#Sonia nevermind x reader
frickingnerd · 6 months
dating sonia nevermind
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pairing: sonia nevermind x gn!reader
tags: wholesome fluff, established relationship
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sonia isn't very shy about her feelings for you, but she doesn't feel the need to confess to you right away
instead, she waits for a good opportunity, with the two of you being alone and in a good mood, to tell you how much she cares for you
sonia is a very caring girlfriend and would love to help you out wherever she can, as a way to show her affection for you
she also shows great interest in your hobbies, no matter how weird they might be! 
she just loves to see you talk about things you are passionate about and to learn about the things you love so much
sonia is pretty popular and has many suitors, but she'll always stay faithful to you and clearly (yet kindly) reject any advances from others
she isn't very jealous – and hopefully you aren't either – so sonia is pretty relaxed when you want to spend time with other girls and has a good relationship with all of your friends
however, sonia is hesitant to introduce you to her parents, since she's nobility
she'd like you to meet her parents of course, but she worries that you might not fit into that part of her life and that her parents would notice that as well…
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the-ultimate-puppteer · 6 months
Ibuki, Akane, and Sonia with a male S/O who's a famous delinquent for their charisma and their beastly strength and is gonna be in an upcoming turf war with a rival gang, S/O sees the leader of the rival gang flirt with with the girls and it triggers him to the max, making him become the embodiment of: "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU, AND THEN I'LL KILL YOU AGAIN."
Ibuki, Akane, and Sonia with an Ultimate Delinquent Boyfriend
Akane Owari
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•Honestly it was only a matter of time till something like this happened
•I mean have you seen Akane? She's absolutely gorgeous
•Though she only had eyes for you
•Doesn't mean you were any less pissed off that some Scrub was hitting on your girl in front of you
•You were barely able hold yourself back from making him swallow his teeth
•Though as soon as the turf war started you shouted at him with the eyes of a demon
•Telling him”’You cocky scrub I'm gonna kill you until your dead and kill you again so you never touch what's mine again
•Needless to say you won that turf war and the rival boss was put in the hospital for a while
Sonia Nevermind
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•I kinda think it was Sonia being a bit of an airhead when it comes to Japanese culture that caused this incident to happen
•Truth is she didn't even realize that she was being hit on in the first place
•That definitely didn't help since it just encouraged the scrub
•Doesn't mean you took to kindly to some puffed up pissant flirting with your girl
•In light of the fact that a turf war was coming up you ended up settling matters right then and there
•Walking up to him and his group with eyes that showed immense blood lust
•Telling him, “Oi Scrub you think that since you're the boss of some pathetic gang that you're bossed up?” “Well I'm gonna make sure by the end of this your gonna be holding your molars!!!”
•By the end of it there's was t a need for a turf war since you beaten the boss of the gang and the squad leaders by yourself then and there
•And Sonia being who she couldn't help but admire the chaos you just caused comparing you to an anime character she saw
Ibuki Mioda
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•Lets be honest like with akane this was definitely gonna happen to her at some point
•Ibuki has a habit of wandering around where she wants and she s hot rocker girl
•It’s surprising this didn't happen sooner given who she is
•Her wandering off basically left you no choice but to look for her
•When you found her you saw her with the Boss of a bunch of scrubs that your gang was going to fight in a turf war soon
•Yeah you immediately saw red and shouted out, “You Overgrown scrub, who the hell do you think you are hitting on my girl?!?!?”, “I’LL KILL YOU TILL YOUR DEAD THEN KILL YOU AGAIN!!!!”
•The fight that happened afterwards was bloody curbstomp with you as the winner
•And Ibuki was cheering you on from the sidelines yelling out how awesome she found you
•Afterwards she told you was totally going to make a song from this fight, she called The day my delinquent boyfriend rescued me by beating up a Rival gang
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gummy-bearz · 2 months
can i have some hcs for celeste, junko and sonia being jealous? have a nice day!!
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Junko Enoshima / Sonia Nevermind / Celestia Ludenberg being jealous Headcanons
ur so sweet!! may you have a nice day too!! I was confused on what to do here so hopefully I understood the assignment.
- mod hiyoko
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Junko Enoshima
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- When she saw you with another person, she was envious.
- Junko didn’t understand why she was so jealous- she was better than everyone else. So why would she be so resentful?
- If she sees you talking to someone else again, she’ll dragging you away and will NEVER leave you alone.
- I don’t think she even cares about your feelings. She just thinks that you belong to her only and no one else.
- Junko isn’t afraid to show aggression, she WILL bite like a violent dog to anyone who you’re talking to.
- She’s literally the last person anyone would want to make jealous.
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Celestia Ludenberg
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- Celeste doesn’t know how to feel- she’s not jealous often, but jealousy is one of her weaknesses.
- She’s also quite possessive too, so…
- She says that she doesn’t like to drag things on when she loses, but…
- It’s her duty NOT to lose you to someone else.
- Like Junko, Celeste won’t hesitate to get aggressive. She’ll lash out at that person if she’s feeling REALLY jealous.
- It’s scary seeing her angry side…
- She lets you talk to other people still- it was only one incident after all.
- Celeste will still keep a close eye on you though…
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Sonia Nevermind
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- Probably the most sensible one here out of the 2 other girls LMAO
- She’d hate to doubt you- but if she's REALLY jealous, she might have to speak to you about it. Communication is key after all!
- She'd want to try to understand your perspective.
- Sonia does respect your friendships though!
- And plus, she's happy you're not lonely at least...
- She dislikes jealousy. She believes that it makes the person bitter and possessive- so she doesn't mind if you talk to other people.
