#Soups Manhunt AU
fluffallamaful · 2 years
Non-Nuke DSMP AU’s with Llama and Soup
a compilation of ‘fix-it’ AUs from ‘Soup the Destroyer’ to heal the hearts of those mourning the dsmp 🥺 (in a easy to read format, ie. THE MASTERPOST)
below cut!!!!
Beach Party AU
The nuke fails mid air and no one dies. They instead throw a party to celebrate Tommy and Dream finally getting along
The nuke hits and only Dream is hurt badly. He can barely move on his own and requires the help of others (HERE)
Tickle Therapy AU MASTERPOST
Sam/Quackity use tickle therapy in prison instead of isolation/starvation (HERE)
Disc Finale AU
Instead of being thrown into prison Dream just gets tickled by the smp members
link 1 - Dream gets tickled
link 2 - Punz gets involved in tickles
link 3 - item teases
link 4 - interrogation turned comfort
Drunz Interrogation AU
The nuke fails. Tommy’s newfound hope for Dream creates confusion for the rest of the server. Dream and Punz are captured and interrogated
link 1 - Dream and Punz capture
link 2 - tickle interrogation expanded
Brotherly Foolish AU
Foolish finds Dream and provides comfort tickles (he’s also massive)
link 1 - travel tickles
link 2 - Dream provoking
link 3 - giant Foolish
link 4 - Dream provoking with Bad
link 5 - Foolish’s new rules
link 6 - Foolish punishing Sam
link 7 - Foolish punishing Quackity
link 8 - mandatory sleepover
link 9 - sleepover reasoning
link 10 - Foolish actually ruling
Manhunt AU
The nuke doesn’t hurt anyone but still scares them enough to get therapy. Dream is nowhere to be found and a manhunt search party is sent out for him
link 1 - tickles to calm
link 2 - tickles to catch
link 3 - protecting Punz, Q + Sam ed.
link 4 - protecting Punz, Sap ed.
The server realises that Dream will never heal if the prison is still standing; so they blow it up. (HERE) was once ‘Sapnap Manhunt AU’
Sleepy’s ( @sleepy--anon ‘s) AU
The nuke doesn’t explode and Dream allows Tommy to get him used to good touch again
Memory AU
The server reset occurs but Dream recovers from amnesia faster than everyone else
link 1 - intro
link 2 - people start to remember
link 3 - Quackity and Sapnap fight
link 4 - Dream omitting memories
link 5 - ‘evil’ Dream defence
link 6 - Dream’s manipulation techniques
link 7 - techniques don’t work
link 8 - tickles and reassurance
link 9 - pre vs post pandora vs s2 dream
Dream gets out of prison and is so weak that he transforms into his blob form (HERE)
Karlnapity AU
Karl’s memory is restored and Sapnap and Karl go to inform Quackity
All characters are sent to limbo in the reset. They get inspired to fix all their flaws, and then get sent back in time to the point where Techno breaks out of prison, with this knowledge in mind. All of them except Dream (HERE)
Limbo x Therapy AU
The Time Travel AU meets the Tickle Therapy AU. All characters go through limbo and break into prison to save Dream, meanwhile Sam has begun tickle therapy with a very confused Dream
link 1 - set up, everyone storming prison
link 2 - Sam’s explanation
link 3 - tummy kisses
link 4 - the schedule
Locked-In AU
Same as the Time Travel AU, except that Dream is sent into a coma after limbo. Everyone gets a self-reflective limbo except for him.
link 1 - set up, Dream’s coma + escape
link 2 - tickle amendment
link 3 - capture and explanation
link 4 - comfort tickles
link 5 - Dream’s confusion
link 6 - frozen lake amendment
link 7 - frozen Dream cuddles
link 8 - pre-lake fluff
Servant Quackity AU
Post-nuke. Dream is paralysed from physical detonation and Quackity is selected to be his carer
link 1 - Quackity’s new job
link 2 - shapeshifter Quackity
link 3 - dehumanised Quackity
link 4 - dehumanised Quackity 2.0
link 5 - Q feeling like he’s intruding
Dream Egg AU
Techno escapes the prison and Dream is left alone. Dream is so distraught that he lays eggs and develops animalistic traits lmao
link 1 - intro, Dream’s eggs
link 2 - transformation reasoning
link 3 - surrogate eggs
link 4 - Quackity’s abduction
link 5 - Quackity gets tickled
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lookforsomeoneelse · 26 days
i don’t want to set the world on fire… (prologue)
been reading through old imposter au sagaus, and found inspo to get off my butt and start typing…
anyway tw for your standard imposter au stuff like persecution, violence, and cussing
also you might be a trans allegory? idk what that means but i think i can infer
Imagine waking up in a body that is not your own.
It freaks you out; the first couple of days after the sudden shift, but you gather enough information to piece together the puzzle of where you are.
You’re in Genshin Impact, a game you just played to kill time.
Things are different here, you soon find out, as evident of the statues strewn about your new residence.
Your “family” and “friends” worry about you for a while, as you get set in your new life.
It’s disorienting, but after a while you eventually manage to find stable ground to stand on for your new life.
The tides of life remain calm for what seems like a moment after that, before everything you thought you knew about this world comes crumbling down.
Rumors of an imposter who takes up “Their Grace’s” face begin to pop up.
It scares you, the way that everybody takes up arms and begins a manhunt for this person who, to you, hadn’t done anything at all.
As one of your neighbors shoves a pitchfork into your hands, you quickly stammer out an excuse about thieves coming and robbing houses if they all go, and you also offer to stand and look out for whoever the hell they’re trying to kill.
They buy it.
Only six hours have passed since that interaction, and you hear the shuffling of… something.
Opening the door to your humble abode, you find a person covered in blood and rags, bones broken and cuts all over their damaged body.
Your gazes interlock, and their eyes widen at the sight of you. One step, two steps, three steps back. They turn and begin to run, before their legs give in to their fatigue and they trip.
You approach them as one would a wounded animal, which is probably what they’ve been treated like. You’ve already put two and two together.
This is the so-called “imposter” that everyone’s looking for.
They let out a couple of whimpers, and they’re hyperventilating. They shuffle away from you on all fours.
When your shadow inevitably casts over their crawling figure, they turn and begin to earnestly plead. You can only feel pity in your heart as they do so.
“PLEASE,” They cry out, “DON’T-DON’T COME ANY CLOSER!” Their eyes begin to water. They look so scared, you think to yourself.
“please. just leave me alone…” They cover themselves up with their arms, hoping to alleviate at least some of the pain that comes their way.
When they realize that the pain doesn’t come, they come out of their shell slowly to face you.
In a random act of kindness, you decide to take them in, despite everyone else’s differing opinion on what you should do with or to them.
“Don’t worry,” you assure them, “I’m not going to hurt you.” You extend a hand out. “Can you stand?”
Wiping off tears of joy in their eyes, they take your hand and use your grip to pull themselves up. However, once they let go, they stumble to the ground, forcing you to pick them up and help to carry them.
“I don’t think we have time for names. But, I’ll try to at least feed you and give you some spare clothes.”
Once you make it to your residence, you sit them down and bring over a bowl of freshly heated potato soup. They devour it with fierce voracity, evident of how they’ve been mistreated. You also look around for anything that looks like it’ll fit and give it to them.
It’s a perfect match.
For the next about two months, life was pretty easygoing for the two of you. You hide them in a supply closet in your home when anyone would show up at the front door.
But they decide that it’s time for them to go. With a smile and a wave, you send them off on their journey, making sure that they have all their necessities on them.
Shortly after, another rumor- completely different from the one before it- spreads like a great wildfire.
The “imposter,” the one you had taken in and cared for, was actually the true creator all this time.
They’ve made a big speech about how they would destroy all of Teyvat for its sins against its creator, but they declare that they will not do this thanks to the sympathy and kindness of a certain individual.
That “certain individual?”
that’s you.
anyway if yall wanna use this idea go ahead
I don’t get paid for this and you probably don’t either so go crazy with it
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ms-fandomgirl · 10 months
BBHG: Tonkatsu (Ch. 4)
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Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Words: 5,291
Summary: A chance encounter in the Shibuya Train Station leaves you with a sore shoulder and a mysterious bento box. You’re willing to write the incident off and move on, otherwise preoccupied with navigating a new city and a new job, but a bombastic blond, meddling friend, and fate itself seem to have other plans.
Genre: Pro Hero AU, fluff, strangers to lovers, medical setting
Links: Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Masterlist | Cross-posted on Ao3!
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Tonkatsu - A Japanese dish consisting of a breaded, deep-fried pork cutlet. It is often served as a set meal with shredded cabbage, rice, miso soup, and pickles.
A crescendo of loud voices and heavy footfalls crested over you as you neared your destination. You grimaced, wanting to turn around and go back home, although that wasn’t an option here. Unfortunately, you weren’t in the train station. Those people you could handle. These were a different breed all together, and one you would rather die than face. In front of you, surrounding the main entrance to the hospital, was a sea of overly-eager reporters.
News of where Red Riot and Chargebolt were staying must have gotten leaked to the general public, although it also wouldn’t have been too difficult to figure out. Your hospital was the biggest one in the area, and it was also closest to where the attack had occurred. You tried to sneak around the outskirts of the mob attempting to get in, but your blue scrubs gave you away.
“Excuse me, do you work here?” one reporter asked, a young woman with pointed glasses and even pointier eyebrows drawn onto her face. You nodded quickly and tried to continue on your path, but it was too late. The crowd descended.
“Do you work with Red Riot and Chargebolt?”
“What are the conditions of the heroes?”
“Would you be willing to offer up a tour of the facility for an exclusive interview with our team?”
“When will the heroes be released from the hospital?”
They were most likely accosting you simply because you worked at the hospital. They had no reason to know that you did in fact work with Red Riot and Chargebolt. Still, you began to sweat at the thought that they had somehow figured it out, that they were targeting you specifically, and that they wouldn’t let you go until they had wrung every last detail from your body.
“I can’t answer your questions right now! I’m just trying to get to work,” you responded, trying to push your way through. This, however, was the wrong thing to say. You thought your answer was neutral, but the reporters latched on to your statement like a dog sinking its teeth into a prime cut of steak.
“So you confirm that you have information on the heroes Red Riot and Chargebolt?”
“If not now, then when would we be able to set up an interview with you?”
“What is it like to play nurse for two of the top ten? Are they still as charmingly handsome while infirmed? Hero Heartthrob wants to know.”
