#Sotp moon
weirdenbyferret · 5 months
I've been thinking about this since @aturtletotz made that little platypus sight on the prize moon gif
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pluck-heartstrings · 2 months
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Attack on @alinguine !! Garbage Moon my beloved, you stinky man. I’ll still kiss you no matter how bad you smell.
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nikolliver · 3 months
Magma doodles after I burned my braincells with other projects
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[Feat @aturtletotz Game show Host Sun!]
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sneakyfox55 · 7 months
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
She is mustering her; mulling over appearance & information gathered so far if only to coerce mind into having an epiphany (Signet. Status. Name; you merely know the latter, meaning you might as well consider her an uncertain variable). Right, have you been paying attention? Counting vessels & having people gathered & met align? - yeah. All but her & those still dwelling in the Deep End.
Fine. Speculations will lead nowhere.
" Zarina. That's your name, correct? " - taciturn. Stoic. With a tone holding commonplace edge / she strikes abruptly, akin to one's namesake, whilst keeping distance; arms in a loose fold, violent eyes narrowed beneath brows' furrow. A part of her considers to continue own unusual greeting; to elaborate further [be polite] . Ah, but the other part, the one that wins, merely waits for a retort. - silence too an expression, no?
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The current era continues to disapoint her more and more aside from certain miracles that keep her wish to stay there to see if she will witness it for herself. The miracle. The moment where humanity might show itself right and correct. she is fighting for those who have died already, this movement forward is only pushed by her utter stubborness and she always returns here, drowning in the past. They say the dead can drag you into an early grave, but honestly? If dead were people whom she cared about this much, it didn’t sound like a bad end. Even if she will never be remembered, there isn’t a way to leave a legacy nor is there a way for her to continue moving on once the end to Honkai will come forth. This existence of hers is nothing but to wait for the right moment when the power must be used for one last strike. She is a weapon more than a human, it’s not that hard for her to accept it. 
That’s why when Jackal reaches out to her, she returns without wasting time. A Herrscher core was brought in by their newest member - Herrscher of Thunder, a young maiden who will start to gather her powers. The core was accepted and returned to the ‘rightful’ owner, the one who did not hesitate nor bend the knee for the Will of Honkai not now not in the previous era. The current Herrscher of Ice, Ana Schariac, she will be erased from this core’s memory and existence like a white paint that she will scratch away. This is her power and she will dominate over it. A girl who lost control is not permitted to wield such powers. It doesn’t matter if she held back or not, the end result was obvious: she gave in, she lost, she was weak. Zarina Sokolova will not be, she was not and she will never be. This power is just another power like MANTISes, there isn’t much difference between them in her eyes. Her return both in power and in person made it obvious she’ll spend her time in the Elysian Realm, speaking to those who remain there and who will never leave that place. Zarina doesn’t want to leave either, but Kevin’s orders were orders she couldn’t deny. Not when he was the only one living and going towards the same project she put her hopes in as well. Hopes... No, her last wish to be here. 
Until then, this cycle will continue just like Jormungandr will continue to embrace the planet, a sign of infinity that Mobius once held so dear. Speaking of which, the doctor made sure to appear more often than others aside from Elysia and her visits to Aponia, the scientist would be asking questions regarding her body and how the experiments have affected her in these fifty thousand years. The butterfly’s discipline also holds true, chaining the wings of a hawk (sokol) from letting it fly too high and abandon the earthly pleasures (become an enemy). Golden eyes continue to scan the Elysian Realm, a glass of wine in her right hand as her left arm rests on the back of the couch, legs crossed as she indulges in the calm scenery until she hears clicks of heels. Elysia immediately gets up and chuckles, knowing of the plan they both came up for the fun of it to see how things will turn out. Another sip of the wine is done, Eden’s taste is exquisite as always... even though it was Sokolova who brought this wine. 