- But if it's constant, she might have to firm but gentle with you.
- Sonia would still probably overthink about it- but she believes it's not healthy to dwell on negatives things for too long... so she'd probably do things to deal with those emotions.
- it's essential to be open and honest with each other!
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thesongmachine · 2 months
Yes! It’s open! Sonia, Chiaki, and Izuru with BEN Drowned! Reader, LETS GOOOOOO!
omg stop I literally giggled when I read this!! I love writing these UGHH
Sonia, Chiaki, Izuru x Ben Drowned!Reader
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Sonia Nevermind
at first yall probably never interacted
you just didn't like her vibe and thought she was your complete opposite (she sorta is...)
she was really confused by your sadistic nature
she was kinda like
'oh my god... please don't tell me there's two...'
she's referencing you and nagito
she was really fascinated with you though
mainly by your appearance
she's really open to anything though, especially with her large range of interests
she has 100% researched you before-
once you DO start talking she's actually really cool
yk the saying opposites attract?
this applies to your relationship def
at first she does find what you do upsetting
but after a while she doesn't mind as long as it isn't anything TERRIBLE
you two are rlly cute omg 🫶
she asks SO many questions
and you LOVE answering them
Chiaki Nanami
your dynamic was kinda like hers and Nagitos at first
you thought she was SOO annoying
and she thought you were weird and just rude-
but after a while you kinda get used to it
like all the tension just randomly dissappears???
when she had first seen you with her two eyes she was like..
'wait why do they look like [insert video game character]??'
even if you two were still in your 'eww I hate them' phase
please DO expect her to say something about how you remind her of that video game character...
even when you do get together, there will still be some playfully bantering
also PLEASE fuck with Nagito
it brings her so much joy istg
and you gotta make your gf happy
because she hates dislikes nagito, you do too
Izuru Kamukura
in the nicest way possible
this man doesn't care-
like he was SORTA fascinated with your personality
and he was like 'huh you don't see that everyday' when he saw your appearance
before you got together you kinda had to 'prove' yourself to him???
your were like 'no way!! im not doing that'
but you did
seeing you do what your good at makes him smile
but he'd deny that till the day he dies
he sees every talentless person on earth as parasites
he could never say that about you, even if you have no talents he could never say that about the one person he loves
something I see you two doing is taking notes on what the other does to fuck with people
like when he's doing stuff the ult. despair would do you kinda watch
you use some of his methods when you mentally ruin people
he finds you messing with people entertaining
and he finds very FEW things intertaining
so like
you two are a deranged couple together!!!
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I just gotta say, I really love your work~. Anyway~ can I you do yandere Sonia nevermind and yandere Peko pekoyama dating their darling headcanons? I gotta say I really think sonia has a lot of yandere potential
Very interesting for you to be picking some of the nicher yanderes from the ones I've allowed.
So sorry for how late I am to answer asks, I had a lot of family over then caught COVID (for the third time how am I still alive) so I have either not had much time or have not been in the mood to write until today. I really want to get this request done so this post is more general but I hope you still enjoy.
Mod Monaca
Yandere Sonia Nevermind and Peko Pekoyama dating their darlings headcanons
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Sonia as a yandere is an interesting case because the relationship she wants with you is extremely contradictory to how she handles her obsession with you.
Her wish is for you two to have a romance similar to what she sees in the Japanese romance films she watches yet she also wants you to be able to be with her in Novoselic as her partner which means learning the numerous languages she knows and being taught about the military.
Now Sonia isn't ridiculous, she's been trained to be a member of the royal family ever since she was little so she won't expect you to be at her or her family's level immediately and will often cut lessons short as she wants to spend time with you. It's not like you need to be on her level to be by her side, just enough that you can stand next to her since she'll handle the rest.
You're essentially just a figurehead that stands next to the soon to be queen of an absolute monarchy. It's not all bad as ruling a kingdom is something that takes years of experience and just one wrong move can make you hated by thousands so having the Ultimate handle all of it is a bit reassuring but you're stuck just sitting around and looking pretty until Sonia comes over to spend time with you as the servants of the palace keep their distance from you as Sonia can be quite jealous and doesn't like anyone monopolizing your time except her so everyone in the palace is polite and courteous with you but the distance is clear.
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Peko as a yandere doesn't believe she can actually date you. She believes that the only relationship meant for you two is that of a master/servant with her as the loyal servant who won't let anyone come near you.
She isolates you from your peers, insisting that they are threats. The only people she backs off on isolating you from are family members you have a positive relationship with, Fuyuhiko and any childhood friends. She'll force them to get away if they try to get you away from her but she'll let them stay if they decide not to question Peko.
Don't expect much support from Fuyuhiko in this situation, in this scenario he's her best friend and supports Peko going off and doing her own thing. He is completely blind to just how messed up you and Peko's situation is and will always be willing to listen to her side before yours.
Despite Peko claiming to be nothing more than your humble servant, she maintains a lot of authority over your life. She firmly believes that she knows what's best for you and will do what she deems is the best way to keep you "safe" even if it upsets you because it is her sworn duty to protect you as your tool.
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vrisrezis · 2 years
Hello! I hope this isn't too pressuring. I had a run-through of your danganronpa works and they were just??? Chef's kiss? 💕✨ They're so engaging and it all makes me want to keep reading more. I'd love to hear more of your ideas so, how do you think the Danganronpa 2 cast would react to somebody having a crush on them?
