#Space Marine Demon Slayer
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on the original "DOOM" (1993) cover art (upscaled, text removed). Original artwork by Don Ivan Punchatz. Source: nukedspacemarine (via Reddit).
MINI-OVERVIEW: "Blood, gore, viscera, shotguns, demons, chainsaws, violence, and heavy metal. These staples encapsulate what is means to play a game in the "DOOM" series. From the classic "DOOM" to the divisive "DOOM 3," all the way to the upcoming "DOOM: Eternal," these games have been monolithic in defining what video games are and what they can do.
It would be difficult to argue that the modern day first person shooter (FPS) genre would have become what it is if "DOOM" had never existed. From "Quake" to "Turok," "Half-Life" to "Bioshock," gaming has been molded by the steps "DOOM" took to create one of the most visually appealing, mechanically engaging, and downright visceral gaming experience gamers had ever seen.
Nearly three decades later, the series is still going strong, and the echoes of the original "DOOM’s" rise to prominence can still be heard every time you boot up a game that plays from a first person perspective. Every legend has a beginning however, and the Demonslayer is no exception."
-- SUPERJUMP MAGAZINE, "Rip and Tear: How "DOOM" Changed the Gaming Landscape," by Jared McCarty, published December 7, 2022
Source: www.superjumpmagazine.com/rip-and-tear-how-doom-changed-the-gaming-landscape/amp.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Hello Panther!
I am..quite new here and I just must to say that I loved the way you made Master Chief as a Platonic Yandere! It's really accurate and well done.
And I saw that your requests are open (I hope) that's why - I wondered if you could do Platonic Yandere! Doom slayer with a Female! Y/n who is not a fighter but just a civilian?
But you don't feel like to do it or you feel uncomfortable with it - feel free ignore this message.
Have a great day tho!
Sure! Sorry for the long wait, welcome to my little corner of the internet.
Yandere! Platonic! Doom Slayer with Civilian! Darling
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Overprotective behavior, Murder/Killing, Paranoia, Sort of kidnapping (?).
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Doom Slayer may be a being that seems superhuman, hellbent on killing the demons plaguing Earth, but he does show care towards humanity.
Earth has become something inhabitable ever since he was away by the time of Doom Eternal.
You’re surprised you even survived this long, faking allegiance to your new demon rulers and hiding away in the disgusting hellscapes that used to be your home.
Most humans were sacrificed for Hell.
Others worked with demons to save their own skin, although they could easily be betrayed if no longer needed.
The Doom Slayer became both your savior and your curse once you met him.
A being that you could tell was human through his armor, but certainly didn’t act like it.
He had powers that no normal human could have.
He also had the athletic skill and stamina that seemed unmatched by anyone.
His arsenal alone was is impressive.
When he first met you, you cowered away from him.
You’ve heard stories of what he’s done yet it’s been so long since you had a normal interaction with another human.
Despite what the Doom Slayer does and his lack of sanity due to being used in his past, he holds sympathy.
Someone like you, an unarmed civilian lost in a grotesque world of gore and demons, should not be alone.
It surprises you when he stops his crusade to kneel before you, outstretching an armored hand for you to take.
An action of mercy.
You’d be a fool not to take it in your position.
Your safety becomes one of his biggest concerns.
Many humans on Earth were dead by now or just… unrecoverable.
The least he could do was rescue you.
The entire time, he’d notice you clutch onto him for dear life.
He cleared out demons effortlessly… the entire time protecting you.
You aren’t truly safe until he walks through a portal with you to the Fortress of Doom.
The space station he occupies is large with many sets of stairs and walls of collectibles and records.
Who knew he liked to collect things this much?
This is where you began to reside once, well, befriending the Doom Slayer.
Being a human himself, despite being empowered, he was very well aware of what you would need to get comfortable.
He picked out a safe space for you to rest and walked you through the large station.
He did make sure you were safe beside him in certain areas of course, there’s a lot of doors you don’t need to go through.
The longer you stay with the empowered space marine, the more you learn about him.
He prefers speaking through actions and is a man who just doesn’t speak much.
The most you get is like a ‘yes’ or ‘no’, other than that he usually just makes gestures.
You do not know his real name as he never says it, leaving you to call him “Slayer” all the time. 
He also enjoys tinkering as you sometimes see him in his little workshop area/room looking at one of his old suits.
Sometimes you even sit in the room with him to chat, even if it is mostly one sided.
He seems to enjoy it when you’re there, however.
You also rarely see him without his helmet, preferring to stay in his praetor suit.
You make a comment that he might need to let himself breathe sometimes, he ignores it for the most part but considers it for a moment.
Doom Slayer in general is a protective yandere, him being platonic just changes his motives.
He gets a bit suffocating when it comes to you, a civilian who’s much weaker than him.
He frequently checks on you after going out to continue purging the Earth of demons. 
It’s almost like he’s afraid you’ll be gone when he comes back, even though there’s no way for you to leave unless you were granted access to the portal system.
He shouldn’t have to worry about you being in danger there, either.
Unless something like the time the Fortress of Doom was hacked and released demons happened.
Oh… if something like that happens it spikes the anxious rage within this man-
You see him ruthlessly tear into the demons who threatened to hurt you in the station, right before searching for you.
You wouldn't really expect the Doom Slayer to be affectionate, but at your fear he feels he has to do something.
You feel the armored man hug you.
It’s a hug filled with hesitance and concern, yet also relief.
He tries his best to calm you down from your fear.
You shouldn’t fear him. He only wishes to protect you.