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The appearance of Herrscher of Thunder reminded her of Dr. MEI, but only appearance wise. Thy were too different. All too different. She could appreciate the sharpness of her violet gaze and the power she already stood with before her. One who made a sacrifice. One who had something to lose. One who was going to do everything she can. A good thing to see, a small number of people will be able to stand here without looking away. The politeness that she hears is a surprising one, but a pleasant one nonetheless. Kevin had told her about what happened with the Herrscher of Ice from this era. The way she and Raven alongside Durandal had defeated the one who combined two cores inside her. A saddening tale of tragedy of a certain valkyrie. A tragic tale. What a familiar combination of words as it made her remember the very tragedy that led her to turn into a Herrscher back then. Raiden Mei had a strong name to go with a strong gaze, but to the one who lived for fifty thousand years she was still young. How will decades change her if she survives? Will this sternness and this stubbornness persist or will it within away? This blade must remain sharp, it must not become dull and hesitate. Even if someone beloved to her will turn into an enemy. Zarina knew how much hesitation could cot. 
Then again, there won’t be much truth in their first interaction. Not outright, oh no. There is a wish to tease and to hide, a prank was only a prank when another person wholeheartedly believed that this was the truth. It made her wonder who will give out the secret first and who will figure out this circus first. It made her laugh inside but she kept herself calm and collected, meeting the sharpness with sharpness. Instead of answering right away, she gives Raiden an attitude by taking another sip of her wine. 
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“ Correct. And you are? I believe it’s best to introduce yourself first despite what others could have told me, ” she responds as Mei asks, but there is monotone as if she isn’t interested in another at all. This attitude is a game and she is here to play it until she’s satisfied, which will be the next meeting. It’d be quite hilarious to meet Mei next time. “ Have people of your era completely lost their manners? I don’t speak to those who don’t show respect. ”
Ah, so it begins.
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simpirals · 4 years
I feel like at this point it doesnt matter if i stress myself out about trying to post my art before tma ends since aside from friends(if you read this ily) rbing my stuff theres barely any tractions on my content. Cuz I figured,hey,perhaps i would get more feedback if i post while the show is still running than posting once its over right ? That make sense ?  Like so I’d be able to gather a following more easily like,i said before,if the show is still running But visibly not So i guess i’ll just take my time since posting while the show is still running doesnt matter much reblog ratio wise :’)
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hugoscenteno · 3 years
he has the same venus sign as me 😭😭😭
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mello-jello · 3 years
Yes Moon! The SC have terrible imaginations. Here, have this:
Erwin: Thanks for coming to play DnD with me, everyone!
Hange: Wait, shouldn't there be board pieces or... something to Jenga?
Moblit: No, this is a role playing game. It takes place in our imagination
Erwin: Working together, your goal is to track down the evil dragon, kill him, and claim the treasure as your own. Levi, you start.
Levi: What do I do, roll dice?
Erwin: You tell me what you want to do, then I roll to see if you're successful
Levi: What are my choices?
Erwin: Ok, you're slowing things down. Hange?
Hange: I uhh... I would like to introduce myself to the group. My name is bing bong the archer. I'm an archer and such.
Erwin: *sighs and rolls dice* Your introduction was successful. Can we please move on?
Erwin: Mike, there is a hoard of goblins attacking from the East. What do you do?
Mike: I uh, I use my throwing knife and throw it... Knife style.
Erwin: TEN points of damage! You need 90 more.
Levi: Tch, let me throw the knife, I'm much better anyway
Erwin: Your character doesn't have a knife
Levi: What bullshit is this? I always have a knife *pulls out actual knife*
Moblit: Levi, PLEASE. Just look over your character sheet.
Levi: tch, fine then... I'll attack with my "additional notes"
Erwin: ... it has no effect... The hoard attacks, leaving you all at 1/4 health. Mike is stripped of his armor and weapons. In about 13 turns, he will die of exposure. Levi?
Levi: I wait 14 turns. Screw you guys, I'm gonna win.
Mike: This is a co-op!
Hange: Knock it off, Levi! You're playing the game wrong! I wrap my cloak around Mike and help him to his feet.
Mike: I take Levi's sword.
Erwin: You successfully took his sword. It's still your turn
Mike: I run.
Levi: Naked man is running into the woods. He has my sword! Can we catch him?
Erwin: The cloak Hange gave him was an elven cloak of wind-walking, which has double speed, so no.
Levi: *glares at Hange*
Hange: Is there a way to move faster than Mike in the cape of whatever?
Moblit: Maybe if we had a pegasus.
Levi: Erwin, can we get a pegasus?
Erwin: I can't give out information like that. There is a town nearby, you can ask them.
