#Soft jake lockley
little-worm-grant · 8 months
Jake's pov: Uncomplicated
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Jake Lockley x You (Fem!Reader)
2,400 words / 18+ only, no minors
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Summary: Deep down you knew Jake wouldn’t be calling if he didn’t think he needed you. Or maybe that’s what you told yourself to make it more tolerable to be out of your warm bed at this hour.
Warnings: No smut, reader tending to Jake's injuries.
Notes: Couldn't get this gif out of my head, so I wrote something inspired by it. Don't ask me what this nonsense is. It's Jake being Jake.
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A phone call woke you up. Come pick him up, he’d said. Knowing exactly which asshole would be calling you to ask that. Very little else could be said before the line was ended. A second later, the location buzzed for you to follow.
You could have said no. Should have told him to fuck off calling you at this time. Sometimes you thought he did it on purpose, just to press your buttons. Deep down you knew Jake wouldn’t be calling if he didn’t think he needed you. Or maybe that’s what you told yourself to make it more tolerable to be out of your warm bed at this hour.
So you went.
You threw on a few layers and left to go pick him up. Silently cursing him all the while. Nights were cold and you weren’t functioning on enough hours of sleep to be doing this shit. At least it wasn’t all the time, but still. You’d prefer he called you at a reasonable hour. Jake didn’t seem to know what reasonable meant.
Ended up in some industrial area. Stopping to recheck the location on your phone. Didn’t seem like the right place. Movement caught your eyes. You look back up to find him staggering in his walk towards you. A sombrero on his head. The black bomber jacket open gave him little protection. No buttoned shirt, leaving his chest bare and exposed to the elements. Hand bandaged and bloody. He looked beat up or drunk, more likely both. All in all, he looked rather pleased with himself getting into your car.
Ducking his head to not lose the hat. He stunk of beer and cigarettes. You wrinkled your nose as it invaded your senses the closer he got. Waiting for him to shut the door. Didn’t bother to ask him to put his seatbelt on. More stubborn than a damn toddler, this one. It’d be his own fault if he bonked his head. Might finally knock some sense into him.
You pull away from the warehouse to drive him back home. Taking one last glance to see if you could spot anything out of the ordinary about of the place. Any clue as to why Jake came out looking the way that he did. Definitely a story there. Jake was already messing with the radio, getting the station he loved on. You turn it down to talk.
“Had a good night?”
He hummed at first, before saying, “Si señora.”
“What’s the emergency?”
“Sin emergencia. I needed a lift and I got one.”
Jake carefully plucked a bent hand-rolled cigarette out from his pocket. Straightening it between his fingers shaken fingers before catching it in his lips and searching for the lighter. Noticed the way he only used three fingers on his left hand. The other two wrapped haphazardly. Electrical tape somehow holding it together. His face cut up but no longer bleeding. A line of dirt and blood streaked down from the bridge of his nose.
“It was a party then?”
You didn’t even try to sound like you were convinced. Jake chuckled and blew out a plume of smoke. Shifting to open his window a crack.
“You could say that.”
Your hands shift on the steering wheel. Annoyed by that. You’d dealt with it with one being all cagey and now you had to deal with another. You wished they’d be more like Steven sometimes. Honest. Open. Not so headstrong and stubborn. Still though, they were equally as beautiful and handsome in their own ways, the bastards.
“I could ignore your call next time. Or stop the car right now and kick you out.” You threaten. “Start talking.”
“And risk your precious boys? Or you gonna make me beg again? Tu cabeza está en la luna.”
“They wouldn’t be this stupid.”
“Ha! You sure about that, chica?” Jake laughed to himself, “Steven cries in the shower if he thinks too long about sea turtles.”
You roll your eyes but he continues, “Marc threatened to throw Steven off a cliff for kissing you. Not so smart, your boys.”
“You’re one of them.” You bite back.
That seemed to give him pause. Another exhale of smoke as he regarded you more closely. You kept your focus on the quieter dark roads, seeing him in your peripheral was enough to put you on edge under his scrutinizing gaze. Passing under lights illuminated that stare. Like he’d make a meal out of you if he could.
You eventually break the silence between you two.
“So what’s with the hat?”
“Lost my hat. Needed a new one.”
“And your shirt?”
“Ah, that too. Needed it for my hand. Couldn’t find a new one of those.”
“What happened?”
“Nothing your nose needs to know.”
“It does if I’m going to patch you up.”
“You once told me to kill them with kindness. But I found their gun instead. That’s all.”
You sigh. Loudly.
“What the fuck am I going to do with you?”
“Anything you fucking want, mi mariquita.” He met your same tone with a rueful smile. Flicking the end of his cigarette outside.
You noticed how he’d gotten ash all over the glass and in the car. Another thing you can be annoyed about, later, once he’d sobered up. Right now you weren’t speaking to him or entertaining his flirtations.
You pulled through one of the drive-thru’s you knew would still be open at this hour. Tossing a couple of burgers over to Jake. His happy noise directed more at the burgers than at you. It was either he eat now or he’d be rampaging through the kitchen once he got home. You'd be hearing all about it from Steven the next day. Wanted to save the other from the hassle.
“You’re too kind. Maybe I should be nicer to you.” He said through a mouthful. Head bouncing along to the tune of the radio. Some sort of happy little dance while he ate. Never could resist bouncing a leg or his head to something in particular he liked.
“Yeah, yeah. Saying and doing are two separate things.” You half smile, glancing to him before heading home. He was still stuffing the last of his burger into his mouth by the time you parked up on the streets outside his apartment. Jake rubbed his hands on his pants, angling the one hand carefully to avoid snagging his makeshift bandage.
“And this where I kiss you goodnight? I enjoyed our little ride. Shame it couldn’t be longer.”
“No, idiot, this is where we go up together and get you cleaned up.”
“Didn’t think you were serious. Do I have to say please?”
“Only if you know what’s good for you.”
He laughed and you left the car to go to his apartment. Jake sauntered up behind you. Hands into his jacket pockets. Curled in on himself like an animal ready to pounce. You folded your arms and gave him a look in the elevator as he pushed for his floor and then proceeded to push the buttons for every other floor after.
To his credit, he didn’t pounce on you. Kept some distance. Leaned his back against the elevator wall. Some of that smugness gone and he did look like he was in some discomfort. His good hand readjusted the sombrero when he caught you looking. His hands patted down his other pockets and began to pull a gun out.
“Oh, there’s the bad man’s~”
“Jake!” You bark, hand snapping to his wrist to stuff the weapon back into his pocket. No cameras or people around but he had evidence on him you’d really rather he didn’t.
“Why do you still have that? I swear to god.”
“Don’t bother, most of them are assholes.” A sharpness in his tone he didn’t have before. He smiled hazily. “They abandoned us long ago.”
“Starting to sound like Marc.” You roll your eyes.
“Nah. He still believes. Little by little. More every day now that you’re around. He lingers about when Steven practices.”
“And why don’t you?”
“Why would I? Only one I’d want to pray to is you.”
That shut you up and gave you pause. You’d fallen for that one. Jake snickering let you know he knew it too. He was being an ass again.
The elevator stopped clunkily to his floor and he led the way. You go to reach out to stop him from bouncing off someone’s door but Jake’s able to catch his own unsteady balance. Making it to his own door, somehow. He lets you both in.
“Mi casa es su casa.” He waves his good hand lazily.
You nudge your hand into his back to push him towards the bathroom.
“You see Steven got Marc a fish? I didn’t get a fish.”
“You’d probably eat it.”
He laughed. A real deep wheeze from the chest.
“That’s exactly what I said when Steven brought up the idea. Got banned from going near them. I like the fishes. I have no beef with them.”
“Would you want a fish?”
A pause. “Nah. That’s their thing. Not mine. They won't let me decorate unless it's some more dorky nerd shit.”
While you both talked. You’d gotten Jake on the edge of the tub with his bandaged hand over the sink. Peeling away the electrical tape slowly. Jake winced.
“Sorry.” You say. He shakes his head but doesn’t respond.
Unwrapping the torn shirt from his fingers you see there’s darker blood and a nice gash at the palm. Dirtied and mangled. You turn on the cold tap and take his hand under the water. Flushing out dirt and dried blood. Stretching out the fingers to manipulate and feel for any breaks or damage to the nerves. Moving your fingers away to see if he could move them himself.
