“You were less annoying when you were just homicidal.” Despite his words, his tone wasn't really antagonistic. “And I bet you think you looked cool just now.”
Damian hid his amusement, finally abandoning his imitation a general in front of his army. “The fact that you think that's what I was trying to do, denotes that you indeed thought I was, as you said, 'cool'.” Tim just rolled his eyes and turned the chair going back to his work, looking like he didn't try some kind of strange test on Damian just a moment ago. “You shouldn't stay so late, you know how Pennyworth feels about that.”
“Mind your own business and go cuddle your sword or something. And you better not tell Alfred you saw me here.”
“I don't need to, he always knows.”
Considering how true that was, Tim's lack of retort was expected, unlike the whole exchange they just had, but psychological warfare aside, that had been one of their most civil conversations, so overall Damian was counting it as a win.
⪻Chapter 12
Chapter 14⪼
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fantomette22 · 1 year
Hey, I heard you did like the idea about Henriett and Yurie relation? Orphanage stuff aside, how do you feel about the idea that they were Damian's daughters? o: Like maybe he even had to leave them at some point because School of Mensis was too dark path to thread for them in his eyes and whatnot? ok ok ok in general, what are your thoughts about these girls?
Mouahahahahah i see i am converting people with my ideas?! 👀
Hm ok more seriously. I don’t think Alfred and Valtr have any family link or smt just because they’re blond (sorry Crow 💔)
(I mean they don’t really look alike no? But who knows…you could tell me that Damian and the girls might not be link too but it’s different!! They have the healing church and Byrgenwerth in common! Source : myself)
Ok so about the girls like you mentioned they looks really similars (face) + with the data we know Yurie/Julie is supposed to be blonde too. (posting your image btw) They looks really alike and we need more siblings lol.
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Pretty sure Yurie grow up inside the healing church/orphanage she became a member from the choir and is one of the last one alive. Still I think she might have perhaps part way with the church to come back to the roots of byrgenwerth and found stuff there + secure Rom (&willem) souls in the lake.
For Henriett well I won’t be surprised if originally she was supposed to be a part of the church with the black garb and all a doctor or a religious but wasn’t as efficient as Yurie. The choir is the elite after all (and probably know many dark secrets…) But perhaps she discover things and decided to quit (like that ALL clerics beasts were clerics, maybe she killed one too) and decided to come back to the roots of the hunt as a hunter ! (Not from the church)
As for Damian well he’s blond too (kinda) and have the same lashes and eyes color.
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For me I like to imagine Damian as being like the most normal dude ever. Where everything and everyone are quite unusual if not a bit crazy and he's just the normal guy x) I headcanon he had a normal family, ok parents, no tragic backstory, or really big problems in his life, average results at Byrgenwerth + is kinda strong too (great fighting ability).
Also of course the game is never gonna tell us but I won’t be surprise if a few characters you know had period in their life where they were happy, got married, had children (and not just Gascoigne lol) Some 10mins oneshots AUs & original characters exclude I headcanons only a few bloodborne characters having kids depending the interpretations too. Damian not the one I first thought off to XD
But yeah just to say he’s really like the typical dude in this who happen to be too close to the main protagonist XD (without being a rando who could died either or a figurant, it’s Damian come on!). Like you have the charismatic Laurence, Gehrman, Maria, Caryll, Rom, Ludwig, freaking Mico, Willem, Dores etc and Damian who's freaking "normal" in all this mess and wonder what in the great ones he is doing here XD (he looks so tired too ;-;)
So I guess if he ever had kids he had to probably leave them (at least at beginning he probably just leave them during day or night time at the church daycare XD) but perhaps had to put them somewhere safe after Mensis (and Mico) began their descent in hell and madness. And he realized that if he did something wrong or if the menses scholars thought he was devoted enough to the cause they could hurt or take away the one close to him!
Also while typing this i just had an enlightenment!!! Another idea! (Help)
WHAT IF! What if, actually Amelia and Henriett are the ones who are siblings! (No link with Yurie but Damian being her dad still work!)
Amelia don’t have a face data sadly but she’s blond right? She was probably in the healing church since little too? (I hc that the precedent Vicar, the white church doctor in the nightmare in the 2nd cathedral praying could be her mother? + she kinda looks like henriett too 💀)
Plus we can fight Amelia with Henriett (summon) imagined THE DRAMA!!
So in the end idk i’m not settle but i don’t need to right now. I’m to focus on the old hunters era anyway xD and like you know I hc that almost 3 generations pass since the beginning of all this mess at Byrgenwerth. (So yeah clearly Amelia, Henriett, Yurie, Edgar Iosefka... were not born yet in my main version/fic verse at the time anyway).
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