#Soccer Diagnosis
soccerdiagnosis · 11 months
Emotional Rollercoaster: Heartbreaking Penalty Moments in Football
Video Title: Emotional Rollercoaster: Heartbreaking Penalty Moments in Football ✅ Subscribe To My Channel For More Videos: https://youtube.com/@SoccerDiagnosis?si=RJJvBGcVgM4WQSXr 👉 Instagram: https://ift.tt/8YoCx7H 👉 Facebook: https://ift.tt/Ow7V4EN ============================== ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 Football’s Flex Master!: Luis Suarez’s Incredible Elastic…
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chikinan · 3 months
i should put that "there was some beauty on that beach" and the "where are you supposed to find the beauty in this icy landscape" sbr panels on a post with some fire text over it saying happy pride month.
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Hyperthyroidism part 1 of 2- what it is, symptoms, and diagnosis story
I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism at the age of 15. Hyperthyroidism AKA over active thyroid is a condition where your thyroid produces too much thyroxine hormone. It is a manageable condition with medication which I take daily and I have regular appointments with my endocrinologist for this condition...left untreated or not regularly managed under the care of a doctor hyperthyroidism can cause very serious issues that can be fatal...the major ones include heart attack, stroke, and thyroid storm but let's talk about what happened leading up to the diagnosis...
When I was 15 I was in a residential treatment facility for Orthorexia and anorexia nervosa. It was difficult at first for me to actually get diagnosed because many of the symptoms I was experiencing mimicked symptoms of someone who has anorexia and Orthorexia & is either actively engaged in the unhealthy behaviors of these eating disorders or is going through the re-feeding process[which I was in that time]. The symptoms I was experiencing were rapid weight loss and extremely fast metabolism despite what I ate, over heating easily and often, high levels of anxiety, fidgety, antsy, need to be doing something constantly, irritable- lower than average tolerance to frustration/inconveniance/ annoyance ,hair loss, trembling in hands and fingers, fatigue, insomnia, my skin was always damp and clammy to the touch, I had issues with digestion...everything I ate went right through me very quickly so I was in the bathroom a lot, I was experiencing irregular heart beat [heart murmur], my stomach hurt pretty much constantly and I was forever bloated . So if you are reading this & you are not familiar with eating disorders and the effects of them and the effects of early recovery and re-feeding let me just tell you that almost every one of those symptoms could be attributed to eating disorders and re-feeding. All the professionals at the residential I was at understandably took my symptoms and complaints as part of my eating disorders, malnourishment and being early in to re-feeding. The problem was the symptoms continued, even got worse as time went on and I was losing more and more weight. I actually ended up being accused multiple times by the staff , my therapist, nutritionist and psychiatrist at the residential of secretly exercising while in treatment, purging, hiding food...doing something I was NOT supposed to be doing to cause my weight loss to continue....I was becoming thinner and sicker being treated for my eating disorders and it was absolute hell because ironically I was not engaging in any of the things I was being accused of but the treatment center still treated me as if I was...I was given a feeding tube, put on one to one observation with a staff member 24/7 which meant I had to be with a staff member no matter what...a staff had to watch me while I slept, while I ate, showered, used the bathroom, sat in group, walked down the hall etc. It went even further to where I was put on wheelchair restriction so I was not allowed to walk anymore to keep me from losing weight . None of that helped and I got worse - my blood work showed that my kidneys were not functioning properly, ekgs showed my heart murmur was getting worse- I was very weak, my neck and eyes looked puffy and swollen, my stomach pain increased and I was nauseous most of the time. The residential sent me to the hospital at this point and after 4 days in the hospital I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and put on medication. I spent 6 days total in the hospital and then went back to the residential treatment center. I have no underlying condition or disease that caused my hyperthyroidism and it is not something that is brought on by eating disorders...it is just something I developed. According to my doctors my hyperthyroidism is pretty severe which presents more risk of other complications mostly with my heart, my eyes, my bone density, and reproductive organs. It is a little worrisome because I already have heart problems and have already had a heart surgery. I already have the sort of precursor to osteoporosis known as osteopenia and my reproductive organs have long ago bit the dust [I am completely infertile/sterile] due to struggling with eating disorders from age 7 - age 15. On medications for my hyperthyroidism- my symptoms are less & much more manageable however there are things I have to avoid but that will be covered in part 2
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cameronspecial · 11 months
heyyy i am so glad to see someone write for zach. if you like this maybe you could give it your take. so zach and reader are like exes and they reunite unexpectedly then zach gets hit by a car and gets a concussion then forgets about their break-up and still think that they are together.
The Amnesiac's Mistake
Pairing: Zach MacLaren x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.6K
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The sweet roars of the crowd fill her ears as Y/N points her camera at the soccer team. She’s been the soccer team’s social media content creator for the university since her sophomore year. After her breakup with Zach, it was a little awkward, but they left the relationship on amicable terms and she wouldn’t let a breakup keep her from her dream job. “And MacLaren has the ball. He’s running it up the fie- Oh, MacLaren is down. It looks like the medics are on the way,” the sports announcer’s scream emits from the booming speakers. Y/N removes the camera from her eyes, watching in worry while the medics take Zach off the field. If they had been dating, she would’ve been running after them but it’s no longer her right to be there for him. 
Zach blinks to readjust his eyes to the room's lights. The medic puts the flashlight back in her pocket, “You seem to have a concussion, Mr. MacLaren. I’m afraid you’ll be out of any games for the foreseeable future and any screens for the next forty-eight hours.” Zach nods, l looking around for his girlfriend. “Where’s Y/N?” he questions. Coach Grace’s eyebrows knit together, “She’s out on the field. Doing her job.” Her slow pace drives him crazy. “Why isn’t she here? I need her here,” he states with his lips slopping to a frown. The medic knows about the breakup as well and this causes her to question if she should add something to his diagnosis. 
“Mr. MacLaren, what is the last thing you remember?” she asks. Zach’s hand comes to his forehead, “Uh, we were playing the game against UNC.” Coach Grace’s face scrunches like a dried-up raisin. “That was two months ago,” she breaks the news to him. His eyebrows raise and his mouth drops, “How is that possible? Where is Y/N? She’s my girlfriend. She’s allowed to be here.”