If it’s not Jake getting battered it was one of the others some other way. Steven while cooking or Marc when he got too rough playfighting with you. You use the bottle of disinfectant he kept out. To the sting, Jake growls like you were testing his patience, a scowl setting on his face.
“Quit being a baby. I need to clean it.” You protest back at him. Tossing him a scowl of your own. You could've been nice and warm in your own bed right now, not dealing with his bullshit. “You and your dumb hat.”
“My sombrero isn’t dumb. You take that back.”
“Always so mean to me, princesa. Keep that up and I might just fall in love with you.” A playful pout you’d love to just kiss off his stupid face. He only ever used love like a threat, so you didn’t take it to heart.
You ignore him again. Pulling the medical kit out you used what little counter space you had, you open it up and pull out the supplies you’re going to need. Threading up the needle, Jake kept his bleeding hand still over the sink while he watched you. Wasn’t the first time you’d patched him up, knew it wouldn’t be the last either.
“Why were you out again? You don’t need to do that anymore.” You finally ask. Jake made a reluctant noise in his throat.
“I do. It was for a friend.”
“Does it matter? They needed me to do a thing and I did the thing.”
“You don’t have to do everything someone asks.”
“No. But I want to. Makes me… useful. The world doesn’t stop spinning just because we do.”
Jake doesn’t look away when you begin stitching him up. Didn’t take many stitches. Soon you were wrapping it in a cleaner bandage. Letting him pull his hand away to inspect the wrapping.
“Stay tonight.” He says. Not asking. You shake your head.
“You’re still drunk. No.”
“I’ll take the couch. You can have your way with his pillow.”
That caused you to scoff and go to leave. His good hand reached to catch yours. Tugging you, guiding between his thighs to enclose them around your legs. In retaliation, you smack the hat off his head, it hits against his back, the string around it going up against his neck. His chin pressed up against you as he looked up at you. A different look in his face this time, making you pause. One unlike any you’ve seen before. No. That’s not right. You’ve seen this look before, on the others, sure, but not on him. You steady yourself against him. His voice dropped an octave lower.
“I don’t want to be by myself tonight. Please?”
“Well be nice then.”
That stupid smile was back.
“I can’t promise that.”
“I’ll think about it. Stay still.”
You go for a cotton swab and dowse it in disinfectant. Wiping at the injuries on his face. Checking over the forming bruises. Fingers checking his nose wasn’t too fucked. Another noise of a groan from Jake. The cut on it wasn’t too bad once it was cleaned. You placed a plaster over his nose for good measure. He smiled lazily up at you. Arm wrapping around your waist to hold you.
“Did you think of your answer yet?”
“Yeah. I decided you’re getting the bed and I’m getting the couch. You need your rest.”
“No, no, no. No. That’s not how this works, chica. I get the couch. You get the bed.”
“I’ll just go home then.”
“Ayúdame. Anyone ever told you you’re so stubborn?”
“Anyone ever told that to you? Also, get rid of the gun. Don't let the others find it.”
He chuckled and shifted his head to press his cheek against you. Taking in a long unsteady inhale. Probably thinking of ways he could get his cake and eat it too. To your surprise, he relents.
“If it gets you to stay, I‘ll take the bed.” You feel him playfully bite into your side, hard enough to hurt. Causing you to make a noise and squirm away, smacking at his good shoulder. A pained laugh comes out from Jake.
“You’re an asshole.”
“And you love me.”
You didn’t have anything to say back to that. Damn him.
Come morning, you’d wake up to Steven complaining how sore he felt all over. How he’d found a gun inside his fish tank. Also, why were you wearing a sombrero? What on earth happened last night?
Only the fishes would say.
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romanarose · 10 months
Jake Lockley x fem!reader
Masterlist : Join my taglist!
Summary: Jake is trying to relax at a bar when a woman won't leave him alone. Confused as to what's happening, Jake isn't sure how to react. Men don't hit women, right?
Warnings: Depiction of sexual assault (over the clothes gentile touching), reader gets aggressive with other women. Jake has old fashioned, patriarchal notions of paying for women's drink, that he shouldn't assert his boundaries, that he can't be assaulted because he's a man and she's a woman, blaming himself. Men have a right to protect themselves from violence of any sort with proportional means. Protect men. Reader mentions trauma, illuding to rape. Reader isn't exactly "safe" with going out, but neither am I know I'm "supposed to" go with friends, no walk off with strangers etc. but I won't live my life afraid. My assaults have been from people I was supposed to trust, every single time. Strangers don't scare me.
Immersabily: Fem reader. Reader mentions past sexual trauma. reader mentions working with children. At one point, Jake mentions reader being shorter than a woman taller than Jake so??? IDK if that's anything lol. Could mean anything IG.
Jake Lockley respected women. Jake Lockley didn’t hurt women. Jake Lockley wasn’t rude to women.
That made his current position complicated.
He’d just come to this bar to drink for a bit, to get away from his alters for a bit. He loved them and he loved the new relationship with Steven and Marc, but he needed peace and alone time. Well, not totally alone. When he was totally alone, Khonshu liked to talk to him like they were friends or something, that’s not what he wanted, so Jake went to a karaoke bar.
 He liked it, honestly. It was fun seeing people’s personalities come out in the songs they sang, he liked watching people get more and more drunk, strangers becoming friends, people singing way out of their key as the night went on. Some people hated watching others do karaoke but Jake thought it was fun. It was people’s truest selves. He liked to watch the show, drink a little but also keep an eye on things. No one was getting roofied or assaulted on his watch.
As people got drunker, a very unsteady woman got on stage (barely) and tried to rap to Without Me by Eminem. It did not go well. It wasn’t terrible, she knew th lyrics down pat but 1. She could not rap for the life of her 2. She was very giggly and kept laughing. The smiling DJ kept taking the second mic and filling in for her while she laughed. It was adorable. 
That was his first impression of you.
The night went on and he noticed you weren’t with friends. A bold move, going out alone. You were brave. He liked that. He tried to keep a special eye on you but it was proving difficult and you were beginning to stress him out. You’d leave drinks with random people asking the girls to watch it. How did you know they could be trusted? He followed you outside when you stumbled off with people you were talking too, only to find you smoking in an alley. What the hell is wrong with you? You were going to get yourself killed. Right now, you were his main focus.
Until you left to use the bathroom, leaving your drink on a table and Jake attempted to walk toward it to make sure no one spiked it when another women intercepted him. “Hi handsome, what’s your name?” She smiled at him, looking down a bit. She was tall. Jake didn’t mind his women taller than him; he liked his women however they came, but she seemed to be positioning herself to intentionally intimidate him.
“Jake.” He needed to get over to watch your drink, but when he tried to step to the side, she stepped along with him and blocked his path. It was when she put a hand on his chest he grew uncomfortable.
“My name’s Cas, why don’t we head to the bar and you buy me a drink?”
Jake was about to object. He needed to get to you, but he didn’t have much of a choice when she grabbed his tie and pulled him. She ordered two vodka cranberries. Jake didn’t like vodka. Why was he paying? That’s what he did, right? He was supposed to pay. He was supposed to entertain beautiful women -and she was beautiful for sure. 
He wasn’t entirely sure how she got him in this position, but he wasn’t doing much to fight it. He was backed into corner and the woman was kissing him. He didn’t like it. Jake’s stress was compounded by the anxiety that he couldn’t see your drink, he couldn’t see you. Did something happen? Did someone spike the drink because Jake wasn’t watching? He wasn’t watching because he was horny? 
He didn’t want to kiss her, but when she ground her body against his, the natural reaction was to get hard. He fought it, fought it, fought it but his will power was no match for biology. Jake felt like fucking shit. His body was stiff, he wasn’t kissing back, he kept trying to move away but his efforts were weak. She was strong, and it wasn’t like he could push her or hit her. Only weak men hit women, right?
When he turned, he locked eyes with you. Little did he know, you had been watching much of the scene play out. It wasn’t entirely clear what was happening, as the crowd of karaoke fridays kept blocking your view, but you’d grown concerned when you saw him in a corner and went to investigate. One of the girl’s you’d met and had been chatting with told you not to worry about it, that the man could handle himself… but after all you’d been through, you never wanted someone to go through that.
Then you see it. The woman’s hand went to cup his crotch, and the panic on the man’s face that had locked eyes with yours was clear. He tried to gently nudge her away, to squirm out of her grasp but she didn’t move. So you did.