Not in the stalkery way but in the kind that they genuinely appreciate them as a person, are interested to know more about their hobbies, care about their well-being, include them in activities, and all that kind of stuff! I know you've done works on characters having a crush on someone before but I'm interested on how they'd react if the situation was reversed and it was someone absolutely admiring them instead.
Ty if you do decide to write this! Stay safe, I hope you're enjoying your time as a writer on tumblr. If you ever need a break, it's alright. Have a nice day or night!💛
Ty for the kind words! Enjoy
Teruteru would be very pleased by this, of course! He may act like a flirt but he doesn’t have people interested in him ever, especially not like this! However he does notice this, and while at times he may brag about how you’re totally into him, he loves it. He loves talking about his cooking and about his mother, and has probably introduced the two of you by now. He absolutely adores knowing how much you love him!
Mahiru at first tries to come up with many excuses at to why you act a certain way around her, but thanks to hiyoko she can no longer make any more excuses for you. She eventually accepts you have a massive crush on her. She finds the stuff you do for her to be very sweet, especially since it’s kinda her love language for people to do things for her and genuinely be interested in her interests. She’s good at caring for others, but she appreciates being cared for back.
Peko won’t realize your feelings, for awhile. However, once she becomes more independent and stops seeing herself as simply a tool and a human being, she starts to notice these things about you, and opens up to the possibility that somebody could have romantic feelings for her. She appreciates all of it, and tries to return the favor.
Ibuki is smarter than she looks and is pretty quick to figuring it out! She thinks your crush on her is plain adorable! She waits it out, hoping you’ll confess to her first! She wouldn’t wanna ruin anything if you had something planned, but she’s never been the patient type so if you take too long she’s gonna just cut to the chase already!
Hiyoko may make excuses for your behavior like Mahiru, but she comes to the conclusion you like her a lot faster than Mahiru does. She will go out her way to ask you for things because she knows you’ll get it for her or do it for her! But she’s not completely taking advantage, she plans on confessing her feelings and returning the favor to you!
Mikan may see your advances as simply… friendship.. honestly. We all know mikan isn’t used to people being nice to her, and it takes awhile for her to accept you even care about the stuff she enjoys. She believes for awhile you caring for her is out of self pity, so she’s honestly completely oblivious to all the signs, but coincidentally those signs make her fall for you more.
Nekomaru doesn’t notice either, he’s not exactly the romance typa dude. Romance has never been his game, but he will notice you seem to care for him a lot more than the others. He appreciates your kindness, and that you care a lot about his thoughts and feelings. He will confess to you on his own, without even figuring out if you return his feelings.
Gundham is another that doesn’t notice, due to not making too many friends growing up, if at all. He’s rather lonely and doesn’t know what friendship looks like, so you caring for him only seems normal for companions, nothing more. He is always flustered however by you showing how much you care about his four dark devas, as well as anything else he talks about.
Nagito really can’t comprehend the idea of anyone liking him, especially not somebody he has romantic feelings for. So he doesn’t suspect a thing, despite the signs. He’s a smart guy, but he hates himself way too much to notice. He will note that you care for him, way more than anyone ever has before and it makes him feel all warm inside that you actually listen to his hope rambles.
Chiaki will get the feeling you like her, but she won’t be 100% sure. She’s smart enough to realize the signs, but she second guesses herself sometimes. In any event, she likes that you’re willing to indulge in her video games, whether that’s watching her play or playing with her, even though you lose everytime. She appreciates that, since not everyone cares as much as you do.
Sonia does not notice a god damn thing, if souda is anything to go by. She’s a little oblivious to people liking her, because she’s used to it. She’s not goi my to notice people like her if plenty of people already do and treat her a certain way. However she appreciates how much you care more than the others, because you genuinely care for her well being as well as her thoughts, opinions, feelings, interests, etc. you don’t care because she’s the ultimate princess or because she’s pretty, you care because you two are friends.
Akane doesn’t notice either, since she can be oblivious to that sorta thing. She’s not that intelligent for one, but she also just doesn’t get involved in romantics typically. She doesn’t take notice to a lot of the signs, other than the fact you care for her a lot which she just thinks is because you’re close. She plans to tell you how she feels for you on her own though.
Souda catches on, very quickly. This is only because he is the same way with you, so it’s honestly just two simps after eachother who are too scared to get it over with and confess already cause both of you are unsure if eachother is joking or not. In any event, his heart gets really warm upon realizing somebody likes him just as much as he likes that somebody.
Fuyuhiko will catch on eventually, but he’s pretty oblivious with romance to be perfectly honest. He appreciates how much you seem to care for him and admire him, although he doesn’t really understand it. It just makes him wanna be a better person just for you, he wants to truly be somebody you can look up to.
Hajime obviously struggles with confidence so he doesn’t really get what you see in him and for a bit may not notice your feelings towards him. He’s not a complete moron though so he will catch on and probably tells you how he feels before you get the chance to tell him.
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writingdespair · 1 year
I just read your cat like reader prompt and I'm hoping to request a continuation of it with Kirumi, Maki, Sonia and mahiru
Kirumi, Maki, Sonia and Mahiru with an S/O who has cat-like tendencies.
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Kirumi Tojo
-With her calm and almost cold attitude she’s not one to play into your personality. Early on in the relationship it’ll feel more like she’s your servant rather than your partner. 
-Once the two of you make it though that awkward patch, Kirumi will be more warm and affectionate. She’ll pat the top of your head, hold you while stroking your back. Though these affections will only be seen behind closed doors. Kirumi cares deeply about your safety and her professional position.
-Kirumi isn’t very fond of your habit of climbing on top of furniture. It makes her worry. If she were to catch you somewhere high up, she’ll lightly chastise you. Telling you how you could’ve gotten hurt up there.
