#So yep
merle-highcurch · 1 year
Drew a little Quackity hehe.
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He has been on my mind. Man's revolving around my brain like a microwave dinner.
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I can't pick which i like better sigh.
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amypihcs · 1 year
And from today’s letter from Watson!
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John is tired and Holmes DROPS BY HIM AT A QUARTER TO MIDNIGHT! Mind you, the man was literally falling asleep on his novel. I can imagine him interrupting mid-yawn opening the door and finding himself facing Holmes.
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well, as you do. Watson is so gracious not to kill he man instantly as he raps out deductions almost at midnight to a man asleep on his feet. I want to underline this once again, Watson is a darling and too good for this world.
And then, and then and then. Watson noticed of course that there’s a case going on! 
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Well, at least Holmes worries about Watson being sleepy and tries to compress the story. Such a nice boy, he’s learning well.
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guess-ill-dye · 10 months
There was one day I was out alone to buy groceries and saw a lesbian couple kissing and I was like "wow they are gay too!!!" (I identified as pan at the time) and here is my reaction on the day:
"Help, I just saw a lesbian couple kiss in the supermarket and D4MN I just looked and smiled awkwardly, I was just so 🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈#RELASIONSHIPGOALS like they were just shopping and boom kiss like a hahahahahahhahaha🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈❤❤❤❤❤❤"
It was the first time I saw someone on the LGBTQIA+ community in the wild
BTW this was like 1 year ago
Go go younger me!!!
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skyward-floored · 5 months
aight bet, you got anything with... Sky and Time?
Yeah, multiple in fact!
This one has all of them, but the focus is on Sky and Time. This one is old though so the writing isn't as good
This one has just Sky and Time, and Fierce Dadity too. There's also a part two to that one.
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bellysoupset · 4 months
there are very few things as alienating as having your friend texting about their upcoming plans to move to europe, all the while you're texting the social worker about your own possible cancer diagnosis at 25ish years old.
the flip between emotion A and B is so insane, its giving me whiplash.
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erenfox · 5 months
yk i was rewatching a series of unfortunate events today and one thing i noticed is how much olaf flirted with georgina throughout the miserable mill 1 and 2; going as far as almost kissing her (but the telephone had to ring at that moment LMFAO). in fact, one can say he flirted more with georgina in those two episodes than he flirted with esme throughout two seasons. and id just like to say one thing (which is not just because im an eslaf shipper and an esme supporter) - there is NO WAY olaf wouldn't have made out with esme at least once in TWO whole seasons. like, come on, clearly those two suit each other way more than olaf and georgina. now i don't hate georgina or her relationship with olaf, but she's just as good as competition for eslaf as kitlaf is (tho i believe eslaf wins 🗣)
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kazukazuhas · 1 year
witchcraft is not easy
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awkwardinot · 7 months
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i'm so busy but i still want to do the smooching...
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sn0wbat · 1 year
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it's mort at 19 yrs old, about to graduate from school.
yeah this is very norwegian, so i wrote it in mostly norwegian. sorry
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ritzcreation · 1 year
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Ryhm Hevn
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idrawig · 3 months
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This was a gift for my friend, I’m pretty proud of the lighting so I’ve decided to post it :)
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maystea · 2 years
The house of cards: the beginning.
Is it new for The Devil Judge to put the whole plotline into small details? No, it’s not. And while we’re always paying attention to such things as emotions or misleads in dialogues, today I want to talk about... cards. And to be exact, about their meaning and how they’re used in the show.
There will be three posts, and the main one is the third one. But before we get to it, we need to understand the meaning and the impact that cards have on the plot. Take a cup of tea because it’s going to be a veeeery long story.
— The first building.
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The first time we see a house of cards is in ep.10, Yo-Han putting two last cards on the top of the house of cards right after Doh Young-Chung was caught. After a few more shots, we're introduced to more angles of the building, every of which has a special meaning.
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1: The whole thing consists of four floors: Spades — Clubs and one Diamond — two Diamonds and one Heart — one Diamond and one Heart — the top.