The last comment made your memory flash to a serene-looking Chargebolt, in a coma for the foreseeable future, and your blood began to boil. Who even were these people, to demand such things from you or anyone else for that matter?
“Don’t you have something better to do than harassing any poor medical personnel who enters these doors? What about reporting on the families of the injured civilians, or the manhunt for the villain? Go do your actual job and leave me alone to do mine.”
The reporters quieted in shock, and you braced yourself for the flurry of backlash that was sure to be unleashed your way. But it never came. Instead, their gazes morphed into something close to fear as the silenced stretched on. You failed to suppress a small smirk in victory, happy that even if you didn’t have their respect, as you doubted they ever respected anyone, you at least had their attention.
However, as they continued to stare at you, you began to feel a little uneasy, since they weren’t clearing a path for you either. You looked at the girl with pointy glasses who you now realized wasn’t staring at you, but at something directly behind your ear. You turned to look, but a deep voice boomed from behind, freezing you in place.
“You heard her. Scram.”
It was amazing to see how quickly the reporters could move when pressured. They parted cleanly down the middle, fleeing like beetles who had their dark log overturned and exposed to the sunlight. You finally turned to face one very ticked-off Bakugou, complete in full hero costume with a backpack slung over his shoulder, his arms crossed over his chest and a frown dipping the edges of his lips.
Despite his expression, you couldn’t help your small smile of gratitude. Playfully rolling your eyes, you motioned to the door, holding it open for him to enter. “You know, I thought that the reporters were actually scared of me for a second there. It felt nice.”
He chucked low in his chest, refusing your offer until you went in first. “It was quite a sight to walk up on: seeing some random nurse mouth off to a bunch of reporters like that. It was almost impressive, if you had upped your intimidation factor more.”
You huffed in frustration. “Would it kill you to give an actual compliment?”
His words were harsh, but there was a slight bounce to his step that indicated he wasn’t completely serious. However, as the two of you made your way to the special ICU wing, his footfall became heavy, and all mirth slipped from his body replaced with a somber resignation. The change in atmosphere dampened your mood as well, and even more so as you heard raised voices coming from room 3307.
“I just don’t understand why I wasn’t informed of this decision until right now,” Gia said, her piercing voice echoing off the walls. She was standing in the center of the room, her arms crossed as she was facing Dr. Hiyashi with thinly veiled contempt.
For his part, Dr. Hiyashi looked surprisingly calm, although very weary from yesterday’s events. “The decision was made by myself and other nursing administrators. I appreciate your concern for these two top priority patients, but overall the hospital needs your talents of Diagnosis with the larger multitude of other patients.”
“But I could ensure that they are provided with whatever care they might need. Much more accurately than she could.”
Her attention had turned to you, standing awkwardly at the entrance of the doorway. You weren’t sure whether you were allowed to enter during this conversation, but it seemed now that the choice had been made for you. You opened your mouth to respond, but then closed it. She might have been throwing a fit, but you couldn’t help but feel there was some truth to her words. It was a concern that had kept you up last night, when you had been replaying the day in your mind, and it surfaced once again, trying to drag you down into the depths of uncertainty. 
“Oh yeah? What’s she doing wrong, then? If my friends aren’t being taken care of, I want to know.” Bakugou took this chance to make his presence known, stepping out from behind you. Gia’s eyes, which had previously been glaring at you, widened in surprise at his appearance. She at least had the good sense to look chagrined by her previous statement, now knowing that she had an audience.
She blinked, regaining her composure before giving Bakugou her most practiced smile. “I was just implying that if something did go wrong, my quirk Diagnosis would be much better suited for caring for them.”
She had dodged his question, and Bakugou didn’t appreciate it in the slightest. “She’s already been taking care of them for a full day now. If something’s wrong with them, then you should be able to tell, right? Use your quirk to see.”
She looked over at Dr. Hiyashi, who simply shrugged. It was obvious he wanted this conversation over with. She sauntered over to Red Riot first, reaching out to touch his shoulder. The tell-tale green glow that emanated from her hand signaled that her quirk was in use. After several seconds, she retracted her hand, making a show of staring intensely staring at his monitors. She did the same to Chargebolt, walking back to the center of the room with a hand on her chin. The average onlooker would think she was troubled by something, but you knew that look to be one of calculation. A pit formed in your stomach as you realized she was planning something. 
“Well?” Bakugou demanded, his full force directed at Gia. He stepped closer to her, not enough to be in her personal space, but enough that she had to look up to meet his gaze. “Stop the scheming and give me an answer. I don’t have all day.”
Your eyebrows raised and so did hers, shocked at being caught. She swallowed, attempting to clear her throat before answering. “Chargebolt is in perfectly fine condition right now, and so is Red Riot.”
“Then what are you still doing here?” He pointed back to you. “She can obviously handle things by herself.”
“But if something happened unexpectedly-”
“I’m sure could also handle it because that’s literally her job. Just like it’s your job to work somewhere else. I don’t get what’s so confusing about this.”
Gia was the first to break eye contact, glancing down to the side. You almost felt bad for her. Being on the receiving end of Bakugou’s bluntness looked like an absolute nightmare. Then again, with the number of times she had made your life miserable, you mainly felt a sense of second-hand victory.
“We can continue this conversation elsewhere,” she said, turning to Dr. Hiyashi. While she couldn’t bring herself to admit defeat, she did exit the room as fast as she could, not even sparing you a glance as you left. Your gaze landed on Bakugou, who had a smirk plastered on his face as he watched her leave.
Dr. Hiyashi coughed into his hand, drawing the attention back on him. “While I might agree with the sentiments you spoke out about, I must ask you to refrain from speaking to any staff under my care in that manner again.”
You thought Bakugou might try to pick a fight with him as well, but it seemed as though even he could put on a filter when necessary. He gave a quick bow of his head in apology to the man. “I understand, Doc. As long as she doesn’t come in here and try to start running things again, we won’t have a problem.”
‘So close,’ you thought, watching Dr. Hiyashi’s shoulders sag. He rubbed his temple, pushing up the hair on his forehead. You swore you heard the words “it’s too early for this” mumbled from his lips. Nonetheless, he turned to face you, holding out a clipboard.
“We’re still doing some blood work on them, but for right now, things continue to remain the same. We’re also still trying to determine the exact composition of the toxins flowing through their system. I’ll let you know when more results come back. For now, you’ve been doing a good job at keeping things stable.”
You nodded, and he left as well, eager to be out of the room. Now only you and Bakugou remained. Despite the tap of his foot, he did seem to relax a little once it was just the two of you. His shoulders loosened, and he stretched his arms high above his head before wandering over to the side of both of his friends’ beds, inspecting their faces closely before sitting on the couch.
“Thank you.”
You broke the silence with a low bow to the man on the couch. It was perhaps a little humiliating, but after the stunt he just pulled against Gia, you thought it might be okay to stroke his ego, just this once.
He grinned in response. “Believe me when I say that it was my pleasure. She seemed like a pain, and I definitely would rather deal with you over her.”
“Of course…” you trailed off. You’re not sure whether to be flattered by the statement.
To take your mind off of the enigma that was Bakugou, you look down at the clipboard in your hands. The blood tests that had come back already showed no other symptoms or new areas of concern, which you considered a win. However, the toxin seemed to keep them in this comatose state, with no progress made toward uncovering its nature or cure. You adjusted the IVs according to the doctor’s notes, in hopes of flushing out the toxins from Chargebolt’s body.
You had zoned in on your work, focusing only on Chargebolt and momentarily forgetting the other person in the room. However, as you turned away from your patient’s bed, you were met with Bakugou’s garnet gaze, focused completely on you as you worked. You cleared your throat, suddenly feeling slightly nervous, and he seemed to snap out of whatever thoughts he was buried in.
“Do you eat lunch here?”
The question threw you off guard, and you scrambled for the right words. “Like, as in here here? No. But as in the hospital here? Most of the time, although I didn’t have enough time to make a lunch last night, so I’ll have to stop by a convenience store.”
He squinted his eyes, appearing to weigh the options of his next words in his head. “Don’t.”
“Huh?” you asked intelligently. “I need to eat, Bakugou.”
He rolled his eyes. “I know that. Eat with me, dumbass. It’s my turn anyways.”
With that, he reached into his backpack, pulling out a bento wrapped in pale orange cloth. Your heart stuttered in your chest before beating with increasing intensity. He had cooked for you, again. And not only had he cooked for you, but now he wanted to eat with you too?
“What’s on the menu?” you joked, trying to take your mind off of the glaring implications of eating lunch with Bakugou.
He gave you a cutting smile in response. “You’ll just have to come back and see, but I promise it’ll be the best damn thing you ever ate.”
His words were extremely cocky, but you couldn’t help but believe him. They rattled around in your mind for the rest of your shift like loose coins in a dryer, incessant words that resurfaced right when you were beginning to think you were over them. Of course, it didn’t help that you had told Hina about the whole interaction, and she now shot you suggestive eyebrow raises and winks every time you looked in her direction.
Just as your luck would have it, you were incredibly busy. You counted down as the minutes ticked by, first in anticipation, and then in dread once your lunch break hit but you were still on your feet. You tried to finish your tasks as quickly as you could, but between chatty patients and an influx of visitors, you bitterly watched your lunch break slip away until a meager 15 minutes remained.
You all but sprinted to the special wing of the hospital in the time you had left, needing a moment to compose yourself before entering room 3307. Bakugou was right where you left him, leaning forward on his elbows and lost in thought as he examined a mess of papers he had spread out on the coffee table. Upon your entrance, he looked up, his trance broken. He flashed a grin before beginning to shove the papers into a manila folder.
“Almost thought you ditched me,” he said, motioning you to sit in the chair closest to him.
You complied, fighting the urge to wring your hands. “I got caught up in my shift, unfortunately. It felt like everyone had something to say to me today, which isn’t awful, but you know, definitely puts me behind. I’m sorry to make you wait.”
He shrugged, passing you the pale orange bento box before fishing around in his backpack. After a second of digging, he was successful, pulling out a sage green bento with small, smiling hand grenades decorating the fabric. He flinched as you couldn’t contain the laugh bubbling from your throat at the sight.
“It was a gag gift from Shitty Hair over there, after he noticed I kept bringing my lunches wrapped up in that orange one. Said it was ‘manly’ or some shit.”