Being a maid, Kirumi comes across many boxes. She’ll be sure to offer them before tossing them out. She has even made a variety of blankets and pillows for when you decide to curl up somewhere.
Maki Harukawa
-In the early stages of her crush, she’ll treat you like you’re a burden. Scoffing at you, asking if you wanted to die when you brushed up against her body. Deep down she couldn’t fight the warmth she felt. Your friendliness was a bright and shining beacon in her otherwise depressing life.
-Maki wasn’t given much affection growing up. Your affectionate gestures and cuddling makes her very flustered. She’ll weakly threaten you, looking away as a blush covers her cheeks. She would reciprocate your affections in small doses; linking pinkies in an empty hallway, buying you a snack from the school store, or sitting close enough for your knees to be touching.
-Kokichi would tease the two of you all the time. “Aw, how cute. Maki’s little cat has her all soft now!” She’s about three more teasing remarks away from punching him in the throat.
-When you climb on top of something or hide away in a box, Maki just knows. She can somehow locate where you are like a sixth sense. She’ll tell you to be careful, but other than that you have free range of the counters. In the event you do fall, nine times out of ten she’ll be there to catch you.
Sonia Nevermind
-She thinks you’re just the cutest! Before the two of you were even together, she’ll pet and coo at you. Sonia would be the type to call your attention like she would a cat, she thinks it’s just too adorable. Your classmates were practically gagging at how sappy you guys were.
-Sonia takes any of your affection with open arms no matter where you are. She’ll pull you into her lap in the middle of class with no shame. Though if you were to ask for her to tone it down she will.
-With her almost sickening amounts of money, Sonia would buy you all the boxes you could ask for, including any pillows, blankets, or comforters you’d want. She cuddles up with you in a pile of blankets, leaving dozens of lipstick kisses on your forehead.
-Upon seeing you lounging somewhere high up, she’d panic. Asking for you to come down so you wouldn’t hurt yourself. If her asking won’t deter you from climbing up dangerous places, she’ll do her best to be there to catch you.
Mahiru Koizumi
-At first she’d find you pretty annoying, saying the way you acted was childish. She’d reprimand you for acting so silly. Something about the way you would laze about, ticked something off in her. Once getting to know you better, she’d still be on your case but more willing to let things slide.
-She prefers to keep affection in a more private setting, though if you were to be persistent she’d let you snuggle up to her. Mahiru is used to Hiyoko’s constant clinging, so you’d be another cuddly addition. 
-On the topic of the traditional dancer, Hiyoko would be pretty mean to you. Yelling about how you’re trying to take away Mahiru from her, berating you at any chance. It would take a small argument between her and Mahiru to see how much you mean to the photographer. From then on, she’d cling onto you as well, calling you her big sibling and asking you to help tie her kimono.
-While Mahiru is more lenient on your lazy habits, climbing onto things is not something she favors. “(Name)! Get down from there!” is something you’ll be used to hearing. She will try to climb whatever you’re resting on and drag you off. “Geez! Are you trying to get hurt?”
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tulipselfships · 2 months
Chiaki, Sonia, Sucy, and Nazuna with male reader who is like Dark Link 🗡️
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Chiaki Nanami, Sonia Nevermind, Sucy Manbavaran, Nazuna Hiwatashi X Male!Reader who is like Dark Link from The Legend Of Zelda
(OOC: Thanks for the request! There was no descriptor for Dark Link's personality on the wiki, so I had to make it up myself. Basically like an emo version of regular Link.)
Requests are open!
Request Rules
Fandom Masterlist
BNA: Brand New Animal Masterlist
Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Masterlist
Little Witch Academia Masterlist
Chiaki Nanami
She'll mostly just be staring at you in awe. You look like you're made of magic, but you look so real too.
It's unlike anything she's seen before, even in one of her games.
But that makes her love you even more. You're an uncommon breed.
You're not that talkative, which she doesn't mind. You're so silent, that she barely notices when you move.
Attempting to play video games with her goes… interestingly. You're still learning.
Chiaki doesn't care that you don't have much of an identity. She has someone of her own, and that's what matters to her.
Sonia Nevermind
Sonia studies you like she studies anything she finds interesting.
And boy, does she find you interesting.
She constantly asks questions about what you are, exactly.
You don't answer. But, you admire her curiosity.
She warms up to you. She's interested, but she's not repulsed in any way by you.
She finds looking at you mesmerizing, almost hypnotizing.
She constantly says that you'd be a great Prince. And maybe you would.
I mean, you have skills, and the strength to help her out.
She talks about her kingdom with you, knowing you'd be into that kind of stuff.
Later in your relationship, she even sometimes takes you there.
Sucy Manbavaran
Sucy has… seen more, in her life.
The Forest Of Arcturus has some fucked up creatures, man.
Speaking of, that's where you and Sucy like to stroll sometimes.
Either there, or in the city.
She gets you to come as well when Akko takes her places, so she's not bored.
Your silent nature allows her to use you like an information sponge, going on about different kinds of mushrooms and various types of flora.
She tries some potions on you, but they don't seem to have any effect. That's odd.
But, hey, that means you're in less danger, and she's happy. She lets you witness a few of her experiments too.
Nazuna Hiwatashi
You two don't share a lot in common, but that's the thing, right? Opposites attract?
She likes to attempt to imitate your stoic personality, but then break down trying to hold a straight face.
She's so playful, and you aren't the same.
Listening to her sing has given you a spot for that type of Japanese Pop. You even start willingly listening to it in your free time.