Coach Grace runs to Y/N, who is talking to another player on the field. She spots the coach and worry flushes her because it must be serious if Zach was okay, it wouldn’t be taking this long for him to come back out. “Hey, Coach. Is everything alright?” Coach’s head shakes, “No, Zach needs you.” Even with the breakup, Y/N dashes toward the medical room, almost tripping over her feet. Her breath comes out like a panting dog as she stands in the middle of the room. Her hands are on her knees, searching for Zach. His eyes light up when he spots her. He hops off the medical table and rushes towards her, “Are you okay, Baby? Take a deep breath in and out.” She does as he suggests, letting her breath return to normal. Her body straightens up, so they are face to face. He gives her a charming smirk, bringing his hand up to her cheek. His lips find hers. For a moment, she lets them get swept up in the moment, kneading his lips with hers. 
She finally snaps back into reality, remembering what happened between them. Her lips leave his with a tiny shove to his chest to keep her away. “Zach, we broke up,” she whispers. The scrunch between his eyebrows smoothes out. Her words bring him back to the present. “Right, right. Sorry. I think I lost my memory for a second,” he reasons. She bites her lip, nodding her head with her eyes cast down, “It’s okay. I guess I’ll just go then.” He watches as she makes her exist. The kiss they shared showed him he made a mistake. They still had that spark and he let her get away. 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia
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staghunters · 2 months
The case for an ND reading of Jackie Taylor, a decently-sized post.
I got a lot of scrambled thoughts on this, and they need a space for coherence. Maybe this is more for my own headcanon-ing, but feel free to take this if you want to. A lot of this comes down to a certain reading of text that I do with a certain kind of lens that may not be there for everyone. And that's fine! This is just silly analysis stuff that I wanted to do.
Am I an "authority figure" on this? Probably not by some standards! I consider myself to be on some spectrum, but only my brother has a diagnosis (tm), so do with that what you will.
This a mix of new thoughts and some copy-pasted from messages i sent on discord once.
SO, where to start. The first proper introduction of Jackie with other people is that gruelling opening sequence, but I think the more interesting is her first scene with Shauna where we get the big chunk of what the history is between these two and on what dynamic they interact with each other.
Jackie's got the whole thing color-coded and planned out. She likes that, but from all the other things later in the episode -- and the season -- it becomes very clear that she likes to have some input that ranges from voicing her opinion to micro-managing in order to feel in control and somewhat safe in her position as (social) captain of the Yellowjackets.
That Shauna is going to Rutgers with Jackie is taken as a given by her. One interpretation is that Jackie thinks that Shauna, obviously, will go with her to Rutgers on the basis of their friendship. However, I would like to propose a lil switch in that maybe Jackie hopes that Shauna will go with her to Rutgers. Getting into Brown isn't nothing, and there's gotta be some pointers at High School that Shauna would be/feel overqualified for Rutgers.
High school is a game of social credits. Jackie knows what to wear, what to say, what to do. Coach points out her "influence", and she demonstrates some skills at conflict-resolution during the kegger. Soccer is a game, one that she's very passionate about, as is her supposedly on-and-off-ish thing with Jeff. The funny thing is that Jackie seems way more interested in calling out how her boyfriend's team has been doing at baseball, rather than stuff that concerns him (or the both of them) personally.
To segway back a bit: Everything is a game with rules. Jackie knows them, but is shown to be really out of her element in the wilderness and trying to bring back normal societal rules into it (this will be a surprise tool that will help us later). Is Shauna going with her to Rutgers a naive wish on the basis of their friendship, or is it also so Jackie can have someone to scout and feel out all the social conventions for her? College means that a new playbook needs to be made, and it saves embarassment if you can base it on someone else.
Jackie assuming that Shauna would go along to Rutgers to be her roommate can very well be an expression of "this is my best friend and my sole, kind, understanding constant in my life, and I need her there with me in this unknown territory." College means starting over from scratch, and if we assume the manual-based functioning to be true, then Shauna's presence there to take cues from could help a lot to smooth out this transition.
On the other hand, this is of course the opportunity to drop some masking that Jackie might've been doing. Shauna being there could then very well work against her
My greatest argument, I think, is that you can see the entirety of Jackie's lil subplot of going after Travis as an example of how such a process backfires tremendously against her.
A little step-by-step:
Jackie is shown to give Shauna multiple chances to come clean about the Jeff Thing. Shauna doesn't, but Jackie still sticks around her.
Jackie proposes the plan to have some fun with Travis to Shauna. Shauna voices her thoughts about it, underlining that it would be a bad thing to do to Natalie.
This notion is repeated throughout the episode. Travis himself brings it up, the high group of hunters brings it up, Nat herself looks not too pleased at Jackie and Travis slow-dancing at doomcoming.
There's an interesting reverse happening once the hunter girls confront Jackie about having had sex with Travis. Everyone is out of their minds, so idk how well we can factor in that almost all of them proceed to go after Travis despite mentioning once again that "he's Natalie's".
Doomcoming is post journal discovery, yet quite some time has passed between that and the episode. Jackie makes some very obvious comments at Shauna to signal that She Knows, and the Travis plan is set up after that. Hooking up with Travis can serve the plainly stated "I'm not gonna die a virgin :/", but over the course of the episode, it also creates this whole new catalogue of reactions from the others. And all of these, in their defence of Natalie, would speak in favor of Jackie if the news would break that Shauna had sex with Jeff.
So at the end of Doomcoming, we can get some sort of list of "rules" that would apply out here in the wilderness appendix for the section on CHEATING
People can call dibs on someone, and those are to be respected
Acting like the "bigger person" by calling everyone out on how little value it has out here is not going to do you any favors
The group will react badly if you crossed a line in their eyes. Taking someone's boyfriend falls under that.
It's how she plays the fight with Shauna! Shauna wants to bring up that most problems were caused by Jackie hooking up with Travis, which Jackie follows with an uno-reverse card she now (thinks) she has in her hands
If I (Jackie) hook up with Nat's boyfriend (Travis), then the group takes Natalie's side. Therefore, if Shauna hooked up with my boyfriend, then they should take my side.
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And it goes so bad! Shauna outplays her by making the whole fight not about the cheating, but about their friendship as a whole, which Jackie has been viewing way differently and blinded than Shauna and the others. There's plenty of moments of Jackie "not reading the room" and either waving it off as the others being party-poopers or a lil mishap of her own.
