#Sorry this took so long to respond to
corpse-flame · 4 months
Since we had slayy dress jevil, can we have him posing with pure gay with “i may be gay” as top text and “but” as bottom (sooo a dumb meme lol)
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just "im gay" caption for myself. and a few other people maybe idk. also yes the "pure gay" pose is his neutral pose
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awakefor48hours · 3 months
Do you have any LGBTQ+ black clover headcanons? Talk about them!
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I sure do have LGBT+ headcanons for Black Clover characters so let's go over them.
Black Bulls
Vanessa - Bisexual
I headcanon Vanessa as bi (leans more towards women) because her backstory feels very similar to a queer allegory.
Vanessa is has pink hair and pronouns, grew up with a strict maternal figure (who does have Catholic imagery), who forbade her from having relationships with people of a certain gender. Then as soon as she leaves and finally joins the outside world, she starts to dress in more revealing clothes and drinks a lot.
All of that together, it just feels very similar to the way that people who have grown up with overly religious and strict parents behave when they leave to go to college.
Also this haircut
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The certified bisexual haircut.
Finral - Bisexual
I headcanon Finral as bi (leans more to women) for pretty similar reasons to Vanessa. They're parallels to each other after all, older siblings to abusive parents that didn't treat them right only to leave to help themselves while also choosing to be the older sibling that the Black Bulls deserve.
He also reminds me of my bi friends, he does finger guns a lot, and is very comfortable when it comes to complimenting men.
Magna - Bisexual
I ship magluck so my opinion is definitely going to be skewed but I fully think he's bi (no gender preference). The way he talks about being a man and masculinity, it just feels like a bit more than just appreciation, to me at least.
Luck - Pansexual
Like with Magna, my opinion on this is skewed because I ship magluck but I headcanon Luck as pan (no gender preference). His design is nearly the pan flag (just missing the pink) and he hasn't shown any real preference to anyone when it comes to forming a romantic and/or sexual relationship. When it comes to Luck's relationship with dating, it's a bit muddy because he's never been shown to be explicitly in love with anyone but from what we've seen he's not against dating women and the only person he's blushed around was Magna. Also when the Black Bulls share the type of people they like, Luck doesn't specify gender his preferred partner by gender (source: chapter 103).
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As you can see, save for Gordon, everyone else uses gendered terms (or just say the person's name) to describe their preferred partner, expect for Luck.
I will say, I do know that when the captains answer, they use more gendered neutral terms (source: chapter 167)
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but here's the fun thing about fanon, I can pick and chose when I want to stick my fingers in ears and go "lalalalalalalala! I can't hear you!"
Noelle - Biromantic/Asexual
This is a headcanon that's a bit skewed because Noelle reminds me a lot of Marinette from ML so I share a lot of headcanons between them. Putting that aside Noelle is bi (leans more to men)/ace (sex neutral).
First of all, I'd like to look at her upbringing. Even though it doesn't seem like homophobia exists in the BC universe (basing this off of the devil worshiper arc) I wouldn't put it past the royals to be queerphobic or have amanormative/heteronormative views.
With that in mind, it wouldn't be too strange to believe that Noelle would pick up some comphet beliefs. She definitely like Asta but I also feel like her relationship with Kahono is also a bit romantic.
Let's also not forget that Noelle has a hard time with her emotions, Kahono even notes this herself. (Source: chapter 103)
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With that, I think that she struggles to understand her romantic feelings so it makes sense to me that she wouldn't realize that she does like girls.
I headcanon her as asexual because when it comes to being physical, Noelle seems a bit finicky, in a word. We see that does like intimacy but when it comes to Asta, her love interest, grabbing her or any time of physical contact, suddenly she's very uncomfortable and it just feels pretty asexual.
Grey - Genderfluid
When it comes to shape shifters, I pretty much always headcanon them as genderfluid or trans and Grey is no exception.
Throughout most of her time in the Black Bulls, everyone saw her as a man. She chose to present herself as a man an never corrected anyone when they used he/him pronouns for her, it was also the form she was more comfortable with. She also doesn't seem too uncomfortable when she's presenting as anyone, male or female.