She'll always take you on small dates in between shows, because it makes her happy, and she wants you to be entertained as well.
She even brings Michiru in as a 3rd wheel. Shirou wasn't interested in the position.
And riding on her back as she flies is your primary mode of transportation. It's nice feeling the wind in your hair as you ride.
You two are the pinnacle of opposites attract. And you couldn't be happier.
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dragondemoness · 2 years
Hilarious idea: Junko, Sonia, and Kirumi having their S/O walk up and simply say "there's a nuke in the basement, how do we get rid of it?"
Hilarious 😆
Junko, Sonia and Kirumi Reacting to their S/O Telling Them There's a Nuke in the Basement
Junko Enoshima 
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She was reading one of her fashion magazines when you ran up the stairs and into the room
"Junko! There's a nuke in the basement, how do we get rid of it??"
She looks up and gives you a confused look
"What the hell are you talking about?"
You blink at her
"There's a nuke in the basement, how do we get rid of it?"
She stares at you for a second before turning back to her fashion mag
"Leave it there."
You look at her confused
"Leave it there. It's not my problem."
"It... Kind of is. It's our house."
"So what?! Look, I'm trying to read, and the house is gonna explode anyway, so you can either sit with me and die, or be boring and leave!"
You blinked at her
You should've known this was coming
There wasn't even a nuke in the first place, but you still sat next to Junko on the couch and let her put her arm around you
It was fairly relaxing, actually
Then you had to deal with Junko's angry disappointment that there was no nuke at all
Sonia Nevermind 
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She immediately jumps up, anxious
"There is a what in the basement?!"
You blink at her, somehow managing to keep your calm
"A nuke. How do we get rid of it?"
Sonia, however, jumps off of the couch and starts pacing frantically
"How did it get there? How long has it been there? Why have you not told me sooner?!"
She's gonna give herself a heart attack, so you go ahead and come clean
"So-Sonia, it was a joke. There's no nuke in the basement. I just wanted to see how you would react."
This causes her to freeze in her tracks and let out a huge sigh of relief
"Oh dear... Well, I am glad there was no nuke in the basement."
She pouts at you for pulling such a stupid prank, but she has to admit, it was kinda funny
Kirumi Tojo
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You told her while she was washing dishes
She was shocked, but somehow managed not to break anything
Then she turns to you, calm as ever
"Where is it?"
You point in the direction of the basement
"Down in the basement, right in the middle of the floor."
She doesn't entirely believe it, she's just confused as hell
So she goes downstairs to investigate, and comes back up empty-handed
"There was no nuke down there."
You hold back a laugh
"D-Did you think there was?"
"Not entirely, but I was curious."
She's relieved there wasn't a nuke after all
Though it was mildly disappointing she didn't react much to it
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Hey there! Hope your day is going well!
Could I request: Mikan, Sonia, Peko and Chiaki (separately) with a Male S/O who has Autophobia (the fear of being alone or abandoned) due to events in his childhood?
Hey! I hope you're also doing well, anon. Please enjoy and have a wonderful night! -Mod Celeste
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Mikan Tsumiki, Sonia Nevermind, Peko Pekoyama and Chiaki Nanami with an s/o who has autophobia:
-Mikan deals with similar issues, so she's very understanding about this. In addition to her nurse training, she's been studying mental health as well.
-She's also kind of clingy, though not in a bad way! It's reassuring to you. Mikan will not leave your side, and that's a part of her nature.
-To her, it's wonderful being with you because she knows you're both growing together. You can both help each other heal and support positive change.
-You'll frequently find her passed out on your bed, saving a spot for you in her sleep. The simple fact of knowing she'll be there each night is enough for you.
-The absolute sweetest girl you could ever have. She may not understand what your past was like, but she'll do everything in her power to make things better now.
-She likes to write you letters. Sometimes she has to go on royal excursions for her title, but she'll fill you in on all she's doing and how much she misses you. When she's home again, she takes you on lovely dates.
-Sonia feels a deep pride in having you as her significant other. Everyone in the kingdom knows your name, and she sings your praises constantly. It's her way of saying "I promise, I'm not going anywhere-- everyone knows it".
-When you move in with her, she makes the space appeal to both of you. It's got all of your favorite luxuries, games, and furnishings. That way you know this is home.
-Like Mikan, she'll never leave your side. But... for different, more complex reasons. It's her protective nature, really.
-She has a past of her own, and knows things heal with time. Peko makes it a personal mission to help heal your wounds as well.
-She texts you frequently if she's out. It's all status updates: "At the grocery store", "getting dinner, what would you like", "I'll be home shortly". It may be curt, but it's how she shows she cares.
-At night, she watches you sleep occasionally. NOT in a weird way, just admiring how peaceful you look. It puts her at ease.
-She's so incredible when it comes to helping others with anything they deal with. That goes to you as well, of course.
-Chiaki constantly reassures you that she isn't going anywhere. You are the person she cares more about than anything, and she won't let you forget it.
-She'll invite you to outings with your mutual friends, doing all kinds of fun stuff: karaoke, arcades, movie nights and the like. It's her way of including you!
-It's a little thing, but you guys have matching profile pics on all of your socials. They're all from different games and fandoms you enjoy together.
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randoimago · 2 years
For Danganronpa, I'd like to ask for headacanons for Sonia, Gundham and Togami with an s/o who is the Ultimate Equestrian. Thank you! ❤️
S/O is the Ultimate Equestrian
Fandom: Danganronpa
Characters: Gundham Tanaka, Sonia Nevermind, Byakuya Togami
Type of Request: Headcanons
Notes: You got it!!
