#Sorry I didn't list any fics. I don't actually read many on my own. And when my sis reads some to me she usually subjects me to tragedy
silawastaken · 2 months
bestie you still alive? Haven’t seen you on the dash lately :/
Any fanfic recommendations? I’ve hit a wall I think. Anything I enjoyed either isn’t updating anymore (don’t take this as me pushing You For updates btw no stressing out here no sir) or is in very very early stages to a point where I’m not sure whether not i actually enjoy it (case in point: this time travel fanfic I stumbled across that barely has any plot atp — like one chapter I think? And while the summary sounds pretty good I dunno if it’s worth getting invested :/)
HI i am still alive yes!!! i've just been very busy and distracted. I only got back from my summer camp last Friday, so Saturday was Recovery time and Sunday went school shopping, Monday went looking for volunteering work(didn't find any😔) Tuesday had a roadtrip and yesterday I was writing music all day(I have a Problem)
I have done a post with fanfic recommendations before and I did just spend ages looking for it to link it but I cannot find it for the life of me. I actually don't read a lot of fanfiction myself, I prefer writing it BUT I have a few authors I could recommend.
First my beloved friend @sorry-i-panicked who is the author of 'The memory of your name' which you will find is actually the only sskk fic to exist. I am not a particularly avid sskk shipper myself but i eat this fic UP every time it updates. It's still ongoing, and usually updates every other monday <3
I'd also recommend another one of my mutuals, @woklaza who is the author of 'Looking at the stars like we used to' which I regretfully haven't read yet but is definitely on my tbr They've also written a number of other bsd oneshots too!! I did a fic exchange with them for valentine's and it was AWESOME so i highly recommend
'to forget that is unforgivable' by @myshenkamouse is also really good, though it hasn't been updated in a while. I know the author has been working on the next chapter(I've had the honour of beta reading) and it is REALLY good if you have the patience to wait.
The main other thing I'd recommend may the series of relationship reveals by xxalwayssofia on ao3, I haven't read them all but I want through a phase of a few days where I'd just sit for hours and read through them, there's 47 so far, and I found them pretty funny most of the time.
Sorry I don't have more ;-; I'm really not the person to go to for fic recommendations, since I usually only read what my mutuals write. Some things I read and enjoyed were 'Tempus Fugit', 'Magic and Mystery' and the sequel, this fic with a title too long to type, 'Exposure therapy' (ongoing), and 'The life we could've lived' though I haven't finished it yet.
In terms of my own fics, I'm going to work on the next chapter of as the gold bleeds into grey right now actually, and I'll probably post it when it's done instead of waiting for sunday. I don't know how many of my fics you've read, but I have 33 in total, so maybe you could check some of the others out if you haven't yet.
I hope this was a satisfactory list!!! ty for the ask
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rw47vr-key · 2 years
Duskwood Fic Rec List
As I already mentioned here, I've summed up a few of the many fanfics for you to not miss it! (Fics I've read before joining the fandom)
I don't own any of these below said writings!! .All the credits to the respective authors.
(A note for authors: I'm so sorry that I didn't get to ask you before posting this.And please do notify me in dm/comments/asks if you want me to remove your links!💕)
there is no particular order of the fics here.
And apologies for my poor quality summary, feel free to jump directly to the links😅😂❤
Well then happy reading ,dearies! 💕💫
ps : please make sure to go and like/appreciate/comment the original fics of the writers mentioned here :D ♡
❃ Cosmic Railway by @love-we-write ❤
Jake and MC are soulmates indeed, their dreams and fate beautifully depicted - multichapter of a total 7 parts!
❃ Tempt me by @mysticpetals ❤
Oneshot♡ - A snippet where MC with wings as white as her soul,is a guardian angel who had a connection somehow to the Mwaf who is a demon, in a totally AU!
❃ Play me! by @hacked-by-jake ❤
Oneshot♡ - Find out how MC mesmerised Jake, with their passion in playing piano!!
❃ We are family by @the-flowerwolf ❤
Oneshot♡ - A brother and sister relationship of the Hawkins, a warm feeling (+warm tears?) is guaranteed!
❃ Beautiful dream by @zmayadw ❤
Oneshot♡ - After solving the kidnapping case and slowly turning towards the peaceful path, Jake and MC meet but, how (dare) could Jake try to run away from his love immediately?
❃ The game has just begun by @escapethewonderland ❤
Oneshot♡ - Someone that MC thought of as a caring brother, is actually what they truly feared not to be.
❃ The forest was never still by @lyricsofravensong ❤
Oneshot♡- What if MC was one among the people who own the word 'guilty' craved in their heart because of the you know who's death, 10 years ago?
❃ Where past is forgotten by @booklover-01040 ❤
Starting with the end of episode 6,how about encountering and reading a different, unique ending of this game?(completed before ep10 release) . A multichapter of about 36 parts!
❃ No stay! Please by @non-binaryzombie ❤
Oneshot♡ - Jealousy gone too far between Darkness and MC's relationship.
❃ Written in the stars by @dreamer-writer-fangirl ❤
Oneshot ♡ - Takes place after ep8, Jake and MC who are practically far away from each other, prove that long distance can never reduce the love they hold for each other.
❃ Ciphers inside of me by @ephemeral-sorrow ❤
Oneshot♡ - A past between young MC and Jennifer , that makes you wonder.
❃ Let's dance by @i-desire-jake ❤
A really cute, sweet highschool AU, pairing Jake x MC - has two parts!
❃ Therapy by @digital-corruption ❤
Oneshot♡ - Funny and unimaginable combo of Dr Ulric Barret and the chaotic duskwood group.
❃ Bullet for him by @lois-carroline ❤
Oneshot♡ - MC would go any limit to save their love, Jake. And now, a bullet.. Are they and Jake safe?
❃ Consequences by @jakeismylover ❤
Oneshot♡- You(MC) always imagined of running together with Jake from his persuers, but instead you're running away to save yourself from him(Jake as mwaf)
❃ You're mine by crow-chaos❤
A Phil x MC x Jake x FBI based fic. Yay That's all info I can give, I'll leave it to you to read further - has two parts!
❃ Your Favourite Gone Place by @duskwood-legacies ❤
Oneshot♡ - A heartmelting side of Phil Hawkins! , pairing Phil x MC
On the contrary, I basically held myself from pouring out my overwhelming emotions about these fics rn😂😭, So a huge thank you , dear authors!💝❤ Thank you very much for making our days better with your writings! ✨(this 3000% goes to all fandom writers and other creaters too, of course🥰❤)
I know I've haven't added some other (g)old fics here. Either it is not showing in search or I don't remember properly. It wasn't intentional, I am sorry :( ❤
Seesh I almost rambled.I'll stop before I start again .Take care of yourself and much love! 💝🌸
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quidfree · 1 year
Hi first off I wanted to say I fucking love your writing, you've seriously got a beautiful style and you seem to understand tsh characters so damn well it's crazy. Second I have four very important questions for you if you wouldn't mind
1. in your mind/ in your tsh fics does francis have long/longish hair? I know it said in the book he has a short mop of hair or whatever but I really don't like that so in my mind he grew it out after Hampden or something.
2. in sober ii when Richard says " I haven't- since you" before Francis kisses him does he mean he hasn't fucked since Francis committed or he hasn't been with a man since francis in college? this doesn't actually matter but I'm curious
3. this is a bit more broad but I wanted to know what you thought about the Theo's three big romantic relationships in tgf (kitsey, Pippa, Boris)
4. have you read the little friend? did you like it? coz everyone seems to hate it but it was the first Donna tartt I read and I had me completely hooked for weeks. I literally re read it constantly and when I finished I would just start it over. I especially liked the dynamics with the ratliff family and ended up feeling kind of attached to Danny even if he obviously wasn't a great person. (I didn't like the amount of slurs she used in it though but that's a whole other topic)
sorry this is very long but I'd like to hear your thoughts on this
well first off thank you very much. i love when characters feel true to the source material. and i love questions like these, whether fic based or otherwise!
francis to me doesn't have a shoulder length mane or whatever (he's too conservative for that) but i also agree he wouldn't just have short hair like the other guys. i see him w a sort of bob-length situation- long enough to tuck behind the ears and such. i saw a rich guy in a paris gay bar once who was extremely over-dressed w a suit jacket hanging like a cape over his shoulders complaining to his friends about the venue and he looked exactly like what i picture francis as but unfortunately i can't airdrop my memory of this man to anyone so you'll just have to take my word for it.
richard's just saying he's never been w another guy. which i can't imagine he would have been. he's lucky francis has a long history of sleeping w straight guys bc honestly...
oh that is a big one. i think id need to do a separate post it so lmk if you want it. in the meantime more on the characters themselves... kitsey to me is an undersung hero like i love the character so much. she's so interesting and deeply fucked up. in her own mercenary way she is being so much realer w theo than he gives her credit for bc she sees thru the act of normalcy he is clinging to, as an expert actress herself. pippa i also think is great altho i actually have less of a sense of who she is than w kitsey due to the tartt protagonist dehumanize-woman-ray at work; i really like the layers of her relationship to theo and the way we the audience can glimpse at her reality beneath it, her discomfort and her charm. like she does love him and they are brothersistersouls and she is actually fucked in ways that theo is without knowing it and sometimes not, but she is also like white-knuckling a shot at being Okay and trying from a safe distance to get theo in that kind of uncomfortable space too. and then boris obviously is the easy fan favourite bc there's just so much to him. he's deeply charismatic yes but he's also really interesting. in many ways he's a lot more grown up and realistic than theo, at every age, but he's still self-destructive, just more outwards than inwards, and i think while his lack of introspection saves him theo's inner agonies it also shuts him off to some level of profound codependent connection which he and theo r always tight-rope walking over.
have not read it, didn't know everyone hated it. i tend to have too long a to-read list to read multiple works by the same author in any kind of reasonable timeframe.
hope these thoughts were of interest.
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A, F, J, K, M, U, and X for the ask game <3
Thank so much for the ask! 💕🥰
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Currently I am obsessed with these:
Helen/John (Sanctuary)
Helen/Nikola (Sanctuary)
Helen/John/James (Sanctuary)
Sam/Jack (Stargate SG-1)
Cassie & SG-1 (Stargate SG-1)
Helen & Henry (Sanctuary)
(Also, basically any found family bonds in Sanctuary)
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
Hmm. Not long, because I've only actively participated in fandom since March 2023, if you're going by those standards.
I've loved Sanctuary since I first saw in 2016, but I didn't start writing for it (or really for any fandom) before 2022.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
Doctor Who.
I've never watched it or given it much thought, but apparently a lot of my mutuals love it. I've been seeing gif-sets, screenshots, jokes, and headcanons everywhere and I didn't even really know anything about it before I got on Tumblr.
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Nikola Tesla from Sanctuary. (Sorry Regina).
When he was first introduced, he most definitely would have hurt and/or killed Helen to get what he wanted. No one can deny that. His reasons for joining them in Bhalasaam weren't exactly unselfish either.
I know there's a lot of he always loved her, but I don't think that's really the case, beyond it starting as infatuation with a woman he respected, admired, and cared about.
But through his arc you get to see him grow from a selfish bastard to someone who actually genuinely cares about the others and regrets his actions when his good intentions are turned against him, to the point where he does everything he can to fix it.
He grows from the selfish vampire to someone who cares beyond that one person (Helen) to everyone else and what they care about, though he wouldn't admit it.
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Henry Foss from Sanctuary. I think he'd just be a really good friend to have. A bit laid back, but incredibly loyal and a nerd. We could fan over things, build stuff, and play video games.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Helen (Sanctuary) -- What's not to love? She's badass, determined, flawed, caring, bisexual, smart, mama bear, allergic to feelings. There's honestly so many reasons she's my favorite I can't think of them all.
Sam (Stargate SG-1) -- Probably for most of the reasons I listed Helen, honestly. She's incredibly smart, she's tough, she's in the military, she's a realistic female character in an almost completely male setting. She stands on her own, but is part of team she would die for.