It’s just getting the point across proves difficult when you aren’t entirely sane or able to communicate well.
In a way, he may see himself as your protector.
You can’t fight on your own and he knows this.
You’re fragile, like a rabbit.
Like his dear Daisy….
No matter the intention of his obsession, he will end up comparing you to his long gone rabbit.
A weak creature that needs to be protected by him.
Which may be why he’s so protective over your well-being. 
Deep down, he’s scared to lose you.
The fact you can barely handle a gun doesn’t help his concern. 
Expect most of your days to be in the Fortress of Doom.
You may have no freedom to roam Earth, but did you really want to go back anyways?
It’s a mess down there, it’s better to stay in the station.
Plus, the Slayer isn’t that bad of a guy to you.
He acts like a guardian, a friend willing to put his life on the line to protect you.
Who cares about his intentions or how he protects you?
Here, in his station, you’re safe and sound.
The one thing you wish he’d respect is your privacy, yet other than that, you know he means well.
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tinycoded360 · 4 months
G/t Rec/favorite list AO3 part 3
Vertically challenged by pixelpax
When the Autobots and Decepticons are pulled through a tear in reality, they suddenly find themselves in an entirely different dimension, on a completely different planet, millions of miles from home. To make matters worse, their bodies didn't even make the trip- rather, their very sparks have been transferred and stranded in the mind of a young human girl.
With time against them, the warring factions must find a way to put their differences aside or risk losing themselves and their new charge completely.
Haven by imagine_darksiders
Whilst supervising a school trip to a museum, you suddenly find yourself unwittingly responsible for the lives of five children when a maelstrom of ferocious monsters fall out of the sky and start attacking everyone in sight.
Trapped in a vault, running low on food, water and hope, you have a decision to make.
Stay inside where it's safe, or leave and try to find help.
Help does come, of course.
Just not in the form you'd expected.. . . .
A Desperate, defenseless creature by amazionion
Warren was desperate. Sure, the little three-and-three-quarters inch tall man had some close calls in the past; exterminators, rats, that one teen who'd been too curious for his own good, but nothing that even remotely began to prepare him for this.
Honestly, Warren was doubting that anything could have prepared him for the end of the world.
Enormous creatures that the humans had called demons roamed outside, killing each other as well as anything they could see. Buildings had been completely destroyed in the invasion. Not a single human had been seen in months. Food was scarce to nonexistent.
Everything changed when he was caught by a human called the Slayer.
Tiny by Marsalias
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Get rescued by the ghostly Master of Time?
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Borrower AU inspired by @abyssal-glory/noxes
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Borrowers are tiny humanoids who live in the walls of human houses, ekeing out a secret living. Except for the armored Borrowers hiding out aboard the Mother of Invention, who seem to be engaged in a conflict over territory and salvaged snacks. Okay, mostly they just scream at each other.
Or, an inexperienced Agent Washington has a bunch of really little colorful space marines living in his room and doesn't realize it. Yet.
Just a little dilemma by agent_izhyper
Tony finds himself in a bit of a predicament when an encounter with a sorcerer has him seeing the world from a whole new 6-inch-tall viewpoint. Now if only he can avoid getting into extra unnecessary trouble while he's at it, it'd save Cap a lot of headache.
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Screwing up big time by Browa123
It wasn't supposed to end like this, but beggars can't be choosers.
Forced to team up with Jack and Maddie, Vlad needs to find a way to reverse the situation the three of them are in before they get too deep into trouble.
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weatherman667 · 8 months
Contrary to popular opinion, DOOM isn't the first FPS. That goes to Wolfenstein 3D, which was made by the same company. DOOM did everything better, and deserved to be THE FPS. In fact, back in the day, we didn't call them FPS's, but DOOM-clones. The first non-DOOM clone was Dark Forces, as they created an actual 3D environment.
Aside from being considered the first FPS, DOOM has three other claims to fame. It's so small, it can fit into networked sneakers. It's so deterministic that you can literally play it blindfolded. Literally, literally blindfolded. Last but not least, it had multiplayer.
It was also from the era before the video games broke into varying markets. Everyone played every video game, so every gamer player DOOM. Every gamer had a party where they all brought their computers to play DOOM together.
DOOM had a direct sequel, DOOM 2, which was basically an expansion pack. It added more DOOM, along with "Super Shotgun", (double barrel).
We then had a long, protracted development that lead to DOOM 3. DOOM 3, while having a similar premise for the story, was dark, very dark. So dark you needed a flashlight. Of course, the developers wanted to force you to constantly switch between your gun and flashlight, because they forgot that guntape exists. Well, a mod quickly fixed that. It made the only game that got me to shoot at mysterious noises in the void, such as when a ventilation system kicks in. This lasted until the part of the game where demons teleported in, and then it just because classic DOOM again, just far more dark and far less enjoyable. Up until this point, the game was incredibly fun and terrifying to play.
And then not much until the revival. The revival happened after all of the initial talent had left the company. It was made by Bethesday, and became a Bethesday game. The DOOM revival series lacked DOOM. It instead wanted to focus on how evil the evil corporation was. It used Republic Commando's idiotic idea of have firearm mods that take 80% of the firearm. It did create the idea that demons were scared of the DOOM Slayer, which was fun, but the actual gameplay was lacking. They then released DOOM Eternal to... honestly, a whimper.
And, then something miraculous happened. Auroch decided to make a 40k game. Auroch doesn't have the most impressive history, but they do love making games deep in their setting. In the process, they made a game that did DOOM better than any DOOM game, and made a fantastic sequel to the venerated 40k: Space Marine.