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Gundham is a fan of all animals so he’s very intrigued in your talent when it comes to horses. 
Just how do you use your talent. Is it just for horse riding or do you have a natural affinity with horses? Lots of questions and he wants to know.
Would probably make statements about you riding your hell horse through the fires of the abyss or something like that as a compliment to your riding skills.
Wants to be with you when it comes to maintenance for your horse just so he knows how to take care of them if you’re ever out of town or sick or something.
Sonia loves horses! They’re all so pretty and unique so she loves meeting your horse.
She kind of knows how to ride horses but she’s definitely not as good as you. Sonia still enjoys watching you train.
Probably knows some story about horses killing people or some kind of stampede thing. 
She’s not trying to scare you, it just crosses her mind because of all the horse stuff and she thinks you’d be interested because horses.
Not really a horse person. They’re strong animals and he appreciates the aesthetic, but cars and trains are so much more convenient.
You can tell him horse facts and stuff and he’ll try listening for you but he probably ends up being uninterested.
He does have so much money so he’ll thrown some your way so you can get the best reigns and whatever you need for horse riding. 
It’s expensive and he likes you being happy, as much as he’d never admit it.
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frickingnerd · 1 year
i wanna ruin our friendship (we should be lovers instead)
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pairing: sonia nevermind x gn!reader
summary: you show up in front of sonia's door on a rainy day, confessing to the princess...
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"you're soaking wet! what are you even doing here at this time?"
you were soaked in rain from head to toe, standing in front of the door to sonia's apartment. 
"i... uhm…"
you hadn't yet thought about how exactly you would bring this up. all you knew is that you had to go see her after hajime had told you that kazuichi had confessed his love to sonia earlier today. you knew that if you still wanted a chance with her, you had to act now! 
"please don't go out with kazuichi! i know he's a nice guy, but…"
"i wasn't planning on going out with him"
sonia cut you short. your head shot up and you looked at the princess surprised. 
"you… weren't? that's great! i mean–"
a small smile creeped onto sonia's lips. 
"you mean..?"
she seemed to be waiting for something. 
"i mean… yes, i'm glad you aren't going out with him. that means i can still ask you out on a date instead, right?"
sonia nodded and immediately you started to grin excited.
"sweet! then… would you like to go on a date with me? i'll take you to the movies or we'll go eat something together!"
sonia tapped her index finger against her lips, pretending like she was thinking about the offer, before she turned to you with a smile she wasn't able to hide anymore. 
"i'd love that~!"
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Right now that I have had enough sleep for my brain to function I humbly request Mikan, Mukuro, and Sonia with a S/O who acts like a regular person most of the time when in reality they are a completely feral cat and a complete simp
Mikan, Mukuro, and Sonia with a S/O who acts like a regular person most of the time but can quickly go wild towards others or a simp towards their girlfriend
Mikan tsumiki
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•Now this probably goes without saying but this girl is so down bad for you
•She loves how you give her so much affection along with almost all of your attention
•She also appreciates when you go apeshit on the bullies who try to pick on her
•Though she's glad she's there to keep you from going to far
•Still even with how violent you can get towards others she would never give you up for anything
Sonia nevermind
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•Sonia is more of a mixed bad since she does loves that you adore her
•However she does wish for you to cool it with simpinh over her as it does make her uncomfortable at times
•She's just glad that you a mostly regular person most of the time
•She does like how you can be like a feral cat towards those who try to start anything with her
•Fuyuhiko started cursing at her one time and you nearly bit his head off which resulted in a fight with peko
•Needless to say the multiple classrooms were torn apart from the resulting fight
•Sonia found the entire situation awe inspiring and wished to see more fights between you and peko
•Thankfully chisa sensei is now there to keep things from getting to heated
Mukuro ikusaba
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•Yeah Mukuro is the one who keeps having to prevent you from going wild on people
•Mostly her sister and byakuya
•Her sister as much as she loves her, is a massive troll and takes advantage of your protective nature by messing with her
•Byakuya is just a straight up dick to everyone
•She feels less inclined to keep you from attacking byakuya,but she doesn't wanna have to deal with the fallout from that
•Though she absolutely loves how much you shower her with love and affection
•It was a little overwhelming at first but thankfully she was able to adjust to it
•She certainly wasn't expecting that attitude from you at first, given that you seem pretty ordinary before you got together
•However she has very little to complain about as she loves every side of you
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gummy-bearz · 2 months
How about round two of danganronpa headcanons where girls are dating a delinquent that's usually mean but nice only to them and gets kinda shy and clingy with his girlfriend cause he loves her~ with Sayaka maizono,Miu iruma, Celestia ludenburg, Aoi asahina and Sonia nevermind.
I hope I'm not annoying with my requests. I just love how you write☺️☺️☺️
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Miu Iruma / Celestia Ludenberg / Sonia Nevermind / Sayaka Maizono / Aoi Asahina with a delinquent S/O that’s mean but nice, clingy and shy with his girlfriend (part 2)
I was so excited to write a part 2 of this omg because I LOVED taking your last request because of how fun it was. reading this just made me happy because I’m glad that you enjoy the way how I write!! and you’re not bothering me at all, don’t worry!!! <3 (btw i hope this is not out of character omg)
- mod hiyoko
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Miu Iruma
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- She loved you especially for your badass, aggressive attitude! Miu didn’t care if you were rude to anyone, she just wanted someone like her!
- She would burst out laughing whenever you insulted someone- even if that person didn’t do anything wrong.