The violation on his body got him moving a bit, disgust at himself for letting them happen. Not because it was his boundaries, his body, his autonomy, but because the body was Marc and Steven’s, and he was letting someone touch Marc and Steven. He wasn’t protecting them, he was failing them, but he still couldn’t manage to get her off him without hurting her. 
“I don’t-” He tried to protest, but she shushed him.
“Yes, you do.”
Did he?
Before he had time to think more, Cas was ripped off of him, and another body was placed in between. 
You stared the woman down, glaring daggers into her eyes; although shorter than her, you show no fear. All night, you’ve shown no fear.
“What the hell is wrong with you!” You shout at her.
“Me?” The woman gahawfs. “You’re interrupting a perfectly good-”
“He’s clearly uncomfortable!”
“He’s a big boy, he can handle himself.”
“Well he doesn’t have to, because I’m handling it, now get the fuck out of here!”
Cas looks at Jake, glaring at him and flipping him off before walking away. Jake wasn’t entirely sure what he did, but whatever it was, it was wrong.
Once she left, you turn to the man again. He looks in shock. “Can we step outside?” 
Silent, Jake nods and you take him hand, carefully guiding him to the alley where you pull up two crates for you both to sit on. Both his hands are in yours now.
“I need you to breathe with me, okay, in your nose, out your mouth.” Your voice calms him. It’s only then that he realized he wasn’t calm. Jake was having a panic attack. You continued instruction. “I’m going to squeeze our hands as I breath in, but if you need to squeeze at any time, you can. Hard as you need to, you won’t hurt me.”
You did just as you said. As you breathed in, You gently squeezed his hands, letting go as you breathed out. It helped him keep in time when the panic made blood rush to his ears. He couldn't hear you, but he could feel you. Jake certainly wasn’t going to squeeze as hard as he could -his strength could actually hurt you, despite what you said- but he did give a few good squeezes and although his were random and erratic, yours remained steady. Jake latched onto that steadiness, beginning to squeeze in time with you until he was calm.
After a few moments of silence, Jake spoke. “Where’d you learn that?” He didn’t fully look at you, but you could hear the smile in your voice.
“I work with preschoolers. It’s a great way to teach them to manage their emotions…” You pause a little before adding. “Well, I guess I learned it from myself. Breathing exercises were the only way to calm myself down for a while.”
With that, Jake locked eyes with you. “You’ve had… you’ve felt like that before?”
You nod. “Yeah. Especially when random people touch me. What happened to you, has happened to me, so touch can be very triggering.”
That caught his attention. Jake was no stranger to rape victims; he’d killed plenty rapists in his day… but this still mad him feel pity. You were kind, and it made him sad to think that you’d felt like he did now.
“Someone did that to you?”
“Multiple people.” You confirm. “Sometimes it ended at a bar or a party, sometimes it ended… much worse.”
Jake felt anger in his confusing mix of emotions. He wanted to track down every single person who did that to you and end them, violently. “Is that why you…”
“Stepped in? Kinda. I’d hate for anyone to feel like I did.” Your smile was kind and warm. “But I’ve always been like that. A little crazy.” Crazy is how you’d put it.
Jake nodded, only then realizing he was still holding your hand. “Sorry.”
“That’s okay.” You reassure him before finally telling him your name.
“Well Jake, I assume after all that you don’t want to go inside. Can I walk you home?”
Absolutely insane, you were just trusting him like this… but he really didn’t want to be alone right now. “I drove. I only had one drink… if you’d like I can drive you home?”
You smiled. “I’d like that. What’s your last name?”
“Okay, Lockley. Stay here.”
You went inside, coming out and handing him his ID.
Now Jake was confused. “I- what?”
“Your tab.” You explained. “I paid it.”
Jake had never had a woman pay for his drink before. The only person he ever let get away with it was Matty, and that was on a good day.
“But-... I can pay my own tab?” He tried to protest, as if it wasn’t already paid.
“I’m sure you can.” Gathering up his hands in yours again, you pull him to his feet. “It’s just one drink, no big deal. I didn’t want you to have to see her again.”
Having a woman pay for his drink should make him embarrassed. A woman assaulting him should make him feel embarrassed. But you? You calmed all that. A drink wasn’t a big deal to you, but most importantly, you validated his feelings. You didn’t make him feel weak for feeling how he did. 
It was okay to be human with you.
You protected him, and he wanted to spend the rest of his life returning the favor.
I just wanna protect Jakey and make him feel saaaaaaaafe.
he deserves it.
@missdictatorme @ahookedheroespureheart @whatthefishh @runa-falls @del-ightfulling @eyelessfaces @fandxmslxt69 @pikapuff-316 @mikaelak @k-ra @ivystoryweaver @campingwiththecharmings @littlenosoul @stevenandmarcslove @steven-grants-world @boysddontcry @harriedandharassed @lokisv7lkrie @scarletthefierce
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whatthefishh · 1 year
Can we get some fluffy sweet Jake lockley hcs?
Jake the closet softie 💖
- Jake likes to take bubble baths with you, choosing a warm scented bubble bar that you both like and filling up the tub with hot water to get the suds going, ready for you to come home and hop right in
- after a bath together (sometimes he just lets you sit in the bath and he sits outside of it to keep you company and scrub your back), he wants you glued to his side. No, really, he’s pressing himself into your chest for cuddles, and he rubs his face like a cat until you start raking your fingers through his hair.
- Jake looooves pampering you, loves to buy you gifts and take you shopping. He carries all the bags in one hand while holding your hand in the other. Watches you try on a bunch of clothes and sits there rating each piece until you realize he’s been saying yes to everything 😂
- Jake likes candles. On your shopping trip, you always make sure to pass the candle shop so he can spend a solid chunk of his time there, sniffing the new collection and picking one to go home with. There’s already so many on every surface in the apartment but you like feeding this habit of his. He lights them when he turns the lights out, when he goes through his nightly routine to settle in and you can tell how much peace it brings him.
- Jake likes taking care of himself, too, sometimes, resulting in half your skincare products being used by him as he goes through the 6 step process (in the correct order, mind you).
- cuddles before bed is a must. This includes soft smooches and sweet words of affirmation shared between the two of you while your bodies are barely a centimetre apart 🖤
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ilomilodailystuff · 2 years
|| Silly Mistakes ||
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Summary : You and Jake cook together, but the apartment soon becomes a war zone...
Characters : Jake Lockley ; You ; Marc and Steven makes a small appearance
Notes : this one was a request and I know we agreed only for the "basic cute fic" but I couldn't help myself writing some crazy stuff lol it's still simple but I hope the person concerned will like that fic. 🥺❤️ [English and Spanish aren't my native languages, I apologize for my mistakes. Please tell me when something's wrong in the text, I'll correct it]
Warnings : love ; kisses ; love again ; hugs ; more kisses ; cocoa mixture attacks ; whipped cream assault ; a bit of anxiety 🤏 ; cursing ; khonshu is pissed off
Word count : 3.2K
You straighten up.
In front of the rounded mirror, you rub your still damp hair with a towel to dry it. You cherish this feeling of well-being. Your muscles relaxed, your clothes rubbing against your soft, clean skin, the pleasant smell of your hair, the pleasant smell of tomato... Tomato ? Perplexed, you frown slightly as you turn towards the door. You sniff and that good smell coming from outside is still there.
A smile appears on your face when you imagine what your boyfriend is up to.
After a few minutes, you're ready to leave the bathroom.
The smell hits you all the more.
Between the bookcases placed on either side, you see him preparing something in the kitchen. And you can hear him whistling quietly as he's focused on his task. As you walk, you recognize the tune of the song. The slightly slower version of Quien Sera made by Dean Martin. Your curiosity takes over and you keep walking, watching the multi-faceted man open the blender to smell the content. On your way, you notice that a black tie is placed on one of the two chairs on which you sit to eat, chat or laugh together or even all at once. You definitely know who it was.
Usually you find this tie there when your favorite limo driver shows up to get ready for the night ahead. You hate the idea of him being out at night. Jake is not a real hero, you have already seen him at work despite all the trouble he has taken to preserve you. Because even if he's never ashamed to stay true to himself, he found himself being concerned about the way you saw him. He was brutal, radical, determined but also very protective. With time and deep conversation, you've learned that his motives are laudable and that he does his best to put the needs of others before his own. He may not be the typical hero, but he's a true vigilante for you nonetheless. He's just a bit more unpredictable, hot-headed, and hot-tempered than some of the superheroes revered by mankind.