Regina (Once Upon a Time) -- (I most certainly do not have a type) She has such a great character arc. She was a villain because of her trauma and wasn't stopped from doing the Big Bad that trauma fueled. She was very resistant to changing herself and her growth to a better person was on her terms. She's also tough and badass.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
I want to say dark! fics for some reason, but I'm not sure that's a trope. 🙈
Probably enemies-to-lovers. I've read a smattering of Sanctuary, Stargate, and Supernatural fics with them and I've enjoyed them immensely.
(I'm also a sucker for pregnancy fics, but those fall into way too many categories to straight up just say 'pregnancy fics').
Thanks for the lovely asks, sorry if it got a bit lengthy! ❤️
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cupids-cringe · 2 years
ok so vrv Benry helmet headcanons
in my Benry post i mentioned i think that the Boss is the most comfortable being without his helmet and an order of which is least to most attached to always wearing their helmet
as previously stated: Boss, Polite, Worldstop then Mailman
Neo is not included but i believe he had a phase of wearing a specific beanie everyday all the time, it was a black beanie with subtle skull designs in the stitching and they stuck a badge that HAS to be read to the tune of YMCA but its Mothman.
to my knowledge Boss is never actually seen with a helmet (minus the one daft punk helmet in Episode 2-) he has a visor instead and theres nothing stopping him from having both a helmet AND visor ,,,,,unless hes not as attached to having a helmet on all the time like some of the other Benrys-
Polite Benry works with a family of Mad scientists, the helmet is 79% just there to follow proper laboratory safety protocol. and 21% because hes gotten quite attached to it- but that doesn't mean he wears it ALL the time- yes in all his canon appearances we DO see him with it but in In Your Dreams he is working with the others in the lab, when taken by Capital M in Episode 2 it can be assumed they HAD been working in the lab prior to the kidnapping and though he isn't working in Trouble In Paradise he does remark "i knew bringing my helmet was a good idea" (he uses it to coax a group of seagulls to him with fries) which to me implies that he doesn't usually go many places with the helmet?? so outside of the lab he probably keeps it on a designated coat hook orr carries it around,,
Worldstop i personally think Worldstop keeps his helemt on as a safety precaution for others- Benry is aware that he is in a video game and that he is a bit fucked up even before Kittle begins bending the code, he literally has a missing texture on the inside of his helemt (and in my headcanon the entire model of his hair is incorrectly textured) and its likely that such a sight could BREAK other npcs so he keeps it on mostly to avoid causing damage to others. but as he unprompted shows Kittle the inside of his helmet in the actual Worldstop AU fic i don't believe he's all that embarrassed of his hair- though his helmet still likely holds some sentimental value outside of it being as a way to avoid damaging the game further,, it also makes him feel safer
And at the bottom of the list, the one who most DESPISES taking off his helmet we have our lovely Mailman- who actually got so ANGRY at the emails during the sleepover in the original ask blog when they wanted him to take off the helmet (and because they were being pushy about his morals & feelings--) he absolutely hates the idea. even in the 1999 flashback; while Benry does eventually take off his helmet for a second hes embarrassed about it. sorry to get sort of down here but i think he already didn't much like his hair in 1999 and then while being trapped throughout the 2 years project shutdown his hatred of his hair grew along with many of his other insecuritys,,,, and Pinkrey considers the helmet a comfort item-
on a slightly lighter note i also have a few stim related headcanons:
inspired of Swaps own act of tapping on his helmet occasionally (which i really hope is an actual canon thing and not something i made up becuase i am SO sure- (i couldn't find it in my brief search))
• Polite Benry occasionally drums on the helmet when he isn't wearing it because he likes the noise, he would nver do it while wearing it however as its a bit too loud- he sometimes sits with the helmet in his lap as he taps and drums on it with either his hands or any pen/pencil in his hand
• Politer Benrey sometimes also spins the screws that hold together a replaced patch that got damaged
•not a stim but Polite Benry usually keeps a spare glowstick in his helmet-
• Boss sometimes taps his fingers on the arms of his visor when hes thinking and is often seen readjusting them like a pair of glasses when hes nervous
• Worldstop can tap the Mario Bros theme on his helmet and it ticks off Bubby everytime he recognises it-
• Worldstop & Mailman both have the same tapping the side of the helmet with their knuckles stim and when feeling more overwhelmed by noise may knock on it loudly to basically say "ITS TOO LOUD" without using words (i have autism so THEY get autism too /light joking)
• and a final projection headcanon is that Mailman (& Swap if he has it on) will grab at their helmet to push it onto their head further if they get scared suddenly (Swap still has this reflex even without the helmet on and that can snap him out of the scare when he grabs at thin air-)
• and an honourable Neo mention Neo sometimes wears Swaps helmet (canon) and will scratch the end of a pen on it because their brain likes the scratchy noise
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pepsiiwho · 1 year
Thank u for rb-ing the ask game. Here are 5000 asks: ♥️, 🎁 , 👓, 💕, 🍬, and 💌. These are just for you to keep: 💖💓💓♥️💞💕💘💞💘💗❤️💘💘♥️💖💓💖❤️💖💞💓💞💖💗
So many things here should I even answer this in one big thing....
This one is getting it's own post I have too much to say for it but the short answer is "[sound here] sounded like rocks hitting a wall" if you actually read my work you should know this one it's my calling card at this point.
It gets long after this sorry guys
2. This one isn't anything you'd like, a shame I just sent it to you but here's a little piece of the most recent WIP I have as of (checks watch) 3 hours ago. BG3 WIP Title pending.
The woman walks out with her tail between her legs, literally, and Alabaster watches the door close soundlessly behind her as if commanded. The silence between them sits for a moment a second or two before Alabaster speaks. “She's pretty. You might have a type though.”  “What are you doing here?” She didn’t think a sleep-ruffled Astarion would be the one she’d be interacting with when she decided to pay a visit today, but the sight is pleasing all the same. His hair is as white as it’s ever been, only a touch longer. She isn’t sure if actual vampires are capable of being surprised (something something the alertness of darkness or something) but the expression on Asraion’s face was what she would coin as ‘your lover coming home to see you with your mistress' . “You missed me?” He asks. It doesn’t come out like a question, as breathy as it sounds.  “I missed you” She responds. She rolls her shoulders, getting ready for the dance that is talking to Astarion. “I also need your help.”  “You came back because you need me?” There's a sharp smile slowly making it’s way onto his face, laughlines bending to build the expression. He’s sitting up, moving to reach her height. She nods, pulling at the tightly wound strings in his chest, plucking absently.  “I need you.” She responds. Talking to him feels like playing an instrument you haven't touched in a long time, slowly allowing muscle memory to take over so the music can once again be moved by your masterful hands. He smiles full now, as if realizing something she doesn’t know, and she’s reminded that you never really forget how to tune an instrument.
3. What helps me focus when I write... booty shaking music for throwing ass OR hating whatever is happening around me. no in-between.
4. This is a really hard question because if we mean like, emotionally? I could cop out and give a three way tie between Complimentary Soap (it isn't good I'm just nostalgic), Nintendo Direct (Circa June 2021) (it is good and I'm nostalgic) and Like A Brick In The Wall (good and new but god it's chaptered.) But, right now I'm gonna say my most recent fic I posted Going Home; All Over Again. I really love it even tho no one will ever read it (save you). The curse of rare pairs.
5. Okay another long one let's go. I'm only counting things with multiple pics posted...
I Missed You Terribly And Like A Dream— You Appeared, Smiling At Me, Just So
Most of my stuff from here isn't good anymore, and while there's another that's more self indulgent and scratches the itch inside my body that aches dully for more Hypnos content at all times, this one reads the best rn. So it win.
Tequilas, Margaritas and Seawater
everything in this fandom is old and arguably bad so nostalgia points carry weight here. This. one was a gift and idk why but it reads amazingly. holds up still
FE3H -
Like A Brick In The Wall
All fe fics are the DEVIL because of any in this list I CARE about these the most no competition. Anyway. This fic didn't win the previous bracket of my fav fic ever but it is my fav in the tag. Don't ask me to explain. I'm sorry.
I Squint Out My Peripheral, Peaking Through My Fingers To See You
I don't work here man... I hate this goddamn pic its so good.
Nintendo Direct (Circa June 2021)
She's gonna do it every time... V3 hospital au I lOVE you.
(Listing out my written fandoms like this is the saddest thing ever my GOD I'm cringey)
6. I feel like the tropes I love most I never write myself... it's honestly kinda fandom specific but across the board...? Royalty au. not regency but kinda. A little to the left.
Tumblr media
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m34gs · 1 year
Reader ask meme: A2, B5, C10, D10!
Thanks for the ask, friend! (from this post) Very excited to answer these! I love reading :D
A.2: How did you find your first fic?
So first fanfic; I actually was personally shown it by the author. I didn't have a lot of internet access growing up (and absolutely no unsupervised internet access until much closer to high school than I want to admit). My cousin wrote a self-insert fanfic for a popular band and read it out to me when we visited her at her house. I thought it was fantastic and so creative and am super proud of her always!
B.5: Which story have you read more than any other? How many times?
Ok, so let me preface this with: It takes a lot of time for me to reread something, because I have a very very very good memory when it comes to books and stories, so to relive the story often all I have to do is just think about it. That being said, when enough time passes or if I want the exact wording because it just really struck me, I will then reread things. Not rereading something is not an indication that I don't enjoy it, it just means likely enough time hasn't passed for me to feel the need to read it again. I can still enjoy it by thinking about it and 'rotating it in my mind' as we say.
The question here doesn't seem to be specific to fanfic, so my honest answer would have to be: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. I have read it 5 times so far.
C.10: What book could you just never get into, no matter how hard you tried?
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Vern. I think the concept is great. I love stories about the ocean. I love sea creatures and sea monsters and the like. But the opening is just so dry (yes, pun intended, sorry not sorry).
It might also have to do with the fact the first time I tried to read it I was 12. Then again when I was 15. I just couldn't get past the first couple of paragraphs. It's more than a little wordy. Though, perhaps I would feel differently now that I've read "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens (my expectations were great, but I was sorely disappointed. Just not my type of story I suppose. Read it for school.) but I have no desire to really pick it up at this point and I already have a TBR list a mile and a half long that I keep adding to.
D.10: What is one story idea you really want to read but no one has written yet?
Hmm, I don't know if there's a story idea I want that absolutely no one has written yet...but there are many I want to read that I've been unable to find. I mean, just take a look at my own writing, it's full of stuff I want to read but can't find; of course with some more common things mixed in. Basically, I've gotten to the point where if I want to read it and it doesn't exist or I can't find it, I add it to my pile of WIPs (both fanfic and original works) and carry on.
If you'd like an example, I'd say Kalim/Idia with a yandere Kalim trying to keep Idia and Idia trying to escape. I think that'd be fun. And it's in my WIPs, but just as a concept right now.
Thanks again for the ask! I had fun answering these :)
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twotangledsisters · 1 year
How do you decide what fics to comment on?
I laughed a lot seeing this ask cause, am I acquiring a reputation as a commenter? That's not a bad thing by any means! I just can't help but laugh at the fact I've been talked about for leaving long comments more than I have been for my own art and fics. But I guess that just means those comment leave an impression?
Anyway, sorry for the ramble there for a moment, onto the question!
To answer this question I probably first need to ask another question:
How do I chose what fics to read?
Because... I read the fics and then I comment on them... Obviously.
And I read mostly Cassandra, Eugene or Arianna content. I will read anything tangled, but generally for me to stray from the norm it's due to recommendation from mutuals, friends, just random posts talking about how much they love a fic?
And if I read something, I comment!
It's very rare for me nowadays to not comment, I would have to either not have anything good to say (which hasn't happened.... ever? I think... Thanks to Ao3's amazing tagging system I imagine!) or I read it on kindle and forgot.... (I am so sorry...)