The first floor, according to this site, "... it symbolizes a shovel used to dig a grave, and when it is matched with the minor arcana cards of the tarot card , it corresponds to 'swords' because it looks like a sword . ... a pattern with a strong feeling of symbolizing death and destruction , such as symbolizing the shape of the devil 's spear ."
Diamonds "... is also known to symbolize merchants or capitalists" which is obviously about money and wealth; Clubs "...symbolizes farmers and means wisdom" while also having a theory that "if it corresponds to the Minor Arcana cards of the Tarot Corresponds to 'wands'" and "that it originated from the whip of a slave". Hearts mean... hearts? "It is a pattern that is always used in events related to love" but it also "corresponds to 'cups' when it corresponds to the Minor Arcana cards of the Tarot " because of the theory that "the origin is a cup (or Holy Grail), it originated from Jipae, a Chinese game".
So in conclusion: fighting —> being wise (with a little bit of money) money —> having money (and a bit of love) —> money and love.
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2: The left part of the top. Now we’re entering my favorite topic here. I hope you all know the card named Joker? It’s a card that can be every suit and every number, and sometimes there may be two Jokers of the same color, but in the deck which Yo-Han uses there is "Black Joker" and "Red Joker". Here, it's the strongest card since it can create a pair with any card.
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And because we have the deck right here, we can see that the only two cards that have no mirror images on two sides of them are both Jokers, we can assume that the card we see on the top is "Red Joker".
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3: The second card on the top is the Ace of Spades, and now we will move on to one of the most intriguing part of this post.
— The two cards that play the main roles.
Do you remember the symbolism of the suit of Spades? “Devil’s spear” is not mentioned here just because, but because of the scene right after Yo-Han destroys the building. He takes into his hand one (truly random?) card, and turns out it’s Ace of Spades — the most powerful (in decks without Joker) card of the trump card (you can read the story behind it, it’s pretty interesting).
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The most valuable scene here is not Yo-Han looking at it and having it in his hands, but rather the next shot we see of Ga-On’s face. Ga-On’s the Ace of Spades in Yo-Han’s hands, and he's the devil’s spear Yo-Han uses it the best way he can...
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by throwing it right into the faces of his enemies. Now, I suggest talking about something more subtle and something hidden pretty well, but still present.
— Ga-On’s card.
We just got to know that Ga-On’s the Ace of Spades, so what now? Oh... it’s nothing but a game of numbers. If we look into Ga-On’s birthdate and what card he is based on it (you can check it here), we’ll discover him being a 6 of Hearts.
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If you want to read more, it’d be amazing! There’s a lot to write, but let's try to summarize.
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Six of Hearts represents the Law of The Love, they are emotionally intense yet affectionate, and having home for them is essential.
Well, describes him pretty well, but unfortunately, it’s not something I wanted to note. In my mother language, there’s a saying: "бути шестіркою,” and in translation, it means “being someone’s pawn/running dog.” But if we translate it word by word, we’ll get “being someone’s sixth.” A puppet, whose only work is to do whatever is told and not ask any questions.
And... that’s the purpose of Ga-On at the beginning of the whole show: being a marionette that will find information about Yo-Han and nothing, nothing more. But as it usually ends, Ga-On’s much more than just someone’s plan in destroying Yo-Han.
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He may not know yet—what kind of suit and card in total he is, and we see it on his sweatshirt in the same episode: on his back, he has a card back. He’s a hidden card, and everybody can read him however they want, but what matters here is that he’s in hands of someone for whom he’s the Ace of Spades,
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and for someone who respects him and his abilities. He's in the hands of someone who doesn't think of him as just a “pawn.”
Part two.
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galaxyofender · 1 year
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i still intend to make sure you don’t fall behind don’t forget that you’re a warrior of a very special kind you are a warrior of the mind don’t disappoint me.
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ipwarn · 9 months
Starting this year looking for an apartment. Please send good vibes to me and my friend. Renting in Sydney is a shitshow.
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storynerd121 · 4 months
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A random thing I made for my picture frame. I figured a few people on here might like it!
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