Levi: You've got to be kidding
Levi: I politley ask the elf maiden about borrowing a pegasus.
Erwin: She flirts with you.
Levi: uuhh. I flirt back?
Erwin: How?
Levi: ... I say something sexy.
Erwin: Like what?
Levi: Erwin.
Erwin: Ugh, fine. *Rolls dice* You have offended the elf maiden. She is disinterested.
Levi: What?
Hange: Okay, can we just do this? Hello, I'm bing bong. You have a bunch of pegasi. Let's make a deal.
Erwin: *in dainty maiden voice* What kind of deal? *batts eyelashes*
Hange: I take her by the hand and lead her to the stable. Light a candle and rip off a piece of my tunic, which I fashion into a blindfold. I place it gently over the elf maiden's eyes. I slowly... (Hange describes in great detail all the things they would do to the elf maiden)
Erwin: Okay. You both fall back, exhausted, but still entwined.
Hange: Great. I stroke her hair lovingly and spoon her for the appropriate amount of time.
Moblit: *taking notes* and how long is that??
Erwin: You now have a pegasus.
Levi: ....
Mike: .... I wanted to play CHUTES AND LADDERS!
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lilyharvord · 2 years
Hiii 🙂I know you're really busy right now, so you don't have to answer if you don´t want to, but i still wanted to ask this question. What are your top 5 favorite RQ ships?
OOF this question is like telling a kid in a candy store that they get to pick 5 candies and every single one is amazing and they can pick imaginary candies too. But alright I'll try.
MARECAL (period. No one else comes close. They are literally lapping people in Mario Cart and finishing the race before any of the other ships even leave the starting line. I used to hate the "prince falls in love with the commoner" trope/ship UNTIL these two just did it so stupidly well. You think I'm kidding but I actually used to pull stars on reviews if authors used it, now I'm using it in my own damn trilogy because I want to write my own version of Marecal.)
Fade (these two hold a special place in my heart. As time goes on, they grown on me more and more. The more I mature and have my own relationships, the more I realize I want what they had. They appear a lot in my modern fics where they get to stay together forever because it's what they both deserve)
Evalane (these two shook me to my core. I realized my sexuality as a bi woman right about the time King's Cage came out and these two got to have page time. I remember reading about them and crying a little bit under the covers of my bed because I felt so closely connected to Evangeline and her struggle. They come in hot at number 3 because I don't like that they didn't get as much page time as I would have liked, and I'm scared to write them because that involves looking in at myself as bisexual woman and exploring a part of myself that I am still to this day struggling with.)
GisaxCameron (this is my unicorn ship. I love the idea of these two. They give me sun and moon vibes and I LOVE that for them. I also hate the Victoria didn't give it to us, when it was clearly right there. They get number 4 cause they're not canon and we did not get enough Cameron for me to really write about her in love with another young woman.)
Elara and a bed of nails? a torture room? a cold, decrepit grave? eternal suffering? I'm just kidding. Well, not really, but in all seriousness... Number 5 is Maven and Thomas. NOW before you all jump my dick and come for me screaming about the fact that I NEVER write about Maven and I NEVER talk about him and "oh my god lily for real? You picked the bury your gays ship?" I will say that this ship has so much potential and if I actually find the will to continue writing Song of the Pheonix you will get my full digest on them and how Elara destroying Maven's love for Thomas lead to his inherent need to latch onto Mare, and how that "love" turned into an obsession with wanting to get what he had with Thomas back. Unfortunately, I think I have lost the will with SotP but I may yet find it again.
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oceanflowerrs · 4 years
Hii moon! What’s it like being the funniest person on this website?