Also, it's no secret that Grey's backstory is based on Cinderella and I once saw a tumblr thread talk about how Cinderella being trans ties the story together (points such as, the slipper only fitting on her foot, the reason why the prince charming didn't even know she existed, it's also why her step mother hated her a lot, etc) and since that stuck with me, I ended up seeing Grey in a similar way.
Nero - Aromantic/Heterosexual
When it comes to Nero's relationships with other people she is a bit closed off, especially since she was a royal that lost her status early on in life. Then you look at her relationship with Lumiere and their relationship never really felt romantic. It was emotional, they were together, but it wasn't romantic at all, to me at least. Then you have the times when she was a bird. I don't ship Asta and Nero but it does seem like she prefers physical relationships than emotional relationships seeing as how she liked Asta the most and was always found on his head.
Nacht - Aro/Ace
Can't get into this too much without dipping into the manga so I'm just gonna say ✨vibes✨
Golden Dawn
Yuno - Aro/Ace
I headcanon Yuno as romance-neutral aromantic/sex repulsed asexual. I feel that Tabata wrote Yuno to be aromantic-spec and/or asexual-spec because Yuno absolutely does not vibe with sexual or romantic relationships in the slightest.
He's called handsome by everyone around him, the male and female characters, and has tons of girls flaunting over him. In fact, in universe, he is literally the hottest guy (source: chapter 105)
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Despite everything playing in Yuno's favor to have a romantic partner, he doesn't bat an eye to anyone ever nor does he have a single major character as a love interest.
(I know that Charmy technically has a crush on him but I personally refuse to acknowledge it because as someone who's been both 15 and 19, it makes me very uncomfortable that Charmy was 19 when she fell in love with a whole ass 15 year old.)
Additionally, he just seems so uninterested in any type of physical/sexual relationship and I think the biggest example of this comes from the hot springs arc. even though Yami got all the men hyped up to peep at the women, Yuno could not be more unbothered by the idea. Just look at him. (Source: Chapter 111)
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This kid would not care about peeping if his life depended on it. He says that he's "not this kind of character" (which feels like a way of explaining asexuality without knowing the exact wording for it) and Asta even adds onto this by saying that Yuno has been this way since birth. With all of that I just really cannot help but think of Yuno as an asexual or ace-spec.
When you combine his complete disinterest in romance and in anything sexual, it really feels like he's supposed to be somewhere on the aro or ace spectrum. If he's not, he is in my mind.
Mimosa - Lesbian
I know I'm like one of three people to headcanon Mimosa as a lesbian but hear me out. Yes in canon she has a crush on Asta but in my fanon, she's comphet.
This is my headcanon for a few reasons. First of all, like Noelle, Mimosa grew up basically in the household with the same expectations put on them. So as mentioned with Noelle, I wouldn't put it past the royals to have queerphobic beliefs.
Also, Mimosa is an airhead. When it comes to other people's emotions, she cannot understand them to save her life. This is the main reason why Noelle had a hard time seeing her when Mimosa in the dungeon arc. If she's this bad with emotions, it's not hard to believe she would struggle to navigate her own emotions.
Then that takes us to her crush on Asta and I'm still holding onto the comphet lesbian headcanon. Mimosa is trying to go through life her own way, this is why she's in Golden Dawn and not the Crimson Lions, meaning I wouldn't put it past her that this is the first time ever she's really interacted with people outside of her family.
At the end of the dungeon arc, Asta happily smiled and thanked Mimosa for what she did. That was the moment Mimosa fell for him but due to my headcanons/warped perception of the show, I don't see it that way. Even if she was straight, it just feels very comphet to fall for the first boy outside of your family that was nice to you more than once (it's important to remember that Klaus kinda sucked at this time and that Yuno struggles to show affection). In fact, I've personally experienced this and have siblings who've also been there.
Also here's the difference between how Mimosa looked at Asta, after falling for him, and Lolopechka dressed as a queen.
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She is just taken aback completely by Lolopechka's beauty but when it comes to Asta, she's just timid. All the moments when Mimosa is blushing around Asta, to my heavily biased POV, it feels more performative than actual attraction.
To even bring Yuno into this, Mimosa hasn't developed feelings for him at all. Throughout the whole series, girls are constantly throwing themselves at Yuno's feet to get his attention and is, once again, he is the most attractive male character in Black Clover. Despite this, Mimosa, the girl who is constantly near him, gets to see him when he's vulnerable, just doesn't develop even a twinge of romantic feelings towards him. She sees him as only a friend.