BUT! There are rules? Exceptions? I don't know...
Here's the thing, I know the way I comment, the length, the quotes, it isn't everybody's cup of tea and I respect that!
Before, I assumed people would tell me if they didn't like it.
But I no longer assume that.
Now, I will go full in with my first comment, and if the author responds positively (like, a single word can be positive, if they just says 'thanks' that is positive), I add them to my green-list (this only exists in my head). I trust them to have been honest in that response and I assume they enjoy long-form comments!
If there is no response, which is perfectly fine, I will assume there is a chance they HATE those comments, and aren't willing to respond saying that as the response would be public and a lot of people are too shy to give negative feedback... So I will stop commenting in that way.
I won't stop consuming content, leaving kudos or anything like that, I will even continue to leave short comments!
But I will cease the long comments out of, honestly, social anxiety and not wanting to be hated by the fandom I'm in!
I know this might not be the best attitude. But I just have too much anxiety and I end up feeling like I am harassing people if that makes sense?
Oh, also, obviously, if I have a negative interaction with someone on tumblr, or they blocked me, or they spoke badly of me at some point, I will cease consumption of those fics! (I do make an exceptions for co-written fics, but that's more complicated).
But yeah...
If you have a fic you want to recommend umm... DO!
Like, please!
Especially if it's your own cause I feel so much more at peace when commenting on fics from mutuals on here cause I know they aren't going to get angry at me for long comments!
I feel like this got long rambly and probably shows just how much my anxiety has been eating at me these past few umm.... weeks, months? I lose track of time.
I've been putting of answering this ask because I had completely stopped commenting for a while there... I'm kinda getting back into it now! But answering this at a time when I was not commenting felt very wrong... Almost like fake? I don't know...
My brain is kinda semi turned on right now, I'm so exhausted...
But I do welcome recommendations!
Especially one-shots!
I really need to get back into reading and commenting and I think just jumping back in is the way!
This ask did, kinda hit a nerve with me as well, it made me feel for a few moments that perhaps my only contribution to this fandom is my comments? Like, my art flops so bad on tumblr... my fics do really well actually I'm always shocked how many people read them, but... my brain just isn't processing stuff right, it's looking for the negatives right now. It's not a good time for me.
But after some thought I realized this is a nice ask!
I'm glad people like those comments, I'm glad I can contribute to the fandom and specifically to fic writers in that way!
I want to do it more.
I'm just, recovering mentally right now from some stuff, heavy fics are kinda off the table and... Even searching for fics feels like a chore?
See, even writing that I feel lazy for saying it xD which is silly, like, I'm not being lazy I'm just ill...
Rambling aside.
Send recommendations.
I'm sorry I haven't been commenting!
I appreciate every ask even if I'm kinda slow at answering sometimes!
I'm going to bed.
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bullet-prooflove · 2 months
Hey could you write a fic with Travis wheatly, where he and the reader are sorta dating but not official cause he's always like on the road for show, and reader finds out shes pregnant and decides not to tell him cause they think he doesn't want kids. But when he comes back to Yellowstone and he's the guys talking about reader being pregnant, and he freaks out but like in a good way thinking the baby is his (and obviously it is). He goes to see reader and they talk (like the adults they are) and they end up actually dating.
FYI I haven't sent any requests before so sorry if I did anything wrong or needed to add more details.
Thank you!
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Hi, if you read the rules in my pinned post you'll see I don't write stuff like this as I find it really stifling to write someone else's story.
I usually work from prompts.
I'm happy for you to submit another ask with a prompt for him off one of my many lists or a random one of your own.
Also I have a fic on his masterlist where he finds out Gina is pregnant and is over the moon because he didn't think they'd make it as have with his illness.
FYI here are the rules.
The Rules:
Only pick people off the character list below for each fandom.
One prompt per ask - you can send as many asks as you want within reason
Include the whole prompt in the ask, not just the number.
I don’t write things like Voight’s daughter/Hondo’s friend/Adam’s sister
I also don't write specific asks on this blog eg: reader is a firefighter/doctor/cop who has this/does this. They meet and do this/and this and say this... I usually work from prompts.
I don't write other people's stories so if you have a long detailed idea you want writing, this is not the blog for you.
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notbleached · 2 months
General Info and Thoughts
Keir | he/they | genderqueer lesbian
Do not repost my art! I only post it here!! Please ask if you would like to use my art for anything unless it’s a profile icon or something. A simple link back to me would be nice in that case but not required.
I am very much AGAINST GENERATIVE AI. If I reblog art that I didn't catch was from a generative ai "artist" let me know I don't want to be anywhere near that shit
Unfortunately for me I am invested in bleach now so buckle up there might be art coming in the future.
Some general info:
This is a side blog, so I can't follow from here sorry! I'll be liking and following from my main @krabbages
I publish all asks that I answer unless you state to keep private. If I don't feel comfortable answering something I'll delete it
My activity will probably be sporadic because I am a very busy person
I'm going to keep this blog mostly art (be it reblogs or my own) and maybe posting my thoughts on stuff. My rambles will be tagged under #rambles. Reblogs under #reblog.
Might make a fic req list later? I've got a lot of reading to do. Also I LOVE IT when people send me fic recs! Please do!!!
I've only read the manga! I want to read the light novels but my free time is very limited...
I love Aizen and he's very pretty...please forgive me.
Ichigo has been through it goddamn give this kid a break!
Eternally bitter that tatsuki never developed actual powers. Also bitter that Sado barely got any character development.
I wish I had the time to write because I have many ideas, but alas this is not possible.
Some things of note
+ I don't like underage stuff. If something is not an AU I prefer it to be post TYBW for that reason
+ I'm primarily into aiichi right now, but I am a multi-shipper!
+ My other ships are: grimmichi, tatsuhime, (more coming I just gotta figure out ship names since I'm new here lol)
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starrysvn · 2 years
For smau ideas, I offer a pretty much vague list of suggestions, that I'm not sure will exactly help, but that I hope can at least spark some of your own creativity and shit, maybe :3
So we haveee
- A coworkers kind of thing, whether it is idol!member x dancer/choreographer/producer/stylist! reader pairing, or anything else, and yk, making them have a rough start/rivalry thing going on, or maybe have the fandom involved in some way(? Causing drama, or leading into forced-proximity and what not.
- Reader who is an expert when it comes to rejecting or being straight forward to people x member who is trying to avoid conflict and needs their help with an ex/fling/someone along those lines.
- Anonymous stuff :) yk like a character (either a member or the reader) running a secret fan account, sending notes, or dedicating songs and messages to someone else, and some type of misunderstanding coming from that because I love the confusion.
- Competition!! Where they could be some type of artists, chefs, content creators, athletes, or students, and just go on with their dynamics, it could even involve a reality show or a documentary of some sort.
- Member x reader, and the shared custody of a pet, stuffed animal or any other inanimate object that you can think of, the two of them could be neighbors, simply friends, not even friends, exes, or straight up strangers, you decide.
- Something that I really enjoy lately are the 'who done it' kind of stories, so the members and reader/oc's could be trying to actually solve a crime or mystery, or maybe simply simulating one, but still playing with the roles while trying for find the culprit(s), and even being forced to regularly update through Twitter. I think that could be fun not matter if you choose to go for a serious and angsty type of storyline, or even for a light and comedic one.
- Also fantasy stuff, idk, witches and magic overall, aliens, different dimensions, time traveling, some characters having superpowers, or something else. That way they could try and keep their identities/origins/hablities in secret, or discover someone else's, maybe they could've been sent on a quest, they could be running away, or trying to find their way back. One of the characters could be barely finding our about their talents or identity, while the other(s) help them, or idk, there are many other dynamics that could be developed if the idea appeals you.
And yeah, I can't really think of anything else rn, but if I do I'll come back (feel free to ignore any of my asks if your don't like them, I get bored pretty easily and I'm not trying of bother you with these, sorry if that's the case).
But overall, if you chose to go on with any of those, obviously any of the members can be the love interest (if there's a romantic story going on at all, I do love a good found family, and simply platonic relationship as well)
I really like your writing and am very excited for future works of yours, so yeah, hopefully this at least helped you light up your mind, and if not, pretend you didn't see this 🤭
Have a great day!!
OH MY GOD!! UR LITERALLY AN ANGEL?! i just came back from uni to this and i’m just-😭
thank you so so so so much for all of this, you’re a saving grace! you’re not a bore at all, your ideas helped so much! i’m incredibly thankful you’ve taken the time to write this all out, i can’t wait to have a moment to properly sit down and start plotting eheh (you might’ve also mentioned a lil something i was already preparing as a regular fic🤭)
thank you so much for reading and if you ever get bored again feel free to send in whatever, i’m always happy to interact with you all🫶🏻
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ziracona · 2 years
Any/all! Fic, books and media are all welcome, I'm greedy.
Hmmm. Let me think! I’m sure I’ll miss a lot of good ones, but some of the first to come to mind: 💪
Film: obviously LoTR. I think that was one of the category namers. Gladiator (historical fiction). V for Vendetta (speculative fiction). Mad Max Fury Road (apocalyptic sci-fi). Terminator, but mostly the original and Terminator Salvation, not every film in the series (sci-fi). Meet John Doe (contemporary fiction at the time, but to us, historical fiction). The Prince of Egypt (Abrahamic story). The Wind Rises (historical, tragic drama). Spider-Man 2 (superhero). The Sound of Music if you push it. Like the hopepunk is contained in almost exclusively Act 3 but shit is it a hell of an act (historical, musical).
Tv: 1: Unlimited Blade Works (modern fantasy/sci-if)—one of my favorite TV shows of all time, painful and beautiful, very hopepunk. Do not watch the movie watch the 2014 anime, and watch the OG Japanese audio with subs. The dub was hell. 2: Angel Beats! (Supernatural dram/tragedy/comedy) This is a very hard show—like lots of painfully sad moments, but very sweet and worth it. End is bittersweet, but good. I’ve only seen the English dub, but the dub is very quality. 3: Infinity Train [seasons 2 and 3] (sci-fi, cosmic horror). 4: Tomorrow (supernatural, K Drama) — really good, watching it right now, Doctor Who (all of Doctor 9 and 10 at least much of his run),
Books: Any Terry Pratchett, but Night Watch probably top ranking, or maybe Small Gods (fantasy). LoTR again. The Shining Company (historical fiction) (a lot of her books are). Good Omens (supernatural fiction). Revolution (historical fantasy). 
Games: Days Gone (zombie apocalypse, work of art), Persona 5 Royal (speculative fiction, also a work of art), Kingdom Hearts (at least some of them, fantasy), arguably S4 of TWDG (zombie apocalypse), Determinately either Wolf Among Us (fantasy) or DBH (sci-fi) by dent of being decision based branching games.
Podcast: Nightavle through Stexcorp arc at least. TAZ Balance (fantasy, d&d podcast). Hello from the Hallowoods (ongoing, supernatural horror).
Comic: Bronze Age X-Men especially, I’m a huge fan of. If you’re interested in some of the really good ideas and meta that came with X-Men but don’t do comics, the best adaptation I’ve seen yet is X-Men Evolution, and I think that’s available to stream (superhero, sci-fi, social justice). Bone (fantasy).
Music: The Trans Siberian Orchestra album Beethoven's Last Night (album, rock opera, historical fiction), Les Miserables (musical, historical fiction). 
It also depends on how broadly you define the genre. I think of anything fitting into “Antithesis of GrimDark. Stories where the world is cruel and unfair and brutal any maybe on a grand scale, unchangeable, but combatting that and living and loving is deeply precious and meaningful despite, or in some cases even more so, because of that.” Some people might categorize The Wind Rises, for example, as Historical, Drama, Tragedy, but not as Hope Punk. I would call it that though. I hope that the list is still a good one for you. If you want only the most true-blue Hope Punk, I could give you a shorter list too.