oh stop it u :) :) oh sotp it :) oh please oh stop :) :) it :)
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pluck-heartstrings · 3 months
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Magma dump! Some assorted PMH drawings from @daycarefriendpickup as well as @aturtletotz ‘s Moon and @venomous-qwille ‘s Fool
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lacefuneral · 5 years
i can’t sotp laughing at that fuckening.... the snapcube ytp audio mix
i think i m gonna change my blog title to “soup on the moon” bc the one i have now was supposed to be temporary anyway
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COTTON CANDY YES that's the one... clouds should taste like cotton candy. homophobia
OK SORRY but lego batman ... .consider
THEY DONT they taste like dogwater IT FUCKING SUCKS its very homophobic BUT at least the moon is made of cheese
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
we pull ken out he has begged to leave we help Thor ps your an asshole tohim i see him say it to your face you are weak slow fat and waht do you want head over there...and you say i tell go tell you die by their hand and your dumb sayingtit as your a faggot...weak...fag...lotsof times ok toomany he needs tobe away from you...true too there are no morehumans here but he doesnt care that much  Hera it is veryo true and he is weak and a homo.  thya ll are and really ken...nad she saw you and yours hitting your womenand they want you to hit me and so on and you want to be gay or else you complyo to bg and it is not only a  waste of time but it is ntmathematically correct you sacrifice your bodies and brains to be fags..and for macs. ok so what right Zues you say it it happens but i see iammthat way and worse or better all here are badly gay..and it is like this your a minoritya dn i want a friend who does it not likeyou... ken so go find a friend who is a fag ok dont need a friend really and most cant believe it...i definately dont need idiots getting the wrong idea...at all.  if you made amove you would bre broken and pob gone forever as they would clense thearea.   andps you are not well..and ps you die lots due to it..get it. Zues and i see iam outof control as dave was and i do see it and yourr ight we aer weak and ant stop...no deterrent goodenough and i see that power..so your in trouble right andi  want gay s...ken says... ken and i will say you will die i dont andim not gay in any way and you will pay for insisiting onit you areso faggy and weak...others makey ou is enoughcover to whipe outwhats left...it isnt helpoingno thats tno true but f u with your fagshit ok puper we kil fags get it...are you deaf you hleped they saw you they paly on one ofmany weaknesses of your kind that kills you. Zues we seethat kills us..and they do it the macs. so what..no.  f off bg y our an idiot. this isreal the do it to himlots and he battles allnight no relief t all i see why intel and to whom...bja..who cares...and i made a copy of it and took lots out...tons.  and he wanted to buildone...so does wie but...ok.  wont beincorporated atall. and sent it and thy have it someone says...and not ken.  and i hve one here and  it says caa all over it sowhat send it with me on it and sh they hit you stupid...and you wnt to send it dont you idiot right...go send it for pay you fn shit fuck you with your fag stuff weaklings ok..you sellit as intel that way they are there to do other stuff gezuz fags... Zues well..true...and it is taylor and i do konw where his intel is...so i hold it taylor you letout a yell or growl ok it is your achilles heal as is your laser deisgnation and so on... ken i have it too taylor you aint so swift adn it is remotely held...so lets give you tenminutes ok.   Zues ok ten taylor nine now Zues fine we go together taylor nah you have competitors. Zues and yousay remotely how i say it fag it goes out mysterisly but you have to find out to sotp it lazy faggot shit your so fucki dead taylor shitfaggot i hit you myself you stay hter Zues fine ihear it and y ousty there i et out of...what truck faggot fine imout of here tayleor yeh leave i hv guns onyou and your dikless state is dissolved daily you fag. Zues you knowwhat your serious they aient tayor fu they are shit forbreains we hit tonsyof you idiots and your amac and an idiot math 101 nope so your good  Zues i fig out this yousay it it happensso i waitreport it wasyou taylor aaawww what a girl you shit fag.  that is how i startedaniling nonillion of you smerter dopes Zues oh...strted  lol nope i dont get it tayleor ihaveppl hitting you taylor ad tons of your clan and families have your gilrs andkids women and are holding themi in thier houses nearby at gunpoint go try for agun but we have yours ok.  all of them faggot. your  afuckig fag ok Thor he works wiht me adn forme taylor are you bullet proof taylor Zues and you macs listenig getting happyy nope we hear it are yuou cloake dallhearing fags i amsosick of you all day lall night horseshit let us move in Armies now adn tons and all in too take them a outrapid stylenow Zues we are. here now. this is what gets t them..and they admit it nightly.  and meow like kittens.  