Lastly, I feel like Mimosa being a lesbian works well with her crush on Asta because it's pretty obvious it's not gonna work out in the end. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Astelle is going to be canon and when that happens, I think Mimosa taking time to separate her feelings from Asta and move on is something I think is bound to happen, if that happens, I think it'd be really cool if while she's sorting through feelings, she comes to a lesbian realization and pursues relationships with other people, (if I had to be honest, I'd say Rebecca because then you'd have two girls who were heartbroken by the same guy, bonding over that, getting together in the end, and Rebecca finally gets to live a life where she doesn't have to worry about money.)
Alecdora - Gay
This man is madly in love with William with bad coping mechanisms for it, and I refuse to hear anything about it. Fellas, is it gay to devote your entire life to a man to the point that when his attention is diverted to someone else, just a little bit, it gives you so much anxiety that you lose weight because it?
Crimson Lions
Fuegoleon - Bigender
This literally has nothing to do with anything Fuegoleon has done in canon, the reason why I headcanon him as bigender comes from this thread and I wasn't able to stop myself from seeing him as bigender. I think about it so much that I genuinely forget at times that's he's not bigender in canon.
Mereoleona - Lesbian
Originally, this did just start from ✨vibes✨and the fact that she does fall kinda fall into the cliche of lesbians that live alone and scare off the men in their lives. Then Sword of the Wizard King came out and that solidified the lesbian Mereoleona headcanon to me.
I know that Mereoleona said her preferred partner was a "man" but once again, this is fanon so my fingers are in my ears. When it comes to Mereoleona's romantic/sexual life, the one and only character I can see her working with is Princia, Mereoleona did mention she wanted a partner that wouldn't die in mortal combat and Princia didn't. In fact, they were evenly matched, and they're sun and moon coded (methinks soulmates).
I also started shipping them because I'm me but can you really blame me this time? Mereoleona and Princia had a fight in which they very physical with each other, had their clothes get constantly torn off, and kept asking to keep going at it for another round. I feel like I'm describing a fanfiction but I'm just describing what happened on screen.
She's never really had this relationship with anyone else. Everyone, even Yami, is scared of her. So to have a partner that's able to not only handle her energy but able to dish it back to her just feels fitting.
Grey/Aqua Deers
Rill - Asexual
Part of this comes from the fact that I've never met a single cishet artist in my life. Every artist I've ever known has been queer in one way or another.
But to actually look at his character, Rill just seems completely uninterested in any sexual relationships. His one and only romance blossomed when Charmy kicked his ass and it feels a lot like he's admiring her beauty and strength but not in a sexual way.
Blue Rose Knights
Sol - Lesbian
She pretty much fits the lesbian stereotype to a T
Princia - Lesbian
Along with a lot of the reasons that I headcanon Mereoleona as a lesbian and she did become the captain of an all girl squad so I'm already doubting any straight behavior.
Coral Peacocks
Kirsch - Queer
When it comes to Kirsch, I feel like no other description is better than he's himself. I don't think he'd use any label for himself (I can, however, see him picking his favorite pride flag and saying that it's his).
Other characters
Kahono - Lesbian
Kahono definitely likes Noelle, I just interpret it as romantic. They were able to bond so much over their short time and the first thing that Kahono does after getting her voice back is hug Noelle, this is to saw she barely acknowledges Asta's existence. Then after going on the double date, Kahono just immediately suggests that she and Noelle go on date (Source: chapter 103).
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We don't get to see what happens next but Kahono did start these dates to get Noelle to realize her feelings and seeing as how Noelle just sent Asta flying, my headcanon is that Kahono saw this as a way to shoot her shot to get Noelle to notice her.
You also have the fact that Kahono grew up in the Seabed Temple, meaning that her experiences with being queer are probably going to be different than the other characters and she's probably more open to it.
Sister Lily - AroAce
I headcanon Lily as a romance and sex repulsed aroace for two reasons. The first reason is how she views Asta's crush on her. Sure, Asta is annoying about his crush on her I also think that part of her disinterest comes from being aroace.