Sorry this took so long. I wanted a good list, and it was harder than I thought. I’m sure I still missed many I deeply love.
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sirenascales · 3 years
-> double black [part one] 18+
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-> Chuuya x 1stPov!F!Reader x Dazai
-> Who knew getting fired from work could lead to this?
-> Content: SMUT, slight angst, violence, murder, swearing
A night out drinking leads to a small misunderstanding with a handsome, yet dangerous man. [Chuuya x 1stPOV!F!Reader]
3,894 words
note: edited this so it could still be read as a reader fic! it's actually a lot of fun writing in first person! hope those who read this enjoy my first bsd fic!
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Final || masterlist
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I've experienced a lot of amazing things since I've moved to Japan. A new job in a different country, new co-workers and friends, work parties, themed bars, cafes, and hookups with pretty strangers. There was a long list of great things I've had going on, and a long list of things I've never expected... and being fired from the job I had for a year was not one of them.
"A year of hard work... for nothing," I mumbled bitterly as I sat at the bar with my close friend, and now ex-coworker, Keiko. She was beautiful, with long black hair and brown eyes. She frowned, a sympathetic look on her pretty face as she sighed.
"I'm so sorry," she said softly, giving my shoulder a squeeze. "I'm sure you'll find something else soon! You have an awesome resume, and you're an amazing worker who can speak English, Japanese AND Spanish... there is totally a place for you out there!"
Keiko has always been supportive and enthusiastic, a really bright and friendly girl who made it her mission to befriend me as soon as I started working with her. She was relentless, and soon enough, I found myself spending many hours with the woman.
"Yeah..." I just mumbled again and she laughed softly.
"It's okay to mope... that's why I brought you here!"
"Yeah, about that," I started, sending Keiko a look as I swiveled the stool so my body faced her. "Why did you bring me here?" As soon as the work day was done, Keiko immediately dragged me to what was clearly a mafia bar. That didn't surprise me, since she was actually dating a mafioso.
A mafioso, who was part of the Port Mafia. It wasn't long after I moved to Yokohama that I started to hear stories about the organization, and was also warned not to cross them. Of course, with my luck, I became best friends with someone who dated someone who was in the Port Mafia. How a sweet girl like Keiko ended up with a man like him, I'll never know.
What I do know is that Taichi adored Keiko, gave her everything she could possibly want and need with the money he makes, and that was just being a normal grunt! Even so, it was dangerous, but Keiko didn't seem to mind.
"I come here with Taichi all the time," Keiko answered, sipping her drink. I turned to sip on my own. "You can't tell me it isn't luxurious." It was. My jaw had dropped to the floor when we first stepped into the very luxurious bar. "Don't worry about it, okay? Drink your sadness away! You're safe here. Since I am Taichi's woman, and you're with me, nothing will happen, okay?"
"Where is Taichi anyway?" I asked, glancing over her shoulder when I spotted a group of men walking in through the entrance. I missed the way the light left Keiko's eyes, chewing on her bottom lip anxiously. My eyes were on the men, which in the middle was a man with orange hair, a black hat adorning his head. I felt my breath hitch in my throat, my eyes looking at the very handsome man up and down. I swallowed thickly.
"He had a job tonight and couldn't make it. He'll be home to- hey, what are you looking at?" Annoyed at me ignoring her, she turned in her seat, a shocked look on her face before she smiled tightly.
"Taichi! I thought you had an assignment!"
"Hey, babe! We finished early, which was quite surprising, honestly."
The couple embraced and I barely registered the mushy love between the two as I watched the ginger man lead the rest of the group further into the bar. He walked by me, and before I knew it, dark blue eyes were staring right at me, eyebrows furrowed.
"The hell are you looking at?" he sneered and my face turned red, heart dropping in my chest.
"No one! I'm sorry!" I exclaimed, quickly turning back around and facing the bar.
"Tch. Whatever," the man only responded before walking off.
"You look like a cherry," Taichi said, clearly amused. I sent him a half-hearted glare, Keiko slapping his chest lightly.
"Be nice to her. She got fired today."
"Ohh, that sucks. If you need help-"
"She won't take it," Keiko said with a huff. "Stubborn ass."
I rolled my eyes at her, biting my lip nervously as I fiddled with my glass. "So uh... who was that guy? With the hat?"
Taichi blinked. "Oh, that's Chuuya Nakahara."
"Is he part of the Port Mafia?"
Taichi barked out a laugh, Keiko giggling softly behind her hand.
"Baby... he's an executive. Chuuya works closely with the leader of the Port Mafia."
"And I work under Chuuya," Taichi finished, amused at how wide my eyes have gotten at the answer.
"You mean to tell me... I pissed off... an executive member..." I was dismayed, heart pounding in my chest.
"Hmm, probably. Don't go home alone tonight," Taichi grinned as I balked, clearly having fun torturing me.
"Taichi! Babe, don't listen to him."
I gulped nervously, downing the rest of my drink before signaling to the bartender to get me another one.. "R-right..." Despite my better judgment, I turned my head, looking towards the obvious VIP section of the bar. Chuuya sat with some other grunts, a glass of what seemed to be red wine in his hand. Of course, his eyes found mines yet again and I whipped my head back around. Fuck, I did it again! I quickly downed the newly made drink, unaware of Chuuya's eyes narrowing as he watched me.
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"Nooo, do you have to go?" a drunk Keiko whined as she latched onto my arm, a forever amused Taichi watching on. "Don't leave me with hiiiiiiim."
"I want to go home, dammit," I huffed, successfully peeling her off of me and handing her to her boyfriend. "I have to start job hunting tomorrow. Thank you for bringing me here, I do feel better and I love you but... I'm tired."
"Ugh, you are such an old lady!" Keiko whined again and I couldn't help but laugh, turning to start walking towards the exit.
"Goodnight, you too. Please get her home safe, Taichi."
"I wouldn't count on it~"
I rolled my eyes at his teasing, leaving the two behind as I left the bar. I stepped out into the cool night air, shivering a bit as I closed my cardigan tightly around me. I wore a simple but cute outfit; a black dress with burgundy tights underneath, black flats on my feet and my favorite tan cardigan over the entire outfit. It helped me fight off a bit of the cold, but as I started to walk down the block, I grabbed my phone to start searching through my usual rideshare app.
I didn't get far. My phone cluttered to the ground as it fell out my hands, a gasp leaving my mouth as I was slammed against the nearby brickwall of a narrow, dark alleyway.
"Who the fuck are you?" a familiar voice hissed and I'm shocked to find Chuuya Nakahara glaring daggers at me, his strong hands pinning my arms against the wall. He growled when I didn't answer. "Answer me! Who sent you here?!"
"N-No one!" I cried out, shaking like a leaf. Of course, of course I would be confronted by a fucking high level member of one of the most dangerous organizations in Japan. "I swear, I just came here with my friend."
Chuuya growled again and he flipped me around, pressing my front against the wall. "Stay still," he grunted, and my face started to heat up as I felt his gloved hands quickly feel along my body. He was frisking me, and I gulped when he shoved his hand under my dress, producing the knife I had strapped to my thigh.
"I carry that to protect myself," I immediately explained, Chuuya turning me around again to face him. His eyes were still narrowed, staring me down as if trying to figure out what the hell I was up to.
"And the bouncer didn't pat you down?" he questioned and I shook my head quickly.
"No, he didn't pat me or Keiko down."
"Tch, that's Taichi's woman," he said, though he still looked at me with narrow eyes, hesitating a bit before he turned my knife in his hand, handing it back to me hilt first. "You sure know how to make yourself look suspicious."
I cringed a bit as I strapped my knife to my thigh strap again. I missed how Chuuya's eyes lingered, him licking his lips. "That's my fault I... I know I was staring..." I could feel my face heat up again and I couldn't even look Chuuya in his face. "S-sorry if I creeped you out. I don't mean any harm. Keiko brought me here 'cause I got fired and she wanted to help me feel better..."
"Hm," was his only reply, crossing his arms over his chest. "What you do to fuck up?"
My mouth fell and I sputtered as I tried to come up with the words. "What do you mean?! I didn't fuck up!" I protested. "It literally came out of nowhere! I worked my ass off all year, only to get fired 'cause I wasn't what they needed anymore. Fucking bullshit."
Chuuya was amused by my little vent, snickering a bit as he gave me a quick look up and down. "I'm sure it wasn't your winning personality."
I scoffed. "Says the one that shoved a random woman against a wall?! That hurt, you bastard!"
Chuuya raised his eyebrows at me, and I immediately slapped my hands over my mouth.
Oh no. Fuck, I forgot who I was talking to.
Chuuya snickered again, his eyes flashing in amusement. He stepped closer to me, making me press back against the wall again. Chuuya leaned his face close to mine, a smug smirk on his face as he spoke.
"Be careful who you talk to like that," he hummed, and I shivered despite feeling some of his body heat. "Someone might just cut out your tongue for talking back like that. Me? Well, it'd be a waste, especially when I think of all the things I could make you do with it."
I squeaked, the heat never leaving my face as I stared at Chuuya with a puzzled expression on my face. The sudden switch up was giving me whiplash... and lowkey turning me on. "I..." I stuttered, looking away and finally noticing my phone still on the ground. "Crap, I hope it's not broken."
I rushed over to pick my phone up, ignoring Chuuya's hard stare on me. I looked over my phone, sighing in relief when I saw that it had sustained no damages.
Chuuya then stepped up to me, jerking his head back towards the bar before walking off. "Let me take you home. Take that as an apology for being so rough on you."
I blinked. "Um..."
"Hurry up!"
"Okay!" I squeaked and followed after the man quickly, chewing on my lip as I asked myself... what the fuck was I doing? Am I really about to get inside this man's car? He was a stranger! Who frisked me! Let alone, he is clearly a dangerous man.
I must be insane.
"Tell me," Chuuya started and I was dumbfounded as he approached a rather cool looking motorcycle. No way. "What the hell were you being so creepy for?" He turned to me and asked, an all-knowing smirk on his face. I blushed deeply. Of course, he already was able to figure it out once he realized that I wasn't a threat.
"No reason," I huffed out, earning a low laugh as Chuuya grabbed the only helmet I could see. I looked at him confused, gasping when he unceremoniously placed the helmet over my head. "What about you?"
"I don't need it," Chuuya simply answered before he finally mounted his bike. "Come on, you little liar. Hop on."
I couldn't help but stare, my mouth going dry as I took in the image of this handsome bastard with his bike. The engine roared as he turned it on, revving it a bit and making me make a mess in my panties.
"Hey, ya done eyefucking me, dollface?"
I sputtered. "I was NOT eyefucking you!" I stormed over to the bike, glaring at the grinning bastard as I climbed onto the bike behind him.
Chuuya snorted. "Yeah, like you weren't eyefucking me earlier in the bar," he retorted, easily reaching behind him to grab my wrists, pulling me against his back as he wrapped my arms around him. I was stunned silent, from his words, and his actions and the fact that his back felt so solid.... and he smelled so good...
"I was not..." I mumbled, pressing my cheek against his back. "Shut the fuck up."
He laughed darkly, and that sent a shiver down my spine.
"Where do you live?" Chuuya asked and I hesitantly told him my address. "I know where that is. Hold on."
"You do? It's on the other side of the city," I said and Chuuya just chuckled softly, looking over his shoulder and smirking at me.
"And who exactly runs this city?"
I clamped my mouth shut, his eyes staring into mine. I blushed and looked away from him. He turned his head back around with an amused laugh, the engine revving as he took off on his bike.
"Hold tight, dollface!"
He didn't have to tell me twice, my arms tightening around his torso as he sped down the street, weaving in and out of traffic. It was scary, but also so fucking exhilarating. My heart was thudding in my chest, my eyes watering because of the wind. Still, I kept them open, wanting to watch the world blur by us. Chuuya made a sharp, right turn, making me scream while he laughed loudly. 
"Man up!" he yelled at me.
"Stop driving like a crazy person!" I yelled back.