He rolled his eyes as he said it, but you noticed that once unwrapped, he folded the fabric into a neat square before setting it beside him, away from the food. His gaze turned to you, and you realized he was waiting for you to open the box still clasped in your hands. You unwrapped it with care. Taking in a deep breath, a broad smile crossed your face as you hummed in satisfaction.
Neatly cut and almost professionally presented in the bento was the best looking tonkatsu you had ever seen. The pork cutlet was fried to perfection, with small flecks of red in the otherwise golden batter denoting a hint of something spicy. Next to it was a bed of shredded cabbage with thinly sliced pickles on top. On the second layer, furikake rice took up the majority of the space, with blanched greens and a sliced tomato occupying the left corner in lieu of the traditional miso.
You licked your lips in anticipation, muttering a quick blessing of thanks before eagerly picking up your chopsticks. You loved the taste of fried food, but you hated the act of actually frying it. That’s part of the reason you were so impressed with the tonkatsu. Then again, with a quirk that literally creates explosions, you supposed a little hot oil wouldn’t be an issue. The other reason you were so impressed with the tonkatsu, was because, well -
“This is amazing,” you mumbled, mouth full of food.
“I told you it would be the best.” Bakugou preened at your compliment, almost glaring at you accusingly for your lack of faith. 
You held your hands up in mock surrender. “And I believed you! I had my doubts from the curry, but ever since the mapo tofu and now this, I have full faith in your cooking.”
At that, he let out a small choke, swallowing his rice hastily before replying, “Hey, what’s wrong with my curry?”
“You know what’s wrong with your curry!” you stressed. “It was too spicy. Plus, you used squash, which is a questionable choice to be sure.”
“What, you can’t eat your veggies?” he mocked.
You gave him an unimpressed look, making a show of shoveling the largest bite of cabbage and pickles you could get into your mouth. You chewed without breaking eye contact, smiling as you swallowed. “No, I like almost all vegetables, thank you very much. Just not squash.”
Your mind began to wander, the talk of vegetables reminding you of the myriad of plant life you have back at your apartment, courtesy of Shiozaki. “I’ve been experimenting with some different spices lately too. Ever since I moved, I have an abundance of them at my disposal.”
“You’re new here?”
“Moved to the city for my rotationals, although I hope to end up here one day. It’s definitely been a big change though.” You trailed off as you thought about your time in the city, with all of its challenges so far.
“I hope I can make it,” you murmured, more to yourself than to Bakugou, but he heard you easily in the otherwise silent room. 
“Aren’t you making it right now?” He gave you a quizzical look, and you averted your eyes before responding.
“Yes, but I’m still in school right now. It’s all structured. Once I graduate, I’ll be out on my own, and I’ll need to figure out a job, and friends, and my life, and-”
“And you will.”
You looked up at him, surprised by the finality in his tone. At your worry, he had tensed up once again, leaning forward on his elbows towards you with his eyebrows furrowed. You thought he would have joked about your rambling, but the glint in his eye was nothing but sincere.
“And how can you be so confident about that, hm?” You tried to draw out your question, make it sound more like a joke, but the words fell flat. You smiled, but you were certain that the underlying current of uncertainty made it look more like a grimace. 
“Because it’s true, if you have enough guts.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, hoping for more of an explanation than simply “guts,” but the tinny boom of a thousand tiny explosions rang throughout the room as his cellphone went off. You hid your laugh behind your hand as he answered. He seemed deeply pissed to be disturbed by whoever was on the other line, but surprisingly obedient. After what you would consider minimal grousing on his part, he ended the call, sighing as he began to pack up his backpack.
“Sorry, but the boss called. I have to go in for an emergency meeting,” he grumbled. He was frowning as he said it, and it almost seemed like he wanted to stay a little bit longer due to his slow movements.  He reached for your bento box out of instinct, but you leaned away, clutching the empty box to your chest.
“It’s my turn to cook now,” you grinned, shaking your head and holding the box as far away from him as you could.
He could have easily gotten it from you, but he quickly gave up, zipping up his backpack instead. “I guess it is. Better make me something good.”
You scoffed, gaining the courage to tease. “Don’t I always?”
At this, he fully laughed. “Yeah, you do.”
You beamed at the compliment, and Bakugou quickly looked away, fiddling with the straps of his backpack before standing up in a rush.
You thought nothing of it, walking with him out of the room and down the twisting hallways until you arrived at the entrance of the ICU wing. After giving one more heartfelt thanks for the meal, you watched him leave before returning to your regular duties, feeling time tick by just a little bit slower.
The rest of your afternoon was excruciatingly painful, not because you injured yourself, but because you were stuck behind the desk of the visitor’s check-in due to a nurse calling in sick last-minute. It wasn’t that you necessarily hated visitors. Most of them were just concerned family members, and you couldn’t fault them if they were a little weepy or frazzled. However, it seemed as though the majority of visits had occurred in the morning, and the waiting room was left unnaturally empty.
While the quiet was welcome, it was rather boring after a while, so you began to busy yourself with updating patient files within the system. It wasn’t the most fun work, and it was normally handed off to an intern or other assistant, but it was better than sitting there doing nothing. You had finally gotten into the flow when a soft cough sounded above you, ripping your focus away from the screen. 
You looked up, coming face-to-face with a humongous bouquet, all different varieties of flowers but all in some shade of vibrant red. The arrangement was beautiful, but it was so large that the person holding it was completely lost behind the florals.
“How can I help you?” you asked.
The flowers rustled before a timid voice spoke from behind them. You had to lean forward in order to even hear it. “Uh, I’m here to see Red Riot, if I can?”
Your shoulders dropped at the comment, happy that your exasperated expression was obscured by the gift. The agencies of both Red Riot and Chargebolt had released an official statement telling the public that all gifts for the heroes should be directed to them for both safety and privacy reasons. However, it seemed like this fan didn’t seem to get the memo. You were mildly surprised that they had even narrowed it down to your wing of the hospital specifically, but you figured that if the ravenous news reporters could figure it out, a devoted fan could as well.
Nonetheless, you pasted on your best customer service face before answering. “I’m sorry! As officially announced by the Fatgum Agency, you need to direct all cards and gifts to them instead of us. I cannot accept this.”
The vase shook with more agitation, and a couple of lily petals scattered to the ground in the disturbance. “Oh, uh, you don’t understand! I’m not a fan of Kiri’s. I mean, I am a fan, but not just a fan. Um, I’m here to see how he’s doing and to drop this off on behalf of the Fatgum agency.”
After a moment of hesitation, during which more petals were dislodged, the vase was quickly set on the ground out of your view. The stranger stood up to properly introduce himself, but you were already gaping at him, heat rising to your cheeks in embarrassment. You were an idiot, a complete and utter idiot. You resisted the incredible urge to bang your head on the desk in front of you in frustration. How many times had you heard that voice before? Only every other lunch break. Hina would never let you hear the end of this.
Standing before you, hands fiddling with the strings of his indigo hoodie, was none other than the Number 12 Pro-Hero Suneater.
“Of-of course. I’m so sorry about the confusion.” This time it was your turn to trip over words.
“No, no it’s really my bad. I should have introduced myself properly. I’m sure you’ve gotten some excited fans already. Sorry,” he replied, looking down at the floor.
You wanted to tell him that it wasn’t his fault at all, and that you were the one who was in the wrong, but you knew the conversation would go on interminably. Previous interviews proved that to be the case. Instead, you shook your head, your air of customer service being replaced by a genuine smile.
“While I’d like to disagree with you about that, let’s just say it’s both of our faults and call it a truce, okay?”
He nodded in approval, giving up as you continued your spiel. “For protocol, do you have a valid form of identification on you? I just need to see it before you can go back and see Red Riot.”
His eyes widened in surprise, as though he had forgotten about this step. He began to rummage through his pockets, muttering apologies as he did so. You brushed them off with a chuckle, watching as he dug through the pockets of his pants, hoodie, and finally the jean jacket he was wearing on top if it. You had to admit, he might not have been your type on page, but in-person, he was pretty cute. Hina had a point.
‘Hina-’ you mused. ‘What she wouldn’t give to be here right now…’
“Here you go,” Suneater said, breaking your train of thought by finally producing his license to you. You took it from him quickly, looking at both sides just to be safe before returning it. Of course it was the real thing, because of course, this was the real Suneater before you. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
You stood up from your chair, walking over to the intercom on the wall. You coughed once, clearing your voice before pressing the button.
“Nurse Hina, please come to the visitor’s desk. Repeat: Nurse Hina, please come to the visitor’s desk. Special request. Over.”
You returned to your seat before glancing up at Suneater, who seemed rather alarmed by your actions. You tried to don a mask of cool professionalism, but you’re pretty sure the corner of your mouth twitched upward as you began to explain the situation to him.
“Nurse Hina has been placed with the specific task of caring for Red Riot during his stay. Both he and Chargebolt are being kept in a special access wing, so she will escort you to their room.”
Suneater relaxed at this statement, not noticing how your eyes sparkled with mischief. Sure, you had access to the same wing that Hina did, and yes, you were currently on duty for visitor requests specifically, but Suneater didn’t know that. If things went according to plan, he never would.
The sound of footsteps were rapidly approaching behind you, and you turned in your chair to see a flustered Hina.
“What’s happened? What’s wrong?” she gasped out.
“Thank you for coming on such short notice, Nurse Hina. A special request has come in to visit Red Riot, and as the presiding nurse in charge of his care, you will be escorting this visitor there.”
Hina looked at you with complete and utter confusion, and you silently begged her to play along. Your eyes darted back and forth to the visitor area where Suneater stood, and she had the good sense to follow your gaze before saying anything first.
You knew the exact moment she registered who was behind the window. Her spine instantly straightened, and her eyes grew wide until the whites were clearly visible. You subtly bumped her shoulder as you passed her to open the door, attempting to break her out of her stupor. It worked, and she followed you out of the door to properly greet Suneater, although she still looked like she was in a daze.
“Nurse Hina, this is Suneater. He’s come on behalf of the Fatgum agency to deliver this bouquet and to check on Red Riot. Suneater, this is Nurse Hina. She will be taking you to Red Riot’s room, and she is here to answer any questions you might have about him.”
The two bowed politely to each other, muttering basic formalities before Suneater bent over to pick up the absurdly large bouquet of flowers once again. He nearly dropped the vase a couple of times, clearly preoccupied as his gaze remained fixated on Hina instead of the object in his hands. He eventually used his quirk to provide extra stability so he could hold the flowers with one hand against his hip while still keeping his face uncovered. You swore Hina squeaked when she saw the tentacles come out.