The other reason comes from the fact that she became a nun pretty early in her life. If I remember correctly, Lily became a nun when she was 16, that's a pretty young age to swear yourself to celibacy and I know people do it but there's a part of me that can't help but think it's because she's aroace and saw an out to any potential relationships.
Vanica - Lesbian
Vanica has men constantly falling over themselves to be with her, yet she doesn't really care too much about them. When it comes to the women, however, she's pretty open when talking about their beauty. Also, once again, because I'm me (and because of my moots), I do ship her with Noelle.
I know I have more but that's all I got at the moment
+ As a bonus
The characters who I think would be over the top with their allyship: Asta, Leopold, Klaus, Lumiere.
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egginfroggin · 6 months
Emmet is transported to Hisui.
He became five or six years old.
When he comes back, Ingo learns that he will now become a father.
Extremely late answer, sorry, Anon.
I feel that Arceus would get punched by a very irate Subway Boss in that scenario, I love it.
This has spawned many words in the master document, as my brain has decided to positively gnaw on this idea, and alas, nothing is finished yet, so have a bit of worldbuilding and some drawings in the meantime.
Worldbuilding and close-ups under the cut, and please click on the images for better quality.
And again, thank you so much for the ask, Anon, this was really fun! ^^
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Pencil sketches:
first doodle of the Little Guy
height comparisons to further emphasize the "Little" part of the Little Guy
a) Akari and Rei making the mistake of turning their backs on Emmet for 0.5 seconds as he notices something off-camera b) the twins continuing to talk, oblivious to Emmet's act of absconding c) the twins turning around to talk to their teeny charge d) swift baseball bat of Realization at the Emmet-shaped absence in their immediate vicinity
Pen sketches (part of a page of sketches that were otherwise unrelated, hence the numbering):
3. a very happy lil man, despite the oversized hat 4. he skrungle scribble 5. who's he looking at? who knows
Digital art:
Emmet craves violence. Akari and Rei are used to this (featuring: probably the best expressions I've ever drawn)
he's a bit older now, but still smaller than his evolved starter; Typhlosion can tell his soul is older, but he is physically small, so she abuses his lack of height to shower him in affection
an internal mess of conflicting instincts, thoughts, and emotional maturity, but Arceus's plan is set in motion, and there's nothing Emmet can do about it
Emmet got shrunk on his way to Hisui, due to the Rift's distorted power affecting him on the way out; he lands on Prelude Beach, drowning in his Depot Agent uniform now that he is teeny tiny
Arceus, panicking a little bit, communicates more directly with Emmet, urging him along on his mission
Emmet's memories are messed up, and his conduct is an odd combination of a child and an adult. By which I mean he can be disconcertingly clever and mature, but also the poutiest little guy with a habit of crying
Young age plus being overwhelmed plus stress equals one mute boi; this does not change his penchant for causing Problems
Jubilife is a lot more lenient with him because of how young he is, but Laventon, Cyllene, and Kamado suspect that he isn't supposed to be like this due to how he was found
Emmet is in an awkward position as far as finding living conditions go, being too odd for most parents to want to take in but also much too young to live on his own
Akari and Rei are assigned babysitters. Let the stressing and development of gray hairs commence
Emmet is Perfectly Behaved and causes no Problems at all, of course, why would he? Why would he?
(He bolts for the gates the moment Akari opens the door in the morning) (Ress caught him)
After sending Emmet home, Arceus shortly feels a distinct feeling of being in danger
After finding out that his brother has been shrunk and not fixed, Ingo fixes metaphorical (and perhaps literal) crosshairs on the back of Arceus's head
Arceus may be in danger
Close-ups of the digital art:
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(Program used for the digital sketches: Krita; time taken: about 90 minutes)
Thank you for reading all of this! I hope you have a wonderful, blessed day. :>
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I recently rediscovered your blog and saw that you have a Pokémon Trainer AU. I don't really know anything about Pokémon, but I recently discovered the perfect Pokémon for Shinsou. It's Delcatty! Apparently, "Delcatty prefers to live an unfettered existence in which it can do as it pleases at its own pace. Because this Pokémon eats and sleeps whenever it decides, its daily routines are completely random."
I’m Always a sucker for giving Shinsou (and Aizawa) cat pokemon! Delcatty being really independent would work well with him, and its known for not provoking physical fights as well, which fits Shinsous style!