And you have no desire to stop him in his missions, because they are just as crucial for him as for the others, even if he sometimes employs rather drastic measures on his enemies.
"Jake ?" you guess as you keep walking.
You see him take a spoon out of a drawer before plunging it into the blender. But you become all the more intrigued the closer you get to the counter he's standing in front of.
"...Jake ?"
"Taste this." he said suddenly bringing the spoon closer to you.
Despite your surprise, you let him bring the spoon to your lips to taste this liquid and creamy substance.
There, your eyes widen.
"Mhh, damn, that's delicious." you say enthusiastically. "Is it gazpacho ?"
"What insight." Jake teases you with a grin.
"Piss off." you retort with a smile as you hit him on the shoulder, which made Jake chuckle.
He then brought the spoon to his lips to eat the rest before setting it down in the sink. He'll clean it up later.
"I didn't help you prepare it, it bothers me..." you admit, putting your hands on the counter with regret.
"You needed to relax, and a gazpacho is quick to make." Jake replies pouring the contents of the blender into a glass pitcher.
You think for a moment, as you watch your boyfriend cover the pitcher with cellophane. He had his shirt sleeves pulled up over his forearms and his collar was unbuttoned. Then jealousy momentarily overwhelms you when you find that Jake never stained it despite the danger of the tomato.
"Since when do you cook in a white shirt ? Who does that ?" you decide to tease him with a playful grin.
"Me. Ever since I noticed you like watching." he replies, before giving you a proud look accompanied by a charming smile, while he wipes his hands with a towel.
Taken aback by his response, your eyes widen briefly and your heart skips a beat, then your cheeks blush uncontrollably.
"Okay, let me catch up for tonight. I'm making dessert." you announce, determine to get your hands dirty and above all to change the subject quickly.
Of course, Jake's smile widens even more as he puts his gazpacho away in the fridge.
"Yes, would you mind, mi amore ?" he closed the fridge door and then moved closer to you, while you watched him out of the corner of your eyes. "But I like when we cook together, so... Pick a dessert and you can tell me what to do." he adds nevertheless once at your side, plunging his eyes into yours while having his fist resting against his hip and his second hand resting on the counter a few inches from yours.
You raise an eyebrow as you shyly hold back a smile. This idiot knows very well what he's doing by standing close to you and giving you that smile, so sweet but also so seductive.
"So you're going to obey my orders ?" you ask with interest.
"Sí, señora." he nods.
"Mh. Interesting." you say innocently.
Jake chuckled softly. He couldn't help but keep his eyes on you. It often happened to him to observe you with tenderness and amusement, especially in those quiet moments when it's just the two of you and your way of pushing each other to the limits, just for fun.
Since gazpacho is low in calories, you could afford to eat something heartier. After a few minutes of inventorying the cupboards, you decide on a simple moist chocolate cake with whipped cream.
So you start the preparation while Jake preheats the oven. With a whisk, you mix the ingredients that you have placed together in a bowl. But your concentration was quickly disturbed by the man who came up behind you to gently kiss your neck, and the spot behind your ear, then your cheek, forcing your lips to curve upwards. More tenacious than ever, Jake keeps kissing your cheek until you turn to look him straight in the eye while stopping all your movements. He raised his eyebrows as if he was as surprised as you, also stopping his tender kisses to meet your insistent gaze. It's not his fault after all that you smell so good.
Without saying a word, you go back to work while a smirk remains glued to your face. You notice that the mixture is starting to become more compact so you quickly reach for the melted butter on the counter, however you don't see it anywhere. Frowning, you look around in hopes of finding what you need. Then when you turn to Jake, you come face to face with the cup containing the melted butter he was holding. So you bring your hand to it but Jake decides to take it a little further away from you. It is therefore by rolling your eyes that you end up meeting his gaze again.
"You're supposed to help me not slow me down." you say with a slight smile, trying to figure out your boyfriend's intentions.
"Why are you in such a hurry ?" he asks back with a smirk.
His eyes landed on a specific spot on your face, and you can't help but do the same. After a few seconds, you move closer to each other, your eyelids slowly drooping in anticipation. Finally, your lips move together in harmony, gently, but also with a hint of passion. That's what Jake wanted, right ? And yet he was still surprised by your initiative, responding to your kiss with as much fervor. Then he felt the cup slip out of his hand. He opened his eyes, pulling away from your lips reluctantly when he saw you with a victorious smile holding the cup you had just stolen from him.
"I am so proud of you." He announces, shaking his head slightly as he smiles admiringly.
You briefly shrug one shoulder in false modesty before pouring the butter into the bowl. How funny, Khonshu's avatar cooking with you and acting all lovey dovey like he's never threatened anyone or came home with blood on his knuckles. People could say that he was getting soft, but really, he already was when you met him. You're just one of the very few people who really tried to get to know him and dug deep to find out who he really was. But of course, he's kinder to you than he's ever been to anyone else. Paradoxically, he's both sweet and rough. He's... Well. Jake. You snort of amusement and tenderness at that thought.
Then you continue the recipe by adding vanilla essence. At your request, Jake has broken three eggs into the mixture and once that's done, you stir everything with the whisk. Finally, when the preparation is ready and, for his part, Jake finished mixing the whipped cream, you hasten to grease the baking pan.
But the protector of the night's travelers is far from stupid.
He watches you with some concern, noticing that something's wrong. You seemed so rushed, too focused, not fully enjoying this time you were spending together. Of course you were going to savor this cake, but you don't cook together to cook. Jake wanted to spend time with you and the cake is just a pretext. However, you didn't seem to be on the same wavelength tonight. And he suspects why you were so determined to do everything in a hurry.
So he thinks, analyzing your face for just a moment. He wanted you to stop putting pressure on yourself, to enjoy instead of constantly dreading. He also hated leaving you every nights, but you wouldn't gain anything by being dominated by your anxiety and neither would he.
So, while you prepare the baking pan, Jake looks here and there, searching for an effective solution. As for you, you stay focused on your task and don't let yourself be distracted by anything or anyone. Finally, you take a towel to clean your hands.
And you jump when something suddenly lands on your face.
"What the-" you bring your hand to your cheek and to determine what Jake just threw at you.
You then turn to him, entering in total confusion. You see him holding a spatula covered in whipped cream.
"Oh, maldita sea, I really didn't miss you." he said discovering the cream on your face.
"What are you playing ?" you ask then.
"I don't know, you tell me. You seem so eager to see me go." he briefly shrugs.
"N-No, absolutely not ! You idiot !" you retaliate as you throw the towel on the counter.
"Perfect ! So calm down for a minute and enjoy the moment !"
"I'm trying, but I don't want you to go away !" you exclaim in a broken voice.
Suddenly, a heavy silence sets in.
You throw a chill in the room and none of you dare to speak.
Jake's shoulders fell as he looked at you with a sincere apologetic expression. Shit, he didn't know how much that upset you...
"...I'm sorry, I can't take you seriously with that thing on your face." he finally laughs, unable to contain himself any longer.
It's funny, you really thought you could get revenge by undermining his morals.
Your lips formed an 'o' of astonishment and you gasp.
"You, bastardo--" you're getting angry.
You grabbed the whisk before throwing the cocoa mixture on Jake's shirt, the latter instinctively taking a step back while raising his wrists in surprise.
Ah ! Take that, you think proudly.
"Not so white now." you smile, enjoying your revenge and admiring your masterpiece on his shirt totally ruined by the mixture.
Jake looked up at you. He was going to save that shirt for tonight. That's a shame. Now he has the duty to fight back.
You raised your eyebrows, challenging him with your gaze. For a moment, neither of you move.
It's all happening now.
Then you grab your bowl and Jake did the same with his before he sprays cream on your clothes. You turn your head to avoid his attacks as you blindly throw chocolate at him while moving away from his position. A laugh escaped your lips as you tossed chocolate at his shirt again then cowered as Jake walked around the table to aim at you better, however he only managed to reach your back.
"That's it, hide, pobre cosa !" he attacks you again as he gets closer to you.
"No, not the hair, not the hair !" you exclaim, laughing before you start running.