Of course the big difference is that Jackie isn't really awkward in the highschool setting. She won homecoming queen for a reason, has many people looking up to her, and Coach Martinez probably made her captain for similar reasons. I guess what I'm going for with what's provided in Doomcoming is that Jackie lacks that "reading the room" skill (we can see it a number of times with Shauna in the pilot. In particular I'd say the Rutgers discussion, the boob dress, and telling Jeff to drop her off first) but makes up for it a lot by having a sort of manual of how to act in certain situations.
She's not seeing how Shauna might feel about her constant input on things. She's not seeing that others might orchestrate stuff outside of her knowledge. Nobody ever outright goes head-to-head with Jackie until the wilderness, and on good grounds there. If rescue isn't coming, we go to the body of water that's just been discovered. But the crash site is (ironically) safe. Whatever might happen if we leave it behind for something we're not even sure of?
It also doesn't look like Jackie has any (good) friends outside of Shauna. Might come with their years long codependence that nobody even wants to put themselves into, but also that with a captain position/being a generally popular high school student, she might not seem as approachable on a personal level. Jackie does make herself very open, and she's shown to be able to set up brief but very attentive conversations (Allie, Mari, Misty) but beyond that on a superficial level, there's not someone who she turns to when she suspects Shauna of something. Shauna's very obvious other friend is of course Taissa, but there's nobody out in the wilderness like that for Jackie.
and for some random bits:
Verbal stuff! The Beaches quote is peak, because who else would drop a line like that in such a moment. If Jackie's lying about not quoting it, then it does really speak of it being a hyper-focus movie (and we can also discuss why Shauna can recognize the movie from just the one line). But I think the possibility of it just being one of those phrases that you whip out like a vine quote, even if you've forgotten the origins of it
Presentation and maybe textures! Her luggage lacking skirts/dresses is… yeah. She wears a dress at the party in the woods and going to school with Shauna in the pilot episode, but besides the doomcoming dress, that's it. The article that says that while the others are already sharing clothes, Jackie sticks to her own wardrobe OR borrows some thing from Shauna (shoutout to the Doomcoming flannel!)
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leveloneandup · 29 days
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Christen Press' transformative journey back from injury
Christen Press once believed she was indestructible, immune to the injuries that had sidelined teammates and ended careers. But in 2022, an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear shattered not only her knee but also the carefully constructed armor she had relied on throughout her career.
What followed wasn't just a physical struggle to return to the field but a profound journey of emotional recovery. Initially, Press saw rehabilitation as purely physical -- a means to heal her body. However, as setbacks kept her off the pitch and she explored new treatments, her perspective shifted.
The injury, the U.S. women's national team star realized, wasn't a curse but a gift, offering her an unexpected opportunity to confront long-buried grief and trauma.
"It wasn't painful," Press told ESPN in an exclusive interview. "It was more the realization that something was wrong with my body, and what that meant for my future."
In 2022, Press' future was tied to her hometown club, Angel City FC, after an 11-year professional career spanning America and Europe.
Incredibly, she had been available for every game except one, which she missed because of food poisoning. Her body had endured the physical demands of playing for both club and country. But in June of that year, during an NWSL match against Racing Louisville, she tracked back to help her team, committed to a challenge and crumpled to the ground following the contact.
Press had witnessed the ACL injury crisis in the women's game derail the careers of her peers, but she never imagined it would happen to her until it did, at the age of 33. By then, she was in the veteran stage of her career. An MRI confirmed the tear, and she underwent surgery soon after, beginning her recovery with a mix of apprehension and intrigue, expecting to return to competition within 9-12 months.
"I was sad, afraid and disappointed to miss the season," she recalled. "But part of me welcomed it because, as a professional athlete, pushing yourself is part of the process. I was confident I would gain something positive from the experience."
However, Press' body didn't respond well to rehabilitation. Significant challenges delayed her return to full fitness. Six months into her recovery, which had already included one revision surgery, Sarah Smith, Angel City's vice president of medical and performance, joined the club. With Angel City still developing its facilities, Press' rehabilitation took place off-site at the Meyer Institute of Sport, an elite rehabilitation and performance center.
Smith's team was in constant communication with the specialists, managing what became a complex injury. But soon, "career-altering problems" arose, causing the medical team "sleepless nights," Smith said.
"You think you're going to hit all the milestones and move smoothly through the continuum," she added. "But that's not always the case, and it's not reflective of the athlete's professionalism or the work they put in."
Every time Press neared a return to the field, another issue emerged. Devastatingly, this resulted in two more surgeries, making it four in total, testing her mental and physical resilience. She missed the 2023 Women's World Cup, and at times, it seemed her career was over.
"It was extremely confusing because every day I showed up with a smile on my face," Press said. "I never asked for a break, I never left early. I was very disciplined and extremely determined. I thought that would mean I'd have a linear path back, and it was challenging to accept it was out of my control."
Whenever she felt discomfort in her knee, she contacted her surgeon, desperate for some good news. But the diagnosis was always grim. "It was never just a bad day where the knee was actually fine. It was always, 'There's a cyclops lesion in your knee, and you can't play.'"
Running out of hope and options, Press started to explore alternative medicine.
"I have the best surgical team, the best physical therapy team, but that's not the only way to heal," she said. "I challenged myself to be around different types of healing."
What began as an attempt to fix her knee turned into an internal transformation, healing not just her injury but the trauma and grief she had been carrying.
"When I set out to heal my knee, I ended up healing my heart," Press reflected, referring to the pain she had harboured since the death of her mother in 2019. Her mother's death came as Press was preparing for the World Cup in France. The pursuit of ultimate glory became both an outlet and a distraction from her grief.
"Sport is so amazing in that it lets you process things differently -- getting all that adrenaline and sweat out of your body is detoxifying and balances your hormones, but it also masks a lot," she explained.
"It allows you to keep going and bury what's happened to you. When my mum passed in 2019, I missed one or two camps with the U.S. national team, then went back, and we won a World Cup.
"I was able to play for my mum, but it also left a lot of grief inside me that hadn't been addressed. That's the first thing I started to deal with in therapy.
"I did a lot of balancing my nervous system in acupuncture. I went to a homoeopathic doctor and he explained that in his opinion how the grief could have caused me to tear my ACL in the first place."