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bra1nw0rmz · 5 months
do you have any tips or tricks on drawing curly hair or hair in general? the way you draw hair is so satisfying to look at it looks So chewable
I talked a little bit about it here but I tend to like to think of hair as a ton of ribbons?? (if it’s straight enough)
Ribbons as it’s helpful to remember where the underside of the strand of hair is as it curls around. Hair also tends to clump together. And it’s good to keep in mind where that chunk of hair attaches to the scalp to understand how it’d act. Overall I like to keep my wrist relaxed as I draw hair and to not be afraid to redo it a ton lol
It’s a little hard to explain my thought process and im a bad teacher but here is a good in depth, longer tutorial !
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Im a big fan specifically of your poems. Could you write a last one, maybe about something dumb?
i am a bee
im a bee
im a bee
do you think im a bee
i think i might be a bee
pretty sure im a bee
but maybe im a flower
and the bee is there to carry
the flower from place to place
plants dont have true sense
but flowering im pretty sure
feels great to flower
fitting my body into a whole
but im not sure im a flower
can a bee just decide its a flower
just a bee all the time
bees are good so its a good choice
but flowers are good too
in the bee part of my soul
there is a bee bee
and in the flower part
there is a flower flower
the bee bee is at ease in the flower flower
but the flower flower finds it difficult
to find the bee bee
when bee bee is the bee flower
and flower flower is the bee flower
flower flower finds its friend
and bee bee bee can be found
in flower flower
in bee bee
two flowers meet and kiss and the flower bee
bee bee
in the flower part of its soul
and the flower in the bee part
another happy bee to join the flower flower
flower flower
flower flower flower
and bee bee
bee bee flower flower
flower flower flower
flower flower flower flower
bee bee flower bee bee
flower flower flower flower
bee bee flower flower flower
flower flower flower bee bee flower
flower flower flower bee bee flower
look! here comes the bee bee
bee bee flower flower flower bee bee flower
flower flower flower bee bee flower flower
flower flower flower bee bee flower flower bee bee flower flower
bee bee flower bee bee flower flower flower
flower flower flower bee bee bee flower flower
flower flower flower bee bee bean flower flower bee bee flower
two flowers meet and kiss and the flower
flower bee
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raffi-cat · 23 days
Hi, first of all I LOVE your oc designs they looks so cool. What are their names and what’s going on with them. Gimme the details, if you would like to.
aaa thank you so much!! im assuming you're referring to specifically this post, and yeah, i'd love to talk about them! there isn't really an overarching story, they're all just individuals living their own lives
(also something to keep in mind: i made some of these stories when i was much younger, so they are a bit odd. i've since altered them to make a bit more sense, but i wanted to keep them mostly similar because they are dear to me)
this um, ended up longer than expected, so im putting it under the cut :]
daybreak (skywing): she comes from a family of minor nobility (via maternal generational wealth) and her father was a minor general. they were pretty strict with her and held her to very high standards. she was put to military training when she was fairly young, but the war ended before she was old enough to join
she doesn't really like her parents, especially her mother. there is a matriarch, her great grandmother on her mother's side. daybreak especially doesn't like her. they're all just too strict and it seems she can never quite hold up to their standards
her parents were pretty loyal to queen scarlet, but did easily accept ruby as queen when the official challenge took place. daybreak never liked scarlet, and was very glad ruby became queen
as she gets older she is able to distance from her parents, and moves away from their residence near the palace to live in a smaller town, likely more up north
i might give her a younger brother but i haven't decided yet
desert (sandwing): she has unusually potent venom that seems to eat away at the skin quicker. when her parents found out, being annoyingly loyal to burn, thought giving desert to her as a tool would be the best way they could serve their queen
burn was delighted about a new "secret weapon" but couldn't use her right away because she was still very young. so she was trained until burn deemed her fit to fight (still far too young) the war ended before burn was able to use her "properly", but she did get into many battles before hand, resulting in multiple scars and a partially burned right wing (though not enough to greatly impede her flying)
she was very happy about thorn becoming queen. she didn't stay near the palace long, wanting to get away as soon as possible. she likely finds a small town somewhat similar to possibility