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lady-of-endless · 4 months
❤️ Matchup trade for @imjustabeanie ❤️
Author's Note: I'm sorry it took a while, I really wanted to be sure of those choices. You have an amazing and complex personality and I enjoyed talking to you in private!
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
I ship you with...Kakyoin Noriaki!
- At first, he would be drawn to you because, in some aspects, you're a bit similar. He thinks that this will be a plus in getting along with you. But once the differences arise, he keeps getting surprised (in a good way) and getting more intrigued, as a result.
- You two are respectful to each other and that makes him feel more comfortable around you. But, however comfortable feels when he's with you, he still is a bit reserved. Both of you are a bit reticent about opening up. A slow burn.
- First of all, he sees a good friend in you. Any romantic feelings will be considered later on. 
- Kakyoin gets easily flustered by your playful attitude around friends. Also, he's pretty confused when he sees you bite your lip so often. He'll try to figure out the reason for it without acting like a creep. He's just naturally curious.
- He gets a bit concerned when you isolate yourself from time to time. He starts overthinking about it and how he can show you that he's there for you if needed. He has expressive eyes and you'll start noticing worry in them.
- He's the most loyal both as a friend and as a partner. Loyal and extremely careful of your needs. Whether it is some space or some cuddles, he's there. He just cares about you so much and wants you to feel alright.
- Kakyoin is very attracted by your honesty, ambition, and ability to speak up for yourself. He feels that he lacks some of these traits and wants to learn from you. He won't say it, of course, but he'll pay attention to your reactions.
- Expect getting random gifts from him, delivered by Hierophant Green. He thinks he's smooth. And all of those gifts are in tune with your aesthetics, he pays attention to the little details. You'll get books, new video games for you to play with him, trinkets that remind him of you with stars on them or marine life themed, etc.
- I can't put into words how thrilled he'll be to share some of your hobbies. Above all, he'll always ask what you're reading and will listen closely, visibly interested. You two will have amazing conversations. You'll learn new things from each other. Plus, I get the feeling that he also likes stories with mad and ambitious scientists.
- Can I just add how much of a power couple you would look when you're both earning sunglasses? Damn. But leaving this aside, he loves your aesthetics.
Demon Slayer
I ship you with... Sanemi Shinazugawa!
- He likes the way you carry yourself at first. He thinks you're strong and resilient. However, after a while, deep down he slowly becomes suspicious of you. You never seemed to let out any sign of vulnerability and that can't be real, he thinks. He starts to pay attention a lot more and realizes that you're bottling up everything. He does that too and knows it's not easy and it's a habit more or less.
- Sanemi will never force you to share anything with him, about you, your past, or any concerns. He'll just sit next to you, minding his own business and cleaning his katana as a silent reminder that he's there if you need to let it all out or distract yourself.
- He also doesn't open up at all about his past or his true self. However, I can see him letting his walls down in front of you when you patch yourselves up after a tough mission against demons. It's a precious bonding moment.
- He is also reckless but the difference is that you're a bit more calculated than him so pull him back a little if he goes off the limit. He's not going to like it, but deep down he knows that it's sometimes needed and he even feels somehow grateful that someone is there to temper him a bit.
- Sanemi is all about duty but also a little bit of mischief. That means he can't hide a smirk when you rile up other people. He's even going to team up with you to verbally destroy those who tried to tease you or other bullshit.
- I think that bit by bit as he discovers how competitive you are, he gets extremely attracted to you. He likes this trait but also finds it a challenge at the same time.
- It saddens him to know that you don't consider yourself a good person but won't admit it. At least not directly. He's going to protect you from risky hits during battles, arguing that you're much of a better person than him and so you should watch out for yourself more. After that phrase during the battle, he won't say anything else that day.
- He sees that you can handle challenges properly so Sanemi will be thrilled to train with you, however, expect him not to hold back.
- You value honesty? That's exactly what you'll get from him. Cuddles? Be extremely patient about that. It will probably happen for the first time when he's exhausted, too tired to go against the idea.
- He is genuinely baffled when he hears you speak in multiple other foreign languages. You'll see him stop in his tracks frowning, eyes wide. He'll ask if you dared to make a joke about him in another language. lol
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doom-nerdo-666 · 10 months
Because of Quakecon and the recent changes in Slayers Club, i thought about Doom crossovers for a while.
Like, specially because of Doom being owned by Microsoft and Bethesda.
Older fans would want Doom to crossover with games like Heretic and Duke Nukem 3D, hence all those fanart and mod projects since they're almost like a "family" (Specially with Raven Soft titles using the id engine).
Then there's the Halo stuff partially because they almost represent seemingly opposite sides of the FPS genre and have green space marines (And this is way before Microsoft probably).
And stuff like Metroid of Devil May Cry is because of contexts like sci-fi armored character or demons.
(And then there's the Isabelle crossovers which is based on seemingly opposite franchises in every way having a share released date and nothing else: This is more of a "meme" one)
But seeing Doom next to The Elder Scrolls and Fallout is obviously because of Bethesda which means: If the current "official family" never happened, nobody would think of putting Doomguy next to Dovahkiin or Vault Boy.
I guess it depends if you see Doomguy as a "id character" or "Bethesda character" even if you count the Slayer (Because with even with other studios making Wolfenstein games, people still see that series as an "id series").
I dunno, i guess it's like how many people view Rare as their own thing even if under Xbox.
One thing is there being Skyrim references in a Doom game but because of the "idverse" concept, imagine if Bethesda trying to really mix it with other properties just because.