Away from her rehabilitation she remained in contact with the Angel City squad, attending game days and participating in meetings. Head coach Becki Tweed said Press requested a binder with set-piece tactics, to keep herself mentally engaged, while she was physically restricted.
The medical team remained cautious, taking a step-by-step approach to rebuild Press' capacity for movement, careful to avoid another major setback. Her rehabilitation work would often involve repeating movements 7-8 times more than a patient typically would, demonstrating the thoroughness required due to the complexity of her injury.
Throughout the monotonous rehab work and the frustration of watching her teammates train, the California native remained relentless in her quest to return to the field. Even when those closest to her wavered, she remained resolute.
"When you're told you need surgery for a fourth time, the people who love you start to ask, 'At what point is she going to wake up?'" said the two-time World Cup winner. "But it never even dawned on me to give up. That's just how I'm wired."
Her determination has left a lasting impression on the staff.
"You could see the discomfort in her knee during technical work," recalled Smith. "Watching her in pain, I wasn't sure more time or strength would help. It was hard to know that pushing through might not make it better.
"But she excelled throughout the two-year process, bringing optimism, hope, and joy to it all."
That perseverance has paid off. Although Press didn't make the 2024 Olympic squad, she is set to return for Angel City FC as the NWSL resumes this weekend. She's been training with the team for three months and made her return in early August, scoring a penalty in Angel City's shootout win over San Diego Wave in the NWSL x Liga MX Femenil Summer Cup.
"I had a conversation with her before the game, and she said, 'I'm not afraid,'" Tweed said. "During the game, she took the contact of a tackle, got up, and smiled. She needed that moment.
"After that, she had two shots. That's what she brings -- smart movement and the ability to find dangerous spaces around the 18-yard box."
At 35, with 64 international goals ranking her ninth in USWNT history, there's not much left for Press to achieve. But she's not done yet, even if her outlook has shifted.
"There are mixed emotions about how I can have the greatest impact for my team while minimizing long-term consequences for my life," she said. "But I'm excited to continue making progress and have a bigger impact on Angel City FC."
Her injury, though devastating, became a transformative experience -- physically, mentally, and emotionally.
As she steps back onto the pitch, Press is stronger in ways she never anticipated, having learned one key lesson: "You are exactly where you're supposed to be."
And for Press, that's back on the field at BMO Stadium this Sunday, with the grass under her feet.
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 7 months
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Thank you for the tags @welcometololaland & @strandnreyes 💕 Note: discussion of a parent’s illness.
When the doctors first mentioned it could be cancer, Marjan denied it. Not her dad. Not the man who’d coached her youth soccer team and encouraged her to pursue her desired position of striker, even though three other girls were gunning for that position. Not the man who taught her to ride a bike and how to surf and let her dance on his toes in their living room when she was four, swinging her around the room to The Rolling Stones’ “She’s A Rainbow.”
Not the man who ate kale and drank four liters of water a day and had never suffered any worse health ailment than a common flu.
Not the man who encouraged her to join the Women of Color in STEM club in high school and proudly cheered from the audience when she graduated from the fire academy. Who’d posed in the photos next to her with tears in his eyes. Who sat her down the night before her first shift at the firehouse in Miami and told her not to be discouraged by the old boy’s club. That she and other women like her were going to break down those walls, and not to give in against the pressure from those who were desperately clinging to the status quo. That he was proud of her for knowing what she wanted and fearlessly pursuing her dream, despite centuries of tradition telling her she shouldn’t want it.
She wasn’t ready to lose that man.
For weeks she didn’t mention it to anybody. Not to Paul, not to TK. Not to anybody at the mosque. Like, subconsciously, if she didn’t talk about it she wouldn’t have to think about it, she could pretend it wasn’t real for a while longer. But really, it was because she couldn’t bring herself to say it out loud.
It seems so easy. To say the words. It should be easy.
My dad has cancer.
Four simple words. Simple yet life shaking. World halting. Fear inducing.
She couldn’t hide any longer once the official diagnosis came in. While physically distanced from her family in Austin, she knew she wasn’t alone. So she called TK, who she’d helped support through his own father’s cancer diagnosis and treatment not that long ago.
She told him how she felt like a sieve with no holes. How she’s spent months absorbing her mother’s fear and her sister’s grief. How she was always the strong one, the one other family members came to, to dump their own trauma and to seek comfort and support. She takes on everyone’s burdens, and holds them all together. But for so long she’s felt like she doesn’t have any outlet of her own for all of that grief and pain.
Tagging @whatsintheboxmh @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @sznofthesticks @thisbuildinghasfeelings @bonheur-cafe @ladytessa74 @chicgeekgirl89 @carlos-in-glasses @your-catfish-friend @inkweedandlizards @heartstringsduet @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @alrightbuckaroo @kiwichaeng @carlos-tk @redshirt2 @literateowl @freneticfloetry @orchidscript @guardian-angle22 @my-little-tilly @tinyluminaryzombie @basilsunrise @louis-ii-reyes-strand @herefortarlos @apothecarose @rmd-writes @thebumblecee @theghostofashton @reyesstrand @itsrandomnobody7 @liminalmemories21 @lightningboltreader @iboatedhere @never-blooms @ambiguouspenny @paperstorm @noxsoulmate @detective-giggles @decafdino @marjansmarwani + OPEN TAG 🏷️
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cynoswifey · 1 year
Can you do a blue lock scenario where the reader is colorblind and just doesn’t know it? The couple is out shopping and the reader is like “I love this blue dress”and the boy is like “uhh that is brightest green dress I have ever seen”.
Blue lock boys: Isagi, Shidou, Rin, and anyone you want to write for!!