At this point, it felt as though both people had completely forgotten your presence, but it didn’t bother you in the slightest. You watched the scene unfolding in front of you with unbridled glee.
“The flowers are beautiful. I’m sure he’ll love them once he wakes up,” Hina commented as she held the door open for him. You slipped in after them, going back to the desk as they continued down the hallway.
“I’m glad you think so. Fatgum made me pick them out. I don’t have much experience with doing that type of thing, but I know he likes the color red, and so I just chose some that seemed to work together,” Suneater mumbled, but Hina had caught every word he said.
She nodded enthusiastically. “And they do! I especially love the tiger lilies. They’re my favorite.”
Suneater latched on to the statement, giving her the first genuine smile you had seen from him all day. “Oh really? Mine too!”
Their voices faded as they walked down the hallway, and you squealed the second you were sure they were out of earshot. You didn’t hear from Hina for the rest of your shift, but if anything, you took that as an extremely good sign. The rest of the afternoon was uneventful in comparison, but it hardly mattered.
All you could think about was that, without a doubt, this was the most eventful day of your life. That, and you were officially the best friend ever in the whole entire world.
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A/N: Thank you so much for reading this chapter! It was supposed to be a short one, but it ended up being the longest yet. Since it ended up so long and I traveled for the holiday season, I am unfortunately pushing the release of chapter 5 back to Dec. 8th (unless I miraculously write it in like 4 days). Sorry about that! I'm hoping that the extra time will be able to give me back the buffer I had built up before. Thanks so much for your understanding!
As always, reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated, but please do not repost here or on other platforms. However, fan arts, edits, or anything like that are beyond amazing and totally welcome! If you have a question about it, just ask me.
Tag List: @lavender99, @gold24fish, @bqkuho3, @satorulicious, @cringeycookies, @summrwalkr, @nyxmania, @poopoobuttsy, @st1rvoid, @kitzusune, @nindevorak, @stxrrielle, @cax-per, @kisskissshutmydoor
If you would like to be added to the tag list, let me know in the comments! Also, if the tag list DIDN'T work, please let me know as well.
93 notes · View notes
aninklingof · 2 years
#Seans tickle fics— tickle fics
#Seans ficlets— tickle ficlets
#Sean’s stupid brain— random shit
#sean does a ramble— ramble posts
#sean cepts— my hcs
#sean’s sad ask box— answered asks
#seany’s non tword art— for non-tickle art
#seany’s tword art— for tickle art
#Sean’s OCs— OC info, fics, etc.
Dream SMP
Revenge of the ‘eeee!’— Lee! Karl, Ler! Sapnap
A Warrior’s Weakness— Lee! Wilbur, Ler! Techno
Baby Pandas— Lee! Sapnap, Ler! Dream
The Great Ler Mood of Twitchcon— Lee! George & Karl, Ler! Quackity
A Taste of Your Own Medicine— Lee! DreamXD, Ler! George
A Tickly Detour— Lee! Dream, Ler! skulk sensor
An Unlucky Encounter— Lee! Dream Ler! DreamXD
I’m Not Allowed To Hurt You…. — Lee! Tommy Ler! Dream (C!)
Be Quiet, Or Else…. — Lee! George Ler! Dream (manhunt)
The Challenge — Lee! George & Dream
Interrogation— Lee! Dream (TW: intense tkls!)
A Massage for Dream— Lee! Dream Ler! George & Sapnap
The Compliment Monster— Lee! Karl Ler! Sapnap
A TikTok Challenge Gone Wrong— Lee! Dream Ler! George
The Tickliest Giggle Button— Lee! Dream Ler! George
Monkey in the Middle— Lee! George & Sapnap Ler! Dream
Sweet Revenge— Lee! George & Dream Ler! Sapnap
Let Me Help— Lee! Dream Ler! Sapnap & George
Just Pretending— Lee! George Ler! Dream (Giggles and Ghasts!)
Hide and… Stuck?— Lee! Sapnap Ler! Dream ( @rxsahgrce ‘s Sapnap tickle week)
Sweet Giggles, Soft Feathers— Lee! Sapnap Ler! Quackity ( @rxsahgrce ‘s Sapnap tickle week)
A Little Bit of Tickles— Lee! Dream Ler! Sapnap ( @rxsahgrce ‘s Sapnap tickle week)
Surprise Attack!!— Lee! Karl Ler! Sapnap ( @rxsahgrce ‘s Sapnap tickle week)
3 Times Rough & 1 Time Soft: Sapnap ed.— Lee! Sapnap birthday fic!!🎉
Head Hips Masager— Lee! George Ler! Dream
Revenge Has Never Been Sweeter— Lee!Dream Ler!George (sequel to Head Hips Massager!)
A Balancing Act— Lees! Dream & Sapnap Ler! George
Twitchcon Tricep Nibbles— Lee! George Ler! Sapnap ✨ficlet✨
Just a Dream— Lee! Dream Tickle monster AU!
Not a Big Deal— Lee! Sapnap Tickle monster AU!
Tickle Art:
“Tickle Hunt” Fanart— Lee! Dream
Blob Dream Fanart— Lee! Dream month
Hoodie Tickles— Lee! Dream month
Dream Skulk Tickles— Lee! Dream
>Blob Dream being tickled w/ paintbrush— Lee! Blob Dream
>Dream Feather tickles— Lee! Dream
>Even more Blob Dream Tickle Art— Lee! Blob Dream
Fluffallamaful & Soup Anon “tickle therapy au” fanart— Lee! Dream
>Fluffallamaful & Soup Anon “tickle therapy au” fanart Part 2– Lee! Dream TW: feet tickles!
Lee! Sapnap Tickles
Mushie’s Lee George week art— TW: intense tickles, tickle machine
“A Balancing Act” fanart
“Phantasmagoria” fanart— original fic by @wishitweresummer TW: intense tickles
“Vibe Check!” Raspberries Fanart— Lee!Dream Ler! George
Lee! Sap Upside down tickles fanart— original concept by wishitweresummer
Non-Tickle Art:
CC! Punz fanart
Eburnean! Tommy AU fanart (BLOOD TW)
CC! Dream Face Reveal fanart
C! TNTduo fanart
CC! Dream at his computer fanart
CC! Dream “whatcha got there?” Fanart
C! Dream Team training regime fanart
CC! Wilbur Soot fanart
Ghostbur birthday fanart
CC! Ranboo fanart
A Gaggle of Dreams fanart
Lovejoy “Call me what you like” fanart
Karlnapity Hug Fanart
Karlnapity Fanart (photo)
Genloss Ranboo Fanart
DNF kiss fanart
George’s Mushroom Patches fanart— inspired by @covenofwives
C!Dream Fanart— idea by @fluffallamaful
R800 Ranboo Fanart
Introduction of Inkling and Zero
Not Ticklish?— Lee! Inkling Ler! Zero
Scars and Lost Time— Lee! Zero Ler! Inkling
Crop Tops and Tickle Monsters— Lee! Inkling Ler! Zero
Pride Month Inkling Art
>Introduction of CovenTK (character made for @covenofwives )
>More hcs for CovenTK
>Tumblr comments OC challenge!
To Calm A Starshine— Lee! Inkling Ler! Sundrop(FNAFsb)
Meeting Someone New— Lee! GeorgeHD Ler! CovenTK & DreamXD (@covenofwives )
Meet Harper— w/ @iturathedutchie
Tickle Charts for My OCs
Harper & Itura Sharing 1 Braincell— w/ @iturathedutchie
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Wizard billy needs sleep. Au shorts Part 2/?
He wants to sleep. Like really wants to sleep. It’s not often that his tiredness lapses over into his Champion form. He’s been looking over old and new laws in the magical lands and frankly his head is just a bunch of soup.
So it really doesn’t matter what they’re saying at the meeting because Billy doesn’t hear it. He crosses his arms and shuffles down the chair scooting around getting comfortable placing his chin on his chest with a deep sigh.
What ever Batman had been saying cut off by Marvels sigh of contentment.
Irritation lines his face as he regards Marvel.
Batman: You should be paying attention not slacking off Marvel.
Billy’s gone he’s in dream land. He’s comfy warm and in the safest place possible to sleep.
Batman slams hand on table: MARVEL
Marvel: wat ? Hmm ? Oh, me and my surf board nipples are going to ride the waves of depression.
Varying degrees of confusion and concern radiate over the group
Wonder Woman: Is he delirious ?
Martian Manhunter: no his mind seems to be in an exhaustive state and in a type of dream.
GL: well, when I dream of tits it ain’t about surfboards and depression.
Part 1 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6. Part7
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dessarious · 4 years
Misconceptions, Miscommunication, and Misinformation Pt79
So again sorry for the plot bunny, I have absolutely no idea where I’m going with it either.
Inspired by @ozmav Maribat AU
AO3   Beginning   Previous   Next
Marinette felt the transformation drop and her mind went completely blank for a moment. She felt Discorde and Viperion hold on to her and ended up with an arm around each while they used their arms like a chair for her. . None of the other heroes noticed since they were still shouting at one another. It took her a moment to notice the new person in front of her.
The woman looked to be in her late twenties and about Chloe’s height. Her hair was black with red highlights. The outfit she wore seemed extremely familiar. The dress was a sort of tiger stripe pattern only with red instead of orange and jagged edges. Her thigh high boots were red until the knees and gray after that. It wasn’t until she saw the pink tulle under the skirt that she realized it was an outfit she’d designed but never made. When the woman stopped glaring at Superman to lock eyes with Marinette she felt her breath catch as she looked into clear blue eyes.
“Tikki?” She felt Discorde and Viperion start in surprise but couldn’t take her eyes off the woman giving her a gentle smile.
“Plagg had his fun, now it’s my turn.”
“I shouldn’t have put the Miracle Box in my Yoyo.” Tikki just grinned at her and Marinette groaned internally. By forcing her to detransform with the box still inside, Tikki was able to tap into the energy from that realm making them much more powerful. Tikki just grinned at her before turning to face the Justice League.
“I think we should have popcorn for this.” Robin’s voice only got an eye roll as she focused on her Kwami. She had no idea what Tikki was up to but the fact that they took human form said it was big.
“That’s enough!” Tikki’s voice was lower than normal and echoed around the room becoming louder until everyone shut up. Then it just stopped. “I find it rather amusing that you’re so hung up on my Chosen’s age when you all insist on acting like children.”