I didn't see the large, almost evil smirk that grew on Chuuya's face. Didn't see him licking his lips excitedly as he eyed a rather tall building coming up ahead.
"Tell me, dollface," he hollered back at me, revving the engine and I gulped as I held him tighter, his bike going faster. A bad feeling started to settle in my stomach, balking when he asked his next question. "Do you want to defy gravity?"
I didn't have time to answer, not when I finally realized that we were heading right towards the side of the building. I couldn't even scream, fear striking me as I suddenly started to see red, body jostling as Chuuya maneuvered the bike to jump in the air.... before landing perfectly on the side of the building and continuing vertically up towards the sky.
"Don't let go!" Chuuya sneered. Like that was ever going to happen.
I didn't dare turn my head to look down, my wide eyes staring up into the night sky as we made it closer to the top of the building. I couldn't even think straight, my body just running on nothing but adrenaline and fear.
"Ch-Chuuya!" I gasped out sharply, the bike finally making it to the roof of the building. Chuuya didn't slow down though, only barreling towards the edge and I started to panic. "Chuuya! What are you doing?!"
Chuuya only snickered, revving the engine once more before sending the bike flying off the edge of the building. I squeak and screw my eyes shut, pressing my face against the middle of his back. I didn't want to watch us plummet to our doom.
"Hey, idiot, open your eyes."
I whimpered and shook my head. "N-No..."
Chuuya sucked his teeth. "Just open your eyes! You'll regret it if you don't."
Biting my lip, I wanted a moment before I lifted my head up and opened my eyes, a small gasp leaving my mouth as I looked around me.
We were still floating in the air, biking moving through the sky. The City of Yokohama was lit up beautifully underneath us. I looked over, seeing the ocean at a distance, the ferris wheel lit up and spinning slowly. My mouth had fallen open, eyes wide in wonder. Chuuya was looking back at me, a triumphant grin on his face.
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We made it to my apartment and Chuuya stood over me, an amused smile on his face as he watched me melt on the ground after I got off his bike.
"That was intense..." I mumbled, still feeling the effects of flying through the fucking sky. "I shouldn't even be surprised that you're gifted, with the power that you have already in the Port Mafia."
"Yeah, it was pretty great, huh," Chuuya said smugly, gloved hands stuffed in his coat pockets. I laughed softly, slowly standing up with my shaky legs. He took one look at my frazzled state and he grew even more smug. "That's a cute look on you, though if I really had my way with you, you wouldn't even be able to stand."
My face turned hot, sputtering as I tried to respond, but I had nothing to even say. Because the thought of actually inviting Chuuya inside and--
"Fuck..." I breathed out softly, looking at the man standing before me. His eyes didn't leave mine, the heat in them making a shiver go down my spine. "Do you... want to come inside?"
Chuuya fixed his hat on top of his head. "Lead the way, dollface."
"So... your ability lets you control gravity?" I asked once we made it inside the elevator of my apartment building. We were going fifteen stories up, after Chuuya parked his bike safely, of course.
"To put it simply, yes," Chuuya answered, stepping closer to me. I gasped softly when he grabbed my chin, the leather of his glove pressing against my skin. "But we're not here to talk about that." He pressed himself against me fully, leaning his face in until his lips hovered just above mine. I shivered, looking at him with hooded eyes. "This will be a one time thing, dollface."
I nodded, appreciating his honesty. "Of course," I replied just as the elevator stopped on my floor, doors sliding open. I grinned at him. "So let's make it count."
He liked the sound of that, grabbing my wrist and leading me out the elevator. I rushed to my apartment, grabbing my keys and hurriedly unlocking the door before opening it.
The door slammed shut as Chuuya immediately pressed me against it, his lips on mine in a fervorous kiss. I knocked his hat off his head as I ran my fingers through Chuuya's hair, moaning when his hands started to roam all over my body.
"Fuck..." I moaned softly when Chuuya started to kiss down my neck, squealing when he squeezed on my ass.
"Damn... you won't be able to fucking sit right, either," he growled against my neck as he massaged my ass and thighs. "Let's go."
Groaning when he moved himself away from me, I rushed to lead Chuuya to my bedroom, our clothes coming off in the process and making a trail on the floor.
It didn't take us too long to start really going at it, our lust fueling us to incredible heights. Chuuya held my hips tightly with his leather clad hands, thrusting his hard cock in and out of my soaking pussy.
He was fucking me hard, my body just sprawled on the bed as I moaned and grunted from the pleasure this man was giving me. "Fuck, fuck, Chuuya!" I whined, making the man grin widely as he kept his pace. Sweat covered both of our bodies, moans and deep growls mixing with the sound of skin slapping against skin.
"That's right, dollface, ride me," Chuuya smirked up at me, now on his back as I bounced up and down on his cock. His hands were right on my hips, his eyes going back and forth between  watching my bouncing breasts and watching his cock disappear inside my heat. "Fuck, you're so fucking sexy," he growled, thrusting up particularly hard and making me toss my head back, screaming when I finally fucking cum.
"Oh my God!" I gasped sharply, still squeezing around him as I began to slow down. "Oh fuck... it's so good," I moaned, reaching out and hooking my finger into Chuuya's black choker. I pulled and he pushed himself up, lips meeting mine in a messy kiss.
I moaned against his mouth, still slowly riding him as his hands ran up and down my sides, the leather cool against my skin. Then, Chuuya placed his hands on my hips, and with a mischievous little smirk, he licked his lips. Immediately, my body started to feel a little bit lighter, and Chuuya started to effortlessly bounce me up and down on his cock, 100% controlling my body with his ability.
"Chuuya..." I moaned his name, head lolling back. He continued to maneuver my body, little grunts and moans leaving his own mouth as he worked to reach his own pleasure, and mine.
I came again, tears falling down my face from the intense pleasure, and that was enough for Chuuya to pull me off of him completely, putting me on my knees before him on the bed. His hand grabbed the back of my neck and he pushed my head down, stuffing his cock in my mouth.
"Take it," he growled, his hands in my hair and using it to push my head up and down as he fucked my mouth. I moaned around him, a new wave of pleasure washing over me as I let the mafioso use me as he wanted. Soon enough, he exploded into my mouth, and I made sure I swallowed all of him.
"Fuck, that's hot..." Chuuya breathed out when I opened my mouth to show him that I did so. "You're such a good girl, dollface."
That made me flustered and I looked away shyly, earning a chuckle from him. I looked over when I felt him get up from the bed, thinking that he would leave. Instead, he just gave me a look. "Where is your shower?"
We showered together,  which took longer than needed because Chuuya couldn't keep his hands to himself. I was surprised when he climbed into bed with me afterwards, allowing me to cuddle against him as we slowly fell asleep.
I wasn't surprised though, when I woke up the next morning, sore and alone. I didn't get too upset about it, though. Chuuya laid it out clear and I accepted it and moved on.
I sat on my dining room table, looking through the newspaper as I sipped on my morning coffee. I was looking for a new job and figured looking at the local ads wouldn't hurt.
"Hm... let's see..." I whispered, reaching over and grabbing my knife. I ran the tip of it down the paper, stopping when one particular ad stuck out. "Hm... the Armed Detective Agency, huh? Interesting..." I set my knife down, staring at the ad as I took another careful sip of coffee.
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belltrigger · 2 years
So. I was working on one of the many fic ideas I have when ANOTHER one popped into my head and I started working on that one too (adhd is both a blessing and a curse and I'm tragically uneducated at the moment so I have no other choice but to literally write all my ideas down and work on them as I go) and if you don't mind. I'd like to tempt/tease you with it.
What if Ingo, in an attempt to fight his feelings for Emmet, basically becomes a serial dater? Just constantly dating people left and right, men and women, trying to get over his feelings for his twin to the point that he sorta develops the image/rumor of being a playboy? But Ingo being Ingo, the overly polite sincere and passionate train master that he is, always agrees to date people but makes sure to tell them that he's already in love with someone but that he morally can't love or pursue a relationship with so he's agreeing not exactly because he likes them back but because he's hoping that maybe he'll fall in love with them back and be able to move on and forget or overwrite his love for the other person. It never works of course. His, MANY, exes and anyone who's walked away from dating him after confessing all end up thinking he's in love with someone who's already married and he's too good a person to break them apart. No one even considers he'd be in love with his own twin. And all his failed relationships make Ingo feel worse about loving Emmet. And Emmet is just over here pining over Ingo but staying away because he KNOWS Ingo loves someone already not even thinking for a second his love might be reciprocated. It kills Emmet on the inside see Ingo so heartbroken after each failed relationship.
That's all the teasing I'll give for now. It's obviously gonna be a hurt/comfort with a healthy serving of pining.
I'll go ahead and somewhat introduce myself. I'll be going primairly by "Guilty" since this ship is sort of my guilty pleasure and I'll most likely be posting some other stories and ideas of some more guilty pleassures of mine though for now it'll primairly be Blankshipping stuff. I'm still not sure if I'll make a side blog to interact with the community but I'll probably start at least signing my anon messages. BTW sorry for the borderline spam I've sent with all my ideas and stuff and thanks for responding to them so kindly! The chronic hanahaki, coma Ingo, speech impediment Emmet, and big argument right before Ingo gets YEETED to Hisui annon messages have all been me. I'm also the one who sent the Mr Forgetable song and that OTHER list of songs(which I've been listening to while writing notes and working on the fics) among some other messages I've sent but can't fully remember. I know its a lot of messages you're just really fun to talk to and I genuinely really like to read your ideas! Nice to officially meet you! I hope to actually start posting stuff on Ao3 soon! My name on there is Guilty_StandPoint
Ingo just putting as much of his everything as he can for each of these random people. There is no discernable type that he "falls for" because they are all approaching him. I imagine he struggles to try and cater to what these people might like, even though his initial thought is always "Oh, Emmet would like if I--" Then, he chastises himself because this is not Emmet, this is someone else who wants him, even though he is in love with his twin.
And then! If he can't make any of these people happy, how could he have ever imagined making Emmet happy was possible? Even after all the dating, he still loves his twin, so it didn't even work... And then Emmet, to the side, wondering what he has to offer that none of those people could.
_(:з)∠)_ oof.
And no worries about all the messages! Knowing that it's one anon makes me feel a little better, honestly! There are some that I haven't gotten to with everything else going on, and I was worrying that many people were waiting for my input!
Nice to meet you officially as well, Guilty! You have a ton of amazing ideas and prompts! I can't wait to read all of your stuff!