Maybe this is why people want MS to own Activision just to see Doom potentially crossover officially with Heretic i guess.
Another thing is the portrayals or something: Like if anyone wanted a Doom x Fallout crossover, what if it came from the fans that prefer NV over 3 and 4?
Same thing with "Here's a Doom x Halo crossover where Doom is portrayed like MetaDoom and Halo pretends 343 doesn't exist".
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ID: Flaming text that reads "Transspecies, Transsexual, Bigender, Lesbian BoyToy. We are... The Superbell System." over a flag splice of the Lesboy, Bisexual, and Turigirl flag/End ID
new year<3 new me<3 new pinned <3
My name is Plushy or Apple (I also go by Three/3, Superbell, and Rockstar)
It/Ink/Fuck pronouns
more on my En.Pronouns
I am (queer terms): Bigender, Bisexual, Sapphic, lesbian gay, Aspec
I am (alterhuman terms) : Transspecies (Inkling) , Other/Fictionkin (Agent/Captain 3 from splatoon), Therian (Canary Rockfish), and have a Wooper/Quagsire copinglink, as well as a house cat copinglink
I am also: Physically and Mentally disabled; Autistic; plural, and a minor.
We are the Superbell System; an adaptive system. Ruby can be found at @candy-coded and Whitney can be found at @cheri-cheesecake
Our interests are: Splatoon, Pokemon, Fullmetal Alchemist, Demon Slayer, and Marine Biology
Tagging: We trigger tag as (trigger) or (trigger mention), Our general personal post tag is #superbell logs, our art tag is #wooper.sketch, our poetry tag is #plushy's poetry. Filter/block #😶tag (no spaces) to avoid nsfw stuff
Our alter specific tags our: Wooper.scream (Wooper) CQ Speaking (CQ) Teresa Tag(Teresa and Kytte) Julie8 (Julie)
We also run @colorpickedsplatoon ; @urfavhas97mentalillnessand ; and @fullmetal-accessible
Dni, more interests, and other links below the cut.
Do Not Interact: Radfem, 18+, proship/anti-anti ( or otherwise support/fetishize pedophilia, rape, abuse, and incest) , Transmed/Truscum, Anti-Endo/Exclusys, Aspec/Mspec gatekeeper of any kind (including anti mspec gay/lesbian), Transx/Tranid/ Radqueer (Transspecies not included), or anti-kin in anyway.
We Reclaim faggot, dyke, and cripple. We will not tag fag/dyke, but do tag C Slur
Our interests are:
Shows/Movies: Fullmetal Alchemist, Death Note, Demon Slayer, The Owl House, Phineas And Ferb, Fight Club
Books/Manga: Pokemon Special, Fullmetal Alchemist, Komi Can't Communicate, Fight Club, Coroika, Garfield
Video Games: SPLATOON. Pokemon, A Hat In Time, Undertale/Deltarune, and Mario
Music (artists): All Time Low, My Chemical Romance, YUNGBLUD, Against Me!, Bowling For Soup, As It Is, Lemon Demon, Icon For Hire, MARINA, Waterparks, Set It Off,
I also like Vocaloid in general, but particular artists I enjoy are: Neru, Ferry, Maretu, and Ghost And Pals
Music (Soundtracks): Undertale/Deltarune soundtracks, Splatoon (Especially Dedf1sh, Turquoise October, and Off The Hook)
Other Interests: Marine Biology, Nuclear waste and disposal, speedrunning
Other links:
Poetry Masterpost
Ask for Discord
Ask for Switch Friendcode
Ask for Simply Plural
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biomecharnotaurus · 2 years
Ok, this one I've actually been meaning to ask you for a while- in Hugo's canon, there's only one Doomguy, and he ends up in Argent D'nur after deciding to stay in Hell at the end of Doom 64. But in your version, Stan is the one who goes through 64 and decides to stay in Hell, but Flynn is the one who goes to Argent D'nur and becomes the Slayer. So how did he get there?
(Also for your consideration: an AU where Stan is still miraculously surviving in Hell and Slayer Flynn manages to find him after beating up everything in Hell)
I’m probably gonna leave people very upset with this one, but in the canon of the AU, modern Doom doesn’t exist. The invasion ended forever after Stan killed the Mother of the Demons.
The “spin-off” with Slayer Flynn is…let’s say, very mean to the main timeline. The portals were never completely closed because UAC puts their fucked up science before humanity, plus Hell was rebuilding itself after the death of their last dark lord (the Icon of Sin) and Davoth was becoming his successor. After Flynn read Stan’s documents and notes about the studies on the Primevals he felt extremely betrayed and he just decided that staying there was not worth it anymore. His family was gone, his friends were gone, he lost a leg, he was deeply traumatized, he realized his brother’s sacrifice was useless and the only thing he had left, this job of “protector of humanity” made with the UAC space marine program was nothing more than a cruel lie planned so they could send thousands of people to kill themselves against something they knew nothing of. He went through those “artificial” portals and left to fix things by himself. He had nothing left to live for after all.