“How dare you--” Tikki snapped their fingers and Superman was cut off by what looked like a metal plate sealing his mouth shut.
“You really need to learn some manners. Now it’s time for you all to listen.” No one spoke and Tikki gave a satisfied smile. “Better. First things first. I want you all to take a good long look at my Chosen and Guardian of the Miraculous.” Marinette felt everyone’s eyes on her and had to fight the urge to make herself smaller. Instead she held her head high while they studied her.
“I still see nothing but an incompetent child.” Tikki snapped her fingers again and Green Lantern met the same fate as Superman.
“If I want your input, I’ll ask for it.” Tikki gave them a bright smile that was honestly a bit creepy. “That child has been protecting Paris almost on her own for two years. During the final confrontation with Hawkmoth that child gave up the ability to walk in order to end his reign of terror. While you’ve all done nothing but make her job more complicated, she’s been working tirelessly to bring down a lunatic. The next one of you that demeans her will feel the full force of Discorde’s wrath and I won’t reverse the damage.”
Quite a few members paled at that threat and Marinette glanced over to see a rather manic smile on her girlfriend’s face. She shuddered at the thought of what she might do. Everyone was completely silent as Tikki let that thought settle.
“Still, you can’t expect us to leave such powerful artifacts in the hands of children.” Tikki narrowed her eyes at Martian Manhunter before offering another fake smile.
“I am a god older than the universe itself. They may be young but we are not.” Marinette could see the hero hesitate and winced when he finally decided to speak.
“Your will is bound to the Miraculous. The children are the ones in charge and should the Miraculous fall into the wrong hands your power becomes a liability.” Tikki studied him for a moment before letting out a sigh.
“You’re all far too concerned with age but I suppose we could fix that if it will make you feel better.” Marinette shared confused looks with her team. How was Tikki planning on fixing them being kids? Most of the League members looked just as confused but Wonder Woman was frowning in thought.
“What exactly do you plan to fix?” The words sounded like they were being dragged out of the hero that seemed to have become their spokesman. Tikki’s smile turned condescending.
“Your problem is with my Chosen’s age, not experience or intelligence as would be at least more appropriate. As such,” they snapped their fingers again and suddenly four more twenty something’s appeared behind her. “I present you with guardians for the Guardian.”
Discorde studied the four new people with annoyance. It was her job to protect Mari and these interlopers weren’t wanted. She was a bit confused when she felt Plagg trying to soothe her.
The four of them were all completely different. On either side of Tikki were a man and woman. One man was wearing an all black designer suit. His shirt, tie, and all other accessories were the same shade as well. His hair was even darker somehow. Next to him was a woman in a white sundress and sandals. Her hair was blonde but gave the impression of sunlight. They were both the same height as Tikki. Both also had one green eye and one brown, but on opposite sides.
On Tikki’s other side was a man at least seven foot tall. He was wearing brown khakis and a blue, short sleeve button up. Both looked starched and pressed to perfection. His brown hair was buzzed on the sides and he gave off a decidedly special forces vibe. His arm rested on the head of the woman next to him who couldn’t be more than five foot tall. She was in full steampunk gear. For their eyes each had one vibrant blue and one gray that reminded Discorde of storm clouds. Again on opposite sides. The longer her gaze rested on the short woman the louder Plagg’s giggling got in her head.
“And who are they exactly? The last thing we need is more amateurs in the field.” Tikki’s grin turned feral. She gestured the pair with green and brown eyes forward.
“Allow me to introduce you. This is Jett, Kwami of Darkness and Primm, Kwami of Light.” He bowed and she curtsied before Tikki waved the other two forward.  “And this is Digg, Kwami of Order and Lyccen, Kwami of Anarchy. They are not bound to Miraculous and as such aren’t liabilities like the rest of us.” Having his words thrown back at him seemed to shut him up for the moment but Superman started making exaggerated gestures. Tikki let out an annoyed sigh before snapping again and removing the gags from him and Green Lantern.
“You can’t just release entities like that on this plane with no way to control them!” All five of the Kwami rolled their eyes.
“First, giving them human forms limits their powers, much like the Miraculous do. Second, control was your major objection to the rest of us. Third, if they become a problem it’s a simple fix. I created their bodies so Plagg can destroy them.” Everyone in the room flinched except the Kwami themselves.
AO3   Beginning   Previous    Next
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@noirdots @valeks-princess @chocolatecatstheron @krispydefendorpolice @bee-wrecker @kanamexzeroyaoifangirl @northernbluetongue @paradoxal-occurance @scrumptiouslyelegantchaosqueen @sonif50 @thequestionablyhuman @persephonebutkore @elspethshadow @geekydragonyt @mmwolf1605 @da-tasuky @mjisntme @bluerosette23 @anjuschiffer @littleredrobinhoodlum @tazanna-blythe @resignedcatservant @schrodingers25 @seraphichana @persephonescat @punstoppablechatnoir @magicalfirebird @crazylittlemunchkin @corabeth11 @cyborgcandy @casual-darkness @shamefullove @miraculous-simmer7 @tamoni112 @cat181818meow @littleblue5mcdork @allthebooksandcrannies @enchanted-nerd @disneyfoxuniverse @fallinginthe-void @mandy984 @goggles-mcgee @fontegagrilledcheese @dorkus-minimus @theatreandcomicfreak @zerotosiki @ayuchan07 @mindfulmagics @urbanpineapplefarmer @winter-gardenflower @mooshoon @my-name-is-michell @melicmusicmagic @7-sage-7 @hypnosharkrebeldreamer @alicesangelofmusic @caffeinetheory @nataladriana9 @multplelifes @wanderingreader1019 @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @mvaree @redscarlet95 @storyteller-d @howabouticallyou @ginamarie1512 @kurogaya913 @tbehartoo @maddrag @two-faced-biatch @senyahgirl @unabashedlyswimmingtimemachine @iloontjeboontje @kakashixobito @welcometopradasa @amirahevens @amlesi @miraculousbelladonna @virgil-is-a-cutie @18-fandoms-unite-08 @cupcakeandkisses @angelofmusickaterinapetrova @book-r-the-best @dur55 @moonlightstar64 @fertileleaf @thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @thecaptainthunder @danielslilangel @novicevoice @nyaabinch @interobanginyourmom @welcometopradasa @charlietheepic7 @im-here-for-the-content @maya-custodios-dionach @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @starwindmaden @tired-butterfly @rogueptoridactyl @emeraldpuffguide @suzen23smith @yuulxd @animegirlweeb @alovelyocean @kris-pines04 @semaalcocer-blog @cadencehood @jardimazul @shethecat @silent-storms-posts @simplysslytherin @tog84 @thesunanditsangel @dast218 @tall-and-angry @the-alice-of-hearts @captainmac6 @theyellowfeverexperience @chrismarium @alessialeone6997 @heaven428 @tinyterror333 @smolplantmum @lilyellowink @naoryllis @katiegardneriscoolerthanyou @magewriter @doodledeerest @athena452 @peachedpocky @tired-butterfly @risingmoonyue @lunammoon @mylife-demonstrates-murphys-law  @bobothyross @silvergold-swirl @loysydark @heaven428 @peachedpocky @hauntedwintersweets @awesome-starfish-and-tacos @silvergold-swirl @rosesgonerogue @castielsofficialtoothbrush @myazael @aestheticnpoetic @creator-josie @sturchling @snowstar1016 @myblacknightworld @kittycatwowmeow @midnightkaito @chylou34 @hufflejournals @indecisive-mess-named-me @uwuteamleader @sassakitty @jessigurl-design @demigodgirl20031 @freshbark @soup-served-chilling @elmokingkong @unknownvsworld @thatonegaybitchfromschool @tis-i-beanbandit @damianette-is-life @peachesbackup @nobodyw8s4evr @the-fusionist @iwantwhirlledpeasandlotsatrees @chocolateherringtacofan
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dibehok932 · 4 years
Minestrone instantané avec pâtes – Apéritif Fille
Instant Pot Minestrone with Pasta – Appetizer Girl
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Recette de soupe minestrone avec des ingrédients sains @ appetizergirl.com
Nous l’admettons: Parfois, nous truquons des choses lorsque nous cuisinons. Après promote, qui a besoin d’une recette p pâtes simples durante semaine? Le poulet rôti au pied levé est us jeu d’enfant. Nous sommes delaware grands supporters p ce style delaware cuisine intuitif, un peu p ceci, un peu de cela, vehicle cela rend nos vies et nos dîners plus faciles. Mais en matière p cuisson, nous respectons les règles. Manhunter cuisson au four est une technology qui nécessite de manhattan project précision et ne permet souvent pas p libertés créatives. Manhunter rédactrice en chef des aliments Dawn Perry et manhunter rédactrice durante chef adjointe des aliments, Claire Saffitz, toutes deux boulangères chevronnées, nous expliquent pourquoi des directions comme régler une minuterie, peser manhunter farine et utiliser des œufs à température ambiante comptent vraiment. Put les croûtes de tarte floconneuses, les gâteaux moelleux et les biscuits moelleux, il y a juste quelques règles qui ne peuvent pas être brisées. Suivez ces 11 conseils pour être un meilleur boulanger. 1. Utiliser des ingrédients à température ambiante
Si vous l’avez vu une fois, vous l’avez vu mille fois. Combien delaware recettes demandent du beurre, des œufs et du lait à température ambiante? C’est une érecord que vous ne devez pas ignorer. P nombreux produits p boulangerie commencent par crémer le beurre et le sucre, ce qui est infiniment plus facile avec des ingrédients légèrement réchauffés – si vous avez déjà essayé de coller un mélangeur électrique dans une brique de beurre froid dur comme p manhattan project pierre, vous savez pourquoi. “Si vous allez faire cuire, vous devez soit planifier à l’avance, soit être patient”, dit Saffitz, ajoutant qu’elle laisse souvent des œufs et du beurre sur le comptoir pendant manhunter nuit puis commence le projet le matin – ils viennent lentement à la température parfaite pendant qu’elle dort. ____ pLaissez ce bébé sur le comptoir serve de meilleurs cookies.p
Les ingrédients à température ambiante sont tout aussi importants que les ingrédients à même température: “Ajoutez des choses chaudes aux choses chaudes et des choses froides aux choses froides”, dit Saffitz, citant une ganache au chocolat pointilleuse comme exemple. Si vous versez p manhattan project crème chaude sur du chocolat froid, la graisse p cacao peut se séparer, ce qui rend votre sauce grasse et peu attrayante. C’est pourquoi p nombreuses recettes nécessitent de tempérer us ingrédient chaud avec us ingrédient plus frais – cela garantit que l’émulsion ne se saisira pas ou ne se séparera pas. 2. Investissez dans des ustensiles p cuisson delaware qualité
Vous pouvez cuire avec succès dans us four de qualité inférieure – comme nous en discutons dans le conseil numéro neuf, vous pouvez ajuster les factors chauds et les fours qui ont besoin d’être recalibrés, dit Saffitz. Mais tous les paris sont désactivés en ce qui concerne les ustensiles p cuisson p mauvaise qualité ;.Les poêles et les plateaux à feuilles minces et fragiles ne conduiront pas manhunter chaleur efficacement, provoquant une cuisson inefficace delaware vos gâteaux, tartes, cookies ou pâtisseries.