- Got into an argument? Nah, don’t worry. Miu’s there in the crowd cheering you on non stop.
- She thought you were a tough delinquent until you two were alone…
- You hugged her, kissing her head tenderly.
- Miu was speechless, and her face turned bright red. She’s humbled!
- You two were both very shy.
- She couldn’t say anything- nothing but only a small mewl came out of her mouth. Miu never expected affection especially from someone like you…
- But of course The Gorgeous Girl Genius with the Golden brain would receive affection even from a delinquent!
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Sonia Nevermind
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- Sonia didn’t care that you were a delinquent- deep down she knew that you had a very gentle heart.
- She believes that there is good in everyone, so she never doubted you.
- Even if you had a bad reputation.
- But she was still concerned for your health, what if you get into deep trouble?
- If you ever got into a fight, Sonia would step in and stop it.
“Cease this bickering!”
- She was still very patient with you.
- And then one day, out of the blue…
- You held Sonia’s hand, squeezing it as you moved yourself closer towards her.
- It honestly took her a while to understand what was going on.
- She was extremely happy and lets out a small laugh- she knew that being patient with you would work.
- Sonia squeezes your hand back, giving you a smile.
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Sayaka Maizono
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- Sayaka worries for you constantly, she wants you to try to be a little more cautious with your actions.
- She tries to help you change your ways and become more of a sensible and better person.
- Sayaka gets upset when you’re mean to someone- she’d talk to you about your actions and apologize to that person later.
- If you ever got into a fight, she would try to diffuse the situation and stop you from fighting. Afterwards, Sayaka would talk to you to make sure you were okay!
- She would never doubt you though, she would still trust you completely even though you are very reckless.
- And then randomly, you hugged her- squeezing her all flustered.
- Sayaka let out a soft giggle, she thought you were adorable!
- She squeezed you back while continuing to giggle.
(ugh I love Sayaka sm!!!)
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Celestia Ludenberg
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- The idea of a delinquent boyfriend makes Celeste’s skin crawl. But ever since she got with you, she didn’t really care anymore.
- At some point in the relationship, Celeste did try to mold you into the most perfect, respectful gentleman.
- She didn’t really care after that.
- If you were ever mean to someone, she would just sigh and not do anything. As long as it doesn’t involve her, she doesn’t care.
- Literally the definition of “I pretend I do not see it”. Celeste will literally just sit and drink her tea looking all pretty while you bully the shit out of someone.
- If you're fighting someone, she would just sit there and watch- basically enjoying the show.
- Damn, Celeste thought that you were honestly badass until you decided to hug her privately
- Celeste was shocked- she wasn't used to physical touch, especially not from someone like you...
- She sighed, and patted your back with a small smile on her face.
(girl doesnt know how to respond to affection.)
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Aoi Asahina
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- Like Celeste, Aoi did try to help you become a better person. But really, it was no use,
- She would always show her concern for you. Even if you could protect yourself, Hina would be there to keep you safe.
- At least she had someone who was brave and determined- she did admire you for that!
- Hina HATES when people insults others; if you were making fun of someone, she'd immediately step in and stop you.
- If you ever got into a fight, she would jump in and stop everything without thinking- even if it meant getting hurt.
- Like Sayaka, Hina still trusts you. Even for your stupid behavior.
- And when you decided to hug her...
- Aoi's eyes were SPARKLING- she squeezed you back, she thought you were the cutest thing EVER. Bonus points for you because she's a very cuddly person!!
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ssadumba55 · 2 years
DR2 Characters Cheering You Up
A/N: Made some of these for the first game (you can find them here and here) and I'm finally halfway into the second game, so thought it was time I made some more. This first one will, like last time, be all my favourite characters but if you want to request others feel free to and I'll happily do my best!!! As I said, I haven't finished the games so these may be a little off personality wise. Anyway, Enjoy!
Ibuki Mioda
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Ibuki is always cheerful and excited, that's just who she is and it's a large part of the reason the two of you get along
If she notices you're upset, she will try and cheer you up by being a little goofy! She might make silly faces or dance around the room (pulling you with her)
She might even write you a silly little improvised song (and yes she will make it heavy metalesque just for shits and giggles)
If you want to talk to her about what's bothering you, she'll sit and listen but if not she has a million ways to get your mind off of it
She will hug if you ask/want her to
Nagito Komaeda
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Nagito gets uncomfortable when other people are upset around him, not intentionally or because he's a jerk, but he just doesn't understand how to help
He would probably ask you, though, if there's anything he can do
He would hug if you asked him to, but he won't initiate the hug
"Maybe we should go see Hajime or one of the girls, they'd definitely know how to handle this better..."
He will do his best though, because he does care about you and wants to show that. (Even if he does think he's a little useless)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
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Fuyuhiko seems like the type of guy who would like offer to beat whoever/whatever made you upset for you
He would hug you but like he'd definitely be awkward about it because he wouldn't want anyone to see (it would ruin his tough guy image)
You would definitely tell him no hurting whatever it is that made you upset and he would definitely overrule that by telling Peko to do it anyway when you're not paying attention
He would buy you something just to make you smile and see you cheer up even a little
Gundham Tanaka
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Gundham is surprisingly in tune with other people's emotions
If he senses you're upset, he may not immediately offer to talk about it or say anything, but he will offer a shoulder to cry on
Might try cheering you up with the Devas, unless you make it clear you want to be alone
He will respect your space, but that doesn't mean he won't worry about you constantly
He probably won't hug you, but if you hug him, he'll hug back
Sonia Nevermind
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Sonia may be a little surprised if she finds you upset, but she will immediately jump into action
She has been prepared for this, she's read so many books on how to cheer people up and she will attempt to recreate what she's read for you
It might cheer you up simply seeing her run around grabbing things for you and doing things for you
Hugs, blankets, soft things, movies
She will make sure nobody else bothers you until you're feeling better too!