About the AU thingy, I honestly don’t know how they would react after seeing each other…because OH BOY IF STAN IS ALIVE AFTER MILLIONS OF YEARS IN HELL I DON’T THINK HE IS GONNA BE PARTICULARLY HUMAN ANYMORE-
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risingscorchingsuns · 3 months
hi everyone, welcome to my blog!!!
my name is Leon, and i really, really love demon slayer! kny has been a huge comfort for me for years, and it’s been a special interest of mine since about november 2023. i want to create a space that is safe and fun to share with other people who are as passionate about kny as me!! :D my main is @lavenderbrigade but im more active here!
a bit about me!
yippeee yay i love demon slayer!! it’s my main special interest, and it means a lot to me! rengoku is my favorite character and all-time comfort character, (i have a tattoo to honor him!) but i love every character, really!! my other favorites are inosuke, shinobu, akaza, tengen, genya, senjuro and mitsuri :))
my pronouns are strictly he/him! please do not use any other pronouns for me- this includes they/them! (i have nothing against they/them pronouns, they just don’t suit me <3) i am a gay trans man, and a lot of my writing for Hikaru reflects my experiences as such! :)
additionally, i am very neurodivergent and often struggle with tone and responding quickly to dms! please be patient with me- i am trying my best! tone tags are very helpful for me <3
This is a kny blog, but my other interests + hyperfixations include resident evil, (4 specifically!) deepsea marine bio, minecraft, and stardew valley! im always happy to talk about non-kny stuff, i just have constant rengoku autism <3
rules and expectations!!
i am 20 years old! that being said, this is a sfw blog!! i won’t ever post any direct nsfw here, but I may post gore/body horror at some point, generally aligned with what would be typical of Demon Slayer. any posts that contain more than mild gore will be appropriately trigger warninged! i also might post kissing and things like that, but never anything too explicit!
mostly though, this is just a fun safe space for me to blorbopost about rengoku and to share mine and my friends’ ocs :)
additionally, I have read the manga, and this page will contain spoilers!! please keep that in mind!!!
DNI and boundaries!!
DNI if you:
are a proshipper
ship RenTan specifically but really any of the ships that fall into that category
hate on furries
look man just don’t be a bad person ok
not exactly a DNI, you’re still welcome on my blog, but please note i will probably not follow you back if you also selfship with rengoku! i mean no ill intent- doubles make me anxious and it’s a personal boundary 😓
My Tags!
I’ve got a few tags, and frankly im kinda bad at keeping them organized, but I do my best!
#hikaru eritora - my Karu tag!! Anything Hikaru related goes here 🪲
#leon writes - my writing tag! Here you can read my fics, oneshots, and anything else I write.
#leon rambles - this is primarily KNY analysis, but it’s also the occasional miscellaneous ramble! I love talking nonsense into the void <3
#leon askbox - anything that comes from my askbox!!
#leon says words - man im just talking lmao. professional yapper over here
#leon scribbles - my art tag! Here you can view my artwork :)
#not kny - exactly as it sounds! This tag is for anything on this blog explicitly unrelated to kny. It’s rare that I use it, but I like organization lol
#writing resources archive tag - this one’s mainly for me, but you’re welcome to poke through it! I keep my writing tips and tricks in here :)
I have some various side characters, but my main and favorite oc, as well as the face of this page, is Hikaru Eritora! I plan to reveal more and more of his story over time, but if you want to know a synopsis of his story, you can find it here!
My Writings!
I am an amateur writer!! So far everything I’ve written has been for Karu, but who knows! I just like stories :)
Full Length Fics/Oneshots:
Blazing Heart’s Rhapsody
Don’t Let Go
Requiem of the Subconscious
Completed RP Thread Archive:
Brothers in Arms (with @definitelynotgideon)
OC Refs!!
Here’s Hikaru’s ref!! I absolutely adore any headcanons, asks, or other questions I get about him, so please feel free to shoot me some!! My inbox is always open!!
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Thank you for reading, and for being on my page! Set your heart ablaze!!! ❤️‍🔥
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on shots of the figma Doom Slayer (from 2020's "Doom Eternal" first person shooter), released in 2022 by the Good Smile Company (Japanese manufacturer of hobby products).
OVERVIEW: "Very few things can evoke the same level of nostalgia we experience when we look back at classic video games that have been released over the years. One excellent example of this is "DOOM." The "DOOM" franchise was a massive hit. This first-person shooter has achieved a massive fanbase over the years, spawning multiple sequels and even a few movies along the way. Of course, avid fans and collectors might be looking for ways to take their passion to the next level. If this is you, you should absolutely get the Good Smile Company figma DOOM Slayer. 
"DOOM Eternal" was a game that was recently released in 2020, providing "DOOM" lovers everywhere with a more modern take on their favorite game. This figma Doom Slayer statue of the main character can help you step into the shoes of your person in the franchise. This statue, standing at approximately 160mm in height and made of ABS and PVC (stand included), can be easily posed, and it comes with your favorite weapons (chainsaw, Super Shotgun, BFG-9000, and the Crucible Blade). If you love "DOOM," especially "Doom Eternal," the figma DOOM Slayer is sure to be a welcome addition to your collection."
-- PLAZA JAPAN (hobby kits & figures)
Resolution from largest to smallest: 1040x1280 (2x), 876x1378 (1x), & 880x1280 (3x).
Sources: www.shopncsx.com/4580590125704.aspx & www.plazajapan.com/4580590125704.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Could you write concept for gargoyle (doom eternal)? Being like a protective pet of darling and perhaps trying to take her (since they can fly)? THANKS!
We do love feral protective pet types here. Been awhile since I did one of these like the Demogorgon one I did awhile back. Keep in mind this is not classic Yandere behavior, it's more like having a funky overprotective pet.
Yandere! Gargoyle Concept
Pairing: Pet-Like
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Yandere behavior but... it's more just protective pet, Kidnapping mention, Pack animal behavior, Stalking, Violence, Possessive behavior, Monster pet.