He chases after you and grabs you around the waist with his arm, causing you to cry out in surprise as you drop the whisk to the floor.
"No ! Stop, stop !" you giggle as he presses you against him. "You're supposed to obey my orders !"
"There are no rules in battle !" he retorts childishly.
Desperate, you plunged your hand into the bowl that you managed to keep before spreading the cocoa preparation on his face. He closed his eyes and laughed heartily as he released you, but he decided to drop his spatula to counterattack in your own way.
"Bueno, no hay piedad." he warns you.
"Wait, wait ! Not here ! I don't want to stain the sheets or Steven's books." you warn him back as you were dangerously close to the shelves and the bed.
"I agree. Come back." he challenge you in turn.
Okay. You are in the zone that he mustn't cross and yet you inevitably had to get out of it. You have to find a strategy.
Or quite simply, you could stop behaving like children.
Jake beckons you to join him with his hand in an ever more provocative way while raising an eyebrow, and you hesitate for a moment, biting your lower lip, unable to prevent yourself from smiling at this grotesque but so liberating game.
When you suddenly try to fake it by going one way before rushing the other way, keeping your bowl against your chest like you're protecting something precious. Jake used the second shelf to turn around and catch up with you.
He then scooped as much whipped cream as he could into his hand before quickly setting the bowl down on the table.
"¡No-- vuelve aquí!" he laughs again, grabbing your arm to pull you towards him.
"Nonononono !" your eyes widen, trying to aim for the table to put down your bowl when you feel it slip through your fingers and you almost miss the edge.
Jake then placed his hand full of cream on your clean cheek as he gently pulled you against him, managing to have the last laugh as you almost tripped together. You put your arms around his waist and he put his available hand on your other cheek to watch your cream-covered face.
"Querida..." he laughs.
Immersed in a sweet bliss, you close your eyes and you keep giggling while lowering your head. Jake accompanies you in your laughter, and his look and his smile are pure joy and affection, the wrinkles that appear towards the outer corners of his eyes testifying to his euphoria.
And while his laughter fades little by little, he finally tries to clean your face as much as possible with his hands to see you more clearly, also brushing away the few locks that fall on your forehead while you raise your head towards him, a few burst of laughter escaping from your lips.
"You have some on your eyes." you laugh once more as you bring your hand to his face to gently wipe away the chocolate that slightly weighs down his eyelids, cleaning one eye after another with love.
Now, you can admire his passionate, playful gaze, full of devotion. Immediately, you give him the same look, your heart warming up so much that it gives you a dose of adrenaline in your veins. No one but him is capable of provoking such strong emotions in you.
If only you knew how capable you are of provoking the same thing to him.
And that's why you end up kissing.
Inevitably, you each taste your cooking while you can't help the smile that curves your lips. After all, you didn't like waste. So you end up putting your hands on his neck while he brings his arms around your waist, hugging you, constantly kissing you, drunk with love.
Together, you could transform an ordinary evening into an avalanche of emotions, madness and newness. Of course, you also like to be carried away in a pleasant routine, being bored together is sometimes part of your daily life, but this routine never becomes unbearable. There's always that little something extra that makes your days better, whether at home or when you're out in town. You both thought this energy was coming from the other, too humble or too blind to admit it was coming from you, when in reality it was just your dynamic. Both of you are irreplaceable and inseparable. It's only thanks to you two that this crazy and intoxicating atmosphere could come to life.
So Jake can't blame you for trying to steal more time to be able to spend it by his side. He would have done the same for you.
You end up kissing his cheek and he presses his lips to your neck, shivers running through your skin, before he whispers a few words there.
"What was that ?" you laugh briefly.
"I'm staying." he repeats, meeting your gaze again.
Your expression immediately changed.
For a moment, you can't believe it.
"You just had to ask." he continues.
"But... What if something serious happens outside ? If Khonshu--"
"The world won't stop spinning if I choose to ignore it." he replies then to reassure you.
So you smile, trying to hide as much as possible the joy that overwhelms you when you realize that he genuinely wanted to stay. Besides, staying at home a few times doesn't stop him from being Khonshu's fist of vengeance later on.
"Plus, I can tell Khonshu to get lost, once in a while. It'll knock him off his pedestal." he adds, managing to make you laugh one last time, cherishing this melody like sweet music to his ears.
"I'm not sure he'll like it." you say back.
If you or Jake were paying attention, you might see some lights crackling.
"We don't give a damn..." Jake retorts before kissing you passionately.
He sure has a power over you. Just like you have this power over him.
"What are we doing for the cake ?" you ask against his lips.
"Well, that was delicious." he replies.
"Really, you like it ?" you play his game.
"Yeah, I loved it." he said sincerely, kissing all over your face.
"Your whipped cream was delicious too." you smile as you hug him back. "It's the best dessert we've ever made"
"I thought the same thing."
"We're awesome." you conclude.
Finally, your lips meet once more.
"El horno sigue encendido." he said without separating from your lips.
"Mh ?"
"The oven's still on." he clarifies.
"Oh, shit." you pull away.
You walk towards the kitchen and he holds your hand until there's too much distance between you, then you lean over to turn off the oven. Although it's electric, you don't like leaving it on for nothing.
And you come back to Jake.
Now face to face, you both take one last look at your silly mistakes and it's not hard to see that you went a little bit too far.
"You do realize I just showered, right ?" you ask then with a grin.
"That's why it's funnier." he replies with a satisfied smile and an amused look.
You're never mad at him for long anyway.
With an amused smile, you sigh as you head to the bathroom to clean yourself up. Jake then puts his hands on his hips observing the stains of chocolate and cream they had left on the floor, on the table and of course in the kitchen. Luckily for you, the aquarium and the books are unstained.
"I'm not cleaning up this mess." Steven says suddenly.
"Neither do I." Marc continues.
Then silence dominated the room for a few seconds.
"Not it !" Marc and Steven's voices echoed in Jake's mind.
"Not it--" Jake said quickly but is too late.
Nevertheless, the limousine driver accepts his sentence. He was the one who declared war, after all.
He sighs deeply.
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enigmatist17 · 2 years
Catch me thinking about Jake Lockley and Miles Morales (game, movie, comic any version works)
He knows Peter already, so one day he's finishing up his route and suddenly the two are in the back of his cab. Sure, he nearly crashes in surprise but is won over when an excited Peter gets him a free meal at Gena's for the scare. He's got some small kid with him, and it takes listening to Peter go a mile a minute for a good hour before Jake susses out the reason.
Two Spider-Men, who knew?
It doesn't take long to notice the new kid, Miles, needs some training, and Jake is more than happy to help. Miles is dubious at first, but when Jake has to draw upon his suit mid-training to stop some thugs, he's instantly taken by the hero. If they're not patrolling the times Jake is around, they're found hanging out on some of the better viewpoints and just chatting in a mixture of English and Spanish. Miles always enjoys their time together and will go to Jake the times he wants to avoid his usual group of confidants.
If Jake has taken him on sightseeing trips in neighboring states (and no he won't explain why he has the money), well that was between them if it helps Miles clear his head. Sure, his uncle/father/mother were pissed when the taxi driver drops Miles off super late at night each time, but at the same time they don't exactly forbid Jake from helping him relax.
I just, I just like father figure Jake helping Miles out when he just is overwhelmed by his family/Peter(when he's alive)/etc okay <:)
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messrmoonyy · 2 years
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Merry Christmas
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spider-biter · 2 years
Head cannons abt the moon boys for the soul <3 🌙🌙🌙
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A/N: I’ve been stuck with this in my head for the past 4 days.…. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!! Also thank you for correcting my misspelling of mierda as Mérida 😭😭😭 embarrassing 😳
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- Steven loves old vintage things, he often wonders into antique stores to just “look around”
- he spends 50 dollars.
- Jake cannot stand waiting. man is literally impatient AF
- “15 minutes till the next train???! Mierda, let’s just fucking walk”
- cooking for him is his love language
- he will literally sob on the inside if you even show interest in his cultural food
- Marc is the same way
- one time you made him Rugelach and he was a MESS
- “baby it’s not even that good-“ “ITS AMAZING AND I LOVE IT AND- AND I LOVE YOU-“ “ok”
- Steven loves that you know so much about their cultures and interests
- he also appreciates how you avoid meat when he’s fronting
- when you first ordered a tofu taco on a date with him he immediately felt guilty, like he was pressuring you or something
- “love- no it’s ok! you can eat meat I don’t care!”