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forbidding-souda · 2 years
Alright since requests are open how bout Kyoko and Sonia with an S/O that's like Tsumugi? Hope you have a good day!
Kyoko Kirigiri and Sonia Nevermind with a S/O that's like Tsumugi Shirogane
hey guys what's up I posted isn't that insane??!??!?!
my friends boyfriend released his new album and it's punk music you guys should check it out it's called quiet reading time!
update on uni uhhh this math final is not the move LMFAO it's literally in a month and i'm just sitting here like damn.... lololol. anyway i also got switched dorms bc my dormmate was homophobic LOL! this dormmate oh my god he is perfect, I love him SO MUCH! but he's dropping out at the end of the semester so i'm gonna die tbh i'll miss him... I hope they don't room me with another nobody. me and my husband are doing good!! we had like a month long confuffle where we were mad at each other but it's chill now it's fine we are very very good. he stayed awake for me today so we could get starbucks together :> this means the world to me because he works all night so he always sleeps at 9am (srs... that exact time) and my class gets out at 9:45 and he STAYED and waited outside my class too... I love him so so much. knock on wood.
^ aaaaa and he's learning asl it's so cute i love him so much >.> he's actually sleeping rn and I left to grocery shop and go back to my dorm LOL.... let's see his mood when he wakes up. I left last night too BUT IT'S NOT HIM I JUST CAN'T SLEEP AND I FIND NO AMUSEMENT IN LAYING THERE WHILE HE SNORES IT'S SO ANNOYING.
-Mod Souda
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Kyoko Kirigiri
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✯ There's a form of love when it comes to having a girlfriend who doesn't show much of her emotions. Her eyes don't light up when she sees you in costume, but she shows her appreciation by keeping you in her gaze, her eyes never leaving you even when you are doing something as casual as scrolling through your phone.
✯ Sometimes she will be dressing for work as you dress in your costumes for a con (a beautiful juxtapose) and she will offer the smallest of critiques.
✯ "You need to brush the back of that wig."
✯ Sometimes she'll go to cons with you and just act as your bodyguard (in the humorous sense but also in the genuine sense, she keeps her eyes on you and people who invade your boundaries in days in which you do end up wearing some of your costumes in public like that).
✯ She is very protective over you, and in an alternative universe in which she speaks like teenagers these days, I imagine she will constantly say a sharp "damn that's crazy but who asked" to people.
✯ She's a good listener! When you go on rants she'll pay attention, and when you make niche references she'll ask you to explain.
✯ She still is entirely independent and doesn't like when you ask about her work. Her ability to change the subject and get you to talk about your interests is peak.
✯ Or when you say some "I'm just plain", she'll always hit you with the "Obviously you're not", which gets you a little ruffled.
✯ Whenever you make her blush, no matter how far into the relationship you are, it still makes you flustered. It's satisfying to know she likes you that much, that someone as stoic as her can find you desirable.
✯ ^ You like letting your perverted side out a bit because of that.
✯ She likes holidays that surround gifts because you are the easiest person to go shopping for.
✯ Her job is a topic that cannot be discussed at the dinner table, you can easily very freaked out at some of the things she sees on a day-to-day basis... so dinner table talk surrounds your interests >:).
✯ You can ask her to put on the cosplays you create so you can see them on another person but she will say no LOL (but you can ask).
✯ She looks at you with a small smile sometimes, which to you means a lot... it's a lot of expression for somebody who is good at hiding.
Sonia Nevermind
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✯ She has so much interest in anime and manga, and she gets so excited when she sees you making costumes for it.
✯ She wants to know all about your interests and why you like them. Listening to you talk is the best part of your day.
✯ She hates when you call yourself plain! She thinks you're the most interesting person on this planet. No literally, you are beyond unique and she admires your capabilities more than anything (his seems like a pretty obvious thing to say anyway).
✯ Her status in the hierarchy means that she has people to satisfy her every command, meaning that any material you need, you can get. She can even gift you really expensive fabric/stable wires/long-lasting glitter/anything you need, no matter what expense (and if you prefer one specific brand, even if it's 'cheap', she's not going to force you to use something else).
✯ She was raised with a lot of people always around, so when she gets the solo time with you, it makes her feel a lot less princess-like, and it makes her feel like a normal teenage girl. She likes to study in the corner while you sew (studying - it's so fun, especially when she gets to say things like "I'm studying!").
✯ Being around you while you work is her own personal love language.
✯ You wear a lot of layers, and so does she! If she gets cold, even though she might have a servant on hand for that, you can still lend her your jacket :> (else a jacket you make... perhaps you have even made one for this specific occasion too... and perhaps she will never know that it's a reference to your favorite media).
✯ She is more academic-brained than creative-brained so creative processes are very interesting to her, especially ones that require style and clothing.
✯ Sometimes she'll talk to her seamstresses about things clothing-wise and they are always like 'oooh you know about that!!! that's so cool!!!'.
✯ She can often mimic your perverted jokes, and return the energy back to you.
✯ ^ But whenever you get dressed she'll turn around, even if you don't mind.
✯ She will love to try on your cosplays. You can use her as a model any day!
✯ When it comes to costumes with bows and glitter, she loves looking at them! She'd always loved when her servants tied her bow for her. Bows are her favorite accessory, and she falls in love every time she sees you tie one.
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