An: I read a bit on colorblindness and it's actually an interesting topic. I think this colorblindness is Tritanopia. Correct me if I'm wrong in anything.🙏
Warnings: a bit suggestive in Shidous part. Here comes the dopamine 🤷
Characters: Isagi, Rin, Shidou, Bachira, Nagi, Sae
Isagi was on his phone to talking to his friends from Blue Lock about who knows what meanwhile you were looking through clothes. When suddenly a beautiful blue green catches your eye! "I love this blue dress." Isagi looks up from his phone then looks at you blinks once...then twice. Then he gives you a confused look. "Babe that's like the brightest green I've ever seen..?" You both just look at each other for a couple seconds...then you just shrug and put the dress in the cart. Isagi doesn't forget if though he cares a lot about you so he starts to worry a bit about both of you. Eventually he takes you and himself to get both of your eyes examed. And that's there they diagnose you with Tritanopia which is a form of colorblindness where you can really tell the difference between blue-green pink-yellow and purple-red. Isagi cares so much about you so it doesn't really matter he'll help you with colors for anything. He smiles softly whenever he helps you out with them he's such a golden retriever 🙄.
Rin was leaned up against the shopping cart looking through his phone while you where looking at clothes then you see a beautiful blue dress and look at it "I love this blue dress" You say with a smile. Rin looks up and sees the dress for a second he thinks his eyes are deceiving him. Then raises an eyebrow and looks at you like 🤨 "That's like the brightest green dress I've ever seen?" You just look at him with a confused look "Rinnie...it's blue...?" You guys just look between each other then back at the dress confused. Then Rin just shrugs and agrees that it's pretty. Then when you put it in cart he checks the tag where lo and behold it says 'Color: GREEN'. Rin gets a bit concerned then starts doing research... Then he stumbles over a colorblindness called Tritanopia a colorblindness that makes you unable to tell the difference blue and green, purple and red, and yellow and pink. Rin then takes you to an eye doctor where they diagnosis you with Tritanopia. He actually does a bunch of research on it to he wants to be able to understand it. He will help you with colors if you get them mixed up he doesn't mind he actually thinks it's cute won't ever admit it though 🙄
Sae is professional soccer player so he has a lot of money and what does he do with it? Spoil you ofc. So here you guys are at the mall looking through stores. Sae holds the door for you as you guys walk into another store. And that's when you lay eyes on the prettiest blue dress "Oh Sae is that blue dress beautiful I love her." He turns his head to look at it practically taking out his wallet already. And he looks around but there's no blue dress? "Which one?" You guide him to the dress and he looks confused "Babe that's the brightest green I've ever seen..?" You both look at each other confused. But he still buys you the dress. Once you both are at home he is still thinking about it and starts to do a little research. He even does those 'Are you colorblind test'. He starts to think you are colorblind so he convinces you to go get checked and when they tell you that you have Tritanopia a form of colorblindness where you are unable to tell the difference between blue-green, pink-yellow, and purple-red. One he learns about those glasses for colorblind people Sae actually buys you those. (he was kind of curious to see if they actually worked)
Had his arms around your waist from behind as he watches you look through clothes occasionally dropping his opinion on dresses he sees as well as some comments on how they would look better off of you. After a while you looking you spot a beautiful blue green "Ryu I love this blue dress opinions?" He just kinda gives you a look like 🧐 and tilts his head to the side. "Doll That's like the brightest fucking green I've never seen." And you just are confused for a bit before Shidous hand grips your ass "That doesn't matter though. You'd still give me a rush wearing that~" He's say while biting your neck. You just roll your eyes and continue shopping. It kind of sticks with him. He thinks his eyes are fucked up or something so he doesn't originally think your the problem. But it keeps happening so eventually he gives in and goes to get his eyes checked he's fine. So then you get checked and that's when they diagnose you with Tritanopia a colorblindness that makes you unable to tell the difference between Green and blue, Pink and yellow, and purple and red. He doesn't mind it though 🤷 doesn't treat you any different your still you and your still fine as fuck to him 🤷 He's still your little horny demon. Butt still gets a little tripped up when you mess up some colors but he'll help you. Especially if you reward him 🫡
Bachira was practically jumping off the walls of the store his energy sending making him unable to stay still for to long. But when he sees something that he thinks would look good on you he shows you it. But then a beautiful blue dress on a mannequin got your attention "Ahh Bachi I love that blue dress" He turns to see what dress and looks everywhere "Which one love??" You guide him to the mannequin. And he raised his eyebrow "Uh that's like the bright green I've ever seen babe 🤨?" He sees how your eyes widen "You colorblind or something Bachi?" You ask and he just shrugs "Maybe I am 😯😯" That stays with him and eventually he gets his eyes checked and he comes out fine? So then you check yours and they tell you that you have a form of colorblindness called Tritanopia which makes anyone with it unable to tell the difference between blue-green, pink-yellow and purple-red. Bachi doesn't mind it though. He'd love you if you where a worm 🐛. He will help you with colors with a bright smile.
Having to drag Nagi to the mall is an accomplishment honestly. He mostly just has a hand holding on to your shirt letting you take him anywhere. Nagi had his head on yours as you looked through clothes. "I love this blue dress" You say with a bright smile. Nagi blinks....then blinks again the dress is the brightest green he's ever seen. He thinks he's tired and so he goes along with it but the next day when he sees the dress in the closet he thinks he's tripping balls. Then he starts to think he's colorblind cause you said it was blue. When they tell him he's fine he ask you to get checked. And that's when you figure out you have Tritanopia, a form of colorblindness where it makes you unable to tell the difference between blue and green, purple and red, and yellow and pink. Nagi doesn't mind it at all though it doesn't change how much he loves you all that matters is that your still you 🤷
Reblogs likes, and ask are appreciated!Thank you!!!♡
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alexbkrieger13 · 2 months
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Number 1 after thyroid cancer: “Happy ending” for Berger
Goalkeeper Ann-Katrin Berger was in Merle Frohms' shadow for a long time. At 33 and after difficult times, the Göppingen native has found her way between the posts in the DFB selection.
Marseille (dpa) - Deeply moved, Ann-Katrin Berger stood in the catacombs of the Stade Vélodrome and described her feelings in a halting voice. Two years after her second cancer diagnosis, the 33-year-old is suddenly the number 1 goalkeeper for the German women's soccer team at the Olympics . "The Olympic Games mean everything. That all the hard times that are behind me have simply been worth it," said Berger after the DFB selection's convincing 3-0 opening victory against Australia in Marseille.
Back to Thyroid Cancer 
Berger was first diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2017 and then during the 2022 European Championships, when she was a substitute for regular goalkeeper Merle Frohms in England. The goalkeeper from the US club NJ/NY Gotham FC quickly fought her way back into competitive sport. After her eleventh and most important international match to date, however, she had to struggle to keep her composure. "It's nice that there is still a happy ending. Playing at the Olympic Games is my happy ending," said Berger. 
