peterbeaglequotes · 5 months
“This is quite interesting. I must tell you that no is very nearly my favorite word. I believe it to be my companion’s favorite word as well, unless I am wrong?” He slanted a bristly gray eyebrow at Lal.
The old woman pondered, as the armed men and their servants rumbled and shifted and laughed amongst themselves, as the boy waited empty-faced for life or death, as the Metzari hound still whined in the thornbush. She said slowly, “Of course, maybe is good, too — maybe is an excellent word. But at the last, when you come down to it, there is really nothing like no.”
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liliumaestatis · 5 months
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Went to Lord Styx, tried to kiss him, got called a little rat😮‍💨 He has new voicelines, it's a blast! I like him even more now, his attitude fits his status~
Glad we decided with @soukyan to pay him a visit so early in hour game, absolutely worth it🔥
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Loving tribute for two special artists. Bottom paintings are by @maitsokane​. And the top is from @kidonzydrate​ painted in watercolor. He is also offering commissions: http://kidonzydrate.tumblr.com/post/165524567957/soukyan-or-just-buy-me-a-coffee-without-the
If you ever follow their work or plan to, please give them respect if sharing their work or the like. Just like any artist, they put their heart & soul into their passion. There are also a great deal of artists who are struggling whether due to life or with their craft in itself. So, before thinking of ever stealing their hard, blood, sweat & teared art, simply please consider the creator of that favorite character or piece for a moment. Thank you. <3
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woodlandelk · 7 years
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Yeah, someone has a bunch of elf-esteem...
He loves to stare at these drawings of his best buddy Faoiltiarna and himself. But sometimes it makes him a bit sad and homesick... Guess I need to make him a friend. Kylo-Ren is nice for booze, but not for takling about the “real” Aen Seidhe stuff.
You may know these drawings by my wonderful friend @soukyan, and I am proud to own the originals *fangirling* You should check out his tumblr, and givehim a Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/A668NK2
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visionsofours · 7 years
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Coinneach Da Reo by Soukyan
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mortisia · 8 years
A friend in need of your help
Visit the links below or reblog this post. 
Thank you so much <3
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housedraculesti · 11 years
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Crowned by Soukyan
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liliumaestatis · 6 months
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for Trans Day of Visibility, I'd like to talk about the most important person in my life @soukyan - he had shown me true friendship and love. I want all trans people and non-binary folks to live our own happiness in this life - you are loved, seen and cared for 🏳️‍⚧️❤️
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liliumaestatis · 4 months
a fun video about how @soukyan and I used to capture werewolves during Gloomrot - have you ever tried? 🐺
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liliumaestatis · 10 months
Nosferatu Academy book review for Dracember activities with @soukyan 🩸🦇
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liliumaestatis · 1 year
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my bestie, @soukyan has some supernatural sketching skills, and sent this beauty to color ❤👑 check out his socials for more goodies or commission him!🔥 💙IG: https://www.instagram.com/blackwood_jrv/ 💙twitter: https://twitter.com/wannabekingpin 💙contact: [email protected]
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liliumaestatis · 1 year
Due to the event of International Transgender Day of Visibility I'd like to share my best friend, @soukyan's ko-fi!👑 He has many cute designs to choose from and one of the nicest people I've ever met!🦇
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woodlandelk · 7 years
My Scoia´tael Headcanon 2
Recently I saw some “Happily ever after” headcanons for the Witcher squad. But there are rarely such things for the Scoia´tael...
I think we all wonder what will happen to our beloved elves, either after the society became so stable that non-humans and humans can co-excist peacefully OR the Scoia´tael just gave up...
My headcanon:
Isengrim Faoiltiarna, Iorveth and Yaevinn move together into a nice cabin on a clearing, as far away from the next human village as possible to finally have some peace and quiet. What happens in the elven flat share is really worth a sitcom... Each of them has their own room, but they also spend a lot of time together, hunting, chatting, playing gwent...
Yaevinn, our dark minded poet of war, loves to write, well, poems. But also angry and creepy short stories and vignettes. He started wearing a man bun and braids and you never see him without a scarf or shawl (bet he would go to Starbucks if there was one).
Faoiltiarna likes wood carving, and the front lawn is crowded by a variety of life-sized wooden creatures. He is a bit like the older brother, having an eye on Yaevinn and Iorveth, reminding them to do their housework and to eat their veggies.