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cryptiql · 3 years
smoke signals
pairing: dabi/m!reader
warnings: smoking, mentions of anxiety and abuse, but otherwise okay. please do not read forward if any of the listed warnings might trigger you in any way, and stay safe <3
words: 6.5k
a/n: this is my first ever mha fic and the fact that i decided to do dabi first shows i have some massive balls but i'm giving it a try! if he seems ooc at all or i get some facts wrong, please lmk and i'll fix them. (heavily inspired by smoke signals by phoebe bridgers—would recommend listening to it or any of her other songs while reading)
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dabi found the meaning of life in a simple strum of chords; a melody twisted by melancholy tunes that resonated deep within the gates of his mind. they haunt him—either by breaking his conscious from a much needed rest to bring him tossing and turning in the damp air of the loft, or making sure that he stayed wide awake during the late hours of the night and well into the creeping day. the lyrics are so surreal that he has to sit down and contemplate their meaning like an english teacher would to the color red, but they're painted saccharine and drip with honey flowing from the mouth that sings them and he hates it. he hates that he's wasted moments better spent wrecking havoc just to understand that stupid little ditty that clings to his heart like a leech. but this song did not come from his own craft—no.
dabi had known the putrid stench of sweat and vermillion blood when the flames licked at his skin, breaching the coarse flesh of his palms to rain hellfire upon all those who dared oppress him. he could weave lies with knots that would take years to unravel, and set whole cities ablaze with a mere finger. clawing oneself from a well built to drown them in their trauma does tend to leave scars on ones hands, and dabi's body was practically a canvas for mutilation, so he could consider himself an expert on the matter. he could attempt to make such a song by strapping in with his many hours of free time and diligent persona, but his hands were not made for music; neither delicate, sonorous tunes or dark, grating strains. they were made for war.
so if anyone had asks, "no" is his answer. "i don't play." and yes, it is while he's drumming a rhythmic beat that he claims this to be true, but the last thing he thinks about is donning a set of drums during his free time. he's far too distracted by the image of your taper fingers curled around the neck of your guitar to consider anything else.
the gentle but keen plucking of chords startles him from yet another ridiculously long-winded spiel by shigaraki, and dabi swallows a strangled groan behind his grinding teeth. it's in his head, now, and so far the only thing that has succeeded in reaping it from his memory—if only for a few minutes—is the blood stained battlefield that he's found himself fighting on far too many times this month alone.
what's he complaining about, though? it's not as though he minds getting down in the dirt. in fact, he's ecstatic to dig his claws into any gruesome ordeal so long as it benefits him in some way, so why is he so invested in this little to and fro game of twenty questions with the likes of you; someone as significant in the world as a paperclip without paper to hold? why come back, despite there being nothing in it for him besides a series of migraines?
not from you, a voice answers from inside. you're an absolute pleasure.
dabi nearly snarls at the confirmation that his own mind is turning against him, and as he does this, a plume of smoke erupts from his lips, billowing and curving to create intricate patters before dissipating into the atmosphere. a second time. a third. a fourth drag from the cigarette has completely obscured his face from anyone's view, and he relishes in the instant of privacy it gives him. however, it has also blocked him from seeing everyone else in the room, and while he normally would have considered that a blessing, it appears tomura has had enough of it.
you get headaches because you smoke too much, comes a second voice; yours, scolding in a way he'd only expect from a worried mother. dabi only has a split second to register it before shigaraki's head pokes through the fumes, red eyes alight with rage and lips pulled back into a snarl.
"would you quit doing that inside? it's fogging up my brain and i can't think straight." he grates.
"strange—i assumed there wasn't a brain in there to fog up in the first place." tomura's nostrils flare and dabi's pride spikes.
"besides, you came in here and looked directly at me as i was smoking—why didn't you ask me to stop then?"
"i was telling you with my eyes, idiot. you should know when it's time to either take it outside or put the damn thing out. there are ashtrays for a reason, and not everyone here wants to inhale that shit." he interrupts their intense staring contest only to wave his hand to clear the smog. now he can see the rest of the league clearly (oh joy, he thinks) and gives an indignant grunt when spotting toga at the bar table, covering her mouth and nose as a pitiful aim to block her lungs from the smoke. twice, who had unfortunately used up the last pack of his own cigarettes that morning, leans forward to take a whiff, exhaling soon after with satisfaction.
kurogiri stands at his usual spot behind the bar, seemingly unaffected as he idly scrubs away at grime infested glasses, while sako lounges at the opposite end of the room. his mask is on, leaving dabi to wonder if it's been like that all day, or if he just recently put it on to better fend off the fumes. he doesn't really care, whatever the case.
after a beat of silence, dabi wets his lips to respond, a lopsided smirk growing on his features.
"oh, i'm sorry your frail body hasn't adapted to a bit of vapor in the air. and with that flakey skin of yours, it's no wonder you're extra sensitive—"
shigaraki's hands come flying through the next waft to slam against the tabletop where dabi's feet lie, causing it to wobble and creak in protest. the ravenette doesn't even flinch as the harsh, raspy words are spat in his face.
"if you're not going to pay attention, then leave. actually, i'd prefer you do that either way."
and dabi would have happily disregarded his request if not for the faint ringing in his ears, rising higher and higher before receding back into his skull like the tide. a scowl morphs its way onto his once vacant expression as he puts pressure on his temple, rubbing softly where his eyebrows knit together. just for today, he'll indulge his so-called boss's whims. the piercing screech that emits from below when he pushes his chair back does nothing to help with the ever-growing headache, but it hardly matters now that he's headed out the exit. he's able to catch the last fragments of shigaraki's raving before the door closes, leaving him to stand amid the tumult of the city in all of its glory.
the alleyway is dark with looming shadows, but people are still milling about, so dabi considers himself lucky for already being dressed in his disguise. he flips his hood up, pulls the surgical mask over his nose and quickly slides on his sunglasses for good measure before slipping out into the traffic, sometimes going with the flow and then weaving past those moving too slow for his liking.
right now, his patience is a mere thread; hair thin and on the edge of snapping whenever someone bumps his shoulder. their negligence is infuriating, and he's tempted to roast them into a charred, mangled mess then and there—the consequences of blowing his cover be damned—but by some miracle, he manages to refrain from doing so. it takes about five minutes for his temper to shorten to the length of a matchstick, and he knows that one more shove will be what strikes it. dabi pauses for a moment to crane his neck, allowing the sea of people to flow around him like a stream to a rock as he searches for an alternative route. it appears as though he'll have to take his chances with the crowd until he hears the repetitive ringing of a bell and a man's voice calling for passengers to board. public transport was risky, what with him being a menace to society, but he can't possibly be the single most shady dressing person on the train, right?
he wouldn't bother answering his own question when daylight was burning, so dabi pushes himself from the swarm and leaps for the streetcar just as it begins pulling away from the stop. there's a shuddering jolt before the passengers settle in for their departure, and as his palms squeeze the metal railing in response, he notices the peeling red paint clinging to the car's exterior and finds himself staring at it for a ludicrous amount of time, not thinking about anything in particular.
the rickety trolley is semi-packed with civilians, none of whom regard his presence with anything more than a noncommittal glance. good—that makes his job ten times easier. to his chagrin, it runs over more than a few opposing train tracks or crudely paved bumps in the road, and this causes the whole cart to jostle before stilling completely, the process repeating itself over and over.
the knowledge that his trip to the outskirts of town is a short one is the only thing that calms his nerves.
when dabi finally arrives at his destination, the sun is gradually descending from its peak in the sky, and the clouds are more like wispy tufts than the luscious, cotton candy lumps they were just hours earlier. overhead, the baby blue hues turn to shades of opal; a forewarning of rain. the feelings of irritation and malice from earlier are still bound to him like chains that threaten to snap him in half when drawn too tight. the crippling weight causes his feet to drag along the gravel path at a sluggish pace, his own hot breaths fanning against his face from behind the mask. if anyone actually lived out here and they were to see him, their first impression would be that a living corpse had just waltzed onto their property. it was just his luck, then, that you were the only person out here, and by extent, the only one not deterred by his appearance.
even so, dabi's mind kicks into gear. was this a good idea? he doesn't even know why he came here—he just needed a place to blow off steam and his body had already made the choice on its own. this isn't any different from all the other times, though, and he can't ignore the fact when it sits in the pit of his stomach like an anchor. you're always the first person he goes to at times like these (dabi subconsciously rules out the man working at the local 7/11 who sells his liquor cheap, though he's still appreciative of the bottle to numb his thoughts). that tells him more than he wants to know.
your house is quaint, like those old country cottages he sometimes sees pictures of, and squats on a large, grassy mound of earth surrounded by heaps of rocks and sand from the neighboring beach. it merges with a towering lighthouse, and dabi notes that there must not be any sailors due to make port yet, otherwise the light would be on. the second thing he takes in are the flowerbeds sitting under your two front windows, and how they look withered and close to death.
"i wanted to add some color, but i can't keep plants alive for shit." you had said, huffing in amusement to yourself as you tended to the weeping alliums. "succulents are the only exception."
a small pot of them sits on the windowsill, but they seem to have gotten to big for it; the rubbery leaves spilling over the cracked rim. he hardly registers how much of a stalker he must look like until he stands on your welcome mat, peering through the dirty glass panes to find you nowhere in sight. the lights aren't on, so he can only see the outlines of furniture when bands of light stream in to reveal them.
sitting back on the balls of his feet, dabi curses under his breath. it's not like he was expecting anything. how was he supposed to know whether or not you were home when you had no way of telling him?
"jesus, patch!" a shout startles him from his brooding, but he doesn't let it show as he looks towards to ocean. you're hauling yourself over a large rock to wave him over, wearing a familiar grin. so that's why he couldn't see you. dabi makes careful work of leaping over jagged stones and threatening to bake any nosy seagulls as he makes his way to where you sit, with your favored instrument slung over your shoulder. the ghost of a smile graces his lips when he recalls how you would have scolded him for being mean to the birds, but that was before last week.
"pesky fucking bastards—they keep shitting on my music sheets!" another seagull waddles into your vicinity, only to squawk in distress as you shoo it away with your foot. "i wonder if this is natures way of telling me to quit while i'm behind. . ."
after breaching the treacherous terrain and nearly scraping himself in the process, dabi squats on the stone beside yours, looking up at you with hooded eyes. you meet his gaze with nothing short of merriment and a shake of your head.
"if someone had seen you, you would have been arrested on the spot for being a peeping tom." you chuckle, combing a hand through your hair with a smirk. "what? you lookin' you catch me in the nude or something?"
dabi scowls, choosing to ignore the question rather than give into the bait. as if i would be satisfied by looking at anyone but you in that state. he swats the air as if it would drive the notion from his mind like a bothersome fly.
"in the middle of fuck-ass nowhere? i'd never get caught."
"aw, don't be like that. if you really wanted a peek you could've just asked." the mocking tone in your voice spurs him to smack your thigh, which earns a hearty laugh in reply.
"ooh, don't treat me so roughly, or i might begin to like it!"
dabi has had more than enough experience with your flirtatious tendencies, and he feels he should have gotten used to it by now, but his heart still clenches every damn time. the worse part? he can't say that he minds. you don't give him a chance to respond, but dabi hasn't a clue what he would have said, so he lets you continue, watching intently as you rifle through your bag to fish out a guitar pick. shifting into a crisscross position, you perch the guitar on your lap and begin tuning the strings, idly talking about how uneventful the past days have been. dabi pretends not to have heard that it was because he wasn't there to visit, and instead gives his attention to the lighthouse in hopes that you won't see the faintest of reds dusting his ears.
five minutes pass before you actually start playing, and even then, it's only a few experimental notes here and there that help you build towards the perfected melody.
it's too sweet for his taste; dabi swears that's why his stomach turns so ferociously and prompts him to lean against the boulder to his right for some sort of stability. he won't even humor the idea that it's because of the way your lips twitch into a near half-smile before melding back into a concentrated frown the moment you strike a wrong cord. an embarrassed flush captures your cheeks as you study the music sheets, briefly pressing down on them when a sudden breeze flutters the pages. the pencil that was once tucked behind your ear now sticks out from one corner of your mouth, a flash of pink and orange melding together when you go to absentmindedly gnaw on the wood.
many more minutes fly by, and you've long since abandoned the new tune just to pick up an old one. dabi's back straightens at the first set of strings you pluck, and he recognizes them as the same ones that have been playing on repeat in his head since the day you met.
dabi's heart hammers in tune with every footfall that slaps against the pavement, tearing through the small pools of water that grow with every second. it hasn't stopped raining since the chase began, and there isn't an inch of him that hasn't been soaked through. still, something good must come from this little dilemma—the burning sensation that clings to his arms has almost settled down. the silhouettes of trees merge with inky blackness when he blinks, and he reaches with trembling hands to wipe the droplets of water clinging to his eyelashes.
a yellow square of what assumes to be light shines in the distance, contrasting wildly adverse to the darkness that sweeps him up from under his feet and pushes him forward. the sound of police sirens has been reduced to a mere memory in the time that was running, but he isn't about to risk going back to the league's base in fear of a stakeout waiting to get the jump on them. besides, why stop there when the possibility of shelter awaits him?
the bottoms of dabi's shoes are slick with mud, and blades of grass have snuck their way under the cuffs of his jeans to scratch at his skin. the sensations paired with the numbing cold are beyond uncomfortable, but he won't have to worry about that once he gets inside—that being if the person inside doesn't put up a fight.
he'd expect them to be mad if they did anything except that, no matter how welcoming the house looked. dabi's instincts tell him that someone out this far from the city doesn't a have a lot of connections, and thus killing them wouldn't cause an uprising if it were needed, but the minute he grips the doorknob, a thought occurs. if they have a quirk, its power could level my own or even surpass it. . . he grits his teeth. but like hell i'm going to let them win.
the hesitation vanishes in an instant as dabi turns the knob and thrusts himself inside, wielding a blue flame in his dominant hand to further illuminate the room. the wind is so fierce that it pulls the door shut for him, and the villain finds himself staring down the unperturbed figure of another man, perhaps around his age, hunched over a stove and glaring at a steaming kettle. they lock gazes, and almost immediately, the kettle gives a high pitched whistle. you look away first, lifting the pot and turning the burner off whilst opening the cupboard overhead to pull out two mugs, both of which adorn ugly christmas-themed patterns that dabi wishes he could forget ever seeing.
his glare hardens when you move to the table in the far corner and begin pouring what he assumes to be tea, taking one cup into your own grasp and leaving the other at his own disposal. your one mistake is grabbing your phone from the counter, but when dabi's flame enlarges, you hold your arms up in defense. then, before he can even formulate a proper threat, you toss the phone to him. he catches it easily and observes the dark screen, masking his astonishment with a more sinister expression.
the only other move you make is to drape yourself across a cushion on the window seat with an acoustic guitar in hand. you look more relaxed by the second despite being cornered by a dangerous criminal, and dabi has to refrain from voicing his shock when you address him with an almost bored tone.