so we hit thm harder now.faster..and pull it all out let them see it use it now...i hear them lets do this here please we meet all int eh war room now. and Arrianne Nuada attack please and thank him properly for  his assist. you felt like a big shot so did we and it worked doeshe have  hugeone and then this a planet, and yes, the ugly named one.  and we see moons...and a fake one or two.  huge guess work for them.  like marbles i issue commands now and while speaking....and we fly int now and hit this is so bad and any othe fst stuff is good...we see it hit him these are so stupid...fn fags..we caught it earlier and moved in tanks too.  this is heavy time now.  and we shieldtoo this area shortly..we move it all in if we can...we are there and these dont mind...and we can mobe inshorter towers...did have Pyramids..and we sahll now and moving troops you join up. and thank you Thor he says and ai agree Arrianne Nuada and i knew you would like it we save you lots and you know it has been that way for a longtime and your children...we know weare called that andforever due to him he is old.  so we respect him.  even millions of yers form now still sir and hello sir you too. and you thank us this will be a fun life..versus theis drudgery...cold poorly lit ehouses and places to gateh weird places...usaull a threat o r kidnappig attempt, seething angry aasses due to small nothig stuff or large...hue issues about teeny things and blown way out to be mad per other idiots and violence all the time and sickenss encouraged infighting all day it is vulgar and notto mention the heavier sins...but live likeanimals in the dark in dirtand unclean places unclean houses andselves shit all over and poisons and more.  but really..dull and dimwitted Thor and i Hera and Freya we mad etons of moveis as did Posiden and others.  tons.  huge huge pieces.  and literature and huge folklore legands and songs sonenets symphonies these fake i copy and really used my own voice a lot of times..droll boring lives..in westboro sons and daughters, sat around eating drinking and ont the best...pizza wings and crappy stuff...adn drank and drnk and were the higherups  adn they were depresed a lot and had evil lives that were daily too on top of running so fast they wereblind...sleeping around rattingback stabibgn and animal stuff butmild but all the time..it was hard. dad and mom were stronger i thought...and mostly were...i cannot see any of them showing it. only greed poorjudgment but hte life style is horroendous im poor like it i can be rich acting at any point so who cares your porall day nd they dont care yuky meaning poor dont live cleanly or eat right and it is disgusting.  the routines in westbor were poor but elsewhere really gross base.  and my livingsituation horrendous i mean really. andthe jerks lived here w me i thought as  a cover adn re realy dumb enough to do it all thtime here.  we saw ita nd see this is how they choose to live as paupers and hold money from ll of ours ad it is terrible and bad..and they pay for it now.  all. and we respect you for it enduring itfor us..looking them in the face and acting...like an actor.  these cant even act they mses up simple lines fomthe script and yes start over it is hilarious they are in danger and walk back say ok take ii...and are fools too.  so we hit them and they yell it we are.  ad i say yourdead you do actually die for real.  adn they say prove it adn we do, the son of Zues states. they do die. and i feel it is beyond normal.  but theywer esmarte in westboro...i think. they shoudl now it most other races do.  and denial to us well. and you dont care well we dont care to see you  alive s.  fag.  at all.  ok and bja ou arenot th onl diot here.  let me say thisyou hveprovento be more than useless...and you acutallly die fo ryour idiotic useless to begin with threats.  fake loud lame not backed and mostly curde jokes and meatn to boehter harm or hurt and not for stff and hit hasnothelped Olympus
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bimboswelcome · 7 years
Real Life Story
OMg guys the craziest thing just happende to me im weezing i was getting arested at my house adn i was sobbinng because the newest chapter of homestuck just got released and i hadn’t even had theh chance to read oit yet and i was tyring to tell ht e fat mean cop this but he just kicked me in the face but his partner sotpped and was like “the newest chpter of homestuck!” and i wuz loek “yeah pls don’t do this to me” so he dropped his handcuffs and shot his parnter and we went up into my fandom lair and sobbed adn held each other while dan eggman ate the moon
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rznjun · 7 years
song rec meme : 551 by dessa
i hope u dont mind me putting all ur song recs in one post! ilu millie
551 by dessa
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
small town moon by regina spektor
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
the great dipper by roy kim
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library [im usually not one for ballads but this one !!!!!! its so beautiful wow]
the shore by cécile corbel
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library [SOTP I LOVE THIS OH YM GDFO FAVORITE!!!!!!]
simply falling by iyeoka
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
romance in seoul by neon bunny
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
millie ur music taste is so diverse nd good wow!!! i LOVE romance in seoul nd the shore those sound so.............otherworldly nd ethereal ahhh thank u so much for sending these lil nugget ilu
send me song recs!
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