storm (icewing): she was born with a genetic mutation that increases the pigment in parts of her scales. her patterns were pretty light as a baby, and got darker as she got older. if she lived near the palace, she would have been completely shunned. but she lives in a town in the southwest of the ice kingdom, where no one really cares about that. her darker scales do give her a disadvantage as she can't blend in with the snow very well, but she manages. her parents are very loving and she has an overall good life
saffron (mudwing): i don't really have anything for him, to be honest. he's just a sweet boy. i really need to design his siblings, so far i only have a name for one of them. he may not have much but i love him
prismarine (seawing): a middle class seawing, there's not much for her either. but she is gay and has a girlfriend, navy. they are very in love and very cute together
virga (rainwing): she is a pretty regular rainwing, and again not much for her. she's a bit more calm and less excitable than an average rainwing. the village can sometimes get a bit overwhelming, so she likes to spend time in secluded parts of the rainforest
duskfall (nightwing/skywing): her mother (wishkeeper) met a lone skywing soldier (her father, who i dont have a name for yet) while out for a patrol on the main continent. they continued to meet for several weeks and fell in love. she unfortunately couldn't tell him when she found out she was with egg, as he was gone when she went to meet up. (he's still alive don't worry, he was just called back from his post)
back on the island, she was very averse to talking about her egg. there was another dragon she was paired with, though they didn't care much for each other, and she just said it was his without further explanation. he knew it wasn't and was unbothered, but agreed to tell no one
when she had the egg, she kept it near her virtually all the time. even during her work testing animus magic. (i imagine the nightwings would have wanted to do some testing to make sure the magic worked how they wanted it to before using it for something as important as the tunnels. or.. something idk)
due to the close proximity to the magic and a small crack in the shell, caused a minor deformity as her wings being unusually thin and delicate, being practically transparent. this doesn't affect her
(i might change the reason her wings are thin? but this is what the story was and i honestly just haven't really thought about it much, so)
wishkeeper was getting increasingly worried about what would happen when when she hatched and everyone would be able to easily tell she wasn't full nightwing. so, she left the island to hide out in a secluded part of the forested mountains of the sky kingdom, essentially faking her and her egg's death
she found a hidden cave to make their home, and raised duskfall herself. though secluded and often lonely, she had a good mother and a good life. when she got older and the war ended, eventually her father was able to find them again
he was delighted to find out he and wishkeeper had a dragonet. unfortunately he cannot stay with them as he has responsibilities in the sky kingdom, but he does visit. (he got a wife (and potentially a son? haven't decided), but pretty much just for appearances. he doesn't care much for her (it's mutual))
duskfall is an artist and a writer and has always enjoyed capturing moments with her art. fun fact, she is left handed (left taloned?). she likely visits possiblity or a similar town often, but remains living relatively secluded
and there they are! this took longer than i expected but whatever
if you read all of this, uh, thanks! i really appreciate it :]
for your trouble here is a drawing of virga
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general-gt · 1 month
It's in a combination of the prime and idw universe. Let't say an event occured that cyberformed earth but the end result was unihabitable deathworld(unicron is partly to blame). So all cybertronian decide to leave it alone(some for the respect of the lost, others because of the danger). As it turns out some beings survived but were changed(not full on cybertronian but more like sari from tfa with dark energon and maybe some horns or wings).
The story is that a human that used to belong(maybe was even friends) to a con. They find them and shrinks them and decides to keep them.
This is a super interesting concept! I personally wouldn’t go for the owning angle (not really my thing), but I could imagine someone, after the world has devolved into chaos, desperately searching for their Cybertronian friend who left due to the danger being on Earth posed.
They’d go through a series of wacky hijinks, adjusting to their new form as they encounter a galaxy full of aliens so much bigger than themself. Some would be friendly, some antagonistic, some only out for themselves. It’d be a long journey searching the galaxy for their friend and when they eventually reunite, neither is quite the same but they get into the familiar groove of friendship quickly enough.
The shrinking would just become another case of shenaniganary and there’d be an interesting reverse of their initial meeting which I’d imagine would be a bit teasing on the con’s side. Now, they’d experience the unease their human friend had, even if they knew they could trust each other.
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spirit-lanterns · 11 months
(First time saying something on Tumblr)
I love your Kafka scenarios 🥹. Every time I read them I want to do a triple backflip into her room.