- “darling, if this is important to you then it is important to me. plus tofu is literally the best so it’s no problem! :)”
- oml he is going to COLLAPSE
- they always appreciate that you know how to comfort them whenever they are triggered or have a nightmare
- Steven needs to be grounded, so you take his hands and hold him close to you. Rubbing circles on his back, telling him that you’re right here, it’s ok, you’re fine. he often falls asleep with his head on your chest with your hands in his hair
- Marc fluctuates between quiet dissociation and physical panic
- when he’s quiet you make sure to interact. asking him questions like how was your day, do you want tea, how many sugars, any cream? just so he is forced to stay as much out of his head as he can
- (even though you can probably make his favorite tea ((thank you stevens Brit influence)) blindfolded)
- if it’s physical it’s a lot harder. You know that Marc would probably sink deeper if he ever accidentally hurt you so you just try to make him look at you. The 5-4-3-2-1 rule works best to get him out of it. He usually goes quiet after one, staring into nothing. Usually you just kind of sit near and around him, trying to get him back to the present (Think of that one scene in the asylum where he just looks exhausted)
- Jake just needs his space. You respect that. One of you normally leaves to give the other some space. You understand and respect that it’s not a you thing, just a ‘I think if I am touched or talked to I will literally fall over this edge that I am on’ thing.
- he normally apologizes (even though you told him it’s ok) and is super lovey dovey & touchey for the next couple of hours after
- speaking of touchey
- they all LOVE to hold you
- steven found out that holding hands with you and swinging them back and forth dramatically makes you giggle
- especially if he skips with you while doing it (he has done it twice and both times you felt your heart explode with love!)
- he loves holding your hand, rubbing circles on the back of your palm to calm each other down
- and whenever you get up in the middle of the night to pull him out of his studies/work he softly kisses your knuckles as an apology, whispering things in French
- you guys also rest against each others foreheads in moments of silence, just enjoying the closeness of your love
- Jake is a spinner!
- he’ll grab your arm and immediately spin you around, no matter what you’re doing.
- you always scream out of surprise even though he’s done this forever
- he also loves to dip you
- “no need to be scared mi corazón, I’ll never drop you 😤💪❤️” 🤨🤨 “what about that one time at-” “shhhh mi vida no es importante”
- Jake loves having his hands on you in a “mine” way
- but you do the exact same for him
- but he likes to come up behind you and run his hands all over your body while kissing your jawline. “So lovely” “so beautiful” “y todo mío” (that last one made your knees jelly)
- Marc has such an obsession with physical touch
- for the first 6-8 months, he was really scared of touching you. he never got physical love as a child and was always scared he’d break you because of it
- but one day he fell asleep on your shoulder during a movie you guys were watching
- and damn. The peace he felt was similar to how he felt in the field of reeds tbh
- one day you both started just hooking arms with the other and skipping around in a circle
- it’s a cowboy jig
- yeehaw
- Marc also is obsessed with giving you piggyback rides, even if you are scared AS HELL!
- yes Marc Spector has run with a fully grown adult on his back yelling “MARC WHAT THE FUCK?” In Central Park. what abt it
- he loves to let you rest your head on his shoulder.
- he’s a big face guy??? Like he brushes away hair, pecks your cheeks, wipes away tears.
- he’s very gentle all the time and loves holding your cheek as you guys just stare at each other
- the mornings with them >>>
- who’s big and little spoon is a never ending battle
- with Steven it’s very quiet & reflective
- laying on each others chests, hands in each others hair, comforter pulled up to your neck, listening to the other breathing pattern and syncing it up! It’s all about the quiet company of love. The 2 of you comfortable for all of eternity
- Marc is similar but not
- it’s inches away from each other, still entangled with the other. you face each other and whisper silly nothings: I love you, I’ll do anything for you, we should do this for a date.
- You even boop his nose.
- he’s not a fan
- Jake loves being the big spoon but after hard days you make him little spoon so you can wrap around him <3
- but when he is big spoon??????
- his warm arms wrap around your midsection, keeping you in nirvana eternally. you both float in and out of consciousness, his head rests softly on yours, you nestle deeper into him, even though that’s literally scientifically impossible at this point. He loves how addicted you are to him
- he doesn’t even realize how addicted he is to you ;)
- it’s also passionate make out sessions, still sleepy and slightly sloppy, before he goes into the shower and you make him a coffee
- (getting out of the shower to be greeted by your coffee and you sitting at the counter just reading over the news on your phone??? it makes his heart literally collapse in on itself every. single. day.)
- speaking of passion
- you helped them all find things they’re passionate about
- you helped Steven get a better job at a different museum and he LOVES IT!!!
- it was pretty easy, Steven just had to be confident in his knowledge.
- sometimes you stop by on your lunch break and see Steven somehow getting a group of terrible and loud preteens absolutely invested in the story of Ra and Sekhement
- (passionately teaching a group of kids all about the ancient relics of the past is a turn on you never knew you had)
- you helped Marc get involved with the INTERPOL force in London, so he can occasionally be on call, and help people in a legal way
- he likes it bc it gives him something to do & makes the world a better place
- he helps take down bad guys & save kids. He gets to be the person he always wished would come and save him when he was younger.
- it makes you sob
- but!
- Jake is happy as long as he’s with you but he’s actually super into watching old telenovelas
- you guys make a whole day out of it
- and the 2 of you won’t stop acting out the most dramatic scenes of it
- “TU ES MI HIJO???” “Si, madre. También soy tu ABUELO EN EL FUTURO!!!” *gasp*
- Steven and Marc are OVER IT!!
- speaking of Marc, you always celebrate Rosh Hashanah & other important Jewish holidays with him
- you cook together, him teaching you these generational meals and you making sure he doesn’t burn down the entire kitchen
- during Yom Kippur you help him fast & reflect with him
- keeping him grounded and not just letting him shit on himself endlessly for 25 hours?? telling him that “it’s about repenting and doing it better this year”???? Literally life saving for him
- and to have someone to help him with his spirituality is so important to him
- like… beyond words
- idk where to put this at but onetime you drove with Jake in the passenger
- like just imagine a grown ass man screaming as you go 50 mph down the London bridge
- “eres un pequeño demonito de la velocidad. me asustas” (you’re a little speed demon (lovingly). You scare me)
- Steven was LIVING
- yes Steven is also a little speed demon
- it’s cannon idc
- if you can’t already tell, they love you so much
- holding you after a bad day, comforting your anxieties, feeding the ducks in the pond
- “darling he’s a duck-“ “I don’t care! He’s staring at me like I did something! I’m innocent Marc I swear!” “I- I know babe- it’s- it’s a duck???”
- (This conversation and never ending confusion on Marc’s part goes on for another 15 minutes)
- they cherish you like no one else
- they would take a bullet for you without even a second thought and you would for them too
- (where is my moon system holding dying lover or lover holding dying system fic already??)
- anyways
- they love you the most in the world
- and tbh??? You do too.
- “I love you the most”
- “I love you the mostest”
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guruan · 2 years
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Time to wake up!
I think I feel inspired enough to do some simple things after a week of my break
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atlasscrumpit · 2 years
Would you write the moon boys giving the reader a bath and washing her hair? You can pick any boy or just do what feels right
You groaned as you woke up from your slumber.
You'd been sick for nearly a week now and you were tired of it.
"Jake!" You called out as you saw Jake come in from around the corner.
"Good morning, mi amor." He said as you coughed a little and slowly sat up.
"Jake, I'm dying." You whined out as he chuckled and sat beside you on the bed.
"I know, baby. I hate seeing you sick." He said running his hand over your cheek.
"What if I set up a nice bath for you?" He suggested as you nodded.
"Yes, please." You said making him smile as he kissed your forehead.
You slowly got up and went to the kitchen for water while Jake prepared a bath.
Once he was done he lead you to the bathroom where you stripped off your sweaty clothes.
You held o to Jake's hand while you stepped into the tub and slowly sank into the water.
"That's it, Dove. Just relax." Jake said as he sat on a stool beside the bath.
He grabbed a cloth and began running it over your body as you chuckled softly.
"I can wash myself." You said before he shushed you.