In the second preliminary round match on Sunday (9 p.m.), also in the French port city, Berger and the DFB women will face the team of her adopted homeland. The Americans also won their opening match against Zambia 3-0. But the goalkeeper can't give national coach Horst Hrubesch much advice on their next opponent, even though she of course knows some of the players: "I have no idea. I don't watch that much women's football, to be honest." 
Berger thought she was being “fooled” by Hrubesch 
After a long wait, Berger has reached the top of the national team, even though she still wears the number 12. The fact that she finished third in the FIFA World Goalkeeper of the Year vote as Chelsea FC's goalkeeper in 2021 and 2022 did not change her reserve status in the German team at the time. 
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Hrubesch had left the duel between Berger and Frohms open to the outside world until the very end. "I really thought he was trying to fool me. To be honest. I really couldn't believe it," Berger said a few days ago about the national coach's announcement that she would be between the posts. "Even when I was on the pitch, I had to pinch myself and say: It's really true." 
Captain Popp is happy for Berger 
Like the entire national team, Berger showed a very confident performance and almost set up a goal by Jule Brand with a long kick in the early stages. When asked how she managed to stay so cool, she said with a smile: "Years of work. Years of work, guys." She couldn't let her nervousness show. "I always think of my team. Because when I screw up, it's usually a goal." 
Captain Alexandra Popp was also happy "for Anne that she finally made it after a long, long time." Berger exudes extreme calm when she has the ball at her feet. Hrubesch, for whom Berger is the "new old woman," praised "her clearances, her control of the penalty area. She's good up in the air, and her footballing skills are also a plus." But it's the same with Frohms, he added: "Lucky for those who have two goalkeepers like her."
The praise is only a small consolation for the previous number 1 at VfL Wolfsburg, who has hardly done anything wrong in recent years. Hrubesch had spoken to her first before making his decision: "Of course she must have swallowed it one day, I'm quite sure of that." For Berger, the relationship with her teammate has therefore not changed much: "At the end of the day, we are sportswomen. Horst was simply clear and straightforward."
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soccerdiagnosis · 11 months
Erling Haaland Incredible Journey to the Ballon d'Or 2023
Video Title: Erling Haaland Incredible Journey to the Ballon d’Or 2023 ✅ Subscribe To My Channel For More Videos: https://youtube.com/@SoccerDiagnosis?si=RJJvBGcVgM4WQSXr 👉 Instagram: https://ift.tt/TuU5yzw 👉 Facebook: https://ift.tt/FVYCP0W ============================== ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 Football’s Flex Master!: Luis Suarez’s Incredible Elastic Plays! ⚽🦵🌀 |…
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Overview & timeline
This blog is specifically dedicated to writing about my experiences and struggles with my physical health and mental health. For anything else you can go to my main blog @inthegreycaroline
Right now I thought I would give an overview of what I am diagnosed with and a timeline of when I was diagnosed. It's important , in my opinion, to note that self diagnosing without confirmation, evaluation and testing by a treating professional/Doctor is not a proper, official or accurate diagnosis. It's important to be evaluated by professionals to get a proper diagnosis and treatment and also to avoid trivializing & mocking the struggles someone who actually has that diagnosis faces on a daily basis. For example its pretty common for people who value cleanliness or just like the control in things being a certain way to diagnose themselves with OCD[obsessive compulsive disorder] when in actuality this cleaning and neatness is just a stereotype of OCD that has been portrayed and sensationalized through media but actually statistically and diagnostically speaking within the population of people who deal with OCD only a very small percentage present with this compulsion of cleaning/washing. Cleanliness and order are not any deciding factor in diagnosing OCD . This is just one example.
Anyways...I will move on...
an overview of what I am diagnosed with
In the realm of physical health I have been diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism, Malabsorption syndrome, Osteopenia, amenorrhea leading to long term infertility [I can't have children], and a number of heart problems diagnosed as Mitral valve prolapse and regurgitation, bradycardia, a systolic murmur, and arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy.
As far as mental health I have been diagnosed with reactive attachment disorder, Orthorexia nervosa, Anorexia nervosa, major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, complex PTSD[post traumatic stress disorder], and OCD[obsessive compulsive disorder]
Timeline of when I was diagnosed
Age 3 I was diagnosed with Reactive Attachment disorder
Age 8 I was diagnosed with OCD and Orthorexia nervosa
Age 10 I was diagnosed with a 2nd eating disorder Anorexia nervosa as well as bradycardia and a systolic heart murmur
Age 11 I was diagnosed with complex PTSD
Age 15 I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, amenorrhea [never had a menstrual cycle in my life] and osteopenia
Age 16 I was diagnosed with malabsorption syndrome
And this year at age 17 I was told I am infertile/sterile, I was diagnosed with mitral valve regurgitation and prolapse and arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy.
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yarameijer · 8 months
SO I HAVE A BRAINROT - I'm just gonna share my thoughts here with you because, well, why not? Yara, you've become a safe place of mine and generally, make me feel so entertained and content with your writing especially since the pandemic🥹 I hope you're doing well there, and I hope you'll feel better soon!
But anyway, onto the brainrot: What if Tenma has ADHD? How would the story go? How would Raimon and his friends react to this? How will they deal with it? Or how will Tenma deal with it?
I imagine that could be the reason why he can be impulsive (I've searched that impulsiveness can be a main sign or symptom of ADHD, but to those who has ADHD, please feel free to correct me, I don't mean to offend anyone.).
I also imagine that Tenma can be forgetful at times and thus would forget to drink his medication and his friends would be the ones to remind him just in case. Speaking of, I feel like he'd either have a hard time focusing in class or unable to sit still during class. Either of them works in this AU, I guess?
That's all, I'd love to hear your thoughts and your personal headcanons about this AU! Have a great day and once again, praying for your recovery!
Hey!! Sorry for the incredibly late reply, I just sort of dropped tumblr without meaning to. And every time I opened it I ended up procrastinating even more… whoops.
But! I’m here now! So let’s get to it!
(Tenma with ADHD is honestly not something I have considered before. Please understand that all my experience with it is from having classmates in elementary school with ADHD and research I did online to answer this, so it might not all be accurate, but I’ll try my best!)