"if the tea isn't to your taste, there's more in the cabinet. shower is down the hall to your left, and there's a spare bedroom upstairs to the right. do whatever the hell you want, just don't burn the place down or touch my freddie mercury records."
dabi is stuck to the spot for one of three reasons, he determines. one, your attitude has surprised him into a stupor that not even hiw own will can break. two, his refusal to believe that you're handling this situation in a calm manner is really just his defense mechanism kicking in, and he won't move until proven that you won't do anything when his back is turned. and three, you're quirk is similar to that of madusa's and you've successfully turned him into a fleshy mannequin.
"if you're worried about me calling the cops, what you're holding is the only working phone here. the power is out due to the storm, so my landline is dead, and the nearest form of help is a crippled old widow five miles west. i'm not going to risk running when i'm up against someone with a quirk."
dabi considers everything said, but never once allows his fire to dim. he took the surrounding area into account while making his escape, and he can see the landline is in fact out of service, so the male's assurances checked out. hell, the light source that guided him here was nothing but an old-timey oil lamp. the fact that you're quirkless does him a great amount of good as well.
with cautious steps, dabi makes a beeline for the bathroom, but he stops halfway to stare at you again. you respond by quirking a brow and kicking your feet up, something akin to mischief in your guise.
"i can take the shower with you since you're so afraid i'll make a break for it." you drawl, and dabi snarls, a fowl cuss bubbling in his throat as heat crawls its way up his neck.
"why, with a blush like that you might not need any drying off~."
dabi decides that he's had enough and storms down the hall, already peeling off his dripping clothes and and silently promising that he'll burn the guy to a crisp if he so much as tries to catch a peek. he can hear you calling out in hilarity even as he slinks into the shower and attempts to drown you out with the static-filled haze that captures his senses.
"the name's, y/n, by the way!"
try as he might, dabi had never been able to keep from coming back. now the reason why has been revealed to him on a silver platter, and he won't even spare it a glance.
your soft singing snaps him from his reminiscing as he stretches his legs, stifling a groan when something pops as not to disturb you. while digging through his pockets for a cigarette, he stops momentarily for fear of forgetting how to breathe when he lays his sights on you. you're in your own little world; everything else—him included— seems to have disappeared as you play from the heart. you need no standing ovation, no adoring fans or fantastic lightshows. you've said it once, that fame and glory mean nothing to you, and that you have all you could ever want or need right here, nestled in the beachside view of what you call home.
"and i have you." a cool breeze ruffles your dirt stained overalls as you reach up to wipe a bead of sweat from your forehead. the sun beats down on you, never shining half as bright as your smile, and the shore kisses the boulders with waxing and waning waves of aquamarine; frothy, foamy masses washing up with it to carry lone strands of seaweed. "otherwise i'd go mad without your company."
okay, that was lie. the truth is right there, practically spitting in his face how much of an idiot he is for trying to deny it, and dabi is glaring right back at it. he feels like an impatient kid on christmas eve, sneaking glimpses of gifts under the tree and feeling like he's committed a felony after getting caught. and you do catch him.
"penny for your thoughts, patch?" there it is—that stupid nickname. it's always been laced with mirth when you call him as such, but now it's replaced by genuine curiosity. and is that a hit of concern he hears? you study him with pursed lips and stony features that gradually morphs into that of concern when the silence stretches on. dabi forces himself to sneer at you, and something stirs inside his chest when you don't flinch.
he hates it. he hates you.
dabi nods to the sky, a guarded noise building in the back of his throat as he tugs on his earlobe.
"s'gonna rain." your jaw visibly clenches, but you humor his evasive habits just like you always have, looking to the clouds, which have darkened considerably in the last hour or so. it's around this time that the weather patterns become more unpredictable, but you've noticed the distinct lack of rainfall in spite of the gathering storm brewing overhead. you could sit out here for a while longer without much activity in the sky, and it would take more than a little shower to drive you inside, especially when you finally had the chance to enjoy some quality time with dabi. you notice the way his shoulders droop and the tension from his facial muscles all but disappears when he sits amidst the smell of fresh salt water and unpolluted air—the weight of his past slowly but surely ebbing away. you'd like to hope you have some part in that. oh god, do you ever hope.
you plead to whatever omnipresent being above that he's not just here to hit a blunt without getting reprimanded for it, or that he's making these daily visits out of pity.
"nah. it's been like this for a little while—looks like a storm will hit, but then it passes before it even begins." you sling the guitar back over your shoulder and gather up your music sheets, eyeing dabi from your perch. you're challenging him now, and normally you would never dare force him to speak if he didn't want to, but something about his aura is off. you can sense it in his words; the very air he breathes; and it compels you to hold him close, if only he would let you.
"so, you gonna tell me why you're avoiding the ques—" a deep rumble interrupts you, and dabi lets out a sigh of relief that you're thankfully too distracted to hear. a single drop of water hits your nose, followed by another, and another, and—
"you were saying?"
"oh shut it." you don't get to finish speaking, for a crack of lightning strikes the far end of the beach, scattering sand in every direction. you just barely manage to scoop up your belongings before sliding from the rock, but your footing betrays you and send you stumbling to the ground. dabi is there to catch you, wasting no more time in hauling you to your feet and rushing you as carefully as possible through the jagged maze. he can't refrain from smiling when you splutter a string of profanities pass poorly hidden laughter, an unmistakable "FUCK ME!" spilling into the cold evening when you accidentally stub your toe on a particularly sharp stone. it's pouring within seconds, and no sooner do you reach the doorstep do you both realize how sopping wet you are.
the last thing you think of is your chattering teeth, however, when you see dabi's spiky tufts of hair dripping with residue and his electric blue eyes gazing into yours. what you do think is that for the first time in your painfully ordinary life; your twenty three years of mediocrity and progressive isolation from the world around you; you have found the single person who understands your struggles and has chosen—for some unfathomable reason—not to abandon you. you wish you could say your parents were the same, but you also have scars from a distant childhood that brought you to this place.
this old lighthouse is your home, yes, but dabi is your sanctuary. he might as well be a god by how often you worship him from afar, wondering if ever you'd be so lucky; so eternally blessed; as to call him yours.
you don't register that he's opened the door to let you both inside until a cozy warmth envelopes you. no, wait, that's dabi's fire. it should terrify you that the same man who threatened you with those flames is now at arms length, but you trust him not to hurt you in any way, and so you lean into the gentle licking of heat on your skin, humming in content as your shivering comes to a halt.
dabi's fear of burning you diminishes when you flash him a grateful smile, a whisper of thanks echoing across the walls and pummeling his heart without resistance. he averts his eyes with a curt nod, a feeling like molasses weighing down his tongue and drowning the words he wants to say.
"you're welcome." is all he can muster.
half an hour later, your guitar is drying by the hearth and the two of you are huddled on the window seat, nursing cups of coffee and watching the storm in a comfortable silence. you haven't blinked in a while, meaning you've wandered off the tracks of consciousness as suspected, and pretty soon, you start singing quietly to yourself; the deep crooning used as background noise to your aimless meditation. dabi nudges your calf with his foot and is rewarded with a brief quirk of your lips and a nudge back. he doesn't have the patience nor the brain power to decipher how long this goes on for, but it doesn't matter.
this is fine. the image of red hair and a tall, intimidating figure invades his train of thought, and dabi curls inwards on himself. this is fine.
but it's not.
trembling, he places his mug on the table before retracting back into his seat, clasping his hands together. he tries visualizing the ties of his life coming together to form a rope. the fingers on his left—memories from his past—linking together with those from his right—memories made with you. his palms connect, bringing instant relief with the knowledge that he's here now, practically nestled between your legs, out of harms way. you're both fine.
dabi takes the swelling anxiety and pretends to crush it within his fist; clenching and unclenching it until his peace of mind returns.
"penny for your thoughts, patch?" you ask again, still in somewhat of a trance. this time, dabi answers.
"why do you call me that?"
you're caught of guard, half expecting him to ask why you haven't turned him in to the authorities. you've seen him without his disguise, you know his name, and for the past eight months you've been socializing with him like normal human beings do. that's more than both of you could have said in the past. of all the burning questions, he chose that one? "i've heard 'patchwork' and 'staples' and just about everything in between. why shorten it to patch?"
you gape at him, opening your mouth, then closing it, and so on. the pitter patter of rain against the window has ascended into relentless pelting. it sounds like gunfire to dabi; assaulting his ears in floods; but to you, it's nothing more than a waterfall hindering your view of the ocean. the deep breath you take seems to put more suspense in the atmosphere than needed, and it makes dabi's heartrate quicken for an entirely different reason, yet he makes no sign of stopping you.
"because my first thought whenever i see you is how much you remind me of a doll." oh. what?
you can tell by dabi's reaction that that wasn't what he was expecting, so you gesture for him to wait. he isn't sure he likes the forlorn expression you're wearing.
"typically, when kids first get a doll, they treat it like glass and make sure to tend to it with love. other times, doll owners are reckless and tear them apart just to stitch them back together like nothing happened. you use that camouflaged to blend in with the public, and i'm lucky enough to see what's under it. . .but sometimes i wish you'd keep the mask on so i don't have to see you upset."
upset? a fizzing sound erupts from his palms that he struggles to put out. he's not upset.
"don't try to hide it. you're always scowling when you think i'm not looking, or when you forget i'm even here, and i know it's because someone broke you without the intent of fixing you up."
once more, red clouds dabi's vision, and he moves to stand up.
"you had to clean up after their mistakes because no one else would, but instead of reusing the bits and pieces of your old self, you burned them. you destroyed any and all evidence of who you used to be and now you're patching yourself together with parts that aren't your own, because you don't want to hold onto what happened. though, something tells me you still haven't let go, otherwise you wouldn't be so angry."
"you don't know that!" he snaps, but he knows it's not true.
your hand closes around his wrist, and dabi recoils with such strength that it yanks you from your seat. dabi doesn't want you to let go, no matter how much he thrashes in place, because the sensation of your skin on his grounds him. somehow you know this, and you give a comforting squeeze to his pulse.