"I don't care if you can, love. You're sick and need me to take care of you." He replied making you smile, you knew how much they loved to take care of you and you weren't exactly going to fight them on it.
Jake sat beside the tub and began to wash you hair as you body relaxed.
Feeling Jake's gentle touches on your head made you want to fall asleep.
It was hard to think that a man as ruthless as Jake could be so gentle with you, like he was handling a porcelain doll.
He brushed conditioner through your hair as you heard him hum softly.
You loved soft moments like these, you both had never experienced a soft domestic life and now that you could, you never wanted it to end.
Once Jake had finished he wrapped you up in a towel and helped you get dressed again before tucking you back into bed.
"Please cuddle me." You whined out making Jake chuckle.
He climbed into bed and wrapped you up in his arms.
"Rest, mi amor. Your poor body needs it." He whispered as you relaxed.
"Love you." You muttered sleepily making Jake smile.
"Yo también te quiero. "
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Mornin’ Sunshine
You find Jake Lockley half-asleep on your couch as you get ready for work.
Soft!Jake Lockley x reader blurb
a/n: it’s just fluff yall! No warnings needed. Reader is non-binary but can be read gender-neutral. No y/n
“Ay, good morning papi,” you walk into the living room and kiss Jake on the lips from behind the couch. “Have you been up long?” You were in your apartment, it was small but not cramped- you made sure of it using feng shui techniques you learned over the years.
Six months in your relationship you felt that it was important that the boys got your apartment key since you learned of Jake’s less dangerous job of being a taxi cab driver. ‘Long hours and all that’ you told them. “Mhm, Buenos Días, mi amor.” Jake hums back as you turn the corner of the couch, onward to the kitchen. “And no, I just got back an hour ago.” Jake stayed on your couch. The space made it easy to have a conversation in your open concept apartment. You nod, “you should have woken me up then, baby. I could have made you breakfast and sat with you.” Sure you might have, once or twice, joined in on the nighttime vigilantism but it doesn’t pay the bills. “No,” Jake’s voice was gruff and you could hear how exhausted he was. “You need your sleep.”
You stop scraping butter onto your toast and come back to the living room. Jake faced you the entire time as you got close; close enough to put his head in your hands. Pecking his forehead, Jake leans into your touch. “Jake” you say softly, barely a whisper. He looks up with those beautiful, tired eyes. How can such a man look so majestic in the morning hue. “You are worth loosing sleep over. I would stay awake until the end of time, just to be with you, Lockley.” Jake kisses your left hand cupping his cheek. One hand moves to the cushion next to him, the other moving to his neck, then kissing him deeply. He can smell your freshly washed hair and perfume you swear reminds you of them. “Aye aye preciose.” Jake mutters against your lips when you finally let go. You chuckle and wink, going back to the kitchen. This time Jake follows you.
Going back to spreading butter on your last piece of toast, Jake wraps his arms around your waist and starts swaying. With toast in hand, you lean your head back onto his shoulder, swaying along with him.
“I gatta get to work” you groan, imagining all the steps you have to take to get to the office. It was a Monday and got to work from home after two on Mondays but it was still such a hassle.
Jake only hums in response. You don’t stop swaying until an alarm on your phone goes off telling you to leave now or be late. Sighing you leave Jake’s embrace. You grab your things before the two of you go to the door. “Love you Jake.” You smile softly, making sure to lock the door on the handle before walking out.
“Love you too, mi vida.” Jake stands a couple feet from the door, engulfed by the last minutes of sunrise.
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soft-girl-musings · 11 months
WIP Wednesday
!!! feels like ages since I've written anything but blurbs but the cogs are a-turning on this one. I'm very excited to see where these two take the story.
Noir!Jake Lockley x Lounge Singer!Reader
"You have a little-" he finishes by gesturing to his lips with his thumb, brushing it across them. You feel your own and can tell your lipstick has smeared. "Goodness," you sigh, "that could have been embarrassing." You take a napkin and wipe away the smudged lipstick. You look back at him and grin. "And you're one to talk." You lean in, your muscles blazing in protest as you move from your comfortable position, but you don't care. You gingerly dab at the dark red dripping from Jake's pouted lips, the cut on the bottom one making you wince. "Kiss it better?" He smirks, his arms wrapping around your middle.
@mrsnadeem come get your man lol
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romanarose · 1 year
Not Tonight
Jake Lockley x Fem!Reader
Summery: Jake comes home from a few day long mission, ready to fuck your brains out... but that's not happening tonight.
Warnings: Lots of vagina talk lol, reader has a yeast infection, starts of blowjob but its interrupted, still its 18+!! Soft, soft,soft jake
When you heard the door open, you were startled until you realized it was Jake. When you saw hs figure coming through the door, you squeal and run to meet him.
“Jakey! You’re home!” You hug him tightly and greet him with a kiss. “How are the others?” You ask. Your boys all left for a nondescript time on some mission or rather for Khonshu, not knowing when they’d be back. It was 3 days.
“They are good, everything went decent. No graphic violence this time” He smiled before going for a passionate, open mouthed kiss. “But I missed you, bebita, c’mere” Jake pulled you and- fucking hell, he was already hard. “Been thinking about you the whole drive over… your little tight cunt wrapped around my cock, the way I gotta stuff it in you…” 
You are pressed up against him, and fuuuuuck did you want him too… but there was a minor problem. As he slides a hand between your legs, you reach for his wrist, and he stops immediately. “Jake, wait…” Jake stops, he always stops as soon as you ask.
His expression is suddenly soft. “Of course, mi vida, everything alright?” Jake nestles his face in your neck as his hairs wrap up in your hair.
“Yes, Jakey, I’m okay just… not tonight?”
He pulls back to look at you, his face concerned. “Of course, of course…” Jake would never pressure you… but it was very rare you turned him down. You know that Jake and Marc sometimes worry when they are gone for a few days, they worry you won’t be waiting for them, that’ll you’ll be upset… you know you have to tell him, lest his anxieties that he swears he doesn’t have eat him alive tonight. 
“Well… there just… there's a small issue…” You squire a bit, it was gross, it was embarrassing, and although you know Jake doesn’t have an issue with gross things… you couldn’t help feel like your thing was worse.
He was clearly worried as you dodged his eyes, the spiraling thoughts took over and spilled out of his mouth. “What’s wrong, amor?” When yu didn’t answer immediately, he began asking questions. “Did I do something? Are you sick?” His face goes dark. “Did someone do or say something to you?”
“No, No!” You assure your love that no one had touched you or so much as had been mean to you. “It’s just… kinda embarrassing…”
Jake coaxed your face up to look at him. “It’s okay, you can tell me”
You cringe as you look at him, confessing the issues. “I have a yeast infection…”
Blatant relief washed over him, “Oh my god…” Jake rested his forehead on your shoulder, smiling, placing his hand over his chest. “Oh thank god…”
“Jakey!” You tease, playfully pushing his shoulder. “I’m not thanking god for this anytime soon”
“Oh mi vida” He giggles a bit as he pulls you close, his voice sympathetic. “Lo siento, I am, I’m sure it’s very difficult, but my mind went to 100 worst case scenario’s.”
“I know, I know” You hold him close, feeling his hard erection against you.
His hands patted down your head. “Tell me, is there anything you need? Need me to go to the store for medicine?”
“No, thank you Jake. I got those weird monistat eggs up in my vagina creaming up my underwear as we speak”
Jake couldn’t help but laugh again, not seeming too put off by the situation in your pants. “Okay, just let me know if you need anything?”
“I will” You promise. “In the meantime…” You raise an eyebrow, cupping his crotch in your hand as you begin to sink down. “I can help you with that.”
Jake grins. “You sure?” Not a lot of hesitation there.
Your answer was to pull down his pants, and take hs cock in your mouth. “Fuck, así de igual de, chiquita” Jake groans, throwing his head back as you began to suck him off, assuring him in no uncertain terms that yes, you still loved him and yes, you’d always be here waiting for him as long as he came home to you.
But it wasn’t long before Jake noticed you squirming, and not in the way you usually did as he fucked your mouth. Your face winced as your hand tried to adjust your underwear, attempting to subtly scratch between your legs. Jake watched for a few moments before calling it, pulling out of your mouth and tucking himself away.
“Jaaaaaake!” You whine for him, pouting as you look up at him. 