Tenma is already a very active and excitable kid, which means that when it comes to soccer, not overly much changes? It’s a great way to burn off energy and move around a lot, which is really helpful for him! The way his ADHD shows mostly is through the way he moves; he’s constantly fidgeting, or playing with things he’s holding, or bouncing his knee up and down. He just can’t seem to sit still for longer than a few minutes, which, again, when it comes to soccer, doesn’t matter overly much. Outside of training and matches, however, especially during team discussions or strategy meetings, it can get distracting and even cause tension especially in the early weeks of the schoolyear.
One noteworthy thing is that Tenma rambles, without really meaning to. He’s already got some insecurity issues, and that coupled with a hyperactivity disorder means he’s likely to just ramble on especially when he feels unsure or excited (AKA whenever he talks about soccer). It doesn’t do much to endear him to the more reserved members on the team, and it’s a habit he’s very bothered by.
Unfortunately Japan is not as supportive towards people with mental disorders as other countries, which in this case means that although Tenma has an official diagnosis, he prefers to keep it quiet. On the team, Aoi is the only one who is aware of this, and has been a genuine blessing to Tenma ever since elementary school. While Tenma mostly suffers from the hyperactivity part of ADHD, he can have trouble focusing, or rather be too active to really sit down and focus on for example studying. Aoi and Tenma were not in the same class before, but they were in the same year and she would offer her notes and extra tutoring whenever Tenma needed, and by the time they join Raimon Jr. High, it’s become an unspoken routine. Tenma and Aoi hang out more often than they do in the original story; they’ve got a few set homework sessions every week at one of their houses, and usually spend at least some time every week studying in the library.
Their little study sessions are quickly joined by Shinsuke, and later on the rest of the first-years, although neither Tenma nor Aoi ever mention the reasons they started them. Aoi is very defensive of anyone making a comment about Tenma’s attitude towards schoolwork (which is thankfully not often necessary amongst the team, beyond a few mishaps at the start) but also very strict towards Tenma if need be.
I imagine the older students sometimes help out with schoolwork as well, although not always towards Tenma specifically but rather just the first-years. Shindou and Kirino at some point figure out Tenma’s got ADHD, and Shindou at some point mentions it privately. Tenma freaks out a bit, but Shindou reassures him he doesn’t mind, and is especially helpful when Tenma becomes captain later on, taking on a supportive role.
Despite the tension at the start of the year, eventually that fades as the team gets to know each other better. Shindou tends to be a bit of a crybaby (but don’t mention that on pain of death). Hayami stutters his way through most of his conversations and once literally screeched in the middle of match because Kariya (no further explanation necessary). Tenma is known to start rambling when he’s excited and once climbed every tree next to Raimon’s soccer field because Aoi said he should (she meant well, but it did get them some weird looks). Hikaru’s way of dealing with intense frustration is to go to a secluded spot and scream until he calms down (boy, was that a fun training camp).
Tenma eventually tells Shinsuke on accident, but Shinsuke doesn’t really care either way and is just happy to hang out with someone who can be just as, or even more, excitable as himself. Tenma doesn’t really tell the rest of the team for a while, though; at some point he does, after they’ve been friends for longer, but to be honest, Raimon being so (unconsciously) supportive has gone a long way with making him feel more confident about himself. Whereas before he wouldn’t mention it because of the stigma, now he doesn’t mention it because it doesn’t seem like anyone on the team really cares? They’re all weird. They’ve all got their little quirks. Tenma having an unexpected obsession with fidget spinners really doesn’t even reach the top 10 of ‘weird’ in their lives.
I hope you enjoyed, and again, apologies for the late response!
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kickthecan-revolution · 9 months
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The. Best. Holiday.
My sister made me an ornament with Peach’s paw print and we laughed so hard, I cried. He’s doing great, not so sure about the dog but everyone is obsessed with him and he seems happy. My sister’s place is like a cool art installation, so many places for him to play.
I’ve actually never been to my sisters before, I would fly out immediately after Christmas Eve. I’m so glad I changed my ticket to leave tonight. Christmas Eve at my brother’s was so fun, and then Christmas morning we went to my nieces house where we watched the little girls open presents. I am kind of obsessed with them. They are so cool and sweet and funny and they absolutely adore each other which is always so cute to see. I tried to stop by to see my parents but the place where they are in the cemetery is closed, so I might go today. 
The drive to Bellingham is about an hour and a half and I listen to Christmas music all the way up. We opened presents and then just hung out – I played with Peach a lot, which was so fun. My older niece has been struggling, and when the kids got back from seeing their dad, she closed herself off in her room and was in tears. You just never know with schizophrenia what’s going on - I can see the pain on my sister’s face just not knowing what to do. After a few minutes I went into her room and we talked for an hour. She asked me if she was the same person that I knew and loved before she got sick – I said that she was even more of who she is. That may be the little girl on the soccer team and who is the life of the party was only a part of her or maybe even a performative part of her, we don’t know, that the smart and brilliantly sensitive and intuitive little human I knew then, is even more focused for me now despite her suicide attempt and the awful scar on her neck as a result, and her diagnosis. That she’s so much more than that and maybe it’s time to forgive herself for both.  I talked about how hard it is to trust myself at times, and that my brain tells me if I make a decision, I’m going to hurt someone, I’m going to hurt the cats, someone’s going to end up dead and alone. I don’t have schizophrenia, but I do struggle with mental illness and some days. It’s very difficult to stay tethered to the world.
She ended up coming out of her room and went to a movie with everyone so maybe it helped? I hope so.
I said my goodbyes and started to head home when my sister called me after I driven 30 miles to tell me I left my purse there. So I had to drive all the way back, and was so tired at that point I pulled up to McDonald’s to get a Diet Coke and a hamburger cause I hadn’t eaten dinner and I got stuck in their line for over 30 minutes. the rain was coming down, hard and so much standing water on the freeway, it was pretty scary, but got home just fine and crashed like I have never crashed before, I meant to post descriptions on those pictures below, but I kept falling asleep. It was trying to hit publish.
I have a lot of people who love me here, and I’m able to feel it more this holiday than ever before.
Woke up this morning to the moon. My flight is not until 7 PM tonight so I’m just going to hang here, get a little Mexican food at my favorite place and take a walk on the beach.