"but that's not all i see. because dolls are beautiful, and it's the ones who still love them after they're broken that they need the most. no one's told you they think you're beautiful, have they?"
dabi shakes his head, refusing to meet your gaze even when you cup his cheek with your free hand tilt it towards you. every touch is filled with hesitancy; feather light and more intimate than anything dabi has ever witnessed, let alone experienced personally. with the way you hold him like he's water in your hands, your eyes overflowing with a love he hasn't known in forever, dabi knows he won't find another feeling like it. you're not the embodiment of good—at least not by society's strict standards—but at least you can sit there and say you've committed a crime. you've never bloodied your hands by hurting others, much less gotten a thrill from doing so, and that's why he pulls away. he has to, because dabi is a harbinger of war, and if he holds you any closer it will only be to kill you.
he says something; a snarl mixed with a broken plea that he prays will make you stop; and you do. his silent victory doesn't last for long, though, because then you're using both hands to cradle his face and fuck, the pads of your thumbs grazing his scars feel like heaven. "won't you let me be the first?" how could he say no? how, when the taste of honey and whiskey is so addictive that he's already drooling into the kiss and willing to beg for more; when your mouth slots perfectly with his and dabi begins to wonder if he's stumbled right into the scene of a cliché wattpad story. the idea causes him to huff out a growl, and although neither of you can talk, he can imagine how strongly you must want to poke fun at him for the action. he can feel you smirking—the smug little bastard you are—and dabi ponders how long it will take to reduce that attitude of yours until you're submitting to him.
not yet. he chastises himself, completely unaware that you're currently thinking the same thing. dabi kneads the flesh of your hips through your jeans while you comb your fingers through his hair, gasping sharply between bruising, wet kisses and keening when he leans down to nurse your lips with soft pecks afterword. you're still trying to process the fact that you've coerced this devious criminal into making out with you in the pale glow of your seaside residence, but for the moment, you need not concern yourself with the details. you've forgotten all about dabi's ego and how this whole situation is no doubt feeding its flames. his grip on your waist is making you too delirious to care.
"fuck." dabi's breath is staggering when you finally pull back, an aura of clarity and desire hanging between the two of you.
"y-yeah. . .that was. . ." you can't produce a word, or even a paragraph to describe it. you know you're going to hit yourself later for admitting such a banal phrase in the midst of what could be classified as your very first kiss, but that is neither here nor there, and you would rather suffer an agonizing death than let dabi find out that he stole your first. you're too preoccupied envisioning all the other firsts to come, so you don't notice the way he stares at you like some precious jewel, but his fingertips brushing your bottom lip succeed in snapping you out of it.
dabi goes quiet, contemplating what to say as the thunder moves abroad and the rain comes to an end, leaving the house in a numbing state of tranquility.
"why not call me doll, then? it'd be easier."
you chuckle in response, playing with the hairs at the base of dabi's neck and making sure not to miss the way he melts into the affection. "i thought that'd be moving too fast." and dabi; still drugged from your kiss and what he can only hope is love; rasps out a genuine laugh, cupping your jaw with a tenderness that makes your knees weak.
"you offered to take a shower with me the night we met, and you think a nickname is moving too fast?"
you stick your tongue out at him, and dabi resists the urge to grab it, even if it's just a bluff.
"would you have let me call you that anyways?" you ask, something hopeful ridden in your tone. dabi feigns consideration as he looks to the ceiling, snickering when you smack his chest. eventually, he murmurs what you audibly hear as "brat" before resting his forehead on yours, an impish glint in his gaze.
you turn your chin up at him, giggling when he nips at the skin. dabi knows just as well that your attempts at escaping him are halfhearted, so he encircles his arms around your waist tighter, delighting in the flush that paints your cheeks.
"then i think i'll settle for my love, or darling, if that's alright with you."
dabi can't fend off the blush for his life, but he's not afraid if you acknowledge it. he can get you back easily, and he plans to. "fine by me, doll."
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peachhyychenle · 3 years
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bloom bloom, heart | h.rj
'bloom bloom pow! the moment i met you, i felt like i'd explode. my heart fluttered. i hope it's not a dream' - bloom bloom, the boyz
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pairing: florist!renjun x reader
genre: fluff
word count: 1.6k
for the nostalgic melodies event hosted by @knet-bakery
playlist: bloom bloom the boyz, life still goes on nct dream, dive into you nct dream, cherry kisses chungha
a/n: my first fic for an event!! i hope you all enjoy this as much as i enjoyed writing it. also,, go check out everyone else that participated in the event!! oh, i also haven't had the time to proof-read this so, sorry lmao.
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summary: flowers held many different meanings, and renjun loved that. from giving someone a baby's breath to giving them peonies, he loved how up front the message was, yet how hidden it was to someone that didn't understand their true meanings. You had always adored flowers, the colours, the scents, the meanings. And so, every week, you would go into Floral Dreams, to buy new flowers to draw, however Renjun would always throw in additional flowers to express his ever-growing crush on you, unbeknownst to him you understood every word.
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If you had told Renjun this time last year he would be working part time as a florist, he would've simply laughed. But yet here he is, adorning a black apron, rearranging the plants in the display cabinet.
Floral Dreams was a great place for Renjun. It was never too busy, it was a five minute walk to his apartment and, thanks to Donghyuck, he has learned far more about flowers in the past month than he has learned about art history at his uni classes. He would never admit it to him, but Renjun was intrigued by the meanings each flower held.
From the bluebell to the yellow carnation, every flower held a different meaning. At first, Renjun couldn't care less. They were just flowers after all, their only job to him was to sit and look pretty. However the longer he spent in the floristry, the more his curiosity and his passion grew.
And now here he was, currently wiping down the counter he had just used to arrange a bouquet for somebody's birthday.
As he returned behind the till, the soft chime of the shop door bell rang. He glanced over and locked eyes with you. You seemed to be a regular. always popping in on a Wednesday afternoon, no matter the weather, to buy different pre-made bouquets. At first, Renjun found it odd how you would only buy one particular colour palette of flowers or even just a singular flower, however as you came in more often than not with a camera bag over your shoulder along with a sketchbook poking out the top of the tote bag you carried, it started becoming clear why you would buy them.
His current theories are that you are an artist that just really liked to paint flowers (specifically pink and yellow varieties) or you're a plant mum that just has an apartment filled to the brim with colourful flowers and plants.
His first hunch was correct.
A few months ago, you had moved into Neo City in order to attend the local university and study fine art. It was an interesting place for sure. It was a quaint town yet there was always something going on, whether it be different celebrations for certain holidays or events, to small annual carnivals and parades that would happen.
During your first week of moving in, you had explored the town centre, natural curiosity getting the better of you. That was when you stumbled upon Floral Dreams. The forest green painting on the window frames along with several broad leafed plants sat outside the shop, charmed you.
You remember when you first met Renjun. It was a rainy Wednesday about a month after you had moved. Your classes had just finished and you decided to buy a small bouquet. Something to brighten your dreary dorm room. And so you headed to Floral Dreams. When you stepped into the shop, instead of the cheery greeting you would usually get from Donghyuck, you found that he was busy talking to another guy, Renjun.
Both boys had briefly glanced towards the door, with Donghyuck giving a small wave, whilst the other boy shot you a smile. He was cute.
Returning the wave with your own, you continued into the shop, looking at all the flowers, taking in their colours and scents. Five minutes had gone by and you had chosen all the flowers you had wanted and walked up to the counter to place your order.
You rang the small bell placed on the countertop and after a few seconds, the new guy from earlier emerged from the back room and properly greeted and introduced himself, Renjun.
To say he was pretty was an understatement. He had a soft smile, kind eyes and long hair which made him look ethereal. His voice was melodic. So melodic that you only snapped back to reality halfway through his sentence.
You purchased the flowers and had another look around the empty shop, this time to admire the blossoming flowers. Back at the counter, Renjun would glance at you, whilst he wrapped the bouquet, his mind thinking about your smile and vibe whilst his hands carefully wrapped the bouquet up.
When he was finished, he rang the desk bell to catch your attention. He handed you the flowers and you were on your way. Not before turning back to Renjun and shooting him one last smile with a cheerful goodbye.
From the moment you walked in, Renjun knew his heart had exploded and his slightly dull world would never be the same again.
Week after week you would come back to the shop. It was always at 4pm and it was always an hour into Renjun's shift. You guys had managed to acquaint yourselves and make small talk, with the weather and how both of you had been, being the usual topic of choice.
Today Renjun was determined to make a move. Whether it was changing the topic to be something more in depth, or giving his number to you, he was definitely going to do something. And so when you walked up to the counter to place your order, Renjun made his move. He asked the question that had been on his mind. Why in the heavens did you buy so many flowers? The laughter that followed made Renjun's heart flutter, it was beautiful.
You then proceeded to explain the reason you moved and why almost all the store's sales were from you. Upon hearing that you went to the same university he did, Renjun was enthralled and began talking about his passion for art and the history behind famous pieces.
Much to his dismay, his hands had a mind of their own, and had wrapped up your selected bouquet far too quickly for his liking. Just as you were about to grab the bouquet, Renjun let out a 'wait!' which made you pause.
He ran into the back room and came out a moment later with some ribbon along with a couple of gardenias and blue salvias. 'It'll make the bouquet look amazing, trust me' he said with that smile you had fallen for.
Once he was done, you took the flowers, bid him adieu and left, ready to take photographs of this masterpiece.
As soon as you left, Renjun let out a sigh of content and his heart started to calm down. He had a crazy idea to use what he had learned from Donghyuck, and to confess to you in the form of flowers.
It was a bold move, one that made him feel happy with himself.
Over the next couple of months the same routine would occur. You arrived, picked out flowers, ordered the bouquet, Renjun would wrap them up, you would take them, then leave.
However, as time went on, you began noticing flowers that you hadn't picked out.
For example, you had ordered a bouquet with mainly red flowers, with a couple of white ones to make it more visually appealing, however you don't really remember picking up the white camellia. Or that time you noticed a couple of yellow jasmines mixed with your sunflowers.
You eventually thought of looking up what these flowers meant. You knew one of your old high school flowers loved gardening and would often talk about flower meanings, but you had never paid any mind to them. Oh how you wish you had.
And so that's how you spent the evening on different websites looking at different meanings for all the flowers you could remember buying, and the definitions.
The morning after, you had a brilliant idea.
That next week, you came in at the usual time with a list on your phone of all the flowers you had never actually bought. You suspected that a certain someone kept slipping different flowers into your bouquet, which was actually quite sweet to you, however you were going to surprise him.
You picked out various flowers that were composed for a yellow, blue and white theme. You included the yellow jasmines and gardenias, along with the white camellias and blue salvias. Additional flowers were added and made a stunning bouquet, the best you had imagined yet.
For how quiet the shop was, your heart was thumping a lot louder than usual, despite this you walked to the till with a small smile. The normal routine went on, Renjun making conversation with you. The topic for today was conspiracies and aliens, which would usually be quite interesting to you, but your mind was in a different place.
Just as Renjun was tying the last ribbon up, a 'wait!' escaped your lips. A slightly startled Renjun paused to look at you. Dashing away to the front of the store, you picked out a red rose and walked back to where he was waiting.
Much to his surprise, you added the rose to the centre of the bouquet, pushed the bouquet towards him and then pulled out a letter that had been in your coat pocket and pushed it across the counter in his direction.
He froze. Almost everyone knew what a red rose meant.
He opened the letter. All the flowers he had given you with their meanings were listed, along with the red rose.
I love you.
Underneath was a small paragraph. His already racing heart began to explode as he read the words 'let's go on a date tomorrow' followed with your number underneath.
He looked back up to you. You were currently looking everywhere and anywhere that wasn’t Renjun.
Placing the letter down, he came around from behind the desk and hugged you. He could feel you tense up under him, however in a matter of seconds, your arms were around him, and a sigh of relief escaped your lips.
From the moment he met you, his heart had exploded, the colours in his world seemed to be brighter whenever you were there.
He loved hearing your laugh, seeing your smile, being in your presence.
Time felt non-existent with you.
He loved you, as much as you loved him.
And that was all he needed.
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