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- Well, let's talk about how Gargoyles typically act.
- Similar to imps they are in packs and have ranged flame attacks.
- Except, unlike Imps, they have flight.
- Making them act a lot like annoying flies towards threats.
- They'd be quite terrifying to encounter, they're armed with sharp teeth and claws if their flames weren't enough.
- There's a good chance you could get one interested in you enough to follow you around.
- Although as they're in packs of demons due to being fodder enemies...
- You could get maybe a couple more to follow you.
- Gargoyles would definitely be like a pet to you.
- How you managed to get one or a couple of these things after you is unfortunate luck.
- They, like most lower rank demons, would be possessive and extremely aggressive and feral.
- I can't think of many ways you'd encounter them unless you were some sort of Slayer or Space Marine.
- Meeting them would be scary due to them being in packs.
- You'd also find it quite weird when they aren't all that hostile to you compared to the other demons.
- They do tend to fight with other demons, though.
- Viciously if you are involved, too.
- They'd probably not meet you up close for a bit, they are quite weak and could perish to anyone good at combat.
- You'll notice at least one Gargoyle watching you at times, though.
- They'll be hiding themselves, yellow glowing eyes staring at you.
- Sometimes you'll even see them fly above you.
- They don't seem to be much of a threat until they start coming closer.
- Again, unlike other demons, they are strangely not hostile yet.
- More like... curious.
- Like birds they tilt your head, much calmer if there isn't many other demons around.
- They aren't blasting projectiles at you or trying to gouge you, they're just observing.
- Your encounters with your Gargoyle(s) are strange.
- Soon you may even get to touch them, something they soon look forward to.
- Having one or a pack of these things on your side is handy.
- Albeit weird due to how close they are to you.
- You'll end up looking like some demon tamer once you have some of these guys around you.
- If you have multiple of them they'd probably fight over attention until you trained them not to.
- Also, yes, they would try to take you away with their flight advantage.
- They probably have some sort of nest or den they reside in with their pack.
- You'll just be a lost human, surrounded by winged demons.
- Gargoyles almost act like crows at times.
- You also may start off with one of them... then come back to multiple as that one decided to alert its pack.
- Having protective Gargoyles has its ups and downs.
- It's mostly downsides.
- They're still demons, after all!
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olipopart · 1 year
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🇬🇧 Now on sale my t-shirt “Space Marine”, available 1 week at Once Upon a Tee from just $14/13€ 😃 —— www.onceuponatee.net/collections/space-marine —— 🇪🇸 Ya a la venta mi camiseta “Space Marine”, disponible 1 semana en Once Upon a Tee desde sólo $14/13€ 😃 —— #olipopart #onceuponatee #tshirts #tees #apparel #videogames #doom #doomguy #doomslayer #shooter #fps #space #marine #soldier #slayer #unionaerospacecorporation #nightsentinels #hell #demons
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ao3feed-ichiruki · 2 years
Ask My Ships/About my Headcanons!
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/bSDh47k
by Simple Anime Guy (BMBLB_Lover)
A little Safe space for my Comfort/Favorite Ships
Words: 305, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Fate/stay night & Related Fandoms, Black Clover - Tabata Yuki (Anime & Manga), 無職転生 ~異世界行ったら本気だす~ - 理不尽な孫の手 | Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu - Rifujin na Magonote, 五等分の花嫁 | Gotoubun no Hanayome | The Quintessential Quintuplets (Manga), Akame ga Kill! (Anime & Manga), 鬼滅の刃 | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Anime), Toradora!, 盾の勇者の成り上がり - アネコユサギ | Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari | The Rising of the Shield Hero - Aneko Yusagi, Persona 5, 夫婦以上恋人未満 | Fuufu Ijou Koibito Miman (Manga), One Piece, 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime), Gakuen Mokushiroku | Highschool of the Dead, イジらないで, 長瀞さん | Ijiranaide Nagatoro-san | Please don't bully me Nagatoro (Webcomic), Bleach (Anime & Manga), Neon Genesis Evangelion, 落第騎士の英雄譚 | Chivalry of a Failed Knight - All Media Types, その着せ替え人形は恋をする | Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru | My Dress-Up Darling (Manga), Steins;Gate, ワンパンマン | One-Punch Man, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, 終わりのセラフ | Owari no Seraph | Seraph of the End, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners (Anime)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M
Relationships: Emiya Shirou/Tohsaka Rin, Asta/Noelle Silva, Eris Greyrat/Rudeus Greyrat, Nakano Nino/Uesugi Fuutarou, Hashibira Inosuke/Kanzaki Aoi, Aisaka Taiga/Takasu Ryuuji, Iwatani Naofumi/Raphtalia, Kurusu Akira/Takamaki Ann, Watanabe Akari/Yakuin Jirou, Monkey D. Luffy/Nami, Itadori Yuuji/Kugisaki Nobara, Komuro Takashi/Miyamoto Rei, Hachiouji Naoto/Nagatoro Hayase, Kuchiki Rukia/Kurosaki Ichigo, Ikari Shinji/Souryuu Asuka Langley, Kurogane Ikki/Stella Vermilion, Gojou Wakana/Kitagawa Marin, Gojou Wakana/Inui Sajuna, Makise Kurisu/Okabe Rintarou | Hououin Kyouma, hiyajou maho/Okabe Rinatrou|Hououin Kyouma, Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel, Saitama/Tatsumaki (One-Punch Man), Hiiragi Shinoa/Hyakuya Yuuichirou, Hatsume Mei/Midoriya Izuku, David Martinez/Rebecca (Cyberpunk: Edgerunners), Lucy/David Martinez (Cyberpunk: Edgerunners), kizuna kazeyama/naofumi iwatani
Additional Tags: Love, Romance, Dorks in Love
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/bSDh47k
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ckgamedesign · 2 years
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DOOM is a videogame series and media franchise created by John Carmack, John Romero, Adrian Carmack, Kevin Cloud, and Tom Hall. The series focuses on the exploits of an unnamed space marine operating under the auspices of the Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC), who fights hordes of demons and the undead in order to save Earth from an apocalyptic invasion.