Cela est également essential lorsqu’il s’agit de mélanger des bols – Saffitz insiste sur les bols en verre et en métal qui fonctionnent le mieux comme chaudières de fortune. «N’utilisez jamais delaware plastique comme chaudière double», dit-elle. Une autre considération? Les revêtements antiadhésifs peuvent s’écailler au fil du temps, conférant des matières étrangères à vos friandises – il est préférable p les éviter. Une meilleure façon de contourner les pâtisseries cuites au four? Une poêle bien graisséelizabeth (voir astuce numéro trois), une doublure Silpat ou une feuille de papier parchemin. 3. Beurrez et farinez généreusement vos casseroles
“J’ai demandé une fois à quelqu’un p beurrer et delaware fariner une poêle, et elle a juste glissé quelques stries dedans”, dit Saffitz. Si cela fait frissonner votre colonne vertébrale, vous connaissez la puissance d’une poêle bien beurrée. Lorsqu’une recette nécessite us récipient graissé et / ou fariné, c’est put une raison: votre pâte ou pâte a le potentiel delaware cuire et d’adhérer à la poêle, alors beurrez-la. Considérez tous les coins et recoins qui pourraient devenir collants, et soyez généreux et minutieux avec votre software – cela signifie entrer dans les coins et aux coutures où le fond et les côtés se rencontrent. REGARDER Chaque façon de cuisiner une poitrine delaware poulet Autres vidéos Bon Appétit Publicité
Si vous farinez également une casserole, ajoutez-en plus qu’assez pour couvrir, inclinez manhattan project casserole put bien l’enrober, puis retirez l’excédent. Faites interest où vous manhunter tenez – les marques p doigt à l’intérieur laissent la casserole exposée et permettent à manhunter pâte p coller. 4. Pesez les ingrédients
Perry et Saffitz croient fermement durante manhunter puissance d’une échelle numérique. Une cuisson réussie signifie éliminer autant p potentiel d’erreur que possible, et cela signifie s’assurer que vos mesures sont exactes. Une tasse p farine mesurée durante size, level exemple, peut varier jusqu’à cinq onces – une quantité qui peut faire manhattan project différence entre beurre et feuilleté – et thick et pâteuse. Une bonne balance numérique – qui vous coûtera environ 20 $ – élimine toute conjecture et la nécessité de laver les tasses à mesurer. N’oubliez pas de régler manhattan project tare put l’ajuster au poids de votre bol!
The post Minestrone instantané avec pâtes – Apéritif Fille appeared first on Easy.
from Easy https://ift.tt/2V9e0vj
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fluffallamaful · 2 years
Manhunt AU: It takes them weeks to catch him. He’s too suspicious, too elusive. Whenever they get their hands on him he bites and lashes out and manages to scramble off, as frail as he is. They’re getting desperate.
Next time they catch him, they don’t just pin him down. They tickle him until he’s so tired he can barely think. When he comes to his senses again he’s being restrained (for his own safety) — but he also using someone else as a pillow, and there’s a warm campfire, and the smell of hot soup in the air. And he is finally loved.
fzyxyshs an add on to anon’s Manhunt AU ask
(discussion under cut)
ok so catching dream proves to be much harder than everyone originally assumed. “Operation Ocelot” has actually been the name given to their planning board (they have meetings every night to try and track dreams location and come up with new ways of capturing him). the newest plan had been to wear arm paddings, due to dreams habit of biting anyone that manages to get close to him
it was badboyhalo that first suggested the idea of capturing him with tickles, and it was promptly brushed off as one of his trolling suggestions. however, after explaining his point, george and sapnap both end up agreeing that perhaps bad is right? in that it would be almost familiar to him. they had trained that way for manhunts in the past? perhaps the tickling would almost be comforting to him. and so a tickle trap was added to the Operation Ocelot planning board
dream still did not go down easy. he still lashed out with punches, scratches, kicks, snaps. he managed to sink his teeth into the padding on sapnap’s forearm so forcefully that it went straight through to the younger’s skin.
but much to their relief the second the first tickles are given out (a few squeezes to his sides), dreams whole fight is startled. his teeth unsink themselves from sap’s arm, he barks out a laugh, his flailing stops for a moment, and he even lets out a rather surprised “WHahaT?!” (the first words anyone has heard him speak in weeks)
i actually cannot get over the idea of dream getting tickled and soothed in the middle of a random forest, to the point where he’s too exhausted and giggly to fight against them carrying him back to the community house. he even sleeps on the way back
AND OMFG THE IDEA KF HIM WAKINF up in a panic and trying to flail out of the behind hug that he had been sleeping in, only to have the person tighten their arms around him and whisper that it’s ok its ok. that he’s safe and that it’s all ok. and his eyes focus a bit more and he sees the whole server looking down it him with soft smiles and concerned, caring faces. and the smell of SOUP hits his nose, mixed with the scent of smoke and the warmth of the campfire in front of him
he’s been brought home :((
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fluffallamaful · 2 years
After everyone goes to therapy except for him somehow (time travel shenanigans work), the server stages an intervention for Dream, who is visibly falling apart at the seams both physically and mentally. But Dream’s super elusive, so they’ve got to catch him first! A server-wide manhunt ensues, ending with plenty of tickles and cuddles for the man who — up until about ten minutes ago — was certain that everyone was planning to kill him. (He probably cries when he finally gets a hug.)
ok ok so the nuke hits, but miraculously no one gets hurt (explosion didn’t work or something)? it’s been 3 weeks since they managed to disarm it, and bury it 64 blocks under, and people are all slowly starting to unshaken themselves from the scary event.
(more discussion under cut)
there has been multiple server wide dinner parties (hosted by nicki, who’s bakery is now back in business), and much less occupancies at puffy’s therapy house. everyone is starting to mend.
but no one has seen dream? where did he go? is he ok? is he hurt? has anyone seen him? a server wide manhunt begins to break out, with all server dwellers aiming to find and bring home their old green friend.
many “Oh dreams!!” later, dream is finally found — cowering in a man made hole just off of spawn. he’s cold, shivering, and absolutely terrified. he’s taken back to the nearly built community house, a campfire is lit and a feast is provided
it takes a fair amount of convincing for dream to truly believe that they’re not all still out to get him. however what truly seems to prove their point, is when sap‘s soothing shoulder rub that he had providing dream, somehow turns into neck tickles, which then somehow sparks a whole cooing and reassurance train, coupled with the most comforting of tickles from all the loving people around him :,)
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fluffallamaful · 2 years
Manhunt Interrogation AU, continuation:
Aww a big sleepover at the end is adorable — but why wait that log for everyone to join in? :)
Dream’s terrified, because he’s tied up in the middle of the Community House in front of half the server as they all openly discuss what to do to get him to talk. Sam and Quackity are similarly nervous because both of them remember what happened Last Time. Everyone else is oblivious, and their contributions are feeding into their anxieties (especially Dream’s) and making things Worse. Sam and Quackity keep vetoing every idea they’ve got, and people are getting impatient.
Then Sapnap gets an idea, and because every other idea has been vetoed so far he doesn’t ask first. And soon pretty much everyone else joins in — except for Sam and Quackity, who are now kind of panicking because they’re scared that the others are gonna go too far.
Then Dream starts crying and everyone immediately also panics because what if they DID go too far and they untie him and hug him and try to comfort him as the interrogation ends, but as soon as he’s able to Dream willingly spills everything as he bawls into Sapnap’s arms. Sleepover and cuddles ensue.
ok i absolutely adore that it’s sapnap’s idea 😭 like he’s just so impatient but also knows dream pretty well. he just picks a tactic that he knows works on dream from their early-stage smp shenanigans.
(more below)
it’s also cute and convenient that dream is tied to the chair (purely out of fear that he’d try to run away again). but yep, it means he’s reliant purely on vocal reasoning to diminish sapnap’s plan, which he already knows never ends well. his giggles start up the minute that sap starts to approach, spitting out warnings and swivelling in his seat. but sap just claims that it’ll be just like old times. he moves around behind dream’s chair and leans over the back of it, resting his head on dream’s shoulder and gently starting out with a few pokes to dream’s torso. dream whines out his complaint, but is quick to fall into giggles, tapping his feet into the floor. it doesn’t help that sap knows all his spots, and it doesn’t help that the feeling of his old friend over his shoulder is still so comforting to him — despite the masses of shit that had happened between the two since the last time he had felt this
i like the touch that sam and quackity are the ones to make sure that people don’t go too far when others start to join in :(( like just standing back to make sure that he’s never too crowded, and that they’re not being too rough with him. it’s just cute and ironic that his ex-torturers are the ones looking out for him. they even untie him so that he can batt at everyone’s hands and sit more comfortably
and then yes, your original line of “turns out tickling isn’t great for making him talk, but it’s kinda nice to hear him laugh anyway.” starts to kick in. where everyone starts to realise that dream just simply isn’t going to talk, and so they just make the most of hearing him laugh. they switch to reassurance and comforting lines, and gush about how they’ve missed his laugh and how they’re so happy to have him back. they’ve all missed this. the tickles soften to playful/gentler methods, and dreams laughter follows suit, dying down to bubbly giggles.
and then the tears 😭 tears of relief coz he actually starts believing that they want to help 😭 my heart it just breaks at this part. and the idea of him crying in sapnap’s arms after the longest time without having a hug from his ‘brother’ is so cute :(( it feels so needed that he starts crying even more.
soup + cuddles + slumber party. the world begins to heal. can i write the lore. why couldn’t they just end like this
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fluffallamaful · 2 years
I see sleepy-anon’s Backfired Protection From Tickles and I raise you Sacrifice Tickles. (DSMP version because I don’t tend to like writing irl stuff.) (Nothing against it! Just don’t like doing it myself :) ) (Also I am so starved for c!Dream fluff I have been living in a desert for so long and then an angst!heatwave hit with the final lore stream someone please help me I need the most concentrated dose of fluff you have) (Do you know how desperate I had to be to brave the ask box, even on anonymous. I’m starving, man!)