I love all of you so much. I hope you are doing OK, and finding softness, love, healing and a little wonder.
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loser-female · 7 months
A couple of notes on resumes, employment, job interviews from an actual employed person
(true in Western Europe, IT related)
I might be unpopular but DO NOT LIE on the things you know. Especially if you are doing a particular job like mine, you will look like an idiot and lose a potential job you could have gotten if you were honest.
But! Send the resumes even if you miss some of the requirements. I send mine at 70%. It works. This is how I got my actual job. This is why lying is useless - you don't need to. Just stick to what you know, show interest in learning something new and it will go your way.
(True for IT might be for other professions) a lot of the times you're not being judged for the things you know but how you reach to the knowledge and how you climb the mirror when answering a question. "I don't know but I would do this" is what they want to hear (granted that the reasoning behind is correct).
I got my job after the worst interview I've ever done - I even ended up crying afterwards. But while I answered wrong I showed that I use my brain when in trouble. This is what my manager wanted to see.
Only include hobbies if you can use the skills on the job, otherwise you're just wasting space. I like reading (=analysis), I like writing (=I can bullshit my way in a report), I play soccer in my free time (I'm a team worker).
While you might not be in search of besties, really make some effort to be civil and cordial to the people around you. Even if they are annoying, but shutting everyone off as I keep seeing as an advice how to be a "girlboss" is not it. (I said annoying, if there is bullying, discrimination and a terrible environment that's another thing)
In Psychology of Intelligence Analysis, the author noted that the creative being put in a bad environment performs less and worse than the least innovative person in a good environment. Furthermore, he also explains that if you stay in a job because you think you can change the environment you will be proven wrong. Do what you want with this information.
Show some personality. I've been told multiple times that people remember me after I meet them because I'm myself. I'm not pretending to be someone else, even though I'm not the most likeable person (I'm a GNC nerd and I have a strong personality and I have no problem in showing it). Guess who gets called at the end of the day.
You should practice how to answer basic and difficult questions. You should.
Also HR is not your friend, as in, they're not being paid to listen to your personal problems. They don't care and it only shows you have no boundaries in the workplace (which would be true and you should work on keeping your mouth shut). With personal problems I mean disclosing diagnosis (unless you're legally disabled or you're being asked due to some affirmative action law), sources of stress, low income (like,this will just mean you will be underpaid)... Same with demands.
Also there are some things your employer should not be asking for privacy reasons. This is different for every country and you should check it out. If someone asks you if you are planning to be pregnant you will be discriminated against.
That's what I can remember lol. Yes, I've had to deal with people advising to tell their employers about their ADHD and autism - in my country this is just asking to be discriminated against, but I've been told that in other places this would be the right thing to do because they are considered legally disabilities (what's legally considered a disability varies by country) and there is some affirmative actions going on.
On the specifics on how to make something out of your interest in IT I'm writing another post. That being said, take everything with a grain of salt. I'm only one person living probably in a different place than you do.
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foster-the-world · 1 year
Birthday weekend
What a lovely Birthday weekend. Friday my husband picked up the cookie cake I requested. At the park Bee invited all of her friends over. Surprisingly their parents said sure will come. It turned out to be very nice. The adults talked while the kids created little skits. They stayed for a few hours. It was fun. Saturday getting the girls to clean up their room was a huge fight but eventually they did it. Took Rebel to her first soccer game of the season. They lost by a lot but Rebel scored the only two goals. Surprinsgly, as she mostly slowly moved around the field behind everyone else. I think one ball happened to bounce off of her into the goal :) Husband made my requested french onion soup. I put pringles on it - which is odd but amazing. We all love it. Today we did went to Bee's soccer game. Funny how kids get so much better as they age even without practice. I guess its natural motor skill development. Bee scored her teams only goal. Baby boy and rebel ran around Central Park enjoying the sunny weather. Then my husband took all three kids to the girls horseback riding lessons. Then onward to a state park. I relaxed and watched Dear Child. If you like thrillers I recommend it.
Friday Baby boy had his first of four evaluations. It went fine. He acted like himself as he always does. She thought he had autism and mentioned moving him to a special ed school with multiple (20-30) hours of individual therapy every week. A lot to take in. We are surprised. He's never had a yes answer to a single question on the autism screener. His regular OT has said she doesn't see it. We got back the private assessment we paid for and no mention of autism. That being said we are staying open to the idea. We def think he's not neurotypical we just assumed it was SPD with ADHD coming down the line. Both of which can def happen alongside autism. She said he had good eye contact with me but only some with her. She said he is "remarkably bright" and did very well on a pattern tests she gave him on her ipad. I know he didn't even finish the test because he's not the type to sit and answer questions when he can move around. When she threw a small football around with him he played catch with her three times but then started throwing up to himself. She said neurotypical kids would want to continue playing with her. I suspected he stopped playing because he's a great thrower but can't catch someone else's throw because he moves too much. Whereas, when he throws it up he can catch it. But who knows?? I'm also wondering if the diagnosis will help him out. I'm sure it will be easier to get therapy from insurance. In addition, I wonder if people will be nicer to him. Right now if I say sensory issues I assume people just think we didn't teach him to behave properly. But with autism people maybe more forgiving of his sensory issues. Anyway, I didn't question her. I knew that would make me look like a mom who doesn't want her kid to have a diagnosis. I'm happy with any label that will help him get what he needs. I def think he needs more services. I'm not sure 20-30 hours is it but will see once the final report comes in. We still have a speech eval, an OT and a PT eval. Then they have sixty days to give us a report with recommendations and set up an IEP meeting.
I'm glad we have the special ed consultant booked. I can ask the advantage/disadvantage of getting the diagnosis?? Plus, a million other things that I have rolling around my head. I spent a lot of time researching this weekend. I watched two documentaries about kids with autism. None of the kids were anything like baby boy but still interesting movies.
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sapphirebluejewel · 4 months
Can't Tell Me Nothing(1)
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-Katie injures her knee while trying out for the National Soccer Team, but she's determined to play through the pain.
Need You Now(1)
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-Since receiving his bipolar diagnosis, Eli is tired of being treated differently. Teachers are giving him extensions, Bullfrog is being over-protective...even Imogen is making him into a bipolar art project.
Descriptions from IMDb
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