In the 2016 series, the protagonist is called the "Doom Slayer" or just "Slayer". The player battles the forces of Hell, consisting of demons and the undead. The games are usually set within sprawling bases on Mars or its moons, while some parts take place in Hell itself. The classic series had only a limited focus on the story, much of which was present in the manuals rather than the games themselves. But from the 2016 remake and now DOOM ETERNAL, feature a heavier focus on narrative.
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baconmonstrosity · 6 years
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My Creations Week: Doomguy and Samus Aran Pop Culture Builds Starfinder Update
So one of the things I like to do on this blog is challenge myself to make Pathfinder or Starfinder builds based on Pop Culture characters that are suggested by my followers! It is, after all, something of a subgenre of tabletop gaming content of the web to ponder how to build a character in a system. No doubt you’ve seen videos or read articles like “How to play The Mandalorian in 5e” and such.
On that note, on previous iterations of that, I did Doomguy/Doom Marine/Doom Slayer as well as Samus Aran, but I wrote them long before Starfinder was a thing, so they were Pathfinder build awkwardly trying to ape characters that run around shooting things.
So, I decided that rather than occupy space on the blog doing updated versions of those builds, I’d do it on my Patreon. And now that said post has been public for a few months… We are here, ironically now taking up space on the blog.
Humor aside, I present to you my Starfinder builds for both Doomguy and Samus!
 Doomguy, the Doom Marine, or the Doom Slayer. Whatever you call him, he’s a man that has been through literal hell. Originally, he was a simple marine assigned to a research station on Mars, where they were testing teleportation technology. Unfortunately, such extradimensional travel apparently dips into Hell, so soon the base was overwhelmed by fiends and possessed zombies, with our hero as the lone survivor. Since then, he’s been through several adventures, fighting demons on Mars, Earth, their home turf, in an alternate retelling where nobody taught him how to duct tape a flashlight to a gun, and even into an alternate dimension where he fought alongside alien paladins, only to get betrayed and sealed away until he was freed from his prison just in time to fight the battle against Hell and even Heaven in that reality.
And that sheer level of experience, not to mention being supercharged by alien technology into a semi-immortal superhuman, that we will attempt to recreate here.
In my original pathfinder build for the Doom Marine, I went with dwarf for reasons of keeping consistent speed even in heavy armor and equipment. While such speed reduction is a thing, it’s less a factor in Starfinder, as you can just bolt armor upgrades that beef your speed back up in no time. So, for this build, we will assume human even though it’s not super important. If you do pick human though, definitely consider taking up the “Gravity Dweller” alternate ability adjustment suite.
For class, I pondered others, but really the soldier is the best option for representing all the things that ol’ Doomguy is known for. For this build, we will be using the armor storm and the bullet rain fighting styles, preferably armor storm first to potentially benefit from greater mobility in armor at later levels.
In terms of gear boosts, Automatic Expert makes him a master of maintaining a deluge of deadly firepower from automatic weapons, Brutal Blast is useful for a shotgun, as is Bullet Barrage for any and all projectile weaponry, Heavy Onslaught punishes even the most durable foes, Nimble Juggernaut is also essential to this build to increase his agility, Plasma Immolation burns prey, Powerful Explosion ekes out a little more potency from explosive weapons, and Unarmed Mauler is just plain fun for ripping and tearing. Also consider other gear boosts that favor other weapons that you find useful, as the Slayer never turns down a weapon.
Given his origin as an actual marine in his home dimension, I’d recommend taking the career soldier theme.
Doomguy is a mobile foe that is not afraid to fight with both fist and gun at long and close range. As a result, his feats reflect this with choices like Close Combat, Deadly Aim, Diehard, Far Shot, Grappler Pull, Hauler, Improved Unarmed Strike, Mobility, Opening Volley, Penetrating Attack, and Powered Armor Proficiency. Other feats that improve mobility skills might also be valuable as needed.
In terms of equipment, The Hell Walker should be decked out in good heavy or powered armor, with his armor upgrades focusing on mobility enhancement to reflect the inhuman agility with which he moves. Any augmentations should likely focus on improving his physical stats and abilities as well. Where it gets really interesting is his weaponry, which favors heavy weapons, but also includes scatterguns, a big hecking plasma sword, a chainsaw, assault rifle, rapid-fire plasma rifle, and so on. Doomguy does not shy away from any weapon, but for some of his more iconic pieces, I have some recommendations. The classic BFG 9000 is best represented by a plasma cannon or starheart cannon (sadly no arcing effect), while the ballista could be represented by a plasma conqueror. The chaingun is naturally either a machine gun or an X-gen gun. The classic chainsaw could be approximated from a slashing version of the excavation drill, while the doomblade from doom eternal is clearly a retractable spike. The equipment launcher in all of it’s forms can be represented as a grenade launcher or flamethrower bolted to a weapon slot for a power armor. The assault rifle could be any automatic projectile weapon, bonus points if it is also a mazecore weapon that can switch to being a gyrojet rifle, representing the micro-missile upgrade.