Let’s say… there’s some sort of Manhunt going on where Dream is convinced that he has to protect both himself and Punz from the rest of the server, even though the rest of the server already know everything and just want to take him home because he’s in horrible shape :(. But also, Dream still has plans to reset the server soon, because he doesn’t know that there’s another way, and so the rest of the server wants him safe and also wants to disable whatever he’s done. Anyway, they manage to catch him but not only is he not talking, but he also doesn’t trust any of them and will not tell them anything. ESPECIALLY anything that might endanger Punz.
I think you can guess where I’m going with this.
The server needs answers, but they also really don’t want to hurt him because. Look at him. There are zombies in better shape than him. Dream thinks that he needs to protect both his plans and his ally. As it turns out, tickles may not be good way to get him talking, but they are good at 1) assuring him that they really don’t want to hurt him and 2) providing much-needed comfort. The final straw is when he finally realizes that they know Punz is his ally, and Punz is still safe.
He starts crying and scares the shit out of everyone — but it’s not because they went too far as they initially feared. Instead it’s the culmination of nearly three years of building stress and loneliness all finally finding a way out as he finally feels like he’s somewhere safe, and suddenly all of his plans also start tumbling out. Everything, all at once, it’s actually kind of hard to listen to both because it’s so jumbled and because it’s heartbreaking to hear him so upset, and it takes a while to get it all out, but eventually he finally manages to do it. And he’s finally given a bowl of hot soup, and kisses, and plenty of cuddles. He falls asleep in a giant cuddle pile. (Please.)
(I like the idea of Quackity and Sam being two of the interrogators because that is Dream’s worst nightmare, and he’s STILL feeling okay at the end. There’s nothing for him to be afraid of — not even Quackity and Sam. Bonus points if others suggest slightly more extreme ways of getting him to talk (just slightly! hell, maybe they’re even jokes: “we should make him listen to your annoying music” “let’s feed him your terrible cooking”) and Quackity and Sam stubbornly veto everything else because they really doesn’t want a repeat of what they did before.)
(Ah — I don’t know if I even need to say this, but: anyone’s free to use any prompts of mine, yeah? Use them as many times as you want, you and anyone else who wants to do it. :) )
@sleepy--anon you have inspired
also,,, Anon The Destroyer has given permission for people to write about their AUs!!! please make sure to credit them if you do!!
(discussion under cut)
ok ok ok so kinda like the manhunt AU,, except that part of the reason that dream is on the run from everyone is also because he desperately wants to protect punz from harm from the server as well 🥲
he’s captured and brought back to the community house, where sam and quackity attempt to coax answers out if him
the idea of him clamping up the same way that he did during his non-verbal phrase in prison is heartbreaking :(( like just absolutely reverting to old habits and techniques that allowed him to keep information in whilst he was being tortured in prison :(( and if it’s quackity and sam doing the interrogating, then it would probably feel all too familiar to all of them.
which is maybe why they leap at dream’s suspicious reaction to sam’s thing squeeze of reassurance. he had placed his hand just above dreams knee during his explanation for them needing information, and a light squeeze to the muscle had quite literally sent a shockwave through dream’s fatigued body. perhaps the sight of dream’s lips quirking at the sides and his shifting posture was almost addicting, but not only that, the subtle increase of thigh squeezes in sam’s explanation appeared to get more and more head nods of understanding from dream.
it’s not long before the subtle squeezes and words of reassurance progress into straight up comfort tickles, from both sam and quackity. they are sure to make it clear to dream that they don’t want to hurt him, and that they only want to help. and my god it’s nice to see him smiling? come on let them see! they can all work this out together, they just need to know what dream knows. they all want it to work. punz said the dream would know how to stop what’s coming! he’ll be so happy to see dream smile as well.
and that’s what does it. the mentioning of punz and his safety breaks dream right then and there. soft giggles turn into sobs. soft tickles turn into hugs and hushed, worried murmurings. after their 5th time reassuring dream about punz safety and alliance-status, the broken man finally breaks further, collapsing into the hug and admitting all his plans through his blubbering tears. he’s showered in reassurance and praise, and then is promptly ushered downstairs to the awaiting rest of the server.
the server dwellers greet him gently and warmly. they offer him a place on the many beds that they’ve set up in the main room of the community house (because slumber parties are cute). dream spots punz and collapses into his arms. he spots george and sapnap and bursts into tears again. they bring him into a hug and play with his hair. he’s offered soup. he watches tommy and sapnap battle it out in a pillow fight. he giggles when george’s hair brushing starts to include the back of his neck. he starts to feel like he belongs :((
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fluffallamaful · 2 years
Soup’s Demolition AU
The server realises that Dream will never heal if the prison is still standing; so they blow it up.
—> originally ‘Sapnap Manhunt AU’
—> back to full masterpost
🦙🍲 🦙🍲…
link 1 - scrapped Time Travel version
link 2 - intro to accepted version 👍🏼
link 3 - Sapnap’s manhunt crew
link 4 - Punz relationship/motives
link 5 - prison demolition
link 6 - Sam’s visit (ft. confused llama)
link 7 - Sam’s visit (ft. relieved llama)
link 8 - Tommy sees grey
link 9 - manhunt crew shenanigans
link 10 - Sam and Quackity visit
link 11 - llama’s shack rant
link 12 - llama’s tummy tickle rant
🦙🍲 🦙🍲…
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fluffallamaful · 2 years
Okay okay okay, so: Sapnap’s Manhunt AU, post-capture
So Dream is being kept in what is basically a cottage with lockable doors and a rotating shift of guards, two at a time. It doesn’t really matter to him, though, because he is now completely defeated. Because he withstood torture, and before that the horrors of the Vault, and before that the isolation of being hated by everyone he loved, but he had only been able to do that when he had a plan. And now Punz is gone, and that means the plan has failed and he doesn’t have a way forward anymore. Which means all of that was for nothing. And that is enough to break him.
For the first few weeks, he mainly just sleeps. He barely eats. He never even tries to escape. The guards sit outside his room, playing cards and watching the days go by. (There’s no difference in behavior between shifts right now, so of course nobody wants to take the night shift: it’s inconvenient! Your additions can come into play here.) Eventually, though, someone decides that enough is enough and something needs to change, and so Dream gets his first visitor.
It’s Sam.
Dream expects the worst when he sees his old warden. He expects him to be vengeful, or at the very least eager to resume their old dynamic. He doesn’t even really care: he just kind of stares blankly at him.
Sam came in to make him eat a full bowl of soup. It takes a while. Dream isn’t very eager at first, and then later he starts to protest because his stomach has shrunk and he doesn’t think he can eat anymore, but Sam keeps convincing him to eat “just one more bite,” and soon it’s all gone. This soon becomes routine because Dream simply won’t eat if left to his own devices. Sam often tries to play with him afterwards, but to no avail. Dream just ignores him. And everyone else who tries to engage him that way. And Sam’s many things but he’s not really good at play.
But Quackity is.
And so Quackity visits — with Sapnap and Punz at the door, warning him that if they hear ANYTHING unusual they’ll come inside and drag him out.
Quackity has a bit of a heart attack when he doesn’t see Dream right away — but then notices that there’s a little lump under the blankets. It kills him a bit when he realizes that his arrival scared Dream enough to make him hide under the covers like a little kid, but he presses on. He engages him gently, and soon manages to coax him into playing a game of marbles. Dream is too scared to refuse. Quackity adds one more detail: for every marble of the opposing team that you manage to hit, you get to make a demand. (This isn’t the first time he and Dream have placed wagers on the outcome of games. Both of them are fully aware of this.) (The missing ring finger on Dream’s left hand burns.)
Quackity throws every round. He doesn’t want to make demands so much as he wants to be demanded of, to be told directly what Dream would want. But Dream is throwing every round, too, because he knows that nobody likes to lose and doesn’t want to risk making Quackity mad, so eventually Quackity has to take initiative. He scores a hit on his first real try. “You have to eat dinner with me tonight,” he says. “On the porch. I’m sick of you being cooped up in here.”
It’s the first time Dream manages to leave the room. Sapnap and Punz follow, of course. And the four of them eat, and the three of them talk while Dream sits there silently.
Quackity finally snaps and pokes him. “Earth to Dream! You going to say anything, bud? We asked you if you wanted — what. Was that.”
Dream had squeaked.
WEEHEHEHE i’m falling in love with this AU i just love the wooden shack so much 😭 i’m kinda imagining it on the edge of a lake for some reason?? but also i would love to know what your brain imagined. like is it a cute little forest shack? i’m gonna make a buzzfeed game here 😂
which image best describes dream’s shack? (A, B, C or D);
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(more discussion below):
ok so poor baby has a little depressive episode in his shack :(( he’s just lost his purpose for life pretty much. what’s even the point? he’s lost his friends and home countless of times, and now he’s lost his escape 😢
i can imagine that he’d be so caught up in his defeat that he wouldn’t even be paying attention to the fact that no one has even tried to hurt him or anything. it’s just embedded into his brain at this point, like second nature. he knows that they’re gonna kill him eventually. and now without punz he doesn’t have his safety blanket
from the other members point of view,, they may just see dream’s silence as him being spooked and adjusting. so for a while no one goes to visit him to allow him his time. there’s definite confusion and wariness in the air about the fact that dream hasn’t even tried to fight back. but no one really does anything about it, kinda waiting for someone else to make the call that somethings wrong.