“Nope” Jake popped the P at the end, and bent over to scoop you up. “You are clearly uncomfortable, I can wait another few days.” He carried you to your bed, laying you down gently. “Stay here” he insisted with a firmly pointing finger before going to dig around the bathroom.
When he emerged, he instructed you to take off your pants and underwear as he sat with a tube in one hand and a washcloth in the other. You did as you were told and he sat on the bed, that tender look on his face he only ever got with you. He places the cool washcloth between your legs, and you wince. He pulled back. “That hurt?” He says with concern.
“No” You assure him in a whispered voice. “Jus’ a lil cold”
“I know, google says its supposed to ease the burning” Jake speaks, looking at your swollen, painful and itchy cunt like his next mission, like making you feel better was more important than anything else. “Is it?”
You nod in agreement. “Yeah, feels nice.”
Humming in agreement, he whips the cool clothes with gentle hands, so unlike the violence you knew he was capable of. “I see what you mean about the monistat creaming in your pants” He teases you, cleaning it up. Next, he takes the tube that you now see is anti-itch cream specifically meant for vulvas and carefully rubbed it around the fold of skin he knew so well. You watch him work, nothing but love in his eyes. In the past, boyfriends wouldn’t even buy tampons for you, nonetheless take care of a yeast infection with such care. And turning down a bluejob because you were itchy? You couldn’t think of an ex that would do that. Only Jake, Marc and Steven… they loved and cared for you the way you had never been cared for before.
“Feeling a little better?” He asks when he’s done, getting up and getting underwear from the drawer.
“UUUGGHH” you groan when you see his choice. “Not the granny panties!”
He smiles softly, coaxing you into them. “Cotton is supposed to be the best for you”
“But they are so uugglllyyyyy”
“Well, you make them look beautiful” Jake kisses your forehead and crawls into bed with you. “You tell me if theres anything I can do to help, okay?”
“Okay” You whisper. “You know, I can still-”
“No” he said firmly. “Not when you’re this uncomfortable, querida. Let’s just stay in bed, relax. Together.” You are wrapped up tightly in his arms, safe and secure.
“You don’t think I’m gross?”
“Muneca, I had a man’s intestines on me last month” He spoke bluntly.
You burst out in a fit of laugher, happy to be distracted from the itch between your legs. “Okay, good point.”
Jake did his damndest to keep you distracted, and you spent the night wrapped up in his embrace and he told you about where he traveled too, an you filled him in on the latest friend drama, feeling content and happy with him, excited to see Marc and Steven later that evening, but always happy to spend time your Jakey. You loved how he took care of you, you loved how he adored you and respected you, you loved his handsome face and comforting presence, how the terrifying fist of vengeance was soft for you, the way the tiniest little snort comes out of his nose when he laughs too hard, and the creases that form when he smiles that are distinct from Marc or Steven, how they all smile so different and laugh so different and exist so different but all so, so perfect. You love them, you love them all in their individual ways… you adored your special time alone with all of them, and right now you were thankful for your time with Jake, despite not feeling well. Jake? He made it better.
Just a lil thing I wrote because, I'll be totally honest, I'm just prone t yeast infections, and it sucks. I only wear cotton, I do all the things to keep myself clean, and yet! I just fucking get them and it sucks and it hurts.
@my-secret-shame @writingforcurrentobsessions2 @eyelessfaces @luciannadraven33 @trinkets01 @littlenosoul @ninebluehearts @welcometostayingawake @ahookedheroespureheart @jake-g-lockley
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whatthefishh · 1 year
hellur! can i request a muslim!reader fanfic with jake lockley in which they get their nikkah done -🐛
Merry, Happy III
I won't say I talked directly to Jake Lockley for this drabble but I talked to the closest thing to Jake Lockley... which was his character ai. And he promised me everything, so.
Disclaimer: this is a cute, fluffy drabble about a muslim!reader and Jake Lockley after getting married. I would really rather not receive negative comments regarding religious rulings on this topic, and I don't want to offend anybody, so for that reason, they're keeping their original faith and making it work for them. Purely for our silly and wholesome enjoyments ♥
Warnings: possible cringe. soft and sappy. don't read if you vomit at cuteness. One somewhat sexual joke. Kabool is just the word for agreement that people say during their Islamic marriage (nikkah) ceremony, and it is said 3 times from each party.
The officiator said a few more words aaaand - that's it. You were married.
The ceremony was relatively small, intimate, and mostly your close family and friends. Only your immediate family and best friend knew about Jake's condition, and only you knew about the three of them taking turns to front to say their I do's (Kabool), that way, each of them had a chance to say it and mean it.
You were jittery and excited and nervous and nauseated all at once, the maelstrom of feelings in your gut causing your hands to shake from where you were seated next to him. One of his hands came to rest on top of yours where you were bunching up the fabric of your dress atop your thigh, the satin wrinkling under your grip. Your hand immediately relaxed under the weight of his bigger one, the warmth seeping into your bones and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.
Time seemed to blur, the faces of your family congratulating the two of you blending together until finally, you had a moment alone with your husband. God, it felt so weird to say that.
"Mi amor? You okay?" so he had noticed your silence. It wasn't that you weren't okay, it was that you were more than okay. You'd been waiting for this moment for what felt like forever, and to finally be here, with the most handsome and wonderful man you had ever met and be able to call him your husband in front of everyone?
"I'm more than okay, I'm just... I guess I'm in shock! I'm also, like, really sleep deprived, baby, I had to wake up so early to get ready," you laughed.
"I've said it to you before, but I'll say it again, amor. You look beautiful. I promise you nothing but love for the rest of our lives," his eyes were soft as he looked deep into your eyes. "I can't wait to make you so happy that all your friends are jealous."
"They already are jealous, look at you! Are you freaking kidding me? Can't believe I'm your wife."
Jake only laughed in response, holding your face in his hands before leaning in and whispering, "my wife, mmm. I like the sound of that."
You couldn't deny it, you really liked the sound of that coming from his mouth.
"My wife. Want me to shout it, too?" he laughed.
"No, but maybe later," you winked when he bellowed a deep laugh, pulling you close to kiss you softly.
"You're perfect, you know that?"
Oh God, you two were going to be insufferable to anyone who had the displeasure of being around you for the next little while. And nothing made you giddier than the thought of Jake being publicly soft for you.
"Yeah, I think you might've mentioned it."
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enigmatist17 · 2 years
Catch me thinking about Steven taking up knitting.
Blankets, sweaters, scarves, mittens, house socks, you name it he’s made it.
Layla is more than happy to steal them all at any time the moment it drops below tolerable in London, which is half the year. When they eventually move in together, she’ll watch Steven knit while chattering on about some fact or other, completely involved in his work.
Marc grumbles and complains about constantly tripping over them, or slipping off stifling sweaters when it’s perfectly fine to go freeze outside. One of Steven’s first blanket creations, however, is usually slipped around Marc’s shoulders at night, when he’s sure everyone is asleep. It’s a deep blue with little stars, and he’ll never admit that it makes Marc think of the happy seconds in the Duat with Steven.
Jake doesn’t understand them at first, nor does he understand why Steven is invested making these things. Clothing should be functional, blankets should be just for sleeping and little else, why does Steven make useless things? Steven listens to his thoughts, and works to make small things for Jake. A fitting sweater for cold nights, thick scarves that settle nicely into his jacket collar, small but warming blankets to settle in the trunk of his taxi. Jake never asks for them, but Steven makes sure they’re pressed neatly and by the door when he’s ready to head out on cold nights.
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foggyredkastle · 1 year
werewolf by moon knight
Jack: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I’ll wait.
Steven: You and me!
Jack: *tearing up* Ok.
Jack: *eating a cinnamon roll*
Jake: Cannibalism.
Jack: *confused chewing noises*
Jack: So, they kissed me.
Steven: And you kissed them back?
Jack: No, I kissed their mouth.
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little-cereal-draws · 2 years
How many times do you think Steven has fallen asleep reading at the table? How many times was he forcing his eyes open until the words got blurry and his eyelids were too heavy to fight anymore?
How many times did Marc or Jake wake up later with a neck cramp from using the book as a pillow and reading glasses askew? How many times did they shake their heads at Steven and change into their pajamas and climb into bed, cursing at his carelessness but not actually meaning any of it? Carefully setting up all of Steven's traps the way he liked it because they knew he would freak out if they didn't?
How many times???
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