While there is no longarm-sized automatic plasma weapon, the heat blast and microwave beam add-ons can be represented by the microfusion rifle and the standard plasma rifle respectively. The Unmayker, on the other hand, is best represented by a plasma array, reflecting the sheer amount of hot plasma the weapon can unleash.
Naturally, the rocket launcher is best represented by the IMDS or Novus missile launcher.
And finally, the classic shotgun and super shotgun is best represented by a scattergun, possibly with a built-in grappler for that sweet Meat Hook.
Beyond guns, consider at least picking up a null-space chamber to hold all these lovely toys.
There are, of course, other ways to build the Doom Slayer. For example, you might swap out one of the combat styles in favor of Wrathful Warrior to represent the rage of the berserk powerup, or blitz to help favor moving and attacking. You might even pick up the divine champion archetype to give them an extra edge against fiends.
Interested in cutting down swaths of enemies? Even if you forgo any other reverence to Doom, this could be a fun build indeed.
Next up, let’s talk about Samus Aran.
Another icon of gaming, the founder of the genre that would come to be known as “Metroidvania”. She was also iconic for being one of the first women in gaming, and moreover, one in a game with themes that were decidedly not “girly”, on account of her being A. A badass bounty hunter in sweet power armor.
And B. in a spooky atmospheric game which has its roots in the likes of the original Alien.
Samus’s parents were killed when space pirates attacked their colony, and almost died herself at the hands of the sadistic Ridley, but ended up being raised by the Chozo, a race of alien bird people who enhanced her with their DNA and trained her in their fighting arts, even gifting her a Chozo Power Suit modified for her human physiology. Since then, she has worked not only with the Galactic Federation, but as a bounty hunter, though honestly, she’s more of a mercenary, rarely if ever actually hunting bounties (Which may have something to do with the fact that Japanese Culture really doesn’t approve of justice coming from outside of authority.) Regardless, she ends up most of the time performing missions which evolve into survival scenarios or even the prophesized destroyer of some great evil.
Now, Samus has finally gotten another classic style game, with another first-person style game in the works, so that’s nice.
What’s interesting about Samus is that her relationship with her armor is very different from the classic ideal of “power armor”. Rather than being cumbersome and bulky, her armor is athletic and agile, especially once given its various mobility upgrades, all of which I will try to reflect here in this build.
For this build, we will go human, though it’s not super necessary. If you do, I’d recommend the Featherlight alternate ability adjustment suite, and the adopted alternate racial trait.
From there, it took a while for me to pin down a class for her, but I finally decided that Samus would be a mechanic with experimental armor. The reason for this being that while she certainly does have many weapons at her disposal which in most games stack on top of each other to create a unique weapon, the focus most of the games have on her upgrading not just her arm cannon, but her entire armor, which with the help of the experimental armor ability, becomes incredibly agile compared to other power armor.
A daughter of colonists, raised by an alien race, working as a soldier, and then as a bounty hunter, Samus certainly qualifies for many themes, but while it is tempting to just give her the bounty hunter theme and call it a day, Samus in fact never truly hunts a bounty on any one specific person in any of the games. She’s more of a mercenary than anything. Honestly the best theme for representing her abilities, in my opinion, is the career trooper theme, granting her several abilities tied to surviving on her own with limited equipment.
Back to the mechanic class, several mechanic tricks prove quite useful for Samus, starting right off with Calibrate Speed to reduce the slowdown of their armor. Energy Shield adds some defense, Visual Data Processor and Nightvision Processor provide greater range of vision, Overcharge and it’s upgraded versions make for a good charge beam analog even on weapons without the boost ability. Bolster Armor and Boost Shield provide added protection, Prototype Tinkerer is useful if you need to completely revise your experimental armor, and so on.
In terms of equipment, your experimental armor lies at the core of this, likely starting out as heavy armor, but moving to powered armor later (typically the more agile and mobile units) and it’s armor upgrades should be drawn from those that upgrade the agility of the armor, such as juggernaut boosters being a good stand-in for the speed booster, as well as those that enhance targeting like the Targeting Computer, quickly reload weapons with Automated Loader, and resist extremes in the environment with Thermal Capacitors. Integrated weapons, while flavored as firing from the same arm cannon, should include things like missile launchers, various energy weapons of different flavors, and so on.
Sadly, there’s no real way to emulate the morph ball in any meaningful way with the armor upgrades. However, cybernetics help flesh out the agility-based abilities that power armor lacks, such as thruster heels for greater leaping, bionic knees for additional acrobatic leaps, the defensive ball graft makes a suitable morph ball substitute, though you cannot move while in that state save for also taking the rolling charge graft, which would replace bionic knees.
While this build assumes power armor, you get a lot more agility-based upgrades in the light and heavy category, which may appeal to you more, though you’ll be forced to either use integrated weapons or expend upgrade slots on weapon mounts unless you are ok with carrying around your guns like a plebian. Beyond this, you might consider picking up the powered armor jockey archetype, or the augmented archetype to get more augmentations. Also consider switching up the theme if that appeals to you.
Looking for a fun agile character with armor that upgrades with them? This build can be a lot of fun even without associating it with the Metroid franchise.
 Well, that does it for this entry, and this week of just showing off what I have done on Patreon. Some things like these I eventually make free for everyone, but I hope that these entries were enticing enough that you’d consider supporting in order to see similar stuff early, as well as the stuff that is only available to patrons.
Anyway, thank you all for the love and support you’ve given throughout the years, I hope there will be many to come.
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