and then finally sam makes the visit :((
the idea of him encouraging dream to eat and just coaxing him to take care of himself in general :(( he helps him shower. he encourages him to change his clothes. he brushes the tangles out of his hair (i’m obsessed with cdream getting his hair played with atm fzgzga). he makes him soup!! he gives dream the recipe (i kinda like hcing that dream is actually a rather good cook. self sufficient little celery stick. so it’s cute to imagine sam coming back the next day and finding dream’s scribbled amendments to his soup recipe)
and then quackity joins the party ☹️ poor dream. i absolutely adore that sap and punz are the ones keeping guard. like i can imagine them both being so fast to rush to dream’s aid if they notice dream being too uncomfortable. also just this trio is epic to imagining interacting
the marble game where they both throw is so CUTE!! that’s so adorable that they both try and let the other win 😭😭 and then quackity demanding that he comes and eats dinner with him and sap and punz 😖 so adorableeeee. can they eat it on his porch? can dream have a porch please? i need them to be eating food together on dreams porch under the light of a lantern with the sun setting and the whispers of nature around them. i adore that image
but what i adore even more than cute imagery,, is the opening for a tickle moment 👀 hehehehe. nawwwwwww and these three as a ler trio??? quackity punz and sap all just slowly starting to pick more and more fun at dream, especially coz it’s the first time so many of them has seen him smile in years. i can imagine that sap and punz would already know some of his spots, particularly sap. and it’s cute to imagine that before the lighthearted playful atmosphere arises, it was rather tense. so all of them are kind of leap at the opportunity to change it
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fluffallamaful · 2 years
concept (Soups Demolition AU):
i’ve become a little obsessed with imagining what shenanigans sapnap’s manhunt crew could get up to whilst keeping guard over dream’s wooden shack (assuming that it’s the manhunt crew that does this). it’s just nice to imagine these characters getting to have a playful release and learning to let go a little :)
couple scenarios that have been on my mind;
campfire moments where they’re all sitting around roasting pork and potatoes, whilst waited for their soup to boil amongst the flames. all of them sharing stories of their downfall with a red flickering glow lighting against their faces
quackity hosting games of poker to determine who has to stand watch over dream’s shack that night. the rest of the crew realising that that means that quackity barely ever has to watch. quackity getting tickled until he agrees to pull his weight and stand guard
tickle fights to determine who has to go hunt with sapnap (sapnap is always up for the hunt). alternatively, sapnap tickling people until they agree to come with him to find dinner
truth or dare during extra boring shifts. fiancé trio continuously sharing embarrassing facts about each other
punz always being dragged into the play/tickle fights. he never seems to learn that calling the rest of the crew morons for not taking things seriously only gets him into more trouble
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fluffallamaful · 2 years
So, do you remember how Dream was originally missing a leg in the Time Travel AU? Well here’s your explanation into why I changed that one.
Everything’s been going pretty well, in everyone else’s eyes. Going great, even! Sam and Quackity are on the same page, Sapnap and Punz have decided that Dream is in good enough hands to not need an escape hatch, Bad has fun making him new foods that he can try, etc.. It’s calm, peaceful, nice.
And then Dream runs away.
It’s okay that Punz isn’t on his side anymore, he tells himself. He can do this. He can do it all on his own. He has to — this can’t have all been for nothing, it can’t. So he runs, and he suits up in armor, and he prepares to bide his time as a manhunt surges in the distance.
Meanwhile, everyone is panicking. They’re all trying to hunt down Dream together, but they’re also trying to find him first — namely so that they can bring him back, get him settled, and then lie to the others and say that he’s been punished severely enough to not need anything additional, no sir’ee. A lot of them are even talking themselves up publicly to give the impression that they’re gonna give Dream a real ass whooping. This only makes everything worse.
By the time the whole server finally has Dream surrounded, they all manage to talk him down. If he does what they say, they’ll go easy on him — that’s the promise. He hands over his armor. His weapons. His food. His heart is racing, he’s looking for a way out.
And he sees it in the form of a cliff nearby.
Once the others relax just enough to let their guards down, Dream runs and he jumps. He hears Sam scream.
There’s a river below, and it is freezing. It knocks the breath out of him, forces him into shock. He barely manages to get out alive, the current having pulled him miles and miles away and straight into a snowy taiga. He’s cold, he’s wet — he doesn’t even have his thick armor anymore.
And it’s started to snow.
First he limps. Then he stumbles. Then he crawls. Then he drags himself through the snow. There’s no end in sight. He’s going to die out here.
The last thing he sees is two large, fluffy paws landing in front of his eyes.
fgzyxyzhss you gave him back his leg so you could throw him off a CLIFF (😭😭😖😖😣😖😖😩😩😫😖😢😖😖😩😩😖😩😖 SOUP?!?!?)
my heaaaarrrrtttt but ok ok i see how the time skip ask for the Time Travel AU comes into play here,, so i guess quick recap for their relationship statuses to make sure i get it right (below);
quackity&sam: both know that they want to help dream,, but neither of them have told dream. dream thinks that they are planning something nasty and doesn’t trust their kindness, but melts to the kindness regardless. (i can’t remember if sam and quackity both know that each other have experienced a limbo? or if they only know that they both want to help dream)
sapnap: wants to help dream. gets on quackity’s good side with the plan to break dream out. realises that dream is being treated well. decides that he’s in good hands and leaves him be. has quackity and sam convinced that dream needs to be secure still. dream still thinks sap will kill him if he escapes
punz: at some point he realises that the limbo has been experienced by everyone? i think i remember you saying this once. but we haven’t gone into much depth about his character in this AU 🤔 dream thinks that punz has betrayed him
bbh: i assume quackity and sam invite bad in at some point coz they both realise they need a better chef lmao. i find it fun to hc that cbad heals himself and others by making them food hehe
hopefully i got most of that right (set me back on track if i didn’t)… but anyway dream has managed to break out and a manhunt breaks out. everyone’s pretending that they plan on finding him and punishing him but theyre actually planning on helping him and are all severely worried :(
despite their hidden motives they’re all working together. they find him, encourage him to drop everything and then watch as he jUmps OF A cLIFf and iNtO a river 😩 poor babbyyyyyyyyyy 😭
he winds up in the snow and then the time skip kicks in. do sam and him still have the same heated argument where dream claims he’s treated like a toy or does that come later when he’s not so weak and frost bitten? it’s all coming together :O
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dessarious · 5 years
Misconceptions, Miscommunication, and Misinformation Pt42
Inspired by @ozmav Maribat AU
AO3   Beginning   Previous   Next
The room basically exploded and Marinette just watched. Batman and Martian Manhunter were the only ones that didn’t start yelling or glaring at her. She felt the corner of her mouth tip upward and squashed the smile before it formed. While they were proving her point it was best not to rub that in. She let out a sharp whistle and it actually quieted them. She’d expected to have to get one of the Kwami to intervene. She caught Damian’s smile out of the corner of her eye.
“This is why we can’t have you in Paris. I’m fighting a terrorist who uses people's negative emotions to turn them into supervillains. One outburst like that could cause the destruction of Paris at a minimum. I will not allow that to happen.” She could practically see them trying to come up with arguments. “I have no issue with Robin remaining in Paris to act as your eyes and ears if you so wish as his cover is already set and he’s learning to control his emotions. He’s willing to listen to advice from me and I know most of you would think it beneath you to take instruction from a child.”
All of them were frowning at her. Well, all except Batman who was looking at Robin in shock. The boy in question just shrugged. Superman was apparently done with letting her take control of the meeting.
“We can discuss options certainly, but we can’t let a threat like the one you’re talking about have free reign. It affects more than just Paris as you’ve pointed out. You need our help.”
Damian saw the slight narrowing of Marinette’s eyes and a tightening of her smile. He discreetly took a step back. He did not want to be too close if she or any of the Kwami decided to hand the man of steel his ass for talking down to her. He really wished he were taping this encounter. The only one who spared him a look was his father, The rest seemed to be trying to either glare Marinette into submission or were trying to act far too concerned.  
“The threat is currently contained in Paris and unless that changes you have no reason to interfere. There is only one type of help I’m willing to accept but I’ll need to discuss it with Batman to see if he’s willing.” The other heroes didn’t seem to know how to react to that, except Wonder Woman who split glares between his father and Marinette. His father just raised an eyebrow at the girl. For her part Marinette beamed the sweetest smile he’d ever seen, projecting an air of innocence unrivaled by puppies. The confusion on everyone’s face was worth all the problems he’d had since arriving in Paris.
“What help is that exactly?” Most wouldn’t notice the change in Batman’s voice but it caught Damian off guard. It was… not gentle but slightly less gruff. He was making an effort at least and that didn’t happen. He was starting to think Marinette was Meta, that or the Kwami had something to do with it.
“Robin pointed out that you and your team are known for your detective skills. If you’re willing to try, I’d like to give you all the information I have on Akumas and Hawkmoth and see if you can help narrow down my search. It would be great to have a fresh perspective.” She’d gone from badass to girl next door in a second. It was quite impressive.
“Well, of course. We’d be happy to help?” Batman looked as if he’d been thrown into another dimension and wasn’t quite certain what to make of it. It took all of Damian’s control to keep from smirking. The rest of the League seemed caught somewhere between confused and annoyed.
“Great! Everything’s on this flash drive. Any insights you have would be appreciated. If you have any questions you can get them to Robin and he’ll relay them to me. If there’s nothing further, we really should be getting back. It’s late and I have to be up early.” She didn’t say to go to school and he figured the last thing she wanted to do was remind them of her age. The Kwami all floated back towards her as she stepped towards him.
“Wait! You can’t just forbid us from entering Paris and leave. You need our help and we’re not just going to stand by while children play at being a hero.” Damian sucked in a sharp breath at Superman’s words. He saw the fury on Marinette’s face but Plagg was the one who cracked first.
“How dare you.” Their voice was louder and deeper than it should have been and filled the entire room with menacing vibrations. Wonder Woman actually looked concerned. “Tikki’s bug has been defending Paris for two years and doing a damn good job of it. So good in fact that none of you even saw there was a problem. You don’t get to decide what is for the best. You don’t get to decide to endanger Tikki’s chosen. If I catch any of you or your minions in Paris there will be nothing left of them to find.”
None of them seemed to take the threat seriously until they saw the look of abject horror on Wonder Woman’s face. She knew exactly what Plagg was capable of and Damian could tell that it wasn’t an idle threat. He hadn’t really seen what the Kwami of destruction could do first hand, but seeing footage on the Ladyblog gave him a pretty good idea.
“My chosen is the best option, the only option really. You will support her as she asks but if any of you overstep the consequences will be dire.” Marinette’ opened a portal as soon as Tikki finished speaking. They stepped through with the Kwami directly behind without waiting for a response. Once it closed Marinette dropped her transformation and let out a relieved sigh.
“I think that went rather well, don’t you?” The mischievous smile on her face caused a matching one on his and they both burst out laughing. He was going to be getting an earful about everything later, but it had been worth it.
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