But in all seriousness I do admire your writing! It inspired me to also start writing in my a small  document 🫶
Awww how sweet! That’s actually where I learned how to write too :D
Before I learned the existence of fanfiction sites like wattpad, tumblr, ao3, etc. I used to write all my character x reader fantasies on google docs. Granted, they weren’t really x readers and more like character x OC stuff, but it’s where I learned to write when I was younger and I will forever treasure those memories I had.
Hope you have fun writing!
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siigmmgm · 7 months
Well, can you tell me why she's been following me around looking so bored? You'd think she'd do something else...
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“???? Following you?????? Are you safe???”
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trashburgersblair · 11 months
4 and 10 for mech asks
4. Favorite album cover art
High Noon over Camelot! I like how they combined the star and gun barrel (I don't think that's the right word but I don't know that much about guns)
10. Favorite mechs fanfic
this question is unfair because I have to many /lh
The entirety of @ladydragonkiller 's "far away and breathing cleanse air" series is amazing
And "Livestock" by @nammikisulora is also really good and fucked up /pos
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darke15 · 1 year
I’ve probably reread bsa 4 times now and for some reason I never read the soldier and the spy. Today I read it and holy shit??? I legit cried dude it was perfection. <3
Thank you so much! TS&TS is one of my fave projects and I'm so glad you liked it!!!
s2 is my fave thing to happen 😌
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vvh0adie · 1 year
I'm not even finna front with you... I'm not content. I think its just cuz I'm bored. I'm not entirely satisfied with my irl friendship as I don't really talk to them outside school but the problem is I dont see them everyday like when we were in gradeschool. It used to be easier not seeing them on the weekends cuz of that but now I only go to class two days out of the week. So now I'm really trying to be my own friend which I can usually manage, but now that my socialization has decreased from a five to just two, I'm struggling to find comfort in myself. I have been looking to make a blog for non-bts hobbies to share with my followers and hopefully motivate me to draw, but its under construction right now.
And I haven't been active as much here because I'm wrapping up my associate's degree, so its nothing but reading and labs.
Life right now is very linear atm, but I think it will pass.
So thankyu for checking on me, I really do appreciate the asks that I get.
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jinxcast · 2 years
☕️ (You called? :D Thursday @parables-for-days)
yes i did! i found a cute little coffee shop with books and everything, and i was wondering if you'd like to go?
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pangur-and-grim · 4 months
I have been behind on the times but have just binged your blog and firstly I hope your girls feel better soon, pancreatitis is rotten! Secondly, I am in love with your son and I am SO happy about his existence! Devons are my absolute favourite cat breed and I get so excited then they come into work. Crusty old devons are my weakness.
Ps, the photo of him sobbing on the vet table had me CACKLING. I adore him. I’m so happy for you. I’m sending strength to the ladies.
Xoxo your biggest fan + her half a dozen dogs (and these two)
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pancreatitis is so nasty. when they go off food, I wish there was some way to say "nooooooooo you need that to live!" and have them understand.
it's a huge relief that they're both home and eating now!
as for the new boy, he is perfectly healthy and happy, and having the first catnip trip of his young life
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nkogneatho · 4 months
Pasi come here. Who among the Haikyuu captains has the best cock game and why
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this question is so...OH MY GOD.
y'all will hate me for this but it's a tie between oikawa tooru and kuroo tetsuro. yeah yeah i know kuroo is a sex god and all but you cannot overlook oikawa's cock game.
oikawa flexes about shit a lot so you assume he was yapping about the shit he can do but when he had you on all fours, he was so determined to find your gspot and then hit it continuously till you came. he is mean too because he knows he is too good. he knows you feel too good. his balls be slapping so loud against your ass. and his mouth??? fuck he is filthy as hell. asking you to tell him how fucking good his cock feels. how you will never find any other man who's gonna ruin your pussy as he does.
kuroo on the other hand already looks like he has a good cock game. but you did not know that he loves to be in your mouth even more than your pussy. he looooves to slap his dick against your cheeks, telling you how good you look. he is patient with you when you suck it. however, when he is too close to his orgasm, he'll force your head down till his balls touch your chin, jerking his hips forward and making sure you enjoy every sip of his cum down your throat. but when he pulls out, a thick strand of your saliva and his semen connecting his dick and your tongue, he runs the tip along your lips, giving it a pretty gloss that dior could never.
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