Iorveth started painting on large canvas. Most of his paintings are dark and abstract, a way to cope with things he has seen in war. But some days he spends hours secretly painting meadows full of flowers. On some of his paintings you can spot a dragon in the distance...
Also, Iorveth still is into music. Yaevinn talks him into playing for him while he recites his poems and ballads. Faoiltiarna can play lute, and sometimes they have jam sessions. They would spend all night at a bonfire, playing some music, smoking pipe... (those little hippies).
In summer Faoiltiarna sends the boys into the forest berrypicking, so he can make jam for the next months. Each of them has their own jam storage. As we know: raspberry is for Iorveth, blackcurrant for Yaevinn and blackberry for Faoiltiarna.
The three still do archery and have training fights with their swords to stay in shape. They have an archery target made of wood and straw, but sometimes Iorveth makes shabby paintings or stickman drawings of Francesca Findabair and they aim at those.
Once Geralt came to visit and saw this, and he mentionet that someone he knows peed into Francesca’s fountain. The three elves declared it a life goal to repeat this themselves.
“To pee into Francesca’s fountain” became a phrase used for anything. “Where are you going?” - “I´m gonna pee into Francesca’s fountain.” “Have you seen Yaevinn today?” - “He´s probably on his way to pee into Franci’s fountain...”
Partially brought to life in chats with @soukyan To be continued. Please feel free to repost and add your ideas! Gonna use the hashtag “my scoia´tael headcanon” for those from now :)
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woodlandelk · 7 years
My Scoia´tael Headcanon
I will not get tired botherin the internet with this. I want this to be a thing. And it´s approved (and developed) with @soukyan :D
Elves, especially Scoia´tael, are suckers for jam. (Since in the books it´s mentioned that Yennefer can´t make jam, we know it exists in the Witcher Universe!)
Whenever they raid a farm or  village, one or two elves have the special task to steal the jam. Because jam is importat for morals! If they can´t carry everything, they would rather abandon the wine, but never the jam.
Raspberry jam goes immediately to Iorveth. Oh, don´t dare to open a jar of raspberry jam without his permission... Seriously, touch it and he will go postal.
Faoiltiarna goes for blackberry jam. It´s dark and bloodlike and blackberry plants are thorny...
Yaevinn, our dark poet of war, loves black currant jam. I mean... no one likes black currant jam, but Yaevinn is always a bit extreme.
Toruviel, likes all kind of berry jams, but for her you have to add a pinch of rosewater. She once got those from the kitchen storage of a Temerian Lord they attacked and therefore prefers to ambush rich dh’oine.
Dyaebl, OC of @soukyan, favors cherry jam, and my OC Yaedreth loves strawberry.
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woodlandelk · 7 years
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"Knight? What knight?" My dear @soukyan drew these amazing portraits of Iorveth and my OCs Yrdenne and Dalayer. Yrdenne is Iorveth's little sis and Dalayer is a knight of the Order of the Flaming Rose. You can imagine that he and Iorv are not really fond of each other....
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woodlandelk · 7 years
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Anon asked how to make clothes for crochet Iorveth, so I thought some of you might want to know how to undress an elf he looks without armour ;)
First, you see the body and armour separate. I worked the whole armour in one piece, except of his scarf-belt. I got the badges on etsy: https://www.etsy.com/listing/524527830/reserved-listing-iorveths-badges And for sure @soukyan will make you another badge if you ask him! It´s just the best pace to get elf-badges. Roche would buy those!
The back of his armour has a “V-cleavage”, so it´s easier to get it off and on. Just in case he wants to wear pajamas... I started with grey, after some rounds changed to brown for the leather vest. If you check out this you will see progress pictures: https://woodlandelk.tumblr.com/post/163244496060/there-he-is-d-iorveth-in-progress-i-saw-a
I added some extra rounds in grey at the bottom for chainmail, including some double and treble crochets to make it look “uneven”, then I added the orange/red on the backside and at last the green for his gambeson.
The last picture shows the armour “inside out”. For the collar I can absolutely not give a pattern, because I added it “freestyle”. I actually have no idea how I made it ;)
Hope this helps to make your own little crochet elf :)
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